Analysis of the children's goods industry in the Russian Federation. Business from scratch: production of children's clothing

How to work on the principle of small circulations and go to the regions

Experience in the fashion industry helped Elena Fimina and her sister Evgenia Khafizova create a high-quality children's clothing brand FiFi in Chelyabinsk. Having started production with a minimum amount of 100,000 rubles, the girls gradually attract experienced professionals to the company, make beautiful photo shoots with small models and collaborate with offline stores. How to solve the problem of personnel shortage, work on the principle of small print runs and go to the regions, Elena Fimina told in an interview with Kontur.Zhurnal.


My sister and I have been working in the fashion industry for over 10 years. In 2002, a store of the Spanish brand Mango was opened in Chelyabinsk. There was nothing like it in the city back then. On a competitive basis, we got a job at Mango as sales consultants and gradually grew to a managerial level. During this time, we understood how a fashion business is built, how clothing collections are created and promoted, we figured out the intricacies of merchandising, showroom work and factors affecting successful sales. Since my sister worked specifically with the Spaniards, she learned all the nuances of fashion promotion.

I started making clothes more than five years ago. At first it was a hobby, although I studied individually with high-level specialists in the field of clothing production, studied the technology and subtleties of design and modeling. Gradually, the process dragged me on, and when my sister gave birth to two children, they became a source of inspiration for more serious works and collections.

One day, my sister and I came up with the idea to create a children's clothing brand FiFi. We started with a starting amount of 100,000 rubles, but the experience in the industry that we managed to gain helped us a lot. The first collection was sewn at home, using homemade seamstresses.

In fact, we immediately determined who our client was: these are progressive mothers of different ages who understand fashion, know trends, love to dress their children stylishly and tastefully.


Participation in the SKB Kontur competition "I am a businessman - 2016" is our first attempt to attract investment for business development. Our video was seen by an investor and offered financial assistance. At that time, we refused, because we were not satisfied with the conditions, and decided to develop on our own.

At the regional level, we participated in the federal program “You Are an Entrepreneur”. Our project was also interested, but we realized that it would be difficult to get financial support, since this program is more educational.

Now we have applied for participation in the Made in Chelyabinsk contest and we are waiting for the organizers to contact us.

Production details and complexity

The production of clothes is a very long and painstaking process. It all starts with the emergence of an idea, we determine what exactly we want to do. Then sketches are drawn, at the next stage materials are purchased. Next, designers work - they develop patterns. During the construction of the model, many changes are made and something is necessarily rejected. But that's not all.

Seeing the result, we begin to discuss how we can present and present the finished collection. We choose a location, invite photographers and create a photo shoot with child models.

It is very difficult to organize a production process in Russia. One of the most acute problems that we have encountered is a shortage of personnel: there are neither competent designers nor seamstresses in the country.

Of course, there are specialists who are 50-60 years old, but they are no longer in the ranks, and it is almost impossible to find young professionals. You have to spend a lot of time and effort on training, and efficiency suffers from this.

In the sewing industry, the speed of performing a particular job plays an important role. For example, to launch a children's dress into mass tailoring, you need to calculate how much time it takes to tailor one model - in minutes and seconds. Thus, it is calculated how many hours and days the entire batch will be sent off. And people of the old school just can't work fast. But we connect them to another work - designing, because they competently make patterns and think over sketches, taking into account the fabrics that are available to us.

Solving the problem of personnel shortage, we involved specialists from the department of light industry of the South Ural state university. We invited the best of them to work with us, and now they advise us and also train our employees. Currently, the company employs seven seamstresses.

Another issue is fabrics. Production in Russia is barely working, factories are fulfilling some incomprehensible orders on old equipment - they have a very hard time, people work for a penny. But even those factories that are still functioning do not always produce what we need. For example, in Yekaterinburg, there is a wool-producing plant. Tyumen produced similar fabrics, but, unfortunately, the factory closed recently. We buy something in Russia, but basically, of course, we bring everything from abroad, more often from Italy. As long as the euro exchange rate was more or less stable, there were no problems with purchases. Now the situation has changed - we have become more careful in choosing fabrics: when drawing up an estimate, we have to calculate how affordable things will be for the consumer, although, of course, we would like to buy more original and expensive fabrics.

The principle of small runs

We produce small collections - ten models each. The collection is built on the principle of a capsule, where each item complements the other. Thus, we increase our turnover, because people like to buy things in sets. At the same time, we have models that we sew constantly. As a rule, this is a festive assortment, basic models, the so-called "commercial".

When the collection comes out, in the process we can supplement it if we see that the demand for things is good. Elegant dresses remain a bestseller - they are in demand all season.

During its existence, the FiFi brand has gained its admirers. We are working to expand their circle. But we do not fight for our client - he finds us himself.

In Chelyabinsk, during production, we have a showroom where our customers can come and try on things. Two months ago, the FiFi brand entered the Moscow market: a new store "Children's shelf" was opened in the capital, where our models are presented among the things of Russian designers.

In order to promote the brand, we are actively working with the social networks Instagram, VKontakte, and also developing our virtual store on the Fair of Masters website. From experience, I can say that social networks are in many ways more effective than stores, because they cover more potential consumers— people see our products from different parts of the country and even the world. We receive orders not only from Russia, but also from abroad.

In the next five years, we plan to launch a franchise business to increase the number of outlets for our product. We plan to make clothes at the production site in Chelyabinsk and negotiate with regional stores to represent our brand. Such stores will place orders for certain models from the catalog before the season and receive the necessary volumes of products. publishes

Sewing was and still is profitable business. The profitability of the enterprise depends on the assessment of competition in the market, right choice fields of activity, financial opportunities and marketing plan.

Market analysis

First you need to choose the target audience. If the business develops from a small workshop or atelier, then you need to focus on the financial ability of buyers in your city. If there are plans to develop an online store, then the purchasing power throughout the country or even abroad is analyzed.

Today people pay more attention to the quality of clothing than to its appearance. The second, however, is also important. It's believed that best quality owns clothes of foreign manufacturers, but not everyone can afford to buy products of foreign brands.

Today, people are trying to find an alternative to foreign brands and choose a domestic manufacturer. More and more Russian designers are becoming famous, word of mouth allows the brand to become more popular.

You need to pay attention to the product that is not widely represented on the market, but is in demand. With regard to children's clothing, the competition is quite strong, so you have to come up with a twist for your business in order to attract the attention of customers.

The biggest competition among manufacturers of clothing for children from 0 to 2 years.

Registration and organization of business

A feature of the production of goods for children of any category, be it clothes or toys, is mandatory certification quality. The product must be made from materials that are safe for the child.

The certificate will be required not only for large production, but also for a small studio. The cost of the document is at least 20 thousand rubles. You can order the manufacture of products at a specialized factory. In this case, you will need to provide sketches and patterns, and then engage in sales finished products. Thus, there is a saving on premises, equipment, labor, documentation.

Required Documentation

Any business needs official registration as a legal entity.

The following documents are required to open a PE:

  • statement;
  • certificate of assignment of TIN;
  • registration receipt.

To form an LLC, you will need:

You can complete the paperwork yourself in two months. The cost ranges from 10 to 50 thousand rubles.

To obtain a certificate for the production of children's clothing, you need:

  • be registered as an individual entrepreneur or LLC;
  • be registered with the tax office;
  • apply to the SES at the place of residence.

The service will be provided with a list of fabrics from which children's clothing can be sewn. For each type of fabric there is a technical passport. Fabric samples are provided to the City Patent Center. The certificate is issued for one year only. In its absence, the enterprise may be closed, in the best case, the owner will have to pay a fine.

Premises and equipment

The choice of premises depends on the scale of production. Employees can work from home. This option is suitable for small batches, if there is one store or a small distribution for wholesale. The number of products can be increased by increasing the number of home workers. In this case, the main costs will be transport services, first you will need to bring the fabric to the worker, then pick up the finished product.

For a large volume, it is more advisable to rent a workshop. May appear profitable proposition to buy a building.

The biggest cost is rent and utilities. Immediately you need to take care of good electrical wiring, heating and other amenities. It is not advisable to rent a building that needs major repairs.

If we take a medium-sized workshop with 10 employees, then a room of 100 square meters will be enough. If there are more jobs, the average floor area will be 400 square meters.

The building will consist of:

  • working area;
  • warehouse area;
  • utility room;
  • office rooms;
  • boiler room.

If the scale does not exceed the studio, then it can be 40-60 square meters. Ateliers for tailoring children's clothing should be located in places where children gather:

  1. Near kindergartens.
  2. Near schools.
  3. Near development centers.
  4. Near dance schools.
  5. Near shopping centers.

It is cheaper to rent a production workshop outside the city, it will cost less, even taking into account the transportation of workers from the city. It is profitable to rent the first floors of non-residential premises in an industrial zone.

From the equipment you will need:

  • Sewing machines;
  • overlocks;
  • coverlocks;
  • sewing machines;
  • steam generator;
  • iron;
  • cutting knives;
  • loop machines;
  • button machines;
  • presses for wet heat treatment.

Of the fittings, each worker must be provided with scissors, needles, rulers, glue, crayons, etc. It would seem a trifle, but without these devices the work will not take place.

From furniture you will need:

  • cutting tables;
  • tables for sewing machines;
  • chairs;
  • shelving.

Other furniture and Appliances necessary for the comfort of workers. Wardrobes, refrigerator, kettle, microwave, etc.

Fabrics and supplies

There are special requirements for the quality of the fabric. You can sew clothes for children only from special materials, the list will be provided by the local SES. The fabric must be harmless, of high quality.

Fabrics for production are purchased either from wholesalers or directly from the factory. When buying fabric at retail, there is a risk of operating at a loss.

Thanks to the Internet, you can buy fabrics from abroad. On the part of the buyer, you will only need to overpay for shipping.

The most popular fabrics for the production of children's clothing:

  • jersey;
  • flannel;
  • velours;
  • bike;
  • interlock;
  • mahr.

Colors depend on the design, it can be pastel colors and bright ones. Additionally, ribbons, lace, beads, zippers, buttons, buttons, etc. are purchased.


The quality of clothing depends not only on the materials used. Of great importance is the cut and tailoring. That is why it is impossible to save on personnel in any case. Employees must be with specialized education and work experience. Workers without experience can be attracted to perform additional duties.

Main workers:

  1. Cutter.
  2. Designer.
  3. Technologist.
  4. Seamstresses.
  5. Accountant.
  6. Purchasing manager.
  7. Sales Manager.

Some responsibilities at the first stage, the owner of the business can take over. You can immediately trust the professionals.

Most often, at a sewing enterprise, the form of payment depends on the output. Also than harder work, the higher the rate per hour or per completed item.

Advertising and sales

Orientation should be towards wholesale. So you can quickly get rid of products and reach a profit due to rapid turnover. wholesale buyers may be wholesale bases, retail stores, sales agents.

You can advertise in newspapers, online publications, make your own website and page on social networks. The method of promotion is the distribution of leaflets, presentations at exhibitions, printing in specialized children's magazines. If the price matches the quality, then there will be no problems with sales. It is advisable to add from 100 to 200% to the cost of production.

You can open your own stores where the brand will be presented.

The financial component of the business

Cost of opening and maintaining

The main costs will go to:

  • rent of premises - 70 thousand rubles;
  • certification - 200 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of equipment - 700 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of raw materials - 50 thousand rubles;
  • payment for utilities;
  • employee salaries;
  • advertising.

The opening of a medium-sized workshop will require about 1 million rubles. Such production will produce about 50-100 units of goods per day. If it is planned to produce more than 200 units of goods per day, then 10 million rubles will need to be invested. When compiling a business plan, the average cost of one unit of goods and the time spent on its manufacture are taken into account.

Size of future income

With a markup of 100% per month, you can earn from 100 thousand rubles. When the brand begins to be recognizable and wins the trust of the audience, it will be possible to independently regulate profits by expanding production.

Payback period

Subject to all points of the business plan, you can achieve payback in 1 year. The profitability of the business is about 30%.

The advantage is the off-season business. It is also worth remembering that children grow up quickly, so every year they need new clothes. There will always be a demand for children's clothing, even in times of crisis.

* Calculations use average data for Russia


Children's goods usually include various games and toys, children's clothes, furniture, in some cases - baby food and hygiene products. A feature of this group of goods is a relatively short service life - the child quickly grows out of clothes and furniture.

Children's products are subject to especially stringent requirements in the field of safety, health and environmental friendliness.

Today, more than 24 million children live in Russia:

    Up to 4 years - about 9 million people.

    5-9 years - about 8 million people.

    10-13 years - more than 5 million people.

    14-15 years old - 2 million people.


Like other sectors of the national economy, the children's goods market is experiencing multidirectional impacts associated with a difficult economic and geopolitical situation. So, the negative factors of influence include: the fall in the solvency of the population, the decline in real disposable income, the transition to a savings model of consumption. There are, however, also positive ones: government measures are boosting the birth rate, the import substitution trend is stimulating domestic production, and the weakening of the ruble is making Russian goods more competitive on international markets, stimulating exports. Experts note that it is in this industry that import substitution is most successful.

According to research, the volume of the Russian market of goods for children was 507 billion rubles in 2014, and in 2015 it reached 515.5 billion rubles. Thus, excluding inflation, the increase will be 1.7%. If inflation is taken into account, the real drop could be 9.4%.

Consumers in Russia, according to research at the end of 2016, expect that the crisis situation may drag on for at least another 3-4 years. The reason for such conclusions is not only the news background about the state of the domestic economy and various macroprocesses, but also the personal financial condition of the population. According to studies, the population has only 15% of income for free spending, while 85% is directed to the purchase of essential products (food, etc.). With a calculated average per capita income of 31.5 thousand rubles per month, manufacturers of durable goods, including children's goods, compete for 4.7 thousand rubles per month, or 56,670 rubles per year.

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The market for children's goods today has undergone some changes, but they cannot be called negative. Stagnation is observed in the segments of children's clothing and footwear, as well as in the entire fashion market. The premium segment of the clothing market suffered the most, while the middle and low price segments showed growth. With a more detailed division, the situation is as follows: in monetary terms, the "luxury" and "premium" segments fell by 5-7%, the "medium" and "average plus" segments grew by the same 5-7%, and the "economy" segments and Mass March rose by 20%. In general, according to experts, while maintaining the volume of the market in physical terms, its volume in monetary terms is significantly reduced due to lower spending by the population.

Figure 1. The structure of the children's goods market

The Russian market of children's goods in the 2000s was one of the fastest growing in Europe, its growth was 15-18% annually. At the end of 2016, the growth is estimated at only 2%. There is an increase in the interval for the purchase of children's goods, especially in the segment of toys, they began to be bought several times less often. In general, the volume of the toy segment is estimated at about 107 billion rubles.

There is also a high degree of market saturation - a large number of players, a large number of various goods in stores. Against this background, many chains have reduced and optimized the assortment, leaving only the most turnover items on the shelves. An interesting trend is the increase in demand for developmental and educational toys - the consumer wants to get more functions from the purchased toy. Of course, this is due to the saving model of consumption.

Manufacturers take into account the changes taking place in the market and adapt to them, trying to maintain sales volumes. So, for example, the production of durable and economical toys has grown (taking into account the increase in the purchase interval). Cost-effectiveness is achieved through the simplification of goods - for example, the rejection of expensive prints (solid-color bibs for feeding, bottles without patterns, and so on).

In the toy segment, certain categories of goods show growth: sales of electronic games increased from 4.5% in 2014 to 6.3% in 2015, dolls - from 10.6% to 13%. Sales of soft toys have decreased - now their volume is less than 2% of the market. Sales of toy vehicles also fell.

The average cost of a toy in 2014 was 491 rubles, in 2015 it was already 610 rubles. The assortment of toys costing up to 120 rubles decreased from 31.0% to 15.9%; at the same time, the share of toys worth 300-780 rubles increased.

The volume of the segment of goods for newborns is growing. Here, further significant growth rates are also predicted. The crisis did not affect such goods as strollers, dishes and furniture for babies (the market for children's furniture is estimated at 25 billion rubles) or 3.6 million units of products). Non-essential goods - baby monitors, high chairs, teethers - were bought much less frequently. There is an increase in consumer interest in products that can grow with the child: sliding beds, transforming strollers.

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The segment of goods for sports, which includes sports goods, sports complexes, equipment for playgrounds, is estimated at 26 billion rubles, or 9.6 million units of products. It is rather difficult to assess the segment of goods for creativity, since consumers usually classify goods for children's creativity (7.6 billion rubles) as toys, and materials for creativity (paints, brushes, albums, etc. - 4.7 billion rubles) - as school supplies. goods.

The children's clothing segment remains one of the fastest growing, its volume is estimated at 168 billion rubles in monetary terms, in physical terms - 176 million units (the volume of the children's footwear market is 50 billion rubles or 34.2 million units of products). While the adult clothing markets have shown a steady decline in recent years, the children's clothing market has grown by 0.63% over the past year. Preference is given to more durable and high-quality goods if you want to reduce spending on frequent wardrobe updates. Thus, manufacturers who can offer the most favorable combination of price and quality of goods will be in an advantageous position. Market participants agree that today it is not enough to correctly form an assortment, it is necessary to engage in active sales: make more attractive product displays, interact with the client on all possible platforms, thus forming a loyal audience.

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Segments baby food, care and hygiene products remain generally stable. The exception is the so-called goods for pleasure, that is, not related to the category of essentials - children's juices and purees. Their consumption decreased in 2016 by 18.2% and 4%, respectively. Due to the fall in these categories, the entire baby food segment lost 8.8% in volume terms. Presumably, consumers have switched from products industrial production to home.

Hygiene and care products show significant growth. For example, the largest product category - diapers, with an average price increase of 14%, showed an increase in 2016 of 20% in physical terms.

Figure 2. Dynamics of the children's goods market in monetary terms by categories in 2016 (growth rate compared to the previous year), %

Figure 3. Dynamics of the children's goods market in physical terms by category in 2016 (growth rate compared to the previous year), %

Figure 4. Dynamics of prices for children's goods by category in 2016 (growth rate compared to the previous year), %

Experts identify three main reasons for the growth of the children's goods market. State support has led to an increase in the birth rate in the country, more families with many children have appeared, which leads to an increase in demand for children's goods. According to Rosstat, the birth rate in 2015 increased by 50% compared to 2000.

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The second reason is import substitution and support of the Ministry of Industry and Trade within the framework of the Children's Goods Industry program: subsidies to compensate for part of interest on loans, reimbursement of part of lease payments, information support when promoting goods, and so on. The third reason is the tendency of Russians not to save on children's goods, thus bringing them closer to the category of essential goods.

Not only consumers, but also manufacturers seek to reduce costs. AT to a large extent This reduction is facilitated by the use of online stores. Over the past 2-3 years, the share of online trade in children's goods has increased from 7 to 20%. Firstly, due to the absence of a number of costs inherent in traditional stores, it is absent here, which makes it possible to reduce the final cost of goods. Secondly, buying online takes less time and is much more convenient, especially if delivery is available, which is very important for parents of young children. Today, according to market players, online trading in the toy segment accounts for about 13% of the market volume, in the segment of feeding equipment - 5%, in the segment of bulky goods - 25%. However, 46% of Russians still consider it important to see the product before buying live, which means that traditional physical stores are also necessary.

A study of distribution channels showed that, as of the beginning of 2016, specialized children's stores showed an increase of 5% in monetary terms and 1.6% in kind, primarily due to baby food, while durable goods showed stagnation or negative growth in real terms. Within this channel, the toy segment showed a drop of 7.8% in monetary terms and 18.7% in real terms. The segment of clothing in specialized children's stores fell by 14% in physical terms, but grew by 4.8% in monetary terms. The negative factor here was a significant increase in prices for children's clothing and footwear: 22% and 28% respectively. When choosing clothes for children under 2 years old, the main criterion is the convenience for the child, the naturalness of materials, for children from 10-12 years old - design.

The segment of goods for newborns, according to experts, has already passed the "bottom" and demonstrates a stable growth rate in this distribution channel. The volume of this segment is more than 130 billion rubles a year.

Figure 5. Structure of the toy segment in Russia, %

In the field of children's retail marketing, experts note such new trends as the need to form a loyal audience for the sale of goods without discounts, to which the population is so accustomed. In addition, it becomes important to carefully approach the formation of the assortment, which should be dominated by economical and durable products.

Service also becomes important. The traditional components of retail, which include a convenient layout of the store, convenient display of goods, no queues at the checkouts, the presence of consultants in trading floor, are no longer defining; in these areas, the problems of most players have been resolved. Speed, intimacy and personalization come to the fore. A new trend is also becoming a multi-channel buyers who use both online and offline tools when choosing a product. This creates certain difficulties in building communication by retailers. For some categories of goods, the decision-making period can be up to 90 days, while the number of considered models of one product can vary from 3 to 14. At the same time, the assortment considered by the consumer is not always formed by price proximity, but, for example, in proximity to the functional at a significant price gap.

The importance of loyalty programs is also growing. If earlier they traditionally consisted of providing customers with discount or accumulation cards, and did not allow informing the client about brand events, then new technologies, the increasing role of mobile devices in our lives, allow us to talk about a new level of loyalty programs based, among other things, on mobile applications.

In general, a redistribution of forces in the market is expected. The premium segment will reduce its volumes, players with a low margin of safety will leave the market, the share of the so-called craft goods will increase self made(produced usually by mothers), which are already appearing on the market.

Due to active import substitution, the share of children's goods is growing Russian production. According to expert estimates, their share in the near future may reach 23% of the total. According to surveys conducted in 2015, one in five consumers began to purchase products from domestic producers more often. The highest demand for Russian products forecasted in the baby food and diaper segment.

According to research data, Russian-made goods are perceived by consumers as culturally close, safe and reliable. At the same time, objectively, they are more in line with the climate of Russia, they use more environmentally friendly materials. Products of foreign manufacturers usually stand out for their design and quality of promotion, but they do not differ in durability and adaptability to Russian climatic conditions.

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Given the long-term development programs for the industry, we can conclude that it has significant development potential and high investment value.

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    ORDER of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 11, 2013 N 962-r


    I. General provisions

    The Strategy for the Development of the Children's Goods Industry of the Russian Federation until 2020 (hereinafter referred to as the Strategy) and the plan of priority measures for 2013-2015 for the implementation of the Strategy (hereinafter referred to as the action plan) are aimed at creating a competitive, sustainable and structurally balanced children's goods industry in Russia.

    Under the children's goods in the Strategy means products intended for children, previously not in operation (new), put into circulation on the territory of the Russian Federation, regardless of the country of origin.

    State policy in the field social development dictates the need to develop a diversified and innovatively attractive industry of children's goods in the Russian Federation.

    The main requirements imposed by the state and the end consumer on products intended for children and families with children are:

    safety of children's goods;

    high quality of manufactured products;

    availability of children's products.

    The transition of the children's goods industry to an innovative development model focused on increasing its competitive advantage, not only meets the vital needs of many regions of the country (reducing social tension, providing employment, developing small and medium-sized businesses), but also contributes to the formation of a prosperous, environmentally healthy and developing childhood environment that meets public needs for a fulfilling life, in particular education , upbringing and health improvement of children.

    During the development of the Strategy, a comprehensive analysis, including:

    priority directions for the development of the children's goods industry were determined;

    are given General characteristics children's goods industry;

    the place and role of the children's goods industry in solving the problems of social development are determined;

    An analysis of the current state and prospects for the development of the industry in Russia was carried out;

    The main provisions of the regulatory framework governing relations in the children's goods industry are described;

    assessed the state regulation of the industry of children's goods;

    the prospects for the development of the industry for the period up to 2020 were analyzed, in accordance with which 2 scenarios were developed;

    the main measures for the implementation of the Strategy have been developed and the mechanisms for ensuring the implementation of the Strategy have been worked out.

    The strategy and action plan were developed with the active participation of the state power, public (expert) organizations and expert groups of representatives of industry, science and education. More than 40 regions of the Russian Federation took part in the development of the Strategy and action plan.

    II. Purpose and objectives of the Strategy

    The goal of the Strategy is to ensure the quality, safety and availability of products and services for children and families with children by creating a competitive, sustainable and structurally balanced children's goods industry in Russia.

    The main objectives of the Strategy are:

    Creating conditions for increasing the share Russian goods for children in the market;

    development of innovation and export potential Russian enterprises children's goods industry;

    Increasing the availability, safety and quality of goods for children.

    The strategy is designed to:

    determine the priority directions for the development of the children's goods industry in the Russian Federation;

    ensure coordination of actions of executive and legislative authorities various levels in making decisions about the development of the children's goods industry;

    increase the intensity innovative development children's goods industry;

    lay the foundations for a public-private partnership in the children's goods industry.

    III. Priorities of the state policy of the Russian Federation on the development of the socio-economic situation of families with children in the Russian Federation

    The priorities of the state policy in the field of social development and demography are determined by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 N 597 "On measures to implement the state social policy", Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 N 606 "On measures to implement the demographic policy of the Russian Federation", Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 1, 2012 N 761 "On the National Strategy for Action in the Interests of Children for 2012 - 2017 ", the Concept of the demographic policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 9, 2007 N 1351, the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 17, 2008 N 1662-r, as well as the state program of the Russian Federation " Social support citizens", approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2012 N 2553-r.

    These strategic documents provide for the creation of favorable conditions for the birth of children as the main task.

    The socio-economic situation of families with children is determined not only by economic factors, but also by the degree of success in implementing the state policy of the Russian Federation to develop the socio-economic situation of families with children. During 2008 - 2012, the socio-economic situation of families with children gradually improved. There was an increase in real disposable money income of the population of the Russian Federation in 2008 by 102.4 percent, in 2009 by 103 percent, in 2010 by 105.9 percent, in 2011 by 100.5 percent, in 2012 by 104.4 percent.

    Improving the socio-economic situation of families with children is a factor in the growth of the Russian children's goods market and opens up new opportunities for domestic manufacturers.

    IV. Justification of the need to develop a separate strategic document for the children's goods industry

    Dynamic development domestic market children's goods, due to the improvement in the socio-economic situation of families with children, with high import dependence, a large share of shadow business, low-quality and counterfeit products, dictates the need to separate the children's goods industry into a separate sub-sector of the economy. This task requires the integration of regulatory (legal, control) and financial (budget, tax, customs, credit) instruments.

    Priority areas of state policy in the field of preschool, general education and additional education children for the period up to 2020 are reflected in the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of education" for 2013 - 2020, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 22, 2012 N 2148-r. The document points out the need to include in the sphere of state educational policy with the involvement of the possibilities of the media sphere, the information and telecommunication network "Internet", museums and the leisure industry. Support for media and social educational projects in the field of the industry of goods and services for children should become priority in the implementation of state policy in education. The transition to an innovative development model will determine the implementation of measures to create a modern high-quality subject-developing environment in preschool educational organizations and centers early development children, which will lead to the development of the industry of children's goods and play products for children.

    Measures of state regulation in the field of culture are reflected in the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of culture and tourism" for 2013 - 2020, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2012 N 2567-r, which provides for the modernization of infrastructure and the provision of cultural organizations with modern equipment, expanding the use of modern information and communication technologies and electronic products, implementing measures state support cinematography, promoting the development of cinema network infrastructure, including through the creation of a network of electronic and digital cinema halls, primarily in small towns and remote regions. This program is an additional factor in the development of the children's goods industry and a condition for the formation of a cultural environment and infrastructure for the creative development of children and families with children.

    The strategy will make it possible to comprehensively solve the problems of the Russian children's goods market within a reasonable timeframe through the use of market mechanisms and state support measures. The implementation of the Strategy will make it possible to reach an innovative vector of industry development. Within the framework of the state programs of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to form sections (subprograms) in priority areas of industry development.

    V. Characteristics of the regulatory legal framework for regulating relations in the children's goods industry

    The regulatory legal framework for the children's goods industry in the Russian Federation is represented by federal laws, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of federal executive bodies, laws and by-laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as regulatory legal acts of local governments. The priority task of the first stage of the implementation of the Strategy (2013 - 2015) is to improve the regulatory legal framework of the industry.

    To implement the objectives of the Strategy, the following classification of the regulatory legal framework of the industry was used:

    regulatory legal framework in the field of ensuring a prosperous childhood, developing social infrastructure for children, creating an environment that is comfortable and friendly for their life, health, education and upbringing. The legislation of the Russian Federation needs to be improved in terms of clarifying the content of the basic concepts of the industry, such as "children's goods industry", "Russian manufacturer of children's goods", "developing object-spatial environment for children" and others;

    regulatory legal framework for socio-economic development and the use of program-target methods for solving problems in the children's goods industry. The legislation of the Russian Federation needs to be improved in the field of the children's goods industry;

    Regulatory legal acts that establish general and special requirements in the field of children's goods industry.

    The analysis of normative legal acts allows us to conclude that the systemic nature of legal regulation in the sphere of the children's goods industry is not ensured, primarily due to the imperfect distribution of powers between the federal executive authorities for the development and implementation of state policy in this area. In order to ensure coordinated actions of the federal executive authorities, it is necessary to give them the authority to implement policies in the sphere of the children's goods industry. To manage the Strategy and monitor the implementation of the Strategy, it is necessary to create a permanent interdepartmental working group.

    VI. Analysis of the children's goods industry in Russia and the world 1. Characteristics of the external components of the children's goods industry

    The key difference between the children's goods market and other markets lies in the consumer. There are 2 groups of consumers in the children's goods market - children and adults, while the consumer is not equal to the buyer, since the decision to purchase and finance it is usually made by adults, and the consumers of the product are children. With age, the influence of the child on the choice of goods increases.

    According to Rosstat, the number of children aged 0 to 17 inclusive, residing at the beginning of 2012 in the territory of the Russian Federation, amounted to 26.5 million people, which is 18.5 percent of the Russian population. The number of children aged 0 to 15 is 23.5 million or 16.5 percent, the number of children aged 0 to 4 is 8.4 million or 5.9 percent.

    For 18 years (1990-2007), the number of children aged 0 to 15 has been declining, but since 2008 there has been a significant increase. In 2012, the highest demographic indicators in the last 20 years were noted. The number of children born in 2012 (1896.3 thousand children) exceeded the same indicator in 2011 (1796.6 thousand people) by 99.7 thousand people. The total fertility rate characterizing average level birth rate per woman of reproductive age in 2012 amounted to 1.7 people (in 2011 - 1.582, in 2010 - 1.567, in 2009 - 1.542).

    The main demographic trends include the following:

    Steady growth in the birth rate associated with an increase in the standard of living of the population, the implementation of state programs, as well as the entry into the active childbearing period of women (20-35 years old) who were born during the period of birth rate growth in the late 70s-80s;

    gradual increase in the number of children under 5 years of age. According to Rosstat, in 2000 this category of children accounted for only 24.6 percent, with the absolute dominance of the number of adolescents, and in 2012 their number was already at the level of 37.7 percent;

    reduction in the number of children under the age of 14 (inclusive) in the total number of children from 45.5 to 29.6 percent.

    Modern children have their own financial resources, which are given to them by their parents and with which they make independent purchases.

    According to research, in 2012, Russian children aged 6 to 15 spent 191 billion rubles on purchases. Since 2010, spending by children has doubled.

    Due to the peculiarities of emotional and psychological development, children are very susceptible to outside influences, so the use of characters and images from animated films is one of the most effective ways communication with children. Children are the most active consumers of licensed products, and the share of children's goods in the volume of the modern licensed goods market is more than 50 percent. According to experts, in Russia in 2012, 77 percent of children over 4 years of age initiated the purchase of goods, on the packaging of which this or that character is placed. More than half of children aged 4 to 15 prefer to wear clothes with the image of their favorite characters. The presence of such images-symbols on the packaging is important for every 5th child when using hygiene products, buying food, sweets or children's toys, cosmetics and perfumes.

    The most important properties of products for children are interactivity, accessibility and social impact. According to Russian Academy education, despite the activity and early involvement of the child in communication, 30 - 40 percent of children come to the first grade elementary school with insufficiently formed components of readiness for the learning process. In this regard, at present, great importance is attached to the concept of developmental education from the pedagogy of everyday life (traditional) to the pedagogy of development (innovative) - developing school education.

    As the main characteristics of an adult consumer of children's products, the following can be distinguished:

    new demographic behavior of mothers who want to have more than 2 children;

    an increase in the average age of mothers at birth. According to research data, in 2008-2012, the proportion of mothers who gave birth to their first child between the ages of 25 and 29 increased in the total number of mothers. Currently, the average age of mothers who gave birth to the 1st child is 24.5 years. For comparison, the same indicator in the United States is 25.3 years, in Japan and Germany - 30 years;

    Increasing the average age of mothers. The group of mothers over 30 with children is 46 percent;

    an increase in the share of the population with a positive attitude towards marriage in the total population. According to Rosstat, in 2011 the marriage rate (the number of marriages per 1,000 people) was 9.2. At the same time, the divorce rate was 4.7 (per 1,000 people), which has remained stable in dynamics since 2003. highest overall ratio marriage in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra. The Republic of Ingushetia, the Republic of Mordovia, the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, the Republic of Tyva and the Leningrad Region have the lowest marriage rates;

    increasing the level of education of mothers. According to research, in 2012, in cities with a population of more than 1,000, the proportion of mothers with higher education in the total number of mothers increased to 63 percent (in 2008 - 54 percent);

    reconciliation of work and family. This is a general trend both for Russia and for most European countries. The dominant motive for employment for women with children is the motive of economic independence;

    the growth in the value of health, which is reflected in the choice of children's products.

    Environmental friendliness, safety and health value are key factors parents' choice of products for newborns, baby food and cosmetics.

    In order to form demand (consumer preferences) in the non-state sector in 2014-2020, it is necessary to organize educational campaigns to create demand for domestic goods and services for children, as well as provide state support for socially significant television and radio programs, documentary television films, Internet sites , print media mass media, literature for children and youth.

    One of the challenges of improving personnel policy industry is the lack of official statistics on the number of people employed in it. According to expert data from the Association of Children's Goods Industry Enterprises, the industry employs more than 300,000 people, most of whom are small and medium-sized businesses.

    In the manufacturing sector major employers are shoe factory"Lel" (900 people), toy factory "Spring" (600 people) and others. Less than 90 thousand people are employed in the manufacturing sector.

    More than 210 thousand people are employed in the trade sector, of which more than 90 thousand people are employed in specialized retail.

    The bulk of those employed in the trade sector are accounted for by unorganized retail (mainly micro-enterprises with a small number of people employed in them, no more than 15 people).

    The children's goods industry, on the one hand, and the vocational education system, on the other hand, are faced with the task of improving the industry's personnel policy. The current system of vocational education is not able to fully meet the demands of research, industrial and trade organizations. In 2006, the only All-Russian Research Institute of Products for Children in Russia (formerly the Institute of Play and Toys of the Ministry of Light Industry) ceased its work. Until 2012, the only specialized institution of secondary vocational education was the Russian Art and Technical College of Toys (Sergiev Posad, Moscow Region). Currently, this educational institution is in the process of reorganization.

    Specialists come to the industry who have studied in related specialties (designer, clothing designer, etc.) and do not have knowledge of children's specifics (physiology and psychology of children, ergonomics, special sanitary and hygienic requirements). Thus, the staffing of the processes of development of the industry occurs at the expense of enterprises.

    Meanwhile, children's specialization is important. Representatives of the industry and organizations in the field of education and training note the relevance and demand for such professions as a designer of games and toys, a marketing specialist for children's goods, a specialist in the quality of products intended for children, a guide for children's tourism, a manager-consultant for children's goods, who require knowledge in the field of physiology and psychology of childhood. The most acute issue is the training of specialists in animation and media. As part of the legal regulation and administration of cinematography and animation, it is necessary to stimulate the formation of new and provide active support for existing training programs in specialized institutions of vocational education.

    When launching the monitoring mechanism of the Strategy (including the organization of statistical accounting in the industry), starting from 2014, monitoring of those employed in the industry will be carried out. Based on the annual monitoring, an analysis and forecast of the development of labor productivity in the industry will be carried out.

    To meet the personnel needs of the industry, an industry-specific system for forecasting personnel needs will be formed based on an analysis of the professional and qualification structure of the children's goods industry, and on its basis, the target figures for admission to universities will be specified. Professional standards will also be developed and federal state educational standards will be updated on their basis. Sectoral public associations will implement a mechanism for professional public accreditation of educational programs of higher professional education.

    An important element of the industry's staffing system will be the industry technology platform.

    Significant factors affecting the availability and quality of children's goods are customs administration and technical regulation.

    Comparative analysis showed that prices for children's goods in Russia are 1.2 - 1.7 times higher than in other countries. The smallest differences are in the "toys" product category, the maximum differences are in the "children's clothing" product category.

    In doing so, it should be noted that:

    The mark-up and margin of organizations in the Russian Federation does not differ, and sometimes is lower than in other countries, and financial results organizations in the Russian Federation are lower than, for example, in the Polish market;

    value-added tax on children's goods in all countries considered is 18-20 percent, in the Russian Federation - 10 percent;

    goods for all markets are absolutely identical and produced in the same factories, mainly in China;

    The cost of sea freight and other logistics costs differs insignificantly when shipped from China.

    Increased prices for children's goods in Russia are due to the following reasons:

    A high share in the final price of the intermediary (distributor) margin associated with the underdevelopment of direct ties between manufacturers and trade organizations;

    features of customs administration, expressed in high costs for customs clearance imported products.

    At the same time, children's goods are among the top three products with a significant share of counterfeit products.

    In 2014, it is planned to adopt a number of technical regulations and standards for the children's goods industry of the Customs Union. In 2012, 31 technical regulations of the Customs Union were adopted, of which 8 technical regulations came into force in 2012, including 3 technical regulations on the safety of toys, on the safety of products intended for children and adolescents, and on the safety of perfumes. -cosmetic products" - in the field of children's goods industry. In 2013, 13 technical regulations of the Customs Union come into force, including 2 technical regulations "On security food products" and "Technical regulations for juice products from fruits and vegetables" - in the field of children's goods industry. In 2014 - 2015, 10 technical regulations of the Customs Union come into force, of which the technical regulation "On the safety of furniture products" - in the field of children's goods industry .

    The adopted technical regulations of the Customs Union, on the one hand, are harmonized with international requirements for the most part of positions, on the other hand, they are based on earlier operating base standards.

    As part of the conformity assessment system, the focus of product safety control has shifted to preventive forms of control that limit the entry of the product on the market. Products circulating on the market remain without proper control, thereby not ensuring prompt removal of dangerous products from the market. In addition, the lack of competition among companies providing conformity assessment services leads to overpricing in the market, which ultimately affects the cost of children's products for the final consumer.

    In 2012, Rospotrebnadzor conducted 26,040 examinations of samples of children's goods (including 15,165 examinations of samples of imported goods, or 58.2 percent).

    In the course of control and supervision measures, 1276 batches of games and toys (403358 units of toys) were withdrawn from circulation in the amount of more than 1.5 million rubles (of which 1.4 million rubles were imported toys and 160 thousand rubles were domestic toys).

    The number of batches of children's goods withdrawn from circulation amounted to 970 batches worth more than 5 million rubles (of which 2.5 million rubles accounted for imported goods, and 2.4 million rubles for domestic goods).

    In the course of supervisory measures, the sale of 1,397 batches of games and toys (411,242 units of toys) was suspended in the amount of 2.7 million rubles (including 1.7 million rubles of imported toys and, accordingly, 1 million rubles of domestic toys).

    The number of batches of children's products, the sale of which was suspended, amounted to 2028 batches worth more than 9 million rubles (of which 6.8 million rubles were imported children's products and 2.2 million rubles were domestic).

    In the Russian Federation in 2012, administrative penalties were imposed for identified violations - 2,580 administrative fines in the amount of more than 5.4 million rubles. 235 cases were sent to court.

    In this regard, it is necessary to improve the system of state control (supervision) over compliance with mandatory requirements. Mechanisms for solving this problem will be the selectivity of customs control within the framework of the risk management system for importers of children's goods, as well as the creation of conditions for the export of Russian children's goods by optimizing customs operations.

    2. The impact of government programs in the field of education, culture and health on the industry of children's goods

    The strategy is interconnected with the achievement of the goals and objectives set out in the strategic documents and regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of socio-economic and demographic development, as well as state programs in the field of culture, education, health and social sphere.

    Within the framework of a model program for the development of a comprehensive childhood infrastructure, it is necessary to synchronize the needs of culture, education, health and the social sphere.

    Since 2013, the implementation of the 1st stage of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013 - 2020, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 22, 2012 N 2148-r, has been carried out. Within the framework of this program, it is necessary to provide funding for the development of vocational education, general education and additional education for children, the availability of education and the renewal of the quality of education.

    To solve the problem of increasing accessibility before school education for children, it is planned to develop all forms of pre-school education, including family kindergartens, early intervention services and child play support centers. In addition, it is planned to develop the non-state sector of educational services. With the formulation of new tasks in the system of organization of preschool education, the need to interpret a whole range of concepts, such as "infrastructure of childhood", "subject-spatial environment for children", "subject-developing environment" is connected. In parallel, it is necessary to clarify the requirements for children's products used in this area, for example, the requirements for products for collective use by children, the introduction of the concept of "service life" for products for collective use in educational institutions, mainly preschool. This approach will create the necessary parameters for the design and production of goods (equipment and games) by enterprises in the children's goods industry.

    In the field of development of general education, the following activities will influence the industry of children's goods:

    Implementation of the requirements of federal state educational standards general education;

    Formation in educational organizations modern technological environment, including the use of teaching and laboratory, teaching and production and other equipment, furniture, educational and visual aids;

    formation of a barrier-free environment for children with disabilities;

    introduction of the institute of school uniform - children's business clothes.

    Demand for standardized school uniforms is expected to increase. When ensuring demand for the specified school uniform, it is necessary to resolve the issue of its safety due to the fact that the child's body has an increased sensitivity to the effects external factors. For this, it is planned to create informational resources with suggestions from designers, developers and manufacturers of school uniforms.

    The main trend of the coming years is the integration of information and communication technologies into the traditional subject-spatial developing environment. The tasks of developing the system of additional education are due to the trend towards the formation of individual educational programs. Such trends dictate new demands of society and the education system. It is necessary to encourage the use of national cultural images (brands) in electronic content for children's education, as well as to encourage the use of popular cartoon and film characters in social advertising, textbooks, and others, including within the framework of a licensed model.

    It is also necessary to encourage the subjects of the Russian Federation to use modern educational technologies.

    Separate promising direction The sphere of education is the search for talents and work with them. To search for talents, a national resource center is being created to work with gifted children. The purpose of the center is to ensure the development of methodology and methods of diagnostics, development, training and psychological and pedagogical support for gifted children for use in public schools and specialized schools for gifted children. The tasks of the children's goods industry are to create products based on the developed methods and bring them to the Russian and, if possible, international market. The National Resource Center for Gifted Children will be one of the elements of the training system for the children's goods industry.

    Thus, it is necessary to stimulate the cooperation of interdisciplinary teams in research and production areas (including within the framework of the resource center for working with gifted children), as well as to ensure that consumers are informed about new samples. educational equipment and materials and about the experience of their effective use.

    The state policy in the sphere of culture assumes:

    creating the necessary conditions for the sustainable development of the cultural sector, ensuring maximum accessibility for Russian citizens of cultural benefits and education in the field of culture and art;

    preservation of the cultural heritage of Russia;

    Improving the quality and diversity of services provided in the field of culture;

    improvement of organizational, economic and legal mechanisms in the field of culture.

    The implementation of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of Culture and Tourism" for 2013 - 2020, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2012 N 2567-r, is one of the factors in the development of the children's goods industry and a condition for the formation of a cultural environment for children that meets growing needs of the individual and society.

    The specified state program provides for the modernization of infrastructure and the provision of cultural organizations with modern equipment, the expansion of the use of modern information and communication technologies and electronic products, the implementation of measures of state support for cinematography, the promotion of the infrastructure of the cinema network, including by creating a network of electronic and digital cinema halls, primarily in small cities and remote regions.

    In this regard, in order to ensure the coordination of state policy in the field of culture with the development directions of the children's goods industry, it is necessary to implement the following measures:

    Develop and implement projects aimed at creating and using national cultural images;

    Organize support for children's cultural and educational tourism in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    The State Program of the Russian Federation "Health Development" was approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 24, 2012 N 2511-r. This program includes measures to:

    on the formation of motivation for a healthy lifestyle in children and their parents;

    on organizing the provision of children with specialized medical nutrition products and medical devices;

    For creation and development medical organizations providing medical care, taking into account the provision favorable conditions for children to stay in them, including children with disabilities;

    to improve the social infrastructure focused on organized vacation health improvement of children and restoration of their health.

    It is planned to support enterprises in the development and production of rehabilitation and correctional products and products medical purpose for children with disabilities, providing the most complete rehabilitation and education for the majority of children with disabilities and children with disabilities.

    The baby products industry must contribute to healthy lifestyle life in the country, both in terms of providing educational institutions and organizations with sports and gaming equipment and inventory, and in terms of ensuring the availability of sports equipment and equipment for families with children.

    3. Institutional state of the children's goods industry

    The children's goods industry is a sub-sector of the economy that includes the production and marketing of maternity and childhood goods (including services as a commodity), related sectors and the consumer audience.

    The children's goods industry is a collection of 15 industries working for the benefit of children and families with children.

    In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, a separate sector of the economy is made up of producers of a similar or directly competing product, which account for more than 50 percent of the volume of production and sales of such a product. In the industry of children's goods, the number of enterprises in the assortment of which there are exclusively children's goods is 6500.

    Lists of codes for types of children's goods were approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2004 N 908 "On approval of lists of codes for types of food products and goods for children subject to value added tax at a tax rate of 10 percent", by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 15 2008 N 688 "On approval of the lists of codes for medical products subject to value added tax at a tax rate of 10 percent" and some technical regulations. The lack of relationship between them leads to their different interpretation.

    In this regard, in order to define the children's goods industry as an independent sub-sector of the economy, it is necessary to:

    to be included in the relevant regulatory and regulatory legal acts, a single Commodity Nomenclature externally economic activity of the Customs Union and all-Russian classifiers, including All-Russian classifier products by type of economic activity, the All-Russian Classifier of Products and the All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities, changes that make it possible to identify the names of groups of children's products, conduct federal statistical observations and apply state support measures in relation to manufacturers of children's goods;

    to expand the lists of codes for the types of food products and goods for children subject to value added tax at a tax rate of 10 percent, and to clarify in them a number of definitions of groups of goods for children.

    4. World market of children's goods (in 2008 - 2012)

    The global market for children's goods is 412.2 billion US dollars, the average annual growth rate is 5 percent.

    In the long term, the global market for children's goods will continue to grow, which will primarily be driven by increased consumption in developing countries and Asia. In Western Europe, market growth will continue to slow down due to the unfavorable demographic situation. The volume of the world market for children's goods by product groups is given in Appendix No. 1.

    One of the largest shares in the structure of the world market for children's goods is occupied by the market of the United States of America, its share is 20 percent. The volume of the Russian market for children's goods in 2012 amounted to 657,512 million rubles, 5 percent of the world market for children's goods. Such a significant share is provided by the high number of children in the structure of the Russian population and the growing consumption of children's goods per child.

    At the moment, Russia's share in the structure of the world market is not high enough, taking into account the size of the child population of the Russian Federation, due to low consumption compared to developed countries. A comparative analysis of the markets of Russia and developed countries is given in Appendix No. 2.

    At the moment, the consumption of children's goods per child in the United States of America, Great Britain and Germany exceeds the consumption of Russian children's goods (in the United States of America by 40 percent, in the UK by 70 percent). Assuming Russian consumption of children's goods in the forecast to be equal to British consumption, Russia's share should be 9 per cent of the global market for children's goods. A comparison of the characteristics of the Russian and UK markets is given in Appendix No. 3.

    At the same time, the growth rate of the children's goods market in Russia significantly exceeds the global one and averages 15 percent. According to experts, Russia is one of the most attractive and fastest growing markets in the world.

    The United States of America occupies a significant share in the structure of the world market for children's goods, the turnover of children's goods in this country amounted to 82303 million US dollars (3207 billion rubles) - 20 percent of the world turnover.

    Specialty stores, grocery retailers, super- and hypermarkets selling consumer goods, the Internet and unorganized retail (markets and bazaars) are the main sales channels for children's goods in the global market. Specialized stores for children's goods, which are currently a key sales channel, will lose their position to new outlets in the future.

    The main global trends in the children's goods market:

    share expansion grocery stores in the structure of sales of children's goods;

    A significant increase in the share of online sales of children's goods;

    Development of interactivity in specialized stores in order to attract consumers, creation of gaming and thematic zones in trading floors;

    the predicted expansion of large chains to developing countries and Asian countries;

    increase in the share of private trademarks retailers of children's goods in the assortment of large retail chains;

    Increasing the popularity of POS stores that open for a short period of time, such as during the season or for sales of limited editions.

    The main characteristics of the children's goods market in Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan are given in Appendix No. 4.

    5. Development of innovations in the industry of children's goods in Russia and abroad

    One of the main components of the children's goods industry is the search for vacant market niches and the development of the concept of new products focused on changing consumer needs. The policy of world leaders in the production of goods for motherhood and childhood for the last 5 years has been focused on the search and development of new materials and images. On the one hand, this is due to the tightening of technical regulation requirements in the field of children's health, on the other hand, to a change in the consumer behavior of users of products for children and motherhood. Of great importance are corporate industrial design centers, in which designers, engineers and scientists are involved on a project basis.

    Russian companies are also following the path of creating their own industrial design centers.

    Share of presence on Russian market own brands is growing (in 2012 it was about 30 percent).

    An analysis of global trends in the development of the children's goods industry showed that today there are some trends in the consumption of children's products that must be taken into account when developing and bringing new developments to the market.

    Priority technological trends are:

    Active introduction of new technologies in the production of goods for children;

    development of technologies that allow maintaining and developing the physical condition of the child, including the development of technologies for the rehabilitation of children;

    development of new production materials, including composite and nanomaterials;

    integration of technologies into a virtual environment;

    development of formats for joint activity of children and parents;

    active growth of online trade in children's goods.

    An important direction in the development of the global children's goods industry is the active use of children's goods and services in the implementation of large-scale government programs in socially significant areas.

    Obviously, the existing traditions form new niches and new opportunities for the development of Russian enterprises, which will allow them to take a stable position in the global market for children's goods.

    Determination of priority directions for the development of the children's goods industry for their support at the state level and acceleration of the commercialization of the results of scientific and technical activities are the main factors influencing the formation of conditions for entering the market innovative products.

    However, until now, most enterprises are not able to independently fully carry out the much-needed modernization of production and offer promising developments to the market.

    The main problem is the inability to effectively use business management tools:

    attract financial sources;

    carry out technological upgrades;

    Organize the protection of intellectual property, etc.

    Russian companies show no interest in Russian scientific and engineering potential, preferring technology imports as a faster way to modernize production. As a result, the activities of domestic scientific and design organizations do not have a significant impact on the state of the industry. Gap between objective needs industrial enterprises in modern research and development and proposals from research and design organizations continues to increase.

    The situation is aggravated by the underdevelopment of the innovation infrastructure of the technology market associated with the provision of intermediary, information, legal, banking and other services, as well as the unresolved problems of the legal and organizational order in matters of protection and transfer of intellectual property and certification of innovative products.

    One of the most acute problems of Russian companies is the reproduction of innovations from an idea to market launch, including the provision of systemic measures that motivate innovative activity. This is due to the inability of most Russian manufacturers to position themselves and attract necessary resources, as well as the inability to use modern technologies promoting their proposals. There is a lack of infrastructure for the development, implementation and promotion of new industries, as well as new models of children's goods that are competitive in the domestic and foreign markets.

    It is necessary to stimulate the transition of the children's goods industry to an innovative development model focused on increasing its competitive advantages and increasing the volume of new generation quality products. These measures should contribute to obtaining a synergistic effect (from large-scale production of cost-effective and environmentally friendly goods for children's health, import substitution, increasing the country's export potential to ensuring a new quality of life for children). It is necessary to create a scientific and technological basis for research and development in the children's goods industry as soon as possible.

    To increase the innovative activity of Russian enterprises in the children's goods industry, it is necessary to create centers (programs) of industrial design, including on the basis of public-private partnerships. These centers can be established within major baby product developers and as part of a technology platform and cluster in the baby industry.

    In order to stimulate the launch of innovative products by Russian manufacturers (developers) of the children's goods and services industry, it is necessary to develop an industry action plan ("road map"), stimulate the patent and licensing activities of Russian manufacturers and develop means of individualizing children's goods, and protect intellectual property Russian copyright holders.

    6. Development of territorial cluster initiatives

    There are several specialized clusters for the production of goods for children around the world, including in Spain, France and China. So, in China there are a large number of clusters, including small businesses. A cluster in China is also large investments in improving technology, inviting experts from Europe and America to improve the design and quality of products, streamlined logistics and rapid exchange of information through the information and telecommunications network "Internet" (hereinafter referred to as the "Internet" network).

    The transition to the cluster model of development of the Russian children's goods industry will facilitate the transition of the industry to an innovative development model and increase the volume of affordable, high-quality and safe new generation products.

    The main expected effects from strategic priorities in the development of regional clusters of the children's goods industry are:

    business effects associated with the development of business of cluster members, the promotion of goods and services to new markets and the formation of new assortment positions;

    organizational and synergistic effects associated with the emergence of new functions that are realized with the development of the cluster initiative and the strengthening of the social capital of the cluster;

    infrastructure effects associated with the emergence of new infrastructure opportunities caused by cluster growth;

    effects of social development and development of the territory.

    In 2012, the autonomous non-profit organization "Agency for Strategic Initiatives to Promote New Projects" began developing the project "Creation of the Innovation and Industrial Cluster "Territory of Childhood". The purpose of this project is to create an integral strategic interorganizational network of an industry nature that combines technologically interconnected resources and key competencies of a sustainable group geographically close and functionally related enterprises.

    Such Russian manufacturers and largest retail chains as the Russian Style group of companies (Moscow), the Topol Group group of companies ( Udmurt republic), open joint-stock company"Spring" (Kirov), limited liability company "Nordplast" (St. Petersburg), limited liability company "S-Trade" (Moscow), limited liability company "Orthomoda" (Moscow ), Closed Joint-Stock Company "Smena" (Moscow), Group of Companies "Children's World" (Moscow), Group of Companies "Daughters and Sons" (Moscow Region), Closed Joint-Stock Company "Special Service" (St. Petersburg ) and others have expressed interest in creating a cluster. The cluster will be a system open to new members.

    The goal of the project is to create an innovative territorial park that combines scientific, industrial, cultural and infrastructure sites. An important feature of the projected cluster is its replicability through the creation of a network of industrial technology parks in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the attraction of foreign investors interested in development in the Russian market.

    To expand possible areas of technological modernization and increase its effectiveness through the development of scientific and industrial partnerships, improving the conditions for the dissemination of advanced technologies in the economy, consolidating resources in priority areas of innovative development, integrating with leading research organizations specializing in the socio-economic development of motherhood and childhood, it is planned to create a national technological platform for the children's goods industry "infrastructure of childhood", the formation of which can occur on the basis of research institutes and universities, including the Russian Academy of Education, the Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the Research Institute of Hygiene and health protection of children and adolescents of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Institute of Psychological and Pedagogical Problems of Childhood, Institute study of age physiology and the largest Russian manufacturers of children's goods, including the open joint-stock company "Spring", the group of companies "Grand Toys", the closed joint-stock company " Trading house"Gulliver and Co", Closed Joint-Stock Company "Elti Kudits", Galina Volkova's universal design studio, "Animakkord" animation studio, "Children's World" group of companies, "Daughters and Sons" group of companies, "New Disk" limited liability company and others

    The priorities of the national technological platform of the children's goods industry "infrastructure of childhood" include:

    development of a strategic research program in the field of childhood infrastructure, followed by the development of research and development activities;

    development of a strategic research program in the field of childhood infrastructure, which provides for the definition of medium- and long-term priorities in research and development, building mechanisms for scientific and industrial cooperation;

    Formation of training programs, determination of directions and principles for the development of standards and certification systems, implementation of measures to develop innovative infrastructure in the interests of the technological platform;

    development of a technological platform program for the introduction and dissemination of advanced technologies in the industry of goods and services for children, which determines various mechanisms and sources of financing, obligations of participants in the technological platform;

    Creation of an organizational structure - a research institute for the infrastructure of childhood, providing the necessary conditions implementation of interaction between enterprises, scientific and educational organizations that are members of the technology platform;

    development of technological platform proposals aimed at improving regulation in the scientific, technological and innovation sphere.

    The Udmurt Republic, Khabarovsk Territory, Tambov, Kirov, Leningrad, Moscow, Ryazan, Samara, Smolensk and Ulyanovsk regions and the city of Moscow agreed to take part in the project.

    In this regard, for the development of cluster initiatives, it is necessary to stimulate the existing development institutions in terms of including the children's goods industry in the main sectoral priorities of their activities.

    7. Characteristics of the Russian market for children's goods

    The Russian market differs in structure from the global market. In Russia, clothes are in first place in the structure of sales (31 percent), the share of games and toys is 25 percent (against 40 percent in the world as a whole).

    The market for children's goods in Russia is an import market, which has a negative impact on pricing for the end consumer.

    Volume domestic production children's goods in Russia in 2012 amounted to 134,970 million rubles, which corresponds to 20.6 percent of the total market for children's goods (in retail prices). The share of domestically produced goods varies in the total market volume. The maximum volume of domestic goods is concentrated in the group of goods "books, stationery and school supplies" (39 percent), "baby food" (38 percent).

    By type of activity, the children's goods industry is represented by developers, manufacturers, wholesalers (distributors) and retail stores.

    The sales structure of the market has become more complicated in recent years. If before the onset of a period of high competition, market entities, as a rule, performed one function (production, distribution and retail sales), now significant market players are striving for integration and the creation of vertically integrated companies.

    The market volumes of the most important types of product groups for the children's goods market are given in Appendix No. 5.

    8. Small and medium enterprises in the industry of children's goods

    Currently, the Russian Federation does not have one system statistical observation for the work of small and medium-sized businesses in the children's goods industry. The creation of statistical records of the activities of such organizations in this area is one of the important tasks of the Strategy. To assess the role of small and medium-sized businesses in the children's goods industry, this Strategy used an expert assessment of the Association of Children's Goods Industry Enterprises (expert opinion of members of the association based on surveys).

    Small and medium-sized businesses make up the bulk of organizations operating in the children's goods industry, 80 percent total number economic entities of the specified industry of industry, which control 53 percent of the market. Among them, there is a high proportion of women's (up to 30 percent) and family (up to 25 percent) small and medium enterprises. The share of small and medium-sized businesses in the market volume in product groups is given in Appendix No. 6.

    The Russian Federation has programs for the development of small and medium-sized businesses, which are coordinated at the level of federal executive authorities in cooperation with public associations of entrepreneurs and industry associations. The leading role in the implementation of such programs is assigned to the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    Currently, within the framework of the pilot project, several regions have been identified, including the Perm Territory, Ulyanovsk Region, Moscow and some other subjects of the Russian Federation, for a detailed study of the experience of successful implementation in these regions of programs for the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the children's goods industry. Such an analysis will subsequently make it possible to amend the regulatory legal framework of the region. As a rule, in most subjects of the Russian Federation there is an insufficient number of facilities retail children's goods, market trade prevails and, as a result, civilized forms of entrepreneurial activity are not sufficiently developed. All these factors in the framework of the presented Strategy determine the priority areas of activity related to the support of small and medium-sized businesses, primarily in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    In the sectoral chain of industry, the following areas in the development of small and medium-sized businesses can be distinguished:

    In the field of research and development and marketing (research, development, industrial design) - the development of innovative entrepreneurship in the industry, the use of the existing innovation support infrastructure, the study of promising markets, the creation of new products, the stimulation of the work of project teams (start-ups) consisting of from specialists in various fields (designers, technologists, psychologists, teachers, physiologists, etc.). The key point of state policy is the development of industrial design infrastructure, support for industrial design and prototyping centers for Russian manufacturers of children's goods and centers for youth innovative creativity;

    in the field of development of production of small and medium-sized businesses:

    assistance in the creation of innovative industrial clusters, technology parks, technopolises with logistics centers to increase the competitiveness of manufactured products;

    in the field of retail trade in the children's goods industry in accordance with the state policy in the field of trade development of small and medium-sized businesses:

    Development modern formats trade (educational and leisure, shopping and entertainment centers, specialized retailers, branded stores of domestic manufacturers);

    including retailers relocating from open markets to stationary objects retail trade, in programs to support small and medium-sized businesses.

    Thus, in order to stimulate the development of small and medium-sized businesses, it is necessary to conduct constant monitoring and, on its basis, refine programs for the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in terms of the children's goods industry.

    9. Russian production of children's goods

    At present, there are very few enterprises in Russia that have a full production cycle. In 2012, depending on the product group, Russian goods occupied from 9 to 39 percent of the market volume. In the total volume of the market, Russian goods accounted for 20.6 percent. The production of children's goods in Russia in 2012 (according to Rosstat) is given in Appendix No. 7.

    There are 1,245 industrial enterprises operating in the industry located in 75 constituent entities of the Russian Federation (according to data from regional executive authorities). The forecast of Russian production and imports by product groups of the children's goods industry in 2012 - 2020 in the total volume of the children's goods market in the Russian Federation is given in Appendix No. 8.

    The main territories for the location of industrial enterprises, which determine the industrial and economic policy industries are the Central (606 enterprises), Volga (200 enterprises) and Southern (213 enterprises) federal districts, which have the largest share in the total volume of production.

    The constituent entities of the Russian Federation pay great attention to the development of enterprises in the children's goods industry on their territory. Support for enterprises in the children's goods industry is carried out within the framework of regional programs to support small and medium-sized businesses and stimulate investment activities. In a number of regions, the development of enterprises in the children's goods industry is classified as a priority area, in accordance with which state support measures are provided (Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Amur, Voronezh, Kirov, Kursk, Kostroma, Lipetsk, Murmansk, Smolensk, Chelyabinsk regions and the city of St. Petersburg).

    Target programs for the development of enterprises in the children's goods industry have been adopted in 2 regions. In the Ulyanovsk region, a strategy for the development of the children's goods industry has been approved, the development of which is a priority in the strategy for the socio-economic development of the region. The Government of the Kurgan Region has approved an action plan aimed at supporting and increasing the competitiveness of producers of children's goods and services in the Kurgan Region.

    From 2009 to 2012, in total, subsidies were allocated from regional budgets to more than 90 companies in the industry in the amount of about 160 million rubles. Financing of enterprises in the children's goods industry took place within the framework of regional programs to support small and medium-sized businesses and stimulate investment activities. Basically, subsidies were issued to reimburse part of the bank interest rate on loans attracted for the implementation of an investment project, reimbursement of part of the bank interest rate on short-term loans attracted for the purchase of agricultural raw materials, reimbursement of part of the cost of paying interest on loans received from Russian credit institutions for raw materials and for technological equipment, compensation for the costs of small and medium-sized businesses participating in exhibition events, compensation for part of the initial payment under a leasing agreement. Some regions have targeted grant and microloan programs.

    In this regard, it is necessary to strengthen support for companies in the children's goods industry at the federal and regional levels in order to create the most comfortable conditions for the development of the Russian manufacturer, including through the creation of a list of priority investment projects children's goods industry. It also seems necessary to work out the issue of creating a federal fund to support Russian producers of goods and services for children. To develop the export and innovation potential of Russian manufacturers, it is necessary to develop and implement a comprehensive program to promote Russian-made children's goods to Russian and foreign markets.

    10. Characteristics of the domestic industry on the example of the main product groups of the Russian children's goods market

    The clothing segment for 2012 is the largest segment of the children's goods market in Russia. Its share in the total market volume is 31 percent. The volume of the Russian children's clothing market in 2012 amounted to 203,725 million rubles.

    In the coming years, the children's clothing market will grow and saturate due to changes in consumption norms and stabilization of the demographic situation in the country. The average market growth rate in recent years has been about 15 percent. For comparison, the average annual growth rate of the market volume over the same period was 0.01 percent in the French market and 1.5 percent in the German market.

    The main segments of the children's clothing market are clothes for children from 0 to 3 years old, from 3 to 5 years old, from 6 to 8 years old and from 9 to 14 years old. The most significant in terms of volume is the segment of children's clothing for children from 0 to 3 years old, in the total volume of the segment it occupies 49 percent.

    The second type of segmentation in the children's clothing market is price.

    The low price segment, which accounts for up to 75 percent of the market, is dominated by Turkish and Chinese goods.

    Today, 80 percent of the clothing market is occupied by products of imported manufacturers. Cotton children's clothing accounted for 83 percent of imports in physical terms and 77 percent in value terms, children's clothing made of synthetic threads accounted for 16 percent and 21 percent, respectively.

    The main suppliers of children's clothing to Russia are China, Poland, Finland and Germany. The share of legal Russian production accounts for about 20 - 25 percent of the total market. Russia's market share in the European children's clothing market is 10.6 percent, while Germany's share is 18.9 percent.

    Clothing is one of the largest expenditures for parents on the purchase of children's goods. In Russia as a whole, in families with more than one child, new things are bought much less frequently than in families with one child. If we divide the market into 2 segments (the children's clothing market in cities and the children's clothing market in countryside), the greatest demand for this product is noted in cities. At the end of 2012, over 80 percent of the total sales of children's clothing fell on the citizens. The average monthly expenses of a family for the purchase of children's clothing, depending on the place of residence and income, are given in Appendix No. 9.

    The main trends in the Russian children's clothing market are:

    The growth of consumer requirements for product quality (if a few years ago the main purchase criterion was the price, today consumers are paying more and more attention to fabrics, convenience and practicality of children's clothing);

    changing consumption norms and rising clothing costs per child (more and more people buy clothes by size, not by height);

    an increase in the importance of the factor of brand fame (and its presence in general) and the country of origin;

    active growth in demand in the middle segment of branded clothing, as well as in the premium segment;

    Expansion of the presence of international brands of universal clothing with a wide range of children's clothing;

    active development of Russian brands of children's clothing.

    According to the Association of Children's Goods Industry Enterprises, Russian companies have developed and actively support at least 30 brands of children's clothing, some of which are manufactured in Russia using modern equipment using technologies from leading world manufacturers. Creation and development own brand allows Russian companies to withstand growing competition and build consumer loyalty by non-price methods.

    The largest manufacturers of children's clothing are Unistyle Holding Closed Joint Stock Company (Ivanovo), Fortuna Limited Liability Company (Moscow Region), Smolensk Hosiery Factory Closed Joint Stock Company (Smolensk), Smena Closed Joint Stock Company (Moscow), limited liability company "April Group of Companies" (Yaroslavl) and limited liability company "Agat-LV" (Moscow).

    Gloria Jeans group of companies owns 33 factories, most of which are located in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Rostov and Volgograd regions. Production in Ukraine is actively developing. Own design and merchandising centers are located not only in Russia, but also in Istanbul, Shanghai, Sao Paulo, Chicago, Vietnam, Los Angeles, Seoul and Tokyo. Production is equipped the latest equipment, allowing to produce annually more than 37 million products per year.

    Traditionally, children's clothing is considered to be less subject to fluctuations in the economy than clothing for adults. Parents don't want to cut costs family budget at the expense of the children, and each child needs new clothes as they grow and mature. In general, the market will grow in the medium term.

    Priority growth of domestic production can be achieved in the segments of clothes for newborns, functional underwear, hosiery, knitwear and bed linen.

    The volume of the children's footwear market in 2012 was 60,910 million rubles, the share of domestic production was 6,501 million rubles, which is 10.7 percent. It should be noted that the prices for domestically produced shoes are lower than imported goods, and therefore the estimated share may be overestimated.

    The market for children's shoes is growing at a rate of 10 percent per year. Like the entire market, the segment of children's shoes is growing due to common factors (birth rate, income growth, climatic features) and due to the growth of consumer culture. According to the Association of Children's Goods Industry Enterprises, an average of 1.9 pairs of shoes are bought per person per year worldwide. In the United States of America, this figure is 6.5 pairs, in Europe - 3.8 - 4.5 pairs, in South-East Asia- from 0.7 pairs, in India to 2, in Russia - 1.35 pairs of shoes. This figure for Russia is below the world average, and footwear consumption in our country is only ahead of the countries of Southeast Asia. Asian shoe expansion is a worldwide trend. The volume of footwear production worldwide is 13.5 billion pairs. Almost all of the world's leading shoe manufacturers are located in Asia, and China has been the world's largest exporter of textiles and footwear for many years, where every second pair of footwear industry products is produced. In Europe, only 1.2 billion pairs of shoes are made, of which 900 million pairs are in Western Europe and about 300 million pairs are in Eastern Europe. In the segment of middle and high-end footwear, the Italian shoe industry is considered the world leader, and Italian shoemakers are in fact generally recognized trendsetters in the global shoe fashion. In terms of shoe production, Italy ranks third in the world after China and Brazil. The Russian shoe industry produces about 0.3 percent of the world shoe production.

    The children's footwear market can be segmented into the following price segments:

    Low (up to $30 for a pair of shoes);

    medium ($30 - $120);

    high (over $120).

    The low price segment occupies the most significant part of the Russian shoe market (about 50 percent). It is represented not only by the products of Russian manufacturers, but also by footwear coming from the countries of Southeast Asia (mainly from China). According to analysts, about 80 percent of goods are imported into Russia illegally. Cheap shoes are sold mainly in clothing markets and sales outlets. In this niche, shoes and Russian brands "Top-top", "Shalunishka" and "Foma" are also popular.

    The average price niche (about 30 percent) is represented by shoes mainly from Russian manufacturers, since it is this market segment that generates a significant turnover from sales. In the specified segment Russian companies Yegorievsk-Obuv and Antelope Pro are strong competitors to foreign manufacturers, since they use modern design, imported components, technologies in the production of their products and develop their own distribution networks. Products of this price segment are sold, as a rule, through specialized shoe stores and centers and clothing markets. At the same time, due to increased competition, some players are starting to develop more expensive retail. The most promising sales markets are Moscow and the Moscow region, the cities of St. Petersburg, Samara, Perm, Kazan and Ufa.

    Demand for expensive children's shoes (20 percent) comes from the population with the corresponding income level and is limited to the territory with high purchasing power. Consumers are concentrated mainly in the cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Samara, Yekaterinburg. In this segment, shoes are represented by brands of manufacturers from such European countries as Italy, England, Germany, Finland, Spain, etc. Sales channels are boutiques and large shoe centers. Domestic manufacturers in this segment are almost not represented.

    In the Russian market of children's shoes, there is the following distribution:

    System players - their share is about 25 - 30 percent;

    companies importing cheap shoes - about 60 - 65 percent of the market;

    Companies serving the expensive, boutique segment - about 5 percent;

    shoe factories - no more than 5 percent of the market.

    The largest manufacturers of children's shoes are Antelopa Pro Limited Liability Company (Moscow), Skorokhod Limited Liability Company (St. Petersburg), Magnitogorsk Shoe Factory Limited Liability Company (Magnitogorsk) and Closed joint-stock company "Moscow shoe factory "Paris commune" (Moscow), closed joint-stock company "Lel" (Kirov) and open joint-stock company "Egoryevsk-obuv" (Yegoryevsk).

    The main trends of the Russian market of children's shoes:

    growing consumer requirements for product quality;

    changing consumption norms and rising costs of footwear per child;

    an increase in the importance of the factor of brand awareness (its presence) and the country of origin;

    active growth of demand in the mid-price segment of branded shoes;

    a gradual change in the places of purchase of children's shoes in favor of a civilized retail trade, especially in large cities;

    Increasing the level of competition in the market.

    Priority growth of domestic production can be achieved in the segments of orthopedic shoes, seasonal shoes using traditional materials, and school shoes.

    A particularly significant segment of the children's goods market is children's games and toys that perform cultural educational and communicative functions.

    In recent years, the efforts of scientists to develop toy criteria have been noticeable, which, in addition to medical, environmental (quality of material and degree of processing) and aesthetic criteria (beauty and perfection), also include psycho-emotional (joy and pleasure), pedagogical (development of abilities, skills) and other criteria. The toy must also meet the requirements of creativity (development, creativity and cooperation), cultural conformity (corresponding to the cultural archetypes of the country where the child lives) and psychotherapeutic attitudes towards health and positive prospects.

    The market for games and toys is the second largest segment of the children's goods market, accounting for about 25 percent of this market. The capacity of the segment in Russia in 2012 amounted to 164,893 million rubles. The market growth rate is 22.5 percent in 2011.

    World indicators of spending on toys for one child are ahead of Russian ones. In Europe, the cost per child for toys is US$121 (UK US$280, France US$255) and US$242 in the United States. In Russia, the value of the average cost of toys for one child is lower. Family expenses for the maintenance of 1 child (according to data for 2012) are given in Appendix No. 10.

    In large cities, in the upper income groups, spending on toys increases 3 times compared to the lower income group (about 785 rubles per month in families with an income of 50,000 rubles per person per month and about 255 rubles in families where the income does not exceed 5,000 rubles). per person per month). In Moscow, parents spend about 15-18 percent more on children's toys than in St. Petersburg, and 25 percent more than in other cities.

    Having recovered from the crisis, the Russian toy market is growing dynamically, analysts predict further market growth in the medium term.

    In the Russian toy market, the vast majority of goods are produced in Asian countries. Their share in the total market volume in physical terms in 2012 accounted for 62 percent. One of the reasons for the weakening Russian industry toys is that in conditions of open borders and the absence of prohibitions on foreign trade the domestic manufacturer was unable to compete with manufacturers from Southeast Asia, who import various and cheap toys to Russia. The share of European toys in the Russian market in 2012 was 20 percent, domestic toys - 18 percent.

    Nevertheless, the Russian manufacturer is quite competitive in the production of games with an educational focus. Various puzzles (puzzles, board games, etc.) make up one fifth of the toys exported abroad, another 10-15 percent of exports are prefabricated models. Therefore, the share of Russian manufacturers in the segment of developing and educational toys is increasing every year.

    AT commodity structure The toy market is dominated by soft toys. In 2012, soft toys accounted for 26 percent of sales (in 2010 - 24 percent), 21 percent are occupied by toy equipment (in 2010 - 22 percent), educational games and construction sets together occupy 15 percent of the market, dolls with related products - 12 percent (in 2010 - 13 percent).

    It should be noted that the phenomenon of rapid maturation of children has an increasing influence on the Russian market, as well as on the world market. It is he who forces manufacturers to create more complex technological products. A new generation of children find themselves in the world of electronics, mass media, video games and computers with access to the Internet almost from birth, which has never happened before.

    The main trends of the Russian toy market:

    The growth of consumer requirements for the quality of toys (the purchase decision is primarily influenced by such a factor as product safety);

    active use of new technologies in the creation of toys;

    Changing the structure of the toy market by replacing traditional toys interactive games, the range of which is constantly expanding;

    strengthening the trend of dominance of well-known brands, increasing sales of licensed toys based on films, books and games;

    the formation of a market for educational and developmental games and toys specially designed for collective use in the system of preschool education (they imply a certain level of strength, the possibility of hygienic treatment, completeness and educational value).

    The main Russian manufacturers are Open Joint Stock Company Vesna (Kirov), Limited Liability Company Nordplast (St. Petersburg), Closed Joint Stock Company Step Puzzle (Moscow Region), Limited Liability Company Zvezda (Moscow Region), Russian Style Group of Companies (Moscow Region, Smolensk Region, Krasnodar Territory), Stellar Limited Liability Company (Rostov-on-Don), Tom Service Limited Liability Company (St. Tomsk), Smolensk Toys Limited Liability Company, Pharm Closed Joint Stock Company, Drofa-Media Limited Liability Company, etc. Of the old factories with a long history, only two operate - Tambov gunpowder factory, which, among other products, produces children's tumbler toys, and the Cheboksary Production Association named after V.I. Chapaev, which, among other products, is engaged in the production of rubber balls and fireworks.

    Priority growth of domestic production can be achieved in the segment of developing products focused on the system of preschool education, games-experiments for scientific and technical creativity, robotics, games for children's creativity, games for seasonal and active recreation, including local history, traditional wooden toy, large-format plastic toys and play equipment for collective use by children, including for children's and yard playgrounds, toys under Russian animation licenses.

    In the production of audiovisual content for a children's audience, it is important to take into account that for modern children, television and the Internet are the key sources of information about the world around them, the most important factor in socialization and the formation of value orientations.

    Children who spend an average of 4 hours a day in front of a screen watch either Russian programs aimed at an adult audience or foreign-produced programs.

    Modern pace of development information technologies and broadband access to the Internet (covering more than 40 percent of the territory of the Russian Federation) in the next 3-5 years will allow overtaking television consumption, which is currently the main one for an audience aged 4 to 12 years, and will bring Internet consumption to the first place. The audience of Internet users under the age of 12 now totals more than 18 million people, and the increase in the number of users on the Internet as a whole in 2012 amounted to 57 percent. Therefore, today almost all traditional media are looking for forms of their presentation and development in the Internet space.

    At the end of 2012, out of 84 domestic films, only 5 films for children and families were presented at the box office. At the same time, there were 23 foreign-made animated films at the box office in 2012.

    The deficit in the production of children's and youth films can be attributed to the fact that the open joint-stock company "Creative and Production Association "Central Film Studio for Children's and Youth Films named after M. Gorky", which in the Soviet period was the main platform (actually a cluster) for the production of children's films and provided demand for film content for the whole country, today it practically does not release films in this segment due to financial and managerial problems.

    A study of the principles of television broadcasting in most developed countries suggests that the children's television market as a whole is unprofitable and requires support from the state. In some countries, the role of children's broadcaster is assumed by public TV channels, in others there are clear obligations for commercial broadcasters regarding the share of children's programs on the air.

    Thus, the main measures to support children's television broadcasting in most countries are aimed at producing their own television programs for children, taking into account national characteristics. Subsidies and grants are allocated for their production both from the state budget and from public funds. As an incentive for private investment in children's television content, countries such as France and Canada are using tax incentives. In Australia, they are partly being replaced by producer reimbursement schemes.

    In Russia, the niche of children's television is filled mainly by specialized (terrestrial and non-terrestrial) children's television channels. As of December 2012, there were 15 television channels in Russia targeted at a children's audience. Only 5 of them are national - "Carousel", "Children's", "Children's World", "Knowledge" and "My Joy". All others are adapted (dubbed) versions of foreign channels and show products mainly of foreign production.

    In the age segment from 4 to 12 years old, the Karusel TV channel covers 66 percent of the audience, the rating of the TV channel is 21.3 percent, and the Disney TV channel is 73 percent and 94.5 percent, respectively. This situation is due to the long history of production and the high level of development of series, animation and fiction for family audiences in the United States of America, as well as the presence of a large library of content.

    Nevertheless, in recent years, a number of high-quality animated series for children (Smeshariki, Masha and the Bear, Fixies, etc.) and feature films (franchise films about heroes, Belka and Strelka, etc.). But when buying TV programs for children, broadcasters often prefer foreign animation products or domestic animation of the Soviet period, which costs several times less than premiere shows or modern Russian animation. This situation leads to the fact that today Western media companies play a leading role in shaping the images of modern heroes in Russian children. According to sociological surveys among children aged 4 to 12, only 23 of the 100 most popular characters in children's films are of Russian origin, and only 7 of them are modern. The commercial opportunities for using films and images from cinema are enormous.

    Today in Russia there are about 450 private film and television companies, of which about 140 are engaged in the production of television and film content on an ongoing basis. At the same time, about 50 companies are focused on the production of animation products of various formats. Today in Russia there is only one state animation studio- federal government unitary enterprise Creative and production association "Film Studio" Soyuzmultfilm ".

    The main trends of the Russian market of children's information technologies and media:

    informatization, development of monitoring systems, development of cloud solutions;

    robotics, development of children's interfaces for adult things and activities;

    development of Internet television.

    Priority growth of domestic production can be achieved in the segments of animation, content for children's television, the licensed model of economic development of the media segment.

    The market for children's furniture is the 3rd (after games and toys and media) segment in terms of capacity, in which the competitiveness of Russian players is ensured. The total volume of the Russian children's furniture market in 2012 amounted to 991 million rubles, the share of domestic production was 231 million rubles, which corresponds to 23.3 percent.

    The market for children's furniture is specific and differs from the market for cabinet furniture for common use. Before the crisis of 2002 - 2007, the furniture market was one of the most dynamic segments with a high growth rate of 25 percent, which is 5 - 6 percent higher than the figures for the cabinet furniture market as a whole.

    Consumers of children's furniture are not only individuals, but also children's institutions (nurseries, kindergartens), schools, boarding schools, children's sanatoriums, camps and other complexes for children.

    The largest area producing children's furniture in Russia is the Volga Federal District, which occupies 65 percent of the total production. The second largest furniture production area is the Northwestern Federal District (18 percent).

    The largest segments in the children's furniture market are the segments of beds and wardrobes. In the structure of the market for 2011, children's beds accounted for 77.9 percent, wardrobes - 22 percent. In the last 2 years (since 2010) there has been an outpacing growth in the wardrobe segment compared to beds. More than half of all wardrobes for children's things in Russia (61.5 percent) are produced at factories located in the Central Federal District. The second place in terms of production is occupied by the Urals Federal District (14%), and the third - by the Volga Federal District (12.1%).

    The market for children's furniture has its own specifics, which is expressed in the fact that production is focused on frequent change of collections, increased safety requirements are imposed on furniture (to materials, operating conditions), and the consumer is ready for frequent change of furniture. In the segment of inexpensive furniture, collections of manufacturers from Russia, Poland, Turkey and China are mainly represented. Manufacturers from Germany, Italy, as well as Eastern Europe work in the segments of more expensive furniture.

    The children's furniture market is characterized by a change in consumer behavior, today more and more furniture is bought in large furniture hypermarkets or well-known mono-brand retail stores. There is also a significant increase in the share of consumers who make online purchases in online stores and on trading floors on the Internet. The methods of purchase are also changing, more and more often consumers use non-cash payment systems, preferring the speed and comfort of purchasing furniture.

    In Russia, the leader in terms of revenue among manufacturers of children's furniture is the closed joint-stock company Mozhginsky Woodworking People's Enterprise Krasnaya Zvezda (Udmurt Republic). Also significant manufacturing companies for the production of children's furniture are the open joint-stock company Votkinskaya industrial company"(Udmurt Republic), open joint stock company" Woodworking company "Mekran" (Moscow), limited liability company "Arkhangelsk children's furniture workshop" (Arkhangelsk region), limited liability company "Gaudi" and limited liability company "Factory children's furniture "Gnomik" (Moscow), limited liability company "Kubanlesstroy", limited liability company "Omega" (Moscow region), limited liability company "Leskommebel" (Udmurt Republic).

    Currently, manufacturers of children's furniture, like manufacturers of other products for children, do not fully use the benefits of value added tax at a tax rate of 10 percent. One of the reasons is the size restrictions for cots (the size of a bed for them is 1200 x 600 mm), the absence of high chairs and other children's furniture in the list.

    Priority growth in the domestic production of children's furniture can be achieved in the segments of products focused on the system of preschool and school education, the production of special furniture for laboratories, specialist offices (speech therapists, psychologists), sports facilities, in the field of landscaping (parks, recreation areas, children's and yard areas, rooms for mother and child at transport facilities and shopping malls).

    Baby food is an important and significant segment of the children's goods market. According to doctors, the main health potential of the younger generation lies precisely in safe, complete baby food.

    The Russian baby food market is developing very actively. The baby food segment for 2012 occupies 10 percent of the total market. The total volume of the Russian baby food market in 2012 amounted to 63297 million rubles, the share of domestic production amounted to 24017 million rubles, which corresponds to 37.9 percent. The market growth rate is 19 percent and demonstrates good dynamics.

    The growth rate of the infant formula segment in 2012 compared to the same period in 2011 was 19.3 percent. The volume of sales of children's cereals increased accordingly by 17.5 percent. However, even with such impressive growth rates, the Russian market is inferior to the European one, especially in the segment of mixtures and cereals for children. early age(up to 3 years).

    The reason for this state of affairs lies in the insufficient level of awareness of parents about a balanced diet. Russian mothers prematurely switch their children to adult products, while pediatricians recommend feeding the child with baby food up to 3 years and longer. It has been scientifically proven that adult food is less well absorbed by a growing child's body and lacks vitamins and minerals that are vital for a child.

    The structure of the baby food market is represented by such main segments as breast milk substitutes, juices, cereals, purees, tea, cookies.

    The baby food market is a segment in which the share of domestically produced baby food is significant. The structure of domestic production includes both products of domestic brands and products of foreign brands manufactured in Russia. The characteristics of the production of baby food in Russia in 2012 (according to Rosstat) are given in Appendix No. 11.

    The main sales channel for baby food are super- and hypermarkets, which accounted for more than 50 percent of sales in 2012.

    The main turnover is made up of breast milk substitutes, ready-made baby puree and instant baby cereals.

    The region with the highest level of baby food consumption is Moscow (45 percent of the total baby food turnover in 2012).

    Usefulness for the child, release date and expiration date, composition and environmental safety of the product are the main factors in choosing baby food.

    Among consumers, there is a positive attitude towards domestically produced products. According to experts, 78.2 percent of Russians trust the quality of domestic products.

    The main buyers of baby food in the market are adults (parents), 62 percent are women and 38 percent are men, when buying baby food for teenagers, the share of buyers-children increases to 21 percent. The baby food market is a market with a high share of Russian brands, despite the presence of global players. In dynamics, the positions of Russian brands are strengthening.

    The main trends in the Russian baby food market are the growth in the consumption of baby food and the growth in supply for consumers.

    The market is characterized by the highest share of localization of production in Russia by foreign manufacturers.

    Open Joint Stock Company "Wimm-Bill-Dann Foods" and Open Joint-Stock Company "Lebedyansky" (included in the group of companies "PepsiCo"), food group Gardens Pridonya, Limited Liability Company Trading House SLASHCHEVA, Limited Liability Company First Baby Food Plant, Open Joint Stock Company PROGRESS are Russia's leaders among baby food manufacturers.

    Priority growth in the domestic production of baby food can be achieved in the segment of products focused on the education system ( school meals), medical and healthy nutrition, nutrition for children of the first years of life.

    To increase the competitiveness of domestic producers, it is necessary to develop a set of measures aimed at modernizing production and promoting products.

    To promote innovative Russian goods for children, it is necessary to organize a single demonstration site.

    The creation and use of national cultural images, as well as specialized design studios, must be made systematic measures that increase the innovative potential of Russian manufacturers.

    It is necessary to stimulate the development of joint programs of Russian high-tech companies and enterprises in the children's goods industry for the production and promotion of high-tech goods through gaming products.

    State demand can be met by equipping state and municipal institutions for kids.

    11. State of specialty retail

    In terms of the structure of traditional distribution channels, the Russian market does not differ from the global market for children's goods. A significant share in the sales structure belongs to specialized stores.

    It should be noted that the share of market trade is large, in cities with a population of over 100 thousand people it reaches 20 percent, and in some cities and towns it reaches 50 percent, which is significantly ahead of the same indicator in European countries. According to expert data from the Association of the Children's Goods Industry, the share of unorganized retail in France is 3 percent, in Germany - 4 percent. In the future, the share of unorganized retail in the sales structure will fall.

    The share of children's goods in pharmacy organizations, which is associated with low mobility of parents in the first years of a child's life and trust in medical sales channels. But the development of the sale of children's goods in pharmacies is constrained by the specifics of the list of medical products allowed for sale in pharmacy organizations. This list does not contain a clear wording regarding children's products.

    Retail franchising and online trading are currently developing actively.

    A potential area for the development of online commerce is the development of regional markets. The main task is to remove those who are unable to offer the consumer quality goods and services, as well as the need to promote the development of transport infrastructure and increase the availability of the Internet.

    Children's products are among the 5 best-selling product categories. In the overall structure of online commerce, goods for children show a significant increase - from 11.3 billion rubles in 2011 to 23.8 billion rubles in 2012. The structure of sales of children's goods through the Internet is dominated by children's clothing (19.5 percent), toys (14.5 percent), diapers (10.4 percent), educational games (9.6 percent), children's shoes (7. 9 percent), baby food (7.7 percent). Children's books, strollers, furniture and children's cosmetics account for 3.7 to 4.7 percent.

    The most developed regions of the Russian market of online trade in children's goods remain Moscow and the Moscow Region, accounting for 33.6 percent of the market in value terms.

    The city of St. Petersburg accounts for a share of 9.2 percent, for million-plus cities in general - 14.4 percent. In the category of Russians with an income above the average, Internet users account for 84 percent. This percentage is significantly lower among citizens with an average income (60 percent), and very low among citizens with an income below the average (29 percent).

    The prospects of online trading are dictated by the increase in the audience of Internet users, the growing confidence in this sales channel, and the growth of investment activity in the industry. At the same time, there are factors hindering the growth of the e-commerce market for children's goods in Russia. These are logistical problems, especially in regions characterized by a low quality of postal services, underdeveloped banking and payment systems, and a lack of qualified marketing and logistics specialists. Delivery problems have not been resolved in the regions, there are serious problems with storage facilities. The relatively long period of return on investment should also be attributed to negative factors.

    If we consider children's specialized networks from the point of view of the consumer, then the most attractive places to buy children's goods are Detsky Mir, Daughters and Sons, Children, Begemot, Korablik. The group of companies "Children's World" is the leader in terms of the number of outlets, volume of retail space and turnover among multi-category specialized children's stores. Currently, it consists of 198 format super- and hypermarkets in 98 cities of Russia and Kazakhstan. The total area of ​​retail facilities of the network is over 360 thousand square meters. m. The revenue of the group of companies "Children's World" in 2012 exceeded 27.75 billion rubles.

    The list of major players in the "Specialized Stores" segment (according to the Association of Children's Goods Industry Enterprises) is given in Appendix No. 12.

    Thus, for the development of specialized retail trade, it is necessary to ensure the replication of the best practices in providing families with children with children's goods, including the dissemination of the experience of St. Petersburg in granting the right to certain categories of families to purchase exclusively goods for children and baby food at fixed prices.

    It is also necessary to optimize the range of children's products sold in pharmacies, which will increase the availability of goods for young families with limited mobility.

    VII. Systemic problems of the Russian children's goods industry

    In Russia, there are practically no enterprises with a full production cycle. There is a weak domestic raw material base and the high cost of imported consumables. Many enterprises organize the production of their products outside the Russian Federation, mainly in the countries of Central and East Asia, where all the necessary infrastructure has been created and adjacent markets are well developed, thus, even for small firm it is possible to organize the production of a wide range of products in the maximum short time in the required quality and volume.

    The monitoring carried out by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation showed that the annual renewal of technological equipment in the industry does not exceed 3-4 percent, and the coefficient of renewal of fixed assets is 4 times lower than the minimum required. These results indicate that in the structure of the machine park, the share of technological equipment with high physical and moral wear and tear (with a service life of more than 20 years) is about 80 percent. The share of production capacities that do not meet modern technical requirements exceeds 45 percent. The situation is exacerbated by the low share of innovation development: in the industry, less than 3 percent of the total number of enterprises master innovative developments and effective technological solutions.

    An analysis of the current state of enterprises in the children's goods industry showed that, despite positive development trends, problems remain that negatively affect economic growth and financial stability.

    The main systemic problems that need to be addressed as soon as possible are the following:

    underdeveloped production infrastructure (including technology and equipment) and the innovative component of the industry.

    Every year, market leaders spend 3 to 5 percent of their sales on R&D for toys, the industry's second largest product group. In Russia, this figure is below 1 percent;

    the presence on the Russian market of a large number of counterfeit and illegally manufactured products. One of the key links in the growth of the Russian production of children's goods can be specialized children's stores, which, having studied consumer preferences and development trends, form orders for the production of a particular type of product. The assessment showed that at present the system of control over the safety and quality of products for children does not allow for an adequate level of control over products circulating on the market. Consumers of products and conscientious producers suffer the most from the current situation. The volume of the illegal market is 30 percent;

    poor development of existing promotion (marketing) mechanisms Russian products(images, goods, services) both to Russian and foreign markets. For this purpose, such forms of work as participation in exhibitions, the use of social advertising, assistance in patenting and more can be used. Every year, market leaders spend 8-10 percent of sales on product promotion. In Russia, this figure is less than 3 percent;

    a personnel problem, which consists in a shortage of specialists with specific knowledge for the development, production and marketing of children's goods. Approaches to the development of public educational and professional standards in the children's goods industry have not been specified for more than 30 years;

    Imperfection of the regulatory legal framework of the industry. Currently, there are no definitions in the industry for the basic concepts of "children's goods industry", "Russian manufacturer of children's goods", "developing object-spatial environment for children", there is no distribution of powers of federal executive bodies to develop and implement state policy in the industry.

    VIII. Main measures for the implementation of the Strategy

    In order to solve the systemic problems of the children's goods industry, an action plan has been developed, which defines a set of measures that will help achieve the goals and implement the objectives of the Strategy. In order to synchronize the action plan and strategic documents of the Russian Federation in the areas of industry, education, healthcare, culture and the social sphere, annual monitoring of the implementation of the Strategy is provided. After the 1st stage of the implementation of the Strategy, it is necessary to develop an action plan for 2016-2020.

    In order to implement the task of creating conditions for increasing the share of Russian goods for children on the market, the following activities will be implemented:

    creation of industrial policy mechanisms in the industry;

    creation of conditions for stimulating demand for Russian-made goods;

    Development of staffing for the children's goods industry.

    The target indicators for the implementation of this task are the share of Russian goods for children on the market and the share of specialists who have undergone advanced training and internships in leading research and educational centers and the best enterprises children's goods industry in Russia and abroad.

    In order to implement the task of developing the innovative and export potential of Russian manufacturers of children's goods, the following activities will be implemented:

    creation of export support mechanisms;

    Development of the innovative potential of Russian manufacturers and overcoming design barriers.

    The target indicators for the implementation of this task are the share of innovative goods, works and services in the total volume of exports of goods, works and services of organizations in the children's goods industry and the number of domestic patents filed in Russia and abroad.

    The task of increasing the availability, safety and quality of goods for children will be implemented.

    The target indicators for the implementation of this task are to reduce the cost of children's goods by at least 15 percent by reducing administrative costs and increasing competition, increasing the share of Russian production and the share of non-store forms of trade.

    In addition, measures are envisaged to form a system for managing the children's goods industry and its financial support, as well as measures to provide methodological support for the implementation of the Strategy.

    IX. Prospects for the development of the children's goods industry for the period up to 2020

    In the medium term, the development of the children's goods industry in Russia will be determined by the following main trends:

    Exhaustion of existing technological reserves with an increase in the need to activate the innovation and investment component of growth;

    an increase in the shortage of skilled workers and engineers;

    the presence of a significant proportion of counterfeit and illegally manufactured products;

    Increasing competition in both domestic and foreign markets.

    Given these factors, the main options for the development of the children's goods industry in the Russian Federation will be determined by the influence of the following key factors:

    the intensity of technological renewal of manufacturing industries and the dynamics of labor productivity;

    intensity of innovative developments and bringing them to the market;

    intensity of development human resources, including an increase in the number of interdisciplinary specialists;

    Improvement of technical regulation, standardization and conformity assessment;

    integration logistics processes by reducing the intermediary chain;

    active use of mechanisms for promoting Russian products;

    creation of conditions for the development of civilized forms of specialized retail trade and stimulation of demand for Russian-made goods.

    Depending on the degree of influence of these factors, inertial and moderately optimistic scenarios for the development of the industry in the medium term are distinguished.

    The inertial scenario is based on the indicators of the 1st option for the development of the Russian economy until 2030, calculated in the forecast of long-term socio-economic development for the period up to 2030 by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. This scenario is characterized by partial modernization of the social sphere and partial implementation of social development goals by 2018, increased income differentiation and low availability of social services, dominance of the raw materials sector, and growth in imports of goods and technologies.

    If the inertial scenario is implemented, there will be a sharp drop in production volumes, tax revenues, and a reduction in the number of industry employees. At the same time, the economy foreign countries will be successfully developed due to the investments of Russian consumers (when buying imported products) in the development of production of goods abroad. System projects will not be implemented in the industry, which will lead to a further decrease in the technological competitiveness of production. State support measures will not be implemented. There will be a possibility that by 2020 the Russian children's goods industry will become a completely uncompetitive sub-sector of the economy.

    The moderately optimistic scenario is based on the indicators of the 2nd option for the development of the Russian economy until 2030, calculated in the forecast of long-term socio-economic development for the period up to 2030 by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. This scenario is characterized by a large-scale modernization of the social sphere at the federal and regional levels, a decrease in income differentiation, an increase in labor productivity by 1.4 times by 2018 and 2.3 times by 2030, diversification of the economy and exports, an increase in the share of high-tech industries and further development knowledge economy. The implementation of a moderately optimistic scenario will allow reaching the industry development targets by 2020. This will be done by developing the human resources potential of the industry, increasing the innovative, investment and export attractiveness of the industry. This scenario provides for targeted measures of state support for the industry, measures to attract investment for technical re-equipment and the implementation of high-tech projects. This will ensure the development and implementation of new technologies and increase the availability of goods for children and families with children.

    Under the moderately optimistic scenario, the share of Russian goods for children on the market will be 45 percent. The cost of children's goods will be reduced by reducing administrative costs by 15 percent.

    Target indicators and indicators of the Strategy are given in Appendix No. 13.

    X. Main stages and terms of implementation of the Strategy

    The implementation of the Strategy will take place in 3 stages.

    As part of the 1st stage (2013 - 2015), it is planned to improve the regulatory legal framework, the system of state control (supervision) over compliance with mandatory requirements for the circulation of children's goods on the market. It is planned to create an innovation-industrial cluster and a technological platform for the implementation of developments in the children's goods industry on the basis of scientific and industrial cooperation.

    As part of the 2nd stage (2016-2018), conditions will be created to increase investment demand by modernizing the technological base and increasing the production capacity of Russian manufacturers. It is supposed to change the structure of exports at the expense of high-tech products and introduce professional standards.

    As part of the 3rd stage (2019-2020), it is necessary to complete the formation of infrastructural transformations in the children's goods industry and implement industry-wide investment projects.

    XI. Conditions for ensuring the implementation of the Strategy

    The mechanism for solving problems and implementing the activities of the Strategy is complex, systemic and strategic in nature and covers all types of activities in the children's goods industry.

    The development of the Strategy was carried out by the method of program-targeted planning, the choice of which is determined by the solution of industry problems, systemic methods, ensuring the feasibility of the measures of the Strategy, the absence of duplication in their solution and the combination of economic and administrative levers of management.

    The action plan is a tool and a way to achieve the set goals and objectives.

    The volume and structure of financing will be determined in the state program of the Russian Federation "Industrial Development and Increasing its Competitiveness".

    XII. Monitoring mechanism and control over the implementation of the Strategy

    The general principle of monitoring and control over the implementation of the Strategy is to ensure the methodological and informational unity of approaches to conducting all organizational measures for the implementation of the Strategy.

    The mechanism for implementing the Strategy is based on the implementation of measures in the field of organizational, innovative and investment development of the children's goods industry provided for in the Strategy, as well as measures provided for by state, departmental targeted and regional programs.

    The implementation of the Strategy will be monitored through a comprehensive economic analysis using the method project management, other methods and techniques aimed at obtaining an accurate and reliable assessment of the progress of the implementation of the Strategy, the compliance of the results of its implementation with the established criteria, target indicators and deadlines provided for by the action plan. To ensure the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of the children's goods industry, it is necessary to vest the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation with appropriate powers.

    In the course of monitoring, a systematic analysis of the process of implementing the Strategy will be carried out to assess the effectiveness of the measures being implemented and adjust the strategic guidelines.

    The results of monitoring the Strategy will be reflected in the annual report on the implementation of the Strategy. The monitoring data will form the basis of the section on the industry of children's goods and services and on the socio-economic indicators of the industry in the field of childhood. This section will be included in the state report on the situation of children and families with children in the Russian Federation.

    In order to monitor the Strategy, the system of statistical observation regarding the industry of children's goods and services will be adjusted.

    To control the implementation of the Strategy, an interdepartmental working group, the task of which will be to conduct expert reviews of the progress of implementation individual events Strategies. Based on the results of inspections, proposals will be submitted to the Government of the Russian Federation on the expediency of continuing work and their adjustment.