mechanistic type of organization. Mechanical organizational structures of management Mechanistic organizational structures are more appropriate in conditions

Mechanistic organization- the composition of the links of management and otd slave in their subordination and interrelationships. In the orgstr-re, the manager singled out links and steps.

The mechanistic model includes such types of organizational structures as linear, linear-staff, functional, divisional structures. Linear structure management has only a vertical connection between the element and is built on the principle of hierarchy. At the head of a link at any level is a leader, who carries out all the functions of control and subordination to a higher head. That. in the apparatus of management created a hierarchical ladder of subordination and is responsible for the implementation of the administration. and control function. In the lines of lin type, the principle of responsibility of each leader is implemented to the maximum extent. Such a management organization will ensure unity and rule out duplication of authority and inconsistency of orders. Each subordinate has only one beginning. Lin str-ra has two different: flat and multilevel. Lin str-ry is typical for small organizations. The disadvantages of this type of structure include what they require from the manager of the university. In addition, the main manager's time is spent on resolving operational tasks. The essence of the function of the building is that the execution of functions on specific issues is assigned to a specialist of one profile, which is combined into a subsection structure and takes a decision, is obligatory for the production subsection. Creation of prerequisites for competently resolving conk problems, providing great opportunities for the prospect of resolving. Not observing the principle of unity of command, which can lead to duplication and conflicting teams, create conditions for deviation from work and disproportionate loading of the subsection. Disadvantage: in one production subsection or to one, the command will be executed from many functional services. There was a problem of mutual consent of these teams, lower responsibility will fulfill their obligations due to depersonalization. The lin-function of the page combines the advantages of the first two lines. Lean bodies will decide and implement the control of the air, and the function of the manager will provide the solution of special issues. The principle of unity of command operates more strongly, the condition for contradictory orders is eliminated, the level of competencies in resolving specific tasks is higher, the responsibility and function of the leader for the result of his work and the work of subordinates is higher. Lin-headquarters building: functionary bodies are under the control of lin leadership. Their order is given to the production subsection only after agreeing with them that the method is more competent and quick to resolve issues. The management organization provides for the creation of a specialized complex function subsection - headquarters, subordinates of the leader. The headquarters is not entitled to take decisions. He vyp f-tsii sovet the body preparing drafts of the decision. Disadvantage: the larger the production and the branched apparatus of the management, the more difficult it is to coordinate the work of the line manager. Also in the page there are no strong links between the functions of the services, as a result of which there is a poor interaction and parallelism in work.

Building division: division of enterprises according to 3 criteria - product, demand and region. The subsection acts as a self-employed enterprise and subordinates only to the center of the governing body. The choice of a specific type of division building depends on which factor is especially important for the enterprise - product, purchase or region. With this construction, the manager of the production department is obliged to conduct the preparation of production, the rational organization of labor with the optimal use of raw materials, materials and energy resources and the exercise of control over the work of subordinates. Responsible assigned to the production department. Given the ways to develop the enterprise, increase self-sufficiency and the degree of their responsibility, create good conditions for the preparation of top managers. Do not rule out a duplicate in the work of the subsection, do not provide enough communication between specialists from various departments and do not allow the exercise of control by the center of the control body.

organicorganizational structures controls are simpler, have a wide information network, and are less formalized. Management in organic structures is decentralized.

In contrast to the mechanical structure, the organic one is a more flexible, adaptive form of management. It is characterized by a small number of levels of management, higher independence in making management decisions at the lower levels of management, partnerships between managers.

When it becomes necessary to develop large projects that require large material and human resources, special management structures are often created to manage them, called project structures.

It provides for the provision of centralized management of the entire progress of work on each major project and the revitalization of the activities of functional units.

A coordination group is created to carry out the project. The group is led by a coordinator. The specialists allocated to the coordination group continue to work in their functional units, meeting periodically to exchange information.

Question 3. Mechanistic organizational structures, characteristics, types.

The organizational structure of management is one of the key concepts of management, closely related to the goals, functions, management process, the work of managers and the distribution of powers between them. Within the framework of this structure, the entire management process takes place (the movement of information flows and the adoption of managerial decisions), in which managers of all levels, categories and professional specializations participate. The structure can be compared to the frame of the management system building, built to ensure that all processes occurring in it are carried out in a timely manner and with high quality.

Under the organizational structure of management, it is necessary to understand the totality of management links located in strict subordination and providing the relationship between the management and managed systems.

In modern management theory, two types of organization management are distinguished: a mechanistic model and an organic model. They are built on fundamentally different foundations and have specific features that make it possible to identify areas of their rational use and prospects for further development.

The mechanistic model includes such types of organizational structures as linear, linear-staff, functional, divisional structures.

The mechanistic model provides a high level of efficiency due to the following structural characteristics:

1. High complexity, since the emphasis is on the specialization of work;

2. High centralization, as the emphasis is on authority and responsibility;

3. A high degree of formalization, since functions are singled out as the basis of management.

These organizational characteristics and deliverables form the basis of a widely used organizational model.

There are the following organizational management structures:


Multiline (functional);

Linear headquarters.

The linear organizational structure of management is one of the simplest organizational structures of management. It is characterized by the fact that at the head of each structural unit there is a single leader, endowed with all powers and exercising sole leadership of subordinate employees and concentrating all management functions in his hands.

With linear management, each link and each subordinate has one leader, through whom all control commands pass through one single channel. In this case, management links are responsible for the results of all activities of managed objects. We are talking about the allocation of object managers, each of which performs all types of work, develops and makes decisions related to the management of this object.

Since in a linear management structure decisions are passed along the “top-down” chain, and the head of the lower level of management is subordinate to the head of a higher level above him, a kind of hierarchy of leaders of this particular organization is formed. In this case, the principle of unity of command applies, the essence of which is that subordinates carry out the orders of only one leader. A higher management body does not have the right to give orders to any performers, bypassing their immediate superior.

In a linear structure, the organization's management system is assembled according to the production line, taking into account the degree of concentration of production, technological features, the range of products, etc.

The linear management structure is logically more harmonious and formally defined, but at the same time less flexible. Each of the leaders has full power, but relatively little ability to solve functional problems that require narrow, specialized knowledge.

Multi-line (functional) organizational structure of organization management. Functional management is carried out by a certain set of units specialized in the performance of specific types of work necessary for decision-making in the linear management system.

The performance of individual functions on specific issues is assigned to specialists, that is, each governing body (or performer) is specialized in the performance of certain types of activities.

In an organization, as a rule, specialists of the same profile are combined into specialized structural units (departments), for example, a marketing department, a planning department, accounting, etc. Thus, the overall task of managing the organization is divided, starting from the middle level according to the functional criterion.

Functional management exists along with linear management, which creates double subordination for performers.

Instead of universal managers who have to understand and perform all management functions, there is a staff of specialists with high competence in their field and responsible for a certain direction. Such functional specialization of the management apparatus significantly increases the effectiveness of the organization.

Linear-staff organizational structure of management. With such a management structure, the full power is assumed by the line manager, who heads a certain team. In developing specific issues and preparing appropriate decisions, programs, plans, he is assisted by a special apparatus consisting of functional units (departments, departments, bureaus, etc.).

In this case, the functional structures of the departments are subordinate to the chief line manager. They carry out their decisions either through the chief executive officer or (within their authority) directly through the respective heads of executive services.

Thus, the line-staff structure includes special functional units (headquarters) with line managers that help them perform the tasks of the organization.

Organizations with a mechanical structure, designed to function in a stable environment, constantly select the most effective procedures and methods of work that have worked well in the past. These procedures and methods become something eternal and especially valuable, it is extremely difficult to change anything in them. This is the rationality of mechanical structures. Starting to solve a problem, employees, as a rule, have a clear algorithm for considering the problem. It remains only to substitute specific data into it. So if the tasks don't change and the algorithm works flawlessly, the mechanical structure always saves a lot of extra effort. In their pure form, these structures are rarely used; mixed structures are more often used.

List of used literature.

  1. Meskon M. H., Albert M., Hedouri F. Fundamentals of management. -M.: Delo, 1992.
  1. Rumyantseva Z.P., Solomatin N.A., Akberdin R.Z. etc. Organization management. Textbook - M.: INFRA-M, 1997.
  1. Rusak N.A., Strazhev V.I., Migun O.F. et al. Analysis economic activity in industry: Textbook / Ed. ed. IN AND. Strazhev. - Minsk: graduate School, 1998.

Linear control structure.

In a linear management structure, each manager provides leadership to subordinate units in all activities.

The advantages of such a structure are simplicity, efficiency, and ultimate unity of command.

The main drawback is high requirements to the qualifications of leaders.

Functional management structure.

Functional organizational structure - the relationship of administrative management with functional management.

Tasks are distributed according to professional qualification. People of one specialty are concentrated in departments headed by department heads.

Typically, a company with such an organizational structure has departments of marketing, sales, development (in modern terms - innovative), production and purchasing departments.

Its management apparatus consists of financial, administrative, human resources and public relations departments.

Sometimes an independent design department can be allocated, which, like the development department, can be research.

Within the departments, further division of responsibilities is possible: in accordance with a more sub-specialization, product-market combination (PMC) or regional activities. With regard to the latter option, the sales department, for example, in this case breaks up into national sales companies. The sales department can be divided in accordance with the GRP if the company has divisions that produce products for both a wide range of consumers and designed for a small circle of consumers.

A functional organization has the following advantages:

  • -can achieve a high level of specialization;
  • - you can manage and exercise control over each type of activity;
  • - it is relatively easier to optimize the staff of functional departments;
  • Relatively easy to innovate.

But there are also disadvantages:

  • - relatively difficult to coordinate various kinds activities necessary for the implementation of a common product or regional policy; moreover, such coordination requires a lot of time; - it is rather difficult to carry out changes in the production process or in the product itself than changes within functional departments;
  • - the ratio between the quality of the function and profit cannot be determined unambiguously;
  • - there may be differences of opinion officials, both in terms of responsibilities and in terms of product and regional policy. In principle, managers' careers are related to their work in functional organizations, so they lack general management experience, which is especially evident when they are invited to higher positions.

Linear-functional management structure.

Linear-functional structure - step-hierarchical. In this case, line managers are single bosses, and they are assisted by functional bodies. The line managers of the lower levels are not administratively subordinate to the functional heads of the higher levels of management.

Sometimes such a system is called a staff system, since the functional managers of the appropriate level make up the headquarters of the line manager.

The linear-functional management structure is characterized by:

  • - high centralization of strategic decisions and decentralization of operational ones;
  • -organization of directive communications according to the one-line principle;
  • - the predominant use of coordination tools with technical support.

Generally speaking, headquarters should advise and participate in the preparation of decisions, but not give specific directives. However, due to their professional competence, their employees often have a strong informal influence on line managers. If they perform only an advisory function, then there is a risk that their work has little effect on the course of production processes.

The structure has the following advantages:

  • - provides high professional specialization of employees; - allows you to determine exactly where decisions are made, and necessary resources;
  • -promotes standardization, formalization and programming of management processes.


  • - the formation of goals specific to functional units makes it difficult to harmonize them horizontally;
  • - the structure is inertial and hardly reacts to changes.

Divisional management structure.

Divisional - a structure in which divisions (branches) are distinguished either by area of ​​activity or geographically.

Divisional management structures focus on products, technologies, sales markets, regions. This provides:

  • -relatively greater independence of the heads of divisions;
  • -organization of directive communications according to the linear principle;
  • -relatively powerful use of the coordination tool with technical support;
  • -quick response to market changes;
  • - release of top managers of the company from the need to make operational and routine decisions;
  • - decrease in the number conflict situations due to the homogeneity of goals in the division.

The disadvantages of this structure include:

  • -relatively high costs of coordinating decisions due to decentralization up to separate funding from the budget for determining settlement prices;
  • - with decentralization, the advantages of cooperation are lost, which often requires the centralization of the performance of individual functions (R&D, supply, etc.).

Mechanistic control structures also called bureaucratic or rigid organizational structures, they have a rigid hierarchy in the form of a management pyramid. They got this name for their resemblance to mechanisms that must work according to a certain scheme without any deviations.

All organizational structures of this type are centralized. Unlike mechanistic, decentralized structures or are adaptive structures that are characterized by greater flexibility.

In a separate article,

Traditional mechanistic control structures

The linear management structure is historically the first and simplest type of structure.

The head performs all management functions, which is built on the basis of the production structure of the enterprise and extends to the management of the organization according to the scheme: head - director of the direction - workshop / section / department - performers. At the same time, the division is headed by a line manager: the head of a workshop, department, section, foreman, etc. The development of the bureaucratic structure is manifested in the emergence of leaders of small units within departments as the organization grows.

Mechanistic control structures linear type are used small organizations with homogeneous products and/or simple technology.

Linear-functional structure - based on a combination of linear and functional relationships in the organization.

This type of organizational management structure has proven itself in practice and is a typical form of management that is typical for large organizations with a complex technological process. This mechanistic structure is characterized by maximum management efficiency under relatively stable conditions for the development of the organization and the ability to withstand fairly significant external shocks.

Linear-headquarters management structures - includes headquarters units specially created under line managers.

Headquarters facilitate the work of line managers by performing individual management functions, most often planning and control. Widespread allocation in the control structure of a service financial control and planning department. It should be noted that mechanical structure of this type does not delegate decision-making rights to the headquarters unit, and they are managed directly by line managers. Staff units can report both to the head and be created to help line managers.

Divisional mechanistic management structures

Changes in approaches to the organization and functioning of mechanistic management structures are due to the growth of the enterprise, the diversification of economic activities, the complication technological processes, changing business conditions. When traditional mechanistic structures cannot provide the necessary controllability of processes in the organization, management can resort to the use of divisional management structures.

Divisional mechanistic management structures are based on the principle of decentralization based on division by products, consumers and regions.

In general, divisional structures are the result of the evolution of traditional mechanistic structures, taking into account the growth of enterprises, with each new center becomes a smaller copy of the main control structure. This approach allows to provide the necessary efficiency of management in the conditions of decentralized distribution of the organization.

It should be noted that the key role in the management of organizations with a divisional mechanistic structure is shifting from the heads of functional and/or linear units to the heads of divisions.

The divisional product management structure is formed as a result of division on the basis of production, this principle is typical for large manufacturers with a wide range of products.

The main principle is the selection of goods or groups of goods on any basis and the creation of separate areas, each of which has a production, marketing, sales service, etc.

A consumer-oriented divisional organizational structure is formed as a result of division on a marketing basis, while the organization must have a fairly pronounced range of goods or services intended for different categories of consumers.

Mechanistic divisional customer-oriented management structures are typical for the non-production sector: educational institutions, banks, trading companies. For example, in a university, the broadest divisional structure is the faculties: the Faculty of Economics and Management, the Faculty of Finance and Accounting, etc. The bank will be divided into two divisions: for working with legal entities and work with individuals.

The divisional territorial management structure is formed as a result of division on a geographical basis, this principle is typical for large enterprises with a wide geography of presence.

Mechanistic divisional territorial management structures are created as a result of the development of the enterprise, the spread of its activities in other regions, both in one country and abroad. Key Feature is the consideration of regional specifics and the transfer of relative independence to the territorial offices in decision-making on a significant list of issues.

The following aspect should be noted: although the divisional product and territorial management structure are similar in structure, however, in the territorial structure, a single decision-making center loses more management functions.

In practice, divisional mechanistic management structures differ from traditional ones only in the loss of a single decision-making center.

Mechanistic control structures

Linear management structure.

The essence of the linear (hierarchical) management structure is that the control actions on the object can be transferred only by one dominant person - the leader, who receives official information only from his directly subordinate persons, makes decisions on all issues related to the part of the object managed by him and is responsible for its work to a higher manager (Fig. 16.2.).

Linear management structure

This type of organizational management structure is used in the conditions of functioning of small enterprises with simple production in the absence of extensive cooperative ties with suppliers, consumers, scientific and design organizations etc. Today, such a structure is used in the management system production sites, separate small workshops, as well as small firms one native and uncomplicated technology.

The advantages of the linear structure are due to the ease of use. All duties and powers are clearly distributed here, and in this regard, conditions are created for operational process decision-making, to maintain the extremely important discipline in the team.

Among the shortcomings of the linear construction of the organization, rigidity, inflexibility, unsuitability for further growth and development of the enterprise are usually noted. The linear structure is aimed at a large amount of information transmitted from one level of management to another, limiting the initiative of workers at lower levels of management. It makes high demands on the qualifications of managers and their competence in all matters of production and management of subordinates.

The increase in the scale of production and its complexity is accompanied by a deepening division of labor, differentiation of the functions of activity production system. At the same time, the growth in the volume of work on management is accompanied by a deepening of the functional division of managerial labor, the separation and specialization of management units. This creates a functional type of control structure.

Functional management structure

The functional structure has developed as an inevitable result of the complexity of the management process. The peculiarity of the functional structure is, in fact, that although unity of command is preserved, special units are formed for individual management functions, whose employees have knowledge and skills in this area of ​​management.

In principle, the creation of a functional structure comes down to grouping personnel according to the broad tasks that they perform. Specific characteristics and features of the activities of a particular unit (block) correspond to the most important areas of activity of the entire enterprise.

Traditional functional blocks of the enterprise - ϶ᴛᴏ departments of production, marketing, finance. These are the broad areas of activity, or functions, that each enterprise has to ensure that its goals are achieved.

Functional management structure

If the size of the entire organization or a given department is large, then the main functional departments can, in turn, be subdivided into smaller functional units. Οʜᴎ are called secondary, or derivatives. The main idea here is to maximize the benefits of specialization and not allow leadership to be overloaded. At the same time, it is extremely important to exercise some caution so that such a department (or division) does not put its own goals above the general goals of the whole enterprise.

In practice, it is usually used linear-functional structure (staff).

The linear-functional structure is a stepped hierarchical structure (Fig. 16.4.). Under it, line managers are single bosses, and they are assisted by functional bodies. The line managers of the lower levels are not administratively subordinate to the functional heads of the higher levels of management.

The linear-functional system provides, starting from the second level of the hierarchy, the division of the control task "by functions". Staffs can be created in the central and other government bodies, forming a staff hierarchy.

Sometimes such a system is called a headquarters system, since the functional managers of the appropriate level make up the headquarters of the line manager.

Linear-functional management structure.

This management structure is characterized by:

High centralization of strategic decisions and decentralization of operational,

Organization of directive relations on a one-line principle,

The predominant use of coordination tools with technical support.

In theory, the headquarters should give consultations and participate in the preparation of decisions, but not give specific directives. At the same time, due to their professional competence, their employees often have a strong informal influence on line managers. If they perform only an advisory function, then there is a risk that their work has little effect on the course of production processes.

The structure has the following advantages:

Provides high professional specialization of employees,

Allows you to accurately determine the places of decision-making and the necessary resources (personnel),

Promotes standardization, formalization and programming of management processes.


Establishing unit-specific goals makes it difficult to align horizontally,

The structure is rigid and difficult to respond to change.

Mechanistic control structures - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Mechanistic control structures" 2017, 2018.