Job description of the methodologist of the personnel department. Functional and official duties of a methodologist. What does a methodologist do? Job description methodologist. On the duties of a methodologist add. education

Many have heard that there is such a position in any educational institution as a methodologist. But since methodologists do not directly contact either students or their parents, many simply do not understand what is the responsibility of this person?

Someone who helps the system work

A methodologist is a specialist whose duties include constant and consistent control over the organization of the work of the institution in which he is employed, as well as maintaining all necessary documentation holding various events. talking in simple terms, a methodologist is not just a cog in a large system of any institution, it is a key that ensures the smooth operation of the entire system.

Without a methodologist, it is difficult to imagine any kindergarten, school or university, because the duties of educators and teachers do not include establishing the most ideal work schedule for each of them or finding a solution if suddenly someone cannot go to work - this is done by the methodologist, thanks to to him the fragile organizational links are never interrupted.

Where can you find a Methodist?

The erroneous opinion that methodologists work only in educational institutions, because, for example, large travel agencies also have their own methodologists, it’s just that their duties will include organizing the provision of services potential consumers, as well as informing management and executives about changes in the market for such services. That is, the methodologist directly depends on the specifics of the work of the institution in which he works. That is why employers who are looking for a suitable candidate for the position of a methodologist prefer people with work experience, because young professionals need time to learn the intricacies of a particular

But, on the other hand, it is much easier for a young specialist to study the specifics of the organization’s activities, besides, for him, working with a computer and information systems is a common thing, and they greatly simplify the activity, but for methodologists with experience, studying software can become a problem.


Job description methodologist says that only a person with a higher education of this profile can apply for such a vacancy. There are, of course, courses that also promise to make a good methodologist out of any person, but, as practice shows, courses alone are not the level of education at which you can count on a well-paid position.

It is much easier to take the place of a methodologist if, in addition to special education, the candidate also has a related one, which is directly related to the activities of the organization where he submits his resume.

Personal characteristics that a methodologist should have

The duty of the methodologist implies constant monitoring of the organization of the activities of the entire system of the institution and each individual person. That is enough hard work for which not every person is suitable. There are a number of requirements, compliance with which is a sign that a person will be a good and reliable methodologist:

What else should a methodologist know?

The modern job description of a methodologist also implies that he must own a computer at the level of an experienced user. After all, this greatly simplifies the control over the schedule of the “wards” of his employees.

The methodologist's job description also clarifies that a true professional should not only have information about legislative framework, which regulates the activities of his organization, but also to operate it.

Studying the most modern techniques teaching and teaching aids- this is a direct path to the maximum improvement of their skills as a methodologist.

Career prospects

It is clear that no one wants to stay in one position for a long time. Is there any career those people who take the place of a methodologist? The answer is simple - there is, only it is not possible in all institutions where methodologists work. In large institutions, good methodologists very soon become heads of departments; for example, a methodologist in kindergarten. But in a travel agency, people with a higher, more often economic, education become leaders, because one cannot do without understanding the principles of the economy and the market.

Top Methodists - Women

Although there is not a single document in which it would be spelled out in black and white that it is worth hiring representatives of the beautiful half of humanity as a methodologist, statistics nevertheless confidently asserts that the average man copes with such duties worse than a methodist woman. What such a specialist does, we have already sorted out, and already by the duties it is clear that they are more suitable for a woman.

A little about activities that are not related to control and organization

Many modern young people are attracted to such a position. In the era of computerization, most control steps can be automated. Thus, reducing the time spent on routine organization due to minor changes. But the opportunity to organize celebrations and events is already an interesting activity that is suitable for creative individuals. The duty of the methodologist also implies that he must deal with information work, that is, to popularize the institution in which he works, which can also be considered quite an interesting activity. A good methodologist should be an assiduous dreamer - two opposites in one bottle.

The functions of the methodologist in each individual institution will be explained specifically during the interview. After all, the specifics of the activity can be completely different, even the experience of working as a methodologist in a kindergarten can be absolutely useless if you try to get a job at the same position at a university, for example.

So you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to immerse yourself in the study of a mass of new information, rules, laws and regulations, so that the effectiveness of your activities is as high as possible, this provides official duty methodologist in any institution.

And a few words about payment ...

Methodist is not a profession where you can, as they say, earn your first million. But this is a great option for those people who are satisfied with a quiet, comfortable place to work and confidence in the future. Average wage methodologist will be about 2.5-3.5 subsistence minimums and above, which, in principle, is also not bad.

Job description methodologist add. education

Like any worker and employee, a methodologist additional education in his professional activity is guided by the provisions of the job description. This document usually has at least 4 sections:

  1. General provisions.
  2. Responsibilities.
  3. Rights.
  4. A responsibility.

The first one contains a description general issues concerning the position and qualities of the applicant for it: the place of a specialist in the structure of the institution, the requirements for experience and education (usually higher professional education and teaching experience of at least 2 years), a list of skills and knowledge that a methodologist should have.

Don't know your rights?

The remaining sections are devoted to issues related directly to work in this position, so it is worth talking about them in more detail.

On the duties of a methodologist add. education

Special attention in the job description is paid to the duties of a methodologist. As a rule, his duties include:

  • systematization and dissemination teaching materials directly related to additional education;
  • redistribution of information flows between addressees and sources;
  • organization open lessons, seminars, conferences, symposiums and other events;
  • organizing and coordinating the work of teachers education, holding seminars for them;
  • counseling for teachers education on issues related to their activities;
  • problem identification educational institution and taking measures to resolve them;
  • preparation of draft orders/orders within its competence;
  • conducting an analysis of the activities of the institution add. education;
  • implementation of examination of curricula;
  • carrying out examinations educational programs;
  • study and generalization current trends system development. education;
  • monitoring the quality of work of specialists of the institution education, as well as timely and correct completion of reporting documentation;
  • organization and conduct of work aimed at improving the qualifications of the teaching staff.

About the rights of the methodologist add. education

In addition to general provisions and responsibilities, the job description of the methodologist add. education contains information about his rights and responsibilities. So, this specialist has the right:

  • make a choice at their own discretion of the methods used by them in practice;
  • to publish own (author's) works and articles;
  • take part in the development, justification, implementation of the concept of development of an additional education institution;
  • improve their skills, including outside the main place of work and the locality in which the institution is located;
  • take part in the management of the institution;
  • protect professional honor and dignity;
  • rely on the provision of legally stipulated social guarantees etc.;
  • get acquainted with the decisions of the head on their activities;
  • make proposals aimed at improving and improving the work of the institution, etc.

Responsibility of the methodologist education

If we talk about the responsibility of the methodologist of additional education, then this may occur in the following cases:

  • non-performance (improper performance) of the provisions of the job description within the limits determined labor law;
  • violations of the internal rules of the institution work schedule, safety, sanitary and hygienic standards;
  • dissemination (disclosure) of information that is confidential;
  • causing damage of a material nature (depending on the specific circumstances, liability measures can be determined both by the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the norms of the Civil Code, Code of Administrative Offenses or the Criminal Code).

Summing up the above, it remains to be said that the applicant for the position of methodologist of additional education must be acquainted with the job description before signing with him employment contract. Type sample documents can be downloaded from our website.

Job description

department methodologist


1. General Provisions

1.1. The methodologist of the education department of the administration of the Sladkovsky municipal district is an employee of the education system, builds his activities on the basis of federal and regional laws, being guided in his work by documents: the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", decisions of the government of the Russian Federation and education authorities on issues of preschool education , the work of school libraries, primary (general) education, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, orders, resolutions, orders and other guidelines and normative documents higher authorities;

1.2. The methodologist is appointed and dismissed from his position by order of the head of the education department.

1.3. The methodologist reports in his work directly to the head of the education department.

1.4. Persons with higher professional education and experience are accepted for the position of methodologist of the education department pedagogical work at least 3 years.

1.5. The methodologist must know the legislative and other regulations on education, be able to control the activities of educational institutions, provide methodological assistance in matters.

2. Functions

1. Controls:

8. Executes orders of the Department of Education and Science of the Administration of the Tyumen Region, orders and resolutions of the Head of Sladkovsky municipal district, orders of the head of the department of education.

9. Keeps minutes of operational meetings with heads of educational institutions.

10.Secretary of the meetings of the Municipal Council for the implementation of the PNP "Education".

11. Supervises the work of the educational institution MAOU Nikulinskaya osh.

3. Job responsibilities

3.1. The methodologist of the education department prepares documents in a timely manner within the limits of his official powers.

3.2. Executes orders of the Department of Education and Science of the Administration of the Tyumen Region, orders and resolutions of the Head of the Sladkovsky Municipal District, orders of the Head of the Education Department.

3.3. Preschool education:

3.3.1. Participates in the work of seminars for teachers of preschool educational institutions;

3.3.2. Provides methodological assistance to senior educators, educators in choosing educational programs preschool education;

3.3.3. Responsible for the implementation of the municipal order for the provision of preschool education services.

3.3.4. Monitors the long-term target program "Main Directions for the Development of Education and Science in the Tyumen Region" (Forms 2-1, 2-2,2-5, 2-6,2-7)

3.3.5. Participates in the development of methodological and informational materials, diagnostics.

3.3.6. Oversees the implementation of pre-school education programs.

3.3.7. Coordinates the work of preschool educational institutions to fill in the sites:

Information methodological portal "Kindergartens of the Tyumen region"

Formation of the Sladkovsky district.

3.4. Primary (basic) education:

3.4.1. Participates in the work of seminars of the district methodical association primary school teachers.

3.4.2. Provides methodological assistance teaching staff on the choice of educational programs of primary (general) education;

3.4.3. Organizes the district Olympiad for junior schoolchildren.

3.4.4. Carries out control over the implementation of state standards for primary education.

3.4.5 Supervises the work of educational institutions on the introduction of the second generation GEF.

3.4.6. Takes part in the development of methodological and informational materials, diagnostics;

3.4.7. Provides and controls educational, educational and thematic plans, programs of the initial level.

3.4.8. Analyzes and summarizes the results of the work of primary school teachers.

3.5 Organization of work school libraries :

3.5.1. Creates and maintains a regional database of educational literature and monitors the order, receipt and distribution of educational, methodological, program fiction.

3.5.2. Responsible for monitoring the state of the general and educational fund of school libraries, monitoring library work, monitoring the provision of students with educational literature; formation of applications for educational literature, receipt and distribution of educational literature

3.5.3. Carries out coordination in work of seminars of school librarians.

3.5.4. Organizes methodological and consulting assistance to school librarians.

3.5.5. Monitors the implementation of legislation and other regulations and instructions on librarianship.

Methodist RMK is obliged:

Execute orders, orders and instructions of superiors, in order of subordination, managers issued within their official powers, with the exception of illegal ones;

maintain a level of qualification sufficient for the performance of their duties;

· comply with the internal regulations established in the administration of the district, the norms of professional ethics, job descriptions, the procedure for handling official information;

not to commit actions that impede work, as well as leading to undermining the authority of an employee of the district administration;

keep state and other secrets protected by law, as well as information that has become known to him in connection with the performance of official duties, affecting privacy, honor and dignity of citizens.

The main functions of a methodologist are the study and development of teaching methods. The methodologist plans the work of the teaching staff, coordinates its activities, improves the qualifications of teachers, organizes seminars, conferences, training courses, etc. At the same time, school methodologists are in close contact with social teachers and build a unified, high-quality approach to education.

How to become a Methodist

To become a methodologist, first of all, you need work experience and an appropriate higher education. Any pedagogical university is suitable for obtaining a diploma.

Work experience will have to be gained in practice. To start, any position of a teacher, teacher or educator is suitable. When choosing a job as a teacher, keep in mind that each area has its own specifics. If you work for 3 years in a kindergarten, it will be difficult to get a job as a methodologist at a university. Employers are often interested in work experience in their field.

Methodist salary

In universities, the salary of a methodologist is 15-20 thousand rubles per month. Publishing houses are ready to pay specialists in the region of 30-50 thousand rubles a month. If the specialist knows foreign language and uses it at work, then he can receive up to 100 thousand rubles a month (of course, in major cities and major companies).

Calculate average salary methodologist is difficult, because there are few vacancies in the labor market. plus in different areas different requirements for specialists.

Download job description
methodologist of the educational department
(.doc, 78KB)

I. General provisions

  1. The methodologist of the educational department belongs to the category of specialists.
  2. The methodologist of the educational department should know:
    1. 2.1. constitution Russian Federation.
    2. 2.2. Laws of the Russian Federation, resolutions and decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation and educational authorities on education issues.
    3. 2.3. Requirements of state educational standards.
    4. 2.4. Main technological processes and methods of work in the profile of the specialty.
    5. 2.5. Pedagogy, physiology, psychology and methods of vocational training.
    6. 2.6. Modern forms and methods of teaching and educating students.
    7. 2.7. Fundamentals of office work.
    8. 2.8. Principles and procedure for the development of educational and program documentation, curricula, educational programs, standard lists educational equipment and other educational and methodological documentation.
    9. 2.9. Decrees, orders, instructions, orders for educational work.
    10. 2.10. Fundamentals of labor legislation.

II. Job Responsibilities

Methodist of the educational department:

  1. Keeps records of the movement of students (academic holidays, transfers, deductions, restoration.
  2. Registers incoming and outgoing correspondence.
  3. Prepares schedules for exams and tests.
  4. Prepares the documentation necessary for the organization of the sessions (lists of students, information cards examinations, lists of teachers, lists of subjects in accordance with curriculum, etc.).
  5. Supervises the conduct of monthly assessments of students on current academic performance and attendance.
  6. Keeps a book of passing exams and tests during the examination session.
  7. Controls the design educational documentation(certification, examination and test sheets (sheets)) and filling in group journals by teachers.
  8. Conducts reconciliation of records in record books and examination and test sheets (sheets).
  9. Collects information for educational cards of students.
  10. Draws up:
    1. 10.1. Education cards of students.
    2. 10.2. Translation files of students.
  11. Prepares draft orders of the faculty on the student body for the personnel department.
  12. Prepares organizational documentation educational process for the dean, academic department.
  13. Certifies copies of orders and instructions for the dean's office.
  14. Provides allocation of audiences for conducting training sessions.
  15. Coordinates the necessary movement of students and teachers.
  16. Coordinates the work of the headmen of the study groups, oversees the maintenance of journals of the study groups.
  17. Gives explanations to students and teachers of the faculty on the schedule of classes (its change) and on the educational process.
  18. Monitors the implementation by the teaching staff of the approved timetables for exams and tests.
  19. Prepares reports to the head of the educational department on the observance of academic and labor discipline by the teaching staff.

III. Rights

The methodologist of the educational department has the right:

  1. Request from leaders structural divisions and other specialists information and documents necessary for the performance of their duties.
  2. Request the necessary information from the head of the study groups.
  3. Submit for consideration by the faculty council issues related to improving the educational process and improving the quality of student training.

IV. A responsibility

The methodologist of the educational department is responsible for:

  1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - to the extent determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
  2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  3. For causing material damage— within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.