Director's standards. Professional standard for the document manager Professional standard for the head of educational and methodological management

professional standard manager is one of several hundred professional standards developed to date in relation to various kinds labor activity and recommended for use by employers. What is the professional standard of a manager and how it can be applied in practice will be discussed in this article.

What is the professional standard of a manager?

In accordance with labor legislation (Articles 195.1, 195.2 and 195.3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), an employee's qualification is a complex of the level of knowledge, skills, professional skills and professional awareness of an employee. The professional standard describes the main qualities of the set of data that make up the qualifications of an employee and are necessary for him to conduct professional activities.

Professional standards for a manager are set by three regulations:

  1. Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation "On approval of the professional standard "Information Technology Manager"" dated October 13, 2014 No. 716n.
  2. Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation "On approval of the professional standard "Product manager in the field of information technology"" dated November 20, 2014 No. 915n.
  3. Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation "On approval of the professional standard "Sales Manager of information and communication systems"" dated 05.10.2015 No. 687n.

These documents have the same structure and consist of the following headings:

  • Basic data;
  • description labor functions;
  • characteristics of general labor functions;
  • data on organizations that have developed professional standards.

Manager skill levels

Of particular importance for the characteristics of the professional standard are the qualification levels of a specialist, established by order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated April 12, 2013 No. 148n. In relation to each skill level, indicators are established, consisting of a list of powers, responsibilities, the nature of skills and knowledge, and the defining ways to achieve the level are also described. The last provision is of fundamental importance, as it describes the education necessary to achieve a particular level of qualification, and the required work experience.

Simply put, the professional standards of a manager imply the ratio certain level qualifications with the education that a specialist has, as well as determine specific requests for the practical experience of a candidate for a position.

In addition to the requirements for work experience, professional standards can specify the established conditions for the necessary education of a specialist. For example, only higher education or higher or specialized secondary education, supplemented by retraining courses, should be determined as necessary.

FROM general description professional standards figured out, now let's talk about each of the above standards in more detail.

Professional standard of a product manager in the field of information technology

This standard describes labor activity in the form of entrepreneurship in the field of information technology. The purpose of such work is the organization of creation, market launch, promotion, sale, support and development of information technology products.

The professional standard establishes 4 main labor functions:

  1. Accompanying the development of the created work. Possible job titles for employees:
    • junior manager;
    • Assistant manager.

    The required level of qualification is 4, i.e. secondary vocational education is assumed. There are no work experience requirements.

  2. Product management. Probable job titles:
    • product manager;
    • a development manager.

    The required qualification level is 5, i.e. it assumes the presence of secondary vocational education and experience in the position of a junior manager or assistant from 1 year.

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  3. Managing the product range and management team. Suggested job titles:
    • senior manager;
    • senior product development manager;
    • top manager;
    • lead development manager;
    • product line manager.

    Professional qualification level 6 is required, i.e. a higher education with a bachelor's degree and work experience as a product manager of at least 3 years is required.

  4. Managing the product suite and product management service. Possible job titles:
    • product portfolio manager;
    • department head;
    • product director.

    Required qualification level - 7. Higher education (Master's or Specialist) and experience as a senior manager from 5 years is required.

Professional standard for sales manager of information and communication systems

Order No. 687n defines such a type of labor activity as the sale of infocommunication systems (ICS) and / or their parts. The main goal is the implementation and organization of these sales. This professional standard provides for the following main labor functions:

  1. Ancillary functions for finding clients, preparing and selling IKS and components. Possible professional job titles:
    • assistant or assistant sales manager;
    • department coordinator;
    • Sales Representative.

    Required level of professional qualification - 5. Secondary required professional education no work experience.

  2. Sale of standard solutions for ICS and their components. Positions may be:
    • Sales Manager;
    • seller in the field of ICS;
    • department specialist;
    • a development manager;
    • project manager;
    • tender manager.

    The required qualification level is 6, i.e. you need higher education (bachelor's degree) or secondary vocational education and additional programs retraining. Practical experience should be represented by work in the implementation of a high-tech product for at least six months.

  3. Sale of atypical and complex solutions ICS. Possible job titles:
    • sales manager ICS;
    • client manager;
    • leading seller;
    • ICT project manager.

    At the same time, the level of qualification and, accordingly, education is assumed to be the same as for the previous labor function, with the only difference being that work experience in the specialty of at least 1 year is required.

  4. Sales to major customers of ICS (components) and management working group for conducting a deal. Suggested job titles:
    • lead or senior manager;
    • Key Account Manager;
    • Head of Department.

    Level 7 qualification is required, i.e. higher education (Master's / Specialist) and additional advanced training courses. Work experience - from 1 year in the specialty.

  5. Sales management, establishment of a sales policy in the field of ICS. This function can be performed by department heads or sales directors. At the same time, the requirements for specialists are the same as in the previous function, with an increase in the required work experience to at least 2 years.
  6. Control commercial activities companies, the formation of a sales strategy for ICS. The function can be performed:
    • Director of Sales;
    • Commercial Director;
    • vice president.

    This requires level 8 qualification, which is characterized by the same education as for level 7, with work experience of at least 3 years in the declared field.

Professional standard of information technology manager

Order No. 716n names the type of professional activity of the specified specialist Information Technology in economics and public administration. The main purpose of this type of implementation is the management of the provision, use and development of information technology (IT).

The professional standard provides for 4 labor functions:

  1. IT resource management. Possible job titles:<
    • head of the computing center;
    • head of the software department;
    • Head of Infrastructure Coordination Department;
    • Head of the database administration group.

    Level 6 qualification is required, i.e. higher education (Master's / Specialist) with a recommendation for advanced training in various management programs. In addition, management experience in the field of IT for more than a year is required.

  2. IT service management. The function is carried out:
    • head of the user support department;
    • service center manager
    • customer service director.

    These specialists need level 7 qualification: higher education (master's/specialist) with a recommendation to improve their qualifications in service approach to IT management programs. The required experience is at least 2 years as an IT service manager or 3 years in IT in interaction with customers and users.

  3. Information environment management. Suggested job titles:
    • IT director;
    • director of the IT department;
    • Deputy General Director;
    • head of information service.

    These employees must meet the 8th level of qualification, that is, have a higher education (master's or specialist's degree) with a recommendation to improve their qualifications in IT management, economics and management programs. The required experience includes more than 5 years of experience in IT in lower positions or work in the position of an information environment manager for at least 2 years.

  4. IT innovation management. The function is carried out:
    • director of IT and innovation;
    • Deputy General Director for Innovations;
    • Deputy General Director for Development.

    These professionals require the highest level of qualification - 9, which implies higher education at the level of a master or specialist with a recommendation to obtain a second higher education in the economic field or strategic management and advanced training in strategic management programs and innovation activities. Practical experience should be at least 7 years of experience in IT in lower positions or more than 3 years in the position of innovation management manager.

Application of the manager's professional standard in practice

From a practical point of view, for the most part, professional standards have received only a recommendatory purpose for employers, since labor legislation has established the obligation to clearly follow the provisions of these documents only in limited cases. In such cases, according to Art. 195.3 of the Labor Code, include:

  • situations where the relevant requirements for the qualifications required by the employee are established by labor or other legislation;
  • cases when work in a certain position is the basis for the provision of various benefits.

All professional standards for managers discussed in the article are advisory in nature and cannot serve as a basis for dismissal of an employee who is not suitable for the conditions of the standards. In case of discrepancy, the employer has the right only to provide the employee with training or retraining.

Innovations in Russian legislation in terms of the formation of professional standards make it possible to facilitate the selection of candidates for specific positions. In particular, the professional standards of managers are designed to form required list requirements for managers in the form of knowledge and skills that will allow them to competently manage the labor process.

Characteristics of professional standards

Based on Art. 195 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a professional standard is a specialized standard that includes a list of necessary professional characteristics, on the basis of which the employee will be able to perform the labor functions assigned to him, occupying a specific position.

This segment of the legislation began to be developed in 2013. However, the standards were regularly adjusted and modified, which led to their final implementation only in 2016.

Starting from 2016, a number public institutions, as well as the positions indicated in the document, should be guided by the professional standard for a particular industry in their activities.

For commercial organizations professional standards are advisory in nature. They can be used to create job descriptions or business agreements with employees. At the same time, it is legitimate to draw up local standards based on the original text of the standard. For this, it is necessary to involve professional lawyer or independently deal with this leader. The main requirement is the consistency of the generated document with labor legislation and the provisions of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation.

The scope of such documents is the labor activity of employees of the organization. The text of the standard describes the following requirements for an employee:

  • the need for appropriate position knowledge and skills;
  • compliance with a specific qualification level.

Occupational standards are developed based on the industry production activities. So, professional standards for directors and subordinates are the same. The main differences are in the correspondence of the two categories of workers (managers and employees) to different qualification levels. For an ordinary employee, the specified level will be lower than that of a manager. Among other things, this provision also determines for managers more high requirements to experience, knowledge and education.

Features of the professional standard of the deputy director

It is important to note that there is no separate professional standard for the deputy director. This is due to the fact that such a position largely repeats the same functions and responsibilities as the head of the company. However, in a number of standards there is a mention of substituents. Yes, since August 2016. the standards that are relevant to deputy heads are the following list:

  • Professional standard No. 558 "Specialist in the field of procurement";
  • No. 559 "Specialist in personnel management";
  • No. 149 "Information Technology Manager";
  • No. 31 "Specialist in technical control of product quality";
  • No. 802 "Specialist in quality management in the aircraft industry" and No. 704 "Specialist in supply management in the aircraft industry";
  • No. 581 "Head of an organization operating in the field of sports."

The professional standards of directors of enterprises regulate the activities of both managers and their deputies. For budget institutions they are mandatory.

All standards suitable for deputy directors are based on a single template, which implies that they have the same structure:

  1. Common data. A description of the direction of labor activity is assumed, as well as possible positions, based on the types of economic sectors regulated by the standard.
  2. Functions of workers. General list implied functional duties employee, while also indicating the level of qualification for a particular position. Often 5-8 skill levels are used.
  3. A detailed description of the functional duties of the employee. This section sets out the requirements for education and experience. So, for a deputy director, a higher education (bachelor's degree) is required, as well as work experience, on average, 3-5 years. The required skills and knowledge are also indicated.
  4. Information about the institutions involved in the development of the document.

Features of the professional standard of the director of personnel

On the basis of the Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 691-n dated 06.10.2015. The professional standard "Specialist in personnel management" was approved. This regulation provides for the following positions:

  • personnel specialists;
  • heads of personnel departments.

The main task of the HR Director is to ensure effective labor process to achieve goals in the interests of the enterprise.

The professional standard assumes the following requirements for the HR director:

  • at least 5 years of work experience in a managerial position in a similar field;
  • higher education and the presence of a certificate in the courses of additional training programs.

The main tasks that the HR manager must perform are:

  1. Ensuring the functioning of the system according to operational management subordinates.
  2. Doing necessary documentation and reporting on employee management.
  3. Providing strategic management to subordinates.

Also, the head of the personnel department is characterized by the performance of such functions:

  • to establish communication links between employees of the organization;
  • implement a personnel management strategy;
  • adhere to the rules of etiquette when communicating with colleagues;
  • represent the director of the company in various negotiations, if necessary;
  • maintaining cost estimates for subordinates;
  • putting forward their proposals for optimizing the activities of employees.

Features of the professional standard of the General Director

Occupational standards are created for the industry of labor activity. However, such a generalization is not relevant for such a profession as a CEO. It is impossible to derive universal rules and requirements for managing all economic areas in general. Therefore, a separate professional standard for CEO does not exist.

An alternative that regulates this profession, is a list of professional standards for managers of various industries. In particular:

  • professional standard for the head of an organization operating in the field of sports;
  • for the manager of a construction company;
  • for the head of a chain of hotels or hotels;
  • for the head of the tank farm, etc.

All professional standards are created according to a single template. Basic information for CEOs is contained in the third section of the document, which provides a detailed list of the manager's functions. This section contains the following information:

  1. Names of positions that fall under the regulations of the standard. Here you should look for the positions of "director" or "general director".
  2. Requirements for this position. In particular, information about the required education and experience is disclosed. Directors are required to have higher education and advanced training courses, as well as work experience of at least 5 years.
  3. Specific responsibilities of a manager. For example, maintaining documentation and compiling the necessary reports, as well as compiling programs for optimizing the production process.

To determine whether the position of a manager falls under the regulations of any professional standard, it is necessary to find out the following information:

  1. Does the scope of production activity fall under the regulation of professional standards.
  2. Does the professional standard, relevant for the field of activity, have information about the work of the head of the company.
  3. Does the manager have any benefits or restrictions from the state.

If the activity is ordered by the regulations of the professional standard, the manager should rely on the provisions of the standard in further work.

Due to the fact that the management of educational organizations should be carried out by employees who have certain knowledge, have the appropriate education and work experience, at the federal level, a certain standard.

At present, the provisions of this standard are obligatory observance not only by state educational organizations, but also by private ones.

Standards for educational leaders began to be adopted in Russia since 2013.

Initially, such documents were exclusively advisory in nature and their main function was to determine the criteria for selecting employees for senior positions, as well as identifying their compliance.

currently accepted and current standard decides by its presence next questions:

  1. Identification of possible categories of employees that can be considered as applicants for leadership positions.
  2. Identification of educational institutions, which are managed by workers that do not meet the accepted standard, and taking measures to eliminate such a deficiency.
  3. Determination of the main functions that an employee holding a similar position should perform.
  4. Improving the work of all educational institutions existing within the Russian Federation.
  5. Promoting the development of Russian education.
  6. Improving manageability in all existing educational institutions, from preschool to higher education.
  7. Raising the rating of education in the Russian Federation by improving the process of training specialists.

Legal framework for 2018

According to the current this moment legislative acts, the regulatory framework, which is the basis for the development and establishment of standards for managers educational organizations, is Labor Code RF. In particular, it is worth noting such basic formulations:

  1. For employees holding leadership positions in certain areas and organizations, it is permissible to apply state-level standards.
  2. reflected in accepted standards the requirements and functions for each of the positions should not contradict the requirements reflected in the qualification handbooks.
  3. If there are certain restrictions in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation on the implementation job duties in leadership positions, the developed standards cannot contain data on their admission.
  4. If additional questions or ambiguities arise regarding the content of professional standards related to managerial positions, it is necessary to be guided by the data of qualification reference books.

The national level professional standard, which defines the basic requirements for a leader, has following content:

  1. General data and information. This part reflects the name of the type of activity and the main purpose of the management in this area. It also provides a code classification of positions according to OKZ and OKVED codes.
  2. Section referred to as "Functional Map". Reflected here general concepts the main tasks performed by the manager, which are further deciphered and reflected in more detail in the text of the document.
  3. Detailed description of each of the functions. In this part, each of the previously reflected tasks facing the head and the functions performed by him are disclosed separately.
  4. Data on organizations that participated in the development of the occupational standard before it was adopted by order of the Ministry of Labor.

Requirements for the head and his legal status

Basic requirements that a manager must meet the following:

  1. Have a higher education.
  2. Undertake professional training according to the approved schedule.
  3. Carry out additional training in accordance with federally approved professional programs preparation. The frequency of such actions is set at least once every three years (at least).
  4. Under the leadership of the highest educational institution have a certain academic degree and title.
  5. Have no restrictions on the right to engage in teaching activities.
  6. Have previous experience in positions related to pedagogy or related to leadership.

General information about the position

Depending on the organization in which the manager will perform his duties, the requirements for employees may somewhat different. In particular, there are separate various categories institutions:

  • preschool education (kindergartens);
  • primary, secondary and basic general, general secondary (schools);
  • professional;
  • bachelor's and specialist's degree;
  • magistracy;
  • training of highly qualified specialists;
  • training prof. character;
  • additional for citizens of any age.

The position on the professional standard also indicates the possible names of positions that managers can hold:

  • rector;
  • director;
  • manager;
  • Chief.

The standard includes detailed description the functions performed, which are prescribed to the head, depending on the institution in which he carries out his labor activity. In general, the functions are reduced to the implementation of the general management of ensuring the development of the institution.

Also, the head is vested with the authority to hire and dismiss, has the right to sign and approve all internal documents and orders.

Also, the functions that are required from the head of the organization are:

  1. Direct management of the organization.
  2. Taking measures within its competence to ensure the development of an educational institution.
  3. Management of resources that are part of the institution.
  4. Representing the interests of a particular institution, the head of which is the employee.
  5. If necessary, resolving issues with government officials, as well as institutions outside the Russian Federation, when it comes to international cooperation.
  6. Implementation of functions to ensure the conduct of research of a scientific nature, with the exception of schools and kindergartens.

Consequences of non-compliance

Due to the fact that the adopted and currently valid standard is mandatory, it should be noted effects, which may occur due to non-compliance of the employee holding the position of head with the norms and requirements reflected in the document:

  1. The Labor Code does not provide for the existence of inconsistencies with the standard for their consideration as grounds for terminating the concluded employment contract.
  2. In the event that the head of the institution does not have a sufficient level of qualifications acceptable for a particular organization, he may be dismissed. In order to leave a working manager in a position, it is possible to pass a certain certification.
  3. If there are factors that indicate the inconsistency of the head of the position, the employee may be offered a transfer to another position.

A master class within this professional standard is presented below.

I. General information

(name of the type of professional activity)

The main purpose of the type of professional activity:

Ensuring the activities of the organization social service population, providing social services citizens

Occupation group:



Assignment to types of economic activity:

Provision of social services with accommodation

Provision of social services without provision of accommodation

(name of type of economic activity)

II. Description of labor functions included in the professional standard
(functional map of the type of professional activity)

Generalized labor functions

Labor functions


skill level


Social service organization management

Planning and controlling the activities of a social service organization (organization)

III. Characteristics of generalized labor functions

3.1. Generalized labor function


Social service organization management

Skill level

Origin of the generalized labor function


Borrowed from the original

Original code

Possible job titles

Head of social service organization

Director of a social service organization

Branch manager

Deputy Head (Director)

Education and training requirements

Secondary vocational education for training programs for mid-level specialists

Practical work experience requirements

At least 1 year in a managerial position

Special conditions for admission to work

Persons who have or have had a criminal record for crimes, the composition and types of which are established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, are not allowed to work

additional characteristics

Title of the document

Name of the base group, position (profession) or specialty

Heads of institutions, organizations and enterprises

Director (general director, manager) of the enterprise

Bachelor of Social Work

Master of Social Work

social work specialist

Bachelor of Social Work

Master of Social Work


Government and municipal government

Specialist in state and municipal administration with in-depth training


Planning and control of the activities of a social service organization

Level (sublevel) of qualification


Borrowed from the original

Original code

Registration number of professional standard

labor activities

Planning the activities of the organization, development and approval of current and long-term work plans, determination of target indicators for the activities of the organization and its employees in the prescribed manner

Activity coordination structural divisions organizations for the implementation of planning and program documents, the fulfillment of the state (municipal) task, the fulfillment of instructions from higher organizations

Making decisions and signing local normative documents organizations necessary to provide social services to the population

Monitoring the implementation of plans and programs of the organization's activities

Organization of monitoring of citizens' satisfaction with the availability and quality of social services, creation of conditions for independent system assessment of the quality of services provided by the organization, in the prescribed manner

Preparation and implementation of measures to ensure the comprehensive security of a social service organization and citizens living (staying) in it

Required Skills

Plan the activities of the organization, develop programs, form a system of indicators of the activities of the organization and employees

Organize the work of staff, set goals and formulate tasks, determine priorities

Develop solutions and assess the risks associated with their implementation

Analyze financial and statistical reporting data

Use information and communication technologies, including Internet resources

Required knowledge

Federal and regional legislation and other regulatory legal acts in the field of social services for the population

Theory of management and organization of labor, including the basics of project and program-target management

Fundamentals of financial, accounting and statistical accounting in the organization of social services

Other characteristics


Social service organization resource management

Level (sublevel) of qualification

The origin of the labor function


Borrowed from the original

Original code

Registration number of professional standard

labor activities

Making decisions on the provision of social services to the client, signing contracts for the provision of social services

Organization of preparation and approval of financial and accounting documents of the organization

Control over the targeted and efficient use of financial resources of the organization

Making decisions on equipping the organization with premises, equipment, technical and other means necessary for the quality provision of social services and in accordance with established norms and standards

Making decisions in the field of personnel management of the organization, including decisions on approval staffing organizations, signing local regulatory documents on personnel issues

Control economic activity social service organizations

Monitor employee compliance labor law, rules and regulations of labor protection

Monitoring compliance with fire safety rules and sanitary and hygienic standards in a social service organization

Referral of employees for medical examination in order to identify infectious diseases control over timely medical examinations

Organization of work to ensure that the organization meets the requirements of legislation on the protection of personal data about clients Ensuring that employees comply with the requirements of the code of ethics of a social worker

Required Skills

Plan for resource provision in the organization (financial, technical and human resources)

Apply information technology to control the spending of financial resources of the organization

Required knowledge

Fundamentals of civil law

Fundamentals of tax law

Fundamentals of Public Procurement Legislation

Fundamentals of labor law

Principles of budgeting and cost control

Theoretical foundations of personnel management, including the basics of labor rationing, assessment and motivation of personnel, organization of remuneration

Other characteristics

Compliance with the Code of Ethics of the Social Worker


Interaction with clients, parent and partner organizations

Level (sublevel) of qualification

The origin of the labor function


Borrowed from the original

Original code

Registration number of professional standard

labor activities

Doing personal reception clients, counseling on social services

Establishment business connections and organization of cooperation with various state, public, religious, non-state and other organizations in order to improve the quality and efficiency of the provision of social services, including attracting charitable assistance aimed at supporting citizens who find themselves in a difficult life situation, at the development of the organization

Formation and provision of activities of trustees (public, supervisory) boards in the organization

Representing the interests of the organization in the bodies state power and local governments

Preparation of draft plans and programs for the activities of the organization, proposals for the draft state (municipal) task for submission to a higher organization

Preparation and submission of reports on the activities of the organization to the parent organization

Organization of the preparation and placement of information about the services provided to citizens on the organization's website, ensuring the information transparency of the social service organization in the prescribed manner

Required Skills

To consult clients within the competence of the organization in an accessible form, to prevent possible conflict situations

Conduct public speaking, including mass media, on issues of social services for the population

Prepare presentation and information-analytical materials, articles, certificates on the activities of a social service organization, including for printed and electronic means mass media

Required knowledge

Russian language (business style)

Fundamentals of ethics and psychology of business communication

Other characteristics

Compliance with the Code of Ethics of the Social Worker


Ensuring the development of a social service organization

Level (sublevel) of qualification

The origin of the labor function


Borrowed from the original

Original code

Registration number of professional standard

labor activities

Preparation of proposals for the formation of strategic and policy documents in the field of social services for the population on behalf of a higher organization

Development of proposals to improve the efficiency of the organization and submission of these proposals to the parent organization

Implementation management in the organization innovative forms activities, modern methods and tools for the provision of social services

Organization of participation of employees in competitions professional excellence in the field of social services

Organization of the development of educational and methodological, scientific and methodological publications, manuals, recommendations on the organization of social services

Required Skills

Analyze the socio-economic, socio-demographic situation

Develop draft regulatory and methodological documents necessary for the introduction of modern methods and tools for the provision of social services

Required knowledge

The main directions of the state social policy, provisions of strategies and programs in the field of social services at the federal and regional levels

Modern methods of organizing social services for the population, including international experience

Fundamentals of organization personnel management

Other characteristics

IV. Information about organizations - developers of a professional standard

4.1. Responsible developer organization

4.2. Names of developer organizations


*(1) All-Russian classifier classes.

*(2) All-Russian classifier of types of economic activity.

*(3) Single qualification guide positions of managers, specialists and employees.

*(4) All-Russian classifier of specialties by education.