Competitions at a party for a small company. Games for a fun company: what to play at a house party or outdoors? Funny and board games for adults, entertainment and competitions for a drunk company. Competition "I blow, I blow - it's all for nothing"

Games and competitions to entertain colleagues

Game for adults "Attraction"

Anyone can participate. Players stand in one large circle, looking at each other in the back of the head. Now the leader gives the task to snuggle up to each other as tightly as possible and make the circle narrower. And now the most difficult thing: the guests, at the command of the host, simultaneously bend their legs and try to sit on each other's knees. As soon as they succeed, the task becomes more complicated: now, at the command of the leader, the players, while holding in a busy position, must stretch their arms to the sides. That's all and fell! The host comments on the situation with the words: “Next time, choose your friends more reliable and stronger!”

Competition for adults "Don't Yawn"

Players are divided into pairs. They are given 2 minutes to see each other as best as possible and remember all the little things in appearance. Now the participants turn their backs to each other, and the competition begins. Peeping and cheating is prohibited! The facilitator in turn asks each pair the following questions.

1. Remember the name of the partner behind you.

2. Remember the color of your partner's eyes.

3. What is the length of the pants on the partner (it will be much more fun if the girl is wearing a skirt in a pair, but this does not change the wording of the question).

4. Say what kind of shoes your partner is wearing.

Further questions become more complicated. You can ask, for example, what the partner is wearing around his neck, which hand he has a watch on, etc. The host can ask about the color of lipstick, about the rings (on which fingers, what shape, etc.), what hairstyle does partner. In general, the more unexpected and interesting the wording of the questions, the funnier and funnier the competition will be.

Competition for adults "Hee-hee yes ha-ha"

Participants of the competition take places in the room so that all other players fall into their field of vision.

The first player starts the contest. Its task is elementary, but no less significant. He needs to calmly, clearly, without emotion, say aloud one word: “Ha”.

The second participant just as loudly and distinctly pronounces the word twice: "Ha ha." The third participant, accordingly, supports the previous ones and continues the noble deed, saying the word three times, and so on in turn, adding one more word to the already said number of words. All this, according to the seriousness of the undertaking, must be pronounced with appropriate pathos, and do not forget about the facial expression!

The game is considered interrupted as soon as one of the participants allows himself instead of "Ha-ha" to slide into the usual "Hee-hee", or simply laugh!

It is best to play the game in a company where people know each other well and where everyone has already formed a certain opinion. The game is played as follows. All participants come together. The leader is selected. He silently thinks of one person from those present. The task of the rest is to find out who the leader has chosen. All participants in the game take turns asking the host questions on associations. The facilitator thinks for a moment and pronounces his association. The participants of the game carefully listen to the answers and try to put all the associations into a single image, this allows you to guess the intended personality. Whoever correctly calculates the selected person first wins and gets the right to become the leader in the next game.

The word "association" refers to the impression of the leader from a given person, his personal feelings, some kind of image that resembles a mysterious person.

An example of questions and answers to associations can be the following dialogue:

What vegetable or fruit is this person associated with?

With ripe tangerine.

What kind of shoes is this person associated with?

With hussar boots with spurs.

What color is this person associated with?

With orange.

What type or brand of car is this person associated with?

With a bus.

What animal is this person associated with?

With an elephant.

What kind of music is this person associated with?

With Russian "pop".

What mood is associated with this person?

With cheerful.

After such answers, you understand that we are talking about someone perky, with a good-natured character and a broad soul. You look around in disbelief: "Who could it be?" And then suddenly someone's voice is heard, calling your name. To your surprise, the host says, "That's the right answer!"

Competition for adults "Find blindly"

To participate in the competition, players are divided into pairs - a man and a woman. As an inventory, the leader should have stools according to the number of participating pairs. The stools are turned over and placed upside down. A strong floor at a distance of 3 m is lined up opposite the stools, after which they are blindfolded.

Girls are given 10 matchboxes. The task of the participants is not an easy one: a blindfolded man must reach his partner, take a matchbox from her, go to a stool and put the boxes on one of the legs. Then he returns to his partner, takes the next box from her, goes to the stool and ... The competition continues until a matchbox is placed on all the legs of the stool. It is clear that dropped matchboxes do not count. And the most important condition: “private traders are prohibited from touching the legs of a stool, the entire task must be carried out under the guidance of their partners, who tell them where to go, what position to stand in, how to take their hand away, where to aim, how to sit down, etc. And do not forget to turn on fun music!

Competition for adults "Portrait"

Participants are given felt-tip pens and paper and are invited to draw a portrait of a neighbor sitting on the left, and the right-hander must do this with his left hand, and the left-hander with his right.

Competition for adults "Writing letters"

Everyone who wants to take part in the game is given a regular sheet of A4 format and a pen. The host asks the players questions, and they write down their answers, fold the sheet and pass it to another player, thereby exchanging sheets with each other. Questions can be the most banal. For example, who worked for whom, when, what, why, where did they do it, how did it all end?

Anything can come out, for example: Petya, a tractor driver, yesterday, went to the dance, having nothing to do, on the roof, got lost.

Competition for adults "Exposure"

For the competition, it is necessary to prepare in advance four landscape sheets with the inscriptions "bath", "CHILDREN'S MATTE", "MATERNAL HOSPITAL", "AT THE THERAPIST'S RECEPTION", which are attached to the backs of the participants. Those, in turn, should not know their content. The lucky ones turn their backs to the guests and are interviewed by the hosts in turn.

Questions can be the following (you can come up with your own):

♦ Do you like this place?

♦ How often do you visit here?

♦ Are you taking anyone with you?

♦ Who would you invite to visit this place with you?

♦ What five essentials will you take with you to avoid getting into a sticky situation?

♦ What do you usually do there?

♦ Why did you choose this place?

Questions can also be born during the game, if the process captures the participants and spectators.

After the audience laughs enough, the host can remove the signs from the backs of the participants and show those where, in fact, they were “sent”. Now the players themselves will laugh for a long time and have fun!

Delicious treats at the table are only one part of a successful feast. The organization of recreational activities is also important. Funny competitions for adults will defuse the situation, cheer you up, and allow people at the same table to get to know each other better. Riddles, games, funny quizzes - all this can be used to have fun after a delicious meal.

Choosing contests for a small company at the table is easier than for a large company.

So everyone can participate and express themselves. In addition, you can quickly choose the right option, because you do not need to take into account the opinion of a large number of people.


There are many cool contests that will amuse the company at the table. For example, you can play "I'm like..." - a fun and original game.

Its essence lies in the fact that two types of cards are laid out in front of the players: one should include the phrase “I look like ...”, and various animals, famous personalities, etc. should be drawn on others.

The player draws cards one by one and must show gestures without words to the rest of the players who he looks like in a particular situation. For example, the cards "In the morning I look like ..." and "Giraffe" were drawn. This is what needs to be shown without uttering a word.

Card examples:

  1. “When my boss calls me, I look like…”
  2. "When I'm sick, I'm like..."
  3. "After a party, I'm like..." etc.

Characters and situations need to be chosen funny, then the rest at the table will surely laugh sincerely. The person who completes the task the funniest wins a prize.

The second cool option is a contest "Surprise" .

To implement it, you need to prepare funny accessories in advance (glasses with a nose, cap, false mustache, etc.). Put all this stuff in a chest, box or bag.

One of the players must play the role of a DJ: turn on the music and suddenly turn it off after a while.

At this time, the chest "walks" in a circle, passing from hand to hand.

When the music suddenly stops, the one who has it in his hands must, without looking, pull something out of the chest and put it on himself. Cheerful mood and laughter are guaranteed. A general photo will leave a cheerful company in a new image as a keepsake.


You can laugh fervently with the whole company if you hold several fun contests. It is important that they do not cross the line of what is permitted, are not offensive and do not infringe on the interests of any of the players.

Great option - competition called "I" .

The conditions are very simple:

  • the first player says “I”, and all the others in turn must repeat after him;
  • at first this seems like an easy task, but then the leader begins to pronounce “I” with different intonations (squeaky or rude voice, a la a resident of Germany or Chukotka);
  • then the conditions become more complicated: some noun is added to “I” (“I am a squirrel”, for example);
  • whoever stumbles or laughs gets punished. He is assigned a nickname based on the phrase with which he failed.

In the process, the competition turns out to be very funny, because it's funny when an adult man says in a squeaky voice: "I'm a squirrel." The one who lasts to the end and does not laugh gets a gift or applause from the players.

You can also entertain the audience if you choose competition "Toast" .

Its essence is that you need to come up with the most original toast on a given topic. But these topics will not be easy: link a toast to pension reform, make a speech so that every word starts with the same letter, toast in a foreign language, and so on.

The one who says the most beautiful and original speech will win.


Fabulous options for contests for gatherings at the table will also surprise you with variety and originality.

The most popular of them is competition "In the image of a fairy-tale hero" .

The conditions are simple: each participant receives a card with the name of some fairy-tale hero (Ivan Tsarevich, Ivanushka the Fool, Koschey the Immortal, etc.) and must show it with gestures. You cannot use speech.

Each character should take no more than a minute to show.

If the audience did not guess correctly, then it is considered that the participant did not cope with the task. Then he's out. The one who remains last will win.

Another worthy option "Songs - alterations from fairy tales" .

Those sitting at the table should be divided into teams.

Each is given a task - to remake a song from a fairy tale in a modern way.

For example, a card may say: the song is based on the song “Good Beetle” (“Stand up, children, stand in a circle ...”), the theme is “How to get up early in the morning for work.” The group that comes up with the most original and funniest song wins.

New Year's

To have fun in the New Year, you should take care of the entertainment program. New Year's contests for a small company at the table will distract from salads and give you a great mood.

"Christmas Drink"- competition in which the real taster will win.

Participants need to be blindfolded and offered a cocktail to try. His task is to guess the ingredients of the drink.

And they should be very diverse. The one who guesses all the ingredients wins.

Competition "Jelly" will require considerable effort, because you need to eat jelly or soufflé with a toothpick. Whoever does it faster wins.

Cool riddles for the company at the table, with answers

Cool riddles for the company at the table will be able to interest those present. This is also an opportunity to show your erudition, show off your knowledge and sense of humor.

Puzzles is a great option if the company is tired of active games and wants to take a breather.

Riddles can be both clever and playful. The ideal would be to rotate them so that everyone involved can answer.

Below are the options for riddles with answers:

Everyone who guesses the riddle can be presented with a souvenir as a keepsake.

Funny funny games at the table for the company

In the company of good friends and acquaintances, you can relax and laugh a lot. When the jokes and funny stories from life are over, you can start funny, fun games at the table for the company.

You can sincerely laugh with the game "Associations" .

The rules are:

  • the first player speaks a word in the ear of the other;
  • he also whispers in the ear of another player, but not the same word, but an association with it;
  • when all the players have listened to the associations, everyone expresses their opinion on which word was originally spoken.


Another fun option the game "Greedy" .

It turns out to be very funny, because the players need to pull the coins from the common plate to themselves on the saucer with the help of Chinese chopsticks.

Does it seem easy? No, it's not easy, but it's a lot of fun when everyone is in a rush trying to collect more coins.

A fun game for an adult company, whose members are not afraid to get drunk, is "Intuition" .

To play it you need:

  • one player turns away or leaves the table;
  • meanwhile, 3 glasses are put on the table: only one of them contains vodka;
  • the task is to guess, with the help of intuition, which glass is “alcoholic”.

Questions for a cheerful company at the table

When the company is already in high spirits, cheerful and ready for more fun, you can take on fun entertainment - ask everyone present a question with humor. Such a table game will help to get to know the players better, show who has a sense of humor. It is on this quality that the fun will “go”. It is desirable to answer in a joking manner, then the degree of fun will increase significantly.

Questions for a cheerful company at the table can be fit into a list of 20 options. The answers to them will be described in the next paragraph.

The facilitator may ask:

Some questions are very compromising. This is where the emphasis should be. Everyone should understand that this is a joke and not be offended. The answer in the same joking spirit will allow the whole company to laugh heartily.

Answers to questions for a cheerful company at the table

You can answer the facilitator's questions at your own discretion, but you can be inspired by the options below.

Answers to questions for a cheerful company at the table in the form of a list of 20 options:

  1. I do this regularly, and I advise you.
  2. It happened once - to his wife.
  3. Not yet, but as soon as they take me to a nursing home, I will definitely hide.
  4. I'm planning on trying it today for the first time. Will you treat me, friends?
  5. May I answer this question in private?
  6. These are all my design talents. I won't hide from them.
  7. It happens sometimes.
  8. It all depends on the public space. Today I promise not to brawl.
  9. Of course, and I also like to go down the stairs in the bathroom.
  10. No, my refrigerator has a self-closing mode after 18-00.
  11. This is a childhood dream, and these need to be realized.
  12. Of course, for! But without me.
  13. Does forgotten underwear in the bath count?
  14. It is better to ask the wives of my friends.
  15. No. My "autopilot" will always lead me home.
  16. Pasha, you have one leg shorter than the other! Ha-ha!!!
  17. Dear, close your ears and I will answer.
  18. Not only do I keep track, but I also count calories in my mind.
  19. Where are my 16 years old? Not anymore.
  20. Eggs? What are you. But water bags are nice.

This is a rough list of answers. You can easily replace them with your own options.

Quiz for the company at the table

You can demonstrate your intelligence without getting up. This will help the quiz for the company at the table. Two vectors of such a game can be distinguished: stick to one direction (for example, if tourists are gathered at the table, ask questions from this area) or tasks can be versatile.

Questions need to be thought out in advance. It is better that serious options alternate with playful ones. The format of the quiz is as follows: the presenter asks a question, and the players must give the correct answer. The task is facilitated by the fact that you can choose the correct answer from several given options. Who did it first and did not make a mistake, won. You can also use the famous game “What? Where? When?".

You can invite the company to play in "Fishing".

Three men must leave the table. They are invited to pretend that they are fishing.

Then the host says that the tide has begun and they need to roll up their pants.

Then the presenter says: “And now a competition is announced for the most beautiful male legs.”

Another option is to play "Kissel Cocktail" .

Cocktails are placed in front of the players.

But they are specific - there is thick jelly inside the glass. You need to drink it with a straw. It is quite difficult to do this when sober, but when drunk it is fun and funny.

Games, contests, quizzes - all this will make simple gatherings at the table a fun and memorable experience. Such a program can bring guests closer together and allow you to learn a lot about them. Most of these games do not require special preparation, and a great many impressions will be left.

What to do when it’s dreary and cold outside, it’s raining, or just tired of wiping your pants on a hill near the entrance? It's time to gather a fun company of playful boys, dreamy girls and ... play at home! But not bending over the screen of a tablet or phone, but simply. Simply, simply, simply in...

1. Sharp eye

Number of players: 2 or more people.
Props: dishes (jar, bowl, pan, etc.), a sheet of paper, scissors.
Training: Before the start of the game, the participants should carefully consider the chosen container and try to mentally imagine it.

Rules of the game: On a signal, the players must cut the lid for the chosen vessel. The winner is the one whose cap matches the hole of the selected item as closely as possible.

2. Plucked chicken

Number of players: 4 or more people.
Props: clothespins.
Training: Divide into 2 teams: "hens" and "catchers".

Rules of the game:"Catchers" cling clothespins to their clothes (the same number, so that everything is fair). Their goal is to catch up with the chickens. If the "catcher" caught the "chicken", he clings to her clothespin. By the way, it is the “catchers” who will become “plucked”. Moreover, the more the “catcher” is plucked, the better! Victory will go to the one who quickly frees himself from his clothespins. Then the teams change places and the game continues.

3. Whose shoe?

Number of players: 3 or more people.
Props: shoes for players, blindfold for each player.
Training: Take off your shoes and put them in a pile.

Rules of the game: Players stand in a circle, in the center of which is a mountain of shoes. Blindfold their eyes. The host mixes the shoes and gives a signal. Everyone starts looking for their shoes (you can try them on). Anyone who thinks they have found their shoes must put them on and stay in them for the rest of the game. Everyone takes off the bandages and looks at the result.

4. Live knot

Number of players: 4 or more people.
Props: no.
Training: Get in a circle.

Rules of the game: At the command of the leader, the players stretch their right hands to the center of the circle and take someone by the hand (you can’t take a neighbor). Then the players extend their left hands and do the same. But! You cannot take the hand of someone you already hold with one hand. The result is a live node. The leader's task is to unravel the knot without breaking his hands. Players, at his request, can step over each other, climb between the hands, etc.

5. Great cook

Number of players: 2 or more people.
Props: 2 spoons (forks) and fruits (vegetables), blindfold.
Training: wash fruits (vegetables).

Rules of the game: The volunteer picks up spoons (forks) and by touch tries to recognize the fruits (vegetables) that the leader hands him. Potato, carrot, onion, pear, tomato, cucumber, etc. can be used.

6. Conductor

Number of players: 5 or more people.
Props: no.
Training: Players stand in a circle, one person goes out the door.

Rules of the game: A "conductor" is chosen from the remaining players in the room. He shows how to play musical instruments, and the rest repeat after him all the movements. The guesser enters the room during the "concert", he must determine who is the "conductor". If he manages to do this in less than three attempts, he becomes in a circle, and the former "conductor" goes out the door.

7. Salad

Number of players: 6 or more people.
Props: cards with the names of vegetables / fruits (by the number of players), chairs (one less than the players). The names on the cards can be repeated, for example, 2 apples, 3 pears, etc.
Training: Distribute cards to the players.

Rules of the game: Everyone sits on chairs, one remains in a circle (he also has a card). The host (the one who is standing) shouts: “Pear!”. Those who have a card with this name should change their place. The driver takes a chair and one of the players is left without a seat, he becomes the center of the circle and the game continues. You can shout out two or three names at once. At the word "Salad!" all players change places.

8. Who is faster?

Number of players: 10 or more people.
Props: an object as a prize (an apple, a stone, etc.), a coin.
Training: Everyone is divided into two teams, stand or sit opposite each other, hide their hands behind the backs of their neighbors. The leader stands at one end of the chain, and a prize item is placed at the other.

Rules of the game: The host tosses a coin. If “tails” falls out, nothing happens, the coin is tossed again, if it’s “heads”, the last player of each team must shake hands with a neighbor. So, along the chain, the signal is transmitted to the other end. The last one must grab the prize. The player who did it first brings his team a point, moves back to the end of the chain and the game continues. The team with the quickest change of players wins.

9. Animated mechanisms

Number of players: 8 or more people.
Props: no.
Training: Players are divided into two or more teams. Each team, secretly from rivals, decides which mechanism (vacuum cleaner, washing machine, hair dryer, etc.) it will represent.

Rules of the game: Everyone should take part in the dramatization. You can imitate the sounds of the mechanism, depict dimensions with your hands, but you cannot speak. A team scores a point if it guesses the opponent's mechanism. Those who have more points win.

10. We are tired of meowing!

Number of players: 8 or more people.
Props: blindfolds according to the number of players, chairs to limit space.
Training: Players are divided into two teams: one - piglets, the second - kittens.

Rules of the game: Kittens should meow, and piglets should grunt. Everyone is blindfolded and mixed among themselves in a circle of chairs. It is necessary to gather your team as soon as possible, without leaving the circle.

When a holiday is approaching (New Year, Housewarming, Anniversary), the host thinks - how to entertain the guests so that they do not get bored?

Funny games for the company of adults will help diversify the traditional feast with long toasts and a dozen.

“We are not children, what other games!” - you try to argue.

In fact, gambling, playful, active and creative competitions will help to rally a team of unfamiliar people (in case the company has crept up a motley one), and for some people - to shake up the calories they have accumulated.

Fun board games for adults

Remember how you once spent your evenings in the family circle playing loto, backgammon, checkers and cards (especially if the electricity went out or the TV broke down).

Let's tell you a secret: many still gather in small groups to play Crocodile, Poker and Monopoly to their heart's content.

An important point: do not immediately scare guests with a two-meter assortment of board games and your impressive plans for the evening.

Let the situation develop gradually - at first, friends communicate, drink a glass, eat a salad.

And when the “worm was killed”, they cheered up a little and reached a frivolous condition, then you can already get the “Twister”.

For a company of adults of 4-6 people, board and card games such as Svintus, Scrabble, Uno, Monopoly, Poker, Elias, Tik-Tak-Bomm are suitable.

Of the active games, Twister and Darts are especially popular..

Don't forget to come up with a name, slogan, and motto for the teams!

Game contests for a company of adults

If your friends are tired of sitting at the table and straining their brains, offer them playful competitions.

1. "Statue of Love". Two participants are selected, each is given a task - to create a statue symbolizing love from improvised material (usually from other people modestly bored at the table).

2. "The Longest Chain". Team members must remove from themselves all things that they can (within the limits of decency or beyond them - decide for yourself) and tie them together.

The resulting chain is measured, whose longer - he won. It is most convenient to compete on the street, in the country or in the entrance, so that the space allows you to identify the winner.

3. " Adult fantas». Come up with tasks for the forfeits in advance - playful, moderately vulgar, daring and exciting.

Before the game, demand from all participants a valuable deposit - a phone, a bill or jewelry.

Then everyone takes out tasks from the bag, which they must complete during the evening - otherwise the pledge will go to a good deed.

4. "Truth/Ransom". A complicated version of the Fanta game. The participant is asked what he prefers - to tell the truth or pay off?

Depending on the decision, the presenter either asks an intimate question, or offers to complete a task he has thought up. After that, the position of the leader passes to the participant.

5. "Such a surprise". The game is like a children's masquerade, only it causes a lot more laughter.

Prepare in advance a bright box filled with outfits and decor elements - bows, glasses with a long nose and mustache, wigs, hats, caps, long skirts and knickers.

If you want to be naughty, add bras, thongs and oversized "families" there. And now the rules: all participants sit in a circle, and to the music they begin to pass a magic box to each other.

The host presses “pause”: the one who has the chest in his hands takes out the first clothes without looking and pulls them on. And so on until everyone is dressed up.

6. Comic contest "Find your soul mate". First, the men are asked if they know their companions well and can they identify them blindfolded?

Of course, there is a hero right there, ready to prove that he will not confuse his missus with anyone. The presenter shows him three women (one of whom is his wife), and then blindfolds the participant and spins him well, with jokes and jokes.

At this time, two strange women are exchanged for two men, who have previously pulled on nylon tights, and all three are seated on chairs.

The player's task is to gently feel the legs of the characters (only to the knees!), to determine which of them is his betrothed.

7. "Say what you eat". It is very convenient to play the game during the meal. As soon as everyone has filled their plates with the maximum number of dishes, the host thinks of a letter.

For example, "C". Participants carefully look at the contents of the dishes and look for an ingredient that begins with this letter (“herring”, “salt”, “salad”, “currant”).

Whoever shouts the word first, he receives a prize (candy, penalty glass) and becomes the new leader.

When arranging fun games for an adult company, it is important to maintain an atmosphere of friendliness, tact and mutual assistance.

Tasks should not be humiliating, and losses should not be offensive, because the purpose of such a pastime is to have a good time with friends and recharge with positive!