Social package as an additional bonus from the employer. How important is he? What is a social package and what does it include? Extended social package what is included

What is a social package, what is included in it? A question that often worries people not only getting a job and retired, but also other categories of citizens who are faced with this concept. Not everyone will be able to explain what the social package is, what its content is.

The state provides different categories of citizens with various benefits, which depend on the status of the person. There are social packages that stimulate the birth rate, which are an incentive to work, allowing you to gain a guarantee of reliability. These measures to support people are needed to improve the quality of life. The social package is essentially a set of benefits and services created to support a person in society.

Social packages are provided in the form of state assistance to socially vulnerable segments of the population (here we mean assistance to children, non-working citizens, the disabled and other socially vulnerable categories of people). Or an employer to an employee (this package is developed by the employer independently).

Today, when choosing a job, it is customary to pay attention to the monetary equivalent of the work performed, and to the additional benefits offered by a potential employer - to the content of the social package. Often the contents of this package is the decisive factor in finding a job.

Most of what future employers tell us in the form of a social package is not directly related to it. These include: medical insurance, sick leave (vacation), contributions to the Pension Fund - what is provided for by the mandatory social package. The employer simply cannot fail to provide these services.

Reimbursement of expenses for personal transport, cellular communication and training (or advanced training) in this profile - all this is only compensation. Another thing is if the employer offers something else to this mandatory set.

Benefits and compensation at work are also different, but they can all be conditionally divided into compensatory and mandatory.

Mandatory - those that are prescribed in the Labor Code:

  1. Interest deducted by the employer to the Pension Fund (PF);
  2. Free medical services (medical examination, sick leave).

Compensatory, that is, those of your costs related to work that the employer can reimburse (compensate) you. It may include:

  • Fee for meals, travel expenses to and from work;
  • Voluntary medical insurance (VHI);
  • Non-state pension insurance;
  • Payment of utility bills;
  • Vouchers to children's camps, other places of recreation;
  • Payment of rental housing;
  • Making an interest-free loan (for example, to purchase a home).

And besides this, for each individual employee, a separate list of benefits can be established, which can also apply to the families of the employee.

The employer can draw up a specific social package himself, and the amount of the social package may depend on the specifics of the enterprise and the financial capabilities of the company. The list of services is stipulated in the labor or collective agreements. The significance of the social package at the place of work is very high, as it often compensates for insufficient wages.

In general, the social package provided when applying for a job involves the performance of several types of functions that can be divided into declared and real ones. The declared functions include:

  1. Attraction (payment for travel to and from work, payment for communication services, free medical insurance);
  2. Retention (the ability to receive any services other than the standard set of social package - preferential mortgage lending);
  3. Motivation (payment for vacation, provision of places in preschool institutions, vouchers).

But in reality, these functions are not always performed, so those that are actually performed and help a person are called real.

The presence of a good social package at this job serves as an additional incentive for the employee. This not only helps to attract new employees, but also to retain old qualified personnel.

Of course, the social packages of different categories of civil servants differ significantly. An ordinary employee can receive only a minimum set of services under the social package: a uniform (if his work involves a certain dress code), payment for travel to work, partial (or full) payment for cellular communications, meals, sometimes this includes the possibility of obtaining financial assistance in case of emergency situations (death close relative or marriage).

A middle-level employee has the opportunity to receive a more complete range of services under the social package. He is provided with vouchers, fully paid for cellular communications, also usually compensated for the cost of gasoline and food, it is possible to pay for classes in a sports club, voluntary medical insurance is partially paid, you can even count on an interest-free loan.

Top managers, in addition to all of the above, can receive medical insurance for all family members, an increase in pensions from the enterprise itself, vouchers for the whole family, a personal or corporate car with a driver, and a number of other services, the list of which is individual.

In general, there is no definition of the concept of “social package” in the legislation, but there is another concept - “standard social package”. It implies the presence of such benefits as: mandatory deductions for an employee (in the PF), payment for sick leave and maternity leave, and the provision of annual paid leave. All this is provided for in official employment and is mandatory for the employer.

The so-called work without official employment means the absence of mandatory services and benefits provided by law.

Social package from the state - who is entitled to it

The provision of social support to citizens from the state is enshrined in law. What categories of citizens can receive it:

  • Disabled or war veterans who have become disabled, and persons who have been equated with them;
  • Military personnel (this includes firefighters and police officers);
  • Former prisoners of concentration camps;
  • War veterans;
  • Residents of besieged Leningrad;
  • Family members of deceased war invalids (participants or veterans of military operations);
  • Disabled people of 1-3 groups;
  • Disabled children;
  • Participants of the Chernobyl events and equated to them.

Types of social packages for different categories of citizens

The content of the social package for the disabled must necessarily include receiving free medicines (the list is approved by law, and when receiving medicines, a prescription is required), a ticket to a sanatorium for treatment and payment for travel to the place of treatment, benefits for travel in suburban areas. It even provides for the option of receiving part of the benefits in monetary terms, when a person refuses to use these services.

Old-age pensioners also have their own type of social package, which necessarily includes: free medicines for the underlying disease (the list is approved by law, and a prescription is required to receive), a voucher to a sanatorium for treatment, payment for the road to the place of treatment, preferential travel on suburban routes. Pensioners, along with the disabled, have the right to refuse the services of the social package in favor of money.

The procedure for issuing a social package

To use the required package of social services, you must first register with the Pension Fund at the place of registration. The next step is to write an application, which must be provided to the employee of the institution before October 1 of the current year - in this case, the social package will begin on January 1 of the next year. If the applicant has not previously used the package of services specified in the social package, and the application was submitted during the year, then the benefits can be used until the end of the current year.

The application for the provision of services must contain the following information:

  • PF (number and territorial affiliation);
  • SNILS (insurance number of an individual personal account);
  • full name;
  • Full passport details.

If the application is handed over by a trustee, and not by a person claiming benefits, then it also indicates the data of the trustee. It is also necessary to write down how much the social package provided should be - full or partial. This means that a person has the opportunity to refuse part of the services, if they are not needed, and receive a refund of their cost in monetary terms.

The PF employee accepting the application issues a receipt indicating the date of receipt, registration number, signature and transcript to the signature.

This receipt is a guarantee that the application has been accepted, will be considered, and the citizen will be able to use the benefits provided for him.

Cancellation of social package

It happens that the services included in the social package are not in demand. Then you also need to document the refusal of these services. Often the reasons for the emerging denial of the prescribed benefits is the need for financial resources. The possibility of replacing services with a cash equivalent is also prescribed by law, and the amount of compensation is determined by the local Pension Fund.

To receive a monetary value of social services, a number of requirements must be met. Since the refusal of social services can be either complete or partial, you first need to decide which option you prefer. Then bring the following package of documents to the Pension Fund at the place of registration:

  1. Application for refusal (full or partial);
  2. SNILS;
  3. The passport;
  4. Pensioner's ID;
  5. Certificate of disability (when a citizen refusing a social package belongs to such a category).

Until what date can I opt out of the social package? The refusal must be issued before October 1 of the current year (as well as the application for receipt). If a person changes his decision regarding the refusal of social benefits, he is again obliged to submit a package of documents to the Pension Fund before October 1.

The social package, in fact, is designed to make life easier for some categories of citizens and make the work performed more attractive. Not always expected social assistance is tangible, but we hope that every year the situation will change for the better. Social packages for vulnerable segments of the population will increase, and the list of benefits and services provided to workers will expand.

Those who have dealt with the search for a job know that when presenting a vacancy, recruiters always offer candidates a social package in addition to wages. With equal salaries, it is the wealth of the social package that can play a decisive role in choosing one of the employment alternatives. So what is included in the social package?

Social package: what are recruiters wrong with?

Alas, not all employers understand what a social package at work is. Reminder for the employee - the components of the package cannot be:

  • Paid vacation lasting 28 days (or twice 14).
  • Payment for sick leave.
  • Compensation for travel and transport expenses.
  • Social insurance.

Important: everything listed above is the unconditional rights of employees, which are enshrined in the Labor Code. For example, articles 167-168 of the Labor Code say that business trips should be compensated. It is commendable if a company strictly follows the letter of the law, but other firms must do the same, and therefore respect for employee rights cannot be presented as a competitive advantage.

The social package includes bonuses that the employer is not required by law to provide. What is included in the social package at work depends on the position of what rank the employee of the enterprise occupies:

  1. Top management. Top managers can count on a corporate car (and immediately with a hired driver), the provision of an apartment (not a dorm room for n-th number of people), their own medical and family insurance, and annual vacation vouchers.
  2. middle management. Middle managers, as a rule, receive from the employer a voluntary medical insurance policy (partially paid), payment for mobile communications and meals, the opportunity to receive an interest-free loan, and sometimes trips to the sea.
  3. Other workers can count on compensation for travel and food, partial payment for mobile communications, and compulsory health insurance.

The realities of Russia are such that many workers do not receive any of the above, but they are already satisfied that their rights under the Labor Code are respected, and therefore they consider that they are lucky with the social package.

What do domestic employers offer more often?

It must be said that for Russia the concepts of “social package” and “non-material motivation” are relatively new - this is the reason for the ignorance of both applicants and employers about what a social package is when applying for a job. Previously, in Russia, only branches and affiliated companies of foreign organizations offered permanent additional motivation - at domestic enterprises, motivation was episodic in nature and took the form of unexpected presents for the holidays. Now the practice of motivation with a social package has become generally accepted - one of the latest sociological studies (ROMIR Monitoring agency) showed that what is included in the social package of an employee in Russia most often:

  1. Voluntary medical insurance (VHI)– 70% of employees. VHI is a relatively inexpensive way of additional motivation, and therefore employers actively use it. Important: alas, many employees do not even assume that VHI is a very useful thing. The policy allows you to save significant amounts on expensive treatment (for example, when visiting a dentist), as well as avoid tedious waiting in lines.
  2. Professional education- 39%. There is also an important point here: vocational training in a company must necessarily be accompanied by the issuance of a diploma or certificate confirming qualifications - in a word, any document that could be useful to an employee after dismissal. If a company is guided by its own selfishness and educates an employee "for itself", this cannot be called a boon for the employee.
  3. Mobile phone reimbursement- 34%. When hiring, the company issues a corporate SIM card to employees - the cost of it is lower due to a special tariff plan.
  4. Payment for meals – 25%.
  5. Employee loan offer– 23%. It is important to distinguish between the concepts of "loan" and "credit": a loan does not imply interest and may have a material form. Credit is given only in cash and only at interest. The opportunity to borrow money from an enterprise can be very appropriate: employees save not only money (on interest), but also the time that would have been spent collecting documents when contacting the bank. Some companies also offer partial mortgage coverage.
  6. Transport payment – 20%.
  7. Voluntary health insurance for relatives – 10%.
  8. Payment for tours- 9%. This type of motivation is becoming less and less popular among employers: prices for vacations abroad are growing by leaps and bounds due to fluctuations in exchange rates, and sending an employee to rest in the conditional Krasnodar Territory is considered undignified.
  9. Payment for parking services – 7%.

By the way, foreign social packages are somewhat different from Russian ones: "beyond the hill" more attention is paid to cultural and recreational activities, so employees are issued subscriptions to fitness rooms, swimming pools, and in some countries to attend matches of the local football team.

Options motivation is widespread in the US, while Russian workers do not know what it is. An option is an opportunity to buy a share of a company (small) at a reduced fixed price. Employers kill two birds with one stone: firstly, they diversify the social package for employees, and secondly, they motivate employees to participate in the development of the company, because an increase in the cost of business leads to an increase in the value of shares that employees can buy and immediately resell several times more expensive. For example, options are given to all employees of the Starbucks coffee corporation, which CEO Howard Schultz is immensely proud of.

Is the role of additional motivation great?

The role of the social package in the motivation of labor activity is great, and this is confirmed by numerous scientific studies. For example, the Ecopsy Consulting company conducted a survey among 200 employees of a large Russian company (from top managers to ordinary performers) and received amazing results: it turned out that for employees, wages are only the 4th most important factor in employment. Much more highly valued, say, a convenient work schedule.

With the help of a rich social package, the company shows that it cares about its employees even outside the office or workshop, and this contributes to the emancipation of employees and the improvement of corporate culture. There is no doubt that the social package today is a significant competitive advantage, and therefore the number of benefits offered by Russian enterprises is growing day by day.

We all need to work to provide for our lives. For this modern world, the social package is of great importance. True, what a social package is and what it includes, few can say right away. We will fix this with you.

What is called a social package

Half of what is offered by employers does not fall into this category. So, medical insurance, annual and maternity leave, contributions to the pension fund - these are all requirements indicated by law in relation to the employer. Even spending on personal transport, vocational training and mobile communications is just compensation for the employee's personal funds.

Then what is a social package at work? This includes free meals, pool and gym memberships, housing loans, vacation packages, etc. Social packages are completely dependent on the desires and capabilities of individual companies. Due to significant expenses, only about 15% of employers provide them to their employees. Therefore, when passing an interview, it is very advisable to be interested in what is in the social package.


The social package may vary depending on the position, as well as the physiological characteristics of a person. So, speaking about what a social package for pensioners is, it should be noted that according to the current legislation, they can receive it from the state in monetary terms or in the form of services.

For example, senior executives of large enterprises have an executive or corporate car with a driver, family health insurance, an additional pension at the expense of the company, trips designed for the whole family and much more (again, it all depends on each individual case).

What do ordinary employees and a middle manager get?

If we have already touched on this topic, then let's bring it to the end. Mid-level employees can boast of a social package that includes the following benefits:

  • vouchers;
  • payment for mobile communications and classes in the fitness center;
  • compensation for expenses on gasoline and food;
  • voluntary health insurance (although, as a rule, only partial payment is made);
  • provision of interest-free loans or credits (it is even possible to issue a part of the amount for a mortgage).

For ordinary employees, the following items are included in the social package:

  1. Issuance of overalls.
  2. Payment for travel to work.
  3. Partial payment for mobile services.
  4. Providing meals at work.
  5. Payments in the event of an emergency situation (wedding or death of a close relative).

Pensioner's social package

It is provided by the state and many will be interested in what is included in it. It should be noted that in 2016 the government provided 930.12 rubles for it. If you break it down into individual items, you get:

  1. Medicines prescribed by a doctor - 716.40 rubles.
  2. Sanatorium treatment (only if there are medical indications) - 110.83 rubles.
  3. Travel by suburban and intercity railway transport to the place of treatment and back - 102.89 rubles.

By the way, you can refuse the benefits provided by the state (partially or completely) and get their cash equivalent in your hands. After all, you must admit, speaking about what a pensioner's social package is, no one is impressed by special generosity.

The author believes that it is better to keep money under your control than to run around with a bunch of papers in different offices, while also wasting your time. And if there is a desire, then in 2016 with a request for this action, you must apply to the pension fund strictly before October 1. If the application was submitted earlier, nothing needs to be done.

Social packages for certain categories of citizens

These include disabled veterans of the Second World War, who received their injuries during hostilities, as well as underage prisoners of German camps. The amount of this allowance is equal to a thousand rubles - and from this you can understand what a social package for the disabled is.

There is also a social package in the amount that categories of citizens who took part in the Second World War and suffered in concentration camps can expect to receive. If a person falls under both criteria, he can count on only one payment.

What can most often be found in a modern social package from an employer

What we described earlier was purely theoretical information. And speaking about what a social package is, let's clarify how things are in modern realities:

  1. Free medicines if a sick leave has been issued.
  2. Meals, as well as travel to the place of work at the expense of the employer.
  3. Passing advanced training courses at the expense of the company (training in working with personal computers is the most popular).
  4. Paying mobile phone bills.

Sending to a spa vacation is also beginning to gain popularity. Some employers care not only about their employees, but also about their families. All this is used as a tool to motivate activity. Additionally, individual approaches can be used to increase people's interest. As a rule, they are aimed at the most successful or experienced employees of the company.

From a legal point of view

Now consider what a social package is from a slightly different point of view. Initially, it should be noted that the very concept of a social package is absent in the legislation. Often use such a definition as "standard social package". What is meant by it?

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that the employer must make various deductions for the employee, as well as provide him with payment in case of various circumstances (for example, sick leave, pregnancy, childbirth). Also, every officially working person can count on an annual one. Therefore, when talking about a standard social package, this implies official employment.

Keep in mind that from the point of view of legislation, it is a norm that must be met by all employers, without a single exception. But even in such cases, individual pleasant options can be added to the employee. So, for example, voluntary health insurance policies can be provided, which provides for an extended list of services (most often this means dental treatment).

Social packages from the point of view of world practice

Many successful businesses even create their own gyms for their employees. As a rule, they are located near production or office premises, where employees can work out completely free of charge. But most often for ordinary workers they provide free vouchers and interest-free loans.

As an example, developed countries will be considered, since it is most common there. Considering that vouchers there are cheaper from the point of view of companies, they can be distributed to almost everyone. Also positive is the presence of low inflation, which leads to the fact that companies have relatively little to lose when they provide interest-free loans.

The provision of material assistance and free food is also quite popular (a special indicator of a qualitative attitude is considered if an employee can choose what he will eat). Although, in general, it should be noted that if an ordinary employee is considered as an example, then he will not be able to boast of something so significant, while highly qualified and experienced specialists receive a large package of benefits. After all, companies are interested in the fact that employees work as efficiently as possible for them.


As you can see, a social package is one of the ways to facilitate work and make it as comfortable as possible. It is also used as a motivational tool, but so far in our reality this is not a very common state of affairs. Although one can hope that it will change in the coming decades.

What is included in the full social package when applying for a job?

    Everyone who gets a new job is offered social package. But both job seekers and employers put the wrong meaning in this concept. Usually, a social package means official employment, paid sick leave, monthly wages. But all these are the rights of the worker, which are obliged to fulfill in any case.

    BUT social package- these are some additional bonuses that the employer can provide to the employee. They are compensatory when an employee, for example, is paid for the use of a personal car for official purposes: depreciation and fuel consumption are compensated.

    And motivational:

    In this way, full social package implies a full set of various bonuses designed to motivate the employee's activities.

    More details about social package can be found here.

    A social package is a set of benefits and compensations that an employer provides you with at will. The package may include the following benefits:

    payment for maternity leave and maternity leave until the child reaches 1.5 years of age,

    sick pay,

    travel expenses to and from work

    vouchers to camps and sanatoriums,

    food payment,

    pension insurance,

    provision of interest-free loans,

    utility bills and others.

    A reliable responsible employer guarantees the applicant for a position in his company a full social package of guarantees. This usually means paying an annual fee. holidays and sick leave sheet. Other extensions the employer may not provide a social package (bonuses, trips to a sanatorium, payment for food, etc.), so it’s better to check with him what he means.

    the fact is that the legislation of the Russian Federation does not enshrine such a thing as full social packagequot ;. every employer can tell you that when applying for a job there is a full social package, but you can invest anything in this concept. so here. usually understand the concept of a social package is the employment and execution of an employment contract. Of course, there may be additional options. therefore, it is necessary to immediately clarify with the employer what kind of full social package it is.

    A full social package usually provides for:

    Additional health insurance,

    Corporate events,

    Gym payment,

    Providing free meals

    Vouchers to the sanatorium,

    Providing loans on favorable terms,

    The system of bonuses and gifts for employees.

    Social guarantees may be different in different organizations.

    Typically, a complete social package in any job consists of the following items:

    Travel expenses to and from work.

    Vouchers to sanatoriums and various rest houses.

    Payment for daily meals in production.

    Paid maternity leave until the child reaches one and a half years.

    Of course, this includes sick leave.

    And in some cases paying utility bills.

    The social package includes the most important thing is the payment of sick leave and for women, payment while maintaining a job, maternity leave.

    once a year paid vacation (well, or beat it into two halves)

    medical care (medical examination, vaccinations, treatment and provision of vouchers for treatment)

    insurance coverage in case of injury at the enterprise

    entry in the work book, contributions to the pension fund

    well, the rest is indicated in the collective agreement, something may be additional

    In general, the concept of a full social package is not enshrined in legislation.

    They often say - standard social packagequot ;. What does this mean?

    According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, each employee has the rights prescribed in the code. For him, deductions must be made to the Social Insurance Fund, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the medical insurance fund, he has the right to pay sick leave, Women - to maternity leave. Also, employees have the right to annual paid leave and can count on the provision of leave to care for a child up to 3 years. The employer must accrue pension contributions to the employee's salary and transfer them, which guarantees that the employee will receive a pension in the future.

    In general, when they talk about a full or standard package, they usually mean official employment, with the conclusion of an employment contract. You should know that this is a legislative norm for all employers without exception.

    But also in addition to the obligatory standard package there may be some additional nice options. For example, a voluntary health insurance policy that also provides for an extended list of services, such as dental treatment in a good clinic. Or even company-paid chiropractor services. Many rich enterprises even equip their own gyms near industrial and office premises, where employees can work out for free. Or even free tickets. Free travel to work. Help. Interest-free loans to employees. Free meals.

    But still, the list of additional options in different enterprises varies. Somewhere workers are happy with at least some additional opportunity, and some employee who is in demand due to high qualification will choose an enterprise with the widest possible list of additional benefits.

    Under the full social package, it is assumed that the employer will honestly fulfill his obligations to you and the state: he will pay taxes and transfer 1% to the pension fund, pay sick leave and provide you with paid leave. In addition, he can pay you the way to your place of work, give you unpaid leave in accordance with labor laws. But it may not do this if it is not laid down in the charter.

  • The complete social package is:

    • official employment, where the length of service will be taken into account in the future (when calculating a pension)
    • paid sick leave
    • paid vacation 1 time per year (at least 30 days)
    • payment of maternity leave for women and monthly payments for child care up to 1.5 years
    • insurance coverage in case of injury at work
    • monthly contributions to the pension fund.

We will tell you what HR should know about VHI, how to optimize the costs of health insurance for employees. Our tips will help reduce the cost of an insurance policy by 50%.

From the article you will learn:

3 useful documents from an expert:

What HR should know about VHI

VHI (voluntary medical insurance) is part of the employee's social package. Not all managers offer it. According to statistics, last year 60% of Russian companies did not use VHI (survey data from the Superjob portal). In the same firms that use VHI for company employees, this is the main benefit of the social package. See the tip on how to reduce the cost of VHI by 50% at the end of the article▼

Some companies draw up a policy immediately after hiring an employee. Some, only after the newcomer has completed a probationary period.

Regulations on voluntary medical insurance of employees

3 Questions HR Should Be Ready to Answer

  1. Who is the insured?

They are an organization that insures its employees.

  1. Where do insurance premiums come from?

Funds for providing a VHI policy for employees of an organization, in accordance with Article 17 of Law of the Russian Federation N1499-I, come from the profits of an enterprise or organization.

  1. How are VMI conditions determined?

The fundamental document is the insurance program. It details the types of additional medical care provided, the institution responsible for their provision, and the amount of insurance.

An example of the provision of VHI in different companies

In "Promsvyazbank" developed nine VHI programs for adults and four for children of employees. These were different combinations of clinics that differed both in the list of services and in the cost of VHI for company employees.

In the group of companies "Novard" each employee chooses what constitutes his individual program of medical services. It has more than 40 medical institutions and a variety of types of medical care at its disposal: outpatient, office doctor services, personal doctor, home help, ambulance, etc. The employee himself completes his VHI program. If the allowable limit is exceeded, the employee makes an additional payment.

Pros and cons of DMS

Advantages of VHI

Cons of VHI

Increased employee loyalty

Complicated process of registration: it is required to collect and prepare a lot of documents

Improving the image of the company (external brand)

The absence of a fixed fee for the policy and the actual difficulties in predicting its size.

There is an opportunity to attract valuable personnel to cooperation

In some cases, the insurance company may refuse to pay compensation.

Income tax is reduced

The terms of the VHI program must be agreed with each employee

5 tips for optimizing VHI spending

In a period of crisis or a temporary decrease in company income, the CEO asks HR to cut VHI costs first of all. How to keep the most demanded services and keep the loyalty of the staff at the same level? Expert advice will help you.

1. Provide a full package of VHI only to those who have the necessary experience or have achieved certain results in their work

This will not only save on VHI, but also reduce staff turnover. For example, if an employee has not worked for a year, then he is provided only with outpatient treatment, after 2 years of work - a full package of VHI.

In the departments involved in sales, introduce a rule - VHI is issued only after reaching a certain level of sales.


In one capital insurance company, a rule was established: an agent is included in the VHI program for employees only after he reaches a certain level of sales. If a beginner fulfills this condition, he will receive a social package that includes VHI and discounts on insurance.

2. Vary the composition of the VHI options depending on the position of the employee. For example, enter three types of VHI packages - V.I.P. (for top managers), standard (for middle managers) and economy (for ordinary employees).

★ In order not to pay contributions to state funds with VHI, conclude a voluntary medical insurance contract with an insurance company for at least a year. Then it will not be necessary to accrue contributions to the fund for payments under the agreement - pension, social insurance and compulsory medical insurance (clause 5, part 1, article 9 of the Federal Law of July 24, 2009 No. 212-FZ).

3. Refuse unnecessary expensive medical services. For example, house calls, pregnancy and childbirth, dentistry, cosmetic and preventive medicine.

4. Pay for admission to hospitals and hospitalization after the fact. In other words, do not include the cost of hospitalization and inpatient care in the price of VHI, but pay for these services when they are needed.

5. Choose clinics that are more expensive than others, but have little demand for employees, and exclude them from VHI. Option - choose the services of a clinic of a lower price category. Keep track of the balance of optimization and service quality. To do this, conduct a survey among employees.

Questionnaire for assessing the quality of medical services

If your firm has entered into a contract with an insurance company for a year, at the end of this period, be sure to request a report on how employees used VHI and a calculation of the new price.

This is necessary in order to get an idea of ​​how many times and which clinic the employees applied to over the past period, how much it cost. When calculating the new price of VHI, ask the insurer to describe in which clinics and what services, how much the price has risen.

Analyze clinics by two parameters: the number of visits and the cost of services. Immediately identify which of the medical centers are not in demand and exclude them from VHI for the next year.

★ And remember, even if you are a small company and your budget is limited, there is always a way out. Partner with a large organization to get health insurance for less money. The more people are insured under the program, the more favorable the price for one. For example, an agency with a staff of only 30 people agreed with a large holding company to jointly issue a voluntary medical insurance program. Due to this, the cost of the VHI policy for agency employees decreased by 50%.