Leadership style as an ethical issue. Ethical components of leadership styles. General concept of management ethics

Leadership ethics is a kind of professional ethics associated with the direct activities of the key figures of the organization, aimed at determining the policy of the company as a whole.

The task of management ethics is to maintain effective mechanisms for interaction within the workforce and the relationship between the leader and subordinates.

Leadership styles

In practice, 4 main management styles are used:

1.authoritarian– single-handedly resolves issues, focuses on one’s own goals and interests, practically does not consult with the team, suppresses initiative, is afraid of qualified workers, can fire objectionable ones, knows and knows everything, keeps a distance, the main method of stimulation is punishment, encouragement on holidays and the elect.

It is based on MacGregory's "X" theory: a person initially does not like to work, so he needs to be directed, controlled, and he himself understands this.

2.democratic- It is based on McGregory's "Y" theory: the average person has no aversion to work, work is natural for a person and is considered by the majority as self-realization and the goal of life. The main priority is the participation of all in a common cause, which allows us to rationally use internal resources, achieve the solution of complex problems, create an atmosphere of friendship and mutual assistance.

3. liberal-anarchist - the main emphasis on non-intervention of the leader in labor activity subordinates; the main task is to prevent serious disruptions in work. Administrative and economic issues are concentrated in the hands of the head, and the team is engaged in labor activities. It is typical for creative teams where high professionals work.

4. problem-target - authoritarianism + well-known democracy; management is based on the principle: if there is a goal or a problem, it is solved in an authoritarian way; the rest of the time - the team works according to its settings. Effective in organizations that operate in quick returns.

Code of Ethics for Senior Management

Throughout history, moral codes of management workers have been developed more than once. One of the first is the "Moral Code of Local Government Workers" (USA, 1924), amendments to it were adopted 5 times.

The modern ethical code of the head includes the following provisions:

    personal financial resources should not conflict with official duties;

    your financial income must correspond to the standard income of representatives of your profession;

    following the rule of law (the legality of all actions);

    confidentiality of business information;

    full "transparency" of personal financial investments, including investments of family members.

Principles and norms of moral behavior of top management:

    be an expert in your field;

    be decisive (the leader should not make many decisions, few, but the most important ones);

    be a diplomat;

    inspire trust with your moral qualities: decency, tolerance ...

    be obligatory: do not make false obligations;

    take the best to the team;

    help the growth of your subordinates;

    be able to create motivation for others;

    do not be a know-it-all: be able to admit your mistakes;

    don't play politics;

    do not shoot the messenger with bad news: you can lose the good news.

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Morality reflects the principles of communication between people approved in society. It can be called morality, and a person (including the employer) who lives regardless of the opinions and interests of others (including his employees) is called immoral.

Would so many economic crimes be committed if all the heads of organizations were highly moral people? The losses from the violation of moral norms are enormous.

Bribes, theft, fraud, corruption, tax evasion, uncontracted employment. The minimum that you will lose when meeting with such an unscrupulous person is time for employment and waiting for the first salary.

And you can lose even more. It all depends on the virtuosity of the game with the employee of the employer, who comes up with various reasons for delaying money. Naive workers, especially women, believe and even feel sorry for the leader, who allegedly got into a difficult situation. In addition, there are many “one-day butterflies” among firms. Today they lure people into a chic office, promise blessings to the skies, and then suddenly their leaders disappear without a trace, leaving the workers in their own interests, and even alone with investigators from the criminal investigation department.

It was these leaders that the famous Austrian economist and philosopher Friedrich August von Hayek had in mind when he put forward the concept of management as freedom from moral problems.

Undoubtedly, compliance ethical standards in relations between leaders and their subordinates is of particular importance. The luxury of business communication is no less important than the luxury of human communication. The moral and moral health of any work collective, as a rule, is ensured by the ethical canons of management.

This essay is devoted to one of the main problems of management philosophy, namely, the problem of professional ethics of the leader.

1. General concept of managerial ethics

Management ethics - a set of rules and forms of business communication with people, allows you to express respect for them, promotes the establishment of an atmosphere of mutual understanding between the leader and subordinates, a good attitude towards each other. The true situation is most clearly illustrated by the well-known lines of R. Burns - “he is a prominent boss! He is a Gentleman! Have you often met such a phenomenon?

Recently, in Russia, special attention has been paid to the problems of service and administrative ethics, the principles and norms of moral behavior of persons involved in management. There is such a type of professional ethics as managerial ethics. essence management activities- a chain of constantly made responsible decisions, which must be morally justified and exclude any moral losses. Awareness of the importance of the moral value of business is becoming the property of an increasing number of managers and businessmen. In Russia, they have long understood that it is necessary to produce what they buy; production is designed to anticipate what the consumer wants. This means that in the foreground it is not the dominance of private interest that is indicated, but the priority recognition of the interests of people, the assertion of their consumer tastes, value orientations.

Management ethics has recently begun to undergo significant changes. This is due to a serious reassessment of values, with the realization that the problems of the present and the future cannot be solved with the help of recipes from the past. At present, such universally recognized values ​​as obedience, hierarchy, discipline, career, power, centralization and others are fading into the shadows. Selyukov F. T. Administrative ethics. - M.: Knowledge, 2008. Values ​​such as self-determination, teamwork, participation, consumer orientation, personality and its disclosure, creativity, innovation, ability to compromise, decentralization come to the forefront.

The change in value orientations brought about radical changes in the ethics of business, in the theory and practice of management. The importance of ethics, the strictest observance of ethical norms and ideas has increased dramatically. ethical rules play in conditions modern Russia a special role, and not only in the communication of people within the framework of business, but especially in relationships in labor collectives, primarily in contacts between managers, as well as in working and informal relationships between managers and subordinates and employees. This is largely due to the peculiarities of the state of today's domestic economy.

In an atmosphere of uncertainty (when it is not known what is possible and what is impossible), it is very difficult for an entrepreneur to function, much more difficult than in conditions of market economy with clear rules. Many business activities can be recognized as illegal, which dramatically increases the degree of risk. The paradox of today's life lies in the fact that it is almost impossible to really plan, implement optimal and specific management decisions that are natural in conditions open market, but may not please any official at the district or region level, not to mention higher authorities.

It is in these most difficult conditions that the use of the colossal potential of management - the science of the most rational organization and management of the workforce - plays a special role. Managing people's activities requires exceptionally high art, a wide arsenal of techniques and methods used, managerial and entrepreneurial skills. With the introduction of management as a science, huge economic achievements, revolutionary technical and technological changes, completely new approaches to working people, the development of creative individuality, and much more are now associated.

Increasingly, the use of the still far from fully disclosed possibilities of management philosophy brings companies a huge economic and moral effect at relatively low costs, correct, scientifically based management also acts as an important factor in solving the social problems of labor collectives. Mavlyutova G. Sh. Administrative ethics Tyumen: Publishing House of Tyumen state university, 2007. Therefore, the interest in it in our country has become simply extraordinary. However, the economic conditions in our country today are so different from the conditions in the countries of developed capitalism that the use of its capabilities must be creative, innovative, with maximum consideration of local characteristics and traditions, the ethical attitudes of each region, each labor collective.

In our press and even in scientific literature, management is presented as a kind of panacea for all ills and, on the other hand, as something that is not well-established. In fact, everything is completely different. Modern management is thousands options and nuances of management decisions. Moreover, management decisions developed by one company and well-proven may turn out to be not only useless, but even very dangerous for another. The wide variability of management decisions, the flexibility and originality of economic combinations, the unique nature of each management decision in a specific specific situation form the basis of management. Therefore, in the activities of managers, it is necessary to focus not on standard moves and decisions, but on the ability to quickly and correctly assess the real economic situation and find the only approach possible in a given situation, which is optimal under specific conditions.

What should a modern educated leader be able to do? First of all - to conduct an express analysis of economic situations in the company, to form an optimal business plan, to diagnose the most appropriate organizational structure enterprises. He must be able to formulate tasks and put them before his subordinates, make decisions and be responsible for them, organize joint activities and manage it, conduct business negotiations, use various means of motivation and extinguish and provoke conflict situations in the team. In other words, this is a modern specialist in production management, the work of the enterprise. In his hands are the fate of the company, the well-being and career of subordinates.

What does the leader need to ensure the effective operation of the organization? Johnson K., Abramov I. Business ethics: A Guide to Managing a Responsible Enterprise in a Developing market economy-Washington: Office international trade US Department of Commerce, 2005. First of all, to clearly define the goals that are set for it, its divisions, to coordinate their hierarchy. Be able to coordinate the activities of people according to their achievements. To create an active working atmosphere that provides the prerequisites for creative and highly productive work of all employees of the company and, finally, to realize oneself as a leader and as a person, establish and maintain feedback with people, learn from the results of one’s activities and the activities of subordinates, know one’s powers and scope personal responsibility.

2. Moral aspects of leadership styles and methods

A leader is, first of all, a leader capable of influencing people and the team, encouraging them to work effectively to achieve their goals. The success of any leader depends on his personal qualities as a person and the style of his activity, in other words, on his manner of behavior in relation to his subordinates, on his ability to influence them.

There are two main directions in the leadership style Kukushkin VS Business etiquette: textbook. ed. - Rostov-on-Don: March, 2007. . The first is characterized by the minimum degree with which the manager delegates his powers, his desire to achieve the goal at any cost, without providing any (or minimum) trust to employees. The second is determined by the leader's desire to achieve goals by creating a businesslike, trusting atmosphere in the team. In the first case, the leadership style ranges from authoritarian to liberal, and in the second, from business-oriented to people-oriented.

The authoritarian leader is independent, has strong power, imposes it on his subordinates without hesitation. Managers of this type proceed from the fact that all employees shirk at the first opportunity from work, they have little ambition, and they strive to get rid of responsibility, prefer to be led, and in necessary cases- protected. With such a view of subordinates, it is obvious that in order to make people work, it is necessary to use coercion, the strictest control, the threat of punishment. authoritarian leader centralizes powers as much as possible, does not allow employees to make decisions on their own, holds all management in their hands, and often uses psychological pressure. But it is possible that he shows concern for his subordinates, their well-being.

A democratic leader thinks differently about his subordinates. Here, the work of employees is perceived as a natural process. At favorable conditions labor, people take on part of the responsibility and strive for it. They feel their involvement in the affairs of the firm and are all the more willing to use self-management and control if this is followed by remuneration. Therefore, a democratic leader in working with people addresses their consciousness, conscience and honor, pursuing the goals that the company faces. Thus, the leader leads to the conformity of the goals of his subordinates with the goals of the company. The more fully the goals, the interests of each employee correspond to common goals, the more employees know about them, about the nature of their work, the work of others, the more efficiently they work, show more responsibility for the common cause, they have fewer misunderstandings and conflicts with management, which means that higher performance results.

For the activities of a firm dominated by democratic style leadership, characterized by a high degree of decentralization of authority, the active participation of employees in the development and decision-making. Conditions are created when for subordinates their duties do not look burdensome, employees consider their work to be worthy, creative and prestigious. The democratic style of leadership assumes that subordinates solve most of the problems on their own, do not need the approval of the boss and do not run to him for any reason for advice or permission. But for the practical implementation of this style of leadership, long-term and painstaking work of managers is required to create an atmosphere of trust, openness, mutual respect and support in the workforce. -2004. - No. 7 - 8. - S. 17 - 24. .

Experience shows that more work is done under authoritarian leadership than under democratic leadership. However, the price for this is relatively low motivation, less originality of decisions, a tense moral and psychological climate in the company, its divisions, and the aggressiveness of employees who strive to be like the boss. Such enterprises are based on a strong leader. The main part of the employees is constantly anxious, is in a dependent position and is submissive only for the time being.

There are also intermediate methods of leadership that combine both styles. There are four management methods: Obolonsky A.V. Moral and law in politics and management - M .: GU graduate School Economics, 2006. exploitative-authoritarian, benevolent-authoritarian, consultative-democratic and group.

The first method is characterized by the fact that the leader does not trust subordinates, constantly threatens them with punishment. He solves all problems himself, giving only orders to his subordinates. The opinions of employees are of little interest to him; at best, he explains to them how to do this or that business. The decision of such a leader is perceived by subordinates as imposed from outside. Therefore, they critically discuss this solution even if it is correct. They perform it sluggishly, and if the leader is also mistaken, then there is no limit to gloating. There is a negative atmosphere in the team. Some of the employees expect the manager's mistakes to demonstrate their insight and competence in the affairs of the company.

In firms where the exploitative-authoritarian method of leadership has been established, subordinates consider themselves offended, since their opinion, experience, and knowledge are all ignored by the leader. Subordinates get used to being only performers, stereotypes “our business is small”, “my hut is on the edge” are fixed in their minds. The head, who has made a sole decision, thereby assumes full responsibility for its possible Negative consequences. Such a leader often does not realize his mistakes, his guilt before the company. He looks for the causes of errors in the circumstances or in the actions of his slow subordinates. Subordinates, although they notice the leader’s mistakes and know their reasons, prefer to keep quiet. With this leadership style, the price of mistakes is double - economic losses from the wrong decision and psychological trauma of employees due to personal relationships between the team and the leader.

The second method of leadership - benevolent-authoritarian - is determined by the fact that the leader feels confident, treats his subordinates condescendingly. The threat of punishment, although present, does not prevail. Such a decision-making leader takes into account the individual opinions of subordinates, is ready, under strict control, to provide them with a certain independence, if at the same time the general policy of the company is strictly observed. But such an attitude towards subordinates does not exclude the manager's distrust of them. He is interested in their opinion only in order to refute it and once again emphasize his own superiority, which creates a conflict situation in the team.

The third method is consultative-democratic. The leader largely trusts subordinates, seeks to constructively use their ideas, consults with them. He carefully listens to all the points of view of his subordinates, without giving preference to any, develops a common position and, within its framework, his own point of view. Employees are satisfied that their opinion forms the basis of the decision, and are flattered by the opportunity to provide all possible assistance to management. In this situation, the responsibility of the leader is reinforced by the moral support of subordinates. However, the main decisions are made exclusively by the highest echelons of power. In methods of influencing subordinates, preference is given to rewards, punishments are rarely used.

The fourth method is group. It is characterized by the fact that the leader fully trusts his subordinates on all issues, listens sympathetically, uses their opinion, organizes a counter exchange of information, involves subordinates in determining the goals of the company and monitoring their achievement. This method of leadership is considered the most effective.

Experienced leaders give priority to the human aspects of the problems facing subordinates, thoughtfully divide their subordinates into groups in which they themselves participate. This meets the desires of subordinates who expect help and support from the leader in all matters.

Each of the above methods of leadership can be directed either at work or at a person. A work-oriented leader seeks a solution to a problem in accordance with technical principles and rewards workers for exceeding prescribed performance. A people-oriented leader cares about people first, strives to improve productivity through improvement human relations. He focuses on mutual assistance, on the maximum participation of employees in the affairs of the company, avoids petty care, takes full account of the needs of subordinates, helps to solve their personal problems, encourages professional growth, initiative.

What leadership style do you prefer? Some consider the authoritarian style of leadership to be the most effective, since it strengthens the power of the leader, expands his ability to influence subordinates, encouraging them to achieve goals. But at the same time, the leader often forgets about the needs of his subordinates, social problems which negatively affects the relationship in the team and the activities of the company.

Adherents of the people-centered democratic style of leadership are convinced that it ensures maximum productivity of work, since the people directly doing the work are able to restructure it in such a way as to achieve the most efficient. The artificial imposition of people on how to work and what to do often meets with active resistance on their part, which does not contribute to improving things.

The rules of effective leadership include the following: Shorin V. G., Popov G. Kh., Goryachev G. D., Style of work of the leader - M .: Knowledge, 2006.

Transfer (delegation) to the appropriate structures of authority and responsibility for the results of the use of the granted power;

Planning the main areas of work with people;

Steady striving to achieve the goal; correlation of the capabilities of the performers with the complexity of the tasks;

Formation of a business and friendly atmosphere in all departments of the company; encouragement for the best performance in work and the exclusion of punitive measures and sanctions for omissions;

Publicity in work (of course, while maintaining trade secret and other company secrets);

Strict control over the physical and psychological state of employees;

Material and moral support of employees in necessary situations;

Regular contacts of managers with subordinates, etc.

3. Moral qualities of a leader and ethics of professional communication

The leader must be an influential authoritative person. The loss of influence on subordinates is a collapse for the leader. Without this, he is not able to exercise the power granted to him. Thanks to his authority, the leader directs human behavior towards the implementation of the set task, the achievement of the set goal. He chooses the path of influence, which in this situation will most quickly lead to the desired result. Omelchenko N. A. Ethics and culture of management in the system state power and Civil Service Institute of State and municipal government. -3rd ed., stereotype. - M., 2007.

However, in practical work the head, formally remaining completely independent, in fact turns out to be dependent on many circumstances and huge amount of people. It is influenced by subordinates and colleagues within the enterprise, managers and employees of other firms, acquaintances and acquaintances of acquaintances, etc. The manager needs the services of these people. Sometimes, without their assistance, the leader is not able to complete the tasks facing him.

If a leader cannot communicate effectively with people and consider all circumstances, then he will not be able to do his job. The manager has power over subordinates, therefore he decides such important issues as the level of remuneration, the nature of the work performed, the workload of the employee, his promotion, etc. But absolute power does not exist, just as there is no universal ways impact on people in all conditions. The leader must not only be competent in the affairs of the company, but also constantly feel the mood of people, try not to abuse his power so as not to cause a negative reaction from his subordinates.

An important factor in the influence of the head is his ability to feel the main thing in the affairs of the company. He must keep under his control the entire business of the enterprise, but, above all, what is of decisive importance for the performance of his duties by subordinates, which creates a situation of dependence of each employee on the results of the common cause.

The influence of the leader increases in direct proportion to how fully he fulfills the promises given to people, satisfies their needs, is able to anticipate the emergence of negative trends and effectively counteract them.

Therefore, the most effective is the system of leadership, which is based on encouraging practice. Conscientious, proactive implementation of management orders, intensive and creative work in this case, they are dependent on the reward system. Stimulation should be significant for the performer and feasible for the company. The manager is obliged to correctly determine what is of real value to the subordinate, to provide him with this remuneration, taking into account the resources of the company. You must always remember - you can promise anything, it is much more difficult to fulfill the promise. Theory of Management: Uch-k / Ed. Yu.V. Vasilyeva, V.N. Parakhina, L.I. Ushvitsky. -2nd ed., add. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2005. .

The effectiveness of leadership depends on the qualifications of the performers, their ability to take responsibility for their behavior, the desire to achieve the goal, as well as education and experience in solving specific problems. In accordance with the level of maturity of the performers, four types of leadership are distinguished. For subordinates with a low level of qualification, such a form as “give instructions” is applicable, since the leader proceeds from the fact that subordinates are either unwilling or unable to take responsibility for a specific task, and they need instructions, constant guidance and strict control. The leader in this case should focus more on the performance of the task and to a lesser extent on human relations.

For employees who are average-skilled and willing to take responsibility but are not yet fully capable of doing so, both task-oriented and human-relationship-oriented leadership is practiced. The manager gives subordinates specific instructions and at the same time supports their desire, enthusiasm to do the work themselves.

The third type of leadership is used when employees can, but do not want to be responsible for the task, although they have sufficient qualifications for this. In this case, the main emphasis is on the participation of subordinates in decision-making, because they know what and how to do. The manager must arouse in subordinates a sense of belonging to the implementation of this task, for which it is necessary to increase the motivation for the task, provide them with the opportunity to participate in decision-making and provide assistance without imposing instructions.

The fourth type of leadership is used at a high level of qualification of subordinates, when they can and want to be responsible. The leader delegates authority. Subordinates themselves know what and how to do, are aware of their responsibility for solving the problem.

The practice of management knows two main ways to lead people: through the direct use of power or the rejection of it. Economic psychology / Ed. I.V. Andreeva. SPb.: Piter, 2006. Based on the direct use of power, the leader in one form or another gives the subordinate an order or sets a task for him. The order must correspond to the goals of the company and be feasible, sanctions follow for its non-fulfillment, and encouragement for its fulfillment. It is necessary to state in an understandable form what the subordinate must do, by what date. In situations where it is not known exactly what the real ways of completing the task are, its wording can be general, leaving the opportunity for workers to exercise independence.

The manager, freeing himself from secondary problems and routine operations, focuses his efforts on the strategic directions of the company's activities and solving fundamentally important issues. To this end, he may grant certain powers to his employees, if necessary, documenting their new rights and obligations.

What circumstances contribute to the effective delegation of powers of the leader to subordinates? First of all, the leader's high rating, his ability to present authority as an encouragement to subordinates and high trust of superiors. Gorshenin V., Rampersad H., Stepicheva A. Way to achieve efficiency, harmonious development of personality and organization // Personnel Management, 2008, No. 1, P. 34. Empowerment of subordinates additional responsibilities can be an integral element of the management system and carried out at the firm regularly. The factor of effective incentives for employees who take on additional powers is also important.

Among the most important qualities of a leader is his ability to load all his subordinates with feasible, but intensive work, and to exercise the necessary control over their activities. The manager's formula is simple - "give a task and check the execution." The leader, not trusting subordinates because of their "youth", "sluggishness", "frivolity", thereby stimulates their uncertainty in work. Yes, and subordinates are not always ready to assume authority from the boss.

A leader who strives to work as efficiently as possible and expects to use all the possibilities of his subordinates must be a versatile person. So what is he, a modern leader?

It is typical for an active leader that he takes into account the totality of relations within the company and its relations with other companies, promptly develops and corrects the principles of actions of officials, delegates a significant part of the responsibility and authority to subordinates, resorts to constructive criticism. A passive leader implements the principles of action developed by others, tries to keep everything in his own hands, acts according to a standard scheme, is interested in his career, seeks to present other people's ideas as his own, is limited to minor problems, solving them from routine positions, his criticism is not constructive, he is afraid of risk .

A modern manager is distinguished by a deep knowledge of reality, an understanding of the goals of the company or his unit, the ability to see problems, highlight the most significant of them, susceptibility to novelty and change, and anticipation of the results that need to be achieved. He must have above-average intelligence, be able to think logically, solve problems creatively, and minimal cost take risks, make decisions, take responsibility for their implementation. The leader must also have good health, stable mentality, be energetic, resolute, and tolerant. An important quality The modern leader is his ability to find information and share it with subordinates, listen to others, learn from them, find people of interest to the company.

A modern leader must take a principled position on all issues, be fair and honest, benevolent towards colleagues, be willing to cooperate with them, be able to withstand pressure from both superiors and subordinates, constantly enrich their knowledge, disagree even out of courtesy to all the dubious requests of others. Shatalova N. What makes a leader effective? // Personnel officer. Personnel management, 2007, No. 7, S. 23.

A good manager knows how to use his working time, fight with fluidity and inertia. The key to this is his ability to separate the essential from the non-essential, the ability to focus efforts, primarily on important work, to reserve time for achieving key goals. He must actively fight against his own shortcomings, form a positive attitude towards life and work, take care of his family, in which he draws the main life values ​​and motives, be able to relax, find time to communicate with friends.

Of particular importance are the personal relationships between the employee and the manager. The leader should be accessible to subordinates, but not intrusive, not tell them at every step what to do. As the capabilities of subordinates grow, he weakens control over them, gradually gives them more and more powers, clearly explaining what is required of them. Vasiliev V. L. Ethics in jurisprudence and entrepreneurial activity- St. Petersburg, 2005.

To successfully exercise leadership, a manager must know his subordinates well. For this purpose, regular reports of subordinates on their activities for a specific period of time are practiced. If a subordinate fails to submit a sensible report to the manager in time, then the manager will have to think about moving such an employee to another position.

Any leader has several main areas of his activity. By compiling and regularly updating the program of actions, the manager analyzes them and determines those whose implementation should surely ensure success. It is on them that you should concentrate your attention and the efforts of the company, and discard the rest. The leader cannot solve all problems by himself. He entrusts subordinates with the solution of some of them, freeing up his time for such work that no one can do for him.

The leader is called upon to fully ensure the involvement of employees in the tasks of the company. Convince them that he believes in their capabilities, waiting for reliable and competent work; to find such techniques and methods to turn even uninteresting work into an exciting process, even with elements of risk, to find non-standard ways to revitalize the activities of all employees. It is also important that the tasks to be solved maximally meet the interests and capabilities of each employee, encourage people to increase the return on work, but not to the detriment of quality.

Since the interests of all people will always remain different, the leader must ensure maximum mutual understanding between subordinates, create a balance between the powers of employees. He must strive to turn any business into a means of mobilizing the efforts of the entire team, constantly looking for ways to energize people. Economic psychology / Ed. I.V. Andreeva. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2006.

The task of the manager also includes such a duty as getting rid of employees who “do not fit” into the company, its structure, or into some line of work.

Leadership is the art of influencing people, inspiring them to voluntarily strive to achieve common goals. The elements of this art are: the constant improvement of the leader himself, a thorough knowledge of subordinates and the ability to put oneself in their place, knowledge of one’s own strengths and weaknesses, the ability to analyze the situation, to foresee the consequences of one’s influence on others before taking action, the ability to instill confidence in people.

Many argue that management is an art. It is impossible to teach the heads of firms to effectively manage people and organize their business. To do this, you need to have special abilities. But management is not only an art, but also an experience. By themselves, the ability to organize and business communication does not mean anything. They develop only in practical activities with the acquisition of experience.

Experience can be gained over the years through trial and error. But there are methods of rapid intensive development of experience - these are teaching methods. Given all this, we can finally derive the following formula: management is an art plus training plus experience.

The most difficult practical issues of modern management for our leaders are: methods of managing a team - employees, a team; problems of implementation of business contacts; conflict situations, stress and ways to manage them. Experience shows that the following is important here: Shatalova N. What makes a leader effective? // Personnel officer. Personnel management, 2007, No. 7, S. 23.

1. clarify and clearly formulate the task;

2. compose detailed plan with the allocation of the main activities to complete the task;

3. establish personal responsibility of employees for the implementation of each activity;

4. distribute tasks depending on the qualifications and abilities of employees;

5. monitor bottlenecks and possible disruptions.

It is important for a leader to become a full-blooded member of the team, to live by collective interests. Reliance on the self-management of the collective is highly desirable. Management methods are based on persuasion. The ability to cooperate, to work together with the team, is also expressed in the fact that the leader knows what requirements and in what form should be made to the team in a given situation and what results can be expected from him.

Practice has shown that a leader is good who is able to ensure high productivity of his subordinates in his absence. This is possible only if there are developed forms of self-government in the team. To do this, you need to have the necessary authority. As you know, authority is the public recognition of the leader's personality, positive evaluation team of his business and ethical qualities. Let's notice at the same time that influence of authority can be more effective than purely administrative measures.

A leader who cares about his authority gains the support of his subordinates. If this is not the case, he has to force employees to work, which usually causes their resistance. The leader in this case is forced to spend his energy on imposing his leadership, he has to put himself in a separate position in the team and actually be outside the team. Under conditions of general democratization, the development of such a situation in a team can lead to serious conflicts.

Of particular importance is the ethics of business communication in the team. The role of communication with people in the activities of the head of the company is great. In the process of communication, he formulates tasks, exercises control, provides assistance and support, teaches, educates. Having properly organized business communication, the manager is able to influence his subordinates, involve them in work, and involve them in the circle of his interests. Drummers V. N. The place and significance of the code of corporate conduct // Code info. -2004. - No. 7 - 8. - S. 17 - 24.

Various forms of psychological influence on subordinates are practiced. Thus, the belief is widely used that the manager does not just order, but provides the subordinate with certain information, substantiating it, in order to achieve the consent of the subordinates with the expressed point of view. The leader appeals to the reason and common sense of people. The method of persuasion is most effective in relation to employees with a high intellectual and educational level. Persuasion will not help the leader in cases where he communicates with people who have other life values, and also where the intellectual and professional level of subordinates is much lower than the level of training of the leader. The method of persuasion does not work even where it is necessary to urgently make a decision. You can not resort to the method of persuasion if the manager himself does not own the audience.

An equally important point is suggestion, aimed at ensuring that the interlocutor accepts the message without any evidence, on faith. Messages of an inspiring nature will be accepted if the leader has authority, he is popular, he is respected. The one resorting to the method of suggestion must have the appropriate data: an expressive voice, an impressive appearance, good diction.

The main thing that helps to successfully apply the method of suggestion is the leader's ability to convey a sense of strength, authority, self-confidence, and high organization. This method is advisable to use in stressful situations, with a hard time limit. He has success in communicating with people who are emotional, prone to submission. The method is ineffective in communicating with the intellectual elite, with people who have a pronounced ability to lead.

The leader can also act as a role model. Subordinates almost always adopt his work style, demeanor, conversation, attitude to work and even demeanor. This places a great responsibility on the manager. Hence, it is important to constantly monitor your behavior and appearance, permanent job over oneself, overcoming one's own shortcomings, developing and consolidating positive qualities. Johnson K., Abramov I. Business Ethics: A Guide to Managing Responsible Enterprise in an Emerging Market Economy -Washington: US Department of Commerce International Trade Administration, 2005.

The method of coercion is based on the use by the head of his power and is expressed in orders, instructions. In management, this method is effective in violations labor discipline, failure to complete tasks, etc. But an unreasonably rigid administrative style of management can cause conflicts in the team, increased staff turnover, and the indifference of employees to their work.

So, the ability to effectively manage people, to comply with ethical requirements is based on the following ten factors: Mavlyutova G. Sh. Administrative ethics Tyumen: Tyumen State University Publishing House, 2007.

1. the ability to manage oneself;

2. clear personal goals;

3. emphasis on continuous personal growth;

4. ability to solve problems;

5. resourcefulness and ability to innovate;

6. high ability to influence others;

7. knowledge of modern management approaches;

8. ability to manage personnel;

9. ability to train and develop subordinates;

10. form and develop effective working groups.

Each managerial task has specific requirements, so not every one of the factors mentioned applies equally to every situation. But they do provide a basis for each worker's assessment of their capabilities in relation to the requirements of their job.

Great demands are made on the manager, which can only be satisfied if the manager constantly improves himself. You need self-confidence, the ability to do everything in a new way. The task of a manager is to find a way to analyze their approaches and abilities, to learn how to act differently. Everyone has to learn from their own experience. It is advisable to draw up a personal action plan, consisting of several main points:

1) identify limitations;

2) evaluate and reflect on them;

3) overcome obstacles;

4) introduce new working methods.

The main thing for a leader is to support his employees not only in initiative initiatives, but also in solving their problems. Approaches typical for the boss, who achieves the greatest efficiency by helping employees overcome their difficulties, is as follows: Management Theory: Uch-to / Ed. Yu.V. Vasilyeva, V.N. Parakhina, L.I. Ushvitsky. -2nd ed., add. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2005.

1. he provides employees with the means to solve their problems, but does not do it for them;

2. the leader seeks to free his subordinates from unnecessary problems;

3. if an employee cannot solve a problem, the boss suggests that he put it aside for a while or encourages him to think about this problem from the other side;

4. if the leader feels that a conflict is brewing in the team, it is necessary to organize a case in which the conflicting parties could establish interaction.

It should be noted that employees who experience significant stress, but feel the support of their boss, get sick half as much as those who do not have such support.

The boss, who has certain ethical approaches, is able to become a support for his subordinate. But it is also true that a manager with wrong ethical ideas can cause significant harm to his employee.


In Russia, the number of economic crimes and scams has not decreased in recent years. The main reason for the growth of crime lies in the widespread decline in morality. A significant part of the leaders was unable to reasonably use the economic freedom provided by a democratic state.

Non-observance of moral norms is also connected with the fact that the economic component, which implies a race for enrichment, competition, is put at the forefront of the development of the organization. When you watch modern action films, the thought often comes that we are returning to the times of the Wild West, to the beginning of the 20th century. So, in the movie "Business People" based on short stories by the American writer O. Henry, two heroes who participated in a train robbery escape from the chase with a large amount of money. But they have only one horse left for two. “Bolivar cannot bear two,” one of them says and ... kills his accomplice.

This is the morality of the underworld, but how many similar cases are there in our life today? It no longer seems surprising that people think differently about actions. Suppose we are talking about conscience. “It is commendable if it exists,” some say. “But a career, and money, is also easier to do without it,” others say.

Conscientious leaders could not remain aloof from such phenomena. They dissociate themselves from people who go ahead in business, neglecting morality and morality. The principles of ethics began to be introduced into business practice.

Let's look at the Social Charter Russian business”, proclaimed at the XIV Congress of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (Employers) in November 2004. The Employee Relations section states: “We treat human life as the highest value. For us, there is not and cannot be a compromise between employee health, safety and profit. Occupational safety and employee health are our key priorities. We recognize employees as the most important asset of the company. We promote the disclosure of professional and personal abilities and expand the capabilities of our employees through the development of personnel, creating conditions for professional and career development, training, maintaining efficiency, creating incentives for productive efficient work.

They also develop ethical codes for leaders, entrepreneurs, and managers. They have a common focus. Thus, the basic postulate of the Hippocratic oath “do no harm” certainly applies not only to healthcare workers, but to all leaders.

To prevent potentially dangerous technical and economic solutions, experts seek to translate ethical problems into legal frameworks, that is, to develop procedures for actions in certain risky situations. However, it is clear that it is impossible to foresee everything. The problem of moral responsibility will exist in any kind of activity. AT this case a person's value system, beliefs, and, ultimately, his conscience are of decisive importance.

List of used literature

1. Drummers V. N. The place and significance of the code of corporate conduct // Code info. -2004. - No. 7 - 8. - S. 17 - 24.

2. Vasiliev V. L. Ethics in jurisprudence and entrepreneurial activity - St. Petersburg, 2005.

3. Gorshenin V., Rampersad H., Stepicheva A. Way to achieve efficiency, harmonious development of personality and organization // Personnel Management, 2008, No. 1, P. 34.

4. Johnson K., Abramov I. Business Ethics: A Guide to Managing Responsible Business in an Emerging Market Economy -Washington: US Department of Commerce International Trade Administration, 2005.

5. Kukushkin V. S. Business etiquette: textbook. ed. - Rostov-on-Don: March, 2007.

6. Mavlyutova G. Sh. Administrative ethics Tyumen: Publishing House of the Tyumen State University, 2007.

7. Obolonsky A. V. Moral and law in politics and management - M.: State University Higher School of Economics, 2006.

8. Omelchenko N. A. Ethics and culture of management in the system of state power and civil service Institute of State and Municipal Administration. -3rd ed., stereotype. - M., 2007.

9. Selyukov F. T. Administrative ethics. - M.: Knowledge, 2008.

10. Social Charter of Russian Business (adopted by the XIV Congress of the RSPP on November 16, 2004) http://www.rspp.ru/Attachment.aspx?Id=6273

11. Control Theory: Uch-k / Ed. Yu.V. Vasilyeva, V.N. Parakhina, L.I. Ushvitsky. -2nd ed., add. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2005.

12. Shatalova N. What makes a leader effective? // Personnel officer. Personnel management, 2007, No. 7, S. 23.

13. Shorin V. G., Popov G. Kh., Goryachev G. D., Style of work of the head - M.: Knowledge, 2006.

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Department of Philosophy


in the discipline "Business Ethics"

Leadership Ethics

Completed by: Karpova T.N.

Student of FC 11 Zu

Credit No. 1090423419

Checked by: Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy Karandaeva T.A.



1. Rules of etiquette in the activities of the head 5

2. The role of the leader in the development of the team 6

3. Types of relationships in the team 8

Conclusion 13


The various ethical problems facing people are quite complex, and sometimes even insoluble, since the ethical assessment of right or wrong behavior is always a purely subjective thing. Moreover, each person (not the organization) has its own ethics, which adds additional complexity to the ethical views of a person who may believe that employees should act one way at work and differently outside of it.

Personal ethics are usually formed under the influence of family upbringing, social environment, moral qualities, value systems and choices that are made at the most important moments of life. Unlike personal ethics, the leader's ethics prescribes the norms of behavior at work. Ethics defines the competence of the manager, obliges him to deal with such issues as the attitude of the organization to employees and employees to the organization.

Within an organization, the ethical standards of an individual are greatly influenced by senior leaders. Their behavior sets an example to follow and creates a cultural context that is much more powerful than special ethics classes, established norms, or formal behavioral and ethical codes that many organizations have adopted.

To satisfy a sense of social responsibility, management can do little or nothing, depending on its understanding of managerial ethics.

Any enterprise or organization is faced with the task of increasing the efficiency of its activities. The successful solution of this problem largely depends on the level of personnel management. In this regard, there is a need to improve management, bringing it into line with the conditions and objectives of the activity.

The leader must understand that the better relations he has with subordinates, the more efficient production will be, and the main characteristic of the relationship between the leader and the subordinate is their direct communication. Therefore, the ethics of business communication in management is fundamental. This is what I will try to reveal in this work.

1. Rules of etiquette in the activities of the head

Undoubtedly, the rules of etiquette also play a huge role in the formation of authority. The rules of etiquette, dressed in specific forms of behavior, indicate the unity of its two sides: moral and ethical and aesthetic. The first side is an expression of a moral norm: precautionary care, respect, protection, etc. The second side - aesthetic - testifies to the beauty, elegance of forms of behavior.

In addition to the rules of cultural behavior, there is also professional etiquette. In life, there have always been and will remain relationships that provide the highest efficiency in the performance of professional functions. Participants in any interaction always try to preserve the most optimal forms of this interaction and the rules of conduct. For example, in an organization, a newcomer will be required to strictly comply with the proven and proven rules of business communication, as they facilitate the performance of professional functions and contribute to the achievement of goals. In a particular team, a group of workers, employees, business people, certain traditions develop, which over time acquire the strength of moral principles and constitute the etiquette of this group, community.

In practice business relations There are always some standard situations that cannot be avoided. For these situations, they develop forms and rules of behavior. This set of rules constitutes the etiquette of business communication, which is important for the leader. Business etiquette is defined, in particular, as a set of rules of conduct that represents the outside of business communication.

Leadership etiquette is the result of a long selection of rules and forms of the most expedient behavior that contributed to success in business relationships. It was not always easy to master these rules, so the leaders from the “plow” often spoke of them not very flattering: “Why do I need all this?”. You can also follow this principle. However, in order to establish strong business relations in the team, if you want to establish strong ones, so that the authority of the leader is high enough, then knowledge of business etiquette is a must.

What rules of conduct should a leader know?

First of all, it should be remembered that business etiquette includes strict adherence to the rules of a culture of behavior, which implies, first of all, a deep respect for the human person. The social role played by this or that person should not be self-sufficient, nor should it exert a hypnotic influence on the subordinate. The cultural director will equally respect the minister, and the ordinary technical worker of the ministry, the president of the company, firm and office cleaner, i.e. show respect to everyone. This sincere respect should become an integral part of the nature of the leader. A culture of behavior in business communication is unthinkable without observing the rules of verbal (verbal, speech) etiquette associated with the forms and manners of speech, vocabulary, i.e. with all the style of speech adopted in the communication of this circle of business people. In a business conversation, one must be able to answer any question. It is always necessary to remember the sense of proportion.

In the speech etiquette of business people, compliments are of great importance - pleasant words expressing approval, a positive assessment of business activities, emphasizing the taste in clothes, appearance, the balance of the partner's actions, i.e. assessment of the mind of a business partner. During business communication there is always a real opportunity for compliments. They inspire your business partner, give him confidence, approve. Does it interfere with the leader? It is especially important to remember about the compliment if you are dealing with a beginner who, moreover, failed at first. After all, it is not by chance that open criticism of their employees is prohibited in Japanese firms: it is unprofitable for the firm, since labor activity and initiative are declining. Compliance with the most important rules of behavior with strangers is a sign of respectability, good breeding, self-confidence, which are important for a leader.

2. The role of the leader in the development of the team

So, the effectiveness of the work of the team, its ability to solve the assigned tasks largely depends on the moral and psychological climate, as well as on the “mood” of employees that prevails in the group, which, with other equal conditions, is due, firstly, to the qualitative composition of the staff and, secondly, to the peculiarities of informal relations between the leader and the subordinate.

Let's dwell on these problems in more detail. Scientific research and generalization of practical work experience indicate that the most productive are working groups consisting of persons different ages, sex and temperament. Young workers perceive new things better, they are more energetic, but sometimes they are arrogant, not inclined to compromise. The elderly, on the contrary, are quite conservative, but they have life experience, are not prone to adventures, are able to make more informed decisions, and, as a rule, avoid conflict situations. Further, purely female and purely male groups have specific shortcomings: women's groups there are more petty squabbles, more loss of working time in connection with the systematic discussion of everyday problems, etc., while in some men's groups foul language and "bad habits" flourish during working hours. In other words, the joint work of people of different sexes, as it were, pulls up employees, increases self-discipline, and exactingness towards oneself. It is equally important to have individuals with different temperaments in the group, since each of them, as we have already found out, has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Informal relations between the leader and subordinates deserve the most serious attention. Along with the ability to choose the best leadership style in a given situation, it is necessary, first of all, to know the typical mistakes inherent in people of his status, and to build interpersonal relationships with staff correctly. Typical mistakes include cases when:

The leader does not give specific tasks, but constantly annoys subordinates with a large number of questions of a general nature;

"fixated" on one topic in communication with staff, for example, labor discipline;

Formulates new ideas daily to complete the task;

Constantly preaches his plans;

Does not trust his employees, abuses petty control;

Passionate about paperwork;

Inaccessible geographically and in time;

Does not have ready-made solutions for production tasks offered to personnel.

The success of informal relations with subordinates, without which it is impossible to form a sense of respect for your leader, depends on compliance with a number of principles and rules of business communication.

Respect for the dignity of others is fundamental.

The moral and psychological basis of this principle is the axiom of social psychology, according to which no person feels comfortable enough without a positive self-esteem. Consequently, the leader is obliged to see in each subordinate not a position, but a personality, to show benevolence and tolerance, to respect his personal life, but at the same time to avoid advice in this area. It is advisable to always remember that "a strong man never humiliates" and, therefore, it is unacceptable to raise your voice at your employee, to hang labels like "lazy", "loafer", "stupid", etc.

If a subordinate made a mistake or committed a misconduct, he, as a rule, understands his guilt and adequately perceives the punishment, but if the boss hurts his pride, he will not forgive it. Therefore, when analyzing a situation, it is necessary to separate a person and an act: to criticize specific actions, and not the personality of the offender.

It is important to remember that only those leaders are respected who praise in front of everyone, but speak out in private; never complain about their employees and, if necessary, take their blame upon themselves; promptly and openly admit their mistakes.

Despite personal likes and dislikes, the leader is obliged to make the same demands on all subordinates, to treat everyone equally, not to single out anyone; in front of strangers, address their employees by name and patronymic, regardless of their age.

A typical mistake of young leaders is the desire to become "one's own" among subordinates. Still, it is better to keep a distance, to separate personal and official, not to allow familiarity. Otherwise, the order as a form of instruction will be ineffective.

The manager has no moral right to hide important information from his employees. At the same time, he is obliged to suppress gossip and denunciations.

Any boss is faced with complaints from his employees about working conditions, relationships within the team or with other departments. Even if the leader is not able to solve the problem himself, he must listen carefully to the subordinate. It is unacceptable to ignore the appeals of subordinates, because, as the American sociologist Diana Tracy rightly noted, complainers are not traitors. It may very well be that the complainant is doing you a great service by reporting a situation from which others suffer, but are silent. Thus, the basis for the success of any modern collective activity is the relationship of cooperation, mutual assistance.

3. Types of relationships in the team

Without pretending to a special consideration of the problem of leadership, an interesting classification of the types of relationships in the working group, proposed by the American researchers Blake and Mouton, draws attention. It is based on a combination of two main parameters - attention to the person, the degree of consideration for the interests of people and attention to production, the degree of consideration of the interests of the case. These are five types of relationships within teams that differ significantly in terms of the moral and psychological climate.

1. Non-intervention - a low level of care of the head of production and people. The leader does a lot himself, does not delegate his functions, does not strive for serious achievements. The main thing for him is to keep his position.

2. A warm company, a high level of care for people, the desire to establish friendly relations, a pleasant atmosphere, a work pace that is convenient for employees. At the same time, the manager is not particularly interested in whether concrete and sustainable results will be achieved.

3. Task: the attention of the manager is completely focused on solving production problems. The human factor is either underestimated or simply ignored.

4. The golden mean: the leader in his activities seeks to optimally combine the interests of the case and the interests of the staff, he does not require too much from employees, but he does not engage in connivance either.

5. Team: the most preferred type of relationship in the working group. The leader strives to take into account the interests of production and the interests of the team, to unite efficiency and humanity at all levels of relations.

However, this model is not universal, since specific situations can differ significantly from each other.

An equally interesting study of the dynamics of interpersonal relations in the "supervisor-subordinate" system was proposed by two Americans, Hersey and Blanchard. Within the framework of this approach, it is assumed that the degree of leadership of an employee and his emotional support is most closely related to the level of his professional maturity, i.e. as professionalism grows, the leader manages less and more supports the employee, instilling in him confidence in his abilities. At the same time, with the achievement of an average level of maturity and above, the leader not only manages less, but also less emotionally supports him, since such a subordinate is already able to control himself, and in this situation, the reduction in guardianship is regarded as trust on the part of the boss.

This approach to the problem makes it possible to use four types of relations in the "leader-subordinate" system: command, suggestion, participation, and delegation.

According to the proposed scheme, the order is optimal in the case of low professionalism, when the performer is not ready to independently perform the task and does not want to take responsibility. The task of the manager is to instruct the employee, to lead a lot and trust little.

Suggestion is recommended to be used at maturity levels from an average to high employee: subordinates are not yet capable, but are already ready to take responsibility. Both guidance and support are especially important here to help achieve the task.

Participation is most effective at medium to high maturity levels. The employee is already capable of independently completing the task, and in such a situation, not so much guidance is required as psychological support, joint discussion of the problem and joint decision-making.

A high level of professional maturity implies the transfer of authority to the performer - delegation, which means poor management and a small degree of emotional support.

The problem of choosing the optimal behavior of the leader does not have an "office" solution, but it is possible to identify typical situations that arise in case of inadequacy of the leader's behavior. Subordinates have a feeling of annoyance, the ground for discontent and resistance is created in cases where:

The other is responsible for the mistakes of one;

The decision is made without the participation of the employee;

Dressing, proceedings are arranged in the presence of third parties or in the absence of an employee;

The leader is not able to admit his mistake, he tries to find the culprit among his subordinates;

Important information is hidden from the performer;

An employee who is professionally fit to take a higher position is not promoted;

A manager complains about a subordinate to a superior;

Incentives for the work of one worker go to another;

The level of exactingness is not the same for all employees, there are favorites and outcasts in the team, etc.

The responsibilities of the manager include not only issues of the strategic plan, but also pure administration, denoting the directive ways of communication between the leader and subordinates. A special place is occupied by various kinds of punishments and rewards. One such method is known as "carrot and stick". Moreover, all psychologists of the second half of the XX century. We are convinced that the "carrot" is much more preferable than the "stick" and is much more effective in managing people. "Manage subordinates by their positive deviations!" - here is the slogan today. This does not mean, of course, that punishment as a form of managerial influence is about to die out. It only means that they are not the basis for the activities of a leader who seeks to achieve something from his subordinates. For the effectiveness of "negative incentives" in managerial practice is greatly spoiled by numerous "aggravating circumstances":

They are conflictogenic;

c reduce the self-esteem of workers, violate their psychological balance;

Generate fear of making mistakes;

Do not contribute to sustainable productivity growth;

Poor training, because in this case a person learns first of all to avoid punishment, and not to form "correct" behavior.

Thus, the general rule, derived from numerous studies, is that "positive reinforcers" (encouragements, rewards) are more effective than "negative" ones. They “train” subordinates much better, psychologically reinforce patterns of required behavior, contribute to the formation of a favorable psychological climate in the team, increase self-esteem of people, successfully “motivate” them for productive work, and increase the authority of the leader.

The use of such attractive measures of managerial influence as encouragement, remuneration also requires compliance with certain rules. Here are some of them, formulated by T. Peters and R. Waterman:

The remuneration must be specific, that is, for the execution of an assignment, task, for an action or deed, and not for the achievement of favorable indicators by the whole concern;

The reward must be immediate;

The remuneration must be achievable, that is, any, including the smallest successes, and not just "outstanding achievements in labor" deserve encouragement;

Rewards are best made as irregular and unpredictable as possible;

Small rewards are sometimes more effective than large ones.

Obviously, the more the leader encourages subordinates, the less he has to resort to punishments. Well, if you really had to, then you should keep in mind that:

The reaction to the misconduct of a subordinate must be immediate;

All the guilty are punished for undesirable behavior, and not just the "instigators";

A gradual increase in punishment is inappropriate; it is better to make the first punishment such that its second application is no longer required;

When punishing, one should not forget to clearly explain to the subordinate the desired pattern of behavior;

It is said that Japanese managers are punished only for repeated mistakes; maybe it's worth stopping the punishing sword?

make a conscious effort to ensure that these relations develop in the right direction.

However, often, even with considerable efforts, the leader cannot find the necessary contact with his subordinates. They "do not understand" each other. The nature of this mutual understanding often lies in the field of psychology, more precisely in violations of interpersonal communication. And the "farther" the leader is from the subordinate, the greater the likelihood of making mistakes, primarily in assessing both the qualities of people and their actions, and this, in turn, is reflected in the authority of the leader.

An important role in the formation of the team and the authority of the head is played by the control function of the head. The problem with this leadership function stems from a simple contradiction: it is clear to everyone that being out of control is bad, but few like to be controlled. This contradiction can be partially circumvented if the following requirements are observed.

Control should be: constant, objective, operational, open.

Control should not be: total, unsystematic, formal, not brought to the attention of the performer according to the results.

Try, so to speak, to turn vice into virtue: control is not a punitive action, but a manifestation of attention to the employee. After all, if no one controls you, then simply no one is interested in you. And subordinates, as you know, highly appreciate signs of attention from management.

Let us recall some of the conclusions contained in the material presented:

    leadership style is a strictly individual characteristic, the orientation of leadership is determined mainly

    three parameters: the personality of the leader, the maturity of the team and the production situation;

    There is no best style, its optimality depends on a combination of the three specified parameters;

    leadership style develops for the most part objectively, but it can be adjusted (and significantly) in the required direction;

When adjusting your own leadership style, remember that you are not the first. A lot of experience has been accumulated and generalized in resolving psychological problems associated with leadership. The desire and ability to use it is also a style trait of a leader. And, moreover, appropriate in all possible styles.

So, the success of the enterprise, organization is closely related to the etiquette and culture of behavior of the head. For a good mastery of business etiquette, a culture of behavior, it takes time, desire and perseverance, constant training in behavior in various conditions of activity, so that knowledge turns into skills, habits. Then the reaction to any action, any move of the opponent, the development of the situation will comply with the rules of good taste, business etiquette, the requirements of the culture of behavior in this situation. And then, undoubtedly, another thing, the authority of the leader will be quite high.


Modern Russia has chosen a market orientation in the development of the economy. It is still difficult to judge what the path of reforms will be in terms of the correlation of economic, political and social factors, what price will have to be paid for the mistakes made. However, there is no doubt that economists-theorists and businessmen-practitioners should abandon the paradigm of thinking of the times of the command economy.

Leadership is a special case of management, a set of interaction processes between a leader and a subordinate, an activity aimed at encouraging employees to achieve their goals by influencing individual and collective consciousness. Any leader has to decide which tasks are priority and which can wait; what he can do himself, and what can be entrusted to others; how to direct the activities of employees, what needs to be done to coordinate their actions, ensure an atmosphere of cooperation between them, etc.

A modern leader must also have inner independence and the ability to take risks, not be afraid of bold ideas, constantly accumulate new information, cultivate pluralism of opinions, discussion, initiative, have the ability to create a team of like-minded people, inspire them, respect the law and moral values, be an erudite and competent person. etc. This also determines his authority.


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    Rostov-n/D, 2004.

2. Krasnikova E. A. Ethics and psychology of professional activity. -

3. Protanskaya E. S. Professional ethics. - St. Petersburg, 2003.


This article discusses the dependence of staff motivation on the ethical behavior of the head of the organization. The necessity of motivation for the management of the organization and the direct dependence on the motivation of the productivity and success of the organization are substantiated. The classical theories and approaches to staff motivation are analyzed, the features of interpersonal relations in the team, the formation of staff motivation and the dependence of motivation on the individual psychological characteristics of employees are identified. The main stages of team formation are considered from the point of view of the development of interpersonal relations and the expediency of applying a certain leadership style at a certain stage. The concepts of "leader" and "authority" are analyzed. The dependence of staff motivation on the moral and ethical behavior of the manager is revealed.

theories of motivation

motivation system

ethical behavior

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2. Kibanov A.Ya., Zakharov D.K., Kononov V.G. Ethics of business relations: a textbook for universities. -2nd ed. - M:. INFRA-M, 2010. - S. 60-74.

3. Semenov A.K., Maslov E.L. Psychology and ethics of management and business: a textbook for universities. - M:. Information and innovation center"Marketing", 1999 S. 100-123.

4. Work ethics in the personnel management system / Psychology and business consulting groups. E-library. [M.], 1992-2014. URL: http://www.psycho.ru/library/3206 (accessed 09.09.2014).

5. Ethics affects economics/Psychology and business consulting groups. E-library. [M.], 1992-2014. URL: http://www.psycho.ru/library/1165 (accessed 09.09.2014).

Recently, there has been an increase in interest in ethics, both in the life of society and in the theory and practice of management. This can be justified by the fact that, at its core, ethics are certain rules for building interpersonal relationships based on higher moral values. That is, the rules of human behavior, and many researchers consider the organization as a living organism, the basis of which is people. In its daily life, the organization is faced with ethical problems of a different nature and different areas of their activities: from using official vehicles during working hours for personal needs, to insulting subordinates. If the management of the enterprise plans to achieve high results in the activities of the organization, then it will not be possible to avoid questions in the field of ethics.

When it comes to business ethics, they usually operate with the following concepts:

  • Values;
  • Rights and obligations;
  • Rules;
  • Relationships.

Values ​​are the most generalized assessments regarding the main life goals and fundamental principles, which have a relatively constant attraction for a person (for example, well-being, health, peace, etc.).

Rights and obligations. The right is such a requirement that allows the individual to have a certain space for action (for example, the right to rest, the right to personal integrity, the right to pay, etc.).

Rights are rarely absolute; the totality of individual rights is often limited by the rights of other people. Rights are closely related to responsibilities. Responsibilities are certain obligations that an individual or organization undertakes (for example, to pay taxes, obey the law, certain official duties and etc.). For effective work, it is very important for the members of the organization to fulfill the obligations that they assume in accordance with the positions they hold in the organization. On the other hand, the organization also has certain obligations to employees. These obligations are set out in labor law, and in contracts and labor agreements concluded between the administration and hired workers.

Moral norms are the moral requirements developed in a given social group. They cover both those norms of behavior that are observed by the vast majority of people (for example, do not steal, do not kill, take care of your neighbor, etc.) and those that are often violated, but are nevertheless considered mandatory (do not cheat, respect elders, etc.). Moral norms often help to cope with such situations in which opposing interests collide.

Each person is connected with other people by a whole complex of relationships. Ethical norms and values ​​permeate all forms of human relationships between managers and subordinates. These relationships are based on the values ​​accepted by people and on certain ethical principles.

The main components of business ethics

Levels of consideration of business ethics. There are three levels of consideration of the problem of work ethics:

  • Public level;
  • Organizational level;
  • Individual level.

At the public level, ethical norms and principles of interaction between an organization and its social environment (society as a whole, consumers, suppliers), that is, the social responsibility of business, are considered. The public level of consideration implies the willingness of the leadership of the organization to answer a number of questions.

  • Should there be restrictions on advertising and methods of promoting products?
  • Who is responsible for the release of low-quality products that can harm the health of consumers?
  • What moral rules guided by an employee of the organization, making decisions that can harm the environment?
  • Does the concept of "fair competition" make sense?
  • How should firms deal with third parties (e.g. environmental organizations, with the tax police)?

In actions designed to answer these questions, in fact, the social responsibility of business is realized. At the same time, the image that the organization acquires in the eyes of the social community in which its activities take place is important. The organizational level considers the ethical norms and rules of interaction between the organization and its employees, which are manifested in the following forms:

The obligations of the administration in relation to the personnel working in the organization, those values ​​and priorities that serve as the main guidelines;

Commitments and values ​​that determine the attitude of personnel towards the organization and management.

The individual level is a wide range of issues affecting the moral aspects of the work of specific performers and their relationship with other employees in the course of their professional activities, their values ​​and attitudes that determine attitudes towards work. There are close relationships between these three levels. At the same time, a special art consists in creating mechanisms and procedures that link the work at each of these levels into a single whole in order to ensure a high level of moral climate in the organization.

The researchers analyzed the results demonstrated by companies with different traditions in business ethics: for 11 years, “highly moral” (engaged in charity, developing corporate culture based on moral principles, paying attention to environmental issues, etc.) firms increased their income by 682%, and "ordinary" - 166%. "Highly moral" firms increased the number of their employees by 282% (their less ethical competitors - by 36%), the value of their shares on the stock exchange rose by 901% (respectively - 71%), and net income increased by 756% (1%) . Thus, the authors consider it proven that there is a clear connection between morality and business - the more honest and decent the company and its leaders behave, the better results it demonstrates. It should also be noted that the social image of the company is of great importance for investors. Approximately 60% of Americans own stocks and other securities issued by private companies. Approximately 28% of them decide on such investments based on the collection of information about the company's image in the eyes of society.

One of the most important aspects of business ethics is the relationship of the company's management with its employees. Studies have shown that 26% of employees in American companies consider themselves personally interested in the success of their company. 55% are absolutely indifferent to their employers, and 19% do not like their company. The consequences of this are as follows: most business structures lose two-thirds of their working time solely because of inefficient staff. In companies where employees are interested in joint success and fully trust their leaders, such time losses are minimal. In firms where the moral and psychological climate leaves much to be desired, inefficiency is maximum.

1. Analysis of approaches to staff motivation

It so happened that the stereotype of society's perception of an organization consists of a certain set of characteristics, the basis of which is the idea that the organization is a positive system that benefits society through its activities. Whether it's paying taxes, creating jobs, developing infrastructure, etc. Accordingly, the leader is perceived as a leader who leads and directs this "positive system". This perception is based, first of all, on the authority of the leader. Depending on how and to what extent the manager's management styles are manifested, his relationship with subordinates, his authority are built. Each leader uses certain regulatory mechanisms - the means and methods by which he directs and coordinates the behavior of employees. One of the methods of such regulation, in addition to normative acts of rules and procedures, is motivation.

The problem of motivation became relevant in the twenties of the XX century. The founders of the theory of motivation were the well-known founders of the theory of management: A. Maslow, D. Mac Gregor, Fr. Herzberg. Based on their research, concepts, approaches and models of motivation processes were developed, which are still used today. The process of motivation is a complex process, there are certain approaches to stimulation: complexity, differentiation, flexibility and efficiency.

Complexity is understood as a combination of the use of material and non-material incentives, the value of which largely depends on the approaches to personnel management at the enterprise, the traditions of the enterprise and management experience.

Differentiation means taking into account the individual characteristics of the staff, different groups and layers of workers. Individuality should be taken into account not only from the standpoint of the fact that different social strata of workers have different needs, but from the standpoint of the psychological characteristics of each employee.

Flexibility, as well as responsiveness, approaches that take into account that incentives must change in conjunction with changes in the external and internal environment enterprises.

In relation to the personnel of the organization, management methods are expressed in the ways of directing its activities to solve the problems facing it. Typically, personnel management is carried out within the framework of the following methods:

  • economic,
  • socio-psychological,
  • legal,
  • administrative,
  • moral and ethical

Economic methods are designed to stimulate the activity of personnel, to increase the material interest in the effectiveness of its work. For these purposes, such methods and means are used as increasing wages depending on its quality and complexity, paying bonuses to employees who conscientiously and with high efficiency perform their duties, using other incentives, including providing employees with various benefits and benefits. .

Socio-psychological methods are ways of influencing the consciousness and behavior of people in order to socialize members of society, the formation of social solidarity among staff, a creative attitude to business, initiative, and the creation of a business environment in work collectives. In management practice, methods of socio-psychological analysis and design of the development of civil service personnel, creating conditions for the individual development of the personality of each employee, combining personal and collective interests with the priority of the interests of the state and its bodies are used.

Legal methods are based on the regulatory role of the rules of law established for certain types of activities. Legal methods include:

  1. imperative (mandatory);
  2. dipositive (prescriptive what can and cannot be done);
  3. advisory (indicating how to act in accordance with the rules of law in a particular managerial, official situation)
  4. incentive (approving the activities of employees who are creatively guided by the rules of law).

Legal methods are an important means of shaping the legal consciousness, legal responsibility and culture among the personnel of state bodies. Of particular importance is the awareness of all employees of the norms of law and their daily guidance in official activities.

Administrative methods are the establishment of administrative norms for making decisions and orders, monitoring their implementation, working with the personnel of the administrative apparatus (selection, selection, rotation, career management, evaluation, etc.), attracting capable employees to make managerial decisions, maintaining the state and municipal service a high level of organization, order and performance discipline.

In order to discipline personnel, administrative methods are often transformed into coercive measures that in some way infringe on the interests of the individual, requiring him to act that does not always meet his personal aspirations.

Moral and ethical methods are methods of moral regulation of human actions in all spheres of life, including work, relationships with others, and everyday life. The implementation of moral and ethical methods involves reliance on the moral values ​​of the members of the organization, their compliance with the concepts of goodness; moral norms, acquiring the character of an imperative, duty, predetermining a person's behavior in various, including official, circumstances; moral sanctions associated with the approval or condemnation of a person's actions, depending on whether they coincide or do not coincide with the requirements of morality.

Moral and ethical methods form the personnel's moral consciousness, moral convictions, aim them at the private and conscientious performance of official duty.

Thus, it is quite difficult to create a full-fledged stimulating mechanism. In addition to the individuality of employees and the difference in their needs, there is a dependence of motivation on the degree of formation of the team. The process of development and formation of the team takes place in several stages. At the first stage, when employees adapt to a new environment, people essentially look at each other, and the manager, in turn, studies his new subordinates. At this stage, a special role is given to monitoring the execution of the orders of the head. In the future, this will contribute to the formation of a sense of responsibility, accuracy and accuracy in the performance of the tasks assigned to the employee. It should be noted that at the stage of team formation, ethical requirements are made only by the leader and the mechanisms of material motivation work best.

At the second stage of the formation of the team, the process of forming microgroups takes place, the basis of which is the personal characteristics of employees. These microgroups may have different attitudes towards the leader and the processes taking place in the organization. The second stage is also characterized by the fact that initiative and conscious employees stand out from which an asset is created. At the second stage, passive but conscientious employees are identified, as well as employees who have a negative attitude towards the manager. The task of the manager at this stage is to stimulate conscientious employees and at the same time strictly control the violation of discipline. One of the tools for such actions is the asset of initiative employees identified at this stage.

The third stage of the development of the team can be called the highest, at this stage the members of the team begin to make demands, including ethical ones, on themselves and on their colleagues. Then at this stage the mechanism of self-regulation of the team is launched. At this stage, it is recommended to apply a democratic style of leadership. At the third stage, the leader imperceptibly regulates the social and ethical life of the team, thereby determining the path of its development.

An important mechanism of motivation is such a duty of the leader as goal setting. The subordinate, knowing about the goals of the organization, about the meaning of its existence and mission, identifies himself with these goals, feels the importance and necessity of his work to achieve the overall goals of the organization.

2. Leadership Ethics

Regardless of the degree of development of the team, the leader must personify the ideal leadership qualities. Leadership qualities are a combination of formal and informal personality characteristics. So formal qualities include: professionalism, organizational skills, innovations in manufacturing process. Informal qualities include: the ability to work with people, the personal influence of the leader on the team. But these qualities are not enough for a leader to become a personal example for his subordinates. It is also necessary that subordinates see in him a person of high culture, who has knowledge not only in the areas of management and production, but also in the field of ethics of business communication.

The manager must have certain psychological knowledge, usually including interpersonal skills. The leader must understand that different people can react in completely different ways to the same influences, for example, to orders, requests, instructions. This happens because the way of influencing employees does not correspond to their characteristics: personal characteristics and motivation. Accordingly, subordinates choose means of protection from such influence, which, in their opinion, protect them from attacks on their own self-respect and dignity. Accordingly, the manager must know that in managerial activity, the dependence of the perception of external influences by employees on their personal socio-psychological characteristics, abilities and motivation is manifested. Also, the leader must remember that any person is a part of society and, therefore, is in the system of public relations, thus being its part and reflection. That is, no assessment by the head of the employee's activities, his personal qualities and professionalism can be reliable and final, since the employee is in constant development. An employee at any given time is at different levels of emotional, intellectual and motivational state and development. It follows that no assessment by the manager of the performance results, professional behavior and personal qualities of employees can be final, since any person is in development, changes the manifestation of his abilities and properties. The finality and stereotype of the leader's assessments, ignoring the psychological inadequacy of the reflection of a person by a person, as a rule, lead to the emergence of a tense socio-psychological atmosphere.

In addition, the manager should clearly remember that in the process of managerial activity, a pattern of distortion of the meaning of information is manifested. The language in which it is transmitted management information, is a natural language, the conceptual composition of which has the possibility of different interpretations of the same message. At the same time, people involved in the process of transmitting and processing information may differ in intelligence, physical and emotional state, which affects the understanding of certain messages. The clarity and unambiguity of interpretations, the necessary explanations, the transmission of instructions without intermediaries, the control of the perception of information will help the manager avoid aggravating relations between the participants in the information process.

The culture of professional behavior of a leader is determined by the general level of his intellect, the breadth of erudition, the breadth of interests, the general level of education and upbringing. Universal human norms and rules of conduct, the universal foundations of ethics and morality operate and find their manifestation both in production and in everyday life. However, the manager's professional behavior requires him to have certain specific knowledge and skills, which in many cases help prevent the emergence of a conflict or stressful situation in relationships with subordinates or employees.

Ethics of business relations assumes that the manager owns the following tools:

Knowledge of ways to prevent, prevent and resolve conflicts, as well as possessing the skills to use these methods in practice.

Ability to properly conduct a business conversation. The fulfillment by the head of the main requirements when conducting a business conversation with employees - the creation of a benevolent, trusting atmosphere, the ability to correctly and interestedly listen to the interlocutor - this is a direct way to his participation in resolving situations leading to a deterioration in the socio-psychological situation.

The leader must have the skills to conduct a critical analysis of the activities of subordinates and employees. Criticizing employees is an objective necessity in the work of any leader. But at the same time, he must set a personal example of a correct, constructive attitude to the situation, not allow infringement of the personal status and self-esteem of the criticized employee.

The manager is required to be able to combine business activity with good rest, to seek pleasure in work, to rejoice at successes and grieve at failures together with subordinates, to relieve psychophysical stress, to interrupt the chain of stressful conditions with positive emotions. It raises the business spirit of people, increases their energy, increases vitality and, ultimately, helps to overcome tension in relationships.


The formation of personnel motivation is a constant process, expressed in the development of self-government, improvement of the moral and psychological climate, the activities of public organizations, and ethical standards of behavior. These processes should take into account just the individuality of subordinates. The following characteristics of the composition of subordinates should be taken into account: gender and age composition, level of education and qualifications, as well as knowledge, experience and temperament. All this will contribute to the consciousness of a healthy moral and psychological climate, the identification of leaders and the formation of the authority of the leader. It is obvious that a good leader serves as an example of highly professional behavior for employees, a bad one, on the contrary, is clear evidence of how not to lead. It is equally undoubted that the leader participates in the management of the socio-psychological climate not only by his professional actions, but also in a word, with all his appearance, authority, culture of behavior, personal charisma. Thus, the norms and principles of the leader's behavior are based on the basic rules of business communication ethics.


Burykhin B.S., Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of System Management and Entrepreneurship, Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk;

Tsytlenok V.S., Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of World Economy and Taxation, Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk.

Bibliographic link

Fedenkova A.S. ETHICS OF THE MANAGER AS A MECHANISM OF INFLUENCE ON THE MOTIVATION OF STAFF IN THE ORGANIZATION // Contemporary Issues science and education. - 2015. - No. 1-1 .;
URL: http://science-education.ru/ru/article/view?id=19399 (date of access: 01/05/2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

Topic: " Business ethics and ethics of the head. Typology of leaders»
Table of contents

Chapter I. Typology of leaders……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

1.1 Leadership typology……………………………………………………..5

1.2 Management and leadership…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Chapter II. Ethics of managerial communication of the head…………....19

2.1. The concept of managerial communication………………………………....19
2.2 Functions of managerial communication………………………………….…22 ………….25

The current level of development of production and large-scale changes in the economic and social spheres Societies place increased demands on a person in his professional activity. The significance of the social consequences of human decisions is growing. The change in the socio-economic situation required a significant restructuring of the strategy, tactics and psychology of management. The choice by the manager of the optimal forms of communication with subordinates and methods of influencing them should be based on knowledge of the peculiarities of people's perception of each other.

Etiquette is the most important side of the morality of the leader's professional behavior. Knowing it is a necessary professional quality that must be acquired and constantly improved. So, back in 1936, Dale Carnegie wrote: "The success of a person in his financial affairs is 15 percent dependent on his professional knowledge and 85 percent on his ability to communicate with people." Quite a few careers collapse and money is lost due to improper behavior or bad manners.

Personal ethics are usually formed under the influence of family upbringing, social environment, moral qualities, value systems and choices that are made at the most important moments of life. Unlike personal ethics, the leader's ethics prescribes the norms of behavior at work. Ethics defines the competence of the manager, obliges him to deal with such issues as the attitude of the organization to employees and employees to the organization.

Within an organization, the ethical standards of an individual are greatly influenced by senior leaders. Their behavior sets an example to follow and creates a cultural context that is much more powerful than special ethics classes, established norms, or formal behavioral and ethical codes that many organizations have adopted.

To satisfy the feeling social responsibility, management can do little or nothing, depending on their understanding of management ethics.

Any enterprise or organization is faced with the task of increasing the efficiency of its activities. The successful solution of this problem largely depends on the level of personnel management. In this regard, there is a need to improve management, bringing it into line with the conditions and objectives of the activity.

The leader must understand that the better relations he has with subordinates, the more efficient production will be, and the main characteristic of the relationship between the leader and the subordinate is their direct communication. Therefore, the ethics of business communication in management is fundamental. This is what I will try to reveal in my control work.
ChapterI. Typology of leaders

1.1 Leadership typology
Leadership can be called one of the unique phenomena of social life associated with the exercise of power functions. It is inevitable in any civilized society and pervades all spheres of life.

Leadership concepts can be divided depending on their theoretical foundations into three groups:

1. Proceeding from the fact that leadership is a universal phenomenon of human activity, that the laws of its functioning are the same in all spheres of society.

2. Identifying leadership with leadership and management, while the formal possession of power is seen as a necessary and sufficient condition for leadership; the activity of the leader appears as a necessary and sufficient condition for leadership, as the administrative specificity of the phenomenon is reduced mainly to the legal regulations of the behavior of an official. Leadership as a social institution is identified with public authorities.

3. Considering leadership as a specific phenomenon of social life, not reducible to psychological, economic or legal principles. Leadership is exercised through the functioning of a specific mechanism - one of the necessary political institutions.1

Ancient ideas about leadership included the qualities of such persons as priests, kings, queens, clerics and politicians.

In antiquity, leadership was personal in nature, representing an influence based on the authority of a particular individual, his merits. The relationship between the leader and his supporters was close to the teacher-student relationship.

In medieval Europe, the influence of a leader was based not so much on personal merit as on the ability to lead a particular community. The leader was mainly required to be able to rally the group to achieve the set goals, the ability to form a group interest.

AT modern society leadership is a way of building power based on the integration of various social groups through specific mechanisms around the leader's program for solving various problems and tasks of social development.

Leadership, by its nature, is able to rally people in joint efforts, and to carry out this task for a long time, gradually solving problems subordinate to a common goal.

There are various classifications of the phenomenon of leadership.

In accordance with the teachings of M. Weber on the ways of legitimation, the powers of leaders are divided into:

Traditional leaders, which are usually tribal leaders, monarchs, etc. Their authority is based on tradition, custom;

Rationally - legal, or routine - these are leaders elected democratically;

Charismatic - leaders endowed, in the opinion of the masses, with special grace, outstanding qualities, an extraordinary ability to lead. Charisma is made up of the real abilities of the leader and the qualities that his followers endow him with. Examples of charismatic leaders were Lenin, Stalin, Kim Il Sung, F. Castro.

The first type of leadership is based on habit, the second - reason, the third - faith and emotions.

"Charisma" should be called the quality of a person, recognized as extraordinary, due to which it is assessed as gifted with superhuman, or specific special powers that are inaccessible to other people. Initially, this quality is magically conditioned and is inherent in both soothsayers and sages. No matter how “objectively” correctly the corresponding quality is assessed from an ethical point of view, abstractly it does not matter at all. One thing is important, how it is actually evaluated by those who are subordinate to charisma, “adherents”.

J. McGregor Burns divides leaders into two categories: transformers and businessmen. Leaders - transformers, having certain views on society, begin to do something in the name of realizing their views. Leaders - businessmen, on the contrary, act on the principle of "here and now", focusing their attention on details, without forming a global view of the future.

Previously, Pareto divided leaders according to approximately the same criteria as Burns, into “lions” and “foxes”.

Burns's analysis is a significant step forward in distinguishing between leaders, yet it remains limited because it is clear that reality is much richer and cannot be "comfortably placed" in two categories.

There is also a division of leaders into ordinary (“real”) and great ones (both great “heroes” and great “villains”). Real leaders do not leave a trace in history, do not change the usual course of events. It is believed that only leaders - heroes (or villains) determine the course of history.2

On the basis of their character, leaders are divided into “active-positive” and “active-negative”, as well as “passive-positive” and “passive-negative”.

In modern political science, four collective images of a leader are often called:

1. The leader - the standard-bearer is distinguished by his own vision of reality, the presence of an idea that captivates the masses.

2. The leader-servant strives to act as a spokesman for the interests of his supporters, focuses on their opinion and acts on their behalf.

3. The leader - the salesman is able to present his ideas attractively and convince people of their advantage.

4. Leader - a firefighter focuses on solving the most actual problems in society, the pressing demands of the moment.

In real life, these four types of leadership are usually found in combination with different people in different proportions.

The American sociologist W. Stone noted that high-level political leadership compared to leadership in a small group has a number of differences, which allowed him to distinguish two independent types of leadership.3

1. Leadership "face to face" is carried out in small groups, where all participants in the process have the opportunity to interact with each other.

2. “Remote” leadership is the leadership of leaders followed by numerous masses.

In the analysis of leadership, an important factor is the nature of leadership. The general concept of leadership includes a number of factors that, combined in various ways, make it possible to determine the nature of leadership in any this moment time.

1. The personality and background of the leader, and the process by which he became a leader.

2. Character traits groups and individuals led by the leader.

3. The nature of the relationship between the leader and those whom he leads.

4. The context or conditions in which his leadership role is exercised.

5. The results of the interaction between the leader and those whom he leads.

What kind of leadership we get from this depends on the nature and combination of all these five factors. This definition of the nature of leadership was proposed by the American political scientist M.G. Hermann in his work “Components of Leadership”.4

M. G. Hermann also notes that leaders and those who are led act in a certain context, which indicates the “pressure” exerted on the leader, as well as the demands that are made on him. Among these requirements are the following:

The presence and nature of formalized rules for decision-making;

The degree of accountability of the leader to the led;

Strength and type of opposition;

The nature of any shared beliefs;

Resources available to the manager;

The organizational layer that lies between the leader and the led.

Each of these factors helps to define the situation in which leadership can take place, its context.

The context of leadership is the parameters in which leadership is exercised. The context determines which of his environment the leader will pay special attention to, what are the boundaries of the leader's interaction with those whom he is trying to lead. Moreover, it depends on the context to what extent the leader can use certain procedures when exercising leadership, who will evaluate this leadership and how effective they find it.

An integral part of leadership is the leader himself, who is empowered to make decisions regarding other people in the group, organizations, who is responsible for the consequences of any of his decisions.

In the socio-psychological literature one can find such a typology of leaders. There are two psychological types of leaders: "players" and "open".

The first outwardly look spectacular, reliable, flexible. They know how to “show off”, and therefore they quickly change positions, following exclusively their own interests. In fact, they do not know how to work with full dedication, they do not cope well with problems.

“Open” leaders are not as visible, but they are consistent. They take on any difficult cases, strive in good faith to delve into everything, which wins trust and respect for a long time. They are also flexible and act according to the circumstances, but they do not live for today, trying to “snatch” more from it, but are directed to the future. Power remains in their hands for a long time. They are the true leaders who have unquestioned authority over their subordinates.5

1.2 Management and leadership
The specificity of the concepts of leadership in social psychology is clearly visible in the analysis and comparison of two phenomena - leadership and leadership. Under leadership, scientists who have studied this issue usually had in mind the characteristics of psychological relations that arise in a group “vertically”, that is, in terms of dominance and submission.

The concept of leadership refers to the organization of the activities of the group to the process of managing it. The differences between these concepts are most fully reflected in the work of B.D. Parygin:

1. The leader is mainly called upon to regulate interpersonal relations in the group, while the leader organizes the official relations of the group as a social organization.

2. Leadership can be ascertained in a microenvironment (which is a small group). Leadership is an element of the macro environment, i.e. it is connected by a system of social relations.

3. Leadership arises spontaneously, the head of any real social group either appointed or elected. But, one way or another, this process is not spontaneous, but, on the contrary, purposefully carried out under the control of various elements of the social structure.

4. The phenomenon of leadership is less stable, the nomination of a leader largely depends on the mood in the group, while the leader is a more stable phenomenon.

5. Leadership of subordinates, unlike leadership, has a much more specific system of various sanctions that are not in the hands of the leader.

6. The decision-making process of the leader is more complex and mediated by many different circumstances, while the leader makes more direct decisions regarding group activities.

7. The scope of the leader is mainly a small group, where he is the leader, the scope of the leader is wider, since he represents a small group in a wider social system.6

This is the difference between leadership and leadership, but there is also a commonality:

1. Management and leadership are means of coordinating the relations of members of a social group.

2. Both phenomena realize the processes of social influence in the team.

3. Leadership, like leadership, is characterized by a certain subordination of relations. In the first case, the relationship is clearly defined and fixed by job descriptions, and in the second case, the relationship is not outlined in any way.

Often, leadership can turn into leadership, and leadership often becomes leadership.

Lawton A. and Rose E. believe that leaders are those who turn co-workers into people who cooperate with him out of conviction.7

AT public institutions it is generally considered that setting goals and taking responsibility is the business of politicians, not civil servants. Leadership in public service is a logical inconsistency in a democracy (Lawton, Rose). The difficulty with the decentralization of responsibility and accountability in public institutions lies in the fact that, by tradition, the report is required from the politician, and not from the official. So if leadership is exercised in this structure, then it coincides with the role and goals of the politician.

It should be added that leaders must have a clear idea of ​​what leadership is in order to influence others.

Another important point to note is that management should take a broader view of how the organization works and be mindful of the environment in which the organization operates. Leaders at all levels must be aware of the general conditions in which their work takes place.

Many of the difficulties in public institutions are due to the formal confusion, the hierarchical structure in which these relationships develop. These organizations tend to be run by orders and committees, which themselves resort to a directive leadership style. Therefore, in order to determine the most appropriate leadership, it is necessary to know the structure of the organization. It is useless to advocate for a more democratic style of leadership if the structure does not allow for participatory and informal leadership.

Speaking of leadership, one can cite the point of view of American researchers Johnson, Kast and Rosenzweig, who define it as “the main force in organizations that coordinates the activities of subsystems and determines their relationship with the environment”8. Defining the tasks of the leader, they argue that the leader must turn unorganized material resources into useful and efficient enterprise. Leadership is the process by which disparate resources are brought together into single system to achieve the set goal. Managing labor and material resources, to achieve the goals of the system, the manager ensures the production of products, coordinates and integrates the activities of other employees.

1. Planning - includes the selection of the goals of the organization, as well as the definition of policies, programs, ways of action and methods for achieving them, provides the basis for making integrated decisions.

2. Organization - aimed at bringing people and material, financial and other resources into a system in such a way that joint activities production staff provided solutions to the problems facing the organization. It includes: determining those types of administrative activities that are necessary to achieve the goals of the enterprise, distributing these types of activities among departments, granting rights and establishing responsibility for their execution.

3. Management - ensures the work of various subsystems in accordance with the plan. It consists in monitoring the activities of subsystems with subsequent correction to ensure the implementation of the plan of the entire organization.

4. Communication - the transfer of information between the centers of various subsystems and organizations that provide decision-making and mutual exchange of information with the outside world.

The performance of each function depends on the performance of the other three. Thus, the main task of management is to integrate all four functions to ensure the effective achievement of the overall goals of the system.

There is a slightly different point of view, which boils down to the fact that the management functions should be considered through management processes - planning, organization, managing people, motivation, control, and, accordingly, the following managerial functions are distinguished:

Administrative (primarily the control stage);

Strategic (planning and forecasting possible events in the field of activity of a particular leader and social organization as a whole);

Expert advisory;



Communicative, regulatory;



Planning and forecasting play an important role in the management process. Planning is the activity of the manager, aimed at predetermining plans for the last period of time, awakening to the implementation of various activities and determining the means necessary for this, as a result of which certain goals should be set. Forecasting is the activity of a leader aimed at assessing, anticipating events and achieving the desired result.

An important role in planning and forecasting is played by the policy of the organization. The policy of the organization is the activity of the leader in the effective use of instructions and prescriptions, aimed at saving time. The policy of the organization should be formulated in such a way as to reduce the time in making managerial decisions. Decision making and the ability to solve problems creatively are essential professional quality manager, on whom the effectiveness of any management activity depends.

In managerial management, each manager and leader also needs knowledge and skills of communicative and regulatory communication. Each leader is obliged to create communications in his team in order to achieve the desired result at the lowest cost.

If we talk about communication in management systems, then we need to keep in mind its participants - people, and, taking into account the human factor, communication must be considered in a special way, since in all aspects of activity where the human factor is affected, starting with hiring and ending with retirement, the need for effective communication is critical.

Speaking about communication, it is impossible not to touch upon the problem of motivation of both the leader and subordinates. The leader is interested in the high motivation of his employees, but he himself should be no less the object of his own concerns. The higher the interest of the employee, the better quality his work.9

Ultimately, the activity of the leader through inspiration, encouragement, makes subordinates perform the necessary work.

One of the most important management tasks, as well as milestone management process is control. Control is the activity of the manager to change, regulate and evaluate the results obtained.

G. Kunz and O'Donnell define control as a comparison of the obtained results with the standards.

An important way of control is the conversation between the leader and subordinates. Each employee wants to establish contact with the boss. The presence of control emphasizes the obvious importance of controlled activity.

Control is closely related to other stages of the management process and its results can encourage the manager to make the necessary adjustments to it.

At the same time, control ensures the functioning of uninterrupted feedback in the organization (the method of delegation of authority) - one of the most important conditions for effective leadership.

A leader who does not know how and does not want to use the delegation method cannot be effective. Until he learns to do the work with the hands of others, the threat of the collapse of the work will constantly hang over him.

Delegation (within the limits of control) is not a way to avoid responsibility, it is a form of division of managerial labor, which makes it possible to increase its efficiency. Delegation facilitates the work of the leader, but does not relieve him of the responsibility to make the final decision, the responsibility that makes him the leader.
ChapterII. Ethics of managerial communication

2.1. The concept of managerial communication
Before proceeding to consider the content and features of communication between a leader and a subordinate, it is necessary to introduce the concept of managerial communication, since the term "business communication" is too broad for this situation. After all, it also covers communication, for example, between a doctor and a patient, a teacher and a student. In the communication of the leader and the subordinate, the role character is pronounced, initiatives and duties, responsibilities are unevenly distributed, which determine the dependence of one participant in communication from another.

Thus, managerial communication is a business communication between the subject and the object of management in social organizations, carried out by symbolic means, due to the needs of managing their activities.

Communication between a leader and a subordinate is inextricably linked with managerial activity in general. The idea of ​​"interlaced communication" in management allows us to consider in detail the question of what exactly in the activities of the leader determines communication. In general, it can be stated that through communication, management is organized and implemented. Due to its inherent function of influence, communication allows you to coordinate the actions of its various participants.

As a rule, three sides are distinguished in communication: communication, understood in the narrow sense of the word as the exchange of information between the subject and the object of management; interaction - their interaction, which implies a certain form of organization of joint activities; interpersonal perception is the process of mutual knowledge by the object and subject of management of each other as the basis for their mutual understanding.

In the process of communication, the subject and object of control exchange various kinds of information. No less important is the exchange of moods, interests, feelings carried out in the course of communication. It appears as a communicative process. The complex of signs used in this case (speech, gestures, and so on) is aimed at ensuring the execution of the decision.

The specificity of communication processes is manifested in the following features:

In the nature of the feedback process;

The presence of communication barriers;

The presence of the phenomenon of communicative influence;

Existence various levels transfer of information.

From the point of view of management efficiency, it is very important for the manager to understand these features and take them into account in daily activities. In addition, it is very important to correctly understand the purpose and appropriateness of the following sign systems:

Verbal means of communication - speech, pair - and extralinguistic systems (intonation, non-speech inclusions in speech - pauses, and so on).

Non-verbal, or expressive, means of communication - an optical-kinetic system of signs (gestures, facial expressions, pantomimics), a system for organizing space and time of communication, a system of "eye contact".

Each individually sign system is a kind of lever in establishing the correct (correct), depending on the situation, contact with subordinates, the ability to influence his psyche and his internal state without direct intervention. It is impossible, for example, to create a benevolent and trusting atmosphere in a conversation if one of its participants constantly emphasizes his superiority with his appearance. As a result, one of the basic principles of conducting a conversation is violated - creating an atmosphere of mutual trust. The intellectual potential of a subordinate in such communication will most likely not be used.

As a result of the interaction between the object and the subject of control, the decision is made by the latter, that is, the superior. And the task of interaction is complicated by the fact that the control object must perceive it at the level of motivation for action. The communication strategies chosen by the leader (in most cases unconsciously) determine the style of communication and management.

The literature describes five main types of managers, depending on the orientation of the leader to the interests of the business or to concern for relationships with people:

“liberal” (maximum attention to people, minimum attention to work);

"organizer" (high orientation to efficient work combined with trust and respect for people);

"manipulator" (moderate attention to work, little attention to people);

"pessimist" (insignificant attention to production and people);

"dictator" (maximum attention to work, little attention to people).

From the point of view of management efficiency, the process of perception of the object and the subject of management by each other are not equivalent. Each leader understands how important it is to form the necessary image of a subordinate. In management, there is even such a thing as self-presentation of the leader. At the same time, the peculiarity of this particular side of business communication in management is often not taken into account.

Interpersonal perception is the process of mutual knowledge of each other by the subjects of communication as the basis for their mutual understanding. This side of managerial communication includes certain mechanisms of mutual understanding and forecasting of the partner's behavior. An important role is played by communication barriers, mechanisms of psychological protection of the individual.
2.2 Functions of managerial communication
The subject of studying the communication of a leader with a subordinate is multilateral and ambiguous. In the process of interaction, the subject and object of management perform hundreds of different functions, which, in turn, are divided into integral (covering the activities of the organization as a whole) and local (implementing directly specific communication).

For such an aspect of consideration as the ethics of business communication in management, the following functions are most important:

function of socialization. Involving in joint activities and communication, young employees not only master communication skills, but also learn to quickly navigate the interlocutor, situations of communication and interaction, listen and speak, which is also very important both in terms of interpersonal adaptation and for the implementation of direct professional activities. The acquired ability to act in the interests of the team, a friendly, interested and tolerant attitude towards other employees is of great importance.

contact function. The purpose of this function is to establish contact as a state of mutual readiness of the leader and subordinate to receive and transmit messages and maintain the relationship in the form of mutual orientation.

Coordination function, the purpose of which is mutual orientation and coordination of actions various artists when organizing their joint activities.

The function of understanding, that is, not only adequate perception and understanding of the meaning of the message, but also understanding by partners of each other (their intentions, attitudes, experiences, states, and so on).

Amotive function, the purpose of which is to excite the necessary emotional experiences in the partner (“exchange of emotions”), as well as to change their own experiences and states with their help.

Orientation in these functions and skillful use of them helps to identify the causes of difficulties encountered in the implementation of a specific task of managerial communication. The development of the theoretical foundations of managerial communication aims to increase its effectiveness. Therefore, the question of what kind of managerial communication we will consider effective is not an idle one. Sometimes the effectiveness of managerial communication is considered from the point of view of achieving goals by the participants in communication. But in managerial communication there can be two or more partners, and each of them can have its own goal, different from the goal of the interlocutor, and sometimes the opposite. For example, a leader may aim to convince a subordinate of the need to perform some work, and subordinates, in turn, may seek to refuse this assignment. The goals are opposite and, in the absence of a compromise solution, the solution for one of the participants will be "ineffective".

The effectiveness of managerial communication cannot be considered in isolation from managerial activity as a whole. Communication is a condition and element of managerial activity, therefore such managerial communication should be considered effective, which ensures the achievement of the goals of managerial activity through the prompt transfer necessary information, optimal psychological impact, mutual understanding between the object and subject of management and their optimal interaction.

2.3 Leader's speech culture as a psychological factor of management
The leader in the process of his activity goes through several stages of behavior: from the most rigid, categorical, where it is necessary to show rigidity and unwillingness to compromise, to the softest, most loyal, where the leader becomes an equal interlocutor without signs of dominance.

The culture of speech is an integrative characteristic that includes three groups of parameters:

The form of statements;

Speech etiquette.

Assessing the impact of speech on the content side, the following characteristics are usually distinguished: saturation of speech with information, consistency, accuracy, intelligibility to her interlocutor, expediency (relevance).

The informativeness of speech depends, first of all, on the novelty and importance or value for the listener of the reported facts. It increases significantly depending on the speaker's ability to analyze and generalize, which are especially important, since they are always present in the communication of the leader and subordinate. The informativeness of speech significantly depends on the completeness of the disclosure of the main idea, its illustration with the necessary factual data, practical examples. At the same time, it should be remembered that information content decreases if there is extra information in the speech that is not related to the subject of discussion.

While preparing for any type of managerial communication, for example, for a conversation, you need to work out the logic of transferring information, discussing each specific issue. The basis of the logic of speech is the logic of thinking. Therefore, the leader must constantly develop the ability to think clearly. It is also advisable to teach the basic provisions and laws of logic. Logic of speech has a positive effect on the listener's ability to perceive information.

In no case should the leader use words, concepts and terms whose meaning he does not know exactly. They will sound unnatural, and most likely inappropriate, and the speech will lose its exact meaning and this will lead to an inaccurate understanding of it by subordinates.

The words "etiquette" and "ethics" are perceived as close in meaning. And it's natural. Such a perception is prompted not only by the similarity of the words themselves, but also by the closest connection of these concepts. Etiquette (French “small ethics”) in a broad sense is a set of rules of conduct, courtesy adopted in any society or part of it (gender and age, caste, class, professional, etc. etiquette).10

In the literature on the relationship between morality and etiquette, there are mainly three points of view. One of them completely excludes etiquette from the sphere of morality, limiting it only to the code of rules of the external culture of behavior. This point of view does not ultimately recognize the moral basis of these rules, it denies the historical variability of the very content of the concept of “etiquette”. Supporters of this view (for example, S. A. Tokarev) point to the dividing, segregative function of etiquette and strictly oppose it to morality. Another point of view identifies etiquette with morality, without making a significant difference between these concepts, without seeing the historically specific content of the phenomena themselves, that is, in this case, the tendency of convergence of etiquette with morality, and sometimes direct reduction to it, prevails. According to the third point of view (with a culturological approach), each of the phenomena, that is, both morality and etiquette, has its own specifics, an independent purpose that does not allow them to be identified or completely subordinate the etiquette to morality, but they cannot also be rigidly opposed to each other, so how they both serve the satisfaction of the same social need- regulation of human relations, and both are products of the historical development of these relations (L.B. Volchenko, K. Stoshkus). With this approach, it is found that the functions of etiquette are changing. In some conditions, political and legal functions dominate, in others - moral, in others - religious. The moral meaning of etiquette is manifested in the fact that it can be used to express recognition of the intrinsic value of the person with whom you have to make contacts, to express respect for him. The whole variety of etiquette forms has the same content - recognition and maintenance of the significance (respect, veneration) of the person with whom contact is made. Thus, the opposition of morality and the segregative functions of etiquette loses its meaning: recognizing the significance of each person, we thereby recognize the differences in this significance, depending on personal abilities, social status, gender, age.

In my opinion, the managerial ethics of a leader consists of form and content. By form I mean business etiquette, the culture of communication with subordinates, and by content I mean the ethical (moral) component of a leader. Etiquette may not always give an idea of ​​the ethical side of leadership. Etiquette is a mask of conditional politeness, therefore, as part of my thesis work, I tried to reveal to a greater extent the content side of managerial ethics, namely its psychological and moral components.


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