Basic ethical rules and norms of behavior. The essence of ethics. ethical norms and principles of business communication Types of ethical norms and rules

Ethics service relations are based on universal values, norms and rules of conduct, but have some peculiarities.
Business ethics in a broad sense is a set of ethical principles and norms that should guide the activities of an organization in the field of management and entrepreneurship.

It includes elements of a different order: an ethical assessment of both the internal and external policies of the organization as a whole; moral principles of members of the organization: professional morality; moral climate in the team; norms business ethics- Ritual external norms of behavior.
The level of moral development of both an individual and an organization as a whole is currently determined by an orientation towards the universal principles of justice, equality of human rights and respect for human dignity that were formed in the 20th century; the principle of benefit is the power of life.
Based on this, the organization is required to solve such social problems: improving the quality of life of employees, protecting environment; charity.

common basis professional ethics is the understanding of labor as a moral value, in contrast to the ancient idea of ​​labor as a measure of punishment, a curse.

Labor becomes a moral value if it is perceived not as a source of existence, but as a way of forming human dignity. individual morality in professional field It also presupposes an awareness of professional duty. Achieving success in any profession is associated with the definition of self-restraint, without which the professional realization of the personality is impossible and is expressed in the desire to form in oneself such qualities as discipline, organization, efficiency, accuracy, perseverance. The leaders of the organization are responsible for the realization of the professional capabilities of employees, their career, and therefore - for the social status and ethical standards of behavior.

Moral and business qualities people for the HR manager are the object of professional activity. They should contribute to the formation of the following qualities in their employees:
professional - professional level of knowledge, skills, abilities, knowledge of foreign languages;
moral and psychological as professional - purposefulness, endurance, honesty, adherence to principles, exactingness;
moral - kindness, humanity, dignity, respect for others, decency, courage, honesty, justice.

The administration needs to know what ethical standards are formed in the team. The work of the organization depends on their quality. The main task is to ensure that employees are perceived not as a labor force, but as a person, with the same rights and dignity, as leaders, and labor relations are formed as a partnership. Labor Relations require from a person the tension of the mind, physical and spiritual strength. Many managers do not take into account the state of mind of their employees. In such cases, the employee cannot work for a long time and effectively. All transnational corporations of the world pay great attention to the issues of business ethics, and this is not accidental, since corporate morality makes it possible to strengthen the self-organization and self-discipline of employees.

normativity- a property of morality and law that allows you to regulate people's behavior, and at the same time the result of the action of traditions and norms of relationships between people and the social environment. For a correct understanding, it is necessary to distinguish between traditions and norms, not to identify their social functions.

Traditions- a specific, creative way of functioning of norms and stereotypes of behavior. Stereotypes help to remove uncertainty, eliminate ambiguity and thereby facilitate the process of organizing one's own behavior for a person.

All social and legal norms(from lat. - rule, pattern) are determined to influence the volitional behavior of people, and the subject of this regulation is the relationship between the individual and society.

Code of Conduct-common patterns of behavior. Depending on the type social control norms of behavior are habitual cultural patterns of activity and customs accepted in a society or social group and not valid outside it.

Ethical norm of behavior- one of simple forms moral requirements for the individual. On the one hand, this is an element of moral relations (custom), constantly reproduced by the power of mass habit, example, supported public opinion, and on the other hand, it is a form of moral consciousness, taking shape in the form of a command to oneself, requiring obligatory fulfillment based on one's own ideas about good and evil, duty, conscience, and justice.

Formation of ethical standards behavior goes in the course of the evolutionary development of mankind, taking the form of universal moral values, developed by each society in its concrete historical originality, as well as by individual social groups and each individual individually. By belonging to the carriers of value, one can distinguish universal, general, group and personal ethical norms.

Universal Ethics- express the universal moral requirements of the hostel. They are formulated in the "golden" rule of ethics: act towards others as you would like to be treated towards you.

The general ethical norms of morality prevailing in a society extend their requirements to all members of a given society, acting as a means of regulating and evaluating relations and interactions between people.

During the expansion social experience a person is included in various social groups, being, as a rule, simultaneously a member of several groups. So, entering the service, he enters the team, which is a complex system of formal and informal groups, groupings, each of which establishes its own system of values ​​and develops its own ethical rules based on them. Between these rules there is always some degree of inconsistency, and sometimes contradictions.

Group ethics ensure the inclusion of the individual in the group, in the processes and mechanisms of group interaction, influence all types of behavior, including when he becomes a member of another group. Occupying a certain position in the team, a person assimilates the given and develops personal norms, prescribes his own position and forms of behavior in which the process of his existence as a person is realized.

Personal ethical standards - characterization of the subjective "inner" world of man. They are related to his idea of ​​himself and for this reason do not need to be "assimilated" and "accepted". Following personal ethical standards is primarily associated with a sense of self-respect, high self-esteem, confidence in one's actions. Departure from these norms is always associated with a sense of guilt (conscience), self-condemnation and even a violation of the integrity of the individual.

So, the behavior of a person performing professional service activities is difficult to determine. It is controlled by external ethical regulators (general human values, morality prevailing in society, group norms) and internal mechanisms of self-regulation (self-consciousness, self-esteem, motivational sphere, attitudes on the basis of which personal norms are formed). These regulators are in a complex dynamic contradictory interaction with each other. At every moment, they give a person the right to make a moral choice based on the external requirements placed on him.

Ethical behavior is the secret of well-being in any society

Hello friends, guests and regular readers of my Blog. Have you ever denied yourself something because you feared that the result of your action, or even the action itself, would be judged by others? I decided today to discuss with you the ethical standards of human behavior.

Let's start with the simplest

You can imagine that we all live in a huge hostel, where the rooms are our personal space, and everything else is a place. common use. In order for life not to turn into a nightmare, going beyond our rooms, we all must follow certain, both vowel and unspoken rules - social norms society.

Social norms can be divided into:

  1. ethical
  2. Legal
  3. religious
  4. Political
  5. aesthetic

With the development of all mankind, almost each of these norms has changed. The changes practically did not affect only ethical norms, as an unshakable foundation in human relations.

Ethical standards of conduct

Let's see what ethical standards are and what they are. Ethics (from the Greek etos, custom) is a branch of philosophy that studies morality.

It is believed that the first who decided to combine several concepts of human behavior under one word at once was the well-known Aristotle. In his treatises, he proposed the concept of "ethics" as "virtues or virtues that are manifested in human behavior." In his opinion, ethics should help to understand what actions are permissible and what are not.

In a nutshell, today ethical norms are understood as the totality of values ​​accumulated by society and the moral obligations of a person in relation to both these accumulations and to society itself as a whole.

Rules of etiquette, culture of behavior, morality - all these are ethical norms of behavior, which are the regulators of relations. They affect absolutely all interpersonal actions between people: from simple friendly communication to a large set of rules of corporate or professional ethics.

The main secret of well-being in any society is a single rule for all: “Do towards others the way you want others to do towards you!”

Informally, the norms of behavior are divided into types:

  • Real ones are, in fact, any actions that a person performs;
  • Verbal is a verbal or verbal form of communication.

These two concepts are inseparable from each other. It is unlikely that you will be considered polite if your word, even if it is very cultured, runs counter to uncultured behavior. Imagine a person who greets you, while juicy picking his teeth with a fork. Not very nice, right?

Everyone has their own limits of ethical standards, they depend, first of all, on the people around them, the level of upbringing and education. The standard of cultural human behavior is when ethical norms cease to be rules and become personal norms, inner convictions.

Etiquette as a set of rules

The rules of etiquette also dictate the scope of our behavior. Remember, most recently we talked with you about. Etiquette is nothing more than the very necessary template that regulates our communication with each other.

If you accidentally step on someone's foot, you will apologize, a polite man will open the door in front of a woman, and having received change in the store, we all say "Thank you." The way we follow the norms of behavior, including etiquette, can characterize us as a cultured or uncultured person.

Personal and general

Interestingly, in different countries ethical standards of behavior are different. For example, in Spain, just entering the elevator, from everyone who is already there you will hear a friendly "Hola". In our country, the unreasonable greeting of complete strangers is not practiced in society. And no one will be offended by you if you, having entered the locker room of the pool, do not start shaking hands with everyone. That is, our traditions of communication are completely different.

This is another principle of dividing ethical norms - personal and group.

"I'm an artist, that's how I see it!"

Personal norms are what I talked about above - our internal framework, conditioned by society, upbringing and education. This is our inner world, self-awareness. Following personal ethical standards can be defined as the level inner dignity. For example, only you decide whether you can throw an ice cream wrapper into the bushes if no one sees you.

group behavior

All mankind, one way or another, is united in groups. From a family or a team at work to a whole state. From birth, a person belongs to a society, and cannot but obey certain rules. Including ethical standards of conduct. Group ethics are the rules of interaction within such a group.

Once in any team, a person is forced to accept the generally accepted rules in this society. Remember the saying - with your charter, you don’t go to someone else’s monastery? This is a reference to group ethics. Moreover, each team, as can be seen from the example above about greetings in Russia and Spain, has its own principles of communication: including linguistic or even moral ones.

You will say: norms, patterns, rules, limits - where is the freedom? We live in a society where the limits of our freedom are strictly limited by the limits of another person's freedom. That's why rules are needed. They are easier to live with.

Man is a social being, therefore, willy-nilly, he has to constantly communicate with other people. And given the fact that all people are different, certain rules were formed that govern our relationship. These rules are nothing but the concepts of good and evil, the rightness and wrongness of actions, the justice and injustice of actions that have developed over the centuries. And each person spontaneously or consciously tries to adhere to them. Depending on what concepts will be embedded in the norms of morality and ethics, whether they will be taken into account at all, each of us can make it difficult or easier to communicate with our own kind. And, therefore, the speed of achieving the set goals, the quality of communication and life will depend on this. Therefore, every citizen needs to know at least the basics of ethics. The rules of good manners have never harmed anyone.

What is ethics

The word "ethics" was first used by Aristotle. Translated from Greek, it means "concerning morality" or "expressing certain moral convictions." Ethics is the doctrine of the rules of communication between people, the norms of human behavior, as well as the duties of each in relation to other people. And most of us, even those who have not specifically studied the code of etiquette, on a subconscious level are aware of the main rule of interpersonal relationships: "Treat others the way you would like to be treated." One of the main aspects of ethics is morality. What is morality? It is nothing but a system of values ​​recognized by man. This is the most important way to regulate relations in different areas our life: in everyday life, family, work, science, etc. In addition to the moral foundations, ethics also studies the rules of ethics - etiquette.

Etiquette - a system of signs

Our actions carry some information: when we meet, we can pat a comrade on the shoulder, nod our heads, kiss, put our arms around our shoulders, or throw ourselves into hugs. A pat on the shoulder indicates familiarity; when a man gets up, if a woman enters the room, then this indicates his respect for her. The postures taken by a person, the movement of the head - all this also has an etiquette value. In phraseological units, one can also observe forms of etiquette: beat with a brow, bow your head, kneel, turn your back, throw a glove, hand on heart, stroke your head, beat bows, a beautiful gesture, etc.

Etiquette is not only a historical but also a geographical phenomenon: not all signs of etiquette, perceived positively in the West, will be approved in the East. And some gestures that are acceptable today were categorically condemned in the old days.

Good manners rules

What is ethics, and what rules does it include, every person should know. Below are the basic concepts of good manners.

The communication that we allow ourselves at home with loved ones is not always acceptable in society. And remembering the statement that you will not get a second chance to make a first impression, we try to adhere to the generally accepted rules of behavior in society when meeting strangers. Here is some of them:

  • in a company or at an official meeting, it is necessary to introduce strangers to each other;
  • try to remember the names of the people introduced to you;
  • when meeting a man and a woman, the representative of the weaker sex is never presented first, the exception is the situation if the man is the president or the meeting is purely business in nature;
  • the younger ones are presented as the older ones;
  • when presenting, you must stand up if you are sitting;
  • after meeting, the conversation begins with a senior in position or age, with the exception of the case when an awkward pause occurs;
  • being with strangers at the same table, before starting a meal, you need to get to know your neighbors;
  • shaking hands, look into the face of the one you greet;
  • the palm should be stretched strictly vertically, edge down - this means "communication on an equal footing";
  • remember that any non-verbal gesture means no less than the spoken word;
  • when shaking hands on the street, be sure to remove the glove, with the exception of women;
  • when meeting, the first question after greeting should be “How are you?” or "How are you?";
  • during the conversation, do not touch on issues that may be unpleasant to the interlocutor;
  • do not discuss what concerns opinions and tastes;
  • do not praise yourself;
  • watch the tone of the conversation, remember that neither work, nor family relationships, nor your mood give you the right to be impolite with others;
  • it is not customary to whisper in the company;
  • if, when saying goodbye, you know that you will meet soon, you should say: “Goodbye!”, “See you!”;
  • saying goodbye forever or for a long time, say: "Goodbye!";
  • at an official event, you must say: “Let me say goodbye!”, “Let me say goodbye!”.

Teaching children about secular ethics

In order for a child to grow into a worthy member of society, he must know what ethics is. The child needs not only to be told about the rules of behavior in society, at the table, at school, but also own example demonstrate and validate these rules. No matter how much you tell your child that it is necessary to give way to older people in transport, without setting an example for him on your own, you will never teach him to do this. Not every child is taught the basics at home secular ethics. Therefore, this gap is trying to fill the school. Recently in school curriculum includes the subject "Fundamentals of secular ethics." At the lessons, children are told about the rules and norms of behavior in various places, they are taught culinary etiquette, proper table setting and much more. The teachers also talk about moral principles, discuss what is good and bad. This item is essential for a child. After all, knowing how to behave in society, it will be easier and more interesting for him to live.


There is such a thing as a code professional ethics. These are the rules that govern professional activity. Every profession has its own code. So, doctors have a non-disclosure rule. medical confidentiality, lawyers, businessmen - all adhere to a code of ethics. Every self-respecting company has its own corporate code. Such enterprises value their reputation more than finances.


A man without etiquette is a savage, a barbarian. It is the rules of morality that give a person the right to consider himself the crown of creation. By teaching your child what ethics is from an early age, you increase his chances of growing up as a full-fledged member of society.