The concept, tasks and functions of trade unions. The economic role of trade unions: world and Russian experience The social role and main functions of the trade union

Unions- voluntary professional associations of workers, created to protect the economic interests of workers (primarily, to improve working conditions and increase wages).

Functions of trade unions. The origins of the development of trade unions are connected with the asymmetry of the real rights of individual wage workers and entrepreneurs. If the worker refuses the conditions offered by the employer, he risks being fired and becoming unemployed. If the entrepreneur refuses the demands of the employee, then he can fire him and hire a new one, losing almost nothing. In order to achieve some equalization of real rights, the worker must be able to conflict situation enlist the support of colleagues at work. The employer does not need to respond to individual speeches and protests of workers. But when workers unite and production is threatened with mass downtime, the employer is forced not only to listen to the demands of the workers, but also to somehow respond to them. In this way, the trade union gave the workers the power they had been deprived of by acting alone. Therefore, one of the main demands of the trade unions was the transition from individual labor agreements to collective agreements entrepreneur with a trade union acting on behalf of all its members.

Over time, the functions of trade unions have changed somewhat. Today, unions influence not only employers, but also the financial and legislative policies of the government.

Modern scholars dealing with the problems of trade unions distinguish two of their main functions - (1) protective (relationship "trade union - entrepreneurs") and (2) representative ( relationship "trade union - state"). Some economists add a third function to these two, (3) economic - Concern about increasing the efficiency of production.

1) Protective the most traditional function is directly related to the social and labor rights of employees. It is not only about prevention of violations by entrepreneurs of the labor rights of employees, but also about restoration of already violated rights. Equalizing positions of workers and the employer, the trade union protects the hired worker from an arbitrariness of the employer.

For a long time, strikes were the strongest weapon of trade union struggle. The presence of trade unions at first was practically unrelated to the frequency and organization of strikes, which remained a spontaneous phenomenon. The situation changed radically after the First World War, when the strikes of unionized workers became the main instrument of their struggle for their rights. This was demonstrated, for example, by the nationwide general strike led by the Congress of Trade Unions in May 1926, which engulfed all the leading branches of the British economy.

It should be noted that in the struggle for the interests of their members, trade unions often show indifference to the interests of other workers who are not members of the trade unions. For example, in the United States, unions are actively fighting to limit migration, as foreign workers "interrupt" work from Native Americans. Another method practiced by unions to limit the supply of labor is the requirement to strictly license many activities. As a result, unions provide their members with more high salary than non-union members (in the US by 20-30%), but this gain, according to some economists, is largely achieved by worsening the wages of non-union members.

In recent decades, the understanding of the protective function of trade unions has changed somewhat. If earlier the main task of the trade unions was to increase wages and working conditions, then today they main practical task is to prevent an increase in the unemployment rate and increase employment. This means a shift in priorities from protecting those already employed to protecting the interests of all employees.

As the scientific and technological revolution develops, unions seek to influence not only wages and employment, as it was originally, but also the working conditions associated with the operation of new equipment. Thus, at the initiative of the Swedish Confederation of Trade Unions in the 1990s, standards based on ergonomics began to be introduced all over the world. computer technology, which strictly regulate the level of electromagnetic radiation and noise, the quality of the image on the monitor.

2) Representation function associated with defending the interests of employees not at the level of the company, but in state and public bodies. The purpose of the representative office is to create additional (compared to existing) benefits and services (according to social service, social security, additional health insurance, etc.). Trade unions can represent the interests of workers by participating in the elections of state authorities and local self-government bodies, making proposals for the adoption of laws relating to the social and labor sphere, participating in the development of state policy and government programs in the field of promoting employment of the population, taking part in the development of state programs for labor protection, etc.

Involving themselves in the political struggle, trade unions are actively engaged in lobbying - they defend, first of all, those decisions that increase the demand for goods produced by workers and, thereby, the demand for labor. Thus, American trade unions have always actively advocated protectionist measures - restrictions on the import of foreign goods into the United States.

In order to implement representative functions, trade unions maintain close ties with political parties. The English trade unions went furthest, and as early as 1900 created their own political party, the Workers' Representation Committee, since 1906, the Labor Party (translated as the Labor Party). Trade unions directly finance this party. A similar situation is observed in Sweden, where the Swedish Confederation of Trade Unions, which unites the vast majority of employees, ensures the political leadership of the Swedish Social Democratic Party. In most countries, however, the trade union movement is divided into associations with different political orientations. For example, in Germany, along with the Association of German Trade Unions (9 million people), which is oriented towards cooperation with the Social Democrats, there is a smaller Association of Christian Trade Unions (0.3 million people), close to the Christian Democrats.

In the context of increased competition, trade unions began to realize that (3) the well-being of workers depends not only on the confrontation with entrepreneurs, but also on the growth of labor efficiency. Therefore, modern trade union organizations almost never resort to strikes, they actively participate in improving the professional training of their members and in improving production itself. Studies by American economists show that in most industries, union members demonstrate higher productivity (by about 20-30%).

4) Rule-making activity implies participation in the formation of the legal field in which there is labor process on the different levels– from the federal to the level of a specific organization. And including in legal consolidation of increasing the status and rights of workers.

5) Organizational and 6) social functions suppose active participation of the trade union in the creation and improvement of working conditions. Moreover, this can include sports and cultural work among workers, which must be considered jointly and inextricably with the concept of "working conditions".

7)Control function is expressed in that trade union speaks in the role of an authorized public controller on the observance of the rights of workers in various aspects - labor protection and working conditions, remuneration and labor rationing, social guarantees and others. The corresponding rights to trade union are given by the existing legislation.

trade union trade union function

The functions of trade unions are the directions of their activity.

Protective function trade unions, is also traditional for the Soviet trade unions. Due to the fact that historically it arose earlier than other functions, its content is characterized by significant and complex changes.

The task of protecting the rights and interests of the working people in a socialist society by trade unions is an integral part of the activity of the entire system of organizations of Soviet society, and above all of the Communist Party and the socialist state. The features of the protective function of trade unions in comparison with the protection of the rights and interests of workers by other organizations of Soviet society is that, firstly, trade unions are called upon to protect the rights and interests of workers and employees, mainly in the field of public labor relations; secondly, the main goal of trade unions in this case is to prevent (prevent) possible violations of these rights and interests; thirdly, in protecting the rights and legitimate interests of workers and employees, trade unions use ways and means that are inaccessible to the state apparatus.

FUNCTION REGULATIONS. In conditions when trade unions do not have (according to Russian legislation) the right to legislative initiative, they actively participate in the rule-making process through proposals and amendments to draft laws that are sent to the Committees of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, through the RTK, through the Association of Russian Trade Unions (FNPR) and etc.

Implementing this function, the trade union committees, formulating a reasoned opinion on a particular local legal act educational institution, carries out essentially an examination and a deep analysis of it in order to protect the members of the Trade Union from negative consequences enactment of a normative act

FUNCTION CONTROL. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, trade unions are granted the right to exercise control over compliance by employers and their representatives labor law and other normative legal acts containing labor law norms.

Trade union legal and technical inspectors, authorized (trusted) persons for labor protection in an educational institution have the right to freely visit organizations where trade union members work to conduct inspections of compliance with labor legislation, labor protection standards, as well as compliance with the terms of the collective agreement, agreement.

FUNCTION CO-MANAGEMENT. The main forms of participation of trade union organizations in management at the level of an educational institution are: taking into account the opinion of the trade union body in cases provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a collective agreement; holding consultations with the employer (administration) on the adoption of local regulations containing labor law norms; obtaining information from the employer on issues directly affecting the interests of employees; discussion with the employer of questions about the work of the institution, making proposals for its improvement; participation in the development and adoption of collective agreements; other forms defined founding documents organization, collective agreement or local normative act organizations.

One of the important forms of co-management is the receipt by the trade union committee from the administration necessary information on such issues as: reorganization or liquidation of the organization; the introduction of technological changes that entail a change in the working conditions of workers; professional training, retraining and advanced training of employees; on other issues provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, federal laws, the constituent documents of the organization, the collective agreement. As part of the function of co-management, the trade union committee has the right to make proposals on the above issues to the management bodies of the organization and participate in meetings of these bodies when they are considered. The implementation of the function of co-management is an important mechanism for the trade union organization in the implementation of the statutory goals and objectives.

EDUCATIONAL FUNCTION. Determination of the content of trade union education, development of the most effective methods and organizational forms training of trade union activists, their improvement - are the main problems in the activities of trade union training committees. Forming your own asset training system, you should actively introduce non-standard models of their training. Along with traditional questions, it is advisable to include rhetoric, logic and other unusual components in training programs that expand the opportunities of a trade union activist, especially in conditions of wide social partnership. It is important in the organizations of the Trade Union to create a learning environment that would actively contribute to the formation and development necessary qualities, skills, abilities. This difficult task requires constant attention and participation in its resolution of all structures of the Trade Union.

ORGANIZING FUNCTION. The organizational function permeates all areas of activity of trade union organizations, elected bodies in the trade union and is implemented at four levels.

  • 1. Organizational (practical) level:
    • - ensuring activities supreme bodies trade union organization;
    • - ensuring the activities of collegial elected trade union bodies;
    • - organization of the work of the permanent commissions of the trade union committee;
    • - holding meetings, conversations, round tables, business negotiations, conferences, etc.;
    • - organization and use of oral and visual art information (lectures and speeches, trade union corners, information stands trade union committee, announcements, information leaflets, exhibitions, etc.);
    • - organization and holding of mass cultural and sports events (evenings, sports competitions, etc.);
    • - organization of recreation (weekend trips, organization of family leisure, etc.);
    • - health-saving measures (preventive medical examinations, organization of sanatorium-and-spa treatment), etc.
  • 2. The level of trade union rule-making:
    • - development and adoption of the Regulations on the organization;
    • - formation and decision-making of higher and executive bodies of trade union organizations (in the form of resolutions);
    • - formation of a motivated opinion of the trade union committee, etc.;
    • - formation and decision-making of individual elected trade union bodies (chairmen of organizations in the form of orders);
    • - preparation and adoption of resolutions, statements, appeals, open letters on certain topical social and labor problems in the team;
    • - formation of submissions, appeals and claims to inspection bodies, trade union bodies and courts, etc.
  • 3. The level of analytical and creative activity of the trade union committee:
    • - development of plans, determination of prospects for the development of the trade union organization, clarification of goals and specification of tasks;
    • - development of a draft collective agreement, an agreement on labor protection, etc.;
    • - development of scenarios for holding events, promotions;
    • - generalization of the practice and experience of the work of commissions, trade union activists (compilation of information certificates);
    • - analysis of the state and results of the activities of elected trade union bodies in various areas (statistical and other reports);
    • - preparation of teaching materials;
    • - preparation of newsletters, visual information, etc.
  • 4. Technology level:
    • - adaptation of various methods of organizational and statutory work of the trade union committee; - adaptation of methods and recommendations for holding collective actions, strikes, etc.
    • - development of measures to use experience and introduce new forms of work of trade union organizations into practice (trade union circles, experience in developing target projects of activities primary organization others);
    • - development of criteria for evaluating the activities of permanent commissions and activists, identifying the effectiveness of the activities of trade union organizations, etc.

A trade union is a voluntary public association of citizens connected by common production, professional interests in the nature of their activities, created in order to represent and protect their social and labor rights and interests. All trade unions enjoy equal rights.

Every person who has reached the age of 14 and is engaged in labor (professional) activities has the right, at his own discretion, to create trade unions to protect his interests, join them, engage in trade union activities and leave trade unions. Not only citizens can be members of Russian trade unions Russian Federation, residing both on the territory of Russia and outside its territory, but also foreign citizens and stateless persons residing on the territory of the Russian Federation, with the exception of cases established by federal laws or international treaties Russian Federation.

Trade unions can create their unions (associations) on a sectoral, territorial or other basis that takes into account professional specifics - all-Russian unions (associations) of trade unions, interregional and territorial unions (associations) of trade union organizations (Article 2 of the Law on Trade Unions).

The primary trade union organization unites members of trade unions, as a rule, of one enterprise, organization, regardless of the form of ownership and subordination, acts on the basis of a provision adopted in accordance with the charter, or on the basis of general position on the primary trade union organization of the relevant trade union.

Trade unions are independent in their activities from executive authorities, local governments, the employer, their associations (unions, associations), political parties and other public associations, they are not accountable and not controlled. It is prohibited to interfere with the activities of state authorities, local self-government bodies and their officials in the activities of trade unions, which may lead to the restriction of the rights of trade unions or hinder the legal implementation of their statutory activities (Article 5 of the Law on Trade Unions).

Trade unions, their unions (associations) independently develop and approve their charters, their structure, and organize their activities. These acts regulate relations within the trade union itself with its members and trade union bodies. They are not sources of law, as it is an act of the public.

The legal personality of a trade union legal entity arises from the moment of their state (notifying) registration with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation or its territorial body in the subject of the Russian Federation at the location of the relevant trade union body. But trade unions have the right not to register, in which case they do not acquire the rights of a legal entity (Article 8 of the Law on Trade Unions). It is prohibited to condition the hiring, promotion, and dismissal of a person by belonging or not belonging to a trade union.

Reorganization or termination of the activities of a trade union or a primary trade union organization can be carried out only by decision of their members in the manner determined by the charter of the trade union, the regulation on the primary trade union organization, and their liquidation as a legal entity in accordance with federal law.

If the activity of a trade union is contrary to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Constitutions (charters) of the constituent entities of the Federation, federal laws, it may be suspended for up to six months or prohibited by a decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation or the relevant court of the constituent entity of the Federation at the request of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, the prosecutor corresponding subject of the Federation. Suspension or prohibition of the activities of the trade union by decision of any other bodies is not allowed.

Thus, trade unions enter the political system of society as a specific public organization with their own tasks and functions determined by their charters.

The main tasks of trade unions are related to the implementation of their functions - the protection of the rights and interests of workers in the sphere of labor and other directly related relations.

The functions of trade unions are the directions of their activity. Since trade unions arose to protect the rights and interests of workers, therefore their main function- protective. The need to protect the rights and interests of workers in the labor sphere is especially relevant in the modern period, which has exposed socio-economic contradictions. The relations of trade unions with employers on social and labor issues are regulated by labor legislation at all levels of social partnership relations, from production to the federal level, while using their protective function, as well as their second most important function - representing the interests of workers. For the effective implementation of these functions, the state has secured a number of rights and guarantees for trade unions in rule-making, law enforcement and control over compliance with labor legislation and labor protection rules.

The protective function of trade unions is the activity of trade union bodies, as well as the labor and asset inspectorates under their jurisdiction, aimed at preventing violations and restoring violations of the rights and legitimate interests of workers in the labor sphere, as well as bringing to justice their violators.

The functions of employee representation are directly enshrined in Article 29 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, according to which representatives of employees in social partnership are trade unions and their associations, other trade union organizations provided for by the charters of all-Russian trade unions. The Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On trade unions, their rights and guarantees of activity” in Article 11 “The right of trade unions to represent and protect the social and labor rights and interests of workers” and in Article 1 combine these two essential functions trade unions with their respective rights.

But in addition to these two trade unions also carry out a cultural and educational function of educating their members in the spirit of patriotism and a political one of their participation in the elections of state authorities and local self-government bodies.

The implementation of the protective and representative functions of trade unions is facilitated by the social regulation of social relations that they enter into in the course of their activities. Relations with the participation of trade unions, as a rule, are regulated by various types of social norms morals, traditions, etc.

However, legal regulation is also possible to ensure the representation and protection of the rights and legitimate interests of employees.

limits legal regulation relations with the participation of trade unions depend on the state of social relations, the degree of their development, the socio-economic and political conditions in which they develop.

The crisis of recent years, the devaluation of many social guarantees, as a result, a decrease, and a significant one, in the incomes of workers and their families - increase the relevance of the activities of trade unions and the tasks facing them. Increasing human potential as one of the main factors of economic growth in the country, the growth of real stable income workers, the level of pensions and the quality of life of people, the elimination of the causes of poverty - these are the main priorities of the work of Russian trade unions in modern conditions.

Directions of the functioning of the trade union

One of the priorities of the trade union at all its levels continues to be the work to defend the economic interests of trade union members, as well as labor and professional ones. These issues are reflected in the demands of the trade unions to the legislative and executive authorities. It is important that his voice is not only heard, but that he really influences those decisions that affect workers.

Activity goals

The goals and objectives of the trade union are known:

1. Representation of demands and protection of opinions, benefits and development of trade union members: economic, professional, social, domestic, improvement of living standards of trade union members.

2. Implementation of the legal right of the trade union of all levels to be represented in the governing bodies.

3. A significant improvement in the criteria for the quality of life of workers - members of the trade union.

Tasks of the trade union

The cornerstone task of the trade union is to participate in the improvement of legislation affecting the social and labor rights of trade union members, to oppose attempts to reduce the social protection of workers. The following main tasks remain relevant for the trade union:

1. Striving for a decent and fair wage, pension and social benefits, scholarships for students.

2. Representing the interests of employees in different areas and at all levels, participation in collective negotiations, conclusion of collective agreements on behalf of the labor collective and control over the implementation of the directions of the collective agreement.

3. The direction of their powers to preserve the guarantees of education and medical care workers.

4. Monitoring compliance by employers Labor Code RF and other laws and regulations, protection against illegal dismissals.

5. Monitoring the employment of citizens of working age and the observance of the procedure for downsizing by administrative personnel and the implementation of guarantees for employees dismissed under this article.

6. The task of the trade union is to strengthen control over labor protection and safety in the workplace.

7. Participation in the planning of staff development.

8. Development of a policy on cooperation of all trade union organizations and associations, development and strengthening of professional solidarity.

Means for solving goals and objectives

To fulfill the Charter and its tasks, the trade union takes the following measures:

1. Takes part in programs and draft laws and other acts based on labor law, socio-economic policy on labor and professional rights of workers and students, as well as other issues in the interests of its members.

2. Actively participates in government programs for employment of the population, offers real measures to assist persons laid off as a result of downsizing and headcount, reorganization or liquidation of enterprises, in supporting such workers by improving their qualifications and professional retraining.

3. Implements, if possible, its projects in and on gender issues.

4. Initiates the creation of various consultations and labor inspections, develops provisions for their activities to protect professional boundaries its members.

5. Prepares statements of claim, acts as a defender of trade union members in courts, prosecutors, administrations, before employers on issues of problems in the workplace.

6. Promotes the implementation of measures to improve the quality of life of workers, for this, it delves into the life support of workers of various professional and qualification communities and students.

Influence on the legislative base of the state

The trade union is directly involved in the development of indicators of consumer needs, taking into account the cost of living and fluctuations in the price range for goods and services. The trade union, in accordance with the procedure established by law, inspects the norms of acts of labor law of the Russian Federation. Takes measures aimed at effective prevention of corruption. The trade union supports the development of non-state funds to provide for its members. Takes an active part in management off-budget funds states. It uses significant financial resources to organize and conduct events aimed at improving health and cultural and educational events.

The trade union develops a sanatorium-resort area, owns significant amount boarding houses and sanatoriums and other recreation facilities for the use of trade union members at a reduced price. Occupational safety under the vigilant control of the trade union. The trade union is the initiator of cooperation with trade unions of other countries, it is an active participant in the international trade union movement.

Trade union at the enterprise

At the enterprises, the trade union:

1. Initiates independently, as well as on behalf of trade union members, filing applications with labor inspectorates.

2. Promptly helps members of his organization with various assistance: material, informational and methodological, legal, advisory and others.

3. Monitors compliance by the administrations of enterprises and organizations with the Labor Code, the terms of collective agreements, labor protection, safety measures, social insurance and provision, medical care, improvement of living and living conditions and other types of protection for workers.

4. The tasks of the trade union in the organization are the settlement of collective labor disputes using various forms of protection under the law, up to the organization of strikes, meetings, rallies and demonstrations, parades, demonstrations and other collective actions.

5. The trade union, within the scope of its functions, conducts financial and economic activities.

6. Makes estimates of income and expenses, can create various funds.

7. Provides development personnel policy through training, retraining and education of trade union activists - these are also the tasks of the trade union at the enterprise.

8. Develops relationships with other trade unions and their associations, social movements, may be a member of all-Russian associations of trade unions.

The trade union in modern conditions

The influence of modern conditions on the tasks of the trade union is especially noticeable in recent times when Russia is presented with new challenges in foreign economic policy, requiring the search for new beacons of foreign economic partnership. In response to upholding national interests, our state received sanctions from the United States and European countries. Inflicting maximum economic damage to our country is their goal. How do they affect the economic situation? external factors. But the deep problems of the Russian economy are internal. These are the dependence of state budget revenues on energy prices, undeveloped mechanisms for financial and credit support for the real sector of the economy, the inefficiency of public and private management, and increased social stratification.

In the economic sphere, trade unions seek to protect workers, ensure stable economic development, increase the competitiveness of domestic goods and services, invest in human resource and creating on this basis the conditions for self-realization and increasing the degree of social protection of workers, improving the well-being of the entire population and the quality of life.

Basic principles of the work of the trade union

The main principles of the work of trade union organizations include the following:

1. Joining a trade union and leaving it on a voluntary basis, the equality of its members.

2. Responsibility of trade union organizations to trade union members for compliance with the Charter.

3. Collegiality in the work of all trade union organizations, personal responsibility of workers elected to trade union bodies.

4. Transparency of activity, openness of reporting in the work of trade union organizations of all levels.

5. Obligation and accuracy of fulfillment of the assigned tasks of the trade union, adopted within the Charter of the trade union.

6. Every union member is important.

7. Election of trade union committees in accordance with the legislation and the Charter.

8. Independence and the acquisition of authority to make decisions.

9. Compliance with accounting and financial discipline.

Trade union movement vector

The main task of the trade union is the development of the Russian program of decent work. Because the foundation for the development of the country and the well-being of a citizen is the worthy work of everyone.

Five tasks of the trade union for the coming years

Efficient employment, balanced job market - the necessary conditions decent work. In the light of the current situation, the main five tasks of trade unions for the coming years have been identified:

  1. Creation of effective high-quality jobs in the process of modernization of the economy.
  2. Exclusion of shadow labor relations, involvement in work without proper execution of an employment contract.
  3. State regulation questions labor migration, admission of foreign workers, taking into account priority employment Russian citizens.
  4. Conclusion with foreign workers, labor migrants employment contracts, providing them with medical care, education, social insurance.
  5. Increasing the level of material support for unemployed citizens, increasing the amount of unemployment benefits, assistance in finding employment.

In order to quickly solve problems, the efforts of trade unions are aimed, first of all, at ensuring effective employment and creating decent, efficient jobs.

Introduction ................................................ ................................................. .... 3

Chapter 1. Main directions of activity of trade unions 5

1.1. The concept and goals of the activities of trade unions .......................................... 5

1.2. The main functions of trade unions .................................................................. ........... eight

Chapter 2. The place and importance of trade unions in the socio-political infrastructure of society ........................... 19

2.1. Trade unions as a social institution ....................................................... .. 19

2.2. The status of trade unions in modern society............................................... 22

Conclusion................................................. ............................................. 27

List of used sources and literature .......... 29

1. Integration of society, achievement of social peace. The most significant contribution of trade unions to the institutionalization of social conflicts, primarily in the sphere of social and labor relations, in the introduction of them (conflicts) into the organizing channel, in the prevention of spontaneous, uncontrolled mass demonstrations. Even such acute forms of industrial conflicts as strikes initiated by trade unions ultimately contribute to the integration of society, as they make it possible to better understand the position and interests of the opposing groups and find mutually acceptable solutions. On the whole, trade unions contribute more to uniting people than to dividing them, they prefer social peace to the war of "all against all" and do a lot in this direction in practice, acting as a social shock absorber between the opposing sides.

2. Creation of civil society through the development of industrial democracy. Russian society cannot yet overcome the authoritarian style of relations between the holders of power (political and economic) and ordinary members of society. Moreover, this style is being tightened despite ongoing democratic reforms. An ordinary worker, a direct producer of goods and services turned out to be an outside observer and an indifferent executor of managerial strategies, operational plans and tasks.

Trade unions make it possible to destroy the monopoly of economic power through such a form that has justified itself throughout the world as collective agreements and agreements. According to the agreements of the parties, part of the authority to regulate socio-economic processes is delegated to labor collectives, which, together with employers and administrators, begin to share responsibility for the nature of their course and the result. This fits in well with modern managerial concepts of participatory management. The development of self-governing principles in industrial life, assisted by trade unions, accelerates the process of creating a civil society.

3. Promoting the formation of a welfare state . Trade unions played a significant role in the creation of social states in many countries, acting as persistent lobbyists in parliaments and governments to carry out various social programs, to give economies a socially oriented character. Through the mechanisms of control over the movement of large financial sums that are concentrated in social funds, through participation in the approval of the charters and regulations of these funds, through the consideration of drafts of various social programs and regulatory legal acts affecting social and labor relations, trade unions, if not directly, but indirectly contribute the establishment of a welfare state.

4. Preservation and development of the labor potential of society. This orienting goal is closest to the trade unions, since their main activity takes place in the sphere of social labor. The positive impact of trade unions on the preservation and development of the labor potential of society is manifested in the implementation of their work in the following areas:

Increasing the level of wages, ensuring the reproduction of the labor potential of each individual employee and society as a whole;

Occupational safety, reduction of industrial injuries and occupational diseases;

Professional training of employees, including assistance to them in mastering the knowledge of the “market”;

Ensuring productive employment, preventing overexploitation, socially and economically unjustified and long-term unemployment.

5. Development market relations, the formation of the labor market. Under certain conditions, trade unions can positively influence the development of the market by raising the price of labor and thereby creating conditions not only for improving people's lives, but also for economic growth. While they work mainly in the primary market, in traditional production, secondary market with its instability and insecurity, in essence, it is not yet covered by trade union influence, especially in the sectors of semi-legal and illegal employment, but there is no doubt that trade unions should become a strong player in this market as well. Now the hired worker in these sectors is left face to face with the employer, who, being not bound by any restrictions, including moral ones, can do arbitrariness: pay low wages, not provide the necessary social conditions, allow the employee to be super-exploited.

6. Adoption of humanistic values ​​and developed labor morality in society. The accelerated movement of Russia towards the market has led to shifts in values, which are extremely painfully perceived by society. Collectivism is being replaced by individualism, relations of general commercialization replace the former relations of camaraderie and mutual assistance, the pursuit of profit becomes the main driving motive. Competition for jobs, positions, resources leads to alienation, separation of people, their mutual isolation. Trade unions, being public associations of working people, by their very nature are carriers of values ​​that cannot be subject to devaluation. These are the values ​​of honest and conscientious work, fair distribution of the jointly produced product, collectivism, partnership, mutual assistance and others. For trade unions, the approval of these humanistic norms and norms of labor morality is one of the most important targets of activity.

The main functions of trade unions include the following:

1. Organizational, or the function of organizing social practices.

2. Function of regulation of social and labor relations.

3. Protective function.

4. Representative function.

5. Control function.

organizational function trade unions lies in the fact that they organizationally provide a number of long-term and recurring social practices. These are the practices:

Resolution of industrial labor conflict;

Implementation of social partnership;

Conducting the collective bargaining process;

Carrying out mass actions;

Implementation of the activities of intra-union bodies and organizations;

Membership provision;

Implementation of international contacts and relations, etc.

Function of regulation of social and labor relations is carried out by trade unions on a parity basis with the main social partners: the state and entrepreneurs. Trade unions do not directly manage the processes in the field of social and labor relations, but participate in their regulation at the level of their competence and in the interests of various groups of wage labor.

Trade unions exert their influence to a greater or lesser extent on the following aspects of social and labor relations:


Conditions, organization and regulation of labor;

Labor protection and safety (including environmental);

employment and unemployment;


Taxes and budgets in the part relating to social labor.

Working with legislators and executive bodies authorities (not excluding lobbying), with employers to regulate social and labor relations - this is the field where trade unions in practice can demonstrate their social usefulness, as they are included in the creation of a legal system that is mandatory for all social figures.

The representative function is that trade unions are legally granted the right to act on behalf of and on behalf of various professional groups workers, labor collectives, workers employed in one or more industries, workers living in the same territory, to express and defend their interests.

control function trade unions is considered as one of the forms of civil public control over the actions of the authorities and employers in the field of social and labor relations, as well as over the activities of the trade union bodies and organizations themselves. The lack of proper control during the period of economic reform, when trade unions, for various reasons, were curtailed in their rights to control many processes, gave rise, to a large extent, to numerous violations of labor standards, from which the whole society suffers.

Auxiliary The functions of trade unions are represented by the following set:

1. The function of labor socialization.

2. Expert advisory function.

3. Information and analytical function.

4. Educational function.

5. Communicative function.

6. Economic function.

Trade unions, uniting working people and sharing basic labor values, perform an important function of labor socialization, which is in general view means mastering the role of a worker. Of particular importance is the primary socialization, that is, the entry of a young person into the working environment, the development of the norms of intra-collective life and labor morality, the initial vocational training, attitude to work.

Since trade unions arose to protect the rights and interests of workers, therefore their main function is protective. The need to protect the rights and interests of workers in the labor sphere is especially relevant in the modern period, which has exposed socio-economic contradictions. The relations of trade unions with employers on social and labor issues are regulated by labor legislation at all levels of social partnership relations, from production to the federal level, while using their protective function, as well as their second most important function - representing the interests of workers. For the effective implementation of these functions, the state assigned to the trade unions a number of rights and guarantees in rule-making, law enforcement and control over compliance with labor legislation and labor protection rules.

The protective function of trade unions is the activity of trade union bodies, as well as the labor and asset inspectorates under their jurisdiction, aimed at preventing violations and restoring violations of the rights and legitimate interests of workers in the labor sphere, as well as bringing to justice their violators.

The functions of employee representation are expressly enshrined in Art. 29 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, according to which the representatives of workers in social partnership are trade unions and their associations, other trade union organizations provided for by the charters of all-Russian trade unions. Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On trade unions, their rights and guarantees of activity" in Art. 11 "The right of trade unions to represent and protect the social and labor rights and interests of workers" and in Art. 1 combines these two essential functions of trade unions with their respective rights.

The implementation of the protective and representative functions of trade unions is facilitated by the social regulation of social relations that they enter into in the course of their activities. Relations with the participation of trade unions, as a rule, are regulated by various types of social norms - morality, traditions, etc.

However, legal regulation is also possible to ensure the representation and protection of the rights and legitimate interests of employees.

The limits of legal regulation of relations with the participation of trade unions depend on the state of social relations, the degree of their development, the socio-economic and political conditions in which they develop.

Modern legislation allows trade unions to focus on the fulfillment of the main task - to represent and protect the socio-economic interests of workers, these rights characterize the relationship of trade unions with state and economic decision-making bodies in the sphere of labor. In relation to state and economic bodies, the exercise by trade unions of such powers is the exercise of their rights. But in relation to the workers, in whose name and in whose interests the trade unions act, it is their duty to exercise the powers of the trade unions. Therefore, the powers of trade unions are usually characterized as rights-duties: rights in relation to state and economic bodies and duties to workers.

Trade unions submit proposals and express their opinion on draft laws and other normative acts affecting the social and labor rights of workers. Remuneration systems and labor standards are established by employers, taking into account the opinion of trade union bodies and are fixed in collective agreements.

Trade unions participate in the development of state employment programs, they must be notified of the upcoming suspension of production and job cuts. In cases established by law, the dismissal of an employee - a member of a trade union can be carried out only taking into account the opinion of the elected trade union body.

Trade unions conduct collective negotiations and conclude collective agreements and agreements on behalf of employees, as well as exercise control over the implementation of collective agreements and agreements. Trade unions have the right to participate in the settlement of collective labor disputes, in accordance with the law to hold strikes and other collective actions. The relations of trade unions with state and economic bodies are built on the basis of social partnership. Trade unions, along with other social partners, participate in the management of state funds formed from insurance premiums.

In order to carry out their statutory activities, trade unions have the right to receive information on social and labor issues from state and economic bodies free of charge and without hindrance. Trade unions have the right to exercise trade union control over the observance of labor legislation and set up their own labor inspectorates for this purpose.

Trade union labor inspectors, authorized (trusted) persons for labor protection of trade unions have the right:

To exercise control over the observance of labor legislation and other normative legal acts containing labor law norms;

Conduct an independent examination of working conditions and ensure the safety of employees of the organization;

Participate in the investigation of accidents at work and occupational diseases;

Receive information from managers and other officials of organizations about the state of working conditions and labor protection, as well as about all accidents at work and occupational diseases;

Protect the rights and interests of members of the trade union on the issues of compensation for harm caused to their health at work (work);

Submit demands to employers to suspend work in cases of a direct threat to the life and health of employees;

Send employers submissions on the elimination of identified violations of laws and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms that are mandatory for consideration;

To check the state of conditions and labor protection, the fulfillment of the obligations of employers, provided for by collective agreements and agreements;

Participate in the work of commissions for testing and commissioning of production facilities and means of production as independent experts;

Take part in the consideration of labor disputes related to violation of labor protection legislation, obligations stipulated by collective agreements and agreements, as well as changes in working conditions;

Take part in the development of laws and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms;

Take part in the development of draft by-laws on labor protection, as well as coordinate them in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation;

Apply to the relevant authorities with a demand to bring to justice those responsible for violating laws and other acts containing labor law norms, concealing the facts of accidents at work.

Trade unions, their labor inspectorates, in the exercise of these powers, interact with state bodies of supervision and control over compliance with laws and other acts containing labor law norms.

Authorized (trusted) persons for labor protection of trade unions have the right to freely check in organizations compliance with labor protection requirements and make proposals, mandatory for consideration by officials, to eliminate identified violations, labor protection requirements (Article 370 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

In a new way, trade unions protect their interests in labor dispute settlement bodies. In cases of violation of labor legislation, trade unions have the right, either at the request of trade union members, other workers, or on their own initiative, to file an application in defense of their labor rights with bodies that consider individual labor disputes.

For more qualified assistance in protecting the social, labor and other rights and professional interests of their members, trade unions can create their own legal services and consultations.

The powers of trade unions have different legal force. Legal force characterizes the degree of binding proposals of trade unions for state and economic bodies. Some powers are advisory (recommendatory) in nature, such as, for example, the participation of trade unions in the consideration of draft laws and other regulations affecting the social and labor rights of workers. The relevant state bodies are obliged to request the opinion of the trade unions, listen to this opinion and discuss it, but the decision is made independently. Other powers of trade unions are of a parity nature: for example, collective agreements, agreements are adopted on a parity basis with trade union bodies.

There may be cases when trade unions make independent decisions in the field of labor relations, for example, decisions on strikes.

Chapter 2. The place and importance of trade unions in the socio-political infrastructure of society

2.1. Trade unions as a social institution

In modern word usage, the concept of "trade unions" or "trade unions" has lost its original meaning.

First, the vast majority of trade unions are already weakly correlated with the concept of a profession and the professional interests associated with it. If any trade union is created on the basis of the community of a profession, then the latter is an aggregated profession (metallurgist, chemist, fisherman, etc. - each is a combination of many specific professions). Most modern trade unions are organized according to the production principle, that is, they unite workers of various professions, but employed in the same production (enterprise, firm, company, etc.). And, most importantly, people are connected not so much by their own professional interests (the content of the work, its functional features, skill, qualification requirements etc.), how many are, as it were, outside the profession the conditions for its implementation. At the heart of association in trade unions lie, first of all, economic interests that turn out to be similar for professional and interprofessional groups, as well as the social conditions for the implementation of professional activity, and only in the last place - everything that relates directly to the content and technological aspects of labor.

Secondly, trade unions have long ceased to be "unions" in the classical sense of the word. They act not only and not so much on the basis of consent, but on the basis of provisions that are sufficiently formalized and binding - laws, charters, decrees, resolutions, instructions, etc. While retaining certain external features of the union - voluntary participation, democratic procedures, etc. - the trade unions now have all the attributes of an institution, and an institution that has a significant impact on public life.

To which of the well-known basic institutions do trade unions belong? Given the multifunctionality of trade unions, the diversity of intra- and inter-institutional relations, the large number of people included in the orbit of their activities, the multitude of interacting social groups and organizations, the complexity of the regulatory system, the variety of organizational forms, etc., trade unions should be considered an independent basic social institution . The same as the state, family or church. It is enough to at least mentally exclude this institution from the developing societies of the 19th, and especially the 20th century, and it is easy to imagine what kind of societies we would have today, what standard of living would prevail in them, what differentiations were observed, and what was the degree of social tension and conflict in these societies.

Thanks to the trade unions, it was possible to largely remove destabilizing differentiations, especially in wages, to direct destructive social conflicts into an organized channel and to a large extent reduce their severity, improve the working conditions of large groups of industrial workers and, in general, the conditions for the sale of labor power.

Much has been done by the trade unions in terms of developing industrial democracy, humanizing relations between labor and capital, managers and workers, as well as professionalizing workers, organizing their life and recreation.

Even such a cursory enumeration of the results of the institutional activities of trade unions speaks of their significance in social development, which cannot be reduced to any one, albeit important, for example, protective function.

The institutional feature of trade unions is, first of all, that they are built into the system of social and labor relations - the most important relations in society, regulate these relations, acting on the side of wage labor, and this is their main purpose. Therefore, trade unions can rather be considered a regulatory institution, or an institution for the regulation of social and labor relations.

Another feature of this institution is that it occupies an intermediate, buffer position. in a number of other basic institutions - political, economic, social (in the narrow sense) - and he is forced, therefore, to experience the influence and burden of these institutions, taking on some of their functions. Former Soviet trade unions partially replaced economic entities, acted as conductors of the political line of the ruling party, initiated competition, competitiveness among workers and collectives, carried out socialization, introducing young workers to basic labor values, independently conducted a large volume social work(improving, cultural and educational, physical culture and sports, charitable, etc.)

Trade unions, having a transit, marginal status, perform the functions of an intermediary between the employer (owner, entrepreneur) and the employee as a direct producer of goods and services. They, as it were, accumulate the claims of the two parties and try to resolve them in favor of the employee.

Pedagogical institutes operate as part of the systemic institution, which is the trade unions. or private institutions that have a socio-technological nature and organize specific social practices. This is the institution of collective agreements and agreements, the institution of social partnerships, the institution of representation and membership. These institutions normatively and organizationally regulate the processes of interaction between subjects - an employee, an entrepreneur, the state, introducing elements of order and control here. Through the institutions of collective agreements, partnerships and representations, trade unions now carry out the bulk of practical work.

2.2. The status of trade unions in modern society

The position of trade unions in society is determined by two groups of factors: exogenous and endogenous.

The first trade unions that ensure the appropriate status to the greatest extent include their relations with: 1) the state; 2) business; 3) political parties and movements; 4) civil society. These relations can also be regarded as the most significant external institutional ties.

Trade unions objectively cannot but express the interests of the state , all the more so if the latter claims to be called "social", since their very existence in institutional forms depends on it. But the trade unions cannot but express the interests of the other side - wage workers who create these unions to represent and protect their interests.

A greater or lesser compromise towards the state or, on the contrary, towards the total employee depends on the specific political and economic situation in society. If the state is strong enough and capable enough, the government demonstrates political will, and there are no revolutionary moods in society, then the trade unions are completely inclined to the side of the state, up to their dissolution in state structures. So it was in the days of the Soviet trade unions, which turned out to be so firmly sewn into the fabric of the state and the ruling party in it that only by formal signs could one distinguish “who is who”.

The crossing of functions, the flow of elites, the monotonous principles of structure (unitarianism, centralism) made it difficult to distinguish those specific features that distinguish this social institution from state institutions.

Compromise in favor of the state manifested itself in many ways, from remuneration of professional workers according to the standards adopted by the state to the practical impossibility (and inadmissibility) of using force actions in the form of protest rallies, strikes, etc.

The state, in turn, compromised with the trade unions, delegating to them the execution of social work (management of social insurance and pension funds, maintenance of medical and recreational, social facilities, cultural institutions, sports, etc.), which in other societies and countries is, as a rule, the prerogative of state organizations and business structures.

The status feature of Russian trade unions is that they, in the person of their leaders, consider the state and all their critical resources to be the main opponent, direct their ideological and organizational capabilities to counteract the state and political power, although the main contradictions in the system of social and labor relations run along the line “ capital - labor", "employer - employee".

The paper reveals the main reasons for this phenomenon: the "social origin" of trade union leaders and functionaries, the level of their social competence, the degree of legal protection, etc.

The status of an institution in opposition to the state unties the hands of the trade unions, allows them to act without too much looking back and the better to perform their functions. The rigid dependence on the state, which took place earlier, did not provide such opportunities. But, obviously, the degree of opposition of trade unions should be adjusted with the social actions of the state, not all initiatives should be subject to obstruction, but some should receive support. In other words, the best position of trade unions in a legal democratic society is constructive opposition. Trade unions have the right to put forward their demands to the state, based on the interests of the workers they represent, but the state also has the right to offer its own “state order”.

The status of trade unions also depends on the relationship between them and business structures, the business world. Trade unions are clearly not suited to both “friendly” relations with business, which, in the absence of a strong counterbalance, becomes excessively greedy, cruel and immoral, and constant confrontation with it, which reduces the effectiveness of entrepreneurial activity.

Establishing cooperation relations between trade unions and business is justified, they have many common problems - recruitment, mass layoffs, promotion, pay, maintenance labor discipline, vocational training of workers - equally important both for trade unions and workers expressing their interests, and for entrepreneurs and managers.

Trade unions and employers are invited to define more precisely the range of tasks in which they do not take part, and what is the exclusive competence of the other side, especially since world practice has accumulated considerable experience in this regard.

Any striving for cooperation with business, which is extremely important for the peaceful, without strikes, resolution of labor disputes and conflicts, is fraught, however, with the loss of face for the trade unions, the lowering of social status. Trade unions de facto can acquire the status of an equal partner to an entrepreneur only by maintaining exactingness, increasing professionalism in their work, deepening the knowledge and competence of their functionaries and activists, replenishing the ranks with new members, expanding institutional ties and social base.

Russian entrepreneur still does not fully realize the positive role that trade unions can play in regulating labor relations in production, and therefore do not show interest in creating trade union organizations and ensuring the conditions for their activities. Trade unions are organized only at a few newly created enterprises of the private sector. Managers of the majority of enterprises, especially small and medium-sized businesses, consider the representative bodies of workers to be superfluous and even harmful. Trade unions have to do a lot to reverse this negative obstructionist position of business, to prove in practice their functional significance.

It is no coincidence that trade unions associate the increase in their status with participation in the political life of society. . Of all the resources that any institution, any organization strives to possess, the resource of power gives the greatest dividends. And the largest amount of power is achieved in the sphere of politics, therefore, approaching political structures and institutions, joining those bodies where important power decisions are made, or even better, joining them, is the main vector of aspirations of leaders and elite groups of organizations and institutions.

Although the main interests of trade unions lie in the socio-economic space, and many trade unions have declared their independence from political parties, occupy the position of "pure trade unionism", nevertheless, they are not averse to using political levers to their advantage.

Of course, by definition, trade unions cannot become absolutely politically neutral. The question is different - which political parties and movements to support and in what forms in order not to lower one's already insufficiently high social status. So far, the positions of the Russian trade unions on this issue look extremely vague.

The status of trade unions as an institution is determined not only by its relationship with the state, business and political parties, but by its links with society. generally. The latter receive their empirical expression: 1) in awareness societies about trade unions; 2) in perception trade union society; 3) waiting society in relation to trade unions.

The reasons why society has lost interest in trade unions and does not show the need to have full information about them affect the way people evaluate and perceive trade unions. The second group - endogenous - factors include: 1) the number of people involved and their activity; 2) organizational structures and organizational capabilities; 3) goals, interests of status groups and their positions in relation to topical issues; 4) economic and financial opportunities.

These factors characterize intra-institutional ties.

There are four relatively independent status groups within the trade unions. , who have different amounts of power, different opportunities to manage resources, different expectations about joining the institution, different prestige. These are: ordinary members of the trade union; trade union activists; trade union workers and specialists; trade union leaders. The status of trade unions is dual and contradictory. Formally high indicators of people's involvement in the activities of the institute, development organizational structures, financial and property status and at the same time not fully defined relations with the state, political parties, business and society as a whole and, as a result, the performance of this society that is unsatisfactory - this is what is characteristic of modern Russian trade unions.


The study of the role of trade unions in protecting the labor rights of an employee allows us to draw the following conclusions:

1. The main activities of the trade union are: influence on the level of wages of its members (in combination with the social package) and the level of employment.

2. The protective activity of trade unions in Russia covers wages, working conditions, employment. These directions are fundamental in the collective bargaining process and are necessarily reflected in agreements and collective agreements.

3. Not all rights of citizens are subject to trade union protection, but only those whose protection is determined by the legislation of the trade unions, is their prerogative.

4. An approach to trade unions as an institution that performs important social functions (and not just as the sum of a certain number of public organizations or public associations), is the most appropriate methodological technique that allows you to cover the object under study in integrity and interconnection with other social phenomena, to see the dynamics of its forms and functions.

5. A formal change in the status and functions of trade unions does not automatically lead to a change in the content, methods and forms of work; it is necessary to overcome external barriers set by the social environment and stereotypes that have developed within the trade unions themselves.

6. There is a discrepancy between the content of the functions, the scale of the goals and objectives put forward by the trade unions, and the real possibilities for their achievement; The main obstacles are the unfavorable image of the trade unions, distrust of the citizens towards them, weak motivation and insufficient competence of the trade union personnel.

7. One of the conditions for increasing the authority of trade unions and enhancing their activities is the professionalization of trade union workers, the introduction of the practice of forming a reserve, selection, promotion and training full-time employees professiograms as a system of requirements for a candidate for a trade union position.

In conclusion, I would like to outline with a few strokes the essence of the actions of trade unions, their ultimate goal - the ongoing reforms in the country should be aimed at increasing the level and quality of life of the population, social politics must meet the interests of the general population, it is necessary to elevate and update the role of social function states. All this will ensure the development of education, science, culture, healthcare and other areas. social sphere.

The activities of the trade unions in the realization of these tasks can be directed in different ways, two of which are now basically taking place. These are collective forms of pressure on the decision social problems and orientation towards social partnership.

Trade unions are the basic social institution of society, and in terms of the content of their main functions, they act as a regulatory institution included in the system of social and labor relations. Trade unions become a necessary institution of a democratic society with market economy as a guarantor of industrial democracy and as a center of power representing the interests of employees in the labor market.

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