Guidelines for the provision of food for military personnel of the RF Armed Forces and some other categories of persons - Rossiyskaya Gazeta. Legislative framework of the Russian Federation


In order to solve the problem of improving the quality of food for military personnel, it is necessary to continue building new and reconstructing existing canteens, equipping them with modern technological and refrigeration equipment that makes it possible to mechanize and automate the process of cooking and processing products.

When developing projects and reconstructing canteens military units important role assigned to the chiefs of the food services of the units.

Working in the canteens of military units, the heads of food services determine the most technically and economically feasible technological solutions. They monitor the construction and reconstruction of canteens, take part in the acceptance of objects.

AT this case when designing and building a soldier's canteen, a large number of different factors have to be taken into account. At the same time, it is very important not to lose sight of even seemingly insignificant points, since later this can lead to various kinds of violations in the process of cooking and eating. It is important to design a canteen so that the processes of moving food, containers, dishes, serving and eating food take the least time and are convenient for people, but at the same time it is necessary to comply with all safety, sanitation and hygiene requirements.

This course work aims to teach the future head of the food service all the intricacies of designing a dining room and can be of great help in his future activities. And since the dining room is a highly mechanized enterprise, then, having gained sufficient skill in its design, the calculation of other objects will not be difficult.


Nutrition is an important factor in maintaining and strengthening the health of military personnel, improving the combat and special training of personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Proper organization of military nutrition is achieved by fulfilling the following requirements:

constant monitoring of the completeness of bringing the prescribed norms of food rations to those who eat;

Proper nutrition planning for personnel rational use norms of food rations, the obligatory observance of culinary rules for food processing and cooking, the development and observance of the most appropriate diet for various contingents of military personnel, taking into account the nature and characteristics of their official activities;

preparation of tasty, full-fledged, high-quality and varied food according to the established norms of food rations;

· the arrangement and equipment of canteens for military units, taking into account the introduction of advanced technologies and the creation of maximum convenience in work;

skillful operation of technological, refrigeration and non-mechanical equipment, tableware and kitchen utensils, their timely maintenance and repair;

Compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements when processing products, preparing, distributing and storing food, washing dishes, maintaining the dining room, as well as personal hygiene rules by cooks and other employees of the dining room;

a clear organization of the work of the cooks and the daily outfit for the canteen of the military unit;

observance by military personnel of the norms of behavior in the dining room during meals determined by the Charters;

· holding events aimed at improving and improving the organization of military nutrition: conferences on nutrition, competitions for the best canteen, exhibitions of dishes, etc.;

regular holding of control and demonstrative, cooking, classes with junior specialists of the food service and improving their skills.

The diet of military personnel determines the number of meals during the day, the observance of physiologically justified time intervals between them, the appropriate distribution of food according to meals laid down according to the norms of food rations during the day, as well as meals at a time strictly established by the daily routine.

The development of the diet of military personnel is entrusted to the commander of the military unit, his deputy for logistics, the heads of the food and medical services of the military unit.

Depending on the nature of combat training activities and food ration norms, three or four meals a day are established for the personnel of the RF Armed Forces.

Three meals a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner) are organized in a military unit, where the personnel are fed on a combined-arms ration and at least 4 times on a ration for Suvorov, Nakhimov and students of military music schools.

The intervals between meals should not exceed 7 hours. With this in mind, when establishing the daily routine of the military unit, breakfast is planned before the start of classes, lunch - after the end of the main classes, dinner - 2-3 hours before lights out. After lunch for 30 min. (at least) it is not allowed to conduct classes or work.

Due to the fact that the main physical and neuro-psychological stress on personnel occurs in the first half of the day, foods rich in proteins and fats are planned for preparing breakfast, which will allow military personnel to receive the necessary supply of nutrients before the start of the working day.

Breakfast should consist of a meat or fish dish with a cereal or vegetable side dish, bread, butter, sugar, tea.

For lunch, the main part of the food ration is provided. A cold appetizer, first and second courses, compote or jelly are planned.

The requirements for the diet are implemented in the layout of products, which allows the most correct and rational use of food rations for the preparation of a variety of foods. The layout of products is compiled by the head of the food service together with the head of the medical service, the head of the canteen and the instructor-cook. It is signed by the deputy regiment commander for logistics, the head of the food service and the head of the medical service and approved by the unit commander. Changes made to the approved product layout are made only with the permission of the unit commander, about which an appropriate entry is made in it.

The layout of products, as a rule, is compiled for a week separately for each norm in triplicate. The first copy (original) remains in the records management of the food service and is the basis for issuing products from the warehouse to the canteen, the second is hung out in the canteen lobby for familiarization with those who eat, and the third - in the canteen's hot shop for guidance in cooking.

When compiling the layout of products, the following are taken into account:

· features and nature of combat training for the planned period;

the dietary regime established for a given contingent of those who eat;

availability and range of products available at the food warehouse of the military unit;

norms of food rations, according to which the personnel are fed;

Possibility of using household products for additional food;

Qualification and number of cooks;

availability and condition of technological, refrigeration and non-mechanical equipment in the canteen of the military unit;

The wishes of the eaters.

The methodology for compiling the layout of products includes a thoughtful selection of dishes for the week and the correct distribution of products by meal.

In the layout of products for the week, the same dishes should not be repeated more than two or three times, and it is forbidden to plan dishes from the same products, for example, millet soup and millet porridge as a side dish for the second course for the same meal.

The quality of the prepared food largely depends on the qualifications of the cooks and proper organization their work.

In a military unit, the number of cooks in the canteen is set by its staff. When determining the number of cooks (when the staff of a military unit is being developed), they proceed from the following norms in the canteen, where up to 150 people eat - 3 cooks, from 151 to 200 people - 4 cooks, subsequently 1 cook is added for every 125 people who eat. A cook instructor is kept when there are more than 500 people eating and is not counted in the estimated number of cooks, and a master in cooking technology - when there are more than 1000 people eating.

To work in the canteens, all cooks who are on the staff of the military unit are involved, with the exception of the cooks of the units, the food of the personnel in which is organized separately.

In the case of catering for the personnel of a military unit through the dining room of another military unit, all cooks (cooks), the head of the dining room of this unit are involved in work in the dining room, where meals are organized for personnel.

In canteens, the work of cooks is organized in shifts. The first shift is assigned 20%, the second and third shifts - 40% of the total number of cooks, excluding the instructor-cook.

For cleaning the premises, cleaning fresh potatoes and vegetables, serving dinner tables and washing dishes, as well as other chores, a daily outfit is assigned to the dining room.

The outfit is allocated in the following quantity:

Up to 100 people eating - 3-4 people;

Over 100 people eating - 2 people for every subsequent 100 people.

For the best organization The work of the soldiers of the daily squad in the dining room is distributed according to the following calculations:

First calculation - is assigned for the delivery of potatoes and vegetables from the warehouse to the canteen and their cleaning, cleaning the premises, cleaning and washing equipment, inventory and cleaning the area adjacent to the canteen.

Second calculation - for the delivery and washing of tableware and kitchen utensils, responsible for the operation of the dishwasher (a senior calculation is appointed, who is responsible for putting the machine into operation).

Third calculation - for the delivery of products from the warehouse to the canteen, cleaning the premises, cleaning and washing equipment and inventory, serving hot shop utensils for dispensing food.

Fourth calculation - to prepare the dining room for meals and table setting.

A schedule of these works is drawn up, which indicates the time of their implementation, the necessary cleaning equipment and the procedure for handing over the work performed are determined.

Before each meal before the table setting, it is necessary to thoroughly clean and ventilate the dining room.

Proper, complete and beautiful serving of dining tables stimulates appetite, teaches personnel to be careful and careful with tableware, and cultivates a culture of eating in them.

Lunch tables are served by persons of the daily outfit under the guidance of the head of the dining room and the dining room attendant.

Ready food is served at the dining tables 10-15 minutes before the arrival of the personnel in the dining room in the following sequence:

for breakfast and dinner - a side dish and separately in a plate meat portions in sauce or fish, tea, egg, milk;

for lunch - a cold appetizer, first courses, main courses, compote (tunic).

The temperature of food at the time of its reception by personnel should be: for first courses - not lower than 75 ° C, for second courses - not lower than 65 ° C, tea - 80 ° C, compote, jelly, milk - 7-14 ° C.

Bread, sugar and cow's butter are served on the tables before ready meals are served.

The supply of clean dishes and prepared food to the dining room is carried out only on trolleys.

5-10 minutes before the start of the meal, the divisions on duty take the served tables from the dining room attendant, and then meet the personnel of their units, are present at the meal and keep order in the dining room. The duty officers of the divisions are obliged to timely give the dining room attendant applications for leaving food for persons performing various tasks and not present at the meal in connection with this.

A plan for assigning dining tables to subdivisions is posted in the dining hall lobby. Each table is assigned a head of the table, who must sit on the edge facing the front door.

He is obliged:

before eating, accept dishes from the duty officer on the dining table and hand them over after breakfast, lunch and dinner;

monitor the uniformity and correctness of the distribution of food, the order and discipline of personnel, and prevent contamination of the table;

to control that each eater cleans his dishes from food debris;

follow up correct collection tableware.

A food distributor sits on the table one person from the elder.

At the end of the meal, the tableware is stacked on the edge of the table strictly according to its type. Cleaning of dishes from dining tables and their delivery to the washing department is carried out by persons of the daily outfit on trolleys.

When organizing a meal for personnel using a self-service line, dining tables are served with spices. At the beginning of the line, trays are stacked, and cutlery - in cassettes by type.

Ready food is served on the line 10-15 minutes before the arrival of personnel in the following sequence:

for breakfast and dinner, sliced ​​bread on trays, tea in mugs, cow's butter, sugar on plates for each person eating, garnish, meat portions in sauce, eggs, milk on the days of dispensing in 30-60-liter cauldrons or fish in pans.

for lunch - sliced ​​bread on trays, a cold appetizer on plates for each person eating, a third course and juice in mugs on trays, a first course, a side dish, meat portions in sauce in stove-top boilers.

Before the start of the meal, the divisions on duty arrive at the canteen and control the distribution of bread, cow's butter, sugar, eggs, milk, juice, ready meals, meat and fish portions, keep order when receiving ready-made food and taking it.

A control plate with a dish is placed on the line in front of the cook dispensing ready-made food.

Units arrive for meals according to the schedule approved by the unit commander.

The eaters put plates of food on trays, sit down at the dining tables, eat without removing the plates from the trays. Dirty dishes after eating on trays are delivered to special storage tables or a conveyor belt.

The dining room outfit cleans the dishes from food debris and delivers them to the dishwashing room.

After each meal, the self-service line equipment is thoroughly washed with a cleaning solution and wiped dry.

Soldiers and sergeants arrive in the dining room in clean uniforms and shoes in the ranks under the command of the foreman of the unit or one of the deputy platoon commanders, who, together with the unit, are in the dining room from the beginning to the end of the meal. The appearance of military personnel and their washing of hands are checked before the unit is sent to the canteen. Following in the dining room in a single order is not allowed.

The personnel should enter the dining room and sit down at the tables in an organized manner, without noise, hustle. During the distribution and eating in the dining room there is a duty officer in the unit.

Order must be observed in the dining room during meals. It is forbidden to eat in hats, overcoats; special (working) clothes.








TIME: 2 hours.

PLACE: class.


  1. Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation of 1992 No. 200 "On the Enactment of the Regulations on Food Supply of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in Peacetime" Chapter VIII, Art. 115 - 118, Appendix No. 3.21.

  2. Guidance on catering for personnel of military units and institutions. M. Military Publishing House, 1997, st.28, 29, 50.

  3. Guidelines for cooking in military units, military educational institutions and institutions of the army and navy. M. Military Publishing, 1992, Appendix 2, 4.

  4. Instructions for the control of military nutrition. M. Military Publishing House, 1985.

  5. Workshop on cooking technology. Volsk, VVVUT, 1986, pp. 98 - 125.

  6. Educational-methodical manual on drawing up the layout of products. Volsk, VVVUT, 1996.

recipes for cold appetizers, first and second meat and fish dishes;

product layout;

approximate distribution of products by meals and dishes.

Product layout sheets (form 66) - for each trainee.

Pencils, erasers - for each student.

Microcalculators - one per table.

2-3 days before the start of the class, the teacher:

Controls the course of independent preparation of students for the next lesson, checks the availability of educational literature recommended for lesson No. 109.

Draws the trainees' attention to the fact that they must firmly grasp the provisions set forth in Chapter VIII and Appendix 3, 21 of the Order of the RF Ministry of Defense of 1992 No. 200, as well as educational material lectures "Peculiarities of catering on the ships of the Navy".

On the eve of the day of the lesson, he gives instructions to the laboratory assistant of the department to prepare material support.

Instructs the deputy platoon commander to receive the above literature, one textbook per table.


Draws the attention of students to the importance of the material being studied for practical work in the fleet.

The teacher announces the lesson number, topic, purpose of the lesson, educational questions, literature.

On the day of the lesson, students arrive at the classroom.

The teacher accepts a platoon, checks the appearance, the availability of notes, recommended literature, the presence of personnel and the legality of absence from class.

The teacher recalls the topic of the last lesson and controls the assimilation of the past material.

Control of assimilation is carried out by oral survey using a blackboard.

After the survey, the teacher sums up the results, noting the trainees who showed excellent and good knowledge, as well as poorly mastered the material.

Announces grades.

Educational questions.

1st study question: "Selection of dishes for two days."

Before starting the development of this educational question, a survey is conducted:

Who draws up, signs and approves the product layout.

Method of filling out the product layout form.

The correct answers of the trainees are approved.

The instructor informs the ship's officials.

Commander of the ship of military unit 12500 - Captain 1st rank Morozov A.I.

Assistant ship commander for supply - captain 3rd rank Sidorov I.V.

Supply officer senior lieutenant Ivanov V.I.

Head of the Medical Service, Senior Lieutenant Petrov A.A.

Places trainees in the position of ship supply officer and instructs them to fill in the title part of the product layout.

Using the auxiliary table of the list of dishes planned for the week, fill in the column "Names of dishes" for Monday and Tuesday, while all dishes must be indicated correctly and completely, without abbreviations, writing down each name of the dish in a separate line of the form f.66.

Concludes on the first question.

The teacher asks the students:

The order of distribution of products by dishes and meals.

The correct answers of the trainees approve and give the command to write down in the layout of the products with a pencil.

Distributes all products by dishes and meals, with the exception of products of the vegetable and cereal group.

The distribution of products of the vegetable and cereal group is made by the teacher, accompanying his actions with reasoned explanations using a blackboard.

Draws a conclusion on the second question.

In the layout of the products for each dish, its mass is indicated.

The mass of the first courses according to the sea ration is 500 g, the mass of the third sweet dishes (kissel, compote) is 250 g.

The theoretical (calculated) yield of the second dish in the product layout is shown by the total mass, i.e. meat (fish) portion together with garnish and sauce, in a separate column - the mass of meat or fish portion.

Shows an example of calculating the yield of a finished dish on the chalkboard.

For example: “Fried fish with mashed potatoes” is planned for breakfast according to the food layout.

Recipe, g: fish - 100

vegetable oil - 10

potatoes - 225

wheat flour 2 grades - 4

onion - 5

tomato paste - 2

spices - to taste

Yield from 100 g of fish - 74 g.

Mass of mashed potatoes (March) - 225 - 175.5 (approximately 175 g).

Vegetable oil - 50% (for dressing mashed potatoes).

Thus, the total mass of the finished dish will be:
M gb \u003d 74 + 175 + 5 + 3 \u003d 257 g
The theoretical (calculated) total mass of the finished second course is recorded in the column "Total mass of the finished dish", and in the column "Mass of meat and fish portions" the theoretical mass of the fish portion is recorded.

The teacher makes a conclusion on the third question.

Scientifically planned and correct organized meals is one of the most important factors in maintaining the health and increasing the combat capability of the personnel of the army and navy.

Meals should be organized in such a way that the personnel feel constant care so that improvement activities material base, the availability and range of food supplied to support the fleet, were embodied in a real improvement in the quality of food.

In the last lesson, you studied "Peculiarities of nutrition on the ships of the Navy."

In this Lesson #110, "Designing a Sea Ration Food List," you will begin to put it into practice.

Checking the readiness of students for the lesson.

1. Norm No. 3 "Sea ration".

2. The layout of products and its importance in nutrition planning.

initial data for compiling the layout of products.

Distribution of Marine ration products by energy value for individual meals.

Educational questions.

1st training question: "selection of dishes for 2 days."

When compiling product layouts, the following basic requirements must be considered:

it is allowed to replace one product with another in accordance with the replacement standards given in Appendix No. 21 of the Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 200;

the assortment of dishes for each meal should correspond to the diet.

Hot food is given to the floating composition 3 times a day.

Breakfast: consists of a hot second course, bread and butter and tea with sugar;

Dinner: from a cold appetizer, first, second and third courses;

Dinner: from the first, second and third courses.

In addition, evening tea is provided - bread with butter and tea with sugar, and for the night shifts of the ship - intermediate meals - bread and tea with sugar.

The daily norm for sea rations is distributed:

for breakfast - 20 - 23%

for lunch - 35 - 40%

for dinner - 30 - 35%

evening tea - 5 - 10%

Depending on the tasks performed, this distribution may be different.

The food layout provides for the preparation of the first and second courses for both lunch and dinner, which is explained by the peculiarities of work and life on ships and the traditions in catering in the fleet.

In combination with dishes from fresh products, it is planned to prepare dishes from concentrates, canned and dried products. At the same time, canned products are used once or twice a week, and dried products are used with the addition of fresh vegetables.

Question for trainees:

Answer: Meat dishes: goulash, stew, azu, pilaf, portioned boiled meat, portioned stewed meat, portioned fried meat, naval pasta, pasta with meat, casserole with meat, etc.

Fish meals: fried fish, stewed fish, fish baked in sauce, fish baked in dough, etc.

Side dishes for meat dishes: cereals - rice, millet, buckwheat, wheat, barley, pearl barley crumbly, pea puree and pasta folding or boiled, etc.

Side dishes for fish dishes: stewed potatoes, mashed potatoes, boiled potatoes, vegetable stew, etc.

What dishes and side dishes are planned for lunch?

Answer: Cold snacks: vinaigrette, herring with potato salad or vinaigrette, beetroot caviar, salted tomato caviar.

Salads: potato, vitamin, from pickled tomatoes, from pickled cucumbers, from white cabbage, from sauerkraut with beets, from vegetable beets, etc.

First meal: borscht, cabbage soup, pickle "Leningradsky", potato soup, pea soup, pasta soup.

Second meat dishes: portioned fried meat, portioned stewed meat, portioned boiled meat, portioned larded meat, fried pork in breadcrumbs, fried pork in dough, pilaf, and in winter cutlets, meatballs, meatballs, chopped steak.

Side dishes for the second course: crumbly cereals - rice, buckwheat, millet, barley, wheat, barley, pea puree, folding pasta.

Third sweet dishes: kissel, compote.

Answer: Meat dishes: stew, goulash, azu, portioned boiled meat, portioned stewed meat, bigus.

Fish meals: fried fish, boiled fish, poached fish, stewed fish, marinated fish.

Side dishes for meat dishes: cereals - barley, millet, oatmeal, boiled or folding pasta, etc.

Side dishes for fish dishes: mashed potatoes, stewed potatoes, stewed cabbage, vegetable stew.

From the card file of these dishes, it is necessary to draw up a product layout (i.e., column 2, the name of the dishes).
List of dishes planned for 2 days (option).

Days of the week




Cold appetizer

1st dish

2nd course

3rd course

1st dish

2nd course

3rd course


Fried fish with potato-fell puree

Salad of salted tomatoes

Pea soup

Fried meat with loose rice porridge and sauce


Borscht fleet cue

Fleet-style macaroons



Rice pilaf

Herring with garnish

vegetable soup

Cutlets with wheat porridge and friable sauce


Potato soup with vermicelli

Stewed fish with vegetables


Conclusion: Thus, a sufficient variety of dishes should be provided in the layout of the products. It is not allowed to repeat the same dishes for a week more than twice and dishes from the same products within one day.

Having written down the column “Name of dishes”, we proceed to the distribution of products, which we will consider in the second educational question.

2nd educational question: "Distribution of products by dishes."

The daily norm of sea ration products is included in the product layout in full.

For a variety of nutrition, it is allowed on certain days to partially replace some products with others in accordance with established replacement rates.

Consider the distribution by dishes and meals of sea ration products that are not included in the vegetable cereal group:

bread from a mixture of peeled rye and wheat flour of the 1st grade - 350g:

for breakfast - 50;

for lunch - 150;

for dinner - 150;

white bread from wheat flour of the 1st grade:

for breakfast - 100;

for lunch - 100;

for dinner - 100;

evening tea - 100;

for lunch - 125;

for breakfast or dinner - 100;

for breakfast or dinner - 100.

For a cold appetizer of vegetables 2 times a week, 20 g of herring can be given by reducing the amount of fish for dinner by this amount.

Vegetable oil - 20:

for a cold appetizer - 10;

for the second fish dishes - 10;

animal fat - 15.

4 g are planned for preparing the first course for lunch and dinner, as well as for the second course for lunch and for preparing the second meat course for breakfast or dinner.

Butter cow - 50:

for breakfast and dinner at the table - 15 each;

for main courses for lunch and dinner - 10 each;

dried fruits - 30:

15 g for lunch and dinner for making compote;

sugar - 70:

for breakfast and evening tea - 25 each;

for compote - 10 each;

for breakfast and evening tea - 0.6 each.

Tomato paste, salt and spices are recorded in the column "Total products for the day" in the quantities of the ration norm.

Cow's milk - 100g;

Egg - 4 pcs. In Week.

2 eggs for breakfast on Sunday, and the remaining 2 eggs as directed by the captain of the ship.

Fruit and berry juice - 50.

Give out for breakfast alternating and interchanging with milk 1:1.

Note: when distributing bread, it is recommended that trainees pay attention to the fact that buns, pies or donuts should be baked on ships 1-2 times a week. To do this, it is allowed to replace 100 g of white bread from wheat flour of the 1st grade with flour of the same grade (for 100 g of bread - 75 g of flour) or for 50 g of bread - 37.5 g of flour.

Distribution of cereals, wheat flour of the 2nd grade, potatoes and vegetables by dishes and meals.

For a more correct distribution of the above products and to facilitate the layout of the products, a constant total set of them should be used, both for cold appetizers and second courses.

According to the sea ration it is necessary per day:

potatoes and vegetables - 900g;

different cereals - 75g;

rice - 35g;

pasta- 40g.

If these products are completely replaced by potatoes and vegetables, then their total mass will be 1700g. this amount of food in terms of potatoes and vegetables is distributed by meals as follows:

for breakfast - 250g;

cold appetizer - 150g;

first course - 250g;

second course - 400g;

first course - 250g;

second dish - 400g.

In terms of specific products, this will approximately be:

for breakfast:

cereals or pasta - 45g;

wheat flour of the 2nd grade - 2g;

carrots - 10g;

onion - 5g;

for lunch:

for a cold snack of potatoes and vegetables - 150g;

for the first course wheat flour of the 2nd grade - 2g;

potatoes and vegetables - 240g;

for the second dish of wheat flour of the 2nd grade - 2g;

cereals or pasta - 75g;

carrots - 10g;

onion - 5g;

for dinner:

for the first dish of different cereals - 20g;

potatoes and vegetables - 150g;

for the second dish of wheat flour of the 2nd grade - 4g;

potatoes and vegetables - 380g.

Conclusion: Thus, catering largely depends on correct, rational catering planning, taking into account various sailing conditions, the range of products, the work schedule of personnel, food security and the possibility of a catering unit on various classes of ships.

3rd educational question: "Calculation of the theoretical yield of finished dishes."

The theoretical (calculated) yield of meat and fish portions, vegetable and cereal side dishes, cold snacks is calculated using the tables announced in the "Guide to cooking in military units and institutions of the army and navy" 1992, pp. 30 - 34, 225 - 232.

The mass of the first courses according to the sea ration is provided equal to 500 g, the second courses - depending on the number of products laid in them, and the third sweet dishes - 250 g.

The calculation of the mass of ready-made second courses is carried out according to the formula:
M (gb) \u003d M (m, p) + M g + M s + 1 / 2M w, g, where
M (gb) - mass of the finished dish, g;

M (m, p) - mass of meat or fish portion, g;

M g - mass of garnish, g;

M s is the mass of the sauce, g;

M f is the mass of fat, g.

Example: Calculate the mass of the finished dish, if it is planned for breakfast: Fried fish with mashed potatoes and for the preparation of which fish is provided - 100g, potatoes - 220g, onions - 5g, vegetable oil - 10g, wheat flour 2 grades - 5g

Using the data in the tables of Appendix 2 of the "Guidelines for cooking in military units and institutions of the army and navy" 1992. define:

the output from 100g of fish (pollock) is 87g (M mr = 87g);

the yield of a side dish - mashed potatoes from 220 g of potatoes in the month of September (waste 25%) - will be 215 g (M g \u003d 215 g);

in this case, the sauce is not prepared, the vegetables are sautéed - 5 g of onion M o \u003d 3 g;

in addition, half of the planned fat is included in the mass of the dish (1/2M f = 5g).

Thus, the total mass of the 2nd dish without sauce will be:
M (2b) \u003d M (m, p) + M g + M o + 1 / 2 M f

M(2b) = 87 + 215 + 3 + 5 = 310g.
This figure is recorded in the product layout column "Total mass of the finished dish", and in the column "Mass of meat, fish portions" the mass of the meat or fish portion is recorded, in this case - 87g.

Conclusion: the estimated yield of finished dishes makes it possible to compare with the actual yield of finished dishes and servings.

Sea ration

Bread from a mixture of peeled rye and wheat flour of the 1st grade - 350

White bread from wheat flour of the 1st grade - 400

Wheat flour 2 grades - 10

Groats different - 75

Pasta - 40

Meat - 225

Fish - 100

Melted animal fats, margarine - 15

Vegetable oil - 20

Cow butter - 50

Cow's milk - 100

Eggs, pcs. (per week) - 4

Sugar - 70

Food salt - 20

Bay leaf - 0.2

Pepper - 0.3

Mustard powder - 0.3

Vinegar - 2

Tomato paste - 6

Potatoes and vegetables, total - 900


Potato - 600

Cabbage - 130

Beets - 30

Carrot - 50

Cucumbers, tomatoes, roots, greens - 40

Fruit and berry juices or - 50

fruit drinks - 65

Dried fruits - 30

Multivitamin preparation "Geksavit", dragee - 1

In addition to this norm, issue:

a) Personnel of surface ships and support vessels during the period of navigation outside the territorial waters of Russia from the day of departure from the base or port, as well as personnel participating in expeditions to transfer surface ships and support vessels by sea:

half-smoked and smoked meat sausages - 50g

condensed whole milk with sugar - 30g

natural coffee - 5g

fresh fruits - 200g

fruit and berry extracts - 2g

cookies - 20g

b) Personnel serving in the areas named in (list No. 7 of order No. 200 of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation):

fish - 20g

whole milk condensed with sugar - 20g

coffee drink (powder) - 2g

The officers serving in the areas and on the ships specified in this subparagraph (subparagraph 28) in addition to issue:

canned fish - 50g

cow butter - 10g

hard rennet cheese - 40g

canned vegetable snacks - 50g

whole milk condensed with sugar - 40g

The food layout, being a nutrition planning document, allows the most efficient use of ration products for the preparation of varied and physiologically complete food. Koki and other officials are guided by this document.

The layout of the products makes it possible to check the assortment of dishes planned for the week, the number of products to be put into the boiler per person, the calculated yield (mass) of the finished food and compare it with the actual yield of dishes and servings.

The topic of the next lesson is No. 111 "Cooking dishes using sea rations."

Answers to the questions of the trainees.
Senior Lecturer of Department No. 6

Serviceman of the Russian army V. Brazhnov

"" ___________199.

Comments and suggestions of quality inspectors methodological development.

Proposals of teachers of the department to improve the methodological development.

A mark on the verification of methodological development and its suitability for use.

(job title)

"______" __________ 199.

The text of the methodological development was checked

(job title)

(military rank, position, surname)

"______" __________ 199.

The text of the methodological development was checked

(job title)

(military rank, position, surname)

"______" __________ 199.


In order to solve the problem of improving the quality of food for military personnel, it is necessary to continue building new and reconstructing existing canteens, equipping them with modern technological and refrigeration equipment that makes it possible to mechanize and automate the process of cooking and processing products.

In the development of projects and the reconstruction of the canteens of military units, an important role is assigned to the heads of the food services of the units.

Working in the canteens of military units, the heads of food services determine the most technically and economically feasible technological solutions. They monitor the construction and reconstruction of canteens, take part in the acceptance of objects.

In this case, when designing and building a soldier's canteen, a large number of different factors have to be taken into account. At the same time, it is very important not to lose sight of even seemingly insignificant moments, since later this can lead to various kinds of violations in the process of cooking and eating. It is important to design a canteen so that the processes of moving food, containers, dishes, serving and eating food take the least time and are convenient for people, but at the same time it is necessary to comply with all safety, sanitation and hygiene requirements.

This term paper aims to teach the future head of the food service all the intricacies of designing a dining room and can be of great help in his future activities. And since the dining room is a highly mechanized enterprise, then, having gained sufficient skill in its design, the calculation of other objects will not be difficult.

Catering for the personnel of the military unit in stationary conditions

Nutrition is an important factor in maintaining and strengthening the health of military personnel, improving the combat and special training of personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Proper organization of military nutrition is achieved by fulfilling the following requirements:

constant monitoring of the completeness of bringing the prescribed norms of food rations to those who eat;

Proper nutrition planning for personnel, rational use of food rations, mandatory compliance with culinary rules for food processing and cooking, development and observance of the most appropriate diet for various contingents of military personnel, taking into account the nature and characteristics of their service activities;

preparation of tasty, full-fledged, high-quality and varied food according to the established norms of food rations;

· the arrangement and equipment of canteens for military units, taking into account the introduction of advanced technologies and the creation of maximum convenience in work;

skillful operation of technological, refrigeration and non-mechanical equipment, tableware and kitchen utensils, their timely maintenance and repair;

Compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements when processing products, preparing, distributing and storing food, washing dishes, maintaining the dining room, as well as personal hygiene rules by cooks and other employees of the dining room;

a clear organization of the work of the cooks and the daily outfit for the canteen of the military unit;

observance by military personnel of the norms of behavior in the dining room during meals determined by the Charters;

· holding events aimed at improving and improving the organization of military nutrition: conferences on nutrition, competitions for the best canteen, exhibitions of dishes, etc.;

regular holding of control and demonstrative, cooking, classes with junior specialists of the food service and improving their skills.

The diet of military personnel determines the number of meals during the day, the observance of physiologically justified time intervals between them, the appropriate distribution of food according to meals laid down according to the norms of food rations during the day, as well as meals at a time strictly established by the daily routine.

The development of the diet of military personnel is entrusted to the commander of the military unit, his deputy for logistics, the heads of the food and medical services of the military unit.

Depending on the nature of combat training activities and food ration norms, three or four meals a day are established for the personnel of the RF Armed Forces.

Three meals a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner) are organized in a military unit, where the personnel are fed on a combined-arms ration and at least 4 times on a ration for Suvorov, Nakhimov and students of military music schools.

The intervals between meals should not exceed 7 hours. With this in mind, when establishing the daily routine of the military unit, breakfast is planned before the start of classes, lunch - after the end of the main classes, dinner - 2-3 hours before lights out. After lunch for 30 min. (at least) it is not allowed to conduct classes or work.

Due to the fact that the main physical and neuro-psychological stress on personnel occurs in the first half of the day, foods rich in proteins and fats are planned for preparing breakfast, which will allow military personnel to receive the necessary supply of nutrients before the start of the working day.

Breakfast should consist of a meat or fish dish with a cereal or vegetable side dish, bread, butter, sugar, tea.

For lunch, the main part of the food ration is provided. A cold appetizer, first and second courses, compote or jelly are planned.

The requirements for the diet are implemented in the layout of products, which allows the most correct and rational use of food rations for the preparation of a variety of foods. The layout of products is compiled by the head of the food service together with the head of the medical service, the head of the canteen and the instructor-cook. It is signed by the deputy regiment commander for logistics, the head of the food service and the head of the medical service and approved by the unit commander. Changes made to the approved product layout are made only with the permission of the unit commander, about which an appropriate entry is made in it.

The layout of products, as a rule, is compiled for a week separately for each norm in triplicate. The first copy (original) remains in the records management of the food service and is the basis for issuing products from the warehouse to the canteen, the second is hung out in the canteen lobby for familiarization with those who eat, and the third - in the canteen's hot shop for guidance in cooking.

When compiling the layout of products, the following are taken into account:

· features and nature of combat training for the planned period;

the dietary regime established for a given contingent of those who eat;

availability and range of products available at the food warehouse of the military unit;

norms of food rations, according to which the personnel are fed;

Possibility of using household products for additional food;

Qualification and number of cooks;

availability and condition of technological, refrigeration and non-mechanical equipment in the canteen of the military unit;

The wishes of the eaters.

The methodology for compiling the layout of products includes a thoughtful selection of dishes for the week and the correct distribution of products by meal.

In the layout of products for the week, the same dishes should not be repeated more than two or three times, and it is forbidden to plan dishes from the same products, for example, millet soup and millet porridge as a side dish for the second course for the same meal.

The quality of the prepared food largely depends on the qualifications of the cooks and the proper organization of their work.

In a military unit, the number of cooks in the canteen is set by its staff. When determining the number of cooks (when the staff of a military unit is being developed), they proceed from the following norms in the canteen, where up to 150 people eat - 3 cooks, from 151 to 200 people - 4 cooks, subsequently 1 cook is added for every 125 people who eat. A cook instructor is kept when there are more than 500 people eating and is not counted in the estimated number of cooks, and a master in cooking technology - when there are more than 1000 people eating.

To work in the canteens, all cooks who are on the staff of the military unit are involved, with the exception of the cooks of the units, the food of the personnel in which is organized separately.

In the case of catering for the personnel of a military unit through the dining room of another military unit, all cooks (cooks), the head of the dining room of this unit are involved in work in the dining room, where meals are organized for personnel.

In canteens, the work of cooks is organized in shifts. The first shift is assigned 20%, the second and third shifts - 40% of the total number of cooks, excluding the instructor-cook.

For cleaning the premises, cleaning fresh potatoes and vegetables, serving dinner tables and washing dishes, as well as other chores, a daily outfit is assigned to the dining room.

The outfit is allocated in the following quantity:

Up to 100 people eating - 3-4 people;

Over 100 people eating - 2 people for every subsequent 100 people.

For a better organization of work, the soldiers of the daily squad are distributed in the canteen according to the following calculations:

The first calculation is assigned for the delivery of potatoes and vegetables from the warehouse to the canteen and their cleaning, cleaning the premises, cleaning and washing equipment, inventory and cleaning the area adjacent to the canteen.

The second calculation is for the delivery and washing of tableware and kitchen utensils, responsible for the operation of the dishwasher (a senior calculation is appointed, which is responsible for putting the machine into operation).

The third calculation is for the delivery of products from the warehouse to the canteen, cleaning the premises, cleaning and washing equipment and inventory, supplying utensils to the hot shop for serving food.

The fourth calculation is to prepare the dining room for meals and table setting.

A schedule of these works is drawn up, which indicates the time of their implementation, the necessary cleaning equipment and the procedure for handing over the work performed are determined.

Before each meal before the table setting, it is necessary to thoroughly clean and ventilate the dining room.

Proper, complete and beautiful serving of dining tables stimulates appetite, teaches personnel to be careful and careful with tableware, and cultivates a culture of eating in them.

Lunch tables are served by persons of the daily outfit under the guidance of the head of the dining room and the dining room attendant.

Ready food is served at the dining tables 10-15 minutes before the arrival of the personnel in the dining room in the following sequence:

for breakfast and dinner - a side dish and separately in a plate meat portions in sauce or fish, tea, egg, milk;

for lunch - a cold appetizer, first courses, main courses, compote (tunic).

The temperature of food at the time of its reception by personnel should be: for first courses - not lower than 75 ° C, for second courses - not lower than 65 ° C, tea - 80 ° C, compote, jelly, milk - 7-14 ° C.

Bread, sugar and cow's butter are served on the tables before ready meals are served.

The supply of clean dishes and prepared food to the dining room is carried out only on trolleys.

5-10 minutes before the start of the meal, the divisions on duty take the served tables from the dining room attendant, and then meet the personnel of their units, are present at the meal and keep order in the dining room. The duty officers of the divisions are obliged to timely give the dining room attendant applications for leaving food for persons performing various tasks and not present at the meal in connection with this.

A plan for assigning dining tables to subdivisions is posted in the dining hall lobby. Each table is assigned a head of the table, who must sit on the edge facing the front door.

He is obliged:

before eating, accept dishes from the duty officer on the dining table and hand them over after breakfast, lunch and dinner;

monitor the uniformity and correctness of the distribution of food, the order and discipline of personnel, and prevent contamination of the table;

to control that each eater cleans his dishes from food debris;

ensure proper collection of tableware.

A food distributor sits on the table one person from the elder.

At the end of the meal, the tableware is stacked on the edge of the table strictly according to its type. Cleaning of dishes from dining tables and their delivery to the washing department is carried out by persons of the daily outfit on trolleys.

When organizing a meal for personnel using a self-service line, dining tables are served with spices. At the beginning of the line, trays are stacked, and cutlery - in cassettes by type.

Ready food is served on the line 10-15 minutes before the arrival of personnel in the following sequence:

for breakfast and dinner, sliced ​​bread on trays, tea in mugs, cow's butter, sugar on plates for each person eating, garnish, meat portions in sauce, eggs, milk on the days of dispensing in 30-60-liter cauldrons or fish in pans.

for lunch - sliced ​​bread on trays, a cold appetizer on plates for each person eating, a third course and juice in mugs on trays, a first course, a side dish, meat portions in sauce in stove-top boilers.

Before the start of the meal, the divisions on duty arrive at the canteen and control the distribution of bread, cow's butter, sugar, eggs, milk, juice, ready meals, meat and fish portions, keep order when receiving ready-made food and taking it.

A control plate with a dish is placed on the line in front of the cook dispensing ready-made food.

Units arrive for meals according to the schedule approved by the unit commander.

The eaters put plates of food on trays, sit down at the dining tables, eat without removing the plates from the trays. Dirty dishes after eating on trays are delivered to special storage tables or a conveyor belt.

The dining room outfit cleans the dishes from food debris and delivers them to the dishwashing room.

After each meal, the self-service line equipment is thoroughly washed with a cleaning solution and wiped dry.

Soldiers and sergeants arrive in the dining room in clean uniforms and shoes in the ranks under the command of the foreman of the unit or one of the deputy platoon commanders, who, together with the unit, are in the dining room from the beginning to the end of the meal. The appearance of military personnel and their washing of hands are checked before the unit is sent to the canteen. Following in the dining room in a single order is not allowed.

The personnel should enter the dining room and sit down at the tables in an organized manner, without noise, hustle. During the distribution and eating in the dining room there is a duty officer in the unit.

Order must be observed in the dining room during meals. It is forbidden to eat in hats, overcoats; special (working) clothes.

High organization of troop nutrition in to a large extent is achieved through strict control over bringing the products laid down according to the norms of rations to those who eat.

The tasks of control are to check and bring the organization of catering to the personnel of the military unit in accordance with the requirements of the Charter of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, orders of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and ZMO-NT of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Guidelines for the organization of catering for personnel of military units and institutions of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Guidelines for cooking in military units, military educational institutions and institutions of the army and navy, Instructions for the control of military nutrition, etc.

Catering control includes:

careful consideration of the product layout when it is approved, with Special attention on the variety of prepared dishes and the correct distribution of ration products for meals and dishes;

verification of the compliance of the calculated outputs in the layout of products with the norms for the output of ready-made portions, declared in the Guidelines for Cooking in Military Units and Institutions of the Army and Navy;

checking the three-time issuance of products from the warehouse to the canteen;

verification of the actual availability of products in the dining room and intended for the next cooking, with the data of the invoice and the layout of the products;

determination of actual waste during the primary processing of products and prevention of their excess over established norms;

checking the mass of products when laying in the boiler;

verification of the compliance of the quantity of products received on the invoice and actually put into the boiler, indicated in the book of accounting for quality control of cooking;

checking the correctness of maintaining the Book of Accounting for Quality Control of Cooking (Form 53), the timeliness of filling in the columns on the number of products put into the boiler, the exact determination and filling in the columns on the actual output of dishes and the mass of meat and fish portions and checking the accounting of saved bread and spices;

determination of the actual mass of portions of cold snacks, first, second and third sweet dishes, as well as the actual mass of meat and fish portions;

checking the completeness and uniformity of the issuance of sugar, cow's butter and bread;

verification of the correctness of maintaining the List of accounting for the release of food in the dining room;

verification of knowledge and performance of duties by cooks and persons of the daily order in the dining room.

Control over the quality of cooked food and the completeness of bringing it to those who eat

a) Food quality control

Question to the trainees: What methods can determine the quality

cooked food?

Expected response:

The quality of cooked food is determined by two methods:

organoleptic (sensory);


The most accessible and widespread is the organoleptic method for assessing the quality of cooked food, which makes it possible to judge the correctness of the primary and thermal processing of products, and the taste of food.

What indicators of the quality of prepared food can be determined by the organoleptic method:



Appearance is determined by the correct cleaning and cutting of vegetables in the first courses, by the absence of grain impurities in cereal side dishes, by the same and correct cutting of meat and fish portions.

The consistency of dishes is an indicator of compliance with or violation of the norms for laying products provided for by the layout, waste during the processing of products, the duration of their cooking and the degree of readiness. It is determined by straining it through a colander and weighing the thick part, which should be from 40 to 50% of the total mass of the dish.

The color of the dish largely depends on the observance of the culinary rules during its preparation (obligatory sautéing of carrots, onions, tomato paste, beet stewing with vinegar, etc.).

Taste and smell should be specific and characteristic for a given set of products and methods of their culinary processing.

When organoleptically assessing a dish, it is necessary to be guided by the indicators of Table 5 of the Guidelines for the organization of nutrition of personnel of military units and institutions of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Evaluation of the quality of prepared dishes

Under what conditions are cooked dishes evaluated as "excellent", "good" and "satisfactory" and "unsatisfactory":

"excellent" - dishes prepared in strict accordance with the layout of products, in full compliance with culinary rules and sanitary and hygienic requirements, i.e. having no deviations in organoleptic parameters;

"good" - a dish that has one deviation in one of the organoleptic indicators (wrong form of cutting potatoes and vegetables or the presence of grain impurities in porridge, etc.);

"satisfactory" - a dish that has deviations in several organoleptic indicators ( appearance, consistency, etc.), but not preventing their issuance to those who eat.

If the prepared food is rated “unsatisfactory”, then this is immediately reported to the commander of the military unit and a commission is appointed to re-check its quality and make a decision. Prepared food is sent for laboratory research only if it is suspected of poisoning and other diseases associated with its use.

Products that do not require cooking (sugar, cow's butter) are not subject to testing. It is also not allowed to give out full portions of breakfast, lunch, dinner for testing, if the persons making food testing do not eat in this canteen.

b) Control over the completeness of bringing food to those who eat.

The determination of the actual mass of food is carried out by the master of cooking technology (instructor-cook, senior shift cook) under the control of the dining room attendant.

How is the actual mass of a cold appetizer, first course, third sweet course, sauce, side dish for the second course, meat and fish portions determined:

One serving of cold appetizers is determined by weighing the total amount of prepared cold appetizers, followed by dividing the resulting total mass by the number of people eating.

First courses, sweet third courses, sauces are determined using a cauldron, followed by dividing the total mass of cooked food by the number of people eating.

Meat portions are determined by weighing the total mass of cooked and cooled meat without bones, followed by dividing it by the number of people eating. The deviation of the actual mass of the meat portion from the theoretical (calculated) should not exceed 1-2 g.

The determination of the mass of semi-finished fish and cutlets per one feeder is made before heat treatment by weighing the total mass of fish, after its primary processing and minced meat, followed by division by the number of feeders. The actual weight of fish portions and cutlets is determined by weighing 10 portions and then dividing by the number of weighed portions. The deviation of the actual mass from the theoretical (calculated) should not exceed 1-2 g.

The actual mass of the garnish per person eating is determined using a cauldron. The indication of the boiler (in liters, to determine the total mass of the side dish in kg) is multiplied by the specific gravity (for crumbly cereals - 1.02, for viscous cereals - 1.03). The result is divided by the number of eaters.

How to check the actual yield of meat and fish portions given to the table:

To check the actual yield, 10 servings of meat, fish, cutlets are weighed separately. The total mass is divided by the number of weighed servings. Permissible deviation of the mass of one portion, obtained as a result of the check, from the previously established one + 3%.

To determine the actual output of ready-made portions and dishes in the dining room of the dining room, a “Control Corner” is equipped, which includes a special stand (in the wall) with dial scales, on the platform of which the inscription “Control scales” is made in red paint, a set of weights and control utensils.

Control Corner Documentation:

"Estimated indicators" (Order of the Deputy Minister of Defense - Head of Logistics of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation);

"Food ration norm";

"Norms for the output of meat and fish portions, first courses and cereals, cold appetizers";

"The rate of issuance of bread, cow's butter, sugar";

"The duties of food control officials and the procedure for assessing the quality of food";

control schedule officials;

poster "Control of troop nutrition".

Control over military nutrition can be divided into:

  • a) daily control over the nutrition of military personnel in the dining room of a military unit;
  • b) periodic control over the meals of military personnel in the dining room of a military unit.

Daily control over the nutrition of military personnel in a military unit

According to the Charter of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the Regulations on the military (ship) economy (Order of the Ministry of Defense of 1977 No. 105), daily monitoring of the state of nutrition of the personnel of the military unit is carried out by:

canteen attendant;

master in cooking technology (instructor-cook, senior shift cook);

the head of the dining room;

head of the medical service (paramedic on duty);

head of the food service;

duty officer;

commander of a military unit or one of his deputies.

The dining room attendant constantly monitors the correct receipt of products in the dining room, the completeness of their use for cooking, the correctness and uniformity of the distribution of prepared food. Performing control functions, the dining room attendant is present when the products are received by the instructor-cook, master in cooking technology (shift chef). At the same time, he checks the compliance of the number of products issued on the invoice with the data on the layout of the products and the number of people eating. During the cooking process, it is present when cooks weigh semi-finished products (peeled potatoes and vegetables, processed meat and fish, etc.) and put them into the boiler, as well as when determining the actual yield of ready meals, meat and fish portions. The dining room attendant controls the correctness of the entries in the Book of Accounting for Quality Control of Cooking, which are made by the master in cooking technology and the instructor-cook or shift supervisor.

Who is responsible for the dining room attendant? The dining room attendant reports to the duty officer, his assistant and the deputy commander of the rear unit, as well as the head of the food service of the military unit.

The master in cooking technology (instructor-cook, senior shift cook) receives food from the warehouse of the military unit in the presence of the dining room attendant. At the same time, it controls the quality of products, their mass, and also monitors the timely and high-quality cooking by the shift cooks, the uniform distribution of food to the personnel, the completeness of bringing food to the food, laid down according to the norms, the constant observance by the cooks of sanitary and hygienic requirements and culinary rules for processing products, preparing and distributing food, etc. Takes part in compiling the layout of products.

In what form is vinegar received in the dining room? Before issuing to the dining room at the food warehouse, vinegar essence (80%) is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 20. It is strictly FORBIDDEN to issue vinegar essence in undiluted form.

Who keeps the keys to the dry pantry? The keys to the pantry of dry products are kept by the master of cooking technology (cook instructor, shift chief cook), as he received the products and, therefore, is responsible for their safety.

The head of the dining room takes part in compiling the layout of products. Controls the timely and high-quality cooking, the safety and completeness of bringing to the food products, the observance of sanitary and hygienic requirements for cooking and washing dishes, the proper operation of the technological and refrigeration equipment of the canteen.

How is the economy of bread organized in the canteen? In order to economically consume bread, it is cut into thin slices weighing 40-60 g and served at the table within the norms of rations and in quantities really needed for those who eat.

Part of the bread in sliced ​​form is displayed on trays on a separate table installed in the hall near the room for cutting bread. This bread is used by those who eat when needed.

The head of the medical service (paramedic on duty) monitors the good quality of cooked food and the sanitary condition of the dining room, compliance by cooks and daily duty personnel with sanitary and hygienic requirements. Before the start of the distribution of food, the head of the medical service (paramedic on duty), together with the duty officer, checks the quality of the prepared food, testing the dish from each digester directly in the hot shop, as well as the sanitary condition of the dining room, tableware and kitchen utensils and inventory.

A food sample is taken from each kettle. Before testing the first dish, the contents of the cauldron are mixed, a small amount of soup is taken from its middle with a scoop and poured into a plate, from which the first dish is tested using a clean tablespoon. After tasting the first dish from each pot, the plate and spoon are washed with hot water. When trying the second dish, put a small amount of garnish and sauce on the plate.

To test meat (fish) portions, the cook cuts off a small piece from the finished portion and gives it to the head of the medical service (paramedic on duty).

The quality of the cold appetizer is checked in the cold shop as well as the side dishes of the second courses.

Products that do not require cooking (sugar, cow's butter) are not subject to testing, and the completeness and uniformity of their distribution is checked by weighing.

The data of daily control over the nutrition of military personnel are entered into the Book of Accounting for Control over the Quality of Cooking f. 53, which is designed to take into account control over the quality of food preparation, the fullness of portions, the sanitary condition of the dining room and the accounting of saved products.

The book is kept in the canteen of a military unit, institution.

Column 1 indicates the date.

Column 2 of the book is filled in by the instructor-cook (senior cook) based on the layout of the products.

Columns 3-6 are filled in by the chef instructor (shift leader) in the presence of the dining room attendant after determining the amount of waste

(in percent) and bookmarks of products in the boiler. The mass of pledged products is shown in its pure form, i.e. peeled potatoes, gutted fish, peeled and soaked, sorted cereals and pasta. The mass of meat is shown as a fraction: in the numerator - the mass of meat, in the denominator - the mass of bones. Columns 7 and 8 are filled in by the same persons. For the first dishes in column 7, the mass of the portion without meat and fish is recorded, for the second dishes - the total mass of the portion with sauce, garnish, meat and fish. Column 8 records the actual weight of meat and fish portions.

Column 9 indicates the names of the cooks involved in the preparation of dishes.

Column 10 records: food quality assessment - “Good” or “Poor quality”; assessment of the sanitary condition - "Good", "Satisfactory" or "Unsatisfactory".

In column 11, an entry is made - “I allow the issuance of food” or “I do not allow the issuance of food”.

In column 12, an assessment of the taste of food is recorded - “Excellent”, “Good”, “Satisfactory” or “Unsatisfactory”; weight of portions - “Portions are full-weight” or “Portions are not full-weight”. If incomplete portions are found, the number of products missing in them is indicated.

Accounting for the products saved in the canteen (bread, salt and spices) is carried out in the following order: at the end of each day, the head of the canteen or the instructor-cook, together with the canteen on duty, weigh the remnants of the saved products and the results are recorded in the food preparation quality control book; entries made in the book are confirmed by the signatures of officials; in the future - in accordance with the requirements of the Regulations on the food supply of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in peacetime.

What are the sanitary and hygienic requirements for production equipment? Production equipment (cutting boards, oars, etc.) after use is thoroughly washed and at least once a week is disinfected by boiling for an hour from the moment of boiling.

Cutting boards and knives should be marked according to their use.

The duty officer, together with the head of the medical service (paramedic on duty), checks the quality of the prepared food and the sanitary condition of the canteen and gives permission to give out food to the personnel, about which a corresponding entry is made in the Book of Accounting for Quality Control of Cooking (f. 53).

At the same time, it is based on the conclusion of a doctor (paramedic) about the good quality of food and the sanitary condition of the dining room. The main indicator of the good quality of food is its suitability for consumption by personnel.

How does the duty officer eat? Persons of the daily outfit (on duty at the military unit, park, head of the guard, etc.) from among the officers, ensigns, midshipmen and military personnel contract service who have already received food rations for the current month or in return for it monetary compensation are provided with meals for a fee.

The commander of the military unit or one of his deputies tastes the food directly in the dining room at one of the tables together with the personnel during the meal. They evaluate the quality of preparation of each dish (excellent, good, satisfactory) and check the fullness of the portions. The results are recorded in the Book of Accounting for Quality Control of Cooking (f.53).

After checking the organization of catering for the personnel, the commander of the military unit called the head of the food service and demanded to explain why there is no daily mustard on the tables of those who eat?

Since according to the norm No. 1 of the combined-arms ration of mustard powder, 0.3 g per day per person is required, it is not possible to give mustard to the tables daily. It is issued 2-3 times a week on certain days, agreed with the commander of the military unit and his deputy for logistics.

The head of the food service monitors the timely and high-quality preparation and completeness of bringing to the food products laid down according to the norms, the fulfillment of sanitary and hygienic requirements by the employees of the canteen and persons of the daily outfit, the good condition and proper operation of the technological and refrigeration equipment of the dining room, tableware and kitchen utensils and inventory. Together with the head of the medical service, the head of the dining room, and the instructor-cook, he draws up the layout of the products, at least once a month conducts a test cooking of food. Daily checks the correctness of the Book of Records for the control of the quality of food preparation.

When checking the correctness of maintaining the Book of Accounting for Quality Control of Cooking (Form 53), the head of the food service discovered that the commander of the military unit forgot to record the taste of food and the results of controlling the weight of portions. What should the head of the food service do?

Remind the commander of the military unit of the need to keep these records and submit the Book f.53.

Periodic control over the nutrition of military personnel in a military unit Periodic control over the nutrition of military personnel in a military unit is carried out by:

Internal inspection commission of the food service unit during the inspection period economic activity service and during the documentary audit.

The higher command and the supporting body during the period of verification of the military unit.

Thus, the officials responsible for the nutrition of the personnel of the military unit are obliged to systematically monitor the organization of food and bring the prescribed norms of food rations to each soldier. Monitoring is divided into daily and periodic.

In addition, control over the organization of food is carried out by the head of the food service during the period of control and demonstrative cooking of food, which he is obliged to conduct at least 1 time per month. The procedure for conducting control-demonstrative cooking of food and its documentation will be studied in the second educational question.

Meals for the personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are organized in accordance with the Guidelines for the Organization of Catering for Personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, approved by the head of the Central Food Administration of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. In military units, to provide food (hot food) to military personnel who have the right to receive food at the expense of the state, the charters provide for the corresponding canteens (soldiers, cadets, officers). In canteens, the maintenance of cooks is established on the basis of the following norms: up to 150 eaters - 3 cooks, from 151 to 200 eaters - 4 cooks, then 1 cook is added for every 125 eaters. The total number of cooks is determined taking into account the cooks contained in the units of the military unit. An instructor (cook) is kept when there are more than 500 people eating and is not counted in the estimated number of cooks, and a master in cooking technology is kept when there are more than 1000 people eating. Soldiers passing by military service under the contract, are provided with food through the soldiers' canteens of military units. For eating, a separate room from the dining room is equipped. Each canteen of a military unit must have all the necessary food, auxiliary, household and technical premises, a dining room, refrigeration and other equipment that ensure normal conditions for cooking and eating by personnel. Food in the canteens of military units is prepared strictly according to the layout of the products of military units, in which the personnel receive food on a combined-arms ration, hot food is given out and cooked three times a day (for breakfast, lunch and dinner). The hours of meals for personnel are determined by the commander of the military unit. Ration with three meals a day is distributed according to energy value (calorie content): for breakfast - 30 - 35%, for lunch - 40 - 45% and for dinner - 20 - 30%. Depending on the conditions of combat training and the daily routine of the military unit, the distribution of rations can be changed by the commander of the military unit. For conscripted servicemen who are on guard, four meals a day are organized at the expense of daily allowance products: breakfast, lunch and dinner - at normal times and a second dinner - at night. It is allowed to provide these military personnel with additional food at the expense of the monetary fund of the military unit (Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 200 of 1992, ch. 8, p. 115). The layout of the products is compiled by the head of the food service together with the head of the medical service of the military unit, the head of the dining room and the cooking technology master or instructor (cook), and where the latter are not available, with the head cook. The layout of products is signed by the deputy commander of the military unit for logistics (assistant commander for supply), the head of the food service, the head of the medical service and is approved by the commander of the military unit. The layout of products, as a rule, is compiled for a week, separately for each norm. The issuance of products for additional meals to individual military teams and subunits departing outside the military unit is carried out according to waybills on the basis of a written order of the commander of the military unit. Products from the warehouse of the military unit to the dining room for cooking are weighed and released to the instructor cook, senior cook in the presence of the dining room attendant on invoices. The laying of products in the boiler is carried out by cooks in the presence of the dining room attendant. Prior to the issuance of hot food to the tables, the quality of its preparation is checked by officials of the military unit. The doctor (paramedic), together with the person on duty, checks the quality of prepared food directly in the hot shop (places of its issuance), the sanitary condition of the dining room, tableware and kitchen utensils. The results of the check by the doctor (paramedic) are recorded in the book for monitoring the quality of food preparation. After that, the officer on duty gives permission for the issuance of food to personnel. Ready food, in addition, is tested daily by the commander of the military unit or, at his direction, by one of his deputies. Food testing consists in determining its taste and volume, the mass of meat (fish) portions, cold appetizers, first, second and third courses. The commander of the military unit (deputy commander of the military unit for logistics) tastes food directly in the dining room at one of the tables together with the personnel during the meal. The results of food testing are recorded in the food preparation quality control record book with ratings given separately for each dish. If a discrepancy is found in the volume, mass of portions and dishes issued to personnel in the downward direction relative to the calculated data indicated in the layout of the products, the reasons for their discrepancy are identified and appropriate measures are taken. Visiting the dining room of a military unit by unauthorized persons is allowed only with the permission of the commander of the military unit or a person replacing him. Persons who check the organization of food, when visiting workshops and other premises of the canteen, are required to wear a clean dressing gown (jacket). To the canteen of the military unit to perform auxiliary work a daily outfit is allocated at the rate of: up to 100 people eating in the dining room - 3 - 4 people, for every subsequent 100 people eating, an additional 2 people are allocated. The daily outfit assigned to work in the dining room of a military unit is subjected to a medical examination by a doctor (paramedic) before taking up duty. Persons who did not pass medical checkup are not allowed to work in the dining room. Persons on daily duty assigned to the dining room for processing meat and fish, preparing and distributing food, portioning cow's butter, pouring jelly, compote, milk and fruit juice, cleaning and slicing boiled potatoes and vegetables, as well as washing cooking cauldrons without medical supervision allowed. Persons of the daily outfit take food at a separate table before the general meal by the personnel of the military unit. For cutting bread, portioning sugar, butter and their issuance, a bread cutter is allocated. A bread cutter is appointed by order of the commander of a military unit of military personnel on conscription (only where there is no full-time bread cutter) for a period determined by the unit commander, but not less than a month. The preparation of the dining table for eating is carried out by the persons of the daily outfit under the guidance of the head of the dining room and the dining room attendant. The temperature of the prepared food at the time of its reception by the personnel should be: for first courses - not lower than 75 °; for second courses - not lower than 65 °; tea - 80 °. Bread is cut into thin slices weighing 50-75 g and is given out as needed within the limits of the norm. Crackers instead of bread are allowed to be given to the first course no more than three times a week. If meals are taken in several shifts, with breaks between shifts exceeding an hour, then cooking is done separately for each shift. The unit attendants meet their units in the dining room, are present at meals and keep order in the dining room. Eating in overcoats, hats and special (working) uniforms is prohibited. By order of the military unit, permanent dining tables are assigned to each unit. Each table is assigned a senior table. The duties of the senior table include monitoring the delivery of dishes after meals. He also monitors the order and discipline of military personnel during meals and does not allow the table to be contaminated with leftover food. At the end of the meal, the tableware is stacked on the edge of the table strictly according to its type. Cleaning of dishes from dining tables and their delivery to the washing room is carried out by persons of the daily order in the dining room on trolleys, and where self-service lines are used, by those who eat. For servicemen who perform various tasks and are not present for breakfast, lunch or dinner, the corresponding food consumption is left. Applications for leaving food are submitted by the foremen of the units through the battery (unit) duty officer to the dining room duty officer, indicating the time the servicemen appear in the dining room. Food left for absent military personnel is stored in a separate sealed container in a refrigerator for no more than 4 hours, and in the absence of refrigeration facilities - no more than 2 hours. At the same time, meat and fish portions are stored separately from the side dish. The issuance of food is allowed after repeated heat treatment and examination by a doctor (paramedic). For personnel who are not able to arrive at the canteen before the expiration of the established food storage periods, food is not placed in the boiler. In these cases, at the direction of the dining room attendant, the food of the absent servicemen is prepared separately by the time they arrive at the dining room. Military units receive bread at military bakeries and civilian bakeries.

Meals for the personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are organized in accordance with the Guidelines for the Organization of Catering for Personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, approved by the head of the Central Food Administration of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.
In military units, to provide food (hot food) to military personnel who have the right to receive food at the expense of the state, the charters provide for the corresponding canteens (soldiers, cadets, officers).
In canteens, the maintenance of cooks is established on the basis of the following norms: up to 150 eaters - 3 cooks, from 151 to 200 eaters - 4 cooks, then 1 cook is added for every 125 eaters. The total number of cooks is determined taking into account the cooks contained in the units of the military unit. An instructor (cook) is kept when there are more than 500 people eating and is not counted in the estimated number of cooks, and a master in cooking technology is kept when there are more than 1000 people eating.
Military personnel serving under contract are provided with food through the soldiers' canteens of military units. For eating, a separate room from the dining room is equipped.
Each canteen of a military unit must have all the necessary food, auxiliary, household and technical premises, a dining room, refrigeration and other equipment that ensure normal conditions for cooking and eating by personnel.
Food in the canteens of military units is prepared strictly according to the layout of the products of military units, in which the personnel receive food on a combined-arms ration, hot food is given out and cooked three times a day (for breakfast, lunch and dinner). The hours of meals for personnel are determined by the commander of the military unit.
Ration with three meals a day is distributed according to energy value (calorie content): for breakfast - 30 - 35%, for lunch - 40 - 45% and for dinner - 20 - 30%. Depending on the conditions of combat training and the daily routine of the military unit, the distribution of rations can be changed by the commander of the military unit.
For conscripted servicemen who are on guard, four meals a day are organized at the expense of daily allowance products: breakfast, lunch and dinner - at normal times and a second dinner - at night. It is allowed to provide these military personnel with additional food at the expense of the monetary fund of the military unit (Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 200 of 1992, ch. 8, p. 115).
The layout of the products is compiled by the head of the food service together with the head of the medical service of the military unit, the head of the dining room and the cooking technology master or instructor (cook), and where the latter are not available, with the head cook.
The layout of products is signed by the deputy commander of the military unit for logistics (assistant commander for supply), the head of the food service, the head of the medical service and is approved by the commander of the military unit. The layout of products, as a rule, is compiled for a week, separately for each norm.
The issuance of products for additional meals to individual military teams and subunits departing outside the military unit is carried out according to waybills on the basis of a written order of the commander of the military unit.
Products from the warehouse of the military unit to the dining room for cooking are weighed and released to the instructor cook, senior cook in the presence of the dining room attendant on invoices. The laying of products in the boiler is carried out by cooks in the presence of the dining room attendant.
Prior to the issuance of hot food to the tables, the quality of its preparation is checked by officials of the military unit.
The doctor (paramedic), together with the person on duty, checks the quality of prepared food directly in the hot shop (places of its issuance), the sanitary condition of the dining room, tableware and kitchen utensils.

The results of the check by the doctor (paramedic) are recorded in the book for monitoring the quality of food preparation. After that, the officer on duty gives permission for the issuance of food to personnel. Ready food, in addition, is tested daily by the commander of the military unit or, at his direction, by one of his deputies. Food testing consists in determining its taste and volume, the mass of meat (fish) portions, cold appetizers, first, second and third courses.
The commander of the military unit (deputy commander of the military unit for logistics) tastes food directly in the dining room at one of the tables together with the personnel during the meal.
The results of food testing are recorded in the food preparation quality control record book with ratings given separately for each dish. If a discrepancy is found in the volume, mass of portions and dishes issued to personnel in the downward direction relative to the calculated data indicated in the layout of the products, the reasons for their discrepancy are identified and appropriate measures are taken. Visiting the dining room of a military unit by unauthorized persons is allowed only with the permission of the commander of the military unit or a person replacing him. Persons who check the organization of food, when visiting workshops and other premises of the canteen, are required to wear a clean dressing gown (jacket).
In the dining room of the military unit, a daily outfit is allocated for performing auxiliary work at the rate of: up to 100 people eating in the dining room - 3-4 people, for every subsequent 100 people eating, an additional 2 people are allocated.
The daily outfit assigned to work in the dining room of a military unit is subjected to a medical examination by a doctor (paramedic) before taking up duty. Persons who have not passed a medical examination are not allowed to work in the dining room.
Persons on daily duty assigned to the dining room for processing meat and fish, preparing and distributing food, portioning cow's butter, pouring jelly, compote, milk and fruit juice, cleaning and slicing boiled potatoes and vegetables, as well as washing cooking cauldrons without medical supervision allowed. Persons of the daily outfit take food at a separate table before the general meal by the personnel of the military unit. For cutting bread, portioning sugar, butter and their issuance, a bread cutter is allocated. A bread cutter is appointed by order of the commander of a military unit of military personnel on conscription (only where there is no full-time bread cutter) for a period determined by the unit commander, but not less than a month.
The preparation of the dining table for eating is carried out by the persons of the daily outfit under the guidance of the head of the dining room and the dining room attendant. The temperature of the prepared food at the time of its reception by the personnel should be: for first courses - not lower than 75 °; for second courses - not lower than 65 °; tea - 80 °.
Bread is cut into thin slices weighing 50-75 g and is given out as needed within the limits of the norm. Crackers instead of bread are allowed to be given to the first course no more than three times a week. If meals are taken in several shifts, with breaks between shifts exceeding an hour, then cooking is done separately for each shift. The unit attendants meet their units in the dining room, are present at meals and keep order in the dining room.
Eating in overcoats, hats and special (working) uniforms is prohibited. By order of the military unit, permanent dining tables are assigned to each unit. Each table is assigned a senior table. The duties of the senior table include monitoring the delivery of dishes after meals. He also monitors the order and discipline of military personnel during meals and does not allow the table to be contaminated with leftover food.
At the end of the meal, the tableware is stacked on the edge of the table strictly according to its type. Cleaning of dishes from dining tables and their delivery to the washing room is carried out by persons of the daily order in the dining room on trolleys, and where self-service lines are used, by those who eat.
For servicemen who perform various tasks and are not present for breakfast, lunch or dinner, the corresponding food consumption is left. Applications for leaving food are submitted by the foremen of the units through the battery (unit) duty officer to the dining room duty officer, indicating the time the servicemen appear in the dining room.
Food left for absent military personnel is stored in a separate sealed container in a refrigerator for no more than 4 hours, and in the absence of refrigeration facilities - no more than 2 hours. At the same time, meat and fish portions are stored separately from the side dish. The issuance of food is allowed after repeated heat treatment and examination by a doctor (paramedic).
For personnel who are not able to arrive at the canteen before the expiration of the established food storage periods, food is not placed in the boiler. In these cases, at the direction of the dining room attendant, the food of the absent servicemen is prepared separately by the time they arrive at the dining room.
Military units receive bread at military bakeries and civilian bakeries.

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The diet of military personnel determines:

    number of meals per day.

    observance of physiologically correct intervals between them.

    expedient distribution of products laid down according to the norms of daily allowance during the day.

    eating at a strictly scheduled time.

The development of the diet of military personnel is entrusted to the commander

military unit, his deputy for logistics, the head of the medical and food services of the military unit. For the personnel of the Army and the Navy, depending on the allowances and the nature of combat training activities, three or four meals a day are established. Three meals a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner) is organized in military units, where the personnel are fed according to the norms of soldier, officer, cadet, engineering, special and mountain rations.

According to the Charter of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces, the intervals between meals should not exceed 7 hours. With this in mind, when drawing up the daily routine of a military unit, breakfast is planned before the start of classes, dinner 2-3 hours before lights out.

After lunch for at least 30 minutes. It is not allowed to conduct classes or work. Daily allowances for three meals a day are distributed according to calorie content, but it is also most advisable to use foods that have different nutritional values. Considering that the main physical and neuropsychic stress on personnel occurs in the first half of the day, foods rich in proteins and fats. This allows military personnel to receive the necessary supply of nutrients before the start of the working day. Breakfast should consist of a meat or fish dish with pasta, buckwheat or rice porridge, vegetable side dishes, butter, tea, etc. At lunch, the bulk of the rations are provided to make up for energy expenditure and prepare the body for further labor activity. For lunch, as a rule, a cold appetizer, first and second courses, compote or jelly are planned. Dinner should be light, not burdensome and consist of a meat or fish dish with a side dish and tea. In cases where the combat training plan provides for night-time classes, dinner is planned to be more high-calorie. The layout of products is compiled by the head of the food service together with the head of the medical service of the military unit, the head of the canteen and the instructor-cook (senior cook). It is signed by the deputy commander of the military unit for logistics, the head of the medical and food services and is approved by the commander of the military unit.

It is not allowed to make changes to the approved layout of products without the permission of the commander of the military unit. The layout of products, as a rule, is compiled for a week separately for each daily allowance, in triplicate. The first copy (original) is in the records management of the food service and is the basis for issuing products from the warehouse to the canteen, the second copy is hung out in the lobby of the canteen to familiarize the eaters, and the third is issued to the instructor-cook (senior cook) to guide the preparation of food and bookmark food in boiler.

When compiling the layout of products, the following are taken into account:

    Features and nature of combat training;

    Mental and neuropsychic stress on military personnel;

    The dietary regime established for this contingent of military personnel;

    Availability and range of products available in the food warehouse of the military unit;

    Norms of daily allowance, according to which the personnel are fed;

    Possibility of using products of kitchen (galley) facilities for additional food;

    Qualification and number of cooks;

    Equipment of the dining room with technological and refrigeration equipment;

    Wishes and requests of eaters.

The methodology for compiling the layout of products includes a thoughtful selection of dishes for the week and the correct distribution of products by meal.

For this purpose, it is recommended to use a card file of dishes and approximate product layouts. In the layout of products for the week, the same dishes should not be repeated more than two or three times, and a dish of the same products, for example, millet soup and millet porridge as a side dish for the second course, should be repeated throughout the day. Cereal side dishes must be alternated with vegetables. The second meat dishes in fried or stewed form cause a longer feeling of satiety. Therefore, according to the norms of a soldier's ration, not breakfast or dinner, it is necessary to plan goulash, aza, stew, pilaf, home-style roast; for lunch - fried and stewed meat, pork in breadcrumbs and dough, stuffed meat and other dishes, and in the winter season - cutlets, meatballs, meatballs, chopped steak. Fish dishes should also be planned in a wide range: fried, stewed, marinated fish, baked in sauce, dough, etc. For side dishes for second courses, it is necessary, if possible, to provide crumbly cereals instead of viscous ones. Rice, given instead of cereals, is recommended for preparing side dishes for meat dishes (for lunch twice a week), as well as for soups.

It is important for a variety of nutrition to prepare combined dishes with the simultaneous use of vegetables, cereals and legumes (pickle with pearl barley, millet porridge with pea puree, etc.). Vegetable side dishes are preferable for fish dishes. Cold appetizers for dinner stimulate the appetite and enrich the daily diet with vitamins. In the soldiers' canteens, it is recommended to cook for a snack during the week: herring with a side dish or vinaigrette, beetroot caviar, salads - potato, vitamin, from white cabbage and sauerkraut with beets, from salted tomatoes, etc. Daily norms of products are included in the layout completely.

For a variety of nutrition, it is allowed on certain days to partially replace some products with others in accordance with the established norms of replacements. At the same time, overexpenditure or underexpenditure of products laid down according to the norms of daily allowance is not allowed within a week. To compensate for the lack of vitamin C in the diets of military personnel with a decrease in its content in fresh vegetables and potatoes (in spring and summer), as well as when replacing fresh vegetables and potatoes with dried vegetables and cereals for military personnel whose daily allowance does not provide for vitamin C and other vitamin preparations, in the period from April 15 to August 15, ascorbic acid is given daily at the rate of 50 mg per person per day by laying it in a sweet dish.

In connection with the improvement of allowances for soldiers' rations and the introduction of a sweet dish for lunch, it is advisable to prepare the first dish at the rate of 600 g, and not 700 g, per person. Meat and fish are distributed according to the norms of a soldier's ration: meat for breakfast or dinner - 50 g, for lunch - 100 g, fish for breakfast or dinner - 100 g. Cooking meat and fish dishes for breakfast and dinner alternates. On the first day, for example, a meat dish is planned for breakfast, and a fish dish for dinner, on the second day, a fish dish for breakfast, and a meat dish for dinner, etc. A meat dish for breakfast is planned at least four times a week, a fish dish - no more than three times. For a cold appetizer of vegetables or vinaigrette, 20 g of herring can be given out by reducing the amount of fish given out by this amount. It is forbidden to use herring for cooking fish dishes. Butter 20 g is fully served at the table for breakfast, fats are planned to be 10 g each for preparing the first and second meat courses. Vegetable oil 15 g is provided for preparing a fish dish for breakfast or dinner and a cold snack for lunch. Wheat flour of the second grade is used for filling the first course, preparing sauces for meat and fish dishes, as well as for breading fish. Bread made from rye and wheat flour according to the norms of a soldier's ration is distributed: for breakfast - 150 g, for lunch - 200 g, dinner - 100 g. Bread from flour of the first grade: for breakfast - 150 g, lunch - 100 g and dinner - 150 G.

Sugar is planned for breakfast - 35 g, for dinner - 30 g.

On the days when compote is being prepared, the amount of sugar for tea is reduced by 10-15 g; this sugar is put into the compote. Kissel from the concentrate is prepared without adding sugar. In the soldiers' canteens, buns, pies or donuts are baked 1-2 times a week. To do this, it is allowed to replace 100 g of wheat bread from flour of the first grade with flour of the same grade (according to the replacement standards). The issuance of eggs on holidays and weekends (Sundays) and on the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy (February 23) is made only in boiled form for breakfast or lunch. Boiling of eggs ends 1-1.5 hours before the release of their personnel. Eggs are served in small plates of 20 pcs. for each dining table, i.e. two eggs per person.

To determine the estimated yield of ready-made meals, meat and fish portions, the average waste rates during food processing, the yield of semi-finished products and ready-made portions, established in the military nutrition, are used. a meat or fish portion together with a side dish and sauce and separately - the mass of a meat or fish portion, for example, the mass of one portion of fried meat should be 48 g, pearl barley porridge - 240 g and sauce 50 g. Thus, the total mass of the second course is 48+ 240+50=338

  1. "Managing the daily activities of the medical service of a military unit in peacetime"


    … 2. ORGANIZATION THERAPEUTIC AND PREVENTIVE WORK IN MILITARY PART 2.1. The content of treatment and preventive measures 2.2. Organization clinical examination military personnel 2.3. Features of medical examination military personnel

  2. II head organization of provision of medical units, parts of medical equipment and property


    ... the work of a pharmacy. Not less often once every three ... inventory determined in the order for military unit. For military units he is not … military personnel underweight and control catering in parts". 27. Guidelines « Organization

  3. Guidelines for the accounting of weapons, equipment, property and other materiel in the armed forces of the USSR, part I


    Part I ACCOUNTING IN SUBDIVISIONS, MILITARY UNITS, ON SHIPS AND IN CONNECTIONS MOSCOW -1980 This Guide defines: organizationmilitary unit political parts checks not less oftenmilitary personnel who are entitled to food in military unit

  4. Employment in military units. Establishing an employment relationship with an employee


    military personnel» prepared for publication the legal guide “Labor of Civilian Personnel military unitsmilitary units, institutions, military educational institutions, enterprises and organizationsMode working time determined… public nutrition and …

  5. Guidelines for the additional training of military drivers of vehicles of category "C" in the organizations of the Dosaaf of Russia

    … 3. Explore organization holding in military unit Maintenance… learning the system nutrition engine fuel ... technology will be completely determined correct and competent ... what actions military personnel according to the combat ... roads. Mode movement on...

Other related documents..

A guideline has been approved new order food supply for the military and some other citizens in peacetime. This manual also establishes new rules for the provision of equipment, general household products and property of the food service.

It was clarified on the basis of what documents they are credited for food security. These include referral for treatment, inpatient examination, examination in a military medical institution; report of a serviceman, senior military team, unit commander.

It is forbidden to reduce staffing positions cook composition less than 70%.

For the preparation and distribution of food to the military, in need of medical (dietary) nutrition, as well as those with a height of 190 cm and above, a separate cook is appointed. They are provided with separate tables.

Enterprises Catering involved in the provision of relevant services on the basis of a government contract.

The manual also defines how staff animals (dogs, horses, camels, donkeys, deer) are provided with feed (products) and bedding materials.

The norms for providing food, feed, as well as replacing some products with others are given.

In the mountain diet, the number of water disinfectants has been increased from 3 to 6. 6 water and wind resistant matches are provided (previously - a set). Otherwise, food and survival rations, emergency rations, on-board rations, emergency supply kits have not changed. In the norms that provide for black tea, it is clarified that it is long leaf.

Temporary norms of food rations have been established for the military, performing special and other tasks or in special climatic conditions. In particular, we are talking about work with pathogens of dangerous infectious diseases.

Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of June 21, 2011 N 888 "On approval of the Guidelines for the food supply of the military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and some other categories of persons, as well as the provision of feed (products) and bedding materials for regular animals of military units in peacetime"

Registration N 21665

This Order shall enter into force 10 days after the date of its official publication.

This document has been modified by the following documents:

The changes come into force 10 days after the day of the official publication of the said order.