Growing trout in the lake. Own business: growing and breeding trout in a pond. Material base of fish farms

In this material:

Enough profitable business is trout breeding, a business plan for which you can draw up yourself or order from specialists.

Trout is one of the most expensive fish on the market. She is quite capricious and capricious, requires careful care.

All cash and labor costs will more than pay off, because, despite the high cost, this fish is in demand.

Business Profitability

In order to understand whether such an enterprise will be profitable, and if so, how much, you need to know the main points of expenses for its opening and development.

A business plan for breeding fish in a pond should include the following items:

  1. Necessary equipment. These expenses are most significant due to the fact that with the help of specialized equipment all the required conditions for the life of fish will be created, without which it is impossible to keep trout.
  2. Quality food for fish. Purchased food must meet all quality requirements. Those wishing to save on this point should know that cheap and low-quality food will significantly reduce the cost of goods. It is impossible to hide its effect on trout meat, as it will definitely show up as white spots in the flesh.
  3. Buying fry. This cost item will only be present when starting a business. Large individuals will grow from the purchased fry, which will soon give offspring.
  4. Additional equipment. These facilities include a fish tank, feeding and water purification equipment, and other devices.
  5. Employee salaries. Ensuring the viability of the enterprise alone will not work, and in this regard, at least a minimum set of personnel will be required.
  6. Content and service. All equipment used will be used continuously, so it requires the creation of adequate conditions for maintenance and timely maintenance activities.

With all costs, the profitability of such a project is at least 9%. This figure is not limiting and can reach a much higher value. Entrepreneurial activity Fish farming is not for everyone. Trout farming requires a large initial investment.

All the required equipment, additional tools have a fairly high cost. All initial expenses can turn out to be significant even if the entrepreneurial business being opened is not large-scale. It will take a long time to wait for the first profit. In the best scenario, trout can add only up to 0.5 kg of weight in 1 year, and reach sexual maturity only by 3 years. During that time, until the fish can reproduce and grow to the desired size, there is no need to talk about any profit. During this period, there will be only costs. But when a sale opportunity arises, the business will begin to pay off pretty quickly. It is only necessary to establish distribution channels.

Trout breeding methods

There are several ways to breed fish used by specialized farms:

  • cultivation by the pond method;
  • cage breeding method;
  • use of a recirculating water supply system (RAS).

Raising in ponds naturally is a pond breeding method for trout. In the natural environment, fish can reproduce freely - that, perhaps, is all the advantages of this method. In a closed artificial environment, trout are not prone to breeding in the traditional way, but when modern technologies this is not a problem, since the fish are fertilized using special equipment.

The cage method is much more common among fisheries. It is the cultivation of trout in a fenced area of ​​a natural reservoir. This type of trout farming has some advantages as well as disadvantages. Among the advantages are the following:

  1. Fish are reared in a natural habitat in a fenced area, which allows you to control the presence of trout within reach. In addition, the rest of the reservoir can be used for other purposes.
  2. Natural water circulation avoiding stagnation without expensive equipment.
  3. The main part of the fish farm buildings is located on the shore, and in the water there are only cages with fish, which significantly saves water space.
  4. Low costs for the construction and maintenance of hydraulic structures.

Breeding fish in this way is much more profitable. Among the minuses, one can note the high degree of pollution of the reservoir due to the presence of a large number of fish in it. The use of such water for drinking is strictly prohibited.

In addition, there is a high risk of loss of farmed fish as a result of theft, so additional costs are required to provide round-the-clock security.

The use of RAS in trout cultivation is the most convenient, but also the most expensive method. It allows you to hatch fish, fully controlling all the conditions of its maintenance and excluding the possibility negative impact environment.

Using this method, you can grow the highest quality and environmentally friendly fish, but this will require quite a lot of expenses.

If there is a possibility of large investments, the result of which will have to wait for a long time, then this business will come in handy. High costs and a long payback period are the main deterrents to starting this profitable business.

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Trout farming is a highly intensive branch of pond fish farming, which allows you to get a large number of fish per unit area. Depending on the amount of water, the fish productivity of trout ponds is up to 500-1000 centners or more per hectare.

There are two types of trout: brook trout (pied) and rainbow trout.

Brook trout lives in the basins of the Baltic, White, Caspian, Black and Azov Seas. It is very demanding on the oxygen regime. Brook trout has tender, tasty meat. Valued for its dietary qualities. Brook trout is a typically cold-water fish, lives mainly in mountain rivers and streams, as well as in flat rivers with sandy-pebble soil, with cold springs. clean water rich in oxygen. The body is covered with dense scales, there are no scales on the head. There are black and red spots on the body and on the dorsal fin. The latter are bordered by a light rim. Colors vary greatly from dark to light.

The growth of brook trout depends on living conditions; at favorable conditions in the third year it grows to 500 gr. Lives up to 12 years and reaches 10-12 kg of weight. In a pond farm on natural food, the weight of yearlings of brook trout is 20-25 g, and in the second year - 130-170 g. Sexual maturity occurs at 3-4 years. Males differ from females in nuptial attire and curves of the jaws. Fertility 200-1500 eggs, depending on the weight of females. Spawning occurs from October to January at water temperatures below 8 degrees in shallow areas with a fast current, on stony and pebble ground. The female digs the eggs into the ground. Caviar is orange, 4-6.6 mm in diameter. At a water temperature of 1-2 degrees, the development of eggs lasts up to 200 days, at a temperature of 6-8 degrees - 65 days. The larvae have a large yolk sac, which resolves after 20 days. Despite the fact that the brook trout grows slightly worse than the rainbow, both species are bred in intensive trout farms. With joint breeding, production facilities are better used. In addition, it has been observed that in the presence of rainbow trout, brook trout use food more fully. Brook trout caviar is obtained and incubated in autumn, rainbow trout caviar is incubated in spring in apparatus freed from brook trout.

The rainbow trout originally lived in North America, but was introduced to Europe at the end of the last century and is now the most widespread. Rainbow trout are highly valued for their dietary qualities. This fish got its name rainbow for its silvery coloration with black spots on its back and a wide rainbow stripe along the lateral line. This band is especially prominent in males during puberty. Rainbow trout are considered cold-water fish, but they also grow quickly in warm-water ponds with good oxygen conditions; with an abundance of natural food. The best temperature for nutrition and growth is 16-18 degrees. Underyearlings grow up to 25-30 g, at the age of one year - up to 100-125 g, at the age of two - 200 g and more. The fecundity of young two-year-old females is 800 eggs, adults up to 3000 eggs, on average about 2000 eggs. Like the brook trout, the rainbow trout is a predator.

Currently, highly productive species of rainbow trout are widely used - Donaldson trout, deep-sea Canadian camloops trout. The growth rate of these forms is 2 - 2.5 times higher than the growth rate of rainbow trout. Although the size of the eggs is somewhat smaller, the fecundity is 25 - 30% higher. The kamloops trout spawns 1.5 - 2 months earlier than the rainbow trout, which allows, with the combined cultivation of two forms, to stretch the season for the sale of marketable fish. Commercial mass of kamloops reaches in just 12 months of cultivation, which is half a year less than the usual period.

Breeding trout in ponds

In ponds, trout does not spawn, and therefore it is necessary to resort to artificial insemination to breed it. On average, from 500 to 1,000 trout are planted per 1 hectare of pond surface. trout yearlings, weighing from 15 to 20 grams each. With a greater sale of fish and an industrial setting of the economy, it is advantageous to increase the density of trout planting due to artificial feeding. In some farms, planting is done in this case 40-50 times more, so that up to 40-50 thousand yearlings are planted per hectare of ponds.

In ponds, rainbow trout feed on a variety of foods, it consumes caddisflies, beetles, dragonflies, small frogs, mosquito larvae. In the second year of life, it consumes small weedy fish, mainly pelagic ones. The main food of rainbow trout is verkhovka, minnow, bleak, underyearlings of orpha, ide and others. Trout eat well and grow not only in summer, but also in winter. However, at water temperatures below 1.5 degrees, growth slows down. At a water temperature of 2-4 degrees, which is ensured by the supply of spring or artesian water to the wintering quarters, and with careful feeding, underyearlings increase in weight by 3-4 times over the winter. Some of the yearlings reach a portion weight of 125 g by May, and some in June. When keeping fish in cages and feeding them, fish farms and farms can produce products in spring and summer. At all stages of life and development of trout, constant water flow is necessary, which replenishes the oxygen consumption in the water of the ponds and removes the metabolic products of the trout from the ponds (carbon dioxide, remains of uneaten food, excrement).

Sexual maturity occurs at the age of 2-3 years. Fertility depends on both age and weight of the fish. Four-year-olds spawn about 2.5 thousand eggs, and seven-year-olds - about 4.5 thousand. Caviar is large, 4-5 mm in diameter, orange-yellow. The intensity of its color depends on the quality of the feed. In the southern regions of the country, rainbow trout spawns from December to March, in the central and northern regions - from March to early May. Spawning takes place at a water temperature of 7-8 °C. Caviar develops on average 360 ​​degree days, i.e., about 40 days. Life cycle trout in aquaculture begins with the insemination of eggs strained by a fish farmer with sperm and placing it in incubation apparatus. To obtain caviar and sperm, mature producers are used. At the onset of the spawning period (March - April), the best manufacturers and place them separately. In cages, producers are placed at the rate of 25 - 30 pieces / sq.m. The producers are monitored daily and, as soon as the caviar is ripe, they start straining the caviar. To do this, three to five females (wrapped in a clean towel) squeeze the eggs into a clean basin. Then they take two or three males and strain the sperm onto the eggs, gently stirring it with a goose feather. This method is called dry. Then add some water and pause for 3-5 minutes. During this time, the eggs are fertilized. Caviar is considered by weight, volume or counting methods. It is dangerous to take eggs from immature females - this reduces the percentage of fertilized eggs.

In mass production, the process of selecting caviar is facilitated by narcotizing the producers with trichlorobutyl alcohol (3-4 g per 10 liters of water). Anesthesia lasts 2 - 10 minutes, which is enough to perform the operation. The degree of fertilization of eggs is increased by the use of a stimulating solution of Hamora. Solution composition: 6 g NaCl + 0.2 g CaCl2 + 4.5 g Co(NH2)2 are dissolved in 1 liter of water. In the presence of sexual products good quality and correctly carried out artificial insemination, the percentage of fertilization reaches 90 - 100. The laying of eggs in incubators and their water supply are carried out in accordance with the instructions for each type of apparatus (see the section "Incubators"). From the point of view of saving space for placing incubators, saving construction costs and saving water, the use of Weiss incubators is preferable. Trout breeders of the GDR developed methods for using 7, 20 and 80 liter Weiss apparatus. Loading in 7 l apparatus is 35 - 45 thousand pieces of eggs, in 20 l - 75 - 117 thousand pieces, in 80 l - 450 - 650 thousand pieces. The flow during the incubation period to the stage of eye pigmentation is maintained at the level of: 7 l - 0.04 - 0.06 l/s, 20 l - 0.08 - 0.1 l/s, 80 l - 0.8 l/s.

Growing trout in sea water

Raising rainbow trout in sea water helps to increase metabolism and accelerate growth. In sea water, trout intensifies protein metabolism, due to a deep morphophysiological restructuring of the body, including, first of all, the change of the hyperosmotic type of osmoregulation to hypoosmotic when transferring from fresh to salt water, where the trout, due to osmotic processes, absorbs vital ions and trace elements, activating the activity of the enzymatic system. Growing trout in storm-resistant cages in the coastal zone of the Black Sea in the autumn, winter and spring periods is promising. Rainbow trout can mature in sea water conditions.

Rainbow trout is of great economic interest as an object of fish farming and as additional fish for carp breeding in colder water ponds. In many countries it is grown in cages, ponds and pools, and is also released for grazing in small rivers and lakes for industrial and sport fishing.

The most valuable and tasty fish is inaccessible to a simple fisherman. Some fishing enthusiasts come up with clever ways to catch delicious fish, spend a lot of money on equipment and a lot of time sitting with a fishing rod near water bodies.

Real fish lovers start salivating at the word trout. Fish is one of the most valuable and its cost in stores is most often sky-high. But there are no unsolvable problems. You can start breeding trout right in the nearest pond. Many years of experience of various trout farms in all corners of Russia shows that this is a very profitable business, despite some difficulties that one has to face in the process of fish farming. There are two types of trout - brook and rainbow trout.

Brook trout

Brook trout lives in cold mountain rivers and in almost all rivers flowing into the Baltic, Caspian and Black Sea. AT natural conditions fish reaches 12 kilograms. When breeding such fish, it is worth stocking up on patience, since at the age of 3 years the brook trout reaches only half a kilogram weight, and it begins to spawn only after 4 years of life. It is very simple to determine the process of puberty in males - their jaw is slightly deformed. The spawning process occurs in brook trout in late autumn, from about October to November.

Rainbow trout

Rainbow trout prefers the same rivers as the brook trout, feels good in both cold and warm water, only the water temperature in the rivers for ideal living of the fish should not fall below +17 degrees. The name of the trout was due to its iridescent scales. Initially, rainbow trout was found only in the rivers of North America, and in the 20th century it flooded the rivers in the expanses of Russia.

Artificially created reservoirs should carry out an additional supply of oxygen, for this it is enough to organize a constant supply of running water. For breeding in artificial reservoirs, there are some difficulties in reproduction. Trout do not spawn in captivity, so fish farmers have to artificially fertilize the female.

In the feed, trout prefers animal food - all kinds of beetles, dragonflies, caddis flies, mosquito larvae and small frogs. Trout that have grown more than a kilogram will not refuse small fish. Trout is gaining weight well with plus temperature. With the onset of cold weather, the ability of fish to grow and develop decreases. For intensive growth of trout throughout the year, care must be taken that the water temperature in the artificial reservoir does not fall below +3 degrees.

Trout can spawn almost all year round. The trout kept in the southern latitudes spawn between the beginning of winter and early spring, and the inhabitants of the northern lands spawn exclusively in the spring. The ideal temperature for spawning trout is + 7-8 degrees.

For breeding, the most successful representatives in the reservoir are selected. They are planted in a separate tank, at the rate of no more than 30 pieces per square meter. meter. When the caviar is ripe, the female is caught and, holding it in a towel carefully, without damaging the fish, the caviar is squeezed out of it into a special container. In the same way, sperm is squeezed out of males. The number of participants of both sexes corresponds to 1:1. Collected in a separate container, caviar with sperm is carefully mixed with a goose feather. After that, it is necessary to fill the resulting mass with water. Fertilization takes up to 5 minutes.

The process of extracting caviar is quite laborious, for the successful production of fertilized eggs, a lot of experience and additional stimulation of females with special preparations are required. For this reason, novice fish farmers are advised to start trout breeding with the purchase of fry. The benefit of buying a fry is obvious, since it can be safely released into a pond with other fish.

Trout breeding is a difficult and time-consuming business, but today it is considered one of the most profitable in the fish niche in Russia.

Related articles on the topic:

A selection of books on breeding trout:

S.N. Alexandrov. Cage fish farming. 2005, 207 pages - The book introduces the methods of breeding especially valuable fish species with the arrangement of cages, the organization of small fish farms for selection and breeding work, and the rearing of fry. Particular attention is paid to the food base and the fight against fish diseases and water pollutants. The book is intended for entrepreneurs of medium business, as well as for a wide range of readers interested in fish farming.

Grimm O.A. - Fish farming (breeding, cultivation and breeding of carp fish, tench, bream, sterlet, trout). 1931.

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We have long forgotten not only the taste of trout, but we also do not remember its appearance. The rivers in which trout should be found are hopelessly polluted, the barbaric "electric" method of catching it destroyed offspring for many years to come, and you will not taste real white meat of a delicacy fish even in an expensive restaurant. Most likely, you will be fed only ... with imported pink trout fillets grown in artificial reservoirs, mainly on top dressing with dyes, which give the future meat a “commodity-colored” look.
- The meat of naturally grown trout is only white in color, and its taste cannot be compared with any restaurant taste! - Says a real enthusiast, an expert in the "trout" business Nikolai Mikhailovich Vakaryuk. For more than 10 years he has been breeding this amazing fish in his backyard pond. People come to Nikolai Mikhailovich from all over Ukraine: tourists - to feast on a delicacy, entrepreneurs - fishermen by experience - to sit with a fishing rod, so that later they can show off a successful “trophy” in the photo.

First of all, education!
Mykola Vakaryuk is lucky - he lives in the picturesque city of Kosovo, located at the foot of the Carpathians. His estate is located right under the mountain. A stream flows past the site with mountain water clear as a tear. This was the impetus for the creation of a real trout farm. But, above all, a skilled man took up self-education. To his misfortune, information was almost impossible to find. AT Soviet times little was written about this, and nothing at all about growing trout in natural conditions. But, fortunately, I found a pre-revolutionary Russian publication, from where I received the first scientific reports.
But where to get experience? Decisions were prompted by the mountains: Mr. Nikolai went to gain knowledge from old people who still remember what it is - mountain trout. Hutsul "universities" and their own perseverance allowed Nikolai Vakaryuk to become the first in the region who dared to do such a difficult thing - to grow this capricious fish in his own pond. Today, Mr. Nikolai is recognized in the city as a "trout" authority, and the neighbors, seeing his success, have begun to create similar farms for themselves. Mr. Nikolai is not averse - he shares his experience, says that he alone is already able to satisfy the huge demand.
A good start is half done
It was very scary to start, - Nikolai Mikhailovich recalls, - I invested my own funds, large funds. I thought if I can’t grow trout, I’ll start carp, but I really wanted to grow this particular fish. I started work by doing the right drainage, it's good that clean mountain water is at hand. Why did you decide to dig a natural pond? While in Italy, I watched how trout are grown in special concrete pools. So everything is clean, good, but the fish comes out wrong. There is no life in a concrete pool, it is in nature - there should be a worm, a crustacean, and a butterfly in the water, in the silt the fish finds something for itself. Under natural conditions, it has a better immune system, it is more profitable to feed it, because the fish finds 30% of its food itself. Therefore, the more becoming - the better. I have a pond of 30 for 3000 pieces of fish? 50 meters. This is the smallest value for such a number of fish. Less is impossible - the fish will simply suffocate from the carbon that it also emits. Pond water must contain a lot of oxygen, so it must be flowing, preferably with a height difference, so that oxygen bubbles are constantly formed. If this is not possible, I advise you to buy a special blower that drives air under the water. The deeper the pond, the better. The smallest depth is one and a half meters. Pay attention to the climatic features of the region. In winter, the water freezes up to 70 cm deep. If you make the depth less - the fish will die. In winter, I make holes with a size of 1 m x 1 m, it also saves the fact that at the entrance to the pond the water does not freeze all year round within 3-4 meters. I also make holes in order to feed fish every other day in winter. The fact is that during the summer and autumn the trout manages to gain so much fat that it is quite enough for the whole winter, but since it is an active fish, it does not sink into silt, even for 2 degrees of water in winter it continues to swim actively - for to maintain fat balance, it still needs to be fed. Give food as much as she can eat: threw a handful - she attacked the food, threw more - I see that the herd does not react, so I don’t give anymore.

Fish feeding.
As for me, it is the process of feeding fish that can be called without exaggeration main job season. Together with Mr. Nikolai we approach the pond, the silence, the calm expanse captivates the eye. Throw food and suddenly - a surprise! A huge herd of fish is almost jumping out of the water, each of the fish wants to grab as much food as possible! Fountain of splashes, stormy sound of water! In a moment the calm water mirror again, the fish went to the depth. If you see it, you will never forget it in your life!

What should be the regime and rules for feeding trout in closed waters?

Everything should be in reasonable doses. For fry, on average, the diet is 5 times a day, every 2:00. I feed adult fish twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. Everything else she finds herself. Calculation of feed for both fry and adult fish - 3% of the total weight. For example, if you have 100 kg of fish, then you need to give 3 kg of feed per day, but no more. The consequences can be dire.

Trout - Is it a predator, is it likely that her diet should be special?
- Fortunately, now it is not a problem to choose a diet for this fish. The choice of food is very large. I use the Dutch fry starter food, which is 100% shrimp and some beef liver. I also buy imported feed from illiquid varieties of fish with the addition of all the necessary trace elements. I cook all the other feeds myself - it's more profitable and easier. Liver (but not pork), spleen, stomachs, udders should be taken at meat processing plants, in a word, what is not going to be sold. All this must be thoroughly washed, boiled, ground. The liver should be boiled without salt for about 15 minutes (make sure that it is not digested), the lungs - no more, the stomachs - even more. Thresh the feed through the 12th number of the meat grinder. Feed the fish should be in accordance with the caliber of the pellet. There is a certain feature here. Trout is a predatory fish, the instinct to feed is triggered, it does not look at what exactly is thrown to it (when the children played and threw a pebble - the fish swallowed it and died of hunger - the food did not enter the esophagus due to the fact that it clogged). Just indiscriminately, she grabs food. So I feed the big fish first, they tend to go first for food (large pellets), then I throw in a smaller pellet for the young. If a small fish swallows a large piece, it can get stuck in the throat, the fish dies from suffocation. I cut each such fish and examine the cause of death. This helps to avoid mistakes in the future.

Trout Kindergarten.
Where the water from the mountain stream gets to the pond, I see a small fence. Future delicacies - fry - swim in clear water. Mr. Nikolai is sad that he does not have his own mother liquor. And although there are both females and males in his herd, he cannot have his own “offspring” - the female throws eggs - the smaller fish immediately eats it, because it is a very nutritious 100% protein. You have to buy fry far away in the mountains, where people grow them in crystal clear spring water, which has a constant temperature of 4 to 6 degrees all year round. Exactly like this temperature regime favorable for embryo development. A degree less or more - the eggs die. It is important that the water is really clean, regardless of weather and climatic conditions - even dirt invisible to the human eye can cripple delicate embryos, so spring water is best suited for this. For 42-45 days, the egg turns into a fry weighing 3-4 g. Special containers are needed to transport the fry. In the allotted place, the fry gradually gain weight. From a 30-gram fry to a full-fledged fish (up to 350-400 grams), 8-9 months pass.

There is another interesting way to purify water from the waste products of the trout itself. Do not clean rates by any means. This is best done by three huge ... carps. This fish feels great among the predatory trout - the three giants have plenty of food.
The food that is fed to trout is so high in calories that the carp eats up all the waste with pleasure. In addition (I call the carp "fish-pig"), he raises any dirt from the muddy bottom with his "snout". In addition, carp do not breed, because its caviar (1 million 800 eggs from one fish!) Is a "delicacy" for trout. This must be seen - when a female carp spawns - a trout follows her in a huge flock and immediately eats up all the eggs! Before launching the carp to the pond, it should be disinfected (hold for 3 days in a manganese solution) in order to neutralize possible fungal diseases. No other living creature can do such a job better than a carp. Crayfish are not suitable - they like warm water. By the way, you can buy a Devon Rex cat, come in and choose.

Breeding trout at home as a business will require a lot of responsibility and rather considerable costs. But the result will not keep you waiting, if you correctly approach the issue. The cost and popularity of this product on Russian market today is quite large, and therefore for success for those who are willing to take risks, it will be important to understand the process of building this type of activity from the very beginning.

Trout varieties

Today, two types of this representative of salmon are known:

  • iridescent;
  • stream.

The second species can be found in cold rivers flowing into the Caspian, Baltic and Black Seas. Under natural conditions, one individual can reach 12 kg. However, in an artificial reservoir, in order to achieve such a result, it will be necessary to be patient. The first 4 years, the fish will not even spawn.

Rainbow trout appeared in our country only at the beginning of the last century. Initially, her homeland was North America. This species got its name due to iridescent scales. The difficulty of growing rainbow fish is that it is very difficult to achieve its reproduction. That is why in most cases it is necessary to resort to artificial insemination.

It should be remembered here that the extraction of caviar is not the easiest thing, and therefore if you are just starting a trout business, then it is better to immediately purchase fry.

How to start a business

To begin with, it would be nice to visit existing farms and see how work is being built in this direction. It would be even better to communicate with the owners of such a business.

If your intention has only strengthened, feel free to go to the tax office to register your company. The form of doing business can be presented in the form of individual entrepreneurship. OKEVD code - 03.2 (fish farming).

Having completed all paperwork, start looking for fry suppliers. Most likely, they will be fish farms that are already firmly on their feet. There you will not only buy the number of young animals you need, but also get advice on feeding and maintaining your farm.

How to breed

There are several ways to breed trout:

  1. In the pond.
  2. In closed water.
  3. In gardens.

outdoor pond

If you decide to choose the first method, then you need to find a suitable body of water somewhere in the vicinity of your locality. Please note that this path may be the most unprofitable, since in open ponds it is very difficult to create ideal conditions for the normal growth of fish. In addition, it will be very difficult to deal with local poachers. The way out will be the organization of the protection of your pond, but even this cannot guarantee that you will receive the next profit in five years.


Growing in cages means that your farm will be located in the same open water, but in specially designated areas. Experts call this way the most profitable. First of all, because you do not need a whole pond, but only a part of it. Secondly, the installation of hydraulic equipment will require much lower costs.

It is impossible not to mention the difficulties that can be expected along the way. To begin with, you should always remember about the pollution of the reservoir. The reason for this is the dense planting of individuals and regular feeding. In addition, here again, it will not be possible to do without protection. One watchman will be quite enough, but he must be a trusted person, otherwise he will begin to trade in your fish.

closed reservoir

The recirculating water installation is the most The best way setting up a trout farm at home. This method can be used even for industrial purposes.

This principle of pond organization creates the most suitable conditions for fish growth. It is based on the circular movement of water between all elements of the system that supports the life of the fish. The installation consists of:

Pools should not have sharp protrusions and allow a good view of their entire perimeter.

The main disadvantage of such a system is its price. To organize a farm that produces up to 10 tons of fish per year, you will need 3.5 million rubles. Accordingly, the premises for these purposes should be at least 250-300 square meters. Consider also the cost of supplying water, heating, sewerage, electricity. Do not forget to calculate the cost of buying fry, food and staff.

Fish farming technology

The success of the business started will depend on compliance with all the standards that are prescribed for trout farming. This type of fish is not particularly whimsical, but the following factors should be taken into account:

Feeding should be balanced and regular. It is not necessary, however, to overfeed the fish. This will only lead to the fact that she will completely stop eating and, accordingly, grow.

It is necessary to think over the sales plan and distribution channels for your products in advance. Your main customers will be:

  • restaurants and cafes;
  • the shops;
  • supermarkets;
  • sanatoriums.

It would be quite useful to open your own point of sale immediately at your farm or in the market. And do not forget that before putting the fish up for sale, you need to get the conclusion of the sanitary and epidemiological station about the proper quality of the products. Fish meat is a perishable product, and therefore find potential buyers necessary at the stage of business planning.

Fish farming - trout farming: Video