How to go abroad for work. Work abroad for Russians without knowledge of the language vacancies and reviews. Persona Profit, labor migration center

Whichever path you choose, our selection will be useful in any case.

Best websites to look for jobs abroad


One of the largest job search engines in the world. Statistics: over 1 million resumes and about 63 million applicants monthly.

One of the most popular bulletin boards in the world. Here you can search not only for vacancies, but also for housing, things, acquaintances, etc.

One of the largest search engines for vacancies (in 2010 bypassed in popularity in the US), it is represented in 50 countries and is available in 28 languages.

One of the main job search portals in the UK.

Vacancies are published here both for those who have a work permit in the EU, and for candidates for the future.

Smart Abroad: grants, vacancies, business

Actually, from the name of the public it is already clear what the resource is about. Here you can find not only work, but also opportunities to receive study grants or information about various awards for young entrepreneurs and scientists.

"BBBB is vacancies in the most exotic and interesting corners of the planet. BBBB are responsible projects with meaning, where work means caring for nature and caring for the world," the creators of the project write.

The possibilities of the resource, originally created to find a place to sleep on a trip, are actually much wider. There are separate groups here where vacancies abroad are published and where you can find both permanent and temporary, both highly paid and seasonal work. You should look for vacancies in groups by country or, for example,.

"It is difficult to find a job in Germany without knowledge of German, but in Berlin it is possible. It all depends on the field and profile of the candidate: if we are talking about a startup, then it is possible without German, in some more conservative areas without knowledge of the language it is more difficult to get a job. In Munich and Hamburg, you can also meet a lot of guys who speak German to you," say local IT specialists.

The two main job search sites in Germany are Stepstone and Experteer.

Startup resources.

Earnings abroad attracts many citizens of the CIS. Residents of Ukraine, Belarus, Moldavia and other countries are filling "Old Europe" more and more densely. Low salaries, as well as general economic situation in the post-Soviet space brings new trends in the field of job search. Let's figure out which country and who will find it easier or more profitable to go to work. ?

Everyone goes, even unskilled workers can easily find vacancies with higher earnings than in Russia. Good working conditions, the ability to quickly earn good money and the crisis in their own country - all this makes people look for work abroad more and more.

Where do they most often go to work?

We offer TOP 10 countries where they go and where they want to go to work.

1. UK

When we say Great Britain we mean England. Specialists in the field of IT-technologies rush here. Last year, about 6,000 workers moved from Ukraine to the UK alone.

Moving, of course, requires knowledge of English language. Without qualifications, finding a job will be much more difficult. It makes no sense to look for work in the UK illegally. The deportation will be tough and for a long time. Young specialists and graduates come here to build a career.

What areas are in demand?

  • IT (ah-ti). All professions related to this area have a chance to settle in Britain.
  • Lawyers. Also a very isolated caste of workers. Knowledge of the language is required. There is a chance to gain a foothold starting from the bottom.
  • Waiters and other professions related to the service (service).
  • Other workers are unskilled. Handymen and other general professions.

Mandatory for the earnings of England. Knowledge of the language. Have a degree and a degree. Have a driver's license.

2. Poland

This country is very loyal to the reception of Ukrainians and others who want to earn money. The country's leadership regularly changes legislation in the direction of raising wages - that is, in favor of labor migrants, foreign citizens. So, it was recently raised minimum bid for one hour of work, which is 3 euros or 9 zlotys.

Poland on this moment offers the most vacancies for citizens of Ukraine. A large number of vacancies are available in the area Agriculture, many leave for seasonal harvesting work.

In second place are all working specialties from a handyman to a welder. There is a small share of interest in our IT specialists. You can’t fool our IT specialists, they are looking for a job a little further. There is a lot of legal work in Poland, but even more illegal work.

In order to avoid any troubles, it is advisable to trust a trusted employer, to conclude all the necessary employment contracts. In the Republic of Poland, you can find one-time, seasonal or permanent job. Working in Poland is perhaps the easiest way to start working in Europe.

3. Czech Republic

Another country that gladly, and recently with double joy, accepts workers from Ukraine at its enterprises. The Czech government has voiced a desire to double the quota for workers from Ukraine.

I go to work in the Czech Republic, you can count on about the same amount. At the factory, you will receive about 20.000 CZK. This is in the region of 900 - 800 US dollars. At the construction site, you will earn from 50 € per day or 100 150 kroons per hour.

There are small disadvantages of earning in the Czech Republic. Getting a visa to the Czech Republic is not easy enough. The difficulty lies in the lengthy processing and consideration of documents at the consulate. Therefore, more often people refuse to apply for such a visa and choose an easier way.

4. Scandinavian countries

Many foreigners are required for the seasonal picking of berries - lingonberries, blueberries and cloudberries.

You can earn up to 1.5 thousand euros per month in this industry. Another area of ​​work is work at shipyards for the repair and assembly of ships. Such vacancies are open in Finland, the Netherlands and Norway. Graduates and students of agricultural universities can go to Denmark to work on livestock farms.

Wage in this area is up to five thousand dollars. Sometimes the employer provides accommodation and meals.

5. Italy

The simplest vacancies that do not require special skills are cleaning, babysitting or caring.

You can earn up to 12 euros per hour cleaning the streets here. If you look after the sick and the elderly, you can earn up to a thousand euros a month. House cleaning is paid 800 euros, babysitting - 1200 euros, assistant cook - 1500 euros. Some vacancies offer free accommodation (nanny, nurse).

6. Thailand

For those who are afraid of the crisis in Europe, it is better to go to work in Asia.

In Thailand, it is easiest to find a job in the tourism sector. Guides, animators, nannies to work with Russian-speaking tourists are required. There are always vacancies for transfer and excursion guides. The work schedule is flexible. The average salary is 1.5 thousand dollars.

Sometimes the employer provides accommodation in a hotel in a room for several people. Finding accommodation on your own in Thailand is not difficult. The average cost of a room per month is about a hundred dollars.

7. Alaska

Foreigners are offered a highly paid, but physically hard work in Alaska. The level of salaries can reach up to 7.5 thousand dollars.

All overtime is paid on top. Accommodation in Alaska is rarely provided by the employer, so housing and food costs should be subtracted.

Fishing can earn up to three thousand dollars a month.

The desire to find high paying job quite understandable and natural. There is a problem in Russia: in places that are far from regional district centers, wages rarely rise above the minimum wage. And in some outbacks, it may not reach this minimum. To increase their income, Russians can go to work elsewhere.

Work for the state

There are regions in Russia where workers are in great demand. The state provides them with benefits and draws up the necessary packages of documents.

For example, people with good physical health are in demand in the North. Much of the work Siberia has to offer requires endurance. This is due, firstly, to the climate: summers in the North are short, winters are long, the sun rarely appears and warms little. Not every person can handle it. Secondly, with the state of medicine. There are competent doctors, but they are few, because there are not many people there at all. A person with a chronic disease that can suddenly flare up or with low immunity simply will not have anywhere to get help quickly if something happens.

People with a working specialty can also go there. Cooks, cleaners, plumbers, as well as doctors and people who know how to work with documentation are in demand. Drivers are always needed, moreover, those who know how to fix own car. Teachers can also easily get a job.

It is worth noting that families willingly take people to the North - it is believed that it is easier for a person who has close relatives to live in difficult conditions. But they try not to take young girls - the specifics are such that more men work, few women, and the authorities are afraid of possible troubles in the team.

Work in large companies

The best paid jobs are those held by people in large companies whose activities are related to the oil and gas industry. These include Gazprom and Surgutneftegaz. In the latter, the driver's earnings start from 40 thousand rubles. Employees who are involved in other areas can choose a position and an employer, guided by the rating of "100 Best Employers in Russia". We present the first five positions:

  1. SIBUR- leader of the Russian petrochemistry.
  2. PJSC Gazprom Neft is a well-known oil company.
  3. State Corporation Rosatom— association of enterprises of the nuclear industry.
  4. "MTS"- telecommunications company.
  5. "Norilsk Nickel" is a manufacturer of non-ferrous and precious metals.


All shift work usually takes place in the North. You have to travel by train, which is paid by the employer, and upon arrival at the place he will issue a form and provide housing. It is better to find out all the conditions in advance, because in case of refusal to work, you will have to pay a penalty and go back at your own expense. You can get to the North in different ways:

  • through the websites of interested companies. This is the easiest way. You can find companies on the Internet that may theoretically need workers, and look at the section with vacancies. If any of them are suitable, it is enough to send out your resume and wait for a response;
  • through friends. If someone is already working in the North, he can advise a well-paid job with adequate bosses, and tell the management itself about a person who is interested in coming.

You can still find private ads on sites dedicated to finding employees, but this is less safe than a large company. When hiring for an individual entrepreneur, it is imperative to conclude an agreement and communicate with those who have already worked for him in order to get an idea of ​​​​the conditions.

Going to the shift, you need to take the necessary tablets with you, if any. chronic illness, and drugs in case of sudden malaise (painkillers, antipyretics, anti-inflammatory, patches, hydrogen peroxide). You can grab something with which you can have fun (cards, board game, books, chess, tablet with movies and internet).

Be sure to take a supply of sweets, tea and cigarettes with you, even non-smokers - in the North it is a universal currency that can be exchanged for something or used to strengthen relationships with comrades. The general mood should be combative and positive. There is nothing to do without them on the watch.

Where to go to work abroad

  • Germany;
  • Czech;
  • Scandinavia;
  • China;
  • Canada;
  • Thailand;
  • Great Britain;
  • Alaska;
  • South Korea.

Going to another country is an idea for the brave in spirit, which usually attracts young people or those who are bored with gray everyday life.


The country is rich, English is spoken here, although not everywhere. Programmers, doctors, teachers and engineers are required exclusively with higher education and with five years of experience. Retirees are not welcome. But there is a big plus: a properly issued work visa allows you to move to permanent residence in two years.


Engineers, good doctors and programmers are required. The salary is high, but the standard of living requires significant spending. It is almost impossible to get a job without official permission. Invited employees, foreigners with a residence permit and some students are eligible for it. In most cases, a higher level of English proficiency is required.


For several years in a row, the number of popular professions that you can get legally includes:

  • driver;
  • security guard;
  • cook;
  • waiter;
  • welder.

The country also needs logistics workers and teachers. A Russian can work without a special permit if he has refugee status, has received a residence permit in the Czech Republic, or is a citizen of the EU and the EEA (or he is a family member of such a citizen).

IT workers are in great demand in the Czech Republic: if a citizen of the Russian Federation confirms his qualifications and nostrifies his education document, he will have a chance to get a well-paid job.


A good option for those who live in St. Petersburg. The laws are sparing, seasonal shift work is very popular, for example: picking strawberries on farms for three months. The conditions are difficult, there are age restrictions, but the pay is good.

You can also try to find a job in Norway. For example:

  • builder;
  • petroleum engineer;
  • health worker;
  • geo-engineer;
  • programmer;
  • waiter
  • an employee of a trading company.

If we talk about salaries, then qualified engineers (as of 2018) and programmers receive from 50 to 54 thousand kroons, and power engineers - up to 51 thousand. The work of workers in the service sector is paid less: a waiter receives up to 30,000 kroons.

In Sweden, the highest wages for doctors are 6-6.5 thousand euros, programmers - 4-5 thousand euros and university teachers - 4-5 thousand euros. Representatives of construction specialties will receive from 2 to 3 thousand euros, and service workers - from 2 to 2.5 thousand.


This country is famous for its good living conditions for migrants. As a rule, employers compensate for the cost of flights and pay for housing - in this regard, they are much more loyal than Europeans. Russians will find jobs in culture, telecommunications, engineering, education and IT. Especially, of course, qualified workers are in demand - doctors, financiers, representatives of the technical industry. Women of Slavic appearance can easily get a job as animators, dancers and even presenters.


When planning a move to this country, you need to understand that the list of professions in demand will be different depending on the region. Russians in Canada usually work as welders, truckers, masons, laborers and social workers. A girl can get a job as a nurse, waitress, salesman, maid or nanny. Russian nurses are very popular - at local prices they ask for a little. The advantage of such work is that it includes accommodation and can be easily combined with freelancing or working part-time. Medical or pedagogical education would be a significant advantage.


The tourism sector is well developed here and it is in it that workers are usually required. Efficient waiters, eloquent guides, people of creative professions - the employer does not care if he is Russian, Ukrainian, or Polish in front of him. However, keep in mind that the official language of Thailand is Thai, and not everyone speaks English here.

Great Britain

The salary here is very high, but you need a specialty and experience. Engineers and programmers are required. People without qualifications are not in demand. Any work (for the state or for a private trader) involves the conclusion of an agreement with the host, otherwise there is no need to talk about any legal entry.


Work on its territory is mainly connected with fishing. Therefore, the most demanded workers will be fish carcass splitters, product sorters and fishermen. If the first two can be both a man and a woman, then the stronger sex is mainly recruited for fishing. This is due to the specifics of the work: the fisherman must be hardy and strong. Due to the difficult working conditions, these qualities are decisive when applying for a job (that is, a qualification or diploma is not always required).

South Korea

You can go here on a rotational basis for harvesting or as a vegetable grower. In this case, meals and rent are paid by the employer, and in bad weather The employee will always have a day off. The salary of a shift worker starts from $90 per day.

Girls can get a job as a hostess in a restaurant or club. It is desirable, of course, knowledge of at least English - this will significantly increase the chances. Hostesses can earn up to $2,500 per month, excluding tips.

What kind of work can you get abroad

It all depends on the country (climate, main industries), region (province, regional center) and the field of activity of the Russian. Abroad, knowledge of the language is very important. If a person does not know him, then the opportunity to find a job drops significantly. Few employers want to have an employee with whom they can communicate solely with the help of an online translator or gestures: it wastes time, but the work is worth it. If a Russian speaks at least English, the way to many states opens up for him. He will be able to get a job in the service sector, and on a rotational basis. To work in a specialty, you usually also need the state language, as well as confirmation of a diploma.

No experience and/or qualifications

If there are no special skills, the choice is not very large. As a rule, these are seasonal harvesting jobs, employment in fish, meat processing plants and conveyor production. Men can work as builders, drivers, loaders. Women - cleaners, cooks, nannies.

Highly skilled workers

The presence of a specialty becomes an indisputable plus. So you can get a work visa, if you try. Workers with experience and qualifications can be invited by foreign employers, but if a Russian has a diploma and extensive experience in his field, he can try to get a job on his own:

  • engineer;
  • milling machine;
  • programmer;
  • doctor;
  • teacher.

In most cases, knowledge of the local language will be required, but the employer can pay for training.

Remember that all employers who promise high earnings abroad without official registration are either scammers or offer completely slave conditions. Therefore, a person who wants to earn good money, but does not have qualifications and does not know the language, is better to think about where to go to work in Russia.

You also need a passport and a visa to travel abroad. Without them, a visitor's stay in the country is simply illegal, and his chances of finding work abroad are also greatly reduced. Moreover, entering the country illegally, you can be deported. And legal work abroad is always more profitable.

How to find the right job abroad

You can find a job abroad on your own or with the help of an intermediary. The first option is more difficult, but more reliable.

With the help of agencies

Turning to agencies, you need to be careful, as there is a high chance of falling for a scammer and leaving for another country as an illegal immigrant. Cases of fraud are so frequent that the Federal Migration Service officially gave some advice to citizens wishing to work abroad. When contacting a company, you need to pay attention to:

  • license. Her number must begin with the numbers 152, otherwise the Migration Service would definitely not issue her. Access to the license must be provided upon request;
  • director's name. It must be listed on the FMS website;
  • services. The company you should contact should not only provide information, but help to conclude an agreement. If there is no contract, the deposit must be returned.

Can't believe:

  • people who promise a bet of $2000 in Europe, Ukraine or America;
  • companies that offer to pay for training first, and then start working.

You can not provide confidential information about yourself on the Internet or by phone, as well as contact companies that simply provide links to private ads.

You need to be extremely careful, otherwise you can stay in the European Union among foreigners living illegally. Although it is more likely that an unscrupulous company will simply take the money and give nothing in return, except for a bunch of old ads. Reviews can help you choose a good employer, but only if they were written by real people.

Independent job search

If you decide to do your own research, you can:

  • find friends who have already found work abroad and take advantage of their feedback. They will be able to advise either a trusted intermediary, or an adequate employer, or even help you get a job;
  • find an employer ad. You can search for them on the website of the embassy in the desired country - there will surely be a page with invitations.

Or you can browse the companies' websites directly. Pay attention not only to the required experience and branch of business, but also to whether knowledge of languages ​​is necessary.

Work abroad for women: how to find and get a job

A woman can find vacancies on Russian-speaking and foreign resources. Advertisements for hiring housewives, nurses and nannies in European countries are popular. Age is different everywhere, but Russian women are usually required from 21 to 40 years old. The language is not always needed, because sometimes people hire nannies for a child so that he practices Russian from childhood. In Turkey and Poland, you can get a job as a seamstress, but this will require education or experience in clothing industry. Hairdressers, makeup artists and manicurists are required in the UAE, Turkey and Poland. And for seasonal work, you can get a job in Finland, the same Poland and Sweden.

To get a job legally, you need to contact the employer (directly or through an intermediary) and discuss the conditions of flight and accommodation. He should also help resolve the visa issue by sending an official invitation to Russia. Remember that when moving abroad you need to have a valid passport.

Which countries should you not visit?

The ranking of countries with the lowest wages for migrants includes Belgium, Austria, Luxembourg, Greece, Sweden and France. For this reason, it is worth thinking carefully when moving there in order to earn money. However, statistics are not always the same for everyone. Some companies are willing to pay foreigners if they really know their business. So everything is individual.

It is difficult to find work abroad for Russians without knowledge of the language. For example, construction vacancies are filled instantly with guest workers from Asia and Africa. The language barrier is a major barrier to career development even in low paying positions.

Russians work abroad and get decent money on a shift as assemblers, plumbers, and welders. Here the main criterion is experience, and knowledge of the language fades into the background. Moreover, with the rotational method, specialists are selected on a national basis, Slavic brigades are completed.

Work for Russians in Europe with accommodation

1. A team of qualified masons in Hungary is required of 5 people. Work on a rotational basis for 6 months, full provision of accommodation and meals. Room for five people with shower and toilet. Delivery to the construction site by corporate transport. The salary is piecework, depends on the quantity and quality of masonry, but not less than 600 euros per month clean on hand. Flexible schedule, two days off. At the end of the shift, vacation allowance is paid.

2. A cook is required for a Russian-speaking family, work abroad, in England, the city of Bristol. Country house, accommodation in a guest house, private room with toilet and shower, there is a bidet. Cooking for 5 people, the ability to cook borscht, cabbage soup, pickle, pancakes and other dishes of Russian cuisine. Once a week cooking dinner for 8-10 people. The salary is paid weekly at the rate of 40 pounds per day.

3. Requires a driver of a heavy vehicle with international law for trips to Eastern Europe and occasionally to Russia. Age - not older than 50 years, work experience of at least 3 years. Knowledge of European languages ​​at the initial level is welcomed and paid an added bonus. An employment contract is signed, all conditions of employment are negotiated. A basic salary of 800 euros is paid plus a monthly 50% accident-free bonus. Accommodation is provided in a departmental hotel, a room for 2 people with all amenities.

Fresh vacancies for Russians abroad

1. A dairy yogurt factory in southern Spain is looking for sorters and packers. Work in shifts of 8 hours with an hour break for lunch. The worker is provided with overalls and clean linen when starting a shift. Young people from 18 to 30 years old are accepted, knowledge of the language is not required. The newly hired undergoes a week-long internship with the payment of benefits, and then starts working. The salary is paid 2 times a month. The total amount that is issued to the employee should not be less than 850 euros.

2. Working as a maid in France. A girl 20 - 35 years old is invited to the position of a maid. Responsibilities include cleaning rooms and laundry. Communication only in Russian, for the development of colloquial speech of younger family members. The house is located in the suburbs of Marseilles, a double room is provided for living in a service annex to the house. It has its own kitchen, toilet and bath. The salary is paid weekly in the amount of 300 euros, which is about 1200 euros per month. Free meals and specials clothes.

3. The repair of autobahns in Germany requires various qualified personnel for the repair and laying of the highway. Shift work, mostly at night. Basic knowledge required German language. It can be obtained by completing a 2-week accelerated course. The salary of a simple worker is 1000 euros, specialists who know how to operate road equipment receive from 2000 euros. All road workers are provided with free housing and hot meals. Rotational recruitment method, minimum period 2 months, maximum - 6 months.

Work abroad from a direct employer

Estonia: janitor-cleaner without qualification and no work experience. Salary from 5 euros per hour. Men and women are accepted. Resume to email [email protected]

Portugal: operator of looms. Salary from 600 euros. Employer mail: [email protected]

Czech Republic: operator for the production of plastic castings. Salary from 900 euros. HR mailbox [email protected]

Poland: machine operator for plastics processing. Salary up to PLN 4000. Contact Email: [email protected]

Slovenia: full-time joiner-carpenter with a minimum wage of 825 euros. Communication with the employer by mail [email protected]

Slovenia: master hairdresser with experience in haircuts and hairstyles. Salary is negotiable. Send resume by email [email protected]

Malta: Nanny for children over 3 years old, preferably with experience. Salary 170 euros per week. Mail to send resume: [email protected]

Cyprus: massage therapist with experience and knowledge of English. Salary from 900 euros per month. Mail to send resume: [email protected]

Iceland: care for the elderly and help with domestic problems. Experience is desirable. Mail: [email protected]

Romania: Demolition and demolition construction workers. Piecework payment. Write to mail: [email protected]

Reviews about work in Poland

1. Lydia: Let me share my experience of working in Poland. It is not suitable for everyone - only for girls and women who know how to sew on industrial sewing machines. For a long time I wanted to go to work abroad, but two reasons stopped me. The first was the fear of staying in a foreign country without protection, money and a passport. And the second is ignorance foreign language. Which of us, fifty years old, studied at least English in full at school and university? Only a few, because then it was not relevant. Therefore, when I saw an ad in the newspaper about hiring women for a garment factory, I called and signed up for a consultation. There were 9 people in our group, and 7 of us signed a contract of employment after consultation. Because we were presented with certificates and registration number agencies, shows the website and its pages in social networks, photos of the factory and dorm rooms. The contract was signed for 6 months. Everything was organized clearly - transport, accommodation in a hostel, acquaintance with the workplace in the shop. The first month was difficult - strangers, monotonous work on simple sewing operations, the inability to communicate in transport and in the store. But then new words and phrases were learned by heart - life forced them. So finding a job abroad without knowing the language is real. But only through official representatives.

2. Igor: Last year I decided to leave my comfort zone and went abroad to work in Poland. It is very difficult to find a job without knowing the language, it is very difficult to survive alone. My friend who lives in Krakow gave me the address of an office that recruits Russian-speaking workers. They offered a hard job, the kind that guest workers from Central Asia do here in Russia. He worked as a laborer, concrete worker, slinger for about 10 months, but he could no longer. Gradually learned the basics of Polish and got a job at McDonald's. He worked as a waiter, cleaner and loader. It was difficult, but gradually got used to it, began to speak fluent Polish. Now I work as a taxi driver, the earnings are not great, because the car is rented, but there is a prospect of earning decent money here.

3. Olga: I came to Poland on vacation, but the circumstances were such that I had to stay and look for work without knowing the language. I started by translating my resume into Polish and sending it out to job postings - mostly cleaning and washing dishes in restaurants. In one of the restaurants, they entered my position and took me to the washing up. They paid me 8 zlotys an hour (the standard wage for such work at that time) with the provision of a free lunch. There were no other foreigners in the team besides me, so pretty quickly I was able to start speaking Polish and new opportunities appeared to find a better paying job.

Review of work in Israel

Sergei: I myself live in Smolensk, a welder by profession, here I got a penny, and decided to go to Israel to work as a welder. On the Internet, through a recruitment agency, I was selected construction company with a team consisting of citizens of the CIS. The owner there is a Jew who left during the Soviet era.
There were fears that they would be deceived - the Jews, after all, but worried in vain. The salary is excellent, it cannot be compared with ours, I received about 2200 per month, if we translate into dollars, about 2200. A standardized day, the salary was given out on time, all safety standards were observed.
Everyone in Israel speaks Hebrew, and there are also many people who speak English. When you go out into the city, there are no big difficulties in communication. To buy something in a store or in the market - you explain yourself with the help of gestures. There was a funny case when, with a comrade, facial expressions and gestures, they showed the electronics seller that we needed wireless headphones. He tells us so calmly: "Guys, why are you puffing up, say what you need."

Feedback on work in London

Alexey: I had experience of working abroad, or rather in London. We were sent to practice from the university. I stayed there exactly one month, made good money, we were paid 30 pounds a day. But the trouble was different, I didn’t know English well, but I can read and write, but alas, I can’t speak. I got into such a ridiculous situation in the store, they asked me what to serve, and I was confused and did not even know what to answer. Said the first thing that came to mind, took his water and walked out. Learn English! This may be of use to you.

Feedback on work in Austria

Anna: I was offered a job in Austria as a trade manager, I doubted for a long time. The problem was the poor knowledge of the language. Nevertheless, I decided to take a chance, I signed a contract for 3 months, in order to understand mine or not during this time, if I like it, I will renew it. After the first month of work, I understood. that was not wrong. Housing, working conditions, employer relations, everything is excellent!
For those who do not know the language, a mentor was provided to help in adapting and learning the language. In a month I earned 1760 euros, which is excellent by our Russian standards. Fortunately, my contract was extended and they hinted at an increase in salary after 6 months of experience.

How to post your resume for foreign employers

Post your CV in different languages ​​on our website and receive job offers abroad. For this:

  • Send your application to the "Contact" form. We will translate it and publish it on the website.
  • Link to our site from your social page.

The desire to make good money is quite natural for all people. Russia is a huge country in terms of area, wages in different regions differ many times over. If wages in Moscow or Tyumen suit the majority of the population, then the same cannot be said about the inhabitants of Pskov, Tambov and many other regions. For those living in depressed regions, the best way to earn money more money– move to regions with high wages. But not all of our compatriots want to work in Russia, many of them basically want to go abroad to work. There, the average salary is much higher, and living conditions are much better. Quite often, after temporary earnings, a family is transported to the country and documents for permanent residence are issued.

Before making the final decision to go to work, you need to soberly assess your capabilities. Abroad, they pay not as much as you want, but how much you cost in the local labor market.

  1. Language skills. A big plus if you know the language of the country in which you work. Employers have little desire to waste time explaining your duties on the fingers. This takes them a lot of time, which in the end is paid by the worker himself. Accordingly, you should not count on a large salary without knowing the language. This applies to all professions, including highly paid ones.

  2. Availability of qualifications. In Russia, it is traditionally customary to value jacks of all trades. A completely different attitude to professional skills abroad. They believe that one should master one specialty, but thoroughly. Specialists who can do a lot, but do not do a single job professionally, are not respected in the West. For example, it is better to be a professional bricklayer with extensive practical experience than to understand a little about construction, cars and plumbing, but really do not know how to do anything.

  3. Floor. It is much more difficult for women not only to look for a well-paid job, but also to get a job in general. A cleaner, a farm worker, at best a nurse - this is the list of the most real employment that women can count on. It is easier for men, there is a large list of specialties that do not require a thorough knowledge of the language.

  4. Visa. If you are looking for a job in tourism, then you should not hope for high earnings. The employer takes risks by violating the laws of his country, and calculates money from the employee for the risk. Only an official work visa allows you to hope for an adequate salary.

When choosing a country, pay attention not only to salary, but also to the cost of living. This refers to food, accommodation, transport, medical services, etc. The general trend is that the higher the salary in the country, the more average cost life. This is often not mentioned at the time of signing the contract.

There are two ways to search for earnings: independent and with the help of specialized companies.

Searching for earnings with the help of companies

Currently, there are quite a lot of such companies, but not all of them work in the legal field. In connection with the increasing cases of fraud, the Federal Migration Service has developed a special document with practical advice.

What does the FMS advise to pay attention to?

Signs of a dishonest companyBrief description of actions
License numberAll licenses that are officially issued by the Federal Migration Service begin with the number 152, the next two indicate the year of issue, then the country is indicated, the last digits indicate the number of the license. For example, the official license number should look like this: 15215RF296. There are cases when a license is issued by the authorities of the regional migration service, then in the number the abbreviation RF is replaced by a two-digit code assigned to this territory. For example, the license number is 1521554210. The number 54 means the FMS region. If the company has other numbers, then they should not be trusted.
Company nameIf the founders of the company are individuals or various representations foreign companies then you can't contact them. These entities do not have the legal right to engage in employment on the territory of the Russian Federation. An exception is that some embassies advertise employment services on their websites, but you need to do this search and submission of documents yourself.
The site must clearly indicate the name and surname CEO and contact detailsAll information must be checked with the FMS Russian Federation or local branches.

One more caveat. If you are promised high salary unskilled worker, then these are scammers. Such workers receive no more than 1200-1500 dollars a month.

The company should not provide only information servicesThe task of official bona fide employment companies is to apply for a job in the chosen specialty with the signing of an agreement. You do not need to pay for the provision of information, the contract should contain a clause on the return of money in case of refusal to hire.

According to statistics, only 20% of companies provide legal employment services abroad, all the rest are scammers.

Independent search for earnings

There are two ways.

The first is that acquaintances who have been abroad for a long time find work. In this case, the problems with obtaining a visa must be solved independently. Try to have acquaintances send a request personally to you from the employer.

Secondly, on the websites of some embassies there is a list of free vacancies with official invitations from employers. For example, Canada has long been engaged in such employment, an application can be filled out on the website. It is allowed to submit several applications at once and wait for a response. This way of looking for earnings is the most reliable, completely safe and legal.

Which countries are best to go to work

Here the choice depends, first of all, on the knowledge of the language, and secondly, on the state of affairs with the labor force in these countries. If you speak English perfectly, then there is no point in going to Spain or France. Without knowledge of the language, you will receive much less, and this despite the fact that you work in one specialty. Each country reacts differently to foreign workers.

Comparison of the average salary in European countries
- 671 € - 441 € - 364 €
- 651 € - 426 € Macedonia - 353 €
- 566 € - 402 € - 332 €
- 541 € - 398 € Albania - 320 €
- 487 € - 377 € - 232 €
- 486 € - 370 € Moldova - 190 €


Willingly employs foreigners, but only legal ones. Keep in mind that Germans are very law-abiding citizens. If you manage to get a job illegally, then surely some neighbor or a simple passer-by will call the police and report a violation of the law.

Engineers of various fields are gladly accepted for legal work, medical workers, programmers. There are no big problems with the builders. The state strictly monitors the observance by employers of the rights of hired workers, nationality and country of arrival does not matter.

You can work on a special "blue" card, but it is issued only to specialists with higher education who have practical experience in their specialty for at least five years. The employer submitting the request must guarantee a minimum annual salary of at least 45,000 euros.

By the way, the “blue card” allows you to apply for a permanent residence permit after 33 months, if the knowledge of the German language meets the B1 level, you can get it after just 21 months of work.

Video - The whole truth about illegal work in Germany

Great Britain

Unskilled labor is not highly valued, and traveling without the certainty of being hired is a risky undertaking. Knowledge of the language is considered an important advantage. But it's worth a try, in England there are some of the highest salaries. Tangible problems with finding a job began after 2014, when restrictions on the employment of citizens of Romania and Bulgaria were lifted. Only a qualified specialist has a chance to get a work visa. You can get a job at a construction site or in the service sector only illegally.


The average salary level is 7.5 thousand dollars, in addition, overtime is paid extra. The work is physically demanding, and most often you will have to take care of living on your own. In the fishery, you can get about 3 thousand dollars. But there is one problem - it is difficult to issue. Although there are many examples when our compatriots work illegally on a tourist visa. The police in Alaska are loyal to such persons.

Alaska on Google Maps

Scandinavian countries

The easiest way to get a seasonal job is to collect forest gifts: mushrooms, cloudberries, cranberries, blueberries, etc. You can have 1.5 thousand euros a month clean. These jobs do not require any permits, you can go on an ordinary visa. Legally, you can get a job at shipyards with a salary of 3 thousand euros. But this is only if there is a work visa, and it is very difficult to obtain it.


Most often women leave here, for them there are many places for nurses, nannies, cleaners, etc. The salary is about 1000 euros, a lot depends on the region of the country and the ability to negotiate. It is difficult to get a work permit right away, but Italy, at the request of the Vatican, often legalizes illegal immigrants. The legalization process is very simple and covers almost everyone staying in Italy.

Chances of finding a decent job increase if you are fluent in Italian


The country is attractive for young Russians, it is easiest to find a job in the tourism sector. Required condition- you need to know perfectly not only the history of the country, but also architectural monuments, national traditions and English. It is needed even for those who plan to be a guide for Russian-speaking tourists. Before leaving for work, you should prepare. The average salary is 1.5 thousand dollars.

Working in Thailand is difficult and requires physical and mental effort.

Thailand on Google Maps


Russian girls can find work here. They are willingly taken to various show clubs and hotels. There are many vacancies for English teachers, but excellent knowledge of the subject is required. Incidentally, the document vocational education not required to have.

Video - How to find a job in China

Which jobs in which countries can you hope for?

In order to interest a responsible employer, you need to have solid practical experience in your specialty. Unskilled labor in all countries is much cheaper. True, often their low wages are higher than ours.

Name of classesWhere can I get a job and under what conditions

Such work can be found in countries with a developed tourism industry: Tunisia, Egypt, Spain, etc. You need to work at least six days a week with an irregular day. Proficiency in English is a must, additional knowledge of French and German is a significant advantage. Salary depending on the country 800-1000 dollars.

This is the name of the job of a nurse, housekeeper, nanny. There are vacancies in Italy, Germany, America, Canada. Advantages - the employer pays for housing and meals. Disadvantages - irregular working hours and a maximum of one day off. In some countries, such work can be obtained without a work visa. Pay up to $3,000

Waiters, cook assistants, dishwashers, office cleaners, etc. You can get such a job in Italy, Germany, England, Spain, and the Czech Republic. Salary up to 2 thousand dollars. Knowledge of the language at a conversational level is required.

Such people are expected in Poland, Denmark, Sweden, England. In order to earn normal money, you have to work 12 hours a day. Issues with accommodation and meals are decided by the employer. Piecework salary in the range of 2-3 thousand dollars.