What does a social worker do. Social worker and his duties. Applications from

If suddenly a person needed help social worker, then initially he should independently apply to the Social Assistance Center (SSC) at the place of residence.

List of required documents

When applying, you must have the following package of documents with you.

1. Passport and its copy.
2. A health certificate issued by a local doctor.
3. Certificate from the pension fund on receipt of a pension.
4. A document confirming the presence of a residence permit (a certificate indicating with whom and where the pensioner lives).
5. Certificate confirming disability, if any.

After all documents are confirmed, a social worker will be assigned to the applicant.

Participants of the Great Patriotic War and the disabled, as well as those equated to them, are accepted without a queue; people who live alone at the age of 80 (disabled people from 70); disabled people injured in the course of hostilities; single citizens recognized as disabled and deprived of support and third-party care.

Priorities include:

Single spouses of combat veterans, disabled veterans of the Great Patriotic War;
- victims of radiation exposure in connection with the Chernobyl tragedy, as well as those equated to them;
- Victims of political repression.

Beneficiaries living with a family will receive assistance from the social center only if the family members are recognized, have reached retirement age, or the needy is left alone for a long time.

List of required services

When applying to the CSP, a person signs an agreement on the provision of social assistance to him. The social service must guarantee the fulfillment of the following obligations:

1. Assistance in the repair and cleaning of housing.
2. Cooking and feeding.
3. Assistance in the delivery and purchase of food, manufactured goods and medicines (up to 4 kg).
4. Replenishment of water supplies, furnace firebox.
5. Delivery of clothes in need of dry cleaning and delivery back.
6. Assistance in paying utility bills.
7. Delivery of literature, assistance in writing letters.
8. Provision of social medical care.
9. Assistance in education and employment.
11. Assistance in organizing the funeral and paperwork for holding ritual services.
12. legal assistance- preparation of personal documentation.

If the needy has exacerbations, he goes to the hospital for a day, then the social worker is obliged to visit the patient twice a week. Also, if a person is bedridden and requires constant medical care, then the social assistance center is obliged to attach a person with a medical education to it.

The services listed above are included in the mandatory list of services provided by the social center. Everything that is required additionally is paid separately.

Care for a disabled person who has lost legal capacity will not be trusted to a minor. This work is considered hard. He will not allow the young man to get an education. Where to apply All payments related to the elderly are handled by the Pension Fund. You need to start by collecting a package of documents. Then, take everything to the local branch of the PF. The specialist at the reception will help you write an application, look at the documents. If there are comments, it will tell you how to redo it. For caring for the elderly, a person receives points towards a future pension in the amount of 1.8 per year. The most elderly pensioner and the person for whom the allowance is issued will have to go to the department. In this case, the presence of a minor is mandatory if a payment is made to him. Parents or guardians of a young person do not have the right to replace.

Benefits and payments to pensioners over 80 in 2018

The decision on the appointment of this social assistance is made by territorial body guardianship and guardianship, where the citizen himself or his representative will have to apply with a written application. Often, the receipt of this type of guardianship is accepted by the judicial authorities in the consideration of domestic and property disputes, primarily to ensure social guarantees elderly citizens who find themselves in a difficult life situation (for example, drinking children) and protect their property;

  • patronage is a type of partial guardianship.

It is carried out in relation to capable persons with reduced physical capabilities (old age, poor health) who need the help of a social worker. The decision to provide this kind social support accepted by the guardianship authorities on the basis of the conclusion medical commission and statements of the elderly person (his caregiver).

How to apply for a social worker to care for a pensioner?


After considering all aspects, the social service is obliged to inform the applicant about the results of the consideration of the application. In case of a positive decision, an appropriate agreement is concluded between the parties, within the framework of which a certain list of services will be provided;

  • often the care of aged parents over 80, often disabled, is taken over by their children.

As a rule, by this time the children themselves are often retired or forced to change jobs due to a changed situation in the family (parental illness).

Where to become a guardian However, Russian legislation quite clearly regulates the issues of caring for elderly parents. According to current regulations, only able-bodied citizens who do not work in other organizations can be engaged in care.

In addition, busy social work retired, the latter does not rely.

List of benefits and payments that are due to pensioners after 80 years

Pension increase The main income of an elderly person is income from the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR). There is a provision according to which this payment is increased.
But unfortunately, not all and not always. However, there are other benefits after the age of 80 that apply to all citizens of this category. As for pension payments, this should be sorted out.


They consist of a main (fixed part) and additional allowances. After the 80th anniversary, only the first part increases.

It is doubled. So, in 2018, the fixed piece is 4805.11 rubles. Consequently, pension accruals for the elderly will double and amount to 9610.22 rubles.

This allowance for citizens who have crossed the 80th anniversary is established only on a labor pension. The rule does not work if a person receives pension maintenance of a different nature.

Patronage for a pensioner over 80 years old

  • For young people aged 15 to 18, a certificate from educational institution about the course of study.
  • For teenagers from 14 to 15 years old:
  • the above certificate from the school;
  • written work permit:
  • one of the parents or guardian;
  • body of guardianship and guardianship;
  • a copy of the birth certificate (proves the fact of parenthood for the above document).

In some cases, other documents may be required. They are determined individually based on the specific situation. Making a decision on the appointment of a payment All the above-mentioned papers a specialist of the Pension Fund must check and accept. Applicants will receive a receipt for this. The state body is given ten working days to make a decision on the case.

What are the benefits for pensioners after 80 years in the world?

  • If the claims of persons are satisfied, payments are accrued from the month in which the appeal occurred. However, the allowance is not paid for the period when the person was not entitled to it (he worked or the elderly person was not yet 80 years old).
  • In case of refusal, the FIU specialist is obliged to notify the applicants, disclosing in detail the reason for the decision.
  • The amount of payment in 2018 is 1200 rubles. In the regions of the Far North and equated regions, a regional coefficient is applied.
  • In practice, it is often necessary to convey some other documents. Therefore, it is advisable for applicants to be interested in the progress of the case, so as not to be refused and not to start all over again. Other preferences for 80-year-old citizens In addition to the above cash payments, older citizens are provided with other types of support.

How to hire a social worker for a pensioner?

How to hire a social worker for a pensioner? It’s sad when a person in his old age has no one to even give a glass of water to: children and grandchildren have left or they don’t exist at all, and it’s hard for an elderly grandmother or grandfather to do basic things: go shopping, take out the trash, etc. In our country, older people The state helps in the person of social workers.

How to apply for a social worker to care for the elderly, who is entitled to assistance from the state, and in what cases can a pensioner be refused? Who is eligible for an aged care worker? The following categories of the elderly population can count on the help of social workers:

  • women over 55;
  • men over 60.

At the same time, the social worker is assigned to the person who lives in the apartment (house) on his own, he cannot take care of himself, move normally, is deprived of the support of relatives, friends and relatives.

403 forbidden

But they have certain limitations. Article 63 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation limits the age of citizens with whom an employment contract can be concluded to 16 years. And in our case, we are talking about official employment. In fact, the caregiver receives from the FIU wages. Download for viewing and printing: Article 64 Labor Code RF "Age from which the conclusion is allowed employment contract» In the legal framework, there is permission to employ young people from the age of 15 and even 14 in special cases.

But for them, a light labor regime is established. In addition, for 14-year-olds, permission to conclude a contract is required:

  • parent;
  • guardianship authorities.

In practice, it is quite possible to issue a care allowance for a student who celebrated his 14th birthday.

But for this you will have to collect additional papers.

Retirement after 80 years in Russia

After that, he will be offered to conclude a contract for the provision of services. It is concluded from the date of signing and is valid until the end of the calendar year.

It is important to keep in mind that if neither party notifies the other of the termination of the contract, then the document is automatically extended for another year. In the contract for the provision social services The following information must be included in the home:

  1. Date, contract number.
  2. Full name of the contractor (organization that provides services), as well as the client (pensioner: his full name)

    I. O., date of birth, address of residence, passport data).

  3. The subject of the contract is the acceptance of a client for service, the provision of social services in accordance with an individual plan.
  4. Obligations of the parties to the contract.

Care allowance for the elderly over 80 in 2018

According to the ministry, among the most popular social services are the purchase and delivery of food, industrial essential goods, medicines, water delivery (to houses that do not have a central water supply), payment for housing and communal services and communication services, psychological assistance. For those who have partially or completely lost the ability to self-service - sanitary and hygienic services, cooking, feeding, cleaning the premises. Also, a service to assist in teaching computer literacy at home has recently become popular. How much should a social worker be paid? Social services at home are provided free of charge or on the basis of partial or full payment.

In this document, the specialist enters the following information:

  1. Surname, name, patronymic of the pensioner.
  2. His address, phone number.
  3. Year of birth.
  4. Category of the client, number of his pension certificate.
  5. The amount of the pension.
  6. Passport data.
  7. Place of work before the client retired. Disability.
  8. Family composition, total income.
  9. Living conditions: satisfactory, unsatisfactory.
  10. The presence of close relatives, their place of residence.
  11. Conclusion of a specialist: the pensioner needs the help of a social worker or not.

If, after examining the living conditions of the pensioner, the conclusion states that he needs outside help, then the social security authority concludes an agreement with the pensioner or his legal representative for the provision of services.

Social worker for retirees over 80

For example, if the income of a ward is 10 thousand rubles a month, and the cost of living in the region is 9 thousand rubles, then such a pensioner should be provided with social assistance free of charge. In each region, officials can set their own standards for the provision of social services to pensioners.

In some cities, even those pensioners whose pension is above the subsistence level receive social worker services for free. We are talking about war veterans, honored workers of culture and art, honorary citizens of a city or country. How to hire a social worker for a pensioner? Of course, no one should and will not go door to door looking for pensioners to provide them with social services. Social workers come to the aid of only those people who themselves ask them about it. Moreover, the request must be made in writing.

On January 1, 2015, the law "On the Fundamentals of Social Services for Citizens in Russia" comes into force.

Under the new law, count on state aid will be able to people who have partially or completely lost the ability to serve themselves independently due to age, disability, illness.

This also includes families with a disabled child or a disabled person requiring constant care, people without a place to live and work, etc.

- cleaning in the apartment;

- Cooking;

- Employment assistance.

- poor people;

- minor children;

It provides for a number of major organizational changes in social policy our state. Thus, the law refers to a change in the role of social workers, who will not only provide household assistance to the elderly and single disabled people, but will also help them receive medical, educational and legal services.

Prepared by Natalia ZUBRITSKAYA. Photo Fotosight.ru

Therefore, many are concerned about the payment of social services for home care. Are employees following the law? social protection? Why are they taking full payment from one person, only half from his old neighbor, and serving a lonely old neighbor for free? In addition, the future is also worrying: prices are rising, probably, the tariffs for the same wet cleaning of an apartment, for heating a stove in a private house, for help in the garden will also rise?

In order for people to know their rights, we turned for clarification to Larisa Dmitrievna Pugacheva, Head of the Department for the Development of the Non-State Sector of Social Services of the Department of Labor and social development areas.

Social services for the elderly at home is a relatively new phenomenon for our country, which appeared after perestroika, and it did not immediately become paid. Let's tell you what conditions are now in place for the provision of social services to those who need them.

We have a federal law "On social services elderly and disabled citizens”, which was published in 1995. Then there was a government decree providing for the provision of services free of charge, on terms of partial, as well as full payment. The regional administration adopted its resolution on this matter. The last document that we are now guided by is the resolution of the administration of the Novosibirsk Region on the provision of free home and semi-stationary social services to elderly and disabled citizens, as well as on the terms of full and partial payment in institutions of social protection of the population of September 5, 2005. This resolution approved the Regulations on the procedure and conditions for the provision of social services.

Social services are provided free of charge to people who are not capable of self-care due to old age, illness, disability, who do not have relatives who can provide them with assistance and care, if the income of these citizens is below the subsistence level established in the Novosibirsk Region, as well as for disabled people and participants in the Great Patriotic War.

On the terms of partial payment, services are provided to single people or single married couples, as well as those who have relatives who cannot, for objective reasons, provide care for them, or live in families, on the condition that the average per capita income is from 100 to 150 percent of the subsistence minimum established by in our area. In this case, the amount of partial payment should not exceed 50 percent of the cost of services.

If the income of single citizens, or the average per capita income in families, exceeds 150 percent of the subsistence level, then the full cost is charged for social services, based on the tariffs for paid social services established in accordance with applicable law.

Tell me, who makes the decision to provide and pay for services for a particular person who finds it difficult to serve himself?

Bodies of social protection of the population at the place of residence. The elderly and the disabled should be familiar with the list and content of social services, with the conditions and rules for their provision, and they should also know the rules of conduct for social services at home. To be honest, when dealing with social workers, some people lose their sense of proportion. But a social worker is also a person. You can’t be rude to him or, for example, behave indecently in front of him.

An agreement of the established form is concluded with elderly citizens, disabled people or their legal representatives, which determines the types and volumes of services, the terms in which they must be provided, as well as the amount and procedure for their payment. When the provision of services begins, it is necessary to keep a log of their accounting. Once a month, actual services are calculated. If the income, subsistence level and other circumstances then change, the contracts may be amended, in particular, on the terms of payment, but at least twice a year.

In the letters we have cited, the fees for the services are assessed as high. What can you say about the tariffs for services?

The latest tariffs were approved in 2001.

Responsibilities of social workers: what's new? Questions and answers

One hour of housework for a social worker costs 6 rubles 78 kopecks. If the service takes only 10 minutes, you can calculate how much it will be. Delivery of a bucket of water to the house - 1 ruble 2 kopecks. Change of underwear for those who are unable to self-service - 1 ruble 42 kopecks. Hair washing - 1 ruble 90 kopecks. Purchase of essential industrial goods - 5 rubles 70 kopecks. This is if full payment, and if partial, then the price of the service is divided in half. In general, these are pennies. Pensions are now at the level of 2006, and the prices for services are still the same.

Do you intend to revise these tariffs for services?

We are calculating new rates. Before that, we had to prepare regulatory framework: about the standards for the provision of paid services, about the guaranteed list, and so on. With the entry into force of federal law No. 122, this work is entrusted to the subjects of the Federation.

By how much will the prices for services increase?

We can only speak tentatively now. For home-based services, prices, we believe, will rise slightly. Approximately 2.5 times, in accordance with the methodology for calculating prices for services. For example, the replacement of bed linen will cost 6 rubles. Assistance in cooking - 13 rubles. Assistance in paying for utilities cost 3 rubles 80 kopecks, which means that it will be about 9 rubles 50 kopecks. Tariffs must go through the approval stage, so we cannot say exactly when they will come into effect.

Life is changing, have new social services appeared, according to the new documents?

The basic services remain the same, but their volume has expanded based on needs. For example, the furnace firebox was laid earlier, and now - help in the furnace firebox. Help with cooking. To reduce the time spent on maintenance and to encourage the grandmothers to move themselves, do something for yourself. The social worker has lit the stove, and the grandmother is watching if she can. During this time, the social worker does other things. As a result of intensification, social workers can take on a larger workload: not 4 people, as before according to the standard, but 6-7.

Of the guaranteed services, some migrated to additional ones, which are provided for a fee to absolutely everyone. This is, for example, land cultivation. And then a social worker in the countryside often plows, and sows, and the beds fly, and water the garden. And the children and relatives of the ward sometimes live in the same territory, and this suits them perfectly.

Will the social worker help pickle the vegetables?

Yes, we have provided for such one-time services as the purchase of vegetables for long-term storage, canning. We also took into account the accompaniment for medical examination or for sanatorium-and-spa treatment outside the settlement. Even going to the theater can be facilitated by a social worker. This may not happen often, but for sure someone will want to.

“During the war, we were still children, but behaved like an adult. Didn't whine, didn't cry. I do not know of a single case where one of the children refused some kind of work, although, of course, it was hard. Now many of us home front workers have become disabled. Some go to help from social protection. And for this help they charge exorbitant fees for our pensions.
Varvara Zamoskovtseva. Suzun."

My grandfather and I are in our eighties. All my life I worked at the state farm: I have 43 years of experience, and he has 45 years. A social worker was sent to help us. First, she charged me 45 rubles for her services, then 85, then 102 rubles. She said, they say, we get a lot of pensions. But we live in countryside. We need firewood, we need coal. We no longer keep cattle, which means that all products are purchased. Yes, and medicines are expensive, and we can no longer live without them.
Please, write, is it necessary to pay money for social assistance to us in the household? In these doubts, I refused the social assistant, and I myself already have no strength,
Yes, and my grandfather is a visually impaired person of the first group.
Praskovya ZUBOVA. c. Krasnoselye Chanovsky district.

If you rely on a social worker
Visiting a doctor without a patient or calling a doctor at home -
6 rubles 17 kopecks.
Accompaniment to doctors of narrow specialties -
9 rubles 49 kopecks.
Delivery of analyzes to the laboratory - 4 rubles 75 kopecks.
Walk lasting up to 1 hour -
5 rubles 22 kopecks.
Help with special exercises
on the recommendation of a doctor - 3 rubles 39 kopecks.
Purchase and delivery of medicines and products medical purpose- 5 rubles 22 kopecks.
Accompanying to the appointment with the dentist and prosthetist -
9 rubles 49 kopecks.
Tariffs were approved in 2001.

Help in the garden
Assistance in the processing of a plot of up to 15 square meters. m.
and harvesting (tomatoes, potatoes, beets, onions, carrots)
Cultivation of land by hand - 5 rubles 64 kopecks.
Planting vegetables - 6 rubles 64 kopecks.
Weeding - 8 rubles 7 kopecks.
Loosening - 5 rubles 70 kopecks.
Watering - 5 rubles 70 kopecks.
Harvesting in the amount of 1 bucket of covered ground (tomatoes, cucumbers) - 95 kopecks.
The same from open ground (beets and other vegetables) -
1 ruble 90 kopecks.
Tariffs were approved in 2001.

From the new list approved
in 2005
Social and psychological services:
provision of individual socio-psychological assistance - conversation.
assistance to citizens entitled to social support measures in obtaining them;
assistance in employment of a disabled person in accordance with
with his physical abilities and mental abilities.
assistance in paperwork;
assistance with pension issues;
assistance in obtaining legal assistance
and other legal services.

On January 1, 2015, the law "On the Fundamentals of Social Services for Citizens in Russia" comes into force. It provides for a number of serious organizational changes in the social policy of our state.

Helping the sick and the elderly at home: what services should a social worker provide?

Thus, the law refers to a change in the role of social workers, who will not only provide household assistance to the elderly and single disabled people, but will also help them receive medical, educational and legal services.

According to the new law, people who have partially or completely lost the ability to serve themselves independently due to age, disability, or illness will be able to count on state assistance. This also includes families with a disabled child or a disabled person requiring constant care, people without a place to live and work, etc.

The scope of social workers also includes helping people with alcohol, drug or gambling addiction, people who have suffered from domestic violence. However, assistance can only be provided if requested by the victim.

The new law for the first time traces the principle of social support: from the prevention of the occurrence of difficult life circumstances to the withdrawal from the difficulties that have arisen. To implement this principle, individual programs will be drawn up, within the framework of which social psychologists and, if necessary, narcologists are planned to work in families.

For women who have experienced domestic violence, social workers will help them turn to closed crisis centers, where they will be protected from aggression by their husbands. Social workers will also be able to assist in finding a job or retraining a person.

The state plans to provide every social worker with road map» that is, a service delivery program. In fact, the duties of a social worker from 2015 will include the following set:

- purchase of medicines and products;

- cleaning in the apartment;

- Cooking;

- assistance in the provision of medical services;

- assistance in legal matters;

- help in social sphere(receipt of benefits, paperwork);

- Employment assistance.

Social assistance is provided free of charge:

- poor people;

- minor children;

- injured in emergency situations or armed conflicts. This list is not final and regional authorities have the right to supplement it at their own discretion.

The rest of the services are provided for a fee, and the prices in the regions will be scientifically calculated and differ from each other.

Under the new law, the user will have the right to choose the social service organization that he trusts more. The list of organizations (public and private) will be handed out to the user. Beforehand, local authorities will have to compile a register of all organizations providing services social character: comprehensive social service centers, recruitment agencies for nurses, patronage services, medical equipment stores, etc.

The Ministry of Labor believes that such a practice can spur private business in the social sphere. By 2018 in Russian Federation it is planned to increase the share of the non-state sector to at least 10%.

It provides for a number of serious organizational changes in the social policy of our state. Thus, the law refers to a change in the role of social workers, who will not only provide household assistance to the elderly and single disabled people, but will also help them receive medical, educational and legal services.

The new law provides for the provision of social assistance to people who have partially or completely lost the ability to serve themselves independently due to age, disability, or illness. This also includes families with a disabled child or a disabled person requiring constant care, people without a place to live and work, etc.

The scope of activities of social workers also includes helping people with alcohol, drug or gambling addiction, people who have suffered from domestic violence. However, assistance can only be provided if requested by the victim.

There are sisters of mercy who use their lives to cover the “weak points” of our society…

They come to those who find themselves alone with their illness and senile infirmity, whom relatives cannot or do not want to support. Sisters of Mercy of the Service for Helping the Needy work at the most difficult patronage addresses and one sister works at the Malachite Nursing Home (Yekaterinburg, Voter St., 137).

They come to those who are alone with their illness...

Who do the Sisters of Mercy of the Assistance Service for the Needy help?

Elderly and lonely people in need of social, household and material assistance, requiring patronage care at home
People who suddenly find themselves in a difficult life situation
The people living in the nursing home are 320 people, of which 175 are patients of the "Mercy" department (lying people with a variety of physical ailments), and about 40 people - of the "Youth" department (cerebral palsy, paralysis, neuropsychiatric diseases, senile infirmities, damage to the organs of vision, hearing, absence of limbs).

If it were not for these sisters of mercy, then old age would turn into a lonely and terrible expectation of death.

What are the sisters doing?

Caring for wards in serious condition during the working day to give relatives the opportunity to go to work
They help to cook dinner, eat, clean up, provide household assistance to the ward at the patronage address
At the request of the ward, they organize an arrival at the patronage address of a priest to perform the Sacraments of Confession and Communion, Unction
Specially trained sisters of mercy (catechists) help in the study of the Orthodox faith and preparation for the sacraments
Accompany the wards (go around the wards, help with feeding, accompany on walks, help get dressed and fasten warm clothes)
They provide emotional support, communicate, read aloud to the wards, listen and console. Spend the last hours of life with the dying
And, of course, pray for the wards!

“It is joyful when you can help not only in words, but in deeds. It is joyful when a new sister of mercy or a volunteer appears, and we can “cover up” some important patronage address. There are many joyful moments in this my favorite work! ”, - Tatyana Gendrievna Ananyina, head of the Assistance Service for the Needy.Meet!

Valentina Egorovna Polityko

“I feel sorry for the old people, like children. It is difficult to realize their psychological and physical insecurity. They are very different: old and young, believers and atheists, complex and simpler, but almost all of them are naive to the point of impossibility.

How to invite a social worker

I love them and want them to do well, as far as possible and useful for them, ” Valentina Yegorovna Polityko, nursing sister of mercy in a home for the elderly and disabled.

Nadezhda Nikolaevna Shemeleva

“I always go to work with joy. When you see that they are waiting for you, it becomes good in your soul. In addition, one must learn to sympathize with people and help them. I think a person should decide for himself whether he is looking for salvation, correction, life change, ” Nadezhda Nikolaevna Schemeleva, a patronage nurse who goes to the most difficult addresses.

Each sister of mercy has a very heavy load (mental and physical) and a great responsibility. Every day, seven sisters go out of their comfort zone towards the pain and despair of strangers, covering them with their care and attention. In order for these selfless sisters to carry out their difficult service, they need the support of those who also cannot remain indifferent to the fate of others.


The organization of medical care for the population of elderly and senile age is based on the following principles: 1) geriatric care should be an integral part of the general system of therapeutic and preventive measures; 2) it should be mass and accessible, since people of older age groups make up the majority of the working-age part of the population; 3) medical care should be as close as possible to the older population, which can be achieved by improving and developing outpatient services and organizing geriatric rooms, consultative geriatric and medical and social centers; 4) the district therapist should become the main figure in the process of managing geriatric patients and skillfully determine the tactics of treatment; 5) the whole complex of therapeutic measures should be directed not only to the treatment of the pathological process, but also to the maximum stimulation of the mobility of patients and the ability to self-service, "to labor reactivation"; 6) definition of specific organizational forms and the volume of medical care for the elderly should be carried out differentially, taking into account age, characteristics of settlement, the health status of patients and other factors.

Further development of medical care for the elderly and senile should follow the path of increasing the improvement of medical and preventive care and organizing a clear geriatric service in the field. To this end, first of all, it is necessary to improve the qualifications of medical workers in gerontology and geriatrics in higher and secondary medical institutions, institutes for the improvement of doctors, etc.

The leading role in servicing the elderly and senile population belongs to therapists. They account for half of all visits to such patients (53.3%). With age, the volume of medical care increases. So, if at the age of 60-64 visits to therapists accounted for 43.5% of all visits, then at the age of 80 years and older - 63.4%. Medical care at home is provided mainly by therapists (N.A.

What are the rights and obligations of a social worker caring for the elderly?

Vinogradov, 3. G. Revatskaya, 1972).

Thus, the issue of improving medical care for elderly and senile people is associated with improving the quality of therapeutic care, and, consequently, the qualifications of therapists in the field of geriatrics and gerontology. It should also provide for the organization of departments at large hospitals for long-term treatment with a complex of rehabilitation therapy. These departments can be bases for advanced training medical personnel and advisory geriatric centers. At the same time, in order to improve the treatment, preventive and social services for older patients, it is advisable to organize urban geriatric rooms as organizational, methodological and advisory centers and advisory geriatric appointments at polyclinics. Of great importance is also the strengthening of communication and expansion of contacts in the activities of health authorities and social security for guidance medical care in nursing homes.

Both at the first and second stages of development, it is important to carry out extensive sanitary and educational work among the population on the struggle for active longevity, on the role of the family and society in this. The introduction of the principles of geriatric deontology into the activities of all doctors is very important, since there are specific features in the relationship between medical workers and geriatric patients, between healthcare professionals and relatives of such patients.

The second stage in the development of geriatric care provides for the organization of a system of medical institutions and measures to serve older people.

Help for geriatric patients different types social services, from the point of view of gerohygienic and psychohygienic ideas, should be organized in such a way as to extend the opportunity for elderly and senile people to live at home. Life in a familiar environment, in constant communication, with relatives and friends is at a certain stage one of the main factors that maintain an elderly person's interest in the world around them and eliminate the feeling of isolation.

In recent months, due to a leg injury, it is difficult for me to leave the house ...

In recent months, due to a leg injury, it is difficult for me to leave the house. Neighbors go to the store and pharmacy at my request. My children live in another city and cannot come to me now. There are no other relatives left. I need the help of a social worker. I would like to know who is entitled to such a service and what is needed for this.

Elena Romantsova. Northern district.

As explained in the capital's mayor's office, in order to receive the help of a social worker, you need to apply to the district complex center or social service center. Within three days after that, the management of the center is obliged to conduct a commission survey of the material and living conditions of the applicant's residence, based on the results of which an act is drawn up. Then, with the written consent of the applicant, he requests an extract from the financial and personal account in the engineering service of the district, as well as a conclusion on the state of health and the absence of medical contraindications to social services at home from the clinic.


If there is no consent of the beneficiary, then he collects these documents on his own. Documents may be submitted in originals or certified copies.

The social worker must visit his or her ward at least twice a week, by agreement on a permanent basis or temporarily (for a period of one to six months).

The following beneficiaries can receive home assistance:

1. No queue

- invalids and participants of the Great Patriotic War and equated to them;

- single citizens over 80 years old and single disabled people over 70 years old;

- combat invalids;

— lonely and lonely living elderly and disabled citizens who are not able to live independently and take care of themselves and are deprived of outside care, help and support.

2. First of all

- spouses of the dead participants and invalids of the Great Patriotic War and veterans of military operations who have not remarried;

- citizens exposed to radiation due to a disaster at Chernobyl nuclear power plant and equated to them;

- rehabilitated persons and persons recognized as victims of political repression.

Please note: beneficiaries living in families receive social (socio-medical) services in the event that household members cannot provide them with assistance and care for objective reasons (according to Moscow Law No. city ​​of Moscow). For example, it can be a prolonged illness (more than one month), disability, retirement age, remoteness of residence from a citizen in need of care, frequent and long business trips, and other circumstances.

They can refuse social services if the beneficiary has a bacterio- or virus carrier, chronic alcoholism, quarantine infectious diseases , severe mental disorders, active forms of tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases or other diseases requiring treatment in specialized health care facilities (according to federal law No. 122-FZ of August 2, 1995 “On social services for the elderly and the disabled”).

The responsibilities of a social worker include:

– purchase and delivery for the ward of products, hot meals from neighboring houses trade enterprises, manufactured goods and medicines at his request. At the same time, the following rules for one-time delivery apply (according to the norms for maximum permissible loads when lifting and moving weights manually, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 105 of February 6, 93): for one person - no more than 4 kg, for a family of two - no more than 6 kg, for a family of three - no more than 9 kg;

- cooking (warming up food, peeling raw vegetables, cutting bread, sausages, boiling a kettle), feeding;

- assistance in repair and cleaning the apartment;

— delivery of water, heating of stoves, assistance in buying fuel (for those living in houses without central heating and (or) water supply);

– delivery of things for washing, dry cleaning, repair and their return delivery;

- payment for housing and utilities (taking meter readings, filling out receipts, visiting housing and communal services organizations, unified cash settlement centers, making payments);

– assistance in writing letters, as well as the delivery of books, the purchase of newspapers and magazines, the registration of subscriptions to newspapers and magazines;

– assistance in ordering a “social taxi” (a special taxi at a reduced rate for beneficiaries), as well as in visiting theaters, exhibitions and other cultural events;

— socio-medical and sanitary-hygienic care (care taking into account the state of health; assistance in conducting a medical and social examination, if necessary - in hospitalization, visits to the hospital, accompaniment to medical institutions; psychological support; assistance in obtaining vouchers for a sanatorium - spa treatment (including preferential treatment), as well as denture and prosthetic and orthopedic services);

– legal services (assistance in the preparation of documents, excluding cases of execution of documents affecting the interests of third parties; assistance in obtaining benefits, free help a lawyer, pensions and other social benefits, including the preparation of documents for the refusal of the "social package" in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;

– execution of documents for the provision of funeral services to deceased single citizens or assistance in organizing the funeral of their disabled relatives;

Additional services provided by specialized home care units (social and medical care at home): health monitoring; emergency first aid; performance medical procedures, dressings, injections as prescribed by the attending physician; feeding debilitated patients (according to the Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 215-PP of 03.24.09).