Occupation specialist in social work description. Social worker. Requirements for the professional qualities of a specialist

Job functions specialist in social work, as a rule, the institution prescribes in the job description. This document helps the employer to specify the scope of duties, and the employee to better understand what is required of him in the workplace. What information should be in the job description of a social work specialist, we will understand in the article.

Sample job description for a social worker

1. General Provisions

  1. A social work specialist is included in the category of specialists, reports to ______________, is hired and dismissed by order of the institution's management.
  2. A person with a higher or secondary special education in the specialty "Social Protection" or with a similar education and retraining in the course "Social Protection" can be accepted for this position. There are no work experience requirements.
  3. During the performance of their labor tasks, the employee must rely on:
    • legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of its activity (norms of family, criminal, civil law);
    • methodological documentation in their field;
    • the charter of the institution;
    • administrative documentation of the management of the institution;
    • internal labor regulations;
    • labor protection standards;
    • fire safety requirements;
    • present document.
  4. An employee hired as a social work specialist must know:
    • legal documentation and other documents of higher departments regulating work in the field of social services, state family policy;
    • topical social methods development of the region;
    • methods and specifics of social work with families and individuals various categories and social strata in difficult living conditions;
    • basic provisions of personality psychology, family and developmental psychology, rules for helping the disabled, pensioners;
    • leading experience in social work, both Russian and foreign;
    • national features and traditions of their region;
    • foundations of sociology;
    • rules for working with computers.
  5. During the absence this employee at his workplace, his duties and powers are transferred to another employee appointed by the management of the institution.
  6. The social worker has __________ under his supervision.

2. Job responsibilities

The Social Work Specialist has the following job responsibilities:

  1. To find citizens and families in the area of ​​their work, who are in a difficult life situation, to compile a database.
  2. Find out the reasons for their being in a difficult life situation, decide what amounts of social assistance they need, and facilitate the provision of this assistance to them.
  3. Develop a "social passport" of the territory in the area of ​​their work, study the needs of families and citizens living on it in social assistance and services.
  4. Conduct social patronage of disabled people and participants in the Second World War, citizens affected by military operations, lonely elderly people, families with disabled children, orphans.
  5. Help to form a package of documents for the acceptance of the above citizens for temporary or permanent social services, for the purpose of guardianship and guardianship.
  6. Provide all applicants with advice on social issues.
  7. Participate in activities to form and improve family and social policy in their region, on the preparation and implementation of regional social programs.
  8. Provide assistance to educational, internal affairs, health authorities in their professional field.
  9. Participate in the activities of methodological associations of social workers.
  10. Contact with various institutions (state, religious, public) on the provision of social assistance to citizens and families in need of it.
  11. Helping people find jobs and unlock their potential.
  12. Help in the formation of clubs and circles, associations of families of interest, self-help groups.
  13. Participate in cultural events for families and citizens served.
  14. Form, maintain and store properly the necessary documentation.

3. Rights

An employee in the position of social work specialist has the following rights:

  1. Suggest actions to improve the work related to the items in this job description.
  2. Request and learn everything Required documents required to do their job.
  3. Raise in in due course your qualification.
  4. Demand assistance from superiors in the performance of their job functions.
  5. Participate in the resolution of labor protection and other issues in your institution.
  6. Other rights guaranteed by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4. Responsibility

An employee hired as a social work specialist is responsible for:

  1. For the improper performance of their work tasks as specified in this document - within the provisions of the current labor law RF.
  2. For causing material harm to the employer - in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
  3. For crimes in the workplace - within the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.


Useful information

The following information may be useful when creating a job description:

  1. Drafting job descriptions for this specialist, you can use the professional standard "Specialist in social work". The document was approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of October 22, 2013 No. 571n and contains an extensive description of the labor tasks for such an employee, as well as requirements for work experience and education. From the professional standard, you can write out all the necessary job responsibilities.
  2. Employees of the legal department, personnel, clerks are involved in the preparation of the document in the institution. You can also consult with the social worker's immediate supervisor or department head.
  3. The paper is signed by the employees with whom it was agreed (usually lawyers) and the head of the institution. He signs and puts a date on the document in the column "I approve". A social work specialist, when accepted for a position, also puts his signature, thereby confirming that he has read the instruction and agrees with it. From this moment the action of the document begins.
  4. The job description is prepared and signed in two copies. AT personnel department one of them is sent, the second is handed over to the worker. Therefore, it is more expedient to store paper at the workplace, if necessary, referring to the information in it.
  5. Labor legislation does not oblige employers to have job descriptions, however, Rostrud often raises the topic of the importance of this document in its letters. It can be used in courts, so most employers, and even more so budget institutions make them mandatory.

Important! Usage job descriptions must be written in local regulations institutions.

What information should be in the document

Universal sample this document for the position of social work specialist does not exist. Each institution forms its own document depending on the scope of the employee's responsibilities and the number of similar staff positions between which these responsibilities can be divided. However, any instruction always has basic sections and additional ones. Let us briefly describe the essence of the main sections.

General provisions of the document

In this part, as the title implies, they describe only in in general terms requirements for a social work specialist: to whom he reports in an institution, who has the right to fire him, what education he should have. It is also necessary to describe in general terms what knowledge he will need to carry out his tasks. official duties.

In some cases, you can prescribe professionally important qualities. A person in this position must have a high level of empathy, be stress-resistant, and be able to communicate with different social strata of the population.

Job responsibilities of an employee

Work tasks should always correspond to the knowledge and skills listed in the section above. The range of duties traditionally includes assistance to vulnerable segments of the population, identifying such citizens and families, compiling a list of such persons. This section must be written specifically enough so that after reading it, the employee immediately understands what exactly he will do in the institution, and also so that both parties avoid further misunderstanding.


The rights of a social work specialist are standard, as for most positions. These are the rights to receive necessary information and documents, guarantees from the state, participate in resolving issues related to the activities of the institution, receive assistance from management and other employees.

Employee Responsibility

It is impossible to describe the punishment for each misconduct, since the decision on responsibility is made on a case-by-case basis. Indicate only general views violations ( material damage, incorrect performance of official duties), and punishments are described in general terms: “within the framework of the current legislation of the Russian Federation”.

Of the additional sections, one can name "Evaluation of activities", "Working conditions", "Interaction in the institution". They are included at the discretion of the employer.

Note! The document is printed on an A4 sheet with the details of the institution. There must be a mark on the approval of the document by the head. The paper must be completed by the signatures of the head of the social work specialist, who coordinates the instructions of the employee and the specialist himself.


A social work specialist provides and organizes material and domestic assistance and moral and legal support to disabled people, lonely elderly people, mothers of many children, orphans, people suffering from serious illnesses, alcoholics and drug addicts, as well as other distressed citizens who are in a state of mental depression in connection with environmental disasters, interethnic conflicts and wars, the loss of loved ones, family, housing, work, faith in one's strength and future.

Identifies citizens in need of social services, determines the nature and extent of the necessary assistance (housing repairs, provision of fuel, clothes, food, etc.), and also facilitates hospitalization in medical institutions, acceptance for service by non-stationary and stationary institutions of bodies social protection population, advises on obtaining additional benefits and benefits. Works with disadvantaged families. Develops a program of rehabilitation measures. Participates in the preparation of the necessary documents, seeks the adoption of decisions that meet the law in official instances. Coordinates the efforts of various state and public structures.

He strives to bring the lifestyle of his wards as close as possible to the conditions and norms that are usual for healthy and prosperous people. To this end, it gives Special attention clarification of the desires and opportunities for a person to participate in feasible work according to an existing profession or readiness for professional retraining, professional development.

Social worker at the direction of a social work specialist technical functions: purchase and delivery of food, medicines, delivery of things to the laundry, dry cleaning, first aid (measurement of temperature, application of mustard plasters, etc.), as well as assistance in cleaning the premises, eating, processing the backyard, etc. If necessary, takes over some of these functions.

He works with people, conducts conversations, observes the life and life of his wards.

The work of a social work specialist is charged for grades 7-11, and for a social worker - for grades 3-5. A social work specialist may be appointed (elected) to the senior position of the director or deputy director of a nursing home for the elderly and disabled with a rating of 15-18 categories.

Work specified workers can be specialized according to age, social, medical criteria (servicing children and adolescents, the elderly, the unemployed, the homeless, the blind, the deaf, etc.).

It is possible to organize non-governmental structures of social rehabilitation and labor orientation, functioning on a self-supporting and sponsored basis.


It is necessary to be aware of social, humanitarian and moral issues, to show interest in ethics, law, sociology, medicine, economics, vocational counseling, employment.


· Integrity, honesty and disinterestedness;

· high level of empathy;

· purposefulness;

strong will;

hard work;

· observation,

· emotional and volitional stability;

· calm and pleasant tone of voice.


· diseases of the cardiovascular system,

· neuropsychiatric diseases;

· other ailments that reduce overall performance and balance in communication, actions, etc.

5. RELATED PROFESSIONS (specialties)

Educator in a hostel, boarding school, service staff in hospitals, teaching work.

6. Education

The training of specialists in social work is carried out in universities, social workers - in secondary specialized educational institutions.

Professional qualities of a specialist

The professional activity of a social work specialist is determined by the following functions:

diagnostic - a specialist studies the characteristics of groups of people or an individual, determines the influence of the microenvironment on them, puts a "social diagnosis";

prognostic - a specialist predicts the development of processes in which groups of people and individuals find themselves, develops models of their social behavior;

human rights - a specialist uses laws and legal acts that are aimed at providing assistance to the population, its protection;

Organizational - a specialist contributes to the organization of social services, attracts public assistants to their work;

preventive-preventive - a specialist uses legal, psychological, medical, pedagogical and other mechanisms to prevent negative phenomena in groups and society;

socio-medical - a specialist is engaged in the prevention of diseases, uses first aid skills, helps prepare young people for family life, engaged in occupational therapy;

socio-pedagogical - a specialist identifies the interests and needs of clients in different types activities (cultural and leisure, artistic creativity, sports and health) and attracts relevant specialists and institutions to work with them;

psychological – social – worker contributes social adaptation and social rehabilitation for those in need, advises on interpersonal relationships;

social and domestic - a specialist helps in helping the disabled, the elderly, young families and others in improving living conditions, in solving housing problems;

Communicative - the specialist establishes contact with clients, organizes the exchange of information, develops a unified strategy for the interaction of all participants in resolving the problems of those in need.

By carrying out these various professional features, a social work specialist uses certain approaches in solving client problems:

ü an educational approach, when a specialist acts as a teacher or an expert and gives advice, teaches the skills of his clients;

ü a facilitation approach, in which the specialist plays the role of an assistant or mediator, interprets the behavior of clients, discusses alternative directions in their activities;

ü advocacy approach, when a specialist acts as a lawyer on behalf of a particular client or group of people and puts forward enhanced arguments in favor of the client.

In the implementation of these approaches, social workers are given confidence by knowledge and experience, legalized authority, status and reputation, charismatic data and personal attractiveness, possession of information.

Knowledge and experience

Knowledge and experience are acquired in the process of study and life practice of a specialist. Knowledge and experience are applied in interpersonal relationships. Ability to interview, provide support, establish feedback, to mediate allow the specialist to achieve changes in the behavior of clients.

Knowledge and experience are necessary in a differentiated approach to clients, when a specialist determines their abilities and interests at various stages life path, in various crisis states. The skills and experience of specialists are used in managing the activities of social services, recruiting personnel and choosing the necessary technologies.

Knowledge, skills and experience of specialists are in demand in the specialization:

· some work in the direction of helping the poor;

Others - in the field of crime prevention;

third - in the direction of support for the disabled and the elderly;

fourth - in work with children and families.

The knowledge and skills of a specialist are necessary for his orientation in the problems of modeling and forecasting the development prospects social systems, groups and society. Clients benefit from the knowledge of a specialist in sources and supply systems social services population, as well as its knowledge of the specifics of the activities of social institutions (schools, hospitals, public services).

Legal powers

The position of a social worker has been legalized in Russia since 1991 with the introduction of the corresponding profession. His legitimate powers increase the credibility and trust of customers.

Status and reputation

The status of a social worker is a reflection of his position in society. It largely depends on the policy of the state.

The reputation of a social worker develops in the process of his interaction with environment. First of all, it depends on the specialist himself, his personal qualities and professionalism. The more people are convinced of deep knowledge, rich life experience social worker, his attentiveness and benevolence to people, the higher his reputation.

Charismatic Data and Personal Attractiveness

The reputation of some social workers is greatly enhanced by their attractiveness to others, charm, and even their charismatic features. The personal attractiveness of specialists enhances its positive impact on people.

Charismatic features (rare giftedness of a person with talents from nature) contribute to the promotion of a specialist to higher positions on the career ladder, acquiring a higher status in society.

Information Possession

The problems of people who find themselves in a difficult life situation are aggravated due to the lack of reliable and complete information about them. Therefore, the awareness of a social work specialist is highly valued, which disposes clients and instills confidence in his competence.

Requirements to professional qualities specialist

So, summarizing the idea of ​​the professional qualities of a specialist, it is necessary to clearly formulate the requirements for a professional.

The specialist must:

ü have knowledge in various fields of psychology, pedagogy, physiology, economics, medicine, legislation, computer science, etc., that is, have good professional training;

ü have a high general culture, which implies knowledge in the field of literature, music, painting, etc.;

ü to have information about the political and socio-economic life modern society, have state awareness social groups population;

to foresee the consequences of one's actions, to firmly implement one's position;

ü have social adaptability in working with different groups the population (teenagers, women, the disabled, the elderly, etc.);

ü possess professional tact, observe professional secrecy, delicacy in matters of personal life of clients;

ü have emotional stability, be ready for mental overload, be able to make the right decisions in unexpected situations;

ü must be dedicated to his work, must maintain high standards of his professional conduct.

Personal qualities of a specialist

Social work has been and remains one of the most difficult professional activities. Not every person is suitable for social work. Only one is suitable for whom the idea of ​​the absolute value of each person passes from the category of a philosophical concept to the category of a basic psychological conviction as the basis of orientation values.

The personal qualities of a social worker can be divided into three groups.

The first group includes psychophysiological characteristics, on which a person's ability to this species activities. Among them are those that reflect mental processes (memory, perception, imagination, thinking), mental state (apathy, anxiety, depression), emotional and volitional manifestations (restraint, perseverance, consistency, impulsivity). They must meet the requirements for the professional activities of a social worker.

The second group includes psychological qualities that characterize a social worker as a person, among them: self-control, self-criticism, self-assessment of one's actions, physical fitness, self-hypnosis, the ability to control one's emotions.

The third group includes psychological qualities on which the effect of the personal charm of a social worker depends. Among them: sociability (the ability to quickly establish contact with people), empathy (capturing the mood of people, empathy with their needs), attractiveness (external attractiveness), eloquence (the ability to convince with a word), etc.

The main directions of training specialists in social work in Russia and abroad.

Charitable organizations played an important role in the opening of the first educational institutions that trained social workers. Thus, in 1896, the Society for the Organization of Charity opened courses for the training of such specialists in England. Almost at the same time, similar courses were opened in Germany. Charity organisations, operating in New York and Chicago, stood at the origins of the training of social workers in the United States. Here, in 1898, the New York School of Philanthropy was founded, which later became the Columbia University School of Social Work.

Schools in New York and later in Chicago provided one-year training for social workers in helping those in need.

The Institute for the Development of Social Welfare in Amsterdam, opened in 1899, was the world's first institute for the training of social workers, whose training was designed for two goals.

In the 20th century, the number of vocational schools increased significantly, especially in the 1930s. In 1928, the first school of social work was opened in Italy, in 1930 - in Belgium, Norway, Chile.

In the 1930s, the number of countries that trained social workers continued to grow. These included Spain (1932), Israel (1934), Ireland (1934), Luxembourg (1935), Portugal (1935), Greece (1937), Denmark (1937). ), India (1936).

Currently, for example, in the United States, more than four hundred universities and colleges train social workers at three levels - bachelors (4 years), masters (6 years), doctors (8 years).

In the UK, secondary school graduates can complete four-year courses and receive the title of Bachelor of Social Work, graduates of higher educational institutions - two-year courses and a year of postgraduate studies, those who have not completed higher educational establishments- two-year and three-year courses.

In Germany, the training of social workers is carried out by universities and colleges, where secondary school graduates study in programs up to four years.

As a profession, social work has existed in Russia since 1991, when additions were made to the Qualification Directory for the positions of managers, specialists and employees of the Ministry of Labor in the USSR. Five new positions have been introduced: social worker, organizing teacher, social teacher, head of the department of social assistance at home for single disabled citizens, social work specialist.

By the early 1990s, it became obvious that the Soviet system of social protection was ineffective. There was a need to replace it with professional assistance to those in need, which has shown its effectiveness in many countries around the world.

The training of social workers is carried out by lyceums, colleges, technical schools, schools, social work specialists - universities (bachelors - 4 years, specialists - 5 years, masters - 6 years).

1. What is the name of the work and what does it consist of? The name of the job, specialty, profession, position, possible workplace - a description of the essential characteristics and specific features of labor.

Social work- this is professional activity to provide assistance and support to people, the purpose of which is to assist people and groups who find themselves in difficult life situations in overcoming personal and social difficulties through support, protection, correction and rehabilitation.

Modern social work is carried out mainly by an extensive network of state social services. It includes many directions and areas, such as: social Security, social insurance, social prevention, social rehabilitation, adaptation, therapy, counseling.

social work specialist- an employee providing services to various social, gender and age, ethnic groups of the population and individuals in need of social assistance, protection and psychological support.

The profession "specialist in social work" has the following specializations: social worker; social worker of the employment service; professional consultant. The work of these workers can be specialized according to age, social, medical criteria (servicing children and adolescents, the elderly, the unemployed, the homeless, the blind, the deaf, etc.).

The profession belongs to the type: "Man - Man", it is focused on communication and interaction with people. This requires the ability to install and maintain business contacts, to understand people and understand human relationships, to be active, sociability and contact, to have developed speech abilities and verbal thinking, to have emotional stability.

An additional type of profession: "Man - Nature", since it is associated with the care and care of living people, with the prevention and treatment of diseases. This requires a high level of development of observation, mindfulness, physical endurance, inclination and interest in working with people who need help and care.

2. What is the effectiveness and purpose of the work (what is being done and for what purpose)? The purpose of the work: products, services; value of the work: the value and importance of the products or services provided for the enterprise and for the whole country.

The activities of a social work specialist include the provision of material and domestic assistance and moral and legal support to disabled people, lonely elderly people, mothers of many children, orphans, people suffering from serious illnesses, alcoholics and drug addicts, distressed citizens who are in a state of depression due to environmental catastrophes, interethnic conflicts and wars, the loss of loved ones.

The areas of professional activity of a social work specialist are the social protection system, employment services at the federal, republican, regional levels, as well as local enterprises, institutions and organizations of social assistance to the population, state and non-state institutions, territorial centers and social assistance funds.

A social work specialist fulfills clear, clearly formulated goals, solves standard, typical tasks.

The main goals of social work as a professional activity include the following:

Increasing the degree of independence of individuals, their ability to control their lives and more effectively resolve emerging problems;

Creation of conditions in which individuals can show their capabilities to the maximum extent and receive everything that they are entitled to by law;

Adaptation or readaptation of people in society;

Creation of conditions under which a person, despite physical injury, mental breakdown or life crisis, can live, maintaining self-esteem and self-respect from others;

And How final goal- achievement of such a result when the client does not need the help of a social worker.

3. What is the subject of labor (what is it made of, on what, with what and with whom do they work)? Material, raw materials, semi-finished products, intangible sources - information, written data and documents; finance, maintenance, provision of services - ancillary activities.

A social work specialist provides assistance and support to unprotected socially vulnerable categories of the population in need of social support assistance, maintenance and protection. The clients of social workers are:

children and young people: children left without parental care; children with special needs; children living with HIV; children and young people at legal risk or in conflict with the law; pupils and graduates of children's institutional institutions; students and graduates of specialized educational and educational institutions; neglected children; children who have experienced cruel or neglected treatment, witnesses of violence; children involved in trafficking, the worst forms of labor and exploitation of all kinds; children affected by natural disasters, armed conflicts and others;

families and women: low-income families, families with many children, families with one parent, families with a family member with HIV, families with a family member with special needs, families in crisis situation(survivors of the death of a member, divorce, conflicts, domestic violence, migration, etc.); families affected by natural disasters, armed conflicts; foster and adoptive families and others;

People with disabilities and their families;

Lonely elderly people in need of social support;

People who are in a difficult life situation: those who survived the death or serious illness of loved ones, who have chronic diseases who have lost their jobs, housing and others;

People living with HIV;

People with alcohol and/or drug addiction;

People who have left penitentiary institutions and/or are serving sentences in closed institutions;

Refugees and others

4. How is the work done (how is it done)? Technological process, labor process, operations, task.

The specifics of social work activities are determined by the specific conditions of the workplace.

In charge social work specialist mainly include:

Receiving and providing information at the request of citizens (social assistance, protection, employment, vocational guidance, vocational training, advanced training, psychological support);

Conducting consultations on legal matters(registration of guardianship, adoption, deprivation of parental rights, pension provision, issues of employment, employment) and execution of relevant documents;

Participation in the resolution of controversial issues (labor, housing, violation of the rights of mothers, pensioners, etc.), the development and implementation of programs for medical and social adaptation and rehabilitation of disabled citizens;

Identification and registration of social payments, hospitalization in medical institutions, acceptance of needy categories of citizens for service.

Social worker Serves assigned to him persons in need of assistance, from 8 to 16 people.

At the direction of a social work specialist, he performs technical functions: visits the wards at the place of residence, provides them with moral support, provides each with food and medicine at his request according to a pre-compiled and agreed list, pays utilities, delivers things to the laundry, the dry cleaner receives pensions and benefits accrued in the name of the ward.

Helps around the house: cleans and redecorating apartments, if necessary, prepares food, feeds the ward, processing the personal plot, etc.

In case of illness of the ward, he provides him with emergency pre-medical medical care(measuring temperature, applying mustard plasters, etc.). Calls a doctor at home, accompanies to an appointment at the clinic. In case of hospitalization of the ward visits him in the hospital.

At the request of the ward writes letters, makes phone calls relatives, as well as other issues faced by lonely, elderly and sick people.

5. On the basis of what is the work being done (on what basis is this being done)? Reasons for performing work: production documentation, instructions, detailed technological instructions, plans, calculations; indirect information, instructions, descriptions, orders.

The work of a social worker has a clearly defined character and is carried out in accordance with the current:

official duties;

Legislative and regulatory legal acts;

Decrees, orders, orders;

professional ethics,

The profession belongs to the class of performing, it is associated with the execution of decisions, work according to a given model, compliance with existing rules and regulations, following instructions. According to the given standards, rules and algorithms, a social work specialist performs the tasks set by other people. Work requires organization, diligence, the ability to deal with specific cases.

6. What are the criteria for evaluating the results of labor (on the basis of which the quality and efficiency of labor are evaluated)? Evaluation criteria, norms, time limit, qualification grades.

As a result of the activities of a social work specialist and the existence of an institution of professional social work, the following results are achievable:

Decision or decline social problems existing in society (problems related to families, children, young people, the elderly, people with disabilities, HIV, alcohol and drug addiction and the problems of others who need help, protection and support);

Prevention of various kinds of social problems;

Economic feasibility and benefit of investing in the activities of social workers, contributing to the prevention of the emergence of social problems and their aggravation;

Forecasting the emergence of social problems at the level of society, family, various groups of the population, a person.

Remuneration of social worker employees is made on the basis of salaries ( official salaries), rates wages by professional qualification groups, taking into account the requirements for vocational training and skill level, with the use of compensation and incentive payments.

Name of positions of employees, professions of workers and qualification requirements to them are determined in accordance with the Unified Tariff qualification handbook jobs and professions of workers (ETKS) and the Unified Qualification Directory for the positions of managers, specialists and other employees, approved in the manner established by the current Federal legislation.

When determining the categories of a social worker, they are guided by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection No. 60 of 04/26/2010. The work of a social work specialist is charged according to the 7-13 category, a social worker - according to the 3-5 category. If there is a category, then EKSD, qualification requirements for the position by category.

A social work specialist may be appointed (elected) to the senior position of the director or deputy director of a nursing home for the elderly and disabled with a rating of 15-18 categories. The work of these workers can be specialized according to age, social, medical criteria (servicing children and adolescents, the elderly, the unemployed, the homeless, the blind, the deaf, etc.).

The minimum salaries (official salaries), wage rates for professional qualification groups (hereinafter - PKG), approved by Orders of the Ministry of Health and social development Russian Federation dated March 31, 2008 No. 149n “On approval of professional skill groups positions of workers employed in the field of health care and the provision of social services "

7. What qualifications are required for the job (what do you need to be able to know)? Required education, required practical experience, skill, specialization.

This profession primarily requires a high level of humanity, the presence of developed intuition, the ability to empathize with someone else's grief, as well as the ability to delve into each specific situation and, based on the circumstances, engage in the individual provision of the necessary types of social assistance.

For the successful development of the profession, a social work specialist needs a general awareness of social, humanitarian and moral issues, useful basic knowledge in history, Russian language, social studies.

must know Keywords: foundations of ethics, psychology, foundations of medicine, foundations of economics, legal norms.

Qualified social worker should be able to:

Establish emotional contact with clients

Show care, provide them with moral support,

Do household chores (shopping, cooking, washing),

Provide first aid if necessary.

8. With the help of what means is the work performed (what do they work with)? Tools, machines, aids, equipment, controls.

The main subject of labor is a person ( social service), accompanying - sign system (texts, documents).

In his work, a social worker uses material (tool) means of labor - manual (pen, pencil), electrified (calculator, computer), as well as means of communication (telephone, fax).

But the main ones are its immaterial (functional) means - analytical, verbal-logical thinking, long-term and working memory, good distribution of attention; good general coordination of body movements, emotional and expressive oral speech and behavior, business writing, as well as the senses - sight, hearing, "golden hands" and "kind heart".

9. Under what conditions is the work performed? Working environment: working conditions and workplace parameters (spatial, sanitary and hygienic, aesthetic, etc.).

A social work specialist has an active, mobile work, numerous contacts, visits to wards at home and various authorities and shops.

Despite the fact that the social worker works in comfortable conditions - indoors (a desk, a personal computer, communications equipment), his activities often take place outside the office on the move (travel to various organizations, to the families of the wards, to clients).

From special conditions labor should note the moral responsibility for the wards and the high psycho-emotional load in intensive contact with representatives of disadvantaged strata of society.

10. What is the organization of labor (when and in what ways is work performed)? Organization production process, work schedule, work and rest schedule, work time balance.

A social work specialist has an irregular working day with traveling.

The work of a social worker is organized in such a way that he can perform his work assignments both independently and jointly with other contact organizations.

Functionally, the social worker is the organizer of the work of other people (clients, specialists from other contact departments), but the course of his labor process organizes independently.

11. What is the cooperation of labor (who does what and with whom)? Distribution of semi-professional tasks, powers and responsibilities in the workforce, established subordination - superiors, subordinates; system of leadership and management of primary teams; characteristics of the social environment and microclimate.

Social Work Specialist:

Works in open collaboration with colleagues and treats them with respect;

Establishes contacts with representatives various organizations and institutions that the client needs, working with them in close cooperation and interaction (psychologists, lawyers, educators, medical workers, employees of social protection agencies, law enforcement officials, etc.);

Promotes the inclusion of various institutions of society in the activities of social services and the creation of a network of social services that provide assistance and support to clients;

Helps the correct perception and understanding of another person who is in a difficult life situation among representatives of other professions and the population;

Exchanges information with specialists involved in working with the client, subject to the rules of confidentiality and its best interests;

declares contentious issues that may create a conflict of interest;

Informs the management or relevant responsible structures about the opportunities or operational difficulties that arise in the process of providing social assistance and support to various categories of the population;

Seeks advice and assistance from management if he does not feel capable or sufficiently prepared to carry out social protection activities;

Informs management or other responsible organizations about cases of unsafe practices by colleagues that abuse standards of service delivery.

12. What is the intensity of work (how much, how fast or slow, how often is the work done)? The amount of work, its difficulty, speed, pace, norms of time, the duration of the load, the variability of labor (monotonicity, systematicity, uniformity, cyclicity, rhythm).

Labor intensity is the ability to short time handle a large amount of work. Because the social worker's salary is low, the social worker takes on more clients. As a result, both psychological stress and more emotional stress increase. Overload is one of the main problems of a social worker.

13. What moments of danger and responsibility are encountered in professional activities (what can happen at work)? Disorders, material losses, financial losses, fines for poor quality or failure to meet deadlines, accidents, injuries, occupational diseases, death.

In the system of such professional activity as social work, the situation is complicated by the special state of the client who seeks help from a specialist in a difficult life situation, when the mechanisms of a critical attitude to reality can be weakened, and the role of a person incapable of error is delegated to the specialist.

The specificity of professional social work, due to the daily likelihood of extreme situations, requires the formation of deep emotional and personal regulators of behavior and activity, such as value orientations, in a social work specialist.

The following factors can contribute to the psychophysiological tension in the work of a social worker:

Increased moral responsibility and associated emotional stress;

Constant communication with people, mostly maladaptive, asocial behavior, with mental defects, with physical disabilities;

The compulsion to constantly stay in the zone of someone else's conflict or problem.

A social work specialist, due to the nature of his professional activity, faces a number of difficulties and problems that he must be informed about and with which he must be able to cope:

Syndrome of professional "burnout", manifested in psycho-emotional and physical exhaustion, lowering the threshold of emotional susceptibility, reducing professional motivation;

Frequent encounter with ethical dilemmas at work and the need to make a decision in each specific situation;

Collision with situations that threaten his health and life;

Lack of time and funds to solve real situations of clients and their problems;

Information overload or lack of information in the face of the need to make quick decisions on a specific problem.

14. What is the impact of labor on workers (what is useful and what is harmful to a person)? Positive and negative influence of material, organizational and social factors on the personality (in a complex).

The contacts of a social work specialist are numerous, multi-level, with a changing circle of people - clients, colleagues. In the work there are situations and problems that require non-standard intelligent solutions. The social worker has an increased moral responsibility.

People who work in social institutions bear many burdens on their shoulders today, smoothing out difficulties for those who are defenseless, helpless, who lack their own strength and means to cope with the worldly, psychological, social problems that have piled on them.

The work of a social worker is built on the principles of selflessness, full dedication, and sacrifice. This brings results, the positive value of which and for individuals, and for the families who received assistance, and in general for the Russian state, it is difficult to overestimate.

Despite advances in social protection reform, the prestige of social work as a profession is low in public opinion. This is due to the limited possibilities of material reward.

15. What benefits does labor bring to an employee (how much does he earn)? Earnings, wages, bonuses, benefits in kind, various benefits, moral satisfaction from work, public recognition of it.

AT modern Russia social education, in addition to direct, makes it possible to hold positions of specialists and managers in local governments (prefectures, district councils and municipalities, guardianship and guardianship authorities), the Federal Migration Service, Departments, Pension Funds, charitable foundations and other public non-profit organizations. In addition, it is possible to organize non-state structures of social rehabilitation and labor orientation, functioning on a self-supporting and sponsored basis.

Creative work, awareness of the importance of the social mission. The salary level of a social work specialist in the Krasnoyarsk Territory ranges from 5 to 8 thousand rubles. In Moscow, a specialist receives from 16 to 50 thousand rubles.

16. What are the conditions, requirements and limitations of the job (who can and who should not do it)? Administrative-legal, political, medical, social and other determinants.

There are medical restrictions for a social worker:

Violation of the functions of the musculoskeletal system,

Speech, vision and hearing disorders

violation of coordination of movements,

Serious chronic diseases that cause rapid fatigue,

Diseases of the cardiovascular system,

Neuropsychiatric diseases.

Chronic infectious diseases.

In addition, the “contraindications” to social work include: lack of interest in other people (selfishness), irascibility, harshness of judgments, categoricalness, lack of concentration, inability to conduct a dialogue with an opponent, conflict, aggressiveness, inability to perceive someone else’s point of view on a subject.

17. Requirements for professionally important qualities. This position lists (in descending order of importance) the requirements that professional activity imposes on the qualities of an employee.

The concept of "quality" in this case has a generalized character and refers not only to personality traits, such as responsibility or developed organizational skills, but also to the special abilities of a person, to general abilities and to the psychophysiological characteristics of a person and his characteristics nervous system. To be successful as a social worker, you must have the following professionally important qualities:

Practical logical thinking of a subject-effective warehouse,

Optimism, decency, punctuality,

Compassion, a strong sense of responsibility,

A strong propensity to work in the field of communication,

Lexical abilities, endurance of the auditory analyzer and speech apparatus,

Good long-term and working memory;

activity and physical mobility,

High emotional, neuropsychic stability,

External attractiveness (desirable) and charm.

In addition, it must have the following qualities:

Unconditional acceptance of the value of each person, respect for his rights;

Invaluable attitude to individual differences of people, tolerance;

Developed self-knowledge and self-esteem, critical thinking;

Empathy (the ability to empathize and sympathize);

Reflection (the ability to think, ponder);

Ability to establish contact with people and form trusting relationships;

Sensitivity and sensitivity to the emotional state of people, emotional restraint and tolerance;

Perseverance and consistency in solving difficult situations;

Optimal level of anxiety, no tendency to depressive states;

Ability to see and develop strengths people and families who receive assistance;

Skills for working in stressful and emotionally difficult situations: self-control, the ability to switch and manage your emotions and behavior.

The requirements for behavior, activities, professionally significant qualities of the personality of a social work specialist are fixed in a number of codes of ethics for social workers: Code of Ethics for Social Workers of the National Association of Social Work, "Ethics of Social Work: Principles and Standards" ( International Federation social workers) Russian code ethics of social workers, etc.

Documents defining ethical requirements perform the function of formalizing professional values, i.e. elevating them to the rank of the requirements of the profession to the personality of a specialist.

professiogram specialist social work

The professions "social worker", "social teacher" and "specialist in social work" were officially registered in Russian state documents in March - April 1991 and were created to solve social problems of a person and society, including:

Social and psychological conflicts, crisis, stressful situations;

Emotional and psychological problems;

Need and poverty;

Alcoholism and drug addiction;

Violence and discrimination;

National Issues and Migration;

Crime and offense;

Unemployment and professional adaptation;

housing problem;

guardianship, guardianship, adoption;

Parental cruelty and others.

Currently, the profession of a social worker and its skills are in great demand. We need, in fact, a specialist with a wide profile, who owns the basics of legal, medical, psychological knowledge. Such a specialist is a social worker, whose main labor operations include:

Collection and analysis of personal information;

Diagnostics of the microenvironment;

Forecast of further development and socialization of the individual;

Prevention and social therapy of negative environmental phenomena;

Organizational and communicative pedagogization of the environment;

Protective and legal protection;

Educational and educational tasks;

Compilation and maintenance of documentation;

Working with the teaching staff.

Now it has become real, but a new problem has arisen - the threat of discrediting the profession.

Heads of institutions, when determining the scope of duties of a social worker, proceed from the needs of their institution. But, as often happens, they try to cover the entire subject field of the profession. Therefore, the practice of "patching holes" has become widespread. The task of a social work specialist is not this, it sounds like this:

“Timely identify emerging problems in the immediate environment; understand and eliminate the causes that give rise to them; to ensure the prevention of various negative phenomena that can be revealed in the microenvironment. At the same time, the social worker should not wait to be contacted for help. In an ethically acceptable form, he himself "gets in touch" with a person and his family.

The problematic field of social work is huge and includes all the variety of life situations and conflicts of people of different ages and social position. The problematic field of a social worker of a particular institution is formed on the basis of a real social order, the specifics of the contingent of the institution, its departmental subordination, type and type, as well as the professional background of a specialist.

Each institution needs a special approach, for example, in a rural secondary school there are 8 children per 100 students who have behavior called maladaptive, in a social rehabilitation center this figure is much higher, it is 24 out of 100 according to the results of the survey, and here the specificity is manifested work of a social worker in various institutions.

In his practice, a social work specialist performs various social roles. First of all, he is an intermediary in the context: "man - family - society", a link between the citizen and the state-social strata called upon to take care of the citizen.

Simultaneously worker social sphere- defender of human interests, defender of his rights and the rights of every family.

Also, the social worker must be a participant joint activities, the lead organizer of this activity. He is a kind of spiritual mentor who, as it were, leads a person and his family, provides psychological support for a long time, takes care of the formation of social values ​​in society.

At the same time, he is a social therapist, preventing and resolving conflict situations their subordinates.