What is HR Consulting? HR consulting and audit. to find ways out of crisis situations

The article deals with a special area of ​​management consulting - personnel consulting.

For Russia, personnel consulting is a relatively new direction. The article proposes a definition and classification of personnel consulting, considers the stages of development of personnel consulting in conjunction with the science of personnel management, and formulates the prerequisites for its development.

Global changes in the modern economy - informatization, globalization, international competition - give rise to new challenges, management solves more and more complex tasks. The rapid changes taking place in the world make it almost impossible for the management team of an organization to maintain the required level of knowledge about the industry, consumers of its products or services, competitors. There is less time for making managerial decisions, and there are more risks from their adoption.

The repeated complication of economic processes in our time has led to the fact that the transfer of advanced management methods has become an independent sphere of economic relations. National and international markets for consulting services have emerged, which have become a necessary condition for the creation and dissemination of economic and managerial knowledge.

Management consulting is interpreted today as the professional assistance of independent consultants to owners and top managers in identifying management problems, analyzing them, developing recommendations for their solution, as well as their implementation.

The range of problems solved by consulting is wide, so the focus can be divided into narrow, in one or several related areas, and multidisciplinary, which includes the full range in many areas and at all stages of consulting support.

According to the classification of the European directory of consultants, there are 84 types of consulting services, grouped into 8 main groups.

  1. General management is the development and planning of a common development strategy; forecasting; organization of branches, departments and new firms, change of ownership, etc.
  2. Administration- issues of formation and registration of companies, organization of office work, data processing, i.e. organization management optimization.
  3. Financial management- issues of financial planning and control, taxes, accounting, insurance, etc.
  4. Personnel management- selection of employees, control of the level of training of personnel, remuneration systems, advanced training and training of personnel, etc.
  5. Marketing- formation of sales and marketing departments, selection of reliable partner wholesalers, search for new customers and markets, promotion and research of sales prospects.
  6. Production- choice of technology of the production process, stimulation of labor productivity, evaluation and control of product quality, etc.
  7. Information technology- use of computers and information systems in management.
  8. Specialized Services- these are the types of services that do not belong to any of the above groups: training consulting, information consulting, telecommunications consulting, environmental consulting, public sector consulting, etc.

Personnel is the key and most difficult resource to manage in an organization. Changes associated with post-industrial development cause fundamental shifts in the forms and methods of human resource management, which requires constant improvement of approaches and methods of personnel management.

At the macroeconomic level constant socio-economic, scientific, technical and technological development is the cause of changes in the content of labor, the emergence of qualitatively new jobs, changes in the educational and qualification levels of workers, the emergence of new specialties and professions, changes in the qualitative characteristics of workers.

At the microeconomic level the ongoing changes require the timely identification of innovative problem situations in conjunction with the problems of personnel management. Among the problems that arise in this regard, one can note the contradictions between the technical level of new production and the existing level of personnel qualification, between the qualitatively new tasks of personnel development and the insufficient level of training of the personnel management service for this work, between the levels of qualification and motivation of employees, between the existing organizational structure and implemented strategy and others.

The resolution of these contradictions requires constant updating of personnel management systems, purposeful activities of the heads of the organization and specialists of the personnel management service to ensure the pace and scope of updating the work of personnel management in accordance with the current and future goals of the organization, in which professional assistance is provided by consultants.

We have formulated the prerequisites for the development of consulting in the field of personnel management:

  • the need to solve problems of increasing production efficiency, the most important asset of which is intellectual capital;
  • the ever-widening dissemination of the concept of human capital, the main provisions of which justify personnel investments;
  • increasing the knowledge intensity of the personnel management sphere, which requires specialists to know the best examples of world achievements, having scientific work skills, experience in implementing projects in the field of personnel management and other critical competencies;
  • increasing the managerial competence of managers at various levels, their understanding of modern realities, and, as a result, their demand for consulting services in the field of personnel management.

The development of personnel consulting in Russia has gone through a number of stages, which are organically linked with the development of the science of personnel management (Table 1).

Table 1

The development of personnel consulting in relation to the science of personnel management

Stage The science of personnel management Consulting
  • The beginning of the training of specialists in personnel management within the specialty "Management".
  • Formation of a scientific school of personnel management.
  • The emergence of personnel management systems in Russian enterprises
  • The arrival of Western consulting companies, the creation of a market for consulting services.
  • The emergence of the first school of management consultants in the structure of the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation. Formation of the concept of "consultant"
  • Separation of personnel management into an independent specialty.
  • Widespread at Russian enterprises, personnel management systems that implement modern approaches to personnel management.
  • The emergence of the first professional communities of HR specialists
  • Separation of a new direction in the structure of management consulting - personnel, mainly within the framework of large diversified consulting companies.
2008 - present
  • Separation of personnel management into an independent area of ​​training.
  • Regular holding of international and interuniversity conferences and forums on personnel management issues
  • Growth in the number of companies specializing in HR consulting.
  • Active promotion of consulting services in personnel management

HR consulting as a type of activity in Russia is currently at the stage of institutionalization, and as a type of business it is an increasingly significant segment of the business services market, which reflects the need for organizations to improve the efficiency of personnel management. All this gives rise to the need for theoretical and methodological substantiation of the modern practice of personnel consulting. How do practitioners and academics define HR consulting?

Arefyeva N.: personnel consulting is a system of organizational and psychological measures for diagnosing and, if necessary, correcting the organizational structure and / or culture of an enterprise (organization) in order to improve production indicators, optimize the socio-psychological climate, and increase staff motivation.

Specialists of the ProfBukh group of companies understand personnel consulting as an activity aimed at solving the most complex tasks in the field of human resource management at an enterprise.

HR-capital experts define HR consulting as a type of activity related to solving the problems facing senior managers in the field of human capital management in order to increase business profitability.

HR consulting— provision of consulting services to top management of organizations on personnel management issues.

HR consulting (HR consulting, HR-consulting, HR-consulting) is a type of activity associated with solving the problems facing top managers in the field of human resource management in order to increase the profitability of a business.

The above definitions are distinguished by a variety of subjective approaches. It should be noted that we are in solidarity with those authors who recognize consulting and consulting as synonyms. In addition, in our opinion, personnel consulting is a kind of management consulting (consulting), which gives us the right, based on the objectives of our study, to determine HR consulting as professional assistance to managers and specialists of organizations in the analysis, substantiation of development prospects and the use of organizational and economic innovations aimed at solving the problems of the organization in the field of personnel management.

Thus, the goal of HR consulting is to provide the client organization with the latest and most effective ways to work with human resources. Subject HR Consulting is a consultant or consulting firm, object- client (managers and specialists of the organization in need of consulting services).

The consulting process is a knowledge-intensive process. Consulting services are provided by professionals and specialized consulting (consulting) firms, which are valued for their high professionalism, objectivity and independence, extraordinary assessment of situations and non-standard recommendations.

The functions of HR consulting can be formulated as follows:

  • conducting a survey or audit: the consultant examines the company's resources, results of its activities, management policies in order to determine its strengths and weaknesses and key problems;
  • implementation of special studies and reviews in the field of personnel management;
  • development of managerial decisions on certain problems;
  • assistance in the implementation of problem solving;
  • performing the functions of an expert.

The process or technology of personnel consulting can be represented as the following main sequential actions:

  1. Clarification of the problem that arose at the object of consulting.
  2. Discussing the essence of the problem with the object.
  3. Studying the problem, diagnosing the situation.
  4. Development of advice and recommendations (offering certain technologies for solving the problem).
  5. Bringing advice and recommendations to the object of consulting.
  6. Providing prompt assistance to the object in the process of resolving a problem situation.
  7. Evaluation of the results and consequences of actions taken by the consulting object, making adjustments to the proposed technology.
  8. Analysis of the effectiveness of advice and recommendations.

We offer an original classification of personnel consulting (table 2), which makes it possible to characterize the content and features of personnel consulting.

table 2

Classification of personnel consulting

Classification sign Content
By subject
  • personnel management methodology
  • personnel management system
  • personnel management technology
By level
  • strategic
  • operating
By frequency
  • one-time
  • long-term
In relation to the object
  • interior
  • external
By shape
  • expert
  • process

In conclusion, we formulate the principles of personnel consulting, the implementation of which is mandatory for specialists and largely determines the effectiveness of their activities.

  • the principle of professional competence (constant increase in the level of professional competence by consultants);
  • the principle of priority of the client's interests (the interests of the current client are higher than the interests of former clients and their own);
  • the principle of independence and objectivity (independence of thought and independence of behavior allow the consultant to express an unbiased opinion without a conflict of interest or the negative influence of others);
  • the principle of scientific character (using the latest achievements of science).

Polina Klopotovskaya, Head of HR Consulting Department (

Consulting services represent the provision of third-party monitoring and control over various aspects of the enterprise's activities, and accordingly, personnel consulting is the provision of advice to the organization's management in the field of personnel issues. Company owners seek to minimize existing costs by all available means, and optimization of the organization's personnel policy with the help of personnel consulting is a very effective method of solving this issue.

HR Consulting - what is it?

Personnel consulting is an activity that is directly related to the solution of all kinds of personnel issues that arise for top managers of the organization, and is aimed at the effective use of the organization's human resources. This simple definition most fully reveals the essence of the concept of HR consulting as a whole, however, it does not make it possible to get acquainted with all the advantages and disadvantages of attracting third-party specialists to solve problems that are relevant for a business entity.

A related concept to personnel consulting is personnel audit, however, these are not identical things. An audit means only checking the personnel policy of an enterprise and its effectiveness, while consulting deals with a direct and direct solution of various personnel issues. That is, personnel audit is only one component of consulting.

Modern business conditions are increasingly pushing employers, managers and owners of the enterprise to use third-party specialists in various matters. After all, the division of labor is one of the oldest methods of increasing the efficiency of society in general and individual business entities in particular. Not every company can afford the constant availability of personnel specialists in the state, and not in every case it is necessary.

However, it is still necessary to distinguish personnel consulting from outsourcing of personnel specialists. In the case of or , the enterprise actually receives a temporary employee performing permanent tasks. While personnel consulting provides a relatively one-time solution to existing problems and issues.

Why is personnel consulting used by the organization - goals and objectives of the procedure

Before considering the features of personnel consulting, you should understand why it is needed. The main goals of personnel consulting and the tasks resolved within its framework include:

As can be understood from the above range of tasks, each of which can be solved with the help of personnel consulting, such activities are quite in demand on the territory of the Russian Federation and can help almost every manager. At the same time, the range of services and tasks solved within the framework of personnel consulting is not limited to the above list - this is only part of the possibilities that this tool opens up.

Particular cases of the use of personnel consulting in an organization

Despite the fact that the company's personnel consulting has many effective tools for solving personnel issues, it is still not always necessary to turn to the services of such specialists. Therefore, you should carefully weigh all the circumstances before looking for companies that provide personnel consulting. So, there will be no need for the indicated procedures in the following situations:


1 BULLETIN OF BELGOROD UNIVERSITY OF COOPERATION, ECONOMICS AND LAW UDC Agayeva AN, Ph.D. economy Sci., Associate Professor, Department of Marketing and Management, Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law Ledovskaya ME, Ph.D. economy Sci., Associate Professor, Department of Marketing and Management, Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law APPROACHES OF PERSONNEL CONSULTING TO PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TRAINING OF ORGANIZATION STAFF which should be followed when implementing a consulting project. The classification of personnel consulting services according to the degree of their need for clients with examples of specific types of consulting is considered. Key words: personnel consulting, personnel, professional development and training, consulting project. The Russian HR consulting market has been actively growing for more than 20 years, Russian consulting companies prefer to provide services in many areas, while maintaining a specialization in two or three types of services. The specifics of HR consulting, which is primarily focused on the tasks of the client organization, leads to the fact that most consultants provide non-standard services, therefore it is not possible to evaluate HR consulting services by a simple comparison, there is no way to compare the prices of different consultants, since this will require a significant amount of time from the client and disclosure. In this regard, the quality of HR consulting as a service is often perceived depending on its price. On the other hand, personnel consulting, like no other type of consulting, in its effectiveness is associated with the level of involvement and interest of the personnel of the client organization in the successful implementation of the consulting project. It is appropriate to pay attention to the fact that the quality level of personnel directly affects the competitive capabilities of the organization and is one of the most important areas for creating competitive advantages. Definitely, the range of tasks solved within the framework of the consulting approach to improving the efficiency of the organization includes maximizing the use of the potential of employees, developing and supporting activities aimed at creating conditions for their fullest return in the labor process and intensive development of their abilities. We present in the table a classification of personnel consulting services provided by various firms, distributing services according to the degree of their need for clients. The consultative approach to the process of professional development and training of personnel, being a reflection of the organizational philosophy of management, should be closely interconnected with all other areas of the organization's work and ensure their support. However, the learning process itself creates pre-224 Vestnik BUKEP

2 Actual problems of the economy links to solve urgent management problems due to the fact that the staff masters both new approaches to doing work and the knowledge and skills required for work. Classification of consulting services according to the degree of emerging customer needs Table Degree of need for consulting Required High Medium Low Conventional name Consulting required by regulations Consulting to avoid the “problem” Consulting aimed at increasing profits and developing production and reducing costs Consulting aimed at developing production and increasing degree of enterprise manageability Personnel testing, product quality improvement, reorganization of the production and management system areas of selection, recruitment, assessment, staff training, team building, management of the socio-psychological climate, conflict resolution services, assessment of work and motivation, transfer and dismissal Services for the assessment of human resources, personnel assessment procedures (assessment center). Determination and planning of personnel needs, formation of profiles of specialties and professiograms, taking into account the specifics of the customer's activities. Assessment and optimization of processes, structure and technologies of personnel management. Development of corporate culture Development of programs aimed at maintaining the health of personnel, increasing the level of safety at work , to contribute to the formation of the required attitudes to work in this organization, to strengthen the desired patterns of behavior and increase the degree of commitment of the staff. One of the key principles for the implementation of personnel consulting to staff training is the transfer of employees to training, which has both planned, structured, systematic and in-house features. At the same time, it is important that the management of the organization does not perceive the costs of advanced training and training from the position of personnel costs, since in this case they must be minimized. The cost of training should be seen as an investment in human capital that adds value to assets. Like any investment, they pay off within a certain period of time, and investments no longer require reduction, but effective management, including through the use of personnel consulting. 2012, 4 225

3 Agaeva A.N., Ledovskaya M.E. For the processes of staff development and training, an erroneous approach to the formation of a request for staff training is common. It manifests itself in the fact that the head of the organization, turning to a consultant to conduct staff training, orders the final service, most often associated with one or another type of training or audit and certification of managers and specialists. From the point of view of HR consulting, first of all, before signing documents on advanced training and training of personnel, within the framework of the received request, the HR consultant needs to work with the client's request and develop it. At this stage, it is appropriate for the consultant to ask the customer a question of the following content: “What organizational problem do you want to solve through this type of training?” As a result, at this point in preparation for the implementation of a personnel training project, as a rule, the customer is worried about the low level of achievement of organizational goals, the inconsistency of the actions of departments, employees in them, their inability and unwillingness to work for a common goal. In this regard, one of the fundamentally important stages in the preparation and implementation of a project within the framework of personnel consulting for staff development and training should be to conduct preliminary organizational diagnostics in the form of in-depth interviews with department heads. The results of the diagnostics will help to identify the prerequisites for misunderstanding by many managers and employees of the goals and objectives of their activities, as well as their lack of motivation to cooperate with each other. Based on the formed and structured goals and objectives of training, it is necessary to determine the desired result as accurately as possible and fix it in the project documentation. At the same time, to determine the criteria for the result, it is possible to use common methods, for example, such as key performance indicators, within the framework of the balanced scorecard methodology. When detailing the cyclical nature of the training of the organization's personnel and the work of a consultant at each stage of this process, in our opinion, it is appropriate to adhere to the following algorithm (Fig.). At the stage of diagnosing the personnel problems of the organization, the goal is to highlight the problem of professionalism (to solve it through subsequent training), in the future it is necessary to set training goals for the entire block-modular system and coordinate them with the management in order to ensure that participants achieve learning goals with subsequent identification of the achieved and unachieved goals and understand the reasons that prevented the achievement of some goals. From the point of view of personnel consulting to advanced training and training of personnel, the content of training programs for different categories of personnel is largely determined by the goals and strategy of the organization as a whole, as well as by the analysis of the professional activities of employees, during which work functions are identified and knowledge, skills and abilities are established, necessary for the successful completion of the respective professional tasks. In the process of developing a consulting project on personnel training, in our opinion, it is necessary to take into account the following principles: 1. Explanation of information to students about the mechanisms and channels that provide complete and timely feedback on the evaluation criteria, on the intermediate and final effectiveness of their training. 2. Practical development of the acquired knowledge and skills both during training and in the short term after it. 3. Ensuring the transfer of acquired knowledge and skills to working conditions, the possibility of their full application. 226 Bulletin of BUKEP

4 Actual problems of the economy Stage 1 Diagnosis of the personnel problems of the organization 1. clarification of the problems associated with the insufficient level of professional training of personnel; selection of the most priority personnel problems Stage 2 Coordination of learning objectives and design of a block-modular educational process Algorithm of personnel consulting Stage 3 setting goals for a block-modular learning system; coordinating learning objectives with management; planning intermediate learning objectives (objectives for modules); setting learning objectives (within each module); analysis of the characteristics of the composition of participants in the context of the planned goals; selection of forms of training (methods, technologies, etc.) for tasks, taking into account the characteristics of the trainees; development of a specific training program (more detailed for the next module, more abstract for the next ones); linking the program of the first module to dates and terms Conducting training creating motivation for learning among participants in this module; implementation of the main part of the curriculum of this module; summing up the results of training in the first module together with the trainees; independent analysis of the results of this module; creating motivation for learning among participants in the next module of the block-modular system (return to the first point of this stage) Stage 4 Analysis of learning outcomes comparative analysis of learning objectives and learning outcomes together with participants; development of recommendations for participants on further professional development; independent analysis of learning outcomes of participants in a block-modular system Algorithm of cyclicity of the stages of personnel consulting in the training of the personnel of the organization 4. The actual demand for the results of training in the process of work. 5. Formation and maintenance of high motivation for learning, creation of an internal organizational norm to learn. 2012, 4 227

5 Agaeva A.N., Ledovskaya M.E. 6. Comprehensive accounting of the initial level of knowledge of students. Applying HR consulting approaches to advanced training and training when planning a project and training processes, its further implementation and diagnosing the results obtained, in our opinion, it is necessary to constantly compare and verify the available data on the following levels: the level of professional skills (skills management system) whether training leads to the practical development of the business processes of a given organization, how specific and technological it is, whether it becomes the result of an employee’s “can”. “The great goal of education is not knowledge, but action,” wrote Herbert Spencer. However, high-quality training only at the level of professional skills, without a motivational component, has a dangerous effect as a consequence: training personnel for competitors; the level of interesting activity (knowledge management system) whether the training supports the interest, “I want” the employee, his motivation for involvement, readiness and ability to solve business problems. If an activity is interesting to a person, it makes him acquire knowledge and form skills. Here it is important for the manager to understand the simple idea that the motivating force for the employee should be primarily the activity that the person is engaged in in the organization, and that maintaining this basic motivation is the concern of the management; compliance with corporate goals and strategy, whether training strengthens the “belief” of the employee, whether it strengthens corporate ties, whether it works to strengthen the image of the company. By positioning the process of generating knowledge as the basis of organizational learning, giving it a cyclic or spiral character, the organization is able not only to open new activities, effectively using the existing resource base, but also significantly increase its competitiveness in the long term. 7. However, we found that in most projects implemented by Russian companies, consulting through training is undeservedly ignored. The use of this form directly affects the subject of management and allows not only to help in solving managerial problems, but also to train top management in methods for solving managerial problems. In addition, this approach will increase the ability of staff to adapt to changing socio-economic conditions and market requirements, reduce staff turnover, maintain and disseminate the core values ​​and priorities of the corporate culture among employees. References 1. Agaeva A.N. Integration consulting as a tool for making managerial decisions // Vestnik BUPK S. Magura M.I. Organization of company personnel training / M.I. Magura, M.B. Kurbatov. M.: CJSC "Business School "Intel-Sintez", p. 3. Rozdolskaya I.V. Knowledge management as a complex process of identification and development of the intellectual key competence of business entities and increasing their competitiveness / I.V. Rozdolskaya, K.V. Likhonin // Vestnik BUPK S Forsif P. Development and training of personnel: per. from English. St. Petersburg: Neva, p. 5. Shane E.G. Consulting process. Building mutually beneficial client-consultant relationships. St. Petersburg: Peter, p. KAF_MM 228 Bulletin of BUKEP

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Recently, the following forms, or areas of personnel consulting, have been very popular:

Personnel recruiting is a set of activities (search, recruitment of applicants, selection of candidates, recruitment of personnel) aimed at filling vacancies at the customer company with competent specialists.

Outsourcing- the transfer by the organization of certain business processes or functions to the service of another company specializing in the relevant field. HR outsourcing- transfer of a number of functions related to personnel management to an external partner. In Russia, such HR functions as search and selection of personnel, training and development of personnel, assessment and audit of personnel, personnel records management, payroll, labor market monitoring, development of personnel motivation programs are most often outsourced.

Outstaffing– removal of an employee from the staff of the customer company and registration in the staff of the provider company (recruitment agency), while the employee remains at the same workplace and performs the same duties, and the provider company assumes full legal responsibility for the staff, including personnel records management , calculation and payment of wages, as well as tax deductions.

Leasing (rent) of personnel– provision of temporarily free personnel to the customer company for short-term and long-term projects.

HR audit- this is a system of consulting support, analytical assessment and independent examination of the organization's human resources potential, its compliance with the goals and development strategy of the organization; includes an assessment of personnel processes (planning, recruitment, selection of personnel, adaptation, motivation, training and development, etc.), assessment of org. structure and assessment of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of personnel.

Headhunting (executive search), or "direct search" - a service for the selection of senior managers, top managers, highly qualified specialists of a rare profession for a customer company.

The cost of this type of service is 15-25% of the candidate's annual income. Having received an order, consultants do not sort through thousands of resumes sent, but go to the people they are interested in. First of all, through personal connections, recommendations from former clients, and also thanks to knowledge of the market, which allows you to identify the right specialist. Then the found candidates are lured to the customer company.

Outplacement - a method of soft, loyal dismissal, a system of measures that promote the employment of laid-off employees; includes resume development, writing a cover letter, preparing letters of recommendation, training in job search methods and interview behavior, advising on labor law issues, psychological support, individual consultations, trainings, etc.

An interesting outplacement option is the so-called "confidential" or "closed" dismissal. "Closed" outplacement is the dismissal of a high-ranking employee who does not suspect anything about it. The firm “orders” an employee to a recruitment agency, and several interesting offers are prepared for the candidate, which he cannot refuse. As a result, the employee himself happily leaves the company for a new interesting job.

Assessment Center - this is a technology for identifying certain business, personal and professional qualities of employees, their knowledge, skills in the course of a sequence of assessment activities in order to determine the compliance of the personnel with the goals, strategy, corporate culture of the organization, the formation of a personnel reserve, determining the directions and forms of personnel training. The assessment criteria are competency models built on the basis of determining the key requirements for the position.

Personnel consulting is a whole structure of work of specialized companies that carry out all the necessary actions to assess the state of personnel at enterprises, carry out a full assessment of all factors, nuances and features, make motivational recommendations, provoke a change of employees, etc. In the work of any company, personnel is very important meaning. And it is important that the manager perfectly understands exactly how to optimize his staff in such a way that the work is performed at the highest level.

Naturally, today a fairly significant number of consulting companies have appeared that can provide a wide range of services in the field of interaction with personnel. You can use the services taking into account the analysis. That is, specialists assess the state of personnel at enterprises, assess professionalism, and carry out all the necessary actions that allow us to analyze the prospects and shortcomings of such a structure of personnel work. After that, a report is drawn up, on the basis of which the possibility of making adjustments and changes in the structure of personnel work is provoked. There are companies that, in addition to such an audit, carry out a full-fledged process of interaction with the personnel department, and carry out the process of completely organizing the structure of the personnel format. Carry out the study of corporate culture, motivation systems, etc.

The services of such companies today have really become very popular and relevant. Indeed, through proper work with personnel, the possibility of competent development of the entire business is formed. If the staff does not fulfill the assigned tasks, or simply carries out the implementation of clearly defined tasks, does not care about development, then the company will remain in one place in its development. But in order for specialists to try to carry out additional actions in the development process, competent motivation is needed.

Work with personnel is a very important element in the development of a company of any value. Often, management simply does not notice the shortcomings that have been formed in its work with personnel. It is for this reason that in this case, the most rational option is to engage a consulting company that will carry out the necessary audit and provide all the necessary recommendations for modernization. You can also use the full range of services, when, in addition to analysis, specialists will be able to replace personnel, create a unique motivational structure, etc.

What is HR Consulting

The personnel issue in many large companies is very acute. It is considered obvious that today cadres are really capable of solving many things. It is important to approach the issue correctly in order to find specialists who would be able to perform all the assigned tasks accurately, clearly and competently. Accordingly, it becomes clear that the choice of specialists is quite multi-level and complex.

Modern business is based on the human resource. And here it is important to understand that it is possible to attract experienced and knowledgeable specialists only if normal wages are offered, as well as normal conditions for achieving the set goals. Commercial undertakings are often broken precisely against the stones of the lack of understanding by employees of the essence of the implementation of the assigned tasks. It is for this reason that HR consulting services have become very relevant and in demand. And they are used by many large companies that seek to reap the benefits of active development.

Personnel consulting is a specialized, well-developed system of measures, which is aimed at diagnosing, correcting, maximizing the improvement of the structure of the organizational order, as well as corporate culture. All actions of this order are aimed at a serious increase in production indicators. Among other things, the essence of optimizing the working environment is being formed. The right motivation of employees is provoked.

We will certainly say that correctly carried out activities can actually become an indisputable basis for the formation of expanded opportunities. The entrepreneur does not have to bother with organizational issues, while all the tasks set will be fulfilled. Specialists will receive motivation that will reveal new boundaries of the company's capabilities as a whole.

Today, a fairly significant number of consulting companies have appeared. There are universal options, whose activities can be considered diverse, aimed solely at activating all the company's resources, at optimizing activities in all respects. You can contact such a company and order a comprehensive service, which will additionally include personnel consulting. There are specialized companies that work exclusively in the direction of personnel optimization. It is this type of cooperation that allows you to get the maximum focus on optimizing personnel, in order to obtain optimal results from the work of the company's specialists. After all, it is very important to do everything possible so that leading specialists do not just work out their time, but strive to obtain the best results. This means that it is important not only to choose the right specialists who would be able to professionally perform the assigned tasks, but also to properly motivate them.

A few words should be said about strategic consulting. It is he who provokes the opportunity to correct the already established business model, to obtain new features of development. When working with a business model, all its shortcomings are determined, and an analysis of the advantages is also carried out. And the procedure of comparison with the features of the work of competitors is necessarily carried out. There are many ways to improve staffing. But, practice shows that it is consulting companies that are actually able to carry out the process of activating the interest of specialists, to provoke a more significant return on work.

Tasks of the consulting company:

  • Initially, a full analysis process is carried out. In certain cases, it becomes necessary to carry out the procedure for organizing the activities of the work of personnel from scratch. Recruitment of specialists is carried out, new goals are set, the process of the correct structure of work is carried out;
  • Necessary actions are being taken that are aimed at improving the efficiency of the personnel service that works in the company at the current time. There are many methods that can actually provoke modernization, provide a new level of company development based on the work of specialists;
  • The specialists of the consulting company carry out purposeful work, which provokes the development of specific strategies for optimizing work with personnel. Such interaction structures are aimed at ensuring that employees perfectly understand what exactly is required of them, what work they must perform, etc .;
  • Work is being carried out, which is aimed at creating a kind of system of employee motivation. Practice shows that a well-established motivation system can become the basis for the active and progressive development of the company as a whole;
  • Specialists try to properly develop and improve the corporate culture. This question is overlooked by many entrepreneurs. But, the correct organization of such a culture allows you to rally the team, provides prospects for the growth of new opportunities;
  • An important aspect of the work of such companies is the establishment of the work of office work in the personnel format. Among other things, a structure for raising the qualification level is being developed. Numerous professional trainings, seminars, various practical classes are held, which contribute to the disclosure of the full potential of the employees.

Some situations provoke a personnel audit, on the basis of which specialists carry out the process of personnel work at the enterprise, an assessment is made of the structure, motivation features, etc. Among other things, it is the use of this assessment option that makes it possible to identify all the weaknesses of the personnel.

Step-by-step instructions for cooperation with a consulting company

All actions should be performed competently, correctly, rationally. So, you will be able to choose the best company in a consulting format, you will be able to conclude an agreement and receive the desired services.

  • Step 1: Choosing a company, concluding an agreement

This industry in our country is at the stage of its development. Therefore, it will not be so easy to choose a company that can actually guarantee your attention high-quality service and attentive attitude. Initially, evaluate the question of work experience. The longer the company works in this area, the better. You also need to pay attention to the study of completed projects. If such projects are not provided for study by clients, then in fact, we are talking about the complete absence of the possibility of cooperation. After all, any company must provide its own portfolio, on the basis of which the client has the opportunity to make a rational and competent choice. Among other things, it is necessary to clarify the specialization of specialists, check the professional rating of the company. Based on the data received, you will be able to make a thoughtful and rational choice, which in the future will become the basis for the formation of ideal consulting.

An important aspect of cooperation is also the signing of an agreement. In this case, an important aspect is the study of all conditions. If you think that some conditions violate your rights, or are not fully described, you need to draw the attention of the company's specialists to this. If in the process of studying the contract you have some doubts, it is best to contact a lawyer for advice. The specialist will be able to assess the features of the norms of the document, determine the correctness of its preparation.

  • Step 2: Compilation of terms of reference

Remember that the effectiveness of the work of specialists is based precisely on the correctly drawn up terms of reference. You need to evaluate in sufficient detail all the important points that should be checked by specialists. All tasks should be described as clearly, accurately and correctly as possible. Try to completely eliminate all sorts of vague wording. If you are trying to improve the productivity of your company's specialists, indicate accurate data, determine the need for motivation, etc. A correctly drafted task will become the basis for the correct direction of the specialists' activities.

  • Step 3: Conditions are created for situation analysis

The specialists of the consulting company need to provide the maximum amount of information that relates directly to personnel issues. Try to prepare documentation. That is, you must understand that maximum access to information, as well as to work with your employees, is an important factor in the success of the entire event. And if you strive to ensure that the work is done quickly, competently and efficiently, then try to do everything possible to create optimal working conditions for consultants.

  • Step 4: Agree on an action plan

Based on the study of the data provided, specialists carry out the process of developing a plan for modernization, introducing changes, etc. Based on the document received, the manager evaluates the possibility of carrying out certain actions, accepts and signs the plan or makes certain changes to it. After that, you can start the implementation process.

  • Step 5: Forming a control system

The process of implementing changes is not always easy and simple. Specialists of consulting companies already have the necessary level of experience in this matter. However, certain situations may arise, the resolution of which is possible only in the presence of a leader. Accordingly, the manager is obliged to exercise full control over the execution of the previously signed plan.

When You Might Need a Consulting Service

There are many situations where HR consulting is required. If you feel that your company is not doing things the way you would like, you need to do HR-type consulting. When such action may be required:

  • Formation of a cohesive team

It is very important that all employees who work in the company or in the enterprise have a certain interest in the successful development of the business. It is these actions that provoke active development, the movement of things in the necessary direction. If a company has not developed a corporate culture, then a kind of performance of duties is formed. Each worker comes to work every day, and fulfills exclusively established norms, and no movements towards progressive development are carried out. Accordingly, it is important to develop a certain structure of work, to rally the team, to carry out the process of competent planning and motivation.

It will not be easy to develop all of these aspects on your own, especially when you do not know what to grab onto. The best solution would be to cooperate with experienced specialists in their field, who will be able to analyze the current situation of the company and choose the best ways to modernize.

All employees in the enterprise must be aware of the main parameters of the mission. In fact, a change in the approach to professional duties is being provoked. It also provokes the formation of a new attitude towards the resources owned by the company. The general meaning expands, a new motivation is provoked. Naturally, a professional approach to the development of such options for the work of personnel is the main element for achieving success in the goal.

  • Change of management system

The well-coordinated work of specialists is based on competent and correct management. Practice shows that today it is necessary to radically change the attitude towards the management process, otherwise all employees of the company will simply serve at work, trying not to do anything extra, trying to fulfill everything that the director indicated. If the management is competent and correct, if the director implements fair competition, motivates for new achievements, then employees will be happy to make creative decisions, expand their knowledge, try to use innovative solutions in their work in order to achieve their goals and get the desired results within the minimum amount of time.

Consulting specialists will be able to carry out the process of analyzing the current state of the management system and immediately focus on all the shortcomings and negative aspects. A new system will also be proposed, thanks to which it will be possible to make the management process completely different - high-quality, qualified, successful.

  • Doubts that arise from a separation of duties analysis

If you have some doubts that the enterprise is properly implementing the process of distribution of duties between employees, then you need to pay attention to the possibility of changing this structure. But, if you do not know how to do this, then cooperation with experienced personnel specialists will be a rational solution. They will be able to carry out the process of a full-fledged analysis of the situation, after which rational and reasonable solutions will be proposed, through which all job descriptions can radically change.

  • HR department problems

If an enterprise constantly encounters certain difficulties related to record keeping, and most importantly, with the issues of finding and evaluating personnel, then professional and qualified assistance is simply indispensable. A detailed analysis of all problems will help determine the next action plan and implement the system that will be effective and profitable.

Methods of work of personnel consulting

  • Coaching. Today, this technique has become very relevant and in demand, as it allows for the process of intensive training of specialists to enhance professional qualities and opportunities for improvement. By conducting properly selected trainings, seminars and training programs, the disclosure of personal and business qualities is provoked. At the same time, the structure of the choice of training options will directly depend on the situation that has developed in the company;
  • Neuro-Linguistic Programming. This technique is very effective, as it allows you to activate consciousness to achieve new goals that can be set by management. Among other things, through such an impact, the modeling of an excellent mood is provoked, the activation of the desire for professional growth is formed. In fact, we are talking about the same trainings that are carried out with the aim of activating the internal reserves of the employee, activating his interest in professional growth and the emergence of new opportunities;
  • Modeling business formation processes. Within the framework of consulting, actions are often taken that are aimed at introducing peculiar structural changes. Such changes may concern both the entire structure of personnel and the management system. In this situation, the most important thing is to study the initial state of the company, as well as assess the structure of the work of specialists. Based on the information received, specialists will be able to competently and correctly work out a plan for improvement and modification, which in the future will become the basis for new achievements and phenomenal professional opportunities;
  • Studies of a social nature. A very important aspect is that specialists must obtain accurate research data, after which many difficulties and problems will become apparent. The consultants produce various texts, interviews and surveys that are aimed at revealing the principles of guiding employees in achieving their goals. Also, through such work, all data that relate to motivation are determined.

Features of successful HR consulting

Successful consulting is characterized by minimizing risks, all kinds of nuances for making changes, both in the management system and in the personnel system as a whole. It is very important that all the work performed is done in such a way that it is not too painful for the employees and does not negatively affect their future work.

It is very important that all actions are taken to eliminate situations of conflict format with employees. Experienced specialists are sure that conflicts with specialists at work can cause serious negative consequences for the employer. That is, employees, instead of carrying out business development, carry out certain proceedings in their team. A distinctive feature of consulting is the elimination of such options for the work of the team, through new motivation, a new management system, in certain cases due to a complete change of the team.

Often, company managers try to use the help of HR consulting specialists precisely because of the need to analyze the rationality of compiling documentation, checking the entire system, which is aimed at generating documents. That is, in other words, the need for a kind of optimization of office work is being formed, and a new system of work of the internal cadastral service is being provoked. Such changes should be justified, should take into account all the nuances that had a negative impact on the work before. That is, a detailed study is carried out, after which, experts develop an ideal plan for modernization.