Own mini-bakery: profitability of production and SES requirements. List of equipment and required documents. What equipment is needed to open a mini-bakery Project risk ranking

The demand for healthy and tasty pastries among the population will always remain unchanged. And small bakeries can quickly adapt to the needs of their customers. Having your own mini-bakery can be enough and a sought-after enterprise. Its benefits are obvious. Baking is fresh all the time because it is baked often, but in small batches.

Products are distinguished by the most diverse assortment. The quality is increased due to small volumes and constant supervision of the cooking process. With a systematic organization of production and the correct construction and approach to the consumer, such a business can bring solid income and mutual satisfaction to both the buyer and the owner.

The relevance and prospects for the development of such a business

Small mini-bakeries have much more prospects than the largest bakeries. It is easier for them to adapt to market demand and rebuild equipment for any product. It's easier to change recipes. And if you find a good place, pick up knowledgeable assistants and experiment a little with the assortment, then in two months it will be possible to supply regular customers fragrant, crispy bread, diet pastries and other delicious confectionery. After all, many people want to buy not just bread, but a healthy and fresh bakery product. For example, from sprouted grain, or from carbonated mineral water without yeast.

To do this business, you need to find suitable premises, purchase necessary equipment and select the right staff. The main thing is to find an experienced, skillful, tech savvy baker. Further, if possible, you need to connect advertising, or figure out how to attract customers. Mini-bakery business small areas, is especially relevant today.

Personal experience of opening a mini-bakery is described in the following video story:

Initial capital and registration of the necessary documentation

In order to open your own bakery, perhaps three hundred thousand rubles will be enough, or you can spend ten million or more.

Main cost items to create a business (per year) in large cities:

  1. The cost of rent is nine hundred thousand rubles.
  2. Equipment (depending on capacity) - one million two hundred thousand rubles (one-time).
  3. To make repairs - one hundred thousand rubles (one-time).
  4. Purchase of furniture - three hundred thousand rubles (one-time).
  5. Utility bills - two hundred thousand rubles.
  6. Payment wages up to one and a half million rubles.

Before starting a business, you should formally register as an entrepreneur or establish your own business. For small and medium businesses, there are only two ways: .

Distinctive features:

  1. The sole proprietorship will be legally liable and will risk its property, while the LLC will be limited to the size of its investment.
  2. possible without the help of a lawyer in three days, required documents: your passport, a notarized copy, an application for registration and a receipt for payment of state duty. And you will need the help of a lawyer to file and process documents. And a mandatory bank account, the presence of its seal.
  3. The costs for an individual entrepreneur will be eight hundred rubles, and an LLC - four thousand, plus the costs of a notary.
  4. In an individual entrepreneur there is a limitation in some types of activity, and in an LLC there is a limitless scope of activity.
  5. Accounting calculations for individual entrepreneurs are not required, but for LLCs they are necessary.
  6. Income can be disposed of at your discretion, and in an LLC, proceeds should be distributed no more than once a quarter (payment of interest to community shareholders).
  7. An individual entrepreneur is not needed, and an LLC will calculate the minimum wage.
  8. Few agree to cooperate with private traders, and even large companies and joint stock communities work with LLCs.
  9. It will be difficult and inexpensive to resell a business, and an LLC will do it very quickly and profitably.
  10. Powers of attorney from individual entrepreneurs should only be notarized, and this is unprofitable and takes a very long time, and LLCs will be taken everywhere.

You must choose the option that suits you, the vast majority choose IP.

If you have not yet registered an organization, then the easiest do it with online services, which will help to form everything for free Required documents: If you already have an organization, and you are thinking about how to facilitate and automate accounting and reporting, then the following online services come to the rescue, which will completely replace the accountant in your enterprise and save a lot of money and time. All reporting is generated automatically, signed electronic signature and sent automatically online. It is ideal for an individual entrepreneur or LLC on the simplified tax system, UTII, PSN, TS, OSNO.
Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it got!

Documents required to open a bakery

To start this business, you need to prepare the following package of documents:

  1. The sanitary and epidemiological decision for production and products is approved at the Rospotrebnadzor institution absolutely free of charge, but only with the results of the examination.
  2. Certificate of Conformity - issued by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology.
  3. The decision of the fire inspection, on compliance with fire safety requirements.
  4. Permits for the supply of equipment, premises, personnel, etc.

Drawing up a business plan

Opening a bakery is a business that will require a lot of investment in the beginning.

Initial Costs will require significant capital investment. This means that before opening a bakery, it is necessary to calculate all the likely costs, risks, possible competitors -.

First, let's look at a sample business plan:

  1. First, we deposit 1,135,000 rubles.
  2. The monthly income will be 540 thousand rubles.
  3. Revenue 58400 rubles.
  4. It turns out that such a business can pay off only after two years.

If we imagine this in more detail: let's take, for example, an urban-type settlement with a population of about two hundred thousand people. Here you decided to open a bakery, with an assortment of about ten different types of pastries.

To get started, you need work out competitors. If in the village more emphasis is placed on baking bread, then we will deal with cookies and cakes. It is better to open a business as an individual entrepreneur, but you definitely need to conduct Accounting and it is better to hire an experienced accountant.

The business plan includes the mode of operation of the bakery. Since these will mainly be night shifts from 23.00–11.00, you need to draw up shift work. For example, work three in three, or two in two days. The employees involved in the implementation work from 6.00 to 17.00. From five days working week and one day off.

Choice of direction

Numerous bakeries, small private workshops, supermarkets, etc. are engaged in the manufacture of bread and other pastries. It will be difficult to compete with them, especially with small initial investments. But this is the case if you are thinking of opening a standard pastry shop or bakery.

And in order not only to stay on this market, but also to invent such a typification of the enterprise, which will turn into competitive advantage, you can, for example, cut the range of some products and bake no more than eight items. And all pastries should be unlike the one sold in most shops and stalls.

Room preparation

Choosing the right place for a mini-bakery is the components of your success in the future. There should not be other similar establishments near you - these are your competitors. If you are thinking of selling bread directly from the bakery, then the place must be a “walk-through”. And if you confine yourself to production, then it should be comfortable and practical in every respect.

For the location of an elementary set of equipment, an average of 80 square meters will be required. m. area, a lot depends on the range. Some products require special equipment, tables, which means that the area should be larger.

Of course, plumbing, toilet, ventilation, etc. will be needed. There will be a separate storage room for storing raw materials and a separate baking room and packing room.

Equipment preparation

Quality equipment and highly skilled workers, required condition for a successful process. All equipment is divided into basic and additional. The main elements include: dough mixing machines, dough sheeters, proofers, ovens, refrigerators, flour sifters. Additional items include storage shelves, molds, packaging machines, sinks, scales, knives and more.

For a small mini-bakery you will need the following equipment:

  • oven 800,000 rubles;
  • dough mixer 280,000 rubles;
  • flour sifter 20,000 rubles;
  • confectionery table 4,000 rubles;
  • electric mixer 4,000 rubles;
  • dough proofing equipment 55,000 rubles;
  • dough rolling machine 40,000 rubles;
  • hood 20,000 rubles;
  • blender 3,000 rubles;
  • electric stove 25,000 rubles.

The approximate amount will be about a million rubles. You just need to immediately consider what kind of dough you will work with: yeast, biscuit, puff. This will depend on the direction of the equipment needed for the purchase.


Finding staff is not an easy task. After all, the work of a qualified baker is low-paid, but at the same time very difficult. On average, a baker receives up to nine thousand rubles, and a technologist even less, about six thousand per month.

To produce a thousand kilograms of baked goods per day, you will need:

  1. production technologist;
  2. two bakers;
  3. cleaning woman;
  4. packer (if necessary);
  5. loader;
  6. driver;
  7. accountant (it is better to take under the contract).

All workers are required to undergo a medical examination (presence of a medical book).

Promotion Methods

When you create a business plan, you need to immediately worry about the implementation. You can open your own store, or you can sell through other commercial outlets, and not necessarily only in the village, you can also outside it. There are some bakeries that quite successfully and successfully cooperate with wholesalers.

They buy pastries and deliver them to tents, stalls, shops. This option is not bad at all, because it will be possible to work without worrying about sales. And you can focus on increasing the range and quality of products.

You can trade "from the wheels", it is much cheaper than renting a store. In the regions, it is much easier to establish trade from a car than, for example, in the capital. Such a van can be rented for a start, and then redeemed. All you need is the permission of the local authorities.

Calculation of payback, profit and expenses

For a business to be profitable, you need to do the following work: do your own market research bakery products, learn the demand, price, volume and range of your main competitors. Calculate the main quantities of future production. This is done so that you can receive maximum income from the bakery.

The main factor that will affect your revenue is the cost of the main components. And the quality of the finished product will be affected by: the level of equipment, the technological process, the composition and properties of the ingredients.

We calculate, according to the initial information.

Average price of raw materials for making bread and other products:

  1. Premium flour for 1 kg - 13.80 rubles.
  2. Flour of the first - 13.40 rubles.
  3. Flour of the second - 12.00 rubles.
  4. Rye flour - 11.40 rubles.
  5. Sugar - 20.40 rubles.
  6. Yeast - 30.50 rubles.
  7. Salt - 4.60 rubles.
  8. Vegetable oil 1 liter - 62.00 rubles.
  9. Margarine 1 kg - 44.00 rubles.

The productivity (P) of a bakery that bakes Borodinsky bread (0.9 kg) with one PKhP-6 oven is ninety-six kilograms per hour.

Volumes for the year (GO) 360 days in two shifts, twelve hours each will be: GO \u003d P x 12 x 2 x 360.

The performance of the oven is derived from the following calculation using forms for baking Borodinsky bread (0.9 kg) and a trolley.

GO \u003d 96 x 12 x 2 x 360 \u003d 829,440 kg of bread.

Flour of the second grade 50 kg. Price per kg 12.00 rub. The total cost is 600 rubles.
Rye flour 50 kg. Price 11.50 rubles. The cost is 575 rubles.
Yeast 1.5 kg. Price 29.50 rubles. The cost is 44.25 rubles.
Salt 5 kg. Price 4.50 rubles. The cost is 6.75 rubles.
Bottom line: weight about 150 kg worth 1230.00 rubles.

Output according to this recipe: you get about 150 kg. For 1 kg of products, the costs will be approximately 8.9 rubles.

It is also necessary to take into account the cost of electricity, utility bills and rent. workers at the rate of six people per month will be about eight thousand rubles per person.

As a result of all calculations, the payback of the bakery will be from ten to eighteen months.

Khleb Oborudovanie specializes in designing and equipping turnkey bakeries. The proposed concepts are drawn up by experienced technologists who, if necessary, will develop a project for your individual order.

It can be a small bakery at a store or a large bakery - for any enterprise we will select the necessary equipment, mount it and put it into operation as soon as possible.

Typical bakery projects and prices:

48 m2 artisan bread bakery

The equipment provides the whole complex production process: grain grinding, flour sifting, dough kneading and cold fermentation, punching, cutting and shaping, baking in a hearth oven on a stone.

Cooperating with the Khleb Equipment company, you get a full range of services. This is a consultation of a technologist, project development, equipment supply and commissioning, as well as training your employees in the basics of baking and how to work effectively.

In addition, you get the opportunity to promptly consult with technologists and mechanics of the company on all emerging issues for two years. We assume obligations for warranty service of the supplied equipment and offer post-warranty service.

Realized mini-bakery

The Khleb Oborudovanie company prepared and implemented various projects for equipping bakeries, cafes, various in scale and specialization, confectionery shops and bakeries. Here you can see video reports about the enterprises put into operation, equipped by our specialists.

Mini-bakery "Bread Yard", Vuktyl

Opening of a new bakery with the financial support of the local administration in Vuktyl (Komi Republic). This video shows a new automatic bread machine that is highly reliable, economical, easy to maintain. The versatility of the PVT1 oven with up to 100 recipe programs will expand the assortment of any bakery. The equipment was completed according to the Bakery Format No. 3, delivery, installation and technological training of personnel was organized

Mini-bakery "Don-Baton" in Ocher.

The production and sale of elite bread, pies, cakes and pastries in bakeries is aimed at extracting maximum profit from a minimum area. Such an enterprise should be located in residential areas and the most passable places your city or town. The equipment was delivered in 2013 on lease. Italian equipment was supplied by companies: Mac.pan, CIMAV, Atrepan falls under the formats of the bakery No. 2 and No. 1.

Mini-Bakery "Sdobushka" in the apartment

The bakery is located in a two-room apartment on the ground floor, converted into a shop with a separate entrance. The video shows the PK10 convection oven (with the ability to load 50 standard loaves at a time weighing up to 0.6 kg for baking in 40 minutes), which is installed on the proofer ShR-41, dough mixer MTM 65M. Additionally, for production confectionery B-30B mixers for biscuit and shortbread dough and a B-5 planetary mixer for filling preparation were purchased.

Other popular bakery projects:

Frequently asked Questions

Question: How profitable and stable business is a mini-bakery?

Regardless economic situation in the country, and even his personal financial situation, a person regularly needs food. That is why the sale and production of food products is considered one of the most promising and stable business areas.

In order to evaluate the benefits of opening your own bakery, it is enough to calculate the cost of an ordinary shanga or cabbage pie and see how much they cost in a chain store. This profit must be yours.

  • The cost of raw materials for a pie with cabbage weighing 100g is 4.52 rubles, selling min is 20 rubles.
  • The cost of raw materials for a French baguette weighing 300g is 4 rubles, selling min is 30 rubles.
  • The cost of raw materials for a homemade loaf weighing 600g is 7.5 rubles, selling min 35 rubles.
  • For the calculation, the prices for flour are 19.5 rubles, margarine 58 rubles, cabbage 36 rubles.

Question: What is important to consider when opening a mini-bakery?

The shop-bakery format is a new and most promising direction that has no competition from bakeries and large bakeries. Therefore, we immediately suggest that you abandon social bread (“tinned”) at your bakery. The production and trade of elite bread, pies, cakes and non-traditional pastries (Ossetian pies, khachipuri, karasau) are aimed at extracting maximum profit from a minimum area. Such an enterprise should be located in the most passable places in your city or village. A good place would be an opening or already working shopping center, market or stop public transport. The bakery will not only generate income from baking, but will also attract regular customer for other items in your store. The low cost of the project (only Russian equipment) will allow us to successfully develop our own network of such bakeries, bringing their number to several dozen.

March 20th, 2017

In my post, I emphasized that

baker, in his business should be more of an entrepreneur than a baker .

On the Internet, I found an article “Business plan for opening a mini-bakery from scratch”, which confirms this.


Step one- Determining the assortment
step two- We calculate the costs at the start
Third- We receive permits
Fourth- Renting a room
Fifth- Purchase equipment and raw materials
Sixth-Organize the sale of baked goods
What is good about the business in the form of opening a bakery is its simplicity and demand. After all, everyone needs bread every day. True, in order to engage in baking, one must love it, only in this way baking bread will become a profitable and bringing stable income.
Although the bakery will not bring large incomes, especially at the beginning, it will allow you to "stand firmly on your feet."

Therefore, the best candidates for opening their own mini-bakery will be bakers with entrepreneurial inclinations.

In most mini-bakeries, there is simply no end to customers, this business is in great demand,
as the saying goes: kalach will become boring, but bread will never.

It is not necessary to be a professional baker, but being able and loving to bake pies, bread, muffins and other goodies will be very desirable. Indeed, in this case, even before the opening of the mini-bakery, you will be able to develop a unique recipe and test it on friends, relatives, colleagues, neighbors and choose the most delicious and successful options, and get your first customers.

And then, in the course of work, you will always be able to respond very flexibly to changes in market conditions, to the appearance of competitors, adjusting and changing the range or method of sale, so as to remain the most “delicious” bakery on the market.

To get started, here are two videos in which the bakery owners talk about their business.

So, the bakery business plan (prices for 2015)

❶ Bakery assortment

The first thing to do at the stage of the bakery business plan is to decide on the direction. To do this, it is not necessary to order complex marketing research, you can simply go around shops, kiosks, mini-bakeries and other points where bakery products are sold and find out which types are more in demand. What is scattered, and what lies for a long time. Why so is a question of quality or price. The products of which factories and bakeries are represented there.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to compete with the so-called social varieties of bread of large bakeries and combines. But by focusing on taste and health benefits in a business plan, it is quite possible to occupy a stable niche in a higher price range. It can be varieties of bread with bran; with the addition of sesame seeds, sunflower; combined bread - from wheat, rye, corn flour; bread with cumin, malt, even dried fruits.

Do not forget about the confectionery direction in the bakery - sweet buns, muffins, cookies, etc. And since you will probably buy sesame, sunflower, nuts, sugar and fructose grains in bulk, then organize the production of kozinaki and other nut and grain goodies.
the main objective this study for a business plan, find out what types of popular bakery products are in short supply, so that you can then offer them at an affordable price.

As already mentioned, this work can be done independently, or you can order marketing research. In the first case, you will spend your time and save some money, but there is a risk that you will miss some important moment, which may be key, and as a result, sales and profitability may be lower than expected. In the second case, the picture will be more complete, but the article of investments in opening a business based on a mini-bakery will be replenished with another amount, not the fact that it is mandatory.

❷ Start-up capital

How much money to consider for starting production in a business plan directly depends on how much bread and other products you plan to bake. If you start small, 200-400 kg of bakery products per day, then a couple of electric ovens, medium dough mixers, racks and tables may well be enough 350-400 000 rub. If you are planning a bigger business, then you will need several million. The exact amount will be determined by a specific business plan, or rather its estimated part.
The source of funding in the business plan estimate can be:
1. own funds
2. Bank loan
3. money from a private investor.
Each option has its advantages and disadvantages
In the first case you risk only your own money, but for start-up entrepreneurs, the amount of more than 500,000 rubles, which you need to invest and get the first profit only after a few months, often turns out to be unbearable.

Second, and the most common way is a bank loan. This is money borrowed at interest. The option is obvious, the risk is high, but getting money for a bakery and paying back loans is real.

And third- is to find a private investor who has free funds, and he may be interested in business development, but in this case a competent business plan is already important. For example, this may be the owner of a grocery supermarket chain, and / or a cafe, which is interested in as many customers as possible go to it, and they remain regular customers.

And you, with your fresh and tasty buns, will help him with this. Your unbearable amount for him may not be so significant. But here it is important to immediately agree on the conditions under which you will receive the money. After all, there is a risk that after you establish a profitable bakery, a stronger and more experienced partner can take over your business. The decency of the investor is also important here, as well as their own quickness and “toothiness”.

Well, it's good to know:

❸ Regulatory and permitting documents

When starting your own mini-bakery, you need to take care of obtaining all the necessary permits.

The sphere of production and marketing of food products has clear requirements from the SES. Before the business starts, without fail you need to get 2 conclusions - for the production and products of the bakery.

In addition, a mini-bakery will require a certificate of conformity from the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology.
The final stage will be the issuance of a document from the environmental expertise service, as well as the coordination of all standards with the fire inspection at the factory.

Without all of the above documents, it is impossible to open a bakery. Keep in mind in the business plan that the cost of obtaining opinions and permits from all instances will be about 50,000 rubles.

❹ Room rental

A very important and responsible step, since not every room is suitable for a bakery. As one of the most desirable options, this is part of the free space of shops, food industry, catering.

Such premises initially comply with the requirements of the SES and the fire service, or it is quite easy to bring them into line with such requirements. To rent such premises, you need to conclude an agreement on a joint type of activity. But not every business owner will let someone else under his “roof”, because the tenant can cause trouble, and both will have to answer.

In any case, it is quite possible to find a suitable room for long-term lease. And you need to take care of this in advance.

For a mini-bakery, a room of 60-120 m², a separate storage room and a dressing room will be enough. When searching, it is important to take into account the location, the availability of convenient entrances for shipping products, as well as low competition or - better option - its absence.

The premises of the bakery must comply with the requirements of the SES, study the issue thoroughly on the official website.

If the room is not equipped with any of the above systems, then you need to make repairs, taking into account the estimate, or look for another option.

❺ Purchase of equipment and raw materials

The quantity and quality of equipment for a mini-bakery is determined by the budget capabilities of the business plan,
as well as the chosen scale of the bakery.
Imported European equipment has excellent performance and energy-saving characteristics, but the cost of such equipment is often several times higher than domestic counterparts.

Therefore, you need to look at the specific situation and consider all options. Foreign, domestic, new and used samples.

Study carefully specifications, reviews.
It will be very good to visit the operating production, where the equipment you are interested in is installed.


1. A baking oven of the KhPE-500 type or an analogue - or rather two small ones, because if the oven fails, production will stop.
2. Proofer - there the shaped dough is suitable before serving in the oven.
3. One or more small dough mixers if a wide range is expected.
4. Forms for bread.
5. Bottom sheets.
6. Tables, racks.
7. Portion scales.
8. Other auxiliary utensils, metal containers, bowls, knives, spatulas, etc.

This section will constitute the most significant article capital costs for bakery business plan. Depending on the selected type and class of equipment, the amount may be from $60,000 to $200,000
At the first stage, it would be best to get by with the most necessary, and buy the rest as output grows and as needed.

You also need to find and conclude contracts for the supply of all necessary raw materials and ingredients for the bakery in advance. For the smooth operation of the bakery, you should maintain at least a week's supply in your own warehouse. With the majority of large suppliers, it is possible to agree on the regular delivery of the required amount by their transport, which will also remove the need to maintain their own vehicles.

Even the most carefully crafted business plan will not give you the true cost of production before the first loaves are out of the oven. Therefore, the first few batches will be the most important in pricing, technology development and the final recipe.

To help in the calculations, we present the data according to GOST:
for 1,000 kg. white bread needs 740 kg. flour, 9.6 kg. salt, 1.2 kg. sunflower oil, 7.4 kg. yeast.
It is not difficult to find out the price of these ingredients from suppliers, and for the rest too, if the recipe is more complex.
To the amount received, you should add staff salaries, electricity fees, rent, taxes, etc. Further, elementary arithmetic for a business plan: the selling price of products must cover the sum of all costs and contain at least a minimum profit, otherwise the bakery will have to close.

For the smooth and profitable operation of the bakery, conscientious and skilled workers are needed. Otherwise, all efforts can be crossed out by one batch of low-quality bread. Therefore, the selection of people must be taken very responsibly and carefully.

❻ Sales organization

In parallel with the order and installation of the production line, you should deal with the conclusion of contracts with shops or wholesalers.
This is where the information collected in the first paragraph of our list may come in handy. In addition, by this time it is good to have prototypes of the products that you are going to offer, so that the owner or manager can be sure of the quality and good product specifications products.

It is best to organize the delivery of mini-bakery products at the expense of the wholesaler's company, or conclude an agreement with a private carrier.

In the latter case, he would pick up finished products every morning and deliver them to retail outlets. In both options, there is no need to buy and maintain your own vehicles.

It should be remembered when drawing up a business plan that for a stable and profitable operation of a bakery, it is necessary to find the ratio of price and quality of the product that would suit you as a manufacturer, but also a buyer, as a consumer.
The best guarantee of business stability is a satisfied customer who becomes a regular customer.
We hope that the information provided in this article will help you start a business, run your mini-bakery and make money.

Opening own business in the field of nutrition, it is a noble cause, since the human body is designed in such a way that it needs to eat to maintain its vital activity. Therefore, enterprising people first of all think about opening a business in the field of cooking. A popular destination is a mini-bakery as a business.

Private small establishments are in demand, and many entrepreneurs charge quite high prices for their products: often not for quality, but for the brand. Often, the taste and other characteristics of products leave much to be desired, so when opening such a line of business, think about whether you can provide the products with the proper quality, whether you are ready to make investments so that the enterprise works as it should.

A bakery is a great type of business in almost any region

Bakery business plan

It is he who acts as the main type of documentation before starting any activity. Many aspiring entrepreneurs ignore this document. With its help, you can identify the main goals, engage in the definition of strengths and weaknesses business, as well as determine financial costs, make an analysis of the market, competitors. At the end of the documentation, it is worth giving two main plans according to which events will subsequently develop: positive and negative.

Developing a goal is always a paramount component of a business plan in any business. You can mark not only material indicators, but also any others. Some entrepreneurs open just such a business because they are not satisfied with the quality of the products currently on the market. Someone creates a business with the aim of helping the poor, in any case, there is no need to set a limit to act only for profit.

So, after setting goals, you need to start somewhere. Traditionally, this is the calculation of the amount that will be required to conduct activities. The main thing here is to prescribe everything to the smallest detail so that unforeseen circumstances do not arise. This will help a preliminary study of the labor market, the features of real estate leased for commercial activities. It will also be necessary to define required volumes production for a certain time period. Next, we move on to the next stages of the bakery business plan.

Room selection

Since it will be necessary to provide for the placement of several elements in one room, it must be selected correctly and have the necessary area. It should contain a workshop, several warehouses and premises for workers. The administrative part is also given a certain place - this is the office of an accountant, manager and leader.

For a small bakery: all of these positions can be combined into one. Another factor that determines the peculiarity of the choice of premises is the purpose of opening a bakery. If it's a small bakery-only establishment fresh bread, then a room with a total area of ​​\u200b\u200b100 square meters is suitable. m. For a large factory, something more will be required. If you want to open a company store on the territory of a mini-bakery, then make sure that there are no competitors nearby. In the same time outlet should be located next to a large crowd of people, not far from some business center, office space. The average room will cost 300,000 rubles per month.

You need to study the segment in which you plan to open a production line. A bakery business plan with costing assumes the creator's personal participation in the project, and you should not dump this responsibility on other shoulders for two reasons. Firstly, an independent approach will provide you with tremendous experience, and secondly, you personally will do better. Even if something does not work out, you will only have yourself to blame.


To start your business, you will need to hire qualified personnel. It is best to pay attention to specialists with at least a few months of experience, since baking bread is a rather complicated and somewhat problematic process. If a mistake is made at some step, this indicates that correcting the situation is not an easy task.

The number of people you need in production depends on the volume of the enterprise. If you plan to carry out the production of bread and bakery products in a mini-bakery, then you will need at least 1 employee for the production of pastries and 1 manager. The position of leader can also be combined with his role.

Read also: Beer production as a business: equipment, technology

In this case, you should not rush just to make things “go” as quickly as possible, you will need to find people who want to make money and at the same time learn something new. Only after you are convinced of their competence can you offer adequate pay for their work.

Note: the most important condition for the manufacture of food products is a sanitary book. It must be present, you should not take employees with illnesses.


Considering the question of how to open a bakery from scratch, consider the features of the equipment that should be present in it. It is represented on the market by foreign manufacturers, as well as domestic elements. To select the required unit, you may need the services of the company in which you are going to buy equipment. In addition, its own specialists should be involved in the delivery and installation of ovens, tables, shelves for storing bread. It would be good to make sure that this particular company is engaged in warranty service units: this will save you time, money and nerves.

In principle, starting a mini-bakery is possible even with a little over a hundred thousand rubles. This is a combination of the cheapest oven and a Russian-made dough mixer, but everything else will have to be done by hand. Nevertheless, such “startups” are justified when it comes to the need to bake up to 200 kg per day. Under the conditions of the market situation, such an enterprise can provide bread not only for a small settlement, but also for the work of two or three people. But the imperfection of technology in one bakery cannot guarantee a stable quality of baking.

If we are talking about a larger number of products and a wide range, the amount of investment in such production increases significantly. One of the recent projects of Khleb Oborudovanie is a small bakery with a cafe in one of the major cities of Kazakhstan. The owner's wish is 1000 kg of products per day, but at the first stage. To launch the bakery, it took about 600,000 rubles of investment in equipment, which should provide the main assortment - pan bread, long loaves, baguette, bakery products and pies. At the second stage, the order of specialized equipment - dividers and equipment for puff pastry - will be ordered.

When choosing equipment, the “first price” factor has long been the main argument for mini-bakery customers. The cost of entering the market is extremely important, especially for "small chains". Often this equipment is of very low quality, with a low resource and high operating costs. Such bakeries, as a rule, are constantly transported from one rented premises to another, which reduces the already low resource of equipment.Mini-bakeries built on the principle of “one-man business” are formed in a completely different way. Equipment for such bakeries is selected according to the principle of strength-functionality-price. Such enterprises may need re-equipment only in 15–20 years., while operating and depreciation costs are very low due to the long life of the equipment. The truth is usually somewhere in the middle.

If we imagine a bakery as a person, then, of course, the heart of the bakery is the oven, the skeleton is the dough mixer and the baker is the head.” As in the body, the resource of the heart guarantees it long life, so in the bakery, the design and reliability of the oven guarantee success. At the same time, not only the thickness of the metal or the “survivability” of electronics is important for success, but also the availability of service and spare parts for the entire life cycle ovens. Today, no more than 10-15 manufacturing companies can guarantee this. Among them are FINES from Slovenia, Cimav from Italy, Irtysh from Russia.

High-quality dough science is also a fundamental condition for the production of excellent products, and here, alas, the domestic manufacturer has practically nothing to offer those who wish to open a mini-bakery. In the segment of dough mixers with a load of 2 to 40 kg of flour, Italian companies are the clear leaders, but their quality varies greatly. The price cannot be a marker of reliability either, there are examples of highly overvalued equipment.

In the segment of small dough cutting equipment, the situation with inexpensive domestic technology becomes even sadder. Our industry still ignores this part of the market, this niche is occupied by European manufacturers. The most popular middle-class manufacturers are the Italian MacPan technology: dividers, rounders, seams, dispensers that provide excellent results for relatively little money. Those who wish to purchase more serious equipment can be offered equipment from the Dutch company DAUB. In its class, this equipment has practically no equal in quality, and even more so in price. Not without reason, many technological solutions of this company received major awards at major international exhibitions.

To summarize, you will need the following equipment:

  • dough mixing machine - do everything with your own hands for a long time, the price of such a machine is from 150,000 rubles;
  • dough rolling machine - 20,000 rubles;
  • a cabinet for raising the dough before proceeding directly to the baking process - 50,000 rubles;
  • a baking oven - in it you can bake not only bread, but also bakery products, cakes. The cost will be about 600,000 rubles;
  • cooling system - with its help, bread products can retain their nutritional properties for a long time. Usually the bread is chilled before being sliced;
  • packaging machine - for a mini-bakery in the early stages it is optional, but over time you will have to take care of buying it;
  • means for sifting flour - its cost is 10,000 rubles;
  • additional elements of professional equipment - racks, tables, hoods, molds, knives and other items.