Professions with the lowest competition. Recruiters named professions with minimal competition. Market outsiders: no applicants

How difficult was 2013 in terms of finding a job, and for whom? When is the best time to recruit? Are there patterns in the dynamics of vacancies and resumes? The portal summarizes the results of the outgoing year in the labor market.

Throughout the year, unlike 2012, there were more resumes than vacancies. However, at the beginning of the year, the gap was quite bearable for applicants, and competition was moderately low (ratio of the number of resumes to the number of vacancies: 1.32 in January, 1.39 in February and 1.33 in March). Also, in general, the market behaved predictably: the diagram clearly shows the January and May seasonal declines in activity.

Since August, the market has ceased to be predictable. The number of resumes increased sharply, but the number of vacancies, instead of following the same trend, continued to fluctuate at the same level, and by November it had reached an annual minimum. Finding a job in the fall became much more difficult, and in October there were already 2.36 resumes per vacancy.

If we compare our data with the dynamics of 2012, it turns out that applicants were in no hurry to post resumes in the first half of the year, and employers were not in a hurry to look for employees in the summer and autumn.

In our monthly labor market reviews, we alternately singled out two different trends, which, apparently, formed the picture of the market in 2013:

1) an influx of applicants into areas with a traditional shortage human resources and a simultaneous decrease in competition, and in other industries - a kind of equalization of supply and demand (perhaps due to this, from January to July, “crooked” vacancies and resumes went almost in parallel);

2) the trend toward a decrease in demand for workers that appeared closer to autumn, most likely caused by talk of a crisis.

Now let's look at the dynamics of the market in certain areas of professional activity.

For the convenience of readers, the portal distributes spheres into three color zones depending on the intensity of competition in this area at the end of a particular month. We will use this terminology in the following review.

What can be learned from the main indicators of the labor market?

Applicant activity peak- the month in which the most resumes were posted in this area.

Peak activity of employers- the month in which employers posted the most vacancies for workers in this field.

- the month that in 2013 was the most favorable for finding a job in this area, that is, when the number of resumes per vacancy was minimal.

- a month in which it was less likely to find a job in this area, but with greater success it was possible to find an employee due to the fact that one vacancy accounted for the largest number of resumes.

In the IT market in 2013, there were two peaks in the activity of employers - April and July. The first of them is typical for all spheres, the second is not. The demand for IT specialists is high: the industry has been in the “green zone” all year, the most favorable for finding a job.

Applicant activity peak— October (+48.68% of the summary against December 2012).

Peak activity of employers— April (+40.65% of vacancies compared to December 2012).

Least competition for jobs- April (1.22 resumes per 1 vacancy).

The greatest competition for jobs- October (2.27 resumes per 1 vacancy).

Top 5 professions: sales manager, sales assistant, call center operator, network administrator, PC operator.

Demand for employees administrative sphere during 2013, it changed insignificantly and was quite high compared to the supply: only in October the industry left the "green zone" and moved to the "yellow" zone, which is characterized by medium tension when looking for a job.

Applicant activity peak— October (+65.35% of resume against December 2012).

Peak activity of employers— April (+28.32% of vacancies compared to December 2012).

Least competition for jobs- April (1.64 resumes per 1 vacancy).

The greatest competition for jobs- October (3.27 resumes per 1 vacancy).

Top 5 professions: office administrator, secretary, courier, assistant secretary, cleaner.

Throughout the year, competition for jobs in this area was high, while the demand for specialists remained stable. Throughout 2013, the ratio of vacancies to resumes fluctuated within the "yellow zone", once moving into the "green", and in October it froze on the edge of the "red" - the most intense and almost hopeless for finding a job.

Applicant activity peak— October (+54.3% of the summary against December 2012).

Peak activity of employers— June (+21.5% of vacancies compared to December 2012).

Least competition for jobs- June (2.42 resumes per 1 vacancy).

The greatest competition for jobs- October (5.93 resumes per 1 vacancy).

Top 5 professions: credit manager, sales manager, account manager, cashier, boss.

In the first half of the year, the demand for employees in this area leveled off with the supply, but after May, competition among applicants began to grow, and in the fall it reached its maximum. Once one of the busiest, in 2013 this industry has firmly established itself between the "green" and "yellow" zones.

Applicant activity peak— October (+26.82% of resume against December 2012).

Peak activity of employers— April (+52.56% of vacancies compared to December 2012).

Least competition for jobs- May (1.63 resumes per 1 vacancy).

The greatest competition for jobs- September (4.22 resumes per 1 vacancy).

Top 5 professions: accountant, Chief Accountant, engineer-economist, cashier, accountant-cashier.

Civil service is the only area in which the autumn dynamics of vacancies coincided with the dynamics of resumes. However, the autumn surge of vacancies in this industry reflects not so much the dynamics of the market as the dynamics of vacancies on the portal

Applicant activity peak— October (+47.39% of resume against December 2012).

Peak activity of employers— October (+239.34% of vacancies compared to December 2012).

Least competition for jobs- October (5.05 resumes per 1 vacancy).

The greatest competition for jobs- September (15.73 resumes per 1 vacancy).

Top 5 professions: Chief Specialist, specialist, policeman, consultant, agent.

Designers in 2013 could feel comfortable in the labor market: this area has never left the "green zone".

Applicant activity peak- September (+34.31% of the summary against December 2012).

Peak activity of employers— April (+47.82% of vacancies compared to December 2012).

Least competition for jobs- April (1.14 resumes per 1 vacancy).

The greatest competition for jobs- October (1.99 resumes per 1 vacancy).

Top 5 professions: designer, designer-consultant, sales manager, printer, operator.

Throughout 2013, competition among candidates in the field of culture grew almost steadily. As a result, this industry entered the “red zone” in November. And the list of "Top 5 professions" suggests that keyword in this area - "entertainment".

Applicant activity peak— October (+70.24% of resume against December 2012).

Peak activity of employers— April and October (+11.94% of vacancies compared to December 2012).

Least competition for jobs- April (3.87 resumes per 1 vacancy).

The greatest competition for jobs- November (6.09 resumes per 1 vacancy).

Top 5 professions: archivist, photographer, artist, animator, dancer.

The demand for workers in the logistics sector is consistently high: it remained so even in autumn. This is one of the industries where competition among applicants is traditionally low (“green zone”). It should be noted that among the five most demanded professions in this area, there is not one that requires higher education.

Applicant activity peak— October (+68.38% of resume against December 2012).

Peak activity of employers— April (+13.2% of vacancies compared to December 2012).

Least competition for jobs- January (1.17 resumes per 1 vacancy).

The greatest competition for jobs- October (2.45 resumes per 1 vacancy).

Top 5 professions: storekeeper, loader, driver, freight forwarder, picker.

If not for the September surge in the number of resumes, the competition in the field of marketing would never exceed two CVs per vacancy. First of all, such a stable demand concerns merchandisers and sales managers.

Applicant activity peak— October (+42.64% of resume against December 2012).

Peak activity of employers— April (+17.14% of vacancies compared to December 2012).

Least competition for jobs- April (1.42 resumes per 1 vacancy).

The greatest competition for jobs- October (2.43 resumes per 1 vacancy).

Top 5 professions: merchandiser, sales manager, advertising manager, promoter, account manager.

The HR sector was fully affected by the spring-summer decline in coefficients (the ratio of the number of resumes to the number of vacancies): from March to June, this industry was in the "green zone". However, already in September, the competition here exceeded the threshold of six resumes per vacancy.

Applicant activity peak— October (+44.03% of resume against December 2012).

Peak activity of employers— April (+50.63% of vacancies compared to December 2012).

Least competition for jobs- June (2.41 resumes per 1 vacancy).

The greatest competition for jobs- October (6.86 resumes per 1 vacancy).

Top 5 professions: HR Manager, HR Inspector, Executive Secretary, HR Director, Office Administrator.

In this traditionally problematic area for applicants in 2013, it was surprisingly calm, and from January to March it was even in an atypical “green zone”. In addition, it is one of the few industries that experienced a surge in job openings in August, possibly due to the start of the school season in September.

Applicant activity peak— September (+73.85% of resume against December 2012).

Peak activity of employers— August (+62.28% of vacancies compared to December 2012).

Least competition for jobs- February (2.35 resumes per 1 vacancy).

The greatest competition for jobs- June (4.21 resumes per 1 vacancy).

Top 5 professions: teacher, educator, lecturer of English language, journalist, engineer.

The demand for security guards is one of the highest on the market. It is no coincidence that from January to March there were more vacancies in this area than resumes. And for the whole year, the competition never exceeded the mark of two resumes per vacancy.

Applicant activity peak— October (+36.21% of resume against December 2012).

Peak activity of employers— January (+8.64% of vacancies compared to December 2012).

Least competition for jobs— January (0.66 resumes per 1 vacancy).

The greatest competition for jobs- September (1.81 resumes per 1 vacancy).

Top 5 professions: security guard, licensed security guard, auditor, concierge, janitor.

Once one of the most sought-after areas among employers (students usually work in trade and the service sector), in 2013 it somewhat lost its positions: only in January there were more vacancies than resumes. The diagram also clearly shows the summer surge in the activity of applicants during student holidays.

Applicant activity peak— October (+249.23% of the summary against December 2012).

Peak activity of employers— April (+16.40% of vacancies compared to December 2012).

Least competition for jobs— January (0.87 resumes per 1 vacancy).

The greatest competition for jobs- October (2.54 resumes per 1 vacancy).

Top 5 professions: courier, sales assistant, waiter, sales manager, call center operator.

The most scarce area in terms of recruitment: in just four months, competition for a place in the food industry exceeded one resume per vacancy. Chefs and waiters will not be left without work, even despite the autumn crisis.

Applicant activity peak— October (+56.92% of resume against December 2012).

Peak activity of employers— April (+7.82% of vacancies compared to December 2012).

Least competition for jobs- January (0.85 resumes per 1 vacancy).

The greatest competition for jobs- October (1.33 resumes per 1 vacancy).

Top 5 professions: cook, waiter, bartender, cashier, dishwasher.

Usually in the field of media, 4-5 candidates apply for one vacancy. But the beginning of the year stood out for job seekers in the means mass media successful, and in March the industry even for a moment was in the "green zone". It should be noted that the list of the five most demanded professions in this area included only one, which requires special training: a journalist.

Applicant activity peak— October (+35.83% of resume against December 2012).

Peak activity of employers— April (+30.67% of vacancies compared to December 2012).

Least competition for jobs- March (2.88 resumes per 1 vacancy).

The greatest competition for jobs- October (6.45 resumes per 1 vacancy).

Top 5 professions: sales manager, journalist, account manager, photographer, advertising manager.

The labor market still needs construction workers in large numbers: the Construction / Utilities / Operations sector is consistently in the “green zone”. Throughout 2013, the ratio of resumes to vacancies fluctuated around one, increasing only in autumn. True, even in the most active months there were much fewer vacancies than in 2012.

Applicant activity peak— October (+40.73% of resume against December 2012).

Peak activity of employers— April (-3.44% of vacancies compared to December 2012).

Least competition for jobs— January (0.97 resumes per 1 vacancy).

The greatest competition for jobs- October (1.62 resumes per 1 vacancy).

Top 5 professions: installer, welder, design engineer, electrician, foreman.

Trade firmly ranks first in terms of the number of vacancies and resumes (last year, the field of trade was by no means the most desirable for job seekers) and second after the “Restaurants / Catering” sector in terms of shortage of workers. At the same time, there are more and more applicants here. But the August recession affected this industry almost more than the rest. As a result, in September there was an abnormally high competition for jobs for the trade sector.

Applicant activity peak— October (+65.12% of resume against December 2012).

Peak activity of employers— April (+15.11% of vacancies compared to December 2012).

Least competition for jobs— March (0.86 resumes per 1 vacancy).

The greatest competition for jobs- September (1.76 resumes per 1 vacancy).

Top 5 professions: sales assistant, sales manager, salesperson, cashier, commercial representative.

Another area with traditional in high demand on employees. But this year for drivers and auto mechanics will have to be recognized as more difficult than the previous one: like in the construction industry, the number of vacancies in this area has never risen to the level of 2012.

Applicant activity peak— October (+51.88% of resume against December 2012).

Peak activity of employers- January (-3.71% of vacancies compared to December 2012).

Least competition for jobs— January (0.89 resumes per 1 vacancy).

The greatest competition for jobs- October (1.88 resumes per 1 vacancy).

Top 5 professions: driver, forwarding driver, car wash, car mechanic, taxi driver.

Tourism is one of the few sectors of the service sector that wants to work in which there are many more than jobs. However, in 2013, until September, this industry was in the "green zone". On the diagram you can see the second (after April) peak of employer activity - July.

Applicant activity peak— October (+58.7% of the summary against December 2012).

Peak activity of employers— April (+63.55% of vacancies compared to December 2012).

Least competition for jobs- March (1.71 resumes per 1 vacancy).

The greatest competition for jobs- October (4.12 resumes per 1 vacancy).

Top 5 professions: tourism manager, maid, cleaner, waiter, electrician.

Law, along with media, science, education, culture and accounting, are the most difficult areas to find a job. This fully manifested itself in 2013. Only May turned out to be relatively favorable for lawyers, but in autumn the industry approached the upper border of the “yellow zone”.

Applicant activity peak— October (+21.46% of resume against December 2012).

Peak activity of employers— April (+36.17% of vacancies compared to December 2012).

Least competition for jobs- May (2.64 resumes per 1 vacancy).

The greatest competition for jobs- September (5.76 resumes per 1 vacancy).

Top 5 professions: lawyer, leading lawyer, boss, lawyer, secretary of the head.

The highest competition is for the position of a lawyer. This is stated in a study conducted by analysts of the career portal They assessed the number of responses to the most popular rubrics over the past 5 years. This is the average number of resumes or resume letters that an employer receives for a posted job. We can say that this is the number of competitors in the struggle for the desired position.

The role in the popularity of lawyers was played by the prestige of this work among the parents of applicants, the expectation from it as a highly paid and prestigious specialty. Yes, and the market higher education"hurried", releasing lawyers literally in batches. A few more years of specialty jurisprudence in different types was not only in the "lazy" universities. But the quality of education of such specialists left much to be desired. Perhaps that is why, even in stable years, many young lawyers could not find work in their specialty.

And now the number of young lawyers out of work has become even greater. They are accompanied by guardian specialists, reduced from those businesses where there is less legal work - contracts with contractors and clients, litigation, etc. In addition, many employers hire lawyers on a part-time or "piece-rate" basis, or even give them away. legal support outsourcing companies. This is probably the main reason that over the past 5 years, lawyers have topped the ranking of the most competitive vacancies.

In addition to lawyers, the top three include top managers and administrative staff. It is clear that there have always been significantly more applicants for leadership positions, or rather, those wishing to take the places of chiefs, than the positions themselves. 2014 and 2013 were marked by both a reduction in the number of top teams of some companies in the fight for budget cuts on wages, and a trend of return of the owners of some businesses to operational management. This led to an increase in the number of dismissed managers and increased competition.

As for the administrative staff - as a rule, the work of a secretary is the first position in the career of many respectable business women. There is an opportunity to see the business from the inside, sometimes using foreign language, integrate into the company and continue a career in it. This is the kind of career start that doesn't require the sales skills that many simply shy away from. And just a universal job - administrative staff is needed in every company. Perhaps for this reason, last year the number of responses to a vacancy in the field of administrative personnel was a record - for all 5 years of the study.

Economists-accountants and HRs became victims of their own versatility - they occupy the 4th-5th lines of the rating. Competition in these segments has intensified in recent years due to the "drying" of the company's business processes, and, accordingly, the release of a certain proportion of specialists.

Irina Davydova

Reading time: 12 minutes


Well, who does not dream of fame and wealth - everyone wants a beautiful life without exception. Even those who are ready to “be content with little” secretly dream of a piece of glory for themselves and a comfortable existence. How to realize your dream? Is it necessary to be in right time and in the right place, or can the path to wealth be planned?

Your attention - 10 professions that will help you become famous and rich.


Every second girl dreams of this profession. Magazine covers, universal love, autographs - tempting! If you can boast of the appropriate talent, patience, perseverance and striking appearance, then it is worth a try.

Where do they teach?

  • Russian Academy of Theater Arts.
  • VGIK.
  • VTU named after Shchepkin.
  • GITIS.
  • VTU named after Schukin.
  • Moscow University of Culture and Arts.

After graduating from the university, the road to the theater is open - this will be the first step on the path to fame. Don't miss out on other opportunities. For example, castings for various roles. Even if this role is small, it may be that your career will take off from it.

Disadvantages of the profession:

  • Hours of work on filming. And, as a rule, not in the most favorable conditions.
  • Constant flights and transfers.
  • Chronic lack of sleep.
  • Lack of time for family.
  • Yes, and glory is a medal with two sides. Not everyone can stand the test of fame.

It is also worth noting that the profession of an actress is far from a solid white stripe. Prepare mentally for a periodic lull in your career and lack of demand. Unless, of course, you are the most versatile actress that directors are in line for.


Fees depend on experience, fame and other factors.

  • For example, an actress in the theater of a small town is a modest income, no more than 11,000 rubles.
  • A popular domestic actress in the lead roles has an average fee for 1 day of filming - $ 2,700.
  • The fee of a domestic serial actress is 500-5000 dollars in accordance with the "rank".

Competition in the profession - 95%.


For every woman who cannot imagine herself without brushes and canvases, a natural dream is to become a famous artist. It is unlikely that you will be able to become another Raphael or Picasso, but if you have talent and your original style, it is very possible to break through to the heights of glory.

Some manage to climb the "Olympus" even with such masterpieces as "yellow and red framed by orange." And if there is talent, then it’s a sin not to take a chance.

Where do they teach?

  • State University of Technology and Design in St. Petersburg.
  • Togliatti State University.
  • State University of Design and Technology, Moscow.
  • Arctic State Institute of Arts and Culture.

Of course, just studying at an art school is not enough. A talented artist will break through to fame even without an art education, and a mediocre one can spend years studying and remain unknown.

That's why…

  • Look for your style.
  • Use every opportunity to get noticed - exhibitions, communities, forums and websites, video tutorials (one of the most effective ways), seminars, meetings of artists, competitions, etc.
  • Draw constantly and a lot.
  • Create your portfolio. The best option is a business card site with a store function.
  • Find a reliable agent who will promote your work.

The main disadvantage of the profession: it is quite possible that it will take a long time to wait for glory.

Artist salary:

It will depend on demand and popularity.

  • Beginner income - 10,000-15,000 rubles / month.
  • Income more experienced artist - up to 2000 dollars.
  • The income of a popular artist is up to $10,000 and more. For example, one painting by Nikas Safronov can cost $50,000.


With popularity and fame - big fees and worldwide recognition of talent. And there you can open your own art school. Or a gallery (whatever you like).

Competition in the profession - 50%.


For every woman who writes diligently and with inspiration in notebooks and Words, a book with a large circulation is the main dream. What is the most important thing for an author in pursuit of popularity? Of course, talent. And to him - a little bit of luck.

Where do they teach?

Unfortunately, nowhere. They do not teach to be writers, and that's it. And even literary institutes, alas, do not let out "writers". But education still does not hurt: literary institutes, journalism, philological universities, etc. This is the basis, without which many subtleties of the craft simply cannot be mastered.

How to become a writer?

  • Try. Write, write and write again. Nothing falls into the hands of itself. Each of your new text must be better than the previous one.
  • Try, advance, stand out. Participate in competitions, start pages on literary sites, storm publishing houses, study the publishing market.
  • It is quite possible that you will have to start with a genre to which you do not have a soul. This famous writer can afford to publish whatever he writes. And the unknown first needs to make a name for himself. On what? Alas, publishers today do not spoil writers too much. They mostly accept technical literature, science fiction/fantasy, diet stories, and 1098 Ways to Get a Man to Get Married books.
  • Don't forget audio books. You can promote your name much faster by presenting your book to the world in good voice acting.
  • Do not miss the opportunity to become famous in blogs. Many blogger writers are fantastically popular (Slava Se, for example).

Disadvantages of the profession:

  • The start is a matter of chance. You may be lucky right away, or maybe in 10 years.
  • Muse is a capricious being. She can run away from the author.
  • Books a la "to rustle the pages" are a thing of the past. They are being replaced by audio books. For those who are always busy.

Writer salary:

A solid fee can be expected after 3-4 published books (in large editions). 1st fee - about 20,000-30,000 rubles. Maximum $2,000. Solid fees come with fame.


Where to study?

  • VGIK.
  • RATI.
  • Theater Institute. B. Schukin.
  • MGUKI.
  • Humanitarian University of Trade Unions (St. Petersburg).

If you manage to graduate from one of these universities with success, then you will definitely be provided with a job. And then everything will depend on your talent, perseverance and abilities.

Analysts of the career portal conducted a study on the number of responses to the most popular headings over the past 5 years. The number of responses is the average number of resumes or resume letters that an employer receives for a posted job. We can say that this is the number of competitors in the struggle for the desired position.

Lawyers: personnel search

The highest competition is for the position of a lawyer. The prestige of this work among the parents of applicants, as well as expectations from it as a highly paid and prestigious specialty, played a role. Yes, and the market of higher education "hurried", releasing lawyers literally in batches. The specialty "jurisprudence" in various forms was not only in "lazy" universities. But the quality of education of such specialists left much to be desired. Perhaps that is why, even in stable years, many young lawyers could not find work in their specialty.

And now the number of young lawyers out of work has become even greater. Their company is made up of experienced specialists, reduced from those businesses where there is less legal work - contracts with contractors and clients, litigation, etc. In addition, many employers hire lawyers on a part-time or “piece-rate basis”, or even outsource legal support to the company. This is the main reason that over the past 5 years, lawyers have topped the ranking of the most competitive vacancies.

Tops: pushed back by business owners

In addition to lawyers, the top three leading areas with the most competition include top managers. It is clear that there have always been significantly more applicants for leadership positions, or rather, those wishing to take the places of chiefs, than the positions themselves.

In the case of the top teams, 2014 and 2013 were marked both by a reduction in the number of top teams of some companies in the struggle for budget cuts for salaries, and by the trend of the return of the owners of some businesses to operational management. This led to an increase in the number of dismissed managers and increased competition.

Administrative staff: desire for an easy start

Another area with the biggest competition is administrative staff. As a rule, the work of a secretary is the first position in the career of many respectable business women. There is an opportunity to see the business from the inside, sometimes using a foreign language, to integrate into the company and continue a career in it.

This is the kind of career start that doesn't require the sales skills that many simply shy away from. And just universal work - administrative staff is needed in every company. Perhaps for this reason, last year the number of applications for a vacancy in the field of administrative personnel was a record - for all 5 years of the study.

Accountants and HR: "drying" business processes

Economists-accountants and HRs have become victims of their own universality - they occupy 4-5 lines in the rating. Competition in these segments has intensified in recent years due to the "drying" of the company's business processes, and, accordingly, the release of a certain proportion of specialists.

IT people: fashion and salaries in foreign currency

An interesting trend is the increase in the number of responses to IT vacancies. Since 2012, it has grown by 2.5 times. The same positive dynamics is observed in working specialties. But if people go to working specialties more based on temporary part-time jobs, then the increase in activity in IT is associated with the desire of applicants to receive wages pegged to the foreign exchange rate and acquire all the charms of being a programmer.

The average number of responses to vacancies posted on the portal in dynamics over 5 years

Tourism, marketing: relative stability

Relatively stable is the number of responses to vacancies in the field of tourism and travel. Nevertheless, it is still difficult for employers to find an experienced specialist from 16-20 responses. More or less everything is stable in the field of marketing - the "classic" marketing is being replaced by Internet marketing, which allows you to be more effective at lower costs. The number of responses in the field of production is also stable, as well as in construction-architecture. Last year was critical, judging by the surge in the number of responses, but this year the situation intends to stabilize.

Market outsiders: no applicants

Real estate vacancies are stable market outsiders. Even in the crisis year of 2014, the number of responses did not exceed 10. The fact that such low competition in this area is explained not only by not the best situation, but also by the unwillingness of applicants to apply for these vacancies: to earn money in the same real estate in this moment- it will not work, and those salaries that are indicated in the description of vacancies are a possible amount based on sales results, but not a guaranteed rate. Things are a little better in the auto business, pharmaceuticals and blue-collar jobs.

Summing up the presented analytics, we can conclude that last year was a serious test for the labor market. The competition is highest in the "office segment" - companies began to cut staff, which they could afford in a more optimistic business situation. Competition is intensifying in the segment of banking vacancies and IT specialties. As usual, it is easier to find a job for active specialists in the field of trade and sales.