Discipline: “Human resource management. The program of the course "Human Resource Management" What the discipline of human resource management studies

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

higher professional education

"Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering"


Director of the Institute of Economics,

management and information technology

S.A. Barkalov
"____" _________________ 2015



Direction of bachelor's training38. 03.02 "Management"


Graduate QualificationBachelor

Normative period of study4/5 years

Form of studyfull-time/correspondence

"____" ______________ 2015, Protocol No. __

Head Department of Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. _____________________ S.A. Barkalov

Voronezh 2015


    1. Purpose of the discipline
The purpose of mastering the discipline "Human Resource Management" is to prepare students for professional activities that ensure rational and competent management of the organization's personnel.

    1. The tasks of mastering the discipline "Human Resource Management": teaching students the theoretical foundations and practical skills necessary for:

  • development of a strategy and concept of personnel management at the enterprise;

  • building functional and organizational structures for managing the organization and its personnel;

  • designing systems and technologies for personnel management;

  • solving problems related to the "human factor" based on modern knowledge about the patterns, principles and methods of personnel management.

The discipline "Human Resource Management" refers to the basic part of the professional cycle of disciplines of the curriculum.

The study of the discipline "Human Resource Management" requires the basic knowledge, skills and competencies of the student in the courses: "Theory of Management", "Sociology", "Psychology", "Conflict Management".

The discipline "Human Resource Management" is a precursor to the disciplines "Methods of making managerial decisions", "Strategic management", "Corporate social responsibility".
3. The list of planned learning outcomes in the discipline, correlated with the planned results of mastering the educational program

results of mastering the educational program
The process of studying the discipline "Fundamentals of personnel management" is aimed at the formation of the following competencies:

learning outcomes

by discipline
As a result of studying the discipline, the student must:

OK-1 knowledge of the basic values ​​of world culture and willingness to rely on them in their personal and general cultural development


  • basic values ​​of world culture;
be able to:

  • use the basic values ​​of world culture in their personal and general cultural development

OK-5 possession of a culture of thinking, the ability to perceive, generalize and analyze information, set a goal and choose ways to achieve it


  • methods of information analysis
be able to:

  • perceive and generalize information;

  • set goals and choose ways to achieve them;

  • culture of thinking

OK 7 willingness to cooperate with colleagues, work in a team


  • team building principles
be able to:



  • conflict resolution methods

OK-8 ability to find organizational and managerial decisions and willingness to bear responsibility for them


  • management decision-making methods
be able to:

  • evaluate the consequences of decisions

  • skills in making organizational and managerial decisions

OK-12 awareness of the social significance of their future profession, high motivation to perform professional activities


  • fundamentals of modern philosophy and concepts of personnel management;
be able to:

  • fulfill

  • modern methods and technologies of personnel management

OK-13 ability to analyze socially significant problems and processes


  • factors affecting the personnel management system;
be able to:

  • determine the cause and effect of socially significant problems and processes in the personnel management system

  • methods of monitoring and evaluating the social effectiveness of the personnel management system

OK-21 to master the basic methods of protecting production personnel and the population from the possible consequences of accidents, catastrophes, natural disasters


  • labor protection rules for personnel;

  • methods of organizing the work of personnel

PC-1 knowledge of the main stages of the evolution of managerial thought


  • main provisions of scientific schools of management;

  • evolution of conceptual approaches to personnel management;

  • features of personnel management at different stages of development of the organization;
be able to:

  • apply the basic theories of staff motivation;

  • personnel management methods

PC-2 the ability to design an organizational structure, to distribute powers and responsibilities based on their delegation


  • advantages and disadvantages of various organizational management structures;

  • principles of distribution of powers and responsibilities;
be able to:

  • design an organizational structure;

  • develop the position of structural divisions and job descriptions of employees of departments,

  • functional cost method of designing a system and technology of personnel management

PC-3 readiness to develop procedures and control methods


  • the role and functions of controlling in the personnel management system;

  • local regulations governing the processes of personnel management of the company;

  • legal mechanisms for influencing employees, liability
be able to:

  • develop the order of control procedures;

PC-4 ability to use the basic theories of motivation, leadership and power to solve managerial problems


  • basic theories of motivation;

  • principles of formation of a system of motivation and incentives at the enterprise;
be able to:

  • identify staff motivators

  • personnel motivation methods;

PC-5 the ability to effectively organize group work based on knowledge of the processes of group dynamics and the principles of team formation


  • principles and methods of team formation in the labor collective;
be able to:

  • organize group work;

  • team planning and organization skills

PC-6 own various ways of resolving conflict situations


  • the relationship between corporate culture and company strategy;

  • types and models of corporate culture.

  • methods of diagnosing the existing corporate culture;

PC-7 ability to analyze and design interpersonal, group and organizational communications


  • formats of internal communications in the company.
be able to:

  • set tasks for building a system of internal communications in accordance with the strategic goals of the company;

  • feedback methods with staff;

PC-8 ability to assess the conditions and consequences of organizational and managerial decisions


  • performance indicators of the personnel management system.
be able to:

  • evaluate the effectiveness of decisions in the field of personnel management;

PC-9 the ability to analyze the relationship between the functional strategies of companies in order to prepare balanced management decisions


  • fundamentals of strategic management of the organization;

  • personnel management functions;

be able to:

  • determine the goals and objectives of the personnel management system in accordance with the organization's strategy;

  • decision-making methods in the field of personnel management

PC-14 own modern technologies of personnel management


  • personnel management functions;

  • essence, tasks, regularities, principles and methods of personnel management
be able to:

  • set goals and objectives of personnel management at various stages of the organization's life cycle;

  • technologies for selecting and hiring personnel, developing and training personnel, evaluating various categories of personnel

PC-17 willingness to participate in the implementation of the program of organizational changes, the ability to overcome local resistance to change


  • the main elements and procedure for developing the concept of personnel management in the enterprise;

  • goals and objectives of the organization's personnel policy;

  • elements of personnel policy and stages of its design;
be able to:

  • develop elements of projects in the field of personnel management;

  • organization's personnel management methods

PC-25 familiarity with the basics of intercultural relations in management, the ability to effectively perform their functions in an intercultural environment


  • functions and methods of personnel management of the organization;

  • features of interaction in the intercultural environment;
be able to:

  • offer solutions to problems in the field of personnel management, taking into account the peculiarities of the intercultural environment;

  • methods of conflict resolution and overcoming resistance;

PC-37 ability to audit human resources and diagnose organizational culture


  • concept, directions, methods and algorithm of personnel auditing;
be able to:

  • calculate the performance indicators of the human resource management system in the organization;

  • methods of diagnostics of organizational culture.


The total complexity of the discipline "Human Resource Management" is 4 credit units.

Type of study work




6 /4

Classroom lessons (total), including:

54 /18

54 /18




Practical exercises (PZ)



Laboratory work (LR)



Independent work (total), including:

54 /117

54 /117

Course work






Type of intermediate certification- exam

36 /9

36 /9

General labor intensity


144 /144

144 /144

credit units

4 /4

4 /4

Note : hereinafter, the numerator is full-time / the denominator is part-time education.
5. the content of the discipline,

structured by topics (sections) indicating

the number of academic hours assigned to them and

types of training sessions
5.1. Educational and thematic plan


Name of sections and topics










Section 1. Fundamentals of Modern Philosophy and Concepts of Personnel Management


The personnel of the enterprise as an object of management. (OK-12)







Personnel strategy and personnel policy of the organization (OK-1, OK-5, OK-12, PC-17)







Fundamentals of the development and implementation of the concept of personnel management (OK-13, PC-1, PC-17)






Section 2. Methods and technologies of personnel management


Selection and recruitment technologies. (OK-21, PK-2, PK-14)







Development and training of personnel. (PK-14)







Principles and bases for the formation of a system of motivation and incentives for personnel. (OK-7, PC-4, PC-14)







Technologies for assessing various categories of personnel. (PK-14)







Formation of a corporate culture and a system of internal communications in the company (OK-1, OK-7, PC-5, PC-6, PC-7, PC-14, PC-25)







Procedures for moving and adaptation of personnel. (OK-21, PK-2, PK-6, PK-14)






section 3. Organizational design of the personnel management system


The place of the personnel management system in the structure of the organization. (OK-7, PC-2, PC-5, PC-9, PC-17)







Organizational structure of the personnel management service. (OK-8, PC-2, PC-8)






section 4. Regulatory and documentary support of personnel management processes


Legal support of the personnel management system (PC-14)







Documentation of personnel management processes (PC-14)






section 5. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the personnel management system.


The system of performance indicators for personnel management. (OK-8, PC-3, PC-8)







Fundamentals of auditing and personnel controlling. (PK-3, PK-8)







Profile justification

Bachelor's program "Management"

(graduating department - Department of Organizational Psychology)
Purpose of the HRM profile- to form students' professional skills necessary for solving problems of an initial level of complexity in the field of human resource management.

HRM Profile Objectives:

  • to form a system of knowledge among students about the role and main areas of activity, the role and functions of an HR manager, allowing him to get used to a new profession;

  • to form students' professional skills of an initial level of complexity, allowing him to successfully start work in a number of main areas of activity of an HR manager - selection, adaptation, training, motivation of personnel, etc.

  • to create a basis for further training in the master's program in the specialization "Human Resource Management".
Potential jobs :

  • departments for personnel management (human resources) of organizations;

  • personnel and recruiting agencies;

  • training and consulting companies.
Based on the goals and objectives of the HRM profile and analysis of the requirements of potential employers, a HR profile system, which consists of three interrelated elements:

  1. a set of studied academic disciplines;

  2. organization of practices;

  3. performance of term papers and theses.
1. A set of studied disciplines of the HRM profile

The set of studied academic disciplines of the HRM profile includes disciplines representing various blocks of the curriculum of the direction "Management":

  1. Disciplines of the humanitarian, social, economic cycle :

  • Psychology(Part one " Psychology of Personality» on the 1st year and part two « Social Psychology» on the 2nd course).
The inclusion of "Psychology" in the set of disciplines of the HRM profile is due to the fact that the program of this course is aimed, on the one hand, at the formation of general cultural competencies, and on the other hand, at the formation of knowledge that is professionally useful. Psychological knowledge about the structure and characteristics of the personality, the mechanisms of perception, motivation, patterns of group behavior, etc. underlie the understanding of individual and group behavior of people and the possibilities of managing it by an HR manager.

  1. General and special disciplines of the professional cycle - the basic part:

  • Organizational behavior(as the second part of the integrated discipline "Organization Theory and Organizational Behavior", 2nd year).

  • Human resource management(3 course).

  • Methods of scientific research in management(together with the Department of General and Strategic Management - 2, 3 and 4 courses).
Well "Organizational Behavior" along with the formation of general managerial competencies, it lays the theoretical foundation for the subsequent development of special profile disciplines. The course program is based on knowledge of the psychological mechanisms of human behavior (course "Psychology") and is their specification in relation to human behavior in an organization.

Well "Human Resource Management» also has a dual meaning: firstly, it forms an understanding of the role and functions of human resource management in the overall management system among management students; secondly, it forms the special knowledge and skills necessary for organizing the work of the personnel management service.

Studying the course "Research Methods in Management" organized in such a way that within the framework of lectures, students of all profiles get acquainted with general (universal) methods of research in management, and in practical and seminar classes they master the tasks, methods and tools of research in accordance with the chosen profile. For the HRM profile, this is the organization and conduct of research in the field of human resource management. The applied value of this course for the profile of HRM lies also in the fact that it analyzes not only samples of research conducted in the field of HRM, but also students' own research of the profile, conducted by them as part of term papers and theses.

  1. Special disciplines of the professional cycle - variable part (concentration) and electives:

  • Management in business cases(3 course);

  • Leadership Psychology(3 course);

  • Psychology of influence(3 course)

  • Socio-psychological training(4 course);

  • Psychoanalysis in business(4 course)
The course "Management in Business Cases" (3rd year) within the framework of the HRM profile is an initial acquaintance with the practice of solving typical tasks facing HR managers. Together with the introductory practice conducted in the 2nd year, the course creates a real idea of ​​​​future professional activity.

The courses "Psychology of Leadership", "Psychology of Influence" and "Psychoanalysis in Business" are aimed at an in-depth study of the most complex and sought-after psychological problems in the field of human resource management. These courses have a clearly applied value and are aimed at: the formation of skills in the diagnosis and management of leadership; understanding the nature of influence and relationship management; acquaintance with the concept of psychoanalysis and the initial development of psychoanalytic tools.

The course "Socio-psychological training" allows students of the profile to take part in the training procedure and prepare for independent conduct of similar training procedures.

  1. Special disciplines of the professional cycle - concentration of HRM (selection of a package of interrelated disciplines) .

  • Lean management concept(4 course)

  • Fundamentals of psychodiagnostics(4 course);

  • Career Management(4 course);

  • Organizational conflict management(4 course).
The disciplines presented in this package allow the student of the HRM profile to prepare for a number of professional tasks at the initial level of complexity: effective organization, management of motivation and attitude to work ( "Concept of Lean Management"); selection and evaluation of personnel ( "Fundamentals of Psychodiagnostics"); career development management for employees "Career management»); diagnostics and resolution of organizational conflicts ( "Organizational conflict management").

The sequence of studying the disciplines of the HRM profile in the curriculum

The sequence of studying the disciplines of the HRM profile in the curriculum of the "Management" program is designed according to the "funnel" principle: from general cultural and general managerial disciplines to profile disciplines. This makes it possible to ensure continuity in the content of the courses: theoretical - applied - practice-oriented (see Table).


HRM profile disciplines

Discipline Status


1.Psychology (Psychology of personality)

General cultural (required)


1.Psychology (Social psychology)

2. Organizational behavior

3. Research methods in management

General cultural (required)

General managerial (required)


1.Human resource management

3.Psychology of leadership

4. Psychology of influence

2.Management in business cases

General managerial (required)

Profile (optional)

Profile (optional)


1. Socio-psychological training

2. Psychoanalysis in business

3.Lean management concept

4. Fundamentals of psychodiagnostics

5. Career management

6. Organizational conflict management

Profile (optional, concentric)

Profile (optional, concentric)

Profile (mandatory, concentration)

Profile (mandatory, concentration)

Profile (mandatory, concentration)

2. Organization of practices

For HRM students, the Department of Organizational Psychology organizes two practices:

  1. Introductory (2 year, 3 module)

  2. Pre-diploma (4 course, 3-4 modules)
aim introductory practice is the study of directions and methods of activity of an HR manager. Introductory practice is carried out in two main forms:

1) Visiting business companies and getting acquainted there with the organization and methods of work of human resource (personnel) management units. Such host business companies are large Nizhny Novgorod companies or branches representing different sectors of the economy: Rostelecom, Beeline, AGAT, NMGK, MTS-Povozhye Macroregion, PIR, SIBUR - TsOB, Russian Railways, etc.

2) on the basis of the faculty, master classes by invited HR practitioners on certain methods of work: the technology of conducting an interview when applying for a job, demonstrating elements of staff training, etc. As a rule, HR practices represent large international and Russian recruiting (human resources) and training (consulting) companies, such as Adesso, Kelly Services, Ancor, Annota, etc.

Based on the results of the introductory practice, students receive internship offers from companies.

aim undergraduate practice is to conduct research on the subject of a thesis in one of the companies. The leaders of the practice are employees of the department of "Organizational Psychology" - scientific supervisors of the theses of students of the HRM profile. Internship programs are developed taking into account the interests and tasks of the HR departments of the host organizations and graduate students. Most often, students are involved in the implementation of projects implemented by HR departments - as a result, theses have a project character.

3.Performance of term papers and theses

In the course of studying in the Management program, students complete two term papers (on the 2nd and 3rd years) and one thesis (on the 4th year). Teaching students on the HRM profile suggests that the choice of the topic of term papers and theses should be related to current problems in the field of human resource management. When writing the first term paper, students are usually recommended to conduct a theoretical analysis of literary sources on the chosen problem, and when writing the second term paper and diploma, they should also conduct an empirical study of the problem in the company (or companies). When writing theses, the department recommends research design type in which the student is included in the implementation of a real HR project. Below is an example of the topics of term papers and theses offered to students of the HRM profile:

  1. Professional roles of an HR manager in an organization.

  2. The phenomenon of trust-distrust in the organization.

  3. Psychoanalysis in business: psychological defense mechanisms.

  4. Organizational communications as a tool for personnel management.

  5. Factors of labor motivation.

  6. Resistance to organizational change: causes and methods of overcoming

  7. Professionally important personality traits.

  8. Job Satisfaction: Factors and Measurement Methods

  9. Internal corporate training of personnel.

  10. Talent management in an organization.

  11. Group processes in the organization.

  12. Key performance indicators (performance) of activities - KPI.

  13. Methods of selection and evaluation of personnel.

  14. Assessment of personnel by the method of assessment center.

  15. Personnel motivation systems.

  16. Personnel development and work with the personnel reserve

  17. Methodology for organizing and conducting training.

  18. Psychological counseling in the organization.

  19. Organizational stress: factors and ways to overcome.

  20. Individual differences of people at work: personality and abilities

  21. Conflicts in the organization: types and causes of occurrence.

  22. The relationship of organizational conflicts and communications.

  23. Diagnostics and development of leadership qualities.

  24. Emotional intelligence as a factor in the success of a manager.

  25. Organizational culture of business companies: diagnostics and management .

  26. Organizational culture of an entrepreneurial university.

  27. Organization of work of personnel management service.

  28. Strategic management of human resources.

Professional development program
"Human Resource Management in an Organization"

Program leader. Candidate of Psychological Sciences Bashkin Evgeny Bronislavovich.

Contacts. Phones: 8-963-679-18-50. Email mail: [email protected]

Purpose of the program. Formation of a system-holistic vision and competencies among students necessary to perform professional activities in the field of personnel management, presentation of practical experience in the application of key human resource management technologies from the standpoint of the systematic approach methodology

More information about the program can be found at: evgbashkin.wix.com/hrm-msu

Teachers. Training is conducted by E.B. Bashkin and invited experts from among researchers, HR managers, business consultants.

program listeners. The program is aimed at people with higher or secondary specialized education, managers of all levels and types of activities, HR managers, heads of personnel departments, specialists from recruitment agencies, reserve managers

Issued document. Certificate of advanced training at Moscow State University under the program "Human Resource Management in Organizations".

Training period. The scope of the program is 72 acad. hours. The duration of training is 4.5 months.

Form of study. Evening.

Practice mode. 1 time per week for 4 acad. hours per day: 18:30-21:30. Beginning of classes as the group is completed

Payment. Tuition for the 2019/2020 academic year is 70,000 rubles. Tuition is paid strictly in accordance with the specified cost without charging any additional payment from students for educational services not provided for by the contract with Moscow State University.

Admission conditions. According to the results of the interview. The interview is conducted at: Faculty of Psychology, Moscow State University, Mokhovaya st., 11, building 9, office 210. Pre-registration for an interview by phone or e-mail: 8-963-679-18-50 or [email protected]

Acceptance of documents. Faculty of Psychology, Moscow State University: st. B. Nikitskaya, 2, room. 2.3.03. Tel. 8-495-629-48-09.

List of documents. Passport his photocopy, diploma of higher education and his photocopy. Pass photo (black and white or color, 3 x 4 or 3.5 x 4.5).

Academic plan.

Name of sections and topics

Total hours




The role of the personnel management system in a modern organization. Forms of professionalism and development of personnel management methodology. Ethics of the manager on personnel management. Organization as a system. Life cycles of systems.
Human resource management strategy and personnel policy. Structure and basic processes of the personnel management system. Organization of work with personnel. Competence model as a means of building an organization's personnel management system
Assessment of personnel potential, audit of the personnel management system. Selection, placement and adaptation of personnel.
Career management. Training, training and development of personnel. Performance evaluation and personnel certification
Consulting in the field of human resource management. Conflicts in the organization. Business communication in HR management. Building partnerships
Professional image. Personal efficiency. Organization coaching


Final examination: curriculum exam.

Everyone knows that cadres decide everything, and today this aphorism is more relevant than ever. The realization that the main means for developing the potential and fruitful work of any enterprise or company is the staff, allowed the emergence of such a profession as a specialist in the field of human resource management. And now the opportunity to master this demanded profession is provided by distance higher education.

When planning to study in the specialty "human resource management", online education is chosen by an increasing number of far-sighted applicants, because it allows you to start building a career already during the period of study. Reinforcing the now popular notion that it is unwise to spend an excessive amount of time and money on something that can be studied in parallel with gaining seniority, distance education has asserted its right to be considered a worthy alternative to traditional forms of learning.

Synergy University invites you to become a professional in such a field of management as human resource management: education at home is built in such a way that it will allow you to combine learning, personal life, your own projects, and gaining work experience. Today, learning can be easy, while getting a powerful return!

Online training in human resource management

High-tech education via the Internet will allow you to master a vibrant, in-demand and incredibly exciting specialty: human resource management. Education remotely is an affordable way to achieve professionalism in the field of HR, because you will learn:

  • to form the personnel policy of the company;
  • identify the need for personnel and organize the selection of personnel using various channels and methods;
  • to develop systems for motivating employees, as well as increasing their loyalty;
  • participate in the adaptation and development of personnel, plan training and certification;
  • analyze supply and demand in the labor market;
  • Liaise with HR management;
  • provide the company with valuable personnel;
  • evaluate the personnel reserve;
  • take part in the organization of trainings and various events.

Distance Education: Human Resource Management

Modern distance education at Synergy University provides not only theoretical skills and professional knowledge, but also includes practical exercises - for example, analysis of real business cases. Today it is important not only to know, but also to be able to, and also to learn from professionals: virtual master classes and trainings will allow you to gain experience, in which our invited experts talk about the secrets of the profession. Get access to a unique knowledge base!

During the training, you will get acquainted with such disciplines as psychology in personnel management, personnel planning, labor law, personnel management strategy. The second remote education in the specialty "human resource management" is your opportunity for both successful employment and promising career growth!



Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky

Faculty of Economics



"__" __________________ 20__

Work program of the discipline

Human resource management

Direction of training

080200.62- "Management"

Training Profile

Organization management

Qualification (degree) of the graduate


Form of study


1. The goals of mastering the discipline

Human Resource Management - a discipline that studies a complex system that includes interconnected and interdependent subsystems for the creation, use and development of an organization's human resources

Objects studies are:

Human resources of the organization in their integral connection with the human resources of society

Subject course studies are:

Relations developing at the micro level of the economy regarding the definition of needs, formation, organization, development, evaluation and motivation of the organization's human resources;

Goals studying the discipline - to form knowledge and ideas, skills about managing the formation of human resources for the organization and their effective use, creating conditions for maximizing the abilities of employees and achieving the goals of the organization.

tasks Human resource management courses are to gain knowledge and skills in the following aspects:

analysis of supply and demand in the labor market;

forecasting and planning the need for employees;

attraction, selection and selection of personnel;

adaptation of newly arrived workers;

improving the efficiency of human resources use;

improving the quality of work of employees;

improving the quality of the organization as a whole;

increase in the standard of living of workers;

improvement of motivation systems;

2. The place of the discipline in the structure of the BEP of the bachelor's degree

The discipline "Human Resource Management" is a discipline of the professional cycle and provides for the use of knowledge and skills acquired by students in the study of such courses as "Economics", "Microeconomics", "Marketing", "Management Theory" and others. The knowledge and skills gained in the study of the discipline "Human Resource Management" are the basis for studying the courses "Innovation Management", "Quality Management", "Marketing Communications".

3 Competences of the student, formed as a result of mastering the discipline (module) Human resource management .

The graduate must have the following professional competencies (PC):

is able to use the basic theories of motivation, leadership and power to solve managerial problems (PC-4);

is able to effectively organize group work based on knowledge of the processes of group dynamics and the principles of team formation (PC-5);

owns various ways of resolving conflict situations (PC-6);

capable of analyzing and designing interpersonal, group and organizational communications (PC-7);

is able to assess the conditions and consequences of organizational and managerial decisions (PC-8);

is able to analyze the relationship between the functional strategies of companies in order to prepare balanced management decisions (PC-9);

is able to participate in the development of an organization's human resource management strategy, plan and implement activities aimed at its implementation (PC-13)

owns modern technologies of personnel management (PC-14);

takes into account aspects of corporate social responsibility in the development and implementation of the organization's strategy (PC-16)

information and analytical activities

has an idea about the economic way of thinking (PC-26);

knows how to apply quantitative and qualitative methods of analysis in making managerial decisions and build economic, financial, organizational and managerial models (PC-31);

is able to audit human resources and carry out diagnostics of organizational culture (PC-37);

As a result of mastering the discipline, the student must:


Basic theories and concepts of how people interact in an organization, including issues of motivation, group dynamics, team building, communications, leadership and conflict management

Types of organizational culture and methods of its formation;

The role and place of personnel management in corporate governance and its relationship with the strategic objectives of the organization

Business processes in the field of personnel management and the role of line managers and personnel management specialists in them;

Be able to

-analyze the state and trends in the development of the labor market in terms of meeting the needs of the organization in human resources;

-assess the position of the organization in the labor market, develop a system of measures to improve the image of the organization as an employer;

-conduct an audit of the organization's human resources, predict and determine the organization's need for personnel, determine effective ways to meet it;

- develop measures to attract and select new employees and programs for their adaptation

- develop employee training programs and evaluate their effectiveness;

-use various methods of evaluation and certification of employees and participate in their implementation;

- develop measures to motivate and stimulate the organization's personnel

- identify, analyze and rank the expectations of the organization's stakeholders in terms of the concept

-diagnose ethical problems in the organization and apply the main models for making ethical management decisions;


Modern tools for human resource management

Methods of formation and maintenance of an ethical climate in the organization;

Business communication skills

Career planning methods

4. Structure and content of the discipline (module)

Human resource management The total labor intensity of the discipline is 4 credits 144 hours

Section of discipline


Semester week

Types of educational work, including independent work of students and labor intensity (in hours)

Forms of current progress control(per week of the semester)

Forms of intermediate certification(by semesters)


Topic 1. Human resources of organizations

Topic 2. Methodology of human resource management


Topic 3. Human resource management system

Case presentations



Topic 4. Strategic human resource management


Topic 5 Planning work with the organization's personnel

Results of solving problems and discussing situations

Topic 6. Technology and stages of personnel management in an organization

The results of the business game

Presentation of plans and activities

Topic 7. Human resource development management technology

The results of the business game


Topic 8. Managing the behavior of the organization's personnel


Topic 9. Evaluation of the performance of the organization's personnel

control, test

Topic 1. Human resources of organizations disciplines. The purpose of the study disciplines- preparing students for managerial...

  • Work program for the discipline of conflict management


    ... __" __________________ 20__ workingprogramdisciplinesCONTROL CONFLICTS Direction of training... management", « Controlhumanresources" etc. 3. Competences of the student, formed as a result of mastering disciplines « Control ...

  • Annotations to the programs of disciplines (modules) humanitarian social and economic cycle basic part annotation to the work program of the discipline


    Structure disciplinesControlhumanresources ... management KGU. Annotation to workingprogramdisciplines « Control land resources" Place disciplines in the structure of the main educational programs