Acquaintance with the organization of work of the confectionery department of the enterprise. Branches of the confectionery shop, location, characteristics of jobs. Equipment in the confectionery shop


Sweet dishes and confectionery, including flour products, are delicacies and are designed to bring joy to people both on holidays and on weekdays with their appearance, taste and aroma. Not a single significant date can be celebrated with a birthday cake or other sweet confectionery dishes.

Each catering establishment is characterized by certain features. The main ones are: the type, the main contingent of consumers, the nature of the daily ration, the range of products and drinks, the methods and forms of customer service, the forms of settlement with them, the composition and layout of the premises, the number of places for consumers, the nature of the organization of production, the place of the enterprise in the management system , its placement on the territory of the settlement, the possible transformation of the enterprise.

Enterprise characteristics

A coffee house is an enterprise for catering and recreation of consumers with a limited range of products compared to a restaurant. It sells branded, custom-made dishes, products and drinks (GOST R 50762-95).

Coffee house - an enterprise that has a wide range of flour confectionery products (including branded ones) of its own or industrial production. Hot drinks, milkshakes, sweet dishes, soft drinks are produced and sold here, and milk and sour-milk products, juices are sold as related products. Self-service applies.

Lex coffee house and dessert bar are open from 9.00 to 24.00. It sells confectionery and sweet dishes that are produced locally. The coffee house has its own confectionery shop, which makes it possible to provide consumers with fresh pastries. The workshop produces flour confectionery products of various weights. The coffee shop uses waiter service, and the dessert bar has 2 bartenders serving visitors.

Characteristics of the confectionery shop

The confectionery shop special place in the project enterprise. He works independently, he produces products from various types of dough, including cream.

Technological process preparation of flour confectionery consists of the following stages; storage and preparation of raw materials (sifting flour, preparing eggs, etc.); dough preparation and kneading; dough cutting and portioning; molding of products, layering, baking, cooling of products, preparation of finishing semi-finished products (creams, syrups, sweets); product finishing.

The confectionery shop uses a wide variety of equipment: sifters, dough mixing machines, beaters, a universal drive, electric stoves, electric baking cabinets, and refrigeration equipment.

The products necessary for the preparation of products of a one-day production program are placed on a pallet, which is located directly in the confectionery shop. Perishable products (butter, eggs, etc.) are stored in a refrigerator at a temperature of 2-40C. The main product (flour, egg) is subjected to preliminary preparation.

An ovoscope is used in the egg processing room, and instructions for washing and disinfecting the eggs are posted to check the quality of the eggs.

For weighing products, commodity scales are used.

After kneading, the bowl with yeast dough is rolled back to a warm place, closer to the oven.

For the preparation of custard dough, a separate area is allocated, where an electric stove and a production table are installed.

Cutting yeast, shortbread dough, forming products from them is carried out at the workplace, where production tables with wooden coating and drawers for flour are installed, for storing inventory. Table scales are placed on the table, on which the dough is divided into portions of a certain mass.

After cutting, molding and proofing, the products are subjected to heat treatment - baking. For baking use a baking oven.

Products are baked in accordance with the schedule, which determines the sequence of baking products from various types of dough, depending on the timing of production and the temperature of the baking mode. Finished confectionery products are sent to the pantry for short-term storage.

The management of the confectionery shop is carried out by the production manager of the enterprise. He acquaints confectioners with the range of manufactured products, distributes raw materials, controls the technological process of preparing confectionery products.

There are 5 confectioners in the confectionery shop: 1 - 5th category, 2 - 4th category and 2 - 3rd category. Confectioners of the 5th category make curly cakes and pastries. They carry out the preparation of the quality of raw materials, fillings, individual semi-finished products, the preparation of dough, the molding of products, and the artistic finishing of products.

Confectioners of the 4th category make various cupcakes, cookies, complex cakes and pastries.

Confectioners of the 3rd category make simple cakes and pastries, bakery products. They prepare various types of dough, creams, fillings.

Abstract on the topic

"Organization of production of the confectionery shop"

Student DGINH

TVET 4 course 1 group

Samedov A. Z

Characteristics of the confectionery shop.

1. Appointment of the confectionery shop:
The confectionery shop is intended for the production of confectionery products and their sale in the dining room of the cafe.
The confectionery shop at the enterprise works independently, organized at the cafe-confectionery. The workshop is located on the first floor of the building. The bakery is open 24/7.
The production of flour confectionery and culinary products is highly profitable. The relatively large profit margin of the confectionery industry has a positive impact on the results economic activity catering establishments.
Confectionery products do not require additional heat treatment before being sold to consumers, which determines the increased requirements for compliance with the rules of sanitary, hygienic and technological regimes in the production, sale and storage of these products.
Confectionery shops are classified according to two criteria - the range of products and the productivity of the shop.
The confectionery shop produces the following assortment:
- confectionery products in a wide range of all types of dough (yeast, sand, puff, biscuit), including cream;
In terms of productivity (the number of products produced per day), the confectionery shop produces 5 thousand products.
A complex of organizational and technical measures aimed at strict adherence to rational production technology is carried out in the confectionery shop. The main requirement for the products of the confectionery shop is the high quality of products. The quality of manufactured products reflects the general culture of production, the level of equipping it with technological equipment, technology and organization.
The confectionery shop has the following independent departments: storage facilities, a daily supply pantry, dough mixing, dough cutting, baking and cooling departments, a department for finishing products, a department for preparing minced meat, a washing department for eggs, dishes, containers, an expedition.

Organization of the work of the confectionery shop

The workshop produces a wide range of products from yeast, shortcrust, puff, biscuit and choux pastry, and also produces yeast, shortcrust and puff pastry in the form of a semi-finished product.

As a result of the re-profiling of the production of many procurement enterprises, which took place in recent years, the production of confectionery and flour products was divided with the formation of a confectionery and flour workshops.

The technological process in the flour shop is carried out according to the scheme: product preparation -> dough kneading -> cutting and baking products -> cooling -> stacking -> storage -> transportation.

Raw materials entering the workshop are unloaded into the pantries of the daily stock. Flour is sifted in the sifting room, from where it is fed through a flexible hose to the department for kneading, cutting and baking flour products. To obtain a yeast dough of good quality, a yeast dough proofing room is provided. Finished products are stored in the pantry of finished products on racks until sent to the expedition.

The technological process in the confectionery shop is carried out according to the scheme: product preparation -> preparation and baking of dough and products -> cooling -> finishing -> stacking -> cooling and storage -> transportation. 3

Raw materials are unloaded into the pantries of the daily supply (cooled and uncooled). After sifting the flour and preparing the products, all types of dough are prepared and the products are cut and baked from sand, puff, custard and biscuit dough. The cooled products are finished with creams, marmalade or other finishing semi-finished products, placed in containers, cooled and stored in the cooled and uncooled chambers of finished products until sent to the expedition.

In confectionery shops of high capacity, additional rooms can be provided for the preparation of biscuit dough, cooling products; in the department of cutting and baking - independent areas for the preparation of yeast dough and products from it, as well as puff, shortbread, biscuit and choux pastry. Each site is equipped with appropriate equipment.

Confectionery and flour shops of low capacity (up to 5 thousand products) are not divided into separate rooms - only rooms for finishing products and processing eggs are allocated; with a capacity of up to 15 thousand products - they are designed with departments for the daily supply of raw materials, egg processing, preparation of raw materials and dough preparation, cutting and baking, cooling and finishing products, short-term storage of finished products, as well as with washing equipment and a refrigerator for storing finished products with cream.

The premises of the confectionery and flour workshops are placed as a single block, on the second and third floors of the procurement enterprise, providing convenient communication with the premises for receiving and storing raw materials, as well as with the expedition. The premises are arranged sequentially, in the course of the technological process, in order to provide the shortest routes for the movement of raw materials and finished products.

The workshops are equipped with equipment corresponding to the technological processes taking place in them: mechanical - a sifter, dough mixing machines, bowl tipper, dividing and rounding machines, dough sheeters, machines for jigging dough blanks, beaters, universal drives, complexes for cleaning bags from flour dust and dough crusts; refrigerating - refrigerating cabinets of various capacities, tables with a cooled surface for rolling and cutting products from shortbread and puff pastry, refrigerating collapsible chambers for storing products, semi-finished products (puff pastry, fillings, creams, syrups, etc.); thermal - ovens, automatic machines for frying pies, baking three-chamber cabinets, frying pans, proofing cabinets, autoclaves, complexes with three-shelf cradles for dough proofing; auxiliary - production tables, mobile racks, podtovarniki, section-tables With refrigerated cabinet, cabinets for drying confectionery bags, bowls for dough mixers, washing baths with net inserts.

The equipment in the premises of the workshops is placed sequentially, in the course of the technological process, observing the permissible distances, perpendicular to the windows to ensure normal illumination of the workplaces.

The confectionery shop should have the following departments: pantry for a daily supply of products; kneading; dough cutting; baking; product finishing; minced meat preparation; washing for eggs; dishes and containers; expedition. four

Jobs for confectioners are determined in accordance with the technological process for the preparation of flour confectionery, which usually consists of the following stages: storage and preparation of raw materials; preparing and kneading dough; product molding; preparation of fillings; baking; finishing and short-term storage of finished products.

Important factors rational use working hours of confectioners are: proper preparation of workplaces, equipping them with the necessary equipment, utensils and vehicles, uninterrupted supply during the shift with raw materials, fuel, electricity.

Pantry for daily storage of products is designed for short-term storage of products, equipped with chests, racks, storage boxes, and a refrigerator. For weighing products, there are scales of various carrying capacity (from 2 to 150 kg).

The dough mixing department should be mechanized more than other areas. Here we need machines for kneading dough with bowls of various capacities, flour sifters. Here they organize workplace for auxiliary operations - dissolving and dosing sugar, salt, sorting raisins, etc. It should be equipped with a table, a sink with cold and hot water supply, a cabinet for storing inventory, a chest for salt.

Flour before kneading the dough is sifted in a separate room or directly in the dough mixing department, if possible away from other workplaces.

For sifting flour, there are special sifters with oscillating and fixed sieves. The oscillating screen sifter is driven by an electric motor. The Pioneer type sifter feeds flour with the help of an auger to two fixed sieves and a magnet, after passing through which the flour is freed from impurities and saturated with air.

The dough mixer consists of a housing with a kneading lever and three rolling bowls with a capacity of 140 to 270 liters. The products that make up the dough are placed in a bowl, rolled up to the machine and kneaded the dough. If there are no dough mixers, wooden deji-lari are used for kneading, which, covered with a lid, are used as cutting tables. Yeast dough after kneading requires an elevated temperature of 30-35ºС for fermentation, so the bowl is rolled closer to the confectionery ovens. Other types of unleavened dough are kneaded at a low temperature (15-17ºС). In large workshops for fermentation of dough and dough, special chambers are arranged in which a certain temperature can be maintained.

To dose the dough, a table, a dividing and rounding machine or a dough divider, a chest for flour (under the table), a box for knives (in the table), dial scales are installed

To roll out the dough, tables for tool cabinets and sliding chests, a dough sheeter, a refrigerator for cooling butter and dough in the manufacture of puff products are installed.

Workplaces for molding products are equipped with tables in sliding chests for flour, tool boxes, mobile racks and racks-lockers, wall racks - "studs". Mobile racks are needed to deliver products from the product molding workplace to the proofing place, to the baking ovens, and then to the cooling department.

For the preparation of biscuit dough, a separate workplace is equipped near the universal drive, as the dough is beaten in a mechanical beater, which is included with this drive. In addition, it is necessary to have a separate table or tables for preparing eggs, sugar, pouring dough into sheets or into molds.

For the preparation of minced meat and finishing semi-finished products, a small stove, a meat grinder, grinding devices, mobile bowls, stools for boilers, a table for making lipstick are installed; Choux pastry can also be prepared at this workplace.

The most rational organization of the work of confectioners is possible in large workshops that produce semi-finished confectionery products in a full range and in large quantities: various doughs, fillings and creams, syrups for soaking, sprinkles, candied fruits, etc. Such enterprises have ample opportunities for mechanizing all labor-intensive work, and consequently, for a sharp increase in labor productivity, machines and mechanisms are used at full capacity, quality control is simplified, and labor culture is improved.

In large workshops, production lines are organized for the manufacture of each type of semi-finished product, and small-scale mechanization and various devices are used in separate areas.

To increase labor productivity, an apparatus for brewing dough and a device for its “jigging” are installed.

Products from liquid dough - choux, biscuit, bush, almond, air - are “deposited” using a pastry bag with a nozzle. The operation is laborious, therefore, in some confectionery shops, “jigging” is mechanized. Confectionery sheets on tape chain conveyor pass under the jigging device. From the four cone-shaped tips, a certain dose of dough is automatically surviving. The mass of the “deposited” dough can be adjusted. 5

The finished dough is placed in a bunker, from where it is “deposited” by means of pistons into a dosing chamber, and through 6 tubes with jigging holes, a portion of the dough is laid out on a moving sheet.

Creams are prepared in a separate room, in which beaters of various capacities and capacities of bowls and boilers are installed. Creams are cooked in special tipping boilers with a steam jacket or in stove-top boilers. A special table with drawers for storing tools is provided, powder is sifted on it, and other operations are performed.

Similar information.

Each confectioner must remember that the health of the people to whom he offers his products largely depends on the observance of the rules of the sanitary and hygienic regime of his work. Therefore, the premises of the workshop, inventory, utensils must be immaculately clean and comply with safety requirements. And for successful work, it is necessary to properly organize the workplace and select the required amount of utensils and equipment.

For the normal conduct of the technological process, the confectionery shop must have the following departments: a pantry for a daily supply of products; kneading; dough cutting; baking; for finishing products; for the preparation of minced meat;, dishes and containers;

The workplaces of confectioners are organized in accordance with the technological process for the preparation of flour confectionery, which usually consists of the following stages: storage and preparation of raw materials; preparing and kneading dough; product molding; preparation of fillings; bakery products; finishing and short-term storage of finished products.

Important factors in the rational use of the working time of confectioners are: proper preparation of workplaces, equipping them with the necessary inventory, utensils and vehicles, uninterrupted supply during the shift with raw materials, fuel, electricity.

The scientific organization of labor requires the choice of the most rational methods and techniques for performing work, taking into account the achievement of the highest productivity and maximum facilitation of work, reducing the fatigue of workers, and ensuring their high performance throughout the entire shift.

Pantry for daily storage of products is designed for short-term storage of products, equipped with chests, racks, storage boxes, and a refrigerator. For weighing products, scales of various carrying capacities (from 2 to 150 kg) are used.

The dough mixing department is more mechanized than other areas of work. There are machines for kneading dough with bowls of various capacities, flour sifters. It also organizes a workplace for auxiliary operations (dissolving and dosing sugar, salt, sorting raisins, etc.), which is equipped with a table, a sink with hot and cold water, a cabinet for storing inventory, and a chest for salt.

Flour before kneading the dough is sifted in a separate room or directly in the dough mixing department, if possible away from other workplaces, so that the finished products do not become dusty.

There are special sieves with oscillating and fixed sieves. The oscillating screen sifter is driven in reciprocating motion by an electric motor. The Pioneer type sifter feeds flour with the help of an auger to two fixed sieves and a magnet, after passing through which the flour is freed from impurities and saturated with air.

The dough mixer consists of a housing with a kneading lever and three rolling bowls with a capacity of 140 to 270 liters. the products that make up the dough are placed in a bowl, rolled up to the machine and kneaded the dough. If there are no dough mixers, wooden deji-lari are used for kneading, which, covered with a lid, are used as cutting tables. Yeast dough after kneading requires an elevated temperature of 30–35 ° C for fermentation, so the bowl is rolled closer to the pastry cabinet. Other types of unleavened dough are kneaded at a low temperature (15–17°C). In large workshops for fermentation of dough and dough, special chambers are arranged in which a certain temperature can be maintained.

For further preparation of products for baking, workplaces are equipped for dosing dough and shaping products. These operations can be combined and at one workplace.

For dosing the dough, a table, a dividing and rounding machine or a dough divider, a chest for flour (under the table), a box for knives (in the table), dial scales are installed and a place is provided for a mobile bowl with dough.

To roll out the dough, tables with tool cabinets and retractable chests, a dough sheeter, a refrigerator (for cooling butter and dough in the manufacture of puff products) are installed.

Workplaces for forming products are equipped with tables (with retractable chests for flour, tool boxes), mobile racks and racks-lockers. The most convenient are racks-cabinets, in which products do not wind up and do not dry out during proofing.

For the preparation of biscuit dough, a separate workplace is equipped near the universal drive, as the dough is beaten in a mechanical beater, which is included in the set of this drive. In addition, it is necessary to have a separate table or tables for preparing eggs, sugar, pouring dough into sheets or into molds.

For the preparation of minced meat (fillings) and finishing semi-finished products, a small stove, a meat grinder, grinding devices, mobile bowls, stools for boilers, a table for making lipstick are installed; Choux pastry can also be prepared at this workplace.

The baking department is equipped with confectionery cabinets and ovens with electric, gas and, less often, fire heating. Furnaces are installed in a row (sections) and provided with local ventilation. In the same sectional order, equipment and tables for deep-frying products are placed. This saves workshop space and creates favorable working conditions.

Confectionery ovens used in large enterprises catering, have a greater performance than ovens. In addition, during baking, the products do not need to be turned over, as a result of which they do not settle and are well baked. Baked products due to uniform heating have the same color.

Cakes are finished in special rooms or on separate production tables isolated from other workplaces. The tables are equipped with drawers for tools, supports for strengthening pastry bags, a special tank for syrup.

It is convenient to arrange stands rotating on the axis on the tables, on which cakes are placed during finishing. Shelves for finished products and cardboard boxes are placed at the tables.

The main equipment of the workshop is production tables, mobile racks, refrigerators, beaters, low stools with a metal-covered lid and a round cutout for installing hemispherical bottom boilers.

In the washing room for washing tools and equipment used for finishing confectionery, baths with two compartments and a sterilizer are used. Dry the pastry bags in an electric dryer. At the same time, 25 bags can be dried in it in 15-20 minutes. Such quick drying greatly extends their service life and contributes to a good sanitary condition of the workshop.

Racks are installed next to the washing baths. The tray washing machine washes away solid residues, rinses the trays with soda and sterilizes them with steam.

The expedition serves to store finished confectionery. It is equipped with refrigerators, racks, scales and production tables.

Confectionery products are transported in containers by special transport. Each tray must have a label indicating the name and quantity of confectionery. In addition, the time of production and the name of the stacker are indicated.

Crockery and inventory.

Pots of various capacities are used for kneading dough, mixing products, beating eggs, cooking cream, syrups and other operations.

Metal baking sheets with three and four sides are needed for baking biscuits, pies, rolls. Metal sheets with one side are used for baking cookies, cakes, gingerbread, dough layers. Cakes, muffins, puddings and pies are baked in metal molds.

Wooden boards, large and small, are used for cutting pies, rolls, chopping nuts, kneading and rolling dough and molding confectionery.

Veselki for kneading liquid consistency dough, creams and syrup in a bowl, when cooking lipstick.

Beaters, whisks for whipping egg whites, cream, cocktails and mousses into foam.

Sieves large and small are used for sifting flour, powdering finished products and filtering various liquids.

Confectionery combs. With their help, straight or wavy lines are applied on cream or lipstick when decorating cakes and pastries.

The confectionery bag is necessary for jigging liquid types of dough (custard, biscuit, protein, almond) and for finishing cakes and pastries.

Processing of confectionery bags. After work, the jigging bags are washed in warm water mixed with baking soda, boiled for 3-5 minutes, dried and stored in a specially designated place.

Processing tables, inventory. All workshop inventory is washed with hot water and detergents. Wooden inventory is disinfected by rinsing with hot water at least 65 ° C.

For boiling and storage of pastry bags, special clean labeled dishes should be used.

Brushes and washcloths for washing equipment and dishes must be thoroughly washed daily with detergents, boiled for 10–15 minutes, dried and stored in a specially designated place.

Tools (knives, recesses, molds) are kept clean during work. Chef's knives, like cutting boards, must be assigned to the workplace and marked. Stainless steel chef's knives should be stored in a dry place.

All metal tools, after washing with hot water, are disinfected by boiling in water or calcining in an oven.

AT non-working hours clean inventory is stored in special cabinets or on closed racks.

For washing kitchen utensils, bathtubs from two compartments are used. In the first compartment, the dishes are washed with a washcloth and a brush with detergents that are allowed to be used in catering establishments at a water temperature of 45–50 ° C, in the second they are rinsed with hot water (not lower than 65 ° C).

Store kitchen utensils upside down on racks. Before use, it must be rinsed with hot water, after checking the cleanliness of the inner surface. Kitchen utensils are not disinfected, as they are constantly subjected to heat treatment.

Violation of the sanitary and hygienic rules for washing and maintaining inventory and utensils can cause contamination of finished products with microbes, and, consequently, the occurrence food poisoning and intestinal infections.

Labor protection requirements

Occupational safety is a whole complex of measures for safety, industrial sanitation, hygiene and fire fighting equipment.

Economic part

The confectionery shop occupies a special place at POP. He works independently and produces products that are sold in the halls of the enterprise, shops - culinary, buffets, retail, etc.

Confectionery shops in the OP system can be conditionally classified according to 2 criteria: production capacity and range of products.

Depending on the capacity of the workshop, there can be: low capacity (up to 12 thousand items per shift), medium capacity (from 12 to 20 thousand items per shift) and high capacity (more than 20 thousand items per shift).

According to the range of manufactured products, the following workshops are distinguished:

Confectionery in a wide range of all types of dough (yeast, biscuit, puff, custard, sand) incl. products with cream;

Confectionery from two or three types of dough;

Confectionery from one or two types of dough (in such workshops, due to sanitary and technological conditions, the production of products with cream may be absent).

Manufacturing program confectionery shop is compiled on the basis of applications from pre-cooked POP, culinary shops, etc. and is expressed in the form of an order. The work order is drawn up for the entire workshop or for each team specializing in the production of certain products.

Organization of production sites and workplaces.

The workplace in relation to the confectionery shop is a separate room or section of the production area, assigned to one employee or group of employees.

Depending on the capacity of the workshop and the range of products produced, the following jobs can be organized:

For processing eggs;

For sifting flour;

For the preparation of other types of raw materials;

For kneading yeast, puff, shortcrust pastry;

For the preparation of biscuit and custard dough;

For baking products;

For the preparation of finishing p / f;

For finishing products;

For washing inventory and containers.

On the 1st workplace a production table with an ovoscope is installed to check the quality of eggs, 4 baths for their sanitization, and a bedside table. From the inventory used metal baskets, hair brushes

Flour sifting is carried out in a separate room or in the pantry of the daily supply of raw materials next to the dough kneading department. On this workplace depending on the capacity of the workshop, a small-sized vibrating screen VE-350 (800) is installed, which is mounted on the production table; screening machine MGM-800 or replaceable mechanism MMP-2-1, powered by a universal drive P-11. To collect the sifted flour, polyethylene tanks or movable bowls are used. For bags of flour, a pallet is installed.

Workplace for the preparation of other types of raw materials It is equipped with storage boxes and racks for storing raw materials, production tables, a bathroom with hot and cold water supply, and a refrigerator. The diverse nature of the work performed at this place requires the completion of inventory and tools: a colander, strainers, slotted spoons, sieves with cells of various sizes, nut grinders, mills, scales, measuring utensils, etc.

Workplaces cooking yeast, puff, shortcrust pastry can be combined. Here they install dough mixing machines of the TMM-1M brands; MTM-100; MTM-15; MTI-100 (for kneading shortcrust pastry), a production sink, a production table (in the event that there is no room for preparing products). After kneading the yeast dough, its maturation is ensured: the bowls are moved closer to the baking cabinets or a room for proofing the dough is equipped (t 0 C = 30-35 0 C, humidity 85-90%).

Features of the preparation of biscuit and custard dough determine the heat treatment of mixtures and whipping of masses of various composition. Therefore, on workplace for the preparation of these types of dough, an electric stove, a whipping machine are installed. For custard dough, it is advisable to use the MKU-40 universal confectionery machine, where the dough is brewed in a digester, then poured into the machine’s containers for cooling to a temperature of 65-70 0 C and mixed with a hook-shaped beater in the same container after adding the eggs.

Workplace for cutting yeast and shortbread dough, it is equipped with production tables with a wooden coating and drawers for flour and inventory; mobile racks; desktop scales. To speed up the portioning of yeast dough, manual dough separators are used. Shortbread dough products are molded using curly notches.

On the workplace for cutting and shaping products from puff pastry, a production table with a wooden coating, dough sheeters, a refrigerating cabinet, mobile racks are installed. Instead of a pastry table, you can use a table with cooling.

On the workplace for cutting and shaping biscuit and custard dough, confectionery tables and mobile racks are installed.

On the baking area From various types of dough, baking cabinets ESH-3M (SHPESM-3), racks for proofing blanks and cooling finished products, a production table are installed, on which sheets with products are laid for lubricating them with ice cream.

On the area for the preparation of finishing semi-finished products install a universal drive, a production table, an electric stove, a washing bath and racks for preparing syrups and fudge. For the preparation of creams, a separate room is usually allocated, where beaters, refrigerated cabinets, production tables and racks are installed.

Finishing area equipped with pastry tables, mobile racks, refrigerated cabinets (or tables with cooling).

In the washing department of the confectionery shop, a washing bath with 2-3 compartments and racks are installed.

The confectionery shop is managed by the head of the shop. Three teams can be organized in the confectionery shop. The 1st carries out the preparation of bakery products, the 2nd - the manufacture of cakes, the 3rd - the manufacture of cakes.

The confectionery team includes confectioners of 5,4,3 categories, bakers belong to a separate team.

5bit - production of figured custom-made cakes and pastries, produce artistic decoration; 4razar.– production of cupcakes, rolls, premium cookies, puff cakes and pastries, decoration for cakes, decorate products; 3bit- they make simple cakes, pastries and other piece products, knead the dough, prepare creams, fillings, decorate cakes and pastries with chocolate, fudge, fruits. The duties of the baker include baking products, sifting flour, kneading and cutting yeast dough, whipping creams, boiling syrup, glazing products.

13. Organization of the work of the flour shop: the composition of the premises of the shop, the organization of production sites and jobs, the organization of the work of workers.

14. Organization of the work of procurement shops at enterprises with a full production cycle (meat and fish, vegetable shops): organization of production sites and workplaces, organization of work of workers .

Organization of the work of blank shops at enterprises with a full production cycle. At POP with a full production cycle, all stages of the technological process for cooking and its implementation are performed. These enterprises organize vegetable, meat and fish or separately meat and fish shops. The workshops organize universal or specialized jobs.

Organization of the work of the vegetable shop. The vegetable shop should be located in a single block with warehouses, which ensures the convenience of unloading vegetables upon receipt. The workshop should have a convenient relationship with the cold and hot workshops, in which the technological process is completed.

Organization of workplaces.

Depending on the capacity of the workshop, the following jobs can be organized: - peeling potatoes and root crops, cleaning and washing them;

Cleaning onions, horseradish, garlic;

Processing of fresh white cabbage, zucchini, fresh herbs and other seasonal vegetables.

At 1 workplace for the processing of potatoes and root crops, washing baths, a periodic table-top potato peeler, a production table, as well as the necessary equipment (tare for peeled vegetables and waste, a groove knife, etc.)

At 2 workplaces for cleaning onions, garlic, horseradish, special tables with an exhaust device should be installed.

At 3 jobs for the processing of fresh white cabbage and seasonal vegetables, production tables, washing baths, necessary equipment (chopping boards, trays, knives, etc.)

In smaller PPPs, onion peeling and seasonal vegetable processing jobs can be combined. AT this case a local exhaust device is installed on the production table.

vegetables can be cut in the vegetable shop. In this case, organize workplace for cutting vegetables , equipped with a production table, a vegetable cutting machine, and the necessary equipment. For cutting greens and green onions, dill, celery, sorrel, you can use the UNZ device. When manually cutting vegetables, cutting boards marked “OS” are placed on the production table, tools are placed on the right side, and raw materials are placed on the left. To the left of the worker at the table they put a container with vegetables prepared for cutting, to the right - a container for chopped vegetables.

Organization of shop workers. The work of the vegetable shop is organized by the head. production. The workshop employs from 1 to 5 people (depending on the number of processed raw materials and manufactured semi-finished products).

Vegetable cleaners 1 and 2 resp. perform all operations on processing and preparation of semi-finished products. Head production according to the menu plan draws up a schedule for the release of vegetable p / f in batches, depending on the timing of the sale of dishes during the day and the shelf life of the p / f.

Organization of the work of the meat and fish shop. The meat and fish shop should have a convenient relationship with the cold and hot shops, in which the technological process of cooking, washing kitchen utensils is completed.

Organization of workplaces.

The meat and fish shop provides for the organization of a separate area for the processing of meat, poultry and fish. In low-capacity workshops, meat and poultry sections can be combined.

The number of jobs at each site depends on the number of processed raw materials and manufactured semi-finished products.

At the meat processing area the following jobs are organized:

For thawing, washing meat, cutting carcasses and deboning meat;

For making portions. and m / c p / f;

At 1 workplace install tanks with low sides, a ladder and a shower device for thawing and washing meat. For this purpose, a production table (for defrosting) and washing baths (for washing) are installed on small PPPs for this purpose. After drying, the meat enters the cutting chair, and then to the production table, where the deboning, cleaning of the meat and the selection of c / c p / f is carried out.

At 2 workplaces for making portions. and m / c p / f install a production table on which a cutting board is laid, a tray with raw materials is placed on the left side of it; on the right - with p / f. behind the board is placed a metal box with spices and desktop dial scales VNTs-2. for making portions. Breaded p / f can be used tables with a built-in refrigerated cabinet for storing lezon.

At 3 jobs for the preparation of chopped semi-finished products, a production table is installed with trays for cutlet mass and breading, functional containers for soaking bread, and a meat grinder. A rack with trays is placed near the production table for transporting prepared p / f to the pre-preparation workshop.

At the poultry processing area organize the following jobs:

For cutting poultry:

For the preparation of semi-finished products from poultry.

Thawing of poultry carcasses is carried out on racks, chopping off heads, necks, legs - on a cutting chair. For gutting and washing poultry, production tables and a washing bath are used. P / f is made from poultry on a production table with a built-in refrigerated cabinet.

At the fish processing area organize 3 jobs:

For defrosting and gutting fish;

For making portions. p / f;

For the preparation of chopped semi-finished products.

At 1 workplace there are baths for defrosting and soaking salted fish, a SPR-type table for cleaning and gutting fish.

At the workplace for the preparation of portions. p/f install a production table with scales VNTs-2, cutting boards, boxes for spices and knives of the chef's troika.

For cooking minced fish and products from it are organized workplace with a production table, scales, meat grinder, cutting boards, boxes for spices and breadcrumbs.

Organization of labor in the meat and fish shop.

Cook 5bit 4bit cuts sturgeon fish, fills poultry carcasses, cuts meat and fish of partial species into portions, etc. Cooks 4 and 3 cut. carry out cutting of carcasses of meat, deboning of parts and allocation of c / c p / f. Cook 3bit Cuts fish of partial species, processes poultry, offal, makes cutlet mass and p / f from it, cuts m / c p / f.

15. Organization of work of pre-cooking shops (hot, cold, greenery processing shop, semi-finished products preparation shop): organization production sites and workplaces, organization of work of employees.

Since the centralized production of p / f changes the nature production process, it is necessary to distinguish between the pre-preparation workshops of enterprises operating on raw materials and enterprises receiving p / f. At enterprises operating in the p / f, in addition to the hot and cold shops, a p / f refinement shop and a greenery processing shop should be organized.

The production program of pre-preparation workshops is a menu plan. The mode of operation of the workshops is set depending on the conditions for the sale of dishes and culinary products. The work of the production teams of the pre-cooking workshops is strictly consistent with the time of the hall and with the schedule of the flow of consumers at the enterprise.

Organization of the work of the pre-cooking shop. The p/f refinement workshop is designed to provide a high degree of readiness of the hot p/f workshop in accordance with the range of prepared dishes according to the menu plan.

Separate workplaces are organized in the workshop for the production of semi-finished products from meat, poultry, fish and the processing of offal. Workplaces are combined into 2 technological lines. One line of equipment is designed for the preparation of semi-finished products from meat and poultry, and the second - from fish.

On the line cooking semi-finished products from meat and poultry they install a refrigerated cabinet for storing products and ready-to-eat p / f, a washing bath for washing meat, a production table with drawers for tools, a cutting chair for chopping bones, a meat grinder.

On the line cooking semi-finished product from fish install a production table with drawers for tools, a washing bath.

On each table, scales VNTs-2, a box with sections for spices, cutting boards are installed.

The workshop organizes universal workplaces, which, after preparing portions. and m / c p / f meat, poultry or fish are used to prepare chopped p / f. After preparing p / f tables, baths, a cutting chair can be used to process offal.

Organization of work in the workshop. The general management of the workshop is carried out by the head. production. He allocates a shop foreman (a cook of 5 or 6 grades), who directly executes the production program together with the cooks. On the basis of the plan-menu, the foreman of the workshop (or head of production), gives the task to the cooks in accordance with their qualifications, distributes products, etc. The foreman controls the progress of the technological process.

Cook 5bit makes a portion. p / f from beef, pork, p / f for fish, fries, etc.; cook 4bit cuts sturgeon fish, fills poultry carcasses, cuts meat and fish of partial species into portions, etc.; cook 3bit Cuts fish of partial species, processes poultry, offal, makes cutlet mass and p / f from it, cuts m / c p / f

Organization of the work of the greenery processing shop. At pre-cooking enterprises of medium capacity, a greens processing workshop can be organized for processing lettuce, spinach vegetables, fresh cucumbers, zucchini, green onions, etc.

The workshop is equipped with washing baths, production tables, tables with an exhaust device for processing green onions, garlic, horseradish, underware for placing boxes in them, mobile racks for installing trays with processed herbs.

Scheme of organization of jobs.

Organization of shop workers. The work of the vegetable shop is organized by the head. production. The workshop employs from 1 to 5 people (depending on the number of processed raw materials).

Vegetable cleaners 1 and 2 resp. perform all processing operations.

Organization of the work of the cold shop. The cold shop is designed for the preparation and portioning of cold dishes and snacks, sweet dishes and cold soups. The cold shop should be located in one of the brightest rooms. When planning the workshop, it is necessary to provide for a convenient relationship with the hot workshop, distribution and washing tableware.

Organization of workplaces.

Mechanical, refrigeration and non-mechanical equipment is installed in the cold shop. They group it in lines depending on the types of jobs. workplaces in the workshop should be located in the course of the technological process. In the cold shop, technological lines are distinguished:

Preparation of cold dishes and snacks;

Sweet food and drinks.

On these lines, depending on the range of products and the type of enterprise, separate workplaces can be organized:

For cutting raw and boiled vegetables, dressing, portioning and decorating salads and vinaigrettes;

For cutting gastronomic meat and fish products, portioning and decorating dishes;

For the preparation of jellied dishes;

for making sandwiches;

For portioning cold soups, sweet dishes and drinks.

At the workplace for the preparation of salads and vinaigrettes use baths or tables with a built-in washing bath for washing fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, greens; refrigerated cabinet or table with cooling. Cut raw and boiled vegetables on different production tables, using cutting boards marked "OS" or "OB" and chef's three knives. A vegetable cutter can be installed to cut raw vegetables.

Workplace for portioning the preparation of dishes from meat and fish gastronomic products arrange in the same way as for decorating salads.

The workplace for preparing jellied dishes is equipped with a production table, VNTs-2 scales, cutting boards marked "MV" and "RV", trays for stacking hung products, chef's three knives and special equipment.

The workplace for making sandwiches is equipped with production tables, machines for cutting bread and gastronomic products. With a small number of sandwiches sold, bread and gastronomic products are cut with bread, gastronomic and cheese knives using various devices.

At the workplace for the preparation of sweet dishes, a bath, a production table with a refrigerated cabinet, VNC-2 scales, various utensils and equipment are installed. A universal drive with interchangeable mechanisms for rubbing fruits, berries, whipping mousses, creams, sambuca or a whipping machine can be installed.

At large enterprises for the preparation of soft ice cream from dry and liquid mixtures, it is advisable to install a freezer. Small enterprises sell ice cream of industrial production. For short-term storage and distribution of ice cream, a low-temperature section is included in the distribution.

Organization of work of workers in the workshop.

With a 2-hour operating mode of the enterprise, the cooks of the cold shop work according to a stepped or combined schedule.

General management is carried out by production through foremen working every other day. At small POPs, a responsible worker is appointed from cooks of the highest qualification.

In large PES, an operational division of labor is carried out. cooks 3bit prepare the products that make up the dishes; cooks 4bit They are engaged in the connection of components, dressing and bringing dishes of mass demand to readiness, portioning and decorating dishes; cooks 5bit They prepare and decorate the most complex dishes (jellies, jellies, mousses, etc.).

Organization of the work of the hot shop. Hot shops organized at the EPP are designed for the manufacture of food and a variety of culinary products. The hot shop should have a convenient relationship with the cold shop, distribution, halls and with the premises of the head. production. Washing kitchen and tableware should be located near the hot shop.

The production program of the hot shop is determined by the menu plan.

Organization of workplaces.

In a hot shop, it is advisable to use sectional equipment, which is installed in the form of separate production lines (wall or island method), on which jobs are organized. The most appropriate arrangement of equipment is 3 parallel lines. In the middle part of the workshop, thermal equipment is installed in one line, and on both sides of it there are workplaces for preparing products for heat treatment.

The hot shop is divided into 2 specialized divisions - soup and sauce. In the soup section, preparation of broths and first courses is carried out, in the sauce section - preparation of 2 courses, side dishes, sauces, hot drinks. On small POPs, this division is conditional. In addition, in the hot shop, products are thermally processed for the preparation of cold and sweet dishes. At enterprises where there are no flour workshops, sections for the preparation of 2 flour dishes are organized in hot workshops.

Soup section. In the soup department, 2 workplaces are organized: for the preparation of broths and for the preparation of 1 course. An additional workplace may be provided for the preparation of side dishes (pies, pies, etc.) for clear soups.

At small enterprises, all equipment in the soup department can be installed in 1 line, at medium and large POP - on 2 lines. In canteens, boilers of various capacities for cooking broths and soups, pans for sautéing roots are installed in the heating equipment line. A table with a refrigerated cabinet, a table with a built-in washing bath, and an industrial table are installed in the line of non-mechanical equipment. In restaurants, in the line of thermal equipment, instead of boilers for cooking 1 course, stoves are installed on which dishes are cooked in dishes of small capacity.

Sauce section.

A wide range of dishes does not allow the creation of specialized workplaces in the hot shops of enterprises for the preparation of each type of dish, therefore, workplaces for cooking, stewing, and baking products are organized taking into account the possibility of chefs performing several operations at the same time. Accordingly, thermal and other technological equipment are grouped according to their purpose. At this site, ovens, electric frying pans, deep fryers, an electric stove, and cooking boilers are installed in the heating equipment line. Production tables are installed in the line of non-mechanical equipment for preparing products for frying and sauteing, sorting of cereals and pasta. For washing cereals, tilting boiled rice and cereals, a production sink is installed. Along with thermal and non-mechanical equipment, mechanical equipment is installed:

universal drive with a set of interchangeable mechanisms, a wiping machine.

Hot drinks are made in the sauce department on the stove or organize specialized areas that are equipped with boilers, coffee makers for preparing and serving hot drinks.

Organization of work of shop workers. The mode of operation of the hot shop depends on the mode of the hall and the forms of product release. in restaurants hot shop starts work 3 hours before opening, in canteens - 1-1.5 hours before. Hot shop workers work, as a rule, according to a stepped or combined schedule.

In the hot shop of canteens, the following ratio of cooks is recommended (according to the size in% of their total number): 6 size. – 15%, 5 times. – 25%, 4 bits – 35% and 3 times. – 25%. In restaurants: 6 times. – 30%, 5 times. – 30%, 4 bits – 20% and 3 times. - twenty%.

The production team of the hot shop, in addition to cooks, includes boiler washers, kitchen and kitchen utensil cleaners, and a kitchen auxiliary worker.

A 6-class chef, as a rule, is a foreman, and also prepares banquet and a la carte dishes; 5bit - prepares and decorates dishes that require the most complex culinary processing; 4bit - prepares the 1st and 2nd dishes of mass demand, sautés vegetables, tomato puree; 3bit - prepares products.

Organization of supply of catering enterprises with raw materials, semi-finished products, goods. Procurement types. Transit and warehouse forms of supply of raw materials and food products. Centralized and decentralized delivery methods.

Organization of supply of catering enterprises with raw materials, PF, goods and items of material and technical equipment. Procurement types. Organization of warehousing.

The fulfillment of the planned tasks of the POP depends on their commodity supply, the timely supply of raw materials, semi-fabrics, and items of material and technical equipment. Sources of education of food resources: c / household, food. prom-st, local production, import. The supply of POP is organized in accordance with the established plan for the need for products of the food industry and agriculture, as well as for items of materiel and technical equipment. The main tasks of organizing the supply of POP are:

correct determination of their need for raw materials, semi-fabrics, food products, materials, equipment, fuel, inventory;

establishment of optimal schemes for supplying enterprises;

timely conclusion of contracts with suppliers transport companies;

monitoring the implementation of funds and the fulfillment of contractual obligations; ensuring the continuity, timeliness and completeness of the supply of enterprises with products and materials, inventory and equipment;

ensuring the economical use of raw materials and materials through the application of progressive norms and the organization of systematic control over their observance; use of secondary raw materials;

organization of quantitative and qualitative acceptance and release of products and materials to financially responsible persons.

Pop supply types: food, material and technical, fuel and energy.

The supply plan should provide for all sources of raw materials, semi-finished products and purchased goods. Supply planning ends with the composition of the product balance, in which the indicators of the stock at the beginning and end of the planning period, sales, receipt of goods are consistent. The product balance is compiled according to the formula Z1 + P \u003d (P + B) + Z2

Where Z1 - stocks at the beginning of the period; P - the receipt of raw materials and goods; R - the sale of raw materials and goods; B - disposal and natural decline; Z2 - stocks at the end of the period.

EPP should study consumer demand and actively influence agriculture and industry in order to expand the range and improve the quality of the products obtained. For an economical justification of the plan of turnover and turnover for prod. own production needs its balance linking with commodity resources. After such linkage, the food supply service performs the following functions:

drawing up applications for the supply of goods, semi-finished products in terms of time in accordance with the concluded contracts;

operational accounting of incoming goods in accordance with the allocated funds and contracts;

quality control of incoming products;

drawing up monthly schedules for the delivery of food to enterprises;

timely supply of pre-cooking enterprises with semi-finished products;

coordinating and managing the work of forwarders, storekeepers for the delivery and storage of goods.

17. Organization of work warehouse enterprises: its purpose, composition, functions and role. Container economy - purpose, role and composition. Classification and types of containers.

Warehouse organization Warehousing is the main link of support services. It must uninterruptedly provide the main production with raw materials, equipment, materials, fuel, etc. A large proportion of the goods arriving at the populace passes through warehouses, which occupy a significant part of the premises and territories of these enterprises.

Warehouse tasks. household:

maintaining the required level of stocks of raw materials, materials, fuel, etc.;

careful acceptance of goods and containers from suppliers in terms of quantity and quality;

storage of goods in accordance with scientifically based regimes, with losses not exceeding the established norms of natural loss;

acquisition, selection, release of goods according to the established schedule and only by financially responsible persons.

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Public catering is an important branch of the national economy, which combines the functions of the production of prepared food, its sale and organization of consumption by the population. Human health, performance and life expectancy depend on the organization of nutrition.

The confectionery shop occupies a special place in catering establishments. It usually works independently, independently of the hot shop.

Confectionery shops are organized at procurement enterprises, as well as in restaurants, canteens, cafes.

The production of flour confectionery products involves a more complex technological process compared to the usual flour production of small pieces. bakery products. This is due to the use in the confectionery shop of a much wider range of perishable ingredients such as butter, eggs, milk, sour cream, creams, and so on.

Confectionery shops work mostly independently, so they must study the demand of customers, organize the sale of their products, concluding agreements with other catering entrepreneurs who do not have confectionery shops, with retailers.

Characteristics of the confectionery shop

The purpose of the confectionery shop is the production of a variety of flour confectionery and culinary products. The products of the confectionery shop are supplied for sale not only to the main enterprise. Confectionery products do not require additional heat treatment before being sold to consumers, which determines the increased requirements for compliance with the rules of sanitary, hygienic and technological regimes in the production, sale and storage of these products.

They are classified by performance and product range:

Low-capacity workshops are considered to produce up to 12 thousand products per shift;

Medium power - 12-20 thousand items per shift;

Large capacity - from 20 thousand items per shift.

In restaurants, canteens, cafes, confectionery shops of smaller capacity are organized: 3,5,8 or 10 thousand products per day.

The number of products produced in confectionery shops: up to 3 thousand per day, products are produced from 2-3 types of dough (yeast, shortbread, puff), without cream finishing (shortcakes, muffins, puff tongues, etc.).

The area of ​​the premises of the confectionery shop depends on the type, capacity of the enterprise, the number of employees.

The layout of the premises of the confectionery shop should correspond to the sequence of operations of the technological process and exclude the possibility of oncoming flows of raw materials and finished products.

The technological process of preparing confectionery products consists of the following operations: sifting flour and preparing (kneading, fermenting) dough, cutting (shaping) products, baking, decorating (finishing) confectionery products, preparing syrups, creams, sweets, whipped proteins. To perform these operations, workplaces are organized in the departments of the confectionery shop.

For the normal conduct of the technological process in the confectionery shop, there should be the following departments:

pantry and refrigerator for daily storage of products;

egg processing room;

facilities for sifting flour;

premises for dough kneading and fermentation;

premises for cutting, proofing and baking confectionery;

premises for washing utensils, containers, inventory;

preparation of finishing semi-finished products;

finishing of confectionery;

pantry and refrigerated chamber for finished confectionery;

shop manager's room;


Such a composition of the premises improves working conditions in the workshop. In small confectionery shops, the number of rooms can be reduced to 2-3.

In the dough-cutting department, the dough is kneaded and the necessary semi-finished products are prepared.

Preliminary (preferably in a separate room) sift the flour.

For kneading dough - an operation that requires physical effort - kneading machines are used. In small workshops, a universal drive with a beater is used for this purpose. For the fermentation of yeast dough, mobile bowls are used, which are placed near confectionery ovens for some time.

For cutting and shaping confectionery products, a dough divider, various molds, recesses are used. The workplace should have a production table, a flour chest, a mobile bowl with dough, scales, a box for knives, mobile racks with confectionery sheets for prepared products.

Rolling out the dough is carried out using a dough sheeter, which allows you to get a layer of dough of the required thickness. The workplace should have a refrigerator for cooling butter, as well as dough in the manufacture of puff products.

To prepare fillings, minced meat, syrup and fudge, a small stove (gas or electric) is installed and a meat grinder, a mashing machine (from a universal drive) are used. The fillings are transported in mobile baths.

An important mechanical assistant to the confectioner is the creamer. Baking of confectionery products is carried out in confectionery and baking cabinets. Also used are baking ovens that run on electricity, solid, liquid or gaseous fuels. In confectionery cabinets, a certain mode can be maintained.

For the design of confectionery products, separate production tables are used, and at large enterprises, special rooms are allocated for this purpose. Desks should have drawers for tools; a tripod for pastry bags is fixed on the table covers, a syrup tank and scales are installed. Mobile racks should be located near the work tables for the delivery of finished products to the cold store or to the expedition.

Workplaces for confectioners are organized in accordance with the technological process for the preparation of flour confectionery. The technological process usually consists of the following stages: storage and preparation of raw materials, preparation and kneading of dough, molding of products, preparation of finishing semi-finished products, fillings, baking, finishing and short-term storage of finished products.

Proper placement of equipment, preparation of workplaces, equipping them with the necessary inventory, utensils and vehicles, uninterrupted supply of raw materials, fuel, electricity during the shift are important factors in the economic use of working time, ensuring the rational organization of labor and the mechanization of labor-intensive processes.

In the pantry of the daily supply of food, chests, racks, understuffs are installed, and a refrigerator is equipped. For weighing products, scales with mass measurement limits from 2 to 150 kg are used. and measuring utensils. It also prepares raw materials for production (dissolving and dosing salt, sugar, breeding yeast, cleaning oil, removing packaging, etc.), these operations require staffing jobs with small-scale mechanization, inventory, tools and transport devices.

The egg is processed in a special washing room, where an ovoscope and baths with four compartments are installed for their sanitization. The eggs passed through the ovoscope in sieves are kept in the first compartment of the bath in warm water for 10 minutes. if necessary, they are washed here with hair brushes. In the second compartment, the eggs are kept for 5 minutes in a 2% bleach solution. In the third compartment, the eggs are kept in a 2% solution of baking soda and in the fourth, they are washed with warm running water for 5 minutes. washed and dry eggs are separated from the shell, if necessary, the protein and yolk are separated on a special device.

The room for kneading dough is equipped with machines for kneading dough with bowls of various capacities. The dough is kneaded sequentially from the beginning with the shortest cycle. The dough portioning room is equipped as follows: a table, a dividing and rounding machine or a dough divider, a flour chest (under the table), a knife box (in the table), dial scales are installed. They also provide a place for moving the bowl with dough. The dividing and rounding machine divides the dough into pieces of a certain weight and rolls them into balls, which facilitates the very laborious operation of weighing and rolling each portion of the dough. Shortbread, puff, and then - yeast.

The workplace for molding products is equipped with tables (with retractable chests for flour, tool boxes), wall racks.

Creams are prepared in a separate room, in which beaters of various capacities and with different capacities of bowls and boilers are installed. The cream is brewed in special tipping boilers with a steam jacket or in stove-top boilers.

A special table with drawers for storing tools is also needed, powder is sifted on it and other operations are performed. To decorate confectionery products with cream, they use confectionery bags with nozzles, stencils, blade knives for applying a layer of cream, combs for leveling it and applying a pattern, etc. To soak confectionery products with syrups, watering cans with a special (shower) nozzle are used.

For the manufacture of lipstick organize production line, consisting of an electric stove, a boiler, a special table and a whipping machine. The table cover is metal with sides and two pipelines with cold and hot water are placed under it. One of the side boards, bordering on the overhead tray, is made removable.

The baking department is equipped with confectionery cabinets and ovens with electric, gas and, less often, fire heating.

Baths with three compartments and a sterilizer are installed in the washing room for washing tools and inventory. Racks are located next to the washing baths. In large workshops, a machine is used to wash functional containers. Confectionery bags are dried in an electric dryer.

The shelf life of confectionery products is from 7 to 36 hours.

In the absence of an autoclave, bags are sterilized in stove-top boilers by boiling for 30 minutes from the moment of boiling. Tips from bags, small inventory are also boiled for 30 minutes after processing and stored in a specially allocated container with a lid. Containers intended for processing and storing confectionery bags, tips and small inventory are not allowed to be used for other production purposes. Usually pastry bags are assigned to each shift, which are not allowed to be transferred to another shift, since even the slightest residue of cream in the bags can lead to bacterial contamination. All inventory and intrashop packaging used in the production of confectionery products must be marked with the name of raw materials or semi-finished products. The use of unmarked containers, as well as not in accordance with the marking, is prohibited.

Finished confectionery products are sent to storerooms or refrigerators of the workshop for short-term storage. Manufactured products are placed in a specialized container.

The shelf life of confectionery products at a temperature of 2-6 C from the end of the technological process should be as follows:

with protein cream - no more than 72 hours;

with butter cream, including "Potato" cake - 36 hours;

with custard, with cream of cream - 6 hours.

Transpanting of confectionery products is carried out by specialized transport with refrigerated or isothermal bodies. Confectionery products prepared for transportation must have a marking label indicating the shift, date and hour of preparation, storage conditions and periods. Transport together with other products is prohibited.

The sale of confectionery products with cream at public catering and trade enterprises is possible only if refrigeration equipment is available. during the warm season, it is forbidden to make cakes and pastries with custard and cream.

Organilabor station in the confectionery shop

The confectionery shop is managed by the head of the shop. He introduces the foremen to the range of manufactured products, distributes raw materials between the teams, and controls the technological process of preparing confectionery products.

In confectionery shops, as a rule, a linear schedule is used. In large workshops, work is organized in two shifts, in small enterprises - in one shift. Brigades are organized either by type of product (one prepares products from yeast dough, the other - cakes, pastries), or by operations of the technological process (kneading, cutting, baking and finishing products). Two or three teams work in each shift, depending on the capacity of the workshop. Among the members of the brigade, an operational division of labor is carried out.

Confectioners of the V category make curly, custom-made cakes and pastries. they carry out the preparation and quality control of raw materials, fillings, finishing semi-finished products, preparation of dough, molding of products, and artistic finishing of products.

Confectioners of the IV category make various cupcakes, rolls, cookies of the highest grades, complex cakes and pastries.

Confectioners of the III category make simple cakes and pastries, bakery products. They prepare various types of dough, creams, fillings.

Qualification requirements for a confectioner:

know the recipes and technology for the production of flour confectionery and bakery products from various types of dough, finishing semi-finished products;

know the commodity characteristics of raw materials, types of flavoring and aromatic substances, rippers and dyes allowed for the manufacture of confectionery products;

the confectioner must have primary or secondary vocational education;

observe the sanitary and hygienic conditions for the production of flour confectionery products, their shelf life, transportation and sale;

know organoleptic methods for assessing the quality of confectionery products;

know the methods and techniques of highly artistic finishing complex types confectionery;

know the principles of operation and operating rules technological equipment used in the manufacture of confectionery.

Qualification requirements for a confectioner are specified in accordance with the requirements of the industry standard OST 28-1-95 "Public catering. Requirements for production personnel". This standard is used in the certification of catering services.

Confectioners of the II category perform individual work in the process of making cakes, pastries, prepare syrups and creams.

Confectioners of the 1st category perform work under the guidance of confectioners top class, take out the baked products from the baking sheets, clean the confectionery sheets, baking sheets and molds.

Bakers II and III categories bake and fry confectionery and bakery products. They determine the readiness of semi-finished products for baking, prepare the seasoning and lubricate the products. The baker must know the technological process, modes and duration of baking confectionery; to know the norms for the output of finished products, the factors affecting the upek, the mode of cooling of baked products; know the device, the principles of the device and the rules for operating the equipment being serviced.

Confectioners must be aware of the responsibility for the work performed.

The head of the shop and foremen monitor the rational organization of labor in the shop.

The work of confectionery shops is carried out in accordance with planned task for product release.

Equipment in the confectionery shop

The confectionery shop uses a wide variety of equipment:

Dough mixers

It consists of a plate, a body, a drive installed in the machine body, a bowl on a three-wheeled trolley and a kneading arm with a blade. A vertical housing with a drive, as well as a bowl with a capacity of 140 liters, mounted on a three-wheeled trolley, are assembled on a cast-iron foundation plate. Inside the housing there is a gearbox, an electric motor, a chain drive and a crank connected to the kneading lever. The machine control buttons are located on the side wall of the case. The rotation from the electric motor through two gearboxes and a chain drive is simultaneously received by the dough mixing lever and the bowl. Due to the simultaneous rotation of the bowl and the kneading arm in opposite directions, the loaded product is intensively mixed and forms a homogeneous mass saturated with air.

At the workplace for kneading dough, various types of dough mixing machines are installed: TMM-100M (bowl capacity 100 dm3), MT-40 (removable bowl 40 l.), MTM-20P (removable bowl 20 l.), MTU-50. In the dough mixing department, a workplace is also organized to perform auxiliary operations: processing and washing raisins, preparing and filtering sugar syrup and salt solution. At this workplace, a production pole with a built-in bathtub, a flexible hose for filling the bowl with water is installed. Norm of table length for one workplace is not less than 1.25 m.

For weighing products use commodity scales.

After kneading, the bowl with yeast dough is rolled back to a warm place, closer to the ovens.


This machine consists of a body, a tank lifting mechanism and a drive mechanism. A removable tank is mounted on the movable bracket, which can move it in the vertical direction using the handle of the lifting mechanism. Inside the housing, a machine drive is mounted, which consists of an engine, a V-belt speed variator, gears and a planetary gearbox. Replaceable beater mechanisms are attached to the working shaft with a pin and a figured cutout. An automatic switch is installed on the side wall of the machine to start and stop the engine.

At the workplace for the preparation of biscuit dough, a whipping machine is installed. Beaters are used in different types, for example, MV-6M, MV-35M (messy-whipping). In the machine, sugar is beaten with egg mass or melange and combined with flour; a production table is installed next to the machine. The prepared mass is poured into a baking sheet lined with parchment, or molds that are sent for baking.

To prepare puff pastry, a production line is organized, which includes a dough mixing machine, an MRT-60M dough sheeter, a production table, a refrigerated cabinet or a table with a chilled cabinet, since it must be cooled during the manufacture of puff pastry.

For the preparation of custard dough, a separate area is allocated, where an electric stove and production tables are installed. For brewing dough, plate boilers and equipment (veselka, whisks) are used. For jigging blanks from choux pastry onto confectionery sheets in large workshops, an MTO machine is used. The design of the machine provides for easy readjustment and weight adjustment up to 100g. For the preparation of custard dough, fondant, the MKU-40 universal confectionery machine is intended, where the electric boiler is combined with a mixer.


Dough sheeter;

Universal drive with a set of interchangeable mechanisms (meat grinder, sifter, wiping, whipping);

Digestion boilers;

electric stoves;

Electric baking cabinets;

Refrigeration equipment.

Machines and inventory are made of metallic and non-metallic materials, which must meet sanitary requirements. All materials must be strong and rigid, neutral to products and detergents, not corrode, not have a harmful effect on products and be well cleaned of them.

All equipment must be compact, silent, electrical and fire safe.

Workplaces for cutting dough

The dough sheeter can also be used for rolling out yeast and shortcrust pastry. To prepare puff pastry, it is rolled out in the machine at least 4 times, after each rolling the dough is cooled.

In confectionery shops, various tools and devices are used to cut dough. In small pastry shops, the dough is rolled out by hand. To make cakes from puff pastry, it is rolled out into layers of 4-6 mm, placed on prepared confectionery sheets, which are placed on mobile racks and sent for baking.

To form puff tongues and horns, the dough is portioned using corrugated oars.

Cutting yeast dough and shortcrust pastry, forming products from them is carried out at the workplace, where they install production tables with wooden coating and drawers for flour, for storing inventory. Table scales VNTs-2 are placed on the table. On these tables, the dough is divided into portions of a certain mass.

To speed up the portioning of the dough, a manual dough divider or a dough divider with an electric drive А2-ХТН, TD-30 is used.

Formed pieces of dough are immediately placed on oiled confectionery sheets, which are placed on racks for proofing.

Products from shortbread dough are molded on production tables using curly cuts (cake "Ring", cookies). For the manufacture of baskets for cakes, metal molds (tartlets) are used.

Baking confectionery

After cutting, molding and proofing, the products are subjected to heat treatment - baking. For baking, ovens of various capacities are used: ShZhESM-25, ShPESM-2, ShZhE-0.51, ShZhE-0.85. The selection of cabinets depends on the capacity of the workshop. Ovens are installed at the baking site; Racks and industrial tables, on which sheets with products are laid for lubrication with lezon or oil.

Products are baked in accordance with the schedule, which determines the sequence of baking products from various types of dough, depending on the timing of production and the temperature of the baking mode. (see table)

Name of products

Temperature regime, 0С

Baking time, min.

Baking time (from and to), h

Sand dough products

Choux pastry products

almond cakes

air cakes

Puff pastry for cakes

bakery products

Biscuit dough for cakes

The dough for cakes and cakes is baked in baking sheets and forms on sheets. The confectionery sheet can be with one, two or three sides, so that the semi-finished product can be easily removed from it after baking. Yeast dough products after cooling are placed in confectionery trays lined with paper. From 50 to 100 products are placed in confectionery trays, depending on the type.

Preparation of finishing semi-finished products

Finishing semi-finished products are made in confectionery shops: fillings, syrups, sweets, creams, jellies, etc. Syrups for creams and sweets are cooked in a room for cutting and baking products. The workplace should have electric 2- and 4-section stoves, production tables. Syrup is cooked in cauldrons. The prepared syrup is poured into a special bath for cooling. In the absence of a special bath for cooling the syrup, a bath is provided in which a boiler with syrup is placed. The bath is filled with cold water. To prepare a small amount of fudge, you can use special tables with a marble surface to cool the syrup. The cooled syrup is poured into the beater tank, where it is whipped until a fudge is obtained in the form of a white crystalline mass. The finished fudge is placed in a cauldron and left to ripen for a day. Before glazing products, fondant is heated in a water bath at a temperature of 500C.

The preparation of creams is carried out in a separate room, where a whipping machine, production tables with refrigerated cabinets or refrigerated cabinets separately, racks are installed. Butter and protein creams are prepared by whipping products on whipping machines.

Shop workers use various devices for cutting and wetting biscuits, decorating cakes. For layering and cutting semi-finished products from biscuit, puff and shortbread dough, disk cutters, a knife-saw, and dimensional plates are used. Layers of biscuit cakes and pastries, as well as rum women, are soaked in syrup using a special watering can. This speeds up the process of work and promotes uniform wetting of the surface of the products. DK cream dispenser is used to fill choux pastry tubes with cream.

At the workplace organized for decorating cakes and pastries with cream and other components, a table with a refrigerated cabinet is installed. Confectioners decorate products by applying designs using pastry bags with various tips and pastry combs.

The washing department of the confectionery shop is designed for washing dishes and equipment. Bathtubs with two or three compartments are installed in it. For washing dishes use detergents, brushes. The inventory is washed in soda water at a temperature of at least 450 C, and then rinsed with hot water (at least 600 C) and 2% bleach solution. After washing, the inventory is dried and stored on racks.

For the sanitization of pastry bags, tubes, a sterilizer (autoclave) is used, where the bags are degreased and then rinsed in a drying cabinet or in drawers of tables.

Characteristics of raw materialsand preparing it for production

Wheat flour is a powdery white product with a slightly yellowish or creamy tint, which is obtained by grinding wheat grains. The taste of flour is sweetish. AT confectionery production mainly used flour of the highest and 1st grade, rarely 2. The moisture content of the flour should be standard 14.5%.

The technological properties of flour depend on the gluten content and its quality, so for my products it is better to use premium flour with a small amount of weak gluten (28%), the flour should not have extraneous flavors, odors, acidity. Flour should not be damaged by barn pests. Flour is brought to the enterprise by a flour truck and transported by mechanical pumps to special silos. Flour is sifted using sieves before being used in production. If the flour comes in bags, then before sifting, the bags are cleaned with a brush from dust and dirt. And then carefully ripped at the seam. The inside-out bags are lightly shaken and thus some of the flour is removed from the surface. The resulting flour after whipping cannot be used for the production of confectionery products, as it contains burlap fibers.

Granulated sugar is a product of sugar beet or sugar cane processing. Sugar is sweet to taste and soluble in water, the solutions are light. Sugar should be white, clean and not sticky. Humidity - 0.14%. Sugar, in flour confectionery products, is a dough plasticizer, i.e. does not affect its structure. Changing the amount of sugar in the dough leads to increased stickiness and makes it difficult to form. If the dough does not have the correct ratio of sugar and fat, i.e. there is a lot of sugar, and not enough fat, then this leads to the fact that the products become tough. During heat treatment, sugar partially caramelizes and gives the product a pleasant light brown color. Before use, granulated sugar is sieved in burats through a sieve with holes with a diameter of not more than 3 minutes and passed through magnets to remove metal impurities. Sugar syrups are filtered through a metal sieve with cells with a diameter of not more than 1.5 mm.

Powdered sugar - used in the manufacture of creams, waffles, cookies, etc. It should be finely ground and sifted through a sieve before use to eliminate larger particles. In the absence of powdered sugar, it is prepared from granulated sugar by grinding. At public catering establishments, refined powder made from refined sugar is used.

Butter - produced from cream, contains up to 82.5% fat, vitamins. Butter can be salted and melted, without foreign smells and tastes, with a uniform color (from white to cream). If the surface of the oil is covered with mold, then it is cleaned. Pure butter goes for creams, for making shortcrust pastry, butter biscuits. Before use, the butter is sometimes melted, filtered through a sieve and added to the dough. Butter increases the calorie content of products, improves taste, enhances their aroma. Butter is not salty, you can replace it with salty, but taking into account the salt it contains. In the manufacture of cream salted butter can not be used. In the manufacture of all confectionery products, except puff, butter biscuit and cream, butter can be replaced with ghee (1 kg of butter corresponds to 840 g of ghee), it is recommended to store the butter at t 2-4C in a warm room in a carefully closed container, under the influence of light and oxygen oil deteriorates.

Milk is a valuable nutritious product consisting of water and solids, or dry residue, which includes milk fat and sugar, proteins, and other substances. It has a pleasant taste and contains almost all nutrients necessary for the body. For the preparation of confectionery products, fresh milk and canned products are used. They improve the taste of the product and increase their nutritional value. Whole milk should be white with a yellowish tint, without foreign tastes and odors. Milk is used mainly for the preparation of yeast dough and creams. It spoils quickly, so it should be immediately sold, and if necessary, stored, heated to a boil. Before use, the milk is filtered through a sieve. Store milk in the refrigerator at t not higher than 8C and not lower than 0C for no more than 20 hours. Milk of all kinds must be pasteurized.

Cream is available in 10, 20 and 35% fat. Their taste is pleasant, slightly sweet, white color with a yellowish tinge. In the confectionery industry, cream is used to make cream, and as milk substitutes. For whipping, 35% fat is most suitable. Before whipping, they are pre-cooled.

Sweetened condensed milk obtained by evaporating up to 1/3 of the volume of whole or skimmed milk with added sugar. Store it in a hermetically sealed container in a warehouse with unregulated temperature. Condensed milk used for making confectionery is preheated to 40C and then filtered through a sieve.

Eggs are a high-calorie product widely used in the manufacture of confectionery products, containing proteins, fats, minerals and other substances. Eggs, due to their properties, improve the taste of products, give them porosity. Egg white has binding properties, is a good foaming agent, retains sugar, which explains its use in the production of creams, marshmallows, airy and some other types of dough. The volume of protein, when whipped, increases seven times, the addition of sugar reduces the volume by 1.5 times. The yolk of an egg is rich in proteins, fats and vitamins. Thanks to lecithin, the yolk is a good emulsifier. A large number of yolks makes it possible to obtain a stable emulsion of water and fat in the batter. Yolks improve the structure of the dough, give a delicate taste to products. In confectionery, only chicken eggs and products of their processing are used. The freshness and good quality of eggs can be determined using an ovoscope or immersed in a 10% solution of table salt: fresh eggs will sink to the bottom, spoiled eggs will float. The egg is processed in a special washing room, where an ovoscope and baths with four compartments are installed for their sanitization. The eggs passed through the ovoscope in sieves are kept in the first compartment of the bath in warm water for 10 minutes. if necessary, they are washed here with hair brushes. In the second compartment, the eggs are kept for 5 minutes in a 2% bleach solution. In the third compartment, the eggs are kept in a 2% solution of baking soda and in the fourth, they are washed with warm running water for 5 minutes. Washed and dry eggs are separated from the shell, if necessary, the protein and yolk are separated on a special device. Eggs are broken into a separate bowl (no more than 3-5 pieces) and, after checking their good quality, they are poured into a common cauldron. Prepared eggs are filtered through a sieve. Weight of one egg 40 gr. Eggs can be replaced with various egg products, however, in the manufacture of creams, substitution cannot be made.

Melange is a mixture of proteins and yolks (either proteins or yolks alone), frozen in cans at t from -18 to -25C.

Melange is thawed immediately before use, before opening the jar is disinfected, rinsed.

Banks with melange are thawed for 2.5-3 hours, on a food warmer at t40-50C. The prepared melange is filtered through a sieve and used immediately, because. the shelf life of thawed melange is 3-4 hours.

Vanillin is a white crystalline powder obtained by artificial synthetic means, it has a very strong aroma and a bitter burning taste. It dissolves well in hot water and alcohol. An excessive amount of vanillin in the dough worsens the quality of the product. It is introduced into chilled cream, syrup and into the same dough products as vanilla.

Citric acid is obtained by a biochemical method using moldy fungi or isolated from plant materials. These are colorless or slightly yellowish crystals containing at least 99.5% citric acid. Used to give a sour taste to fruit and berry jelly, which is used to decorate cakes and pastries; to increase the swelling of flour proteins and the elasticity of gluten, in the manufacture of puff pastry; to obtain a stable foam - whipped protein mass for protein cream; for inversion of sucrose during the preparation of invert syrup and lipstick.

Molasses is a colorless or light yellow, viscous thick liquid obtained by saccharification of starch in the presence of acids. Molasses is used in the manufacture of lipstick and added to sugar syrups, which protects them from sugaring. The molasses introduced into the dough delays the process of hardening of finished products. Treacle is stored in wooden and metal barrels at t 8-12C. Before use, they are heated to t 200C.

Water in the confectionery industry is used as a raw material for the preparation of yeast, custard, and puff pastry. It is also included in syrups for soaking cakes, fondant and jelly, which are used to decorate confectionery. For these purposes, they take tap water that meets all the requirements of the current standard for drinking water. Water, according to the standard, should be clear, colorless, without foreign odors and tastes. The total amount of minerals should not exceed the established norms. Temperature 8-12C. According to sanitary standards, drinking water should be free of pathogenic microbes. The quality of the dough depends on the properties of drinking water. Thus, hard water strengthens the gluten of the dough and has a positive effect on the quality of yeast and puff pastry products made from weak flour.

Salt contains 96.5-99.2% sodium chloride per dry matter and a small amount of calcium, magnesium, potassium salts, which determine its hygroscopicity. By quality, salt is divided into 4 commercial grades: extra, highest, 1st and 2nd. A 5% salt solution should have a purely salty taste, without foreign tastes and odors. Salt is stored in dry warehouses at a temperature of 17C and a relative humidity of 70%. In the production of flour products, salt is added for taste in small quantities only to the dough. Salt strengthens the structure of gluten, contributing to the elasticity of the dough and the thin-walled porosity of the crumb of products. Salt inhibits the vital activity of yeast cells, so the dough for yeast products should not be salted.

Agar is a vegetable glue produced from certain types of seaweed. Agar goes on sale in the form of grains, powder or porous translucent plates.

Gelatin - food glue of animal origin; goes on sale in the form of grains, powder or transparent yellow plates.

Before use, the gelatin and agar plates should be washed in cold water and put in a colander or strainer to drain the water. The gelling properties of agar are 5-8 times stronger than those of gelatin. Store agar and gelatin in a cool, dry place.

Sanitary requirements for raw materials

pastry shop

All incoming raw materials and manufactured products must meet the requirements of applicable standards, specifications, biomedical requirements, have hygiene certificates or quality certificates.

The hygienic certificate is issued for the type of product, and not for a specific batch. To confirm the conformity of the batch of manufactured and supplied products with the established requirements (to guarantee the appropriate quality of the goods) is the responsibility of the manufacturer.

Selective control of safety indicators in finished products of the baking and confectionery industry is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the manufacturer of products in agreement with the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities and guaranteeing the safety of products.

Raw materials are allowed into production only if there is a conclusion from the laboratory or specialists technological control enterprises.

Raw materials entering production must be prepared for production in accordance with the technological instructions and the Instruction for preventing the ingress of foreign objects into products.

Flour should be stored separately from all types of raw materials. Flour in containers should be stored in stacks on racks at a distance of 15 cm from the floor level and 50 cm from the walls. The distance between stacks must be at least 75 cm.

Salt should be stored in separate bins or chests with lids, as well as in dissolved form in containers equipped with filters, and only dissolved and filtered can be supplied to production.

Fats, eggs and dairy products should be stored in refrigerators at temperatures between 0 and +4°C.

Egg melange is allowed in the dough for the manufacture of small-piece confectionery and bakery products in accordance with the required organoleptic, physico-chemical and microbiological indicators. Egg melange is stored at a temperature of -6 to +5 ° C, re-freezing of melange is strictly prohibited. Storage of defrosted melange for more than 4 hours is not allowed.

Pasteurized cow's milk is stored at a temperature of 0 to +6 ° C for no more than 36 hours from the end of the technological process of its production.

Butter is carefully checked after unpacking and cleaned from the surface. In the presence of contamination on the surface and in case of microbiological deterioration, the oil is not allowed for the production of confectionery products with cream. The duration of storage of oil before stripping in the oil cutter should be no more than 4 hours.

Security tore and safety

Occupational safety is a system of legislative acts, organizational, technical, socio-economic, hygienic and therapeutic measures and means that ensure the preservation of human health and performance in the labor process.

Labor protection includes a set of measures for labor safety, industrial sanitation and hygiene, and fire fighting equipment. In labor safety, they study technological processes and equipment used in production, analyze the causes that give rise to accidents and occupational diseases, and develop specific measures to prevent and eliminate them. Fire fighting equipment prevents and eliminates fires that have arisen. Industrial sanitation studies impact external environment and working conditions on the human body and its performance.

The production activity of the confectionery shop depends on how correctly it is designed, provided with appropriate premises, how it is selected and placed in it necessary equipment, providing a normal technological process. The layout of the public catering enterprise as a whole, as well as the dimensions of the premises of all production workshops, including the confectionery workshop, are determined by current regulations providing safe and optimal working conditions for confectioners.

Correct and sufficient lighting plays an important role. The most favorable for vision is natural light. The ratio of the window area to the floor area should be 1: 6, and the greatest distance from the windows can be up to 8 m. Artificial lighting is used in rooms that do not require constant monitoring of the process (warehouses, engine room, expedition). The workshop needs emergency lighting that provides minimal lighting when the worker is turned off (1:10).

At large public catering enterprises, the management of labor protection is assigned to the deputy director (if there is a position of chief engineer, then to him), at other enterprises - to the director. In confectionery shops, the management of labor protection is assigned, in addition to the head, also to the head of the shop.

Managers are required to supervise the implementation labor law, orders and instructions of higher organizations. Together with the trade union organization, they develop an action plan to create normal and safe working conditions, organize briefings, exhibitions, lectures, display of transparencies, posters on labor protection and fire fighting equipment. The head of the workshop supervises the good condition of the operated equipment, machines, fences, the timely implementation of preventive maintenance of equipment, vehicles and the safe handling of loading and unloading operations.

For newly entrants, the head of the shop is obliged to conduct an introductory briefing and monitor the timely provision of workers with high-quality overalls. The head has the right to suspend work in certain areas in cases where it is dangerous to health, and to bring the perpetrators to justice. In the event of an accident, an investigation is carried out and measures are taken to eliminate the causes that cause these cases, acts are drawn up in the form of H-1, if the accident caused disability for at least one day. The act objectively sets out the causes (direct and indirect) of the accident and indicates measures to eliminate them.

The most important measure aimed at preventing accidents is the mandatory conduct of production briefings. An introductory briefing is held by all employees who first come to work, and students sent to the workshop for passing industrial practice. On-the-job briefing and re-briefing are conducted to consolidate and test knowledge of safety rules and regulations and the ability to apply the acquired skills in practice. Unscheduled briefing is used when changing the technological process, acquiring new equipment, etc.

Occupational diseases can occur as a result of prolonged exposure to an unfavorable production environment (air pollution with gases, dust, vapors, too high temperature and humidity, etc.), as well as features labor process(mode of work, posture during work). Occupational diseases of confectioners are liver diseases, flat feet, varicose veins.


Establishment of public catering enterprises in Russia with high quality prepared products, the level of service that is most convenient for visitors - one of the most important tasks facing the catering system today.

In conditions modern production a pastry chef, like any cook, must have certain knowledge and the necessary practical skills.

Among the knowledge and skills, one can single out: knowledge of the basics of rational nutrition, knowledge of the rules for preparing main dishes and safety conditions during cooking.

The labor activity of public catering workers, on the one hand, is aimed at improving the properties of raw materials and obtaining high-quality products, and on the other, at improving the process of serving consumers. Any mistake, negligence, inattention in the work of a cook can lead to serious consequences. Therefore, such requirements are imposed on workers in this profession as attentiveness, dosage accuracy, quick response, and, which is no less important, appearance cooks. The aesthetics of a chef's workwear suggests cleanliness. A dirty apron or jacket sharply lowers the mood of the workers, and is also regarded as a violation of the sanitary regime. A careless person, almost always the same in relation to people. A cultured person always takes care of his appearance, both at work and at home. A neatly dressed chef always inspires respect and respectful attitude of consumers. A real chef is rightfully proud of his skill, for him there is no higher reproach than the opinion of consumers. That is why the chef is the creator of not only dishes, but also a good mood, because a well-prepared dish is a real work of art.

In communicating with the consumer, the chef must control his behavior. At the same time, he is guided by the norms of behavior accepted in our society, as well as professional requirements such as: constant friendliness, courtesy, tact, cordiality to all requirements. The cook must communicate without losing his own dignity. But the ethical culture of communication between a cook and a consumer should not be reduced to formal courtesy, correctness in work, this is not yet a true culture of communication. The benevolent mood of the cook, as it were, obliges the true mood. Thus, catering workers promote the rules of etiquette, thereby fulfilling a certain educational role. as well as aesthetic tastes, culture of behavior at the table, consultations on the combination of dishes and drinks. In response to friendly service, consumers tend to be moderate in their demands. Of course, kindness must be sincere, because kindness disposes to each other. The best form of hospitality is not a forced natural smile.


1. Buteykis N.G. Organization of production of public catering enterprises. M., 1985.

2. Technology and technochemical control of bakery production / L.F. Zvereva, Z.S. Nemtsova, N.P. Volkov. - M: Light and food industry, 1983.

3. Tsyganova T.B. Technology and organization of production of bakery products, 2006.

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