Sample program PM. Study of food poisoning and its prevention

Job search methods, recommendations for employment, career planning for a graduate of a professional educational organization in the Moscow region, including an educational and methodological complex, control and evaluation tools and guidelines for the teacher
exemplary professional module program


1.1. Scope of the program

An exemplary program of a professional module (hereinafter referred to as the PM program) is part of the main professional educational program GEF SPO in terms of mastering the species professional activity(VPD):

and relevant professional competencies (PC):

PC 1. To systematize information from various sources on the relevant qualifications received in the vacancies in the regional labor market.

PC 2. Prepare the documents necessary for employment.

PC. 3. Choose effective models of behavior and communication when interviewing with a potential employer.

PC 4. Use various methods of adaptation in the workplace.

PC 5. Build a plan professional career.

1.2. Goals and objectives of the module - requirements for the results of mastering the module

In order to master the specified type of professional activity and the relevant professional competencies, the student in the course of mastering the professional module must:

have practical experience:

job search;

CV and portfolio design;

Passing interviews and interviews with a potential employer;

Career planning

be able to:

  • independently search for a job using various sources of information about vacancies;

  • navigate the situation in the labor market of your region;

  • write a resume, transmittal letter;

  • compare their skills, knowledge, competencies, personal qualities with the given requirements of employers;

  • build a portfolio;

  • communicate using a variety of speaking and listening techniques;

  • choose models of effective behavior at the interview (interview);

  • make a plan for your professional career (for the short and medium term);

  • concept, types, stages of a career;

  • career planning and development tools;

  • the basics of goal setting and time management;

  • ways to find work;

  • constructive styles of behavior when looking for a job;

  • rules for compiling a resume and portfolio;

  • stages and technologies of selection to a company, organization, enterprise (CV, cover letter, testing, business games, interview);

  • the situation on the labor market and career development opportunities in the chosen field of activity;

  • potential employers of the Moscow region (in the chosen field of activity);

  • types of professional adaptation;

  • content and order of conclusion employment contract;

  • procedure for resolving labor disputes.
1.3. Recommended number of hours for mastering the professional module program:

total - 44 hours, including:

the maximum study load of the student is 36 hours, including:

classroom study work of the student (mandatory studies) - 26 hours;

extracurricular (independent) educational work of the student - 12 hours;

educational practice - 6 hours.
2. results of mastering the PROFESSIONAL MODULE

The result of mastering the program of the professional module is the mastery of the type of professional activity by students Career planning for a graduate of a professional educational organization in the Moscow region, including professional (PC) and general (OK) competencies:

The code

Name of learning outcome

PC 1

To systematize information from various sources about vacancies in the regional labor market that correspond to the qualifications received.

PC 2

Prepare the necessary documents for employment

PC 3

Choose effective models of behavior and communication when interviewing with a potential employer.

PC 4

Use a variety of adaptation methods in the workplace.

PC 5

Make a career plan.

OK 1

understand the essence and social significance his future profession show a sustained interest in it.

OK 4

Search and use the information necessary for the effective implementation of professional tasks, professional and personal development

OK 6

Work in a team and team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, consumers

OK 8

Independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, consciously plan advanced training

3. STRUCTURE and content of the professional module

3.1. Thematic plan of the professional module


Names of professional module

Total hours

The amount of time allotted for development interdisciplinary course(courses)


classroom academic work student (mandatory training sessions)

Extracurricular (independent) educational work of the student,





including laboratory work and practical exercises,









PC 1- PC 5

Career planning for a graduate of a professional educational organization in the Moscow region












Autonomous non-profit

professional educational organization

"Vladimir College of Economics and Law of Vladkoopsoyuz"



PM.01 Organizational and technical support

court work

for the specialty


The exemplary program of the professional module was developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard (hereinafter referred to as the Federal State Educational Standard) in the specialty (specialties) of secondary vocational education (hereinafter SVE)40.02.03 Law and judicial administration

Organization-developer: Autonomous non-profit professional educational organization "Vladimir College of Economics and Law of Vladkoopsoyuz"

Compiled by: Mikhailova Irina Yuryevna - methodologist of the Academy of Sciences of VET "Vladimir College of Economics and Law of Vladkoopsoyuz"




    development results PROFESSIONAL MODULE


  1. STRUCTURE and professional module content



    Control and evaluation of the results of mastering the professional module (type of professional activity )




    1. Scope of the program

Approximate professional module programPM.01 organizational and technical support for the work of courts is part of the training program for mid-level specialists in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in the specialty SPO 40.02.03Law and Judicial Administration (Basic Training)in terms of mastering the main type of professional activity (VPD):Organizational and technical support for the work of courts and relevant professional competence (PC):

PC 1.3. Maintain office equipment and computer technology, computer networks and software courts, sites of courts in the information and telecommunication network "Internet" (hereinafter referred to as the Internet).

PC 1.4. Maintain the archives of the court.

The professional module program can be used in additional vocational education and vocational training employees in the field of judicial administration with a secondary (complete) general education. Work experience is not required.

    1. Goals and objectives of the module - requirements for the results of mastering the module

In order to master the specified type of professional activity and the relevant professional competencies, the student in the course of mastering the professional module must:

have practical experience:

To exercise the powers of the relevant employee of the court apparatus in accordance with his official regulations;

be able to:

Use regulatory and methodological documents on office work in court;

Work with documents (forwarding processing, registration, execution control);

Compile and execute nomenclature of cases in court;

Form cases at the stage of acceptance and appointment for judicial review and after their consideration;

Compile, edit and execute organizational and administrative documents;

Enforce sentences, decisions, rulings and rulings of the court;

Use information technology in documenting and organizing work with documents;

Carry out primary accounting of statistical information in court on paper and in in electronic format;

To carry out the formation of operational reporting data;

To carry out reference work on the accounting of legislation and judicial practice in a court;

Carry out general activities organizational support activities of the courts;


Regulatory and methodological documents on documentary support of the work of the court;

Classification of service documents and requirements for them in accordance with GOST;

Computer equipment and modern information technologies, their application in documenting and organizing work with documents;

- basics of labor protection and safety.

388 h aces, including:

the total workload of the student -206 hours including:

theoretical training -112 hours;

workshops-94 hours

independent work of students -110 hours;

educational practice -72 hours.

  1. results of mastering the PROFESSIONAL MODULE

The result of mastering the program of the professional module is the mastery of the type of professional activity by studentsOrganizational and technical support for the work of courts , including professional (PC) and general (OK) competencies:

The code

Name of learning outcome

PC 1.1.

To carry out work with applications, complaints and other appeals of citizens and organizations, to receive visitors in court.

PC 1.2.

Maintain up-to-date bases of normative legal acts and judicial practice.

PC 1.5.

Maintain judicial statistics on paper and in electronic form.

PC 2.1

To carry out the reception, registration, accounting and storage of court cases, material evidence and documents.

PC 2.2.

Handle cases scheduled for trial.

PC 2.3.

Notify the persons participating in the trial, distribute and hand over court documents and notices.

PC 2.4.

Carry out registration, accounting and technical registration executive documents on court cases.

OK 1.

Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show a steady interest in it

OK 2.

Organize their own activities, choose standard methods and methods for performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality

OK 3.

Make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and be responsible for them

OK 4.

Search for information necessary for the effective implementation of professional tasks, professional and personal development

OK 5.

Use information and communication technologies in professional activities

OK 6.

Independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, consciously plan advanced training

OK 7.

Navigate in the conditions of constant updating of technologies in professional activities

OK 8.

organize workplace in compliance with the requirements of labor protection, industrial sanitation, infectious and fire safety

OK 9.

Be intolerant of corrupt behavior

OK 10.

Organize your life in accordance with socially significant ideas about healthy way life, maintain the proper level of physical fitness necessary for social and professional activities

STRUCTURE AND CONTENT OF THE PROFESSIONAL MODULE PM.01 Organizational and technical support for the work of courts
    1. Thematic plan of the professional module

Codes of professional competencies

Names of sections of the professional module

Total hours

The amount of time allotted for the development of an interdisciplinary course (courses)


Mandatory classroom study load student

Independent work of the student



Production (according to the specialty profile),




including laboratory work and practical exercises,





including, course work(project),












PC 1.1.- PC 1.5

PC 2.1.- PC 2.4

Section 1.








PC 1.1.- PC 1.5

PC 2.1.- PC 2.4

Section 2







PC 1.1.- PC 1.5

PC 2.1.- PC 2.4

Section 3. MDK 01.03.





PC 1.1.- PC 1.5

PC 2.1.- PC 2.4

Section 4. MDK 01.04. Features of organizational and technical support for the activities of judges





PC 1.1.- PC 1.5

PC 2.1.- PC 2.4

Educational practice (according to the specialty profile) , hours










The content of training in the professional module PM.01 Organizational and technical support for the work of courts


Organization and provision of judicial office work


MDK.01.01 Court proceedings


Topic 01.1.

History of judicial office work in Russia

Litigation in Tsarist Russia and the Soviet period. Modern litigation

Topic 01.2.

Judicial proceedings. Concept, functions, general characteristics

general characteristics and the judicial system. Functions and tasks of judicial office work

Topic 01.3.

The structure and staffing of units that ensure the conduct of cases of judicial clerical work

The concept of the apparatus and structure of the courts.

Types of positions in the field of judicial office work.

Functions of the secretary of the court, secretary of the court session. Functions of the court office

Topic 01.4.

Concept and types of documents

The concept of documents. Classification of procedural documents

Document Functions


Drafting minutes of a court session in a civil case

Drafting court rulings

Topic 01.5.

Characteristics of the Instructions for Court Proceedings

Instructions for judicial office work in the district court. Instructions for office work in the arbitration courts of the Russian Federation

Guide to clerical work in military courts

Topic 01.6

Organization of office work at the justice of the peace

Registration and accounting of criminal, civil cases, cases of administrative offenses

Registration of criminal and civil cases at the stages of acceptance for proceedings and appointment for a court session

Registration of criminal and civil cases after their consideration


Registration of logs of incoming and outgoing correspondence

Drawing up an act on the absence of a document or other attachments in postal items

Topic 01.7

Organization of office work in the system of federal courts of general jurisdiction

Receiving, sending and accounting correspondence

Registration and accounting of criminal, civil cases, cases of administrative offenses. Registration of criminal and civil cases at the stages of acceptance for proceedings and appointment for a court session. Registration of criminal and civil cases after their consideration

Peculiarities of office work in cases of administrative offenses

Organization of paperwork when considering cases in court with the participation of jurors

Reception and registration of cases with appeals and submissions


Registration of criminal cases at the stage of their acceptance and consideration

Registration of civil cases at the stage of their acceptance and consideration

Registration of cases on administrative offenses at the stage of their acceptance and consideration

The procedure for making a decision in civil cases,

The procedure for issuing a judgment, rulings of the court in criminal cases

Minutes of the court session in the court of cassation of general jurisdiction

The procedure for keeping minutes of the court session.

Drafting minutes of a court session in a criminal case

Topic 01.8

Organization of office work in the system arbitration courts RF

Receiving, sending and accounting correspondence

Walkthrough statements of claim and court cases in the first instance.

Office work on the receipt and consideration of appeals

Office work on the passage of cassation complaints


Registration of a register of incoming and outgoing correspondence

Registration, acceptance of the application for production

Independent work in the study of section 1. ПМ.01

    Preparation of reports and presentations on the history of litigation

    The study of the types of job regulations for employees of the apparatus of the district court

    Comparative analysis of the functions of the secretary of the court and the secretary of the court session

    Drawing up a work plan for the secretary of the court

    Drawing up a log book and a reference sheet of physical evidence

    The study " model regulation organizing the activities of the reception court of general jurisdiction "and preparing answers to the questions posed

    Preparation of court summons in criminal and civil cases

    Analysis federal law Russian Federation "On jurors"

    Comparative analysis of the features of judicial office work in criminal, civil and arbitration cases


Organizational support for the activities of the courts


MDK.01.02 Ensuring the consideration by the judge of criminal and civil cases and cases of administrative offenses


Topic 02.1.

Organization of work and organizational support for the activities of courts in the Russian Federation

The concept of the organization of work and organizational support for the activities of courts of general jurisdiction. The main normative legal acts regulating the organization of the activities of the courts. The tasks of the court apparatus and the organization of its work. The official composition of the courts of general jurisdiction. Distribution of duties between judges and court staff. Work planning, control and verification of execution

Topic 02.2

Scientific organization of labor in court

The concept, goals and objectives of the scientific organization of labor in relation to the organization of the activities of the courts. The main directions of the scientific organization of labor in the organization of work in the courts of general jurisdiction

Topic 02.3.

General characteristics of organizational support for the activities of courts of general jurisdiction and bodies of the judiciary

Concept, goals and main directions of organizational support of activities courts of general jurisdiction and bodies of the judiciary.The main measures of the general direction of organizational support for the activities of the courtsgeneral jurisdiction and bodies of the judiciary.

Topic 02.4.

Organization of work in the court of general jurisdiction on the preparation of civil cases for trial in the court of first instance


Receipt of civil cases in court and their distribution among judges. Organization of the work of a judge in the study of materials of civil cases. Preparing for trial. Trial Planning


Drawing up documents on notification of participants in the process about the time and place of the trial

Registration of accounting and statistical cards of form No. 6 in civil cases

Registration of court rulings on the initiation of a civil case and its acceptance for proceedings, on leaving the claim without movement

Topic 02.5.

Organization of work in the court of general jurisdiction on the preparation of criminal cases for trial in the court of first instance


Receipt of criminal cases in court and their distribution among judges

Organization of the work of a judge in the study of materials of criminal cases

Preparing for trial. Trial Planning

Organization of work of a judge in preparation for trial and study of materials of cases on administrative offenses

Practical tasks

Drafting court summons

Registration and registration of criminal cases in the district court

Registration of accounting and statistical cards of form No. 5 for criminal cases

Registration, registration and registration of the materials of the criminal case received by the court in the order of pre-trial proceedings

Registration of reception, accounting and storage of physical evidence and personal documents of convicts

Drawing up a protocol on acceptance of pledge

Topic 02.6.

Organization of work in the arbitration court for the preparation of civil cases for trial in the court of first instance

Receipt of arbitration cases in court and their distribution among judges

Organization of the work of a judge to study the materials of arbitration cases

Preparing for trial. Trial Planning

Practical tasks

Work with the Rules of Arbitration Courts of the Russian Federation, approved. Decree of the Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated 05.06.96 No. 7

Registration of rulings of the arbitration court on the initiation of a case and its acceptance for proceedings

Topic 02.7.

Organization of consideration in the courts of general jurisdiction of the case in the court session of the appellate and cassation instances


Registration of reception and registration of private complaints and representations, cases with appeals and representations in the district court

Topic 02.8.

Organization of consideration in arbitration courts of a case in a court session of the appellate and cassation instances

The main directions of training a judge for the consideration of cases in the courts of appeal and cassation

Topic 02.9.

Organization of work on consideration of complaints and applications of citizens and reception of visitors in courts

The procedure for considering complaints of a procedural nature in courts

The procedure for considering complaints and applications of a non-procedural nature in courts

Organization of the reception of visitors


Registration and recording of non-procedural applications and complaints about the work of the court

Topic 02.10.

State bodies, officials and structural units courts providing organizational support for their activities

The system and structure and legal framework for the activities of the Judicial Department under the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. Powers, structure and organization of activities of departments (departments) of the Judicial Department in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Interaction of the judicial department with other state and law enforcement agencies on issues of ensuring the activities of courts

Topic 02.11.

International legal cooperation as one of the directions of organizational support for the activities of courts of general jurisdiction

Legal basis international cooperation judiciary general jurisdiction. Goals, main tasks and directions of international legal cooperation of judicial bodies of general jurisdiction

Topic 02.12.

Staffing activities of the courts

The procedure for appointing judges and employees of the court apparatus and the Judicial Department. Organization of special training and advanced training of court employees Qualification classes, class ranks and special titles assigned to judges and employees of the court apparatus. Organization of social and legal protection of judges.


Work with the Federal Law of April 20, 1995 No. 45-FZ “On State Protection of Judges, officials law enforcement and regulatory authorities"

Topic 02.13.

Ethical foundations of judicial activity

Ethical requirements for the activities of the judiciary. The moral status of the bearer of judicial power. Culture of judiciary

Independent work in the study of section 2 of the PM. 01

Systematic study of class notes.

Preparing for practical work using the instructor's instructions.

Preparation of abstracts and reports on the recommendations of the teacher.

Approximate topics of extracurricular independent work:

    Job Regulations Clerk of the Court of the Department of Civil Proceedings

    Job Regulations of the Secretary of the Court of the Department for Ensuring Criminal and Administrative Proceedings

    Studying the Federal Law “On the Bodies of the Judicial Community of the Russian Federation”, preparing answers to the questions posed

    Preparation of reports, messages and presentations on the topics: “Code of Judicial Ethics”,

    "European standards of justice in the Russian judicial system",

    "European Charter on the Statute of Judges",

    "The concept of the federal target program" Development of the judicial system of Russia for 2013-2020 ",

    "Organization of the activities of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation",

    "Problems of the status of employees of the apparatus of the courts",

    "Organizational and legal foundations for ensuring the activities of constitutional (charter) courts"


Section 3

Activities of the Codification Department


MDK.01.03 Organization and implementation of the codification of legislation in court


Topic 03.1

Principles and procedure for the activities of the department of codification and systematization of legislation in court

The concept of codification of legislation. Types of incorporation. Principles and types of accounting for normative legal acts. General characteristics of the department of codification and systematization of legislation in court. department functions. Principles of relationship with judges and other court employees

Topic 03.2

Organization of codification and reference work in court

The procedure for the selection, storage of normative legal acts. Systematization and accounting of normative legal acts. Systematization and accounting of judicial practice.


Arrangement of drive folders for storing regulations in chronological order

Topic 03.3

Organization of work on the selection and acquisition printed publications normative legal acts

Selection and acquisition of reference, scientific and educational literature

Organization of subscriptions to periodicals necessary for the work of the court


Listing periodicals required in the work of the court

Topic 03.4

Organization of the generalization of judicial practice

Analysis of judicial practice of courts of general jurisdiction

Analysis of judicial practice of arbitration courts


Consideration of Resolutions of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on the generalization of judicial practice in criminal cases

Consideration of Resolutions of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on the generalization of judicial practice in civil cases

Consideration of Resolutions of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on the generalization of judicial practice in arbitration cases

Topic 03.5

Job Regulations for a Court Consultant

Accounting for legal literature and codification of legislation

Conducting monitoring of the court apparatus on changes in legislation and generalizations of judicial practice

Topic 03.6.

Development and improvement of information and telecommunication technologies in court

Application of automated collection and systematization of data and information

Preparation, processing and placement of information on the official website on the Internet

Topic 03.7.

Security information resources court

Organization of measures to protect information constituting state, official, commercial and other secrets protected by law. Ensuring the confidentiality of the information contained in the documentation

Independent work in the study of section 3. ПМ.01

Systematic study of class notes.

Preparation for practical work using the recommendations of the teacher.

Preparation of abstracts and reports on the recommendations of the teacher.

Approximate topics of extracurricular independent work:

    Drawing up a scheme for systematizing legislation

    Preparation of reports and presentation on the topic "History of the codification of Russian legislation"

    Drawing up a diagram of the types of incorporation

    Drawing up a scheme of normative legal acts by legal force

    Preparation of reports on the topic “Organization of the use and maintenance of video conferencing systems and

audio-video-recording in the arbitration court»

    Studying the official website of the Arbitration Court of the Vladimir Region

    Analysis of bankruptcy cases legal entities based on the archive of court decisions of the Arbitration Court of Vladimirskaya


Chapter 4.

Information and logistical support for the activities of the courts

MDK 01.04. Features of organizational and technical support for the activities of judges


Topic 04.1.

Informatization of courts and bodies of the judiciary. The use of computer technology in the activities of courts

Policy bases and the concept of informatization of courts. Organizational and methodological support of informatization of courts of general jurisdiction.

Ensuring access of citizens to justice and its openness to society on the basis of computer technologies


Consideration of Federal Law No. 262-FZ dated December 22, 2008 “On ensuring access to information on the activities of courts in the Russian Federation”

The use of computer technology in the organization and control of the work of the court.

Topic 04.2.

Material, technical and financial support for the activities of courts and bodies of the judiciary

The meaning and tasks of logistical and other support for the activities of the courts. Financing of courts, qualification boards of judges and the Judicial Department. Development of material and technical support for the activities of the courts

Topic 04.3

Features of the organization of work in courts of general jurisdiction of various levels

Features of organizational support for the activities of justices of the peace. Features of organizational support for the activities of district courts

Features of organizational support of activities in the court of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. General characteristics of the organizational support of the activities of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation


Completion of professional tasks

Topic 04.4.

Features of the organization of work in the system of arbitration courts

Features of organizational support for the activities of arbitration courts of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Features of organizational support for the activities of arbitration courts of appeal and cassation

Independent work in the study of section 4 PM.01

Systematic study of class notes.

Preparation for practical work using the recommendations of the teacher.

Preparation of abstracts and reports on the recommendations of the teacher.

Approximate topics for homework

Preparation of reports, messages, presentations on the topics: "Video conferencing in court: procedural and technical problems of application",

« Actual problems informatization of courts,

"Ensuring access of citizens to justice and its openness to society on the basis of computer technologies",

Educational practice

Types of jobs:

    Is use of normative and methodological documents on office work in court;

    Maintaining work with documents (forwarding processing, registration, execution control);

    Drawing up and registration of the nomenclature of cases in court;

    Formation of cases at the stage of acceptance and appointment for judicial review and after their consideration;

    Drawing up, editing and execution of organizational and administrative documents;

    Appeal to the execution of sentences, decisions, rulings and decisions of courts;

    Usage information technologies when documenting and organizing work with documents;

    Implementation of the primary accounting of statistical information in court on paper and in electronic form;

    Implementation of the formation of operational reporting data;

    Implementation of reference work on accounting for legislation and judicial practice in court;

    Implementation of the main measures of the general direction of organizational support for the activities of the courts




To characterize the level of development educational material the following notation is used:

1 - introductory (recognition of previously studied objects, properties);

2 - reproductive (performance of activities according to a model, instructions or under guidance);

3 - productive (planning and independent implementation of activities, solving problematic tasks).

  1. conditions for the implementation of the PROFESSIONAL MODULE program

    1. Minimum Logistics Requirements

The implementation of the module program presupposes the presence of a study room "General professional disciplines", a library, a reading room with access to the Internet.

Equipment of the study room and office workstations:

    seats according to the number of students in the group;

    a set of regulatory documents;

    a set of educational and methodical literature;

    collections of tasks, test tasks;

    visual aids.

Technical training aids:

PC, Judicial statistics under the system "Courtwork", multimedia projector, screen.

The implementation of the module program implies a mandatory educational practice which is recommended to be concentrated.

    1. Information Support learning

main sources

    Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On the Bodies of the Judicial Community of the Russian Federation"4.03.2002 N 30-FZ (as amended on 05.10.2015)//"Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation", 18.03.2002, N 11, art. 1022,

    Federal Law of the Russian Federation of April 20, 1995 No. 45-FZ ((as amended on 02/03/2014) "On State Protection of Judges, Officials of Law Enforcement and Supervisory Bodies" //"Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation", 04/24/1995, N 17, art. 1455,

    Federal Law of August 20, 2004 N 113-FZ(as amended on 12/29/2010) "On jurors of federal courts of general jurisdiction in the Russian Federation"// "Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation", 23.08.2004, N 34, art. 3528

    Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 22, 2008 No. 262-FZ “On ensuring access to information about the activities of courts in the Russian Federation”// “Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation”, December 29, 2008, No. 52 (part 1), art. 6217

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 20, 2012 N 1735-r<Об утверждении Концепции федеральной целевой программы "Развитие судебной системы России на 2013 - 2020 годы // "Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation", 01.10.2012, N 40, art. 5474,

    Instructions on judicial proceedings in the district court, approved. Order of the Judicial Department at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated April 29, 2003 No. 36 (as amended on February 18, 2016)//"Rossiyskaya Gazeta", N 246, 05.11.2004

    Instructions for office work in the arbitration courts of the Russian Federation (first, appeal and cassation instances), approved. Decree of the Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation of December 25, 2013 N 100 (as amended on July 11, 2014)//posted on the website of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation on February 26, 2014.

    "Model regulations for organizing the activities of the reception court of general jurisdiction" (approved by the Judicial Department at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on June 19, 2009)

    Order of the Judicial Department at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of December 15, 2004 N 161 (as amended on March 1, 2016)"On the approval of the Instructions on judicial proceedings in the supreme courts of the republics, territorial and regional courts, courts of cities of federal significance, courts of the autonomous region and autonomous districts"//Text ed. dated 03/18/2013 published in the "Bulletin of acts on the judicial system", N 10, October, 2013

    Order of the Judicial Department at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated April 29, 2003 N 36(as amended on February 18, 2016) "On the approval of the Instructions on judicial proceedings in the district court"//"Bulletin of acts on the judicial system", N 9, August, 2013

    Letter of the Judicial Department at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of November 25, 2009 N SD-AP / 2143 « On the Methodological Recommendations for Organizing the Activities of the Administrator of the Supreme Court of a Republic, Territorial, Regional Court, Court of a Federal City, Court of an Autonomous Region, Autonomous Okrug, District (Navy) Military Court, District Court, Garrison Military Court" (together with "Methodological Recommendations.. .", approved on November 24, 2009)

Basic educational literature:

    Law enforcement agencies: textbook / K.F. Gutsenko. - M.: KNORUS, 2013. - 376 p.

    G.B. Mirzoeva: UNITY-DANA; Law and Law, 2013

Additional literature:

    Andreev D.S. The concept of a defective administrative-legal act / D.S. Andreev //Administrative law and process. –2010. –No 6.

    Belov A. N. Paperwork and document management: a tutorial / A. N. Belov, A. A.

    Belov. -6th ed., revised. and additional –M.: Eksmo, 2007.

    Borisov A. B. Commentary on the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation (item-by-article). – M.: Knizhny Mir, 2009. – 608 p. //http://www. *****/books/88746

    Office work: samples, documents, organization and technology of work, taking into account the new GOST 6.30-2003 “Unified Documentation Systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for paperwork” / [V. V. Galakhov and others; ed. I. K. Korneeva, V. A. Kudryaeva]. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional – M.: Prospekt, 2008

    Civil process: textbook / [ed. coll.: E. A. Borisova and others]; ed. M. K. Treushnikova. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional – M.: Gorodets, 2010. – 815 p.

    Geldibaev M. Kh. Criminal process: textbook. allowance for universities, obuch. by legal specialties / M. Kh. Geldibaev; V. V. VANDYSHEV. - M.: UNITY-DANA, Law and Law, 2007. - 624 p.

    Korshunov N. M., Labygin A. N., Mareev Yu. L. Arbitration process: textbook. - M.: UNITY-DANA, Law and Law, 2011 - 351 p. //http://www. *****/books/106544

    Criminal procedure: a textbook for universities in the specialty "Jurisprudence" / ed. V. P. Bozheva. - M.: Higher education, 2007. - 524 p.cdep .ru – Judicial Department at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation

When studying a professional module, students need to overcome the difficulties associated with the dynamics of domestic legislation. To overcome these difficulties, students need to constantly monitor changes in legislation, while referring to the media, legal journals, legal databases "ConsultantPlus", "Garant".

    1. General requirements for the organization of the educational process

Educational practice, which is aimed at the formation of students' initial practical professional skills, is carried out in a professional educational organization or in courts of general jurisdiction. A prerequisite for admission to educational practice within the framework of a professional modulePM. 01 Organizational and technical support for the work of courts is the development of the content of the interdisciplinary course of the professional module.

The study of general professional disciplines OP 01. "Theory of State and Law", OP 02. "Constitutional Law", OP 03 "Law Enforcement and Judiciary" can be carried out in parallel with the study of the professional module.

When organizing the educational process,lecture and seminar forms of conducting classes, practical work, rating technology for assessing students' knowledge, information and communication technologies, case technologies, gaming technologies, etc.

During the educational process, group and individual consultations are held.

    1. Staffing of the educational process

Requirements for the qualification of teaching staff providing training in interdisciplinary courses:

the presence of higher education corresponding to the profile of the module, experience in the judiciary.

Requirements for the qualification of teaching staff who manage the practice: certified specialists in the field of jurisprudence.

Teaching staff: graduates - teachers of interdisciplinary courses and general professional disciplines with mandatory internships in specialized organizations at least once every 3 years. Experience in organizations of the relevant professional field is mandatory.

  1. Control and evaluation of the results of mastering the professional module (type of professional activity)


(mastered professional competencies)

Main indicators for evaluating the result

Forms and methods of control and evaluation

PC 1.1. To carry out work with applications, complaints and other appeals of citizens and organizations, to receive visitors in court.

PC 1.2. Maintain up-to-date bases of normative legal acts and judicial practice.

PC 1.5. Maintain judicial statistics on paper and in electronic form.

PC 2.1. To carry out the reception, registration, accounting and storage of court cases, material evidence and documents.

PC 2.2. Handle cases scheduled for trial.

PC 2.3. Notify the persons participating in the trial, distribute and hand over court documents and notices.

PC 2.4. Carry out registration, accounting and technical execution of executive documents in court cases.

Right work with applications, complaints and other appeals of citizens and organizations, to receive visitors in court.

Up-to-date support of the base of normative legal acts and judicial practice.

Right maintaining judicial statistics on paper and in electronic form.

The correctness of the reception, registration, accounting and storage of court cases, material evidence and documents.

The correctness of the execution of cases assigned to trial

Timely notification of persons participating in the trial, to distribute and hand over court documents and notices.

Accuracy and correctnessregistration, accounting and technical execution of executive documents in court cases.

Evaluation of the results of practical work

Protection of extracurricular independent work

Evaluation of the result of the offset

Evaluation of the test result

Forms and methods of monitoring and evaluating learning outcomes should allow students to check not only the formation of professional competencies, but also the development of general competencies and the skills that provide them.

Outcomes (learned general competencies)

Main characteristics

result evaluation

Forms and methods of control

me and grades

OK 1. Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show a steady interest in it

Demonstration of interest in the future profession.

Interpretation of the results of observations of the activities of the student in the process of mastering the educational program of the professional module;

Differentiated credit.

OK 2. Organize your own activities, choose standard methods and methods for performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality

Selection and application of methods and methods for solving professional problems in the field of organizational and technical support for the work of courts

OK 3. Make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and be responsible for them

Evaluation of the effectiveness and quality of the task.

Solving standard and non-standard professional tasks in the field of organizational and technical support for the work of courts

OK 4. Search for information necessary for the effective implementation of professional tasks, professional and personal development

Efficient way and search for the necessary information.

Use of various methods, including electronic.

OK 5. Use information and communication technologies in professional activities

Work on electronic equipment

OK 6. Independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, consciously plan advanced training

Organization of self-study when studying a professional module

Mastering additional professional training programs

Planning and implementation by students

measures to improve the personal and qualification level

OK 7. Navigate in the conditions of constant updating of technologies in professional activities

Ability to navigate in the conditions of constant updating of technologies in professional activities.

OK 8. Organize the workplace in compliance with the requirements of labor protection, industrial sanitation, infectious and fire safety

Ability to organize a workplace in compliance with the requirements of labor protection, industrial sanitation, infectious and fire safety

OK 9. Be intolerant of corrupt behavior

Ability to show intolerance to corrupt behavior

OK 10. Organize your life in accordance with socially significant ideas about a healthy lifestyle, maintain the proper level of physical fitness necessary for social and professional activities

The ability to organize one's life in accordance with socially significant ideas about a healthy lifestyle, maintain the proper level of physical fitness necessary for social and professional activities



PM. 06. Conducting laboratory sanitary and hygienic studies

specialty 060604.51 Laboratory diagnostics

The exemplary program of the professional module was developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard in the specialty of secondary vocational education 060604.51 Laboratory diagnostics, qualification of a medical laboratory technician.

Developer Organizations:

Federal State Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education "Omsk Medical College" of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation.

State Autonomous Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education "Kazan Medical College"


Pereshivko Natalya Stepanovna, Candidate of Medical Sciences, teacher of the first qualification category of the FGOU SPO "Omsk Medical College" of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation.

Strelets Valentina Ivanovna, teacher of the first qualification category of the FGOU SPO "Omsk Medical College" of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation.

Kuchugurnaya Lyudmila Alexandrovna, teacher of the first qualification category of the FGOU SPO "Omsk Medical College" of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation.

Borisova GN, teacher of the highest qualification category of GAOU SPO "Kazan Medical College".

Shakurova N.S. teacher of the highest qualification category of GAOU SPO "Kazan Medical College".


  1. results of mastering the PROFESSIONAL MODULE

  1. ^

    STRUCTURE and content of the professional module

  1. conditions for the implementation of the PROFESSIONAL MODULE program


  1. Control and evaluation of the results of mastering the professional module (type of professional activity)

  1. passport of an exemplary PROFESSIONAL MODULE PROGRAM

PM 06. "Conducting laboratory sanitary and hygienic


1.1. Scope of the program

The exemplary program of the professional module is part of the main professional educational program of the educational institution in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in the specialty SPO 060604.51 "Laboratory Diagnostics" in terms of mastering the main type of professional activity (VPD):

Conducting laboratory sanitary and hygienic research in healthcare institutions and research institutes and relevant professional competencies (PC):

PC 6.3. Conduct laboratory sanitary and hygienic studies.

PC 6.4. Register the results.

^ 1.2. Goals and objectives of the module - requirements for the results of mastering the module

In order to master the specified type of professional activity and the relevant professional competencies, the student in the course of mastering the professional module must:

have practical experience:

Implementation of qualitative and quantitative analysis of samples of environmental objects and food products.

be able to:

To carry out the selection, transportation and storage of samples of environmental objects and food products;

Prepare the test material for physical and chemical research;

Determine the physical and chemical properties of environmental objects and food products;

Maintain accounting and reporting documentation;


- mechanisms of functioning of natural ecosystems;

Tasks, structure, equipment, rules of work and safety precautions in sanitary and hygienic laboratories;

Regulatory and legal aspects of sanitary and hygienic research;

Hygienic living conditions of the population and measures to ensure a favorable human environment.

Preceded by the development of this EP module. 06. Physico-chemical methods and laboratory work technique, OP. 01. Fundamentals of the Latin language with medical terminology, OP. 02. Human anatomy and physiology, OP. 05. Chemistry.

Total 267 hours, including:

The maximum study load of a student is 195 hours, including:

Mandatory classroom teaching load of a student - 130 hours;

Student's independent work - 65 hours;

Educational and industrial practice - 72 hours.


2. results of mastering the PROFESSIONAL MODULE

The result of mastering the program of the professional module is the mastery of the type of professional activity "Conducting laboratory sanitary and hygienic research", including professional (PC) and general (OK) competencies:

The code

Name of learning outcome

PC 6.1.

Prepare a workplace for laboratory sanitary and hygienic research.

PC 6.2.

Conduct sampling of environmental objects and food products.

PC 6.3.

Conduct laboratory sanitary and hygienic studies.

PC 6.4.

Register the results.

PC 6.5.

Carry out disposal of waste material, processing of used laboratory glassware, tools, protective equipment.


Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show a steady interest in it.


Organize their own activities, choose standard methods and methods for performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.


Make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and bear responsibility for them.


To search for and use the information necessary for the effective implementation of professional tasks, professional and personal development.


Use information and communication technologies in professional activities.



Take responsibility for the work of team members (subordinates), for the result of completing tasks.




Carefully treat the historical heritage and cultural traditions of the people, respect social, cultural and religious differences.


Be ready to take on moral obligations in relation to nature, society and man.


Provide first aid in emergency situations.



Lead a healthy lifestyle, engage in physical culture and sports to improve health, achieve life and professional goals.

OK 15.

Perform military duty, incl. with the application of acquired professional knowledge (for young men).

^ 3. STRUCTURE and EXAMPLE content of the professional module

3.1. Thematic plan of the professional module

^ Codes of professional competencies

Names of sections of the professional module

Total hours

^ The amount of time allotted for the development of an interdisciplinary course (courses)


^ Mandatory classroom workload of a student

Independent work of the student



^ Production (according to the specialty profile),



including workshops,





including term paper (project),












Section PM 1. The subject of human hygiene and ecology, the organization of the work of the sanitary and hygienic laboratory







PC 6.1., PC 6.2., PC 6.3., PC 6.4.

Section PM 2. Environmental hygiene.









PC 6.1., PC 6.2., PC 6.3., PC 6.4.

Section PM 3. Urboecology, healthy lifestyle.









PC 6.1., PC 6.2., PC 6.3., PC 6.4, 6.5.

Section PM 4. Ecological and hygienic problems of nutrition.









PC 6.1., PC 6.2., PC 6.3., PC 6.4.

Section PM 5. The influence of production factors on the state of health and human activity.





















3.2. The content of training on the professional module (PM)

^ Name of sections of the professional module (PM), interdisciplinary courses (IDC) and topics

The content of the educational material, laboratory work and practical exercises, independent work of students, term papers (project).

^ Clock Volume

Level of development





Section 1. Studying the subject of human hygiene and ecology


Topic 1.1. The study of the subject, the content of human hygiene and ecology. Organization of work of sanitary and hygienic laboratory.



The study of the subject and content of hygiene.

The study of the history of the emergence and development of hygiene and ecology.

The study of the main tasks of hygiene, the object of study of hygiene, the concepts of the environment and its factors.

The study of the concept of "sanitary".

Exploring the three levels of prevention.

The study of methods of hygienic research.

The study of the subject and content of human ecology.

The study of the relationship between hygiene and human ecology.

The study of factors affecting the state of human health.

The study of the ecosystem as the main subject of ecology.

The study of the biosphere and its evolution.

The study of concepts: habitat, environmental environmental factors, adaptation to environmental factors.

The study of global environmental problems.

The use of regulatory documents in the organization of work in a sanitary laboratory.


^ Practical lesson


Organization of work in the sanitary and hygienic laboratory.

^ Independent work in the study of the section “Studying the subject of hygiene and human ecology. Organization of work in the sanitary and hygienic laboratory»


Approximate topics for homework

^ 1. Writing abstracts on topics:

1. Brief history of human hygiene and ecology.

2. The role of the laboratory service in protecting the health of citizens.

Section 2. The study of environmental health.


Topic 2.1. The study of hygiene and ecology of atmospheric air.



The study of the physical properties of air, the impact on health.

The study of the significance of the air environment, the atmosphere of the earth, its structure and properties.

The study of the hygienic significance of the physical properties of atmospheric air (temperature, humidity, movement of air masses, atmospheric pressure).

Study of the hygienic significance of electromagnetic fields.

Study of the hygienic and ecological significance of solar radiation.

The study of the ways of heat transfer, the hygienic significance of climate and weather.



Study of the chemical composition of atmospheric air, sources of its pollution

The study of the air environment as a mixture of gases.

The study of the hygienic significance of the normal constituents of air.

Study of the hygienic significance of harmful gaseous impurities.

The study of the hygienic value of mechanical impurities in the air.

Study of the impact of air pollution on public health (chemical, biological pollution).

The study of the concept of the maximum permissible concentration (MAC).

Study of the Legislation of the Russian Federation on the air environment.

Study of measures to prevent air pollution.

^ Workshops


Determination and assessment of the temperature regime and air humidity.

Determination of the speed of movement and atmospheric air pressure.

^ Topic 2.2. The study of water as an environmental factor, its hygienic and epidemiological significance.


The study of the importance of the water factor in human life.


The study of the norm of water consumption.


The study of the mineral composition of water.


Study of the role of water in the occurrence of diseases. Endemic and epidemiological diseases.


The study of the physiological, hygienic, ecological significance of water.


The study of water supply sources, their sanitary and hygienic characteristics.


The study of water supply systems.


Study of sources of water pollution.


Study of methods for improving the quality of drinking water.


Study of the ecological problem of the aquatic environment in the Russian Federation and regions.


Study of the sanitary protection of water resources and water use facilities.


Study of legislation in the field of protection of water sources.


The study of hygienic requirements for the quality of drinking water.




Water sampling for laboratory research. Determination of the organoleptic properties of water.


Determination of chlorides and residual chlorine in drinking water.


Determination of alkalinity and hardness of water.


Determination of sulfates and oxidizability of water.


Lesson on the topic "Water as an environmental factor and its epidemiological significance."

Topic 2.3. The study of soil hygiene, sanitary cleaning of populated areas.



The study of the hygienic value of the soil, its composition, properties.

The study of soil pollution and self-purification.

The study of ways to clean up populated areas.

Exploring ways to dispose of medical waste.

The study of the sanitary protection of the soil.



Practical lesson


Soil sampling for physical and chemical analysis.

Independent work in the study of section 2. "Environmental hygiene"


Approximate topics for homework

1. Work with educational material on topics:

Measures for the protection of atmospheric air.

Legislation of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of the Environment.

Hygienic requirements for local water supply sources.

Hygienic and ecological significance of the soil. Measures for the sanitary protection of the soil.

^ Section 3. Study of Urboecology, healthy lifestyle.



Topic 3.1. Study of the influence of housing conditions on the health of the population.

The study of urbanization, hygienic and environmental problems.


The study of the planning and development of settlements.


The study of hygienic requirements for dwellings.


The study of sanitary systems of residential and public buildings.


The study of lighting dwellings and public buildings, insolation.


The study of ventilation, heating in residential buildings and their importance in maintaining favorable conditions.


Study of sources of air pollution.


Practical lesson


Determination and evaluation of natural and artificial lighting in a room.

Independent work in the study of the section "Urboecology, healthy lifestyle"


Homework topics

Working with educational material on topics:

1. Urbanization of populated areas. hygienic value.

2. Sources of indoor air pollution.

Preparation of abstracts, sanitary bulletins on the topic:

1. Healthy lifestyle and ways of its formation.

Section 4. The study of environmental and hygienic problems of nutrition.


Topic 4.1. The study of nutrition as a factor in the preservation and promotion of health.

The study of the scientific foundations of rational nutrition.


The study of food - the most important environmental factor, the hygienic principles of rational nutrition.


The study of the hygienic characteristics of food substances.


The study of the importance of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, microelements, their norms and sources of entry into the body.


The study of diseases of malnutrition.


The study of insufficient and excessive intake of nutrients.


The study of food poisoning and their prevention.




The study of food standardization.

Studying the calculation of the daily ration according to the menu layout.

Studying the control of energy adequacy of nutrition. Evaluation of the diet of the adult population.

The study of the sanitary examination of milk and dairy products.

The study of the sanitary examination of dietary fats.

Study of the definition of vitamin "C" in fruits and vegetables.

The study of the sanitary examination of minced meat products.

Lesson on the section "Study of ecological and hygienic problems of nutrition"


Independent work in the study of the section "Study of environmental and hygienic problems of nutrition"

Homework topics

Essay writing on the topic:

1. Non-microbial poisoning. Prevention.


Section 5. Study of the influence of production factors on the state of health and human activity.


Topic 5.1. The study of the impact of production factors on human life.

The study of occupational health, physiology of labor, forms of labor activity, working conditions.


Study of the concepts: fatigue and overwork.


The study of occupational hazards and their classification.


Study of the concept: occupational diseases and their prevention.


Study of the effect of industrial poisons on the body. Prevention.


The study of occupational hazards in the health care system.


The study of EMF radiation and their prevention.


Study of the effect on the body of industrial dust, noise, vibration. Prevention.



Studying the rules of air sampling. Determination of dust by weight method.

The study of the express method for determining carbon monoxide in the air.

Study of the determination of sulfur dioxide in the air of the working area.

The study of the determination of nitrogen oxides in the air of the working area.

Credit for all sections of the module.


Independent work on the section "Study of the influence of production factors on the state of health and human life"


Homework topics

Work with educational material on the topics:

  1. Occupational injury, causes and prevention.

  2. Occupational hazards in the healthcare system and their prevention.

Writing a summary on the topic:

1. Hygienic assessment of working conditions of medical personnel.


Types of jobs:

1. Acquaintance with the goals, objectives and scope of work, principles of organization and equipment of the laboratories of the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology.

2.Organization of the laboratory assistant's workplace. Work with laboratory equipment, utensils, tools, instruments. Preparation, washing, drying of laboratory glassware.

3. Work with reference, methodical literature, instructions, devices.

4. Sampling of samples of environmental objects and food products, filling out accompanying documents.

5. Preparation of reagent solutions for laboratory research.

6. Carrying out laboratory sanitary and hygienic research:

Study of the physical properties of air, determination of a harmful substance in the air;

Determination of physical properties and chemical composition of water;

Determination of indicators of natural and artificial lighting of premises;

Food research.



4. conditions for the implementation of the PROFESSIONAL MODULE program

4.1. Minimum Logistics Requirements

The implementation of the module program assumes the presence of:

  • study room;

  • lecture audience.

Equipment of the study room and office workstations:

  • seats by the number of students;

  • workplace of the teacher;

  • specialized equipment.

Technical training aids:

  • audiovisual: TV, VCR.

  • computer: multimedia - system, Internet system.

  • information fund: video films, control and training programs.

Information support of training.

Main sources:

Legislative and regulatory acts:

  1. Federal Law "Law on the Protection of the Environment"

  2. Federal Law "On the quality and safety of food products"

  3. Federal Law "On sanitary and epidemiological well-being"

  4. Regulations on the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service

  5. Temporary recommendations on labor protection when working in laboratories (departments, departments) of sanitary and epidemiological institutions of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated 11.04.2002.

  6. Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tajikistan dated 09.06.2006 No. 569 “On compliance with the requirements for the collection, storage and disposal of medical waste in medical institutions”.

  7. SanPiN "Zones of sanitary protection of water supply sources and water pipelines for household and drinking purposes."

  8. SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for ensuring the quality of atmospheric air in populated areas".

  9. SanPiN dated 06/15/2003 "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for soil quality".

  10. SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the arrangement and maintenance of landfills for municipal solid waste."

  11. SanPiN "Rules for the collection, storage and disposal of waste from medical institutions."

  12. SanPiN “Drinking water. Hygienic requirements for water quality of centralized drinking water supply systems. Quality control".

  13. SanPiN "Requirements for water quality
    decentralized water supply. Sanitary protection of sources.

  14. SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for residential buildings and premises."

  15. SanPiN 2.07.01-89 “Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements.

  16. SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for residential buildings and premises

  17. SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the safety and nutritional value of food products."
Educational and reference publications:

  1. Trushkina L.Yu., Trushkin A.G., Demyanova L.M., Hygiene and human ecology. M.: Prospekt, 2006

  2. Krymskaya I.G., Ruban E.D., Hygiene and the basis of human ecology. Textbook Rostov-on-Don, Phoenix, 2007

  3. Korobkin V.I., Peredelsky L.V., Ecology. Textbook Rostov-on-Don, Phoenix, 2005

  4. Guide to laboratory studies on hygiene and the basics of human ecology, ed. Pivovarova Yu.P. - M: Academy, 2006

  5. Hygiene and fundamentals of human ecology. Textbook for university students, ed. Pivovarova Yu.P. - M: Academy, 2006

  6. Hygiene and human ecology. Textbook for students of secondary vocational education, ed. ON THE. Matveeva - M: Academy, 2008
Internet resources:

Information and legal support:

  1. "Consultant" system
Profile websites of the Internet:

  1. Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation (http//

  2. Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare (http//

  3. FGUZ Federal Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare (http//

  4. Information and methodological center "Expertise" (http//

  5. Central Research Institute of Health Organization and Informatization (http//
Additional sources:

  1. Guide to practical exercises in general hygiene with the basics of human ecology. Textbook for medical universities, ed. Kataeva V.A. - M, Medicine, 2005

  2. Bolshakov A.M., Maimulov V.G. General hygiene. Textbook for medical students. Yaroslavl, Gringo, 2006
  3. Shilov V.N., Korshever E.N., Hygiene. Tutorial. Lecture notes for medical schools. M., VLADOS-PRESS, 2005

  4. Eliseev Yu.Yu., Danilov A.N. etc. General hygiene: lecture notes. M., EKSMO, 2006

  5. Korolev A.A., Mazaev V.T., Communal hygiene. - M., GEOTAR-Media, 2005.

  6. Prokhorov B.B. Human ecology. Textbook for university students - M: Academy. 2007

  7. Nazarova E.N., Zhilov Yu.D. Healthy lifestyle and its components. Textbook for university students. M: Academy, 2007

  8. Mityaeva A.M. Healthy lifestyle. Study guide recommended by UMO. M; Academy, 2008

  9. Korolev A.A. Food hygiene. Textbook on specialty 040300 medical and preventive work. M., Academy, 2006

  10. Mavrischev V.V. General ecology. Minsk: New knowledge, 2005

  11. Pivovarov Yu.P., Korolik V.V., Zinevich L.S. Hygiene and human ecology in Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix 2006.

  12. Chernikova L.P. Occupational safety and health with the basics of sanitation and hygiene in trade and commerce. Moscow-Rostov, March, 2005

4.3. General requirements for the organization of the educational process

The development of the module program is based on the development of general professional disciplines OP 06 Physical and chemical research methods and laboratory work techniques, OP 01 Basics of the Latin language with medical terminology, OP 02 Human anatomy and physiology, OP 05 Chemistry.

When conducting practical classes, the group is divided into subgroups of no more than 8 people.

Industrial practice (according to the profile of the specialty) is carried out in the specialized laboratories of the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Omsk Region.

Certification based on the results of industrial practice (according to the profile of the specialty) is carried out on the basis of the results confirmed by reports and diaries of students' practice, as well as reviews of practice leaders.

The study of the module program ends with the final certification, the results of which are evaluated in the form of a differential inquiry, as a comprehensive assessment of the students' performance of the module credits.


4.4. Staffing of the educational process

Qualification requirements for teaching staff providing training in the professional module "Conducting laboratory sanitary and hygienic research" is provided by teaching staff with higher medical education, qualification of a sanitary doctor and higher chemical education, qualification of a chemist-expert. Teachers must undergo internships in specialized institutions at least once every 5 years.

Requirements for the qualification of personnel who manage the production practice in the specialty profile:

  • higher medical education, laboratory assistant;

  • secondary medical education - medical technologist, medical laboratory technician with experience in a sanitary and hygienic laboratory.


5. Control and evaluation of the results of mastering the professional module (type of professional activity)


(mastered professional competencies)


PC 6.1. Prepare a workplace for laboratory sanitary and hygienic research.

PC 6.2. Conduct sampling of environmental objects and food products.

PC 6.3. Conduct laboratory sanitary and hygienic studies.

PC 6.4. Register results.

PC 6.5. Carry out disposal of waste material, processing of used laboratory glassware, tools, protective equipment.

Correctness, consistency, accuracy, rationality of workplace preparation Consistency, completeness of compliance with safety regulations and the sanitary and epidemic regime when working in the laboratory.

Validity, consistency, completeness of compliance of actions with the sampling methodology, compliance with their qualitative and quantitative composition. Literacy and accuracy of execution of the act of sampling.

Validity, consistency, completeness of compliance of actions with the methods of conducting laboratory sanitary and hygienic studies.

Correctness, accuracy, completeness, literacy of registration of measurement protocols. Correctness, accuracy, completeness of the hygienic assessment of the studied environmental factors.

Completeness of knowledge of regulatory documents for the disposal, disinfection of waste material, laboratory glassware, tools, protective equipment. The correct sequence of disposal of waste material, laboratory glassware, tools, protective equipment.

Monitoring and evaluating the implementation of practical actions;

Test control using information technology; observation and evaluation of the implementation of practical actions; solution of situational

Monitoring and evaluating the implementation of practical actions.

Monitoring and evaluating the implementation of practical actions.

Forms and methods of monitoring and evaluating learning outcomes should allow students to check not only the formation of professional competencies, but also the development of general competencies and the skills that provide them.


(mastered general competencies)

^ Main indicators for evaluating the result

Forms and methods of control and evaluation

OK 1. understand the essence and

social significance

Your future profession

Be resistant to it


OK 2. Organize

own activity,

Select standard methods and

Ways to do it

professional tasks,

Evaluate their effectiveness

And quality.

^ OK 3. Make decisions in standard and

unusual situations and

Carry for them

A responsibility.

OK 4. Search

and use

Information required

For effective



Tasks, professional and

personal development.

OK 5. Use



Technologies in



^ OK 6. Work in a team and team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, consumers.

OK 7. Take responsibility for the work of team members, for the result of completing tasks.

OK 8. Independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, consciously plan advanced training.

^ OK 9. Navigate in the conditions of changing technologies in professional activities.

OK 10. Carefully treat the historical heritage and cultural traditions of the people, respect social, cultural and religious differences.

^ OK 11. Be ready to take on moral obligations in relation to nature, society and man.

OK 12. Provide first aid in emergency situations.

OK 13. Organize the workplace in compliance with the requirements of labor protection, industrial sanitation, infectious and fire safety.

OK 14. Lead a healthy lifestyle, engage in physical culture and sports to improve health, achieve life and professional goals.

OK 15. Perform military

Duty, incl. with the application of acquired professional knowledge (for young men).

Completeness, timeliness, accuracy of the task for the implementation of professional tasks. Demonstration of interest in the future profession. Positive feedback from work experience.

Validity of choice

Typical Methods and Ways


Professional tasks; efficiency and

The quality of the performance of professional tasks.

Adequacy, timeliness, accuracy and speed of assessment

situations and correct

decision making in

standard and

Non-standard situations, the ability to bear responsibility for them.

The completeness of knowledge and skills in the search and use of the necessary

Information for

Effective execution


Tasks, professional and

personal development.

The correctness of the choice and completeness of the use of information and communication technologies in



The level of culture, communication in the team, with teachers, employees of the organization in which the practice takes place. Positive feedback from work experience.

The level of manifestation of a responsible attitude to the results of the performance of their professional duties.

The completeness of the performance of classroom and extracurricular independent and term papers.

The level of interest in innovations in the field of professional activity.

Respect for the historical heritage and cultural traditions of the people. Tolerance towards representatives of social, cultural and religious differences.

Respect for the environment. Full compliance with the rules and norms of relationships in society.

The level of knowledge and skills in providing first aid in emergency situations.

Correctness, accuracy, consistency in compliance with the requirements of labor protection, industrial sanitation, infectious and fire safety.

Ability to promote a healthy lifestyle. Striving to improve your health and lead a healthy lifestyle. Striving to achieve life and professional goals.

Fulfillment of military duty.



observation of



in the process


educational program.

Expert observation and evaluation of the student's activities in the process of mastering the educational program in practical classes, when performing work on industrial practice.

Expert observation and assessment of the student's activity when making decisions in standard and non-standard situations.

Expert observation and assessment of the student's activity in the process of mastering the educational program in practical classes, when performing individual homework assignments, work on industrial practice.

Expert observation and assessment of the student's activities in the process of mastering the educational program in practical classes, during computer testing, preparing electronic presentations when performing individual homework assignments, work on industrial practice.

Expert observation and assessment of students' activity when working in a team, team, with management, colleagues.

Expert observation and assessment of students' activity when working in teams and taking responsibility for the results of completed tasks.

Expert observation and assessment of students' activity in the organization of self-education, advanced training, personal and professional development.

Expert observation and evaluation of students' activity in the study of changing technologies of professional activity.

Expert observation and evaluation of the activity of students in respect for the historical heritage of cultural and religious differences.

Expert observation and assessment of students' readiness to take on moral obligations in relation to nature, society and man.

Expert observation and evaluation of students' activities in providing first aid in emergencies.

Expert observation and evaluation of students' activities in the organization of the workplace in compliance with the requirements of labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire safety.

Expert observation and evaluation of students' activities in the process of forming a healthy lifestyle, achieving life and professional goals.

Expert observation and evaluation of students' activities in the performance of military duty using the acquired professional knowledge.

"Essay on Economics" - Problem. Motivation. An indispensable condition for the operation of economic laws is free competition. Essay structure. Essay concept. Essay evaluation criteria. Rate the essay. Trade has not yet ruined a single nation. Formulation of a conclusion. Essay. Essay groups. Writing related text.

"Questions and answers in economics" - Manager. Which authority accepts and approves the state budget of the Russian Federation. Auxiliary tool. When demand rises, supply rises as well. Product. A means of accumulation. What prices establish an ideal market. Firms, organizations. Money. Economic sphere. What is the name of labor that does not create goods.

"Economic game" - Determining the relevance of the game-designer. I stage. What ways of solving the economic problems of our time do you consider the most effective? Lesson topic. Implementation of activities Work in groups. II stage. Homework. L.N. Bogolyubov). Information and operational. Key questions. Evaluation sheet of the game-constructor.

"Economics Project" - How does the science of ecology help to make the economy safer? Why are natural resources, capital and labor called the three pillars of the economy? Families? 8. What recommendations could an ecologist give to farmers, plant designers? Presentation: "The relationship between crop production and animal husbandry." What is the need of the people?

"Handbook on economics" - Modern organization. Electronic manual on technology. Organization. The ability of a person to master various professions. Casual Baseline. The process of perception. Human activity. Company. Marketing in the activity of the enterprise. Key concepts of marketing. Commercial Bank. Recurrence.

"Questions on the economy" - Implementation of the plan. The nature of the relationship with superiors. Public property. Dictates the allocation of limited resources. Blitz. List the pros and cons of a command system. What type of economic system is the most common? Mixed economic system. Mixed.

There are 13 presentations in total in the topic

Ministry of Education and Science
Volgograd region
State budget educational institution
secondary vocational education
"Volgograd College of Restaurant Service and Trade"


(POSITION, full name)



"_________" ____________________________2013

By occupation
23369 Bank teller (4212)

Volgograd 2012
The exemplary program of the professional module was developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for the specialty of secondary vocational education (hereinafter referred to as SVE) 080114 Economics and accounting (by industry) for the working profession 23369 BANK CASHIER (4212)

Organization-developer: GOU SPO "Volgograd College of Restaurant Service and Trade"

Basheva Svetlana Vasilievna, teacher of special disciplines.


4 conditions for the implementation of the PROFESSIONAL MODULE program

Passport of an exemplary PROGRAM
By occupation
23369 BANK CASHIER (4212)

1.1. Scope of the program

The exemplary program of the professional module (hereinafter referred to as the exemplary program) is part of the exemplary main professional educational program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in the specialty SPO 080114 Economics and Accounting (by industry) in terms of mastering the performance of work in one profession of workers, positions of employees Bank teller (base group 4212) and related professional competencies (PC):


An exemplary program of a professional module can be used in additional professional education and professional training of employees in the field of accounting, for advanced training in the presence of secondary (complete) general education. Work experience is not required.

1.2. Goals and objectives of the module - requirements for the results of mastering the module
In order to master the specified type of professional activity and the relevant professional competencies, the student in the course of mastering the professional module must:
have practical experience:
Registration and reflection in the accounting of cash transactions in the institutions of the Bank of Russia;
be able to:
receive money, checks, securities from clients and check them;
pay customers money;
pay bills and transfer money from accounts on behalf of clients;
register all operations performed and check their compliance with cash balances;
carry out accounting of funds;
carry out the fulfillment of duties related to the content;
exercise control over other employees.
Regulatory documents relating to the conduct of cash transactions;
General issues of organizing cash work in credit institutions
The procedure for receiving and issuing cash

Organization of work with dubious, insolvent and having signs of counterfeit banknotes of the Bank of Russia

Organization of current control of cash transactions
Subsequent control of cash transactions
The procedure for conducting an inventory of funds and valuables

1.3. Recommended number of hours for mastering the professional module program:
total - 174 hours, including:
the maximum study load of a student is 135 hours, including:
obligatory classroom teaching load of the student – ​​90 hours;
student's independent work – 45 hours;
educational practice - 39 hours.

2. results of mastering the PROFESSIONAL MODULE
The result of mastering the program of the professional module is the mastering by students of the type of professional activity documenting business transactions and maintaining accounting of the organization's property, including professional (PC) and general (OK) competencies:
The code
Name of learning outcome

PC 1
Perform and process cash transactions.

PC 2
Perform and execute transactions with dubious, insolvent and having signs of counterfeit banknotes of the Bank of Russia.

PC 3
Perform and process transactions with commemorative coins and precious metals

PC 4
Supervise cash transactions.

OK 1
Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show a steady interest in it.

OK 2
Organize their own activities, choose standard methods and methods for performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.

OK 3
Make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and bear responsibility for them.

OK 4
To search for and use the information necessary for the effective implementation of professional tasks, professional and personal development.

OK 5
Own information culture, analyze and evaluate information using information and communication technologies.

OK 6
Work in a team and team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, consumers.

OK 7
Take responsibility for the work of team members (subordinates), the result of completing tasks.

OK 8
Independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, consciously plan advanced training.

OK 9
Navigate in the conditions of frequent change of technologies in professional activity.

OK 10
Perform military duty, including with the application of acquired professional knowledge (for young men).

3. STRUCTURE and EXAMPLE content of the professional module
3.1. Thematic plan of the professional module Bank teller
Codes of professional competencies
Names of professional module sections*
Total hours
(max. study load and practices)
The amount of time allotted for the development of an interdisciplinary course (courses)

Mandatory classroom workload of a student
Independent work of the student
Production (according to the specialty profile),
(if dispersed practice is envisaged)

including laboratory work and practical exercises,

including term paper (project),


PC 1.
Section 1. Perform and execute cash transactions.

PC 2
Section 2. Perform and execute transactions with dubious, insolvent and having signs of counterfeit banknotes of the Bank of Russia.

PC 3
Perform and process transactions with commemorative coins and precious metals

PC 4
Supervise cash transactions.

Industrial practice (according to the profile of the specialty), hours (if the final (concentrated) practice is provided)



Section 1 PM 5 .
Execute and
draw up cash

Practical bases for conducting cash transactions in the institutions of the Bank of Russia.

Topic 1.1

The purpose and objectives of the module "Bank teller", its role in the formation of students' professional competencies.
Brief description of the main sections of the module. The order and form of conducting classes, the use of basic and additional literature.
Recommendations for the organization of independent work of students in the study of the module.

Organization of cash work in credit institutions.

General procedure for organizing money circulation in the Russian Federation
The concept of the limit of the operating cash desk.
Ensuring the safety of valuables.
Receipt, expense, income-expenditure, evening cash desks, cash desks for issuing check books, recalculating cash receipts.
Accounting for money and valuables in the storeroom of the bank.
Accounting and document flow for operations with cash.
The order of completion of the working day, the formation and storage of cash documents.

Topic 1. 2.
The procedure for receiving and issuing cash in credit institutions.

1. Procedure for accepting cash.
2. The procedure for issuing cash.
3. Documents for processing operations for receiving and issuing cash at the bank's cash desks.


Rules for filling out documents for processing operations for receiving and issuing cash at bank cash desks.
announcement of a cash contribution;
incoming cash order;
Expenditure cash documents.
money checks;
expenditure cash orders.

Theme 1.3
The procedure for collection, processing, formation and packaging of cash

The procedure for collection in credit institutions.

The procedure for processing, forming and packaging cash.


Preparation of primary cash documents.
Filling out the transfer sheet
Registration of invoices and security cards
Filling in the register of accepted bags and empty bags
Filling out a certificate of accepted bags and empty bags
Filling in a certificate on the amount of cash accepted and the number of incoming documents received at the cash desk.

Theme 1.4

Organization of work with cash when using software and hardware

Basic provisions for organizing work with cash when using software and hardware
Organization of work with cash when using ATMs and POS terminals
Organization of work with cash when using automatic safes

Theme 1.5
Procedure for cash services for credit institutions in institutions of the Bank of Russia

General provisions
Procedure for handing over cash to an institution of the Bank of Russia
The procedure for receiving cash in an institution of the Bank of Russia

Independent work in the study of section 1 PM 05.

Studying and note-taking of the document Regulation of the Central Bank of April 24, 2008 N 318-P "On the procedure for conducting cash transactions and the rules for storing, transporting and collecting banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia in credit institutions on the territory of the Russian Federation"
Study and note-taking of the document Instruction of the Central Bank of August 27, 2008 N 2060-U "On cash services in institutions of the Bank of Russia of credit institutions and other legal entities"

Section 2 PM 5 .
Work organization
on registration
with doubtful
insolvent having signs
counterfeit money
signs of the Bank of Russia.

Authenticity and solvency of banknotes

Distinctive features of the types of printing used in the manufacture of banknotes of the Bank of Russia


Main elements of protection of banknotes of the Bank of Russia against counterfeiting, including elements of protection of banknote paper
Possible changes in the appearance of banknotes of the Bank of Russia due to the impact on them of various factors in the process of circulation.
Types of manufacturing defects of banknotes of the Bank of Russia

Topic 2.2
Instruments and equipment for checking the authenticity of banknotes

The procedure for using instruments to control the authenticity of banknotes of the Bank of Russia.

Topic 2.3
Procedure for dealing with dubious, insolvent and having signs of counterfeit banknotes of the Bank of Russia

1. Control of banknotes, their solvency and authenticity.
Re-issuance of incoming cash documents in the event that, when accepting cash from a client, dubious, insolvent or having signs of counterfeit banknotes of the Bank of Russia are detected.
Rules for accepting dubious banknotes of the Bank of Russia by a credit institution, upon an application made by a client


Drawing up 13LINK \l "sub_15000"14certificate 040215915 for dubious banknotes of the Bank of Russia that have signs of forgery.
Drawing up a memorial order 0401108В for banknotes of the Bank of Russia that have signs of forgery, transferred to the territorial internal affairs body.

Independent work in the study of section 2 of PM 05.

Working with Internet resources, reference systems "Garant" and "Consultant Plus".
Study and note-taking of the document Regulation of the Central Bank of April 24, 2008 N 318-P "On the procedure for conducting cash transactions and the rules for storing, transporting and collecting banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia in credit institutions on the territory of the Russian Federation" of transactions for the sale of precious metals with credit organizations in the territory
Russian Federation

Approximate topics for homework
Systematic study of class notes, reference literature.
Preparation for practical work using the teacher's methodological recommendations.
Preparation of practical work.

Section 3. PM 5 .
Execution and execution of operations with precious metals and commemorative coins

Topic 3.1.
The procedure for performing and documenting operations with precious metals

The basic concepts used in the conclusion of transactions for the purchase and sale of precious metals.
General conditions for concluding transactions for the sale and purchase of precious metals.
General conditions for terminating transactions of purchase and sale of precious metals.
General conditions for the execution of a transaction for the sale and purchase of precious metals.
Responsibility of the parties for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations when concluding transactions for the purchase and sale of precious metals.


Drafting of the General Agreement on the General Terms and Conditions of Precious Metals Purchase and Sale Transactions on the Territory of the Russian Federation.

Topic 3.2.
The procedure for performing and documenting operations with commemorative coins

Performance by credit institutions of operations under commission agreements for the purchase of commemorative coins of the Bank of Russia.


Drawing up commission agreements by credit institutions for the purchase of commemorative coins of the Bank of Russia in accordance with applicable law.


Study and note-taking of the document Appendix 1 to 13LINK \l "sub_0" 14Instruction 15 of the Central Bank "On the procedure for committing by the Bank
Russian transactions of purchase and sale of precious metals with credit institutions in the territory
Russian Federation

Approximate topics for homework
Systematic study of class notes, reference literature.
Preparation for practical work using the teacher's methodological recommendations.
Preparation of practical work.

Section 4 PM 5 . Control of cash transactions

Topic 4.1.
Organization of current control of cash transactions.

1 Check compliance with cash discipline.
Checking the procedure for receiving and issuing cash and processing cash documents,
Checking the procedure for maintaining a cash book and storing money.

Topic 4.2. Subsequent control of cash transactions

Checking compliance with the rules of posting cash
Checking the identity of data from primary documents and data from incoming cash registers
Checking certificates of cashiers of cash desks.

Topic 4.3.
Audit of cash and valuables

The procedure and timing of the inventory of the cash register.

Drawing up an act of inventory of cash (form N INV-15)
Drawing up an Act on the verification of cash at the cash desk (Form N KM-9)

Independent work in the study of section 3 PM 05.

Studying and note-taking of the document The procedure for conducting cash transactions in the Russian Federation was approved by the Decision of the Board of Directors of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of September 22, 1993 N 40.

Approximate topics for homework
Systematic study of class notes, reference literature.
Preparation for practical work using the teacher's methodological recommendations.
Preparation of practical work.

Educational practice

Types of jobs
Processing operations for:
preparation of primary cash documents:
cash deposit announcement, cash receipt, money checks, cash receipts.

receiving and issuing cash;

studying the security features of banknotes of the Bank of Russia against counterfeiting, including the security features of banknote paper;

determining changes in the appearance of banknotes of the Bank of Russia due to the impact on them of various factors in the process of circulation;

determination of a manufacturing defect in banknotes of the Bank of Russia;

processing, formation and packaging of cash;

work with cash when using software and hardware;

the use of instruments to control the authenticity of banknotes of the Bank of Russia;

making and documenting operations with precious metals and commemorative coins;

conducting an inventory of the cash register.


4. conditions for the implementation of the PROFESSIONAL MODULE program

4.1. Minimum Logistics Requirements
The implementation of the module program presupposes the existence of a training
laboratories: "Training Bank".
Equipment of the study room and office workstations:
- a set of accounting forms;
-a set of educational and methodical documentation.
Technical training aids:
multimedia equipment (interactive whiteboard)
Equipment of the laboratory and workplaces of the "Training Bank" laboratory:
Banknote detector, banknote counter, computers, printer, scanner, multimedia projector, screen, general and professional software (accounting software), a set of educational and methodological documentation.

4.2. Information support of training
List of recommended educational publications, Internet resources, additional literature
Main sources:
Russian Federation. Civil Code of the Russian Federation. [Electronic resource]: [adopted by the State Duma on 10/21/94 and 10/22/94]: official text: as of 10/01/2006// Garant. [Electronic resource]: SPS.-Elektron. Dan. and software-M., 2010.
Russian Federation. Regulation of the Central Bank of April 24, 2008 N 318-P "On the procedure for conducting cash transactions and the rules for the storage, transportation and collection of banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia in credit institutions in the territory of the Russian Federation"
Russian Federation. Instruction. On the approval of guidelines for the inventory of property and financial obligations [Text]: [adopted 13.06.1995. - No. 49] .// Guarantor [Electronic resource]: ATP. – Electron. Dan. and progr. - M., 2010.
Russian Federation. Letter from the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. On recommendations for the use of accounting registers at enterprises [Text]: [adopted on July 24, 1992. - No. 59].//Guarantor [Electronic resource]: SPS.-Electron. Dan. and software-M., 2010.
Additional sources:
Firm 1C. Software Products.- http:// www.1C/»
SPS "Garant" and "Consultant Plus".

The implementation of the program module PM 5 "Bank teller" involves the final (concentrated) training practice. Training practice should be carried out in organizations whose activities correspond to the profile of training students.
When conducting practical classes, depending on the complexity of the topic being studied and the technical conditions, it is possible to divide the study group into subgroups of at least 8 people.

4.4. Staffing of the educational process
Qualification requirements for teaching staff providing training; higher professional education in the specialty of economics, corresponding to the profile of the Bank Teller module;

Requirements for the qualification of teaching staff who manage the practice
Certified specialists - teachers of interdisciplinary courses, as well as general professional disciplines:
"Finance, monetary circulation and credit",
"Economics of the Organization"
"Documentary support of management",
"Analysis of financial and economic activity",
"Taxes and taxation",
"Automation of accounting",
"Features of accounting in trade",
"Life Safety".

5. Control and evaluation of the results of mastering the professional module (type of professional activity)

(mastered professional competencies)

PC1. Perform and process cash transactions.

Speed ​​and correctness of registration of cash transactions
and processing of primary cash documents
Demonstration of skills in the preparation of monetary and cash documents;
business game that simulates professional activities

PC2. Perform and execute transactions with dubious, insolvent and having signs of counterfeit banknotes of the Bank of Russia.

Accuracy and correctness of registration of transactions with dubious, insolvent and having signs of forgery banknotes
Demonstration of skills to identify banknotes of the Bank of Russia that have signs of forgery. Compile 13LINK \l "sub_15000"14 a reference 15 and a memorial order for dubious banknotes of the Bank of Russia.

PC 3. Perform and process operations with commemorative coins and precious metals
Fidelity and accuracy of reflection of transactions with commemorative coins and precious metals.
Solving practical situations when performing transactions under commission agreements for the purchase of commemorative coins of the Bank of Russia.

PC 4. Monitor cash transactions.

The correctness of the inventory of the cash register.
Loyalty and accuracy observance of cash discipline.
Current control in the form of solving situational problems
Solving practical situations when conducting an inventory of the cash register.
Evaluation of the results of practical work.

Forms and methods of monitoring and evaluating learning outcomes should allow students to check not only the formation of professional competencies, but also the development of general competencies and the skills that provide them.
(mastered general competencies)
Main indicators for evaluating the result
Forms and methods of control and evaluation

OK 1. Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show a steady interest in it.
understanding the importance of the profession through a conscious desire to apply theoretical knowledge in practice.
assessment of the student's activities in the process of mastering the educational program in practical classes, when performing work on industrial practice

OK 2. Organize their own activities, choose standard methods and methods for performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.
fidelity and accuracy in the preparation and processing of cash documents

OK 3. Make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and be responsible for them.
selection and effectiveness of solutions in the execution and execution of cash transactions.
ability to make decisions and take responsibility for them;
assessment of the student's activity in the process of mastering the educational program in practical classes, when performing work on production practice

OK 4. Search and use the information necessary for the effective implementation of professional tasks, professional and personal development.
efficiency of search and use of the necessary information for the qualitative performance of professional tasks, professional and personal development;
the effectiveness of the use of various sources of information, including electronic
protection of projects, creative, research works

reviewing own works and works of colleagues in terms of using various sources of information

OK 5. Own information culture, analyze and evaluate information using information and communication technologies.
choose and evaluate, effectively use the accounting programs "1C-Enterprise", SPS "Consultant Plus" and "Garant", Internet technologies
current control and evaluation of the results of the use of information and communication technologies.

OK 6. Work in a team and team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, consumers.
communication skills when interacting with students and teachers in the course of training
assessment of the level of development of communicative and organizational skills.

OK 7. Take responsibility for the work of team members (subordinates), the result of completing tasks.
responsibility for the quality, accuracy and correctness of accounting for various organizational and legal forms of ownership
modeling of practical situations in the field of professional activity;

OK 8. Independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, consciously plan advanced training.
timely determine the need for a process of professional self-improvement and advanced training

ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the professional development plan

OK 9. Navigate in conditions of frequent change of technologies in professional activity.
application of practical experience in the field of preparation and use of financial statements in the context of frequent changes in the regulatory framework and tax legislation

modeling of practical situations in the field of preparation and use of financial statements

OK 10. Perform military duty, including with the application of acquired professional knowledge (for boys).
readiness to perform military duties.
assessment of the level of readiness for the performance of military duties at the training camp.

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