Human Resources Management The first step to a great career. Presentation of the project "my professional career" At the presentation you

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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Goals in terms of achievement are classified into three groups: Long-term (more than 5 years); Medium-term (for 5 years); Short-term (for the next 12 months).

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The SMART rule is a principle (technology) used to correctly formulate goals. According to the rule, goals are divided into: Specific (Specific) Measurable (Measurable) Agreeable (Agreeable) Achievable (Realistic) Time-defined (Timebound) immediately impossible, so you need to choose: Priority - (from lat. Prior - first, senior), superiority in time of any activity

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Planning Planning can be thought of as a closed system consisting of: a life plan and long-term plans, annual plans, monthly plans and weekly plans, daily plans. A plan is a list of tasks that lead to the achievement of a goal, and firm deadlines for completing these tasks.

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Definition of career planning Career planning is the creation of conditions for a person to continuously overcome the achieved levels. Career planning is a process of slowly developing professional self-concept and self-definition in terms of one's own abilities, talents, motives, needs, attitudes and values. Career planning is a search for ways of personal improvement to achieve specific goals, taking into account individual capabilities and limitations.

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Career development Linear development of a system is one that implies the possibility of extrapolating results. Non-linear development of the system - development in which it is impossible to determine the results, it is difficult to predict the specific future of the system.

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Needs - the need for something necessary to maintain the life and development of the organism, the human personality, social group, society as a whole. 3 levels of satisfaction of needs: 1). Minimum level - ensures survival and the possibility of manifesting spiritual and social needs. 2). Normal level - the time that a person is occupied with thoughts about meeting the needs for food, shelter, security, should be no more than 10% of the time of wakefulness. 3). The level of luxury - the satisfaction of the needs of existence above the minimum and average levels, becomes an end in itself and (or) a means of demonstrating a high social position. At this level, a person "lives to eat, not eats to live."

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STRUCTURE OF A CAREER PLAN 1. Title page 2. Table of contents (content). 3. Introduction (Justification of the correctness of your professional choice; determining the personal relevance of the career planning process; description of the chosen profession according to the professiogram: subject of labor, means of labor) 4. Comparative analysis life values ​​and values ​​that can be realized in a certain professional field. 5. Declaration of life goals (list of the most important personal and professional goals). Description of the professional goal in the external (status-role characteristic) and internal (value position) form. 6. Analysis of the construction of a life scenario, determination of a life strategy, selection of priorities. 7. Self-worth analysis: definition strengths personalities in demand in the chosen profession, comparison with professional important qualities. Determination of methods for further development of character traits, required skills and abilities. 8. Analysis of own shortcomings, identification of personal characteristics that impede successful professional self-realization. 9. Drawing up a plan for self-development and self-education. 10. A detailed career plan: a) a possible type of career in this specialty. b) priority principles and rules of career planning. c) analysis of the role of external and internal factors influencing career planning. Identification of the internal resources of the personality (advantages of temperament, efficiency personal ways activities) 11. Analysis of the local market educational services and the labor market 12. Description of the fall-back option for obtaining a profession and professional choice

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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MOU "Zaporozhye OOSh" Career Guidance Competition research work"My professional career» Project on the topic “Profession - a teacher of history” Student Bychkov Danila Grade 9 Supervisor: Deputy Director for VR, teacher of geography Nazarova Olesya Evgenievna

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The relevance of research. I am currently a 9th grade student and very worried about my future. Like any person, I want everything in my life to work out. One of the steps to the ladder of stability and confidence in the future is the choice of a profession that will become the meaning of life and allow you to purposefully go towards your goal. Among the many professions, I chose the one that is in demand now and will be in demand in five, ten, fifteen years. This is the profession of a teacher. I hope this project will allow me to study in detail the features of this profession and make sure of the correctness of my choice.

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Justification of the chosen topic: This topic will always be relevant, since every person graduating from school stands at a crossroads: where to go to study further? it important step in life, because the future depends on it. The consequences of this choice determine the very life of a person. Project Goal: To reveal my personal qualities and characteristics of the teaching profession. Project Objectives: Collect information about your skills and abilities. To analyze and give an adequate assessment of readiness for the profession of a teacher. Collect information about your future profession, summarize. Analyze completed work and present it.

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Research part. Possible consequences wrong career choice. The consequences of an incorrectly chosen profession affect the most important areas of the economy, which are based on nanotechnological principles. As a result - a change of profession, dissatisfaction with work.

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Basic rules for choosing a profession: Find out what professions and specialties are needed where you live. It is good to think over what you would like to do, what attracts you the most. Study in detail a particular profession, evaluate the possibility of acquiring it. Compare the knowledge gained with your data, consult with parents, teachers. Choose a future profession for yourself, be persistent in striving to master it perfectly.

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My professional skills and abilities. To confirm the correctness of my choice, I passed a series of tests and received the following results: DDO Questionnaire. Purpose: to help choose a profession, taking into account interests and inclinations, and to choose for yourself the type of occupation that you would prefer to do. Result: field of activity-Man-man. All professions related to serving people, with communication.

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Professional Readiness Questionnaire (OPG) Purpose: self-assessment by students at the same time of their capabilities in the implementation of certain skills set by the questionnaire (educational, creative, labor, social, etc.), their real, experienced and formed in personal experience emotional attitude that arises every time when performing the activities described in the questionnaire and their preference or unwillingness to have the evaluated activities in their future profession. Result: I can, I can: Analyze the content of scientific, educational, literary texts, highlight the main thing, make generalizations, conclusions. Explain content educational material, a way to solve a complex problem, etc. in a clear, easily understandable language in front of many spectators, play roles in performances, recite poetry, prose. Organize collective evenings, hikes and other events Make oral reports, reports for many listeners (speak without "paper")

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Methodology "Profession choice matrix" Purpose: Selection of a profession according to the object and type of activity. Result: Spheres of work - Person TYPES OF LABOR - EDUCATION (upbringing and training, personality formation) PROFESSIONS - TEACHER, EDUCATIONAL EDUCER, SOCIAL EDUCATIONAL

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Methodology for studying occupational attractiveness factors Purpose: analysis of what attracts and does not attract a testee in a particular profession. Result: I am attracted to my future profession: working with people, work requires constant creativity, the opportunity to achieve social recognition, respect. Not attractive: the importance of labor is little appreciated.

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D. HOLLAND TEST TO DEFINE PERSONALITY TYPE [Rezapkina G.V. Secrets of choosing a profession. -M.: Genesis, 2003. - 80s Purpose: to determine your type. Result: Social type - has social skills, needs contacts. His character traits: the desire to teach and educate, the psychological attitude towards a person, humanity. A representative of this type tries to stay away from intellectual problems: he is active, but often dependent on the opinion of a group of people. Solve problems based on emotions, feelings, intuition. He formulates his thoughts well, knows how to convince. Recommended classes - in the field of interaction with people: training, treatment, service (teachers, doctors, psychologists).

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Choice educational institution. On November 18, I visited the St. Petersburg Educational Forum at LENEXPO, as part of the Week of Science and Vocational Education in St. Petersburg " Professional education- 2016". Universities, colleges and others educational organizations presented their programs. I talked with representatives of the Leningrad State Educational Institution named after A.S. Pushkin and the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen, learned necessary disciplines for admission, passing score, specifics of training.

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I studied in more detail the information on the websites of the universities of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen and Leningrad State Educational Institution im. A.S. Pushkin

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Professional test. On October 5, the Day of Self-Government (Understudy Day) was held at the Zaporozhye school. I had the opportunity to teach history lessons in the 9th grade. It was difficult and interesting at the same time. This experience once again confirmed the correctness of my choice.

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Prospects for the profession. In the municipal educational institution "Zaporizhzhya OOSh" a career guidance project "One Hundred Roads - One of Yours" is being implemented. As part of the work on the project, students visit various organizations and businesses in their community. The school itself was no exception, and I, a project participant, interviewed the director of the Zaporozhye secondary school, A.V. Saygina, and asked Anastasia Vladimirovna the following questions: what teacher is needed modern school? What can be said about the prestige of the teaching profession? what privileges and advantages does the profession have?

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Career concept.
Career is the result of a conscious position and behavior of a person in the labor
activities associated with official or professional growth.
Job growth - a change in the official status of a person, his social role,
degree and space of official authority.
Professional growth - the growth of professional knowledge, skills,
recognition by the professional community of the results of his work, authority in
concrete form professional activity.
Career is
work force
Business career - translational
personal advancement associated with growth
The careerist is
professional skills, status,
each of us
social role and remuneration.

intraorganizational (passing through all stages career development within
one organization)
interorganizational (passing through all stages of career growth in different
professional-specialized (the employee goes through various stages
their professional activities within the same profession)
professional-non-specialized (the employee goes through the stages of his
professional path as a specialist who owns various
vertical (ascent from one level of the structural hierarchy to another)
horizontal (a type of career that involves moving to another
functional area, change of service role within one level
structural hierarchy)
centripetal (the type of career is the least obvious to others,
suggesting movement in the core, to the leadership of the organization)
stepwise (a type of career that combines elements of vertical and
horizontal career)

The whole variety of career options is obtained through a combination of four main

Climbing the corporate ladder is
when take higher and better
paid positions. On a certain
stage, the worker occupies the highest position for him
position and try to stay in it.
for a long time. And then
ski jump - retirement.
Enterprise Director
Deputy Director
Section chief

Each rung of the career ladder
is a specific position
which the employee occupies a certain
time (no more than 5 years). This period is enough
to enter a new position and work with
full devotion. With the growth of qualifications,
creativity and production
experience leader or specialist
rises through the ranks. Every
the employee occupies a new position after
advanced training.
Deputy Director
Section chief
Head of Service
Head of Department

The main advantage of this model is the possibility
to study all the functions of activity and management that
useful in a higher position. This model
characteristic of the Japanese model.
It provides
horizontal movement
employee from one position to
another by appointment with occupation
each for a short time, and
then ranks higher
position at a higher level.
3 level
Deputy for
1-2 .
2 level
1 level
Deputy for
Deputy for
Deputy for
Deputy for
Deputy for
Department head

When after certain period work
certification is carried out (comprehensive assessment
staff) and the results are accepted
decision to move or promote
worker. It looks like American
model characteristic of joint
companies. (focused on
Director of the enterprise - promotion
by election or appointment
Section chief - promotion to
positions by appointment
Shop manager - moving by

Career motivations:
1. Autonomy
Man is driven
striving for
opportunities to do
everything in its own way.

Career motivations:
2. Functional
Man strives
To be the best
specialist in
your business and be able
solve the most
difficult problems.

Career motivations:
3. Security and
workers manages
desire to preserve and
consolidate your position in
organizations, so
as their main task
considering getting
positions giving such

Career motivations:
4. Managerial
Man is led
desire for power
leadership, success
associated with high
position, rank, rank,
status symbols,
important and responsible
work, high wages
pay, benefits,
leadership recognition,
rapid progress in
service ladder.

Career motivations:
Leads people
desire to create
or organize something
something new, engage
6. The need for primacy
Man aspire to
career in order to
be always and everywhere the first,
outrun your colleagues.

Career motivations:
7. Lifestyle.
8. Material
9. Security
healthy conditions.

Career management is a kind
management activities,
aimed at forming
official or professional
employee growth in line with
internal needs
organization, as well as the potential and
the expectations of the worker.

Career management goals:
formation, development and rational use
professional potential of each manager and
the organization as a whole;
ensuring the continuity of professional experience and
the culture of the organization;
reaching an understanding between the organization and
manager for its development and promotion;
creation favorable conditions for development and promotion
personnel within the organizational space.

Career management mechanism
personnel is called upon to put into action
career management system and
ensure the achievement of goals
personnel career management.
Key elements of the control mechanism
are such personnel technologies:
as well as technologies of continuous learning
content, nature and working conditions
Work with personnel

Meeting with a new employee, the manager
personnel should take into account the career stage,
which he passes in this moment. it
can help clarify professional goals
activities, the degree of dynamism and most importantly
- the specifics of individual motivation.

Career stage
motivation (according to
Up to 25 years old
Preparation for labor
activities, choice
areas of activity
Up to 30 years old
Mastering work, development Social
professional skills recognition,
Up to 45 years
After 60 years
Preparing for the transition to
retirement, search and training
own shift
After 65 years
Occupation with other species
expression in
new sphere

Career planning is a process
comparison of potential opportunities,
abilities and goals of a person with
organizational requirements, strategy and
plans for its development, expressed in
drawing up a program of professional
and job growth.

Career advancement is determined not only by personal qualities
employee (education, qualifications, attitude to work, system
internal motivations), but also objective, in particular:
The high point of a career is the highest position that exists in
the particular organization in question;
Career length - the number of positions on the way from the first position,
occupied by the individual in the organization, to the highest point;
Position level indicator - the ratio of the number of persons employed in
next hierarchical level, to the number of persons employed at that
hierarchical level, where the individual is at the moment of his
The indicator of potential mobility is the ratio (at some
a certain period of time) the number of vacancies in the next
hierarchical level to the number of persons employed at that hierarchical
the level where the individual is.
Career planning in an organization can be handled by a manager
personnel, the employee himself, his immediate supervisor (line

Career planning and development process
Orientation in the organization
Career planning training
Work in office
Development plan preparation
information about vacancies
Certification - discussion with
New position

Personnel reserve - part
staff passing
systematic preparation for
to get jobs
higher qualification.
The process of forming a reserve and
working with it includes defining
its number, official
structures, study, evaluation
(expert list), selection of candidates,
compilation and approval of the list,
organization of

Scheme of organizing work with a reserve
Definition of a group of candidates for the reserve
Evaluation of candidates
Test trials
Expert review
Personal data
Analysis of evaluation results
Formation of a reserve group
Formation of the training program
Implementation of the training program
Reserve valuation
Expert review
Execution Report
individual plans
Analysis of evaluation results
Requires additional
Positive rating
Promotion to leadership
job title
Negative evaluation
Exclusion from the reserve

Determination of the number of personnel
Optimal population
personnel reserve for each of
positions included in the list
reservation is 2-5
candidates for each position
depending on specific
As a result, the value of the current
and prospective need for it.
Optimal Quantitative
the composition of the reserve is planned taking into account
staffing needs forecast for
near and far perspective
as a result of change and
improvement of the apparatus
management, the emergence of additional
leadership positions,
potential vacancies, reduction
states, the actual number
prepared reserve of each
level, approximate disposal by
various reasons from the reserve.

Definition of job structure
Job structure of the reserve:
Level 1 includes the following
nomenclature of positions:
deputy CEO(1st
Deputy, Executive Director.
2nd level includes: deputies
Director General for Directions
(development, production,
trade, finance and economics and
Level 3 includes the following
head of personnel service;
head of the legal service;
Chief Engineer;
Chief Accountant.

Search for reserve candidates
Methods for selecting candidates for the reserve
- Studying a personal file
and other documents
- Interview with
- Employee reviews
leaders, colleagues and
- Psychological
testing and expert
- Temporary substitution
manager for the period
holidays, sickness,
business trips
- Internship at
- Doubling
- Appointment as a leader
team that performs
temporary task
-Business games
- parsing specific
- Business planning

Employees whose candidacies were applied for enrollment in the reserve conduct
standardized selection procedure, the purpose of which is to identify managerial
the potential of the employee and his readiness to undergo the training program. Selection
it is advisable to carry out in 2 stages:
Preliminary selection.
Candidate Formal Compliance
requirements for admission to the personnel reserve
(example of criteria used):
Main selection.
Managerial assessment
(professional business
quality) is carried out in
According to
positions for each

Organization of work with personnel reserve.
Replacement reserve vacancies leaders
Assumes address
professional and
Operational reserve -
successors or doubles -
replacement candidates
certain key
posts, ready
get to work
immediately or in the near future
the future. It includes part
positions that will
vacant soon
time and require specific
Content of training
Studying in the system of additional
education and training,
Involving others in audits
departments and assistance to them,
Temporary positions
Internships in other organizations
Self-education by
individual programs,
Working on committees and commissions
Participation in scientific and technical
Preparation of dissertations.
formation of common
managerial knowledge,
corporate culture
Strategic reserve -
young employees from
inclinations that
may occupy these
positions in the future
for up to 20 years.

Reserve preparation forms
There are various forms of reserve preparation
individual work under the supervision of a senior manager,
position internship,
short seminars,
schools and courses for young professionals,
training in special centers
leadership schools,
mugs for leaders
thematic courses,
participation in meetings, symposiums.

Selection of candidates from the reserve for
Auxiliary selection tools are the results of certification,
data on advanced training, test results.
Positions in the administrative apparatus are filled in accordance with
the following principles:
1. At the lowest level of management and in
headquarters units -> young
2. In all links -> managers and
experts from their own and others
3. In the management elite -> by
combinations of rotation and accelerated
promotion of own
promising personnel.
If a firm is unable to recruit a management team from
of its employees, this is a sign of its weakness.

Performance indicators
with personnel reserve
To assess the effectiveness of work with the personnel reserve, use
the following indicators:
percentage of employees included in operational and strategic
personnel reserve (ideally, their number should correspond to
the number of posts to be provided with a reserve);
the percentage of those who left the personnel reserve (ideally zero, since the training of reservists is associated with significant
financial costs, respectively, their dismissal entails
material and temporary losses);
the percentage of appointments of employees from among the personnel reserve;
the percentage of staff turnover among employees with high
share of those who contribute rationalization proposals(than she
more is better, because it allows you to improve technology
the number of employees with individual career programs.

At the end
turnover of managers and specialists
reserve turnover was less than
the effectiveness of leadership training within
organization was
0.92 - in the state
0.78 - in a holding company
recruitment and recruitment costs
3 times.

Do you have a brilliant career ahead of you? (65 questions)
"Can you" make money "(15 questions)
What profession suits me. Occupation test. (ten
"Business man" (8 questions)

Textbook:“English with pleasure”, Biboletova M.Z., grade 9.

Lesson type: combined.

Equipment: computer, internet, projector, multimedia presentation, audio recording, textbooks, workbooks, handouts.

Lesson goals.

  1. educational
  2. : activation of vocabulary on the topic. Developing the ability to listen and compose dialogues, the formation of the ability to work with extracting information.
  3. educational
  4. :
    show the interconnection and interdependence of phenomena. Learn to draw your own conclusions.
  5. Educational
  6. :
    the ability to properly conduct a dialogue, to be tolerant.
  7. Educational
  8. : to form skills and abilities intellectual labor develop motivation for learning.

Lesson objectives.

  1. Activate vocabulary on the topic "Profession".
  2. Develop listening and dialogue skills.
  3. Develop skills monologue speech based on the material covered.
  4. Use the passed grammatical and lexical material in the discussion of the topic under study.

During the classes

No. p / p Time (min.) Lesson stages Teacher action Student actions Equipment
1 1 Organizing time Greetings


Greetings Cool magazine
2 1 Formulation of the topic of the lesson
2 Phonetic charging (Slide 1). Presentation pronunciation modeling Working on pronunciation Presentation
3 5 Vocabulary training (Slide 2) Read and answer questions Textbook, page 158, exercise 14
4 3 Examination homework Formulation of the goal of the stage in the form of a question Custom scan Slave. notebook, p. 70, ex. ten
5 5 Reading and discussing the text (Slide 3) Reading with comprehension Handout (Appendix 1)
6 1 Dynamic pause
7 4 Extract Reading Formulation of the task, control of understanding Reading with comprehension Handout
(Annex 2)
8 3 Listening with general understanding Formulation of the task, control of understanding Individual work Audio recording
9 5 Making dialogues on the topic Formulation of the task, control of understanding Work in pairs Handout (Annex 3)
10 10 Role-playing game“Meeting with representatives different professions Task designation Development of speaking skills
11 5 Summing up, homework
(Slide 4)

Explanations (details) of the course of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

Hello students! You are welcome at our lesson! What is the date today? Do you like the weather today?

How do you feel? Are you comfortable? So, let's work.

Today we will speak about your future career…

2. Phonetic charging. (Slide 1)

3. Development of vocabulary. (Slide 2)

T: You know that every teenager at some point starts thinking about his future profession. As this academic year comes to the end you need to decide one important problem. You have a choice to stay at school and continue studying here or to leave this school and continue studying at the colleges or vocational schools. Let's discuss where we can study (textbook p. 158, exercise 14).

4. Checking homework.

T: You know that there are a lot of professions and what would you like to be?

(Workbook p. 70, exercise 10);

5. Development of search reading skills.(Attachment 1) (Slide 3)

T: There are a lot of psychological tests for better understanding your peculiarities. One of them will be given to you. Try to understand what personalities are necessary in your profession.

6. Dynamic pause.

Charging song. Students perform free movements to dynamic music.

7. Development of reading skills with information extraction.(Annex 2)

Some of you want to work during your summer holidays. The reason is very simple: you want to be independent and have your own money. I think it's good. But you must know how to behave yourself during an interview. So look through the advice…


8. Listening with a general understanding of the text.

(Audio recording)

T: Now let's listen to the interview and make your own dialogues…

9. Development of oral communication skills.(Annex 3)

Role-playing game

Just now let's imagine the situation that you have already had a profession.

We are in the TV studio at chat show and we’ll speak about person’s peculiarities in this or that profession…

Our presenter will be…

(Representatives of imaginary professions talk about necessary qualities inherent in certain professions)

10. The end of the lesson, summing up.

T: At the end of our lesson I’d like to show you some proverbs… (Slide 4)

My advice is that you should think about your future profession beforehand and step by step try to build.

The great building of your career. good luck!

Career development paths for a graduate of the specialty "HR Management" Director of Human Resources Manager in various fields of activity Consultant in the field of personnel management State organizations and state corporations; Large Russian and international commercial companies; Non-commercial and public organizations. Areas of employment:

Tasks of the personnel manager: selection and adaptation of employees of the organization; staff training and development; motivation; development of corporate culture; training and certification; employee compensation and benefits; ensuring comfortable working conditions; establishing communications; change management; support of managers in the field of personnel management; social support employees of the organization; Conflict Management. development of the company's brand in the field of personnel management. “A person learns and develops only by overcoming difficulties and solving problems.” Roman Zlotnikov

Positions that can be occupied by a graduate specializing in the direction of training "Personnel Management": HR director; line and functional manager; HR manager; recruitment and adaptation manager; compensation and benefits manager; training and development manager; evaluation and certification manager; business trainer; Project Manager; HR consultant.

Success story Zakhar Malakhov, RosExpert, project manager Graduate of the Faculty of Human Resources Management government controlled Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov 2007 “I chose the specialty “Personnel Management”, as it allows you to learn many industries and areas of both business and public administration. A graduate of the specialty "Personnel Management" has behind him not only a specialized theory for his future profession, but also a baggage of fairly extensive knowledge on completely different issues of organization management, a broad outlook, which allows him to quickly realize himself both in HR and in other areas. A big plus in employment for a student and a graduate of a specialty is the knowledge of two foreign languages, skills and abilities in the field of tasks of the Personnel Management Service and the management of other people. Training is as close as possible to working conditions, which allows you to build a successful career in market leaders.”

Learning from professionals "In learning there is no more convenient way than face-to-face meetings with a teacher. Xun Tzu To read a number of courses in the specialty "Personnel Management", the department invites both successful practitioners - HR directors and consultants, as well as highly qualified teachers from other universities and training centers. Apart from scientific activity, teachers of the department "Personnel Management" conduct seminars and trainings, carry out distance learning management personnel (in the companies of OJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel, OJSC Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works, OJSC Sibneft, etc.), participate in management consulting projects for state and commercial companies.

Forms of education in the specialty "Personnel Management": bachelor's degree; magistracy; program additional education; second higher education. “Everyone who stops learning is getting old, it doesn't matter at 20 or 80; and anyone else who continues to learn remains young.” Henry Ford New opportunities for specialists and masters - postgraduate studies, internships, doctoral studies. Graduates of the specialty "Personnel Management", 2012

Useful links: I Training programs and educational plans in the specialty "Personnel Management" I Information about the Department of Personnel Management section "Applicants" /kafe dra_15.html