Internet: pros and cons (School essays). Internet: pros and cons (School essays) Internet in modern Russian school

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

nameM. V. Lomonosov

Institute of Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work

Department of Social Work

Course work
on the topic:
Social networks in the life of high school students.

Completed: 2nd year student
Faculty of Social Work
Kaneva Maria Valerievna
Checked by: Fedulova
Anna Borisovna


      Internet as a modern source of communication
      Social networks
      History of the development of social networks

      The largest social networks
      Man in social network
      The danger of social networks
    Features of senior school age
    2.1 Patterns of development of adolescence
    2.2 High school student personality
    Empirical study of the importance of social networks in the life of high school students on the example of secondary school No. 28 in Arkhangelsk.
    3.1 Research agenda
    3.2 Findings of the study

"We are only nodes in a universal network of current information."
Willem Flusser

At the turn of the 21st century, society entered a new era of technological revolution. Modern society lives in an "informatized" and "technicalized" environment. A society that is in an environment of constant technological advances and based on the ability of everyone to process information is rightfully called the "information society". As D. Bell said, “The main thing is no longer muscular strength and not energy, but information.”
In the modern world, the earlier (traditional) means of communication - the spoken word, writing, book, telephone - are losing their relevance. Data communication easily (and increasingly) replaces The World Wide Web. The main function of the worldwide computer network is to inform society. The Internet can be imagined as a huge repository of information, and plus, it is a means of mass and even global communication, it combines all the world's information resources into a single system. In addition to receiving any information (including in real time), the Internet is increasingly attracted by the ability to communicate.
Experts watching the development of the Internet agree that 2007 will go down in history as "the year of social networks." First loudly declaring itself in 2003 and experiencing a real boom in 2005, today social networks have acquired a number of opportunities that bring them to a fundamentally new level. Surprisingly, now when communicating on the Internet, the question is more often asked not “what country do you live in?”, but “what social network do you communicate in?” Along the way, social services refute the thesis about the mind of the crowd - the content of social sites, which is the product of collective labor, often turns out to be much better quality, relevant, and visual than the content of individual online resources.
Social networks, or, to put it simply, interest clubs, have been known for many centuries. The main advantage of a social network is that people communicate voluntarily in it. This gives rise to a high level of trust in the information received. In conditions when several thousand advertising slogans, mottos and appeals fall on a person's head every day, the consumer has learned to filter information, to separate the advertising (less objective) component from the objective data.
Purpose of the study: determine the role of the social network in the life of a high school student.
Research objectives:
1. Define what a "social network" is.
2. Study the history of social networks.
3. Reveal the classification of social networks.
4. Consider. the largest social networks in Russia and abroad
5. Find out how dangerous social networks can be.
Relevance of the topic: Social networks are rapidly gaining popularity all over the world, the audience of some of them already exceeds the population of the largest countries, and the majority of users are the young population of the planet. Social virtual empires have emerged only some 10 years ago, but their impact on everyday life is enormous. Children of the 21st century spend most of their time on social media. Modern education is formed in the conditions of dynamically developing social networks (blogs). Such services as Odnoklassniki, LiveJournal, Contact and many others are becoming increasingly popular. There is a danger of uncontrolled influence of virtual environments on the consciousness and behavior of not only children, but also children of senior school age, and students, and young people over 25 years old are affected by the Internet. Decisive steps are required to create organizational, psychological and pedagogical support for communication and activities of people in social networks (blogs).

Chapter 1. Internet.

Modern society is characterized by the rapid development of computer communication technologies and the Internet. The Internet is a worldwide system of interconnected computer networks built on the use of the IP protocol and the routing of data packets. The Internet forms a global information space, serves as the physical basis for the World Wide Web and many other data transmission systems (protocols). Often referred to as the "World Wide Web" and the "Global Web". The origins of the Internet lie in the development of packet switching of an open network architecture, which characterizes it as a product of technogenic development, intended for initial stage for highly specialized specialists, which were the users of the first computer networks. However, today the mention of the term "Internet" can contain meanings not only of a computer, but also of a social orientation. The international computer network has become a new media, a public means mass communication, a platform for economic and political operations, a place for leisure activities and even religious activities. The Internet has penetrated almost all spheres of society, its widespread entry into our life and life happened much faster than the mass development of such technical inventions of the late 19th - first half of the 20th century as telephone, radio, television. It is obvious that the social demand for the Internet turned out to be very high.
Today the Internet is the most massive and operative source of information. Today almost every major Western organization, firm or company has its own "representative office", its own WWW-page on the Web. On the Internet there are "electronic" versions of many thousands of newspapers and magazines, hundreds of radio stations and television companies broadcast through the Network. It is difficult to find any area of ​​human activity that would not be represented on the Internet in its entirety by hundreds and thousands of "pages". Another popular technology for obtaining information is through so-called "groups" of news. Their number is approaching one hundred thousand today.
Also, the Internet is the world's largest source of entertainment. Games and music, cinema and theater - all kinds of art and all the creations of a huge entertainment industry are represented today on the Internet. You can play a game with a partner located on the other side of the earth, find out the news about the life of your favorite rock band and listen to their latest CD, solve a crossword puzzle and get the results of the last football match, read an extensive collection of jokes and become a collector of very interesting pictures, finally, even take part in a meeting of the Society of Fried Cuttlefish Lovers... It is difficult even to name a type of entertainment and hobby that is not devoted to at least a dozen pages on the Web.
The Internet is the most favorable space for business. E-commerce is becoming increasingly popular, allowing the user to purchase almost any product anywhere in the world. On the Internet, you can order and receive new software products, send a bouquet of flowers to your girlfriend, and even buy a car. And also find out the latest results of trading on stock exchanges around the world, inquire about the stock price of a particular company and make a deal with them. For large firms and corporations The network has become an ideal environment for all kinds of transactions and settlements, as well as business-to-business trading, real-time meetings. However, not only a large company can make money on the Web, but also almost any person who has created his own page.
The Internet is the perfect tool for advertising.

The network gives anyone an almost free opportunity to notify a multi-million audience about the services or products they offer. The Internet is leveling individuals, midsize firms and large corporations: all have the same opportunity to attract buyers. You don't have to pay thousands and even millions of dollars for moments of advertising on television, you don't have to buy strips in newspapers - your Internet page will function around the clock, without interruptions.
The Internet is a huge space for creativity. With the help of the Web, you can make yourself known to the whole world by creating a personal home page. About what? About what you want. About your favorite band or composer, about a cat breed, or about collecting floats. And you can - about yourself, your beloved, so that later you can surprise your acquaintances with careless ones: “Go to my page on the Internet, there are photos from yesterday's birthday” ...
And of course, the Internet is the most progressive means of communication and communication. Every day, Internet users send each other hundreds of millions of e-mails - for many of them, the Internet has completely replaced regular mail. Millions of people meet and communicate with each other every day on all sorts of IRC chat channels. While a relatively small number of people use the services of Internet telephony and video conferencing, however, these communication technologies are becoming increasingly popular: the “peak” of demand for them is expected no later than the year 2000.
The Internet can be imagined as a huge repository of information, and plus, it is a means of mass and even global communication, it combines all the world's information resources into a single system.

1.1 The Internet as a modern source of communication

We hear about the Internet everywhere. Today this word owns the minds of millions. The concept of the Internet is quite young, it has been developing over the past ten years, perhaps this is the reason that its main user is a young or relatively young part of the population. Today, young people cannot imagine their life without the Internet. What is it about the Internet? Why do people compare it to drug addiction?
The Internet opens up so many opportunities for us and saves us so much time that we cannot deny ourselves the pleasure of using this miracle of technology.
What is good about this Internet? Here is just a small list of the possibilities that it "opens" for us:
* Students and schoolchildren visit libraries much less often, because the Internet provides any information they need. Sometimes it even seems that the Internet will finally and irrevocably oust libraries from the life of society in the near future;
* We have the opportunity to receive the newest, most "fresh" information about what is happening in the world;
* The newest music hits, best-selling films become available for download and further viewing;
* As well as numerous chat rooms that allow hours of communication with friends and work colleagues;
* E-mail, which, unlike regular mail, is almost instantaneous;
For this and many other things, young people love the Internet so much - thanks to the opportunities that it gives, the Internet owns not only the minds, but also the hearts of people.

      Social networks
In addition to receiving any information (including in real time), the Internet is increasingly attracted by the ability to communicate. You can communicate in various ways. Modern youth is registered in the so-called social networks, where they get to know their peers and not only with them, someone creates their own little world or a new image.
The intention to create a virtual personality can be dissatisfaction with real life (an attempt to "live" a different, better life), satiety with real life, a desire to get new sensations, a need to construct a different - symbolic reality for creative self-expression, conspiracy (the desire to hide information about oneself from a wide to the public or convey to it reliable facts incognito). The reason for accessing the Internet as a real person may be social rigidity (inflexibility, unwillingness to prove oneself in changed social conditions), self-sufficiency (satisfaction with real life, sufficient for its positioning in any environment).
What is the Social Network? In our time, the concept of "social network" has firmly joined the list of the most common and used Internet terms. However, not all users of the World Wide Web know that it existed long before the advent of the Internet.
The term "Social Network" was coined in 1954 by the Manchester School sociologist James Barnes, who explored the interconnections and relationships between people using sociograms. This method is still used in practical psychology and sociology in the study of small groups, in the framework of a technique called sociometry.
Many definitions can be given. For example, at present, in the usual sense of the word, a social network is a community of people who know each other and are connected by common interests, a common cause or something else.
The free encyclopedia Wikipedia defines the Social Network as an interactive multi-user website, the content of which is filled by the members of the network themselves. The site is an automated social environment that allows you to communicate with a group of users united by a common interest. These include thematic forums, especially industry ones, which are actively developing in recent times. Communication is carried out through the web service of internal mail or instant messaging.
On the Internet, a social network is an online service that allows you to unite people according to a certain principle, providing them with convenient tools for communication and self-expression.
      The history of the development of social networks.
Social networks on the Internet originated in the 90s (moreover, as a professional music community), and the term appeared only in 2004. Nevertheless, at least in the technical characteristics, experts agree - a social network on the Internet is software on the Internet that allows users to create their own profiles and connect with other participants in the virtual space. Standard social networks allow the user to connect people to their network, contact other users through their acquaintances, send messages, post photos, texts and any other continent.
Oddly enough, the same groups of people who used the means of computer communication, which became e-mail, to create and maintain social connections, became the first computer social networks. It happened on October 2, 1971 - the day of the first message sent to a remote computer, and the first users of the social network were the military on the ARPA Net network. It was the first step towards the creation of the Internet and modern social networks.
Internet networks.
The next step was the invention of IRC (English Internet Relay Chat - relayed Internet chat) - a service system for real-time communication. IRC or "irka", as it is also called, was created in 1988 by Finnish student Jarko Oikarinen. These were already more “advanced” social networks, but still far from modern ones.
From the invention of computers, Email, IRC, and many others On August 7, 1991, the invention of the Internet emerged. It was on this day that the British scientist Tim Berners-Lee first published the first Internet pages and thereby took the next step towards modern social networks.
And in 1995, the first, close to modern, social network appeared, which was created by Randy Conrad, owner of Classmates Online, Inc. This site helped registered visitors to find and maintain relationships with friends, classmates, fellow students and other people they know. Now more than 40 million people are registered in this network, mainly from the USA and Canada. The concept of Classmates turned out to be successful, since 2005 it has been developing, and not only within this network have such global giants as MySpace, FaceBook, Bebo and LinkedIn or the giants of the Runet, VKontakte, MoiMir and MoiKrug appeared.
      Classification of social networks
Social networks, like many things, lend themselves to conditional classification, i.e. segregation on some basis.
All social networks are divided by type. There are networks for finding people: classmates, classmates, colleagues and other people. There are business networks for job search, partners, professional communication and other business issues. Some networks are based on video, some are based on audio and specifically music, and some are based on photos. There are also niche networks that may not fall under the above categories.
Also conditionally, networks can be divided into geographic orientation: global or for a specific country.
Besides, in different networks different attitudes towards the policy of openness of information. Most of the networks this moment open, but there are also closed, where people get only by invitation. Closed networks are just beginning to appear, but we can already expect their popularity in a few years, people naturally like everything forbidden and hard to reach.
According to the level of development, social networks can be divided into web 1.0 - the first social networks with basic functionality, web 2.0 - modern social networks with wide functionality for communication and web 3.0 - social networks of the future that solve specific problems.
      The largest social networks
Every second Internet user visits social networks. According to the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VTsIOM) dated May 25, 2010, a typical user of social networks is 18-24 years old, with a high level of education and financial situation. There are those who have stopped using social networks. Some have never visited such resources, and some do not know what it is.
According to the results of the same research, the most popular social network in Russia is Vkontakte, visited daily by every third Internet user (31%), and another 23% do it weekly. In second place is Odnoklassniki (21% and 28%, respectively). As for other social networks, most of the respondents do not use them: these are Twitter (87%), (86%), Facebook, MySpace (85% each), Liveinternet (84%), Livejournal and Mamba (83% each). ), and My circle (81% each), [email protected] (67%).
What is each social network? How do they differ from each other? Consider Russian social networks first.
1.Vkontakte (Figure 1) is the largest social network in Runet. The service has gained wide popularity directly in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan. The number of registered users is over 90 million people. Many experts call Vkontakte a clone of Facebook (USA), this applies to both the design, interface and functionality of the social network. Nevertheless, Vkontakte is equipped with a number of additional options, the idea of ​​which was taken from such popular Internet resources as YouTube, Pandora, MySpace. Vkontakte has a younger audience, consisting mainly of schoolchildren and students.
2. Odnoklassniki (Figure 2) - Founded in 2006. The largest social network in the past, has 40 million (Russian-speaking) users from different countries. will help you find old friends and find out what and how they live now. There you can send messages to those people with whom you have lost contact, and possibly arrange a meeting with them.
    Picture 1.
    Figure 2.
3. My circle (Figure 3) - Social network for job search and employees. The first social network in Runet, created in 2005 by a group of recent graduates of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Moscow State University and the Russian Economic School to search for classmates, classmates, colleagues and employees. Now it is also expanding rapidly.
4. RuSpace - Russian Social Network, is an analogue of the world-famous American social network MySpace.
5. My [email protected] (Figure 4) - The social network on provides all the features typical for powerful social networks.

Figure 6
3. MySpace (Figure 7) - The number of participants - about 90 million, the year of foundation - 2003. Positions itself as - An online community for communicating with friends of your friends.

    Figure 7
1.6 Man in social network

Today, the whole world, including Russia, has been gripped by a fever of social networks. On the Internet sites - Facebook, Twitter, as well as their Russian counterparts Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki, several hundred million users are registered. But few people know that sites that bring the joy of communication can also cause significant harm to the psyche.
A number of British and Dutch psychologists believe that social networks negatively affect people's ability to communicate in real life, contribute to the development of a number of complexes and simply distract schoolchildren and students from their studies.
Schoolchildren, waking up in the morning, cannot have breakfast without checking their page in contact, or, sitting in class, cannot help but go to ICQ to write to one of their friends how tired he is of sitting in class. Even the answers for the exam (USE) can now be found on social networks.
As a REGNUM correspondent reports, on June 15, the head of the State Duma Committee on Education, Grigory Balykhin (United Russia), said that a letter had been sent from the Ministry of Education and Science to the government of the Russian Federation, stating that about 120 cases of answers to questions directly during the mathematics exam were recorded. in 2011, and the options were posted on the network not completely, but in parts. According to the head of Rosobrnadzor, Lyubov Glebova, on the day of passing the exam, the social network VKontakte turned out to be the most popular in terms of visits - there were 120 publications of answers and 165 thousand visits.
Until today, both domestic and foreign psychology have not known a phenomenon similar to social networks, which make people devote more and more time to virtual communication and creating their own Internet image. The main problem is that most of the users of social sites are schoolchildren and students, and it is difficult to imagine how this phenomenon will affect their psyche in the future.
Psychologists say that the advent of the Internet and the incredible development of telecommunication networks has led to the fact that modern man exists in a situation of constant scanning of his environment and permanent tension of attention.
In social networks, active people inevitably have a certain image - the opinion of other users of a particular network about it. And this image can significantly influence various aspects of a person's life: increase his authority among certain classes of people.
The economic dictionary gives the following definition of the word image. Image (eng. image) - the image of a person, the idea of ​​him that is developing among others, reputation.
Status positions that people acquire on the Internet can be divided into passive and active. The passive status captures the image of a person that is formed on the Internet and depends both on his actions in the real world and on his virtual activity. The active Internet status reflects the resources of a person's influence in the information space and depends, first of all, on his activity on the Internet. A high active status often enhances a user's passive status.
Many modern scientists who study the influence of virtual interactions on an individual note that in the context of the global introduction of information and communication technologies, a new type of personality is being formed. Some authors consider it possible to talk about the formation of a virtual personality along with the physical and social development of a person. According to V. N. Shcherbina, the key feature of such a personality is universal communicative ability. D.V. Ivanov describes a virtual personality as "a person of the postmodern era, immersed in virtual reality who enthusiastically "lives" in it, being aware of its conditionality, the controllability of its parameters and the possibility of getting out of it".

      The danger of social networks
The craze for online communication can be interpreted as a modern form of mental disorder, argues MIT sociology professor Sherry Turkle in her book Alone Together. "Even certain behavior becomes typical, it can express problems that were previously considered pathological,” notes the sociologist. Professor William Kist, an expert at Ket University in Ohio, says that latest ways communications really start to scare people. However, he does not fully agree with Sherry Turkle's opinion. “When I walk into a cafe and see that everyone is silent, buried in their laptops, I understand what she means by saying that we stop talking to each other,” Kist says. - And yet it does not cease to be communication. I do not agree with her, as for me, you should not see this situation in such black and white colors.
Of course, addiction, which can develop into a permanent illness, trauma to the psyche and the use of confidential information - this is not the whole list of "dangers" of social networks. In any case, the decision to “participate” or “not participate” in social networks such as Odnoklassniki and Vkontakte depends solely on you.
Thus, social networks are an area of ​​the Internet, in which almost half of all computer users sit up today. It doesn't matter who it is - your boss, your neighbor, your friend or girlfriend - they are all registered in at least one social network. But because these places of communication attract so many people, most of whom are happily unaware of the need to protect their computer, cybercriminals are also on the hunt here, lying in wait for an unwary user and ready to immediately throw on their victim.
Threats can range from simple spam ads that we occasionally find in our email inbox to more sophisticated online scams designed specifically to steal social media user credentials or, for example, to infect computers with a backdoor trojan. .
Social networks attract cybercriminals with their global reach and the participation of millions of active users. Often users of online communities publish detailed information about their personal life and work on the Internet, which can be successfully used by cybercriminals. By skillfully collecting, summarizing and analyzing this data, cybercriminals increase the effectiveness of their attacks. Breaking account user allows hackers to send letters on his behalf, gain access to information that is closed to ordinary visitors, and extort money for account recovery.
On the Internet, you can be anyone, you can create any image you want, you can find people from almost any company and get a lot of information, including non-public information. And all this is quite simple to do, you just need to decide what information we need, then we decide on the place where we will look for the right people (for example, professional social networks), find and get to know people, have a normal conversation, recognize a person, and in the process gradually learn the necessary information. Here you need to be advised to be careful, and do not give information to strangers on the Internet, they may turn out to be competitors.
Another danger of social media is censorship. Scientists noted that social networks are the so-called “uncensored” sphere, which means that the content on different pages and mailing lists of social sites can negatively affect the psychological health of even an adult. So, on social networking sites, the user receives an unlimited amount of information, which is often not controlled by anyone. Among the most dangerous social "attacks" on the user are advertising pornography and offering sex services. Considering that the average age of social network users is 18-20 years old, and the youngest visitors have not even reached 10 years old, such “offers” can greatly affect the young psyche.
Recently, there has been talk of social media addiction. In our opinion, this is still the same Internet addiction, which was officially recognized as a psychological disease, only in a more specific form.
These problems are caused by the desire to communicate with a large number of acquaintances in social networks. At first, a person does not feel this dependence, at least until he receives what he depends on, but as soon as he loses access to a social network, symptoms of addiction immediately appear. Getting rid of such an addiction is quite difficult. In this case, it will be effective to switch to real communication with friends, who in turn should help the person recover.
After analyzing the literature on this topic, having studied the opinions of modern authors and observing others, we can say that the Internet has become a commonplace in our lives. Communication in social networks is gaining more and more importance, which allow to unite people according to a certain principle, providing them with convenient tools for communication and self-expression. All social networks can be divided by type, by geographic orientation, by openness, and also by level of development. The most common social networks are Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, [email protected] and others, and each is individual, each has its own function - it is intended either for finding people, or for finding work, or just interest clubs.
We also found out that both the Internet and social networks negatively affect the human psyche. People become addicted, they can “disappear” for hours on social networks. Creating their virtual image, some people forget about real life, about real communication.
In addition, no matter how attractive social networks are in terms of their functions, design and properties, they also have disadvantages. If you forgot the address of a friend, you can look it up on his page, but this is convenient not only for you, but also for apartment thieves. Of course, it is easier to write a message, but having got used to communicate in social networks, people move away from reality, and in the future they become shy during personal communication, which is not always a positive quality. In social networks, the ability to view various videos and audios is implemented, the content of which is not actively monitored by the administration. On the one hand, it is convenient when you can watch any video, listen to a song, but on the other hand, the social network turns into a huge "garbage" of pirated content, in which it can be difficult to find something you need, and what you don't need will find you in it. Even on the Internet they do not follow the caesura. The user receives a lot of information that is not controlled by anyone. Thus, social networks have not only positive aspects, but also negative ones, and user demand for them does not decrease, but rather increases every year, while they become more popular among young people.
    Chapter 2
A certain schematism and categoricalness are sometimes allowed in the assessments of senior school age. The completion of the development of high school students both physically and spiritually is indicated, their proximity to the adult state is noted; those contradictions that are characteristic of adolescence are erased, some harmony of the “corporeal” and “spiritual” is emphasized, the establishment of an equal relationship with others, mutual understanding with parents and teachers. The transition from adolescence to youth is depicted as a smooth movement to adulthood, where obtaining a certificate officially consolidates this adulthood, confirms the civil status of a growing person. Meanwhile, an analysis of the characteristics of high school students makes it possible to identify the psychological originality of children of this age, which represents the most important stage in the formation of personality.

2.1 Patterns of development of adolescence

In adolescence, a teenager rapidly goes beyond school interests and, feeling like an adult, tries in various ways to join the life of his elders. But, having acquired greater independence, he remains a schoolboy, still dependent on his parents. He remains at the level of his teenage subculture. In fact, adolescence is a prolonged childhood, from which the child "grows out" with great difficulty. A new age stage - early youth - is considered the third world that exists between childhood and adulthood. At this time, the child is on the threshold of real adulthood.
Youth is the period of completion of physical maturation; the task of numerous “finishings” and the elimination of disproportions due to the uneven maturation in the crisis of adolescence falls to his lot. By the end of this stage, the main processes of biological maturation are completed in most cases. Boys are catching up and ahead of girls in their physical development.
Youth is the final stage of primary socialization, but the social status of youth is heterogeneous. The vast majority of boys and girls are students of any general education school, or secondary vocational or special educational institutions.

2.3 The personality of a high school student.

According to one of the authors, early youth is characterized by aspiration to the future. If at the age of 15 life did not change dramatically and the older teenager remained at school, he thereby delayed the exit to adulthood for two years and, as a rule, the very choice of the future path. In this relatively short period, it is necessary to create a life plan - to decide who to be (professional self-determination) and what to be (personal or moral self-determination). When life plans are reduced to the intention to study, do interesting work in the future, have true friends and travel a lot, this still cannot be called a life prospect. A high school student should not only imagine his future in general terms, but be aware of ways to achieve his life goals.
In the senior class, children focus on professional self-determination. It involves the rejection of teenage fantasies in which a child could become a representative of any, the most attractive profession. A high school student has to navigate various professions, which is not at all easy, since the basis of the attitude to professions is not his own, but someone else's experience - information received from parents, friends, acquaintances, from television programs, etc. This experience is usually abstract, not experienced by the child. In addition, you need to correctly assess your objective capabilities - the level of training, health, material conditions of the family and, most importantly, your abilities and inclinations.
What do high school students look for when choosing a profession? In the 1980s, three factors were the most significant for them; the prestige of the profession (its social value), the personality traits inherent in the representatives of this profession, and the principles, norms of relations characteristic of this professional circle. Now one of the most important factors is material - the ability to earn a lot in the future. How prestigious the chosen profession or university the child is going to enter will turn out to depend on his level of aspirations. There is a clear trend that manifests itself throughout the senior classes: the closer the school graduation, the more often the revisions of one's life plans, the lower the level of claims. This may be the result of a reasonable rejection of groundless hopes, but it may also be a manifestation of cowardice, fear of taking a decisive step.
Self-determination, both professional and personal, becomes the central neoplasm of early adolescence. This is a new internal position, including awareness of oneself as a member of society, acceptance of one's place in it. Self-determination is associated with a new perception of time - the correlation of the past and the future, the perception of the present from the point of view of the future. In childhood, time was not consciously perceived and experienced, now the time perspective is realized: “I” embraces the past that belongs to it and rushes into the future. A high school student feels very young, even very small, or, on the contrary, very old and experienced everything. Only gradually is a connection established between “me as a child” and “the adult that I will become”, the continuity of the present and the future, which is important for personal development.
Striving for the future only has a beneficial effect on the formation of personality when there is satisfaction with the present. At favorable conditions development, a high school student strives for the future, not because he feels bad in the present, but because the future will be even better. Awareness of the time perspective and the construction of life plans require self-confidence, in one's strengths and capabilities. In Russian schools, an interesting dynamics in the development of self-esteem has been revealed. Typically youthful features are characteristic of tenth-graders' self-assessment - it is relatively stable, high, relatively conflict-free, and adequate. Children at this particular time are distinguished by an optimistic view of themselves, their capabilities and are not too anxious. All this, of course, is connected with the formation of the "I-concept" and the need for self-determination.
In 11th grade, the situation becomes more tense. life choice, which was quite abstract last year, is becoming a reality. Some high school students maintain an "optimistic" self-esteem. It is not too high, it harmoniously correlates desires, claims and evaluations.

There is such a net in the world, You can't catch fish with it. It even includes children to communicate or play. They draw information, And what is there just not here! What is the name of the network? Well, of course ……

Internet in the life of high school students: pros and cons Completed by 8th grade student Yana Tazranova MBOU "Saratan secondary school", 2016.

The purpose of the work: - to identify the role of the Internet in the life of high school students

Tasks: - consider the concept of the Internet in different sources; - reveal and explore the role global network in people's lives; - conduct a survey among high school students of MBOU "Saratan secondary school" on the topic "Why do you need the Internet?"; - analyze the received data; - Summarize our research.

The relevance of the study is that the results obtained can give an idea of ​​why our high school students need the Internet. Hypothesis with age, the need for the Internet changes: if in younger age students have more fun on the Internet, then at an older age, the Internet becomes necessary for students to study.

The Internet is a worldwide system of interconnected computer networks for storing and transmitting information.

Internet functions: Information Education Entertainment and recreation Real-time communication Fact repository

Questionnaire "what do you need the Internet for?" Respondents: 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th grades Total: 36 people

questions What is the Internet in your understanding? How much time do you spend on the Internet? How much time do you spend on entertainment? How much time do you spend studying?

1. Do you have Internet access?

2. How much time do you spend on the Internet per day?

3. What do you spend most of your time on the Internet?

4. Does the absence of the Internet affect your mood?

5. Do your parents limit your time spent on the Internet?

6. What opportunity do you have to showcase your knowledge gained online?

7. Do you consider the Internet an important and integral part of your life?

conclusion Most high school students have access to the Internet (28 people) The majority of the Internet is a means of communication (17 people), a means of learning (8 people) Most spend more than 3 hours a day on the Internet (15 people), which can harm physical health. Students use the time spent on the Internet to prepare presentations and essays (13 people), 8 people do not get any opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge online. 8 people do not have internet access.

conclusion work with the Internet not only infects the computer with viruses, spoils health, turns children into gamers, but also opens up immense opportunities for communication and allows the child to develop, make discoveries and create.

List of Literature used - - the concept of the Internet - - Functions of the Internet in the modern world /programming/00047038_0.html - Internet as a means of mass communication and a means of communication

Thank you for your attention!

Municipal educational institution of Ufa

secondary school No. 40

with in-depth study of French


Nomination:Social science


new types of communication and social connections


Gizzatullina Karina

student of 11 A class, secondary school No. 40

scientific adviser

teacher of history and social studies, secondary school No. 40

Sinenko Svetlana Nilovna

Ufa - 2010


1. Information possibilities of the Internet

2. Internet in modern Russian school

3. Internet addiction in high school students and its impact on behavior at home and at school





Of course, the Internet and the school are phenomena of different nature. The Internet is decentralized, dynamic, denationalized, at the same time individualistic and communicative. School education is centralized and hierarchical, conservative and static, it is basically nationalized. That is, according to its qualitative characteristics, traditional school education and the Internet are, as it were, in different planes.

Theoretically, the school should be one of the centers of progress in society, and teachers should lead the children, setting an example for them. Unfortunately, the reality is not like that. Even more than a hundred years ago, having studied the work of schools in Russia, Germany, Switzerland and France, Leo Tolstoy wrote: “The educational influence of the modern school is completely insignificant. Wherever people are sharp-witted and educated, they draw it not from school, but from life, from family life, in cafes and theaters, on marinas and museums, in workshops and bookstores.

The experience of other countries is very important for us. Indeed, throughout the developed world, connecting schools to the network is a task of the state scale. The use of computer technology, the latest means of information delivery, global networks is an absolutely objective trend in education not only in our country, but also in the world. Apparently, this will become the main core of education in the XXI century. (4, 123) .

The Internet is not an end in itself, it can be made into a powerful educational tool that can change the face of the school. Both a prestigious city gymnasium and a school in the countryside should have equal access to information. In this regard, the topic "Internet in the life of high school students" seems to be urgent and rather acute. A huge number of issues have accumulated that require immediate solutions. The problem of using the network at school is very voluminous, this essay does not claim to be complete, our task is to outline the main issues and trends.

1. Information possibilities of the Internet

In the global network, of course, you can "get lost" and wander through its endless labyrinths. But, acting competently, you can get the richest "catch" of the materials necessary for the work, up to electronic textbooks.

What attracts teachers, teachers, students and schoolchildren among the possibilities of the Internet? Here are the most common answers to this question:

Internet servers provide information and documents that are difficult to find elsewhere;

The network provides access to major libraries and their catalogues;

Using the Internet, it is possible to rewrite computer programs necessary for work;

You can access a variety of video and audio content, etc.

The gulf between school and the Internet is bridgeable. And overcoming it is incredibly fast. In 1984, that is, 26 years ago, there were about 1,000 computers connected to the Internet in the world. Today, the number of users is in the millions. (2, 78) .

The most important, after receiving information, function of the Internet is e-mail, or e-mail. The possibilities of e-mail are widely used by the majority of teachers and schoolchildren. This type of communication allows users to send files and reply to electronic messages. E-mail makes it possible for educators from remote areas of the country not to depend on distances and to receive the necessary information relatively quickly.

By e-mail, you can subscribe and receive the latest news on any topic. Newsgroups are an open exchange of information and each user can read or post their message on the bulletin board. Among them you can find headings that are of interest to educators - devoted to the teaching of mathematics, natural sciences, etc., home schooling, various levels of education (7, 129) . The only downside to the news is that it is always in English, and most of the teaching staff, sadly, do not speak it.

Another function of the Internet is the opportunity to take part in discussion groups (conferences), which are separate mailing lists dedicated to topics of interest to which unite users living in different countries of the world. To join a discussion group, the user must send a short email to a special address for subscribers. Discussion group materials can become a source of up-to-date information about educational problems, the latest educational technologies, news from the world of education for participants. With their help, you can conduct a dialogue with colleagues around the world. Users who are not members of the conference can simply follow the exchange of information on the pages of discussion groups.

2. Internet in modern Russian school

Foreign data is interesting, but what is happening in our country, how and where are the Internet opportunities being used now? Researchers of the issue say that there is a certain "gentleman's set" of possible use of the Internet at school, it can be summarized in the following 10 points:

1. Use of email.

2. Search the network for the necessary information.

3. Create your own school web pages.

5. Exchange of thematically organized experiences and ideas (for example, for teachers of physics, history or for school principals, etc.).

6. Search for answers to typical questions.

7. Mutual consultation on software, etc.

8. Organization of conferences on the network.

9. Obtaining ("downloading") small tutorials in various subjects.

10. Joint projects of schoolchildren (and teachers) from different schools, including different countries, on various topics (3, 36) .

Currently, most students have already mastered the Internet. At the same time, most of the teaching staff in schools are people of the older generation who grew up and were brought up in a different culture, almost in another country. Therefore, it is impossible not to take into account the personality of the teacher in the process of "Internetization". The lack of computer skills is also of great importance. Lack of consideration of the personality of the teacher in the process of translating everything new into real life leads to zero results. Some experts talk about the psychological barrier as one of the main problems for teachers: many, especially with age, are afraid of the computer and cannot cope with it for a long time (7, 160) .

Internet resources for educational purposes, created for students and teachers or students and teachers, together make up the educational information space of the new school, which is no longer controlled from above, but becomes a self-developing system in which each teacher pursues his own line of independent development, coordinating it with the activities of others colleagues. Today there are several examples of the organization of such systems. So, in the gymnasium No. 1567 in Moscow, an educational Internet space of the school was created, the infrastructure of which includes the offices of the director of the gymnasium, a teacher's room, a library, two computer science classrooms, three physics classrooms, chemistry, electronics, typing, geography, biology, mathematics, Russian and English.

From the 5th grade, students are involved in academic work in school subjects, actively using the information resources of this space, working as researchers, experimental scientists in biology, chemistry, physics, astronomy, and in the humanities. One of the results of this school-wide work is the creation of an electronic online encyclopedia, which is prepared by students and teachers. (4, 37) . The school server of the gymnasium, which ensures the development of the school-wide information space, operates around the clock, which allows students and teachers to work in the school information space from any classroom or from home with a computer.

3. Internet addiction in high school students

  1. self-determination high school students// Pedagogy. – 2002. ... culture communication. "Tree life" TO...

  2. socially-pedagogical work as a direction of activity with difficult teenagers on the basis of villages (2)

    Diploma work >> Sociology

    Traveling on " Internet" or play... high school student his life and yourself. 1.2 Theoretical basis socially- ... types practical and mental activity. home new... companies ( socially negative) connected with fun and communication, but...

  3. socially-pedagogical activity to adapt older teenagers to the conditions of the lyceum

    Abstract >> Pedagogy

    ... new conditions life. Distinguish between psychological, biological, socially- psychological, social. Social adaptation as one of species... (Questionnaire V. S. Yurkevich) 1. Connected whether interests high school student(in studies and in extracurricular activities ...

Since 2010 on the all-Russian children's helpline 8-800-2000-122 received more than 8 million applications.
Currently to single number 222 services are connected in 83 regions of our country. Children, adolescents and their parents in difficult life situations can receive psychological assistance. The call is free and anonymous.
In particular, the helpline website lists the main signs and 10 forms of cyberbullying.

Modern children and teenagers, who are called "digital citizens", easily master the computer, mobile devices and skillfully use them. At the same time, children's online safety skills lag behind their ability to master new applications and devices.

The main dangers on the Internet for children and adolescents are as follows:

1. Cyberbullying (Internet bullying).

2. Using the Internet to manipulate the minds of children and adolescents (propaganda of extremist, antisocial behavior, suicide, involvement in dangerous games).

4. Cyber ​​fraud.

5. Security of access to the Network and theft of personal data by technical means.

6. Illegal collection of personal data of minors and (or) their distribution in the public domain.

7. View adult sites.

Each generation is more or less different from the previous one. But it is precisely the children who were born at the beginning of the third millennium and whom we call generation Z are absolutely unique in this sense, because such a powerful tool as digital reality influences their development from an early age.

The Internet is a new habitat and source of child development. Of course, this situation affects the formation of the personality of children, their relationship with the outside world, and their cultural practices.

The president of the Unpress creative association, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Sergey Tsymbalenko, said in an interview: “Children on the Internet, this is a fact, you can’t get away from it. Society has switched to constant dialogue, continuous communication. This is a decisive transition to collective intelligence, or noosphere. Children were the first to step into this new state of society."

According to the Department of Personality Psychology of Moscow State University, the number of children using the Internet daily has grown to 95%. At the same time, 32% of children sit online every day for 8 hours, although three years ago they were only 14%. Before our eyes, a new "digital" generation is being formed, which inevitably faces risks when using the World Wide Web.

One of the "Big Projects" in the domain zone.CHILDREN is the Sputnik.Children project, in which more than 5,000 sites have been selected: with cartoons, games, books, songs and much more. Each resource is checked by the assessors of the search engine and the security system.

Google offers parents 10 rules for children's safety on the Internet. The first rule is to talk to your child about online safety. Most importantly, convince your child that in any unclear or frightening situation, he should contact his parents to find a safe solution.

Internet use by teenagers

An interesting article was published on 03/09/2017 on the website The Village, with the stories of five Russian teenagers aged 11 - 16, about how they use and what the Internet means to them, what their favorite sites and social networks are, their opinions about online safety and parental control.

In many ways, these teenagers' attitudes towards the Internet reflect the results of the study below. Except for their general opinion: there are “cons” and dangers on the Internet.

In 2013, the first (and so far the only) all-Russian Scientific research digital competence of adolescents and parents of adolescents. The study was conducted by the Internet Development Foundation and the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov with the support of Google.

In Russia, 89% of adolescents aged 12–17 use the Internet daily. On weekdays, 37% of them spend on the Internet from 3 to 8 hours, on weekends - 47%. Mobile Internet twice as popular with children as with their parents.

Most teenagers use the Internet to find interesting information. In second place in popularity is the search for information for study.

As it turned out, almost a third of the children surveyed believe that the Internet is devoid of any shortcomings, and one in ten had difficulties with the very question of the "minuses" of the Internet.

The main conclusion of the study is that the level of digital competence of both parents and adolescents themselves in Russia is about a third of the maximum possible (31% for parents and 34% for adolescents).

In January 2019, VTsIOM conducted a survey of adults and adolescents (14–17 years old) on issues related to the influence of social networks on their behavior.

It is significant that respondents of all ages note that the interest of adolescents in “bad” groups in social networks is formed not by the networks themselves, but by real problems schoolchildren: 49% of adolescents believe that such interest is caused by real psychological problems, 31% - conflicts with peers and 29% - lack of parental control.

According to a survey by the Foundation Public opinion”, conducted in December 2015, only 10% of children over 6 years old do not use social networks. The question was asked to respondents who have children older than 6 living with them.

The influence of the Internet on teenagers

Psychologists of the Center for Social and Psychological Adaptation and Development of Adolescents "Crossroads" believe that one of the main problems is the development of computer addiction.

British psychologists consider teenagers' addiction to Facebook, Twitter and computer games to be a positive phenomenon. In their opinion, the decline in the use of alcohol and drugs by adolescents in Europe and the United States is associated with the growing popularity of social networks, computer games and the spread of social media among young people.

Russian teenagers, like their Western peers, spend a significant part of their free time on the Internet. However, this does not affect the level of drug use.

Teenage Internet Addiction and Violence

Internet addiction is the plague of the 21st century. Unfortunately, children are not able to cope with this on their own. Parents need not to conflict with their children, not to abandon them, but to accept them as they are. Because the share of participation of parents in the fact that their child has become like this is definitely there. It is important to admit your mistakes here, but this is the most difficult thing - parents always consider themselves right.

On the Internet, teenagers have the opportunity to be a kind of sexless creature that kills everyone and everything, feeling strong and cool. If this is completely absorbed by the child, then a criminal will simply grow out of him. At some point, he will think that in real life, too, everything is permitted. One of these guys, gamers, to the question: “What were you thinking about then?” - answered: "I had two desires - either to kill someone, or to be killed."

The technological literacy paradox of children

Today's kids are probably great consumers of technology, but they are rarely tech-savvy, says Gavin Patterson, head of the BT Group (British Telecommunications plc).

They may look like experienced digital natives, but their knowledge is limited to the depth of the screen. They are passive users, not active creators. And most of them don't really care much about how the technology they depend on actually functions. I consider this a paradox of technological literacy.

Russian schoolchildren: privacy and security on the web

Such a report was made by Galina Vladimirovna Soldatova, Professor of the Department of Personality Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, at the last 10.11.2015 in Moscow, 6th International Conference"Protection of personal information".

76% of Russian schoolchildren spend an average of 3 hours a day on the Internet. Every seventh teenager aged 12 to 17 spends almost a third of his life (8 hours a day) on the Web. Modern schoolchildren perceive the Internet not as a set of technologies, but as a habitat.

Almost every second teenager does not respect the principle of confidentiality regarding their passwords on social networks. At the same time, there are still children who are ready to give their password to strangers.

More than a third of teenagers are still ready to tell a stranger on the network personal information: first and last name, exact age, and send a photo. Sixth of the children will share the number mobile phone, almost the same number will report the number of the school.

The influence of the computer and the Internet on school performance

The authors of the study, which was conducted in schools in Northern Ireland, did not establish a direct relationship between the time spent by children on social networks and their grades. Video games, on the other hand, can worsen high school GCSE results.

According to a report by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), large-scale investment in school information technology "did not lead to measurable improvements" in the International Student Assessment Program's test scores in reading, math and science.

As stated by the director educational programs OECD Andreas Schleicher, computerization and the introduction of the Internet in schools "has given rise to too many unrealistic hopes."

Google effect or how the Internet is changing our brain

Today, almost any information can be found using search engines. It is possible, argue Harvard University psychologists Daniel Wegner and Adrian Ward, that the Internet is replacing not only other people who store information, but also our own. cognitive processes. The Internet can not only save us from the need to exchange information "live", but also weaken our desire to remember important information. Psychologists call this the Google effect.

“Until the age of 15, students tend to have a naive perception of information sources. Often they are not motivated to check the information they receive and usually take it as it is, focusing on what is being said,” says French scholar Jean-Francois Rouet, who assesses the impact of the digital environment on reading and searching for information.

The problem of children's safety on the Internet in other countries

Europeans are most concerned about cyberbullying (bullying) on ​​social networks and its consequences, when, due to bullying by peers, a teenager can become depressed or think about suicide.

Facebook on its

Internet: for and against.

The Internet is a huge platform for the opportunity to realize yourself, find a job you like and go where you have never been. However, not everyone takes advantage of this opportunity ...

So, let's look at the pros and cons of this web. Let's start with the good.

First, it is the limitless possibilities of self-realization. There are many courses on the Internet to teach you anything: even how to hack pages. Here you do not need to go somewhere - sit at home, drink tea and study.

For example, if you want to learn foreign language? Tutors on Skype, all possible resources will help you. You just need to find something that is closer to your soul, and now, you can practice at any convenient time (another plus).

Don't need study? Do you have extensive knowledge in something? Share, teach someone, create a website, attract an audience, benefit someone.

Another opportunity to meet. Finding friends with the same interests and maybe from other countries will not be a problem in the 21st century.

And much more…

But besides the pros, there are also cons.

The first minus: not only normal people use the Internet.

Since it is impossible to see a person sitting on the other side of the monitor, to find out what is going on in his head, this poses an immediate danger. Having fallen under the influence of such people, you can lose money, or even kill him (there have been such cases).

Hence the hackers.

Viruses are the scourge of the 21st century. And what do not keep computers, how many secrets they know. And having seized such information, you can frame a person, disgrace and, in the end, blackmail, which none of the normal people would like.

The second minus: Degradation of people.

As mentioned, not everyone is properly used by the Internet. Under the influence of the Internet, people do not realize how much time they are wasting.

For example. Imagine a bank that gives you $86,000 every day that you have to spend, and the bank keeps the rest. And so every day.

Of course, you would want to spend every dollar. So $86,400 is your time. Each new day gives you 86400 seconds, taking the remainder.

Scary numbers. And many people spend most of their time looking at stupid social media posts. networks, selfie and editing it, and then they are shaking because of the likes ...

The third minus: Rudeness.

There is an opinion that no one sees us on the Internet, does not follow us, etc. But in vain. All visits are tracked. Have you noticed that when you go to a site with fashionable dresses, you will then be offered ads with offers to buy dresses, etc. Watch. Sometimes it's funny)

On the Internet it is very easy to be rude, rude, because you do not see a person, you are safe.

Unfortunately, we do not use all the opportunities that the Internet provides us. Indeed, for success, for profit from the Internet, you need patience, work, will, and, alas, a person does not like to make efforts. Everyone wants something easy, but in this world nothing comes for free ... That's how we live.