Attention and memory. cognitive processes. Attention is the selective focus of human consciousness on certain objects and phenomena. Presentation on the development of memory and attention

Memory processes

Memory is our ability to remember what we see, say, do, the ability to save all this and remember at the right time, that is, to learn or reproduce what you know





Individual memory differences

Memorization speed

Conservation strength

Ease of play

Types of memory





Motor memories

Auditory memory test

Listen and write down what you remember.




c) 43, 57, 12, 33, 96, 7, 15, 81, 74, 46.

d) 84, 72, 15, 44, 83, 6, 37, 18, 56, 47.

9-10 - excellent memory,

7-8- very good memory,

5 - 6% - good,

3 - 4% satisfactory.

Find the volume of auditory memory using the formula: P c \u003d a+b+c+d

Visual memory test


Visual memory test

Within 10 seconds, read and memorize the words


Visual memory test

Within 10 seconds, read and memorize the numbers

c) 34, 15, 8, 52, 78, 41, 18, 63, 85, 39.

Visual memory test

Within 10 seconds memorize the figures

Find the amount of visual memory using the formula: P c \u003d a+b+c+d

a, b, c, d - the number of correct answers for each item

Multiply the number of correct answers by 10

9-10 - excellent memory,

7-8- very good memory,

5 - 6% - good,

3 - 4% satisfactory.

slide 2

Attention is the focus of our consciousness on a particular object.

Attention Properties

slide 3

Task 1. Double count

Write down the numbers from 1 to 20 while counting down aloud. For example, write "1" and say out loud "20", "2" - "19", etc.
This exercise trains the ability to distribute attention.

slide 4

slide 5

Task 2. The game "Fly"

  • slide 6

    Memory is the ability to remember what we see, hear, say and do, save it all and reproduce it at the right time.

    Slide 7

    Memory productivity is characterized by the volume and speed of storing information, the duration of its storage and the accuracy of reproduction. According to the nature of the acquired information, auditory, visual, motor, emotional, logical memory are distinguished.

    Auditory memory is important for people dealing with sound information, - acousticians and telecom operators, sound engineers and sound engineers, musicians and composers.

    Visual memory should be well developed among law enforcement officers and customs officers, artists and designers, teachers and educators.

    Slide 8

    Athletes, stuntmen, dancers must have good motor memory, that is, a memory for movement.

    Emotional memory allows the actor to enter the state of mind of his character and convey this state to the audience.

    Scientists are distinguished by a developed logical memory, thanks to which they operate with concepts, formulas, schemes, hypotheses, ideas and concepts.

    Slide 9

    How many numbers can you remember in three minutes?

    Slide 10

    How to train memory

    Poor memory is often the result of poor attention. To concentrate on a task, it is not enough just to think about it. It is necessary to visualize or play the situation, to reveal new details, to consider the problem from different angles, putting yourself in the place of other people.
    Train your visual memory by trying to visualize the day's events as vividly as possible before going to bed. Mentally peer into faces and objects, trying to see the details.
    Train your auditory memory. Try to repeat what the director said with an interval of a few seconds, as a simultaneous interpreter does. Write down interesting aphorisms and quotes that you like. Memorizing at least one of them every day, you will not only improve your memory, but also enrich your speech.

    Explanatory note

    to the interactive presentation "Training attention and memory"

    Presentationintended for children from 4 to 7 years old and for older children, with insufficient development of visual attention and memory, i.e. if necessary, correct them.

    Purpose of use : development and correction of visual attention and memory

    Work form : work with the presentation is carried out under the guidance of an adult, individually or in small subgroups


    The presentation consists of 32 slides, two blocks: the development of attention and the development of memory. In total, there are five types of games in the presentation, each game is played several times (illustrations change)

    The presentation uses hyperlinks, buttons, triggers and illustrations.

    1 slide - title page

    2 slide - the content of the presentation, where the choice of the direction of work (memory or attention) and the game itself is carried out. To return to this page, at the bottom of each slide, click on the button

    3 to 9 slide - we train visual concentration, the game "Overlay contours"

    Press to check"answer" button (either images or words appear)

    the "continue game" button.

    10 to 13 – we develop visual gnosis and language synthesis of words. You need to understand what letters are drawn and then make a word out of them.

    To check, press the "answer" button (the word appears)

    If you want to continue this game, click onthe "continue game" button. If you want to return to the menu to select another type of game, press the button.

    14 to 27 slide - train visual memory and attention. The game "What's gone"

    Ask the child to name all the pictures that he sees. Let's take time to remember. Then press"remove one image" button . We ask the child: “Which picture is missing”, or “Who hid?”, After answering, press the “answer” button, a “lost item” appears on the screen

    If you want to continue this game, clickon the "continue game" button ».

    If you want to return to the menu to select a different game type, pressbutton .

    28 slide - train visual concentration. Among the numbers and the web, you need to make out the letters. In order for the letter to go to the basket, you need to click on it with the mouse.

    29 to 30 slide - we train memory.

    It is necessary to remember the products that Pinocchio needs to buy in the store. On the next slidemouse click , the child puts the necessary products in the basket.

    31 slide - list of main content sources

    32 slide - list of sources of illustrations.

    slide 1

    slide 2

    Attention is the focus of our consciousness on a specific object Properties of attention

    slide 3

    Write down the numbers from 1 to 20 while counting down aloud. For example, write "1" and say out loud "20", "2" - "19", etc. This exercise trains the ability to distribute attention. Task 1. Double count

    slide 4

    slide 5

    slide 6

    Memory is the ability to remember what we see, hear, say and do, save it all and reproduce it at the right time.

    Slide 7

    Memory productivity is characterized by the volume and speed of storing information, the duration of its storage and the accuracy of reproduction. According to the nature of the acquired information, auditory, visual, motor, emotional, logical memory are distinguished. Auditory memory is important for people dealing with sound information - acousticians and telecom operators, sound engineers and sound engineers, musicians and composers. Visual memory should be well developed among law enforcement officers and customs officers, artists and designers, teachers and educators.

    Slide 8

    Athletes, stuntmen, dancers must have good motor memory, that is, a memory for movement. Emotional memory allows the actor to enter the state of mind of his character and convey this state to the audience. Scientists are distinguished by a developed logical memory, thanks to which they operate with concepts, formulas, schemes, hypotheses, ideas and concepts.

    Slide 9

    How many numbers can you remember in three minutes? 6680 7935 1002 1926 5432 4237 3451 2967 1684 3891 2768 5520

    slide 10

    How to train memory Poor memory is often the result of poor attention. To concentrate on a task, it is not enough just to think about it. It is necessary to visualize or play the situation, to reveal new details, to consider the problem from different angles, putting yourself in the place of other people. Train your visual memory by trying to visualize the day's events as vividly as possible before going to bed. Mentally peer into faces and objects, trying to see the details. Train your auditory memory. Try to repeat what the director said with an interval of a few seconds, as a simultaneous interpreter does. Write down interesting aphorisms and quotes that you like. Memorizing at least one of them every day, you will not only improve your memory, but also enrich your speech.