How to take pictures for documents. Experiment The Village: How to take a passport photo. Printing center "ArtMania"

Are you over 14 years old? Time to get your passport! For this you will need fresh photo appropriate for your age. If you want to look good in a photo, you will have to prepare a little for the photo shoot. The validity period of a civil passport of the Russian Federation depends on your age, since it is supposed to be changed at 20 and 45 years. In any case, this is an impressive period, so be prepared for the fact that the passport photo will be with you for quite a long time.


Part 1

Preparing for photography

    Style your hair. Especially for photography, don't do anything to your hair that you wouldn't normally do. Your passport photo should give you an objective idea of ​​what you look like in everyday life so that you are not detained for identification purposes.

    Apply your usual daily make-up to your face. If you normally use makeup, apply your usual make-up to your face. If you never wear make-up, you don't need to do so for your passport photo either. If you do not look like yourself, someday you may be detained until your identity is determined.

    Dress up appropriately. Remember that you will need a passport in many situations in life, and not just for long trips around the country (for example, it may be checked with you when you are interviewing for a job). Try to wear solid, muted clothing.

    Make a neutral expression! A neutral or serious facial expression (no open-mouthed smile) is allowed in the passport photo. Try to make your facial expressions look attractive, but listen carefully to the photographer in case they say you look unnatural.

    Take part in the selection of the best shot. A good photographer will review the shots with you and recommend among them the one that, in his professional opinion, came out the best. If you don't agree with the photographer, be persistent and choose the shot you like best, but make sure it meets all the requirements.

Part 3

Preliminary preparation procedures

    Decide where you will be photographed. There are many different options that you can use, and each of them has its own advantages. Choose the one that is more convenient for you in terms of location and suitable for you in terms of financial capabilities. Nice photos can be obtained without even spending an impressive amount on them, but taking pictures with a professional photographer will provide you best quality photos. In some cases, a visit to the photo studio will require you to make an appointment, so plan everything in advance.

A photograph is an essential component of the Russian Federation passport, which certifies the identity of a citizen. She must match accepted standards. The Federal Migration Service of Russia, in the Administrative Regulations governing the issuance of passports, approved the main parameters for photography at 20 and 45 years old.

When submitting a package of documents for obtaining a Russian passport, a citizen provides a certain number of photographs that are completely identical to each other. How many photos do you need? For a new document - 2 pieces, for replacement and restoration - 4.

Paragraph 25 administrative regulations FMS number 391 gives specific instructions regarding the size of the photographs provided. Their size must meet generally established standards:

  • height - 45 millimeters;
  • width - 35 millimeters.

Legislation provides electronic way image transfer and printed version made on photographic paper.

The electronic version can be transferred to the body registering the accepted documents on a digital medium or via the Internet. For the electronic version, special parameters are defined:

  • Width and height correspond to the paper version.
  • The minimum resolution is 600 dpi.
  • The file size is 300 kilobytes. It cannot be exceeded.
  • Format - JPG.

Russian passport photo requirements

The requirements for a photo for a Russian passport in 2019 are as specific as possible. Their implementation is mandatory.

Color spectrum

The picture can be color or black and white. This option is at the discretion of the applicant. Preferably the color version.

Color depth:

  • 8 bits - for black and white photographs;
  • 24 bits - for color.

Photo background

The image of a person for an official picture is made exclusively on a uniform white background. This is the new requirement. Previously, a light, plain background was allowed. Patterns, shadows and foreign objects should be absent.

Photo paper: glossy or matte

The regulation does not impose restrictions on the choice of photo paper for printing. You can choose between matte and glossy passport photo paper. The latter is resistant to fading, makes it possible to achieve a bright, contrasting image.

For a Russian passport, the corners in the pictures are not made.

Image Requirements

The photograph must match the age of the applicant (20 or 45) applying for a new passport. The law does not impose restrictions on the time of shooting. But he stipulates that there should not be significant and cardinal changes in appearance in comparison with the photograph.

  • A full-face shot is a categorical requirement.
  • Tilts and turns of the head are prohibited.
  • Facial expression is calm, relaxed, facial expressions are natural.
  • Look directly into the camera.
  • Lips are not compressed, there is no smile.
  • Most of the photo is taken by the face - 80 percent.
  • Head height - 32 - 36 millimeters.
  • Head width - 18 - 25 millimeters.

  • The face is completely captured.
  • Between the top edge of the picture and the top of the head - 5 millimeters of free space.
  • Interpupillary distance - no more than 7 millimeters.
  • The distance from the chin to the horizontal axis of the eyes is 12 millimeters.

The photograph must be of high quality, made in focus, with optimal settings for sharpness, contrast, color brightness, without deep shadows, taken in a well-lit room.

Appearance: glasses, beard, hair

The photograph on the passport of the Russian Federation must convey the corresponding reality and absolutely complete information about appearance citizen.

  • Photographing with loose hair is allowed as long as it does not cover the face.
  • For those who wear a beard, there is an opportunity to take a photo with it. It should be borne in mind that wearing a beard is permanent.
  • Corrective glasses, if required, must be included in the photo. Shooting with glasses is necessary for those who wear them. In this case, the following conditions must be met:
    1. The glasses are not tinted.
    2. The eyes are clearly visible.
    3. No glare from glasses.

Contact lenses are allowed. Corrective vision, transparent, but not colored.


The regulation prohibits the use of any headgear when filming.

An exception has been made for citizens who, due to their religion, cannot fulfill this requirement. This is the only option when a headdress can be used and present in the photo. However, it should not cover part of the face.

Clothes for passport photo

Clothing for a photo on the passport of the Russian Federation must comply with a number of rules established by law.

Pictures where citizens are in uniform are prohibited. Plain, civilian clothes - the best choice. Preference should be given to plain clothes.

For pictures taken in black and white, dark shades are more suitable, for a color version, bright ones. Light colors of clothes will be lost on a white background. Do not wear checkered or patterned clothing.

Women should avoid low-cut dresses. For men, light-colored shirts and dark jackets are recommended.

There are no restrictions on the presence of jewelry. However, you should refrain from using decorating products, reduce their number, and exclude shiny objects. They will cause glare in the image.

When making photographs for a civil passport, all norms are important. Each of their components must be strictly observed. The acceptance of documents for a passport, if the photographs are taken outside the standards, will be refused on the basis of the relevant paragraph of the Administrative Regulations.

The photo in the passport often leaves much to be desired, it opens and shows all the flaws, even if they are not there. To take a beautiful passport photo, you should choose a beautiful top that sets off all facial features, giving them clear outlines, make light invisible makeup, as well as a hairstyle that best suits your face type.

Makeup for passport photo

Before taking a set of ID photos, prepare your face: make a mask, soothing or moisturizing, depending on your skin type. Just pluck the eyebrows, trim and bring them to the picture. It's best not to go for a photo shoot the day before a peel or cosmetic procedure that reddens the skin. After two or three days, you can go to be photographed for a passport.

It is necessary to beautifully highlight the eyes, draw a black pencil or eyeliner, straighten the eyelashes. Just highlight the eyebrows, apply the right tone on the face. And this, perhaps, is the main thing that will allow you to look great in the photo. Do not apply foundation thickly, it is required that the complexion be even, but as natural as possible. Photoshop, of course, will remove all redness and dark circles under the eyes, but it’s still better to get a good night’s sleep and apply makeup as carefully as possible. Highlighter, corrector, bronzer and foundation with natural blush to help you. A light shade of gloss on the lips, and preferably a hygienic lipstick to emphasize the plumpness of the lips.

Hairstyle in the photo in the passport

You don't need a special hairstyle, depending on how long your hair is. If the hair is loose, it will create a frame for the face, which will emphasize it favorably. The main thing is clean hair, well combed. Before photographing, wash your hair, apply a mask to give it shine. Spread your hair over your shoulders during the shot so that there is no hair on your face. Don't make a ponytail, bun or updo, it will detract from the face and create a casual look that is not appropriate for a formal document. .

Clothes in the photo in the passport

For clothes, do not pick up sweaters or T-shirts. Let it be a blouse or shirt, as well as any blouse that is not down the throat. Better with a V-neck or "boat". No need for bows, frill under the throat. Neatly and tastefully, let it be a plaid shirt, but in such a color that suits you, gives freshness to the face, emphasizes the color of the eyes.

You should not make a very serious face, because in life you are completely different from those on your passport. A slight hint of a smile, you should practice a little at home, but let the smile be expressed only with your lips. Don't flash on official document even with whiter teeth.

When changing the method of shooting for documents from analog to digital photography, photo studios did not immediately learn how to correctly cope with the display of white clothing in the resulting photo images. In pursuit of additional photo processing capabilities, white clothes lost their appearance - merged with the background, the structure of the fabric disappeared, and much more. Increasingly, in the photo studio one could see a warning that they were not photographed in white clothes. From this, a fairly strong conviction has developed that it is impossible to be photographed in white! Is it really?

If you are assured of the above, I would advise you to at least think about the professionalism of the photographer, the quality of the services provided and look for another photo. It is possible and even necessary to be photographed in white clothes. I won't describe technical side working with the original image, I will only focus on the fact that the structure of the fabric should remain unchanged, and be sure to be slightly darker than the background of the photo. This is the task of the photographer. A photo with combined elements of clothing will always look decent as well.

Hairstyle and ID photo

A lush, voluminous hairstyle may not look bad in photographs where there are no clear mandatory requirements. For example 3x4, 4x6 or 3.5x4.5, without additional requirements. If we are faced with the task of taking a photo for a Russian passport, a visa, where the manufacturing rules are strictly regulated by the instructions, then it is better to refuse this.
Hair should be styled so that the hairstyle is not affected by the edges of the final photo. As a rule, the size of the face in these cases should be within 70-80% of the total area of ​​the photo - that is, the face is close-up (32-36 millimeters from the top of the head to the chin). It's funny and ridiculous when all beauty looks like a rectangle filled with hair. It is also necessary to take into account that modern way making a photo for documents involves the complete removal of the background, which may also not correctly affect the hairstyle.

Tie and ID photo

Just as in the case of a voluminous hairstyle, a man's tie will not be appropriate in all cases. In most cases, according to the requirements of the visa centers and the migration service, we are again faced with the format 3.5x4.5, while a large face - 70-80% is mandatory. On passports and visas, the tie is "cut" in half near the knot - not very nice. And in photographs for a passport application, official IDs, certificates and driver's licenses, a tie will serve as a good addition and emphasize the respectability of the photo carrier.

Glasses and ID photo

If a person constantly wears glasses, he cannot imagine his image in a photograph without them. This is an important accessory that can significantly change the appearance. How to take pictures with or without glasses? Here the choice is yours. But do not forget that if you are wearing glasses in the photo, and then change the frame or suddenly forget them at home, lose or break them, you are a completely different person in the eyes of others. Taking a photo without glasses, you get an undeniable advantage - taking off and putting on any glasses is easier than changing a photo in a document.

Jewelry in the photo and perfumery

Decorations that emphasize your individuality and well-being are best left for meetings with friends. They are clearly useless, and sometimes simply out of place when photographing for documents. The photo in the document, first of all, is designed to identify your personality. Employee customs control or a traffic police inspector, is unlikely to appreciate this beauty, and when making a photograph, this can complicate the work and increase the preparation time for printing. Abundant use of your favorite perfume at the mirror, just before shooting, does not affect the quality of the photograph, but can seriously impair the coordination of the photographer's movement and make him temporarily incapacitated (Joke) - smells in the photo studio do not disappear for a long time.

The first thing to look at Special attention, is the presence Have a good mood- the most important factor and guarantee of a successful photo shot. If you do not like yourself, this will only aggravate the negative result of photographing and this moment will remain in your memory for a long time and on the main page of your passport or other document. Do not take pictures on the last day of submission of documents. With us you can always take a photo for free in advance and later, use the archive.
The best option in choosing a wardrobe for a photo for documents is clothing that contrasts with the background. The presence of both dark elements and elements of light tones. The shoulders of women are covered with clothes or at least fragments of a hairstyle. The hair is styled, the makeup is thought out in advance (you should not use foundation on the face to even out the color, if the neck remains unchanged - it will be easier for the photographer to work with the color in the complex and the result will be much better). The face is as open as possible. Minimum embellishment.
The photographer is required - acceptable, really necessary retouching. Light correction of hairstyles and alignment of shoulders, retouching of temporary skin imperfections. For hair styling and hair care, it is better to use a hairdresser. Photo Shop (Adobe Photoshop) is a graphic editor, it has other goals and objectives.
The time allotted for making a photo for documents, as a rule, is from 5 to 10 minutes. If you are in a hurry and ask to take photos as soon as possible, constantly asking about readiness, it is better to immediately discuss with the master that it is absolutely not important for you how you will look and this will greatly simplify the task. The principle of "fast and good" does not work here.
As a result, you received the coveted set of photos, but this is not exactly what you wanted to see - it means that today is not the best day for photographing, or you made a mistake in choosing a photographer. You have the right not to pay for the service and ask for a refund. Please note that in Photos that value their reputation, they will never take money in advance and treat this with understanding. Based on the above, we can highlight the most important: Naturalness is the main trump card of any photo.

From the author, off topic

It is not respectable for men to ask the photographer to make him prettier and shave his three-day stubble. Put on a jacket with a tie or a uniform, remove the third chin ... Photographers should not discredit the profession of a photographer by providing dubious and low-quality services. AT recent times, more and more often a trip to the photographer is practiced "from the plow" and in a kosovorotka, if you want to see yourself in the photo - a noble prince.

Have you ever asked someone to show their document and got a firm refusal? Most often, the reluctance to show your document is due to the fact that it contains an unsuccessful photo. The reason for the unsuccessful image in the passport often lies not in the inability of the photographer, but in the banal lack of his time due to the high flow of customers. If the photo studio is overloaded, then the creative process often ends with the appearance of a technically good picture, but only suitable for decorating the “They are wanted by the police” booth.

Probably a lot of PC users, after taking a bad photo, dejectedly asked themselves: “Isn’t it better to take a photo yourself next time?” However, not everyone knows how to photograph for documents right. Indeed, among PC users, not everyone is well versed in graphic editors, without which making a high-quality picture is unthinkable. Also, before taking pictures on your own, it is necessary to clarify the requirements for them from the representative of the organization that requested them. And don't forget simple rules moreover. By combining the theoretical knowledge from this article with the technical tips below, you will get not only the correct, but also a beautiful picture for documents.

You don't need a photo studio to take a passport photo. It is enough to hang a clean pillowcase behind the back of the model!

What's up general requirements about the question " how to take passport photos”, they are as follows: you can’t shoot in a headdress or tinted glasses. Retouching is unacceptable, it should be filmed strictly in full face. Since the photograph is needed for comparison with the "original", excessive facial expressions that distort facial features are also unacceptable. The background for photographing should be slightly lighter than the skin.

Photo size for a Russian or Ukrainian passport is 35x45 millimeters. For Belarusian passport the required photo size is slightly larger - 40x50 millimeters. For Russians or Ukrainians foreign passport they will need a photo of 36x47 millimeters, and no more than six months ago. If a photo is required for a military ID, here the required dimensions are 30x40 millimeters.

As for the location of the subject, the distance from the top of the head to the top of the picture should be 4-6 millimeters, and the thickness of the paper should not exceed 0.3 mm.

It is better to take pictures in natural light, and the distance from the photographer to the client should be at least 2 and no more than 5 meters.

If the ID photo is taken at home, then a clean, white pillowcase folded in half will work well to get a good even background. When photographing, it is better to position the person close to the background - this will avoid unnecessary shadows.

Consider an example of working in a super popular editor

1) First of all, you should put the background in order. To do this, select Image -> Adjustments -> Curves. In the window that appears, take the right pipette (Set White Point), click it on the darkest part of the background. Then click OK and continue. For further operations, you need a millimeter ruler, which is called by pressing (View -> Rulers), and the units of measurement are selected from the context menu by clicking on the ruler with the right mouse button.

2) Then resize the photo for convenience. Click Image > ImageSize, set the Document Width to 100 millimeters and the Resolution to 300 dpi. After such a procedure, further processing will be much faster.

3) Now by pressing the following keys View -> New Guide you should create two horizontal guides, setting the Position values ​​​​to 50 and 62 mm. The distance between them will be 12 millimeters - this is exactly the distance between the chin and the line of the eyes. Next, press Ctrl + A and Ctrl + T in sequence, which will allow you to select the entire image and turn on the free transformation mode. Holding the Shift key to resize proportionally, you should hook the corner of the selected area and carefully reduce the image. This operation should be performed several times until the pupils of the eyes are on the upper guide line, and on the lower chin. To accept the changes, press Enter.

4) Then you should raise one guide line to the very top of the head, and the second (using a ruler) 5 millimeters above the first. This will create the top border of the photo. Using the Crop tool (called by pressing the C key), create a 35x45 mm area and move it so that the upper part coincides with the upper guide, and also so that the body of the person being portrayed is located in the center. Next, press Enter - and the photo of the desired proportions is ready.

5) Then you need to do the final touches. Discolor the photo (Image -> Mode -> Grayscale), and if necessary, adjust the contrast and brightness of the image (Image -> Adjustments -> Brightness/Contrast…). In order for the photo to be with a frame, you must select (Image -> Canvas Size). In the window that appears, you need to select the display of the size in pixels, enter a new height and width exceeding the original ones by 3 pixels. Next, you just need to click OK - and the photo with the frame is ready.

It remains to place the photographs on a sheet of paper, which will then be printed. To do this, a document is created with dimensions of 100x150 millimeters and a resolution of 300 dpi, and then the previously created photo is copied and pasted into the created document as many times as it will fit. Done - you can print.

For OVIR passport a black-and-white photograph of 35x45 mm, printed on matte paper, is required. And in this case the image should be in an oval with feathering. This is easy enough to do. You need to select the Elliptical Marquee Tool and set the Feather parameter to, for example, 10 pixels. Now you need to select the entire image, invert the selection (Select Inverse in the context menu) and press Del (you need a white background color).

For the Foreign Ministry passport you need a color photograph, so you should shoot in good light to achieve more natural color reproduction. A light background (but not white) is required, preferably a blue tint. The picture is prepared in such a way that its size becomes 36x47 millimeters, and the distance from the chin to the top of the head is 25–35 mm.

It is better to print on your own photo printer, choosing the optimal combination of brightness / contrast by trial and error. If there is no printer at home, you will have to go to a darkroom.