Education Fair. Exhibition “Education and Career. All-Russian School Fair. Fair for schools and schoolchildren

Education and Career Exhibitions provide ample opportunities for those who want to learn about training and employment programs in hometown, regions and abroad. This is an important help for students of any age: from school to postgraduate. In addition, at the education exhibition, you can find retraining and advanced training courses, offers from language centers and distance trainings and webinars. Therefore, in order not to limit the circle of visitors, such events are usually open to the general public. The accompanying program of such exhibitions includes presentations of the best educational institutions countries and foreign universities, drawing discounts and promotions for all kinds of courses, master classes and trainings on related topics.

Education exhibitions in Moscow

Education and career fairs in Moscow offer unlimited freedom of choice for visitors and participants. All year round the largest events on the topic take place in the capital. Traditionally, Moscow international salon education is characterized by its large scope and the presence of important figures from the public and private sectors. It discusses such issues as a personal approach to education, vocational education and career guidance, inclusive education, new educational technologies.

The Moscow career guidance exhibition "Education and Career" gathers about 300 exhibitors and more than 23,000 guests.

Periodically, exhibitions are held on the topic of education abroad. Official representatives of prestigious foreign universities, schools and summer camps for the study foreign languages.

Education and career exhibitions abroad

The largest foreign exhibition of education, didacta takes place every 3 years in Germany. It provides an opportunity to learn everything about the field of education, the specifics of work in kindergartens, schools, boarding houses.

The most modern educational technologies, the development of the teaching materials industry and current trends in the world will be shown and discussed at the BETT Show in London.

The Spanish exhibition Futura in Madrid is intended for graduates and students who wish to pursue higher or professional education.

On March 5-6, 2018, the 47th Moscow international exhibition"Education and Career".

Where to go to study? Where to find a job for a young specialist?

Over the twenty-four years of the exhibitions, several generations of Muscovites have received answers to these questions. In terms of the scale and quality of its holding, the Education and Career exhibition occupies one of the first places among similar events in Russia.

For schoolchildren in Moscow and the Moscow region, the exhibition "Education and Career" is the Day open doors leading universities and colleges.

  • Representatives of universities and colleges in Moscow and the Moscow region introduce their specialties, answer important questions about their chosen profession.
  • Psychologists-professional consultants help determine the choice of profession and suggest where to go to study.
  • Experts talk about changes in the EGE and OGE, check the level of readiness and give advice for successful delivery these exams.
  • Representatives industrial enterprises talk about the target recruitment of school graduates to technical universities in Moscow.

For students and young professionals at the exhibition "Education and Career" will be a fair of vacancies and internships.

  • Companies-employers of various directions present their current vacancies; offer internships or temporary work for young people.
  • Consultants help to write a resume and give advice on how to pass the interview correctly, taking into account your competitive advantages.
  • Coaches at master classes advise how to prepare for an interview and tell you how to write your personal career plan.
  • Much attention is drawn to the expositions of a number of enterprises of the military-industrial complex, open to promising young people, which is always interesting for both young specialists and high school students.

Study abroad.

This part of the exhibition is intended for everyone who wants to study abroad.

  • Representatives of universities in Germany, the Czech Republic, Spain, Slovenia, Austria, China, Malta, the USA, Israel, Poland and other countries present educational programs and scholarship programs.
  • Consultants tell you where to go to study for a bachelor's or master's degree, where to improve your qualifications or get a business education, how to get an internship and how to get scholarships for education abroad.
  • Employees of the courses of foreign languages ​​of Russian and foreign companies talk about their programs.

During the exhibition there will be thematic presentations on interactive platforms, master classes, trainings, lectures and seminars.

Among them:

  • Intellectual marathon for parents and students in grades 8-9-10-11 "Do the right thing." Leading universities in Moscow: areas of study, features of admission, international relations, employment prospects of graduates.
  • Seminar for teachers general education schools « modern methods and technology of vocational guidance for schoolchildren.
  • Presentation “How to get an internship at the Moscow Government?”
  • Named scholarships of the Government of Moscow. Seminar for students of 1-2 courses and schoolchildren of 11th grade.
  • Master Class: "So difficult right choice» about choosing a profession.
  • Master Class: "My first resume - what to write?"
  • Myths and realities of the exam, help to parents and students

A rapidly changing world requires new ways of teaching today's children, their adaptation to the challenges of the digital age. In order to effectively cope with these tasks, representatives of the education sector decided to unite against the background of general globalization. In all corners of the world, local communities of educators, as well as the educational technology business sector, are creating forums for sharing experiences and finding new solutions to old questions.

We have collected ten very large-scale exhibitions of education and educational technologies in different countries. In addition to the well-known leaders in this field - the UK, Japan, Hong Kong, the USA and Canada - we also included in the list of rapidly developing countries where in recent times the quality of education is given Special attention on the part of society and the authorities - India, Mexico, South Africa and Russia.


Educational IT Solutions Expo (EDIX)

  • Venue: Tokyo, Japan
  • Next exhibition: May 17-19, 2017

EDIX is the largest annual Japanese exhibition-show, which brings together IT service providers together with participants in the education sector. In 2016, the 7th exhibition was held, which was attended by 621 companies and 30,422 visitors who participated in 18 seminars and 15 sections.

The most popular hall of the exhibition is "Presentation in a Real Classroom". Inside the exhibition hall, representatives of IT companies in the role of teachers explain the principles and benefits of teaching using advanced technology products in a real classroom. Visiting such "classes", school and university staff noted that this was "a useful experience, showing the convenience of working with new educational products, the freshness of the presentation of the material and the effect of the modern type of teaching."

"Real Classroom Presentation", Tokyo, Japan.

Hong Kong

The Learning & Teaching Expo

  • Venue: Hong Kong
  • Admission fee: free
  • Next exhibition: December 8-10, 2016

Exhibition in Hong Kong attracts more than 9,000 educators interested in finding latest developments and educational technologies. Here, teachers communicate with each other on the same platform during seminars, master classes and open lessons and learn how to effectively use the full range of learning resources currently on the market, especially IT products.

The exhibition is attended by representatives of the Asia-Pacific region, as well as participants from the UK, USA, Italy, Australia and New Zealand.
L&T Expo is the ideal platform for educators and others in the industry to share cutting-edge educational technologies and learning resources, as well as a modern platform for discussing perspectives on future trends and related teaching strategies.

The most popular pavilion of recent exhibitions was the 21st Century Classroom, where teachers demonstrate the best practices for applying modern technologies in everyday learning. Teacher of English language Wong Kam Fai shared how he uses the Kahoot! with students in the classroom for ease of interaction and increased involvement.

Teachers Lok Sin Thorng and Yu Kang Hin presented a workshop on using robots in the classroom. Robots, controlled by voice and programmed using computers and phones, can increase the interest of students in the learning process.



  • Venue: Mumbai, India
  • Admission fee: free
  • Next exhibition: September 19-21, 2017

DIDAC is an international exhibition and conference in the field of education and training, which is being held for the eighth year in India and is the largest of its kind in the country. In 2016, companies from 15 countries and teachers from 23 countries, including Russia, took part in the event.

The exhibition was able to become a platform for cooperation, promotion and exchange of best practices and know-how. Manufacturers were able to present their products, technologies, IT inventions, new educational approaches and services for training and retraining of personnel.

As part of the exhibition, there is a conference, which is usually attended by about 500 delegates, consisting of politicians, including from the Indian Ministry of Education, scientists, advanced teachers and interested participants in the field of education. The main task is to exchange ideas on the best strategies and practices in the field of modern teaching, the search for new drivers of knowledge growth.

Republic of South Africa


  • Venue: Johannesburg, South Africa
  • Admission fee: free
  • Next exhibition: July 4-5, 2017

EduWeek is Africa's largest and most famous trade show for educational innovations and technology across all levels of learning. EduWeek offers a platform for educational institutions to acquire modern solutions and current pedagogical challenges.

The event in South Africa has been going on for 11 years, and the topic of the next meeting will be “Sustainable Development in the Education System” within the framework of the tasks that the UN set to support education in African countries.

The exhibition highlights best projects in several categories:
1. For the development of an enabling environment and positive influence to schools;
2. For the best educational institution which brings social, cultural and economic value;
3. The best commercial organization for successful practices in education;
4. The best leader, for the personification of outstanding qualities and leadership skills.

The main sites are three workshops:

  • "Everyday problems in the classroom" - training workshop (examples of past topics: sex education, financial literacy, problems of teaching mathematics);
  • "Breathe new energy into the old school" - the exchange of the most advanced knowledge and experience;
  • E-tech - Demonstration of technologies focused on education.


GESS Mexico

  • Venue: Mexico City, Mexico
  • Admission fee: free
  • Next exhibition: April 26-28, 2017
  • Visa assistance: yes, the organizer is ready to provide a letter for entry to Mexico

GESS Mexico is a three day conference and exhibition in the field of education.

“Our entire exhibition is absolutely free, because we want to bring together the best representatives of the industry from around the world and the most successful local specialists, so that this union runs like a red thread through our master classes and seminars, inspiring you to new achievements for the sake of knowledge. The unique sessions during the event will allow you to take home a “portfolio” of practical learning methods to apply them to work the next day,” the organizers say about their exhibition.

Mexico is the second largest economy in Latin America, and the educational system is one of the largest in the region: 34 million students, 3 million teachers and 22% of the country's GDP. Mexico has 115 thousand secondary schools, 60 technical, 400 public and 2 thousand private institutions of higher education. 7 out of 10 children and 82% of five year olds start their education in kindergarten.

Session Tracks:

  • planning and management of training,
  • innovations in education,
  • fundamental skills of teaching foreign languages,
  • special education,
  • technological innovations.

Virtual education is the highlight of the exhibition, the purpose of which is to create a platform for reflection and analysis of the development of education in the 21st century, with an eye to the challenges of constant transformation around.



  • Venue: Niagara Falls, Canada
  • Admission fee: $250
  • Next event: April 25-28, 2017

Connect is Canada's largest education trade show and conference, attracting over 2,000 exhibitors and countless attendees to share best practices and broaden their horizons in education while keeping an eye on ever-changing technical capabilities in the field of education.

Connect is the only event in Canada that covers the entire education lifecycle from kindergarten before higher education, as well as research centers, libraries and advanced training in the workplace.

The mission of the exhibition is to connect all sectors in order to raise the teaching standards of the 21st century, vocational training and training in education.

Main sites:

  • For teachers - seminars and master classes on the integration of technology and arts, mathematics and 3D printing, virtual learning environment and professional communities;
  • For managers - forms for interaction with government, business and between institutions;
  • For the technical sector - an exhibition of new products and forums with software manufacturers;
  • For libraries - seminar on innovative technologies support for the 21st century library.

Presentation materials:


Future of Education Technology Conference (FETC)

  • Venue: Orlando, Florida, USA
  • Next exhibition: January 24-27, 2017
  • Discount on flights from Delta Airlines (2-10%)

FETC is a place where the most active and creative minds gather every year to exchange ideas and methods for continuous excellence in education.

Exhibitors are 33% teachers, 32% IT developers, 24% managers, 11% support staff.

The event includes the following program:

  • 3 major events with the world's leading teachers,
  • 150 high intensity workshops,
  • 400 lectures in five areas of professional activity,
  • Expo-hall with 400 companies on the introduction of new technologies in education.

Great Britain


  • Venue: London, UK
  • Cost of visiting: from 300 to 1100 USD
  • Next exhibition: January 25-28, 2017

The Bett exhibition has a 30-year history and is improved every year. The organizers, constantly adapting to the changing market, are trying to provide teachers with unique solutions that will be useful during the lessons.

During the four days of the event, participants receive a huge amount of knowledge and experience, which is often presented in an easy, fun, but at the same time professional way.

Participants: 30% teachers, 30% managers, 22% developers, 6% business representatives, 13% others.

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Solemn awards in the Central Federal District

Click on the stand to view

V All-Russian Exhibition of Educational Organizations

5th Anniversary Annual Exhibition of Educational Organizations!

Diversity and splendor of 3,000 electronic exhibition stands of educational organizations

Audience up to 10 million visits

The consolidated budget of the exhibition may exceed 300 million rubles

Incentive prizes for over 1,000 schools and kindergartens

An unforgettable event for all participants

Free admission!


For teachers, the All-Russian Exhibition.RF is an effective platform for the exchange of didactic and methodological developments as part of participation in all-Russian thematic exhibitions of the pedagogical community of the Russian education system.

All-Russian school fair.
Fair for schools and schoolchildren

All-Russian School Fair- one of the central events in the education system of the Russian Federation and a great opportunity for schools, schoolchildren and their parents to get acquainted with the latest opportunities to improve the quality of education of our Russian children.

Governors and deputies presented awards to the winners

All-Russian Exhibition of the Russian Federation.

At solemn events, governors, deputies and heads of regional educational bodies congratulated teaching staff and presented awards of the All-Russian Exhibition of the Russian Federation. Together with the medals of the All-Russian Exhibition. RF, the Laureates-Winners of the All-Russian Exhibition of Educational Institutions received certificates and valuable prizes.

All-Russian Technopark.RF for educational organizations (secondary schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, institutions additional education):

  • Opportunity to enter the All-Russian project for the creation of children's technology parks and the development of additional education, regardless of geographic location educational organization;
  • Involvement of children in programs of technical and engineering creativity;
  • Mastering modern engineering programs for modeling modern equipment and robots;
  • Development of optional and additional classes based on ready-made methodological and didactic material;
  • New level opportunities to demonstrate the laws of mechanics and physics;
  • The use of interactive software in the framework of extracurricular activities;
  • Participation in all-Russian pedagogical projects;
  • Create your own copyright methodological developments based on the provided modern interactive platform;
  • Participation in all-Russian pedagogical competitions;
  • Providing students with the opportunity to engage in extracurricular development the latest technologies;
  • Obtaining knowledge in the field of exact sciences and technology;
  • Attendance by students of additional classes on selected issues of mathematics and physics;
  • It is impossible to imagine a modern engineer without excellent knowledge of computer technologies, therefore, courses are provided for in-depth study of IT technologies;
  • Fascinating 3D excursions to the world of modern robots (more than 50 excursions in total);
  • Acquaintance and study of modern IT-robots;
  • An in-depth study of the use of network and information technologies in the work of a modern engineer;
  • Setting up experiments and experiments with complex mechanical machines in a virtual laboratory;
  • Distance classes under the guidance of teachers from leading Russian universities with scientific titles;
  • Various competitions, olympiads, competitions, exhibitions for students with interests in the field of engineering sciences;
  • Participation in collective projects on modeling and development of automated robotic devices;
  • An opportunity for an educational institution to declare itself at the All-Russian level.