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(as amended on March 20, 2018)

Document's name:
Document Number: 172-PP
Type of document:
Host body: The government of Moscow
Status: current
Acceptance date: 04 May 2011
Effective start date: May 29, 2011
Revision date: March 20, 2018

On approval of the procedure for organizing fairs and selling goods (performance of work, provision of services) at them in the city of Moscow



On approval of the procedure for organizing fairs and selling goods (performance of work, provision of services) at them in the city of Moscow

Document as amended by:
Decree of the Government of Moscow of July 5, 2011 N 297-PP (Bulletin of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow, N 39, 07/19/2011);
Decree of the Government of Moscow of December 28, 2011 N 660-PP (Bulletin of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow, N 2, 05.01.2012);
Decree of the Government of Moscow of August 22, 2012 N 416-PP (Bulletin of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow, N 48, 29.08.2012);
Decree of the Government of Moscow of August 22, 2012 N 420-PP (Bulletin of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow, N 49, 09/01/2012);
Decree of the Government of Moscow of December 26, 2012 N 834-PP (Official website of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow,, December 27, 2012);
Decree of the Government of Moscow of September 3, 2013 N 581-PP (Bulletin of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow, N 50, 10.09.2013).
(Official website of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow, 03.07.2014);
(Official website of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow, 03/26/2015);
(Official website of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow, 20.01.2016);
(Official website of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow, 30.03.2016);
(Official website of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow, 08.07.2016);
(Official website of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow, 24.08.2017) (as amended);
(Official website of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow, November 15, 2017);
(Official website of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow, 20.03.2018).

In accordance with Federal Law No. 381-FZ of December 28, 2009 "On the Fundamentals of State Regulation of Trading Activities in the Russian Federation" The Government of Moscow


1. Approve the procedure for organizing fairs and selling goods (performance of work, provision of services) at them on the territory of the city of Moscow in accordance with the appendix to this resolution.

2. The paragraph became invalid from September 12, 2012 - ..

3. The clause became invalid on September 12, 2012 - Decree of the Government of Moscow dated August 22, 2012 N 420-PP ..

4. The clause became invalid on August 24, 2017 - Decree of the Government of Moscow of August 23, 2017 N 583-PP ..

5. Decree of the Government of Moscow dated September 29, 2010 N 864-PP "On approval of the procedure for organizing fairs and selling goods at them in the city of Moscow" to be invalidated.

6. Control over the implementation of this resolution shall be entrusted to the Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Government of Moscow on economic policy and property and land relations Sergunin N.A.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on July 14, 2014 by the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated July 3, 2014 N 372-PP.

Mayor of Moscow
S.S. Sobyanin

Application. The procedure for organizing fairs and selling goods (performance of work, provision of services) at them on the territory of the city of Moscow

to the decision
Moscow Government
dated May 4, 2011 N 172-PP
(As amended by
from July 14, 2014
Decree of the Government of Moscow
dated July 3, 2014 N 372-PP. -
See previous edition)

The procedure for organizing fairs and selling goods (performance of work, provision of services) at them on the territory of the city of Moscow

I. General provisions

1. The procedure for organizing fairs and selling goods (performing works, rendering services) at them in the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure) was developed in accordance with Article 11 of Federal Law No. 381-FZ of December 28, 2009 "On the Fundamentals of State Regulation activities in the Russian Federation" and establishes the rules for organizing fairs on the territory of the city of Moscow by the authorities executive power of the city of Moscow and other constituent entities of the Russian Federation, executive authorities of other states - members of the Eurasian Economic Union, the State Budgetary Institution of the City of Moscow "Moscow Fairs" on land plots owned by the city of Moscow or state ownership of which is not delimited, as well as requirements for organizing the sale of goods (including goods to be sold at fairs of the relevant types and included in the relevant list) and the performance of work, the provision of services at fairs.
Decree of the Government of Moscow of August 23, 2017 N 583-PP.

This Procedure applies to fairs organized by legal entities(including industry associations), individual entrepreneurs on land plots owned by them on the basis of ownership or other right, subject to the use of the specified land plots in accordance with the intended purpose and type of permitted use.
(The paragraph is additionally included from August 24, 2017 by Decree of the Government of Moscow of August 23, 2017 N 583-PP)

This procedure applies to fairs organized by local authorities of urban districts and settlements in the city of Moscow on land plots located in municipal property, in terms of compliance with the requirements of sections II "Requirements for fair sites", VII "Requirements for places for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) at fairs", VIII "Requirements for the organization of the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) at fairs" and paragraph 51 of this Order.

The procedure for providing places for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) at fairs organized by local governments of urban districts and settlements in the city of Moscow is established by the indicated local governments.

The schedule of the fairs is set by the organizers of the fairs.

2. Basic terms and concepts used in this Procedure:

- fair - limited in time, as a rule, periodically repeating, a trade event held in a specified place, at which many sellers (fair participants) offer goods (works or services) to buyers in accordance with the type of fair;

- site of the fair - the territory of real estate objects, determined for the fair;
Decree of the Government of Moscow dated July 7, 2016 N 400-PP.

- a place for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services), a place specially equipped on the site of the fair for the implementation of activities for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services);

- the organizer of the fair - the executive authority of the city of Moscow, the State Budgetary Institution of the City of Moscow "Moscow Fairs", the executive authority of another subject of the Russian Federation or another state - a member of the Eurasian Economic Union, a legal entity, an individual entrepreneur organizing and holding a fair at the fair site ;
Decree of the Government of Moscow of August 23, 2017 N 583-PP.

- a participant of the fair - a legal entity, an individual entrepreneur, as well as a citizen (including a citizen - the head of a peasant (farm) economy, a citizen who leads a personal subsidiary plot or is engaged in gardening, horticulture, animal husbandry) according to established order;
(The hyphen in the wording put into effect on March 31, 2018 by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of March 20, 2018 N 198-PP.

Trading session - all trading periods for a period determined by the Department of Trade and Services of the City of Moscow when announcing an application campaign and amounting to at least two and no more than three upcoming calendar months;
(The hyphen in the wording put into effect on April 6, 2015 by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of March 24, 2015 N 132-PP.

- trading period - 3 (three) days (Friday, Saturday, Sunday);

- waiting list - an electronic register of applicants whose applications are accepted for consideration on the Portal of state and municipal services (functions) of the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the Portal), but who, following the results of the first application campaign, were not provided with places for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services ) at weekend fairs. Applicants are included in this register by groups of goods in the order of priority of the numbers assigned to their applications during registration.

3. Fairs are divided into types:

- weekend fair - a fair regularly organized and held on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, on land plots that are state-owned by the city of Moscow, or state ownership of which is not delimited;

specialized fair - a fair periodically or one-time organized and held in accordance with the legal acts of the Department of Trade and Services of the City of Moscow, where at least 80% of the places are intended for the sale of goods of one class in accordance with All-Russian classifier products, or goods related to a single theme, or timed to coincide with mass cultural and other events, as well as holidays and city events;

regional fair - periodically or one-time organized and held fair for the sale of goods of declared regions and industry associations in order to implement intergovernmental and interregional agreements in the field of trade and economic cooperation, as well as support Russian manufacturers goods;

- interregional fair - a periodically or one-time organized and held fair for the sale of agricultural products and food products of the regions of the Russian Federation, industry associations and member states of the Eurasian Economic Union, the participants of which are sellers from several regions, as well as member states of the Eurasian Economic Union.
Decree of the Government of Moscow of August 23, 2017 N 583-PP)

4. The organizers of the fairs are:

- weekend fairs and inter-regional fairs - State budgetary institution of the city of Moscow "Moscow fairs";
Decree of the Government of Moscow dated January 20, 2016 N 6-PP Decree of the Government of Moscow dated August 23, 2017 N 583-PP.

- specialized fairs - executive authorities of the city of Moscow, legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, determined in accordance with the legal acts of the Department of Trade and Services of the city of Moscow on the organization and holding of such fairs;

- regional fairs - executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, executive authorities of other member states of the Eurasian Economic Union, as well as legal entities defined by them, including industry associations.
(The hyphen is in the wording put into effect on August 24, 2017 by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of August 23, 2017 N 583-PP.

5. Checking the veterinary safety of all food raw materials sold at fairs and food products of animal origin, non-industrial plant products, is carried out in laboratories, including state laboratories of veterinary and sanitary examination, mobile laboratories and divisions of the state veterinary examination of the State Budgetary Institution of the City of Moscow "Moscow Association of Veterinary Medicine".

Payment for the rendered veterinary services is collected from the sellers (owners) of the specified products in accordance with the price list for paid veterinary services of the State Budgetary Institution "Moscow Association of Veterinary Medicine".

II. Fair site requirements

6. At each fair, an information stand must be equipped, which contains:

1) information on the amount of the fee for the provision of equipped places for the sale of goods (performance of works, provision of services) at the fair, as well as for the provision of services related to the provision of trade (if the fee is established);

2) functional zoning plan of the fair site (hereinafter referred to as the functional zoning plan);

3) phone numbers of the Office of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare in Moscow, the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in Moscow, the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow, the Office of the Federal Tax Service in Moscow, the Department of Trade and services of the city of Moscow, the Veterinary Committee of the city of Moscow, the prefecture administrative district of the city of Moscow and the councils of the district of the city of Moscow, on the territory of which the fair is held, information about the organizer of the fair.

7. The site of the fair is issued with a sign indicating the organizer of the fair (name, location - for an organization, last name, first name, patronymic - for an individual entrepreneur), address and mode of operation of the fair, as well as the name of the fair.

8. The site of the fair must be landscaped, have a hard surface or flooring that prevents damage to the soil layer. Warehouse modules for storing commercial equipment, containers for collecting garbage and biological waste, dry closets (if necessary) and other facilities necessary for the functioning of the fair are installed at the fair site.
Decree of the Government of Moscow dated March 29, 2016 N 125-PP.

9. When organizing places for the sale of goods (performance of works, provision of services), it is prohibited to use bricks, building blocks and slabs at fair sites, to bury structures, equipment and fences, to lay underground utilities and to carry out construction and installation works of a capital nature.

10. The organization of weekend fairs on the carriageway of the street and road network of the city of Moscow is possible in agreement with the Department of Transport and Road Infrastructure Development of the city of Moscow and the Traffic Police Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow.

11. For the organization of fair sites, only land plots (territories) are used, to which the possibility of convenient access by vehicles is ensured, which does not interfere with the passage of pedestrians.

12. Venues of regional fairs are not allowed to be used for organizing weekend fairs. Free sites of regional fairs can be used for holding inter-regional and specialized fairs in accordance with the established procedure.
Decree of the Government of Moscow of August 23, 2017 N 583-PP.

13. At the sites of regional and specialized fairs, places are organized for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) (trays, carts, mobile stands), including using traditional national, folklore and other design elements.

14. On the closing day of the fair, retail facilities are dismantled or removed, the fair site is vacated and brought into proper sanitary and technical condition.

III. The procedure for the formation of the list of sites for weekend fairs and the list of sites for regional fairs

15. To organize weekend fairs, regional fairs, the prefecture of the administrative district of the city of Moscow, at the proposals of business entities, administrations of districts of the city of Moscow and councils of deputies of municipal districts, annually, before August 1, forms a draft list of weekend fairs for the next calendar year, taking into account the needs residents of districts of the city of Moscow in providing certain goods and before September 1 forms a draft list of regional fairs for the next calendar year.

16. The draft list of fairs includes information about the address of the fair site, its area and the number of trading places. The draft list of fairs is accompanied by plans for the functional zoning of the sites of each fair, indicating the location of places for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) and their number (only for weekend fairs), as well as the location of storage modules.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 10, 2016 by the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated March 29, 2016 N 125-PP.

17. The draft list of weekend fairs with the attached plans for the functional zoning of fair sites no later than August 5, the draft list of regional fairs no later than September 5, the prefecture of the administrative district of Moscow sends for approval to the territorial bodies of the Office of Rospotrebnadzor in Moscow , Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow, Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for Moscow.

After receiving the approvals provided for by this paragraph, the draft list of weekend fairs (in part of the territory of the municipal district) with the attached plans for the functional zoning of the fair sites is submitted for approval to the council of deputies of the municipal district no later than September 1.

The council of deputies of the municipal district considers the draft list of weekend fairs within 21 calendar days from the date of its receipt by the council of deputies of the municipal district.

The draft list of weekend fairs is considered approved if more than half of the established number of councils of deputies of the municipal district voted for the decision on its approval as a result of open voting, and also if within 21 calendar days from the date of its receipt by the council of deputies of the municipal district:

- not a single meeting of the council of deputies of the municipal district was held;

- the issue of coordination is not included in the agenda of the meeting of the council of deputies of the municipal district;

- the issue of coordination was included in the agenda of the meeting of the council of deputies of the municipal district, but was not considered at the meeting of the council of deputies of the municipal district.

The council of deputies of the municipal district may agree on the draft list of weekend fairs in full, agree on the draft list of weekend fairs in part, or decide to refuse to approve the project.

If a decision is made to refuse to agree on the draft list of weekend fairs, the said draft, after its completion, may be re-submitted for approval to the council of deputies of the municipal district.

The decision of the council of deputies of the municipal district on approval, partial approval or refusal to approve the draft list of weekend fairs is sent to the prefecture of the administrative district of Moscow no later than three working days from the date of its adoption.

18. After receiving all approvals, the prefecture of the administrative district of the city of Moscow sends to the Interdepartmental Commission on Consumer Market Issues under the Government of Moscow:

- no later than October 1, a draft list of regional fairs;

- no later than October 20, a draft list of weekend fairs (in the part agreed upon by councils of deputies of municipal districts).

19. If there are unaccounted comments of coordinating organizations and unaccounted proposals of business entities, administrations of districts of the city of Moscow, a list of disagreements with the rationale for the decision is attached to the draft lists of fairs.

20. The Interdepartmental Commission on Consumer Market Issues under the Government of Moscow reviews draft lists of fairs within 30 working days and decides whether to approve the project or whether it needs to be finalized.

21. Draft lists of fairs approved by the Interdepartmental Commission on Consumer Market Issues under the Government of Moscow after signing the minutes of the meeting of the Commission, no later than 3 working days, are approved:

21.1. For weekend fairs - by orders of the prefecture of the administrative district of Moscow and are subject to publication on the official websites of the Department of Trade and Services of the City of Moscow and the prefecture of the administrative district of Moscow in the information and telecommunication network Internet.

21.2. For regional fairs - by order of the Department of Trade and Services of the City of Moscow and is subject to publication on the official websites of the Department of Trade and Services of the City of Moscow (in full) and the websites of the prefectures of the administrative districts of Moscow (the list of fair sites located on the territory of the corresponding administrative district of Moscow) in information and telecommunication network Internet.

21(1). The approved lists of fairs must contain information on the area of ​​the site of each fair.
(The paragraph was additionally included from March 31, 2018 by Decree of the Government of Moscow of March 20, 2018 N 198-PP)

22. Amendments to the list of fair sites are carried out according to the rules provided for in paragraphs 15-21 of this Procedure. In case of exclusion of the site or replacement of the address of the weekend fair from the approved address list, the participants who were provided with a trading place at this fair during the current trading session are sent a decision to withdraw the provided trading place or change the address of the fair unilaterally 14 calendar days before the time of site closure.

IV. The procedure for organizing a weekend fair

23. The organizer of the weekend fair, within 10 calendar days after the adoption of the order to approve the list of weekend fair sites, develops an action plan for organizing a weekend fair and selling goods (performance of work, rendering services) at it in accordance with the Standard for holding weekend fairs on the territory of the city of Moscow, and also determines the mode of operation of the fair, the procedure for its organization.

The standard for holding weekend fairs in the city of Moscow is approved by a legal act of the Department of Trade and Services of the city of Moscow and provides for requirements for:

- Arrangement of the site of the fair;

- organizing the placement of containers for solid waste and biological waste at the fair site and ensuring their removal;

- providing participants of the fair with personal hygiene;

- ensuring the power supply of the fair and the rules of the fire-prevention and sanitary regime of the fair;

- placement of places and equipment for the sale of goods at the fair site;

- release of the site of the fair and storage of commercial equipment and inventory;

- providing security measures for the fair site.

The action plan for organizing a weekend fair and selling goods at it, the procedure for organizing a fair and its working hours are subject to publication by the organizer of the fair on the official website of the organizer of the fair in the information and telecommunication network Internet.

24. The working hours of the weekend fair (opening hours) are determined by the organizer, subject to the exception negative impact fairs for pedestrian and transport infrastructure.

Weekend fair periods in a calendar year are determined by the organizer of these fairs.

25. The procedure for providing places for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) at the weekend fair:

25.1. Places for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) at the weekend fair are provided only in electronic form using the Portal of state and municipal services (functions) of the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the Portal) on the basis of a request from a person who intends to take part in the fair (hereinafter referred to as the applicant) in accordance with this procedure and administrative regulations providing public service"Provision of a place for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) at a weekend fair in the city of Moscow or refusal of a place provided for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) at the specified fair", with the exception of a place for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) at weekend fairs, provided in the manner prescribed by paragraphs six and seven of paragraph 25.4 of this Procedure.
(Clause as amended by Decree of the Government of Moscow dated July 7, 2016 N 400-PP by Decree of the Government of Moscow dated March 20, 2018 N 198-PP.

25.2. The fee from the participants of the weekend fair for the provision of places for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) is not charged, with the exception of fees for the services provided for in paragraph 5 of this Procedure.

25.3. Reception of requests for providing a place for the sale of goods (performance of works, provision of services) at weekend fairs (hereinafter referred to as the request) is carried out during the application campaign.

25.4. The request can be submitted by the applicant in relation to one administrative district of the city of Moscow, on the territory of which several weekend fairs can be selected. At the same time, an applicant from among citizens - heads of peasant (farmer) households, citizens who lead a personal subsidiary plot or are engaged in gardening, horticulture, animal husbandry, can submit a request only for the group of goods "vegetables and fruits". At each weekend fair, the applicant is provided with one place for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services). To participate in weekend fairs located in other administrative districts of the city of Moscow, the applicant submits additional requests.
Decree of the Government of Moscow dated March 29, 2016 N 125-PP; as amended, put into effect on March 31, 2018 by Decree of the Government of Moscow dated March 20, 2018 N 198-PP.

If the said requests are submitted by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, they shall contain information about the sellers who will trade at weekend fairs on behalf of the respective legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the request have the opportunity to indicate information about only three sellers within one site.

If it is necessary to change information about the seller, the applicant, within 10-15 days before the start of the trading period, makes appropriate changes to the application in the subsystem " Personal Area" of the applicant on the Portal, which indicates the new data of the seller.

Sixty percent of the total number of trading places for the group of goods "vegetables and fruits" are provided to citizens who have a personal subsidiary plot or are engaged in gardening, horticulture, animal husbandry, twenty percent are provided to citizens - heads of peasant (farm) households, the remaining twenty percent of trading places for a group of goods "vegetables and fruits" are distributed among legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.
Decree of the Government of Moscow dated March 24, 2015 N 132-PP; as amended, put into effect on March 31, 2018 by Decree of the Government of Moscow dated March 20, 2018 N 198-PP.

At each site of the weekend fair, one place should be provided for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) by pensioners and (or) disabled people who sell products grown by them in their personal garden plots, based on the total number of sales places for the group of goods "vegetables and fruit".
Decree of the Government of Moscow dated March 20, 2018 N 198-PP)

The procedure for providing a place for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) by pensioners and (or) the disabled at a weekend fair is determined by the organizer of the fair and within 5 days from the date of its adoption is subject to publication on the official website of the State Budgetary Institution of the City of Moscow "Moscow Fairs" in information and telecommunication network Internet.
(The paragraph is additionally included from March 31, 2018 by Decree of the Government of Moscow of March 20, 2018 N 198-PP)

Citizens - heads of peasant (farm) households, citizens leading a personal subsidiary plot or engaged in gardening, horticulture, animal husbandry, have the right to indicate in the request as sellers of their close relatives, determined in accordance with the Family Code of the Russian Federation.
(The paragraph is additionally included from April 6, 2015 by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of March 24, 2015 N 132-PP; as amended, put into effect on March 31, 2018 by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of March 20, 2018 N 198-PP.

25.5. The application campaign is carried out by the organizer of the fair for the relevant trading sessions and trading periods.

The first application campaign opens 20 calendar days before the start of the trading session and lasts 5 calendar days.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 6, 2015 by Decree of the Government of Moscow of March 24, 2015 N 132-PP; as amended by Decree of the Government of Moscow of March 20, 2018 N 198-PP.

The second application campaign opens in case of appearance free places for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) (subject to cancellation of the waiting list), weekly for three calendar days, no later than 8 calendar days before the start of the next trading period.

Requests during the first application campaign are submitted only for the next trading session or for certain trading periods in this trading session.

Requests during the second application campaign are submitted only for the remaining trading periods in the current trading session.

Based on the results of the application campaigns, a register of decisions is formed on the provision or withdrawal of places for the sale of goods (performance of works, provision of services) at the weekend fair (hereinafter referred to as the Register of Decisions), which is published on the website of the organizer of the weekend fair and posted on information stand weekend fairs in an accessible place for viewing.

The procedure for recalling places for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) at a weekend fair is established by clause 25.10 of this Procedure.

25.6. The organizer of the weekend fair publishes the following information on the website of the Department of Trade and Services of the City of Moscow:
Decree of the Government of Moscow dated January 20, 2016 N 6-PP.

- information on the number of places for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) at the fair by groups of goods, depending on the season of their sale - no later than 10 working days before the start of the first application campaign;

- information on the availability of vacant places for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) based on the results of the first application campaign - no later than 6 working days after its completion;

- information on the availability of vacant places for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) based on the results of the second bidding campaign - no later than 5 working days after its completion;

- information about the vacated trading places for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) based on the results of the withdrawal of decisions on the provision of places for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) at the weekend fair - no later than 9 working days before the start of the relevant trading period .

25.7. Provision of places for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) at weekend fairs is carried out by groups of goods, depending on the season of their sale and the actual availability of trading places, taking into account the following requirements:

First of all, the application of each of the applicants, the first in terms of time of registration within the framework of the application campaign, is satisfied;

Satisfaction of the second and subsequent applications of each of the applicants is carried out in accordance with the order of their registration within the framework of the application campaign;

The total number of places at fairs in all administrative districts of the city of Moscow, provided to one applicant, cannot exceed the number of unique sellers indicated by him in the applications.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 10, 2016 by Decree of the Government of Moscow dated March 29, 2016 N 125-PP.

The procedure for determining the number of places for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) by groups of goods, depending on the season of their sale, is approved by the Department of Trade and Services of the City of Moscow.

Based on the results of consideration of his application, the applicant is issued an extract from the Register of Decisions (sent to the applicant's "personal account" on the Portal or, at the request of the applicant, issued in writing in accordance with the established procedure), which is the basis for placing the participant of the fair on the site of the fair or a decision to refuse to provide places for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) on the grounds provided for by the Administrative Regulations for the provision of public services "Provision of a place for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) at a weekend fair in the city of Moscow or refusal of a place provided for the sale of goods (performance works, provision of services) at the specified fair".
Decree of the Government of Moscow dated July 7, 2016 N 400-PP.

Form of an extract from the Register of Decisions, form of a decision to refuse to provide places for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) at a weekend fair, a form of an act on detected violations, the procedure for redistributing places for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) at a weekend fair days during the period of the first application campaign are approved by the Department of Trade and Services of the city of Moscow.

Form of an extract from the Register of Decisions, form of a decision to refuse to provide places for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) at a weekend fair, a form of an act on detected violations, the procedure for redistributing places for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) at a weekend fair days during the period of the first application campaign includes the following information about the applicant: name, information about tax registration, about state registration, contact information, last name, first name, patronymic (if any), insurance number of an individual personal account (SNILS) - for individuals(with the exception of individual entrepreneurs), state registration number Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs - for individual entrepreneurs; information about the site of the weekend fair: address, number of the place provided for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services), group of goods, date of the end of the trading period, information on the decisions taken to recall the trading place for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services), date of this statement.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on July 19, 2016 by Decree of the Government of Moscow of July 7, 2016 N 400-PP; as amended by Decree of the Government of Moscow of March 20, 2018 N 198-PP.

Applicants whose application is accepted for consideration on the Portal, but who, following the results of the first application campaign, were not provided with a place for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) at the weekend fair in accordance with this Procedure, are automatically included in the waiting list for groups of goods in the order of priority of the numbers assigned to their applications during registration.

Within the framework of the current trading session, if there are vacant places for the sale of goods (performance of works, provision of services) at weekend fairs, such places are provided to applicants on the waiting list, including at other sites.

25.8. The organizer of the weekend fair ensures the accommodation of the fair participants according to the issued extracts from the Register of Decisions.

25.9. The organizer of the weekend fair, in accordance with an extract from the Register of Decisions, checks the organization and holding of the fair, including:

- the actual presence of the fair participant at the site for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) during the trading period specified in the extract from the Register of Decisions;

- the actual availability of the documents specified in paragraph 41 of this Procedure by the participant of the fair;

- compliance by the fair participant with assortment specialization for the group of goods specified in the extract from the Register of Decisions;

- compliance of the fair participant with the information contained in the Extract from the Register of Decisions;

- compliance by the participant of the fair with the requirements established by section VII of this Procedure;
(The hyphen has been additionally included since August 24, 2017 by Decree of the Government of Moscow of August 23, 2017 N 583-PP)

Compliance by the participant of the fair with the requirements established by paragraph 44(1) of this Procedure.
(The hyphen has been additionally included since August 24, 2017 by Decree of the Government of Moscow of August 23, 2017 N 583-PP)

25.10. If facts of violation by the participants of the fair of the conditions for organizing and holding the fair, specified in paragraph 25.9 of this Procedure, are revealed, the organizer of the fair draws up an act on the violations identified with the attachment of photo-fixation materials of the violations, reflecting the number of the trading place and the violations themselves identified on the day of detection of these violations.

The act is drawn up at the end of each trading period and includes the results of monitoring for two days - Friday, Saturday or Sunday.
Decree of the Government of Moscow dated March 20, 2018 N 198-PP.

The act on revealed violations after its signing is submitted to the Unified City automated system information support and analytics of the consumer market (EGAS SIOPR) by the responsible executors of the organizer of the fair on the next day after the end of the corresponding trading period.

Portal to automatic mode a decision is formed to revoke the place provided to the fair participant for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) in the presence of one act on detected violations in the following cases:

- the actual absence of the fair participant at the site for the sale of goods (performance of works, provision of services) on the days of monitoring the first trading period of the current trading session, while the first trading period is determined by the date of the actual provision of the place to the fair participant;
(The hyphen in the version put into effect on January 31, 2016 by Decree of the Government of Moscow of January 20, 2016 N 6-PP; in the version put into effect on March 31, 2018 by Decree of the Government of Moscow of March 20, 2018 N 198-PP.

- an act drawn up in relation to the participant of the fair about violations detected by the territorial body of the Office of Rospotrebnadzor in Moscow, the Committee of Veterinary Medicine of the city of Moscow and other regulatory authorities or a notification of violations by the State Budgetary Institution of the City of Moscow "Moscow Association of Veterinary Medicine" within the limits of the powers granted;
(The hyphen in the wording put into effect on July 19, 2016 by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of July 7, 2016 N 400-PP.

- non-compliance by the fair participant with the assortment specialization specified in the extract from the Register of Decisions during the monitoring days of the first trading period of the current trading session;
Decree of the Government of Moscow dated March 29, 2016 N 125-PP; as amended, put into effect on March 31, 2018 by Decree of the Government of Moscow dated March 20, 2018 N 198-PP. - See previous edition)

Inconsistency of information about the fair participant with the information contained in the extract from the Register of Decisions on the days of monitoring the first trading period of the current trading session.
(The hyphen has been additionally included since April 10, 2016 by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of March 29, 2016 N 125-PP; as amended, put into effect on March 31, 2018 by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of March 20, 2018 N 198-PP. - See previous edition)

The portal automatically generates a decision to revoke the place provided to the fair participant for the sale of goods (performance of works, provision of services) in the presence of two acts of violations detected on the monitoring days for two consecutive trading periods, in the following cases:
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on March 31, 2018 by Decree of the Government of Moscow dated March 20, 2018 N 198-PP. - See previous edition)

- non-compliance by the participant of the fair with assortment specialization due to non-compliance with the group of goods specified in the extract from the Register of Decisions;

- inconsistency of information about the participant of the fair with the information contained in the Extract from the Register of Decisions;

- the actual absence of the fair participant at the place for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) in the second and subsequent trading periods of the current trading session, when the participant of the fair did not refuse the provided place for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) at the weekend fair on in the manner provided for in paragraph 25.10(1) of this Procedure;
(The hyphen in the wording put into effect on July 19, 2016 by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of July 7, 2016 N 400-PP.

- non-compliance by the participant of the fair with the requirements established by section VII of this Procedure;
(The hyphen has been additionally included since August 24, 2017 by Decree of the Government of Moscow of August 23, 2017 N 583-PP)

Non-compliance by the participant of the fair with the requirements established by paragraph 44(1) of this Procedure.
(The hyphen has been additionally included since August 24, 2017 by Decree of the Government of Moscow of August 23, 2017 N 583-PP)

In case of revealing facts of inconsistency of information about the participant of the fair with the information contained in the extract from the Register of Decisions, and after drawing up an act on detected violations, the organizer of the fair ensures the suspension trading activities of the fair participant at the relevant trading place for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) until the identified violations are eliminated.
(The paragraph is additionally included from April 10, 2016 by Decree of the Government of Moscow of March 29, 2016 N 125-PP)

The decision to withdraw from the fair participant a place for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) is drawn up in two copies, one of which is sent to the fair participant in the applicant's "personal account" on the Portal no later than one working day from the date of signing.

In case of withdrawal from the participant of the fair of a place for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) on the grounds established by this section, this participant within the framework of the current trading session, no other place is provided for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) within the administrative district of the city of Moscow, in which such a place was withdrawn, during the year.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on January 31, 2016 by Decree of the Government of Moscow dated January 20, 2016 N 6-PP.

The application of such participants is not accepted for consideration on the Portal in automatic mode if there are submitted Acts on detected violations, drawn up in the prescribed manner in relation to such participants.

In case of withdrawal of a place for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services), the fair participant has the right to apply for the provision of a place for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) in the manner prescribed by the Administrative Regulations for the provision of public services "Providing a place for the sale of goods (performance of work , provision of services) at a weekend fair in the city of Moscow or refusal of a place provided for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) at the said fair", at the site of a weekend fair in another administrative district of the city of Moscow.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on July 19, 2016 by Decree of the Government of Moscow dated July 7, 2016 N 400-PP.

25.10(1). The fair participant has the right to refuse the place provided to him for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) at the weekend fair no later than 7 calendar days before the start of the upcoming trading period and no more than two trading periods during the current trading session or from all the places provided to him for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) at the weekend fair for all trading periods during the current trading session.

A request to refuse a place provided for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) at a weekend fair by a fair participant is submitted only in electronic form using the Portal in the manner prescribed by the Administrative Regulations for the provision of public services "Provision of a place for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) at a weekend fair in the city of Moscow or refusal of a place provided for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) at the specified fair.

Submission of a request for refusal from the provided place for the sale of goods (performance of works, provision of services) at the weekend fair less than 7 calendar days before the start of the upcoming trading period is not allowed.

A fair participant who submitted a request to refuse the provided place for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) at the weekend fair is notified within one working day:

On acceptance of a refusal from a place for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) at a weekend fair for a selected trading period or for two selected trading periods during the current trading session - in case of refusal from one or two trading periods during the current trading session;

O early termination the validity of the decision to provide a place for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) at the weekend fair during the current trading session - in case of refusal of the provided place at the weekend fair for all trading periods during the current trading session.
(Clause 25.10(1) was additionally included from July 19, 2016 by Decree of the Government of Moscow dated July 7, 2016 N 400-PP)

25.11. In case of revocation of the place or refusal of the provided place for the sale of goods (performance of works, provision of services), the organizer of the fair no later than the next working day after the end of the relevant trading period sends (to in electronic format through the Portal) to all applicants who are on the waiting list for the relevant specialization, an offer to participate in the competition to fill the vacant place at the weekend fair for subsequent trading periods within the current trading session.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on July 19, 2016 by Decree of the Government of Moscow dated July 7, 2016 N 400-PP.

Applicants who have sent their consent to take the provided place for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services), but such a place has not been provided to them in accordance with this Procedure, remain on the waiting list until such a place is provided to them or ends current trading session.

If the applicant does not send an electronic response through the Portal within the day following the day of sending the offer to provide a vacant trading place, the offer for this applicant is considered canceled and the corresponding applicant is excluded from the waiting list.

After the exclusion of all applicants from the waiting list or after the end of the current trading session, the waiting list is canceled automatically.

25.12. If there are vacancies located at other sites of weekend fairs, all applicants who are on the waiting list for the relevant specializations are sent offers to fill vacancies for subsequent trading periods within the current trading session.

After receiving this proposal, the applicant, within one working day, sends a response on the consent or refusal of the provided place for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) electronically through the Portal.

A place at the weekend fair for subsequent trading periods within the current trading session is provided with the consent of the applicant to take the provided place for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) in the order of the numbers assigned to the applicants' applications during registration.

An applicant who has been approved for a trading space will be removed from the waiting list.

Applicants who have sent their consent to take the provided place for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services), but such a place has not been provided to them in accordance with this Procedure, remain on the waiting list until such a place is provided to them or ends the current trading session, within its sequence.

If the applicant does not send a response electronically through the Portal within the day following the day of sending the offer to provide a vacant trading place, it remains on the waiting list until such a place is provided or the current trading session ends.

V. Procedure for organizing a regional fair

26. To conduct a regional fair, the head of the subject of the Russian Federation, his deputy, the head of the executive authority of the subject of the Russian Federation, performing functions in the field of trade, agro-industrial complex or Agriculture, the executive authority of another member state of the Eurasian Economic Union, no earlier than 120 calendar days and no later than 30 calendar days before the expected date of the regional fair, submits to the Department of Trade and Services of the City of Moscow the original application for holding a regional fair, which indicates :
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on August 24, 2017 by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of August 23, 2017 N 583-PP.

- name, address of the organizer of the regional fair;

- the period of the regional fair (dates of the beginning and end of the regional fair);

- specialization of the regional fair (if any);

- the number of participants of the regional fair;

- obligations of the organizer of the fair to organize fire and sanitary maintenance of the regional fair, cleaning and maintaining cleanliness at the site of the regional fair, removal of garbage and biological waste, ensuring the safety of the property of participants in the regional fair, including, if necessary, organizing security measures for the period of the regional fair;

- last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the person authorized to represent the interests of the organizer of the regional fair, the scope of authority of such a person, including the authority to agree on the timing of the regional fair and (or) the site of the fair, contact phone number, postal address and/or address Email, through which communication with such a person is carried out.

27. An application for holding a regional fair is signed by the head of the subject of the Russian Federation, his deputy, the head of the executive authority of the subject of the Russian Federation in the field of trade, agro-industrial complex, agriculture, the executive authority of another state - a member of the Eurasian Economic Union - the organizer of the regional fair.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on August 24, 2017 by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of August 23, 2017 N 583-PP.

In the case of submitting an application directly (on purpose) to the Department of Trade and Services of the City of Moscow, the application shall be accompanied by a document proving the identity of the person who submitted the application, as well as a duly certified copy of the document confirming the authority of such a person to submit an application on behalf of the relevant executive authority.

28. The clause became invalid on July 19, 2016 - Decree of the Government of Moscow dated July 7, 2016 N 400-PP ..

29. The fact of submission of the application is confirmed by the stamp of the Department of Trade and Services of the city of Moscow indicating the date and time of receipt of the application.

The stamp is put on the application and its copy, which, at the request of the person who submitted the application, is handed over to such person or sent to the organizer of the regional fair.

The procedure for considering an application for holding a regional fair and providing a site for a regional fair is approved by a legal act of the Department of Trade and Services of the City of Moscow.

30. The Department of Trade and Services of the City of Moscow, when organizing and holding regional fairs, coordinates the activities of the executive authorities of the city of Moscow and organizers of fairs.

30(1). The regional fair is organized and held in accordance with the Standard for holding a regional fair on the territory of the city of Moscow.

The standard for holding a regional fair on the territory of the city of Moscow is approved by a legal act of the Department of Trade and Services of the city of Moscow and provides for requirements for:

30(1).1. Arrangement of the site of the regional fair.

30(1).2. Equipment of places for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) at the site of the regional fair.

30(1).3. Information support for the regional fair.

30(1).4. Preparation and submission of reports on the results of the regional fair.
(Clause 30(1) was additionally included from March 31, 2018 by Decree of the Government of Moscow dated March 20, 2018 N 198-PP)

31. The organizer of the regional fair, together with the prefecture of the administrative district of Moscow, approve the action plan for organizing a regional fair and selling goods (performance of work, rendering services) at it and send it to the Department of Trade and Services of the City of Moscow for approval, which determines:

1) the powers of the prefecture of the administrative district of the city of Moscow in part:

- provision of a landscaped (asphalted) site;

- publications in media mass media and posting information about the regional fair on its website in the information and telecommunication network Internet.

2) the timing of the implementation of each event for the organization of a regional fair;

3) functions of the organizer of the regional fair;

4) the person (persons) responsible for holding the regional fair, who must be at the site of the regional fair during the entire time of its operation;

5) working hours of the regional fair.

6) the powers of the Department of Trade and Services of the City of Moscow in terms of ensuring the equipment of places for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) at regional fairs (installation, dismantling, protection of fair structures).
(The paragraph was additionally included from January 31, 2016 by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of January 20, 2016 N 6-PP)

32. The organizers carry out the following activities to organize a regional fair:

- determination of the procedure for providing places for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) at the regional fair (including the provision of trade and technological equipment for the participants of the fair, its installation before the start of trade and dismantling after its completion);

- if necessary, determining the amount of payment for the provision of equipped places for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) at the regional fair, as well as for the provision of services related to the provision of trade (cleaning of the territory and other services);
(The hyphen in the wording put into effect on July 19, 2016 by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of July 7, 2016 N 400-PP.

- organization of fire-fighting and sanitary maintenance of the site of the regional fair, cleaning of the site of the regional fair, removal of garbage and biological waste during the period of the regional fair, ensuring that the participants of the regional fair comply with the requirements of veterinary legislation;
(The hyphen in the wording put into effect on July 19, 2016 by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of July 7, 2016 N 400-PP.

- other activities in accordance with the approved action plan for the organization of a regional fair and the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) at it.

V(1). The procedure for organizing an interregional fair

(The section is additionally included from August 24, 2017 by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of August 23, 2017 N 583-PP)

32(1). Interregional fairs are placed on the basis of the layout of interregional fairs (hereinafter referred to as the placement scheme), approved by the Department of Trade and Services of the City of Moscow.

32(2). The placement scheme should contain: address landmarks, specialization, the size of the sites for the placement of interregional fairs.

32(3). In order to host an interregional fair, the Department of Trade and Services of the city of Moscow sends the following materials to the Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning of the city of Moscow to prepare an opinion on the presence of urban planning restrictions, including on engineering networks (hereinafter referred to as the conclusion), the following materials:

Accommodation project;

Project of an architectural and artistic solution for an interregional fair with a 3D model;

Photomontage (graphic drawing of the boundaries of the interregional fair with indication of linear dimensions on a scale of 1:50).

If the fair is located within the boundaries of the territories of cultural heritage objects, identified objects of cultural heritage, as well as on a land plot directly connected with the land plot within the boundaries of the territories of cultural heritage objects, identified objects of cultural heritage, the placement project must contain a section on ensuring the safety of the cultural heritage object , identified object of cultural heritage.

32(4). The Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning of the city of Moscow, no later than 20 working days from the date of receipt of the materials specified in paragraph 32(3) of this Procedure, prepares an opinion.

32(5). The conclusion includes a situational plan of the site, made on a scale of 1:2000, general plan site, made on a geo-based basis, indicating the location of the interregional fair on a scale of 1:500, photo fixation materials, photo montage (3D visualization).

32(6). The conclusion is an integral part of the placement project.

32(7). The Department of Trade and Services of the city of Moscow, no later than three working days from the date of receipt of the conclusion from the Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning of the city of Moscow, sends the placement project with the appendix of the conclusion for approval to:

32(7).1. Department of city property of the city of Moscow.

32(7).2. Department of Cultural Heritage of the City of Moscow (in case of hosting an interregional fair within the boundaries of territories and zones of protection of cultural heritage sites).

32(7).3. Department of Transport and Development of Road Transport Infrastructure of the City of Moscow (in case of placement of an interregional fair on the elements of the road network).

32(7).4. Department of Nature Management and Protection environment the city of Moscow (in the case of hosting an interregional fair within the boundaries of specially protected natural areas, natural and landscaped areas of the city of Moscow, which are under the jurisdiction of the department) .

32(8). The term for approval of the placement project by the executive authorities of the city of Moscow specified in clause 32(7) of this Procedure is no more than 10 working days from the date of its receipt.

In the event that the specified bodies fail to provide information on approval or submit an unmotivated refusal to approve within the established time frame, the placement project is considered approved by default.

When a reasoned refusal to approve a placement project is submitted, the specified project, after its completion, is re-sent for approval to the executive authority of the city of Moscow that submitted this refusal. The term for approval of the revised placement project is no more than 7 working days from the date of its receipt.

32(9). The placement scheme is approved by the Department of Trade and Services of the city of Moscow within 5 business days from the date of the last approval of the placement project by the executive bodies of the city of Moscow specified in clause 32(7) of this Procedure.

32(10). To participate in the interregional fair, the executive authorities of the Russian Federation and the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union, who intend to participate in the interregional fair, submit applications to the State Budgetary Institution of the City of Moscow "Moscow Fairs".

An application for participation in an interregional fair is signed by the head of the subject of the Russian Federation, his deputy, the head of the executive authority of the subject of the Russian Federation in the field of trade, agro-industrial complex, agriculture, the executive authority of another state - a member of the Eurasian Economic Union.

32(11). The participants of the interregional fair are not charged for providing places for the sale of goods (performance of works, provision of services), with the exception of fees for the services provided for in paragraph 5 of this Procedure, as well as for consumption electrical energy, heating, hot and cold water supply and sanitation.
(Clause 32(11) as amended, entered into force on November 26, 2017 by Decree of the Government of Moscow dated November 14, 2017 N 860-PP.

32(12). The Interregional Fair is organized and held in accordance with the Standard for holding an Interregional Fair in the city of Moscow.

The standard for holding an interregional fair on the territory of the city of Moscow is approved by a legal act of the Department of Trade and Services of the city of Moscow and provides for requirements for:

Arrangement of the site of the interregional fair;

Organization of placement of containers for solid waste and biological waste on the site and ensuring their removal;

Provision of power supply, water supply and sanitation, heating, ventilation and air conditioning of trade, warehouse, service areas and rules for the fire and sanitary regime of the fair, cleaning and maintenance of the interior and adjacent territory;

Providing security measures for the interregional fair.
(Clause 32(12) was additionally included from November 26, 2017 by Decree of the Government of Moscow dated November 14, 2017 N 860-PP)

32(13). The organizer of the interregional fair determines the mode of its work, and also provides connection (technological connection) of the interregional fair site to the engineering networks.
(Clause 32(13) was additionally included from November 26, 2017 by Decree of the Government of Moscow dated November 14, 2017 N 860-PP)

VI. The procedure for organizing a specialized fair

33. The executive authority of the city of Moscow, including at the request of business entities intending to organize a specialized fair, applies to the Department of Trade and Services of the City of Moscow to prepare a draft legal act of the Department of Trade and Services of the City of Moscow on organizing and holding a specialized fair.

Specialized fairs, organized by the executive authorities of the city of Moscow, are held on land plots that are state-owned by the city of Moscow or state ownership of which is not delimited.
(The paragraph is additionally included from April 6, 2015 by Decree of the Government of Moscow of March 24, 2015 N 132-PP; as amended by Decree of the Government of Moscow of August 23, 2017 N 583-PP.

Specialized fairs, organized by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, are held on land plots owned by them by right of ownership or other right, provided that the said land plots are used in accordance with the intended purpose.
(The paragraph is additionally included from April 6, 2015 by Decree of the Government of Moscow of March 24, 2015 N 132-PP; as amended by Decree of the Government of Moscow of August 23, 2017 N 583-PP.

34. The legal act of the Department of Trade and Services of the city of Moscow on the organization and holding of a specialized fair determines:

- specialization of the fair;

- organizer of the fair;

- address (location) of the fair site;

- period(s) of the fair;

- a list of groups of goods to be sold at a specialized fair, as well as a list of work performed and services rendered;

- information on the criteria for participation in a specialized fair (if any) and the procedure for selecting fair participants.

The procedure for establishing, determining the amount and charging fees for the provision of places for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) is determined by the organizer of a specialized fair independently.

35. After the adoption of a legal act of the Department of Trade and Services of the City of Moscow on the organization and holding of a specialized fair, the organizer of the fair, within 10 calendar days, develops an action plan for organizing the fair and selling goods (performance of work, provision of services) at it, and also determines the mode of operation of the fair , the procedure for organizing a fair, the procedure for providing places for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) at the fair. Information about the action plan for the organization of the fair and the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) is published by the organizer of the fair in the media.

VII. Requirements for places for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) at fairs

36. Places for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) at each site of the fair must be of the same type, unless otherwise provided by this Procedure.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on November 26, 2017 by the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated November 14, 2017 N 860-PP.

37. Specialized vehicles can be used for trading at the fair site, subject to state registration of the indicated Vehicle and passing their technical inspection in the manner prescribed by law.

38. When using measuring instruments (scales, weights, measuring containers and other instruments), cash register equipment, conditions must be provided for their installation in accordance with the metrological rules and technical requirements.

Scales and other measuring instruments must be installed on site in such a way that buyers are visually provided with a check of the measure, weight of the purchased goods.

39. The place for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) must be provided with trade, technological and refrigeration equipment, ensuring the possibility of observing the conditions for receiving, storing and dispensing goods, as well as the necessary inventory.

The equipment and inventory used must be kept in good condition, meet the requirements for electrical and explosion safety and ensure the ability to comply with fire regulations and rules, as well as the possibility of emergency evacuation of people and property in case of accidents or emergencies.

40. At each place for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) on the site of the fair, convenient for viewing by buyers, an information plate must be placed indicating the name of the participant of the fair and the place of origin of the goods.

VIII. Requirements for the organization of the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) at fairs

41. The sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) at fairs is carried out if the sellers have:

1) shipping documentation for products sold, and for citizens - heads of peasant (farmer) farms, citizens leading a personal subsidiary plot or engaged in gardening, horticulture, animal husbandry - a document confirming that a citizen maintains a peasant (farm) economy, personal subsidiary plot or occupation horticulture, horticulture, animal husbandry, as well as documents of title to a land plot used for running a peasant (farm) economy, personal subsidiary plot or for horticulture, horticulture, animal husbandry, or their notarized copies;
(Subclause as amended, entered into force on April 6, 2015 by Decree of the Government of Moscow of March 24, 2015 N 132-PP; as amended by Decree of the Government of Moscow dated March 20, 2018 N 198-PP.

2) documents confirming the quality and safety of products in accordance with the requirements of federal legislation;

3) information about the participant of the fair:

- for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs - the original or duly certified copy of the certificate of registration with the tax authority;
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on August 24, 2017 by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of August 23, 2017 N 583-PP.

- for individuals - a passport or other identity document;

4) medical books of the established form with complete data of medical examinations and other documents provided for by law.

5) documents confirming kinship in relation to the participant of the fair, or their notarized copies (if the participant of the fair is a citizen - the head of a peasant (farmer) economy, a citizen who leads a personal subsidiary plot or is engaged in gardening, horticulture, animal husbandry).
(The subparagraph was additionally included from April 6, 2015 by the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated March 24, 2015 N 132-PP; as amended, put into effect on March 31, 2018 by the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated March 20, 2018 N 198-PP.

42. The documents provided for in paragraph 41 of this Procedure are kept by the sellers during the entire period of work and are presented upon request. officials authorized state bodies and the organizer of the fair.

43. Goods (works, services) sold at fairs must be provided with price tags.

44. Food products industrial production must be labeled, and fruit and vegetable products - information on the place of cultivation (production) of products.

44(1). The price for at least one type of product provided for by the List of types of food products sold at a weekend fair must be at least 10 percent lower than the level of average city prices established according to the data of the Territorial Body of the Federal Service state statistics in Moscow at the time of the weekend fair.
Decree of the Government of Moscow of August 23, 2017 N 583-PP (as amended by Decree of the Government of Moscow of October 10, 2017 N 756-PP) applies from March 1, 2018)

IX. List of goods (works, services) to be sold at fairs

45. At weekend fairs, the sale of agricultural products and food products included in the Assortment List, as well as in the List of types of food products sold at weekend fairs, which are approved by the Department of Trade and Services of the City of Moscow, agricultural products and food products produced on the territory of the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union, as well as fruit and vegetable products growing on the territory of the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union, produced on the territory of other states.

At weekend fairs, it is not allowed to sell fruit and vegetable products included in the lists approved by the Department of Trade and Services of the City of Moscow, which do not grow in the territory of the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union, as well as the sale non-food items.
(Clause as amended, put into effect on August 24, 2017 by Decree of the Government of Moscow of August 23, 2017 N 583-PP (as amended by Decree of the Government of Moscow of October 10, 2017 N 756-PP).

46. ​​At regional fairs, agricultural products, food products and non-food products of light industry, folk art crafts, handicraft products produced on the territory of the declared constituent entities of the Russian Federation, member states of the Eurasian Economic Union, including products of members of industry associations, are sold.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on August 24, 2017 by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of August 23, 2017 N 583-PP.

46(1). At interregional fairs, agricultural products and food products produced or growing on the territory of the declared constituent entities of the Russian Federation and member states of the Eurasian Economic Union are sold.
(The paragraph is additionally included from August 24, 2017 by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of August 23, 2017 N 583-PP)

47. At weekend fairs, regional and interregional fairs, it is prohibited to sell:
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on August 24, 2017 by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of August 23, 2017 N 583-PP.

- alcoholic and alcohol-containing products;

- perfumery and cosmetic products;

- tobacco products;

- audio, video products, computer information carriers, household appliances;

- products from fur raw materials and tanned sheepskin, animal skins;

- meat of animals, poultry and products of their slaughter of non-industrial production;

- canned products, culinary products from meat and fish, confectionery cooked at home;

- meat and fish semi-finished products of non-industrial production;

- bulk gastronomic products;

- baby food;

- household chemicals;

- animals;

- medicines and medical products;

- products made of precious metals and precious stones;

- other goods, the sale of which is prohibited or restricted by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

- produced on the territory of states that are not members of the Eurasian Economic Union, included in the lists of fruit and vegetable products approved by the Department of Trade and Services of the City of Moscow, not growing on the territory of the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union.
(The hyphen is in the wording put into effect on August 24, 2017 by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of August 23, 2017 N 583-PP.

48. The list of groups of goods to be sold at specialized fairs, as well as the list of work performed and services provided at specialized fairs, are determined on the basis of a legal act of the Department of Trade and Services of the City of Moscow on organizing and holding a specialized fair.

X. Control over the organization of fairs and the sale of goods (performance of works, provision of services) at them

49. Control over compliance by legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, citizens with the requirements for organizing the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) at fairs is carried out by the executive authorities of the city of Moscow, as well as federal executive authorities within the limits of the powers granted.

50. The Department of Trade and Services of the City of Moscow monitors compliance with the requirements for organizing and holding weekend fairs, ensures coordination of activities to eliminate identified violations.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on January 31, 2016 by Decree of the Government of Moscow dated January 20, 2016 N 6-PP.

51. Councils of deputies of municipal districts monitor the work of weekend fairs.

The subject of monitoring is compliance with the requirements for the organization of the fair:

- location and number of places for the sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services);

- the absence of goods whose sale at weekend fairs is prohibited;

- availability of standard trade and technological equipment, if necessary dry closets;

- sanitary condition of the fair, cleaning of the fair site, removal of garbage and biological waste.

The procedure for the participation of deputies of the council of deputies of the municipal district in the monitoring is determined by the council of deputies of the municipal district. The head of the municipal district sends the monitoring results to the State Budgetary Institution of the City of Moscow "Moscow Fairs" and to the Department of Trade and Services of the City of Moscow.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on January 31, 2016 by Decree of the Government of Moscow dated January 20, 2016 N 6-PP.

If there are comments on the organization of the fair in the monitoring results, the State Budgetary Institution of the City of Moscow "Moscow Fairs" within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the monitoring results sends a response on the consideration of the monitoring results and the measures taken to the head of the municipal district and to the Department of Trade and Services of the city of Moscow.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on January 31, 2016 by Decree of the Government of Moscow dated January 20, 2016 N 6-PP.

XI. Elimination of conflict situations arising during the organization and holding of weekend fairs

52. To consider conflict situations that arise between the organizers of the fair, the participants of the fair and other persons in the organization and holding of weekend fairs, a conflict commission is created under the Department of Trade and Services of the City of Moscow. The regulation on the conflict commission is approved by a legal act by the Department of Trade and Services of the City of Moscow.

Revision of the document, taking into account
changes and additions prepared
JSC "Kodeks"

Document's name: On approval of the Procedure for organizing fairs and selling goods (performance of work, provision of services) at them in the city of Moscow (as amended on March 20, 2018)
Document Number: 172-PP
Type of document: Decree of the Government of Moscow
Host body: The government of Moscow
Status: current
Published: Bulletin of the Mayor and Government of Moscow, N 29, 05/18/2011
Acceptance date: 04 May 2011
Effective start date: May 29, 2011
Revision date: March 20, 2018

Good day, dear friends!

Today I would like to touch on a rather exciting topic for many needlewomen - participation in exhibitions and fairs of products self made.

I was inspired to write the article by a conversation with Alisa Luchinskaya - at that moment she was busy writing her book about making money on decoupage. Having discussed the issue of participating in "live" fairs, I realized that it makes sense to arrange all these sketches and thoughts into a single whole.

I Types of exhibitions-fairs

First of all, it is worth realizing the scale of the “disaster”. Exhibitions-fairs can be conditionally divided into large, medium and small.

1) Large fairs have a lot of advantages, but the disadvantages are even more significant.

They are held on a grand scale - in large rooms, with many masters and visitors.

The premises are well equipped - stands for your gizmos, more like a room where you can place your products even on the ceiling; bright lighting, it is possible to choose the place where you will live during the exhibition.

Fair "Craft Bazaar"

It seems to be so far everything is very worthy, right? But there is no barrel of honey without a heavy fly in the ointment - the cost of participation in such fairs is not only high - it is very high! There is no guarantee that you will at least win back participation. This level of exhibition is good for studios and needlework shops that want to show themselves to the general public. Well, or for the wives of oil rig owners who were bored. =)

It is also worth noting that there are a lot of visitors, but very few people buy anything. For visitors, such fairs are more like entertainment or a museum - come to see the beauty that others make with their own hands.

One of the stands of the fair "Craft Bazaar and Teddy Fun"

Also, about half of the visitors do not reach the second floor, so it is better not to choose places on the second floor (if the exhibition is located on several floors).

3) And, finally, quite small hand-made fairs.

Small fairs are usually held in shopping centers and small shops. Now they are being carried out great amount- in St. Petersburg, not a weekend goes by without such fairs. The organizers are counting on people passing by walking or going about their business. The most unfortunate type of fairs in terms of sales - there are no conditions for holding, the tables are set very closely, they are very small, there is no additional lighting, and also, by blocking the passage, the participants of the fair annoy people passing by, hurrying about their business. At such fairs, if something is sold, then something quite inexpensive and souvenir.

ll What you need to find out from the organizers before deciding to participate in the fair.

First of all, you need to find out from the organizers: of course, the cost of participation, is it possible to participate not all days (sometimes it is convenient if you can participate not all week, but only a few days), is it possible to take an assistant with you and under what conditions - sometimes you really want to move away from your place (see the fair, drink coffee, etc.); is it possible to choose the location of the table, is it possible to bring any furniture and lamps for lighting with you, is it possible to inspect the premises in advance, what time is the arrival on the territory for the craftsmen (you need to stay, spread out your beauty), and what time the end of the fair.

It is worth asking if there are other masters in your type of needlework, as these are your direct competitors.

Photo from one of the "Mirkwood" festivals

Some organizers give the opportunity to share one table for two masters. This only makes sense if you have small pieces like jewelry and they all fit on a vertical stand. In other cases, do not settle for this option - it produces a stunningly sad feeling of crampedness and a bazaar on buyers when the master huddles somewhere in the corner. Often they won’t even be able to properly approach you, let alone examine something.

Separately, I would like to dwell on the choice of a place on the territory of the fair. It makes sense to take into account the peculiarities of people's perception - corner tables often pass by in an arc, gliding over them with their eyes - simply because it is not convenient or there is no way to get closer. They also very often pass by the first tables and stands - they tend to go further, because people also follow, and no one has the desire to create a “traffic jam”. Often they pass by places located behind the turns and bends of the walls - being impressed by what they saw, they simply may not notice that they missed something else. It is also worth paying attention to the places next to the entertainment stands - quite a lot of visitors will stop here, involuntarily looking around while waiting for their turn (for example, face painting, mehendi). At the same time, it is worth evaluating whether this queue will impede approaches to your place).

Mirkwood Festival, photo - Alisa Luchinskaya

lll What needs to be thought out in advance, before the exhibition?

Be sure to find out the size of your table or the area allotted to you. I strongly recommend that you arrange things at home in advance on this square as they will lie at the exhibition itself. Believe me, it takes an unacceptably long time, and before you start launching visitors, you simply won’t have the opportunity to think about how best to decompose your beauty. (For convenience, you can take a picture of the layout).

The successful arrangement of things on a stand or table is of great importance.

Sometimes one purple monster on the edge of the table can bring you more customers than an evenly filled booth.

Large expensive things should be in a conspicuous place - it’s not a fact that they will be bought, but they will serve as a table decoration and attract the attention of visitors passing by.

Arrange things by topic, color, shape - all this is best thought out in advance.

You should definitely think over the packaging for each of your things, and not just for especially large ones - after all, the buyer still has to walk around the fair, and it will hardly be convenient to do this with a box in his hands.

If buyers will try on your products, do not forget to take a mirror with you, and sometimes it is convenient to have two mirrors, so that it is more convenient for the buyer to see the product on himself.

Pictured is Tatyana Redsonya, wire jewelry maker

And further. The tension and density of visitors are completely different, often the visitor is rolled in "waves". It would be nice to think about what you will do in moments of calm. If your kind of needlework allows it, you can create something, combining business with pleasure - the sight of a working needlewoman always attracts attention.

In the photo - Inga Moiseeva, felting master

lV What should I take with me to the fair?

1) Business cards! You can forget your head, but business cards - by no means! They will be able to find you after the exhibition, they will return to you for personal orders. Don't miss your chance!

Business cards should be in direct access - the corner of the table farthest from you and closest to the buyers.

2) Exchange of money. How many potential buyers were lost at fairs when the master simply did not have change ...

3) Price tags. Many potential buyers, not seeing the price tag, pass by for fear of being in an awkward situation. Well, if the price tag will indicate the name of the work and the most basic materials used in the work.

4) Tablecloth (if not provided by the organizers). The tablecloth should be plain or match the style of your work and design. On a colorful tablecloth, some things will simply be lost.

The list can, of course, be continued at your own discretion.

V What products sell best at fairs?

It is very difficult to give a definite answer to this question. Sometimes completely different things are taken apart at two fairs of the same type - once at one of the fairs all my notebooks were taken apart, and at another - all the notebooks were left on hand. Therefore, you can only notice some patterns, for example, the work should be of different price categories. Small souvenirs and useful gizmos find their buyers faster, but large and bright ones, as I already wrote, draw attention to your table.

And the last thing I would like to mention is the behavior of the master at fairs. As little obsession as possible! You should not run headlong to the visitor who came up to the exhibitions and pounce on him like a kite, saying that your product is the best! For many, this is intimidating and repulsive. It’s not bad if calm goodwill becomes your motto: smile, making it clear that you see a buyer, nothing more. If you see close attention to a particular thing, you can give some comment on it. Answer the questions asked, but don't ramble on for a half-hour speech.

School fairs are usually arranged in honor of some holidays, the onset of the new season, or some kind of charity events. Therefore, the design of trading tables, as a rule, is thematic: for an autumn fair, for example, a table can be decorated with vegetable compositions and bouquets of late flowers, it is difficult to imagine a New Year's fair without bright shiny tinsel and Christmas decorations, well, let's say, for the spring fair, it is customary to decorate tables with willow branches (“seals”), the first spring flowers.

Most often, at school fairs, a separate table is allocated immediately for the whole class, so all the students and parents of the class have to think about decorating the table together. And for this it is very important to think over the concept of future design in advance and distribute the responsibilities for making decor, so that, firstly, the entire table of the class looks holistic, and secondly, no one is offended.

There are, of course, a lot of options for decorating a table for a school fair. The choice will depend on the size of the table, the number of goods, and the theme of the fair. But there are a few general ideas that can be used in almost any occasion.

Cover the table with a tablecloth

A simple idea, but always a winning one. The table will immediately acquire an elegant look, create a holiday mood. You can take any tablecloth that you don’t mind, as long as it is clean and without holes. Oilcloth tablecloths are convenient and practical for such cases.

Even if there is no opportunity to fully decorate the trading table at the school fair, you can stand out from the rest of the fair participants thanks to thematically decorated price tags for the presented products. For example, if the fair is in autumn, then price tags can be made in the form of yellow, orange and red leaves, but at the winter fair, price tags in the form of snowflakes, snowmen, etc. will be appropriate.

Place a bouquet or flower arrangement on the table

Flowers, like a tablecloth, immediately make the table elegant. Choose any available flowers for the season, but if there are none, make an arrangement of dried flowers or coniferous branches. You can also make a decorative composition from ordinary dry twigs, decorating them with paper figures. For example, if the fair is held on Valentine's Day, then you can decorate the branches with paper hearts.

Use balloons

Bright balloons simply attract attention, so they can be very well used to decorate the table for the school fair. Balls can be fixed on the table itself, or can be assembled into a variety of compositions.

Bright multi-colored paper garlands, like balls, attract attention very well, so they can also be used to decorate the table at the fair. Paper garlands are easy and simple to make with your own hands, their production can and even needs to be entrusted to the children themselves. With garlands, you can decorate both the class trading table itself, and, for example, the wall behind it.

Draw posters, banners

On posters and banners, you can indicate which class the table belongs to, or you can make thematic drawings or write a funny “barker” (call) in large letters. For example, invocations can be like this.

Fly - buy, choose - take!

We invite everyone here, most respected gentlemen!

And now, honest people, fly in! And whatever your heart desires, buy!

Come, fly in, offer all your friends!

And one is good, and the other is good - choose which one you want!

Please come to us here as soon as possible
Come on, honest people.
Start having fun
The fair is calling us all!
Come on citizens
Let's please everyone!

There are good products.
Not a commodity, but a real treasure.
Take it apart!

By paying attention to decorating the table for the fair at school and beautifully laying out all the goods on it, you can not only be remembered by customers, but also earn a prize, because usually competitions for the best design of trading tables are also held as part of school fairs. So do not spare your time and effort and be sure to include the children themselves as actively as possible in the preparation for the fair!

School Fair Ideas

How to organize a fair at school

Why are fairs needed at all? There are several reasons. Firstly, this is a school-wide event in which not only children but also adults take an active part: teachers and parents. This helps the overall unification.

Secondly, schools have developed additional education, work numerous circles and sections: on knitting, felting, soft toys, beading, drawing, modeling from polymer clay, origami, wood painting, appliqué, cooking… There are also sports clubs, style and hair clubs, a chess club and photography. Therefore, teachers decided: what is done by children should be exhibited somewhere and even, if possible, sold. That is why fairs are so relevant and visited not only by students and their parents, friends and relatives, but also by residents of nearby houses and children from other schools. It's always interesting to see what your peers can create. For the school itself, this is a kind of advertising, an opportunity to attract new students.

Thirdly, everyone has the right to exhibit their work. At fairs, you can meet parents with handmade products. Private masters also take part: potters, weavers, photographers. They hold demonstrative master classes in order to acquaint everyone with a new type of creativity for them, and then invite them to their workshops. Here they sell their work. "Alien" masters deduct small sums to the treasury of the school.

Fourthly, fairs are not only the sale of "hand made" products, but also a fun and exciting pastime. Master classes are held, cafes, attractions, concert venues are open.


The whole school lives in anticipation of the fair for another month. A plan is drawn up indicating which class and what it conducts. The administration monitors that the presented events are not duplicated and are diverse. Fair places are distributed: corridors, halls, recreations.

Responsible for food, for the design of premises, discipline, meeting guests, for prizes, for "currency transactions" are selected. The machine for printing "money" is launched in advance.

The fact is that during the fair at the entrance to the school there is an “exchanger” where you can exchange rubles for the local “currency”. Only with it you can pay on the territory of the fair. If after the fair someone has “currency” left, then it can again be exchanged for rubles at a slightly different rate (with financial interest for the school).

The teachers of the circles select works for the fair, something is being completed in a hurry.

The school secretary scrupulously studies the reviews left on the school website over the past years, and writes recommendations in order to take into account all the wishes this year.

Invitation cards are produced (for officials), and announcements are printed with information about when the fair will take place, what is the plan for holding events. Then they are hung out not only in their own school, but also in neighboring ones. The text is prepared by the administration, design - by the editorial board of the school.

Fair Theme

The theme of each fair is discussed in advance. A box is posted at the school where you can add your wishes, what thematic fair you want to see this year. A topic is then selected based on what was approved by the majority of votes. Even the Christmas markets are thematically different from each other. Here are just a few examples: “Lapland is the birthplace of Santa Claus”, “Snow Maiden is a frosty beauty”, “ winter fairy tale”, “Siberian tunes”, “On a visit to the Snow Queen”. The themes of the spring fairs: “Forward, sailors!”, “Vikings”, “Greece has everything”, “Gullivers in the land of the Lilliputians”, “The country of my dreams”, “Man is a dog's friend”, “Black and white cinema”.

In accordance with the theme of the fair, the school is designed, the participants tend to use some kind of accessory in their clothes that is related to the declared theme of the fair.

The walls, foyer and even the floor of the school are decorated in a certain thematic way. There are signs everywhere: “If you go to the right, you will end up in a cafe, if you go to the left, you will fall into a snowdrift (a slide for kids), if you go straight, you will run into a wall (a photo exhibition of the work of a school circle).”

The walls are hung with art paintings made in different styles. There are many applications, works made from natural materials, feathers, paper, lace, and ceramic panels. Near each exhibition hangs an envelope for wishes and collecting votes. In the afternoon, the results are summed up, the winner is awarded a certain amount of local "currency".

Cultural program of the fair

Each class prepares its own program, trying to take into account the theme of the fair. Last year, the shadow theater was especially popular, where two performances took place in turn: one with the participation of "live actors", the other - with the use of figures cut out of cardboard. The performances were accompanied by music and the "voice" of the prompter.

Several rooms were equipped for attractions: there was a “panic room”, and jumping “under the dome of the circus”, and riding a wooden cart pulled by “donkeys” (children in disguise), and gypsy fortune-telling (in the appropriate surroundings).

One of the classrooms hosted an interactive round the world in ten minutes. The guests could visit national dwellings made of cardboard and other improvised materials: wigwam, yurt, tent, yaranga, pagoda, mink (Japanese house).

Someone prepared a concert. Part of the classroom served as a stage, the other as an auditorium. There were several fairly short numbers, which were interspersed with performances by magicians who actively involved the audience in their performance.

Parents helped teenagers conduct playful "master classes": how to learn how to roll your tongue, move your ears, pronounce tongue twisters, blindly tie knots, and collect puzzles made by children's hands.

Other classrooms were equipped for more serious master classes. The classes on making candles, typographical stamps from potatoes, beads from natural material, weaving straps from leather and canvas threads, making and painting stained-glass windows, sawing animals out of plywood.

The girls involved in the make-up circle held their master classes: weaving pigtails-spikelets, doing hairstyles and painting faces.

From year to year, various puzzle contests are held at the fairs: “Guess the melody”, “What is in the bag?” (for the little ones), "Malevich's Square" (what did the artist draw?), "Help the spy" (deciphering messages).

Festive cafe

During the fair, the cafe operates on the basis of the school canteen. Chefs, together with their parents, prepare unusual "restaurant" dishes. Dishes, as a rule, are made from inexpensive products, vegetables, cereals, seafood using unusual spices. You can often find dishes from oriental cuisine or find out what can be cooked from legumes, which are now presented in large numbers in supermarkets. Usually a cafe sells a lot of baked goods.

The purpose of the varied menu is to show what can be created from familiar products by adding new ingredients and spices. The task of schoolchildren is to be waiters in a cafe, take orders and tell interested guests in detail how and from what this or that dish is prepared. By the way, teenagers themselves come up with names for dishes and design menus. You can find a soup called "Hot Summer in Brazzaville", a roast "Couscous Me" or a drink called "Dionysius' Tenderness".

You can enjoy not only in cafes. There will definitely be a couple more places at any fair where you can taste culinary masterpieces. In addition to the classic gingerbread houses and cinnamon carvings, you can try vegetable dishes (without heat treatment) cut with shaped cutting knives. Those who wish are invited to try to prepare the salad themselves, using the ingredients to your taste.

It is difficult to say what is more interesting and valuable: preparation for the holiday or the holiday itself? Which is better: a gift or an anticipation of a gift? How much is discussed and discussed during preparation! And what creative disputes arise! It's great to do fun things together.

What to cook for a fair in kindergarten or school: ideas and recipes

What to cook for the fair in kindergarten or school? Nastya Kasyan, editor-in-chief of and mother of two children of kindergarten age, will share ideas and recipes for baking.

In recent years, charity fairs have been held in kindergartens and schools. The bottom line is that some parents bake or make something. Others are buying. The money raised at the fair is transferred either to charitable foundations or go to the needs of the garden (school). To those mothers and fathers who decided to participate in the fair and bake something, we dedicate this material.

Fairs in kindergartens and schools with the age-old question "What to cook?" have already entered our lives. As a veteran of such events, I will share with you ideas, as well as simple and quick baking recipes that have paid off from the experience of past fairs in kindergarten with my children.

When you decide what to cook for the fair in kindergarten or at school, you immediately need to discard all options with cream. Cream not only can go bad without a refrigerator. Also, cream cakes are not convenient to eat in the conditions of the fair: children can get dirty, and if one of the adults decides to buy something with cream (often parents buy pastries for work), they will not be able to take it away without crushing it.

Both parents and children are very willing to buy something that does not break, which is convenient to take with you or eat right there, on the spot. For example, cookies, pies, cupcakes.

Working mothers, I must admit, are often not up to fairs. You either remember baking at the last moment, or you simply don’t have enough time for it, and you spend a sleepless night at the stove.

To make my life easier, I have selected a few cookie recipes for children, the dough for which can be prepared in advance. This greatly simplifies life and reduces the time spent on baking on the eve of the fair itself. So, get armed.

Shortbread cookie recipe. The base is always the same. But every time from fair to fair, you can change the shape of cookies or filling: lavender, chocolate pieces, dried cranberries, grated lemon peel, nuts, cocoa. Shortcrust pastry can safely lie in the freezer for a month, or even two. If you want to conquer everyone at the fair in kindergarten, write down the recipe for stained glass cookies. In fact, the same shortcrust pastry, only with caramel inside.

Recipe for gingerbread. These cookies are loved by both children and adults. And the dough for them, like shortbread, can be stored in the freezer for 1-2 months.

Puff pastry pies. You can buy puff pastry, or you can make your own. It will keep in the freezer for up to six months. In addition to pies, you can also make cookies: cut out a cookie shape, grease it with a beaten egg and send it to the oven.

cupcake recipe. Cupcakes are easy to make, which is important for a working mom. You can leave the dough in the fridge overnight and put the muffins in the oven in the morning. In this way. by separating tasks, you do not have to spend the night in the kitchen.

Banana bread or lemon cake. It's easy to cook them. It is also easy then to bring them to the fair in the kindergarten and sell them by cutting them into pieces.

Pastila from pumpkin or apples. A healthy dessert for which mothers of children who, for one reason or another, do not eat pastries, will say “thank you” to you. Another plus, you can cook marshmallow long before the fair in a kindergarten or school.

Just in case, let me remind you that the products for baking should be fresh, and while cooking in the kitchen, there should be perfect cleanliness. And children do not have to be kicked out of the kitchen, on the contrary, they can be involved in the process and have a great time together.

And finally, a little life hack for moms. In addition to baking at the fair in kindergarten or school, bring paper napkins or bags, as well as a thermos of tea. Trust me, they will help you.

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How to organize a trading table at the fair

A table for a handmaker is not only a piece of furniture, but also a place where creative fantasies come true. In addition, the table is the main part outlet at a real fair. We have already written about the features of the design of the place of trade. I would like to add my notes and observations on this matter. I do not pretend to be a guru and I will be glad to all the additions, as well as photographs of your fair tables.

I have rather modest experience of participating in real fairs. I ventured to the first pre-holiday handmade fair at the end of last year. Probably, like any newcomer, I wanted to demonstrate my talents and skills as much as possible. As a result, I gained a lot of all kinds of knitted stuff and tried to fit in the small space of the allotted table. It turned out to be a real junk pile. Items were closely packed together. It was impossible to determine whether it was a collar, a napkin, or a Christmas decoration. The general unfavorable impression was strengthened by a cheap blue oilcloth bought at the last moment in the passage. I did not take care in time to find a suitable contrasting (for knitting from white threads) substrate, so I had to be content with what came to hand.

When I decided to walk through the rows and looked at my table from the side, I was horrified. A bazaar hoarder's tray, not a needlewoman's table! I figured out my mistake and tried to fix it by the next fair. I have developed a few rules for myself that I try to follow:

1. Decide in advance on the range of products for each specific fair. He can change. For example, New Year's, products for women, children's things, wedding accessories, etc.

2. If you exhibit medium-sized and large-sized items (including knitted items), then it is better to limit the range of products to 4-5 positions. The desire to cover the unreachable, to show everything in a crowd, leads to an overload of the exhibition space. Naturally, each direction has its own specifics. So, jewelry or soap is exhibited in a large number of varieties.

3. Find out from the organizers of the exhibition the shape and size of the table. Based on this, you can figure out what and how to place. For example, I try not to combine things of the same color. I put smaller items closer to the center, so it's easier to look after them.

4. Be sure to carry out a home reconstruction of the future placement of products. Then at the fair you won’t have to rack your brains about what to put where. However, homework is not always accurate. Therefore, it is important to consider several options for the location of the goods.

5. Prepare additional devices - hooks, coasters, pendants. Think over the option of "underlying surface". For my knitted products contrast is often needed, so I choose a darker canvas (I use a grandmother's scarf). At the same time, the specificity of fair events sometimes forces us to make other decisions. For example, at the World of Wedding exhibition, the tables of most participants were covered with pink and white linen. But mine, blue with an openwork tablecloth on top, looked good.

6. Do not forget to look at your place from the side of the buyer, moreover, from different points trading floor. Then your flaws and "white spots" will be immediately clear.

7. It is necessary to have a kind of "beacon" - something bright, original that will draw attention to your table. At my first exhibitions, such an enticing function was performed by cups dressed in bright covers - heating pads. And for the last exhibitions, I began to take a mannequin - a tadpole (daughter's doll) to demonstrate headwear. She was immediately noticed. The table was actively filmed by TV people and photographers)

Unfortunately, I did not take a photo of my first table. Yes, and it would be a shame to show it. Therefore, for example, I give photos of my tables from other fairs.

At the handmade fair “Children in Leather Hands”, I limited the assortment of my products to knitted collars, sets for women, covers for electronics and cups. But it still turned out to be too much.

At the charity fair, wonderful knitted figurines of Svetlana Berezkina, interestingly decorated in wicker baskets, shared the table with me.

The format of the exhibition "Wedding World" was more about the presentation of samples. Therefore, there is a minimum of products on the table. But many paid attention to the doll in a hat with a veil.

And more examples of tables that I liked with their design

And this, in my opinion, is not the most successful table decoration for trading.

The photos were taken at various fairs in our city.

How to arrange a table for a fair at school

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School Charity Fair at Gymnasium No. 10

On October 25, a traditional autumn charity fair was held at gymnasium No. 10, which raised more than 27,000 rubles to help a sick child. It was prepared and conducted by the students of the gymnasium themselves: they organized refreshments for sale and offered everyone to buy pastries and sweets and thereby support a good deed.

This year, the autumn fair was dedicated to helping little Sophia, who fights for her life every day, and for this she constantly needs medicines and medical sterile materials. Pupils of the 6th grade (class teacher Zeleneva Marina Dmitrievna) wrote a fundraising announcement before the start of the fair and invited all participants to join.


The tables were set in the hall on the 1st floor of the gymnasium, and a special commission of high school students evaluated each table according to several parameters, including the range of dishes and hygiene. Also, according to the results of the fair, it was taken into account which class collected the most funds from the sale of treats.

The tables set by the second classes were very colorful and tasty. There were sweets, pastries and other dishes of different peoples inhabiting Russia and the CIS countries. Children and parents of each class prepared and presented national dishes as part of the school project "Russia is a multinational country", designed to teach children tolerance and respect for the culture and traditions of other nationalities.

Table of Armenian national dishes.

Table of Kazakh national dishes.

Table of Georgian national dishes.

Also, the students, in addition to selling and buying sweets and drinks, did not pass by the box for collecting donations from the Charitable Foundation "CONSTELLATION OF HEARTS".

Like, for example, Milana from 2 "A", who baked cookies at home with her mother Olga, or her classmate Artem, who helped sell pastries with other guys.

It is worth noting that it was homemade cakes that were in great demand; schoolchildren who were hungry at the lessons were the first to take them apart.

Special thanks from the employees of the CF "CONSTELLATION OF HEARTS" I would like to convey to the authors of such culinary masterpieces as "Charlotte" and samsa with chicken. We could not pass by and tried it, it was incredibly tasty.

Some regular participants of the fair already have their own signature recipes, such as Danila's chocolate cupcakes from 8 "B". And classmate Alexei actively helped to sell them. The guys also talked about the clarified taste preferences of the students of their school, they will definitely take this information into service when preparing for the next fair.

Girls from 8 "B" Nastya, Alina and Liza said that they have been participating in such fairs since the 4th grade, and this time they sold everything they cooked at home, and even had to run to the store for a new portion of treats.

Lilya, Ilya, Artem, Katya, Nikita, Roma, Sonya and Arkhip from 8 "A" told us that they have been participating in the fair for 3 years already, they made pastries at home, sold everything and that they know where the money raised will go - for medicines for the sick children.

To draw attention to their table, the students showed a creative approach not only in cooking, but also in the design of the table and the presentation of products.

For those who could not choose which table to go to, the children themselves came up with trays and plates of pastries and actively offered to buy something, praising their products. Sometimes all means were used to push for a purchase, up to the calls of conscience: “Don't you feel sorry for sick children ?!”. It should be noted that the cost of products was simply symbolic and affordable for any student: from 10 to 50 rubles, and bargaining was also appropriate, as at a real fair.

It is not the first time that pupils of the 10th gymnasium help children together with the “CONSTELLATION OF HEARTS” charity fund: for example, 6 “G” and 11 “B” with the class teacher Marina Dmitrievna Zeleneva participated in the Charity Run “Sport for the Benefit of Children” and supported sick children and families with children with Down syndrome.

This time, following the results of the fair, 27,660 rubles 45 kopecks were donated to the representatives of the fund, which will help little Sophia fight for life. On behalf of the foundation and Sofia's family, we want to say a huge thank you to the teaching staff of the gymnasium for supporting the noble idea of ​​the charity fair, and also to thank all the parents and students of the gymnasium for your kind and open hearts!

Hello needlewomen!

Do you like to go to exhibitions? What about participating in them? It is very sad to leave the exhibition without paying back even her participation, isn't it? And this is very often the case with beginner craftswomen.

It is not enough just to come to the exhibition as a participant, it is important to prepare well and be ready for anything.

Today I will tell you:

  1. Why is it necessary to participate in exhibitions. What do they give the master?
  2. About my first experience of participating in a needlework exhibition.
  3. About the main mistakes that every second needlewoman makes when preparing for an exhibition.
  4. About little tricks that will help you succeed at any exhibition.

So let's go!

And those useful tricks that I learned after participation.

What does the exhibition give to the master?

If possible, participation in exhibitions is a must. Here are a few reasons why:

  • Participation in a creative exhibition will help you, needlewomen, find new customers and potential buyers. Even if nothing was bought from you at the exhibition itself, your proposed business cards and brochures will remain with the person. And perhaps someday he will become interested and follow the link indicated on the business card or dial the phone number.
  • Participating in an exhibition can also help you showcase all kinds of goods and products that you have. As a rule, at exhibitions there is no certain number of works that are allowed to be shown to the author.
  • The exhibition gives you the opportunity to give more information about you as a master and about your work in general. Potential buyers ask questions about products, how you make them.

Don't miss this opportunity. Tell as much as you can about your work and try to get people interested.

  • By participating in exhibitions, you will be able to analyze the prices of products. Perhaps you sometimes face the question of what price to put a particular product. Watch how other craftsmen rated their products on your subject. And draw a conclusion. By the way, in one of the previous articles we considered one of the options for calculating the cost of our product. I recommend reading the article "Determining the cost of a handmade product".
  • Participation in exhibitions will also help you attract the attention of the media, journalists and reporters. I don't think it's worth explaining here.

Bitter experience of my first exhibition.

I will say right away that I am not a fan of going to exhibitions, various fairs. No, I’m only “for” to go and see, but I don’t like to participate. Why? Probably, it is a big responsibility, time.

I'm not saying that I'm embarrassed by my products, on the contrary. But preparation for the exhibition itself takes a lot of emotional component, a lot of personal time, etc.

I will tell you how my first handmade exhibition was held.

It was in the spring of 2015. Sophia was born just recently. I accidentally came across the news that an exhibition of needlework will be held in my city.

Maybe out of boredom or because spring is calling, I applied for participation. Participation in the exhibition cost ridiculous money, only 300 rubles. I thought: "I'll go and unwind."

The event was held in a time cafe in the very center of the city. It was assumed that there would be a large cross-country ability and, accordingly, sales.

How did I prepare for the exhibition?

  • First of all, I put in order all my jewelry, which was supposed to participate in the exhibition. I checked if everything was in place, if the chains and locks were torn, if the threads were sticking out (even the most experienced craftsman makes mistakes).
  • I made business cards especially for the exhibition. I took a ready-made template, stylized for my theme. I printed 100 pieces.
  • I set a price for each piece of jewelry. Why in advance? I don't think it's worth explaining. It will turn out not cleverly when a potential buyer asks a question about the cost, and you, as a schoolboy, hesitate.

That's all my preparation. To put it mildly - the first pancake is lumpy.

The exhibition went more or less well, there were sales that were not as I had planned. After the end of the exhibition, of course, I analyzed my preparation and deduced several key mistakes that should not be made.

What mistakes should not be made when preparing for the exhibition.

1. Never be late for the start of the exhibition.

It will look ridiculous when, with a busy audience, you burst into the hall and start laying out your products in front of everyone. 2. Do not use handwritten price tags (written on a piece of paper in a box, with a simple pencil, etc.).

3. Do not stack products on top of each other.

It looks at least not attractive, but at the most careless.

4. Do not eat or drink in front of customers.

Exhibitions, of course, do not last an hour or two, and you still want to eat, but in such a way that you do not have to answer a potential buyer with a bun in your mouth.

5. Do not focus only on yourself.

Do not praise or describe yourself. Do not miss the opportunity to chat and meet other artists and learn about their work. This will be useful to you in the future.

6. And lastly, be confident in yourself and your creativity!

How to prepare for the exhibition?

Rule 1. Choice of exhibition.

When you decide to take part in an exhibition, you certainly do not go for the first one that comes across. You choose from the proposed list.

What should be remembered? Choose an exhibition with a coverage of at least 500 people. Less - it makes no sense, since sales may not be at all.

The cost of participation may vary depending on the region and the scale of the exhibition. But average price participation let it be 500-1000 rubles.

If you have large products, for example, you sew plush toys, it will probably be difficult for you to get on the bus. Therefore, if there are problems with transport, choose an exhibition closer to home.

Rule 2. Product packaging.

Packaging gives your product a marketable appearance. Do not pack the product in a plastic bag or gray box. It's not aesthetic.

Theoretically, for each product you should have a packing box or bag. Prepare this ahead of time at home. Arrange everything so that it is convenient to bring and not wrinkle.

Also think about the fact that after the end of the exhibition you will need to collect all these boxes.

On a note!

It is very convenient to pack products in boxes in advance and present them to potential buyers at the exhibition in this form. In addition, you can discreetly attach them with needles. So you will be sure that nothing will be stolen and nothing will fall off the table.

Rule 3. Organization of the place.

In order for your products to look attractive, not least attention should be paid to the workplace where you will offer your products.

To begin with, lay a bedspread or tablecloth on the table, which you will naturally bring with you. At exhibitions, these little things are rarely provided.

Arrange everything carefully on the table. Experiment at home in advance on how the products will look the best. Record the time that you need to lay out products on the table in order to be in time.

If it seems to you that there is not enough light in the room where the exhibition takes place to appreciate your products, take a lamp with you. Make sure that there is an outlet nearby.

Place business cards, brochures about your products on the edge of the table or at your convenience.

Also, for aesthetics, it will be good to arrange a small vase with artificial or even natural flowers or a plate of sweets.

Decorate your place in such a way that you want to come and look at it. It is worth thinking about this in advance. Now your table is ready.

Rule 4. Personal comfort at the exhibition.

This is a mandatory item in preparation for the exhibition. Many needlewomen lose sight of this.

Not often at exhibitions and fairs, craftsmen are treated to food and drinks. As a rule, this procedure is reduced to coffee from the machine.

Therefore, in order to be good mood and enjoy the exhibition, take care in advance about what you will eat and drink.

Take with you fruits, water, other non-perishable, but nutritious foods.

Your clothes should also be comfortable. You will sit or stand in it all day. Do not wear high-heeled shoes, at least have a change of comfortable shoes with you.

If the exhibition takes place in the cold season, then let you have a warm little thing at hand that will not let you freeze.

If the exhibition takes place on the street during the rainy season, keep an oilcloth in stock so that you can set your exhibition table in time.

Rule 5. Promotions and gifts.

You should consider this point in advance at home. Or you can get a 10% discount on your next purchase. Or on any certain types products, for example, in my theme necklace, a 30% discount on the day of the exhibition.

For example, when buying two products at once, the buyer receives a gift. A trifle, but always pleasant and unexpected.

Perhaps this is all I wanted to tell you, craftswomen. Preparing for an exhibition is a process no less painstaking and exciting than the exhibition itself. Be prepared for anything and don't worry.

Uncertainty is yours main enemy. I hope the article was useful to you. If you have any questions, be sure to write in the comments. I will gladly answer.

P.S. Describe your experience of participation in exhibitions. What did you find the most difficult in preparation and participation itself? Did participation live up to expectations? Tell me, it's very interesting.

I will break this post into 2 or 3 parts.
a really long story, but I tried, suddenly my experience is useful to someone

Quite a while ago, I began to have an obsessive thought about the need to participate in an exhibition of needlework) Naturally, the nearest ones are in Moscow, BUT it’s a little expensive for me to be honest. The cheapest (I met) 2-4 thousand .. And another moment. I live in the suburbs, in principle, it’s not very long and far for me to get to the capital, but if you collect all the traffic jams on the Moscow Ring Road, it will be 1.5 hours. I have a 1.5 year old daughter. Anyway, if pah pah something happens, I won’t have time to arrive quickly.
In general, this thought about the exhibition periodically visited me, but I pushed it away) to the farthest shelf in the brain)
And then I suddenly remembered that I had seen some post on the BB .. about an exhibition that interested me .. about the organization .. I began to look. In diaries like you can give links to third-party sites?

And then I thought - why not really try ?? Organize an exhibition in your city! I began to look for more detailed information, but alas, there is not much of it, here on BB, on YM, in social networks .. Information - the cat cried. No clear answers to questions. But nevertheless, I decided, I gathered my courage and away we go…..

Naturally, I decided to time the exhibition for NG. And it was in October.
For starters, of course, it was worth deciding on the venue.
We don't have many "cultural" places, like DK, only 4. Two of them are quite far from the center, I'm talking about a children's art school, to be honest. At that time I forgot, and eventually settled on our Youth Center"LEADER". It is not very far from the center, or rather very close, BUT there is a very inconspicuous entrance ... And this later played a role ...

I signed up with the director of this MC, he turned out to be a young man, my age, and this was a plus. Youth with youth will find faster mutual language than with a 70-year-old director .. Yes, and it was possible to communicate through social networks, which is easy and convenient.
The LEADER requested a small lease, with all this there were still many poles:

1) there were tables and chairs, which greatly facilitates the “work” of the masters, you don’t have to drag everything on yourself
2) New Year's entourage (decorations, garlands, music, Santa Claus) was, as it were, by default, because there are New Year's performances for children
3) they had titanium (an analogy to a cooler), and, accordingly, hot tea was provided (and oh, how important it is in winter)).
Okay, the situation was sorted out with the place, the dates were also decided quickly.

Then I began to look for masters, in social networks - this is a disastrous business. I realized that the best place is YM. There, the craftsmen are already aiming to sell their products. But I was lucky, I met a very wonderful family on VKontakte, Alexei and Nastya. Nastya is engaged in felting, and Alexey is engaged in our city forum and website. This is a significant plus and a real help!
At first, things didn’t go well.. There were barely 5-7 pieces of craftswomen. But then, suddenly, things started to go, and the craftsmen began to agree to participate. They even found me)) By the way, Aleksey and his website helped a lot with this.
and then good luck! Here on BB I just met an awesome girl Sveta.
She's a soapmaker and she helped me with the layouts for the ads. What would I do without her!!!
Advertising was planned as follows - a large pylon on the main street of the city, posters on pedestals, flyers, from the leader - advertising in the newspaper and on TV. In principle, it was relatively easy, all I had to do was print it out, and, well, agree on a pylon. (this was the main money from the contributions of craftswomen).

I will also say this - at the very beginning, when I was looking for masters, I came across a bunch of misunderstanding and even negativity. Like, what the hell is this? why waste your time? or "Who? Am I??? at a fair in some Dzerzhinsky??? but what are you, girl, I'm such a master felt-tip pen that uhhhh, I won't participate for anything." Such a reaction was unsettling, but it also gave some kind of correct anger and confidence or something!

When there were 2 weeks left before the exhibition, I began to put up posters on poles and pedestals in the city. It is worth saying that I did all this with my daughter, which people looked at simply indignantly. As if I sent her money to beg ((
In general, I stuck it for several days and caught a cold .. (which was to be expected. The law of meanness is in action.) And that means I'm sitting at home, the temperature is 38. The director of the Leader is calling. And from him I learn that unexpectedly, the governor of the region is coming to the city, and, accordingly, everyone fussed, began to prepare the city and saw our poster. They told him everything that I pasted posters in the wrong place. I had to take the baby and stomp to take off posters ... (I will say that I have a husband, but he is at work from 7 am to 9 pm) ..
Okay, then I pasted everything only on the pedestals, and then when the governor left.

For the last week I have been handing out flyers, in principle, myself too. I delivered it wherever possible - all our hospitals, including the nursery, shops where it is not prohibited, handicrafts in the first place, banks, pharmacies. On the streets as much as you can.

To be continued...