What is an electronic request for quotation. Instructions for preparing and submitting an application for participation in a request for quotations preparing and submitting an application Accepting quotation applications in electronic form

In the article we tell you what a quotation order is, how to participate in it and what is needed for this.

Types of trade and procurement procedures using electronic trading platforms:

  1. Contests
  2. Auctions
  3. Request for Proposals
  4. Quote requests

44-FZ of 04/05/2013 (as amended on 07/03/2016) article No. 24 "Methods for determining suppliers (contractors, contractors)"

2. in competitive ways definitions of suppliers (contractors, performers) are tenders (open tender, tender with limited participation, two-stage competition, closed competition, closed competition with limited participation, closed two-stage competition), auctions (auction in electronic form(hereinafter also electronic auction), closed auction), request for quotations, request for proposals.

What is a quote order

A request for quotation is a method of placing a government order, the winner of which is the participant who offered the lowest price, and whose application meets the established requirements of documentation and legislation.

44-FZ dated April 5, 2013, article 72 "Request for quotations"

1. A request for quotations is understood as a method for determining a supplier (contractor, performer), in which information on procured for the provision of state or municipal needs Goods, works or services are communicated to an unlimited number of persons by posting a notice on the request for quotations in the unified information system, and the procurement participant who offered the lowest contract price is recognized as the winner of the request for quotations.

2. The customer has the right to make purchases by conducting a request for quotations in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph, provided that the initial (maximum) contract price does not exceed five hundred thousand rubles. At the same time, the annual volume of purchases carried out by conducting a request for quotations should not exceed ten percent of the total annual purchases of the customer and should not exceed one hundred million rubles.

Benefits for the customer:

  1. Speed ​​of the procurement procedure (12-16 business days from the date of publication);
  2. There are no requirements for the development of a large technical assignment (procurement documentation);
  3. There is no requirement to clarify the provisions of the notice;
  4. Maximum one lot per procedure;
  5. One protocol that defines the provider.

Benefits for the supplier:

  1. Of the requirements, it is enough to attach documents with information about the product and the price offer. Constituent documents it is not necessary to apply;
  2. No financial support for the application is required;
  3. Submission of an application in electronic or paper form;

The main disadvantage of a quotation order

The criterion for selecting the winner is the lowest price and compliance with the requirements. This is an unjustified risk for the customer. Doesn't apply to supplier. anti-dumping measures Therefore, the price offer does not guarantee the quality of goods or services.

Step-by-step instructions: how to participate in a quotation order

Step 1. Search for a quote request

There are two ways to find quotes:

  1. Search through trading monitoring services (SBIS Trading)
  2. Search on the Unified Information System in the field of procurement (zakupki.gov.ru)

Step 2. Preparation of a package of documents

Read the requirements carefully quotation order and prepare a list of documents. If you do not meet the requirements, the application will be rejected.

List of documents

1. Application for participation

The customer prepares an application form and uploads it along with the draft contract, specification for the Unified Information System in the field of procurement. Download the template and fill it out.

In the application to the request for quotations indicate:

  1. Business name.
  2. Location of the enterprise.
  3. Surname, name, patronymic of the responsible employee for making contact.

Rice. 1. First part of the application

  1. Bank details of the procurement participant;
  2. The consent of the participant to fulfill the terms of the contract, which are indicated in the notice (indicating the name and characteristics of the goods);
  3. Contract price offer;
  4. Documents confirming the right to receive benefits;
  5. TIN of the founders;
  6. TIN of members of the collegial body;
  7. TIN of sole proprietor executive body.

Rice. 2. Second part of the application

In the participant's declaration of eligibility, confirm that the enterprise is not in litigation, has the status of a going concern, is not in liquidation, is not in bankruptcy proceedings, etc. All requirements are specified in the declaration template.

3. Additional documents

Documents confirming the benefits of the participant can be attached to the application:

  • Confirmation of the status of a small business entity
  • Documents confirming the compliance of a product, work or service with the conditions of admission, prohibitions on admission, restrictions on admission

Draw up all documents on the letterhead of the enterprise, print it out, certify it with the signature of the head of the enterprise and stamp it with the seal of the enterprise.

Step 3. Submitting a quotation bid

There are two ways to apply:

  1. AT in electronic format by signing documents electronic signature;
  2. On paper, in a sealed envelope.

If, according to the terms of the request for quotations, it is possible to send it electronically, sign the documents with an electronic signature. Then send to the e-mail specified in the request.

If the application is made on paper, pack all documents in an envelope. On it stick a form with data on the request for quotations, the customer and the participant.

Rice. 3. Form example

Send the quotation request by mail or deliver it personally to the address indicated in the notice. When submitting an application, we recommend that you take a receipt from the customer on receipt of the application, indicating the date and time.

How to withdraw or change a quotation order

A participant can change (withdraw) a quotation bid only if the customer made adjustments to the notice of a quotation request already after the bid was submitted by the participant.

Procedure for determining the winner in quotation bids

The quotation commission opens envelopes with bids at the time and place specified in the notice.

Procurement participants who submitted bids or their representatives may be present at the opening procedure. The absence of participants in quotation orders does not cancel the procedure for opening envelopes.

The winner of the request for quotations, in accordance with Part 6 of Art. 78 of the Federal Law No. 44, a participant is recognized who has submitted an application that meets all the requirements established in the notice, and which indicates the lowest price of goods, work or services.

Reasons for rejecting an application

  • Applications do not meet the requirements specified in the notice;
  • The price of goods, work or services offered in bids exceeds the initial maximum price the contract specified in the notice;
  • The participant of the request for quotations did not provide the documents stipulated by Part 3 of Art. 73 FZ No. 44.

The contract is concluded with the customer not earlier than seven days from the date of placement of the protocol for consideration of applications and not later than twenty days from the date of signing the protocol.

If the request for quotations did not take place, then the customer concludes a contract with a single supplier (contractor, performer) in accordance with paragraph 25 of part 1 of Art. 93 FZ No. 44.

Reasons for failed requests for quotes

The request for quotations may not take place for the following reasons:

  • If at the end of the deadline for submitting applications for participation in the request for quotations, only one application has been submitted;
  • If, based on the results of consideration of applications for participation in the request for quotations, only one application is found to comply with the requirements and requirements specified in the notice;
  • All applications that were submitted were rejected;
  • Applications were not submitted at all.

If, as a result of consideration, all applications are rejected, the customer extends the deadline for submission by four working days.

A request for quotation is one of the easiest supplier identification forms to prepare.

This procedure is regulated by Articles 72-82 44 of the Federal Law.

This type of procurement has its own peculiarity: the winner of the request for quotations is selected according to one single evaluation criterion - the contract price.

Deadline for submitting a quotation

According to paragraph 1 of Art. 74 44-FZ, the customer is obliged to place a notice in the EIS about the request for quotations at least 7 working days before the end of the submission of quotation bids, and in the case of a contract value not exceeding 250 thousand rubles. and circumstances referred to in Art. 76 44-FZ - no less than 4 business days.

If the customer intends to make changes to the notice of the request for quotations, then he has the right to do this no later than 2 days before the deadline for submitting quotation bids under 44-FZ.

The object of the purchase is not subject to change. Within one working day, after making changes, the customer must indicate information about this in the EIS. At the same time, after making changes, at least 7 days must remain before the end of submission of quotation bids. And if the purchase of goods, works or services, carried out by the method of request for quotations, is carried out in the amount of less than 250 thousand rubles, then there must be at least 4 days before the deadline for submission. (Art. 74 44-FZ)

In this procurement, it is not necessary to provide evidence of experience or availability of human resources, functional or technical characteristics.

However, even in such seemingly small purchases, there are nuances associated with participation. It is about them that we will tell in this article.

In order to apply for participation in the request for quotations, you need to carefully study on the website of the Unified Information System (zakupki.gov.ru) general information about the purchase.

Particular attention should be paid to the following points:

    purchase object;

    date and time of the end of submission of applications for participation;

    place of submission of the quotation bid;

    initial maximum contract price;

    benefits, limitations, requirements for participants.

In the "Purchase Documents" tab, it is necessary to analyze the procurement documentation for the requirement to provide any documents.

Documents for the quotation order

Based on these requirements, a package of documents is formed. It is necessary to make copies of documents certified in in due course: the documentation may indicate that copies of documents must be certified by the participant, that is, with the phrase “Copy is correct”, the signature of an authorized person and the seal, or a requirement to provide notarized copies may be established.

Each document containing more than 2 pages must be bound with the number of pages, signed by an authorized person and stamped. Next, fill out the quotation application form, which, as a rule, is located in the procurement documentation.

The application for participation in the request for quotations must contain the name, location (for a legal entity), last name, first name, patronymic (if any), place of residence (for individual), Bank details purchase participant.

In the quotation application itself, you must specify the following information and attach documents:

    according to paragraph 1, part 3, Art. 73 44-FZ, the consent of the participant to fulfill the terms of the contract specified in the notice, the name and characteristics of the goods supplied;

    according to paragraph 2 of part 3 of Art. 73 44-FZ, contract price offer;

    according to paragraph 3 of part 3 of Art. 73 44-FZ, documents confirming the right of the participant to receive benefits in accordance with Art. 28 and 29 of 44-FZ (or copies of such documents);

    in accordance with paragraph 4 of part 3 of Art. 73 44-FZ, TIN (if any) of the founders, members of the collegial executive body, the person acting as the sole executive body of the participant in the request for quotations;

    in accordance with paragraph 5 of part 3 of Art. 73 44-FZ, declaration of belonging of the participant in the request for quotations to the SMP or socially oriented non-profit organizations if such restrictions are indicated in the notice;

    according to paragraph 6 of part 3 of Art. 73 44-FZ, documents confirming the compliance of the goods (works or services) offered by the participant in the request for quotations with the conditions of admission, prohibitions on admission, restrictions on admission if such restrictions are indicated in the notice of the request for quotations.

An inventory is compiled for all documents included in the quotation bid under 44-FZ. It indicates the name of the document, as well as the number of pages of the document.

The application is stitched according to the inventory, i.e. in the same order, all sheets of the application are numbered consecutively.

The application for participation in the request for quotations is submitted to the customer in a sealed envelope, which does not allow viewing its contents until the envelope is opened. When submitting a quotation to writing in a sealed envelope, in order to ensure the integrity and security of the customer, the name of the request for quotations, for participation in which this application is submitted, is indicated on the envelope. At the request of the participant, the customer is obliged to issue a receipt of receipt of the application for participation in the request for quotations, indicating the date and time of its receipt.

This completes the procedure for preparing and submitting an application for participation in the request for quotations.

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the right to conclude a contract for the sale of office furniture

Moscow city,

I. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS……………………………………………..3



IV. TERMS OF REFERENCE………………………………………….……14


VI. DRAFT CONTRACT………………………………………………………38


Quote request in electronic form (hereinafter also referred to as Request for Quotations)- a method of making purchases without bidding, in which information about the needs for goods is brought to an unlimited number of suppliers by posting on the website of an electronic trading platform and official website Russian Federation to place orders, notices on the request for quotations and documentation on the request for quotations.

The winner of the request for quotations is the participant in the request for quotations that offered the lowest contract price.

Purchasing procedure - actions carried out in accordance with the established procedure, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and regulatory documents.

Participant of the procurement procedure (purchase participant)- any legal entity or several legal entities acting on the side of one participant in the procurement procedure, regardless of the organizational and legal form, form of ownership, location and place of origin of capital, or any individual or several individuals acting on the side of one participant in the procurement procedure, including an individual entrepreneur or several individual entrepreneurs acting on the side of one participant in the procurement procedure.

Quote request participant- a participant in the procurement procedure that has acquired the status of a participant in the request for quotations based on the results of consideration of applications for participation in the request for quotations.

3.2.2. The documents included in the quotation bid, the originals of which were issued to the participant in the procurement procedure by third parties in another language, may be submitted in this language, provided that they are accompanied by a notarized translation into Russian.

3.2.3. The use of other languages ​​for preparing a quotation bid, except for the cases provided for in 3.2.2, is regarded by the Purchasing Commission as a non-compliance with the requirements established by this documentation.

3.3. Requirements for the description of the supplied goods

3.3.1. The description by the participants of the procurement procedure of the supplied goods, its quantitative and qualitative characteristics is carried out in accordance with the requirements of this documentation and in the attached forms.


4.1. Procedure, place, start date and end date for submission of quotation bids

4.1.1. Quotation bids are submitted by participants in the procurement procedure in the manner and terms specified in the notice and documentation on the request for quotations and in accordance with the "User's Guide" of the ETP on which the procurement is carried out.

4.1.2. The quotation bid must contain the following information, documents, proposals and information:

1) Information and documents about the participant in the procurement procedure who submitted the application, including information about the persons acting on the side of the participant in the procurement procedure:

Company name (name), information about the legal form, location, postal address (for a legal entity), last name, first name, patronymic, passport details, information about the place of residence (for an individual), contact phone number;

An extract from the unified state register legal entities or a notarized copy of such an extract (for legal entities) received no earlier than 3 (three) months before the date of posting on the Official Website of a notice of a request for quotations an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs or a notarized copy of such an extract (for individual entrepreneurs), copies of identification documents (for other individuals), a properly certified translation into Russian of documents on state registration of a legal entity or individual as individual entrepreneur in accordance with the legislation of the relevant state (for foreign persons), received no earlier than 6 (six) months before the date of placement on the Official Website of the notice of the request for quotations;

A document confirming the authority of a person to act on behalf of a procurement participant - a legal entity (a copy of the decision to appoint or elect or an order to appoint an individual to a position, according to which such an individual has the right to act on behalf of the procurement participant without a power of attorney (hereinafter for the purposes of this section - the head).If another person acts on behalf of the procurement participant, the quotation bid must also contain a power of attorney to act on behalf of the procurement participant, certified by the seal of the procurement participant and signed by the head of the procurement participant (for legal entities) or authorized this person, or a notarized copy of such a power of attorney.If the specified power of attorney is signed by a person authorized by the head of the procurement participant, the quotation bid must also contain a document confirming the authority of such a person;

4.2.4. The security of the quotation bid is deposited to the account of the ETP in accordance with the regulations and instructions of the ETP where the procurement procedure is carried out.

4.3. Change and withdrawal of applications for participation in the request for quotations

4.3.1. A participant in the procurement procedure who has submitted a quotation bid has the right to withdraw the quotation bid at any time before the deadline for submitting quotation bids.

4.3.2. After the deadline for submission of quotation bids, withdrawal of bids is not allowed.

4.3.3. The procedure for withdrawing quotation bids submitted to the ETP is determined and carried out in accordance with the rules of operation of the ETP.

4.3.4. Changes to the quotation order are not allowed.


5.1. Opening access to applications submitted in the form of electronic documents

5.1.1. At the meeting of the Procurement Commission, access to quotation bids submitted in the form of electronic documents is opened within the time period specified in the notice of the request for quotations at the ETP.

5.2. Consideration and evaluation of quotation bids

5.2.1. The Procurement Commission, within one working day following the day of the deadline for submission of quotation bids, considers quotation bids for compliance of bids, as well as participants who submitted bids, with the requirements set out in the documentation on the request for quotations.

5.2.2. The Procurement Commission does not consider and rejects quotation bids if the participants in the procurement procedure or the bids of such participants do not meet the requirements established in the documentation on the request for quotations.

5.2.3. A quotation bid is recognized as proper if it meets all the requirements set forth in the quotation request documentation and does not contain significant deviations and reservations. A significant deviation or reservation for the purposes of evaluating bids is recognized as changes and reservations included in the text of the bid or documents attached to the bid, the possibility of making which is not directly provided for by the documentation on the request for quotations and which:

§ in any significant way affect the volume, timing, quality and other essential characteristics of the goods (works, services) to be delivered (executed, rendered) and/or

§ limit in any way the rights of the Company or the obligations of the contractor under the contract, in contrast to the way they are provided in the documentation for the request4 for quotations.

5.2.4. In the event that no quotation bids have been submitted or only one quotation bid has been submitted after the deadline for submission of quotation bids, the Company has the right to extend the deadline for submission of quotation bids by at least 3 (three) business days and within one business day after the deadline submission of quotation bids, post on the Official website a notice on the extension of the deadline for the submission of such bids, or recognize the request for quotations as invalid.

In the event that no additional quotation bids are submitted after the deadline for submission of quotation bids specified in the notice of extension of the quotation bid submission period, the quotation request shall be recognized as failed.

5.2.5. In the event that only one quotation bid is submitted for participation in the request for quotations after the deadline for submitting bids for participation in the request for quotations, including taking into account the extension of the bid submission period, if the Company decides to extend the bid submission period, only one quotation bid is submitted and the quotation request is recognized failed, the specified application is considered in the manner prescribed by clause 5.2. this documentation. If the specified bid meets the requirements established by the notice on the request for quotations, the documentation on the request for quotations, the Company has the right to transfer to the procurement participant who submitted a single quotation bid, the draft contract, which is drawn up by including the conditions for the execution of the contract proposed by such a participant in the quotation bid, in draft agreement attached to the documentation on the request for quotations. An agreement with a single participant is concluded by purchasing from sole supplier in accordance with paragraph 11.2.16 of the Regulation "On procurement activities in. The sole procurement participant is not entitled to refuse to conclude the contract.

5.2.6. Based on the results of consideration of bids, the Procurement Commission decides on the compliance of bids and procurement participants with the requirements established in the documentation on the request for quotations and on the recognition of such procurement participants as participants in the request for quotations or on the non-compliance of bids or procurement participants with the established requirements and on the refusal of such participants to recognize them as participants in the request quotes.

5.2.7. Evaluation of quotation bids is carried out according to the criterion "contract price".

5.2.8. Based on the results of evaluation of quotation bids by the Purchasing Commission, each quotation bid is assigned a serial number as the degree of profitability of the conditions contained in them on the price of the contract, unit price of goods, work, services decreases. The quotation bid, which contains the best conditions for the execution of the contract (the lowest price of the contract, the price per unit of goods, work, services), is assigned the first number. If several quotation bids contain the same conditions for the execution of the contract, a lower serial number is assigned to the quotation bid that was received earlier than other quotation bids containing such conditions.

5.2.9. The winner in the request for quotations is the participant in the request for quotations that meets the requirements set out in the documentation on the request for quotations, and who submitted a quotation bid that meets all the requirements set in the documentation on the request for quotations, and which indicates Best offer at the price of the contract, and the application of which was assigned the first number.

5.2.10. The results of consideration and evaluation of quotation bids are documented in the minutes of consideration and evaluation of quotation bids, which contains information about essential conditions of the contract, on the procurement participants who submitted quotation bids, the decision on the admission of the procurement participant to participate in the request for quotations and on its recognition as a participant in the request for quotations or on the refusal to admit the procurement participant to participate in the request for quotations, indicating the provisions of the documentation on the request for quotations that do not comply procurement participant or the application of such a participant; on the offer of the lowest price of the contract, information about the winner of the request for quotations, about the participant in the request for quotations that offered the same price in the quotation request as the winner of the request for quotations, or about the participant in the request for quotations that offered the price of the contract, next in terms of profitability after the one proposed by the winner of the request quotes. The minutes of consideration and evaluation of quotation bids are signed by all members of the Procurement Commission present at the meeting.

5.2.11. Within 3 days from the date of signing the protocol for consideration and evaluation of quotation bids, the Company places the specified protocol on the ETP and the Official Website.

5.2.12. The protocol is drawn up in two copies, one of which is kept by the Company, the other - within 5 working days from the date of signing the protocol is transferred to the winner of the request for quotations with the application of the draft contract, which is drawn up by including the conditions for the execution of the contract proposed by the winner of the request for quotations in the draft contract, attached to the documentation for the request for quotations.

The winner of the request for quotations is not entitled to refuse to conclude the contract.

5.2.13. In the event that, based on the results of consideration of bids, the Procurement Commission rejected all quotation bids or did not reject only one bid, the request for quotations is recognized as failed. In this case, the contract may be concluded with a single participant in the request for quotations, whose application is recognized as complying with all the conditions of the documentation on the request for quotations.


6.1. Terms and procedure for concluding a contract

6.1.1. Within 5 (five) business days from the date of receipt of the draft agreement from the Company, the winner of the request for quotations or the sole participant in the request for quotations is obliged to sign the agreement on their part and submit copies of the signed agreement to the Company. The contract is concluded outside the ETP.

6.1.2. In the event that the winner of the request for quotations or the sole participant in the request for quotations does not comply with the requirements of subparagraph 6.1.1. of this documentation on the request for quotations, he is recognized as having evaded the conclusion of the contract.

6.1.3. The Company, within 10 (ten) working days from the date of receipt from the winner of the request for quotations or the sole participant in the request for quotations, with which, following the results of the request for quotations in accordance with this documentation on the request for quotations, an agreement is to be concluded, an agreement signed on its part, is obliged to sign an agreement and transfer the second copy of the agreement to the person with whom the agreement was concluded, or his representative, or send a copy of the agreement by mail to the address of the person with whom the agreement was concluded.

6.1.4. If the winner of the request for quotations evades the conclusion of the contract, the Company has the right to offer to conclude the contract to the participant in the request for quotations, whose quotation order is assigned the second number. Participants in the request for quotations, the application of which was assigned the second number, are not entitled to refuse to conclude contracts.

6.1.5. If the winner of the request for quotations, the participant in the request for quotations whose bid was assigned the second number, or the only participant in the request for quotations evades the conclusion of the contract, the Company has the right to apply to the court with a claim for the recovery of losses caused by evading the conclusion of the contract.

6.1.6. The agreement concluded with the participant whose application was assigned the second number is drawn up by the Company by including in the draft agreement attached to the documentation on the request for quotations, the conditions for the execution of the agreement proposed by this participant in the request for quotations. The draft agreement shall be sent by the Company to the address of the specified participant within a period not exceeding 10 (ten) working days from the date of recognition of the winner as having evaded the conclusion of the agreement.

6.1.7. The Participant, whose application has been assigned the second number, is obliged to sign the agreement and transfer it to the Company in the manner and within the time limits provided for in subparagraph 6.1.1. of this documentation on the request for quotations.

6.1.8. Failure by the participant, whose application has been assigned the second number, to the Company within the time period established by sub-clause 6.1.7 of this documentation on the request for quotations, signed by its side of the contract, is considered to be the evasion of such a participant from concluding the contract with the application of the consequences established in sub-clause 6.1.5 of this documentation.

6.1.9. If there are court-ordered arbitration court judicial acts or the occurrence of force majeure circumstances that prevent the parties from signing the contract within the time limits established by this paragraph, the party for which it became impossible to sign the contract in a timely manner is obliged within
1 (one) day to notify the other party of the existence of such circumstances or judicial acts. At the same time, the period specified in this paragraph is suspended for the duration of such circumstances or judicial acts, but not more than 30 (thirty) days. In the event of termination of force majeure circumstances or judicial acts preventing the conclusion of the contract, the relevant party, whose actions were influenced by force majeure circumstances or judicial acts, is obliged to notify the other party of such termination no later than the next day.

In the event that judicial acts or force majeure circumstances preventing the signing of the contract for the Company are valid for more than 30 (thirty) days, the request for quotations is recognized as failed.

In the event that judicial acts or force majeure circumstances that prevent the signing of the contract for the winner with whom the contract is to be concluded are valid for more than 30 (thirty) days, such a winner loses the right to conclude a contract. In this case, the Company has the right to send the draft agreement to another participant in accordance with the procedure established by subparagraphs 6.1 of this documentation for cases where the winner evades signing the agreement, or recognize the request for quotation procedure as failed and conduct a second procurement procedure.

6.2. Amendment and termination of the contract concluded as a result of the request for quotations

6.2.1. The change and termination of the contract concluded as a result of the request for quotations is carried out in the manner and on the grounds provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as the provisions of the concluded contract.

6.2.2. The Company, in agreement with the supplier, in the course of the execution of the contract concluded based on the results of this request for quotations, has the right to change the delivery time, volume and price of the purchased goods if there is a change in the need for such goods, for the supply of which the contract was concluded or if a need for an additional volume of purchased goods is identified, but not more than 10% of the contract price.

6.2.3. In the event of an increase in the volume of goods that are the subject of the contract, additional goods are supplied on the terms stipulated by the contract concluded as a result of the request for quotations.


7.1. Appealing the results of the procurement procedure

7.1.1. Actions (inaction) of the Company, the Procurement Commission may be appealed by the participants in the procurement procedure in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, if such actions (inaction) violate the rights and legitimate interests of the participants in the procurement procedure.


This part of the documentation on the request for quotations contains information that clarifies, clarifies and supplements the provisions of part " General terms request for quotations".

In the event of a conflict between the provisions of the part "General Conditions for the Request for Quotations" and " Information card request for quotations” the provisions of this part shall apply.


Information about the Company


Amount of collateral for a quotation order

64,300 (sixty-four thousand three hundred) rubles 00 kopecks.

Payment procedure under the contract:

Payment of the initial payment in the amount of 30% (thirty percent) of the value of the goods specified for delivery is made by the Company no later than 5 (five) calendar days from the date of invoicing by the Supplier.

Payment of 70% (seventy percent) of the value of the goods specified for delivery is made by the Company no later than 10 (ten) calendar days from the date of signing the Goods Acceptance and Transfer Certificate, subject to the timely invoicing by the Supplier.

The moment of payment is considered the date of debiting Money from the settlement account of the Company.

Payment is made in non-cash form.

Place of delivery of goods:

Delivery conditions: in accordance with the terms of reference.

Terms and conditions of delivery of goods:

The delivery time shall not exceed 10 (ten) calendar days from the day the Company transfers the advance payment to the Supplier's account.

Submission of quotations:

Application deadline start date: 10.01.2013.

Deadline date and time for applications: 16.01.2013 G. 18:00 min (Moscow time)

Place and date of consideration of quotation bids and evaluation of quotation bids:

Consideration and evaluation of quotation bids will be carried out 17.01 .2013 at the location of the Company.

(introduced by Federal Law No. 504-FZ of December 31, 2017)

ConsultantPlus: note.

From 07/01/2018 to 01/01/2019, in order to participate in electronic form in tenders, requests for proposals, requests for quotations, the procurement participant receives accreditation on the electronic platform in the manner prescribed by Art. 61.

1. Submission of applications for participation in the request for quotations in electronic form is carried out only by persons registered in the unified information system and accredited on the electronic platform.

State order. Quote request.

The application for participation in the request for quotations in electronic form consists of the proposals of the participant in the request for quotations in electronic form on the proposed product, work, service, as well as on the price of the contract. Such an application is sent by the participant of the request for quotations in electronic form to the operator electronic platform.

3. A participant in a request for quotations in electronic form has the right to submit an application for participation in such a request at any time from the moment a notice of its holding is placed until the date and time specified in the notice of a request for quotations in electronic form, the deadline for filing applications for participation in such a request.

4. A participant in a request for quotations in electronic form has the right to submit only one application for participation in such a request.

5. Within one hour from the receipt of an application for participation in a request for quotations in electronic form, the operator of an electronic site is obliged to assign an identification number to it and confirm in the form of an electronic document sent to the participant in such a request who submitted the specified application, its receipt, indicating the identification number assigned to it .

6. Within one hour from the moment of receipt of the application for participation in the request for quotations in electronic form, the operator of the electronic site returns the specified application to the participant in the request for quotations in electronic form that submitted it in the following cases:

1) filing an application in violation of the requirements provided for by Part 6 of Article 24.1 of this Federal Law;

2) submission by one participant of the request for quotations in electronic form of two or more bids for participation in it, provided that the bids submitted earlier by this participant are not withdrawn. AT this case this participant all applications for participation in such a request are returned;

3) receipt of the application after the date or time of the deadline for filing applications for participation in such a request;

4) receiving an application from a participant in such a request in violation of the provisions of this Federal Law;

5) submission by a participant of such a request of an application that does not contain a contract price offer or contains a contract price offer that exceeds the initial (maximum) contract price or is equal to zero;

6) the presence in the register provided for by this Federal Law unscrupulous suppliers(contractors, executors) of information about the procurement participant, including information about the founders, members of the collegial executive body, the person acting as the sole executive body of the procurement participant - a legal entity, subject to the customer establishing the requirement provided for by Part 1.1 of Article 31 of this Federal Law .

7. The return of applications for participation in the request for quotations in electronic form by the operator of the electronic site on other grounds, except for the grounds specified in part 6 of this article, is not allowed.

Simultaneously with the return of the application for participation in the request for quotations in electronic form in accordance with Part 6 of this article, the operator of the electronic site is obliged to notify in the form of an electronic document the participant in such a request who submitted this application of the grounds for its return, indicating the provisions of this Federal Law that were violated .

9. An application for participation in the request for quotations in electronic form must contain the following documents and information:

1) the consent of the participant in the request for quotations in electronic form for the supply of goods, performance of work or provision of services on the terms provided for in the notice of the request for quotations in electronic form and not subject to change based on the results of the request for quotations in electronic form (such consent is given using software electronic platform hardware);

2) when purchasing goods or purchasing work, services, for the performance, provision of which the goods are used:

a) documents provided for by regulatory legal acts adopted in accordance with Article 14 of this Federal Law, in the case of the purchase of goods that are subject to the said regulatory legal acts, or copies of such documents. If the specified regulatory legal acts provide for the provision of a declaration on the country of origin of the goods or on the country of origin and the manufacturer of the goods, such a declaration is provided using the software and hardware of the electronic platform. If the application for participation in the request for quotations in electronic form does not contain the documents provided for by this subparagraph, such an application is equated to an application that contains an offer for the supply of goods originating from a foreign state or a group of foreign states, works, services, respectively, performed, provided by foreign persons;

b) specific indicators of the goods corresponding to the values ​​established by the notice of the request for quotations in electronic form, and an indication of the trademark (if any). The information provided for by this subparagraph shall be included in the application for participation in the request for quotations in electronic form if the notice of the request for quotations in electronic form does not indicate a trademark or if the procurement participant offers a product that is marked with a trademark other than trademark specified in the notice of the request for quotations in electronic form;

3) name, company name (if any), location (for a legal entity), last name, first name, patronymic (if any), passport data, place of residence (for an individual), postal address of a participant in such a request, contact phone number, taxpayer identification number of a participant in such a request or, in accordance with the legislation of the relevant foreign state, an analogue of the taxpayer identification number of a participant in such a request (for foreign person), taxpayer identification number (if any) of the founders, members of the collegial executive body, the person performing the functions of the sole executive body of the participant in such a request;

4) declaration of the participant in the request for quotations in electronic form, which is provided using the software and hardware of the electronic platform:

a) on the compliance of the participant in the request for quotations in electronic form with the requirements established by paragraphs 1, 3 - 9 of Part 1 of Article 31 of this Federal Law;

b) on the right of a participant in the request for quotations in electronic form to receive benefits in accordance with Articles 28 and 29 of this Federal Law in the event that a participant in the request for quotations in electronic form declared that he received these benefits (if necessary);

c) on whether a participant in the request for quotations in electronic form belongs to small businesses or socially oriented non-profit organizations in the event that the customer establishes a restriction provided for by Part 3 of Article 30 of this Federal Law (if necessary).

10. It is not allowed to demand from the participant in the request for quotations in electronic form the provision of other information and electronic documents, except for the information and electronic documents provided for by this article.

11. Within one hour from the date and time of the deadline for filing applications for participation in the request for quotations in electronic form, the operator of the electronic site shall ensure that all applications submitted for participation in such a request, as well as information and electronic documents of participants in the request for quotations in electronic form, are sent to the customer provided for by Part 11 of Article 24.1 of this Federal Law.

12. A participant in the request for quotations in electronic form, who submitted an application for participation in such a request, has the right to withdraw this application no later than the date and time of the deadline for submitting applications for participation in such a request, by sending a notification to the operator of the electronic site.

13. It is not allowed to establish other requirements for filling out an application that are not provided for by Parts 5 and 6 of Article 24.1 of this Federal Law.

14. In the event that at the end of the deadline for filing applications for participation in the request for quotations in electronic form, only one application for participation in such a request has been submitted or not a single such application has been submitted, the request for quotations in electronic form is recognized as failed.

Procedure for submitting quotation bids in electronic form

Just in case, I’ll clarify: this order is for the Krasnodar Territory. Although I am almost sure that it can be safely used in other regions.

1. When submitting a bid in the form of an electronic document, the participant in the order placement fills in the quotation bid in electronic form in accordance with the quotation bid form and sends it by e-mail via Email by the address @@@.

2 Application format in the form of an electronic document: document Microsoft Word(*.doc(x)), OpenOffice (*.odt), Adobe Acrobat (*.pdf), Rich Text Format (*.rtf) or a JPG file containing a scanned graphic image of the paper original of the quotation bid. An application in the form of an electronic document must be signed electronically digital signature(EDS) in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated January 10, 2002 No. 1-FZ (as amended on November 08, 2007) "On Electronic Digital Signature". The email with the quotation order file(s) must also be accompanied by:

A letter accompanying the quotation bid, signed with an EDS, in the form specified in clause 4.

EDS certificate file with which the quotation order is signed;

A file with the root certificate of the Certification Authority (CA) that issued this digital signature, and the body of the letter must contain links to the website on the Internet and to the register of user certificates of this CA;

The file of the list of revoked certificates of the CA that issued this EDS, the validity period of which expires no earlier than the deadline for submitting quotation bids, and the body of the letter must contain a link to the Internet site where the CA places such a file for public access.

The subject of the message should indicate "Application for participation in the request for quotations from the "Organization", No. (number of the quotation application from the Official website of the Russian Federation zakupki.gov.ru)".

Note: you can purchase the required EDS, which complies with all legal norms, at LLC "ITK"

3. When choosing the method of submitting a quotation bid in the form of an electronic document, the order placement participant must take into account that the Customer is not responsible for the loss or untimely receipt of the quotation bid sent by the order placement participant by e-mail, if the reasons are any technical or organizational obstacles that have arisen due to circumstances beyond the control of the Customer, as well as in the event that the technical and software tools for automatic protection of the Customer's information have detected that the e-mail with a quotation order arriving at the @@@ e-mail node (host) is infected with computer viruses or has signs of spam in its structure.

4. Form of an e-mail accompanying the Quotation Order, signed with an EDS.

In accordance with paragraph 2 of article 46 of 94-FZ "Procedure for submitting quotation bids", I am sending you a quotation bid in the form of an electronic document. This application is signed by our electronic digital signature (EDS).

The Quoted Order itself is an attached Microsoft Word file (*.doc(x)), OpenOffice (*.odt), Adobe Acrobat (*.pdf), Rich Text Format (*.rtf) or a JPG file containing a scanned image the original of our quotation.

Attached file — ххххххх.cer — EDS certificate with which the quotation order was signed.

The attached file ca.cer is the root certificate of the Certification Authority.

Request for quotations in electronic form: submission through the EIS

The attached UCSMC.crl file is a list of revoked CA certificates. Link to the site on the Internet where the CA places such a file for public access (http://ca.ca.ca/sos.html).

According to paragraph 2 of Article 46 of 94-FZ, “in the case of filing a quotation bid in the form of an electronic document, the customer, the authorized body must send confirmation of receipt of such bid in writing or in the form of an electronic document to the order placement participant who submitted such an application on the same day ". Please acknowledge receipt of our quotation.

All file names in clause 4 of the Procedure (e-mail form) are given as an example and the participant in the order placement should use the real names of their forwarded files. You can always find the data of our Certification Center LLC "Internet Technologies and Communications" on our website

In accordance with the Procedure for using the unified information system in the field of procurement (Approved by order of the Federal Treasury of December 30, 2015 N 26n), files of the following formats are placed in the unified information system: bmp, jpg, jpeg, gif, tif, tiff, docx, doc, rtf, txt, pdf, xls, xlsx, rar, zip. The size of each file placed in the unified information system should not exceed 50 MB.



dated December 30, 2015 N 26n

In order to implement subparagraph "b" of paragraph 1 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 30, 2014 N 996 "On the distribution of powers between the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the Federal Treasury when creating a unified information system in the field of procurement" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2014 , N 40, item 5445) I order:

Approve the attached Procedure for using the unified information system in the field of procurement.


order of the Federal Treasury
dated December 30, 2015 N 26n


I. General provisions

1.1. This Procedure for using the unified information system in the field of procurement (hereinafter, respectively, the Procedure, the unified information system) establishes the rules for using the unified information system by participants in the contract system in the field of procurement, as well as other persons using the unified information system to exercise their functions and powers provided for by the Federal Law of April 5, 2013 N 44-FZ "On contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs" (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2013, N 14, Art. 1652; N 27, Art. 3480; N 52, Art. 6961; 2014, N 23, Art. .

The first application for a request for quotations: where to start and how to properly prepare?

2925; No. 30, Art. 4225; No. 48, Art. 6637; No. 49, art. 6925; 2015, N 1, art. 11, 51, 72; No. 10, Art. 1393, 1418; No. 14, Art. 2022; No. 27, Art. 4001; No. 29, Art. 4342, 4346, 4352, 4353, 4375) and Federal Law of July 18, 2011 N 223-FZ "On Procurement of Goods, Works, Services certain types legal entities" (Sobraniye zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2011, N 30, art. 4571; N 50, art. 7343; 2012, N 53, art. 7649; 2013, N 23, art. 2873; N 27, art. 3452; No. 51, article 6699, No. 52, article 6961; 2014, No. 11, article 1091; 2015, No. 1, article 11, No. 27, article 3947, 3950, 4001, No. 29, article 4375) (hereinafter respectively - Federal Law N 44-FZ, Federal Law N 223-FZ, subjects of a unified information system), as well as individuals and legal entities, including participants in the mandatory public discussion of the procurement of goods, works, services, using information resource the official website of the unified information system in the information and telecommunications network "Internet" (hereinafter, respectively - the official website of the unified information system, users of the official website of the unified information system), requirements for the exchange of information, information and documents between regional and municipal information systems in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs (hereinafter referred to as regional and municipal information systems in the field of procurement) and a unified information system, methods, timing (periodicity) of information transmission via telecommunication channels within the framework of such an exchange.

1.2. The unified information system hosts files of the following formats: bmp, jpg, jpeg, gif, tif, tiff, docx, doc, rtf, txt, pdf, xls, xlsx, rar, zip. The size of each file placed in the unified information system should not exceed 50 MB.

II. Rules for the use of a unified information system by subjects of a unified information system

2.1. The use of the unified information system is carried out by the subjects of the unified information system after passing the procedure of registration and authorization in the unified information system.

2.2. Registration of subjects of a unified information system is carried out in accordance with the procedure established in accordance with subparagraph "b" of paragraph 1 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 30, 2014 N 996 "On the distribution of powers between the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the Federal Treasury when creating a unified information system in Procurement" (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2014, N 40, Art. 5445) (hereinafter referred to as the Registration Procedure in the Unified Information System).

2.3. The following functions are available to the subjects of the unified information system specified in paragraph 2.1 of this Procedure:

- formation and placement, including in interaction with other information systems, of information, information and documents provided for by Federal Law No. 44-FZ and Federal Law No. 223-FZ;

- exchange of electronic documents in a single information system, in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts on the contract system in the field of procurement;

- viewing the electronic log of actions and operations in a single information system, obtaining extracts from it.

III. Rules for using the unified information system by users of the official website of the unified information system in order to participate in the mandatory public discussion of the procurement of goods, works, services

3.1. The use of the unified information system by users of the official website of the unified information system in order to participate in the mandatory public discussion of the procurement of goods, works, services, is carried out after passing the procedure of self-registration and authorization on the official website of the unified information system.

3.2. The following functions are available to users of the official website of the unified information system in order to participate in the mandatory public discussion of the procurement of goods, works, services:

participation on the official website of the unified information system in the mandatory public discussion of the procurement of goods, works, services in accordance with Article 20 of Federal Law No. 44-FZ;

— receiving (viewing) information, information and documents posted on the official website of the unified information system;

— placement of comments and suggestions (comments) on the official website of the unified information system;

- receiving electronic mail or other messages from the official website of the unified information system.

IV. Rules for using the unified information system by users of the official website of the unified information system

4.1. The use of the unified information system by users of the official website of the unified information system is carried out without registration.

4.2. The following functions are available to users of the official website of the unified information system:

- search and receipt of information, information and documents posted on the official website of the unified information system;

- viewing information, information and documents posted on the official website of the unified information system.

V. Requirements for the exchange of information, information and documents, methods, timing (frequency) of information transfer via telecommunication channels as part of such an exchange between regional and municipal information systems in the field of procurement and a unified information system

5.1. The exchange of information, data and documents (hereinafter - information exchange) between regional and municipal information systems in the field of procurement with a single information system is carried out after registration of regional and municipal information systems in the field of procurement in a single information system in accordance with the Procedure for registration in a single information system.

5.2. Information exchange between regional and municipal information systems in the field of procurement and a unified information system is carried out in cases established by federal laws and normative legal acts adopted in accordance with them, using a combination of information technologies used for the purpose of placing (providing) information, information and documents in a single information system by users of regional and municipal information systems in the field of procurement and aimed at obtaining information, information and documents contained in regional and municipal information systems in the field of procurement by a single information system, control, including the legal significance of the received information, data and documents, and placement in the unified information system of the received information, data and documents.

5.3. The organization of interaction between regional and municipal information systems in the field of procurement and a unified information system is carried out on the principles of observing the completeness and reliability of the information provided, information and documents received, processed and placed as part of the information exchange. Information exchange between regional and municipal information systems in the field of procurement and a unified information system is carried out in automatic mode using hardware and software of a unified information system.

5.4. The exchange of information between regional and municipal information systems in the field of procurement and a unified information system should be carried out via secure communication channels using certified information security tools.

5.5. The transfer of information from regional and municipal information systems in the field of procurement to a single information system must be carried out within a timeframe that ensures compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs.

5.6. Informing regional and municipal information systems in the field of procurement about the results of the transfer of information from regional and municipal information systems in the field of procurement to a single information system should be carried out no later than 6 hours after the transfer of such information to a single information system.

Quotation applications in the EIS in electronic form

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