Exhibition or auction. Auction - what is it? Electronic, Internet auction

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How to create your own online auction, any type?

March 2, 2016 Artyom Argunov

23 comments on “How to create your own online auction, any type?”

    Dear Artem! I want you to create an online auction for me. Write me an answer please.

    Artem, good afternoon.
    First of all, thanks a lot for the article. My question is the following - what algorithm for creating an online auction is not based on partnerships with an existing one.
    Thanks in advance.

    Isalo, hello!

    Unfortunately, I can't help you, because I'm not involved in _creating_ online auctions.

    My activity lies in a slightly different plane: I work on already created and promoted Internet auctions, I study with interest the possibilities of little-known, not yet promoted Internet auctions, I test them; and, of course, I share my experience, my skills, my impressions and discoveries.

    I will be glad to help you in this direction. If you have any questions: write.

    And I have never been involved in the creation of auctions, and I am not eager to study this topic. It is much more interesting for me to study already created sites.

    Besides: creating an auction is only half the battle. Well, it still needs to be untwisted, and untwisted thoroughly.

    An auction is not your home page or a thematic blog, where 50-100 people a day are excellent attendance. In order for the auction to give a normal return, thousands or even tens of thousands of _targeted_ visitors are needed _daily_. To achieve this is not so easy. Yes, and without _serious_ material injections, one cannot do here.

    Alesya, the algorithm is actually the same as when launching any other Internet project:

    1. Buying a domain, hosting.
    2. Installing and configuring the site engine.
    3. Its internal and external optimization.
    4. Active promotion.
    5. Monetization.
    6. Permanent administration.
    7. Continuous development and improvement…

    Firstly, you will definitely not get by with a free online auction engine. You need to invest in the purchase of a paid one.

    Secondly, it is necessary to involve experienced programmers in the project, so that they are constantly engaged in the development of the auction functionality. A platform where there are standard options for placing a lot and the ability to place bets will not attract anyone today. We need richer functionality, we need different automation, we need constant innovation.

    Thirdly, it will be necessary to invest very decent funds in the promotion of the auction. This is not just a blog for you, or a selling mini-site, in order to profit from which it is enough to invest a couple of hundred dollars in promotion. Here such a trifle is not enough. You need to attract hundreds of thousands of active visitors to your site, i.e. people who will buy and sell something - only then it will be possible to talk about a serious return ...

    Those. the topic is interesting, but you can’t take it on the fly. We need an experienced and cohesive team, and we need good means for unwinding. Otherwise, there will be one more “corpse” of online auctions in Runet. And there are enough of them, I confess to you in secret! .. 🙂

    But if you have both a team and money, then I sincerely wish you good luck!

    P.S. If you create an online auction, then, I think, it makes sense to focus on some narrow, still poorly mastered niche. For example, an auction of turtles, an auction of aquarium fish, etc. Naturally, the examples I have given are just examples. In order to decide on a niche, you need to monitor the market. But "digging", I think, is in this direction. General auctions enough today, but it will not be easy to compete with the same aukro or molotk ...

    A working and ready-made Internet auction engine can always be purchased at a more affordable price. Cost including installation until December 2015. only 3500 rub.

    Yes, of course, Leonid, you can find online auction engines for relatively little money. But at the same time, it should be understood that the auction is a very multifunctional site, which, moreover, must have a high degree of protection. Therefore, naturally, engines, the cost of which is estimated at only a few thousand rubles, are either extremely simple, with minimal functionality and the same security, or, which is also an option, we are not talking about a large classic online auction, an analogue of the Hammer, but about one of the varieties Scandinavian auction. If you wish, again, you can make something on the basis of WordPress that vaguely resembles an online auction, but everyone understands perfectly well what it will be like. The 407th Moskvich is also a car, but it is somehow inferior to the Mercedes 🙂

    Hello Artem! You are very detailed and understandable in your answers.
    Thank you!

    Question - what are the injections of material resources in the promotion of the auction?

    I wonder where you can buy a ready-made online auction for 3500 rubles? Link please?

    Hello Eldar!
    I checked your question and made sure that Mybers works and there are enough lots on the site.
    If you don't see it, then as the support explained to me, it may be due to your location. In other words, the system displays the lots closest to you, if there are none, it does not show anything.
    This is a certain flaw. And they are already working on it.
    And yet, very soon they will have a big update of the interface. They expanded it a lot. And now it's no longer trading floor"and" trading social network Mybers.
    Check back with them in a couple of weeks. I was told that everything should be ready.

    Artyom, hello! Auction for 3500₽ can be purchased online. You have to search on your own. I don't have a link. But I have a question for you, WHY? If you are planning on trying to completely run your auction from scratch and still want to save money, then this is not your option. You are guaranteed to lose money and here's why.

    Software costs An auction is a drop in the sea of ​​costs that you will inevitably have to bear when promoting the auction itself on your own domain. Practice has shown that such auctions live from a month to a year.

    You can try yourself in this business absolutely FREE on any of the sites that use auctions in their tools. And if you succeed and by this time the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhaving your own brainchild has not disappeared, then open it. At the very least, this method will save you from inevitable expenses and save you from “rose-colored glasses”.
    Take action. Good luck!

    Aukro has already closed. Change the link to BitOk.ua.

    Good afternoon. Artem, could you please tell me in numbers how much the startup will cost? From minimum to maximum?

    Hello Anna!
    Of course I will. But for this, I need to understand what you would like to implement in your startup.
    What will it be based on? What will be its unique selling proposition?
    The choice of technology for the implementation of your plans depends on this.

    Artem, good afternoon, I really want to talk with you, tell me is it real? If yes, write how to contact you! Thanks in advance!!!

    Artyom, good afternoon. Thank you for the article.
    I would like to ask you a question - are any documents required, for example. opening of an individual entrepreneur / LLC, establishing documents of title, in which it will be listed that this particular product belongs to me.
    And the second question is how to pay taxes on such income, I would not like situations with the Federal Tax Service.

    Hello. How to protect yourself from fraudulent sellers? For example, the Chinese got a ton of bucks and dumped.

    Hello Igor.

    In order not to be deceived by scammers, you must always follow simple rules:

    1. Never transfer prepayments outside the platform. This applies to all known platforms.

    2. If there is a safe transaction on the platform, use it. Since the seller pays the interest and you are protected from the actions of a dishonest seller

    4. Check the seller for negativity online. Write in the search what you are interested in, for example: merkeleon scammers or softswiss deception and the search will give you everything that is on the company or platform or seller of interest. Like the internet remembers everything.

    5. Contact the support of the platform on which you plan to make a purchase in advance and evaluate their adequacy

    That's all. And know that they can deceive both in the store around the corner and on the Internet. The main thing is always to think with your head!

    Good afternoon everyone!
    Finally, there was a decent Internet resource dedicated to the auction business. Meet!
    social network Sara Fann http://www.sarafann.ru

    There is everything you need for those who want to do trading through auctions as well as make their own auction house from scratch. At the same time, do not pay for programming, support and marketing.

    Just take it and use it ;)

If in anticipation of the conclusion of the transaction it is clear that the selling price will differ sharply from the usually applied and market prices, then it is better to make sure in advance. And one of the ways to justify the level of applied prices is to hold open auctions. For most companies, the term "open tender" is associated with government orders or purchases, or with bankruptcy. In addition, there is an opinion that this is too complicated a procedure.

In fact, any interested organization can easily organize a tender for its own purposes. Including for tax planning purposes, in order to sharply reduce the chances of tax authorities to accuse the company of understating the tax base for transactions with friendly companies. At the same time, in practice, the organizer of the auction often manages to conduct them in such a way that the regulatory authorities could not accuse him of fraud, and "outside" companies could not unexpectedly win this competition.

The courts confirm that the price prevailing at the auction is always the market price.

The ability to conclude an agreement based on the results of the auction is contained in civil law. Any person can act as the organizer of the auction. It should only be the owner of what is put up for auction, or have other property rights to the object of the auction (clause 2). The purpose of such auctions is to identify the winner who has fulfilled the conditions of the auction. Participants compete with each other, as a result of fair competition is determined market price contracts.

An example is . The company was accused of having a deal between interdependent persons() was contracted at a reduced price. However, the judges took into account that the choice of the counterparty was carried out on the basis of open auction. And with this method of concluding an agreement, the seller's will was not directed to the choice of a specific counterparty, since he was obliged to conclude an agreement with the winner of the auction.

Thus, the participation of the company in the auction and the offer of the lowest or highest transaction price in order to obtain an order or the right to conclude a contract is due to the presence of reasonable economic reasons and a business purpose. Such conclusions are supported by the courts (,).

It should also be noted that the competitive basis of bidding assumes, until proven otherwise by the court, the independence of the seller and the buyer. Consequently, the lack of intent of the participants to overstate or understate the price.

Moreover, if the person who conducted the auction evades the conclusion of the contract, then the company that won the auction can force the other party to conclude a deal with him in court. In this case, the contract will be additionally protected by a court decision and, possibly, a writ of execution.

All this makes it impossible for the tax authorities to apply the norms to the prices prevailing at the auction. And in the future - new price control rules. In accordance with tax legislation, the price of a transaction between bona fide and independent partners is considered to be a market price.

The competitive form of selection, the possibility of bidders to protest their results already in themselves imply the impossibility of carrying out any kind of fraud with prices. The very economic nature of open trades lies in the fact that their organizer chooses for himself the most acceptable option for both the execution and the price of the future transaction.

In order for the tax authority to be able to apply Negative consequences in the form of recalculation of prices, he must first challenge the bidding itself. Prove in court that they are invalid. Practice shows that tax authorities are reluctant to apply to the courts with such requirements. The fact is that collecting a sufficient amount of evidence is very troublesome, time-consuming and in most cases does not bring the desired result. That is why there is practically no arbitration practice for appealing the results of bidding.

But in the case of obvious facts against the taxpayer, the tax authorities have a chance to win in court. Therefore, the attacks of inspectors are easier to prevent by competently organizing open auctions.

In practice, open tenders are often organized in a deliberately casual manner.

One of the forms of bidding is an auction (paragraph 1, paragraph 4). The winner is the person who offers the highest price. Therefore, when the goal of the auction organizer is the desire to sell a product, work, service as expensive as possible, then the auction must be carried out in this form.

Another option is to organize a competition. The winner of the tender is the one who offered the best conditions. Therefore, it is advisable to arrange this form of trading in order to conclude a deal at the lowest possible price.

However, what is the best conditions - the concept is subjective. This allows you to choose the winner of the competition in a fairly wide range. Including those with a high price offer. The decision is made by the tender commission, which is appointed in advance by the organizer of the auction (paragraph 2, clause 4).

For example, a company approves in advance the parameters of upcoming purchase transactions and in every possible way specifies its idea of ​​the most suitable conditions. But at the same time, most of these conditions do not apply to the qualitative parameters of the contract. As a result, the participants of the competition do not have a clear idea about the algorithm for determining the winner. Due to this, in the end, the “necessary” company will be able to win the competition.

Plus, this kind of auction organizers are often defiantly careless in their administrative duties. For example, confirmation that an application for participation has been received is provided to a potential participant only by an additional call. Such disorganization discourages serious companies from bidding.

Also, the owner of the auction object has the right to decide whether they will be open or closed (clause 1). The difference is that in the first case, any person can become a participant. In a closed auction and competition, only persons specially invited for this purpose participate.

However, such closeness is unlikely to help the seller or the buyer justify market prices. In this sense, the open form of an auction or competition is much more profitable. This will emphasize that the organization does not in any way prevent the participation of third-party companies, does not invite only friendly persons to participate. And even more so does not engage in their own selection.

The company's public notice requirement is often met only formally

The company must announce the forthcoming auction publicly. Paragraph 2 obliges to make a notice at least 30 days before they are held, and also describes a list of the minimum information that should be in such a notice. So, those wishing to attend the auction have the right to know where and when they will be held, in what form and what will be put up as the subject of the auction. In addition, the notice lists in advance the procedure for their conduct and registration of participation in the auction, starting price and how the winner is determined.

There are no specific requirements on where and how to place an ad, so it should simply be available to an indefinite circle of people. Often any media is used for this: printed editions, radio, television. Accordingly, those companies that do not need to inform a wide range of people at all, go for various tricks when placing an advertisement for tenders.

For example, in order to ensure that there are no third-party companies among bidders, they place an advertisement about them in the local regional newspaper. Or they do it on the radio late at night. Or even place an ad on an inconspicuous pillar near the office or even in paper form - on the outer wall.

The Internet is also a way to convey information to an indefinite circle of people. This is convenient for the organizer of "friendly" auctions. After all, he can easily get a notarized confirmation that such an announcement was on one of the sites in the network at least 30 days before the tender. Then, on the same day, remove any mention of him from the Internet. This will minimize the circle of people who will have time to get acquainted with the conditions of the competition and prepare for it.

Note that such actions, although they do not directly contradict the law, can still become an argument in favor of the tax authorities in a possible litigation.

In addition, in order to exclude undesirable persons from participating in open tenders, it is often difficult for them to familiarize themselves with the terms of the tender. For example, by setting inconvenient working hours for an employee who demonstrates relevant documents to potential participants. Or they imitate the excitement when, when visiting the office of the organizer of the auction, the interested person cannot get acquainted with the terms of the tender in any way, due to the fact that other potential participants are studying them around the clock.

However, please note: in order for the auction or competition not to be declared invalid, it is advisable for the organizer to still take care of the minimum turnout. Because auctions cannot be held if only one company participates in them (clause 6). Thus, in practice, several friendly companies participate in such "scheme" auctions. At the same time, the organizer, as a rule, strives for them not to be interdependent.

The inability to check the reliability of the organizer will scare away unwanted applicants

If the organizer of an open auction is not interested in the appearance of "extra" participants, it makes no sense for him to prove his trustworthiness to them. After all, potential participants, most likely, as part of the standard exercise of due diligence, will want to familiarize themselves with the certificate of registration, an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, a power of attorney confirming the authority of the representatives of the auction organizer.

Of course, this information cannot be a commercial secret (Article 5 federal law dated July 29, 2004 No. 98-FZ “On trade secret”), but the company is not obliged to provide them at the first request.

On demand person concerned the legislation obliges only to give an opportunity to get acquainted within a reasonable time, for example, with the charter of the company (clause 4, article 11 of the Federal Law of December 26, 1995 No. 208-ФЗ “On joint-stock companies"and paragraph 3 of Art. 12 of the Federal Law of February 8, 1998 No. 14-FZ “On companies with limited liability"). But don't give out a copy.

Thus, the organizer of the auction has every right not to inform potential participants about himself at all, except for his name and minimal contact details. For example, numbers mobile phone. Not every company will dare to contact an unknown company in such conditions, especially if future contracts will require quite large financial investments.

Depending on the circumstances, both the maximum and the minimum amount of the deposit may be beneficial.

One of distinctive features bidding is that the participants make a deposit (clause 4). The size, terms and procedure are indicated in the notice of the auction. This is a kind of admission to participation. The deposit is returned to all participants if the auction did not take place, and if it did - to those who did not win. To the winner, the amount of the deposit can be credited towards the fulfillment of obligations.

The organizer of "friendly" auctions has two ways: either to establish a significant amount of the deposit in order to scare third parties from participating in the auction, or a minimal one in order to be able to refuse to conclude an agreement with an undesirable winner without any special losses. Both options have their pros and cons.

So, it is advisable to overestimate the amount of the deposit if the subject of the auction is the right to conclude a contract for the performance of works or services. That is, no valuable property is being sold at the auction, with which the group of companies does not plan to part. In this case, most likely, a significant part of third-party companies will not be able to simultaneously find a large amount of money to make a deposit. In addition, if there is no information about the reputation of the auction organizer, it is simply not safe to transfer money to him.

But if, for example, a valuable property is put up for auction, it may be more profitable for the organizer of the auction to set a small amount of the deposit. After all, those who wish to apply can familiarize themselves with the title documents, technical documentation and consider the risk of losing the deposit due to the negligence of the organizer acceptable in comparison with the possible benefit of winning the auction.

With the minimum amount of the deposit, in the event of an unforeseen development of the situation, the organizer can quite painlessly evade signing the contract with the winning person. The maximum that he will lose is the amount of the received deposit in double size. As for the compensation for losses caused by participation in the auction, in the part exceeding the amount of the deposit, it is unlikely that companies will present anything other than compensation for the amount of interest for the use of other people's money (). But this is also doubtful, since the costs of litigation are likely to cover the amount of possible compensation.

However, it is worth considering the risk that the winning company may legally force the organizer of the auction to conclude an agreement. Therefore, it is easier not to bring things to bidding at all if too many “unnecessary” organizations have registered for them.

After all, such auctions can be canceled altogether. But at the same time, the decision to cancel must be made no later than three days before the date of the auction and no later than thirty days before the day of the competition (clause 3).

If these deadlines have already passed, the organizer of the open auction can still cancel them, but at the same time he is already obliged to compensate the participants for the real damage they have suffered. And return the deposit to each participant (clause 4).

Each of us must have heard such a thing as an "auction". Therefore, we know that an auction is a form of sale of goods, which is carried out in order to obtain the highest price for a lot through bidding. Until recently, using this word, we imagined the trade in art objects, such as paintings or some kind of sculptures. Recently, however, the concept of this form of sale and purchase of goods has changed somewhat. Now we have such a thing as an online auction. It is on it that everyone can sell their things. And it is not necessary for this to paint a picture for millions!

How are auctions organized?

The very principle of auctions is most likely familiar to many of us, and there is nothing unusual in this: a lot is put up for sale, for which the participants begin to “fight”. The winner is the one who makes the largest bid, as a result of which the goods fall into the hands of the buyer, one might say, at the highest price. Many auctions are also limited in time - this is done in order to limit the possibility of rising prices indefinitely. Also, the fact that the time for which you can bid is limited, plays to the benefit of participants who want to get the goods cheaper, raising the price in the shortest time before the end of the auction.

Since an auction is a form of public sale, this means that it needs to be attended by a large audience - the people who will be bidding. This, in turn, causes some technical difficulties. For example, you have to hold thematic auctions for people who will be interested in one or another category for goods. The disadvantage of real auctions for the same reason is the inability to sell one product (for example, a tractor) at any time. The owner has to wait for a special agricultural auction to be organized. This, in principle, applies to any product.

Electronic auction as an opportunity to sell any thing

This problem is solved by today's popular "virtual" auctions, which are held on the Internet. Such services are the largest portals with a large number of categories, in each of which any product can be placed without having to wait for any deadlines.

The advantage of such a platform as an Internet site is also the fact that a huge number of users visit it around the clock, each of which can become a potential buyer of a tractor (if we talk about our example) or any other product. A developed market for contactless payments, as well as companies providing services for the transportation of goods, facilitate a simple exchange in the form of money-goods between participants in online auctions.

The largest auctions in the world

If we talk about the number of users and goods sold, then the largest, without a doubt, can be called electronic auction eBay. It was introduced in the USA, but now millions of products are sold on this platform around the world. As a result, many users from a number of countries are constantly in search here, trying to purchase the desired lot as cheaply as possible.

In addition to eBay, you can also name the AllegroGroup trading platforms, which include the largest portals in Eastern Europe (whether it is an auction or not is a question, since goods are also sold here at a fixed price).

How to start trading?

If you want to start trading, you need to understand that a real auction is an event that requires registration in advance, with the provision of documents and, possibly, minimal guarantee fees. If we talk about online auctions, then it takes much less to participate in them - you just need to register. For merchants in case of electronic trading they also sometimes require you to confirm your real address and, of course, passport data - in order to eliminate the risk of fraud.

Then you need to provide which you would like to sell, providing it with high-quality photographs. Writing in such a way that the buyer wants to bet on your product is also a whole art. However, this is a topic for a completely different article.

Income opportunities from overseas auctions

Anyone who understands that an auction is a trading platform with its own turnover of lots and money paid for them knows about the opportunity to earn income. The chances of making money on trading also increase because many foreign auctions are now available to us, where you can buy and sell things (if not directly, then at least with the help of intermediaries).

There are many examples of successful earnings. For example, these are auctions in Japan, which traditionally sell a large number of cars made by them. Since in the country itself the price of cars is constantly falling due to the release of new models, it is quite profitable to buy them and bring them to our country. In addition, everyone understands how high-quality products the Japanese auto industry has been offering for many years.

Auctions as a business

In addition to the possibility of a one-time income, for some of the most advanced users, the auction is a business that brings regular high income. There are many schemes by which you can earn money with the help of auctions. Someone is bidding on the local market, offering goods at auction own production, others buy products in bulk, in order to sell them later using online platforms with fat.

A more global approach is to work with foreign auctions. For example, some, such as old coins or some household items from the USSR, can be resold on the same eBay at a premium. With us, these things, in fact, do not cost anything.

There is also a reverse scheme, according to which goods are purchased in Europe, the USA or Canada using an auction directly or through intermediaries, after which they are sold here, on local bulletin boards.

And, believe me, these are far from all the opportunities for making money on online auctions. Where there is a turnover of hundreds of thousands of lots, everyone can find their own niche for making money. The main thing is to want and start searching. And you will definitely find your niche: a product, category or seller with whom it is profitable to cooperate.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

Many companies are engaged in the production of consumer goods. AT huge quantities people buy up many things that are the same and unremarkable. But sometimes there may be a single copy on the market, for which a real hunt unfolds, and among those who want to get it there are people who are ready to purchase this product sometimes at astronomical prices. The seller, in order to get the highest possible price for his thing, organizes its sale on the basis of a competition. He puts it up for auction.

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Organizing an auction can be good view earnings, because in this case you will have to act as an intermediary who provides a venue for it and deals with administrative work. A person who has a valuable thing in his hands for the only time in his life cannot ensure the normal conduct of the auction, and turns to the organizer of the auction.

Sometimes an expensive copy needs to be kept to prevent theft, and a work of art cannot be safe in the owner's home when its identity is revealed. Therefore, the organizer of the auction - the auctioneer - has a great responsibility, but in the case of exhibiting especially expensive goods, he will receive a commensurate reward for the auction. The idea has firmly entrenched in the mass consciousness that only very rare things are sold through auctions (for example, works of art, personal belongings of celebrities, collectibles, etc.), but in fact, in many countries, large wholesale lots of goods are sold at auctions. Moreover, the exported product in many countries is given into the hands of the buyer who offers the highest price.

Of course, the bidding in all these cases varies considerably, and when put up for auction wholesale goods trades are very fast. And a picture of a famous artist, of course, is not always possible to sell in one minute. One way or another, an auction is expedient in cases where there are more buyers than the goods they require.

In this country, practically no one is engaged in auctions as a business, this obligation lies either with public institutions(and the state is interested in holding such auctions), or auctions are held non-profit organizations. The state becomes an auctioneer and at the same time an auctioneer, often in the case when it seized something from individuals or legal entities according to legislative acts, and now replenishes its treasury by selling confiscated items. The simplest example is items seized at customs.

Non-profit organizations are engaged in holding auctions, as a rule, at the suggestion of many auctioneers; A classic example is an association of commercial establishments that decides to hold an internal or public auction where the products of its members are exhibited. In this regard, the market does not feel the need for private auctions, which are held regularly according to their own rules and designed for certain people. The average person buys practically nothing at auctions, although it is at them that the real price of the goods is revealed.

Therefore, you can create your own auction house, which will be focused on ordinary people. It will be possible to sell anything on it, the main thing is to find people who are ready to sell their goods on a competitive basis. Having earned a name for yourself, you can subsequently count on interest in your auction house from legal entities.

This niche is practically unoccupied, and the population simply does not think about the possibility of buying a product at the price that the consumer himself sets for him. You must immediately count on the fact that if you plan to work with wholesale sales, then you need to have large areas of storage space at your disposal. The auction house itself must have several halls for bidding, and the auction itself must be conducted by an experienced auctioneer. The bottom line is that such an employee must have extensive experience in bidding, it’s just that a person from the street is not allowed to do this, and at this point it is especially important to select the right employee. After all, the slightest inattention can lead to fierce disputes and inconsistency of the auction process with its rules. For people, this is a very important indicator, and reputation can be paid for such errors.

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The auction can take place not only according to the well-known and widespread scheme of gradually increasing the rate on the principle of “whoever offers the most”. There are many trading schemes, but they can all be reduced to two types: price increase and price decrease. In the first case, the starting price of the lot is really assigned, after which the auction itself begins. Buyers are not always aware of the rates of their rivals (the so-called closed auctions) and the one who is ready to give the most money does not always even win. Lowering the price involves setting a maximum price by the auctioneer, after which it is gradually reduced until someone appears willing to pay it. Usually such auctions are held in wholesale sales, and often unredeemed goods are recycled or disposed of; the fact is that in this way they sell mainly perishable goods (most often flowers).

But the most difficult stage in holding an auction is often not the bidding process itself, but the preparation. As already noted, the auctioneer transfers his goods to the auctioneer, who stores the valuable item until the sale (if it does not take place, then the storage may be delayed until the next auction). Also, the auctioneer is obliged to organize an auction at a certain time in a certain place and according to certain rules. Sellers often require the organizer to attract a certain number of people and even attract people of a certain contingent (after all, insecure people cannot afford to buy a genuine Levitan painting, for example).

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It is for ensuring all the conditions that the auctioneer receives his money. This can be a fixed amount, or a percentage of the transaction (the most common cooperation scheme), and even charging a fee from potential buyers for attending the auction. This is true in the case when a particularly valuable item is being sold, and people are willing to pay even for an attempt to acquire it.

An important part of the auction is the demonstration of the goods for sale. All lots before the auction are provided for inspection; if it is food or drink, tasting samples may be provided, and if items are sold in bulk, the auctioneer may distribute piece copies or sell them for a symbolic price. A person before bidding must evaluate the offered lots in order to know what he is buying. This is due at least to the fact that claims are accepted only in case of hidden defects. In connection with all of the above, organizing an auction becomes a very long and sometimes costly process, because you need to find potential buyers and convince them to participate in the auction. The number of interested people determines the success of the whole event, and the auctioneers especially appreciate the auctioneer who always provides a decent contingent and a good number of them in the auction in his auction house.

As elsewhere, it is impossible to do business without registering with the tax authority (or rather, it is possible, but not legal). Therefore, you should register the subject form entrepreneurial activity. Simplified tax system available individual entrepreneurs and limited liability companies. The activity code can be different depending on what trades you have to deal with. So, it is worth highlighting car auctions (where cars and motorcycles are sold) - (OKPD 2) 45 Wholesale and retail and repair services for motor vehicles and motorcycles. In all other cases, codes from sections (OKPD 2) 47 Retail trade services, except retail trade of motor vehicles and motorcycles and (OKPD 2) 46 wholesale trade other than wholesale of motor vehicles and motorcycles (particular attention should be paid to (OKPD 2) 46.1 Wholesale trade services on a fee or contract basis). These are all common encodings, and in the case of each type of goods they change. You will have to specify a lot of codes if you plan to organize an auction house, where all kinds of auctions will take place. But in any case, from a legal point of view, the auction trade is still the same wholesale or retail sales.

As is clear from the foregoing, a full-fledged auction house is a very complex, difficult and difficult to pay off occupation. Therefore, today the so-called Internet auctions are becoming more widespread.

Online Auction

In this case, the activity code will almost always be (OKPD 2) 47.91 Retail trade services by mail or via the Internet information and communication network.

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Such activities do not involve the maintenance of their own premises and warehouses, nor the hiring of licitators, and all that is required is their own Internet resource. Nowadays, there are already a large number of companies that offer similar services, but foreign representatives are the most famous. Their work with Russian consumers is difficult due to the focus on English-speaking users, using foreign payment systems, cooperation with local transport companies and a general focus on countries of Western civilization, to which Russia does not belong. A Russian who wants to buy something on a foreign auction site will face many problems, which is why he does not dare to use the service. But at the same time, many Internet portals that operate in the auction format offer partnerships to companies in other countries. It turns out that it is enough for an entrepreneur to act as an intermediary between a foreign auction and a local consumer, resolving all formal and organizational issues for the latter.

It looks like this. A partnership agreement is concluded with a foreign auction. A local website is being created that is completely focused on Russia, has an appropriate interface (naturally, in Russian), supports the usual payment methods and offers convenient delivery. The entrepreneur independently promotes the site in search engines, conducts advertising campaign and attract customers. But at the same time, he does not have anything at all and cannot go directly to the auctioneers themselves. In his work, he uses the auction catalog of a partner company. Only translated into Russian.

As a rule, entrepreneurs earn at the expense of a small percentage, which is added to the final cost of the goods (that is, to the amount of the lot that became winning for the buyer, to the amount of transport and registration costs or any other necessary ones). The local entrepreneur will organize the delivery on his own. The result is a scheme in which everyone is satisfied: the auctioneer sells the goods to a larger number of people, the foreign company receives its percentage and increases the turnover of funds, the Russian buyer receives the goods at a still more attractive price, even taking into account the commission to the local intermediary, and the intermediary himself earns this commission.

A user from Russia can win only if he independently deals with delivery and clearance issues, and participates in the auction on the English version of the site (or even not in English, but, for example, in Spanish). You can also help Russian sellers to sell their goods abroad (souvenirs from Russia are especially good at foreign auctions - color).

Perhaps today this is the best way to make money at auctions. Of course, you can try to take your place in the market by creating your own auction and promoting it, if not in world wide web, then at least in Russian. Here everything will be the same as in mediation, only the auctioneers will have to be involved independently and create their own catalog. It's not as difficult as getting into the top auction sites, because when buying online, which has almost no guarantee, people prefer to use trusted services. It is worth doing such a thing if the concept is clearly developed and there are a large number of Money that can be invested. Otherwise, the whole idea is doomed to failure.

So, you need to create your own website. In this case, any experienced website creation studio can help, which today are not many, but very many. The site itself costs a lot of money, so only a business card site costs at least 5 thousand rubles, and this is without buying a domain name and server space. The most expensive form of creating a site is an online catalog, and this is the form that a portal for an auction should have.

Creating a website is only half the battle, it also needs to be optimized and promoted, otherwise its traffic will be minimal. Even in the case of partnership work, a foreign company will not maintain a contract with an organization that provides a small audience. As practice shows, the site should be on the first page of the search query, everything below is practically not visited by anyone. In this regard, you need to initially look for a studio that will not only create a website, but also promote it. It drags on for several months and often has to be permanent. Only when fame is earned, you can leave permanent support in the top requests, because people will start to go to the site, already typing its address into the address bar. As a result, creation and optimization can cost 100 thousand rubles.

But at the same time, the remaining expenses will appear if orders occur. The auction organizer bears all the risks of delivering the goods to the consumer and assumes responsibility for the quality and timely performance of their duties. Sometimes you have to buy the goods yourself, transport them by foreign transport company and already in Russia to organize delivery to the buyer. Prepayment is not always possible and there is a risk of losing your own funds. In the process of work, you need to constantly improve your work and identify opportunities for consolidating cargo. It is also very good to find an international company that, if it does not provide door-to-door delivery, can at least organize transportation without unnecessary intermediaries. But it is unlikely that it will be possible to cooperate with one company, because someone needs it quickly, albeit expensively, and someone needs it cheaply, even if the delivery time turns out to be long.

To increase your profits, you can engage in direct intermediary activities between a foreign seller and a Russian buyer (or vice versa). That is, such a scheme does not involve any trades - just a deal, as a result of which the intermediary receives a small percentage.

Another way to earn money can be a banal resale - even by participating in auctions abroad on your own, you can get a product cheaply in order to sell it here a little more expensively. When combining all these activities, you can count on a successful and low-cost (albeit somewhat risky at first, while there are no proven partners) business.

Matthias Laudanum

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