Hometown presentation. Electronic presentation on the topic "my hometown". My hometown

Purpose: systematization of knowledge about the native city. Tasks: - to replenish the knowledge of children about the city in which we live; - awaken in children a sense of love for their city, region, respect for its traditions and customs; - to cultivate respect for the culture of other peoples; -develop children's need to explore the world around them by studying cultural heritage, with the participation of parents

Game activity: - didactic games; - role-playing game "Family" Cognitive development: - excursion to the local history museum; - lesson "My family"; - conversation "My hometown - Kuvandyk"; Speech development: -compilation of creative stories "My favorite corner of Kuvandyk"; - conversations with children “I love my mother”, “We are a friendly family” fiction: -acquaintance with the poems of Kuvandyk poets about their native city. Forms and methods of working with children:

D / and on acquaintance with the city "Connoisseurs of Kuvandyk" - to consolidate the knowledge of children about the sights of the city. “Here is my street, here is my house” - teach children to name the streets of the immediate environment. "WHAT? WHERE? WHEN?" - to consolidate the children's idea of ​​the city, to know the historical features of its development. "I am a photographer" - to develop children's creative imagination, the desire to "see" and "show" everyone their own city. "Interview" - to teach children to compose short story"My city". "Let's walk through the streets of the city" - learn to navigate the map-scheme of the city. To consolidate knowledge of the names of the streets of the city.

Forms and methods of working with parents: - Conversations with parents about the importance of this problem - Making albums "My native land", "Family coat of arms" - Involving parents in replenishing the area of ​​local history - Consultation for parents -Business game with parents "My hometown Kuvandyk"

Thematic work plan Theme Connection with other activities Deadlines "My family" Children's stories about family members based on personal experience. Drawing on the theme: "My family." Conversations on the topic: "Where we rested in the summer" (viewing photos). C / and “Family” December-January “I love my dear mother very much” Compilation of stories on the topic: “Why do I love my mother. How I help her "Drawing a portrait" My mother. Making a gift for mom. Family gatherings with mom. February-March "My district and the city where I live" Excursion around the district and the city (with parents). Examination of photographs depicting the most famous places in the area, city. Production of albums "Nature of my land", "City of my future", "My favorite corner in the city" S.R.I. "Mail" (knowledge of home address) April-May

Resource circle:

first round: "I see..."

second round: "I hear... » my goro d

third circle: "I feel..."

"My native

city ​​"

Unzha river

Unzha river



A wondrous sight opened up to me,

Everything in my heart shook

Feeling of peace

Returned to my heart.

I admire flowers

Beauty in them and mystery,

And in the usual chamomile

There is a secret to charm.

The river Unzha sparkles

overflows of light,

Flying with a red beak

Water princess.

Who created this miracle?

Who created this bird?

To us with this magician

You really need to get along.

Anatoly Georgievich Kotlov - Hero Soviet Union , commander of a motorcycle company of the 82nd separate motorcycle battalion of the 23rd tank corps 2nd Ukrainian Front , lieutenant .

Born on August 12, 1922 in the village of Lozhkovo, now the Kologrivsky district of the Kostroma region, in a peasant family. Russian. As a child, he moved with his parents to the village (since 1958 - the city) of Manturovo in the same region. Here he graduated from a seven-year school, began working as a turner at a plywood factory.

Rumyantsev Fedor Vasilievich- Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, director. A wide television audience is known as the duty officer of the Department of Internal Affairs, Senior Lieutenant Oleg from the TV movie "Capercaillie". Born on August 8, 1961 in the village of Oktyabrsky (railway station Brantovka) of the Kostroma Region. On the maternal side, my great-grandfather is a descendant of Russian Germans from the surname Zorinn. He served in the theaters of Arkhangelsk, Orenburg, Shevchenko (now Aktau).

Bobrov Dmitry Vasilievich (born 1932), Honored Military Pilot of the USSR, lieutenant general, commander of the 4th VA. Born on November 7, 1932 in the village of Strelitz, Manturovsky District, Kostroma Region. In 1951 he graduated from the flying club in Kirov (Vyatka) and entered the Stalingrad military aviation school for pilots, then was transferred to the Armavir VAUL, which he graduated in 1953. Supreme High Command, headquarters - Legnica airfield, Northern Group of Forces; 1980 - Lieutenant General of Aviation. He flew until 1981, when, according to the order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force, the commanders of the Air Force were forbidden to fly. He mastered the aircraft UT-2, Yak-18, Yak-11, MiG-15, MiG-17, MiG-19, MiG-21, MiG-23. The total flight time is more than 3000 hours. Honored Military Pilot of the USSR. Since March 1988 - in reserve. Lives in Moscow. He was awarded the Order of the Red Star (twice), "For Service to the Fatherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" III degree, medals.

Coat of arms of Manturovo

In an azure field, on a gold knotted log floated over silver waves, a rising griffin of the same metal with scarlet eyes and a tongue, having all four paws like a lion's and with black claws; the griffin rules with a golden pole, holding it with its front paws.

The griffin was taken from the coat of arms of the Romanov dynasty: in the 16th century, the lands along the Unzha River belonged to the brother of the wife of Ivan the Terrible Anastasia Romanovna, in the 17th Manturovo was transferred to the Palace Department. The composition of the coat of arms symbolizes the historically established timber processing industry.


1. Church of Nicholas the Wonderworker a, 1836

Monument An example of a typical parish church in Priunzhie.

2. Residential house of Gubanov (formerly the merchant Popov)

Monument of architecture 19 - beg. 20th century An example of a typical merchant's house with a shop on the 1st floor and a residential part on the second. Doctor of Philosophical Sciences N.I. Gubanov.

3. House of merchant V.D. Krutikova

Monument of architecture 19 - beg. XX centuries An example of a typical wooden merchant's house with a shop on the 1st floor and a residential part on the second.

4. Museum of local lore

The building was built in 1994. AT museum expositions and exhibitions reflect the most important pages in the history of the city of Manturovo. The museum's funds contain unique museum items.

Former village of Gradylevo

In 1619-1654. here was the court of clerks of prominent statesmen and close relatives of the tsars - the boyars Ivan Nikitich and Nikitich Romanov. Until 1797, Gradylevo was the center of the Verkhovskaya volost of the Unzhensky district (later - the province). At the beginning of the 19th century, the manor house of the hero stood here Patriotic War 1812 Lieutenant General Ivan Dmitrievich Ivanov, in which the mother of F.V. Chizhova Ulyana Dmitrievna


Individual task: Draw a picture "My favorite city.