Report for collecting information on the personnel reserve. How to properly form the personnel reserve of the company. What are reservists for?

Currently, interest in the personnel reserve has resumed due to the fierce competition for qualified personnel. Companies know firsthand about the shortage of experienced managers and specialists, and according to forecasts, the situation on the labor market will only worsen over time.

This trend dictates its own rules: the principles of working with personnel need to be revised. material motivation employees is no longer the main argument for retaining professionals. The real "staff shortage" of middle managers, layoffs key employees due to the impossibility of growth and a decrease in interest in work, the loss of motivation by ordinary employees - these are the realities. There is a way out: to respond in a timely manner to changes in the external and internal environment, forming a personnel reserve. Of course, the personnel reserve is not a panacea for all ills, but this tool will help to cope with many problems in personnel management.

What is a personnel reserve and what tasks can it solve?

The personnel reserve is a group of employees who are potentially capable of managerial activity, who meet the requirements of the position, who have been selected and who have undergone targeted qualification training.

The creation of a reserve group will ensure continuity in management, increase the level of readiness of employees for changes in the organization, their motivation and loyalty, which will lead to a decrease in the level of staff turnover and overall personnel stabilization. Availability personnel reserve allows you to significantly save financial and time resources in the selection, training and adaptation of key employees, which is also important.

Where to begin?

Work on the formation of a personnel reserve requires systematic and systematic preparation. First, it is necessary to analyze the existing problem areas in personnel management. The most common methods are staff turnover analysis and socio-psychological research in the company. Based on a detailed study of personnel and accounting documentation, it is possible to determine not only the level of staff turnover in the company as a whole, but also problematic positions, the cyclical nature of layoffs, the social and psychological portrait of the employee leaving, which will allow analyzing the causes of the current situation and identify priority tasks.

Socio-psychological research, questioning of personnel on certain areas will allow you to analyze the current situation both in the company as a whole and in its specific divisions, determine the level of loyalty and motivation of staff, job satisfaction, analyze the features of communication within the company and understand the main reasons for staff dissatisfaction.

It may be useful to invite external experts in the field - this will allow you to look at many actual problems from outside or change strategy personnel work. A detailed and qualitative analysis of problem areas in personnel management will make it possible to determine a model for creating a personnel reserve that would meet the priority tasks of the company for this moment.

There are several models for the formation of a personnel reserve:

  1. Making a forecast of expected changes in the organizational and staffing structure. The formation of the reserve occurs in accordance with the need for replacement vacancies on the certain period time. Most often, the planning period is 1-3 years.
  2. Identification of key positions in the company and the formation of a reserve for all management positions, regardless of whether it is planned to replace the employees occupying them.

The choice of option is based on priority tasks, as well as financial and time resources. The first option is less expensive and more efficient in terms of implementation time, the second option is more reliable and holistic. At the same time, the choice of the second option does not exclude the preparation of a forecast of possible changes - this procedure can be included as a stage in the process of creating a personnel reserve.

There are several options for forming a personnel reserve, and principles of work with personnel reserve remain common:

  • Publicity. Information for employees included in the personnel reserve, for potential candidates, as well as for positions to be filled and prospective positions should be open. Only in this case it will be possible to create a system that will work to increase the motivation and loyalty of employees to the company.
  • Competition- one of the fundamental principles of the formation of a personnel reserve. This principle implies the presence of at least two, and preferably three candidates for one leadership position.
  • Activity. For the successful formation of a personnel reserve, all persons interested and involved in the process must be active and proactive. To a greater extent, this applies to line managers who are responsible for nominating candidates for the personnel reserve.

After determining the way and principles for the formation of a personnel reserve, it is necessary to develop a list of reserved positions and criteria for selecting employees for the reserve. The company itself can determine by what criteria to select reservists. The criteria may be the same for all positions included in the personnel reserve, or may be supplemented depending on the reserved position.

Prior to the formation of the personnel reserve, a list of basic positions is developed for each reserved vacancy. Compliance of the candidate with the requirements of the basic position may be a separate selection criterion. It is also necessary to immediately determine the maximum number of candidates included in the reserve for each reserved vacancy.

Selection criteria in the personnel reserve can be the following.

  • Age. The recommended age of employees considered as candidates for a mid-level managerial position is 25–35 years. This is due to the level of professional life experience, higher education. It is noted that it is at this age that an employee begins to think not just about professional development, but about personal self-realization, long-term career plans. Thus, enrollment in the personnel reserve can become an incentive for professional development and increase motivation to work. It is not recommended to include employees older than 45 years in the reserve of senior managers.
  • Education. This criterion characterizes the possible level and specifics of the candidate's education. The recommended level of education for a middle management position is higher, preferably professional. As reservists for the positions of top managers of the organization, it is better to consider employees with higher education in management, economics and finance.
  • Experience in the company in a basic position. Many companies prefer to include in the talent pool only candidates who have gained professional experience in the organization. Others prefer professionals, and where the experience was gained is not important. This criterion reflects the basic principles of the corporate culture of the organization and must comply with the standards adopted by the company.
  • results professional activity . A candidate for inclusion in the personnel reserve must successfully fulfill his duties in his position, show stable professional results, otherwise his enrollment in the reserve will be of a formal nature and demotivate other employees.
  • The desire of the candidate for self-improvement, career development is the most important selection criterion. Lack of desire and professional limitations can become the main obstacles to inclusion in the personnel reserve, despite the candidate's full compliance with the requirements of the reserved position according to other criteria.

The list is not limited to the listed criteria. Each organization can supplement or reduce it in accordance with the tasks solved with the help of the personnel reserve and the established norms of the corporate culture. If the selection criteria are defined, the lists of reserved and basic positions are compiled, then it is necessary to determine the procedure for the formation of a personnel reserve.

The process of forming a personnel reserve

Step 1. Nomination of candidates based on the criteria and principles of formation. Responsible for the nomination of candidates are their immediate supervisors, personnel officers may also participate in this process. The best option is when a line manager is responsible for promoting employees to the personnel reserve, since it is he who can most adequately assess the potential of an employee.

Step 2 Formation of general lists of candidates for the personnel reserve. The lists are formed by HR employees based on the views of line managers.

Step 3 Psychodiagnostic measures in order to determine the potential of candidates for the reserve, leadership qualities, psychological, individual characteristics, the level of motivation and loyalty, as well as the true attitude to enrollment in the personnel reserve. Various methods can be used for this purpose. The most effective are interviews and evaluation business games, and the most economical in terms of time and questionable results are psychological testing. Based on the results of these events, personal and psychological characteristics, recommendations and forecasts are compiled. This stage involves artificial (according to the results of psychodiagnostic measures and tests) and natural screening, when the candidate for some reason himself refuses to be enrolled in the personnel reserve.

Step 4 Formation of the final (or updated) lists of employees enrolled in the personnel reserve, with an exact indication of the reserved position.

Step 5 Approval of lists by order CEO companies. Of course, the process of forming a personnel reserve can be modified. The number of stages may vary due to the chosen model of creating a reserve for a particular company.

After defining and approving the formation process, it is necessary to think over the basic principles and system of work with the personnel reserve.

The main tasks to be solved in the process of training reservists

  1. Development of the necessary qualities for work in a reserved position.
  2. Receipt necessary knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to perform the intended functions.
  3. Gaining practical experience in applying knowledge, skills and abilities in real conditions (replacement of the head during vacation, internship).
  4. Strengthening the positive image of reservists.
  5. Raising the status of reservists in the company.

To achieve these goals, an individual employee development program is being developed, which may include advanced training, obtaining a second higher education and an MBA, passing trainings, and internships. The company creates a training program implemented by internal or external forces. The main principles of training are individuality and practical significance, i.e. the training program should take into account the results of psychodiagnostic measures and tests, the specifics of the reserved position, the length of service and work experience of each of the employees, their needs and wishes in terms of professional growth.

Particular attention should be paid to the issue of the duration of training and development of an employee before transferring to a reserved position. This period may be regulated by internal normative documents and depend on the position or recommendations regarding each individual employee. At the same time, situations sometimes arise when the designated period comes to an end, but there is no position or the employee is not ready to take it. In the first case, you can enter the position of a deputy and, upon successful preparation, appoint a reservist to this position. The employee will have the opportunity to show himself “in business”, and the company will have the time and opportunity to assess future prospects, otherwise there is a risk that a trained specialist will leave the company and the funds invested in his training will be irretrievably lost. In the second case, you can inform the employee about the results of training and development zones and determine new deadlines. In any case, the principle of openness and competition should be respected.

What does talent pool mean?

The personnel reserve (CR) is divided into two types - external and internal. Usually this is a group of people who have been pre-selected for any position in the organization, more often for middle or senior positions. Specialists are evaluated especially carefully, they identify personal, professional and business qualities necessary for the performance of official duties.

External talent pool consists of resumes of candidates who meet the requirements, so they can be invited at any time to a vacant vacancy. The main disadvantage of the database is that it becomes outdated, because people grow, develop, find work and no longer need your offers.

Reference: sometimes an external personnel reserve consists of specialists who from time to time participate in projects and perform certain tasks.

Internal personnel reserve- already employed employees who have a high potential for career growth and have managerial skills. As a rule, these are long-term specialists who have managed to prove themselves and show their reliability.

Table. Comparative characteristics of internal and external sources of recruitment

The internal reserve includes:

  • highly professional employees with unique knowledge, capable of leadership, as well as professional growth in a horizontal direction (stock of key specialists);
  • subordinates capable of demonstrating growth in the vertical direction (administrative staff);
  • trained managers who can immediately take up their duties (operational staff);
  • potential leaders (strategic pool of personnel).

The process of forming an internal personnel reserve takes at least 2 years, so it must be started from the day the organization was founded. Carefully observe all employees, make notes for yourself in order to move a specialist if necessary.

In small companies, a personnel reserve system is rarely created. Typically, employees are moved from position to position, or they accept relatives, friends or acquaintances into the company, while avoiding formalities - assessments, testing, etc. It should be noted that sometimes this threatens with serious problems, up to the closure of the company.


Since the founding of the company« Omega» its owner, Stanislav, also acted as a personnel director. First of all, he accepted all his relatives into the staff, they invited friends and acquaintances. It so happened that they did not accept outsiders, but were looking for candidates for a position among« their» . As a result, leadership positions were occupied by those who did not quite understand the intricacies of work and responsibilities. This negatively affected profitability, competitiveness and many business processes. When the company approached collapse, Stanislav analyzed the situation and assessed the employees. He made the decision to fire some workers and hire professionals in their place. A scandal erupted. Most of the subordinates left, but other applicants quickly arrived to replace them. Gradually, the situation returned to normal, and the company moved from the category of unprofitable to profitable.

Goals and objectives of the formation of the reserve

The main task of the CD is to improve and stabilize the financial position of the organization. If there are "reserve" employees, the company is protected from unforeseen situations due to the absence of key specialists. Business processes go on as usual, customers are satisfied with cooperation, and business profitability does not fall.

The formation of a personnel reserve of the organization is also required to achieve other goals that the management faces. Usually, with the help of the “spare” base, they try to:

  • reduce the number of errors in the selection and placement of personnel;
  • adequately and slowly assess the staff;
  • predict the need for employees;
  • provide the company with a reserve of effective specialists who know how to develop the business in accordance with the approved strategy;
  • retain and motivate talented leaders;
  • reduce the cost of recruiting, adaptation of personnel;
  • maintain a positive reputation.

Goals, objectives, desired result, mechanisms for the development of reservists, etc. write in the Regulations on the creation of a personnel reserve. Fix the sequence of each stage in order to reduce and facilitate the work of managers who will be involved in the formation of a personnel reserve.

Example Statement

The formation of the personnel reserve (FCR) of the organization takes place with the participation of higher authorities. We recommend adhering to the principle of openness and transparency. That is, do not hide from other employees that the selection of specialists in the Kyrgyz Republic has begun. It is possible that some will show themselves to achieve a promotion.

If there are not enough resources for the formation of CR, attract third-party specialists from recruitment agencies who will take on part of the tasks or perform turnkey work. Stick to the given algorithm, make sure that not a single promising employee is overlooked.

Stage number 1. Determine the need for reserve formation

The first stage is the most important, so it must be approached as responsibly as possible. If you do not pay attention to the nuances, the PKR process will be longer and more costly.

Before starting work on the formation of a reserve, identify:

  • strategic and tactical personnel requests;
  • the actual state of the CR, the degree of preparedness of employees;
  • the percentage of reduction in the number of "reserve" employees over the past few years;
  • the number of released administrative units that can realize themselves in other divisions;
  • positions from which specialists can be transferred;
  • persons responsible for working with the CR, placement of personnel.

Determine how much you can spend on the formation of a personnel reserve, coordinate it with the financial director. If the budget is limited, it is rational to engage in the development of already employed employees, and not to select external specialists in the Kyrgyz Republic.

Stage number 2. Conduct the selection of employees for the reserve

The selection of employees takes a lot of time, as at this stage a complex work is carried out, consisting of complementary procedures. If several managers are working on CI, delineate responsibilities, define selection criteria.

In general, when selecting a pool of "spare" you need to:

  • get acquainted with information from the personal files of employees, resumes, autobiographies;
  • have a conversation with the reservists;
  • simulate situations close to real working conditions, observe a person;
  • evaluate the results of work for a certain period of time;
  • analyze whether the qualities of the employee meet the requirements for the position.

The main goal to be achieved is to collect the largest possible amount of information about each employee, his personal, professional and business qualities ah, skills. Make a card with requirements and criteria so you don't miss important details when working with CR candidates.

Requirements for candidates for inclusion in the CR:

Download Sample

When selecting a reserve of personnel, determine the motives of potential employees, their goals and values. Do not immerse yourself in the study of unnecessary facts, personal life, because this information does not carry a special semantic load, but it takes your time to analyze it.

Stage number 3. Create a talent pool list

After evaluating the candidates, comparing them with each other, make a preliminary list of "spare". Divide it into 2 parts. To the first include workers who are assigned to the operational part, i.e. to replace key positions right now or soon. The second group includes those who will make up a strategic reserve. Usually these are young employees with leadership inclinations, who will gradually gain experience.

When compiling the list of reservists, adhere to the following rules:

  • determine the replaced positions according to the nomenclature of positions and the staffing table, taking into account the hierarchy;
  • indicate personal information about each staff unit;
  • fix the time of enrollment in the Kyrgyz Republic;
  • note the results of the assessment of qualities, write down suggestions and recommendations for self-improvement and development of the employee.

Make a personnel reserve for several years ahead. Submit the list to a higher manager for consideration - he has the right to cross out some persons if, in his opinion, they do not meet the necessary criteria. As the list becomes outdated, it needs to be updated. Delete departed and add new arrivals.

Important! When enrolling selected reservists, prepare a motion for promotion to a position if it becomes vacant. Submit the document to the director for approval.

Questionnaire of a candidate for the personnel reserve

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Training and retraining of applicants

After dropping out clearly unsuitable employees and enrollment in the personnel reserve promising specialists, start working with those who are generally suitable for positions, but need additional training. Choose the best program for them, taking into account the budget.

The following methods are usually used:

The training program depends on the current experience, knowledge of the reservist. When choosing it, think about what the employee needs to develop, whether the program will help achieve the desired result. If you create a talent pool to fill managerial positions, while there is no way to provide study leave, pay attention to remote programs. You can view the approximate content of some courses, find out the features of this form of education.

Answers to frequently asked questions

1. Whom to appoint responsible for work with the personnel reserve?

Usually, the management of the organization's personnel reserve is the responsibility of the head or an ordinary specialist of the service. In large organizations, a special department is created. In order to achieve results in working with RCs, involve direct supervisors and reservists in this issue.

There should be about 2-3 people for each position. Make a list, count the number of potential jobs.

3. How to inform staff about the development and implementation of the program?

Inform employees of plans to create a CR in writing or in person. Explain the goals and objectives of the program, convey its significance to employees and the organization as a whole. Please note that insufficient informing the staff about the innovation can cause negative rumors and concerns.

4. What are the methods of nominating candidates for the personnel reserve?

There are three main ways of nomination: direct supervisor, superior manager, self-nomination of an employee.

5. What are the possible problems when working with the personnel reserve?

The following errors are distinguished when working with CR:

  • work goes without proper management support under pressure from the personnel service and the training department;
  • financial constraints do not allow the use of a number of areas for training reservists;
  • the reserve for filling managerial positions is formally drawn up;
  • blurring of selection criteria;
  • there are no clear criteria for evaluating reservists.

6. Is it possible to prepare a reserve for tops?

Yes, many companies train reservists specifically for closing top positions in the organization. The procedure for working with them differs in that higher requirements are imposed on specialists.

7. How to plan further work with the personnel reserve?

After a positive assessment of the readiness of the reservists, decide what to do next, for example:

  • if there are open targeted vacancies, consider candidates for replacement from among successful reservists;
  • plan and organize adaptation measures ;
  • if there are no open vacancies at the end of the reservist training program, plan activities to retain promising employees.

As a result of the work done earlier on the creation and development of the reserve, implement the goals for which the CD was created, develop additional measures to retain valuable employees. Do not forget that talent pool management is not just a formal procedure, but a real job that needs to be systematically devoted to.


1. The procedure for the formation of a personnel reserve

2. Problems of formation of a personnel reserve

List of sources used


There is a way to ensure an uninterrupted supply of qualified personnel to the organization - to form a personnel reserve. It will help to minimize the time and other costs of finding new employees.

In fact, and not formally, a talent pool exists in only a few companies. As a rule, the management has no time to engage in its formation - there would be enough time to complete the main tasks. However, it is the personnel reserve that can provide a company with a lot of advantages:

Save time looking for staff. If a vacancy opens up in a company that needs to be filled urgently, then if there is a personnel reserve, the problem is solved automatically. If the company plans to expand the staff after some time, then it is better to prepare for this in advance.

Timely prepare the employee for the transition to a new position.

Motivate employees. If a subordinate knows that he is being trained for promotion, he is confident in his future in this company and will put much more effort into work and improve his skills.

The very concept of "personnel reserve" is interpreted in different ways. However, if we combine all the views into one picture, then we can distinguish two types of personnel reserve: external and internal.

External. It is made up of candidates who are not in the company, but are of potential value to it.

Interior. It is formed from those specialists working in the company, who in the future can be transferred to other positions (most often - management). The task of the company in this case is to develop these employees, conduct internships, and prepare them for new tasks.

The internal personnel reserve is often divided into three groups:

operational - employees who are ready to take on a new, higher position as soon as such a vacancy becomes vacant or appears. They already have all the necessary knowledge and skills or need only minimal instruction;

medium-term - employees who have worked in your organization for several years want to move to a management position and could do this after acquiring the appropriate skills. Such people need to be developed and educated for quite a long time;

strategic - these are most often young specialists with significant potential. It will take several years of intensive training before such an employee can take on a new position.

It is desirable for the company's management to divide its reservists into these three groups and develop development plans for each separately.

1. The procedure for the formation of a personnel reserve

The personnel reserve of an enterprise is a group of qualified employees of the company who have passed preliminary selection, special training and are internal candidates for filling vacancies in higher positions.

The preparation of the personnel reserve of an enterprise is effective when it is built using A complex approach. If the creation of a personnel reserve is not some kind of formal procedure, a "bench" on which people can sit for years without developing their skills and without clear career prospects, then it will bring maximum benefit.

Preparation of the personnel reserve of the company includes

selection and evaluation of candidates for the reserve

drafting individual plan development

training and development of reservists

promotion to a reserved position

It is optimal if 80% of vacancies are filled by promotion and rotation of the personnel reserve within the company and 20% by attracting new employees from the labor market. This ratio allows the preservation of corporate values ​​and knowledge and, at the same time, gives the company an infusion of fresh knowledge and people.

Why is it necessary to train the personnel reserve of the company?

Firstly, the creation of a personnel reserve of an enterprise can significantly save money on the search, training and adaptation of a new employee. The higher the position, the more requirements are imposed on applicants, the narrower the search circle becomes and the more time it takes to close the vacancy. While the search for a candidate is ongoing, tasks are not completed and goals are not achieved. You can calculate how much a day of absence of a person in each position costs a company. Also, a mistake will cost a lot if the wrong candidate is selected.

Protection against leakage of information, technologies, preservation of knowledge and customers. When an employee leaves the company, he takes with him part of his knowledge about certain technologies, work standards, know how, etc. This information may not even constitute a commercial secret, but it may be of interest to competitors. The preparation of a personnel reserve at an enterprise, on the one hand, reduces staff turnover and, thus, reduces the leakage of information from the company, on the other hand, ensures the continuity of knowledge and protects against a situation where, with the loss of one of the key employees, the company loses some of its important customers and is disrupted part of business processes.

Staff motivation, increasing loyalty. Creation of a personnel reserve of the company makes transparent career prospects employee, which motivates him to accelerate development, improve his professionalism for clear, conscious goals. Low turnover also contributes to the preservation of the corporate culture and the retention of the established teams.

Nine steps to building a talent pool

Stage 1. Identification of key (target) positions for the preparation of the reserve.

Stage 2. Planning the optimal number of reservists for each position.

Stage 3. Profiling target positions.

Stage 4 (through). Preparation and implementation of activities for information support of the personnel reserve training program.

Stage 5. Development of a provision on the personnel reserve.

Stage 6. Selection to the personnel reserve (search and evaluation of candidates)

Stage 7. Training of reservists (implementation of the program for the development of professional and managerial competencies).

Stage 8. Evaluation of the results of the training of reservists.

Stage 9. Planning for further work with the reserve.

Let's dwell on each stage in more detail.

Stage 1. Identification of key (target) positions for the preparation of the reserve.


1. Analysis of the organizational structure and staffing enterprises.

Purpose: to determine the staffing of the structural divisions of the company.

Important: when preparing the reserve, it is necessary to plan the replacement of the resulting vacant positions, if the reservists are appointed to higher positions. The organization should not allow the emergence of personnel "voids", especially when it comes to narrow specialists and rare professions, whose representatives are difficult to find in the foreign market.

2. Age analysis of the current management of the enterprise.

Purpose: to identify the most critical managerial positions in terms of the urgency of preparing the reserve (heads of retirement or pre-retirement age)

3. Expert analysis of managerial positions by the top management of the company.

Purpose: to identify the most priority management positions in terms of their contribution to the business result and the prospects for vacating the position.

Criteria for expert analysis of positions (example):

Contribution to the achievement of the company's business result.

The prospect of release (low perspective - the position is not planned to be released in the next 3-5 years (the employee is not planned to retire, increase or rotate)

The number of subordinate employees (presence/absence of deputies, staffing of the division/department). Departments that are understaffed are in short supply of potential reservists.

Separately, it is worth noting managerial positions that are planned to be created in the company in the future (for example, when forming new divisions as part of business expansion). When compiling the list of target positions, it is also necessary to analyze in terms of the importance and urgency of preparing the reserve.

Result of the stage: positions were identified that require the priority formation of a personnel reserve.

Stage 2. Planning the optimal number of reservists for each target position.

Purpose: to ensure personnel security for key positions of the enterprise (reduce personnel risks associated with the refusal / dismissal / retirement of reservists).

Given the importance and its priority, it is necessary to determine how many reservists will need to be trained for each target position.

The optimal number of reservists for the position is 2-3 people. On the one hand, this “insures” the target position against the risk of losing a reservist (due to his leaving the company or dropping out of the reserve training program). On the other hand, the presence of several applicants for one position, with a competent HR policy, creates healthy competition between reservists, increasing their motivation for self-development (the topic of how to prevent the negative consequences of competition for a position deserves a separate discussion).

In some cases, one reservist may be a potential candidate for several positions at once. This is possible when it comes to positions in which similar business and professional competencies are in demand (for example, Chief Accountant and head of finance). However, such cases should be attributed rather to exceptions than to the rule, they often arise due to a shortage of reservists for certain positions. In this case, it is not recommended to use the policy of "universal" reservists, as this increases personnel risks and reduces the effectiveness of targeted training of employees. Faced with a shortage of reserve candidates among internal employees, it is advisable to organize a search for potential reservists in the labor market.

For the convenience of studying the material, the article is divided into topics:

The defining moment in the work of the personnel service is the focus on the needs of the enterprise, the requests and needs of management and employees.

In addition, in the process of forming an internal personnel reserve, personnel are assessed according to certain criteria, the main ones are the following:

Quality of work: work is carried out without errors (only small errors occur), with little or no help from the supervisor, neatly and thoroughly, does not require additional verification, there are a small number of errors in the work, accuracy and accuracy, clear implementation of instructions, little assistance from the supervisor, the quality of work meets the requirements requirements, mistakes are made, work is done carelessly, supervision by the manager is required, poor quality of work, constant errors, constant monitoring is required;
- volume of work: an energetic worker who easily performs much more work than planned, a worker who quickly completes a large amount of work, a worker who works steadily and meets targets, a worker who works slowly, requiring constant pushing, a worker who works slowly, losing a lot of time wasted, unable to cope with the planned scope of work;
- presence at work (discipline): reliable person, always comes to work on time and always on, reliable employee, rarely (for a good reason) absent, warning in advance of his absence, unreliable employee, non-punctual, not warning of his absence, employee often absent or late without warning, unreliable;
- the degree of loyalty to the enterprise: an employee who knows the enterprise well and is devoted to it, who puts the interests of the organization first, does not allow negative reviews about the enterprise in any situation, speaks positively about management, colleagues, both at work and outside it , a person who is proud of his enterprise, an employee who positively perceives the enterprise, does not allow unconstructive criticism, is satisfied with his work, an employee who is generally satisfied with his work at this enterprise, avoids publicly expressing dissatisfaction with the organization, colleagues and boss, an employee who does not feel part of enterprise, sometimes not restraining negative emotions in relation to the enterprise, an employee who has a negative attitude towards the enterprise, pursuing his own personal goals.

When working with personnel, especially when forming a personnel reserve, it is necessary to remember the following: the highest value is not the one who has unique knowledge, but the one who is able to constantly learn new things and apply his knowledge in practice.

In addition, unique specialists often close the entire process on themselves, and if they have to leave the enterprise, the work becomes much more complicated. Therefore, it is impossible to build work based on a specific specialist, otherwise there is a danger of becoming his hostage.

Work in this direction should be carried out systematically, purposefully and regulated by the regulation on the personnel reserve of the enterprise. This document may consist of the following sections.

General provisions. This section indicates which issues are regulated by the Regulations on the personnel reserve, defines the main areas of work with the personnel reserve.

Then, explanations of the main issues of the system of work with the personnel reserve are given, namely:

What is a personnel reserve;
- what is the system of work with a reserve of personnel;
- what issues does the presence of a personnel reserve solve;
- why is it necessary to plan a reserve of personnel;
- what are the sources of personnel reserve formation.

The procedure for the formation of a reserve of personnel. This section defines how and on the basis of what approach the personnel reserve is formed at the enterprise.

Organization of work with a reserve of personnel.

The following issues are regulated:

Calculation of personnel reserve;
- identification of candidates for the personnel reserve;
- evaluation of candidates for the personnel reserve;
- analysis of the results of evaluation of candidates for the personnel reserve;
- formation of a reserve of personnel and approval of the list of the reserve by the management of the enterprise;
- formation of reserve training programs;
- implementation of reserve training programs;
- assessment of the personnel reserve: characteristics, reports on the implementation of tasks, expert assessment;
- analysis of the results of the personnel reserve assessment;
- conclusions: negative assessment - exclusion from the personnel reserve, required additional training– planning of individual training, positive evaluation- making decisions on promotion to a higher position.

Besides, in this document applications may be included, consisting of sample documents necessary for compiling the personal file of an employee included in the personnel reserve, schemes of functional relationships in the process of organizing work with the reserve, lists of duties of the trainee and the head of the internship, and others required documents.

Service personnel reserve

Due to the lack of a federal regulatory legal act on the personnel reserve, state bodies use different approaches to organizing the formation of a personnel reserve.

So, in some state bodies, a competition is announced for inclusion in the personnel reserve for a specific position, as a result of which the winner of the competition is included in the personnel reserve for this position.

In other state bodies, it is practiced to include in the personnel reserve applicants who participated in competitions for filling vacant positions, but did not win the competition (by decision of the competition commission). At the same time, a citizen in some state bodies can be included in the personnel reserve without indicating the position for which the reserve is formed, in others, the inclusion of the winner of the competition in the personnel reserve is carried out by category of positions. In many state bodies, a personnel reserve is not formed.

During the period 2008-2009. in all subjects of the Russian Federation and most subjects of the Russian Federation, reserves of managerial personnel have been formed. Due to the lack of federal legal regulation of the formation of such reserves, each constituent entity of the Russian Federation establishes its own selection procedure and requirements for candidates for the reserve of managerial personnel in accordance with the recommendations developed in all federal districts.

In particular, in a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the selection of persons for the reserve of managerial personnel includes:

Nomination of candidates by heads of state bodies and bodies municipalities, rectors of universities, heads of non-state enterprises and institutions, . It also provides for self-nomination by citizens Russian Federation their nominations;
- analysis of profiles of nominees for compliance with formal selection criteria.

Testing of all candidates in accordance with the approved selection criteria:

1) personal and business qualities (leadership, ability and desire to work in a team, social maturity, active life position, desire for self-improvement, adherence to laws, moral standards, management requirements);
2) intellectual indicators (the ability to plan, the ability to see the situation and predict the development of events in the near future; foreseeing the consequences of decisions made, the validity of decisions made; the presence of intuition that allows you to successfully solve problems that are not amenable to formalization);
3) special indicators (stress resistance, professional commitment, i.e. the ability to bring business to a successful result);
making a decision by poll to include in the reserve of managerial personnel for candidates who have overcome the established threshold of test scores. At the in-person meeting of the selection committee, those candidates are submitted for which the members of the selection committee expressed separate opinions in the protocol, as well as candidates not included in the protocol, but for which appeals were received about disagreement with the results of the experts' conclusions;
after the signing of the protocol by all members of the commission, the data on the candidates are transferred to the administration of the subject of the Russian Federation to verify the personal data of the candidates;
4) lists of the reserve of managerial personnel are posted on a specialized website in the public domain. In addition to the lists, the site contains relevant regulatory documents, the procedure for creating a reserve, a list of positions for which a reserve is formed, approved forms questionnaires and recommendations for candidates, reserve training program and other necessary information, news feed.

The formation of a reserve of managerial personnel was initially carried out not for specific positions, but in separate areas: organizational work, the real sector of the economy, the social sector, the financial and economic sector. This principle of forming a reserve of managerial personnel makes it possible to rotate within the reserve. Financing of expenses for testing candidates for the reserve and training of reserve participants in individual constituent entities of the Russian Federation is carried out on shared terms in the following proportions: for testing, 50% of the budget and the funds of the candidate himself; for training: 10% - budget funds, and 90% - student funds.

The formation of a personnel reserve, along with competitive procedures for entering the civil service, ensures the realization of citizens of the Russian Federation for equal access to public service, as well as the right of civil servants to career advancement.

Formation of a personnel reserve and its effective use - actual direction personnel policy implemented in order to improve the professionalism of the staff of the state civil service.

The personnel reserve is an important mechanism through which the career growth of civil servants in many democratically developed European countries, as well as the United States, Canada, and Japan, is carried out. Work on the formation of a personnel reserve in the Republics of Kazakhstan and Belarus is carried out on the basis of special regulations.

The personnel reserve is both a mechanism for the professional growth of employees and a democratic institution, through which, as a result of competitive selection, the most professionally trained and successful representatives of the commercial sector, deputies and professional officials are selected for the civil service.

In accordance with the practice of regulating the issues of formation and use of the personnel reserve, which has developed in state bodies, the following most general trends can be distinguished.

The formation of a personnel reserve is carried out taking into account the composition of the civil service personnel and the "bank of vacancies" of the corresponding civil service positions.

The selection of candidates for enrollment in the personnel reserve is made taking into account the assessment of the results of professional performance, personal and business qualities of civil servants. When selecting candidates for enrollment in the personnel reserve, the following are taken into account: the age of the employee; compliance of the employee with the necessary education; work experience; knowledge of regulatory legal acts in the field government controlled and in the direction of activity; health status. A number of regulatory legal acts set age limits for candidates for the reserve. For example, the age limit - up to 45 years - is established by the Regulation on the procedure for the formation and training of a reserve of managerial personnel in the bodies state power Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The personnel reserve includes employees certified for promotion to higher positions. The number of employees included in the personnel reserve for promotion to the relevant position is not limited.

According to the commented article, a personnel reserve structure has been established in the state civil service, which includes two levels - federal and constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

At the federal level, a personnel reserve is formed in the federal state body, as well as a federal personnel reserve. In turn, in each state body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a representative of the employer forms a personnel reserve of a state body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The personnel reserve of a subject of the Federation consists of personnel reserves of state bodies of the subjects of the Russian Federation.

The formation of a personnel reserve is carried out in order to timely fill vacant positions in the federal civil service with persons included in the personnel reserve, both in the order of promotion, and to fill positions in the civil service in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Based on the Consolidated Register of State Civil Servants of the Russian Federation and the applications received from civil servants and citizens, a personnel reserve of a state body, as well as a federal personnel reserve and a personnel reserve of the corresponding subject of the Russian Federation, are formed on a competitive basis to fill civil service positions.

The personnel reserve of the federal state body may include persons who have expressed a desire and successfully passed the competition for inclusion in the personnel reserve to fill the corresponding civil service position, including those entering the federal civil service for the first time.

The inclusion of a civil servant () in the personnel reserve of a federal state body to fill a civil service position is carried out based on the results of a competition. However, the provisions contained in Art. 22 of the commented law do not reflect the specifics of the personnel reserve associated with the need for additional vocational training members of the personnel reserve to occupy the relevant positions. Such "professional inexperience" should not prevent the most promising employees from being included in the personnel reserve.

The personnel reserve solves various tasks, such as ensuring career growth and maintaining the personnel composition of existing employees that meet the established qualification requirements recruitment of citizens from other fields of activity.

The period of stay of a civil servant (citizen) in the personnel reserve of a state body is determined by the representative of the employer. In a number of state bodies, it ranges from 1 to 5 years.

In cases of impossibility of execution by a civil servant official duties due to health reasons, as well as in connection with the liquidation of state bodies, the reduction of civil service positions in them, a civil servant who meets the qualification requirements should have a priority right to fill a vacant civil service position over those who are in the personnel reserve.

The experience of studying work with a personnel reserve in state bodies shows that sometimes not one, but two or three candidates are selected for one position from among civil servants or citizens who participated in the competition, since the use of only one reservist for each position significantly limits the personnel independence of the head. Inclusion in the personnel reserve not for a specific position, but for positions within the corresponding group of positions in the civil service is not provided for by the legislation on the civil service.

In this regard, the experience of regulating this issue with our foreign neighbors may be useful. So, in the position on the personnel reserve public service Republic of Kazakhstan (approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N 1243) introduced the concept of "relevant position". The document states that such a position for a reservist is a position in the category to which he is assigned. At the same time, a civil servant (citizen) who is in the personnel reserve must meet the qualification requirements and have the necessary personal and business qualities necessary for effective execution official duties.

Attestation commissions take part in the formation of the personnel reserve. So, according to paragraph 1 of part 16 of Art. 48 of the commented Federal Law, based on the results of the certification, the representative of the employer decides on the inclusion of a civil servant in the personnel reserve of the state body after the competition. In a number of subjects of the Russian Federation, they chose the path of using the solution attestation commission as grounds for issuing a legal act on the inclusion of a civil servant in the personnel reserve. Meanwhile, according to paragraph 1 of part 16 of Art. 48, the inclusion of a civil servant in the personnel reserve to fill a higher civil service position is carried out in in due course, i.e. according to the results of the competition, and the decision of the head regarding this issue is only advisory in nature. Consequently, the norms of a number of legal acts of the subjects of the Russian Federation, which establish the right of the representative of the employer (the head of the state body) to include a civil servant in the personnel reserve on the basis of the decision of the attestation commission, are unlawful.

The current practice cannot be supported when, if there is a vacant position in a state body, a competition is held for inclusion in the personnel reserve for this position, and the winner of the competition is appointed to the vacant position shortly after being included in the reserve. Within the meaning of Art. 22 of the commented law, if there is a vacant civil service position in a state body, it is necessary to hold a competition for filling this position, and not a competition for inclusion in the personnel reserve for the subsequent replacement of this position from the reserve.

In accordance with the Methodology for holding a competition for filling a vacant civil service position in the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia (approved by Order N 695), the decision of the competition commission is, among other things, the basis for including the applicant in the personnel reserve. This is contrary to the requirements of Part 7 of Art. 22 of the Federal Law, according to which the competition commission is formed to conduct a competition for filling a vacant position, and paragraph 21 of the Regulation approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation N 112, which provides that the decision of the competition commission may be the basis either for appointing a candidate for a vacant position in the civil service, or refusal of such appointment.

Enrollment in the personnel reserve based on the results of consideration of issues of filling vacant positions in state bodies following the results of a competition for filling a vacant position is massive, while in some cases the winner of the competition is not determined and the vacant position remains unfilled. Subsequently, in violation of the requirements of Part 7 of Article 64 of the Federal Law, from the personnel reserve formed in this way, appointments are made to various positions without holding a competition as from a reserve formed on a competitive basis, while a competition for the personnel reserve was not announced and was not held.

In accordance with Part 4 of the commented Art. 64, the inclusion of a civil servant (citizen) in the personnel reserve of a state body to fill a civil service position is carried out based on the results of a competition in the manner prescribed by Art. 22. This means that for enrollment in the personnel reserve of a state body, a separate competition for inclusion in the personnel reserve (for a specific civil service position) must be announced. At the same time, such a competition is held in the manner and on the conditions provided for in Art. 22 of the commented law and Decree of the President of the Russian Federation N 112 "On the competition for filling a vacant position in the state civil service of the Russian Federation."

If such a competition was not announced and held, the civil servant was included in the personnel reserve based on the results of the competition for filling a vacant position in the civil service in violation of the procedure established by law. Thus, the appointment of a civil servant from the personnel reserve, formed in violation of the requirements of the commented Art. 64 would be illegal.

The list of documents required for the participation of civil servants (citizens) in the competition for inclusion in the personnel reserve of the federal state body, as well as the procedure for publishing announcements on the acceptance of these documents and holding the competition, is established by the Regulations on the competition for filling a vacant position in the state civil service of the Russian Federation (approved by Decree President of the Russian Federation No. 112).

At the same time, a civil servant (citizen) who has expressed a desire to participate in the competition for inclusion in the personnel reserve is not allowed to participate in the competition due to his inconsistency with the qualification requirements for the position of the civil service, for which he is applying, as well as due to restrictions, established by federal law for admission to the civil service and its passage.

During the competition for the inclusion of a civil servant (citizen) in the personnel reserve of a state body, the following issues are subject to study and assessment: the level and nature of professional knowledge, skills and abilities possessed by a civil servant (citizen); quality of performance of official duties in accordance with official regulations, tasks and functions structural unit government agency and functional features the position of the civil service occupied in it (for civil servants); the ability to make effective managerial and other decisions (for civil servants of the "leaders" category), the ability to prepare high-quality projects of managerial and other decisions (for other categories of civil servants), as well as to monitor their implementation (participate in control or ensure its implementation); participation in the preparation of draft regulatory legal acts and (or) draft management and other decisions, as well as the results of their implementation; quality of work on rendering (presentation) public services citizens and organizations in accordance with the official regulations of a civil servant.

According to the results of the competition for the inclusion of a civil servant (citizen) in the personnel reserve, the competition commission may take one of the following decisions:

A) recommend to the head of the state body to include a civil servant in the personnel reserve to fill a vacant position in the civil service in the order of promotion;
b) refuse to include a civil servant in the personnel reserve to fill a vacant position in the civil service in the order of promotion (with reasons);
c) recommend to the head of the state body to include the relevant citizen in the personnel reserve to fill a vacant position in the civil service;
d) refuse to include the relevant citizen in the personnel reserve to fill a vacant position in the civil service (with reasons).

The decision of the competition commission of the state body is the basis for the inclusion by the representative of the employer of a civil servant (citizen) in the personnel reserve of the state body to fill a vacant position in the civil service or refusal to do so. The inclusion of a civil servant (citizen) in the personnel reserve of a state body is carried out by a legal act of the state body.

The list of the personnel reserve of the federal state body is compiled by categories and groups of positions in the civil service; specializations of civil service positions and specific civil service positions, according to the relevant registers (lists) of civil service positions.

Information about civil servants (citizens) included in the established procedure in the personnel reserve of a state body may include:

Full Name;
- year, date and month of birth;
- education;
- replaced civil service position;
- for a citizen - the position to be occupied and the name of the organization;
class rank ( qualifying category), military, special rank, diplomatic rank (date and number of the act of assignment); length of service in the civil service (work in the specialty), etc.

When forming a personnel reserve, the representative of the employer has the right to process (including automated) the personal data of "reservists".

The procedure for filling positions in the civil service, established by the legislator, implies the observance of the right of a civil servant (citizen) to voluntarily fill a vacant position. If a civil servant (citizen) who is in the personnel reserve of a federal state body (federal personnel reserve) refuses from the proposed position of the civil service, the vacant position is filled by competition.

The decision to exclude employees from the personnel reserve is made by the head of the federal state body, whose competence includes the appointment or dismissal of the relevant civil servants (citizens) from the position of the civil service.

Based on practice, exclusion from the personnel reserve of a state body is carried out in the following cases:

A) appointment to a civil service position in the order of official growth or official transfer;
b) a decrease in the indicators of efficiency and effectiveness of professional performance, confirmed by the attestation commission (on the grounds set forth in paragraphs 2 and 3 of part 16 of article 48);
c) committing a disciplinary offense for which a civil servant is subject to;
d) rejection of the offer to fill a higher vacant position in the civil service;
e) a motivated personal request;
e) for health reasons;
g) from the civil service;
h) in other cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

A civil servant included in the personnel reserve of a federal state body in the manner prescribed by Part 10 of Article 58 in connection with his release from a civil service position to be replaced by way of a disciplinary sanction is excluded from the personnel reserve of a federal state body and, if a decision is made by the competition commission to refuse him in the right to fill a vacant position in the civil service. At the same time, his dismissal from the civil service is carried out on the same grounds on which he was dismissed from office. In this case, the release from the civil service position to be occupied should be considered as a deferred sanction.

On the basis of the federal personnel reserve, the personnel reserve of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the personnel reserve of federal state bodies and the personnel reserve of state bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the Consolidated Personnel Reserve of the Russian Federation is formed to fill vacant positions in the state civil service of the Russian Federation.

The consolidated personnel reserve of the Russian Federation, along with the reserve of managerial personnel under the patronage of the President of the Russian Federation, should become the main source for filling the positions of the state civil service of the category "heads", "assistants (advisers)", the appointment and dismissal of which is carried out by the President of the Russian Federation or Government of the Russian Federation.

In order to increase the efficiency of work with the personnel reserve, professional training, advanced training and training of civil servants and citizens included in it are carried out.

The inclusion of a civil servant in the personnel reserve on a competitive basis to fill a higher position is one of the grounds for sending a civil servant to professional retraining, training or internship.

In turn, the passage of professional retraining, advanced training or internship by a civil servant can be considered by the competition commission as a preferential basis for making a decision based on the results of the competition on the inclusion of a civil servant in the personnel reserve of a state body.

Internship as a form of practical training of the personnel reserve is carried out directly in state bodies, as well as other organizations in order to form and consolidate in practice professional knowledge, skills and abilities obtained as a result of theoretical and practical training.

The role of personnel services is increasing in work with the personnel reserve. Personnel services of state bodies are working to record and accumulate data on the personnel reserve of the state body, the composition and movement of the personnel reserve. Professional retraining, advanced training or internship of civil servants included in the personnel reserve is carried out in accordance with the state order for professional retraining, advanced training and internship of civil servants for the next year. In addition, the personnel service of the state body with the participation of a civil servant draws up an individual training plan for a civil servant included in the personnel reserve, which is approved by the head of the state body no later than one month after he is included in the personnel reserve of the state body. Information on the inclusion of a civil servant in the personnel reserve is entered by the personnel service in the personal file of a civil servant and other documents confirming his official activities.

AT recent times it is increasingly being proposed to change the structure of the personnel reserve. This is due to the fact that the personnel reserve is one of the tools that ensure the career growth of civil servants. Therefore, there is a need to exclude provisions from the law that are grounds for the formation of a personnel reserve not in the order of promotion (part 1 of article 39 - suspension of the service contract due to circumstances beyond the control of the parties) and part 10 of article. 58 - dismissal from office in connection with a disciplinary sanction). At the same time, inclusion in the personnel reserve, formed solely for the purpose of ensuring the promotion of civil servants and filling vacant positions by citizens, should not impose rights and obligations on civil servants (citizens), and the decision on the possible appointment of these persons from the personnel reserve to vacant positions may be fully referred to the competence of the representative of the employer.

It is proposed to form a personnel reserve from among civil servants (citizens) who have passed the competition for inclusion in the personnel reserve, as well as based on the results of certification of civil servants (without competitive procedures) and based on the results of the competition for filling a vacant position when the competition commission decides on the possibility of inclusion in personnel reserve of a civil servant (citizen) who did not become the winner of the competition for filling a vacant position.

In order to increase the efficiency of using the personnel reserve of a state body, it is proposed that the competition for inclusion in the personnel reserve is held to fill the positions of the federal civil service of the corresponding group of positions, and not a specific position, as follows from the current wording of Article 64 of the Federal Law. In this regard, during the competition, the professional level of the candidate will be assessed, taking into account compliance with the qualification requirements for the relevant group of positions. This approach provides the employer's representative with the opportunity to quickly fill vacant positions in a state body through the appointment of a federal civil servant (citizen) to the positions of the federal civil service within the appropriate group of positions.

From part 1 of Art. 39 of the Federal Law, it is proposed to exclude the provision on the inclusion in the personnel reserve of civil servants whose service contract has been suspended due to circumstances beyond the control of the parties. The results of monitoring the implementation of the Federal Law confirm that these provisions are not applied in practice. In addition, according to part 4 of this article, if within three months after the termination of circumstances (call for military service or referral to a replacement alternative service; election or appointment to an elective office; emergency circumstances) the civil servant is not appointed to the position of the civil service, then the service contract with him is terminated, and the civil servant is dismissed.

No obligation of the employer's representative to offer the employee the appropriate position federal law not provided. In this regard, the status of a civil servant while waiting for a position is not entirely clear. If we proceed from the fact that he continues to be in the civil service, then he must comply with all restrictions, prohibitions and requirements for official conduct provided for civil servants. It is also unclear the status of these persons, in particular those who simultaneously perform civil service and military service by conscription while in the personnel reserve.

It should be noted that the current Rules for the maintenance and storage, production of work book forms and their provision, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N 225, do not provide for entering into work book information about inclusion in the personnel reserve. Taking into account the concept of a personnel reserve formed solely for the purpose of career growth of civil servants and the replacement of vacant positions by citizens, it is proposed to exclude from part 1 of Article 3 the provisions according to which being in the personnel reserve is considered a civil service.

The exclusion from part 1 of article 3 of the norm providing for being in the personnel reserve by the civil service makes it possible to overcome the legal uncertainty in the status of persons included in the personnel reserve. So, in fact, being in the personnel reserve cannot be considered a civil service and should not extend additional rights and obligations to persons included in the personnel reserve.

Formation of a personnel reserve

Currently, interest in the personnel reserve has resumed due to the fierce competition for qualified personnel. Companies know firsthand about the shortage of experienced managers and specialists, and according to forecasts, the situation on the labor market will only worsen over time.

This trend dictates its own rules: the principles of working with personnel need to be revised. The material motivation of employees is no longer the main argument for retaining professionals. The real "personnel shortage" of middle managers, the dismissal of key employees due to the impossibility of growth and a decrease in interest in work, the loss of motivation by ordinary employees - these are the realities. There is a way out: to respond in a timely manner to changes in the external and internal environment, forming a personnel reserve. Of course, the personnel reserve is not a panacea for all ills, but this tool will help to cope with many problems.

What is a personnel reserve and what tasks can it solve?

The personnel reserve is a group of employees who are potentially capable of managerial activity, who meet the requirements of the position, who have been selected and who have undergone targeted qualification training.

The creation of a reserve group will ensure continuity in management, increase the level of readiness of employees for changes in the organization, their motivation and loyalty, which will lead to a decrease in the level of staff turnover and overall personnel stabilization. The presence of a personnel reserve allows you to significantly save financial and time resources in the selection, training and adaptation of key employees, which is also important.

Where to begin?

Work on the formation of a personnel reserve requires systematic and systematic preparation. First, it is necessary to analyze the existing problem areas in personnel management. The most common methods are staff turnover analysis and socio-psychological research in the company. Based on a detailed study of personnel and accounting documentation, it is possible to determine not only the level of staff turnover in the company as a whole, but also problematic positions, the cyclical nature of layoffs, the social and psychological portrait of the employee leaving, which will allow analyzing the causes of the current situation and identify priority tasks.

Socio-psychological research, personnel surveys in certain areas will allow us to analyze the current situation both in the company as a whole and in its specific divisions, determine the level of loyalty and job satisfaction, analyze the features of communication within the company and understand the main reasons for staff dissatisfaction.

It can be useful to invite external experts in the field - this will allow you to look at many current problems from the outside or change the strategy of personnel work. A detailed and qualitative analysis of problem areas in personnel management will make it possible to determine a model for creating a personnel reserve that would meet the priority tasks of the company at the moment.

There are several models for the formation of a personnel reserve:

1. Drawing up a forecast of expected changes in the organizational and staffing structure. The reserve is formed in accordance with the need to fill vacant positions for a certain period of time. Most often, the planning period is 1-3 years.
2. Identification of key positions in the company and the formation of a reserve for all managerial positions, regardless of whether it is planned to replace the employees occupying them.

The choice of option is based on priority tasks, as well as financial and time resources. The first option is less expensive and more efficient in terms of implementation time, the second option is more reliable and holistic. At the same time, the choice of the second option does not exclude the preparation of a forecast of possible changes - this procedure can be included as a stage in the process of creating a personnel reserve.

There are several options for forming a personnel reserve, and the principles of working with a personnel reserve remain common:

Publicity. Information for employees included in the personnel reserve, for potential candidates, as well as for positions to be filled and prospective positions should be open. Only in this case it will be possible to create a system that will work to increase the motivation and loyalty of employees to the company.
- - one of the fundamental principles of the formation of a personnel reserve. This principle implies the presence of at least two, and preferably three candidates for one leadership position.
- Activity. For the successful formation of a personnel reserve, all persons interested and involved in the process must be active and proactive. To a greater extent, this applies to line managers who are responsible for nominating candidates for the personnel reserve.

After determining the way and principles for the formation of a personnel reserve, it is necessary to develop a list of reserved positions and criteria for selecting employees for the reserve. The company itself can determine by what criteria to select reservists. The criteria may be the same for all positions included in the personnel reserve, or may be supplemented depending on the reserved position.

Prior to the formation of the personnel reserve, a list of basic positions is developed for each reserved vacancy. Compliance of the candidate with the requirements of the basic position may be a separate selection criterion. It is also necessary to immediately determine the maximum number of candidates included in the reserve for each reserved vacancy.

The selection criteria for the personnel reserve may be as follows.

Age. The recommended age of employees considered as candidates for a mid-level managerial position is 25–35 years. This is due to the level of professional, life experience, the presence of higher education. It is noted that it is at this age that an employee begins to think not just about professional development, but about personal self-realization, long-term career plans. Thus, enrollment in the personnel reserve can become an incentive for professional development and increase motivation to work. It is not recommended to include employees older than 45 years in the reserve of senior managers.
- Education. This criterion characterizes the possible level and specifics of the candidate's education. The recommended level of education for a middle management position is higher, preferably professional. As reservists for the positions of top managers of the organization, it is better to consider employees with higher education in management, economics and finance.
- Experience in the company in a basic position. Many companies prefer to include in the talent pool only candidates who have gained professional experience in the organization. Others prefer professionals, and where the experience was gained is not important. This criterion reflects the basic principles of the organization and must comply with the standards adopted in the company.
- Results of professional activity. A candidate for inclusion in the personnel reserve must successfully fulfill his duties in his position, show stable professional results, otherwise his enrollment in the reserve will be of a formal nature, and demonize other employees.
- The candidate's desire for self-improvement, career development is the most important selection criterion. Lack of desire and professional limitations can become the main obstacles to inclusion in the personnel reserve, despite the candidate's full compliance with the requirements of the reserved position according to other criteria.

The list is not limited to the listed criteria. Each organization can supplement or reduce it in accordance with the tasks solved with the help of the personnel reserve and the established norms of the corporate culture. If the selection criteria are defined, the lists of reserved and basic positions are compiled, then it is necessary to determine the procedure for the formation of a personnel reserve.

The process of forming a personnel reserve

Step 1. Nomination of candidates based on the criteria and principles of formation. Responsible for the nomination of candidates are their immediate supervisors, personnel officers may also participate in this process. The best option is when a line manager is responsible for promoting employees to the personnel reserve, since it is he who can most adequately assess the potential of an employee.
Step 2. Formation of general lists of candidates for the personnel reserve. The lists are formed by HR employees based on the views of line managers.
Step 3. Psychodiagnostic measures to determine the potential of candidates for the reserve, leadership qualities, psychological, individual characteristics, the level of motivation and loyalty, as well as the true attitude to enrollment in the personnel reserve. Various methods can be used for this purpose. The most effective are interviews and evaluation business games, and the most economical in terms of time and questionable results are psychological testing. Based on the results of these events, personal and psychological characteristics, recommendations and forecasts are compiled. This stage involves artificial (according to the results of psychodiagnostic measures and tests) and natural screening, when the candidate for some reason himself refuses to be enrolled in the personnel reserve.
Step 4. Formation of the final (or updated) lists of employees enrolled in the personnel reserve, with an exact indication of the reserved position.
Step 5. Approval of the lists by order of the general director of the company. Of course, the process of forming a personnel reserve can be modified. The number of stages may vary due to the chosen model of creating a reserve for a particular company.

After defining and approving the formation process, it is necessary to think over the basic principles and system of work with the personnel reserve.

The main tasks to be solved in the process of training reservists

1. Development of the necessary qualities for work in a reserved position.
2. Obtaining the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to perform the intended functions.
3. Gaining practical experience in applying knowledge, skills and abilities in real conditions (replacement of the head during vacation, internship).
4. Strengthening the positive image of the reservists.
5. Raising the status of reservists in the company.

To achieve these goals, an individual employee development program is being developed, which may include advanced training, obtaining a second higher education and an MBA, passing trainings, and internships. The company creates a training program implemented by internal or external forces. The main principles of training are individuality and practical significance, i.e. the training program should take into account the results of psychodiagnostic measures and tests, the specifics of the reserved position, the length of service and work experience of each of the employees, their needs and wishes in terms of professional growth.

Particular attention should be paid to the issue of the duration of training and development of an employee before transferring to a reserved position. This period may be regulated by internal regulations and depend on the position or recommendations regarding each individual employee. At the same time, situations sometimes arise when the designated period comes to an end, but there is no position or the employee is not ready to take it. In the first case, you can enter the position of a deputy and, upon successful preparation, appoint a reservist to this position. The employee will have the opportunity to show himself “in business”, and the company will have the time and opportunity to assess future prospects, otherwise there is a risk that a trained specialist will leave the company and the funds invested in his training will be irretrievably lost. In the second case, you can inform the employee about the results of training and development zones and determine new deadlines. In any case, the principle of openness and competition should be respected.

In conclusion, I would like to note the following: the achievement of the company (making a profit, taking a leading position in the market) is impossible without building up the company, one of which is the staff. Without a team of highly qualified specialists and top managers, achieving strategic goals will turn into a pipe dream. The personnel reserve will allow achieving all the goals set in as soon as possible.

Talent management

In a global scarcity qualified personnel the task of forming and managing a talent pool is becoming relevant for most large companies. Like any process of personnel management, work with a personnel reserve is effective only when it is carried out in a comprehensive manner. In this case, the information system becomes an indispensable assistant to the personnel service.

There are two main methodological approaches to providing a company with personnel at the expense of internal reserves:

Own personnel reserve management;
- Creation of a talent pool.

Both of these approaches are aimed at, on the one hand, minimizing the losses associated with the departure of key employees; on the other hand, to use the internal human resources of the company as efficiently as possible; on the third hand, to manage the motivation of promising employees through targeted work on their professional development and career development.

With a built-in system of work with personnel, both the personnel reserve and the talent fund can serve as regular sources of recruitment. You can evaluate the effectiveness of using these tools using the Acquisition Cost Efficiency report.

Talent management

The concept of personnel reserve management involves the nomination of a "reservist" as a potential candidate for one or more positions and management of his preparation so that in the event of a vacancy in this position, an employee from the reserve can be automatically promoted to this position.

To solve these problems in 1C: Payroll and personnel management 8 CORP, the following features are provided:

Profiling the position and describing it through the relevant competencies;
- creating a reserve for key position and a description of the requirements for reserve candidates;
- evaluation of candidates with a comparison of the set of qualities of the candidate and those requirements that are necessary for the reserved position;
- assigning the candidate the status of "reservist" with assigning him to a specific position or several positions for which he can be considered;
- formation of the composition of the reserve from the company's employees, candidates, other individuals (for example, employees of competing companies);
- comparison of candidates for one position and selection of the most appropriate for work in the reserved position;
- conducting a “what if” analysis of personnel reshuffles based on personnel reserve data.

Using 1C: Salary and personnel management 8 CORP., an employee of the personnel service can:

Create a position for which it is necessary to provide a personnel reserve;
- describe the competencies that are necessary for the reservist to meet this position (the competencies may differ from those required for this position in the current mode);
- describe the formal requirements for reservists (gender, age, length of service in the company, etc.).

Based on these requirements and the data available in the company's employee database, the information system automatically proposes a list of employees most suitable for promotion to the personnel reserve for this position.

1С: Payroll and personnel management 8 KORP allows you to select in the reserve not only employees holding full-time positions in the company, but also candidates from outside with whom the company is working and for whom the company's database contains the necessary information (for example, specialists working on civil contract, students on an internship, candidates for open vacancies, etc.).

If necessary, summary information on to an individual in reserve can be printed.

The personnel reserve allows you to make additions and manually edit the list of reservists. An employee of the personnel service may, based on his own considerations or additional information, not taken into account in the system, add to the list additional employee or remove the one who was entered automatically.

In the event that an employee is removed from the list of reservists, the manager responsible for this decision may information system comments about the reason for the deletion, which will then be automatically saved in the database, in the employee's personal data card.

The personnel reserve allows not only to add a candidate to the reserve, but also to show a possible sequence of personnel reshuffles after the selected reservist takes the vacant position, to display a list of possible replacement candidates for all reshuffles.

The talent pool report allows you to analyze the positions of the talent pool.

talent management

The concept of managing the talent pool (talent pool) involves the creation of a single fund of candidates with certain qualities that can be "grown" to a specific position if necessary. This approach does not require preliminary selection to the reserve for a specific position and the assignment of a reservist to this position.

As well as for the personnel reserve, 1C: Salary and personnel management 8 CORP. allows you to include in the talent fund not only employees who occupy full-time positions in the company, but also candidates from outside with whom the company is working.

To manage the talent fund 1C: Salary and personnel management 8 CORP provides employees of the personnel service with the following features:

Random selection and comparison of candidates from the talent pool with the requirements for a specific position;
- comparing the characteristics of candidates with the requirements of the vacant position to identify the maximum compliance with the position for which the vacancy is open.

Based on this information, an employee of the personnel service can build purposeful work with a candidate selected from the talent fund and plan the necessary activities for his professional development.

1C: Payroll and personnel management 8 KORP. allows you to maintain a list of persons included in the talent fund, as well as see summary information on the candidate placed in the talent fund.

A candidate may be removed from the talent pool, with information about the reason for the removal retained.

Talent pool plan

Personnel reserve planning is organically built into the organization's overall personnel planning system.

Personnel planning is actually target planning, firstly, of the needs in the field of personnel, and secondly, of the activities that must be carried out to create, develop, and also release personnel.

Personnel planning requires the study of the entire chain of professional and qualification promotion, including the dismissal of specific employees. It is important for every organization to have right time, in the right place, in the right quantity and with the appropriate qualifications, with such personnel as is necessary for the solution of its tasks.

Personnel planning includes, first of all, the planning of the need for personnel, i.e., forecasting the situation that may arise in the future regarding personnel.

It is, first of all, about analyzing the situation that has developed in the organization, as well as determining the prospects for its development, on the basis of which personnel planning becomes possible. Personnel planning allows you to build a strategy for the promotion, dismissal and replacement of employees in advance in accordance with the goals and objectives of the organization. As part of personnel planning, personnel reserve planning is also carried out to fill managerial positions.

Talent pool planning aims to predict personal promotions, their sequence and accompanying activities. Work with the reserve is planned and carried out for short (1-2 years) and long-term (5-10 years) periods.

As a result of planning a personnel reserve, or analyzing the need for a reserve, it becomes possible to systematically study and identify the company, purposefully nominate the most promising employees, as well as timely use of additional measures to cover the needs for personnel (external recruitment).

First of all, when planning a personnel reserve, all key positions that have a special impact on the organization's activities are determined. As a rule, these are leaders of the ps only of the highest, but also of the middle and lower levels. It is important for the organization to know who holds these positions, since the contribution of these employees to the achievement of organizational goals is very high. The number and specific composition of key positions depend on the size and specifics of the organization.

When planning a talent pool, it is necessary to determine not only which positions are key for the organization today, but also how their list will look in a year, two or five years. Management should be aware of how the organization will change over the coming years. In most cases, it is impossible to accurately determine the future composition of the staff, but it is possible to predict the scale of business expansion and, therefore, determine which positions will be especially important for the organization's activities.

When planning a personnel reserve, it is necessary to determine:

The degree of real provision with a reserve of certain positions;
- the degree of saturation of the reserve for each specific position or group of identical positions, in other words, how many candidates from the reserve fall on each position or group of them.

The result of these works is the determination of the current and future needs of the organization in the reserve.

The optimal quantitative composition of the reserve is planned taking into account the forecast of the need for personnel in the near and long term. It is influenced by the emergence of additional management positions, the formation of vacancies associated with retirement, staff reductions, the presence of an already prepared reserve, the intensity of the departure of employees for various reasons from its composition. The size of the reserve also depends on the willingness of people to take the vacated positions.

According to experts, there should be at least twice as many reservists as potential vacancies, since there is always the possibility that someone may quit, new vacancies and new business directions may appear. In addition, candidates for the same position, as a rule, have different level preparation: someone can go on promotion in six months, and someone still needs to be taught for two or three years.

The optimal number of personnel reserve is calculated as follows:

The need of the enterprise for the near or longer term (up to five years) is revealed;
- the actual number of the currently trained reserve of each level is determined, regardless of where this or that employee enrolled in the reserve was trained;
- the approximate percentage of leaving the personnel reserve of individual employees is determined, for example, due to failure to fulfill an individual training program, in connection with departure to another area, etc.;
- the number of executives released as a result of a change in the management structure is determined, which can be used for managerial activities in other areas.

All these issues are resolved before the formation of the personnel reserve and are adjusted during the entire period of work with it.

Thus, personnel officers carry out a quantitative analysis of the distribution of personnel at a given point in time and determine potential changes in the reserve. Depending on the received data, the optimal quantitative composition of the personnel reserve is determined.

Planning a personnel reserve includes not only determining the organization's potential need for personnel, but also an analysis of the structure of the reserve that exists at a given time.

V. V. Travin and V. A. Dyatlov propose, when planning a personnel reserve, to analyze the structure of personnel according to the following indicators:

Analysis of the age structure, which includes
- analysis of the age composition of employees by position; the timing of the expected release of staff (turnover, retirement, etc.);
- determining whether the average age is acceptable or rather critical for a particular position;
- identification of how the principle of promotion from one's own ranks is ensured, given the existing age structure of managers and specialists;
- analysis qualification structure, including, in turn, the analysis: qualifications of employees by positions and levels of management; qualification structure of personnel in the future; the need for qualified leaders;
- analysis of the potential of personnel, during which it is revealed: is there a necessary reserve of personnel in the required quantity and quality; is already included in the reserve.

Talent pool plans can be drawn up in the form of replacement schemes (plans for the release of key positions), which have a variety of forms depending on the characteristics and traditions various organizations. It can be said that substitution schemes are a kind of developmental scheme, focused on specific individuals with different priorities. Individually oriented equivalent circuits are based on typical equivalent circuits. They are developed by HR departments organizational structure and represent a variant of the conceptual model of job rotation.

When planning a personnel reserve, it is necessary to identify key positions that are of paramount importance for the organization's activities and which require special attention when forming a reserve for them. In addition, it is important to analyze the quantitative composition of both managers and employees who are currently on the reserve. To assess the situation with the placement of managerial personnel, the prospects for their displacement or dismissal of managers are determined, and for reservists, an approximate percentage of their departure from the reserve is predicted, the potential need for reservists, and an analysis of workers already in the reserve personnel is carried out. Additionally, the personnel service sometimes analyzes the entire structure of personnel by age, qualifications and human resources. These activities make it possible to determine both the current / about and the potential need for a reserve.

Formation of personnel reserve. Following the planning of the personnel reserve, work begins on its formation, i.e., the identification of employees of the organization with the potential to occupy leadership positions. Employees who have successfully passed the assessment stage are included in the reserve and are further trained for work in a managerial position.

ultimate goal all of the above actions is the appointment of a suitable candidate from the personnel reserve to the vacant position of the head.

In practice, they adhere to the following principles for the formation of a personnel reserve:

The principle of the relevance of the reserve, which provides for the need to take into account the real need for filling positions, so the reserve for positions should be formed on the basis that employees enrolled in it have a real chance of being promoted to a position;
- the principle of prospects of the candidate is the most important and means that the candidate meets the established age limit for certain categories of positions; taking into account the time remaining before the retirement age, which guarantees the necessary period of work in the position; health record; opportunity to improve skills; taking into account the length of service in the position and the dynamics of the candidate's career as a whole; requirements for education and orientation of the candidate for professional growth;
- the principle of the candidate's compliance with the position and the type of reserve provides for taking into account the requirements for the candidate's qualifications. When working in a specific position.

Compliance with the principles of reserve formation allows to ensure the correct and efficient functioning of the personnel reserve system.

The formation of a personnel reserve is carried out in several stages:

The qualities of all employees are assessed by expert groups, i.e., a search for promising candidates is carried out;
- promising candidates who have received the best grades, whose performance and personnel data correspond to the positions, are allocated to the reserve, and their further evaluation is carried out;
- a decision is made to include the candidate in the reserve. None of the stages can be excluded in the formation of the reserve.

The selection of candidates for the leadership pool is carried out by the top management of the organization in conjunction with the training department, usually in a confidential manner.

At the first stage - an assessment of business, personal and professional qualities candidates for inclusion in the reserve is carried out using various tools: questionnaires, psychological testing, structured and interviews. In addition, the results of attestation, round-robin assessment and performance appraisal are necessarily taken into account.

The most common method for assessing potential reservists is an integral assessment. Estimates are made by the attestees themselves, their leaders and subordinates. Managers receive assessments of their qualities from higher managers, managers of the same level and from their subordinates with whom they contact in the process. labor activity. Ordinary workers receive assessments of their qualities from all employees at work and from their immediate supervisors. The generalized marks of candidates of all levels are derived from the weighted average marks of all expert groups, which are given to each candidate.

The integral assessment shows how close each of the candidates is to the ideal, i.e., the profile of the ideal employee for a specific position. However, this method suffers from subjectivity, the degree of which can be reduced by providing assessors with supporting materials (a detailed description of each competence and the degree of their development corresponding to each assessment) and expanding their number. It also conflicts with the principle of confidentiality, which is extremely important when working with a reserve.

An alternative to this method is psychological testing, conducted only by psychologists. The use of psychological tests by people who do not have special psychological training is not only fraught with inaccurate results, but can also cause serious psychological trauma to the test subject due to violation of testing procedures. Testing significantly increases the objectivity of assessing the applicant's individual psychological characteristics, but, unfortunately, does not give an idea of ​​his real results and business success.

Candidates may also be interviewed to identify their desire to work in this position, their ability to plan their activities, quickly solve emerging problems, etc.

As already mentioned, at the stage of selection of applicants for the reserve, the majority of employees of the organization who show good results in work are evaluated. However, sometimes a candidate who seems promising does not show interest in opening vacancies, so the so-called self-nomination is also used to promote employees. Currently, in large, steadily growing companies, a system for notifying employees about existing vacancies via the corporate information network Internet is being actively introduced. Any employee can send their CV and apply for open vacancies.

Self-nomination clearly demonstrates the level of aspirations of employees, their propensity for certain career development options.

At the second stage of the formation of the reserve, out of all those certified, those employees are selected whose quality assessments, the results of their activities and personnel data satisfy the requirements for the corresponding nomenclature of positions. Such requirements are formed for each nomenclature of positions, taking into account the specifics of a given organization, enterprise, according to such indicators as: education; experience; leadership experience; results of personal activity; the results of the activities of the managed team; generalized results of the last certification (examination of qualities according to this method); the results of training, advanced training; results of the internship; age, health status, etc.

At this stage, it is necessary to determine not only who can and should be included in the lists of candidates for the reserve, but also which of those included in the lists need to be trained, as well as what form of training is most suitable for each candidate, taking into account his individual characteristics and prospects for use in a leadership position .

The tasks of the second stage of work on the formation of the reserve are solved using:

Analysis of documents (reports, autobiographies, characteristics, results of attestation of employees and other documents);
- interviews (conversations) according to a specially drawn up plan or questionnaire or without a specific plan to identify information of interest (aspirations, needs, behavioral motives, etc.);
- monitoring the behavior of employees in different situations(at work, at home, etc.);
- assessment of the results of labor activity (, quality of work performed, etc.), indicators of the performance of tasks by the managed unit for the period that is most typical for assessing the activities of the head;
- method of a given grouping of workers. A candidate is selected for the given requirements for the position, or specific people are selected for the given structure of the working group in order to compare the qualities of applicants with the requirements of a position of one rank or another. The use of this method involves the formation of three types of information arrays: for professors of the entire range of managerial positions, factual data and criteria for the qualities of specialists.

Thus, after the initial selection, there is a deeper assessment of the candidates, their professional and personal qualities, potential, real labor indicators in order to include the most suitable candidates in the personnel reserve at the third stage.

When forming the lists of candidates for the reserve, the following factors are taken into account:

Description and assessment of the workplace, responsibility for job description, working conditions, results of labor activity;
- professional characteristics of a specialist necessary for successful work in the relevant position, which includes: a list of positions, occupying which the employee can become a candidate for a reserved position; limiting restrictions on the criteria for selecting candidates for relevant positions (education, age, work experience, etc.);
- the results of assessing the compliance of the individual characteristics of candidates with the established requirements for the reserved position;
- the results of studying the personal file and other documentary data;
- the opinion of managers, colleagues and subordinates, the opinion of public organizations;
- mental and physical capabilities (according to testing), as well as mental and physical stress (according to psycho- and physioanalysis);
- the degree of readiness of the candidate (often a special flair is required to correctly determine the degree of readiness of the candidate);
- the results of the assessment of the candidate's potential (possible level of leadership, ability to learn, ability to quickly master theory and practical skills);
- conclusions and recommendations of the last certification.

However, good work is not always the basis for enrolling in the personnel reserve or for career growth. If the employee is good in his place, he will be rewarded based on results: a bonus, an increase wages etc., non-material rewards are also possible. The main criterion for admission to the personnel reserve is the potential for work in a higher position, the ability to develop. It is important that the candidate shares the values ​​of the organization.

To reduce the number of possible errors in the selection of potential employees in the reserve, a special method is used - assessment centers are group classes, during which real working situations are simulated. This method allows you to observe the behavior of an employee in work situations. In these exercises, the participants, each of which, along with the general one, has its own own task looking for ways to solve production tasks. Business games reveal the managerial potential of employees, as a result of which each candidate receives a recommendation either for promotion or for the development of certain qualities.

At the third stage of the formation of the reserve, the decision to include specialists in the reserve is made by the head of the organization based on the results of a personal interview and an interview of members of the attestation commission with a candidate. The conclusions of the commission are approved by the head of the organization, depending on the nomenclature of the reserve.

The list of personnel reserve approved at this stage is the main source for appointing employees to senior positions. The list of personnel reserve, as a rule, is confidential, only the head of the organization and the director of personnel have access to it. Some organizations inform candidates (successors) about their enrollment in the reserve for filling a certain position, others keep it a secret. The advantage of the first approach is to increase the motivation of the successor and the possibility of organizing targeted training, taking into account the opinion of the employee himself. The advantage of the second is to avoid potential conflicts between the incumbent manager and his successor and unnecessary excitement around the reserve preparation process.

Thus, the leadership of the organization determines whether to make public the list of reservists, or keep it secret.

The composition of the reserve at the end of each year is reviewed and replenished in the course of the annual analysis of the placement of managers and specialists, as well as an assessment of their performance. The activities of each candidate enrolled in the reserve over the past year are evaluated, and a decision is made to leave him in the reserve or to exclude him from it. Based on the results of the assessment, a characteristic is compiled for each specialist and manager in the reserve, and the possibility of his further promotion is considered. At the same time, new candidates for the reserve are being considered.

The exclusion of candidates from the reserve may be due to their age, state of health, unsatisfactory performance production activities, lack of discipline, etc. The personnel reserve is replenished in compliance with the established procedures for its formation.

Thus, the inclusion of a candidate in the list of the personnel reserve does not mean that he will be in the reserve for the planned amount of time, since everything depends on his initial characteristics, as well as the appearance of new reservists. The main indicator on the basis of which the personnel service and management determine whether to leave the employee in the reserve or exclude from it is the reservist's success in completing preparations for a managerial position.

The purpose of the personnel reserve

On the one hand, the concept of a personnel reserve is not something new and advanced for Russia - state-owned enterprises are still in Soviet times there was a form of annual reporting, which reflected the state of work with the personnel reserve. On the other hand, at present, such work should become systematic and cease to be declarative, since development modern economy does not make it possible to neglect valuable personnel and, moreover, to finance recruitment activities that do not bring real results.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the fact that the introduction of only individual points without the subsequent construction of an integrated system of work with the personnel reserve may not give the expected effect and subsequently lead to both moral and material losses.

The personnel reserve is a group of specialists who have passed certification, possessing the necessary abilities and meeting certain requirements, participating in systematic targeted qualification training with the aim of promising replacement of personnel positions in an institution.

For successful personnel work on the training of promising specialists, it is necessary to strictly follow the goals, objectives and principles of the formation of a personnel reserve.

When deciding on the implementation of a talent pool program in the industry, it is necessary to understand that this will require certain labor and material costs, but a positive effect will be achieved through:

Reducing errors in the selection of new employees, reducing the time for adaptation of new employees;
- forecasting the need for personnel long before the urgent need, which would allow in advance to find employees who meet the requirements of the position;
- assessment of personnel, which allows to determine the level of its quality, identify talented employees, reduce the number of personnel that do not meet the requirements of the position;
- non-material motivation employees and securing them in the industry;
- reducing risks in case of illness of key employees or other unforeseen circumstances.

The goals of creating a personnel reserve:

Achieving the strategic goals of the institution.
High-quality implementation of statutory activities and implementation state task is impossible without a trained management team and highly qualified specialists. The personnel reserve allows us to solve the issues of filling positions in a qualitative manner and in the shortest possible time.

Stabilization and improvement of the financial position of the institution.
The constant composition of employees, their high motivation to work, constant professional training and, as a result, high labor productivity ensure the continuity of the work of the institution, the necessary level of quality of public services provided, savings in spending budget funds, and the growth of income received from income-generating activities.

Increasing the level of readiness of the institution's staff for organizational changes.
Every institution is constantly undergoing organizational change. Training and retraining of personnel are the main sources of replenishment of the personnel reserve. To increase the level of readiness of personnel for changes, additional training of employees in related specialties, reorientation to other areas of activity, expansion of the area of ​​responsibility, etc. are carried out.

Ensuring continuity in management.
To ensure continuity in management, it is necessary to train a reservist for a long time, as well as to fulfill the duties of a reserved employee, first in his presence, and then in the absence of an employee. Many sports and educational institutions are faced with a situation where key professionals are at retirement age and, in the absence of an appropriate replacement, continue to perform their duties. This situation is especially acute among deputy leaders, methodologists, and trainers-teachers. At the same time, the situation is aggravated by the fact that in the event of their unexpected departure and the absence of a reserve, the qualitative fulfillment of the state task by subordinate institutions is called into question.

Increasing the motivation of employees of the institution.
It is the possibility of internal movement up the career ladder that is a powerful motivating factor for many employees. The creation of a personnel reserve is designed to make the process of moving planned and manageable. It is important to achieve maximum transparency in matters of appointments and movements, so that employees can see the goal and how to achieve it.

The most significant groups of personnel for the institution are subject to reservation in the first place. Such employees can be represented in all categories - from managers to specialists. Therefore, considerable attention must be paid not only to the search for senior staff, but also to the training of specialists, as well as to develop an internal training system.

If we talk about the classification of categories of workers, then we can conditionally divide the categories of reserved workers into four groups:

Heads of the institution;
- deputy directors;
- heads of departments (services);
- specialists of departments (services).

For successful work with the personnel reserve, it is necessary to work with reservists to explain the directions (including promising ones) of the institution's activities, its strategy of behavior in the industry, to create a set of intra-industry and intra-organizational values ​​for them. It is necessary to regularly acquaint employees with the assessments of the current management system, conduct intra-organizational business and informal events to create a favorable microclimate in the team, provide reservists with the opportunity to make proposals for the development of a development strategy for the sports industry and their subordinate institution.

The problem of personnel reserve

Standard HR practice is to fill a standard vacancy with an appropriately qualified specialist. However, the functions of the personnel service are much broader; "hunting for talent", corporate training, studying the characteristics of the company's personnel. It turns out that financial resources by themselves are not a sufficient guarantee for the successful development of a business. The reproduction of intellectual workforce is becoming a very sensitive pain point for the most profitable oil and financial firms. The problem of personnel reserve in a particularly acute form is faced by defense enterprises and science-intensive companies.

In this light, the personnel department of the company becomes almost the central strategic service of the company.

Its functions are the implementation of personnel policy, which includes the following elements

- "Hunting for talent";
- Business process organization staffing companies;
- Analysis of business qualities and the process of their implementation official functions.

The last point means that the responsibility of the Service is not only narrowly specialized personnel issues, but the company itself as a whole, the functioning of its systems.

We believe that the composition of the main staff team of the holding may be as follows:

Financier of the holding (economist-accountant, head of the financial service). An economic qualification is required. In the holding, it is precisely economic analysis the functioning of the firm. In a medium-sized holding, it is possible to combine economic financial and organizational functions in one person by administering an automated accounting and management system. CFO(economist-accountant) in this case becomes the administrator of this system. The financier of the holding is responsible for complex analysis the financial and economic situation of the holding, ensuring the adoption of strategic decisions.

Marketer (head of marketing department). Problems of development and prospects for control over a variety of positions in a variety of commodity markets. For a specialist of this class, systems thinking is necessary: ​​he must organize the management of the entire marketing and sales system of the holding as a single whole. It is entrusted with putting forward proposals and implementing plans for new products, markets, corporate identity, advertising and commercial propaganda techniques. If not a special planning and analytical unit, then it is reasonable to create it on the basis of the marketing service.

Office manager (head of the organizational department or personnel department). The manager of a neutral office is a key specialist of the company with a wide range of duties and powers. He is entrusted with the task of assisting the CEO in organizing a business, training personnel teams, organizing personnel reserves. The office manager of the holding's central office oversees the "holding" aspects of management. In large holdings, the position of executive director (manager) is being introduced, covering the functions of organizing a business.

Lawyer (head of the legal department). A holding lawyer requires not only knowledge of standard legal disciplines, but also subject areas company business. It is entrusted with the legal support of the management system and business of the holding, including issues of intellectual property protection or, for example, regulation labor relations in the holding. The lawyer's competence includes non-standard contracts and schemes, legal registration of consortiums, partnerships and alliances. It is recommended to entrust the resolution of major disputes to external lawyers: law firms and famous lawyers.

Personnel officer of the company (head of personnel service). The HR department of the holding manages the most important of the factor resources: personnel. The success of the holding is the success of its team of professionalism training and education. It is entrusted with one of the most subtle analytical functions - the analysis of business qualities officials and shaping the business climate and corporate culture. It is necessary to manage personnel, often located in remote points from each other, often in different states. The personnel officer is the most "migrating" specialist of the company (he constantly moves between its divisions). The personnel officer is also a trusted consultant and assistant to her manager. Personnel decisions can significantly strengthen the strategic position of the company. Often the personnel officer and the head of the organizational department mentioned above are one person.

Systems Engineer (Head of Department) information technologies). The competence of this specialist includes setting up accounting and management automation systems, expert software systems. In recent years, the importance of the Internet has increased significantly. The system manager manages the company's website and organizes more complex forms of the company's presence on the network.

Company agent (head of security). Enterprise security is a complex, specialized function. Here we note only the increased role of the information functions of the security services, i.e. collection and analysis of information on internal and external threats. In this concept, security is a business function, part of management.

Company analyst. This refers to the head of an analytical or similar department with complex planning, forecasting and expert functions. In small holdings, the functions of a company analyst are often combined with the functions of financial management, marketing or the head of the organizational department or personnel officer of the company. But the intellectual component in the management of the company must be present. The Business Analyst is becoming a standard position in many of our firms.

There is no need to say that all functions and departments closely cooperate with each other in solving interdepartmental problems. The list does not include the heads of the company's business units, entrepreneurs who are able to actually develop the company. They form a team of business executives of the holding, people of practical business. The role of acting business executives always differs from staff functionaries. In large integrated companies, the role of staff functionaries and entrepreneurs is very close. In this case, there are no other entrepreneurs in the company except for the community of top managers - the main team of the holding.

In this case, the task of the CEO is to coordinate these processes, choose a common direction, and even radically change the concept of the business. Specialized services are responsible for everything, operating according to well-established internal regulations. The presence of profit centers and business units by and large does not change anything - everything determines the decision of the corporate nomenclature community. In practice, however, in medium-sized holdings, as well as in very large companies where one or many business centers inevitably arise, the role of entrepreneurs (business executives) is great.

Here again comes to the fore individuality, capable of independent action. In Russian holdings, the position of "business executives" is usually not very strictly regulated, but the general manager (owner) of the company usually knows exactly which category this or that head of the company belongs to.

Creation of a personnel reserve

Every company needs to develop, and development requires people. Thus, it is the employees from the personnel reserve who close vacancies on important projects and new areas of the company's activities.

So, who is selected for the personnel reserve:

the most educated;
- the brightest, most promising, easily trained;
- those who have potential development opportunities as a manager or leader that exceed today's qualifications due to lack of experience or age.

There is a personnel reserve of two types: "under the position" and general. The personnel reserve "for the position" means the training of personnel for any specific position or for a specific project. The size of the talent pool can vary from a few people to several hundred people, depending on the size of the company and the tasks facing top management. For example, such as the development of new markets, the development of new marketing strategies, new products, or any new programs that are not included in the standard activities of the enterprise. In what cases it may be necessary to create a personnel reserve?

First, to prepare the receiver for a leadership position. For example, at General Electric it takes 10 years to prepare a successor for the position of company president. It was General Electric President Jack Walsh who first introduced this practice of passing the baton. At a corporate celebration of his 50th birthday, Jack Welch announced that he intended to spend the next 10 years not only running the company, but also training his successor to lead General Electric after he retired.

Secondly, a personnel reserve can be formed, as noted above, for the implementation of so-called non-traditional projects in the company. For example, the company "Integrated Energy Systems" has a division "Energostroyengineering", which is engaged in the construction of power plants. The company has its head office in Moscow and several branches in Siberia. Traditionally, the company acted exclusively in the "home" market, that is, it built power plants in Russia. However, in recent years, a number of foreign customers have appeared. There was a need to build power plants in India, Iraq and other countries of the Middle East. The company has a shortage of specialists capable of working abroad. Of course, the company has a solid staff of highly qualified power engineers who know their job well.

However, these are people in the age category, usually over 40 years old, who do not speak or have a poor command of foreign languages, do not know the local traditions of the peoples of the Middle East (which is especially important for doing business in these countries) and do not have experience in international projects with experts from other countries. Younger specialists may have the above skills, but they cannot be trusted to fully build and operate a power plant on their own. Under these conditions, the company "Integrated Energy Systems" decided to form a personnel reserve of several dozen people, representatives of various branches and the head office. The qualifications of these specialists in the field of electric power and engineering had to be impeccable. And after the personnel reserve was formed, a special training program for program participants was developed for its further international training. foreign language and business ethics of the peoples of the Middle East.

Thirdly, it makes sense to create a talent pool in companies with young top management, which is often a feature of Russian business. The fact is that Russian business itself is quite young, and it has a fairly large number of companies with young management. That is, the age of the top management of such companies can be no older than 35-40 years. The question is, what then can be expected of a middle manager if his leader is so young that he is unlikely to "retire" in the next 20 years? But you really want career growth, you really want to "steer yourself"! And in such cases, managers gradually begin to feel the futility of their position, become demotivated, and begin to look for another job. It is in this case that it makes sense to include such managers in the company's personnel reserve. They can be trained, motivated in every possible way (for example, create interest clubs) and directed to various new projects.

However, when creating a personnel reserve, some typical mistakes should be avoided. The first, most common employer's mistake is the so-called "overheating" of the reserve. For example, a young man was promoted to the personnel reserve, taught, raised, improved his qualifications, and, of course, promised further promotion or participation in a new project. If, for some reason, the company has nothing to offer such a young employee yet, he, of course, will leave. In this case, if the company still needs a personnel reserve, then it is possible to form the so-called "closed reserve", that is, do not advertise in the company information about its creation and not inform direct employees about their inclusion in the "closed reserve".

The second danger lies in the fact that a young promising employee will be "crushed" by his immediate superior. After all, in the case of an employee being promoted to the personnel reserve, a situation of dual subordination actually arises, when the employee reports to the direct line manager, as well as to higher management or the responsible manager of the personnel department, who is engaged in the personal development of the employee in the personnel reserve. This may not please the line management, cause envy, which may result in the "squeezing out" of a young promising employee from the organization. In this case, the personnel reserve needs "immunity": it is necessary to deprive the immediate superiors of the opportunity to dismiss or punish this manager, and all decisions regarding his future career should be taken by higher management or a competent personnel department.

Summing up, let's say once again about the advantages of creating a personnel reserve in the company:

1. This is an opportunity for "natural renewal" in the company, when the outgoing generation is replaced by well-trained qualified fresh personnel.
2. The personnel reserve makes it possible to retain the best young personnel in the company, does not allow the syndrome of "washout" of talented youth to develop, when smart managers and gifted individuals, seeing the futility of their position, begin to leave the company.
3. The creation of a personnel reserve reduces the company's costs associated with the search and hiring of personnel in order to fill a particular vacant position. That is, you do not need to pay recruiters and headhunters. The necessary personnel are created, "grown" within the company.
4. The corporate "stability" of the company increases due to the reduction of social risks for its personnel, that is, there is a synergistic corporate culture. Employees of the company "see" their possible career ladder, that is, they feel the prospect of development in this company, and thus fewer prerequisites are created for finding another job.

Assessment of the personnel reserve

1. Evaluation of the motivation of a potential reservist. How to determine the true motivation of an employee for a reserve?

There are two methods, we will describe them:

A) interviews with reserve candidates. Since motivation (English motivation, from motive - motivation) is an actualized need of a person, it is important to understand in an interview whether there is a need for an employee to be enrolled in a managerial reserve.

The interview should contain questions related to the future plans of the employee, both in life and at work; questions revealing a person's desire to develop by profession and position; Questions about the status of an employee are needed. For example: how did you choose positions or places of work in the past? What is important to you, describe by priorities, in activities? What are your plans for the future in work, in life? Professional goals? How have you developed professionally and managerially over the last year of work? Where do you see yourself in the company in 3-5 years?

Here it should be borne in mind that the interview will give you general information on a person’s motivation, sometimes point out some nuances, but in an interview it is difficult to check the validity (validity; the degree of correspondence of the indicator to the concept that it is intended to reflect) of the information, its truth or the truth of the motivation shown employee. Remember! Sometimes, the employee himself does not know whether he wants to be in the reserve or not, but in an interview he can strongly show his desire to become a reservist, this happens especially often in companies with an authoritarian management system.

Considering that this is a managerial reserve, in the interview it is necessary to identify the employee's motivation for a possible complication in management (if he is planned for a higher managerial position), for increased responsibility and risks in management.

B) an interview with the immediate supervisor of a potential reservist. The purpose of the interview with the manager is to hear the assessment and opinion of the immediate supervisor on the issue of motivating an employee to the reserve. If the company has transparent relations and the formation of a reserve takes place in an atmosphere of cooperation, not rivalry, then the manager can evaluate the employee based on his behavior at work today. He can indicate whether there is a clear desire and a conscious need for an employee to enroll in an UR. This method can indirectly assess the employee's loyalty to work in the company.

2. The next step in the formation of the reserve is an assessment of what the candidate can do. What a candidate can do now can be assessed using the procedure for attesting the results of work.

It is necessary to establish a clear and justified boundary in the attestation, with what results the candidate passes to SD, and with what he does not pass.

Certification methods can be different:

A) Quantitative (standard assessment method, comparison method, ranking method, pairwise comparison, examination).
b) Qualitative (descriptive methods, performance assessment, group discussion method, qualifying work).
c) Combined (MBO method, 360 degree method, behavioral observation, testing, assessment method decisive situation, interview, assignments, method business games).

For the formation of SD, it is advisable to use combined methods or combine quantitative methods with qualitative ones independently (for example, carry out certification by the method expert assessments and evaluate performance Employee KPI in current position).

It must be remembered here that each method has its limitations: the MBO method works only if there is a pyramid of goals in the company and clear planning; the 360 ​​degree method works with a positive atmosphere in the team and a democratic culture in the company; comparison method may not be effective in evaluating a complex intellectual labor employee Testing is valid only for testers or psychologists.

When evaluating the results of the work of candidates for SD, I would like to pay attention not only to the performance indicators of the candidate, but also to the performance indicators of the department, subdivision of this candidate (if he is already a leader). And what is important, not only on the quantitative indicators of the department's work, but also on the "qualitative characteristics" of the department: staff turnover in the department, the socio-psychological climate in the department.

When forming SD, an important method for assessing candidates for reservists is the analysis of personal documentary data. The following are analyzed: the employee's autobiography, his personal card, past attestation results, grades, information about past training, personal development plans. The purpose of such an analysis is to collect information on the dynamics of its results of work, on the level of education of the employee, on the strategy of its development. This information will help evaluate a candidate for SD according to such criteria as: the desire for development, for self-development; assimilation and application of knowledge gained in the course of training in their activities.

3. To form a managerial reserve, it is necessary to evaluate candidates in two more areas: assessment of the candidate's managerial abilities and assessment of the employee's potential.

A) Evaluation of the managerial abilities of the candidate. The purpose of the assessment: to determine the presence or absence of managerial abilities of an employee, to determine at what level of development the abilities are, what is the personality trait of the candidate as a leader.

It is necessary to conduct an assessment of both professional employees and managerial employees. Why? Firstly, because if you form SD, then you need to “measure all candidates with one line”, uniformly. Secondly, maybe in the past, today's leader got to this position by accident and does not have sufficient managerial abilities in this place and in the future. This S. Parkinson called the “Peter principle”: “... if a person successfully copes with his duties, he is considered a suitable candidate for nomination. After a series of promotions, he reaches a level where his incompetence is revealed, as his new duties are beyond his strength. He is no longer promoted, but he still remains in the place where he got, although he is still unable to cope with his duties. This process leads to the fact that most positions are occupied by incompetent people who remain in their posts until they retire. Additionally, with such an assessment of already working managers, you can see an individual managerial style this employee, which means it is more efficient to work with him in SD.

B) Evaluation of the employee's potential. The purpose of the assessment: to determine the presence or absence of the employee's potential in the further development of abilities (i.e., to determine the level of expression of abilities, if any), in the development of specific competencies that are necessary for your SD.

I would pay attention to the following evaluation criteria:

- Self confidence
- Ability to plan activities
- Ability to work in a group
- Level of dominance
- Emotional stability
- Striving for achievement
- A responsibility
- Stress tolerance
- Sociability

These and some other criteria were singled out by R. Stogdill in his more than 3,500 studies of managers.

4. Methods for assessing managerial and employee potential. Often, companies that are aware of the need to assess the management potential and the potential of employees in general do not know how to do this. Or they had a negative experience of evaluating such parameters with methods that are inadequate in this case (for example, the 360-degree method, the testing method, the structured interview method), hence the companies rely on the Russian “maybe” or try to build a reserve based on the available data.

For a valid and reliable assessment of the potential of employees in SD, it is effective to use such an assessment method as the Assessment center. This method is recognized by international experts in the field of assessment, and the Commission for Equal Employment Opportunities (EEOC) described the Assessment center as the most objective method of personnel assessment.

Assessment of the managerial reserve using the Assessment center method will guarantee the company an assessment of the managerial abilities and potential of employees. In addition, the Assessment center will provide the company with information on further possible development paths for each future reservist, which will facilitate the next stage of work with the reserve - work with the reserve.

When planning to evaluate reservists using the Assessment center method, a company must decide what type of Assessment center it will choose.

And there are the following types:

External Assessment center - conducted and evaluated by external experts.
- Internal Assessment center - conducted and evaluated by internal specialists of the company who are trained in the Assessment center technology.
- Group Assessment center - conducted in a group of 6 to 10 people.
- Individual Assessment center - conducted individually with each reservist.
- Standard Assessment center - 8 astronomical hours are held.
- Deep Assessment center - held 16 - 24 astronomical hours.

The choice of the type of Assessment center must be based on the purpose of the reserve in general, based on the criteria (competencies) that the company wants to evaluate the reservists. For example, if there are a small number of candidates for the reserve, an individual Assessment center is also possible, with only internal candidates for the managerial reserve, an assessment by an external Assessment center will be effective in order to avoid and minimize subjectivity in the assessments of their personnel.

In addition to this method, I would recommend using the method of temporary work rotation: a temporary managerial position for a project, or a temporary replacement for a manager's position. This will make it possible to realistically assess the results of the management of an employee planned for the reserve.

So, to form a management reserve, you need to:

Develop a special program for the formation of the reserve.
- Carefully analyze all methods for assessing employees in the reserve and choose the best ones for the company, based on the ratio: the quality of the method, its validity, reliability - the cost of an error.
- Carry out a comprehensive assessment of employees for the reserve.
- To carry out the formation of the reserve transparently for employees.
- give individual feedback reserve candidates.

And remember, the assessment of personnel for the management reserve is an excellent test of all the company's personnel management systems (recruiting, labor stimulation, personnel development) and the opportunity to audit management personnel.

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In the conditions of fierce competition in the business sphere, the one who has a powerful managerial resource always wins. Truly talented leaders can make the right decisions. management decisions and develop innovative strategic plans. Management staff deserves special attention within the framework of the organization's human resource. Therefore, it is important to form a personnel reserve and work with it.

When is it necessary to form a personnel reserve

The personnel reserve should be formed not only because of the current movement of personnel, but also in connection with the need to follow the organization's development strategy, because when planning a business, the manager determines the list and amount of resources necessary to achieve strategic goals. And in this case human resources, namely specialists and managers who are ready and able to perform important tasks for the company, play a decisive role.

A group of employees of the organization who have achieved positive results in their professional activities and were selected to a special team based on the results of an assessment of knowledge, skills, business and personal qualities, is a personnel reserve. Positions for which a personnel reserve is being created are mainly managerial. Once trained, members of this group may be promoted to any leadership position as the need arises.

The formation of a personnel reserve is relevant most often in cases where:

  1. The development of the company is successful and fast. New areas of work are opening up and there is an urgent need for new competent leaders who are able to lead them.
  2. There are difficulties in attracting external top managers due to the complex specifics of the organization's activities, in which new managers must already have a certain set of starting knowledge.
  3. The organization wants to retain young professionals who demonstrate high results in their work and strive for professional development in this organization.
  4. The company needs to create a strong management team, whose representatives will know and understand all the technology of work, be aware of the specifics of a particular business environment, and will be able to quickly and efficiently solve the tasks.

6 rules for effective work of the personnel reserve

What needs to be done in order for the personnel reserve system to work effectively, the editors of the General Director magazine told.

For what purposes is a personnel reserve created in an organization?

1. Achievement of the strategic goals of the company. Main strategic goals any organization is:

  • receiving profit from the main activity;
  • gaining a leading position in the market;
  • formation of a positive image.

It is impossible to solve these problems without a good team of top managers and highly qualified specialists. Therefore, the purpose of the personnel reserve, in turn, is to achieve the strategic missions described above in the shortest possible time.

2. Increasing the level of readiness of the company's personnel for organizational changes. Any company regularly undergoes changes in the organizational plan. It is simply necessary to train and retrain personnel to form a personnel reserve in such conditions. To increase the loyalty of employees to various kinds of changes, training of an additional plan can be organized, it is also possible to expand the area of ​​responsibility, and so on.

3. Ensuring continuity in management. To ensure continuity within the management, it is necessary to prepare a “reservist” well, in addition, he must initially perform his duties in the presence of the reserved employee, and only then fully replace the employee in his absence. A large number of large Russian companies face a specific problem: key management personnel are at a deep retirement age and, in the absence of an appropriate replacement, continue to perform their duties. This situation is especially critical in the field of engineering, energy, and design work. The problem is aggravated by the fact that these employees are carriers of unique information, and when they suddenly leave, and the personnel reserve is not formed, production can suffer irreparable losses.

4. Increasing the motivation of company employees. Any organization that develops quite dynamically can offer its specialists the opportunity for professional growth. It is this kind of movement career ladder is the main motivating factor for employees. Thanks to the created personnel reserve, this movement can be made more manageable and planned. The process of moving and appointing any employee should be as transparent as possible so that employees have the opportunity to set a specific goal for themselves, as well as determine how to achieve it.

5. Improving the financial position of the company. This goal can be achieved due to the constant composition of employees, high motivation of each employee individually and all personnel as a whole, regular professional training and high labor productivity. It is no secret that the dismissal of, for example, a sales manager can lead to the loss of several customers at once, which, in turn, negatively affects the overall image of the organization and the business processes themselves. At the same time, the search for employees through recruitment agencies in an emergency mode leads to significant financial and time losses. In this regard, it is extremely important to have a personnel reserve.

Types of personnel reserve

It is customary to distinguish between two types of personnel reserve.

External talent pool. This type The personnel reserve, as a rule, is the base of resumes of those specialists who are suitable for the organization according to the requirements put forward to employees and who can be invited for an interview when a suitable vacancy becomes available. A serious drawback of this type of personnel reserve is the rapid obsolescence of information in databases, because potential employees could already find a job or change their city of residence, or maybe even change their direction of activity. This data will be valuable only when they work on collecting information for a long time, constantly updating the contents of the reserve. It is most optimal to maintain such databases for the selection of rare expensive specialists.

In rare cases, an external may be a group of specialists who are periodically involved in solving certain problems within the framework of the organization's projects. In the future, they may be invited to permanent employment.

Internal personnel reserve. This type of personnel reserve is a group of employees of the organization who have a high potential to occupy managerial positions and are capable of rapid development.

The types of personnel reserve described above also have their subspecies, for example, operational and prospective.

The internal operational talent pool for senior positions consists of employees who are already deputy managers or top managers and can start working without additional training.

The prospective talent pool consists of employees who have the potential to perform their duties but need additional training. After advanced training, such workers can fill available vacancies.

How to start the formation of the personnel reserve of the organization

The training of the personnel reserve should be carried out systematically and accompanied by systematic work. First of all, it is necessary to analyze the problems existing in the organization regarding personnel management (to assess staff turnover, conduct socio-psychological studies of personnel, and so on). The assessment will allow you to identify not only the formal staff turnover, but also determine the list of problematic positions, as well as draw up a socio-psychological portrait of the employee leaving. Such data, in turn, will make it possible to determine the causes of the current situation and outline priority tasks, as well as ways to solve them.

Sometimes it is worth inviting external experts in the field of personnel management. Often this allows you to look at many pressing problems from the outside or change the strategy of personnel work. Thanks to the detailed and qualitative analysis problem areas within the framework of personnel management, it will be possible to create the personnel reserve that will meet the tasks of the organization at the moment.

It is customary to allocate two models of personnel reserve formation.

  1. Make a forecast of the proposed changes in the organizational structure. In this case, the reserve is formed in accordance with the need to fill vacant positions for a certain period of time (usually 1-3 years).
  2. Determine the key needs of positions in the organization and create a reserve for all senior specialists, regardless of whether they are planned to be replaced.

When choosing a model, it is worth relying on priority tasks, as well as financial and time resources. If you choose the first option, the process will be less costly and more efficient in terms of implementation time, and if you choose the second option, it will be more reliable and holistic. At the same time, the second model also involves forecasting probable changes. This procedure can be carried out as one of the stages in the process of forming a personnel reserve.

What are the criteria for selecting a personnel reserve

Typically, selection to the personnel reserve is carried out according to the following criteria:

  1. Age. The optimal age of employees included in the personnel reserve to replace middle managers is 25-35 years. This circumstance is due to the fact that it is at this age that an employee most often thinks about self-realization and builds long-term career plans. In this case, joining the personnel reserve will be a good motivation for professional growth. At the same time, the personnel reserve for the replacement of senior managers should be formed from employees aged 45 years and over.
  2. Education. This criterion reflects the likely level and professional orientation of the candidate's education. To replace a middle manager, it is recommended to form a personnel reserve of people with higher vocational education. For the position of senior manager should be considered specialists with higher education in management, economics or finance.
  3. Experience in a company in a basic position. Most companies include in the personnel reserve only those candidates who have some experience in this organization. Other enterprises focus only on professionalism, regardless of where the candidate's work experience was obtained. This criterion reflects the basic principles of the corporate culture of the organization and must comply with the standards adopted in it.
  4. Results of professional activity. "Reservist" must be a valuable employee and have a track record of stable professional results and achievements. Otherwise, including him in the personnel reserve will be the wrong decision, since it will be purely formal.
  5. The desire of the candidate for self-improvement. This criterion is very important in the selection of participants in the personnel reserve. If the candidate has no desire to develop, and he is limited from a professional point of view, then this will prevent him from being included in the reserve even if he fully meets the basic requirements of the position that this specialist could replace.

The criteria listed above is not the whole list. This or that company can supplement or reduce it, based on the tasks that need to be solved thanks to the personnel reserve. When the basic selection criteria are determined, and the list of positions is compiled, you can proceed directly to the formation of a personnel reserve, having previously determined the procedure for this procedure.

Creation of a personnel reserve: 4 stages

Stage 1.Determining the need for a reserve.

Before proceeding with the formation of a personnel reserve, it is necessary to clearly determine the degree of its need. To do this, it is necessary to analyze the prospects for the development of the organization, allocate the resources necessary for replacement, and also work out the issue of improving the process of promoting employees up the career ladder without including them in the reserve. Then you should determine the rate at which positions are vacated, and understand how many personnel are currently available for replacement. After the need for a personnel reserve is identified, it is necessary to analyze the degree of saturation of the reserve for specific positions, the level and rate of replacement of these places. At the same time, all possible prospects for a certain period (for the next 3, 5, 7 years) should be taken into account. When identifying the nature and size of the talent pool, it is important to take into account those basic positions that the company cannot do without, as well as places that will be filled only in the event of force majeure.

Stage 2.Formation of the reserve list.

At the second stage, it is necessary to determine the target audience of potential candidates for a place in the personnel reserve and compile a list of these candidates in accordance with specific positions. In addition, for each position, you need to draw up a detailed list of criteria that the candidate must meet. After you determine how candidates currently meet the previously selected criteria, you can create an individual training schedule for each employee who is part of the talent pool. During the selection of employees, it is worth paying attention to information about personal characteristics, professional competence and career plans. You also need to take into account the potential of the candidate and his main motives regarding work activities.

Stage 3.Coordination of the reserve plan with its direct participants.

The next step is direct communication with candidates for positions. The plan for the formation of a personnel reserve should be clear both for the managers themselves and for the candidates, so that representatives of both parties can assess the prospects and risks. After agreeing and making the necessary changes, a final list of reservists is compiled.

Stage 4.Preparation of candidates.

Training of the personnel reserve is carried out in several ways:

  • internship under the supervision of a senior employee;
  • internship at the planned position, but in another enterprise;
  • university education, courses.

The final method is determined based on the goals. The training program for employees who are part of the personnel reserve most often consists of:

  • general theoretical training;
  • individual practice;
  • exercises for the social and psychological adaptation of the worker.

How is inclusion in the personnel reserve and exclusion from it

Employees of the company can be included in the personnel reserve in the following ways:

  • due to the consideration of an application from a candidate for inclusion;
  • thanks to the recommendation of the boss (self-nomination);
  • through nomination based on the results of the annual evaluation procedures, including additional evaluation activities.

At the time of enrollment in the personnel reserve, each applicant must have the results of the assessment in accordance with the Regulation "On Personnel Assessment", while they must be fresh (not older than 12 months from the date of filing the application for inclusion). If this assessment has not been carried out or is outdated at the time of the application from the candidate, then the procedure should be repeated before the employee is enrolled in the reserve. The implementation of such evaluation procedures is necessary to ensure the appointment of candidates who are ready for this, taking into account their individual characteristics, weaknesses and strengths personality.

In order to exclude a company employee from the personnel reserve, there must be some reason. It can be a one-time or repeated non-fulfillment of official tasks, passing the evaluation procedure at an unsatisfactory level, regular non-fulfillment of the development plan that was drawn up for the candidate.

Individual development plan of the applicant in without fail agreed with the head of the personnel training department and includes those activities that are focused on the development of the employee's professional competencies and his personality.

3 main principles on which work with a personnel reserve is based

Publicity. Any information that contains information about the personnel reserve, the methods of its formation and the employees included in it, should be available to all employees of the organization. Only with this approach, the personnel reserve system will be created and will be able to function normally, increasing the motivation and loyalty of the staff.

Competition. The principle of competition implies the presence of several candidates for one leadership position.

Activity. In order to successfully form a personnel reserve, all persons involved in this process must be as interested, proactive and active as possible. This is especially true for line managers responsible for nominating candidates for the personnel reserve.

Training and development of the company's personnel reserve

Based on the results of evaluations of candidates for inclusion in the personnel reserve, a development schedule should be drawn up, which was mentioned above. Such a document is developed by the employees of the personnel department and approved by the head of the organization's personnel service. In addition, this document must be agreed with the head of the personnel training and development department and with the immediate supervisor of the reservist.

Planned activities may include:

  • rotation in the horizontal direction;
  • mentoring system;
  • various internships, trainings and diverse seminars;
  • work in project teams and so on.

It is worth dwelling in more detail on such events:

self-learning. This process takes place in full accordance with the developed development plan, for this purpose such self-learning tools are used as:

  • professional literature;
  • external webinars;
  • various videos;
  • materials from the fund of the corporate electronic library.

Seminars and trainings are usually carried out in accordance with the general schedule for the development of personnel. Such a document, as a rule, is drawn up for a calendar year. If necessary, special training can be added, which includes not only internal training programs, but also training courses from external suppliers.

Rotations in the horizontal direction allow:

  • expand the candidate's professional horizons;
  • acquire new experience, knowledge and skills, as well as improve the skills of the candidate, department and organization as a whole.

The period of stay of the reservist in a new place as a result of horizontal rotation is determined by the matrix of requirements that apply to the position being replaced.

Internship implies the acquisition of work experience or advanced training in the chosen field of activity. The duration of this process is reflected in the individual development plan and depends on the goal pursued.

Mentoring system involves a process that is regulated by a special Regulation. At the same time, the mentor is selected on the basis of an individual development plan for the employee, approved by the curator of the personnel reserve system.

Only those reservists who are listed as part of the operational personnel reserve can temporarily replace the main head. At the same time, representatives of not only the operational reserve, but also the strategic internal reserve, can participate in the work of project teams, if the personnel committee decides so.

Managing the talent pool without mistakes: 7 mistakes of managers

Mistake 1.Everyone is equal. Most managers believe that it is necessary to treat all employees equally. In connection with such an attitude, the very idea of ​​forming a reserve seems to them wrong and unworthy of attention. Such managers spend not only time, but also money, until they recognize that there are both more and less valuable specialists for the company. At the same time, more valuable employees deserve more attention from management. Only after realizing that it is quite natural and even correct to single out the best, it becomes possible to form the most effective personnel reserve.

Error 2.Situation. Sometimes it happens that the personnel reserve in the organization is formed by "raids", as the appropriate mood appears among the company's leaders, as well as as the accumulation of money and time resources. With such an approach, it is inappropriate to talk about an effective personnel reserve. In order for the reserve to be useful, the process of its formation must be continuous.

Mistake 3.Reserve as a threat. Some middle managers have a negative view of the very idea of ​​forming a personnel reserve, perceiving all candidates as a threat to themselves. To avoid this state of affairs, the person who is responsible for the creation of the reserve should bring to such leaders the full amount of information about their prospects.

Mistake 4.By protection. Often, managers form a talent pool of their favorites in the expectation that when they become managers, it will be easier to work with them. However, such views and actions greatly demotivate the rest of the company's employees, and sometimes even become the reason for their dismissal. To avoid such a situation, it is necessary to describe in detail the procedure for the formation of a personnel reserve and strictly adhere to it.

Mistake 5.Not by choice. When an employee is of interest to the manager as a future potential head of one of the departments, as a rule, there is a desire to include him in the personnel reserve. However, not all employees aspire to become top managers, and it is very important not to pressure or force even when a person has the necessary level of knowledge and professionalism. First of all, it is worth relying on the wishes of the employees themselves. You can try to find a compromise, but if this fails, it is better to just leave the subordinate alone.

Mistake 6.On your territory. When an employee who is part of the talent pool is a trainee for further replacement managerial position, the current manager may try to hide some important information from a reservist. Firstly, to protect your know-how, and secondly, so that the beginner does not notice mistakes in his work. It is unlikely that such an internship will be effective and useful. Most likely, it will reduce the motivation of the reservist. Therefore, it is very important that the person responsible for the formation of the reserve carefully monitors all processes and acts as an intermediary between the employee and his manager.

Mistake 7.Inflated reserve. The formation of a personnel reserve should be carried out taking into account the true need for certain specialists today and with an eye to the future. In this case, you should not follow the rule "the more the better." It is important to understand that if a reservist does not see real prospects for his growth and development within this company, then he will not be motivated to learn and master new knowledge.