How is the talent pool formed? Personnel reserve. The goals of the formation of a personnel reserve

In the context of a global shortage of qualified personnel, the task of forming and managing a talent pool becomes relevant for most large companies.

In practice, there are two main approaches to providing the organization with highly qualified personnel at the expense of internal reserves:

  • personnel reserve management;
  • talent management.

These approaches aim to:

  • minimize the risk of losses, the appearance of which is inevitable due to the departure of key employees;
  • maximize the use of the internal human resource of the organization;
  • manage the motivation of promising employees, using purposeful activities for their professional development and career advancement.

Work with the personnel reserve should begin from the moment of registration of the organization. Human resource risks must be kept under control at all times.

Personnel reserve is a group of leaders and professionals with the ability to management activities who meet the requirements of a position of a particular rank, have been selected and have undergone systematic targeted qualification training.

The presence of a reserve of personnel will ensure the replacement of vacant positions in the event of dismissal of employees, their illness, vacation or business trip. The formation of a personnel reserve is carried out on the basis of professional selection of personnel, the results of attestation (assessment) of personnel, the study of personal files of employees, staffing, career plans of employees.

Work with the personnel reserve in the personnel management system is complex (Fig. 7.1).

Starting to create a personnel reserve, you should conduct an internal PR and inform about innovations in the organization. Explain the essence and purpose of the new personnel direction. Explain that from those

Rice. 7.1

who are included in the selection process in the personnel reserve, do not expect momentary professional exploits, but will be given the opportunity and time to develop their knowledge and skills.

The personnel reserve is formed not only within the company - sometimes a candidate is invited from outside. In such a case, a specialist working in another organization knows that he will be invited if the position is vacated. An external talent pool requires the employer to be more attractive to a potential employee. Therefore, it is used, as a rule, by large companies.

The procedure for the formation of a personnel reserve and work with it should be regulated, agreed with others personnel processes. It is advisable to have a position on the personnel reserve in the organization. An example of a draft provision on the personnel reserve is presented in Appendix 9.

The regulation on the personnel reserve should provide for benefits for reservists and punishment - exclusion from the reserve. Benefits can be very different: increase wages after being included in the personnel reserve; financial assistance paid when an employee goes on vacation; improved social package, etc. If possible, a bonus should be provided for innovations introduced at the suggestion of reservists or by themselves, as well as non-material incentives.

It is possible to exclude from the reserve for a year or at all both at the personal request of the employee (at his request), for health reasons, and for objective reasons (lack of desire to study, low grades). Another one possible reason to exclude a reservist from the composition - the reservist refused to take the vacancy that was offered to him.

Examples of the formation of a personnel reserve in various companies:

1. In large construction department a regulation on the formation and work with the personnel reserve was developed and adopted. Its structure:

General provisions.

Basic principles of personnel reserve.

The order of formation of the reserve.

Selection and selection of candidates; exclusion from the reserve.

Training of specialists and managers enlisted in the reserve.

Motivating employees for long-term relationships with the organization.

Implementation of the reserve.

Evaluation of employees in the reserve.

Final position.

  • 2. PJSC NK Rosneft. The talent pool program includes systematic work to identify the best, most promising employees, train them and promote them to key management positions. For the company, these are, first of all, opportunities for development and career growth. The program involves the formation of a reserve for the positions of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd management echelons. Reserve for the positions of the 1st echelon - middle managers for the target positions of top managers (vice presidents, managers structural divisions the company's management staff, general directors, deputy general directors subsidiaries and other similar positions). The reserve for the positions of the 2nd echelon of management is lower-level managers for the target positions of middle-level managers (heads of oil and gas production departments, workshops, departments, departments and their deputies). The reserve for the positions of the 3rd echelon of management is specialists (including young ones) for the target positions of lower-level managers.
  • 3. ///^-Director of JSC United shipbuilding corporation”, formulating the rules for creating a personnel reserve, identified six main principles and included them in the position on the personnel reserve:
  • 1. The principle of objectivity. The results are comprehensively and objectively evaluated professional activity knowledge, skills, competencies and personal qualities candidates for enrollment in the personnel reserve. The evaluation criteria are developed by a special commission.
  • 2. The principle of equal opportunities. Any employee of the company can apply for inclusion in the personnel reserve and participate in the qualifying competition.
  • 3. The principle of voluntariness. An employee can enter the personnel reserve only voluntarily. Coercion is not allowed.
  • 4. The principle of publicity. Information about the formation of the reserve and work with it is not hidden, it is available to all employees.
  • 5. The principle of mobility. An employee who has successfully completed a training program may be nominated and appointed to a position that is suitable for the level of development of professional and personal competencies, at any time and in any department of the company.
  • 6. The principle of personal responsibility. Employees included in the personnel reserve are responsible for self-development and training. The manager who nominated the employee to the personnel reserve is responsible for the success of the subordinate.

Sources of personnel reserve formation I can be:

  • executives of the organization;
  • chief and leading specialists;
  • specialists with appropriate education and positively proven themselves in production activities;
  • young professionals who have successfully completed an internship.

Allocate a development reserve and a reserve of managers.

Development reserve- a group of specialists and managers preparing to work in new areas (development of new products and technologies). They can choose one of the career paths - professional or managerial career.

Managers reserve- a group of specialists and managers who in the future should ensure the effective operation of the organization. These employees are focused on leadership careers.

When forming a personnel reserve, one should be guided by the following basic principles (Table 7.1).

The work on the formation of the personnel reserve of the organization consists of several stages (Fig. 7.2).

The executive body of the personnel reserve cannot be any one executive or service. It is necessary to create a collegial body (commission), which will include top managers, employees who are experts in their field, as well as the HR director and managers personnel service. The commission must be approved by the order of the head of the organization and work in accordance with its plan on a regular basis, the range of its tasks and functions must be prescribed in some local regulatory document of the company.

Principles of formation of a personnel reserve

Rice. 7.2.

Commission functions:

  • develop job profiles for which reservists are being trained;
  • determine the criteria for evaluating candidates, involving managers and expert employees;
  • conduct a survey of the candidates themselves and form a list of persons included in the personnel reserve;
  • participate in the preparation of a plan and programs for training and development (self-study) of reservists;
  • coordinate work on vocational training and training of reservists;
  • participate in the assessment of reservists who have been trained and developed under the personnel reserve program;
  • evaluate and select candidates who can be appointed to a higher position.

Stages of work with personnel reserve:

I. Analysis of the need for a personnel reserve.

II. Selection and selection of candidates for the personnel reserve.

III. Formation of the composition of the personnel reserve.

IV. Work with personnel reserve.

Consider the stages of work with the personnel reserve in more detail. Stage I . Analysis of the need for personnel reserve.

it preparatory stage in the formation of a personnel reserve, within which it is necessary to determine:

  • the enterprise's need for management personnel for the short term or longer term (up to five years);
  • the actual number of trained in this moment reserve of each level, regardless of where the employee enrolled in the reserve was trained;
  • the approximate percentage of individual employees leaving the personnel reserve, for example, due to failure to complete an individual training program due to moving to another city, etc.;
  • the number of people released as a result of changes in the management structure executives, which can be used for management activities in other areas;
  • categories of positions that are basic for creating a reserve for the head of a particular unit, differentiation of the reserve depending on the characteristics of the business;
  • Possibility of selection of deputies of group of leaders. At the same time, the determining factor should be the opinion about their prospects for further career growth in all assessed qualities;
  • personal responsibility of managers for the rational placement of a certain category of personnel. For example, the head of department should be responsible for the placement of heads of departments, and the head of the enterprise should be responsible for the placement of heads of departments.

Stage II. Selection and selection of candidates for the personnel reserve.

Includes a number of interrelated procedures:

  • analysis of documentary data (personal card of the employee, autobiography, characteristics, certification results, etc.);
  • interview or interview to identify information of interest (aspirations, needs, behavioral motives, etc.);
  • monitoring employee behavior different situations;
  • evaluation of results labor activity(labor productivity, quality of work performed, performance indicators of tasks by the managed unit) for certain period(two years were chosen as such a period with the definition of an interim performance assessment every six months);
  • comparing the qualities of applicants with the requirements of a position of one rank or another.

The selection of candidates begins with an interview conducted by a HR specialist together with the head of the structural unit in which the employee is currently registered. The purpose of the interview is to identify the candidate's desire to work in the intended position and whether he has the necessary qualities for this: the ability to plan his work, see his reserves and prospects, solve problems in a short time, the level of preparedness, qualifications, etc. Moreover, the employee must be aware of all the requirements presented to him in advance.

If necessary, managers and specialists of other departments with whom the employee was functionally interconnected in the course of professional activity are involved in the interview.

Determining the prospects of candidates, it is advisable to set an age limit for certain categories of positions, take into account the time remaining until the retirement age, the health status of candidates, the time they have been in office, the systematic training, and innovative potential.

The most important criteria to be taken into account when forming a system of employee qualities in the process of creating a personnel reserve:

Labor motivation (interest in professional problems and creative work, the desire to broaden one's horizons, orientation to the future, success and achievements, readiness for social conflicts in the interests of employees and business, to a reasonable risk);

  • professionalism, competence, organizational skills(educational and age qualifications, work experience, level of professional readiness, independence in decision-making and the ability to implement them, susceptibility and ability to innovate, the ability to negotiate, argue one's position, defend it, etc.);
  • personal qualities and potentialities (intelligence, attentiveness, flexibility, authority, tact, sociability, ability for abstract thinking, emotional stability, motor characteristics, etc.).

This stage ends with an attestation or other evaluation procedure of candidates nominated for the personnel reserve.

The stages of selection of candidates for the personnel reserve are given in Table. 7.2. For example, in one large construction company when an employee is included in the personnel reserve, the recommendations of the immediate supervisor are taken into account in the form of a candidate assessment criteria map (Table 7.3).


  • 1. Does not have sufficient knowledge (skills, abilities) and does not seek to acquire them.
  • 2. Has not very deep knowledge (skills, abilities).
  • 3. Has sufficient knowledge (skills, abilities).
  • 4. Possesses good knowledge(skills, abilities).
  • 5. Possesses deep knowledge (skills, abilities), can give comprehensive advice on many issues.

Mark with a (V) according to the level of the candidate.

Job title_

Stage III. Formation of the composition of the personnel reserve.

Based on the results of the evaluation and comparison of candidates, the preliminary list of the reserve should be clarified and adjusted. In order to optimize work with candidates, the list of personnel reserve is made up in two parts.

  • 1. The operational reserve includes candidates for certain key positions who are ready to start working immediately or in the near future (from 1 to 3 months), as well as candidates for positions that will become vacant in the near future (1-2 years) and require specific preparation of candidates.
  • 2. The strategic reserve consists mainly of young employees with a high professional level and leadership skills, who in the future will be able to hold these positions for a period of 5-10 years.

Selection procedure for the personnel reserve



1. Creation





about personnel

  • 1. An order of the head is issued on the creation of a commission for the selection of applicants for leadership positions, its powers, terms and procedure for work.
  • 2. Analyzes the need to create new and fill existing positions that may become vacant

2. Development



for which

getting ready

  • 1. Order of the head on the creation working group on the development of job profiles, which includes heads of departments and HR specialists.
  • 2. Formulation of requirements for the participants of the competition: level of education, qualifications, age, length of service, experience, specialty, etc.

Line managers, top managers in charge of areas where positions are expected to be filled by reservists

3. Selection of candidates for the personnel reserve

  • 1. The procedure for submitting documents to the commission is determined.
  • 2. The date when the competition will take place, the place and time of the commission's work are announced.
  • 3. Applications and other documents are accepted in accordance with the developed requirements for candidates.
  • 4. Analysis of applications and applications for the inclusion of employees in the personnel reserve - the data of the questionnaire are verified with the requirements from candidates.
  • 5. Interview with candidates.
  • 6. Formation of a list of those who are admitted to the assessment.
  • 7. Development of materials and organization of the evaluation.
  • 8. Formation of a list of personnel reserve based on the results of the assessment



  • 4. Approval of the personnel reserve
  • 5. Feedback with the participants of the selection
  • 1. The protocol of the commission is drawn up, a list of the personnel reserve is drawn up.
  • 2. An order is issued signed by the director, approving the list of reservists and determining the procedure, terms and conditions for their training and development.
  • 1. The results of the selection are communicated to its participants.
  • 2. Conversations are held with those who have successfully passed the selection, information is provided on what and how new reservists should do.
  • 3. Interviews are organized with those who did not pass the selection

Commission for the formation of a personnel reserve and work with it

Table 7.3

Map of criteria for assessing a candidate for the personnel reserve





Knowledge, experience

Professional knowledge

work experience

Skills for solving typical problems

Additional knowledge and skills (training in courses, participation in seminars, availability of other professions and specialties, knowledge regulatory framework, work standards, etc.)

The end of the table. 7.3





Ability to prioritize



Making decisions

Decision making speed



Information links, contacts

Using the knowledge of specialists


Ability to use information sources



Labor efficiency

Loyalty to the organization


Correct behavior

Professional Responsibility

An employee can simultaneously be in the operational (as the most acceptable candidate for a position at the lower levels of management) and in the strategic reserve.

The strategic reserve acts as a kind of motivating factor for employees, helping them visualize the possibility of their career growth and the amount of effort required for this. In order for the reserve list to be not formal, but effective, a number of requirements must be taken into account when compiling it:

  • positions to be replaced in strict accordance with the nomenclature of positions and staffing adopted in the organization and positioned depending on the hierarchy of management levels;
  • indicate information about the candidate (last name, first name and patronymic; the position held by the employee as of the day the list was compiled, in strict accordance with the entries in employment contract employee and work book, date and number of the order of appointment; information about education: its type, what educational institution and when it graduated, specialty in accordance with the entry in the diploma, the presence of an academic title or degree; Date of Birth);
  • indicate the time spent in the reserve (date of enrollment in the personnel reserve);
  • give conclusions and recommendations of the last certification, containing an assessment of the professional, business and personal qualities of the candidate and proposals for his promotion;
  • reflect the results of the assessment of the candidate's potential obtained in the process of his study and selection (compliance with formal requirements, possible level of leadership, ability to learn, ability to quickly master theory and practical skills).

The list of the reserve is compiled by employees of the personnel management service in agreement with the heads of structural divisions, and also taking into account the results of certification.

The decision to include in the reserve, expressed in the form of an approved list of the personnel reserve and fixed by an order for the enterprise, is made by the head of the organization. The exclusion from the list is carried out by him, taking into account the age, state of health, unsatisfactory results shown during the period of stay in the reserve.

The optimal period for which a company's reserve list is compiled is two years, in some companies - one year. As necessary (dismissal, decrease in performance of employees), you can clarify the composition of the personnel reserve. After a two-year period, the list of personnel reserve should be reviewed with the implementation of the specified procedures and updated.

Stage IV. Work with personnel reserve.

The purpose of working with the personnel reserve is to provide the company with qualified management personnel and highly specialized specialists at all levels. As part of the development of a system for training, development, advanced training and retraining of personnel, a section for training the organization's personnel reserve should be provided. Differences in the structure and composition of the reserve, as well as the initial preparedness of employees determine the principle of an individual approach in choosing the forms and methods of work, their sequence and duration.

The personnel reserve training program consists of the following sections:

  • 1. Theoretical training provides for both intra-corporate forms of training, and related to the direction in educational establishments and includes:
    • updating and replenishing knowledge on certain issues of science and practice of organization management;
    • increasing education related to the previous (basic) training of candidates;
    • training in special disciplines necessary to improve management efficiency.

The main form of control is the delivery of tests (tests), carried out once every six months.

  • 2. Special Program involves the division of the entire reserve into specialties and training that combines theory with practice, including:
    • business and role-playing games on general technical and special problems;
    • trainings;
    • solution of specific production (commercial, technological, etc.) tasks in specialties.

The form of control is the development and subsequent protection of specific recommendations for improving the organization and implementation of the organization's activities.

3.Individual training includes specific tasks to improve the level of knowledge, skills and abilities for each specific specialist enrolled in the personnel reserve, and to one degree or another is based on the first two sections of the program.

Individual training plans are developed by reservists together with their immediate supervisors, coordinated with the personnel management service and approved by a higher manager. For example, an individual plan for an employee holding the position of a leading HR specialist is developed by him and the head of HR and approved by the deputy director of the company.

Systematic control over the implementation of individual plans is carried out by the heads of departments and the employee of the personnel service responsible for the preparation of the reserve. The results of the control are reflected in the individual training plan and the performance evaluation sheet.

To analyze the effectiveness of work with the personnel reserve, a number of qualitative indicators are used (reserve turnover, average tenure in the reserve, progress in training and development programs, etc.), taking into account which will allow timely adjustment of the training of reservists and their optimization.

Let us give an example of a training and development program for a personnel reserve.

The program is based on several fundamental principles:

  • 1. Modern managers must be familiar with management theory and tools professional management that have proven to be effective.
  • 2. A modern manager must be able to analyze the situation, establish cause-and-effect relationships and find the right solution.
  • 3. Each of the management concepts and techniques has its own strengths and weak sides when they apply to a particular situation. The leader must anticipate the consequences of this application.
  • 4. The purpose of this program is to increase managerial competence groups of employees of the personnel reserve of the organization (Table 7.4).

The motivating value of the personnel reserve increases when work with him in the organization is open.

  • Maslova V.M. Personnel management: textbook. Moscow: Yurayt, 2015.
  • www.treko.rushow_article_1460

Currently leaders, lacking qualified personnel are beginning to form a personnel reserve at their enterprises.

The financial motivation of distinguished employees in relation to managers is insufficient, in this case the best incentive is the possibility of further career advancement.

Every leader needs good workers and preferably the very best.

Such an employee is almost impossible, but it is quite possible to choose from among your employees the most suitable for a new vacancy. This is the essence of creating a personnel reserve at the enterprise.

Few people are ready to argue with the opinion that especially valuable employees it is necessary to know in person and periodically encourage for success in work. Some employees are key "links" of the production chain, others only accompany them, and their replacement by other people will not affect the organization's activities in any way.

So, the creation of a personnel reserve pursues the following goals:

  • Providing the enterprise with the necessary highly qualified specialists;
  • Minimizing staff turnover among the most valuable employees;
  • employees for more efficient production activities;
  • Creating career opportunities for highly successful employees.

Thus, the personnel reserve of an enterprise is those employees whose professional activity is the most successful.

It is these workers who are the main contenders for horizontal and vertical personnel changes.

In total, personnel reserve employees can be divided into 3 categories:

  1. Employees with a high level of performance of duties, whose labor potential is much higher than the requirements for their positions. This group also includes workers who are applicants for promotion (subject to the availability of the necessary vacancies for them).
  2. Valuable employees who conscientiously and efficiently perform their duties, but are not candidates for a career “take-off” due to the lack of positions suitable for them in the staff list. In this case, incentive measures in the form of other incentives should be applied to employees.
  3. If there is continuity at the enterprise, then the successors of managers and senior managers should also be included in the personnel reserve.

Principles of work with personnel reserve

The formation of a personnel reserve is carried out in compliance with certain principles:

  • To increase information about open vacancies should be open both for the reservists themselves and for applicants for this role. Only in this case, the personnel system will be the most effective, stimulating employees to increase productivity.
  • Having multiple candidates for the same leadership role.
  • The activity and initiative of employees whose immediate duties include the search and selection of candidates for inclusion in the personnel reserve.
  • Constant selection of candidates for improvement professional qualities management team;
  • Age registration of applicants for promotion to reservists: as you know, for effective work in a managerial position, an employee must work in this area for about 5 years. In addition, a person reaches the greatest professional activity at the age of 35-40, so the optimal age for adding an employee to the list of reservists is from 25 to 35 years;
  • The final decision on the appointment of an employee to a managerial position should be based on many factors: the results of professional activities, impressions of personal communication with the employee, the results of his last assessment, the opinion of his superiors and colleagues about the employee, etc.

In addition, employees who form the personnel reserve of the enterprise must perform the following tasks:

  1. Support for employees who are suitable for an open position, aimed at developing their necessary qualities;
  2. Providing employees with everything necessary to obtain sufficient information for the purpose of high-quality performance by them official duties;
  3. Improving practical skills on a substitution basis (, etc.);
  4. Creation of a positive image and a special professional status of reservists.

Criteria for selecting reservists

The optimal age for appointing an employee to a managerial position is 25-40 years.

It is then that the optimal combination of professional skills life experience and received higher education. The age of an employee over 60 years old is a significant drawback for introducing him to the staff of managers; personnel specialists are advised to refrain from such an appointment.

Another important criterion is the level and profile of the candidate's education. Of course, for a leader, higher education is desirable. professional education in the direction of the enterprise. For middle managers, for example, managers, higher education (economic, financial, managerial) is sufficient.

The necessary work experience is determined by each manager independently: some prefer the professional experience gained in this organization, for others, work experience in the specialty is enough, no matter where.

Efficiency of labor activity implies high-quality performance of official duties, consistently high results of labor activity, etc.

If these indicators are not taken into account when appointing to a new position, then enrollment in the personnel reserve will be considered as luck and will lose any motivational meaning for employees.

However, despite the importance of these criteria, the most important is the desire of the applicant to advance in career growth, his self-motivation. If the employee does not have them, then even with full compliance with his existing vacancy, such an appointment is unlikely to be successful.

Stages of formation of a personnel reserve at the enterprise

  1. Identification of several candidates for open vacancies, new projects, etc.
  2. This duty is assigned to the direct supervisors of candidates and personnel officers. The most effective appointments occur during the selection of candidates by line managers, since it is they who can most accurately assess the degree of compliance of their subordinates with certain vacancies.
  3. Based on the data received from line managers, general lists of applicants for enrollment in the personnel reserve are formed. This is usually done by employees. personnel department enterprises.
  4. Measures to assess the personal and professional qualities of applicants for promotion. We are also talking about their leadership qualities, motivation, personal attitude to the proposed positions, etc. Evaluation methods can be very different: interviews, various evaluation games, etc. Based on the results obtained, characteristics and recommendations for each employee are compiled.
  5. Based on the results of the research, the final lists of reservists are compiled, indicating the positions for which employees are nominated.
  6. The final lists are approved by the order of the head of the enterprise on the appointment of employees to the relevant positions.

What problems can an employer face?

The creation of a personnel reserve can significantly increase the performance of an enterprise due to the most effective personnel changes.

However, this is possible only if the basic principles of working with the personnel reserve are observed. As you know, enrollment in the personnel reserve is a way of additional motivation of employees. An employee, after such a high assessment of his professional qualities, expects further events in the form of his appointment to a new, higher position or other incentive measures, and if these expectations are not met, he is dissatisfied.

According to statistics, the majority of dissatisfied reservists eventually leave for another company, where their merits are valued more highly.

Thus, if the manager has decided to form a personnel reserve, he needs to take care of the employees responsible for this task, as well as the financial costs associated with the need to stimulate the reservists.

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The goal is to increase the efficiency of using human resources Companies; meeting the needs of the Company in candidates for positions different levels; unified personnel policy in matters of career and professional growth of the Company's employees.

General provisions

The main objectives of the formation of a personnel reserve in the Company are:

  • reduction in staff turnover;
  • identification and retention of employees with high development potential;
  • ensuring that vacancies appearing in the Company are filled primarily by trained candidates from the internal reserve;
  • security career advancement to the key positions of the most trained employees from among those who have the professional knowledge necessary for the Company;
  • ensuring continuous professional growth of the staff;
  • strengthening corporate culture, which stimulates personal responsibility, loyalty, focus on achieving results and the formation of common corporate values.

As part of the personnel reserve, internal and external reserve are distinguished

The internal personnel reserve is formed from among the employees of the Company. It is subdivided into operational and strategic reserve

The operational reserve is a reserve of candidates from among specialists, line managers, middle managers and top managers to fill certain positions, who have developed competencies and are ready to start working immediately.

The strategic reserve is candidates for positions that will become vacant in the next 1-2 years and require long-term training of candidates.

Inclusion in the composition of the internal personnel reserve and updating of its composition is carried out annually, at the beginning of the 4th quarter.

The external personnel reserve is formed from among:

  • candidates who passed interviews with HR partners, but did not start working in the Company after passing the employment interview due to the lack of vacancies at the moment;
  • candidates, data on which was obtained on the basis of monitoring the labor market for the availability of key specialists in the industry segment.

Inclusion in the composition of the external personnel reserve and updating of its composition is carried out on a regular basis, as external candidates go through the interview and selection procedures. In order to comply with the alternative of replacing key positions, the personnel reserve can be completed from several people for each position, in accordance with the regulations. One candidate may be included in the personnel reserve for several positions. Information about the work of the personnel reserve system, the model of building a career in the Company (Career Movement Map), lists of reservists is open and posted on corporate portal(List of reservists)

Organizational chart of the reserve system

The main governing body for the personnel reserve system is the Personnel Committee, which on a permanent basis includes: Head of the "Commerce" Direction, Head of the "Sales" Direction, Head of the "Management Technologies" Direction, Head of the HR Department

The functions of the Human Resources Committee include:

  • determination of the level of influence of each position, employee on the development of the company annually
  • approval of the need for a personnel reserve for the year annually
  • implementation of general planning and standardization of various aspects of the work of the personnel reserve system, taking into account the strategic and current tasks of the Company, once every six months
  • control of the lists of reservists of the company, making decisions on the exclusion of employees from the personnel reserve once every six months
  • consideration of individual plans for the development of reservists on a quarterly basis
  • making decisions on personnel transfers and rotation of the personnel reserve according to current schedules

The head of the personnel management department is responsible for the organizational and methodological support of the activities of the Personnel Committee, manages the schedule of meetings, convenes extraordinary meetings of the committee. The current work on the formation of the need for a personnel reserve, replenishment and development of the personnel reserve (identification of potential candidates, assessment, selection, training) is carried out by HR partners of the Sales Divisions, the Human Resources Department, together with the General Directors of the Sales Divisions and Heads of Divisions, Heads of Departments, Services and departments Central office.. To coordinate the current work, the Head of the Human Resources Department appoints a curator from among the department's employees.

The procedure for the formation of the need for spare personnel

To determine the quantitative and qualitative composition of the personnel reserve for the calendar year, the following work is carried out:

  • Analysis of the current staffing table to identify key positions;
  • Analysis of the staffing table to identify the need for reservists in connection with the upcoming rotation / dismissal of the existing staff;
  • Rationing of the staffing of the personnel reserve for the replacement of key positions;
  • Analysis of the need for reservists for newly formed positions or those planned in the staff list, according to the company's development strategy.
  • Approval of the plan for the need for a personnel reserve for the year by the Personnel Committee.

The procedure for selection and enrollment in the internal composition

Enrollment in the internal personnel reserve can occur by:

  • consideration of the candidate's application for inclusion in the personnel reserve (self-nomination);
  • based on the recommendation of the head;
  • based on the results of annual evaluation procedures, including additional evaluation procedures. based on the achievement of the required percentage of the effectiveness of the program mentor.

All candidates who are applicants for the Personnel Reserve, at the time of enrollment, must have the results of an assessment conducted in accordance with the Regulations on Personnel Assessment no more than 12 months ago from the date of consideration of the application. If such an assessment has not been conducted with respect to the candidate, or if it was more than one year old, the candidate without fail, prior to enrollment in the personnel reserve, undergoes an assessment procedure. The purpose of the assessment procedures at the stage of including reservists in the personnel reserve is to ensure the training of reservists for the position, taking into account their individual characteristics, their strengths and weaknesses.

Not later than the 4th quarter of the current year: The head of the personnel training and development department forms lists of reservists based on the results of evaluation procedures for each position for further sending reservists for training and transfers them to the personnel reserve curator. The curator of the mentoring system forms a list of mentors with a high percentage of effectiveness and passes it to the curator of the personnel reserve system. The curator of the personnel reserve, on the basis of the lists received, the list of self-promoters and employees recommended by the managers, forms a general list of reservists and submits it for approval to the Personnel Committee.

Education and development

Based on the results of the assessment procedures, an individual development plan is drawn up for the reservists, which indicates activities aimed at developing professional and personal competencies necessary for successful work in the target position. An individual development plan is initiated and approved by the personnel reserve curator, developed by the HR partner of the division, together with the reservist. It is coordinated with the head of the personnel training and development department, and with the immediate supervisor of the reservist. The individual development plan includes specific activities aimed at developing personal and professional competencies required for the relevant position: training: trainings, seminars, master classes; self-learning; horizontal rotations; internships; mentoring; temporary replacements for the period of absence of key managers; participation in project teams.

Trainings, seminars, master classes are carried out according to the schedule formed according to general plan training for a year in the company. Specialized training is added where necessary, which includes both a portfolio of "in-house" training programs for employees and specially selected training programs for "external" suppliers.

Self-learning. This stage of training takes place in accordance with an individual development plan, using a selection of professional literature (books, instructions, regulations, etc.), external webinars, video materials (films, webinars), materials from the corporate electronic library.

horizontal rotations. The objectives of this procedure are:

  • expanding the professional horizons of the reservist;
  • acquisition of new experience, knowledge, skills and abilities, improvement and optimization of business processes of the relevant division and the Company as a whole.

The period of being in a new position as a result of rotation according to the matrix of requirements for the position. Internships are activities to gain work experience or improve qualifications in a chosen area of ​​activity. The duration of the internship is determined depending on the goal and is displayed in the individual development plan. Mentoring – the process is organized on the basis of the Regulation “Mentoring, the choice of a mentor is displayed in the individual development plan of the employee and is approved by the curator of the personnel reserve system. Temporary replacements for the period of absence of key leaders are made only from among the reservists listed in the operational reserve. . Employees of both the operational and strategic internal reserve may be involved in project teams by decision of the Personnel Committee.

Evaluation of the results of training reservists

Evaluation of reservists is carried out in the manner prescribed by the Regulations "On personnel evaluation". Depending on the position, the assessment may include professional testing, business games, case studies, business tasks, competency interviews and a 360-degree management skills assessment. Information on the results of the assessment of the reservist is posted in a special report form in accordance with the Regulations "On personnel assessment": "Passport professional career employee in the 1C card" in a single database of reserve staff. The curator submits to the HR committee a report (“Provision with reserve personnel”, “List of reservists with % of IRP completed”) on the composition, movement, results of the personnel reserve system achieving its goals, fulfilling an individual development plan by reservists, at least 2 times a year or as needed.

Program promotion conditions

Occupation by a reservist of a target position is possible if positive evaluation readiness of the reservist for the competition of reservists. The reservist competition is a selection tool of the program, carried out upon the emergence of a need for a candidate for an open vacancy. The conditions of the competition are established taking into account the specifics of the position by the Personnel Committee.

The following evaluation indicators are of decisive importance:

  • compliance with the level of development of his competencies of the target position;
  • progress in competency development; effective performance of immediate work tasks;
  • passport of the employee's professional career;
  • successful execution Individual plan development of at least 80%, taking into account the period under review;
  • compliance with the matrix of requirements for the position in question;
  • Percentage of an employee's performance as a mentor.

The decision to accept a candidate for a target position is made by the Personnel Committee. submitted to the Human Resources Committee full package documents for each of the reservists. This package of documents includes: employee's personal card; individual development plan; passport of the employee's professional career;

The procedure for making decisions on the movement of the composition

Issues related to the vertical movement of reservists are under the exclusive jurisdiction of the committee. The meeting of the Human Resources Committee on these issues is held in an expanded composition - with the obligatory invitation of the Head, who is in charge of personnel matters for the position of appointment (in accordance with the Decision Making Matrices). An invited participant in a meeting of the Personnel Committee has the same voting rights as permanent participants. Decisions on the vertical movement of reservists are made in the course of an open vote of participants at a meeting of the Personnel Committee by a simple majority of votes.

Issues related to the horizontal rotation of reservists are submitted to a meeting of the Personnel Committee on the proposal of the Head of the Human Resources Department, if the decision to transfer a reservist for any reason cannot be made in working order. may be invited to the meeting interested persons- a reservist, his line manager, a manager who is in charge of personnel matters for the position of appointment - with the right of an advisory vote. The opinions of the invited participants are taken into account when making a decision by the Personnel Committee. Decisions on issues of horizontal rotation considered at a meeting of the Personnel Committee are made by open voting of participants. The decision to transfer a reservist is considered adopted if at least 50% of the members of the Personnel Committee voted for him.

The procedure for exclusion from the reserve

A reservist may be excluded from the reserve personnel for the following reasons:

  • a negative result of the assessment procedures;
  • non-fulfillment of immediate work tasks;
  • systematic failure to implement the Individual Development Plan.

The decision to remove a candidate from the program is made by the committee.


  1. Characteristics for enrollment, standard form;
  2. Application for enrollment;
  3. Individual Development Plan (IDP);
  4. Staffing, report form;
  5. Passport of a professional career;
  6. Plan for the need for reserve personnel;
  7. Implementation of IPR Report;
  8. Rotation of personnel reserve Report.
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What does talent pool mean?

The personnel reserve (CR) is divided into two types - external and internal. Usually this is a group of people who have been pre-selected for any position in the organization, more often for middle or senior positions. Specialists are evaluated especially carefully, they identify personal, professional and business qualities necessary for the performance of official duties.

External talent pool consists of resumes of candidates who meet the requirements, so they can be invited at any time to a vacant vacancy. The main disadvantage of the database is that it becomes outdated, because people grow, develop, find work and no longer need your offers.

Reference: sometimes an external personnel reserve consists of specialists who from time to time participate in projects and perform certain tasks.

Internal personnel reserve- already employed employees who have a high potential for career growth and have managerial skills. As a rule, these are long-term specialists who have managed to prove themselves and show their reliability.

Table. Comparative characteristics of internal and external sources recruitment

The internal reserve includes:

  • highly professional employees with unique knowledge, capable of leadership, as well as professional growth in a horizontal direction (stock of key specialists);
  • subordinates capable of demonstrating growth in the vertical direction (administrative staff);
  • trained managers who can immediately take up their duties (operational staff);
  • potential leaders (strategic pool of personnel).

The process of forming an internal personnel reserve takes at least 2 years, so it must be started from the day the organization was founded. Carefully observe all employees, make notes for yourself in order to move a specialist if necessary.

In small companies, a personnel reserve system is rarely created. Typically, employees are moved from position to position, or they accept relatives, friends or acquaintances into the company, while avoiding formalities - assessments, testing, etc. It should be noted that sometimes this threatens with serious problems, up to the closure of the company.


Since the founding of the company« Omega» its owner, Stanislav, also acted as a personnel director. First of all, he accepted all his relatives into the staff, they invited friends and acquaintances. It so happened that they did not accept outsiders, but were looking for candidates for a position among« their» . As a result, leadership positions were occupied by those who did not quite understand the intricacies of work and responsibilities. This negatively affected profitability, competitiveness and many business processes. When the company approached collapse, Stanislav analyzed the situation and assessed the employees. He made the decision to fire some workers and hire professionals in their place. A scandal erupted. Most of the subordinates left, but other applicants quickly arrived to replace them. Gradually, the situation returned to normal, and the company moved from the category of unprofitable to profitable.

Goals and objectives of the formation of the reserve

The main task of the CD is to improve and stabilize the financial position of the organization. If there are "reserve" employees, the company is protected from unforeseen situations due to the absence of key specialists. Business processes go on as usual, customers are satisfied with cooperation, and business profitability does not fall.

The formation of a personnel reserve of the organization is also required to achieve other goals that the management faces. Usually, with the help of the “spare” base, they try to:

  • reduce the number of errors in the selection and placement of personnel;
  • adequately and slowly assess the staff;
  • predict the need for employees;
  • provide the company with a reserve of effective specialists who know how to develop the business in accordance with the approved strategy;
  • retain and motivate talented leaders;
  • reduce the cost of recruiting, adaptation of personnel;
  • maintain a positive reputation.

Goals, objectives, desired result, mechanisms for the development of reservists, etc. write in the Regulations on the creation of a personnel reserve. Fix the sequence of each stage in order to reduce and facilitate the work of managers who will be involved in the formation of a personnel reserve.

Example Statement

The formation of the personnel reserve (FCR) of the organization takes place with the participation of higher authorities. We recommend adhering to the principle of openness and transparency. That is, do not hide from other employees that the selection of specialists in the Kyrgyz Republic has begun. It is possible that some will show themselves to achieve a promotion.

If there are not enough resources for the formation of CR, attract third-party specialists from recruitment agencies who will take on part of the tasks or perform turnkey work. Stick to the given algorithm, make sure that not a single promising employee is overlooked.

Stage number 1. Determine the need for reserve formation

The first stage is the most important, so it must be approached as responsibly as possible. If you do not pay attention to the nuances, the PKR process will be longer and more costly.

Before starting work on the formation of a reserve, identify:

  • strategic and tactical personnel requests;
  • the actual state of the CR, the degree of preparedness of employees;
  • the percentage of reduction in the number of "reserve" employees over the past few years;
  • the number of released administrative units that can realize themselves in other divisions;
  • positions from which specialists can be transferred;
  • persons responsible for working with the CR, placement of personnel.

Determine how much you can spend on the formation of a personnel reserve, coordinate it with financial director. If the budget is limited, it is rational to engage in the development of already employed employees, and not to select external specialists in the Kyrgyz Republic.

Stage number 2. Conduct the selection of employees for the reserve

The selection of employees takes a lot of time, as at this stage a complex work is carried out, consisting of complementary procedures. If several managers are working on CI, delineate responsibilities, define selection criteria.

In general, when selecting a pool of "spare" you need to:

  • get acquainted with information from the personal files of employees, resumes, autobiographies;
  • have a conversation with the reservists;
  • simulate situations close to real working conditions, observe a person;
  • evaluate the results of work for a certain period of time;
  • analyze whether the qualities of the employee meet the requirements for the position.

The main goal to be achieved is to collect the largest possible amount of information about each employee, his personal, professional and business qualities, skills. Make a card with requirements and criteria so you don't miss important details when working with CR candidates.

Requirements for candidates for inclusion in the CR:

Download Sample

When selecting a reserve of personnel, determine the motives of potential employees, their goals and values. Do not immerse yourself in the study of unnecessary facts, personal life, because this information does not carry a special semantic load, but it takes your time to analyze it.

Stage number 3. Create a talent pool list

After evaluating the candidates, comparing them with each other, make a preliminary list of "spare". Divide it into 2 parts. To the first include workers who are assigned to the operational part, i.e. to replace key positions right now or soon. The second group includes those who will make up a strategic reserve. Usually these are young employees with leadership inclinations, who will gradually gain experience.

When compiling the list of reservists, adhere to the following rules:

  • determine substituted positions according to the nomenclature of positions and staffing taking into account the hierarchy;
  • indicate personal information about each staff unit;
  • fix the time of enrollment in the Kyrgyz Republic;
  • note the results of the assessment of qualities, write down suggestions and recommendations for self-improvement and development of the employee.

Make a personnel reserve for several years ahead. Submit the list to a higher manager for consideration - he has the right to cross out some persons if, in his opinion, they do not meet the necessary criteria. As the list becomes outdated, it needs to be updated. Delete departed and add new arrivals.

Important! When enrolling selected reservists, prepare a motion for promotion to a position if it becomes vacant. Submit the document to the director for approval.

Questionnaire of a candidate for the personnel reserve

Download form

Training and retraining of applicants

After dropping out clearly unsuitable employees and enrollment in the talent pool of promising specialists, start working with those who are generally suitable for positions, but need additional training. Choose the best program for them, taking into account the budget.

The following methods are usually used:

The training program depends on the current experience, knowledge of the reservist. When choosing it, think about what the employee needs to develop, whether the program will help achieve the desired result. If you create a talent pool to fill managerial positions, while there is no way to provide study leave, pay attention to remote programs. You can view the approximate content of some courses, find out the features of this form of education.

Answers to frequently asked questions

1. Whom to appoint responsible for work with the personnel reserve?

Usually, the management of the organization's personnel reserve is the responsibility of the head or an ordinary specialist of the service. In large organizations, a special department is created. In order to achieve results in working with RCs, involve direct supervisors and reservists in this issue.

There should be about 2-3 people for each position. Make a list, count the number of potential jobs.

3. How to inform staff about the development and implementation of the program?

Inform employees of plans to create a CR in writing or in person. Explain the goals and objectives of the program, convey its significance to employees and the organization as a whole. Please note that insufficient informing the staff about the innovation can cause negative rumors and concerns.

4. What are the methods of nominating candidates for the personnel reserve?

There are three main ways of nomination: direct supervisor, superior manager, self-nomination of an employee.

5. What are the possible problems when working with the personnel reserve?

The following errors are distinguished when working with CR:

  • work goes without proper management support under pressure from the personnel service and the training department;
  • financial constraints do not allow the use of a number of areas for training reservists;
  • the reserve for filling managerial positions is formally drawn up;
  • blurring of selection criteria;
  • there are no clear criteria for evaluating reservists.

6. Is it possible to prepare a reserve for tops?

Yes, many companies train reservists specifically for closing top positions in the organization. The procedure for working with them differs in that higher requirements are imposed on specialists.

7. How to plan further work with the personnel reserve?

After a positive assessment of the readiness of the reservists, decide what to do next, for example:

  • if there are open targeted vacancies, consider candidates for replacement from among successful reservists;
  • plan and organize adaptation measures ;
  • if there are no open vacancies at the end of the reservist training program, plan activities to retain promising employees.

As a result of the work done earlier on the creation and development of the reserve, implement the goals for which the CD was created, develop additional measures to retain valuable employees. Do not forget that talent pool management is not just a formal procedure, but a real job that needs to be systematically devoted to.

Currently, interest in the personnel reserve has resumed due to the fierce competition for qualified personnel. Companies know firsthand about the shortage of experienced managers and specialists, and according to forecasts, the situation on the labor market will only worsen over time.

This trend dictates its own rules: the principles of working with personnel need to be revised. material motivation employees is no longer the main argument for retaining professionals. The real "personnel shortage" of middle managers, the dismissal of key employees due to the impossibility of growth and a decrease in interest in work, the loss of motivation by ordinary employees - these are the realities. There is a way out: to respond in a timely manner to changes in the external and internal environment, forming a personnel reserve. Of course, the personnel reserve is not a panacea for all ills, but this tool will help to cope with many problems in personnel management.

What is a personnel reserve and what tasks can it solve?

The personnel reserve is a group of employees who are potentially capable of managerial activity, who meet the requirements of the position, who have been selected and who have undergone targeted qualification training.

The creation of a reserve group will ensure continuity in management, increase the level of readiness of employees for changes in the organization, their motivation and loyalty, which will lead to a decrease in the level of staff turnover and overall personnel stabilization. The presence of a personnel reserve allows you to significantly save financial and time resources in the selection, training and adaptation of key employees, which is also important.

Where to begin?

Work on the formation of a personnel reserve requires systematic and systematic preparation. First, it is necessary to analyze the existing problem areas in personnel management. The most common methods are staff turnover analysis and socio-psychological research in the company. Based on detailed study personnel records it is possible to determine not only the level of staff turnover in the company as a whole, but also problematic positions, the cyclical nature of layoffs, the social and psychological portrait of the employee leaving, which will allow analyzing the causes of the current situation and identifying priority tasks.

Socio-psychological research, questioning of personnel on certain directions will allow you to analyze the current situation both in the company as a whole and in its specific divisions, determine the level of loyalty and motivation of staff, job satisfaction, analyze the features of communication within the company and understand the main reasons for staff dissatisfaction.

It may be useful to invite external experts in the field - this will allow you to look at many actual problems from outside or change strategy personnel work. detailed and qualitative analysis problem areas in personnel management will allow to determine a model for creating a personnel reserve that would meet the priority tasks of the company at the moment.

There are several models for the formation of a personnel reserve:

  1. Making a forecast of expected changes in the organizational and staffing structure. The reserve is formed in accordance with the need to fill vacant positions for a certain period of time. Most often, the planning period is 1-3 years.
  2. Identification of key positions in the company and the formation of a reserve for all management positions, regardless of whether it is planned to replace the employees occupying them.

The choice of option is based on priority tasks, as well as financial and time resources. The first option is less expensive and more efficient in terms of implementation time, the second option is more reliable and holistic. At the same time, the choice of the second option does not exclude the preparation of a forecast of possible changes - this procedure can be included as a stage in the process of creating a personnel reserve.

There are several options for forming a personnel reserve, and principles of work with personnel reserve remain common:

  • Publicity. Information for employees included in the personnel reserve, for potential candidates, as well as for positions to be filled and prospective positions should be open. Only in this case it will be possible to create a system that will work to increase the motivation and loyalty of employees to the company.
  • Competition- one of the fundamental principles of the formation of a personnel reserve. This principle implies the presence of at least two, and preferably three candidates for one leadership position.
  • Activity. For the successful formation of a personnel reserve, all persons interested and involved in the process must be active and proactive. To a greater extent, this applies to line managers who are responsible for nominating candidates for the personnel reserve.

After determining the way and principles for the formation of a personnel reserve, it is necessary to develop a list of reserved positions and criteria for selecting employees for the reserve. The company itself can determine by what criteria to select reservists. The criteria may be the same for all positions included in the personnel reserve, or may be supplemented depending on the reserved position.

Prior to the formation of the personnel reserve, a list of basic positions is developed for each reserved vacancy. Compliance of the candidate with the requirements of the basic position may be a separate selection criterion. It is also necessary to immediately determine the maximum number of candidates included in the reserve for each reserved vacancy.

Selection criteria in the personnel reserve can be the following.

  • Age. The recommended age of employees considered as candidates for a mid-level managerial position is 25–35 years. This is due to the level of professional, life experience, the presence of higher education. It is noted that it is at this age that an employee begins to think not just about professional development, but about personal self-realization, long-term career plans. Thus, enrollment in the personnel reserve can become an incentive for professional development and increase motivation to work. It is not recommended to include employees older than 45 years in the reserve of senior managers.
  • Education. This criterion characterizes the possible level and specifics of the candidate's education. The recommended level of education for a middle management position is higher, preferably professional. As reservists for the positions of top managers of the organization, it is better to consider employees with higher education in management, economics and finance.
  • Experience in the company in a basic position. Many companies prefer to include in the talent pool only candidates who have gained professional experience in the organization. Others prefer professionals, and where the experience was gained is not important. This criterion reflects the basic principles of the corporate culture of the organization and must comply with the standards adopted by the company.
  • Results of professional activity. A candidate for inclusion in the personnel reserve must successfully fulfill his duties in his position, show stable professional results otherwise, his enrollment in the reserve will be formal and demotivate other employees.
  • The desire of the candidate for self-improvement, career development- most important criterion selection. Lack of desire and professional limitations can become the main obstacles to inclusion in the personnel reserve, despite the candidate's full compliance with the requirements of the reserved position according to other criteria.

The list is not limited to the listed criteria. Each organization can supplement or reduce it in accordance with the tasks solved with the help of the personnel reserve and the established norms of the corporate culture. If the selection criteria are defined, the lists of reserved and basic positions are compiled, then it is necessary to determine the procedure for the formation of a personnel reserve.

The process of forming a personnel reserve

Step 1. Nomination of candidates based on the criteria and principles of formation. Responsible for the nomination of candidates are their immediate supervisors, personnel officers may also participate in this process. The best option is when a line manager is responsible for promoting employees to the personnel reserve, since it is he who can most adequately assess the potential of an employee.

Step 2 Formation of general lists of candidates for the personnel reserve. The lists are formed by HR employees based on the views of line managers.

Step 3 Psychodiagnostic measures in order to determine the potential of candidates for the reserve, leadership qualities, psychological, individual characteristics, the level of motivation and loyalty, as well as the true attitude to enrollment in the personnel reserve. Various methods can be used for this purpose. The most effective are interviews and assessments. business games, and the most economical in terms of time and doubtful in terms of results is psychological testing. Based on the results of these events, personal and psychological characteristics, recommendations and forecasts are compiled. This stage involves artificial (according to the results of psychodiagnostic measures and tests) and natural screening, when the candidate for some reason himself refuses to be enrolled in the personnel reserve.

Step 4 Formation of the final (or updated) lists of employees enrolled in the personnel reserve, with an exact indication of the reserved position.

Step 5 Approval of lists by order CEO companies. Of course, the process of forming a personnel reserve can be modified. The number of stages may vary due to the chosen model of creating a reserve for a particular company.

After defining and approving the formation process, it is necessary to think over the basic principles and system of work with the personnel reserve.

The main tasks to be solved in the process of training reservists

  1. Development of the necessary qualities for work in a reserved position.
  2. Receipt necessary knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to perform the intended functions.
  3. Gaining practical experience in applying knowledge, skills and abilities in real conditions (replacement of the head during vacation, internship).
  4. Strengthening the positive image of reservists.
  5. Raising the status of reservists in the company.

To achieve these goals, an individual employee development program is being developed, which may include advanced training, obtaining a second higher education and an MBA, passing trainings, and internships. The company creates a training program implemented by internal or external forces. The main principles of learning are individuality and practical significance, i.e., the training program should take into account the results of psychodiagnostic measures and tests, the specifics of the reserved position, the length of service and work experience of each of the employees, their needs and wishes in terms of professional growth.

Particular attention should be paid to the issue of the duration of training and development of an employee before transferring to a reserved position. This period may be regulated by internal normative documents and depend on the position or recommendations regarding each individual employee. At the same time, situations sometimes arise when the designated period comes to an end, but there is no position or the employee is not ready to take it. In the first case, you can enter the position of a deputy and, upon successful preparation, appoint a reservist to this position. The employee will have the opportunity to show himself “in business”, and the company will have the time and opportunity to assess future prospects, otherwise there is a risk that a trained specialist will leave the company and the funds invested in his training will be irretrievably lost. In the second case, you can inform the employee about the results of training and development zones and determine new deadlines. In any case, the principle of openness and competition should be respected.


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