Games for a noisy company for a birthday. Board games for drunk company. Table role-playing games

Each guest talks about meeting the birthday boy in just three words, for example, September, stadium, last century or winter, shop, coffee, and so on. The birthday man, after listening to the guests, must guess what the guests were talking about the moment they met him. If he guesses, all participants will receive prizes, and if not, the birthday boy will fulfill the desire of the public.

Vodka or vodka

Each of the participants on a tray at a certain distance is brought two glasses: one with water, the second with vodka. The guest must intuitively guess where the glass is and drink a glass of vodka for the health of the birthday man. If the guest drinks a glass of water, the guest is fined - he fulfills the wish of the birthday man.

I see it that way

Each guest receives a sheet of paper and a pencil, as well as a task: to draw a birthday boy, as he sees him. It can be a caricature or a cartoon, a portrait or even a painting in the style of Van Gogh. All guests are given approximately 5-7 minutes for creativity. And then the best picture is chosen by voting, and its author is awarded a prize. And the guests are pleased to express themselves at the holiday, and the birthday person himself will be pleased to receive unique paintings from the guests as a keepsake.

stack? Yes, at least ten

In front of each participant (approximately 3-5 people participate) there are 10 stacks (plastic) with the same amount of liquid (9 stacks of water and one in the middle - with vodka). On the “start” command, the participants begin to drink the contents of the piles. Realizing that there is water in the glasses, the participants boldly drink one after another, and here “on you” is a glass of vodka. And the confidence is already gone. Which of the participants will drink all their stacks faster, he will become the winner.

Trick for adults

Each of the guests in turn tells a poem, expressively, with intonation, in general, in all efforts. After everyone has told, the host says that it's time to find out the winner. And the winner will be the person with the largest foot size. And interesting, and fun, and unexpected.

Earn money for a birthday gift

Imagine that everyone has run out of money, and you won’t come to your birthday empty-handed. Money needs to be earned. And, as you know, in order to earn money, you need a certain profession. So, each of the guests in turn pulls out a fant, which will indicate any profession, for example, news anchor, stripper, cleaner, scientist, cashier, and so on. Each of the participants in turn must go to the center of the room, introduce themselves (name and profession) and show themselves in business, as they say. For example, if a stripper - to portray a striptease dance, a cleaner - to show the cleaning process. The main thing here is to show artistry and enthusiasm, because prizes are awarded to the best actors.

Meet this is an elephant

All guests-participants stand in a circle. Each in turn calls one animal - interesting and most unusual in their opinion. For example, an elephant is big, with a long trunk and kind eyes. When all the guests have named their animal, the host announces that it is time to introduce his neighbor and say a few words about him. The performance goes clockwise. That is, the first guest, pointing to the second, says, get acquainted, this is Yura (the animal does not name, but only describes it with the words that he used to describe the elephant), Yura is big, with a long trunk and kind eyes, and so on. It will turn out very funny and interesting.

Dream bags

The leader has two bags. One of them is filled with notes that all the guests wrote at the beginning of the party. The notes indicate what they would like to give to the birthday boy if they could. Each note is signed. In the second bag there are tokens with a variety of tasks - it depends on the organizer. The host brings the first bag to the birthday man, he sorts through the leaves for a long time and finally takes out one of them and reads. Tamada authoritatively says: "This thing will definitely appear in your possession within a year if the author of the note completes the task." And he invites the author to take the token out of the second bag, and then demonstrate how sincere the wish was.

Who sings

All guests are divided into teams of about 5 people, while the birthday boy is blindfolded so that he does not see the composition of the teams. Each team chooses for themselves any fun song that the participants will sing for the birthday boy. So, each team performs in turn - they sing one verse of their song. After the performance, the birthday boy eyes closed must guess the composition of the team, who sang the song for him? Correctly guessed all the team members - the team receives a prize.

How to make sure that the guests at the anniversary do not stray into groups according to their interests, and do not forget where they ended up. How to fill the anniversary with dynamics, how to intrigue and surprise guests? Spend cool contests for the anniversary.

Competition "To the Touch".
8-10 small items are put into a dark bag of material: scissors, a bottle cap, a fountain pen, a button, a spoon, threads, a thimble, a knife from a meat grinder, etc. You have to guess by touch what lies there. The fabric should not be too coarse or thin.

Competition "Couples Reversed".
Two or three pairs are tied back to back (legs and arms are free). These couples must dance the waltz, tango, lady and run 10 meters back and forth like Siamese twins.

Competition "whose ball is bigger".
The competition is simple: participants receive a balloon and, on command, begin to inflate. Whose balloon bursts is out. Whoever has the largest balloon wins.

Competition "Match-spear".
Draw a line on the floor with chalk and, without crossing it, throw an ordinary match like a spear at a distance. The winner can be determined by three throws.

Competition "Dancers".
Hold a dance competition with items to the tunes of "Apple", "Cossack", "Kalinka", etc.
Let the participants dance: 1) with an apple (ball, ball); 2) with chairs and stools; 3) with a glass of wine

Competition "Ode to the birthday man".
This is the familiar game "Burime", when ready-made rhymes are offered, and according to them you need to compose a verse. "Ode to the birthday man" can be composed on the following rhymes:

- fire,
- a gift
- schoolboy
- painter,
- hit,
- case,
- radar.

Prize for the winner: a bottle of champagne and a medal "Best Poet"

Ditty competition.

The contest of funny mischievous ditties is one of the most memorable moments of the anniversary, especially if there is an accordion player in your company. In order for the competition to be held in an organized manner, the host passes a special stick around the circle, which the guests pass to each other to the music. As soon as the music subsides, the member of the company, who had a wand in his hands, performs a ditty. If you know that the guests practically do not know ditties, you can write texts on cards and distribute them to those invited in advance.
Winner: the guest whose ditty caused the biggest explosion of laughter
Prize for the winner: medal "The most cheerful guest" and a kiss from the birthday boy

Dance competition.
The host seats the contestants on chairs so that they can be clearly seen by all guests, then turns on the recording. Dance melodies familiar to everyone sound - waltz, gypsy, tango, letka-enka, Russian, twist, shake, rock and roll, lezginka, etc., 15-20 seconds each. Without getting up from their chairs, guests show their art. The applause of the audience is a reward for the participants of the dance competition, and the most temperamental one receives the medal "Best Dancer" and a gift - a hug from the hero of the day.
Winner: a guest who received a big applause from the audience
Prize for the winner: medal "Best dancer" and a hug of the hero of the day

Competition "Portrait of the hero of the day"
The host invites all guests to find out how the wife of the birthday man really represents him. To do this, she is blindfolded, and she draws a "Portrait of the hero of the day" on a large sheet of paper. The host demonstrates it to all guests and gives the hero of the occasion as a keepsake. The wife is awarded the medal "the most attentive wife" to applause.

Competition "Attentive hero of the day"
The host offers to check how attentive the hero of the day is. To do this, invite several women. The birthday man should, blindfolded, stroking the woman's hand, determine the hand of his wife. So that the hero of the day does not get into an awkward position, after he is blindfolded, the presenter replaces the women invited to participate in the competition for men. We hope that the hero of the day will be able to distinguish the female hand from the male. The presenter presents the medal "The most attentive husband" to the hero of the occasion for participating in the competition.

Competition "The hottest heart"
All participants are given the same piece of ice to melt. You can do it with your hands, you can rub it on your chest.
Winner: breaking the ice first
Prize for the winner: medal "The Hottest Man" and as a prize for cooling - a glass of cold wine.

Competition "The most dexterous man"
A stick with apples tied to it with rubber bands is placed high above the heads of the contestants. It is necessary without the help of hands, jumping up, bite off an apple.
Winner: first bite of an apple.
Prize for the winner: Apple

Competition "The most persistent man"
Balloons are tied to chair seats. You need to sit on the ball and crush it. It is not as easy as it seems at first glance, and causes a lot of laughter, both among the participants and the audience of the competition.
Winner's Prize: Balloons

Game "Confession"
In the hands of the owner of the house are two sets of cards of two colors; Questions are written on dark-colored cards, answers are written on light-colored cards. Guests are invited to choose a question for themselves, read it, then choose a card with the answer for themselves and also read it aloud to everyone present. The meaning of the game is that any answer is suitable for any question, it is only important that the number of questions matches the number of answers.

Sample questions for cards.
1. Does your loved one make you jealous?
2. When do you have to smile?
3. Do you compliment your boss?
4. Are you afraid of prison?
5. How often do you put wine on the table?
6. How often do you sort things out with your fists?
7. Do you respect alcohol?
8. Do you enjoy erotica?
9. Do you remember those who loved you before?
10. Do you dream of winning a car?
11. How often do you step on the feet of others?
12. How often do you fight with your friends?
13. Are you jealous of your other half?
14. Is your character unbearable to others?
15. Do you like to enjoy food?
16. Do you like to play the fool?
17. How often do you remember your loved one?
18. Do you spend your hard-earned money on trifles?
19. Do you want to go to America?
20. Do you hide your left-hand earnings from your family?
21. Do you use obscene words in a conversation?
22. Do you believe in love at first sight?
23. Do you experience fatigue from work?
24. Do you criticize our government?
25. Are you capable of noble deeds?
26. Are you patient and well-mannered to the best of your ability?

Sample answers.
1. There was not and will not be.
2. Let's talk about this without witnesses.
3. I am ashamed to ask such questions, knowing my character.
4. This is the most pleasant thing for me.
5. Only when in a bad mood.
6. Of course, and more than once.
7. It happens, but only at night.
8. Every day, and more than once.
9. Whenever I go to bed.
10. Had to suffer from it.
11. Only awake and in slippers.
12. Exclusively in a restaurant.
13. And under torture I will not tell.
14. This is my hobby.
15. Once a day I allow myself this pleasure.
16. It was once.
17. When there are guests in the house.
18. Of course, otherwise it would be uninteresting to live.
19. Not without it.
20. This is my secret, I do not want others to know about it.
21. If there is no second half nearby.
22. When kicked out of the house.
23. This topic is unpleasant for me.
24. When my relatives do not see.
25. At night under the covers.
26. Only in thoughts.

Competition "Fishing"
All men of the celebration are invited. The host offers to play fishing. "Let's take imaginary fishing rods, throw them into an imaginary sea and start fishing, but then suddenly imaginary water starts to wet our legs and the presenter offers to roll up our pants to the knees, then higher and higher." The joke is that when everyone's trousers are already pulled up to the limit the host stops fishing and announces a competition for the hairiest legs.

Test "Tell me about yourself"
This comic test is designed for couples. The first to write on a piece of paper - in a column, under numbers - ten names of animals (insects, birds, reptiles), married men present at the party - of course, in secret from their wives. Then the wives do the same. The producer of the test asks the couple to look at the other side of the sheet where the representatives of the fauna chosen by the husband appear in a column. And so, he, the husband, -
Affectionate like...
Strong like...
Protective like...
Authoritative like...
Independent like...
Smiling like...
Neat as...
Loving like...
Bold as...
Handsome as...

Then the representatives of the fauna chosen by the wife are called. So, "Your Wife":
In transportation...
With relatives...
With work colleagues...
In the store like...
At home like...
In a cafe or restaurant...
With the boss...
In friendly company...
Like in bed...
In the doctor's office...

Competition "Light dance"
Couples are invited to participate in the competition.
Condition: before the start of the dance, all couples light sparklers.
Music sounds. Couples are dancing.
Winner: the couple that will last the longest burning sparkler.

Rocket flight game
Guests are divided into 2 rooms (2 halves of the table). The host gives the guests two mock-ups of the rocket.
flight rules: at the signal of the host, the first participant says loudly: "Happy anniversary!" and passes the rocket to his neighbor. The second, says: "Congratulations!", the third: "Happy anniversary!" and so on, until the rocket goes around each guest at his half of the table.
Winner: the team whose rocket will reach the birthday girl faster.

Contest "Encryption"
Find kind words addressed to our hero of the day by deciphering the card you have chosen. Guests are given cards attached to a soft toy. Guests must decipher the abbreviation and call what they got.

For example: ATS - we love Valera for a long time.

Attention! I have things belonging to the hero of the day. He asked me to sell them to guests at a reasonable price. However, guests will have to pay not with coins, but with kind words addressed to our esteemed birthday boy. So the auction is open!
Lot No. 1. This faded canvas is a diaper in which parents wrapped our hero of the day when he was a few days old. Today, looking at such a small diaper and at such a respectable birthday boy, it is hard to even imagine that he was once placed in an envelope folded from such a cloth. How many kind words will this diaper be sold for?
A “sale” of the diaper of the hero of the day is being held. The winner and owner of it is the one of the guests who said the most kind words to the birthday man. Further, other things that belonged to the hero of the day at different times can be “sold” in the same way: a toy with which he did not part, shoe laces in which he went to first grade, a school diary for the fifth grade, the first tie, etc.
After all items are sold, the winner of the competition is announced. He has the right to say a congratulatory speech. Then you can invite guests to drink a glass of wine for the health of the birthday man. And the winner of the auction, who said the largest number of epithets, is awarded a prize, which can be used as a paper medal "For Eloquence and Strong Friendship".

Outdoor games for the anniversary ("fun" relay race).
Participants - 2 teams, with an odd number of people.
Props for competitions:
8 glasses (plastic can be used), 2 books (not too heavy);
2 brooms, 2 balls, 2 tablespoons, 2 chairs, 2 bottles of alcohol, snack.
Anniversary Contest 1
Participants compete in jumping on one leg, holding glasses of water in their hands. At the same time, it is desirable that the glasses be full at the finish.
Anniversary Contest 2
Running with the ball on the head, held with one hand. Although it can hardly be called a run.
Anniversary Contest 3
Quickly walk a certain distance with a book on your head, holding a full glass of water in one hand, a broom in the other and sweeping the road in front of you.
Anniversary Contest 4
One player from each team runs, while he holds 2 glasses in his hands: one with water, the other empty. At the race, participants pour water from a full glass into an empty glass, and at the finish line they determine who spilled the least amount of water. In addition, the speed of the players is taken into account, that is, who came first.
Anniversary Contest 5
Using tablespoons, fill the glass by transferring water from one glass to another.
Anniversary contest 6
One player runs and at the same time holds the other by the legs, and he moves on his hands, holding a glass with his teeth.
Or the participants stand with their backs to each other and clasp their hands and run to the designated place and return as well
Anniversary contest 7
Stand in a circle, close your eyes, stretch your arms forward and try to catch the hands of another participant. According to the principle of the game "Mom, unravel the thread" must unravel without breaking hands
Anniversary contest 8
"The journey of the ball - the ball."
Give the participants a ball. First, it must be passed by hand from top to back (to the tail of the train), and back - from below between the legs. Play three times. You can make it more difficult by alternating the ball over your head, under your feet, etc. The last one left with the ball runs forward and passes the ball again.
9th Anniversary Contest
"Poured, drank, ate." An odd number of participants participate in the competition. The first player runs to a chair on which a bottle of vodka (wine, beer), a glass (glass), a snack are placed, pours the contents of the bottle into the glass, returns to the team. The second player runs up to the chair, drinks, returns to the team. The third player runs up to the chair, has a bite, returns. The fourth pours, the fifth drinks, the sixth has a snack. And so on, until the liquid in the bottle runs out. If you do not want the relay race to drag on, put an incomplete bottle.

Competition for the anniversary "What to do if ..."
The host calls three to five volunteers. Participants are invited to find an original way out of non-standard situations. According to their answers, the audience chooses the winner, who receives the main prize. The rest of the participants receive incentive prizes.
Examples of non-standard situations:
What to do if you accidentally sit on a birthday cake?
What to do if you were carrying a china vase as a gift to a friend and accidentally broke it?
What if your sweetheart and your best friend celebrate their birthday on the same day?
What to do if you remember that it's your birthday, only 10 minutes before the guests arrive?
What if several guests (by a surprising coincidence) gave you the same gifts?
What to do if the day after your birthday you wake up in an unfamiliar place?
What to do if a magician in a blue helicopter flew to your birthday and gave you 500 popsicles?
What to do if you were given a live crocodile for your birthday?
But what if this crocodile accidentally ate the one who gave it to you, and now there is no one to return the crocodile?
What to do the day after your birthday?

Competition for the anniversary "Princess Nesmeyana"
The players are divided into two teams. The members of the first team - “Princess Nesmeyana” - sit on chairs and take on the most serious or sad look possible. The task of the players of the other team is to make the “unsmeaners” laugh one by one or all together. Each smiled "unsmiling" joins the team of mixers. If in a certain period of time it is possible to make all the “unsmiling” laugh, the team of mixers is declared the winner, if not, the “unsmiling” team is declared the winner. The teams can then switch roles.
To make the “non-smilers” laugh, players can show pantomime, tell jokes, make faces, but touching the “non-smilers” is not allowed.

Competition for the anniversary "Battle of Balloons"
A balloon is tied to each player's right foot (ankle). After the starting signal, all participants try to pierce the balls of other players and save their own. Participants whose balloon burst are eliminated from the game. The last person left in the game is declared the winner.
The thread of the ball should be no longer than 30 cm.

Competition for the anniversary "Crocodile"
The players are divided into two teams. The first team chooses some concept and shows it in pantomime, without the help of words and sounds. The second team tries three attempts to guess which concept is shown. Then the teams switch roles. The game is played for fun, but you can count points for guessed words.
You can think of individual words, phrases from famous songs and poems, proverbs and sayings, popular expressions, fairy tales, names of famous (real or fictional) people.
Numbers of additional games suitable for this holiday are given in the index of entertainment.
In addition, participants can play sports: football, mini-football, volleyball.

Fun Question Quiz
As an entertainment, you can hold a fun quiz. The most active participant who answered the most questions wins a prize.
Sample questions:
- When is a person in a room without a head? (When he sticks her out the window)
How do day and night end? (soft sign)
- What should be done so that four guys remain in one boot? (Remove each boot)
- The crow flies, and the dog sits on the tail. Could it be? (The dog sits on its own tail)
- In what month does the talkative Masha speak the least? (In February, it is the shortest)
- When a horse is bought, what is it like? (Wet)
- A man has one, a crow has two, a bear has none. What's this? (letter "o")
- What belongs to you, but others use it more often than you? (Name)
What year do people eat more than usual? (In leap year)
- Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, because he can't speak)
- What stones are not in the sea? (Dry)
- What disease on earth has no one been ill with? (Nautical)
What can be cooked but not eaten? (Lessons)
Which hand is best for stirring tea? (Tea is better to stir with a spoon)
What gets bigger when put upside down? (Number 6)

Birthday is always a holiday, because on this day, starting from early childhood, we expect something magical, new. We hope and do not stop believing throughout our lives. Beautiful table setting, the best outfits, gourmet dishes ... and of course entertainment, games and competitions. How to entertain guests is probably the main issue of the evening, and an adult birthday stands apart. Most likely, therefore, original contests and jokes are transmitted “from father to son”. Moreover, each generation contributes something of its own, and this does not make table competitions worse, and sometimes even better.

Fun contests can be absolutely diverse:

  • mobile (with improvised items and without props);
  • simple;
  • intellectual;
  • personal and for the company.

But the main and main criterion, regardless of where the event is held at home or in a restaurant, the program of the event should cover all those present, and the competitions are comic. Ultimately, it is the birthday contests that will leave a bright and unique trace of the past event.

How to entertain guests at the table

Let's consider together today, and perhaps even choose how to cheer up the guests who came to your celebration with the help of contests.

"To gobble up both cheeks"

If you decide to get together in an apartment or in a country house, this competition at the table will help you to relax. And maybe even get closer to some extent. So, in front of all those taking part, we put saucers with cold snacks or spaghetti. We issue cutlery of absolutely different sizes (from teaspoons to grill tongs). On command, they begin to gobble up whoever shows an empty saucer first becomes the champion!

"Guess the melody"

The player stuffs his mouth with a piece of bread so that it was impossible to talk. Then he is given the words of a song to sing. The participant tries to sing with expression. The rest of the players try to find out the lyrics of the song and sing out loud. Whoever guesses the song first becomes the next artist.

"Image of a Hero"

This competition is for cheerful company fit the best. Guests are divided into several teams, everyone is blindfolded. Residents, in turn, come up to sheets of paper and depict parts of the body that the birthday girl or the birthday man calls. The hero of the occasion, at his own discretion, gives out pencils of the color that, at his discretion, is most suitable at the moment. Artists will be able to see their creation after their eyes are untied. The spectacle is still something, but the memory is secured for a long time.


Two volunteers are chosen, one voices the word (necessarily a noun), the opponent tries to explain to others, with the help of gestures, the meaning. At first glance, everything is simple, but the more complex the word, the more difficult it is to show, and therefore more interesting. This contest allows you to unite, learn something new about old friends, get away from everyday hustle and bustle and even be a child somewhere.

"Water Carrier"

Each player is given one glass filled with liquid, the second is empty. All players are given a straw or a tube, with which he tries to pour liquid from a full glass into an empty one, using only a straw. Whoever finishes the fastest is the winner. This competition can be somewhat modified, for example, instead of a glass, use a saucer, and change the tube to a teaspoon.

Increasingly, companies of adults are trying to celebrate significant dates in in public places. Less red tape with cooking, cleaning the table and the room, and of course the possibility of a change of scenery. Alas, many people think that it is boring and uninteresting. But do not rush to conclusions!

How to entertain guests in a cafe

Most likely, in this case, you will have to prepare. For example, pick up the props, it is possible to fill in forfeits, notes, and possibly wishes in advance. Can be used as board games funny contests. It all depends on your ingenuity, as well as the desire to make this evening unforgettable.

"Find the hero of the occasion"

Everyone present is blindfolded. In a chaotic manner, the host sits everyone at the table. Each player wears winter gloves. The essence of the game is to identify the person sitting next to you, touching only the neighbor's face. There is only one attempt. Ultimately, you need to find the birthday boy.


Several men participate in the competition, it will not be bad if they have driver's licenses. Each man is given a toy car with a rope. The meaning of the game with your eyes closed is to drive all the way with obstacles (any objects are suitable as obstacles, for example, bottles or salad bowls) and return the same way. Before the start of the racing drivers are warned that for the committed collisions, drivers will be deprived of their rights, albeit with a mandatory ransom.

"Imitating Women"

Several volunteers (the more the better) are given boxing gloves and asked to wear nylon stockings or leggings. Girls can suggest, support men, but not help. Only if the situation is not resolved in any way, according to the decision of the guests, the weaker sex comes to the rescue.

"Night of pleasure"

The host chooses men (4-7) from among those invited, asks to collect the largest number of kisses in a certain time, the main condition is that kisses should be visible on open areas of the body. On command, the players go around the hall, collect the fruits of the night of comfort. At the end of the time, traces of lipstick are counted. In the end, the favorite of the female half will be determined.

"Perfect Couple"

The guests are divided into pairs. The male half, approach the table where the piles of drinks are located. Purpose: without touching hands to empty the piles. Drank - gives a signal to his soul mate. Seeing the woman's signal, they also deliver a snack - fruits or pickles - with the help of only the mouth. The couple who drank and ate the fastest wins.


All players in the front are tied with a small container of water (better plastic bottle) or empty. Round objects (tennis balls, oranges) are placed in front of everyone. The task is to pass the object as quickly as possible, using only a bottle and score in the goal. Gates can be completely different - from mugs to table legs.

"Size matters"

Several groups are created: one consists of the male half, the other only of the female. On command, the participants begin to get rid of clothes (at their discretion) and spread out in length. Each group has its own line. Accordingly, the team that created the longest line of things wins.

An important place among all kinds of contests and games at the birthday party is occupied by quizzes. Such entertainment contributes not only to fun, but also allows you to wake up long-forgotten facts and songs in your memory. Much depends on the company, as well as the mood in the team. Here the choice is great - from intellectual to very simple, quizzes can be musical or dance, comic and vice versa, very serious. The main thing is to forget about constraint, cast aside doubts and give yourself free rein!

Quizzes for a friendly company

In this section, let's look at quizzes that are suitable for adults, but variations, like questions, can be redone for any age. Oddly enough, but such contests are probably the most universal. After all, at any age we want to look smarter, to some extent even more sedate than we really are. And if you add a little more humor, and maybe even satire, then such an event will be a great success! And if it doesn’t make a splash, then it will definitely lift the mood.

"Intimate talk"

The conditions are incredibly simple. Any number of people can participate, the main even number. And it would not be bad if the number of men corresponded to the number of women. We sit down according to the principle: boy - girl. We prepare in advance equally cut cards from thick paper, in some we write a question, respectively, in others the answer. We mix each pack well and put it in front of the participants. One player raises the phantom and reads the question to a partner, to which he or she takes a card from the answer pile and reads back. And so on from pair to pair. Of course, it all depends on the compiler of the questions and answers. The crazier the questions, the more interesting the answers will be. The main thing is that you need to approach the preparation of the quiz with a twinkle, as well as with a small amount of shamelessness and insolence.

"Bottle of Destiny"

Let's now try to remember how often there were situations when we found ourselves in unfamiliar companies. Of course, in such cases, a certain discomfort is experienced. The following event will help, albeit superficially, to recognize the people at the table. And of course, put yourself in the most favorable light. Go!

To do this, you need an empty bottle and paper forfeits. Each person present describes their best qualities, folding the card with a tube, push it into the bottle. The birthday boy begins to twist who the neck will point to, takes out a phantom, reads and must guess who it is. Remember, the brighter each person describes himself, the more difficult and interesting the search will be.

By analogy, you can slightly modify the competition. For example, we put notes with wishes in a bottle. The hero of the occasion begins to twist, to whom he shows, he must get one phantom with a desire and fulfill it. After execution, he starts to twist, and so on, until the forfeits run out.

"Bouquet of Feelings"

Most likely, this is not even a competition or a game, but a beautiful way of presenting flowers to a birthday girl. An empty basket, vase or something else is placed in front of the hero of the occasion. Guests alternately put one flower, at the rate of: one flower - one compliment. Therefore, the more tenderness in the heart and on the lips, the more the bouquet is collected. The main thing is that in the end the number of colors should be odd. A similar scenario is better suited to the beginning of the celebration. Although what woman does not love flowers and words of tenderness addressed to her.

"Memories Questionnaire"

Here you will need the help of close friends and relatives of the hero of the day. A questionnaire is compiled with the data of the birthday man, where funny facts from life are entered. The host reads questions to the guests, wondering who it could be. For example, who this summer was relaxing in nature and swimming naked? Guessing a consolation prize. Despite its simplicity, this contest is perfect for a lively and fun birthday celebration. Sometimes the facts of bygone days emerge.

15 original contests in video format

As you can see from the article, entertainment for a birthday, and indeed for any holiday, is endless. Remember the main thing - the main criterion for the success of the event is your desire. Positive thoughts are like bricks that will certainly build a beautiful palace in which they will live hand in hand - laughter, love, trust. Ultimately, we are preparing for this, inventing something, thinking. After all, seeing joy in the eyes of loved ones, hearing the laughter of friends is exactly what makes us truly happy.

To organize competitions, you will need cards and boxes where they can be folded. You should buy prizes for participants, balloons and other props. For example, if you are preparing a theatrical performance of a fairy tale (for example, "Turnip"), then you can purchase cardboard masks of heroes. However, props are not required for most contests.

Photo: Wavebreakmedia/

Competitions for an adult company

Adults love to have fun just as much as children, especially when a friendly company has gathered. If new people are present, the initial awkwardness often disappears after a few birthday toasts.

Alcohol contests

Drinking contests come down to this: try not to get too drunk after drinking alcohol. As a rule, the most sober wins.

Competition "Cocktail"

Participants are poured juice into a glass up to a certain mark. It is necessary to drink, and supplement the rest with vodka or other alcoholic beverage. With each subsequent sip, the cocktail turns out to be more and more saturated, and less and less juice remains in it. Participants are eliminated when they say "Stop". The most persistent wins.

Competition "Naughty fingers"

A plate or tray is placed in the center of the table. The participants, sitting at the table, put one finger on the plate. Someone thinks: "One, two, three." On the count of three, the participants must either add a finger or remove it from the plate. The one who remained in the minority (and this is a few people) drinks a glass.

Competition "Roulette"

Glasses are placed on the table according to the number of participants. In all the glasses there is water, and only in one - vodka. On command, all participants drink. Whoever gets the vodka wins.

Competition "I have never..."

The first participant says the phrase: “I have never…”, - adds that he has never done and drinks a glass. For example: "I have never skied." Everyone with a similar situation should drink. Then the next participant says that he never did. And so in a circle. At the same time, you can learn a lot about the guests. The less drunk wins.

Vulgar but interesting contests

"Find clothespins"

Boys and girls are invited to participate in the competition. Guys are blindfolded, and clothespins are attached to girls in a variety of places. The task of the guys is to find all the clothespins on the participants. The one who can do it the fastest wins.

"Leaves on your knees"

Men who are sitting on chairs are placed on their knees with a piece of paper. Women sit on top. Their task is to crumple the sheet in the allotted time (for example, thirty seconds). The one with the most wrinkled paper wins. Looks fun and funny.

Funny contests


For the competition, participants must be divided into pairs: men and women, boy and girl. The host announces that male birds are especially good at mating season. In the allotted time, women should make as many tufts as possible on their men's heads with the help of hair ties. The winner is the pair in which the most "fluffy" man will be.

"Put out the candle"

It is best to invite men to participate in the competition. A thread with cotton wool soaked in water is tied to each belt, so that the cotton wool hangs between the legs, approximately just above the knees. A lighted candle is placed on the floor in front of each man. The task of the players is to extinguish the candle with a wet cotton swab. The competition is fun and funny. What kind of body movements do not make men during it! Do not forget about safety precautions: there must be metal trays or stands under the candles.

Funny intimate contests

"Like - don't like"

Participants of the competition name two parts of the body of a neighbor: one - which they like, the second - which they do not like. For example: "I like the ear of the neighbor on the right, but I don't like the nose." After everyone has called, the host announces that the guests should kiss the part of the neighbor’s body that he likes and bite the part that he doesn’t like. A fun time is guaranteed.

"Kiss the Neighbor"

Guys and girls are called to the center and arranged in a circle. Their task is to give another kiss. The host announces where to kiss: on the cheek, nose, shoulder or ear. Participants in a circle kiss the indicated places to the music. When the music stops, one of the participants, the one who did not have time to kiss, is eliminated. At the end, you can adjust so that two or three guys remain. You are guaranteed a few minutes of laughter.

"Dancing with balls"

Guests are divided into pairs: a man and a woman. Each pair is given a balloon, which the participants must squeeze between themselves. To cheerful incendiary music (for example, rock and roll), couples should dance. The winner is the one whose ball does not fall.

Funny and harmless contests

"Make a Doll"

For this competition you will need balloons of various shapes, adhesive tape and felt-tip pens. Participants are divided into teams. Each of the balls makes a doll in the allotted time. The team that has the most interesting or funny air girl wins.

"Guess who"

This contest will require cardboard animal masks. The participant closes his eyes, put on a mask. He does not see himself, but only looks at others. Everyone needs to guess who he is. At the same time, you can ask leading questions in such a way that the answer to them is “yes” or “no”.

You can not buy masks, but attach cards with inscriptions to the hoop with tape. Point out a variety of heroes to them: the terminator, the postman Pechkin, the Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, Spider-Man, and so on. The one who guesses the most heroes wins.


Balloons are scattered on the floor. Participants must collect them within a certain time. The winner is the one who can hold the most balloons.

"Sausage Contest"

Guests are asked questions, the answer to which will be the words "sausage", "sausage". The main thing is not to smile. Whoever smiles is out. The most serious participant or participants wins. Questions might be:

  1. Why did you fly to New York yesterday?
  2. What is the difference between a boy and a girl?
  3. What will you give your wife for her birthday?
  4. What is the longest thing in the world?
  5. What are you hiding under your pillow?
  6. What do you have in your pocket?
  7. How do you decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year?
  8. What's under your hat?
  9. What are you sitting on?
  10. What's in your pants?

Music competitions

Musical entertainment for a company that loves to sing. If someone is shy, then it is better to agree to perform songs collectively. Singing together creates a warm atmosphere at the celebration and brings people together.

"Sing a song"

Participants are divided into two teams. The host offers to perform a song in which there is a certain word or some phrase. You can prepare cards with words in advance, and then draw them out. Take, for example, the word "love". Songs:

  1. "Love is like a dream..."
  2. "It's love that without money makes you rich..."

For the word "dream":

  1. "The dream comes true and does not come true..."
  2. “A dream flies in the sky, does not see the earth, does not notice ...”.

"Who is bigger?"

The birthday boy invites guests to sing songs on any topic. Let's say "Birthday". One person starts, the others follow. Whoever remembers the most songs wins.

"Songs with a Name"

Guests are divided into two teams. One needs to remember the songs in which the female name sounds. The second is male. The team that names or sings the most songs wins.

Birthday Games

Not only competitions, but also various games will help to have an interesting time. There will be no winners here, but there will be a lot of fun, pleasure and laughter.

Outdoor games

Mobile games will entertain the company. It is interesting not only to act as an active participant, but also to observe others.


It is necessary to prepare comic tasks in advance. The guests take turns pulling out the cards, reading them out loud and doing what was suggested. A participant who has completed the task can draw the next phantom and say who will get it.

Task examples:

  1. Depict how you walk on hot coals barefoot.
  2. Saddle up a chair and jump on it, shouting: “You can’t be late for adventure!”
  3. Make a toast as if you are very drunk.
  4. Select two more participants and with them depict the dance of an African tribe.
  5. Give each person a compliment.
  6. Confess your love to the neighbor on the right.
  7. Depict a chicken laying an egg.
  8. It's sexy to eat a banana.
  9. Describe without words what you like to do the most.
  10. Go out onto the balcony and ask passers-by what date and year it is today.
  11. Depict a cat hunting for a mouse.
  12. Select participants and create from them the sculpture "Peter I on horseback."
  13. Depict a child who was not bought a toy.
  14. Shout from the balcony: “People! I love you!"
  15. Depict five different emotions.
  16. Quickly pronounce the tongue twister: "The fluorographer fluorographed the fluorographer."
  17. Draw a tattoo on the arm of the neighbor on the left with a pen.
  18. Make an author's cocktail for the birthday man.
  19. Write in the air with the fifth dot the name of the birthday man.
  20. Try to bite your elbow.

"Song Performance"

You need to make a song. In this case, you should select a song in advance, prepare necessary props. It turns out to be interesting to show “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”:

  • herringbone - a rim with Christmas trees or green shiny tinsel;
  • blizzard - silver tinsel;
  • frost - Santa Claus hat;
  • bunny - tail or bunny mask;
  • wolf - gray tail or wolf mask;
  • horse - tail or mask of a horse;
  • little man - mustache and hat.

If there are still guests, then they can be children who at the end dance around the Christmas tree. Turn on the song and have fun.


This game is especially fun in drunken company. To the groovy music, the leader shows the movements, and the participants repeat them. The farther - the more difficult the movements, and the music faster. The one who most accurately completed everything becomes the leader.

"Handless Mechanic"

One participant is selected, he will be the armless mechanic. The second guest will be a broken mechanism. The mechanic comes out, and the rest agree on which part of the mechanism is faulty (arm, palm, cheek, shoulder). Then the mechanic is called and told that he must check the mechanism only with the help of lips and nose. When touched, the mechanism reacts. If the mechanic is next to the damaged place, - the second one starts to squeak, if the mechanic has found a breakdown, - the mechanism hums loudly. After that, the mechanic takes the place of the mechanism, and another participant becomes the new mechanic.

Board games

Guests willingly play games without leaving the table. To begin with, you can write a congratulation to the hero of the day or birthday.

"Collective congratulations"

Participants do not need to know what they are writing. The host asks to name funny and interesting adjectives and enters them into the text of congratulations prepared in advance. Then the resulting congratulation is read aloud.

The text could be like this:

“Our __ birthday boy! On this __ and __ day, our __ company at the __ table wishes you a happy __ birthday! We wish you __ smiles, __ friends, __ meetings, __ and __ life, as well as the fulfillment of __ desires. Today __ songs and __ congratulations will sound in honor of you.

Your most __ and __ guests at the table.

Game "Questions and answers"

Prepare cards with questions and answers in advance. Put the questions in one box and the answers in the other. The first participant says who wants to ask a question and draws a card. The second pulls the answer and reads it aloud. Then this participant asks a question.

Sample questions:

  1. Do you have erotic dreams?
  2. Have you ever slept on a palm tree?
  3. Do you throw eggs at passers-by from the window?
  4. Did you wake up in a sobering-up station?
  5. Do you like to perform striptease?
  6. Have you ever waxed intimate areas?
  7. Do you dream of cutting your head?
  8. How often do you confess your love to your soulmate?
  9. Do you admire yourself in the mirror?
  10. Do you pick your nose?
  11. Do you sing in the shower?
  12. Does it happen that you do not come home to sleep?
  13. Do you like to dance in the moonlight?
  14. Do you visit a nude beach?
  15. Do you have a habit of kissing everyone on holidays?

Answer examples:

  1. This is the most favorite thing in my life!
  2. Unless no one sees.
  3. I do it all the time!
  4. Yes! After all, I have no complexes!
  5. How did you know about it?
  6. In the light - not especially, but in the dark - with pleasure!
  7. Only together with you!
  8. Fridays are sacred to me!
  9. This is my main talent!
  10. Only if my friends ask me to.
  11. If they offer me money for it, then why not?
  12. Don't embarrass me!
  13. Yes! Especially when I'm bored.
  14. No, I'm too well educated for that.
  15. Yes! At every opportunity!

Prizes and gifts for guests

As prizes, you can prepare useful little things: key rings, notepads, pens. Funny surprises are also suitable: a set of erotic playing cards, socks in a jar, a funny fridge magnet, commemorative cardboard medals “To the Funniest”, “To the Most Active” and others. You can also give sweets: chocolate bars, sweets in boxes, lollipops, which are different unusual shapes and sizes. It does not matter if the prize is purely symbolic. The main thing is to pay attention to guests and have a good time with the whole company.

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