How to use your introversion to advance your career. Career ladder - what mistakes should be wary of? How to quickly grow up the career ladder


Thinking outside the box is a very valuable quality that helps to find the unexpected and effective solution where others break their heads. To develop non-standard thinking in yourself, wean yourself to think stereotypically and stereotyped, try to look at the tasks assigned to you from a different angle. Drop the boundaries and rules and turn the problem you need to solve on its head. Non-standard thinking is also associated with changes in the ordinary and familiar. Therefore, try to change the environment, environment, habits and way of thinking.

Responsibility, initiative and independence are the qualities that contribute to the rapid development of a career. When a few or a large number of people work on a project, most often they lose interest and initiative. If no one takes responsibility, take matters into your own hands. Moreover, a project for one person has more chances of success. What is not a reason to prove yourself in desired quality?

The desire to learn helps to move forward, does not allow you to get stuck on the knurled rut of a monotonous routine. Usually, when a person has occupied a certain niche and gained a foothold in it, he loses the desire to learn something new and improve. Laziness does not allow to develop further. Therefore, do not lose motivation, be positive and always ready for the new and the unknown. A person who is constantly learning and has a broad outlook has a great chance of success.

Attention to detail and a tendency to understand all the nuances of work (meticulousness) is a sign of a true professional. Your opinion will be recognized as authoritative even by the most inveterate debaters. A professional in any field is a person who is valued and respected, who is considered.

Willingness to help - a quality that will help you yourself when you need someone else's help. After all, what we give to others, according to the "boomerang law" returns to us. Of course, you should not become a trouble-free person who helps because he does not know how to say "no" and tries to serve everyone. Such people are usually simply used by others for their own purposes.

Humility attracts people, arrogance repels. If you are a professional in your field and at the same time have modesty, you will certainly be appreciated. However, you need to know the measure in everything. One thing is modesty combined with a sense of dignity and self-confidence, another is excessive meekness, which can play a cruel joke on you. It is important to find the right balance.

A sober mind and the ability to find practical solutions at the right time is a very useful quality that most successful people. Many people do not know how to manage emotions, and therefore often make rash decisions, which they later regret. You must become a person who knows how to make the right, informed decisions.

We greet you!

Many believe that a professional rise is available either to unique people who literally shine with genius in their work, or to people who are ready for low deeds in order to be promoted. Fortunately, this is far from the case.

In order to raise your status in the office of the authorities, there is no need to be seven pounds in the forehead, and even more so, you should not step over self-esteem.

“The main thing is desire” - this statement has been heard by everyone. This is the same principle that must be followed. And how and where this desire should be directed, we will discuss below.

Section "how to climb career ladder” involves several points, each of which must be carefully read. Naturally, no one canceled the practical part.

1. Set this goal from the very beginning

When applying for a job in a prestigious organization, you must first make sure that it is possible to career. Otherwise, you should look for a more prestigious company. You don’t want to sit in the same place for years, and with the same salary?

If a career is a satellite wages then you need to behave appropriately. And do it right from the interview itself. When you first meet with the authorities, you must put your candidacy correctly.

No way to earn money will give you the money you want until you solve the most important task for their receipt! And this will help you

There is no need to build yourself the person that the company has been looking for for so long, and even more so, there is no need to make cosmic promises. Just let your boss know that you combine self-confidence, purposefulness and conscientiousness.

When hiring you, management must be aware that you will not sit in one place for long, and that your priority is continuous self-improvement.

2. You are silent - the other says

The new position will not get for modesty. It is achieved only by those who are in constant motion. If you just do what is required of you, do not take the initiative, and, moreover, do the work for others, then you can forget about the promotion.

Permanent ideas and their proposal to management - here The best way how to quickly climb the career ladder. Feel free to voice your opinion at meetings. Be prepared to work hard and be productive. Otherwise, the laurels will go to a more efficient colleague.

By the way, there is no need to talk about other things than work. This is especially true for personal life.

3. There are many words, even more deeds

As mentioned before, don't promise what you can't deliver. All proposals of ideas must have a basis. Underline your words with actions.

4. Continuous improvement of skills

A diploma of higher (or secondary) education is just a work pass. And secondary courses for raising qualifications will allow you to stay on it. Progress does not stand still. Programs are changing. And you have to keep up with the times. Management will be delighted.

A prestigious organization, as a rule, suits free courses for staff. And each of them should be visited by you. But you should not be limited to this. The city where you live has other courses and workshops to improve your skills.

Also, do not forget about books, reading of which should become one of your favorite activities. Literature is the main material from which the intellect of a successful person is built.

5. Active positive life position

Generating new ideas, actively attending a meeting, and having many certificates of completion of special courses will not give you an advantage over your colleagues if you are applying for a promotion with a frown on your face.

You must illuminate the employees of your department with the light from the very entrance to the premises. Your energy and cheerfulness should cause admiration and imitation of colleagues.

Go in for sports. This will allow you to always be in good shape. Moreover, the workflow will become easier, you will begin to better cope with the tasks. There will be a lot of free time that can be spent on generating new ideas.

Watch your diet. Do not eat junk food such as smoked meats and confectionery. Eliminate fatty foods from daily consumption. Thus, your figure will become slim, and your mood is always positive.

Whom will the bosses choose during the next promotion procedure? The choice is obvious.

6. Leading position in the team

Another effective way how to climb up the corporate ladder is leadership. Naturally, this means respect in the team. The authorities will never put a person on promotion who does not arouse sympathy among his colleagues.

You must become, if not the soul of the team (this concept usually implies a joker), then its backbone. By "collective," leadership should mean not a group of people, in which you are, but the society behind you.

In order to become a “gray cardinal” in your department, you don’t need to “go along” with your superiors and report on your colleagues. The effect will be completely different. It is necessary to study each employee of your company, to gain his trust. Then you will take a very strong position in the team.

See also All of us in one way or another are faced with isolation inside. And often this becomes a real barrier to achieving the desired goal. However, do not build low self-esteem in the framework of fatality. This is not a sentence, but just a temporary phenomenon, if, of course, worthy efforts are made to eliminate it.

7. Personal life

Stories about how great you were at a nightclub yesterday, and how you met the dawn on the hood of a car in an embrace with a gorgeous blonde, will not betray your significance in the department. You will be good company on the weekend, but the serious business that arises at work will not be trusted.

The ideal employee should be good at everything. If a person has order in the house, if he has a strong friendly family, then it is not scary to entrust such a person with the leadership of an entire department.

If an employee constantly hangs out at entertainment venues, all shifts on duty at the police station know him, and at the same time he applies for a promotion, he will inevitably be refused.

It also does not hurt to establish a warm relationship with management. This will be another plus that positively affects your candidacy.

Follow the above tips on how to climb the career ladder, and you will definitely achieve your goal!

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Some workers are called the word with the letter "l". And it's not a "leader" at all. They get into the ranks of losers for various reasons. The most obvious ones will not be discussed. You yourself understand that the salary is usually given not for viewing catposts. This article will not turn your life around 180 degrees, but it will give you something to think about. And you are waiting for portions of the bitter truth and wonderful illustrations.

website offers to discuss the mistakes that trip us up on the way to the top of the career ladder.

1. Life is dedicated to something other than your own.

Choosing a profession is an assessment of the probability of a set of events. A simple human “like” must somehow be combined with potential benefits. We usually start professional path with minimal experience. Everything is so difficult to foresee that sometimes the "oh, everything!" mode is activated. and the decision is taken at random.

Someone is unlucky: links fall out of the chain of "income - prestige - satisfaction". What to do? Before it's too late, throw everything to hell, leave the worst moments of your working biography in the past, and hobbies and talents bring to the fore. Learning a new business is hard. But smarter deal with the transition than to mentally quarter colleagues and superiors until retirement.

2. Belief in stereotypes

“This position is not for women”, “Find a normal male job”, “Do something serious”, “You can’t jump above your head”, “Without connections - nowhere” ... Such stereotypes ruin a career in the bud.

How to proceed? Move towards the goal, ignoring the lamentations. Self-confidence is the key to success. And vice versa. However, sometimes there are caveats to consider. For example, if you decide to become an advanced poacher or build a unicorn farm.

3. Wasted sacrifices

There are different ways to infringe on your interests:

  • Family sacrificial. For example, giving up important courses for the sake of buying expensive gadgets for a child. Or the intention to quit in order to look after the second cousin Klava, while the rest of the relatives share her “odnushka” in the village of Dalnekukuevo and save on the services of a nurse.
  • Worker sympathizers. Recall situations when you wanted to get a raise in salary, but "the company is going through difficult times", and the owner "was seriously ill." You have to step in and wait. Once again.

The conclusion is laconic: it is impossible to live like this. What then is possible?

  1. Think about the consequences of your sacrifices. Ask yourself the question: “Who will I be in 5 years?”
  2. Consider alternative solutions to the problem.
  3. Recall the meaning of the concept labor Relations and soberly assess the facts. Most likely, it turns out that escalating the situation is a manipulative move by the authorities. And the “seriously ill” owner of the company simply cost a lot to travel to Thailand, from where he brought food poisoning.

4. Finding a point of reference for moving forward

There are a number of objective reasons to postpone radical changes until the most appropriate moment. For example, it is not very reasonable to discuss a salary increase at 9 am after corporate party. But justifying inaction by Saturn being in the sign of Aries is a losing strategy.

There was a desire to delay decisive action? Be honest with yourself. Find out if everything comes down to banal timidity.

5. Expecting co-workers to get better someday

Do your colleagues seem to behave inappropriately? Do not rely on their repentance, but start acting:

  • People can't read minds. Maybe someone awarded you the title of "Inadequate of the Year." So, it's time to direct the dialogue in a constructive direction.
  • Where are the furrows on your shoulders? Yes, this is a trace from the load of other people's duties. Previously, you were afraid to drop it, so as not to disturb your colleagues with a roar. Change behavior. Rudeness and protection of personal boundaries are different concepts.

6. Senior student in kindergarten

Economists, of course, argue that labor productivity is growing faster than wages. However, too much difference between professional level and income is frustrating. Should be upsetting.

In an ideal world, a person, having pumped his skills to the limit, moves on. Option one: he takes a higher position and increases his income. The second option involves looking for a new job. If a person has outgrown the position, but remains without encouragement, the career is in danger of decline.

7. Expired Knowledge

Man needs to adapt to new trends and means of production. In any field. Even when it comes to baking cakes. You can offer the sweet tooth the classic "Napoleon" for years, but more high income will receive a confectioner who is responsive to consumer requests. And the consumer is impressed by macaroons, mousse cake and intricate cupcakes.

There will be no links to research here. Name any profession and think about how the requirements for employees have changed over the past 15 years. Over this time any diploma "turns sour" without fueling knowledge. The acquired specialty is only the basis, which must constantly acquire new skills.

8. Together is not so scary

Do not confuse team spirit unwilling to take responsibility. Once in a lifetime, to succumb to the hype and buy a bag of buckwheat for a promotion is an excusable weakness. To be like colleagues who kick reproductive organs at work is a crime against a career.

Many people are hesitant to make major changes without a sense of community and intelligence from the pioneers. They must be prepared to be disappointed. Scientists warn: the higher the probability of losing, the more often applicants show cynicism. It is unlikely that colleagues on a narrow career ladder will say: “Oh, you have a family, a mortgage and just a kind face. Come forward."

9. Fear of leaving a warm swamp

Work can turn into hell gradually. At first, small nitpicks, savings on salaries, and strange innovations are alarming. Leaving unattended alarm bells, employees get a new round of disgrace. The hope that these are temporary difficulties has been exhausted. That's just faith in their own strength is no longer there. Changes for the better will be postponed until the next life.

Familiar situation? If months pass, and everything is still bad at work, this is stability. The truth is not the one to be appreciated. Hurry up to get out of the swamp until the authorities reproached for free water in the cooler.

How to make a career? To do this, you just need to decide and follow your decision. The advice of the old carpet rat will help you. Career growth, promotion, how to achieve it - a short, clear instruction. (10+)

Making a career - instructions. How to get promoted. Job growth

Do you need a career?

Do you really want to make a career? Why do you want to take a higher position, position? What will give you promotion on the career ladder, job hierarchy?

Your answers to these questions are very important. Making a career is quite simple in the sense that it does not require any special talents, special character traits, or any special initial data. It is very difficult to make a career because you will have to devote your whole life to this, subordinating everything else to this goal.

Why do you need promotion? You can earn a fortune in other ways. This is a separate article "How to make a fortune?". Self-realization is also possible in another field. Do you really need a career?

However, before making a final decision on whether you will climb the corporate ladder, carefully weigh the pros and cons. Once you have made a decision, follow it. Otherwise, it will be a pity for the forces spent on unfinished business. Make a career all the time, every working day. You should not make a career for two days, then score for a week, then remember again and take up a career. From such actions there will be no use, only wasted efforts.

Career Rules

Here are a few rules of a successful careerist, which I myself actively used with invariably excellent results, and which my clients use with success. There is nothing special about these rules, but they must be followed in order to be promoted.

Make a career plan and follow it

The only way to do big project(and a career is a big long project) - compose detailed plan with small steps and execute it. We will draw up a career plan with goals and deadlines. We will strive to fulfill it. What to do if your career plan does not match the plans of the employer, read below.

Catch the fish where it's at

Choosing the right job is the most important step in a career.

There are many companies that corporate culture not career-friendly. All places are occupied, all the chiefs of all levels hold on to their seats, they are afraid of the new, of any development. Stability is elevated to the main value. Such companies often function quite normally, pay a decent salary, but they will not suit you. If your goal is a career, immediately and without regret look for another job. There is no place for a careerist.

By the way, when I write "look for another job," this means that you are given two months to move, and not two years to slowly walk through interviews. In a career, as in many other things, it is very important to learn how to achieve your goals on time.

Another option is that the company is developing dynamically, but categorically underestimates its personnel. All leadership positions attract people from the outside. Their employees almost never get promoted. In such a company, you can work for experience, it’s good to come to a leadership position from the outside, work there, do a project, go for promotion to another company. Decide for yourself why and how long you will work in such a company. Work exactly as much as you decide, and not a day more.

There are many companies and organizations where career ambitions of employees are welcomed and encouraged. Go to work there, you can quickly make a career there.

Build a network of contacts

The work of an operator is bad for starting a career, not only because it is very difficult to show oneself in it, but it is easy to ruin one's reputation, but also because it does not at all contribute to the development of a network of contacts. This kind of work is not for us.

We need a job that does not interfere, and even better, directly requires building a network of contacts, getting to know people, discussing professional topics. The development of a network of professional contacts is facilitated by participation in professional communities, conferences, seminars, infrastructure and commercial projects that involve many people. How many phone numbers of colleagues do you have in your notebook with whom you can discuss professional issues? Must have been over 150 to start with.

Be a public person in your professional community, come up with initiatives, proposals, participate in the training of young professionals. Build a reputation for yourself with as many people as possible as a person who solves rather than creates problems. Then you will be constantly offered to participate in various projects and interesting positions. By the way, the training of young professionals is a great way to develop a network of contacts. After all, these specialists will not always be young, some of them will take key positions in a couple of years, and you will be a guru in their eyes. You will definitely be called if a serious project appears. And the rest who don't advance will be yours personnel reserve. You, coming to good project, you will be able to attract your best students who have not yet managed to advance enough and are waiting for their chance.

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