A specialist of a certain profile is needed. How to create and use a typical job profile. You might be interested to know

How to draw a portrait of a successful employee, visualize and "embody" in reality? Why do you need to make a profile at all, what it will help, what three groups it is better to divide competencies into, she told the portalPolina Akulova, Director of Human Resources, CorpusGroup.

- Polina, where to start drawing up a portrait of a successful employee?

To begin with, it is worth understanding what meaning we put in the concept of "successful". In our understanding, this is the employee who achieves success in fulfilling the goals and tasks set by the company for him personally and for his department. This is an effective employee who achieves results with the lowest energy and material costs.

Also, each person has personal characteristics and values, laid down by upbringing or acquired in the process of life. Values ​​are part of a person's worldview and rarely change throughout life. Therefore, it is important that they aligned with the company's values. It will be difficult for an employee to effectively cope with his duties if what he is entrusted with is contrary to his beliefs. If the company has defined core values, then they should be reflected in the portrait of a successful employee in the first place.

- What information should the profile of a successful employee contain?

The profile of a successful employee should contain approved competencies for each of the four blocks: corporate competencies, managerial competencies, professional competencies, values. Corporate competencies reflect the ability of an employee to correlate his interests with the interests of the organization, his performance; managerial competencies are the leadership potential of an employee; professional competencies are his knowledge, skills and abilities acquired during studies and subsequent professional experience; values ​​- life priorities, principles and moral principles.

The specific content of competencies depends on the position and department in which the employee works. The more complete and competent the profile is, the more non-target candidates can be identified at the initial stage.

- How to determine which qualities are paramount in the selection, and which are not?

In order to highlight the qualities that are paramount for an employee, it is necessary to determine by what rules the company lives now, how it will develop in the near future, what its future strategic plans will be. Analyze which competencies are most significant for successful work in each department, based on business processes and functionality, taking into account the company's development prospects and strategy. The identified competencies must be ranked taking into account the corporate culture. In the job profile for candidates for our company, we divide competencies into 3 groups: "useful", "important", "necessary". Based on them, we determine the ideal candidate profile that suits us. Of course, ideal candidates do not exist, which is why we share competencies in order of importance. The "necessary" group includes the core competencies, without which the candidate will not be able to work in this position.

This is followed by the “important” group, which includes skills that, if necessary, can be acquired or developed in the course of work. You should analyze the main characteristics of candidates in the market, given that each industry has its own characteristics in terms of applicants, and compare the results with the needs of the company. Take, for example, the profile of a commercial director: we understand that knowledge of sales techniques is a must for this position. But the lack of skill in working with documents is a minus for the candidate, but we can teach this in the company.

We also highlight the "useful" group, which includes competencies that are not mandatory, but add a bonus to the employee when hiring. For a salesperson, tendering is a useful skill, a specific skill that not everyone has.

- Is the profile of a successful candidate compiled on the basis of an assessment of already working employees of the company?

Of course, it is easier to create an ideal competency profile when there is already an example of an effective employee. If the position already exists, but there is no profile, we start with an assessment of current employees. The first competency profiles that we developed and approved in 2011 were created in this way: first, we assessed our employees, understood which competencies are most important to us, and based on them created job profiles.

If there has not been a similar position before, we visualize your profile this employee and fill it with the competencies that he should have: for specialists, professional competencies are more important, and for managers - managerial qualities, leadership potential.

Our company has a practice of annual assessment of employees holding key positions: directors, deputy directors, managers. The assessment takes place in the format of an assessment center based on competency indicators, in accordance with the approved job profiles.

- Are you trying to make the profile more complete or more realistic?

We aim to make the profile more flexible and realistic. In addition to the competencies that an employee needs for employment, the profile includes competencies that the employee must then acquire in the company. We are running an assessment center for these two blocks.

It is important to distinguish between the application for selection and the profile of competence, these are not identical documents. The application for selection is based on the position profile, and in the competency profile we see an extended list of required qualities. For example, a competency profile includes a range of knowledge and skills: knowledge of sales techniques, participation in tenders, basics of economics. They can be combined into one competence - professionalism. The more accurately the recruitment request matches the profile, the easier it is for the recruiter to satisfy the desires of the manager. The job profile is needed to make the list of requirements as objective as possible.. Let me give you a very general example. For example, in the application for selection it may be indicated: "a girl of model appearance is required", then we open the position profile, which says: "gender - does not matter", "age - from 27 years to 45 years", "total work experience from 5 years old", there is no appearance in the list of criteria ...

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Before starting the search for candidates, it was necessary to draw up a “Candidate Profile” - a list of competencies that a future employee must meet. For ease of use in work, I recommend using a table with a list of knowledge, skills, personal qualities, motives, characteristics of experience, potential, and evaluate all this on a 5-point scale during the interview.

I have seen many different options for compiling a “candidate profile”, but the one below is the most convenient and understandable to use. It is possible to create a very cumbersome document detailing the candidate's profile, but as a rule, such documents become dead weight and are not used for work. Those. everything is beautifully written and designed, but not for practical use.

We consider the compilation of a candidate profile as an effective tool to evaluate and select the most suitable employees to achieve the goals and objectives of the company.

So, to draw up a Candidate Profile, you need to answer 3 questions:

  1. What should an employee know?
  2. What should an employee be able to do?
  3. What personal qualities have?

The rest of the items are optional.

Job Candidate Competency Profile

"Account Manager"


  • Knowledge (1-6)
  • Skills and skills (7-13)
  • Personal qualities (14-22)
  • Incentives for work (23-24)
  • Experience (24-25)
  • Potential (26-28)


(from 0 to 5 points)

Knowledge of cash handling procedures

Knowledge of the 1C program

Knowledge of sales techniques (including by phone)

Knowledge of sales techniques services (cross-selling)

Knowledge of business correspondence

Knowledge of business etiquette

Ability to quickly analyze information

Ability to work on a PC (office software package)

Ability to deal with conflict situations

Ability to multitask

Ability to work in a rapidly changing environment

Presentation Skills

Sales Skills

Desire to meet customer needs

Energy, high energy resource

Physical Endurance

Absence bad habits(smoking, alcohol)

stress tolerance

Positive thinking, optimism

Presentable appearance

A responsibility

Competent speech, no speech defects

Key needs (physical convenience, mental convenience, image, security, self-improvement, money)

Level of achievement motivation

1 year experience in sales

Experience as a service administrator

Learning, desire to learn new things

Desire to learn new skills

Alignment of personal values ​​with company values

Willingness to change, integrate into the corporate culture

Total average score:

What is included in the position profile, what is the scope of its application, who develops and implements the position profile - about this in the materials of the article.

From the article you will learn:

What and why is included in the job profile

The position profile is considered one of the standards and fundamental tools of the entire HR system. The document describes in detail the position itself, forms biographical requirements, the main aspects of the corporate culture, determines the functionality of the specialist and key competencies that will be required for the successful performance of the assigned functions in a particular profession. All this is called a job profile.

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Descriptive characteristics of the job profile include:

  • title;
  • determination of the intended purpose of the position;
  • name indication structural unit or department;
  • details of the head;
  • the entire list of subordinates, if the corresponding work specifics includes subordinates.

Biographical requirements in the position profile fix:

  • requirements for age, gender of a specialist;
  • work experience and education requirements.

Corporate values ​​must be included in the position profile if the company has developed corporate culture.
In order for a candidate for a position to quickly pass the adaptation period and fit into the team, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the individual, the level of competence. For example, when working with clients, it is quite difficult to do without communicative competence, customer orientation, the ability to build long-term relationships and conclude profitable contracts.

The director's job profile includes:

  1. the ability to set goals and objectives;
  2. distribute functional responsibilities among subordinates;
  3. ensure monitoring and performance evaluation;
  4. the ability to prioritize;
  5. other skills necessary for successful leadership, taking into account the specifics of the company.

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What results should a specialist show, taking into account the profile of the position

It is necessary to look and analyze what results were produced by those who previously worked in the company in a position that became vacant. If this position is not the only one, it is worth analyzing the indicators in similar positions. As a result, all results are divided into three groups: best, average and worst. This will help you understand what results expect from a beginner and what his work is considered good, and what is mediocre.

When compiling a document, it is not recommended to build on the results of personnel assessment. Quite rarely, companies develop such evaluation systems that allow for an objective and comprehensive assessment of employees. Therefore, paradoxically, the best employees often get low scores on the basis of the assessment, and vice versa, inefficient employees go through this procedure more successfully. In addition, evaluations are sometimes carried out for specific purposes. Let's say to reveal . The results of this assessment cannot be used.

The following is a description of the functional responsibilities and actions that the employee will perform. Pay special attention to those moments of activity that have the greatest impact on the result. Worth considering different situations, and determine what the employee should do in each of these situations. Based on this, it is easy to understand which competencies and qualities most important for the candidate, and what to include in the profile of the positions of a manager, supervisor, and other specialists.

At the next stage, reference behavioral indicators of the future employee are determined. They take as a basis each duty from those that will face a new employee and fix what kind of behavior and attitude to business the employee should demonstrate when performing this duty. These are behavioral indicators - manifestations of certain qualities. make up for employees of each of the three groups - for those who show the best results, average and worst.

How is the job profile done?

Compilation of the profile of the position held is carried out taking into account the specifics of the company. Corporate values, culture and ethics are taken into account. AT include key responsibilities specialists.

When compiling a job profile, it should be borne in mind that the completed model is designed to solve the problem of standardization. The profile includes the intended purpose of the position, the functionality of direct official duties, .

Each specialty must be formalized and fixed as an appropriate standard. This allows you to solve several problems at once. It frees the HR specialist to reinvent the wheel when selecting candidates for a position and helps to determine during the selection which candidates are really suitable for a vacant position. If the selection was entrusted to a recruiting agency, it is enough to present the profile of the position in a certain specialty, so that it is easier for recruiters to understand what requirements to put forward to the candidates.

Job Profile Example

After discussing with the commercial director the goals and functionality of the marketer in the company, the HR director drew up a description

The job description included the following:

  • is marketing plan(for a period of one month to a year) to plan their activities;
  • approves the plan with the head of the company;
  • enters information into specialized databases and promptly communicates it to respondents;
  • organizes events to position the company and its products on the market, as well as promotions to attract attention potential clients;
  • initiates publications about the company in specialized media and social networks;
  • organizes presentations of experts at conferences and exhibitions;
  • ensures the participation of the company in exhibitions;
  • controls the content of the company's websites, is responsible for filling them with information that can attract the attention of potential customers;
  • prepares presentation materials, develops the design of souvenir products, ensures its production.

How to implement a job profile

The job profile for the work of the HR department plays such an important role. Without a template, it is quite difficult to make appropriate requirements for candidates and conduct a quality selection. And this leads to the fact that the adaptation process is delayed, the staff turnover increases significantly. And the organization is forced to spend additional material resources on re-selection.

When compiling a job profile and implementing the template in action, it is necessary to obtain the approval of the immediate supervisor and director of the company. Participation of top, line, middle management is key factors successful work.

The introduction of profiles for all specialties will create a transparent picture of who is responsible for what in the company, what competencies each specialist needs. It should be borne in mind that at the legislative level, organizations are not required to create and implement position profiles. Such work is carried out on a voluntary basis, if the management of the organization systematically approaches all management processes and plans to solve at no additional cost.

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"Position profile" has firmly entered the terminology used by HR specialists in personnel management. However, many of them have their own view on the issue of personnel evaluation. Should this tool be independent in the overall structure of all HR processes or is it able to do more to form a unified management system by human resourses, becoming the basis for their unification? What information should the job profile contain in order to be a practical tool? How the use of job profiling can affect the structuring of all management processes personnel and increase their efficiency?

Position profile as the basis of the HR system

Today, it is clear to many HR professionals that evaluation is at the center of the personnel management system.

It is present in any HR process, be it recruiting, adaptation, certification, assessment, training, development, motivation.

Judge for yourself: to find people, you need to evaluate the position and candidates; in order to evaluate the working staff, evaluation standards are needed, and in order to motivate, it is necessary to evaluate the working conditions of the staff, their needs, and the company's capabilities for the formation of motivational programs.

The search for a cementing foundation for the HR system led us to choose a foundation that is based on assessment, and its central element is the job profile.

Let's start with the fact that before the appearance of personnel in any enterprise, its goals and objectives are determined, an organizational and functional structure is built, budgets are formed, methods and ways of organizing work are selected.

And only then do job announcements appear on the Internet and applicants for open positions, employees come and work, designed to realize the goals set and perform their tasks every day.

Professionals come to perform functional duties for a specific position. The staff unit itself appears based on the goals of the enterprise, its tasks, and the specifics of the field of activity.

Thus, in order to turn the HR system into a well-functioning mechanism, it is necessary not only to organize business processes, but also to evaluate each position involved in it.

Let's look at specific examples of how the position profile is related to all functional areas of the HR system.

Job profile and recruiting

How often do you and I hear talk about the fact that everyone makes mistakes, especially when recruiting staff for open vacancies.

We will not analyze in detail the causes of errors, since this topic is worthy of a separate article.

But one of the main mistakes is not only and not so much the lack of “flair”, or sixth sense, among recruiting managers. When selecting employees, of course, one should not detract from the value of intuition. But having the ability to foresee or see something in a candidate in time is not enough for the right choice.

It is necessary to understand the position, its functionality, the conditions in which it is implemented, the awareness of the standards that candidates must meet, and to what extent this compliance is required, because there are no ideal candidates. Requires a large enough additional information, which a recruiter must own before they are ready to post a job posting online or in print media.

Where to get this information? As a rule, it is in the application for recruitment. But is it always there and what is the quality of this information?

It's no secret how this application is made. The head writes his wishes, then the process of clarifying these wishes begins, attempts to find a middle ground in the requirements. The leader definitely needs new employee, but he, as is usually the case, either does not have a clear portrait of this candidate, or he still thinks what duties he will have to perform, or the sacramental phrase sounds: “Look, you already know what kind of people our company needs, I will send duties” . Following that on email The recruiter, after several reminders, receives a letter with a very lengthy list of responsibilities.

Next comes a string of candidates who do not match the portrait for various reasons: not enough/too much knowledge, strange/weak/too strong character, will not be able to perform our functionality, which is not yet spelled out, but is expected ... Now imagine a picture that candidates are being interviewed, in addition to employees of the HR department, not one, but two managers. I think you know the result: “Looking further!”

Personally, I have repeatedly seen the tears of recruiters, when once again a far from the weakest candidate was refused for not the most objective justifications. Or, even worse, after 3 months of searching, the manager who made the application suddenly announced that he had decided to appoint an internal candidate for the position or was withdrawing the application altogether until he figured out what functionality the new specialist needed to perform. I would like to note that in this case, recruitment managers lose their nerves also because their salary may depend on the quantity / quality / timing of completed applications. And three months of searching will not affect the state of the employee's wallet in any way.

However, it is worth recognizing that HR specialists themselves create such a situation, without forming job profiles, in the creation of which it is necessary to involve divisional managers and on the basis of which an application should be drawn up and candidates should be searched and evaluated.

The second side of the problem of inefficient recruitment is recruiters.

Often, having received an application, many begin to select candidates on formal grounds, to look for compliance in the resume with the requirements indicated in the application. When searching, recruitment managers are not always equipped with evaluation tools, they cannot identify at least part of the professional competencies of candidates. As a result - the refusals of the position-customer managers from the candidates whom the recruiters classified as "successful". And this ultimately leads to a decrease in the professional status of the internal recruitment service as a whole, to accusations of the incompetence of its employees. In our practice, there was a case when one of the tasks of the new HR director was to change the internal status of the HR department: from the image of an incompetent service that was not able to solve the problem of searching the right people, to the status of a professional business participant, able to search, find and develop the company's personnel. The reason for the downgrade was common mistakes in the selection of candidates that arise due to the lack of an integrated personnel assessment system at the enterprise. In order to solve the problem assigned to the HR director, the first thing to do was to change the company's existing personnel search and evaluation system, the quality of which caused the most complaints from the company's managers. After the introduction of a number of changes, the HR director completed the task, but the very solution of the issue required a radical revision of the entire recruitment system, from position profiling and the formation of a business process for searching and evaluating candidates to training HR managers and heads of departments to work according to the new rules.

Returning to our topic, we note that the recruiting manager must have a large amount of information not only about the vacancy, but also about the position itself, its functionality, profile competencies necessary for high-quality work, and criteria for assessing employee performance.

He will be able to get this information in the position profile, which is necessary in recruitment, because:

  1. it contains detailed description positions;
  2. it is a position standard agreed upon at all levels of managers related to this position;
  3. when professional approach for job profiling, it includes not only reference requirements, but also an assessment tool adopted and agreed with the participants in the Recruitment business process.

Having received a profile, the recruiter understands who, where, under what conditions, with what level of professional knowledge and skills, with what psychological and personal characteristics one should look for.

It remains to clarify some details regarding the internal situation in the unit, the features associated with the problem of compatibility of the new employee with the immediate supervisor and future colleagues.

Position profile and staff adaptation

We will not delve into the issues of adaptation and its implementation in various conditions. Our task is to see and understand how the position profile is related to the adaptation of a new employee. And it turns out that he is most directly related to the induction of a newcomer.

Judge for yourself: after all, it is in the profile that we reflect the place of the position in the overall functional and organizational system of the enterprise. And this means that the HR manager who implements the adaptation process immediately becomes clear who exactly, to what extent and with what tasks, in addition to the hero of the occasion - the new employee, is involved in this process.

It is the profile that contains a clear and intelligible description of the functionality, and therefore it becomes clear to which functions the employee should be adapted.

And, finally, a profile containing parameters for evaluating the effectiveness of an employee's work allows you to initially correctly set tasks for a beginner and prepare him for work after probationary period, immediately adapting the employee to the personnel performance evaluation system adopted at the enterprise.

As a result, here we come to the conclusion that the position profile is an objective source of information about how, in what and for what conditions we need to adapt new employees.

Job profile and staff assessment

Perhaps it is the assessment of personnel as an HR process that has recently become the most developing area.

The time has come not only to hire personnel, but also, firstly, to form a system for evaluating candidates, and secondly, to evaluate the personnel already working at the enterprise. All this is done for one main goal - to increase the efficiency of companies as a whole. By forming an assessment system, and not using it occasionally, enterprises reduce the risks of hiring employees who do not meet the requirements of the position and the company, and also allow for the correct rotation of personnel, develop and create personnel reserve, build a system of training for specific skills and abilities, based on the real needs of employees.

But the more we talk about personnel evaluation, the more we are all puzzled by the issue of increasing its objectivity and the reliability of the results obtained.

The time for the widespread use of assessment methods popular in the West is already passing. Increasingly, HR professionals are looking for methods adapted to our mentality and specifics. Russian production and business.

Here, too, the position profile is the main building block for us in the assessment system that is being built and implemented.

Turning to it, we can get information about the requirements for a personal profile, which either allows a specialist to cope with his tasks, or is a limitation that is difficult to step over, because it is impossible to change our personal characteristics and properties of the cognitive sphere in a month or a year. . They are complex internal structures that have evolved throughout our lives. And in this case, the profile allows us to see those key requirements for our abilities, properties and qualities that should be expressed in employees to a specific extent and degree. And this means that there is an internal standard, according to which we make decisions regarding the readiness of our employees to perform this or that work at their workplace.

It is the position profile that contains models of professional competencies that our staff should have, and, most importantly, the profile allows us to see the permissible deviations from the reference requirements for the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of employees, since the competency model contains a scale of their severity.

Thanks to the complex profile of the position, the manager who forms a specific assessment procedure selects methods that correspond to the competencies enshrined in the profile and evaluates each method in terms of its accuracy, necessity and sufficiency. And this increases the objectivity of the assessment at times. The time is not far off when managers who form a package of assessment methods will stop trusting cases, exercises and other methods placed in sections from the “Sharing my experience” category and which are not full-fledged assessment methods. And first of all, this will happen and is already happening because, having applied such advice in their own company, not only one, but a fairly large number of HR specialists are faced with a low level of objectivity of the results obtained, and in some cases with the resulting negative perception of the evaluation results by its participants.

The profile does not allow us to experiment, but creates an exact program of actions aimed at obtaining results of a high degree of reliability, and imposes certain requirements on the methods that are clear in advance, and not derived empirically or during the experiment.

Since the profile contains quantitative and qualitative indicators and evaluation criteria, it allows you to compare the results of employees obtained during the evaluation with reference requirements.

If the assessment is a regular tool, then the profile allows you to see the dynamics of changes and compare the results obtained at different times.

So, based on the above examples, we hope that we were able to clarify our position regarding the position profile as a central element of the HR system. Our arguments partially contained information about the structure of the profile.

To date, the assessment of the position is carried out in several ways. But only position profiling provides an opportunity to assess the position comprehensively.

Among all methods, in addition to the profile, there is the method of professiography, the essence of which is to form the profile of the profession, and psychography, on the basis of which a psychogram of the position is created.

Professiogram- this is a description of the psychological, industrial, technical, medical, hygienic and other features of the specialty, profession, which indicates the functions of this profession and the difficulties in mastering it, associated with certain psycho-physiological qualities of a person and with the organization of production.

Psychogram is a portrait of a successful professional working in a certain profession, including a description of the professional important qualities(PVC).

As follows from the above definitions, both methods are created and used to describe the profession.

However, in the case when we are talking about the description of the position, this information will obviously not be enough. And first of all, this is due to the fact that the position is not equal to the profession, but often combines the knowledge, skills and abilities of several professional specializations. Both the quantity and quality of these specialized skills depend on the particular enterprise and the function of the position provided for within the business processes implemented at the enterprise.

Let's look at the example of the position "sales manager", how the functional responsibilities of the position correlate with professional areas of knowledge (see Table 1).

Table 1

Looking at the resulting picture, it becomes clear that neither the professiogram nor the psychogram solves our tasks for a full description of the position.

Our firm conviction is that the position profile is the only tool for its comprehensive description today.

If we try to define the profile of a position, we can say that this is a tool that is not only a list of requirements that a position imposes on the personnel occupying it. This is a position standard, a standard according to which HR specialists will be able to build all HR processes for this position in particular and for the enterprise as a whole: recruitment, adaptation, assessment, motivation and development.

In the current practice of enterprises, in our opinion, it makes sense to talk about two approaches to the position profiling system.

First hike, situational

In this case, the profile is created as an urgent need arises. It is clear that in this case, as a rule, its creator is limited in time, so we will most likely see not the profile of the position, but only some kind of preparation for its creation, an outline. A list of the most common items is formed, such as: a description of the workplace, functions, duties, rights, some skills, formal requirements for an employee (gender, age, education, experience).

Campaign two, methodical

Within the framework of this approach, job profiling becomes an independent task of the personnel service. All job description creators approach the task in a comprehensive manner, trying to describe the structure of the position, its features, functionality, areas of responsibility, requirements for personnel performing job duties, the profile of competencies required to perform work tasks with necessary quality, personal profile of the employee.

It should be noted right away that this approach takes much more time, it forces us to deal with the issue of profiling separately and specifically. But in this case, we can say that such a profile is created for the entire personnel management system.

It is great if the enterprise has Information system, which allows you to create and maintain position profiling. But even if it does not exist, this work must be done, and its fruits will not be long in coming:

  • the speed of processing internal requests for the search and selection of personnel is increased;
  • risks are reduced in the search and evaluation of candidates, since standards of requirements for professional ZUNs are created, a personal profile is created and evaluation tools are systematized;
  • the personnel adaptation system becomes clear and transparent for all participants;
  • position standards are being formed that do not allow managers to be self-willed. For example, a manager creates an additional position, adding functionality to it that, for some reason, already working employees cannot cope with, instead of assessing the professional competence of his subordinates together with the HR service and creating a training program for them. Or a more common example, when the lack of a position profile does not allow the company's recruiters to find the appropriate candidate and the decision to hire a new employee is based on the subjective opinion of the manager about the applicants;
  • the evaluation system becomes regular and more objective.

In a word, the main thing appears - personnel management becomes a system, and not a disparate set of functions.

Job profile structure

On the this moment There is no job profile standard in HR practice. Everyone creates its description due to their own ideas about the completeness of the profile and its necessity. Our development of the current job description format took several years. As a result, a format was chosen that reflects the needs of enterprises, from our point of view, most fully.

Let's designate some components of the job profile:

1. Place in the organizational structure.

The first thing to do is to determine what place the position occupies in the overall structure of the enterprise and how it is related to other positions: what is the subordination system, which related departments and positions included in them most often interact with the position being assessed.

2. Structure of functions.

Secondly, it is required to describe in detail the functionality of the position, allowing all its users to clearly and unambiguously understand what duties the employee working in a particular position and within existing business processes performs.

3. Profile of professional competencies.

This section of the profile is a system of competencies that an employee must possess in performing the tasks of the position. In practice, these are the requirements of the position for the professional knowledge and skills of employees. Note that all competencies should be described using indicators and contain an assessment scale or gradation according to the requirements for the level of expression of each competency. Having a profile of professional competencies will allow you to increase the quality of the assessment of candidates for the position and existing employees.

4. Personal profile of the employee.

All information in this section of the Profile contains requirements for the level of expression of personal characteristics, properties and qualities of an employee. The main thing that you should remember when forming this profile is that you do not need to include unnecessary qualities in it. The main requirement is to reflect those properties that can have a significant impact on the employee's activities. Special attention should be paid to cognitive processes such as attention, memory, thinking, etc. If the position requires the development of an ever-increasing amount of new information or the mandatory training of an employee in new functions and operations, then it is necessary to assess the level of employee learning.

5. Formal requirements.

This section is most familiar to HR professionals and its description usually does not create any particular difficulties. As a rule, it includes requirements for sex, age, education, and experience of specialists.

It would be nice if, when creating a profile, you thought in advance about the methods for assessing certain parameters described in the sections of the profile, and created a section in which you would indicate the mandatory methods and assessment methods that can be used in further work by HR managers . Such standardization of personnel assessment methods allows you to create a system for comparing employees with each other and see changes in the severity of certain properties and qualities of employees over a certain period of time.

As you can see, the work on forming a profile is a rather laborious process.

Therefore, heads of services and departments for personnel management need to plan profiling work in advance and include it in their time plans, coordinating with management this task as obligatory and requiring special attention.

Of course, this is a strategic task. Many enterprises have not yet approached the profiling system. But the time will come when the position profile will become an obligatory structural component of the personnel management system.

Job profile results

Understanding how much effort and time will be spent on profiling positions, each of us may ask the question: “Why? Everything works like that! It will be necessary - I will create a description of a specific position. Of course, this is also a position.

In the meantime, let's look at the result that job profiling brings.

The use of profiling leads to a clear organizational and functional structure of positions in the company. And this means that the system becomes more manageable, less subject to situational influence. individual factors and force majeure.

  • The profile unites all HR processes in single system, clear and understandable not only for employees of HR departments, but also for managers at all levels.
  • The position profile determines the reference requirements for personnel and forms a system of admissions to this standard, allows you to form competency levels. All assessment procedures built on the basis of the Position Profile reveal the actual level of compliance of employees with the standard.
  • The description of the position allows leveling the subjective factors of personnel assessment, since all the proposed assessment criteria and the results obtained according to them, incorporated in the profile, are digitized and refer not only to qualitative, but also to quantitative indicators.
  • All identified deviations from the reference requirements show what knowledge, skills and abilities of employees require active development. In addition, it becomes clear how large deviations from regulatory requirements are. And, finally, by identifying problem areas, the HR specialist, together with the heads of departments, can create a system for effective training and development of personnel.
  • The profile allows you to reduce the risk of errors when hiring candidates, during staff rotation.
  • The profile is the main one for the formation of a standardized system for assessing the knowledge, skills and abilities of the personnel working in the position.

Any standard is a certain rule, a limitation. AT Russian companies there is a concern that standardization will lead to a loss of flexibility in the overall system. But in this case, we need to define what we mean by flexibility: the ability to take into account exceptions to the rules or general chaos with the creation of rules for any emerging case. The most interesting thing is that the profile is quite a flexible tool. Nobody prevents us from correcting it and making changes, new details that we may not take into account at the stage of its development. As a rule, these are nuances, maybe significant, but they do not radically change the profile.

So the main thing is to start working in this direction.

We have already encountered cases more than once when the very beginning of profiling was quite difficult, and some line managers did not meet with support.

However, after six months, we saw how all the company's leaders turned to profiles and no longer remembered those times when, in each case, they had to describe their requirements for a position or personnel almost anew.

Strygina V.V. Magazine " Personnel service and personnel management of the enterprise"

Sooner or later, every manager or HR manager faces the question of replacement vacant position. Selection a good specialist is not an easy task. To this end, managers quite often draw up job profiles that help to navigate the requirements for the applicant.

Concept definition

Position profiles are a set of professional and personal competencies that an applicant for a particular position must meet. At the moment, there is no formalized description of the characteristics that a representative of a particular profession should have, and therefore managers draw up these documents on their own.

We can say that the profile of the position is a kind of standard in accordance with which the employee must perform his duties. The description should be detailed and, most importantly, realistic. The document should display the following main positions:

  • the place and importance of the position in the organizational structure of a particular enterprise;
  • functional duties to be performed by the employee accepted for this position;
  • profile, which lists the main competencies that the applicant for the position should have;
  • personal qualities that are necessary for the performance of certain duties;
  • the minimum list of requirements that the organization puts forward to its employees.

Thus, we can say that job profiles are a set of characteristics that an employee must meet. This is a certain standard that describes the duties, as well as the qualification and personal parameters of the applicant.

Why you need job profiles

HR managers regularly face the question of closing a vacant position. Without compiling an exhaustive profile of the position, you should not proceed to the direct selection of employees. This document is a kind of hint that is used in the following cases:

  • selection of candidates to fill vacant positions;
  • for certification of already working personnel in order to determine the degree of compliance with the position held (this also applies to employees who have completed a probationary period);
  • in order to draw up plans for staff training and advanced training;
  • if you need to create a reserve of personnel for the future;
  • in order to plan career and further promotion of employees to senior positions in the organization.

Quite often, the position profile of a candidate for a particular post is confused with the job description. The fundamental difference between these two documents is that the second one is drawn up on the basis of legal requirements. The job description is common document, which is compiled for the profession as a whole, and not for a specific employee certain organization. It defines the main responsibilities and the Position Profile is a document of a local nature that does not have clear requirements for content and structure. HR manager (or other personnel workers) compiles it based on their own experience or the general practice of the organization.

Professional competencies

Each position requires the employee to possess certain competencies. it qualification characteristics which are necessary for the performance of certain works. So, the competency profile of a position usually includes the following items:

  • strategic thinking (implies the ability to make long-term plans, taking into account possible risks and alternatives);
  • influence on others (the ability to defend one's point of view, as well as to convince others of its correctness);
  • problem-solving skills (the ability to adequately respond to non-standard situations and difficulties, as well as quickly find ways out of them);
  • search for information (selection and ability to find and use relevant sources);
  • ability to work with clients and contractors (taking into account interests, understanding psychology, meeting wishes and needs);
  • flexibility (prompt response and decision-making in accordance with a changing situation);
  • focus on quality (knowledge and implementation of all requirements and standards, as well as the desire for continuous improvement).

Depending on the position in question, the list of competencies may expand or narrow. The professional profile of the position contains not only requirements, but also the degree of their severity (basic, high, maximum). This indicator can be determined by the results of the interview or through special psychological tests.

How is it compiled

Compiling a job profile is a rather time-consuming process. Its necessity is due to the fact that this document allows you to define the parameters that should have valuable employee. Having correctly formulated the profile, personnel officers greatly facilitate the process of finding and selecting new employees. When compiling a document, you should be guided by a number of recommendations and rules:

  • The title of the position should be short and clearly reflect its essence. It is also worth making a brief description, which will contain a list of the main duties of the employee. It can be presented in the form of a list of tasks. This will be the basis of the position profile.
  • The list of basic information about the position should include not only the order of work, but also the size wages, which will be one of the key points in the interview. It is also worth describing the hierarchy of subordination, as well as an approximate list of persons with whom the new employee will have to interact.
  • To perform job duties, a set of certain competencies is required. This list should not be too extensive (no more than 10 items). It can be compiled on the basis of personal experience, theoretical research, observations of employees, as well as a sociological survey. You can divide competencies into several groups (for example, specific and corporate).

The profile should be both short and succinct. This will allow you to get comprehensive information without spending too much time processing it.

The main stages of creation

The development of a position profile includes several successive stages:

  • At the first stage of drafting a document, you should carefully study job descriptions, as well as all the information regarding the specifics of the enterprise. You can conduct conversations with employees or using unified forms.
  • Further, the circle of persons who will be directly involved in the work is determined. Most often, this issue is dealt with by specialists in the personnel department. However, it is also important to involve the heads of other services that are being profiled. The work can be carried out jointly or separately, with the subsequent combination of the results obtained into the final working document.
  • The third stage involves the study organizational structure enterprises in order to determine the place of a particular position in it. Subordinates should be identified, as well as immediate superiors, to whom the new employee will be held accountable.
  • The following is a detailed description functional duties that correspond to a particular position. The basis is not only legal acts, but also personal experience work in a particular company.
  • At the fifth stage, the HR manager (or other specialist who is engaged in profiling) must determine the list of knowledge and skills that will be required to perform the job duties. It's about professional skills.
  • Having defined the competencies, it is important to distribute them in order of importance, as well as the level at which a specialist should possess them. This will facilitate the recruitment process.
  • Further participants working group must determine what personal characteristics must have an applicant for a vacant position. Sometimes character traits are even more important than professional competencies, because the latter can be developed, and the former can become a serious obstacle in the work process.
  • The eighth step is to determine General requirements to the worker. Usually this is gender, age, level of education or work experience, and so on. It is worth noting that the first two signs are not always appropriate to use, because the law can interpret them as discrimination.
  • The last stage involves the definition of criteria according to which the effectiveness of the employee's work will be determined. They can be used during a probationary period or for periodic evaluation the quality of work of existing employees.

It should be noted that this algorithm is not mandatory for all organizations. Depending on the size of the enterprise, as well as the specifics of its organizational structure, some stages may be omitted, and additional ones may be introduced.

Compilation sample

At the moment there is no unified form, in accordance with which the profile of requirements for the position would be drawn up. Yes, and the professions themselves at each enterprise may have specific requirements. Nevertheless, HR managers have already developed a certain practice, in accordance with which a position profile is drawn up. A sample might look like this:

  • job title, according to the staffing table;
  • a brief description (what the employee should do);
  • essential conditions (work schedule, wage level, etc.);
  • requirements put forward to the applicant for the position (level of education, work experience in a particular field, certain special skills);
  • extended list of job responsibilities;
  • corporate competencies that a potential employee of a particular organization should have;
  • psychological tests and other methods for assessing the suitability of an employee for a particular position.

This is an approximate template. Most often, this is the structure of the position profile. The sample can be expanded or narrowed, depending on the structure of the organization. Also, additional parameters can be entered for specific positions.

HR manager job profile

The personnel manager is one of the most responsible positions in the enterprise, because it is from this employee depends on the quality of the workforce. Therefore, special requirements are imposed on personnel officers, which are reflected in such a document as the position profile. The sample could be as follows:

  • skills of working with people (the personnel manager must have the skills of communication and resolving controversial issues);
  • quick involvement should not be indifferent, he should have an interest in solving certain issues);
  • showing initiative in matters related to improving the structure and quality of personnel;
  • openness to communication (this quality is necessary due to the specific features of the position);
  • enthusiasm for solving current issues;
  • a positive mood that will be transmitted to all other members of the team;
  • the ability to conduct a conversation (it is the manager who plays the leading role in a conversation with potential and real employees);
  • leadership skills;
  • public speaking skills (for presenting reports and reports top management, as well as conducting seminars for subordinates);
  • to make creative decisions in emergency situations;
  • oratorical skills, persuasiveness of statements;
  • speed of thinking and quickness in actions;
  • the ability to adapt to changing conditions (as well as assisting newly hired employees);
  • no fear of risk this characteristic should be moderately expressed);
  • independence in decision making;
  • the ability to experiment and find new ones;
  • a sense of humor that helps to negate stressful and tense situations.

The profile of the position of the manager responsible for the selection of personnel should be drawn up with particular care, because this position is one of the key ones in any enterprise. A person applying for this position must fully comply with the requirements, because it is on his shoulders that the responsibility for the formation of personnel will fall.

Sales manager requirements

Quite often you can find such a vacancy as a sales manager. Despite the fact that many young people start with such work, their movement towards career ladder already at this stage, quite serious requirements are presented to the applicants. A typical sales manager job profile looks like this:

  • readiness for constant communication with a wide range of people (suppliers, customers, buyers, and so on);
  • ability to quickly make decisions based on the results of negotiations with contractors;
  • the ability to maintain an optimistic mood in a conversation, as well as create an atmosphere of trust;
  • creative thinking (important in the presentation of the product);
  • the ability to rationally organize your time (since work involves many daily meetings and negotiations);
  • diplomatic tone in communication with contractors and clients;
  • emotional balance, the ability to remain calm in stressful situations, as well as quickly find a way out of conflicts;
  • ability to find mutual language with different types of personalities;
  • loyalty to the product being sold.

It should be noted that this is a very approximate position profile. The example can be expanded or shortened, according to the needs of a particular organization.

The main approaches to compiling a job profile

The development of a position profile can be carried out in accordance with two main approaches:

  • The situational approach implies that the document is drawn up on an emergency basis when it is necessary to urgently close a vacant position. Since time is very limited, the document is drawn up very roughly, indicating only the most basic requirements for a potential employee. In the future, this blank can serve to form a full-fledged profile.
  • The methodological approach implies thorough work, the results of which will develop clear features of the position, necessary competencies, personal qualities, and functional areas of responsibility. It will contain all the comprehensive information, and therefore will be considered a working document in the search and selection of personnel. As any reforms take place in the organization, the profile will also undergo changes.


It should be noted that for successful recruitment, it is important that the company has a position profile. It is rather difficult to give an example of a unified document, since this issue is not regulated by law, but remains at the discretion of the company's managers.

The profile is one of the main tools used in the selection of candidates for filling a particular vacant position. In addition, in accordance with this document, periodic certification of personnel or an audit based on the results can be carried out. Depending on the results of the study, areas for improving the level of qualification can be identified.

One of two approaches can be used in profiling. Situational takes place when it is urgent to close a vacancy. AT this case the job description can be very rough, indicating only the main characteristics. If we talk about methodical approach, then a thorough detailed document is developed, which is constantly used in the practice of recruitment.

A typical job profile development process involves going through several successive stages. To begin with, the features of the profession are studied, as well as the requirements for it, put forward by regulatory legal acts. It is also necessary to form a group of competent specialists who will take part in the preparation of documents. The profile is drawn up taking into account the organizational structure of the enterprise, and therefore it must also be carefully studied. The main part of the document is a description of the job responsibilities of a potential employee, as well as competency requirements. It is also worth paying attention to personal qualities (sociability, stress resistance, and so on).