Job Responsibilities of an HR Specialist. HR specialist (Human Resource): features of the profession and necessary qualities. Key competencies of an HR specialist

The more expectations that management associates with the activities of an HR manager, the greater the set of knowledge and competencies he must possess.

An HR manager is a person who manages the human resources of a company. It expresses the interests of the company and management, and not the team, as many now believe.

In this article, I decided to write contentious issues related to the duties and competencies of an HR manager, namely:

  • What are the responsibilities of an HR manager?
  • Is a psychologist an effective HR manager?

To answer these questions, let's turn to practice, as it is customary to consider a manager in Russian organizations.

Coming to work as an HR manager, a specialist receives a list of his professional duties. As a rule, they include:

  • personnel management,
  • staffing, recruiting,
  • staff motivation,
  • staff adaptation,
  • staff development,
  • trainings,
  • development corporate culture,
  • maintaining a psychological microclimate, etc.

The question arises: is one person capable of performing all these functions with a sufficient degree of productivity?

In a good way, these duties should be performed by people different professions: personnel office work - lawyers and accountants, personnel development and trainings - trainers, psychological component - industrial psychologist, personnel selection - recruiter.

In fact, these professions bring different results of labor, and the requirements for the competence of specialists are completely different. And most importantly - inclinations, abilities and psychological characteristics professionals in these professions differ radically.

Let me explain. Personnel management can be done with a high degree of productivity by a person with the following competencies: attention to detail, scrupulous work, a tendency to monotony (the ability to work with monotonous information, process a large flow of information). It is quite clear that a person with a choleric and sanguine type of temperament is unlikely to enjoy the performance of these functions. Practice shows that these are the people who come to work at the rate of a manager - a person who needs to work quickly, change his field of activity hourly, based on the rapidly changing conditions in the company, the requirements of management and the changing environment in the team.

A person is capable of recruiting, as opposed to a personnel officer, energetic, striving for a quick result, understanding that his percentage of payment depends on the number of employees, and he also needs to quickly make decisions that are needed by the management, and not by the team. He needs to sometimes forget about morality and ethics. However, HRs are mostly psychologists - people whose code of honor includes the first rule - do no harm! Personnel officers, on the other hand, work more with papers, with documents, with information, and recruiters work with people, both by phone and in person. They quickly need to weed out unnecessary information, process what is necessary that suits management and quickly (almost instantly) make the right decision to enroll (or refuse) to the state.

Training and staff development can be done by a person who looks at human potential, develops it, and contributes to the development of qualities and skills. However, while developing a person, the coach may not look at the fact that a certain degree of development can hinder the development of the entire company. For example, by developing initiative, he can develop the awareness that a person can choose. And sometimes the company does not need it! The company needs a result, the coach can lead away from this result. An HR manager is not an associate of people, but an associate of a company. He is designed to work for a corporate result, and a coach works for a person's result.

The psychological component is provided by an industrial psychologist - here I answer the second question that I posed at the beginning of the article. A psychologist is a process person, an HR manager is a result person. The psychologist often constantly interprets the results of tests, observations, and the manager makes decisions. The psychologist is aimed at ensuring the comfort of people, the HR manager is an associate of the management and the executor of its tasks. The psychologist does not put the categories “fit” / “not fit”, the manager is obliged to say exactly whether the person should continue to work in the company or should say goodbye to him, not taking into account the fact that he has seven children and a disabled father. The psychologist always looks at the moral side of the decision.

Let's answer two important questions:

So who is NOT an HR manager?

  • Psychologist!
  • HR officer!
  • Coach!
  • Recruiter!

So who is an HR manager?


  • First of all, he must be an expert in his field, it is good to know necessary tools and personnel management technologies.
  • A very important competence for an HR specialist is focusing on an internal client (head, line manager, ordinary employee) and striving to respond to his needs as efficiently as possible.
  • He needs to have a developed “performance management” competence, in which organizational skills are manifested: planning, delegation, and the like.
  • The competencies of “working on projects” and “the ability to establish and manage business relations with partners" - recruiters, training companies, organizers of corporate events and so on.
  • An HR manager performs the role of an internal consultant in his company. He, together with the leader, resolves issues of internal conflicts, sometimes using non-standard methods. At the same time, an HR manager cannot do without excellent communication skills, the ability to express one's thoughts in writing and orally, and the ability to conduct group discussions.
  • Consulting competencies are also needed: for example, identifying the needs of internal customers or the ability to ask the “right” questions.
  • As a consultant, an HR manager must possess certain personal qualities, which can also be attributed to such competencies as a sense of tact, ethics, a positive attitude towards people, openness, and others.

Equal partner

  • Roles of an HR manager present stage business development were complemented by the role of strategic partnership. The manager has the ability to position himself as a member of the management team and have an effective impact on the company's business through the implementation of timely HR tools.
  • David Ulrich, HR Guru, points out in his book Human Resource Champions that the purpose of HR today is to create added value as opposed to traditional approach"working with costs". However, HR managers do not perform this function, but descend to the performance of training and development functions.
  • As a strategic partner, an HR manager must have the knowledge and skills inherent in every top manager: to perfectly understand the company's business and understand the essence of the main problems that line managers face - in order to help them solve operational issues.
  • The role of a business partner requires teamwork and communication skills, good analytical skills and strategic thinking to see the connection between the company's business goals and his tools, so that he speaks the same language with the management team, owning the necessary concepts.
  • As a business partner, an HR manager needs to have a set of leadership qualities and competencies: perseverance, self-confidence, the ability to take risks and take responsibility for the introduction of any new technologies, be an expert in their field and understand how the HR they offer the toolkit will work for the company's business, be a creative person who can go beyond standard solutions, and effectively use a variety of internal and external resources.
  • An important competency for an HR partner is to be proficient in change management technologies, to be able to prevent these problems associated with the implementation of changes.
  • The necessary competence of an HR partner is the ability to position yourself in management team so that she takes seriously his recommendations: to have impeccable reputation an expert in their field, develop marketing competencies in order to be able to present and promote new solutions and approaches in the field of human resource management to the manager.

I want to note that current HR managers lack the following knowledge:

  • economic, necessary for the implementation of the "creation of added value" function, as well as for the promotion of new technologies in the field of human resources, designed to make a profit, and not just develop potential;
  • legal - not only knowledge labor code but also administrative, criminal, family, civil, in order to make decisions correctly and quickly;
  • strategic, in order to understand the significance of the tasks set for the company, correctly express their thoughts focused on the economic result for the company, clearly sets tasks and goals, and also formulate them in economic indicators, future profit.

Elena Afanasyeva- Sociologist, business consultant, founder of the Center for Training and Development

In the West they are called HR manager - personnel managers (HR stands for human resourses, "human resources"). AT Soviet times HR managers were called personnel officers. Usually, the functions of these people were reduced to filling out work books and sending people on vacation in accordance with the Labor Code ("Labor Code"). In addition, they kept personal files, wrote job descriptions, issued passes. This work was not dusty and did not require much effort.

When the winds of change blew, HR, whose job is not to take care of the performance of each employee, ceased to suit companies. However, while the firms were small, the tasks of hiring and firing staff were taken over by the owner himself, and the signing of contracts and entries in work books in such cases, they were entrusted to the secretary or accountant. This is the case with small companies even now.

As experts say, companies usually start their own personnel manager when their staff approaches a hundred people. Sometimes the same secretary or accountant takes the position, but a more effective way is to hire a professional. If a staffing increases to 150 employees, assistants are allocated to the personnel manager. In the largest companies, the HR department can have up to 10-15 people, and most of them specialize in solving some kind of problems. specific tasks(hiring, staff training, etc.).

In fact, the personnel manager must find opportunities for each employee to work as efficiently as possible, solving the tasks assigned to him. The most important thing is the results, and in order to have results, you need serious motivation. How to achieve it - with awards, literate job descriptions, fines for gaffes, putting pictures on the board " Best Worker months" - the HR manager decides, based on his ideas about the effectiveness of these methods and the situation in the company. For example, a competition is held, which division (store, branch, etc.) sells more products. Prizes can be bonuses, options, interest, bonuses , insurance policies, preferential travel, vouchers and even ... own production(for example, managers of the Philip Morris tobacco company in Russia receive several packs of the company's cigarettes every month).

Employees of human resources departments are usually charged with the duty to contribute to the growth of the professional level of the company's full-time employees. To determine qualifications, attestations are used, conducted in the form of a written test or interview. Accordingly, various trainings and curricula are used to improve the level. For example, team spirit well educates the so-called "rope training" - many hours of exercise, during which a group of people jointly overcome obstacles, learning to better interact with each other.

Typically in the state large companies There is a position of training assistant. He either conducts trainings personally, or sends employees to classes in specialized training companies or in the firm's own training center. In the most advanced companies, an individual concept is developed for each employee (with the exception of technical staff). career development which prescribes certain curricula.

In the struggle for efficiency, do not forget that the employee is obliged to follow the line of the company and meet the requirements for him. In some banks, for example, it is customary to arrive at nine in the morning and wear a suit, tie and white shirt. The HR manager needs to find ways to get everyone to do just that. Therefore, the responsibility of HR professionals is to develop and maintain the corporate culture of the company. Together with the management, the HR manager must formulate the goals and mission of the organization, bring them to the attention of employees, and hold events that would help strengthen the internal culture and spirit of the company (for example, company birthday parties, joint field trips).

Sometimes a personnel strategy becomes part of the corporate culture, which includes a long-term plan for the selection of employees with certain qualities and qualifications, outlines the sources from where you can take the right people. Again, the HR manager or the head of the HR department is involved in the development of the strategy. For example, in famous company It is customary for Procter & Gamble to recruit employees only for grassroots positions and move them from the bottom up the career ladder.

Speaking of others important functions HR manager, it is impossible not to mention the selection of candidates for vacancies. When a company is going through a period of growth, it needs more and more specialists in various fields, which are difficult to find through acquaintances. Then they switch to search using ads in the press or special recruiting agencies. In this case, the HR manager has the task of formulating and agreeing with the management of the basic requirements for candidates, conducting a preliminary selection (based on resumes, using interviews or standard psychological tests).

According to the general recognition of recruiters and workers in the field of human resources, the personnel manager is a very promising profession. They think that more and more Russian companies will pay attention to the problem of the effectiveness of the selection of employees, since it is the personnel that play a decisive role in the fight against competitors.

Already now, specialists in this profile earn very well, especially if they serve in foreign companies. Everything over time more executives makes sure that people are the most important thing. Accordingly, there is a growing demand for those who can improve the efficiency of this most important resource.

It is difficult to deduce the optimal scheme for entering this profession. For example, if you work in a field as a manager and get along well with people, you can move to Human Resources. Then it makes sense to improve your skills in special trainings, short courses or an MBA program with a corresponding specialization. After that, you will have all the opportunities for career growth.

In general, it should be noted that people in this profession always have work. As long as the labor market exists, as long as companies, banks, insurance companies are born and die, everyone will need HRs.

The first person with whom the applicant meets at the interview stage in the company is the HR manager. Depending on the structure of the company, this can be an ordinary recruiter, a researcher or a real manager.

What is the difference between a recruiter and HR?

Almost every HR manager will consider it an insult to be called an HR officer. If they call him a recruiter, he will smirk a little. And if they ask what is the difference, he will give a lecture on what HR is and what its functions are.

HR stands for Human Resource. Not Research, as most people think. Search is just a small part of what an HR manager does. And search and selection are also two big differences.

Rersource is the main word in this abbreviation. It is the work with human resources, high-quality personnel management, prioritization, development of employees, drawing goals for them that are the main tasks of a manager.

HR role

The role of the HR manager in most companies is unfairly relegated to the background. It is generally accepted that a business is built CEO, profits come from sales, and the staff comes from ads, by itself.

In fact, in advanced corporations, it has long been realized that the HR department should be on the same line with the CEO and operations departments. This is due to the fact that the HR manager must clearly understand the company's strategy, know what kind of people are needed for work, what tasks are required to perform.

The climate in the team, the mood at the workplace - things that seem insignificant, but take away up to 30% of the efficiency of departments.

Attitude to business

Almost 85% of employers ask candidates for the role of HR manager the question: HR - who is the manager? And many hear the answer that this is an employee who should do good to people and help them find work. No matter how rude it may sound, the employer should not hire such employees.

The HR position is clear and understandable, he is the right hand of the business. Without a clear understanding of what the company wants to achieve, what are the development plans and the strategy for their implementation, there will be no quality selection.

A real HR manager is a tough, sometimes arbitrary businessman. It is necessary to be able to combine humanity with rigidity. In an attempt to be nice and kind, afraid to reject a candidate, many recruiters never grow beyond the average recruiter. In order to learn how to develop people and help the company achieve global goals, you must have the will and determination, and consider the company's goals as your own.


An HR manager must perform duties by 120% or more. In his position, there is no concept of a normalized work schedule, thoughts are always busy looking for the best solution.

The job description of an HR manager in each company is different. However, the main points will always be about the same. The HR manager must:

  • Study the labor market to find candidates for the required vacancies.
  • Navigate the regional market if necessary.
  • Establish relationships with professional educational institutions and universities to conclude agreements on attracting students to practice with subsequent employment.
  • notify the central lock, educational institutions about available vacancies and staffing needs.
  • Evaluate candidates based on the qualifications, business and personal qualities of the applicant.
  • Organize appraisal events for company employees.
  • Conduct assessments and analyze their results.
  • work on shaping personnel reserve. The basis for the formation of a reserve can be the results of certification, selection, analysis of responses to resumes, staff rotation, learning outcomes individual employees or internships in relevant positions.
  • Participate in the reorganization and personnel reshuffle of the personnel, organizational structure of the company.
  • Develop and implement various events aimed at managing the number of employees.
  • Analyze the work of staff, suggest ways to improve the quality of staff work.
  • Develop and implement incentive programs for staff at all levels.
  • Develop career maps for employees, implement them together with management and staff.
  • Conduct long term planning development of employees, analyze the results and recommend to management measures to improve the quality of personnel.
  • Provide advisory support to management on HR matters.

Interaction with employees

The HR manager is a multitasking position, in addition to the duties described above, he has a list of additional important functions:

  • help employees by answering their questions about the prospects for their personal and professional development within the company;
  • select personnel within the terms agreed with the customer (direct supervisor or head of a department or subdivision);
  • use modern and non-standard methods of search, selection of personnel;
  • adapt new employees to work in the company, accompany them throughout the probationary period;
  • receive periodic feedback from the manager on the passage of the probationary period by employees;
  • receive feedback from management on the work of employees, their interaction with the team;
  • maintain contact with all employees of the company to implement feedback with management, informing about the tasks set, the objectivity of the attitude of direct supervisors;
  • develop a system for assessing personal and business qualities employees;
  • Submit reports to management within the stipulated time;
  • obey the laws Russian Federation and adhere to them in matters of search and selection of personnel, drafting job advertisements, conducting interviews.

Personal and professional competencies

Many employers believe that HR is a personnel officer. The functions of filling out personnel documentation and issuing certificates are shifted to him, and a pack of vacancies that need to be filled are given to the load.

Unfortunately, most HR employees do not know the tools that a professional HR manager has. Approaching the question of finding an employee on vacant position, the personnel officer, most often, misses personal moments - whether the candidate will fit into the department, whether he will be able to work in a team. Do their career goals align with the values ​​of the company?

Core competencies

HR manager competencies:

  • Understanding the goals of the company, sharing them.
  • Empathy (the ability to empathize). It must be present in a dosed manner, otherwise the HR will not be able to refuse unsuitable candidates and will quickly “burn out”.
  • Result orientation.
  • Ability to provide only necessary information.
  • The ability to see and hear a person. Often this competence is confused with the ability to "read like a book" of your counterpart. As practice shows, in this case, the judgment about a person is more based on stereotypes.
  • Stress tolerance.
  • Analytical thinking.
  • Strategic thinking.
  • Ability to manage talent.

Personal qualities

The personal qualities of the personnel manager should help him in working with people. Too much sensitivity, weakness, short-sightedness will not allow the employee to qualitatively fulfill the duties assigned to him.

Qualities of an HR manager useful in his work:

  • sociability;
  • impartiality;
  • active life position;
  • adaptability;
  • strategic thinking;
  • ethics;
  • self-control;
  • self confidence;
  • stress tolerance;
  • attentiveness;
  • conscientiousness;
  • creativity.

HR rights

An HR manager's duties and rights are equally important. The HR manager has the right to:

  • receive information from senior management about plans for the development of the company in order to form a reserve and a strategy for finding personnel in advance;
  • attend management meetings related to changes in personnel policy;
  • participate in discussions of issues related to the personnel management system;
  • make suggestions for talent management;
  • interact with all employees, request the necessary information to perform their direct duties;
  • manage the document flow related to its direct activities;
  • report to the manager structural unit or to your direct supervisor about the difficulties that arise in the process of selecting an employee for a position;
  • track changes in the labor market.

Required skills and knowledge

In the work of HR, it is necessary to use a large number of modern progressive tools. Considering what an HR manager does, this knowledge must be constantly updated and supplemented.

Important Skills:

  • knowledge of labor legislation, the basics of sociology;
  • ability to conduct business negotiations;
  • literacy;
  • possession of tools and methods for assessing personnel, the ability to analyze their effectiveness;
  • ability to organize;
  • planning, quality time management skills.

Where to apply talents?

Let's see what the actual work is. An HR manager most often operates in an office and meeting room. Most companies need such employees. Functionally, it can refer to both the personnel department (department) and the operations department. Companies in which the cooperation between the operational and HR departments is established, estimate the growth of their profitability and efficiency by 12% (the data refers only to the performance indicators of employees as a human resource).

Also, HR specialists attend conferences and meetings in universities. Such meetings take place regularly, but the frequency is regulated by the holding of job fairs in the institution itself and the need for young staff in the company.

People management

An HR manager is first and foremost a huge responsibility. Responsibility to the business, to the staff. professional employee will never leave a half-finished map of employee potential development. The desire to improve not only himself, but also the employees of his company is inherent in HR to the fullest.

The HR manager is the engine of the company. Understanding his goals and objectives, he delivers quality staff capable of accomplishing the tasks set by higher management. If the manager does not understand what kind of employee is needed, focuses only on the requirements, not taking into account the specific culture of the company or the wishes for the personality of the employee, then the vacancy will be formally closed. The time interval between the submission of an application from the head of the department to the end of the internship and the acceptance of the employee into the ranks of the organization is reduced if the HR manager is able to capture the characteristics of the candidate's personality and compare them with the personality of the manager.

An HR manager is an obligatory link in the structure of a large organization.

It does not matter what the position will be called - personnel manager, HR, recruiter. The main thing is how the management understands this position and what powers it gives to the employee.

Vera Kobzeva

The Human Resources Specialist is a public person. He talks with applicants when applying for a job, helps management in solving personnel problems, communicates with employees and implements corporate policy. What qualities should an HR manager have? How to create an image corresponding to this profession?

An HR manager is an employee whose area of ​​activity is - human resources. He does not work with machines, mechanisms or natural objects, but with living people. Rash judgment, unconstructive criticism or professional error can nullify the business environment in the team, provoke a conflict.

In addition, personnel management involves close interaction with a variety of categories of employees - from the first persons of the company to service personnel. Therefore, HR must navigate in all areas of the company and be aware of the interests of all staff.

An appropriate image helps an HR manager to create an atmosphere of trust and establish a successful dialogue. It is important for HR to manage their image, that is, to influence other people, to emphasize their professional quality and be able to resist manipulation.

Image(from the English. image - image) - a set of features inherent in a person (appearance, demeanor, communication style, etc.), which in a certain way affect others and form people's ideas about this person.

Professional image- this is an image that corresponds to the specifics of a particular profession, the idea of ​​​​a specialist that is formed about him by his managers, subordinates, colleagues, clients of the company.

Professional image management is the ability to create a positive image that emphasizes best qualities specialist, both personal and business.

The image is made up of...

The main components of the success of an HR manager are professional competence, emotional intellect appropriate appearance, speech and knowledge of etiquette. All these qualities complement each other. For example, you can start to follow your speech, master the rules of etiquette, put on a business suit, but all these external manifestations are only part of your image. Without professional and emotional competence, they will not matter. That is why an HR manager must be able to build and maintain the necessary professional image, combining all the qualities inherent in a business person.

Components of the image of an HR manager

Professional Competence

To be appropriate for his profession, an HR manager must know perfectly well labor law, order of conduct personnel office work, own the technology of search and selection of personnel. Equally important is knowledge modern techniques assessment of personnel, the ability to build a system of adaptation and motivation.

An HR manager should be able to organize employee training and evaluate its effectiveness, develop activities aimed at increasing staff loyalty, organize corporate events. An active life position, initiative and high communication skills, awareness of the state of affairs in the company's divisions will also testify to the professionalism of HR.

The trend is that the higher the status of an HR manager in an organization, the higher should be his professional competence. The skill level of HR always attracts the attention of all employees of the company - from the worker to the manager - so you can not give reason to doubt your competence. Be proactive, read specialist literature and share experiences with colleagues. Become a professional in your field, indispensable for the company.

Emotional intellect

Emotional intelligence plays a special role in the professional image of an HR manager. Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand one's own and others' emotions, thoughts and manage them. The ability to find mutual language with people will help to maintain relationships with colleagues, management and subordinates, regardless of their initial predisposition to this.

Emotional intelligence can be developed. Learn to listen and hear your interlocutor, learn to draw conclusions, determine what drives this or that person *. For an HR manager, this is especially important: he must be able to determine the motivation of a person, understand his individual characteristics. Only in this way will he be able to predict how the employee will behave in a given situation, as well as find the best use for his abilities.

Appearance and clothing style

By the way a person is dressed, you can learn a lot about his lifestyle. Clothing is a kind of visiting card of every person. Numerous studies have shown that if a woman is dressed in a business style, then she gives the impression of a serious, intelligent, hardworking and organized person. And, on the contrary, women who prefer an extravagant, emphatically feminine style are credited with such qualities as frivolity, disorganization, inattention. It's simple: work is associated, first of all, with the desire to work, to fulfill one's duties correctly and in a timely manner, and business style clothing is a necessary component of a professional image.

Of course, every company has its own corporate standards and customs, which largely depends on the scope of the organization. So, for example, in banking- this is always a conservative style of clothing, because employees must demonstrate to customers the stability and reliability of the bank, in design companies - the style, as a rule, is freer and more creative. However, in any company, the functions of an HR manager are such that he needs to communicate with both ordinary employees and the company's management, so a dress style close to business is always preferable.


An important role in the work of an HR manager is played by the trust of people: colleagues, management, applicants, representatives of other companies. The idea that they will get after talking with you depends on how convincing you are, how you can captivate the interlocutor with a word. After all, speech is the most important means of influence, here, of course, content and form are important.

The culture of speech, namely the competent construction of phrases, the appropriate use of certain speech turns, correct accents, voice - everything matters. And since the HR manager communicates with people of completely different professions, added benefit in creating a positive image, there will be a possession of the professional terminology of those specialists with whom he speaks. In this case, sales managers, programmers, and warehouse workers will feel that the HR manager understands the problems of their department. The more you communicate with the employees of your company, the more chances you will have to speak the same language with the employees.

Knowledge business etiquette

Etiquette is a set of communication rules developed by many generations. Business etiquette is the rules and norms that should be followed when meeting daily with colleagues at work. Knowledge of business etiquette can help the HR manager in the most different situations: conducting interviews, negotiations, meetings.

Follow the rules of business etiquette: a competent greeting at the first meeting, exchange business cards, an offer to sit down, etc. - all these actions show respect for the communication partner, help create a favorable atmosphere, and therefore help to increase the effectiveness of communication.

Knowledge of business etiquette can help an HR manager in a variety of situations: conducting interviews, negotiations, meetings.

As you have seen, it is important for an HR manager to learn how to manage his own image: improve professional competence, develop emotional intelligence, monitor his appearance and speech, and follow the rules of business etiquette. Moreover, the higher the status of an HR manager, the more attention you need to pay to your professional image. This will help you demonstrate self-confidence, and therefore, find a common language with employees and company leaders.

Vera KOBZEVA, candidate of sociology, business coach,
expert of the magazine "Personnel business"

Here it is - in front of you, a mysterious list of skills and abilities good HR specialist. What allows the manager of the HR service to constantly be in multitasking mode and successfully overcome all the difficulties that arise - the site told the portal Ekaterina Goryanaya, senior consultant of the international personnel holding.

If we talk about the basic skills and abilities of HR, the most important, in my opinion, are:

1) High level of development of communication skills. This is not just the ability to talk and conduct a dialogue, but the ability to build communication in such a way that it is aimed at achieving the result planned by the HR manager. Interaction with all departments and employees of the company through a trusting relationship and open communication is the key to success in HR.

2) Ability to listen and hear. Everyone knows how to listen at a physiological level, but not many hear.

3) Ability to work in multitasking mode (HR must take into account several points at the same time and keep all projects in mind).

4) Ability to work with a large amount of information (HR searches for candidates, keeps in mind all the requirements for candidates, prepares a large amount of analytics on closed vacancies and turnover, etc.).

5) Structuring information and identifying the necessary data from a large volume, prioritizing tasks independently, according to the current situation.

6) Skills of persuasion and argumentation are also paramount, this partly stems from the ability to communicate, but there is a deeper meaning here. The HR manager must be able to reasonably convey the necessary information to the business or to the staff, without making mistakes or bias.

Abilities related to strategic thinking(for example, the ability to see the situation from the outside, in the projection for the future, make decisions according to strategic goals etc.) are certainly important, but initial stage the work of a young HR specialist, they are not critical. Intuition is also not required (what is informally called “feel” in HR), but with it, the employee is capable of much. Attention to detail is important, but don't underestimate its importance. Variability of thinking and the ability to adapt to different situations, flexibility - rather, not mandatory, but desirable skills. All of the above is acquired in the process of professional experience of a specialist in the personnel department. While the primary skills and abilities are necessary for successful professional growth.

It will be useful for a novice specialist who is just starting to work in the field of HR to conduct some kind of “audit” of his skills and abilities, to understand the strengths and weak sides to think and discuss individual plan development with your leader. First of all, I recommend developing primary skills and abilities. Carefully study the experience of your colleagues, be aware of the reasons for your successes, draw conclusions from mistakes - this will help in the formation of secondary skills. Gain experience in the use of technical tools for the selection, evaluation and development of personnel. As a rule, at the very beginning of a career, an understanding of the characteristics of a particular profession is formed, so you can and should adjust your development plan as you grow.

A very important point for a beginner is the choice of a mentor or mentor. As a rule, this person is the immediate supervisor. If for some reason the manager is not located locally, and / or he is very busy and does not have time to pay attention to newcomers, you can take a closer look and find a more experienced employee within the company or department and build effective interaction with him.

Organizational point of view own work it is useful for a personnel manager to be able to see the situation as a whole, correctly prioritize and manage their working time, think systematically (make a decision based on complex analysis all factors), as well as to be extremely correct and clear in communication.

If we are talking about managing the work of subordinates, then a very valuable ability in management is the competent ability to delegate tasks in conjunction with communication and a support and control system. Setting tasks for subordinates (task \ deadlines), assistance in solving complex issues, checking deadlines, engaging in complex and interesting projects and tasks are useful skills for the Human Resources Manager that can only be acquired with experience. Cross-functional interaction (managing the work of people who are not directly subordinate) requires HR to effectively and accurately build communication with company employees.

Many successful managers admit that it is much easier to build effective interaction with their own subordinates than with people who do not report directly. This is a partnership relationship, so communication is built from a position of equal status, professionalism and level. Collaboration in this format will give much more than directive submission.