How is the strategist different? What is the difference between tactics and strategy. What is strategic thinking

Tactics and strategy. The difference between these concepts at first glance may seem insignificant. Perhaps someone will think that it does not exist at all. However, it is not. Various economic sciences and methods may give slightly different definitions, but they all come down to the fact that the difference between tactics and strategy is quite significant. In addition, these terms are used in a number of works on psychology, sociology, and military science is their primary source.

Tactics and strategy (difference) - the concept is quite extensive. Let's try to consider them and the main differences within the framework of this article.

Strategic management

This discipline is studied in higher educational institutions majors related to economics and management. The essence of strategic management is to get acquainted with the existing various planning and organization methods that are used large enterprises, are used in the long-term and short term, for example, in the management of production or marketing, and most often the general vector of the company's development.

This discipline gives a clear boundary between the definitions of "tactics and strategy". The difference is significant and focuses on the above approaches related to short-term and long-term planning.

Despite the fact that not every company advertises the presence of such planning, the processes themselves take place and are classified according to various criteria, which will be discussed later.


In different literature, it is limited by different time frames. However, everywhere they point out that tactical management is tied to achieving goals in a shorter time period, when compared with strategy. At the same time, the tactics of the enterprise can include many steps and branches, up to minor events. May cover such vital areas of the company as marketing, production, sales planning, personnel policy and others.

It is important to remember that tactics are a component of more global and serious processes, which will be discussed later.


Strategy essentially determines what needs to be done, and tactics, in turn, answers the question of how the goal will be achieved.

operational management

Sometimes it is confused with tactics, nevertheless it is different concepts. Operational management is the current activity in the company, in fact - those steps towards achieving a goal that are included in tactics.

Example operational management- orders of the management, which must be completed within a specific period.


A popular direction in psychology, the essence of which lies in the fact that different people are given a different classification from each other in accordance with personal qualities. It is understood that the assignment to certain individuals of any type contributes to its more profitable and correct integration into society. This applies, as a rule, to careers and relationships. This also includes perceptual features.

Socionics is often criticized. Perhaps because some of its followers distinguish the direction as a separate science. In addition, the psychotypes proposed in this concept, as well as those determined through testing, do not always correspond to reality. However, it cannot be said that the idea does not work or is useless.

Nevertheless, the concept contains quite rational postulates. For example, traits characteristic of various psychotypes, including strengths and weaknesses.

Tactics and strategy - the difference

Socionics also describes the differences between the above definitions; in particular, they are included in Reinin's signs. We are talking about a group of certain psychotypes, which were developed by the author of the same name.

If you do not delve deeply into the concept and do not cover all 15 features, then according to G.R. Reinin, tacticians tend to solve current problems, small matters related to achieving their own goals, while strategists prefer to solve more global problems, and the main guideline of such people is the future. Thus, in socionics one can trace a clear differentiation by time intervals.

It is important to note that some concepts may be mutually exclusive. There are different opinions about this technique, there are also different schools and directions that can criticize and not recognize each other. Nevertheless, socionics also uses the terms "tactics and strategy", and their definitions are similar to more established sciences and fields of activity.

Strategy and tactics in military affairs

Most likely, it is military science that is the primary source of the definitions of "tactics and strategy", and the terms themselves are of ancient Greek origin. Warfare is a rather generalized name for various studies related to the conduct of hostilities, as well as the solution of issues of preparation for them and defense.

Lots of scientific developments, ideas and inventions that were created for the war, gradually changed their purpose and were adapted to solve more peaceful issues. If we do not cover technologies and developments, but only take into account concepts, then in addition to strategy and tactics, military affairs contributed to the development of logistics, as well as some works related to management (for example, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe headquarters principle of control).

Tactics and strategy - the difference in the military understanding of these terms is that the first definition describes the fighting on a specific battlefield, while the second refers to the process of achieving victory in a more global sense and can include a fairly extensive range of battles.


Tactics and strategy. The difference between these terms is also present in the legal sphere, in particular - advocacy. However, the definitions are the same as in all previous examples. However, now we are not talking about time periods.

In the process of protecting the interests of their clients, lawyers also use strategy and tactics. The first one defines the lawyer's global view of the client's case.

tactics in this case- this is the very conduct of the defense process, which includes various methods, a gradually formed picture of the case and a position on a number of issues.

Thus, jurisprudence has slightly different definitions of the terms "tactics and strategy" from other areas of life. The difference is that in this area the emphasis is not on time, but on the fact that tactical actions will also be a component of more global ones, i.e. - strategic.

Summing up

Thus, we answered the question: "Tactics and strategy - what's the difference?". In conclusion, it is important to add that both terms are used in completely different disciplines, sciences and areas of life (economics, psychology, jurisprudence, and others). However, they mean almost identical phenomena.

Tactics and strategy. Difference, in simple words, is only that strategic actions are more global and long-term, and tactical ones are often understood as short-term events. In addition, many sciences and areas of life consider tactics as a component of strategy.

tactical regroupings, etc.

Tactician- a person who chooses the right course of action.

AT tactics five basic properties of the terrain are considered.

  • patency- the ability of the terrain to be overcome on a particular class of vehicles in one direction or another.
  • Shootability- how freely the terrain is shot from different types weapons.
  • Disguise- how well you can mask the soldiers and equipment on the ground.
  • Defense properties- how much the terrain helps the defender.
  • Review- how well the maneuvers of the enemy are visible.

History of tactics

In the development of these questions, a strict sequence is visible, determined by the historical evolution in the life of peoples. The trend and forms of military art of the most ancient peoples (Ancient China, Hindus, Egyptians, Babylonians, Assyrians, etc.) in the last period of their historical life (the battle of Thimvre, 541 BC) were the same as those of the classical peoples (Greeks and the Romans), and the latter approached military affairs in the same way as the new peoples of our time. The order of development of ideas and forms for both is exactly the same, which makes one come to the conclusion that these phenomena are regular, that the laws of war can exist.

History shows that the most remarkable phenomena in the field of tactics, the highest state of military art in general, coincide with the time of the highest state of culture. For creativity in the field of tactics, morally and physically good soldiers are needed. Ages of brilliant generals are at the same time the heyday of philosophy, sciences and arts.

Character historical peoples is expressed differently in their tactical work: a kind of individuality is manifested here.

Ancient China

ancient japan

Ancient Greece

Ancient Rome

The Romans carried out an energetic, but uniform strike along the entire battle front. Only Julius Caesar applied the ideas of the mechanical theory of combat, which he brought from Greece, but his art, having existed for only 30 years, went down with him to the grave. The Romans did not understand it. In the development of forms and methods of combat, the following sequence is observed: everything begins with the battle of heroes and their squads, then small armies appear, forming a single mass - an offensive phalanx, the cavalry is placed on the flanks. With an increase in the growth of the army, they begin to divide it for ease of movement (Xenophon in Greece, Mark Furius Camillus in Rome). Noticing the importance of preparing an attack with throwing weapons, light troops are brought in to start the battle (peltasts among the Greeks, velites, antesignans among the Romans). For the possibility of repeating the blow or restoring the battle, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe reserve appears (three lines of the legion in the 2nd Punic War, two lines at Marius, the general reserve of Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar).

Towards the end of the historical life of peoples, in the period of their old age, degeneration in the forms and methods of combat is noticed: a great predilection for fighting with throwing weapons, for occupying fortified positions, a tendency to defend begins to prevail (the defensive system of the Egyptians in the battle of Fimvre, the Roman legion of the times of emperors, surrounded by throwing machines, the Macedonian phalanx of Perseus).

Development of tactics in the Middle Ages

The new peoples, having founded states on the ruins of Rome and Greece, at first did not borrow anything from them, began the development of tactics anew and repeated in it the same forms that had once been used by the peoples of classical antiquity. Due to the flat nature of Central Europe and certain cultural features, the main branch of the army for a long time was the knightly cavalry, the infantry was with the wagon train. In the struggle of the Swiss and Flemings for independence, infantry was born, capable of fighting the knights, and it was built in massive columns. Simultaneously with the invention of firearms, which coincided with the revival of the sciences and arts, European peoples became acquainted with the ideas of the ancient military art of the Greeks and Romans. The Flemings were the first to use them, dividing the battle formation, like the Roman one, into three lines. Gustav Adolf went to two, like Marius. Then the craze for firearms, in connection with the recruiting system, brought about a linear order of battle, in which the infantry was drawn up in thin lines to fire battle fire, and the cavalry formed up on the flanks. The idea of ​​a reserve associated with a strong hit at the point of attack was almost forgotten. She appeared sometimes, in a weak form, only with Frederick the Great. The French Revolution caused a complete revolution in the field of tactics as well: the tactical ideas of the classical world were restored in their entirety. Napoleon Bonaparte proved to be the greatest classic: he combined the ideas of the mechanical theory of combat of the Greeks into one whole (powerful reserves of battle order, terrible coup de collier at the decisive moment of the battle, the use of all means of combat among the masses: infantry, cavalry, fire) and the ideas of Rome (the organization of the voltigeurs - like the velites, the young and old guards - in the likeness of the principles and triarii of the Roman legion, two strike preparations: artillery fire from afar and infantry volleys and single fire at close range).

Russian empire

Russian military art and especially tactics developed independently of Europe; it reflected the peculiarity of the warehouse of Russian life and high quality The Russian soldier gave the entire tactical art of the Russian army a peculiar imprint: for the first time in Russia, complete freedom and a variety of combat forms and methods of combat, dragoon-type cavalry, field and horse artillery, and rifle combat in combination with columns (even before the French Revolution) appeared. Into the war - Mrs. The Russian army gave a strong impetus to the development of European tactics. Over the past 130 years, when the Russian army has renounced blind imitation of Europe, in the field of tactics it has always been ahead. Naval tactics reproduce the same ideas as land tactics; only in a simpler setting - there is no terrain. The speed of movement, the strength of artillery and mines, ramming, the impenetrability of the most important parts of the ship for enemy shells determine its combat capability.

Modern tactics

The firepower of modern, even irregular, formations is capable of destroying everything in the zone of fire. Therefore, the protection of their units from effective enemy fire is the main activity on the battlefield. This type of activity includes: preventing the enemy from reconnaissance and observation of his subunits or their communications, protecting his subunits by digging in or creating impenetrable, or at least invisible obstacles, and suppressing effective enemy fire with their own firepower. Modern armed forces include various types of troops, each of which has its own disadvantages and advantages. Their joint use compensates for their shortcomings.

see also



  • N. Morozov, General tactics (with 33 drawings in the text), A series of textbooks, manuals and manuals for the Red Army, State Publishing House Department of Military Literature, Moscow Leningrad, year;
  • P. Gladkov, Tactics of armored units. Moscow (M), Gosizdat, year;
  • V.E. Savkin, Basic principles of operational art and tactics, M ., year;
  • Tactics, Ed. V.G. Reznichenko. Authors: V.G. Reznichenko, lieutenant general, doctor of military. sciences, prof., hon. activity sciences of the RSFSR (introduction, chapter one); I.N. Vorobyov, major general, doctor of military. sciences, prof. (chapter four); N.F. Miroshnichenko, Colonel, Ph.D. military Sciences, Art. scientific collaborator (chapters six and eight); Yu.S. Nadirov, colonel, candidate. military Sciences, art. scientific collaborator (chapters two, three, seven, conclusion); A.A. Sidorenko, major general, doctor of military. sciences, prof., hon. activity Sciences of the RSFSR (chapter five). Reviewer: M.A. Gareev, Colonel General, Doctor of Military. Sciences. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional . - M.: Military publishing house. 1987. - 496 p., 8 sheets. ill. - (Library officer). Circulation 100,000 copies;


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .


See what "Tactics" is in other dictionaries:

    - (Greek taktike referring to the art of disposing troops). Part of the strategy: the art of producing military evolutions. In a figurative sense: means used to achieve something. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    TACTICS, tactics, women (Greek taktike). 1. The art of combat. || The science of combat. Tactics course. 2. trans. A set of methods and techniques used to achieve the intended goal. “Tactics deals with forms of struggle and forms… … Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    tactics- and, well. tactics f. new lat. tactic gr. taktike is the art of commanding troops. 1. An integral part of military art, including the theory and practice of preparing for and conducting combat. BAS 1. However, the system fell in many ways, and everything that amounted to ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    See way... Synonym dictionary

Tactics and strategy. It seems that these concepts are so far from the life of an ordinary person that there is no point in delving into their features, looking for similarities and differences.
In fact, each of us has long and consistently been both a strategist and a tactician. Remember how in your childhood you decided that you must become, for example, a doctor or an engineer, and then long and hard went towards this goal, overcoming obstacles, carefully considering each step.
Tactics and strategy are closely related to each other. In fact, tactics are meaningless in the absence of a strategy, and a strategy will never be implemented without well-thought-out tactical moves. Moreover, the same idea can act both as a tactic and as a strategy, depending on the height from which it is perceived. If tactics are considered in relation to subordinate tactics, then in this case it should be called a strategy. The same situation is with the strategy relative to the higher strategy. She becomes a tactic. This means that tactics and strategy are not only interdependent concepts, but also interchangeable.


Both tactics and strategy are a kind of plan with which they want to achieve their goal. Only a strategy is a plan without going into details of implementation. Tactics can be called the way of implementing a strategy. Each strategy includes several tactical decisions.

Time interval

Since strategic ideas have a larger scale than tactical moves, it takes much more time to implement them.


The success of an enterprise depends not only on the right strategy, which is of course important, but also on the ways of its implementation. Even the best, potentially successful strategy will be doomed to failure if the tactical steps are not thoroughly thought out or poorly executed.

Thus, highlights the following differences between tactics and strategy:

Tactics is an integral part of the strategy, the way to achieve the goal.
Without a good strategy, tactics will not work, and vice versa.
Tactics involve less time than strategy.
Tactics is more in depth than strategy.

For a correct understanding of many processes occurring in military affairs, politics, business and some other areas of human activity, it is important to adequately use such concepts as tactics and strategy.

What is meant by tactics

In the art of war, tactics are usually understood as a set of measures that determine theoretical and practical training for combat. It involves the analysis of the situation, the elaboration of the details of the operation, the measures for the preparation and implementation of hostilities. This takes into account their dynamism and mobility in offensive and defensive operations, tactical maneuvers, direct combat contact with the enemy, etc.

This may apply to military formations and subunits. various kinds armed forces. The place of implementation of tactical ideas can be spaces on land and at sea, in space and air, as well as information space. Tactics must take into account the methods of action accumulated by experience, taking into account the weapons, military equipment, reconnaissance and electronic countermeasures equipment available in the arsenal, and the experience of commanders.

Examples of competent tactics have been known since ancient times. In many ways, they are associated with a high level of culture in general, the physical and spiritual condition of the troops. One of the ancient tactical traditions was the beginning of hostilities by a clash of the best fighters of the parties. Then small armies appeared to advance with cavalry on the flanks, which dealt a powerful blow along the entire front. Over time, the armies increased, and they began to be divided for ease of administration. Specialized units appeared to start the battle, breakthrough, reserve. Tactics underwent significant changes with the development of firearms.

Serious tactical achievements marked the beginning of the 19th century, when Napoleon Bonaparte creatively rethought and implemented the best tactical ideas of his predecessors. He managed to combine into one whole a competent organization of battle order, his powerful reserves, inflicting a strong blow at the decisive moment of the battle. They massively used cavalry, infantry, artillery. Guards were used in critical areas of the main attack. Each strike began with artillery preparation carried out at a distance. He switched to salvo and single infantry fire.

A huge influence on the development of tactics had tactical art of the Russian and Soviet army. They were distinguished by freedom of maneuver, a combination of various forms and methods of combat operations, and the effective use of artillery and armored vehicles and other types of weapons. A feature of modern combat tactics is the minimization of losses from enemy fire, countering his reconnaissance and good governance units and divisions. In this case, the main role is assigned to the protection of their troops with the help of engineering means. Here, special attention is paid to the proper use tactical features terrain, sea, air, space or cyberspace.

Why do we need a strategy

Unlike tactics, which are used to organize and conduct individual battles and battles, strategy is general plan of action for an extended period. The strategy is aimed at achieving a large-scale goal of military or other activities. It helps to win wars and is the subject of activity supreme bodies states. At the same time, a systematic implementation of a complex of military, organizational and economic measures is expected.

For its implementation, organized strategic intelligence, development of necessary geographical maps and other documents. A prerequisite any strategy becomes a forecast of a military-strategic nature and organized on its basis strategic planning. An appropriate command is being created, which, in order to ensure superiority over the enemy, ensures the concentration of forces and means, their concentration in the strategic direction, and the communication of troops with command and control agencies. Stealth is provided by strategic camouflage measures. An obligatory condition for any military strategy is the formation of military-strategic reserves.

Not just for war

In recent years, the concept of "strategy" has been increasingly used in politics and business, the development of economic sectors and the implementation of large-scale social projects, in computer games, sports. Generally speaking, strategy is the art of economic, political and social leadership of people, which determines the main direction, their mode of action, deeds, line of behavior.

In business, strategy is integrated action system aimed at achieving the goals of the company, the essence of which is a package of rules for the adoption management decisions. Under the concept investment strategy means the establishment of a set of financial measures in order to achieve long-term strategic business goals. Market strategy means a system of actions of an enterprise to expand the sales of its products and services. Operational strategy means a set of ways and means of realizing the company's long-term goals in its current activities. It establishes the parameters for the standardization and integration of the processes needed to create and sell manufactured goods and services.

To prevent dependence on one division of the company or a group of goods (services), a diversification strategy is developed. Marketing strategy is taken to implement measures aimed at identifying by the company of its products (services) as different from competitors. In sports, game strategies are developed that provide for interconnected combinations, techniques and moves, subordinate to a pre-developed plan for achieving victory. Exists political science, called a geographical strategy, the subject of which is the implementation of a national strategy, taking into account the characteristics of this space.

What is the difference

AT general plan strategy involves the use of all opportunities in order to achieve the main goal. There is an urgent need for it in situations where there are not enough available resources to achieve the final result at once.

With the help of tactics subordinate to the main task, intermediate tasks are solved to achieve the main goal. Tactics involves the development of a set of specific measures with an indication of the performers, deadlines for implementation and organization of control. Without such events in any field of activity, the strategy turns into a declaration. In military terminology, tactics are the means to win the battle, and strategy is the way to win the war.

In a broad sense, strategy and tactics are a complex of intellectual efforts, the purpose of which is to optimize the transition from the present to the desired future. In a narrower sense, strategy, as well as tactics, is some kind of idea that helps to achieve your goals.

The difference between them is manifested in the scale of activity and the time intervals with which they operate. The difference is also in the price and consequences of decisions. A bad (in the sense of an erroneous) tactic is a lost day, a bad strategy is a lost year (the time ratio may be different, this is an example).

Traditional interpretation of strategy and tactics:

A strategy is a general, non-detailed plan of any activity covering a long period of time, a way to achieve a complex goal ...

A strategy, as a way of action, becomes necessary in a situation where there are not enough available resources to directly achieve the main goal. The objective of the strategy is the efficient use of available resources to achieve the main goal. Tactics is a tool for implementing the strategy and is subordinated to the main goal of the strategy. The strategy achieves the main goal through the solution of intermediate tactical tasks...

is essentially correct, but very abstract, leaving the question of the boundary between strategy and tactics open. What exactly is considered a strategy, and what is a tactic in this or that case? Where does strategy end and tactics begin? “The strategy covers a long period of time”, but which period? Can there be a strategy within one day, one week, one month? Within the framework of this definition, there are no and cannot be unambiguous answers to these questions.

In fact, this is a two-level model: the upper, abstract level is strategy, the lower, concrete level is tactics. However, layered model strategies with increasing detail from the general strategy of the upper level to more and more detailed and specific strategies of the lower, in my opinion, are more appropriate.

In such a model, a strategy of any level can be considered a tactic in relation to a higher strategy. Also, a tactic can be considered a strategy in relation to a lower tactic. Imagine a multi-storey building. Each floor is a strategy for the lower floors and at the same time a tactic for the upper ones.

You can also draw an analogy with nesting dolls. One and the same doll can be called both strategy and tactics, depending on where we look at it from. If we look at it from the point of view of a nested nesting doll (i.e., a smaller nesting doll), then this is a strategy. If we look at it from the point of view of the matryoshka in which it is nested (that is, a larger nesting doll), then this is a tactic.

Such an analogy with dolls very well reflects the real state of affairs, since tactical goals and decisions are "smaller" (compared to strategic ones) and they are really invested in the strategy, and it consists of them. The only clarification is that the strategy is characterized by investing in a large nesting doll, after all, not one, but several smaller nesting dolls at once. For example, a goal may consist of several subgoals, or a plan may consist of several points, which in turn may also consist of ...

Thus, one and the same decision can be called strategic or tactical, depending on the point of view and scale. The principles presented here can be called both the principles of strategy and the principles of tactics.

Why all this reasoning? And to what they actually ask strategy model, and with it the way of strategic thinking.

If you think that in nature there are only "two-story houses" and you need to build only them, then you are seriously limiting your thinking, driving it into tight limits. Your house may be tall, but it will only have two floors. And everything, in general everything, you will have to distribute between them. Neither in the basement, nor in the attic (they simply are not there), only on the first or second floor.

Do two-story houses have the right to exist? Of course they do. A two-story house is a special case of a multi-story house. The two-level model makes sense in the case of a simple strategy, where it is easy to separate strategy from tactics. If we are talking about a more or less complex strategy, such a strategy, where there is a whole hierarchy of goals, then a multi-level model would be more appropriate there - a "multi-storey building".