Personnel policy definition. Personnel policy of the organization and its directions. Characteristics of the personnel policy of JSC "AvtoVAZ"

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Personnel policy is the general direction personnel work, a set of principles, methods, forms of organizational mechanism for the development of goals and objectives aimed at preserving, strengthening and developing human resources, to create a qualified and highly productive cohesive team capable of responding in a timely manner to constantly changing market requirements, taking into account the organization's development strategy.

The main directions of personnel policy in the organization:

1. Carrying out marketing activities in the field of personnel.

2. Planning for the need for personnel.

3. Forecasting the creation of new jobs, taking into account the introduction of new technologies.

4. Organization of recruitment, selection, evaluation and certification of personnel, career guidance and labor adaptation of personnel.

5. Selection and placement of personnel.

6. Labor adaptation of personnel.

7. Development of an incentive system and motivational mechanisms to increase interest and satisfaction with work, wages.

8. Rationalization of costs for the personnel of the organization.

9. Development of personnel development programs.

10. Organization of labor and workplace.

11. development of employment programs and social programs.

12. Rationalization of the number of personnel.

13. management of innovations in personnel work.

14. Ensuring the safety and health of personnel.

15. Analysis of the reasons for the release of personnel and the choice of the most rational options for it.

16. Ensuring a high level of labor quality, working life and labor results.

17. Development of projects to improve personnel management.

Types of personnel policy:

Open - characterized by the fact that the organization is transparent to potential employees at any level, the organization is ready to hire any specialist of the appropriate qualification without taking into account work experience in other organizations. Such a personnel policy may be adequate for new organizations that are pursuing an aggressive policy of conquering the market, focused on rapid growth and rapid entry into the forefront of their industry.

Closed - is characterized by the fact that the organization focuses on the inclusion of new personnel only from the lowest official level, and the replacement occurs only from among the employees of the organization. Such a personnel policy is typical for companies focused on creating a certain corporate atmosphere, the formation of a special spirit of involvement.

Features of the implementation of personnel processes in open and closed personnel policy.

Personnel process Type of personnel policy
open Closed
Recruitment The situation of high competition in the labor market Scarcity situation work force
Staff adaptation The possibility of quick inclusion in competitive relations, the introduction of new approaches for the organization proposed by newcomers. Effective adaptation due to the institution of mentors (“guardians”), high team cohesion, inclusion in traditional approaches.
Personnel training and development Often held in external centers, it contributes to the borrowing of new experience. Often held in internal corporate centers, it contributes to the formation of a single view, following a common technology, adapted to the specifics of the organization.
Staff promotion On the one hand, the possibility of growth is hampered by the constant influx of new personnel, and on the other hand, a “dizzying career” is quite likely due to the high mobility of personnel. Preference for appointment to higher positions is always given to honored employees of the company, career planning is carried out.
Motivation and stimulation Preference is given to stimulating labor (primarily material). Preference is given to motivation (meeting the need for stability, security, social acceptance)
Implementation of innovations Constant innovative impact on the part of new employees, the main mechanism of innovation is the contract, determining the responsibility of the employee and the organization Innovative behavior must either be specially imitated, or it is the result of an employee's awareness of the commonality of his fate with the fate of the enterprise.

Goals, objectives, essence of personnel planning. Qualitative and quantitative need for staff. Their relationship, indicators of quality needs. The main methods for determining the quantitative need for personnel.

The essence of personnel planning is to provide people with jobs at the right time and in the required quantity in accordance with their abilities, inclinations and production requirements. Jobs, in terms of productivity and motivation, should allow workers to develop their abilities in an optimal way, increase labor efficiency, meet the requirements for creating human-worthy working conditions and employment. This method of personnel management is able to coordinate and balance the interests of employers and employees.

Personnel planning is carried out both in the interests of the organization and in the interests of its staff. It is important for an organization to have right time, in the right place, in the right quantity and with the appropriate qualifications, with such personnel as is necessary to solve production tasks to achieve its goals. Personnel planning should create conditions for motivating higher productivity and job satisfaction. People are attracted primarily by those jobs where conditions are created for the development of their abilities and high and constant earnings are guaranteed. One of the tasks of personnel planning is to take into account the interests of all employees of the organization. It should be remembered that personnel planning is only effective when it is integrated into the overall planning process of the organization.

HR planning should answer the following questions:

How many workers, what skills, when and where will they be needed?

How can you attract the right staff and cut down on the redundant without causing social harm?

How best to use staff according to their abilities?

How to ensure the development of personnel for the performance of work that requires a new, more highly qualified, and keeping their knowledge in line with the demands of production?

What costs will be required by the planned personnel activities?

HR planning:

1. HR strategies. Development of the foundations for the future personnel policy of the organization. Creation of opportunities for official and professional advancement of employees. Ensuring the development of personnel to perform work with new qualifications and adapt their knowledge to changing production conditions.

2. Personnel goals. Determination of the specific goals of the organization and each employee, arising from HR strategy. Achieving the maximum convergence of the goals of the organization and the individual goals of employees.

3. Personnel tasks. Providing the organization with the right people, at the right time, in the right place, in the right numbers and with the right qualifications, to achieve the goals.

4. Personnel activities. Plan development personnel events for the implementation of specific goals and objectives of the organization and each employee. Determination of the costs for the implementation of the personnel action plan.

Determining the staffing needs of the organization- this is the establishment of the necessary quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the personnel, corresponding to the chosen strategy for the development of the organization.

Types of staffing needs:

The need for staff training;

Qualitative need for personnel;

Quantitative need for staff;

The need of an individual employee is the awareness of the absence of something that causes the employee to act.

The purpose of determining the need for personnel is to establish the number necessary for the reliable performance by employees of official and professional duties. In this case, decisions are made about the need for them - the quantity and quality, time and duration, as well as the place.

Determining the quantitative need for personnel comes down to choosing a method for calculating the number of employees, establishing the initial data for the calculation and directly calculating the required number for a certain time period. Various methods are used to determine the quantitative requirement.

As they say, cadres are everything. This saying is still relevant today, since qualified personnel is the most important component of the success of almost any business. To provide the company with such employees, to maintain their level, so that it does not happen that the pros go to competitors, a carefully thought-out personnel policy is needed. What it is, what its functions are, who develops it, what points you should pay attention to - we will tell in the article.

The concept of personnel policy and its types

One of the decisive factors that ensure efficiency and competitiveness for any company is a high human resources potential. At the same time, it should be remembered that work with personnel does not end with hiring - the process of working with personnel should be built in such a way as to achieve the desired result in the shortest possible way in relation to any issue, and in the personnel sphere too. This is facilitated by a developed and clearly formulated personnel policy - a set of rules and norms, goals and ideas that determine the direction and content of work with personnel. It is through personnel policy that the goals and objectives of personnel management are implemented, therefore it is considered the core of the personnel management system.

The personnel policy is formed by the company's management and implemented by the personnel department in the process of performing their functions by its employees. The principles, methods, rules and norms in the field of work with personnel must be formulated in a certain way, the personnel policy must be fixed in local and other regulatory legal acts of the company, for example, the rules of internal work schedule, collective agreement. Of course, it is not always clearly indicated in the documents, however, regardless of the degree of expression "on paper", each organization has its own personnel policy.

The object of personnel policy, as we have already understood, is the personnel of the organization. But the subject is the personnel management system, consisting of personnel management services, independent structural divisions united according to the principle of functional and methodical subordination.

Note.Personnel policy defines the philosophy and principles implemented by management in relation to human resources.

There are several types of personnel policy.

Active. With such a policy, the company's management can not only predict the development crisis situations but also allocate funds to influence them. The personnel management service is able to develop anti-crisis programs, analyze the situation and make adjustments in accordance with changes in external and internal factors.

In this type of personnel policy, two subspecies are distinguished:

- rational (when the personnel department has the means of both diagnosing personnel and predicting the personnel situation for the medium and long-term periods. The development programs of the organization contain short-term, medium-term and long-term forecasts of the need for personnel (qualitative and quantitative). In addition, an integral part of the plan is a program of personnel work with options for its implementation);

- adventurous (when the management does not have a forecast for the development of the situation, but seeks to influence it. The personnel department of the enterprise, as a rule, does not have the means to predict the personnel situation and diagnose personnel, while the personnel work plan is based on a rather emotional, poorly reasoned, but, perhaps a correct idea of ​​the purpose of this activity).

Passive. With this type of policy, the management of the organization does not have an action program for employees, and personnel work is reduced to the elimination negative consequences external influences. Such organizations are characterized by the absence of a forecast of staffing needs, funds business evaluation employees, systems for diagnosing personnel motivation.

Personnel policy is carried out at all levels of management: senior management, line managers, personnel management service.

Preventive. It is carried out in cases where the management has reason to assume the possibility of crisis situations, there are some forecasts, but the personnel department of the organization does not have the means to influence the negative situation.

Reactive. The management of an organization that has chosen this type of personnel policy seeks to control indicators that indicate the occurrence of negative situations in relations with personnel (conflicts, lack of a sufficiently qualified workforce to solve the tasks, lack of motivation for highly productive work). Human resources departments in such firms usually have the means to detect such situations and take emergency action.

Depending on the orientation to one's own or to external staff, from the degree of openness in relation to the external environment, an open personnel policy is distinguished (to meet the need for employees, the organization turns to external sources, that is, you can start working in an organization both from a lower position and at the level senior management; this most often happens in new companies seeking to quickly conquer the market, reach the forefront in the industry) and closed (carried out when the company is focused on the inclusion of new personnel from the lower level, and replacement vacancies comes only from the number of employees, that is, in fact, their own personnel potential is used).

Development of personnel policy

Some long-established companies, especially if they work closely with foreign partners, have a well-documented understanding of personnel policy, personnel processes and activities for their implementation. For some, the idea of ​​how to work with personnel exists at the level of understanding, but is not enshrined in company documents. In any case, the formation of a personnel management policy begins with identifying potential opportunities in the field of management and identifying those areas of work with personnel that should be strengthened for the successful implementation of the company's strategy.

The formation of personnel policy is influenced by external and internal factors. Factors external environment the organization cannot change, but must take into account in order to correctly determine the need for personnel and the optimal sources for covering this need. These include:

— the situation on the labor market (demographic factors, education policy, interaction with trade unions);

— economic development trends;

- scientific and technological progress (affects the nature and content of labor, the need for certain specialists, the possibility of retraining personnel);

— regulatory environment ( labor law, employment and labor protection legislation, social guarantees etc.).

Factors internal environment subject to control by the organization. These include:

- the goals of the organization, their time horizon and the degree of sophistication (for example, a company aimed at making a quick profit and then closing requires completely different professionals than a company focused on gradual development);

- management style (strictly centralized approach or the principle of decentralization - depending on this, different specialists are required);

- the personnel potential of the organization (associated with the assessment of the capabilities of the employees of the organization, with the correct distribution of responsibilities between them, which is the basis for effective and stable work);

- working conditions (the degree of work hazard to health, the location of jobs, the degree of freedom in solving problems, interacting with other people in the process of work, etc. If there are at least a few unattractive jobs in terms of conditions, the personnel department will have to develop programs to attract and retain employees on them);

- leadership style (it will largely affect the nature of personnel policy).

The formation of personnel policy can be divided into several stages.

At the first stage, the formation of the goals and objectives of the personnel policy is carried out. It is necessary to harmonize the principles and goals of working with personnel with the principles and goals of the company, develop programs and ways to achieve the goals of personnel work. It should be noted that the goals and objectives of the personnel policy are determined in accordance with the provisions of regulatory documents and are linked to the goals and objectives to ensure the effective functioning of the organization as a whole.

Note.The main goal of personnel policy is the full use of the qualification potential of employees. It is achieved by providing each employee with work in accordance with his abilities and qualifications.

At the second stage, personnel monitoring is carried out. For this, procedures for diagnosing and predicting the personnel situation are being developed. In particular, at this stage it is necessary to determine:

- quality requirements for employees based on the requirements for the position;

- the number of employees by position, qualifications etc.;

— the main directions of the personnel policy for the selection and placement of employees, the formation of a reserve, the assessment of personnel development, remuneration, the use of human resources, etc.

Well, at the final stage, a plan of personnel measures, methods and tools of personnel planning are developed, forms and methods of personnel management are selected, and responsible executors are appointed.

Note.The tools for implementing personnel policy are: personnel planning; current personnel work; personnel management; measures for professional development, staff development, solving social problems; reward and motivation. As a result of the use of these tools, the behavior of employees changes, the efficiency of their work increases, and the structure of the team is optimized.

Directions of personnel policy

The directions of personnel policy coincide with the directions of personnel work in a particular organization. In other words, they correspond to the functions of the personnel management system operating in the organization. Thus, personnel policy can be implemented in the following areas:

— forecasting the need to create new jobs, taking into account the introduction of new technologies;

- development of a personnel development program in order to solve both current and future tasks of the organization based on the improvement of the training system and job transfer of employees;

— development of motivational mechanisms that ensure an increase in the interest and satisfaction of employees with work;

- creation modern systems recruitment and selection of personnel, marketing activities in relation to personnel, the formation of the concept of remuneration and moral incentives for employees;

- ensuring equal opportunities for effective work, its safety and normal conditions;

— determination of the basic requirements for personnel within the forecast of the development of the enterprise, the formation of new personnel structures and the development of procedures and mechanisms for personnel management;

— improvement of the moral and psychological climate in the team, involvement of ordinary workers in management.

Recall that every worker matters, because as a result of labor individual the final results of the entire company depend. In this regard, the moral and material incentives, social guarantees should be the main aspect of the personnel policy pursued in organizations. The payment of bonuses and the system of participation of employees in the distribution of profits will ensure a high level of their interest in the final results of the organization's activities.

Evaluation of the choice of personnel policy

The developed and implemented personnel policy is subject to evaluation after a certain time. It is determined whether it is effective or not, whether something needs to be corrected. In practice, the assessment of personnel policy is carried out according to the following indicators:

- labor productivity;

— compliance with the law;

- the degree of job satisfaction;

- the presence / absence of absenteeism and complaints;

- staff turnover;

— presence/absence of labor conflicts;

- the frequency of industrial injuries.

A well-formed personnel policy ensures not only timely and high-quality staffing, but also rational use workforce according to qualifications and in accordance with special training, as well as maintaining a high level of quality of life for employees, which makes working in a particular organization desirable.


So, in the article we very briefly talked about the personnel policy of the organization. What is the main goal of the Human Resources Department? Providing the organization with personnel capable of effectively solving urgent problems in market conditions, the effective use of these personnel, professional and social development. And the requirements for personnel policy are as follows.

Firstly, it must be closely linked to the enterprise development strategy and be sufficiently stable, allowing for its adjustment in accordance with changes in the company's strategy, production and economic situation.

Secondly, the personnel policy should be economically justified, that is, based on the real financial capabilities of the organization, and should also provide for an individual approach to employees.

The introduction of personnel policy involves the restructuring of the work of the organization's personnel management service. We will have to develop a personnel management concept, update the regulations on departments personnel service it is possible to carry out reshuffles in the leadership of the organization, based on the data of extraordinary certification; introduce new methods of selection, selection and evaluation of employees, as well as a system for their professional advancement. In addition, it will be necessary to develop career guidance and adaptation programs for personnel, new incentive systems and work motivation and management of labor discipline.

Personnel policy of the enterprise defines the main approaches and methods of personnel management in a particular company. For the formation of the main directions of the personnel policy of the enterprise, as a rule, the personnel department and the top management of the company are responsible. The priority goal of the organization's personnel policy is to answer the question: what principles and specific tools will the company use in the field of personnel management.

Often the scope of personnel policy includes such processes as:

  • Remuneration, system of remuneration and penalties
  • Formation of a personnel reserve
  • Rotation and internal promotion of personnel
  • End of employment relationship

Factors influencing the formation of the main directions of the company's personnel policy.

There are a number of external and internal factors that are taken into account when forming the personnel policy of an enterprise.

External factors

Legal field. First of all, any personnel policy of an enterprise should not contradict the laws of the country in which it is applied. So, for example, in Russian Federation labor Code very clearly and strictly regulates the procedure for hiring, remuneration and dismissal of employees. Therefore, when developing a personnel policy, it is necessary to take into account the possibilities, practices and limitations of the current legislation. This can be a significant problem for companies that operate in different legal environments (different industries, regions, countries). In such international companies and large corporations, the HR department is faced with the dilemma of balancing global versus local approaches. On the one hand, the temptation to create a single set of personnel policies is great, on the other hand, the application and implementation of these policies encounters difficulties associated with the nuances of local legislation or accepted market practices.

For example, with a global approach to the development of the main directions of the company's personnel policy, there is an understandable desire to develop consolidated rules that will be applied regardless of the specifics and geography of the business. This allows the personnel department to form a unified approach to certain issues of personnel management, which in turn creates the basis for a common corporate culture, greatly facilitates the task of personnel movement within the company and increases the degree of objectivity. The complexity of this approach lies in the fact that the practical implementation of global personnel principles and technologies may face the impossibility of their implementation within the framework of local legislation. A vivid example of this is the need to adapt policies in one way or another in such personnel areas as:

  • Policy on equal gender or national rights and non-discrimination on any grounds

Labor market. Not unimportant factor in setting priorities in the formation of the main directions of personnel policy of enterprises are current trends in the labor market. Any company, entering the market, enters the struggle for personnel. In this war for talent, each company chooses its own strategy. Someone tries to keep up with trends in the labor market. Someone is trying to stand out. Someone is always on the catch-up positions. But the market and the expectations of employees often dictate their own requirements for the content of the personnel policy of enterprises. Therefore, it is so important for the personnel department in the development and implementation of the main directions of personnel policy to have a good idea of ​​​​what competitors are doing and to be aware of new methods and tools in the field of personnel management.

Technology. AT recent times more and more, the impact of scientific and technological progress on personnel processes companies. Automation of production and office activities, digital reality is changing approaches in the field of personnel management every day, which in turn is reflected in personnel policies and procedures. Automation is a prime example of this. personnel document flow, algorithmization of the process of selection and evaluation of personnel. The introduction of online portals provides opportunities for employees and managers to implement HR policies and procedures through digital applications without the direct involvement of HR employees.

Cultural differences and peculiarities. The main success in the formation of personnel policies and processes of the organization is measured by their ultimate effectiveness. And this seriously depends on how cultural differences and peculiarities were taken into account in the development of documents and approaches. As they say, what is good for a Russian is death for a German.

Internal factors

Goals and business model of the enterprise. The main objectives of the personnel policy of the enterprise should be directly related to the overall goals of the business and the chosen business model. After all human resource companies are mobilized in order to ensure the achievement of these goals within the framework of a given business model. Therefore, the policies and procedures created by the HR department, in particular, are designed to explain to managers how they should act in order to increase the efficiency and productivity of employees.

Corporate culture. The definition of the main directions and content of personnel policy is also influenced by corporate culture organization and leadership style. What may be encouraged in one company may be a reason for dismissal in another. In personnel policies and procedures, the company gets the opportunity to codify its norms and clearly explain to employees the norms of what is acceptable.

Also, in practice, examples are not uncommon when the personal qualities and preferences of a leader can be reflected in practices in the field of personnel management.

Tools for implementing the company's personnel policy

The main directions of personnel policy can be fixed in different ways:

  • Oral agreement within the framework of the company's traditions (example: it is customary for an enterprise to issue bonuses to employees by March 8 or February 23).
  • Written in the form of personnel policies and procedures (example: various regulations - selection, adaptation, training and development, rotation, remuneration and motivation, etc.).

The tools for implementing the personnel policy of an enterprise can be:

  • System of fines and rewards
  • and staff promotion
  • The system of values ​​and norms adopted within the corporate culture
  • Philosophy of leadership and .

The main areas and directions of the company's personnel policy

As a rule, in most large and medium-sized companies, the following areas of personnel management are regulated and prescribed in one form or another:

Selection selection and recruitment

Policies and procedures in this area usually cover the following issues:

  1. How is an employee searched for an open vacancy?
  2. What methods of selection, interviewing and testing are applied to applicants?
  3. Who and in what terms makes the final decision on hiring a candidate?
  4. How is feedback built with candidates?
  5. What is the recruitment process for a job candidate?

Additional policies in this area are:

  • (referral program).
  • Policy for equal rights and opportunities in recruitment (non-discrimination regulation).

At the stage of registration of an employee, some companies include in the set of personnel documents:

Policy on the verification of the candidate's personal data (the so-called background check)

Documents about liability employee

Introduction and adaptation of new employees

The main directions of the personnel approach in this direction, as a rule, are fixed in. Additionally, the processes of training, instruction and provision during a trial period can be prescribed.

Personnel training and development

The set of personnel policies in this area describes the processes and approaches of the company in the following areas:

Additionally, the processes of formation and distribution of the budget for training, the procedure for selecting contractors for the provision of training and training services, assessing the quality and effectiveness of training can be regulated.

Assessment and certification of personnel

The main directions of personnel policy in the field of assessment or certification of personnel are reflected in the following normative documents:

  • The main directions for improving the personnel policy of the enterprise

    Changing market conditions and new trends in the field of personnel management require companies to constantly improve their approaches to managing their human capital. What can be the sources of improvement of the personnel policy of the enterprise:

    • changes in labor market conditions
    • emergence of new technologies
    • a significant generation change in the management of the enterprise
    • change of business owner
    • various forms of restructuring and reorganization
    • new methods in the field of personnel management
    • feedback from company staff.

    I would like to talk about the latter separately. The involvement of the company's personnel in the optimization of the organization's business processes is not an easy task, but in case of success, it promises a lot of benefits for both top management and the team. This statement is especially relevant in the issue of personnel approaches. If the company's personnel policy is aimed at creating a comfortable working atmosphere and increasing productivity, then the team should be given the opportunity to express their opinion and wishes on how the personnel policy is implemented. Affordable feedback, the HR department can obtain valuable information about how policies and procedures work in the field, which areas of personnel policy require adjustments and improvements.

    Feedback from employees can be implemented in the form of:

    • opportunities to express their suggestions to the HR department through internal forums and mail portals
    • publication of draft new policies and procedures in the public domain for discussion and suggestions from the team
    • invitation of team representatives to take part in the development of certain aspects of personnel policy
    • regular employee surveys.

    All these measures will create a two-way dialogue between the top management of the company and the team, increase the degree of involvement of employees in enterprise management issues and provide a better level of support and understanding to the personnel of the principles and main directions of the personnel policy of the enterprise.