Types of personnel strategy of the organization and its types. HR strategy Development of the company's HR strategy

"HR officer. Personnel management", 2008, N 4

A competent personnel strategy in CJSC "PK" Paradigma "is the basis for positive changes in labor efficiency at the enterprise, increasing satisfaction and professional development of its employees.

Dictionary of personnel management. Personnel strategy - a set of basic principles, rules and objectives for working with personnel, taking into account the business strategy, organizational structure, personnel potential, personnel policy.

The personnel strategy, or personnel management strategy, is based on the personnel policy and development strategy of the organization and is of a long-term nature. The development of a personnel management strategy consists in determining the main directions of action, resources, time parameters, a set of measures to implement the chosen course of action.

General strategy for the development of the enterprise

The dominant line of business of Paradigma Polygraphic Company CJSC is the production of full-color individual cardboard packaging using offset printing. The domestic packaging market, where the company operates, is one of the youngest and most dynamically developing. printing companies are small and medium-sized enterprises, the share of enterprises with more than a thousand employees is insignificant Most of the enterprises adhere to an active development strategy: more than half of the companies have attracted additional capital over the past 5 years, the volume of investments has increased significantly in 68% of enterprises The Udmurt market of printing services has begun to actively to develop since the 90s of the XX century, changing both quantitatively and qualitatively.At present, the industry of the republic is demonstrating a rapid positive trend, which gives reason to predict sustainable growth tons of demand for packaging products. All this reflects the company's favorable competitive position in the analyzed segment and the prospects for its further growth.

During the entire period of its existence, the company paid great attention to the improvement of technical capabilities and actively increased its production base. Currently, it has the only complete stock of offset printing on cardboard in the region. CJSC "PK" Paradigma "is a stable developing enterprise, since 2001 its turnover has increased annually by 20%.

The general development strategy of the enterprise and the dynamics of economic indicators of its activities clearly reflect the company's focus on innovative development, the introduction of project management at the enterprise, the promotion of various project ideas, their selection and implementation. This forms the following guidelines in working with personnel:

  • an innovative option for the development of an enterprise implies the need to intensify the activities of the enterprise in the field of personnel development (improving the skills of employees, introducing new technologies, training workers in new operations);
  • the introduction of project management requires a certain transformation of the organizational structure, which must be accompanied by the optimization of communication channels in the company, the project activity itself requires the reduction of links in communication channels, the reduction of chains of subordination;
  • optimization of the market position of the enterprise needs appropriate support from the side of staffing, namely: the development of the sales department and the improvement of the skills of its employees, the activation of their interaction with other divisions of the enterprise.

The enterprise chose the scheme of internal customers as the principle of new interaction of structural divisions in the process of creating an innovative product. The restructuring of the existing typical patterns of employee interaction requires accompanying work in the field of building new teams at the enterprise, improving the socio-psychological climate during painful procedures for changing internal business processes, team building, and increasing employee loyalty.

The ongoing processes require new approaches to working with personnel, building relationships between the employer and employees on the principles of planning, consistency, and science.

Analysis of the internal and external environment of the enterprise

The development of the personnel strategy of the enterprise began with an analysis of the internal environment of the enterprise, determining the need for personnel, taking into account the prospects for the company's growth and studying the situation on the regional labor market.

The analysis showed that, first of all, the situation on the labor market of managerial workers and the main workers of the printing industry is fundamentally different. Professions in the field of management and maintenance of commercial activities are characterized by a normal supply, and in the event of a shortage in this category of workers at the enterprise, the number of applicants for these vacancies can be quite large, with the exception of large industrial sales managers. A difficult situation has developed in the labor market for workers in the printing industry. It is characterized by the aging of qualified personnel, a decrease in the level of professional training of young specialists, and the absence of candidates in the labor market for the required professions. Currently, the enterprise has already faced a shortage of printers, site foremen, assistant technologists. Finding ways to solve this problem is extremely important.

An analysis of the personnel potential within the enterprise made it possible to identify the initial stage of aging of managerial and production personnel and the need to take preventive measures to prevent the development of this process.

The level of education at the enterprise is high: 43.24% of all employees have higher education, 74% of workers have secondary vocational education and above. This indicator is especially high taking into account the industrial specialization of the enterprise. At the same time, a clearly expressed trend is observed - the higher the level of education of employees, the more likely it is that this education in its profile does not coincide with the specialty of this employee at the enterprise. If among workers with primary vocational education the coincidence is at the level of 73.91%, 51.06% of specialists with secondary vocational education work in their specialty, and among university graduates this indicator is already at the level of 48.44%.

Those employees whose age is in the range of 40 - 49 years, then 35 - 39 years old have the highest qualification. staff rotation. This system is optimal from an economic point of view, since the highest level of staff turnover is observed among low-skilled personnel. The mentoring system is cost-effective and helps to increase employee loyalty, reduces their turnover and, accordingly, the costs of adapting new employees.

In the course of the study, we have identified a rather interesting pattern: the lower the qualifications of workers, the lower, as a rule, their desire to improve their qualifications, and vice versa, the higher the rank of an employee, the greater his desire to perform more complex work and readiness to study to receive the necessary knowledge and skills.

In general, 65.59% of employees expressed their readiness for advanced training among the enterprise's personnel, which is a high indicator and positively characterizes the prospects for further increase in labor potential. At the same time, among the management personnel, the need for advanced training on a number of issues related to the activities of the company and the development of economic relations is recognized by 85.3% of employees, the most willingness is expressed by employees with 4-5 categories - 88.9%, among specialists of 3-4 categories are ready to the implementation of more complex work 63.7%. Employees with the lowest level of qualification are only 27.3% ready for further professional growth.

It should be noted that understanding the tasks of an enterprise in the market and a clear understanding of its role in the process of its activities by employees gives an additional competitive advantage to any organization and serves as a guarantee of a more complete use of its labor potential. For this reason, in the process of assessing the labor potential of the PC "Paradigma", its employees were asked questions to assess their competence in matters of enterprise economics. Taking into account the upcoming tasks of the personnel strategy, the main emphasis in this survey was made on acquaintance with new labor incentive systems and their relationship with the final indicators of the enterprise's management.

More than a third of the company's employees have a holistic view of the goals and methods of commercial activity, its risks and factors of the company's competitiveness in the market. Much fewer employees understand the issues of remuneration, no more than 14% of employees are familiar with modern labor incentive systems. Almost 80% of the company's employees are more or less satisfied with the remuneration system at the enterprise, although more than half of the employees note that, despite this, some additional incentives can be included in the system. The distribution of responses reflects the high readiness of employees to implement incentive systems aimed at improving the efficiency of the enterprise.

The final issue of the study of labor potential was the self-examination of employees for the effectiveness of its use. According to the results of self-assessment of employees, 57.7% of them believe that their labor potential is sufficiently involved in the process of managing the enterprise (at the same time, 4.6% of employees believe that the work performed requires higher qualifications and training), and, accordingly, 37.7% of employees note that they have significant reserves. The dominant reasons for the current level of efficiency in the use of labor potential are low labor motivation, low labor discipline, mistakes of colleagues in work and a low level of coordination of their work.

Personnel strategy of ZAO "PK "Paradigma"

Summarizing the data obtained by us in the course of studying the labor potential of the enterprise and its SWOT analysis, a personnel strategy for CJSC "PK" Paradigma "was developed.

The objectives of the personnel strategy of CJSC "PK "Paradigma" are:

  • providing CJSC PK Paradigma with labor potential sufficient to implement its development strategy;
  • care for the employees of the enterprise: ensuring the growth of their well-being, professional realization and development, stable employment;
  • ensuring the competitiveness of CJSC PK Paradigma through the implementation of the professional and creative abilities of its employees, their innovative activities;
  • ensuring the stable position of the enterprise and its employees in the future.

In order to implement the personnel strategy at the enterprise, the following documents were developed: personnel policy, a program for assessing labor potential, a program for organizing a personnel planning system and their movement, a personnel development program, a position on a personnel reserve, a regulation on an incentive system, an organizational structure of an enterprise, provisions on structural divisions, staffing and job descriptions.

The implementation of the measures provided for by the documents of the personnel strategy is carried out by the head and specialists of the personnel service, as well as employees of the company, whose participation is provided for by the programs of the personnel strategy.

The implementation of these provisions is achieved through universal adherence to the following principles:

  • interaction between employees and company managers is built on the basis of mutual trust, respect and attention to the problems of employees;
  • the development of the company is ensured by the professional, creative and personal development of its employees. The enterprise carries out the development of employees (their training, internships, exchange of experience, participation in conferences, etc.) at its own expense and with the voluntary consent of employees;
  • the company treats highly qualified employees as a personnel elite. She takes care of their optimal working conditions, professional development and career growth. Qualified specialists have a priority right to occupy managerial positions;
  • the company welcomes young professionals - they are its future;
  • the company sees itself as a close-knit team, a community of initiative, caring people who are ready for mutual assistance and teamwork;
  • the company tries to organize the cooperation of employees as efficiently as possible, the smooth work of teams and the coordination of their efforts;
  • the success of the company is the success of its employees, the result of the work is the overall result of labor, the contribution of everyone to the common cause. Everyone is responsible for the quality of their work to colleagues;
  • The company is open to its employees. Each employee is open to constructive dialogue. The results of the company's work, its successes and mistakes, plans and goals are known to every employee;
  • every employee strives for self-discipline and professional growth. Each specialist knows exactly his duties, tasks and his role in achieving the overall result. He is personally responsible for his contribution to the common cause;
  • each employee strives to improve the work of the company, propose new solutions, participate in the discussion of general issues, implement collective decisions;
  • Every worker receives a fair remuneration for his work. He can discuss his remuneration with his manager. The remuneration system is clear to each employee and is controllable;
  • the company provides normal and comfortable working conditions for each employee and team;
  • the company takes care of the health of employees and the physical condition of each employee and his family;
  • The company is socially responsible for its employees. Their labor activity is formalized properly;
  • the employee knows that the success and development of the company depends on the success and development of its customers, he respects the interests of customers and strives to create a product that best meets the requirements and needs of the customer.

Target subprograms of the personnel strategy of the enterprise

Detailed study and implementation of the personnel strategy of the enterprise is carried out at the level of its target subprograms, namely:

  • programs for analyzing the current value of the labor potential of the enterprise;
  • personnel planning and movement management programs;
  • programs for the implementation of the labor potential of the enterprise;
  • personnel development programs.

The purpose of the implementation of the program for analyzing the value of the labor potential is to determine the value of the labor potential of the enterprise and its components, determine the sufficiency of this potential and plan the number of personnel for the forthcoming period of the company's activity.

The tasks of the program for analyzing the magnitude of labor potential are:

  • assessment of the level of professional education of employees;
  • assessment of the current qualifications and professional competence of employees;
  • analysis of the realization of the creative potential of employees;
  • analysis of the effectiveness of the interaction of employees in the process of labor activity;
  • assessment of the optimal required value of the labor potential;
  • determination of the optimal number of personnel of the enterprise.

The purpose of the personnel movement management program is to ensure timely and high-quality staffing of the Paradigma PC, through internal and external search, in accordance with the needs and strategic objectives of the enterprise.

The implementation of this program is governed by the provisions of the personnel strategy and personnel policy of the enterprise.

The program for the implementation of professional and creative abilities of employees of the enterprise includes the following block of questions:

  • management of labor motivation;
  • wage system;
  • non-material incentive system.

This program is based on the following principles of the company regarding labor incentives:

  • compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • fair remuneration of employees for the results of their work;
  • focus on improving the performance of the company;
  • concern for the well-being of employees and their families;
  • individual approach to remuneration of various specialties;
  • equal opportunities for all employees of the company to increase their well-being;
  • ease of calculation of salaries, allowances, additional payments and bonuses, as well as other types of remuneration for labor activity;
  • availability of information on the rules for determining the amount of remuneration of the company's employees.

The personnel development program of the enterprise is aimed at solving such problems as:

  • organization of technical and economic training of personnel;
  • advanced training of employees of the enterprise;
  • formation of a personnel reserve (evaluation of candidates for vacant positions and the formation of a database of potential candidates);
  • business career planning for employees of the enterprise.

The purpose of this program is to ensure continuous personnel development in accordance with the strategic goals of the company and the needs of employees in professional growth.

The personnel development program takes into account the operating conditions of the enterprise, its development strategy and the current level of labor potential. The company seeks to organize an internal personnel development system - mentoring, personnel rotation, transferring the experience of the most qualified employees to a young personnel reserve, securing personnel in the company, increasing their loyalty to the company, introducing new production technologies, introducing project management forms, and developing innovative activities.

Priority forms of development: external and internal forms of training, advanced training of employees in problem areas in the company, improvement of communication channels; quality circles, meetings on the development strategy and tasks of structural divisions, internships with a break from production at enterprises of a related activity, seminars on topical issues of the company's activities, the formation of a mentoring program at the enterprise.

The presented software package allows you to solve the problems of the personnel strategy of the enterprise.

Implementation of HR strategy

Analysis of the implementation of the personnel strategy at the enterprise showed positive results. Since the beginning of the program, namely since 2005, there has been an increase in labor productivity and marginal profitability of personnel costs. Labor productivity in 2005 increased by 10.62 percentage points per person. This positively characterizes personnel management at the enterprise, since it means an increase in the efficiency of the work of employees, an increase in the volume of output per employee. Simultaneously with the growth of labor productivity, the enterprise managed to achieve an increase in the well-being of employees: the average monthly amount of payments per employee increased by 9.18%. At the same time, it should be noted that the increase in labor productivity exceeds the increase in labor costs.

It should also be noted the revitalization of the enterprise in the field of personnel management. The most clearly positive direction of the initiated processes in the field of personnel management is confirmed by the following changes: an increase in the use of labor potential among 3.51% of employees, an increase in satisfaction with the psychological climate at the enterprise by 11.1%, an increase in the number of employees who improved their qualifications by 63.64% and passed 200% learning.

The second important point in the analysis of the results achieved during the implementation of the personnel strategy was the identification of an increase in the activity of the personnel themselves: they participated in internal competitions for vacant positions, responded to the administrative initiative in organizing mentoring and the process of adaptation of new employees, successfully completed training. All this testifies to their acceptance of a new form of work with personnel, its approval, readiness for cooperation. Thus, it is confirmed that the implementation of the programs corresponds to the achievement of the objectives of the personnel strategy and causes positive changes in the efficiency of labor at the enterprise, satisfaction and professional development of its employees.

The final stage of the assessment is to analyze the effectiveness of the personnel service in terms of indirect socio-economic indicators. As we have already noted, 2005 became the first year of work of the HR department in PC Paradigma. During this period, its employees managed to:

  • develop a personnel strategy and programs for its implementation;
  • conduct a complete statistical analysis of the personnel of the enterprise;
  • develop all the necessary documentation to ensure personnel work at the enterprise;
  • create personal packages of documents for 76% of employees;
  • to implement 24 activities envisaged by the HR strategy programs. Indirect indicators of the effectiveness of the work of the personnel service was the reduction compared to 2004:
  • absenteeism - by 18%;
  • layoffs - by 11%;
  • layoffs unexpected for the administration - by 64%;
  • reduction of the period of adaptation of new employees - from 4.5 to 2 months.

HR specialists managed to create a full-fledged personnel service at the enterprise, provide it with all the necessary documentation for organizing personnel work based on a strategic approach, and effectively launch programs for implementing the developed personnel strategy. Moreover, the analysis of changes in labor processes at the enterprise reflected their positive trend already at the initial stage of the work of the personnel service. Taking into account the positive perception of the administrative initiative in the field of personnel management by employees, we can say that the initial stage of the implementation of the personnel strategy was successful.

The proposed approach to the organization of personnel work within the framework of a single strategy, the formation of a complete necessary methodological base for the construction and implementation of a personnel strategy, its practical development will allow the enterprise to significantly increase the efficiency of its activities and competitiveness, achieve the goals of overall strategic development, and employees to achieve an increase in well-being and professional satisfaction.

N. Koshcheeva


Institute of Economics,

management and law

Moscow State

university of culture and arts

A. Koshcheeva


Kraft Foods company

"HR officer. Personnel management", 2008, N 4

A competent personnel strategy in CJSC "PK" Paradigma "is the basis for positive changes in labor efficiency at the enterprise, increasing satisfaction and professional development of its employees.

Dictionary of personnel management. Personnel strategy - a set of basic principles, rules and objectives for working with personnel, taking into account the business strategy, organizational structure, personnel potential, personnel policy.

The personnel strategy, or personnel management strategy, is based on the personnel policy and development strategy of the organization and is of a long-term nature. The development of a personnel management strategy consists in determining the main directions of action, resources, time parameters, a set of measures to implement the chosen course of action.

General strategy for the development of the enterprise

The dominant line of business of Paradigma Polygraphic Company CJSC is the production of full-color individual cardboard packaging using offset printing. The domestic packaging market, where the company operates, is one of the youngest and most dynamically developing. printing companies are small and medium-sized enterprises, the share of enterprises with more than a thousand employees is insignificant Most of the enterprises adhere to an active development strategy: more than half of the companies have attracted additional capital over the past 5 years, the volume of investments has increased significantly in 68% of enterprises The Udmurt market of printing services has begun to actively to develop since the 90s of the XX century, changing both quantitatively and qualitatively.At present, the industry of the republic is demonstrating a rapid positive trend, which gives reason to predict sustainable growth tons of demand for packaging products. All this reflects the company's favorable competitive position in the analyzed segment and the prospects for its further growth.

During the entire period of its existence, the company paid great attention to the improvement of technical capabilities and actively increased its production base. Currently, it has the only complete stock of offset printing on cardboard in the region. CJSC "PK" Paradigma "is a stable developing enterprise, since 2001 its turnover has increased annually by 20%.

The general development strategy of the enterprise and the dynamics of economic indicators of its activities clearly reflect the company's focus on innovative development, the introduction of project management at the enterprise, the promotion of various project ideas, their selection and implementation. This forms the following guidelines in working with personnel:

An innovative option for the development of an enterprise implies the need to intensify the activities of the enterprise in the field of personnel development (improving the skills of employees, introducing new technologies, training workers in new operations);

The introduction of project management requires a certain transformation of the organizational structure, which must be accompanied by the optimization of communication channels in the company, the project activity itself requires the reduction of links in communication channels, the reduction of chains of subordination;

Optimization of the market position of the enterprise needs appropriate support from the side of staffing, namely: the development of the sales department and the improvement of the skills of its employees, the activation of their interaction with other divisions of the enterprise.

The enterprise chose the scheme of internal customers as the principle of new interaction of structural divisions in the process of creating an innovative product. The restructuring of the existing typical patterns of employee interaction requires accompanying work in the field of building new teams at the enterprise, improving the socio-psychological climate during painful procedures for changing internal business processes, team building, and increasing employee loyalty.

The ongoing processes require new approaches to working with personnel, building relationships between the employer and employees on the principles of planning, consistency, and science.

Analysis of the internal and external environment of the enterprise

The development of the personnel strategy of the enterprise began with an analysis of the internal environment of the enterprise, determining the need for personnel, taking into account the prospects for the company's growth and studying the situation on the regional labor market.

The analysis showed that, first of all, the situation on the labor market of managerial workers and the main workers of the printing industry is fundamentally different. Professions in the field of management and maintenance of commercial activities are characterized by a normal supply, and in the event of a shortage in this category of workers at the enterprise, the number of applicants for these vacancies can be quite large, with the exception of large industrial sales managers. A difficult situation has developed in the labor market for workers in the printing industry. It is characterized by the aging of qualified personnel, a decrease in the level of professional training of young specialists, and the absence of candidates in the labor market for the required professions. Currently, the enterprise has already faced a shortage of printers, site foremen, assistant technologists. Finding ways to solve this problem is extremely important.

An analysis of the personnel potential within the enterprise made it possible to identify the initial stage of aging of managerial and production personnel and the need to take preventive measures to prevent the development of this process.

The level of education at the enterprise is high: 43.24% of all employees have higher education, 74% of workers have secondary vocational education and above. This indicator is especially high taking into account the industrial specialization of the enterprise. At the same time, a clearly expressed trend is observed - the higher the level of education of employees, the more likely it is that this education in its profile does not coincide with the specialty of this employee at the enterprise. If among workers with primary vocational education the coincidence is at the level of 73.91%, 51.06% of specialists with secondary vocational education work in their specialty, and among university graduates this indicator is already at the level of 48.44%.

Those employees whose age is in the range of 40 - 49 years, then 35 - 39 years old have the highest qualification. staff rotation. This system is optimal from an economic point of view, since the highest level of staff turnover is observed among low-skilled personnel. The mentoring system is cost-effective and helps to increase employee loyalty, reduces their turnover and, accordingly, the costs of adapting new employees.

In the course of the study, we have identified a rather interesting pattern: the lower the qualifications of workers, the lower, as a rule, their desire to improve their qualifications, and vice versa, the higher the rank of an employee, the greater his desire to perform more complex work and readiness to study to receive the necessary knowledge and skills.

In general, 65.59% of employees expressed their readiness for advanced training among the enterprise's personnel, which is a high indicator and positively characterizes the prospects for further increase in labor potential. At the same time, among the management personnel, the need for advanced training on a number of issues related to the activities of the company and the development of economic relations is recognized by 85.3% of employees, the most willingness is expressed by employees with 4-5 categories - 88.9%, among specialists of 3-4 categories are ready to the implementation of more complex work 63.7%. Employees with the lowest level of qualification are only 27.3% ready for further professional growth.

It should be noted that understanding the tasks of an enterprise in the market and a clear understanding of its role in the process of its activities by employees gives an additional competitive advantage to any organization and serves as a guarantee of a more complete use of its labor potential. For this reason, in the process of assessing the labor potential of the PC "Paradigma", its employees were asked questions to assess their competence in matters of enterprise economics. Taking into account the upcoming tasks of the personnel strategy, the main emphasis in this survey was made on acquaintance with new labor incentive systems and their relationship with the final indicators of the enterprise's management.

More than a third of the company's employees have a holistic view of the goals and methods of commercial activity, its risks and factors of the company's competitiveness in the market. Much fewer employees understand the issues of remuneration, no more than 14% of employees are familiar with modern labor incentive systems. Almost 80% of the company's employees are more or less satisfied with the remuneration system at the enterprise, although more than half of the employees note that, despite this, some additional incentives can be included in the system. The distribution of responses reflects the high readiness of employees to implement incentive systems aimed at improving the efficiency of the enterprise.

The final issue of the study of labor potential was the self-examination of employees for the effectiveness of its use. According to the results of self-assessment of employees, 57.7% of them believe that their labor potential is sufficiently involved in the process of managing the enterprise (at the same time, 4.6% of employees believe that the work performed requires higher qualifications and training), and, accordingly, 37.7% of employees note that they have significant reserves. The dominant reasons for the current level of efficiency in the use of labor potential are low labor motivation, low labor discipline, mistakes of colleagues in work and a low level of coordination of their work.

Personnel strategy of ZAO "PK "Paradigma"

Summarizing the data obtained by us in the course of studying the labor potential of the enterprise and its SWOT analysis, a personnel strategy for CJSC "PK" Paradigma "was developed.

The objectives of the personnel strategy of CJSC "PK "Paradigma" are:

Provision of CJSC "PK "Paradigma" with labor potential sufficient for the implementation of its development strategy;

Caring for the employees of the enterprise: ensuring the growth of their well-being, professional realization and development, stable employment;

Ensuring the competitiveness of CJSC PK Paradigma through the implementation of the professional and creative abilities of its employees, their innovative activities;

Ensuring the stable position of the enterprise and its employees in the future.

In order to implement the personnel strategy at the enterprise, the following documents were developed: personnel policy, a program for assessing labor potential, a program for organizing a personnel planning system and their movement, a personnel development program, a position on a personnel reserve, a regulation on an incentive system, an organizational structure of an enterprise, provisions on structural divisions, staffing and job descriptions.

The implementation of the measures provided for by the documents of the personnel strategy is carried out by the head and specialists of the personnel service, as well as employees of the company, whose participation is provided for by the programs of the personnel strategy.

The implementation of these provisions is achieved through universal adherence to the following principles:

Interaction between employees and company executives is built on the basis of mutual trust, respect and attention to the problems of employees;

The development of the company is ensured by the professional, creative and personal development of its employees. The enterprise carries out the development of employees (their training, internships, exchange of experience, participation in conferences, etc.) at its own expense and with the voluntary consent of employees;

The company treats highly qualified employees as a personnel elite. She takes care of their optimal working conditions, professional development and career growth. Qualified specialists have a priority right to occupy managerial positions;

The company welcomes young professionals - they are its future;

The company sees itself as a close-knit team, a community of initiative, caring people who are ready for mutual assistance and teamwork;

The company tries to organize the cooperation of employees as efficiently as possible, the smooth work of teams and the coordination of their efforts;

The success of the company is the success of its employees, the result of the work is the overall result of labor, the contribution of everyone to the common cause. Everyone is responsible for the quality of their work to colleagues;

The company is open to its employees. Each employee is open to constructive dialogue. The results of the company's work, its successes and mistakes, plans and goals are known to every employee;

Each employee strives for self-discipline and professional growth. Each specialist knows exactly his duties, tasks and his role in achieving the overall result. He is personally responsible for his contribution to the common cause;

Each employee strives to improve the work of the company, propose new solutions, participate in the discussion of general issues, implement collective decisions;

Each worker receives a fair remuneration for his work. He can discuss his remuneration with his manager. The remuneration system is clear to each employee and is controllable;

The company provides normal and comfortable working conditions for each employee and team;

The Company takes care of the health of employees and the physical condition of each employee and his family;

The company bears social responsibility for its employees. Their labor activity is formalized properly;

The employee knows that the success and development of the company depends on the success and development of its customers, he respects the interests of customers and strives to create a product that best meets the requirements and needs of the customer.

Target subprograms of the personnel strategy of the enterprise

Detailed study and implementation of the personnel strategy of the enterprise is carried out at the level of its target subprograms, namely:

Programs for analyzing the current value of the labor potential of the enterprise;

Personnel planning and movement management programs;

Programs for the implementation of the labor potential of the enterprise;

Personnel development programs.

The purpose of the implementation of the program for analyzing the value of the labor potential is to determine the value of the labor potential of the enterprise and its components, determine the sufficiency of this potential and plan the number of personnel for the forthcoming period of the company's activity.

The tasks of the program for analyzing the magnitude of labor potential are:

Assessment of the level of professional education of employees;

Assessment of the current qualification and professional competence of employees;

Analysis of the implementation of the creative potential of employees;

Analysis of the effectiveness of the interaction of employees in the process of labor activity;

Assessment of the optimal required value of the labor potential;

Determination of the optimal number of personnel of the enterprise.

The purpose of the personnel movement management program is to ensure timely and high-quality staffing of the Paradigma PC, through internal and external search, in accordance with the needs and strategic objectives of the enterprise.

The implementation of this program is governed by the provisions of the personnel strategy and personnel policy of the enterprise.

The program for the implementation of professional and creative abilities of employees of the enterprise includes the following block of questions:

Management of labor motivation;

payroll system;

Non-material incentive system.

This program is based on the following principles of the company regarding labor incentives:

Compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

Fair remuneration of employees for the results of their work;

Focus on improving the performance of the company;

Concern for the well-being of employees and their families;

Individual approach to remuneration of various specialties;

Equal opportunities for all employees of the company to increase their well-being;

Ease of calculation of salaries, allowances, additional payments and bonuses, as well as other types of remuneration for labor activity;

Availability of information on the rules for determining the amount of remuneration for company employees.

The personnel development program of the enterprise is aimed at solving such problems as:

Organization of technical and economic training of personnel;

Improving the qualifications of employees of the enterprise;

Formation of a personnel reserve (assessment of candidates for vacant positions and formation of a database of potential candidates);

Business career planning for employees of the enterprise.

The purpose of this program is to ensure continuous personnel development in accordance with the strategic goals of the company and the needs of employees in professional growth.

The personnel development program takes into account the operating conditions of the enterprise, its development strategy and the current level of labor potential. The company seeks to organize an internal personnel development system - mentoring, personnel rotation, transferring the experience of the most qualified employees to a young personnel reserve, securing personnel in the company, increasing their loyalty to the company, introducing new production technologies, introducing project management forms, and developing innovative activities.

Priority forms of development: external and internal forms of training, advanced training of employees in problem areas in the company, improvement of communication channels; quality circles, meetings on the development strategy and tasks of structural divisions, internships with a break from production at enterprises of a related activity, seminars on topical issues of the company's activities, the formation of a mentoring program at the enterprise.

The presented software package allows you to solve the problems of the personnel strategy of the enterprise.

Implementation of HR strategy

Analysis of the implementation of the personnel strategy at the enterprise showed positive results. Since the beginning of the program, namely since 2005, there has been an increase in labor productivity and marginal profitability of personnel costs. Labor productivity in 2005 increased by 10.62 percentage points per person. This positively characterizes personnel management at the enterprise, since it means an increase in the efficiency of the work of employees, an increase in the volume of output per employee. Simultaneously with the growth of labor productivity, the enterprise managed to achieve an increase in the well-being of employees: the average monthly amount of payments per employee increased by 9.18%. At the same time, it should be noted that the increase in labor productivity exceeds the increase in labor costs.

It should also be noted the revitalization of the enterprise in the field of personnel management. The most clearly positive direction of the initiated processes in the field of personnel management is confirmed by the following changes: an increase in the use of labor potential among 3.51% of employees, an increase in satisfaction with the psychological climate at the enterprise by 11.1%, an increase in the number of employees who improved their qualifications by 63.64% and passed 200% learning.

The second important point in the analysis of the results achieved during the implementation of the personnel strategy was the identification of an increase in the activity of the personnel themselves: they participated in internal competitions for vacant positions, responded to the administrative initiative in organizing mentoring and the process of adaptation of new employees, successfully completed training. All this testifies to their acceptance of a new form of work with personnel, its approval, readiness for cooperation. Thus, it is confirmed that the implementation of the programs corresponds to the achievement of the objectives of the personnel strategy and causes positive changes in the efficiency of labor at the enterprise, satisfaction and professional development of its employees.

The final stage of the assessment is to analyze the effectiveness of the personnel service in terms of indirect socio-economic indicators. As we have already noted, 2005 became the first year of work of the HR department in PC Paradigma. During this period, its employees managed to:

Develop a personnel strategy and programs for its implementation;

Conduct a complete statistical analysis of the personnel of the enterprise;

Develop all the necessary documentation to ensure personnel work at the enterprise;

Create personal packages of documents for 76% of employees;

Implement 24 activities envisaged by the HR strategy programs. Indirect indicators of the effectiveness of the work of the personnel service was the reduction compared to 2004:

absenteeism - by 18%;

Layoffs - by 11%;

Unexpected layoffs for the administration - by 64%;

Reducing the period of adaptation of new employees - from 4.5 to 2 months.

HR specialists managed to create a full-fledged personnel service at the enterprise, provide it with all the necessary documentation for organizing personnel work based on a strategic approach, and effectively launch programs for implementing the developed personnel strategy. Moreover, the analysis of changes in labor processes at the enterprise reflected their positive trend already at the initial stage of the work of the personnel service. Taking into account the positive perception of the administrative initiative in the field of personnel management by employees, we can say that the initial stage of the implementation of the personnel strategy was successful.

The proposed approach to the organization of personnel work within the framework of a single strategy, the formation of a complete necessary methodological base for the construction and implementation of a personnel strategy, its practical development will allow the enterprise to significantly increase the efficiency of its activities and competitiveness, achieve the goals of overall strategic development, and employees to achieve an increase in well-being and professional satisfaction.

N. Koshcheeva


Institute of Economics,

management and law

Moscow State

university of culture and arts

A. Koshcheeva


Kraft Foods company

Signed for print

  • HR Policy and HR Strategies


1 -1

As a result of mastering the material of the chapter, the student must:


  • the basics of developing and implementing the concept of personnel management, personnel policy of the organization and be able to apply them in practice;
  • the basics of strategic personnel management and is able to apply them in practice;
  • basics of personnel planning and be able to apply them in practice;
  • the basics of developing and using innovations in the field of personnel management and using them in practice;

be able to

  • contribute to the planning, creation and implementation of projects in the field of personnel management;
  • participate in the implementation of the program of organizational changes (including in crisis situations) in terms of solving the problems of personnel management, overcome local resistance to change;


  • the skills of collecting information for the analysis of internal and external factors affecting the effectiveness of the staff;
  • skills in analyzing the competitiveness of the organization's strategy in the field of recruitment and recruitment.

The concept of personnel management strategy

A strategy is an interconnected set of long-term measures or approaches in the name of strengthening the viability and strength of a given organization in relation to its competitors.

The goal of the strategy is to achieve long-term competitive advantages that will provide the company with high profitability and sustainable profits. In this way, strategy is a generalized model of the actions necessary to achieve the set goals by coordinating and allocating the resources of the organization. Comparison of the goal and strategy is shown in fig. 5.1.

Rice. 5.1. Compliance with the strategy of the goal

The strategy of the organization provides a direct relationship between the overall purpose of the organization (mission), policies and specific activities that should be subordinated to the achievement of overall strategic goals. The ratio of these concepts is presented in Table. 5.1.

At its core, a strategy is a set of decision-making rules that guide an organization in its activities (Table 5.2).

Table 5.1

Correlation of concepts: "mission", "strategy", "policy" and "directions of activity"


The reason for the existence of the organization, its core values ​​and ideals

Provision of high quality products and services, compliance with world standards


Long-term goals of the organization and conceptual approaches to achieve

Personnel management strategy. Production diversification strategy. Pricing strategy. Quality Management Strategy


More detailed approaches to the main components of the strategy and the most important principles and rules of doing business

Personnel policy. Policy for financing new projects. Marketing policy


Concrete steps and actions aimed at implementing the strategy and policy of the organization

Recruitment and training programs, organization of advertising services

An organization's strategy can be described by two main parameters: the duration of planning and the type of strategy.

Under duration of planning the level of viewed prospects is understood: strategic, managerial, practical. Strategy type sets the main goals of the organization: entrepreneurial, dynamic growth of profitability, liquidation, circulation (stability).

Taking into account the depth of planning and the type of goals, the head of the enterprise must develop specific scenarios for working with personnel, choose the type of leadership that is most effective, taking into account the situation in the organization, the level of planning and the specifics of the organization's strategy.

Table 5.2

HR strategies related to the main strategic directions of the organization

Organization strategy

Human Resources Strategy

Cost reduction

Reduction of staff, reduction of wages, increase in labor productivity, rescheduling of positions, negotiations to change the terms of collective agreements


Aggressive hiring and selection policies, wage increases, job creation, increased training and staff development


Turnover management, selective layoffs, organizational development, staff relocation and replacement. Involvement of personnel in work

Radical shifts in emphasis and responsibility

Special creation of posts, reduction of posts. Specialized training and development

Acquisition or absorption of services (functions)

Selective layoffs, employee movement, job combinations, orientation and training to manage cultural differences

Organization strategies can be grouped based on one of the specific strategies (according to M. Porter).

Cost control strategy is based on reducing own costs compared to those of competitors through mandatory cost control or by adjusting the size of the enterprise and the volume of production, thereby achieving higher production efficiency. It is low prices that can serve as a kind of barrier to the emergence of new competitors.

Differentiation strategy is aimed at putting on the market goods (services) that are more attractive in the eyes of the consumer than competing products. These additional special qualities may contain the following elements: image, service, an extensive network of branches for the provision of services. This strategy is a reliable and long-term way to generate above-average profits for the industry, as customers who prefer the same brand are less price sensitive.

Focusing is a strategy in which an enterprise purposefully focuses on a certain group of consumers, or on a limited part of the product range, or on a specific geographic market.

Determining the type of market strategy - breakthrough, evolutionary development or survival - is based on the results of forecasting and prioritization. Depending on the phase of the cycle and the state of the economy, the market strategy can focus on the development of an emerging market, a fundamentally new product that implements basic innovations. This promises the possibility of a rapid expansion of the market, but is associated with great risk, significant investments. A breakthrough strategy usually requires direct or indirect government support (subsidies, tax, credit, customs benefits, etc.); development and strengthening of positions in the already mastered market on the basis of product modernization, differentiation and flexible change of the range of goods, improvement of customer service.

The evolutionary strategy is based on improving innovations and, as a rule, is not associated with state support; it should only ensure a level playing field for competition by implementing antitrust measures.

Often used in crisis situations survival strategy , the purpose of which is to adapt to the deteriorating market conditions, while maintaining the main potential of the enterprise, the industry of the region. At the same time, obsolete products that are not in demand are removed from production, the scale of innovation and investment activity is reduced, there is a reorientation to new markets, retraining of personnel and its partial reduction. The state should support promising technologies, freed-up workers, but should not conserve outdated production. The survival strategy should be combined with the breakthrough strategy as the basis for recovery and future recovery.

Having studied the external environment and internal reserves of the organization, the management of the enterprise faces the problem of choosing a strategic alternative. The following types of strategic alternatives are known: limited growth, growth, reduction, and a combination of these three strategies.

Limited Growth Strategy used in mature organizations that are firmly on their feet. Usually they are satisfied with the status quo. The management of such enterprises adheres to the old, once successful strategy: with minimal risk to themselves, they set goals from what has been achieved.

Growth strategy implies a constant increase in the level of indicators of the previous period. It is used in dynamically developing enterprises with rapidly changing technologies. Growth can be internal or external: internal growth occurs by expanding the range of goods or services; external growth lies in the merger of companies. Growth can lead to conglomerates (holdings).

When the pursued goals are set below the achieved, this means that the management of the enterprise resorts to a reduction strategy. The following options for the reduction strategy are known: liquidation of the enterprise (complete sale of inventories and assets of the organization); cutting off the excess (cessation of certain activities); reduction and reorientation (reduction of part of its activities).

Building a strategy for a small company is based on the available resources, the competence of the staff, their ideas, ambitions, initiative, and entrepreneurial spirit. The same situation is true for larger firms, but the main condition for solving these problems remains the medium-term forecast of strategic development. For a longer period, another dependence is observed, inverse to the above. Strategic ambitions and long-term goals of the management of firms for the long term determine the prospect of working with personnel, i.e. lay the possibility of strategic management of the development of basic competencies of personnel to those required for implementation.

The strategy of combining all alternatives is most often followed by large enterprises active in several industries.

The strategic choice must be definite and unambiguous. There are two ways to choose a strategy:

  • elimination of bottlenecks based on the identification of the main bottleneck, after the elimination of which all processes proceed more fully; an example is the spiral B. mebeca (Fig. 5.2);
  • unmissed chances, allowing you to choose and use the most favorable of the available opportunities.

According to experts, the most characteristic features of the activities of all rapidly developing enterprises, regardless of their size and specialization, include: orientation towards the fullest satisfaction of the customer's needs and flexibility of strategies that allow them to adapt to any conditions.

Rice. 5.2. SpiralB. meheca

The choice of a specific strategy is determined by the long-term goals of the organization, its internal resources, and traditions.

Strategic management is understood as management that relies on human potential as the basis of the organization, orients production activities to consumer needs, implements flexible regulation and timely changes in the organization that meet the challenge of the environment and allow achieving competitive advantages, which together allows the company to survive and achieve its strategic goals. goals (Figure 5.3). Thus, the strategy includes: identifying promising goals for the development of the organization, methods and time to achieve them, as well as a system for assessing the degree of implementation of these goals, the general course of action of the organization for a specific period.

The traditional approach to the organization's strategy is based on the idea of ​​it as one of the organization's management processes.

Since the late 1980s a new approach to the concept of strategy appeared, which, without canceling the previous provisions, clarified certain accents:

Rice. 5.3.

  • all components are equally important in the strategy (both development and implementation), since at the implementation stage, unpredictable factors may arise that will significantly affect the final result;
  • strategy is related not only to the external side of the organization's activities, but also to internal factors (organizational culture, staff expectations, structure, etc.);
  • human resources have a strong influence on the implementation of the developed strategy and have their own strategic status.

In modern conditions of global competition and acceleration of scientific and technical progress, organizations are under constant pressure from competitors, forcing them to improve their products or services, expand their range, optimize production and management processes. Therefore, modern companies are in a state of constant change, the speed of implementation of which largely determines the success of the company. The key to mastering innovative management lies in the effective use of available human resources, and this can only be done if personnel management is part of the overall development strategy of the organization.

Table 5.3

The relationship between the strategy of the organization and the strategy of personnel management

Organization strategy types

HR strategy

Components of a personnel management strategy

Entrepreneurial strategy

They accept projects with a high degree of financial risk, a minimum number of actions. Resource satisfaction of all customer requirements. The focus is on the rapid implementation of immediate measures, even without appropriate elaboration

Search and attraction of work and co-innovators, initiative, contact, with a long-term orientation, not afraid of responsibility. It is important that key employees do not change

Selection and placement of personnel: the search for people who are able to take risks and see things through to the end. Remuneration: on a competitive basis, impartial, as far as possible satisfying the tastes of the employee.

Rating: based on results, not too harsh.

Personal development: informal, mentor-oriented.

Travel planning: in the center - the interest of workers. Selection of a workplace corresponding to the interests of the employee

Dynamic growth strategy

The degree of risk is less. Constant alignment of current goals and building a foundation for the future. The organization's policies and procedures are recorded in writing, as they are necessary here both for stricter control and as the basis for the further development of the organization.

Employees must be institutionalized, be flexible in a changing environment, be problem-oriented, and work in close collaboration with others.

Selection and placement of personnel: the search for flexible and loyal people who are able to take risks.

Remuneration: fair and impartial. Evaluation: based on clearly defined criteria.

Personal development: focus on the qualitative growth of the level and field of activity.

Travel planning: taking into account today's real opportunities and various forms of promotion

Profit strategy

The focus is on maintaining the current level of profits. Efforts requiring financial outlays are modest, perhaps even termination of employment. The management system is well developed, there is an extensive system of various kinds of procedural rules

Focuses on the criteria of quantity and efficiency in the field of personnel; terms are short-term; results - with a relatively low level of risk and a minimum level of employee attachment

Selection and placement of personnel: extremely rigid Remuneration: based on merit, seniority and intra-organizational perceptions of fairness.

Evaluation: narrow, result-oriented, carefully considered.

Personal development: emphasis on competence in the field of assigned tasks, experts in a narrow field

Liquidation strategy

Sale of assets, elimination of opportunities for losses, in the future - reduction of employees (as far as possible). Little or no attention paid to rescue efforts as profits are expected to fall further

Oriented to the need for short-term employees, narrow focus, without much commitment to the organization

Recruitment is unlikely due to downsizing. Pay: based on merit, slowly rising, no incentives.

Evaluation: strict, formal, based on managerial criteria.

Development, training: limited, need-to-know.

Promotions: those who have the necessary skills also have the opportunity to advance

Circular strategy (cyclical)

The main thing is to save the enterprise. Measures to reduce costs and personnel are carried out with the aim of surviving in the short term and gaining stability in the long term. Morale is depressed

Employees must be flexible in the face of change, focused on big goals and long-term prospects

Diversely developed workers are required. Pay: system of incentives and merit checks. Rating: by result.

Training: great opportunities, but with careful selection of applicants.

Various forms

downgrading. The relationship between business strategy and personnel management strategy is presented in Table. 5.3.

In practice, different companies rarely settle on any one option. More often, the overall strategy is a combination of different strategy options, based on the significance and expected result of each.

Alignment implies a tight link between HR and business strategies, but the latter has to be flexible while maintaining as close a match as possible. Strategic Flexibility - the ability of the organization to respond to changes in the competitive environment and adapt to these changes. It is believed that the concepts of flexibility and conformity are incompatible. The concepts of fit and flexibility complement each other: fit exists at a specific point in time, while flexibility must exist over a period of time. The compliance/flexibility model of strategic personnel management is shown in fig. 5.4. At the top of this model, the matching component is illustrated, i.e. the methods by which the firm seeks to match the practices of human resource management, the skills and abilities of employees and the types of their behavior with the direct competitive needs of the company, dictated by business strategy.

Ensuring compliance (linking) of organizational and personnel strategies is carried out at the level of judgment by building a matrix in which for each element of the business strategy a key element of the personnel management strategy is determined.

The connection between the entrepreneurial strategy and the various aspects of the personnel management strategy is shown in Table. 5.4.

Differences in the organization's environment will influence the agility/fitness strategy. In a stable, predictable environment, the best strategy is to develop a limited range of skills among staff (or keep people's skills constant) and cultivate a narrow range of behaviors through job requirements. In a dynamic, unpredictable environment, companies can develop organic human resource systems that create a human capital pool of people with a wide range of skills (Figure 5.5).

Rice. 5.4. Model flexibility/ conformity

Table 5.4

Linking HR and Entrepreneurial Strategies

Entrepreneurial strategy

HR strategy (HR strategy)

Providing resources

Human resource development


Achieving competitive advantage through innovation

Attracting and retaining highly qualified people with a penchant for innovative action and a good track record in innovation

Development of strategic capacity and provision of incentives and conditions for increasing innovative qualities

Providing financial incentives and rewarding successful innovations

Achieving competitive advantage through quality

Use of a complex selection process to accept people capable of providing quality and excellent customer service

Stimulate the development of a learning organization and support initiatives in the field of achieving overall quality and customer care with a specialized training course

Linking remuneration to the quality of results and the achievement of high standards of customer service

Achieving competitive advantage through cost leadership

Development of core and peripheral employment structures; attracting people who are able to create additional value; in case of downsizing, planning and managing this process from a humane position

Conducting training aimed at increasing labor productivity; delivering just-in-time work training that is closely aligned with the immediate needs of the business and can start a process of significant efficiency gains

Revision of all wage systems to ensure the best value for money and avoid unnecessary costs

Achieving competitive advantage through the use of people who are qualitatively better than competitors

Use of a complex recruitment and selection process based on a thorough analysis of the special abilities required by the organization

Development of the process of organizational learning; encouraging self-directed learning through the use of personal development plans as part of the performance management process

Developing a performance management process to allow for both tangible and intangible rewards associated with competence and skills; achieving competitive wage levels

Rice. 5.5.

  • wright R . M ., Snell S.A. Towards a unifying framework for exploring fit and flexibility in strategic human resource management. Academy of Management Review. 1998. No. 23(4). P. 756–772.

Personnel strategy is a set of tools, methods, principles and goals for working with personnel in a particular organization. These parameters may differ, depending on the type of organizational structure, the scope of the enterprise, as well as the situation in the external environment.

The personnel strategy of the organization should provide answers to a number of significant questions. Namely:

  • How many workers of a certain skill level will be needed at a particular point in time?
  • What is the situation on the labor market?
  • Is personnel management in the organization rational at the moment?
  • How can you bring the number of staff to the optimal indicator (hiring and firing) in compliance with social requirements?
  • How to maximize the ability of employees to achieve the global goal of the organization?
  • How to bring the level of staff qualifications in line with the ever-increasing requirements?
  • What expenses are needed for personnel management and what are the sources of funds?

Why you need a HR strategy

Personnel strategy is an important mechanism for organizing the work of an enterprise. It contributes to such positive processes:

  • strengthening competitiveness in the labor market, as well as in the main field of activity;
  • effective use of strengths and neutralization of weaknesses when working with the external environment;
  • creation of conditions for the most efficient use of human resources;
  • formation of a qualified and competent work team;
  • revealing the creative abilities of the staff for the innovative development of the organization.

Aspects of personnel strategy

The personnel strategy of the organization covers a number of significant aspects. Namely:

  • improvement of personnel management methods;
  • optimization of the number of employees (taking into account the current situation and the predicted situation);
  • increasing the efficiency of personnel costs (wages, additional remuneration, training, and so on);
  • development, career advancement, advanced training);
  • development of corporate culture.

Influencing factors

HR strategy is a mechanism subject to external influence. Its content depends on factors such as:

  • stage of the life cycle of the organization;
  • global strategy for the development of the enterprise;
  • the level of qualification of the personnel manager and his personal view of the problem;
  • the level of management in the organization;
  • financial situation at the enterprise;
  • the degree of satisfaction of employees with working conditions;
  • legislative norms regulating work with personnel;
  • the influence of the external environment.

Development of personnel strategy

The development of personnel policy and management strategy implies the following points:

  • Planning for the future needs of employees, based on the production capacity, technology used, the dynamics of changes in the number of jobs.
  • Analysis of the current situation in the personnel sphere in order to identify an excess or shortage of employees of a certain category.
  • Development of a system of measures to optimize the number and quality of personnel.
  • Optimization of the ratio between internal movements of employees and attraction of new personnel from outside.
  • Development of a system and principles of remuneration for workers of various categories and qualifications.
  • Career development planning for employees and advanced training related to the development of scientific and technical progress.
  • Determination of the principles and forms of evaluation of the activities of employees.
  • Planning costs for the payment of remuneration for work, as well as the coverage of social guarantees.

Principles of strategy formation

The development of a personnel strategy should be carried out in accordance with the following key principles:

  • Diversity. The strategy must be comprehensive. When forming it, not only the interests of the organization's management, but also the needs of the workforce and the possible impact on the external environment should be taken into account.
  • Formalization of business processes. Each employee must clearly understand their role in the implementation of the personnel strategy.
  • Personalization of the motivation system. Clear information should be conveyed to each employee about what and how he should do in order to receive the maximum remuneration for his work.
  • Social orientation. The personnel strategy should ensure not only achievement but also contribute to the improvement of working conditions.

Relationship between HR and global strategy

The strategy of the personnel policy of the personnel is influenced by the global strategy of the enterprise and vice versa. The table describes the main types of relationships.

Relationship Characteristic
HR strategy depends on the overall strategy

An effective form of organizing work with employees;

When achieving goals, both the interests of the organization and the needs of employees are taken into account;

Rapid adaptation of personnel and personnel management to changes in the work of the organization;

Leveraging New Resource Management Features

The overall strategy depends on the personnel strategy

It is difficult for the employer to interest and attract personnel of the required qualification to the enterprise;

The development of new areas of development is limited to employees;

The main resource of the organization is the competence of existing employees

HR and overall strategies are independent of each other

Human resources are seen as a tool that needs constant improvement;

Low requirements and superficial approach to personnel selection;

Strict discipline and supervision system compensates for insufficient qualification of workers;

Low requirements are put forward for employees, and no efforts are made to improve their qualifications;

The main and only tool of motivation is wages

HR and overall strategies are interdependent

Human resources management has a direct impact on the conduct of business;

Business activities are closely related to human resources activities;

The potential for personnel development is seen as a guarantee of the development of the organization as a whole;

Man is seen as a resource that needs continuous development;

There are strict requirements for the selection of employees

Phases of development of personnel management

When developing and implementing the chosen strategy, the human resources potential goes through the following main stages of development:

  • Chaotic response to changes in the internal and external environment.
  • Narrow strategic planning associated with anticipation of possible future complications. There is a development of response options in order to normalize the situation.
  • Strategic opportunity management to identify internal capacity to adapt to changing conditions. In this context, not only ways to solve problems are predicted, but also the required level of professionalism of the staff.
  • Real time strategy management. Involves continuous monitoring of implementation and timely implementation of changes.

Main types of strategies

There are such main types of personnel strategies of the enterprise:

  • Consumer. The interests of the employees are aligned with the common interests of the organizations. Nevertheless, management treats personnel primarily as a resource, and each employee uses the organization to meet their own needs (in wages, self-realization, and so on).
  • Affiliate. There is alignment between the values ​​and goals of the organization and employees. Mutually beneficial partnerships have been established between management and personnel. Each employee strives to increase his contribution to the activities of the organization, and managers try to maximize the working conditions and living standards of their subordinates.
  • Identification. Relations between employees and managers are built on the basis of consistency of goals and values. Employees strive to realize their potential for the development of the enterprise. At the same time, management invests in the development of employees, realizing that the achievement of the company's goals depends on this.
  • Destructive. This is a negative version of the strategy, in which managers and subordinates do not recognize each other's goals and values. Leadership style is based on situational interests. In destructive situations, leaders and subordinates can undermine each other's reputation.

Characteristics of the consumer strategy

At enterprises that have adopted a consumer personnel strategy, personnel management is characterized by certain parameters. Namely:

  • There is a hidden outflow of qualified personnel caused by dissatisfaction with the conditions and results of work.
  • Employees are used to the maximum in those types of work that do not require the introduction of innovation.
  • The main motivational tool is the provision of benefits.
  • Remuneration for work is formed on the basis of formal criteria (position).
  • Staffing is provided with the minimum effort and resources required to maintain a stable operation.
  • The planning of the need for personnel is not carried out in an orderly manner, but spontaneously.
  • The management does not carry out work to manage the careers of employees, and also does not form a personnel reserve.
  • The main work of personnel management is to control the execution of their job descriptions by employees.
  • The formation of corporate culture occurs due to the artificial manipulation of ethical standards.
  • There is no sense of mutual responsibility between management and staff.

Characteristics of the partnership strategy

For the partnership strategy of the organization's personnel policy, the following main points are characteristic:

  • Staff turnover is caused by abrupt changes in the strategic direction of the enterprise.
  • Management cares about the development of those employees who are able to ensure the implementation of innovative ideas.
  • The amount of remuneration for work is determined by the contribution of a particular employee to the achievement of goals.
  • Motivation is aimed at encouraging self-development of employees.
  • Significant financial resources are poured into motivational, social and educational programs for employees.
  • Management strongly supports the initiative of valuable employees.
  • The selection of new employees is made on the basis of objective parameters of competence.
  • Managers take care of the formation of a personnel reserve for key specialties.
  • Constant monitoring of the socio-psychological situation in order to maintain favorable conditions.
  • Business interaction is carried out in compliance with ethical standards.

Characteristics of the identification personnel strategy

This mechanism is applicable to enterprises that are characterized by stable growth. The personnel identification strategy is characterized by the following features:

  • The influx of new personnel is systematic and orderly.
  • The personnel composition is fully balanced in all key indicators.
  • The quantitative and qualitative composition of the staff is stable, and the turnover is caused solely by objective factors.
  • The calculation of wages is strictly individualized and depends on the personal efforts of the employee.
  • Those employees who show the highest level of commitment to the values ​​of the organization are encouraged.
  • Priority is given to investments aimed at developing the professional potential of employees.
  • Between leaders and subordinates there is mutual trust and mutual respect.
  • The selection of new employees is based on the personal potential and value orientations of applicants for the position.
  • A regular assessment of the activities of employees is carried out in order to identify weaknesses and take corrective measures in this area.
  • Vacant positions are filled mainly from the Company's own personnel reserve.
  • Personnel planning is long-term.
  • There is mutual social responsibility between employees and managers.
  • Each employee directs his efforts to maintain the image of the organization.

An effective personnel strategy is one of the guarantees for the successful functioning of an organization. When compiling it, you need to be guided by the following advice from experts:

  • Compliance with the overall development strategy of the enterprise. The personnel policy strategy should not contradict or run counter to the global goal. Moreover, it should support it and promote effective implementation. If any changes occur in the overall strategy, adjustments should also be made to the personnel component.
  • The development process should involve not only top management, but also the executive staff. Through collegial efforts, it will be possible to achieve a balance between the needs of the organization and the needs of employees.
  • It is necessary to think over a personnel development strategy for the future. The manager must anticipate what changes may occur in the industry, and what requirements will be put forward to the organization's personnel in connection with the new working conditions.
  • It is important to analyze all the opportunities and weaknesses that exist in the internal and external environment of the organization. The development of a personnel strategy should be preceded by a thorough analysis of the current situation. All identified advantages and disadvantages should be taken into account when formulating goals.
  • It is necessary to identify and formulate the risks that may arise during the implementation of the strategy. It is also necessary to foresee ways out of potential crisis situations in advance.
  • It is important to continuously monitor the implementation of the HR strategy. This is necessary for the timely detection of deviations from the implementation of goals and the adoption of timely corrective decisions.

Personnel strategy - a specific set of basic principles, rules and objectives of working with personnel, specified taking into account the types of organizational strategy, organizational and human resources (human resource), as well as the type of personnel policy of the organization.

The process of developing and implementing the strategy is continuous, which is reflected in close relationship with the solutions of strategic tasks both for the long term and for the medium and short term, i.e. their decisions taken in the conditions of strategic, tactical and operational management. The personnel strategy and bringing it to strategic tasks and individual actions is embodied in a strategic plan - a document containing specific tasks and measures to implement the strategy, the timing of their implementation and responsible executors for each task, the amount of necessary resources (financial, material, informational, etc.) .

The strategy in the field of personnel should contribute to: strengthening the organization's capabilities (in the field of personnel), to resist competitors in the labor market, effectively using its strengths and weaknesses in the external environment; expanding the competitive advantages of the organization by creating conditions for the development and effective use of labor potential; formation of qualified, competent personnel; full disclosure of the staff's abilities for creative, innovative development in order to achieve both the goals of the organization and the personal goals of employees.

There are five factors influencing the formation of an organization's personnel strategy: social, political, legal, economic and environmental factors. Whatever form of work with personnel the organization chooses, each of these factors must be carefully analyzed and reflected in it. The development of the personnel strategy of the enterprise is also carried out on the basis of a deep systematic analysis of the factors of the internal and external environment, as a result of which a holistic concept of the development of personnel and the organization as a whole can be presented in accordance with its strategy.

The external environment includes the macro environment and the immediate environment of the organization, which have a directed impact and contacts with the EMS (personnel management system). As a result of the analysis of the external and internal environment, the strengths and weaknesses of the organization in the field of personnel management are identified, as well as the opportunities that it has and the threats that should be avoided. The identification of strengths and weaknesses reflects the self-assessment of the organization and allows it to compare itself with the main competitors in the labor market. The assessment can be carried out on individual indicators and functions of personnel management using the competitive profile of the enterprise. The assessment of individual indicators is carried out by the method of comparative analysis, and management functions - by the expert method.

The strengths and weaknesses of the organization in the field of personnel management to the same extent as the threats and opportunities determine the conditions for the successful existence of the organization. Therefore, within the framework of strategic personnel management, when analyzing the internal environment, it is important to identify what strengths and weaknesses have individual areas of personnel management and the personnel management system as a whole. To solve this problem, methods and techniques known in strategic management are used, such as the SWOT method, matrices of opportunities, threats, compiling a profile of the environment, etc.

The personnel strategy of an organization may cover various aspects of personnel management: improving the structure of personnel management (by age, category, profession, qualifications, etc.); optimization of the number of personnel, taking into account its dynamics; improving the efficiency of personnel costs, including wages, remuneration, training costs and other cash costs; personnel development (adaptation, training, promotion); measures of social protection (guarantees, social insurance, social compensations, socio-cultural and welfare, etc.); development of organizational culture (norms, traditions, rules of conduct in a team, etc.); improvement of the personnel management system, etc. When developing a personnel strategy, the achieved, established level in all these areas should be taken into account and, taking into account the analysis of the external and internal environment of the organization and the factors influencing their change, as well as taking into account the strategy of the organization as a whole, the level should be determined, the achievement of which will allow the implementation of the strategy organizations.

At the same time, the task of developing the necessary personnel management strategy can be so difficult due to the lack of financial, material, intellectual resources, the level of professionalism of managers and specialists, that it will be necessary to prioritize the selection of the necessary areas and components of personnel management strategies. Therefore, the criteria for choosing a strategy may be the volume of resources allocated for its implementation, time constraints, the availability of a sufficient professionally qualified level of personnel, and some others. In general, the choice of strategy is based on strengths and the development of measures that enhance the organization's ability in a competitive environment due to advantages in the field of personnel.

Any even the most well-developed strategy is of no value if there is no way to put it into practice. Therefore, it is important not only to correctly develop a strategy, but also to be able to apply it in practical actions. The implementation of the personnel strategy is an important stage of the strategic management process. For its successful course, the management of the organization must follow the following rules: goals, strategies, tasks for personnel management must be carefully and timely communicated to all employees of the organization; general management of the organization and heads of personnel management should ensure that all resources necessary for the implementation of the strategy are received in a timely manner and have a plan for implementing the strategy.

The purpose of the strategy implementation process is to ensure the coordinated development and implementation of strategic plans for the structural units of the organization as a whole and the personnel management system.

During the implementation of the strategy, three tasks are solved: 1. Priority is established among administrative tasks (general management tasks), so that their relative importance corresponds to the personnel management strategy that the organization and the strategic personnel management system will implement. First of all, this concerns such tasks as the distribution of resources, the establishment of organizational ties and relationships, the creation of information, legal and other subsystems;

2. A correspondence is established between the chosen personnel strategy and internal organizational processes, processes within the personnel management system, so that the organization's activities are focused on the implementation of the chosen strategy. Such compliance should take place according to the following characteristics of the organization: its structure, system of motivation and incentives, norms and rules of conduct, beliefs and values, qualifications of employees and managers, etc.;

3. Choice of the style of management of the organization as a whole and of individual departments that is necessary and appropriate for the personnel strategy.

The tools for implementing the personnel management strategy are personnel planning, personnel development plans, including their training and promotion, solving social problems, motivation and remuneration. Personnel planning is the determination of when, where, how much, what quality (skills) and at what price workers will be required. At the same time, planning has a key place in the complex of tools of the personnel management strategy, since planning allows you to clearly formulate the tasks of the current period, choose the most effective methods for solving them, evaluate and analyze the results of activities, find and eliminate errors in activities. Imperfect human resource planning is costly for organizations and can result in the loss of valuable resources. The main task of personnel planning is to ensure the implementation of the organization's plans from the point of view of the human factor of the enterprise - employees - their number, qualifications, productivity, and the cost of hiring them.

The implementation of the personnel strategy includes two stages: implementation of the strategy and strategic control over its implementation and coordination of all actions based on the results of control.

The stage of strategy implementation includes: development of a plan for the implementation of the personnel strategy; development of strategic plans for the divisions of the personnel management system as a whole; activation of start-up activities for the implementation of the strategy. The implementation of the personnel management strategy, including the distribution of the necessary resources, the determination of the means of its implementation, the deadlines for execution, and the responsible executors, should be carried out in accordance with the developed plan.

But it is not enough just to create a personnel strategy and apply it at the enterprise; the next stage is also needed - strategic control.

The purpose of strategic control at the implementation stage is to determine the compliance or difference between the implemented personnel strategy and the state of the external and internal environment; outline the directions of changes in strategic planning, the choice of alternative strategies.

There are several options for classifying strategy types. The classification that most fully meets the issues under consideration includes:

Entrepreneurship strategy;

Dynamic growth strategy;

Profit strategy (rationality);

Liquidation strategy (reduction of investments in certain areas);

The strategy of a sharp change of course.

The choice of the type of strategy is the final stage at the stage of strategy development. This is a fairly formalized procedure.

To date, a new period has begun in the work with personnel, characterized by an increase in attention to the personality of the employee, to the search for new incentives, which raises the problem of creating a personnel management system based mainly on economic incentives and social guarantees.

The strategy of personnel management is one of the directions of modern management, aimed at the development and effective use of the personnel potential of the organization. The following levels can be distinguished in the personnel management system: operational level of management; tactical level of command; strategic level of management.

Thus, a personnel management strategy can cover various aspects of an organization's personnel management: improving the structure of personnel (by age, category, profession, qualifications, etc.); optimization of the number of personnel, taking into account its dynamics; improving the efficiency of personnel costs, including wages, remuneration, training costs and other cash costs; personnel development (adaptation, training, promotion); measures of social protection, guarantees, social security (pension, medical, social insurance, social compensation, socio-cultural and welfare, etc.); development of organizational culture (norms, traditions, rules of conduct in a team, etc.); improvement of the organization's personnel management system (composition and content of functions, organizational structure, personnel, information support, etc.), etc.

When developing a personnel management strategy, the achieved level in all these areas should be taken into account and, taking into account the analysis of the external and internal environment of the organization and the factors influencing their change, as well as taking into account the strategy of the organization as a whole, the level should be determined, the achievement of which will allow the strategy to be implemented. organizations.

Security questions for topic 4

1. What is the personnel policy of the state, organization? Types of personnel policy.

2. Name the components of the mechanism for the formation of the state personnel policy.

3. Describe the main directions of the personnel policy of the organization.

4. Expand the essence of the concepts of the personnel policy strategy.

5. Name the basic principles of strategic management.

6. Explain the steps in the strategic management process.

7. What parameters are used to analyze the external and internal environment of the organization?

8. What are the main features of the personnel management strategy?

9. Name the components of the personnel management strategy.

10. What should the analysis of the factors of the external and internal environment, necessary for the development of a personnel management strategy, show?

11. What are the criteria for choosing a personnel management strategy?

12. What goals and objectives should be achieved in the course of implementing the personnel management strategy?

13. What is the essence of strategic control and coordination of the implementation of the strategy?