Anti-crisis management. Strategy and tactics of anti-crisis management of a bar Anti-crisis program for a cafe

As the saying goes: The way to a man's heart is through his stomach. And in order for the stomach to be full, it must be fed and preferably tasty and healthy food, although the second is doubtful.

We will talk about restaurants, about managing restaurants in a crisis and identify issues that owners and managers of restaurants need to work out to develop a plan for anti-crisis measures in the restaurant.

By the way, the simplest profitably sell competitors or anyone else, let them themselves ... with this business, and go to warm countries to study history and wallow on the beach.

And this is a pretty good option, so what's the point of hitting the wall when you can find something new.

But in order for this to work, you need to create: an effect, an illusion, an entourage - you certainly understand what - success!

Those who have studied history well remember the “Potemkin villages”, and the prince was far from being an idiot and pursued very specific and measurable goals: so it never hurts to embellish a little.

Therefore, it is profitable and correct to sell and no headache.

But what if you don't want to sell? or it’s not possible, or you care about the cause of your life, or in fact you are a modest restaurant manager and somehow you don’t really want to be left without a job, and that’s exactly it, let’s be honest with ourselves:

the result of the crisis for many will be simple - the owner is without profit and in debt, and the manager is out of work.

Here are some areas of anti-crisis measures with their pros and cons, which restaurateurs can consider from a practical point of view, rather than restaurateurs think about food and the meaning of life:

  1. Optimization all at once. On the one hand, the right idea, and on the other hand, an absolutely stupid and losing idea.

    When a ship is sinking, it makes no sense to sew sails, you need to patch holes.

    In a crisis, your business is a ship that is sinking and your task is to save it.

    Perhaps in the case of a ship, everything is simple, the problem (water) fills the hold and no one builds illusions about the cleanliness of the deck; but it should be the same in business.

    In a crisis, your business is a ship that is sinking and your task is to save it.

    The time for optimizing everything and everyone has already passed, it's too late; It's time to get down to business and directly answer the question: what specifically affects the competitiveness of a restaurant in a crisis, understand your true goals, and only then outline a plan of anti-crisis measures.

  2. Work with personnel. Everything here is individual and requires a rather thorough analysis - on the one hand, you can disperse everyone and everything, on the other hand, a qualified employee in any industry remains a qualified employee.

    Yes, you can fire a good chef, bartender or even a waitress, but will this not lead to a decrease in the quality of service? And here again a rather interesting question arises: what is the competitiveness of your restaurant in the market?

    Or more specifically: what will ensure the competitive advantage of a restaurant in a crisis?

    Service quality? The number of items on the menu? The quality of the food?

    Or just a large stream of people who come to you because there is nowhere else? Of course, it is possible to reduce the number of working hours for restaurant staff, but this will not change the picture as a whole, it may even worsen, so people have an uncertainty factor. Therefore, if now you are faced with the question: to dismiss, wait with dismissal, and there is no possibility to leave the staff unchanged, then you should dismiss, because by dismissing you give people the opportunity to find work now, and not when the situation may worsen in the entire industry or in the market .

  3. Transition to domestic products. Again, everything always requires an account and analysis: on the one hand, domestic products used to be a little cheaper, but due to a slight difference with imported ones, many restaurants opted for imported ones.

    For example, my friend a restaurateur only bought valio dairy products, now he is in a bit of a quandary.

    Moreover, domestic products also began to rise in price and the transition to domestic products, as a necessary measure, will certainly happen, but the question is with quality?! What is the quality of Russian products? And how will this quality change in the near future? Therefore, many restaurateurs are in no hurry to change their suppliers, but are thinking in the direction of optimizing other costs, the question is what?

  4. Advertising expenses. What should restaurants do with advertising in a crisis? - of course, the word reduction suggests itself, but let's replace it with optimization, it will be more correct.

    And most importantly, it is completely different to build communications with advertising agencies, because they also have a crisis and they also do not want to lose their customers. And of course, the focus is on holidays and the development of interaction with the media, perhaps private journalists or bloggers, who can actually replace expensive advertising agencies for a table in the evening. Think about it!

The crisis sets a very simple task for restaurateurs: learn how to attract customers by any means and means, while it is desirable that the methods be as cheap and scalable as possible.

Of course it can be said that average check decreases; the number of visitors is also decreasing, but these are all simple facts, and we are interested in the question: how to be and what to do? - and only you and your employees know the answer to this question.

Yes, it is in the head of your staff that there are many ideas, but with the right approach: brainstorming, swinging situations from side to side, analyzing according to certain methods, you can find really unique solutions that will bring you new customers, increase the competitiveness of the restaurant in a crisis, but this is a separate specific issue that can be analyzed in detail on corporate seminar crisis management for restaurants.

How to soberly assess the situation in your restaurant, cafe?
9:30 - 10:00

Getting to know the audience. Presentation of the seminar program

10:00 – 13:00
Analysis of the situation from "A" to "Z"
Who are we, a restaurant, cafe, canteen with a restaurant interior? What is our format in a crisis through the eyes of a guest? Why are they leaving? Why do they stay? How to analyze the wishes of guests? How to conduct a survey? How to conduct a complete analysis of their preferences by:

The structure of checks;

time of stay;

Fluctuations in sales by time of day and day of the week;

What does the "golden core" of the restaurant, cafe want? What is food targeting? How to "sharpen" each dish for a particular guest? Alco - a stimulant - we are finalizing the bar card.

ABC - sales analysis - how to do it in Excel in 20 minutes (works with any automation program).

What will this simple ABC analysis give us?

Expensive or cheap menu in the eyes of guests. Do we make money on bestsellers? Are they hits because they are cheap? Which items lead to product write-offs? What positions worsen the quality of dishes? Which product groups are most in demand? Which ones are not used, why? What dishes compete with each other and deprive us of additional profit? Does the menu match the original concept of the establishment. Who are we? – A la carte restaurant, weekend restaurant, business lunch restaurant, etc. What to do with it? Beneficial or not profitable banquets (from 10 people)? Is it necessary to develop this direction? What do they drink in our establishment? Why do people drink these particular drinks? Balanced or no margins on dishes? Is there any lost profit? Are the markups for food groups (salads, appetizers, soups, etc.) in line with industry standards? (we have records of more than 1000 restaurants). With rising food prices, are we responding with menu prices? (Doesn't it turn out that the price does not grow, the cost increases and we earn less and less every day?) What items should be removed from the menu and for what reasons? What items should be on the menu? What is the ideal sales picture? Answer: The rating of dishes by quantity, markup and sales volume is equal to each other. Analysis of the saleability of dishes within product groups - "confectionery", "hot drinks", "alcoholic cocktails", "strong drinks", etc. The degree of popularity of dishes by type - appetizers, salads, first courses, etc.

Allows you to identify dishes that should be stimulated for sale through upselling systems by waiters.

What will the analysis of the flow of checks give?

· Ranking of guests according to various criteria: the amount of the check per guest, the duration of the visit to the institution, the frequency of visits (in the case of a discount or bonus club). What the guest ate and drank and in what combination. Number of meals eaten and drinks consumed.

Check ranking. The range of checks by groups (indicates the solvency of the audience, the reserve for increasing the markup and price). Table turnover in relation to the time of day, weekdays, weekends, holidays (indicates the popularity of zones, tables, the general level of occupancy of the institution and suggests corrective actions). The indicator HHH - “check-man-hour” indicates the quality of the work of waiters and administrators, shows the difference in audience groups.

· Identification of the golden core of the audience, which brings 50% and 30% of the institution's revenue. Gives an understanding of which product in the menu and services should be the main one.

· Gives the performance of special offers, promotions, marketing events, monitors the effectiveness of investments in advertising and promotion.

· The number of guests in checks. Shows the ranks of single, double, trio visits, the number of checks for the company of guests.

· Determination of revenue by tables and efficiency of zones, revenue per sq. hall meter. It allows you to transform zones and upgrade zones, adjust the set of tables (twos, threes, fours, etc.)

· Analyze checks in terms of the structure of purchased dishes. Gives an understanding of the "hit" twos and threes of dishes. Provides information for the correct compilation of promotions and special offers.

Allows you to develop a strategy to increase the average check

Allows you to create a sales plan for dishes, a production plan for the kitchen and a purchase plan with a 90% chance of matching

Choice of food by group. Analysis of the raw matrix and identification of intersections for raw materials. Analysis of the manufacturability of the dish. Planned margin ratio. Product availability. Margin margin. Manufacturability of the dish and preparations for it. Shelf life of blanks. Recoil time. Calorie content. Modeling base + garnish + sauce + garnish in % and by yield. Plate and show serving. Calculation of the total cost of a dish (10 components). Competition with other dishes. Uniqueness. Name. Blind tasting. Tasting with guests. Entering the special sentence. Adjustments. Entering the main menu. Analysis after 45 days of sales. Physiology of taste. Supply temperature. Compatibility of ingredients. Combinatorics. Variation. Dish - constructor. Output management. Possibility of discounting meals. 10 "blind" food sales reports showing:

  • price adequacy;
  • "hit" in a particular audience;
  • the quality of the dish;
  • the adequacy of the output of the dish;
  • uniqueness of the offer (competition);
  • co-promotion with other dishes;
  • dish order conversions.

Dishes - "torpedoes". Goal analysis. Analysis of taste, price, marketing expectations of the target. Engineering the dish according to the expectations of the focus group. “Trendy dishes”, “big dishes”, “unique dishes”, “authentic dishes”, “cheapest dishes”, etc. Examples of food targeting on the example of Ginza Project restaurants.

Products and raw materials

Own blanks: balance of value and price. Seasonal preparations. Large purchases for freezing (meat, fish). Purchases in hypermarkets, from farmers, at manufacturing plants. Assessment of the feasibility of freezing money and expanding storage areas. Contract manufacturing in Russia, the CIS and abroad. List of semi-finished products for outsourcing at meat processing plants, bakeries and bakeries, poultry farms, small workshops. Cash purchases and same-day payments are the new purchasing priorities. Debt restructuring to suppliers and minimization of overpacking. New ways of storing and labeling raw materials. Transition to semi-finished products of three degrees of readiness.

13:00 - 14:00

Lunch break

14:00 - 17:00

Semi-finished products and blanks

New menu = menu on blanks. Vacuuming, shock freezing, low temperature cooking, conditional pasteurization - technologies for canteens and Michelin restaurants. Table of innovative methods for the preparation of semi-finished products

Investments of 350,000 rubles - a reduction in staff by 30%, an increase in the rate of return by 5 times, a reduction in food costs by 40%, energy costs by 40%, an increase in profits by 30%. Detailed description of technologies:

  • vacuuming
  • Vacuum massaging meat
  • Pasteurization and conditional pasteurization
  • Shock freezing
  • Cooling food in an ice bath
  • Slow simmering 18 hours at low temperatures
  • Sous Vide
  • Defrosting in water in bags
  • Cooking dishes 50% done, 80% done

Consideration of video clips of the Center for Catering Technologies with a demonstration of cooking technologies.

  • vacuum cooking,
  • suvid-intensive cooling,
  • suvid - pasteurization,
  • suvid - freezing,
  • vacuum freezing,
  • frying - freezing,
  • vacuum pasteurization,
  • other

Providing the TTK audience with a photo and a detailed description of the process of preparing blanks with an extended shelf life for more than 200 dishes (link to archive download)

17:00 – 18:00

18:00 - 19:00
Free consultations lecturer

Day 2

New menu - in examples and recipes

“Methodology for creating a new menu for an enterprise” A new menu is not a reduction in the cost of old dishes. This is the creation of fundamentally new dishes. The second day of the seminar (the first half of the day) is devoted to a detailed analysis of the preparation of dishes with low cost and unique taste through the use of new technologies. Assortment of manufactured dishes and semi-finished products Methodology for compiling an assortment matrix. Regional features assortment. Coefficients of margins by groups and subgroups. "Hits", "cash cows", "sales bulls". ABCD - analysis by revenue, by margin, by quantity. Rotation of assortment positions. Seasonality. Dishes - "utilizers". Methodology for working with residuals.

13:00 – 14:00
Lunch break

14:00 – 17:00

New dishes of your anti-crisis menu (description of technology and recipes)

Innovative production technologies: Baking: puff, muffin, brioche, yeast, yeast-free, national pastries. Pies: hearty and sweet.
High quality cookies. Cookies, muffins, macarons, French puff.
Bread, high quality products.
Freezer work and own bakery: which is more profitable? Small thing against shaped bread. Meat semi-finished products: cutlets of 30 types, sausages and kupaty, lump p / f, breading group, shish kebabs; delicacy own production: low-temperature cabinets, languishing, smoking, suvid. Meat-Fish Frozen semi-finished products: dumplings, dumplings, khinkali, manti, vegetable and combined cutlets, pancakes, etc.
Ready meals: sealing, showcase. European salads. Korean group. Own conservation. Soups. Sauces. Cutting. Side dishes. Snacks. The ABC of pricing from "A" to "Z". Examples of margin coefficients for all groups Shawarma, shawarma, doner, gyros Types and types of shawarma. Chicken, turkey, lamb, beef. Shawarma with minced meat. The principles of creating a workpiece. Cutting. Pickling. Spices - what and where? Layer combination. Shock freezing of preparations. Storage. Regeneration. Automatic cutters. Where to buy the "right" grill inexpensively.

  • Shawarma dishes: pita, Armenian lavash, Turkish lavash, hamburger bun, chiabbata, tortilla, sizzling beer pans, fajitas, toast, ready-made main courses with side dishes, tyakhany, shawarma in a plate and others. How to make the right sauces without protein and yolk. Cardboard packaging, wrapping sheets with foil Sandwiches and raps Cold sandwiches. Toast. Triangles. Croissant Sandwiches, Rap Sandwiches, Bagels, Filled Pretzel, Baguettes, Bread, Hamburger Buns and other forms.
  • cutting: cutlets, chops, kebabs, kebabchi, kufta, Danish meatballs, mixed minced meat, breaded cutting: technologies and recipes
  • lumpy: from deli to cheap: chicken, turkey, rabbit, boiled pork, roast beef
  • bread and batters: fish&chips, schnitzels, nuggets, breading with spices;
  • meat gastronomy: how to choose toppings, where to buy spices, how to cook in Sous-Vide and Alta Shaam (low-temperature cooking)
  • conservation: which one to choose for “survival” in a vacuum, protective atmosphere, sealant, heat shrink, flow pack, paper and cardboard.
  • vegetables and leafy: what to work with and how to combine
  • sauces: how to make five out of one sandwich. Bases: butter, mayonnaise, dairy, nut butters, dips, salsas, cheeses, etc. Why you need Thermomix or PacoJet.

How to properly pack a sandwich. 100 packaging options, including the most fashionable in the US and Europe. Extended shelf life without preservatives. Transportation. Regeneration and baking of rolls. Marrychef oven - " secret weapon Subway. Chicken snacks Strips, chicken chips, chicken nuggets, chicken schnitzels, chicken burger patties, chicken terrines. Lumpy. Breadcrumbs like Henny Penny. Deep frying under pressure. Frying at Merry Chef. Baking Puff yeast and yeast-free. Margarine and butter. Frozen yeast products - work on improvers. Sweet and yeast-free dough and its unique features. What toppings to work with. What ingredients survive freezing. Vacuuming and freezing the dough. Molding. Automatic and semi-automatic plucking machines. Dumplings, dumplings, manti, khinkali, samsa, gedza, dim sum and other ethnic dishes. Features of production, raw materials, recipes. Pizza - the latest trends "Proper pizza" on thin and thick dough. Dough transportation - freezing, vacuum. Defrosting, proofing, storage in proofers. Working with cheese domes - distributors.

Automation of the pizza production process - from kneading to dough division - rounding and conveyor baking. Domino's Pizza technology and why it's the only true one. Freezing pizza 80% done and 100% done and why you shouldn't do it , combined snacks. Principles of preparation and packaging. Recipes and spices. Packing and packing methods. Creative world examples. Correct pricing. Regeneration in microwave ovens and in convection. Sauce technology. Examples of sauces and recipes. Ready meals Ready meals using Cook&Chill, Cook&Freeze, Cook&MAP, Cook&Serve technology. Differences in equipment and approaches. Cost estimates. Storage periods. Selling in own outlets and in supporter POS. Risks and problems Ready-made soups Soup mono-concepts. Pasteurization and freezing. Regeneration and packaging Salads Filling, puff, Korean, Oriental, Caucasian, spicy. Cooking feature.
In total, detailed preparation and recipes of more than 150 products and dishes will be considered, including a photo of serving

17:00 – 18:00
Bonus lecture "HACCP - food safety methodology"

How to switch to HACCP in a restaurant, canteen, cafe? What is HACCP and why do we need a food safety system. 1) Introduction Policy in the field of quality and safety Documenting the goals, objectives and methods of their implementation Knowledge of the policy by the personnel of the enterprise. Order on the establishment of the HACCP group. Documenting the composition, responsibilities and organization of work. Compliance with the order. Information about the production. Information about the work of the kitchen. Schemes - from the territory to the workshops. Availability, sufficiency and completeness of technological instructions, route maps, technological regulations, TTK, technological process maps, production control programs, shift-daily tasks. Flowcharts of production processes that may affect product safety, with identification of all technological operations.

Types of dangers. Risk analysis and selection of hazards to consider. Documentation of estimates of the probability of occurrence of each hazard. Planned preventive actions (PPA). Compliance with the requirements of documented procedures. Critical Control Points (CCPs). Choice of CCT. HACCP worksheets. Compliance with documented procedures in production. Internal checks. Maintain documentation of the HACCP system.

18:00 - 19:00
Answers to questions from the audience

?Federal Education Agency
Volgograd branch
Federal State Educational Institution
higher professional education
"Russian State University tourism and service"

Department of "Socio-cultural service and tourism"

on the topic:
"Development of activities to promote the products of the restaurant "Gippopo" in the entertainment complex "Gippopo"

Volgograd, 2008

For a thesis on the topic: "Development of activities to promote the products of the restaurant" Hippopo "in the entertainment complex" Hippopo "in the Krasnoarmeisky district of the city of Volgograd."

The thesis on the topic: "Development of activities to promote the products of the restaurant "Gippopo" in the entertainment complex "Gippopo" in the Krasnoarmeysky district of the city of Volgograd" was performed by a graduate student at a good performing level. The author has a thorough and professional approach to the disclosure of the topic.
Provides extensive information about the work of this restaurant, as well as activities to promote the products of the restaurant.
In the course of writing the work, consumers, the main competitors of the enterprise were analyzed, weak and strengths in the work of the restaurant, as well as ways to promote the products and services of this institution on the market Catering city ​​of Volgograd.
Of considerable interest is the design and organizational section, in which specific measures have been developed to promote the restaurant's products.
In the economic section, the economic efficiency of the implementation of these measures is calculated. These figures clearly show that the profit of the restaurant can actually increase after the improvement of the work.
The handout is a step-by-step illustration of the work.
The thesis meets the requirements and can be recommended for defense at the State attestation commission. The work deserves a positive assessment, and the author deserves the qualification “Service and Tourism Specialist” with a specialization in “Restaurant Service and Tourism”.

1. Theoretical section
1.1 Restaurant marketing
1.2 Ways to promote catering services

2. Analytical section

2.4 Analysis of the competitive environment

2.6 Enterprise menu analysis
2.7 Analysis of financial economic activity enterprises
2.8. Conclusions on the analytical section

3.3 Introduction of the art of carving
3.4 Formation of marketing communications
4. Economic section
4.1 Calculation of one-time project costs
4.2 Calculation of profit and profitability from the project
List of used literature


The modern restaurant business in Russia is developing at a rapid pace. The well-being of people is growing, and thus the need to satisfy not only physiological needs (like satisfying hunger), but also the need for aesthetic design of food, a high level of service, and social recognition.
The restaurant business is an integrated area of ​​business activity related to the organization of production and restaurant management and aimed at meeting the needs of the population for a varied, healthy and tasty food, services ah, as well as making a profit.
Catering is a service sector. The main activity of public catering enterprises is the preparation of products, the sale of dishes, drinks, and the organization of recreation and entertainment.
A catering business will be successful if it is aimed at satisfying the desires of guests in products and services. The restaurateur and the team as a whole should be interested in creating conditions for increasing restaurant attendance. By doing this, you can increase your sales. The primary task of the restaurateur is to satisfy the needs of visitors, win their favor, which will ultimately lead to an increase in the average check amount.
Specificity restaurant business lies in the fact that he is subject to transient fashion, and his models have short life cycles. The institution overcomes all stages of evolution in 2-3 years. At the same time, the planned payback period of the project is usually 1-2.5 years, depending on the concept of the enterprise, the more expensive the restaurant, the more investments it requires, and the payback period increases accordingly. And during this period it is very important to retain visitors and maintain the status of a "fashionable" enterprise, without losing the original integrity of its concept.
Marketing breathes life into the restaurant. Well-planned and executed marketing will attract visitors to the restaurant. Marketing will help to achieve such a state of affairs that visitors are satisfied with the institution, and the restaurateur becomes rich and happy.
The thesis was developed on the basis of the restaurant "Gippopo" located in the RC "Gippopo". This enterprise has been operating in the restaurant services market of the city of Volgograd for almost 2 years, specializing in the provision of catering and entertainment services. The restaurant is represented by European gourmet cuisine.
The relevance of this topic is determined by a number of factors:
- competition between restaurant service enterprises is constantly growing;
- the need for continuous promotion and stimulation of services;
- Proper planning of the marketing policy of the enterprise is required.
The purpose of the thesis is to develop activities to promote the products of the restaurant "Hippopo".
The objectives of the thesis are:
? analysis of the consumer market of restaurant services;
? analysis of the competitive environment;
? organizational structure analysis and labor resources enterprises;
? enterprise menu analysis;
? development of activities to promote products;
? analysis of the financial and economic activity of the enterprise;
? evaluation of the economic efficiency of the implementation of the developed measures.
The stated goal and objectives of the thesis work determined its structure.
The diploma work consists of introduction, theoretical, analytical, design and organizational, economic sections, conclusion, list of references, application.

1. Theoretical section

1.1 Restaurant marketing

Restaurant marketing is a complex system for organizing the production and marketing of products, focused on meeting the needs of specific consumers and making a profit based on market research and forecasting, studying the internal and external environment of the enterprise, developing a strategy and tactics of behavior in the market using marketing programs. These programs include measures to improve goods and their range, study consumers, competitors and the competitive environment, ensure pricing policy, create demand and stimulate sales, advertising, optimize distribution channels and sales organization, expand the range of services provided.
Restaurant marketing is interconnected with the concept of a restaurant product. The restaurant product is understood as the complex attractiveness of the restaurant expressed in the perceptions and feelings of visitors, as a combination of cuisine (the range of dishes and drinks available on the menu), service quality (quickness, friendliness, helpfulness and other professional skills shown by the staff), created interior (coziness, comfort ) and the atmosphere prevailing there (the possibility of relaxation), which are paid by the visitor for a certain price (the total amount of the average bill).
Restaurant marketing begins with market segmentation - dividing it into clear groups of consumers, for each of which certain types of products and services can be offered. The success of the restaurant in the competitive struggle largely depends on how correctly selected market segments are. The firm needs to decide how many market segments to cover and focus on the most profitable segments for the firm. The firm then has to choose a consumer-oriented marketing concept.
As important as service and hospitality are to a restaurant's competitive success, people go to a restaurant to eat and drink. Therefore, the restaurant must develop original ways of serving dishes and drinks that allow you to surprise guests. This is the serving of drinks in glasses corresponding to the selected wine: Burgundy, Alsatian, Riesling, Champagne, etc. Some restaurants offer guests a wide selection of high-quality wines “by the glass”, as well as serving personal glasses for certain drinks presented in the wine list. Many wine lovers will appreciate the opportunity to expand their understanding of their favorite drink without buying a whole bottle.
Strong alcoholic drinks (vodka, tequila) stay cold longer in glasses chilled in freezers using the method
"he-the-rocks". Such a serving contributes to a better identification of the taste qualities of these drinks. A custom-made logo on glassware is part of the restaurant's corporate identity. This tableware is an effective advertising tool and makes a strong impression on guests.
Pickles, freshly baked bread, as well as jams, marmalades, marmalades prepared directly at the factory will give the restaurant a homely atmosphere. This enhances the image of the company, provides an exclusive position in the catering market.
In order for restaurant guests not to get bored while waiting for coffee, tables should be set with personal coffee pots complete with milk jugs, sugar bowls and tongs on small trays. Such a serving of coffee will be highly appreciated by the guests of the restaurant.
A wide selection of dietary, children's, specialty and dessert dishes gives the restaurant a real opportunity to take a leading position in the market. Having the relevant regulatory documents, technical and technological maps, products and equipment, the restaurant will be able to quickly master the preparation of dishes with high palatability and low fat and cholesterol content.
The life cycle of a restaurant product is characterized by the successive passage of individual phases: implementation, growth, maturity, decline. A newly created restaurant product indicates its market positioning from the introduction phase. The volume of sales in the implementation phase is insignificant, and therefore intensive advertising is necessary. The result is high costs and low profits. Over time, due to intensive advertising of the restaurant product, sales increase. The restaurant product is entering a phase of growth. The volume of sales in the growth phase increases, which is associated with a set of special distinguishing features of the proposed restaurant product for its consumers. This restaurant product becomes known to a wider range of consumers. Increasing sales volumes generate greater profits. In the maturity phase of a restaurant product, intra-industry competition intensifies when other restaurateurs begin to introduce a product that is similar or very similar in its characteristics. At the same time, the sales volumes of the pioneers who initiated the emergence of this original restaurant product are stabilizing. Increased competition contributes to lower business profitability. Over time, the decline phase begins, when sales volume decreases, the demand for this restaurant product from consumers becomes less and less. There is a need for an alternative: either modify and improve the proposed restaurant product, or follow the path of winding down the business. Modification and improvement of the proposed restaurant product means the solution of one or more tasks:
- improving the range of dishes and drinks available
restaurant menu;
- change of interior elements and equipment of the restaurant;
- introduction of a new show program for restaurant guests;
- professional development of restaurant staff serving guests in combination with the development and implementation of certain service standards.
Scientific studies in Western European countries show that the life cycle of a restaurant product is, on average, 10 years. The implementation phase usually lasts one year. Growth phase - 6-8 years.
The life cycle of a restaurant product forms certain forms of restaurant service against the backdrop of ongoing changes in the economic and social environment. The growth of the standard of living of the population contributes to an increase in the capacity of the restaurant market, favorable conditions for the development of the restaurant business in various formats.
The analysis of the restaurant's success potential is based on the knowledge of the capacity of the served segment, the personality of the restaurateur and the intensity of competition. The capacity of the serviced segment is determined mainly by the number of visitors to the restaurant, which in turn is associated with the influx of tourists and the location of the restaurant (“traffic” of the place), as well as the transport accessibility of this facility for visitors. The personality of the restaurateur is key to the success of a restaurant. In the restaurant business, success comes to those restaurateurs who show cordiality and hospitality towards guests, flexibility and the ability to communicate with people. Some entrepreneurs open restaurants for more than just profit. Owning a restaurant gives them the opportunity to possess a certain mystical power of attraction. The cozy atmosphere of the restaurant, created by the interior and the service provided, combined with the personal power of attraction of the restaurateur's person, can lead to success. Such an opportunity arises when the restaurant becomes the center of local life, attracting visitors for communication.
Of practical importance is the use of specific marketing techniques focused on attracting consumers to the restaurant.
Food tasting is used as a marketing technique. The tasting is held in connection with the introduction of a new page of dishes in the menu. Offering samples of new or special dishes is a great way to generate consumer interest. Trial portions allow guests to experience new dishes without having to pay for a whole portion. This type of offering of new dishes will be most effective if elements of the show are included in it. For example, waiters offering a new dish of Russian cuisine may be dressed in Russian costumes, the hall is decorated in the national style, the tableware is with national ornaments, the service method is based on national traditions. The restaurant informs guests about the time of the tasting in advance. Participants of the tasting are offered questionnaires. Dishes highly rated in the survey are included in the menu. The tasting can be accompanied by the organization of concert programs with the involvement of popular ensembles, the organization of lotteries, competitions with the identification of the winner, who is awarded a dish from the chef.
A presentation is held when one or two new dishes are introduced to the menu. The presentation may be devoted to the preparation of dishes from new products that have appeared on the market. Funds are notified about the upcoming event mass media. Invitation tickets are developed in advance indicating the proposed menu, entertainment program and cost. The organization of the presentation in the restaurant is preceded by the development literary script, which includes information about the favorite dishes of a literary hero, historical character or a theatrical show in the style of a fair with the organization of the sale of freshly baked bakery products by peddlers.
Marketing reception - organization of festive evenings, family celebrations in a restaurant. To this end, promotions are held in the restaurant: dishes and drinks are offered that are not included in the menu and wine list every day. You can try and evaluate them only during the period of these events. For example, the New Year's dinner menu includes poultry and game dishes prepared as a whole, the hero of the day is offered the Flambé dish, and on the day of March 8, a dessert consisting of fresh fruits with cream in the form of a cake.
In order to attract guests to the restaurant during the hours when the room load is minimal, the “happy hour” marketing technique is used. At this time, for example, guests are offered a special menu with discounts on individual dishes or those who order one or two mugs of beer are offered the next one for free.
Restaurants widely use other types of discounts:
- buying one dish, the second visitor of the restaurant receives for free (“two for the price of one”);
- a free dish with a certain order, for example,
a cup of coffee for dessert or a salad for the main course;
- discounts on a certain order value (when the percentage
Discounts depend on the amount of the order).
The organization of interest clubs in a restaurant: a gourmet club, beer lovers, beer mugs, wine and cigar clubs is a new marketing technique. The gourmet club organizes meetings in the restaurant dedicated to the tasting of certain dishes, such as fish, vegetarian, desserts. The chef introduces the club members to the recipes, demonstrates to the guests the methods of preparing individual dishes. The work of the gourmet club increases the volume of sales in the restaurant, so tasting is carried out for members of the club at a discount.
In the club of beer mug lovers, each member receives a personal beer mug and has certain privileges. Once a month, club members gather and they are served beer at a discount. The club may have special shelves in the hall, on which beer mugs of various shapes are placed, and each new member of the club can add to this collection.
In order to attract loyal customers and encourage regular visits to the restaurant, many enterprises offer guests to purchase gold, silver and other club cards that provide various benefits. The owner of the club card is given a discount on the order made on certain days and hours of the restaurant; in the morning - for a free cup of coffee; while playing billiards - a glass of wine or a soft drink.
Lotteries and games can significantly increase consumer interest in visiting a restaurant. Lottery winners are selected based on participant coupons that guests receive in advance.
Unlike lotteries, various methods are used in drawings: cards from which you need to erase the protective layer to determine possible win and etc.
Competitions require participants to demonstrate certain skills and abilities. By becoming a participant in the competition, the guest can first win a regular prize, and then a grand prize or bonuses (discounts for regular consumers) with each visit to the restaurant.
The combination of various marketing techniques is the most effective in organizing a restaurant business.

1.2 Ways to promote products

Product promotion is advertising, personal sales presentations, promotion of restaurant products through coupons, prizes, lotteries, special events and discounts, "special events club", gift certificates.
Personal promotion consists of restaurants presenting to potential customers sales presentations carried out in the following sequence:
- opening presentation;
- involvement of the client in its process;
- direct presentation;
- Closing the presentation.
For these purposes, advertising messages are used as a means of personal promotion: the restaurant manager sends letters to businessmen and newlyweds with an offer to visit this institution.
Coupons are a popular form of promotion of restaurant services - a method of offering a discount, introducing a new dish on the menu, as well as increasing the sales of a particular dish.
The use of coupons has some negative consequences: since coupons entail constant discounts on the same dishes, visitors psychologically begin to perceive the discounted price as normal and therefore refuse to buy a dish at its regular price. A system of restrictions helps prevent such sentiments: each coupon has an expiration date or a warning “not valid on weekends”.
Waiters and head waiters in direct contact with visitors should be well informed about other forms successful promotion restaurant services, based on the presentation of prizes to guests with a complex purchase: one souvenir per visit.
Quite rarely, coupons are handed out to restaurant visitors at the entrance with an offer to take part in a lottery or games, which increases their interest in this institution. Often, instead of a lottery, draws are arranged when visitors assemble a whole composition from pieces of the mosaic or erase the protective layer from the cards in order to find the winnings under them.
Often, in order to attract visitors to the restaurant, an event called "early birds" is arranged in the early hours. A guest who comes to the restaurant immediately after its opening gets the opportunity to dine at a lower price. The system of discounts also applies to certain categories of visitors: students, military, pensioners, children who dine with their parents.
In the future, for public catering, the most relevant will be the development of club and discount systems for personal marketing.
For some visitors, gift certificates are issued, the owners of which can count on free lunches. At the same time, restaurateurs take into account that the heroes of the occasion rarely come to dine alone, but invite friends and relatives. Gift certificates can also be issued for a certain amount, although in these cases the amount of the dinner bill will be more than the face value of the certificate.
To form the interest of visitors to new dishes or specific products that are not known in this segment of the restaurant industry, a presentation of dishes and drinks is arranged.
Presentation of various brands of wines by the leading European producers serves as an effective means of their promotion to the Russian market.
One of the marketing techniques used to attract an additional contingent of visitors to a restaurant is the arrangement of a "buffet" on certain days of the week in the evening. As a result of this technique, regular customers appeared in restaurants at non-traditional visiting times. For them, a double amount of the cumulative discount on the honorary guest card is provided.
As a rule, such restaurants have their own programs to encourage loyal customers, but for chain establishments it is very important to hold various promotions together with partners.
Loyal customer-oriented restaurants build relationships with the customer on the principle: "Come to us again, we love loyal customers." Such establishments periodically hold club days, created specifically for those who regularly eat here.
Waiters recognize regular customers, remember their favorite dishes, and regular customers, in turn, leave big tips.
Restaurants focused on a regular customer can be located in a space that is quite closed from view, and in a so-called flow place. A distinctive feature of such establishments is a specific audience inherent only to this restaurant.
Restaurateurs need to make some effort to keep these customers, to encourage them so that they have a desire to come here again and again. In this case, incentive programs give good results. Everyone usually understands this term as a discount, a discount, but a client can also get a discount in a neighboring competitor restaurant.
To date, in institutions of this type, there has been a tendency towards exclusive promotion of customers. For example, a visitor is congratulated on his birthday and presented with a bottle of wine as a gift.
Many restaurants began to use the bonus reward system. According to the restaurateurs who have implemented this system, it works quite successfully and helps to retain visitors.
The client accumulates bonuses, and then "buys" gifts for them. In addition, you can arrange various promotions, prize draws.
A special place in this category is occupied by the so-called exclusive, or, as they say now, pretentious, restaurants and clubs. For one reason or another, they are given the status of fashion establishments. It gathers an audience with a high level of income and high social status. The strictest face and dress control (face- and dress-control) does not allow a person of a different circle to get into a pretentious restaurant, even if he has enough money. Working with the public of exclusive restaurants is much more difficult than with ordinary customers. The pretentious clientele requires increased attention from the staff and does not allow the owner of a fashionable establishment to relax, wanting to see more and more improvements. To please visitors, owners of exclusive restaurants and clubs have to make glass floors and walls in the premises, put golden toilets in the toilets, etc.
For visitors to such establishments, a personal approach and special attention are very important. In this case, it makes sense to focus on sending personal invitations to club parties and other events, informing visitors about new menus and wine lists.
Any restaurant needs regular customers, and there are various ways to attract them, depending on the type of business. The main thing is to get creative, because any non-standard forms of attracting customers work much more efficiently and really interest people.
Customers love increased attention, they need to feel like dear guests, so club cards, personal mailings and entertainment promotions are of great importance for building customer loyalty.

1.3 Merchandising techniques in a restaurant

Merchandising is the activity of a catering company to increase sales of its own products, purchased goods and services.
The concept of merchandising is sometimes narrowed down to the technology of displaying goods. However, this concept is broader and includes comprehensive activities aimed at increasing productivity, improving the profitability of the trading space. Basic rules: sell desired product; in the right place; in right time; in the right quantity and at the right price.
To this end, the restaurant uses various merchandising techniques:
- aesthetic design of dishes, cocktails, mixed drinks;
-introduction of new methods of serving dishes;
- organization of the show in the process of preparing and serving dishes, drinks;
- agitation in the hall;
- persuasive sale;
- offer guests to choose alternative types of products and services.
The aesthetic design of dishes, cocktails, mixed drinks contributes to the effective impact on the consumer in order to increase sales. The impact on the consumer begins immediately when he enters a restaurant or bar: the offer of collection wines on mobile carts or in special cabinets; the use of modern design trends in table setting; organization of salad and dessert bars in the hall; placement of fresh fruit and a colorfully decorated cocktail of the day on the bar counter; serving fruit in a pumpkin vase, a church in a watermelon, a cocktail in a frozen glass.
Merchandising techniques are used in the organization of guest service in the hall. For example, a dish prepared for the company as a whole is brought to the hall, portioned on a folding tray and served to guests.
The main reasons why it is profitable for a restaurant to prepare dishes in the hall in front of guests are: the desire to whet the appetite, increase interest in the restaurant and increase sales of expensive dishes. To attract the attention of guests to these dishes, it is necessary to give the correct description and photographs of them in the menu, and to train the staff. Experienced chefs and production managers are invited to prepare dishes in front of visitors.
Flambéing of second courses, desserts is also made in the presence of guests. The preparation of dishes directly in the hall is carried out by the chef or head waiter using elements of the show. Preparation of cocktails using flair techniques is an effective method for influencing restaurant guests; experienced bartenders who are fluent in these techniques are involved in the show.
The main methods of campaigning in the restaurant hall include: photographs of dishes placed on the tables; placing salad - and dessert bars in the most prominent place; producing a presentation; the inclusion of a glass of wine or champagne in the Sunday brunch menu; the location of alcoholic beverages in the bar window with a label to the guests; offer of collection wine and its decanting.
One of the most effective tools used by service personnel is a convincing sale. As soon as the guest sat down at the table, the waiter offers him a cocktail aperitif or a signature snack. Companies can serve appetizers on a platter so that they can try different dishes. At the end of lunch or dinner, the waiter offers a choice of various desserts, demonstrating their assortment on a dish, trolley or refrigerated display case located in the hall.
The proposal for choosing alternative types of products is related to the fact that guests come to the restaurant who are pleased to receive a certain benefit. To this end, the restaurant offers guests a compliment from the chef. An example of a guest's choice of the most profitable option is the sale of drinks with or without snacks, offering guests a business lunch. At the same time, the prices of each dish included in the business lunch are lower than it would be in the case of a separate order.
To make the products of the restaurant more recognizable and noticeable, it is necessary to use promotional materials. They are often donated by manufacturing companies (glasses, glasses, mugs with a logo and accessories, ashtrays, etc.), advertising material attracts the attention of consumers, and the waiter informs guests about the merits and benefits of products.

2. Analytical section

2.1 Purpose of conducting market research

The restaurant does not operate in a vacuum. Therefore, you should know what is happening around, keep track of what is happening both inside and outside the institution, paying attention to everything that can affect the restaurant business. The best thing to do is to conduct regular market research.
The purpose of marketing research is a comprehensive analysis of the activities of the restaurant services market of a city, region, country. The restaurant business, like any other business, is built on meeting consumer demand. Therefore, in order for it to be successful, first you need to find out what potential customers actually wanted to receive, create such an offer and convey information about it to “your” public. When conducting marketing research, the possibilities of functioning of the enterprise in the market of restaurant services and the problems that arise in this case are determined.
Ideally, the opening of a new catering establishment should be preceded by a series of marketing studies, in particular, to determine the portrait of the target audience - visitors whom the project organizers seek to see in this establishment. Also, marketing research must be carried out by an already successfully functioning enterprise in order to maximize its profits, to attract new consumers and retain existing ones.
An enterprise can conduct marketing research on its own, or attract researchers from external structures.
Marketing research represent the collection, processing and analysis of data in order to reduce the uncertainty associated with the adoption of marketing decisions; surprises of occurring events and phenomena, as well as inconsistency of marketing actions. Marketing research and marketing activities must be inseparable. Otherwise, there is no point in conducting marketing research.
The system of marketing research and related activities in the restaurant business includes the following interrelated and interdependent areas:
- research of the specifics of the restaurant market and development of a conceptual framework (corporate philosophy and culture);
- study of the consumer environment, segmentation of consumers and development of a system of behavior in the market;
- study of the competitive environment and development of competition policy;
- research of commodity potential of services, positioning and development of commodity policy;
- research of pricing systems and development of pricing policy in the field of professional services;
- studying the possibility of promoting and organizing the processes for the implementation of restaurant services;
- study of the specifics and formation of an adaptive system of marketing communications in the restaurant business;
- study of the internal environment of the enterprise and the organization of marketing services management.
Marketing research at enterprises should be carried out constantly, as the restaurant services market is constantly changing and improving. It is necessary to catch and anticipate the changing desires of consumers in time, be aware of fashion trends and technologies for the development of the restaurant services market, and be competitive. Market research helps businesses achieve business success and avoid various kinds of risks, as well as direct savings through competent marketing to the development of their enterprise.

2.2 Characteristics of the enterprise

RC "Gippopo" is located in the Krasnoarmeisky district at the address: Prospect Heroes of Stalingrad, 68 and is a separate modern architectural structure.
RC "Gippopo" is fully consistent with the fashionable concept of our time, based on multifunctionality: under the roof of the RC "Gippopo" concentrated various types of entertainment services, such as bowling, cinema, billiard room, children's room services.
Restaurant "Gippopo" is located in the "Gippopo" mall, which is not only a fashionable place for a pleasant pastime, but also an excellent venue for presentations, seminars, conferences, as well as banquets, receptions, corporate parties and birthdays.
The trading floor of the restaurant "Gippopo" is designed for 70 seats. Opening hours: from 10.00 to 02.00; Friday and Saturday - until 04.00. The restaurant is designed for middle- and high-income consumers.
The trading floor is equipped with a bar counter, comfortable furniture that fully corresponds to the anthropometric data of a person, a stage for pop and dance, a modern projector with multimedia capabilities
The bar counter is a contact one, near which there are bar stools with a backrest and footrests. The bar counter is equipped with refrigerated cabinets for cooling drinks, a wine cabinet, a coffee machine with a dosing device, a blender, an ice maker, a draft beer dispenser and a computer cash terminal with an accounting and control system.
The dance floor is compositionally isolated from the surrounding space with the help of original lamps and a special shape of the ceiling.
The furniture of the hall is represented by tables, comfortable chairs, soft sofas in booths, auxiliary tables for waiters, sideboards (Fig. 5).
There is also a banquet hall for 26 seats.
The restaurant organizes banquets, receptions, catering (off-site service). The restaurant specializes in European gourmet cuisine. An extensive wine list has been developed. Service is provided by waiters, bartenders, head waiters.

2.3 Analysis of the consumer market of restaurant services

Consumer research allows you to identify and explore the full range of incentive factors that guide consumers when choosing goods (income, social status, gender and age structure, education).
The structure of consumption, provision with goods, trends in consumer demand are being studied. In addition, the processes and conditions for satisfying the basic rights of consumers are analyzed.
In the consumer market of the city of Volgograd, there is a tough competition for consumers. Enterprises are forced to pursue a targeted marketing policy, constantly improve. Each company seeks to occupy its own niche in the consumer market, to determine which it is necessary to conduct an analysis.
AT modern marketing the role of the analysis of the consumer environment is emphasized. For the marketing of restaurant services, it is of particular importance. It is in the structure and motivation of needs that the key to success lies. Understanding customers, their concerns, wishes, expectations from the purchase of a service or service will certainly have a positive impact on increasing the competitiveness of the services provided.
At the forefront of the entire marketing system, it is necessary to put consumers, that is, study and adaptation to the consumer environment. Only then does everything else make sense - the development of commodity, price, competitive strategies, the formation of a system of promotion to the market, etc.
In principle, a visitor to a catering enterprise is independent in his choice, however, marketing can affect both his motivation and behavior if the services offered are designed to meet not only the needs, but also the expectations of potential customers.
The main goal of the restaurant business is two-pronged, as it includes the solution of two most important tasks at the same time:
- attracting potential customers;
- retention of existing customers.
If the service provider does not know how to retain customers, then it makes no sense for him to attract new customers - they will be lost anyway.
In the marketing of restaurant services, the so-called Pareto law (law of 80:20), based on statistical studies, is especially clearly confirmed. According to this law, 20% of target customers focused on a certain type of service (offer model) purchase 80% of these services, and the remaining 80% - only 20%. Moreover, 80% of consumers often do not have a clear choice and tend to make random orders. Therefore, it is advisable to orient your proposal models and the main marketing activities precisely for these 20% of permanent and largest customers. the rest potential consumers(80%) can be considered as an incentive for further development, since any additionally attracted regular customer, due to the regular repetition of orders, can bring a significant increase in the volume of production and sales of business services, and therefore profit.
Segmentation of the restaurant services market is an important element when choosing a marketing strategy. The restaurant business operates in difficult market conditions, so you should be careful about who, how to serve, ask questions about your image, about the products produced, about the preferences and tastes of customers. Segmentation is the basis for determining the goals that will become objects of marketing research in the future.
Segmentation of the restaurant services market allows:
- choose the most promising market segment;
- best meet the needs of customers;
-set achievable and realistic goals;
- choose the best marketing strategy;
- increase the competitiveness of the enterprise;
- optimize marketing costs.
There are a number of ways to divide consumers into segments. First, you can imagine the entire population as a whole, and then, with the help of observations, analyze the behavior of certain people, systematize the characteristics obtained. Segmentation of the consumer market of restaurant services can be carried out according to several criteria: age, income level of customers, reasons for visiting a restaurant.
The data of the study of restaurant visitors by age are shown in the diagram (Fig. 7)

Rice. 7. The structure of consumers of the restaurant "Gippopo" by age.

From the diagram in Figure 7, it can be seen that the main visitors of Hippopo are people aged 35-45 years - 34% of total number consumers, 27% - from 25 to 35 years. Such a high percentage of visits among this age category of visitors is explained by the fact that the restaurant has a pleasant and calm atmosphere, which is well suited for relaxing with family or holding business negotiations.
The results of the analysis of consumers by social status are shown in the diagram (Fig. 8).

Rice. 8. The structure of consumers of the restaurant "Hippopo" by social status.

From the diagram in Figure 8 it can be seen that the main percentage of consumers are entrepreneurs - 38% and civil servants - 28%. Quiet and calm atmosphere makes it possible to calmly conduct a conversation and negotiations. Moreover, most often such visitors are regular customers of the restaurant and after hours. They can safely invite a partner to a business lunch, knowing that the prepared dishes and service will be at the proper level and will not lower his status in the eyes of the guest, 17% falls on parents with children, this is due to the fact that the company’s menu includes dishes and more, more importantly, drinks and desserts for children. During the visit, the waiters entertain the children with colorful books, coloring books, and toys.
The reasons for visiting Hippopo can be very different - these are business meetings, and family vacations with children, and chatting with friends, and holding banquets (birthdays, weddings, various holidays, presentations), attending show programs, promotions and events.
Data from the analysis of consumers by reason of visit are reflected in the diagram (Fig. 9).

Rice. 9. The structure of consumers due to visiting the restaurant "Hippopo"

Thus, based on the results of the analysis of the consumers of the Hippopo restaurant, it can be concluded that the main consumers and regular customers of the restaurant are private entrepreneurs and government employees aged 25 to 45 years, the purpose of visiting which is to show interest in European gourmet cuisine. In addition to the interest in cuisine, a large percentage of consumers visit a restaurant to arrange business meetings - 21%, communicate with friends - 18%, spend time with family and children - 16%.

2.4 Analysis of the competitive environment

To implement effective marketing of restaurant services, it is not enough to study the consumer environment. A very important integrated area in marketing and management is the analysis of the competitive environment.
The main task of competitor research is to obtain the necessary data to ensure a competitive advantage in the market, as well as to find opportunities for cooperation and cooperation with possible competitors. To this end, analyze the strengths and weaknesses of competitors, their types (direct competitors who need the same visitors as you, and indirect competitors who sell food and drinks, but usually do not feel the need to lure the same type of guests), the market share they occupy, the reaction of consumers to the marketing means of competitors (product improvement, price changes, trademarks, behavior of advertising campaigns, service development). Along with this, the material, financial, labor potential of competitors, the organization of business management are being studied. The result of such research is the choice of ways and opportunities to achieve the most advantageous position in the market relative to competitors (leadership, following the leader, avoiding competition), determining active and passive strategies for providing them with a price advantage or advantage due to the quality of the goods offered.
Competition is a rivalry between firms, enterprises, territories interested in achieving the same goal.
The subject of competition is a product or service through which rivals seek to win the consumer and his money.
The problem of quality and competitiveness of goods and services is universal. Much in the economic life of the enterprise depends on how successfully it is solved. The competition factor is coercive, forcing restaurateurs, under the threat of being forced out of the market and ruined, to constantly engage in the quality system and competitiveness of their enterprise. The restaurant business is characterized by a high degree of competition. The degree of development of the market, the complexity of working on it is largely dictated by the characteristics of the competitive environment of catering enterprises. They are sensitive to all changes in the market: the volume and terms of sale of products, prices, methods of advertising. In addition, through the relationship between competitors, the changes taking place in the market are most clearly manifested, since rivalry is the main engine of market relations.
In Volgograd, the restaurant services market is developed in all directions. It cannot be said that some segment, format the market is coming ahead, democratic establishments, both expensive and mass ones, are opening. Annually the number of catering establishments various categories increases by 10-15%. In all districts of the city there are enterprises of various concepts and formats.
When choosing a public catering enterprise, the consumer takes into account such factors as the price level, the image of the institution, the quality of products and services provided, location, and a range of additional services.
As part of the monitoring of the restaurant services market in the Krasnoarmeisky district, an analysis was made of nearby catering establishments according to a number of indicators characterizing them. The work of stationary catering enterprises operating all year round was analyzed and evaluated on a ten-point scale. The following indicators characterizing the enterprise and its activities were considered: location, degree of popularity and fame, recognition, assortment of dishes and culinary products, product quality, price level and service. For each enterprise, an average evaluation score was derived.
Following these factors, in the catering market in the center of the Krasnoarmeisky district, only the restaurant DK Tsaritsyn competes with the Hippopo restaurant.
An assessment of the competitiveness of catering enterprises in the Krasnoarmeysky district is given in table 1.

Table 1
Assessment of the competitiveness of enterprises in the Krasnoarmeysky district

No. p / p
Restaurant "Tsaritsyn"
Hippopo Restaurant
Personnel qualification
Assortment of dishes
Product quality
Price level
Service level
Advertising level

average rating

Based on the assessment of the competitiveness of restaurants in the Krasnoarmeisky district, it can be seen that the Tsaritsyn restaurant is indeed a competitor for the Hippopo restaurant, as it has been working in the restaurant business for quite a long time, it is a well-known, recognizable institution in the area, with a high level of service and reasonable prices.
Distinctive features of the restaurant "Gippopo" is a more convenient location, as the restaurant is located in the very center of the Krasnoarmeisky district. It provides a variety of services and pays great attention to promotional activities, while high-quality service and exquisite European cuisine attract guests.
In order to maintain a predominant position in the market, the best competitive performance, increase the number of regular customers, and also maintain a positive trend in financial and economic activities, the Hippopo restaurant needs to pay constant attention to improving advertising activities, merchandising techniques, which must be reflected in the project of events.

2.5 Analysis of the organizational structure and labor resources of the enterprise

Catering management is based on general principles production management systems. Management functions are relatively separate areas of management activity that allow for management impact. The management functions reveal the content of management as a process, reflect the type of management activity, official duties assigned to a specific structural unit or employee, the appointment of a specific management body.
The organizational structure of the management of the restaurant "Hippopo" is an ordered set of interrelated elements that are in a stable relationship with each other, ensuring their development and functioning as a whole.
The set of management links in the organizational structure of management is located in strict subordination and provides the relationship between the management and managed system.
The management links include structural units, as well as individual specialists performing the relevant management functions, or part of them.
The restaurant "Gippopo" has a linear organizational structure of management, i.e. the movement of management decisions and information comes from the line manager (executive director) through the managers structural divisions. In linear management, each link and subordinate has one leader, through whom all control channels pass through one channel. Thus, management links are responsible for the results of their activities (Fig. 10).
In order to successfully promote the products of the Hippopo restaurant, it is necessary to reorganize the organizational management structure, namely, to introduce the position of a marketing manager.

Fig.10. Organizational structure of the management of the restaurant "Hippopo"

2.6 Enterprise menu analysis

The restaurateur invests a lot of money in the kitchen, equipment, staff and a comparable amount in the setting, interior and corporate identity. But the visitor does not come to the museum and simply does not pay for the external splendor. In most cases, he does not see the kitchen at all, and the refined interior in itself does not at all mean the excellent taste of the prepared dishes. Main menu functions:
- clearly define the price category and style of the institution;
- inform the guest about the cuisine, dishes and corporate standards of service;
- help the visitor make a choice;
- entertain him and deliver aesthetic pleasure;
- help the establishment to sell the most profitable and image dishes.
It is necessary to pay attention to this fact - unlike a visit to a friend's house, a restaurant visitor will have to pay for hospitality. I consider it necessary to indicate some landmarks for the guest before he enters the restaurant. I propose, to solve this problem, put the menu in front of the entrance or its abbreviated version - a short message about the prices of the main dishes. Its purpose is to give an opportunity to determine the category of the institution and the ratio "price - quality" at a first glance.
The Hippopo restaurant specializes in European gourmet cuisine, the concept of which is to competently and tastefully collect "from the world by thread" and convey the spirit of various European cuisines. The menu is the "authorized representative" of the restaurant and the link between the enterprise and the consumer. A properly composed and beautifully designed menu with photos of dishes allows the visitor to make a quick choice, get information about the appearance of the dish and the size of the serving, which helps to promote the restaurant's catering service, stimulating consumer demand. It directly affects the choice of dishes by consumers, as well as the number of orders. Psychologically correctly calculated prices of dishes are of great importance.
The restaurant "Hippopo" has an "a la carte" menu, which represents all the dishes available to the visitor at any time of the institution's operation and contains an assortment of dishes from various cuisines of the world. It offers a choice in each section, the price of the dish is indicated separately. Dishes from such a menu, chosen by visitors, are prepared to order. The name and composition of dishes are printed in Russian and English language(Attachment 1).
Also, in order to quickly serve consumers during business hours, the restaurant offers a business lunch menu, which is based on a reasonable choice of choice and classic combinations of products, lunch can be “broken”, taken in parts and combined with dishes from the main menu. In my opinion, by changing the name "Business Lunch" to "Homemade Dinners", the restaurant will be able to attract more visitors at lunchtime.
Assortment policy is a part of the company's product policy. It includes all solutions for the formation of the range. Assortment policy is the principles of forming a set of goods (services) that an enterprise produces or sells. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the assortment of the enterprise, on the one hand, most closely matches the demand of customers, on the other hand, allows for the optimal distribution of the company's resources and the greatest profit. To find out how much the assortment of the enterprise meets these goals, it is necessary to conduct its marketing and economic analysis.
The assortment minimum of the Hippopo restaurant is presented in Table 2 and is as follows.

table 2

Name of dishes
Number of units
% ratio
Cold appetizers, salads
Hot meals and snacks
Second hot
side dishes
Freshly squeezed juices

Based on the data in Table 2, a diagram of the percentage of dishes in the current menu was built (Fig. 11)

Rice. 11 The ratio of dishes in the menu

From the diagram, we can conclude that the largest percentage (29.2%) falls on salads and cold appetizers, and hot dishes and appetizers (24%), so it is necessary to change the quantitative balance of cold and hot dishes in the menu in favor of hot ones, since it is hot dishes that bring the main profit.
All dishes are included and supported in the menu for various reasons. Some are prepared in large quantities, as they are liked by many visitors and form the basis of the menu. Others - just in case, for an amateur, others - "for the image", that is, they must be in the institution according to the concept, but they are rarely ordered. Finally, the fourth is the result of creative experiments of chefs. Therefore, for effective menu management, it is necessary to conduct regular sales analysis, that is, a technical analysis of the menu. Armed with the data from these analyses, small adjustments can be made to the menu so that subsequent menus can bring in big profits. To do this, I propose to purchase a special program designed to analyze sales and reflect this in the project of events.
The wine list offers a wide range of alcoholic drinks and cocktails, beer, soft drinks, tobacco products and purchased confectionery products (chocolate, sweets, etc.) (see Appendix 2).
For the effectiveness of sales of collection wines, I consider it necessary to create a wine list indicating: region; grape varieties; its taste qualities, and with what kind of wine this dish will “play”. What should also be reflected in the project of activities (see Appendix 3).
Based on the analysis of the menu, it can be concluded that the success of a restaurant depends on the presence of good management, modern cuisine, so the menu must be constantly analyzed, structured, and staff trained in merchandising techniques to increase sales of food and drinks.

2.7 Analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise

The analysis of the financial and economic activity of the enterprise is carried out according to the financial statements.
The purpose of the analysis is a generalized assessment of the results of economic activity and financial condition object, characteristics of the property and financial position of the economic entity, the results of its activities in the past reporting period.
The turnover of a public catering enterprise characterizes the volume of its production and trading activities. It is one of the main indicators characterizing the economic activity of a public catering enterprise.
The turnover of the enterprise includes two main parts:
- sale of products of own production;
- sale of purchased goods.
Turnover of own-produced products is calculated on the basis of determining the sale value of all own-produced products, provided for by the assortment list of the restaurant, as well as on the basis of data on the consumption of raw materials for the preparation of own-produced products. The margin on products is set on the basis of market conditions, taking into account the reimbursement of distribution costs in the amount of 100%. The markup on purchased goods is 100%, including alcoholic beverages.
The VAT rate of 10% is applied to the list of goods approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 05.08.00 No. 117-FZ.
The financial and economic activity of the enterprise is characterized by a number of indicators:
- gross turnover - a financial indicator of all sales in the sphere of commodity circulation, equal to the sum of wholesale and retail turnover;
- gross profit characterizes the final financial result of the economic activity of the enterprise and represents the amount of profit from the sale of products and purchased goods, fixed assets and other property and income from non-sales operations, reduced by the amount of expenses on these operations.
Consider the main financial - economic indicators activities of the enterprise for the period from the beginning of the opening, July 2006 to 2008, which are given in table 3

Table 3
Financial and economic indicators of the restaurant "Gippopo" in the period from July 2006 to 2008

2 semester
half a year
half a year
Gross turnover,
thousand roubles.
Production cost
thousand roubles.
Gross income incl. VAT
Gross income without VAT
Production and distribution costs
Gross profit
income tax
Net profit
Profitability of sales
Profitability of activities

Fig.12. Change in gross turnover and production costs for the analyzed period

During the analyzed period of financial and economic activity of the restaurant "Gippopo", there is a growth dynamics of gross turnover and profit. At the beginning of the 1st half of 2007, there is a decline in turnover in relation to the 2nd half of 2007, which is due to a decline in demand for the company's services after the New Year holidays. The growth of trade in 2007 is 50%.

Fig.13 Change in profit and net profit for the analyzed period

Fig.14 Dynamics of product profitability and profitability of the enterprise

Profitability is one of the main criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the enterprise. Profitability of products and profitability of activities shows that there is no growth dynamics. In 2007, profitability indicators are stable, in order to increase the growth of profitability, it is necessary to carry out marketing activities that will increase the demand for services provided by the Hippopo restaurant and thereby increase the gross turnover and profit of the enterprise.

2.8 Conclusions on the analytical section

In the analytical section, a detailed analysis of the activities of the Hippopo restaurant was carried out. The restaurant offers its guests mainly catering services and leisure activities, distinctive feature restaurant is European gourmet cuisine.
Restaurant "Gippopo" has been operating in the market of restaurant services in the city of Volgograd since July 1, 2006 quite successfully. During this period of financial and economic activity of the restaurant "Gippopo", there has been a growth in gross turnover and profits. At the beginning of the 1st half of 2007, there is a decline in turnover in relation to the 2nd half of 2007, which is due to a decline in demand for the company's services after the New Year holidays. The growth of trade in 2007 is 50%, profitability indicators are stable.
The growth of consumer analysis has shown that the Hippopo restaurant is visited by consumers of various statuses, mainly entrepreneurs, civil servants, families. The purpose of the visit is business meetings and negotiations, communication with friends and relaxation with the family.
Competitive analysis showed that the Hippopo restaurant occupies a leading position among competitors, providing consumers with a wide range of quality services.
When analyzing the organizational structure, it was determined that the linear-functional type of structure is the most effective in organizing labor at this enterprise. Improvement of the marketing policy is required, and the organization of sales promotion activities for the products of the Hippopo restaurant, therefore, it became necessary to maintain the position of a marketing manager in the organizational structure, who will train staff in merchandising techniques to increase sales of food and drinks.
The advertising activity of the enterprise, internal marketing, the study and formation of sales channels for the products and services of the restaurant, the establishment of public relations is the key to the further activity of the enterprise.
As a result of the analysis of the menu of the enterprise, it was revealed that for effective menu management, regular sales analysis is necessary, that is, a technical analysis of the menu. Armed with the data from these analyses, small adjustments can be made to the menu so that subsequent menus can bring in big profits. To do this, I propose to purchase a special program designed to analyze sales and reflect this in the project of events.
For the effectiveness of sales of collection wines, I consider it necessary to create a wine list indicating: region; grape varieties; its taste qualities, and with what kind of wine this dish will “play”.
Constant analysis, monitoring of the restaurant services market, collection of information and analysis of competitors, improvement of marketing policy are necessary to maintain and increase competitive advantages.

3. Design - organizational section

3.1 Development of a project of measures to improve the activities of the enterprise

Based on the conclusions of the analytical section, a project of measures to promote the products of the Hippopo restaurant was developed.
To effectively stimulate the sale of products and services of an enterprise, it is necessary to improve the organizational structure of enterprise management, which will contribute to the successful implementation of marketing activities.
1. Introduction into the organizational structure of management position - marketing manager. The Marketing Manager reports directly to the Director.
The main responsibility of the new employee will be the organization of the marketing policy of the restaurant, namely, training service personnel, for effective positioning and promotion of enterprise services, i.e. merchandising practices. Active cooperation with advertising agencies for the competent promotion of the restaurant in the market of restaurant services in the city of Volgograd. The ability to organize and conduct PR campaigns and PR campaigns, prepare publications for the media, hold press conferences, write press releases to create a favorable image of the enterprise in the eyes of consumers, i.e. communicate with the public
In addition, the marketing manager will be involved in scheduling events, show programs, presentations, themed evenings at the enterprise, compiling performance programs, searching for and selecting artists, hosts of events, and DJs.
For effective work employee needs to be equipped workplace manager in the office premises of the company, providing all the necessary equipment and means of communication (Internet, telephone, facsimile).
2. Training of service personnel in merchandising techniques on the trading floor.
Merchandising is the activity of a catering company to increase sales of its own products, purchased goods and services.
To this end, the following areas will be carried out in staff training and effective sales techniques will be applied:
- aesthetic design of dishes, cocktails, mixed drinks;
? introduction of new methods of serving dishes;
? organization of the show in the process of preparing and serving dishes, drinks;
? campaigning in the hall;
? persuasive sale;
? offering guests a choice of alternative products and services, such as a compliment from the chef;
For effective staff training, a marketing manager needs to develop a training plan that will include the following steps:
- testing of service personnel when applying for a job, to identify the psychological qualities of a person;
- training in effective methods of selling food and drinks;
- certification of personnel after training, in order to identify and
consolidation of their acquired knowledge;
- development of measures to motivate staff;
- direct control over the implementation of new service methods.
Part of the training program should be devoted to additional sales, that is, training waiters in ways that help increase the average check amount, for example, the waiter should be able to offer a sauce or side dish in addition to the selected dish. To help the waiter working at a busy pace, you should purchase software that suggests options for additional menu items that can be recommended to the guest or what else from the menu can be offered instead of the change due to him. For example, a visitor is entitled to 25 rubles in change, the computer will tell the waiter that you can offer the guest a sandwich for this price.
3. Introduction of technical menu analysis (computer technical menu analysis)
For effective menu management, it is necessary to regularly conduct sales analysis, that is, a technical analysis of the menu. Armed with the data from these analyses, small adjustments can be made to the menu so that subsequent menus can bring in big profits. To do this, I propose to purchase a special program designed to analyze sales and reflect this in the project of events.
4. Training of a chef in carving techniques at specialized courses in Moscow by a master from Thailand.
For the successful promotion of restaurant products, it is necessary to send a chef to the "School of Carving" for training, since this method of attractive table setting has not yet been developed in the restaurant services market of Volgograd.
5. Development and introduction of a map of collection wines.
For the effectiveness of sales of collection wines to visitors who order expensive wines and have sufficient in cash, develop a map of collection wines indicating: region; grape varieties; its taste qualities with the recommendation of dishes to it. Thus, the volume of sales of expensive dishes will increase.
6. Develop an effective promotional activity that will help attract new consumers and interest regular restaurant guests. To do this, you must take the following steps:
? organize advertisements in specialized magazines of the city with colorful photographs of dishes;
? print insert sheets for table trends with a compliment from the chef on your birthday. For example, "Cheesecake for a birthday man" when ordering in the amount of 300 rubles or more (Fig. 15);

Fig.15. Leaflet in the table trend.

The developed project of activities is presented in table 4

Table 4
Measures to improve the activities of the restaurant

No. p \ p
Name of the event
Deadline (week)
Introduction to the organizational structure of management position - marketing manager.
Week 1
Training of service personnel in merchandising techniques on the trading floor.
Introduction of technical menu analysis.
2 weeks
carving training
2 weeks
Development and introduction of a map of collection wines.
2 weeks
Develop effective promotional activities that will help attract new consumers and interest regular restaurant guests.

3.2 Reorganization of the organizational structure of the restaurant "Hippopo"

Management shapes internal environment enterprise, and manages personnel, production, marketing, finance, logistics of the enterprise, etc. Thus, management performs the functions of a coordinating beginning, setting in motion the resources of the organization to achieve its goals.
The main functions of management are common to all production and economic systems, they apply to any object of management. They are necessary for solving general management problems and are typical for the entire management process. Based on the content of the work performed, the general management functions are classified as follows:
? forecasting and planning;
? work organization;
? coordination and regulation;
? activation and stimulation;
? control, accounting and analysis.
The planning function includes the development of work plans for the organization, the public catering enterprise and each of its structural divisions, and bringing these plans to all members of the team. Plans are developed on the basis of forecasting, modeling and programming. The planning function is the main one in management, since the implementation of all other functions is subject to the tasks of achieving the results determined by the plan.
The work organization function ensures the interconnection and effectiveness of all management functions. Its content is as follows: organization of work on long-term and current economic and social planning; organization of selection, placement of personnel on a functional basis.
Coordination involves the establishment of the order of execution of individual tasks, ensuring the continuity of the processes of fulfilling the plan, coordinating the timing of production and supply of products; elimination of duplication of ongoing work. The division and specialization of managerial labor requires the coordination of the activities of specialists and managers. They coordinate not only the activities of people, the processes of production, sale and organization of consumption of public catering products, but also information processes: the collection, processing and transmission of data necessary for management. The sources of information for performing the coordination function are work plans, work schedules for the heads of structural divisions, approved structures, management schemes and other regulatory documents. The purpose of coordination is to ensure the coordinated work of the entire production team.
The regulation function ensures the sustainability and stability of the public catering system. By performing the function of regulation, uniformity, consistency is achieved in production, service, supply, the given rhythm of the production and trade process, rational flows of raw materials, semi-finished products, means of material and technical equipment, organizational and technical level of enterprises, set technological standards are maintained. Regulation ensures stable relationships between members of the production team.
In public catering organizations, regulation covers mainly current measures to eliminate various deviations from planned targets and schedules.
Activation and stimulation are management functions that regulate the distribution of material and spiritual values ​​depending on the quantity and quality of labor expended. Through the use of material and moral incentives, people's behavior is directed, their actions are activated and encouraged.
Incentives involve the use of not only positive, but also negative incentives: the deprivation of bonuses, the imposition of an administrative penalty, the use of measures of public influence.
Important management functions are control, accounting and analysis. Effective operational control of execution and reliable accounting in the work of all parts of production and management - necessary condition successful work of the production team, proper education of personnel in the spirit of high responsibility for the task assigned and the strictest observance of discipline.
Control is designed to constantly provide information about the actual implementation of decisions. It is based on the principle of organization of feedbacks that arise during any interaction of a subject and an object in the control system. AT economic organization, a public catering enterprise, the functions of control include: control over: timely receipt and quality of raw materials and goods; OS execution

Why is crisis management necessary for the successful development of a restaurant?

Today, entrepreneurs often invest in the restaurant business and a large number of new catering establishments open almost daily. One gets the impression that the restaurant business a priori guarantees high profitability and carries a small risk of failure, but this is not entirely true. In reality, many cafes and restaurants are closing after a very short existence, and there are a lot of reasons that caused the crisis. In order for the establishment to certainly become successful, the owner needs to provide his restaurant with competent anti-crisis management in time. We will help you understand in a timely manner that you need to urgently take anti-crisis measures and provide a professional approach to solving all the questions and problems that have arisen.

Crisis management restaurant is a systemic and complex process. It is impossible to correct only certain shortcomings, this will not bring the desired result. If you only do one of existing problems, all others will definitely continue to grow. Our experienced specialists will provide your restaurant with overall quality crisis management and make sure that the full potential of your staff is used optimally. We will develop for you a comprehensive individual strategic program that will allow your institution, in addition to eliminating pressing difficulties in a variety of circumstances, to maintain and strengthen stable market positions in order to prevent falling into a crisis situation.

When developing the most effective anti-crisis program, it is necessary first of all to find and analyze the full range of reasons due to which the institution found itself in a crisis situation. Our crisis managers have a deep and comprehensive knowledge of all aspects of the restaurant business and in the most short time will be able to study all the details of the work of your restaurant. We are guaranteed to provide you with crisis management of the highest professional level. Our employees always take into account that the work process takes place in a constantly changing environment, and the catering industry is especially subject to various changes, new fashion trends and the impact of improved technologies. It is impossible to keep track of all the many changes being outside of the market content. The sooner you begin to solve the problems of your restaurant, using high-quality crisis management, the more chances you will have to save the business, make it stable and stay afloat. With the help of the prompt intervention of our specialists, who will sort out all the problems and successfully correct the current crisis situation in the shortest possible time, your establishment will be able to overcome all difficulties and take its rightful place of honor in the modern restaurant market.

It makes no sense to consider the issue of formalizing the main business processes of R&D enterprises outside the context of their format. Any of them operates with one main goal - to profit from the sale of a particular product of its own production. It must be admitted that the "food product" in the enterprise for a factory worker is fundamentally different from the corresponding product of a bowling alley. Depends on the format: construction of logistics schemes; organization of business processes of production, sales, reception and service of guests; the content of marketing and comprehensive support for the functioning of the enterprise.

It should be noted that it is difficult to classify R&D enterprises from the point of view of consumers (accomplished and potential guests). On the one hand, they are all provided to the guest as providing a “hospitality service”. On the other hand, at some enterprises it consists of the actual sale of the product of its direct production (the product of a street tonar is a hamburger, the service is the sale of hot hamburgers), and at others, the service consists of a combination of several products as components of a complex service being sold. Their implementation is necessarily supplemented by a number of processes to stimulate demand, retain attracted guests, study the target audience, etc. Let's try to classify G&R enterprises according to the relevance of hospitality services in the minds of its consumers. One thing is obvious, the issue of its formation should be accompanied by a clear positioning of the enterprise, i.e. targeting a specific target audience.

For example, the sign "Bowling" gives the consumer an unambiguous answer about the content of the hospitality service of the respective enterprise. At the same time, a consumer, for example, searching for a hospitality service on the Internet and expecting to receive the “bowling game” service, instantly associates this enterprise with the desired one. An ad (or sign) - "Entertainment Center" significantly disorients the consumer. An "entertainment center" can actually provide services of gambling halls, cinema, an indoor skating rink and / or food court, billiards, etc. And most often, an entertainment center provides hospitality services in the full set of the above and even more. The target audience for these products and services is very different. It is unlikely that a married couple with children going to the skating rink will become a visitor to the gambling hall.

It is important to note that GD enterprises, as a rule, do not promote the services themselves. There is no special need for this, since bowling, billiards, disco, night club, as well as a country family vacation or a hiking trip have long been known in the profile market. The manager of such an enterprise does not need to prove to the guest that "... rest with the family in a country spa hotel is good." Since the opening of the first spa hotel near Moscow, the service of an appropriate family vacation has become very popular among a wealthy audience of citizens. It makes no sense to popularize the game of bowling or billiards. All of these services are of specific and stable interest to the audience. The task of the manager in the process of promoting the enterprise and its services is to inform the maximum number of potential guests about the place of existence of such a service, about the unique position of the enterprise.

Upon attracting a new guest, the management of the enterprise must make every effort to “keep” him, to ensure that he remains as satisfied as possible with the services provided. The hospitality service for this should be of high quality, and the price for it should be as attractive as possible for the guest. If the service is segmented by price, then its cost should be within walking distance for the guest. At the same time, competition between R&D enterprises unfolds, as a rule, in the areas of pricing policy, the state of the material and technical base, the location of the enterprise, and the quality of personnel service. The product of hospitality in most of the G&R enterprises was formed even at their opening (bowling alley, cinema hall, billiard tables, audio-lighting equipment of the club, etc.). At the same time, already at the stage of investing in the opening of the enterprise, this product was already “involuntarily” positioned in a certain way (premium class cinema hall, night VIP club, elite club of Russian billiards lovers). Additional services of G&R enterprises are related.

A potential guest is much more clearly positioning their expectations from visiting a particular enterprise. This means that the demand for the entertainment service is much more stable and predictable than the demand for the services of other hospitality industry enterprises. The visitor always knows that in the Mamaika Bowling Club he will find a bowling alley, and in the Imperial Billiard Club he will always find billiard tables. At the same time, it makes no sense for such enterprises to promote and advertise their related services. In every billiard club there is always a restaurant, bar or cafe. Otherwise, despite the fact that this service is not a core service for the enterprise, simply no one will come here again.

Thus, the competent and clear positioning of the G&D enterprise makes it possible to correctly identify its service in the minds of the consumer, and, thereby, ensures the correspondence between its expectations and the content of the service. And this is the most important thing.

This factor greatly simplifies the management of an entertainment industry enterprise, the formalization of its main business processes, and most importantly, it increases the degree of relevance of the service in the eyes of the consumer.

The situation is much more complicated with food enterprises. It would seem that they all feed their guests. But the formats, types and types of catering establishments are so diverse and the range of prices for their services is so significant that the consumer becomes completely disoriented in the choice. Of course, the location factor plays a significant role. Moreover, according to experts, the average visitor to a restaurant, for example in Moscow, chooses it to visit within a radius of 2-3 blocks from their place of residence or place of work. The price segment of a restaurant, bar or cafe is also important. But, you see, often the sign on the facade tells almost nothing to the guests about the price level of the menu. The supply in the food industry market today significantly exceeds the supply in the entertainment industry market, competition is tougher, and the process of forming a service or product of a food enterprise is a much more complex and multifaceted process.

Of course, the issue of formalizing business processes in a restaurant, bar or cafe, i.e. at an enterprise where there is a kitchen, it is not at all simple. Formalization of processes is carried out quickly and painlessly if the corresponding demand is relatively stable and predictable.

Companies with such demand include:

  • lunch delivery companies to the office and home;
  • catering companies;
  • social catering enterprises;
  • enterprises of organized collectives;
  • kitchen factories, procurement workshops;
  • fast food establishments.

At the same time, it is important to note that the number of enterprises belonging to the format of the above is about 16.5% in our country. The rest, working exclusively for visitors "from the street" experience the greatest problems with attendance (occupancy).

How to debug business processes in this case? How to delegate authority to the staff, create responsibility centers, describe the main business processes, formalize them and force the staff to clearly follow the established rules and instructions when the salary that you are able to pay is 30% lower than that of competitors? How to establish sales if the company is not located in the most accessible place? How to keep a guest if the service is not up to par? How to motivate staff when there is nothing to pay?

It would seem that the main and main task of the manager is to ensure the profitable part of the enterprise. In other words, to ensure the necessary occupancy and proper turnover of tables. But do all the activities to attract new guests make sense if your kitchen is no good, and the waiters are newbies? Is there a guarantee that all the resources spent on promotion will not go to waste? Optimization of business processes is important and necessary, but it is advisable only when the service is formed at the enterprise, its quality is stable. Let your kitchen have little to do with the concept of "high gastronomy", and your waiters do not know the intricacies of etiquette when serving banquets. Let the quality of your service be average. But it should be consistently average. This can only be achieved through a clear organization of work.

All the provisions described in the section above will be very useful for enterprises with a stable demand for services. It is easier for them to debug schemes of work with suppliers, excluding the concept of "purchase in the market, in the bazaar", it is easier to get rid of unprofitable positions in the assortment list. And what about those who have almost all positions in it are unprofitable?

It makes no sense to start implementing an effective management system in an enterprise with the participation of all employees when the enterprise is in a deplorable financial situation. First of all, you need to fix it. And the responsibility for such, figuratively speaking, anti-crisis management program lies with the manager of the enterprise.

Here are some specific steps to bring your company out of the crisis, compiled on the basis of the specific experience of our colleagues, simple, understandable and time-tested:

1. Take a piece of paper and write down everything that you don't like about your own enterprise and, accordingly, like others more. Emphasize problems that you are ready to start solving on your own. Show this list to the shareholders of the business and get them to understand the problems, agree to the need to solve them.

  1. Analyze the market for food purchase prices yourself. Under the guise of Company X, call all your food vendors and re-request prices for your fictitious restaurant. Hint that the purchasing decision depends on you. Wait for the rollback offer. Add up the amount of kickbacks for all purchase positions and see how much money you have already earned by firing the logistics.
  2. Hold a team meeting. Explain to people that a business process optimization program has begun at the enterprise, what are its goals and objectives. “Maybe now it will be a little harder, but soon we will earn more.” Offer staff a share in the revenue for this eventuality.
  3. Conduct a conversation with each cook, bartender and waiter individually. Tell a "horror story" about the criminal prosecution of abusive employees at "your friend's" restaurant. Invite all employees after work on the same day to the appointed hour in turn, so that they cannot discuss the outcome of the conversation in the team. It is very likely that someone will blab about what they “saw” or “heard”. Determine the circle of the most conscientious employees. It makes sense to bet on them. Get rid of disloyal people, even if you have to stand at the stove yourself while looking for new employees.
  4. Analyze the financial statements for the last quarter. Think about what you can save on. Get rid of extra expenses
  5. Analyze the company's menu for the marketability and profitability of each position. If your company belongs to the middle price group, then remove the most expensive ones. Together with the chef and / or production manager, analyze the technological maps. Introduce dishes with seasonal inexpensive products, fruits and vegetables to the menu. In general, if possible, reduce the number of items on the menu, excluding the least profitable ones, taking into account the marketability. If the quality of the dishes is still unstable, let them be less. On a smaller quantity, it is easier to debug the quality.
  6. Review your stock levels. Minimize it. Negotiate with suppliers about deferred payments. Explain this with a pretext, for example, restyling (design change) or cosmetic repairs premises for several months. If the supplier does not want to lose you, he will make concessions.
  7. Consider a low-cost guest acquisition program. For example, print flyers with information about a business lunch and distribute them to all institutions within a radius of two blocks. Work out the quality indicators of business lunch dishes. Attracting guests at lunchtime will allow you to get a stable, albeit low income. This income, as a rule, is enough to cover the basic fixed costs of the enterprise.
  8. Start conducting daily staff trainings. Take them in person. Oblige the chef to conduct 15-20 lessons for the waiters on knowledge of the menu. Make subordinates smile at guests and be helpful.
  9. Conduct daily general morning cleaning of the hall by waiters. Replace outdated hygiene products. Get some low-cost cosmetic repairs in the toilets and keep them clean. This is a very important factor in the eyes of the guests.
  10. Enter an inexpensive "compliment" for guests. Start, for example, with chewing gum in your pre-check folder. A portion of ice watermelon in summer (cost - 5 rubles per person) is practiced in many restaurants in Europe.
  11. Make discount cards. Start with regular cardboard laminates at a 5-10% discount. Give them to all new guests.
  12. Hang a small sign of the enterprise perpendicular to the wall of the building, figuratively speaking, "to cut" the flow of people walking along the sidewalk. Many people underestimate this move. Marketing studies have shown that it is effective in almost 100% of cases.
  13. Implement the Econometer program
  14. Contact restaurant packaging vendors for advice. Negotiate with the heads of companies of nearby offices. Perhaps many will be interested in the offer of delivering lunches to the office or concluding an agreement for prepaid meals for employees (see subsection 8.3).
  15. Carry out a number of promotions with major HoReCa players (tobacco companies, alcohol companies). Host a sponsored product launch party. Do not make money by renting a hall for him and make the prices on the menu acceptable. A prerequisite for cooperation is wide coverage of the event in the media (at least on the radio). Dividends from such advertising you will cash out on the weekend following the event in the form of the appearance of new guests.
  16. Take a course in the economics of hot drinks with your nearest tea and coffee supplier. Download a presentation on the hot drink economy. Hot drinks can reach up to 40% in the turnover of the G&R enterprise. This is a low-cost and fast way to significantly increase turnover. Offer the bartender a system of percentages from each cup of expensive coffee sold. It's always beneficial. Getting more money from sold hot drinks, he steals less when selling beer and spirits.
  17. Think carefully about your bar sales strategy. Display evening promotions by day of the week. The draft beer economy allows the implementation of simple and effective programs, such as “the fourth mug is free”. At the same time, carefully calculate the economics of events.
  18. Make preparations in season. The cost of one small chest freezer (about 12,000 rubles) and freezing berries, mushrooms, and some fruits during the season will allow you to save a lot in winter. And 40 cans of cranberry jam will provide your enterprise with fresh juice for the whole winter.
  19. Control your enterprise at every step of its work with a calculator in your hands. Do not leave employees the right to make a mistake - they will definitely make it. Try to think outside the box. Save smart. Don't trust any of the employees. Double-check any information personally.

By implementing these 20 simple measures, you will most likely be able to "pull" the enterprise out of the crisis. After that, with peace of mind, start again to rethink this section on the formalization and debugging of the main business processes in the enterprise.