What is hr policy. Anti-crisis management: HR aspects. Types of personnel policy by the scale of activities of work with personnel

- the general direction of work with personnel, reflecting a set of principles, methods, a set of rules and norms in the field of work with personnel, which must be understood and formulated in a certain way.

The purpose of personnel policy- ensuring the optimal balance of the processes of updating and maintaining the number and quality of personnel in accordance with the needs of the organization itself, the requirements of the current legislation and the state of affairs.

Personnel policy is not always clearly marked and documented, however, regardless of the degree of expression, it exists in every organization.

Formation of personnel policy

It begins with identifying potential opportunities in the field of people management and identifying those areas of work with personnel that need to be strengthened for the successful implementation of the organizational strategy.

The formation and development of personnel policy is influenced by external and internal factors.

Environmental factors- those that the organization as a subject of management cannot change, but must take into account in order to correctly determine the need for personnel and the optimal sources for covering this need. These include:

  • situation on the labor market (demographic factors, education policy, interaction with trade unions);
  • economic development trends;
  • scientific and technological progress (the nature and content of labor, which affects the needs for certain specialists, the possibility of retraining personnel);
  • regulatory environment (i.e. those "rules of the game" that are established by the state; labor law, legislation in the field of labor protection, employment, social guarantees etc.).

Factors internal environment These are factors that can be controlled by the organization. These include:

  • goals of the organization (on their basis, personnel policy is formed);
  • management style (strictly centralized or preferring the principle of decentralization - depending on this, different specialists are required); financial resources (the ability of the organization to finance personnel management activities depends on this);
  • the personnel potential of the organization (associated with the assessment of the capabilities of the employees of the organization, with the correct distribution of responsibilities between them, which is a source of effective and stable work);
  • leadership style (all of them do not equally affect the implementation of a certain personnel policy).

Directions of personnel policy

The directions of personnel policy coincide with the directions personnel work in a specific organization. In other words, the directions of the personnel policy of a particular organization correspond to the functions of the personnel management system operating in this organization. As an example, consider the characteristics of the main areas of personnel policy.




1. Personnel management of the organization

The principle of equal need to achieve individual and organizational goals (main)

The need to look for fair compromises between management and employees, and not to give preference to the interests of the organization

  1. selection of evaluation indicators
  2. qualification assessment
  3. assessment of assignments
  1. A system of indicators that takes into account the purpose of assessments, assessment criteria, frequency of assessments
  2. Suitability, determination of the knowledge necessary to perform this type of activity
  3. Performance evaluation
  1. advanced training
  2. self-expression
  3. self-development
  1. Need for Periodic Review job descriptions for continuous staff development
  2. Independence, self-control, influence on the formation of performance methods
  3. Ability and opportunity for self-development

6. Motivation and stimulation of personnel, remuneration.

The principle of matching wages to the volume and complexity of the work performed

An effective wage system

  1. The principle of an even mix of incentives and sanctions
  2. Principle of motivation
  1. Specificity of the description of tasks, responsibilities and indicators
  2. Motivating factors influencing the increase in labor efficiency

Personnel policy tools

The tools for implementing the personnel policy are:

  • current personnel work;
  • personnel management;
  • measures for its development, advanced training;
  • measures to address social problems;
  • reward and motivation.

As a result of the use of these tools, the behavior of employees changes, the efficiency of their work increases, and the structure of the team improves.

Stages of developing personnel policy:

  1. analysis of the situation and preparation of forecasts for the development of the enterprise. Definition of the strategic goals of the organization;
  2. development general principles personnel policy, determination of key points and priorities;
  3. official approval of the personnel policy of the organization;
  4. propaganda stage. Creation and support of the promotion system personnel information. Informing the team about the developed personnel policy and collecting opinions;
  5. grade financial resources for the implementation of the chosen type of strategy - the formulation of principles for the distribution of funds, the provision of an effective system of labor incentives;
  6. development of a plan of operational measures: planning the need for labor resources, forecasting the number of personnel, formation of the structure and staff, appointment, creation of a reserve, relocation. Determining the significance of events;
  7. implementation of personnel measures: provision of a development program, selection and hiring of personnel, career guidance and adaptation of employees, team building, professional training and professional development;
  8. assessment of performance results - analysis of the compliance of the personnel policy, ongoing activities and the organization's strategy, identification of problems in personnel work, assessment of personnel potential.

Types of personnel policy

The types of personnel policy can be grouped into two areas:

  1. On the scale of personnel activities.
  2. The degree of openness.

Types of personnel policy by the scale of personnel activities

First Foundation may be related to the level of awareness of the rules and norms that underlie personnel activities, and the associated level of direct influence of the administrative apparatus on the personnel situation in the organization. On this basis, the following types of personnel policy can be distinguished:

  • passive;
  • reactive;
  • preventive;
  • active.
Passive personnel policy

The very notion of passive politics seems illogical. However, we may encounter a situation in which the management of the organization does not have a pronounced program of action for personnel, and personnel work is reduced to the elimination negative consequences. Such an organization is characterized by the absence of a forecast of personnel needs, means of assessing labor and personnel, and diagnosing the personnel situation as a whole. In a situation of such a personnel policy, management works in an emergency response mode to emerging conflict situations, which it seeks to extinguish by any means, often without trying to understand the causes and possible consequences.

Reactive HR policy

In line with this policy, the management of the enterprise monitors the symptoms of a negative state in working with personnel, the causes and situation of the development of the crisis: conflict situations, the lack of a sufficiently skilled labor force to solve challenges, lack of motivation for highly productive work. The management of the enterprise is taking measures to localize the crisis, focused on understanding the reasons that led to the emergence of personnel problems. The personnel services of such enterprises, as a rule, have the means of diagnosing the existing situation and adequate emergency assistance. Although personnel problems are singled out and considered specifically in enterprise development programs, the main difficulties arise in medium-term forecasting.

Preventive personnel policy

In the true sense of the word, politics arises only when the management of the firm (enterprise) has reasonable forecasts for the development of the situation. However, an organization characterized by the presence of a preventive personnel policy does not have the means to influence it. Personnel service Such enterprises have not only the means of diagnosing personnel, but also forecasting the personnel situation for the medium term. The development programs of the organization contain short-term and medium-term forecasts of the need for personnel, both qualitative and quantitative, and tasks for the development of personnel are formulated. The main problem of such organizations is the development of targeted personnel programs.

Active personnel policy

If the management has not only a forecast, but also means of influencing the situation, and the personnel department is able to develop anti-crisis personnel programs, constantly monitor the situation and adjust the implementation of programs in accordance with the parameters of the external and internal situation, then we can talk about a truly active policy.

But the mechanisms that management can use in analyzing the situation lead to the fact that the grounds for forecasts and programs can be both rational (conscious) and irrational (hardly amenable to algorithmization and description).

Accordingly, we can distinguish two subtypes of active personnel policy: rational and adventurous.

At rational personnel policy, the management of the enterprise has both a qualitative diagnosis and a reasonable forecast of the development of the situation and has the means to influence it. The personnel department of the enterprise has not only the means of diagnosing personnel, but also forecasting the personnel situation for the medium and long-term periods. The development programs of the organization contain short-term, medium-term and long-term forecasts of the need for personnel (qualitative and quantitative). In addition, an integral part of the plan is a program of personnel work with options for its implementation.

At adventurous personnel policy, the management of the enterprise does not have a qualitative diagnosis, a reasonable forecast of the development of the situation, but seeks to influence it. The personnel department of an enterprise, as a rule, does not have the means to predict the personnel situation and diagnose personnel, however, the development programs of the enterprise include plans for personnel work, often focused on achieving goals that are important for the development of the enterprise, but not analyzed from the point of view of changing the situation. In this case, the plan for working with personnel is based on a rather emotional, little-argued, but perhaps correct idea of ​​the goals of working with personnel.

Problems in the implementation of such a personnel policy may arise if the influence of factors that were not previously included in consideration increases, which will lead to a sharp change in the situation, for example, when significant change market, the emergence of a new product that can displace the company's current one. From a human resources point of view, retraining of personnel will be necessary, but a quick and effective retraining can be successfully carried out, for example, in an enterprise with a rather young staff than in an enterprise with a very qualified, well-specialized elderly staff. Thus, the concept of "staff quality" includes another parameter, which, most likely, was not taken into account when preparing a personnel work plan within the framework of this type of personnel policy.

Types of personnel policy by degree of openness

Second reason to differentiate personnel policies, there may be a fundamental orientation to their own staff or to external staff, the degree of openness in relation to the external environment in the formation of personnel. On this basis, two types of personnel policy are traditionally distinguished:

  1. open;
  2. closed.

Open personnel policy characterized by the fact that the organization is transparent to potential employees at any level, you can come and start working both from the lowest position, and from a position at the level senior management. The organization is ready to hire any specialist, if he has the appropriate qualifications, regardless of work experience in this organization.

Such a personnel policy is typical for modern telecommunications companies or automobile concerns, which are ready to "buy" people for any job levels, regardless of whether they previously worked in such organizations. This type of personnel policy is also characteristic of new organizations that are pursuing an aggressive policy of conquering the market, focused on rapid growth and rapid entry into the forefront of their industry.

Closed personnel policy characterized by the fact that the organization focuses on the inclusion of new personnel only from the lowest official level, and the replacement occurs only from among the employees of the organization. This type of personnel policy is typical for companies focused on creating a certain corporate atmosphere, the formation of a special spirit of involvement, and also, possibly, working in conditions of a shortage of human resources.

Comparative characteristics of open and closed types of personnel policy

Personnel process

Open personnel policy

Closed personnel policy


The situation of high competition in

The situation of labor shortage, lack of inflow of new workers

The ability to quickly engage in competitive relations, the introduction of new approaches for the organization proposed by newcomers

Effective adaptation due to the institution of mentors ("guardians"), high team cohesion, inclusion in traditional approaches

Personnel training and development

Often held in external centers, promotes the borrowing of new

Often held in intra-corporate centers, promotes the formation of a single view, common technologies, adapted to the work of the organization

Staff promotion

Difficult to grow as recruitment trend prevails

Preference for appointment to higher positions is always given to employees of the company, career planning is carried out


Preference is given to issues of stimulation (external motivation)

Preference is given to questions of motivation (meeting the need for stability, security, social acceptance)

Implementation of innovations

Constant innovative impact on the part of new employees, the main mechanism of innovation is the contract, the definition of the responsibility of the employee and the organization

The need to specifically initiate the process of developing innovations, a high sense of ownership, responsibility for changes through awareness of the common fate of a person and an enterprise

What unites us
"Russian Legal Expertise Center" (REPC) is a community of the best, united by a common interest, it is the backbone of a new formation successful people whose intellectual potential and value orientations can enrich and elevate Russian society generally.

The desire for new knowledge, technologies and professional heights, the desire to be the best in everything and not be afraid of difficulties, to develop and give others an incentive to develop - this is the core of the attitudes of the REC employee.

The scale and level of tasks to which we are accustomed cannot but attract those who always achieve more without stopping there, who like to be involved in something global, great. Often, our projects relate to reforms of entire industries, and people who participate in these projects are proud, realizing that they have contributed, made efforts and knowledge in order for positive changes to occur in the country's economy, and therefore in life. million people!

Who do we work for
REOC clients are representatives of real business, people who have managed to achieve notable heights in their field, focused on the best result - both in business and in lifestyle - and who are most deserving of this result.

Powerful, high-tech industries, the largest state and private enterprises, providing a large part of the country's GDP, use our services. These are leaders in their industries who have achieved high positions due to continuous development, increasing the efficiency of production and management, introducing new technologies, caring for the professional level and well-being of their employees.

We try not only to answer high requirements our customers and contribute to the transformations that they implement, but also look a little into the future, offering unique solutions, developing new methods and technologies to increase the efficiency and profitability of their business.

Our people
The employees of the REOC are real professionals working for the success of their clients, which is the key to their own success, in conditions of fair competition, which allows them to be rightfully proud of their impeccable reputation.

In the personnel policy, when forming and developing the team, the REOC combines two approaches: we always welcome new people and invite professionals from the audit and consulting market, while at the same time we try to educate and train personnel within the company, creating good conditions for young professionals career development. We are proud of the fantastic success stories of our professionals!

That special atmosphere of cooperation and mutual assistance that our people create allows newcomers to quickly adapt and get all the tools, technologies and knowledge necessary for work. Several times a year we hold events as part of the team education program.

You should not think that the REC creates "hothouse" conditions for its employees. The right to be a leader must be earned! To do this, you need to strive for more, showing the best results, think big, have a desire to learn and develop together with the company!

Director of the School of Management Consultants of the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation
Publication date: 10.04.2007

"How? You don't have a staff service?!” - “Imagine, no. And it's not required." - “But everyone has something!” - “And this please. Just convince me why I should spend money on it if I have competent managers and a good personnel department” I heard such a conversation about five years ago in a train carriage. Although it could happen now.

The question is really interesting: what can an HR professional do that managers, bosses, directors cannot with the assistance of quite intelligent personnel officers? The first answer, which I already hear from the reader of these lines, is simple and clear: the personnel department provides records of the movement of employees (hiring, firing, appointments), i.e. keeps personnel documentation. And the personnel service takes on motivation, increasing labor productivity. So after all, line managers are busy with the same thing. Which of them does not motivate, is not aimed at increasing the productivity of subordinates?

There is one fundamental problem of any business organization: the divergence of interests of owners and management, on the one hand, and employees, on the other. Once labor is sold, it is a commodity. The buyer seeks to get it cheaper, use it to the maximum, like any other product. The carrier labor resource interested in the opposite: to achieve not only the maximum payment for it, but also to increase its capitalization. Where is the balance that will satisfy both? Here lies main function HR services. Because the balance is constantly shifting.

Once I received a second invitation to a company with which we had once developed a strategy, service functions, and motivation. I worked well with the management team then, many of them have warm memories. But at the meeting, the client presented me with a completely different team! Half of it has changed in three years. Even the heads of departments, their deputies - almost all of them - are other people. I took an interest in turnover in general - above 30% per year. He asked, of course, about the reasons. “Yes, they are different,” they answer in the personnel department, “but our general director has this attitude: we don’t keep anyone.”

Many entrepreneurs from the first years of the market adopted such a “stand” in front of subordinates. They feared pressure on working conditions and wages. And sometimes the instinct of the owner simply worked: at the company I alone set the conditions! In general, entrepreneurial instincts are an amazing thing. I have witnessed many incomprehensible decisions that business owners made against the advice and even protests of their associates, but with great success for themselves and for them. However, the days of simple business setup are coming to an end, and instinctive solutions for fine tuning very rough. And what in return?

Instead, politics. Quality personnel policy. It is beyond the capacity of the personnel department, but beyond the capacity of most of the current personnel services. And at the same time, there is no company that would not urgently need it.

An enterprise strategy is not worth a good word if it does not prioritize marketing, personnel, financial, property, technical and other necessary policies. Before personnel policy the strategy should set the requirement: to select personnel according to priorities (list them in order of importance), because these are our goals and values ​​for the future. And the HR policy will offer the necessary methods and means for this. And even more than that. After assessing the human resources in the company and the region, the city according to these criteria, the HR department will answer the strategists: there are no such personnel either inside or outside or they are in short supply - and your ambitious goals now do not have staffing. And then we either tame these ambitions, or find the means and ways of training and educating the required employees in sufficient numbers.

The politician has an independent role within the framework of a single strategy. If another department head orders a selection of employees of a purely executive type, and the strategy is based on innovative values, then the HR director will wrap up such an order, and even check why the strategic priorities have not reached this department. I saw how an HR politician at a meeting of shareholders justified an increase in the payroll in the new conditions. And how many heads of personnel services do you know who will at least answer the question of what specific gravity Payroll in the company's costs?

Do you want the main political criterion for the professionalism of the personnel service? Here it is: the ability to create competitive advantage firm through three channels: 1) the creation of appropriate advantages in the labor market; 2) motivation for long-term goals; 3) the introduction of a product methodology for determining service functions (almost everywhere they are compiled as a list of actions). And further. Only an HR politician will decide on an open division of personnel into categories: promising, valuable, elite. And he will offer everyone a ladder of official and non-official careers. So that everyone knows under what conditions he can move from one category to another with all the consequences ...

This is how I understand the difference between HR and HR. And how are you with this?

The personnel management system is one of the key in the business processes of any enterprise or organization. This is an integral part of an effective management system that has a major impact on the results of the entire company. The experience of successful firms has shown that in the conditions of the highest competition, only those who make the main bet on well-built, well-functioning and effective management systems can survive. by human resourses and business processes.

The business strategy defines the human capital management system. The philosophy of human resource management forms, which are usually prescribed in the policies and procedures for personnel management.

HR Policies and Procedures (HRP)- it is holistic HR strategy, which determines the direction of work with personnel in the organization. should be closely related to the overall development strategy of the organization. General content The CPT should not be limited to the provisions on hiring, dismissal and social conditions in the enterprise, it is important to include in it positions regarding the training, development, and movement of personnel within the organization, while taking into account the interests of all parties. A well-designed PPC contributes to the creation of personnel stability, raising the prestige of the enterprise and, in general, creating a responsible, cohesive and professional workforce.

Download samples of HR policies and procedures for personnel management for free

The concept, goals and functions of the personnel management system

Personnel management systems are understood as the whole complex of techniques and technologies for working with personnel, that is, the elements of building management that regulate the activities of employees. The goals and functions of the personnel management system vary slightly depending on the field of activity. But modern management theory does not offer a universal description of the personnel management system, which can be applied without adaptation to any company or organization. When building a personnel management system, the company's management should take into account:

  • specifics of activity
  • company size
  • management style
  • firm values
  • development strategy
  • organization goals.

When building an effective human capital management system, social, scientific, technical, industrial, commercial and economic goals are pursued. Production and commercial goals imply tasks related to ensuring the desired production volumes, the necessary mode of operation and product quality. The economic goals include increasing labor productivity, reducing the cost of products, and increasing the company's profits.

Based on these goals, the management of the enterprise can develop a set of tasks, the solution of which will contribute to the achievement of the desired result. Employee coordination includes:

  • staff development
  • increasing the level of motivation, the degree of commitment to the values ​​of the company
  • formation team spirit and corporate culture.

Based on the goals, objectives and strategy used by the company, it is possible to identify the main functions of the personnel management system. For example:

  1. Forecasting the need for personnel and the situation on the labor market.
  2. Planning for the development of specialists.
  3. Creation of optimal working conditions at the enterprise, the order of labor protection.
  4. Adaptation of new employees.
  5. Employee assessment, training and professional development.
  6. Development and implementation of the concept of motivation and promotion of the personnel reserve.

For implementation listed functions personnel management systems apply individual and group technologies. The former are used in relation to individual employees, while the latter take into account the mutual interests of employees, influence groups to achieve the desired result.

The technology of hiring new employees can be noted as the most commonly used group (multi-link) methods. The stages of selection and evaluation of personnel are carried out according to standardized schemes with careful consideration of possible career prospects for the hired employee.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the legal and Information Support process of human resource management. It includes the fulfillment of the tasks of regulating labor relations, personnel records, the development of personnel policy, the provision of information to employees on any personnel and legislative issues.

To build an effective human capital management system, the following is taken into account: the number of coordination levels in the enterprise, the number of staff, the flexibility of management and the company, its specialization.

Functions of personnel management in the management system

The most important part of management. It helps to build a competent organization labor activity, develop and implement projects, monitor their effectiveness and propose further optimization. Inefficient personnel management results in increased risks and reduced profits.

From the point of view of management, the goals and main functions of personnel management are as follows:

  • formation of an adequate organizational structure
  • full staff regulation, from recruitment, selection and hiring to the adoption of personnel decisions on promotion and promotion and determining the level of wages and compensation;
  • building a system of work with personnel, focused on increasing the profitability of the company (or any other criterion of success);
  • development of a personnel work strategy, involvement of managers of all levels for its implementation;
    creation of a reserve of specialists, career planning of the most promising employees;
  • documentation of all processes of work with personnel;
  • development and implementation of a motivation system;
  • development of technologies for assessing the personnel composition and the effectiveness of an individual workplace.

The Human Resources or Human Resources department is the part of the top management team that has a say in decisions that affect employees. The HR department must be able to quickly respond to any personnel problems, from the dismissal of any senior manager, ending with a decrease in labor productivity.

The main functions of the organization's personnel management system

When building a personnel management system in an organization, it is difficult to single out the main tasks. This is due to the complexity of assessing the activities of the organization. Unlike typical industries, here it is impossible to measure efficiency by the number of products produced, the number of defective units of a product, or its cost.

Therefore, social, psychological, organizational and administrative methods are chosen as the main methods of management. They are based on the responsibility of employees, increasing the level of their involvement, creating a favorable working atmosphere, and an adequate system of compensation and remuneration.

The following functions may be assigned to the personnel management unit:

  • control of the need for personnel, timely resolution of the shortage issue qualified personnel, work for the future, taking into account the increase in the competencies of employees;
  • continuous analysis of the quality of the enterprise staff according to a set of criteria (education, demography, professionalism);
  • development of the personnel policy of the organization (HR policies and procedures);
  • organization of certification and evaluation of labor activity of personnel;
  • coordination of work with employees within the entire organization, more often at the level of middle managers;
  • assessment of labor results by departments ( Feedback with customers, performance of the organization, personnel costs).

The primary task of the organization management system is the adoption right concept human capital and the formation of a personnel management system in accordance with the chosen strategy and philosophy.

How to formulate, and most importantly - lead to action HR-strategy companies? Whether to send an HR manager to a desert island for the right words, which will express the HR strategy as accurately as possible; how to analyze the state of the company before proceeding with the formulation?

- Tatyana, how to prescribe an effectiveHR-strategy: what is needed for this, whom to involve?

In order to write an effective HR strategy, it is very important to start from the strategic objectives of the business. If a company has a global business development strategy for 5-7 years, then when formulating an HR strategy, it is very important to refer specifically to the strategic business plan.

Why? Because business tasks in areas such as finance, organizational structure, marketing, and in particular key factors success, which should be formulated in any strategy, determine, among other things, the company's HR policy. The HR strategy also depends very much on the specifics of the business.

For example, there are companies that include the following message in their strategy - employees must be highly professional. This is where the HR strategy of this company comes from, which is aimed at both attracting highly qualified specialists from the market and growing them within the company. The company invests heavily in the professional and career development of its employees.

As part of other HR strategies, other businesses and other companies, completely different aspects may be taken into account, both in terms of the professionalism of employees, their remuneration and other criteria.

Bottom line: it is extremely important to look at the tasks of the business.

- What do you think is the best formulation mechanismHR-strategy? arrange brainstorm in command or provideHR manager day trip on a desert island?

It is best if this is done by the HR director together with the head of the company and top managers. It is this group that should jointly prescribe the HR strategy, again, starting from the business objectives. In order to moderate, systematize and structure this process, it is possible to involve external providers, consultants who will help in this process and give their own, often deeper expertise. The main value of external consultants who help to prescribe an HR strategy lies in the ability to build on the business objectives and structure and systematize everything that top managers and the HR director create, and most importantly, " bring strategy down to earth", that is, they will make it more viable, give practical advice both for its improvement and for its implementation.

As I said, it is best to do this together with the head of the company, top managers and the HR director. In this composition, it is extremely important to determine the key points that relate to the HR strategy, people, HR processes, and those things that will be a priority within the HR strategy in the company. As for the details and mechanisms, this HR director can paint on his own.

- How to analyze the state of the company before formulatingHR-strategy, what are the key points worth paying attention to?

Before proceeding to the analysis, we answer ourselves the following questions:

1. What level do we take people in terms of their experience and professional level? Are we focusing more on beginners with no experience that we will grow, or on professionals that we need to take from the market and who will be more expensive?

2. How much will we focus on induction and further development?

3. What are the features of the company's corporate culture?

What the company really lives by, what norms, rules and values, a number of questions related to the HR strategy will also come from here.

1. The issue of personnel, compensation and benefits.

To what extent are real official duties, a not copied from the Internet;

How clearly they reflect the picture of solving business problems;

How well the key performance indicators are defined and whether the bonus system of employees is tied to them.

These are the points that relate to personnel, and the area that should be systematized, adjusted or, if not, spelled out in the course of formulating an HR strategy. Here it is extremely important to determine where the company is located in terms of the labor market, pay and other things.

For example, one of the companies with which we worked determined for itself such a key point in its HR strategy - hold wages employees at market level or even higher, in order to ensure the influx of specialists, and considers this a priority part of its HR strategy.

2. An important aspect of the HR strategy is questions recruitment, recruiting.

There are a few key things that need clarification here:

1) How efficient is the recruiting procedure in the company?

2) To what extent uniform standards for selecting employees by competencies have been introduced, can all those involved in the selection process conduct quality interviews on competencies and select the “right” employees.

3. Employee induction and development management. To what extent are the profiles of knowledge and skills of all positions of employees prescribed in the company, how is the assessment of employees carried out and whether individual plan development based on this assessment, whether plans are made for training activities for employees. This is a very important point, and it should be paid attention to, especially when we talk about HR strategy.

4. The last point that has already been mentioned - corporate culture.

Are the key elements of corporate culture spelled out in the company: mission, vision, company values.

How they are really put into practice, that is, employees really bring them to life.

These are key points to consider before formulating an HR strategy. It is important to remember that the general line is the tasks of the business, the specifics of the business and the market of this business, because, for example, the HR strategy of a pharmaceutical company will be very different from the strategy of a large retailer or an IT startup.

Watch the video: Beeline HR strategy "rejuvenated and advanced"

- What are examples of effectiveHR-Strategies you can bring?

Such an example. One of the large FMCG companies is a brand, so it hires inexperienced employees, as a rule, even from the student bench, but selects high-potential candidates. At the same time, employees first come for an internship at minimum wages, and when they grow into specialists, they receive salaries either at the market level or lower. Those. the company is known for not paying big salaries, does not promise gigantic returns. But at the same time, she invests heavily in her employees., develops them, so one of the motivating factors why the staff comes here and does not leave for a long time is that the company really invests in the professional development of employees and there is an opportunity, among other things, to make a career. This organization has set up a personnel training and development system, which is implemented by 99% of the company without the involvement of external providers.

This is like one of the strategies, and it is effective in cases where the company is a brand and it is really prestigious to have the name of this company in your resume.

Another example. Major international pharmaceutical company based its strategy on the concept of team stability despite the fact that the pharmaceutical market is characterized by a very high turnover, especially among sales teams. All actions of the HR strategy were aimed precisely at this.

1. A very clear recruiting system was built in order to attract really high-potential employees.

2. The system for managing the performance and development of employees was very clearly set up. Employees were evaluated, the bonus system was tied to their performance, the salary was in the market and even slightly higher. Also, employees regularly underwent a procedure for assessing their knowledge and skills, regularly underwent appropriate training, which allowed them to grow their knowledge and skills, improve their level of professionalism, and achieve professional success, which was reflected in their bonus fund.

One of the important components of the strategy was the creation of comfortable working conditions within the framework of the existing corporate culture. As a result, when an employee got into the company, he had practically no need to leave. He received a pleasant atmosphere, a good team, the opportunity to grow, develop both professionally and career, he understood that he could influence his income because they very clearly depended on the result of his work. Thus, the company guaranteed key things. As a result, as a result of a competent HR strategy and its consistent implementation, today the company has only 4% turnover, which is a very good result for any company in general, and especially within the pharmaceutical market, and it should be noted that these 4% relate to cases where an employee leaves not because of dissatisfaction with the employer, but for personal reasons, such as moving to another country in connection with the relocation of a spouse.

- How to leadHR-strategy to action?

Here are 4 things that make up the backbone of an HR strategy:

Personnel, compensation, benefits;

Recruiting and selection of personnel;

Induction and development of employees;

Corporate culture.

As for their implementation, in our experience, the key to the successful implementation of an HR strategy are several key points:

1. An HR director must be very business-oriented, he must understand that despite the fact that he deals with people, he does it in the name of business, not in the name of people and psychology. Because by rebuilding HR processes, the HR director, first of all, helps to solve business problems.

2. The fact that the adjustment of HR systems affects people and business results should also be understood by the head of the company, and the first line of top managers, and those leaders who influence the processes related to HR strategy.

Now, if these 3 key groups of people understand the importance and necessity of implementing all HR systems, from the recruiting system to the system for creating a personnel reserve, then this happens very effectively. Which in turn really translates into a successful HR strategy, key indicators which are:

Low turnover

Employees have been with the company for a long time

Employees are highly effective within their positions

Therefore, the effectiveness of implementation depends on the unity of understanding and well-coordinated work of the above-mentioned employees.

HR managers at the time of implementing an HR strategy should understand that when they convey information to the heads of various departments of the company, they must sell the idea of ​​each of the systems explaining it clearly. Delivering the benefits that each of the components of the HR strategy and HR systems bring to specific managers of specific departments. An example is when a recruiting system is introduced, a company receives many times more “high-quality” employees, who are easier to hire and who, in the end, will give results faster.

4. Within each component of the HR system, there should be very clear and specific, and most importantly, simple and understandable tools. When they are, then the implementation of the elements of the HR strategy is quite effective.

- How often to updateHR-strategy, in your opinion?

Since the HR strategy, in fact, is part of the global business strategy (and it is usually prescribed for 3-5-7 years, but is reviewed annually, because the market situation changes), the HR strategy should be written for 3-5- 7 years. But its recommended review annually, what needs to be changed in it, and what to leave and do an audit and check whether we are on the right course, and whether we have imposed any features external factors the labor market and the market in which the company operates.

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