416 rules for the maintenance of common property. New changes in the rules of service MKD. VIII. The procedure for disclosing information of the manager

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At the end of March, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted a resolution amending several regulations at once, including Decree 416 - the rules for carrying out activities for the management of MKD. We tell you exactly what the Decree No. 331 of March 27, 2018 changed.

The full list of amended legal acts is large, you can read it at the link: Full text of RF PP 331

We will only touch on the most important changes. What does Ordinance 416 look like with the latest 2018 changes on utilities?

Information disclosure

New regulations regarding the disclosure of information by managing organizations, whether it be MCs, HOAs or cooperatives, follow the progress. Now you do not need to disclose information about yourself through publication in the media, place it on racks and keep it for five years. It is enough to place it on your official website. The obligation to provide information remains - it remains in Decree 416 of May 15, 2013, as amended on March 27, 2018.

New requirement- inspections common property. They can be:

  • current - the frequency is determined by the technical documentation;
  • seasonal - twice a year, in spring and autumn;
  • extraordinary - within a day after accidents, fires, disasters.

new document- Inspection log. It should contain data on the technical condition of the common property, identified during the inspections of shortcomings. The magazine is included in the list of technical documentation for the house. In the help system, our experts.

New calculations- provide the owners with an estimate and justification for the payment for the maintenance of the residential premises at least 30 days before general meeting about this question. Information should be posted on bulletin boards at the entrances. The increase must be justified by calculations.

In the webinar, our expert spoke about the maintenance and repair of common property:

Changes in the rules for the provision of public services

Notifications to consumers can now be sent using the GIS housing and communal services system. For example, these may be notices about restrictions on access to utilities. The same applies to notices of meetings, information about decisions taken at the meeting.

Mandatory checks on application within two hours from the moment of application - you can not comply with this period, if agreed with the applicant.

Changes in the rules for managing apartment buildings

The most significant changes have been made to the rules for the implementation of activities for the management of MKD, 416 Government Decree. Some of them take effect immediately, and some come into force on March 01, 2019.

Gone was the mysterious requirement for emergency dispatchers to provide some kind of loud-speaking communication with janitors and homeowners. There remains a requirement for such a connection in elevators.

A new concept is the “office of the managing organization”, which was not in RF PP 416. This is a room where owners and users of premises can contact with questions or problems related to the management of an apartment building.

Accordingly, the managing organization must provide them with such an opportunity by holding a reception at least once a month, by appointment - that is, the time of such a reception is determined by the managing organization.

Information about such entries, dates and the result of admission should be kept in a log personal reception, copies of the record from which are transmitted to those who applied.

In comparison with Decree 416, the rules for disclosing information to the managing organization have become tougher, and the volume of mandatory information has increased.

On the sign at the entrance to the representative office of the managing organization should be the following information:

  • Name;
  • address;
  • contacts: telephone and e-mail;
  • operating mode.

On bulletin boards at the entrances:

  • Name;
  • license information;
  • address and working hours of the representative office;
  • days and hours of admission;
  • site address of the managing organization and GIS housing and communal services;
  • phone numbers of the MA, emergency dispatch service and other emergency services;
  • notifications of upcoming work, inspections, etc.;
  • notices of changes in the amount of utility bills.

On the information stands in the representative office of the managing organization, in addition to this information, there should be step-by-step instructions on how to install an individual meter, information on the timing of making meter readings, on utility bills, consumption standards and other information.

A complete list of requirements for disclosure of information, both for managing organizations and HOAs, is available inDecree 331.

The requirements for the storage medium have changed: it is no longer subject to storage if the information is no longer relevant - that is, it can be deleted. But information about appeals and responses still needs to be stored for three years, as was the case in Decree 416 of the Government of the Russian Federation.

New deadlines for responses to inquiries have been set:

  • for information subject to disclosure: one day;
  • about accounting communal resources: three days;
  • an act of causing harm or violation of the provision of public services: three days;
  • appeals on other issues: ten business days for appeals from owners and users of premises and 30 days for all others.

The following changes are effective March 1, 2019. All of them concern emergency dispatch service.

The name itself is changing: emergency dispatch service has been replaced by emergency dispatch service. The management company, HOA or cooperative are obliged to create their own service or conclude agreements with special organizations.

Expanded service responsibilities. Now they include:

  • current control over the operation of engineering systems;
  • quality control of communal resources at the border of intra-house and centralized networks;
  • round-the-clock registration of requests from owners regarding the maintenance of property, the provision of utilities and repair work, and control of deadlines for requests;
  • registration and control of troubleshooting;
  • operational measures in the event of a threat or emergency.

Many of the duties of the service are now regulated by time.

The response time to a call to the emergency dispatch service is clearly defined. Now be sure to answer the call within 5 minutes. If you didn’t get an answer, you need to call back or listen to a voice message within 10 minutes. 10 minutes are also allotted for familiarization with the electronic appeal.

A new requirement is that all calls with appeals must not only be noted in the log, but also a recording of a telephone conversation is needed. The applicant must be informed registration number applications.

Half an hour is allotted for the localization of accidents in the systems of water disposal, heating, cold and hot water supply and electricity supply. Time is counted from the moment of registration of the application.

No more than three days are given to eliminate such accidental damage.

Two hours are given to eliminate blockages in the drainage system.

To eliminate blockages in the garbage chute - two hours from the moment of registration of the application.

After registration of the application, the applicant must be informed about the specific planned dates within half an hour from the moment of application and registration of the application.

In addition, the emergency dispatch service must inform the local authorities about the nature of the accident and the timing of its elimination.

The service should deal with the elimination of minor malfunctions and damage around the clock, coordinating with the owners the terms and the list of works.

When executing applications, each of the employees of the emergency dispatch service must have with them:

  • service certificate;
  • identification mark - patch or badge - indicating the name of the organization, profession and full name;
  • disposable shoe covers (!)

Quality control of the execution of applications and control of deadlines is carried out by the emergency dispatch service with the help of photographic fixation and surveys of owners. Information about this is entered in the register of applications or in the GIS housing and communal services.

Rules MKD management- this is a set of mandatory requirements for companies that ensure the operation of the building. This regulation prescribes the procedure for interacting with residents, as well as the powers of the organization that manages the apartment building. In addition, the MKD management rules establish the rules and procedures for handling documentation, provide for the procedure for transferring powers to other MAs, and describe the responsibilities of various services.

What regulates the rules for managing MKD

The name of this instruction is often written with a number at the end - 416 (MKD Management Rules 416), which indicates the regulatory document - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 15, 2013 No. 416.

The main purpose of this normative act consists in clarifying the interaction between owners and MA, developing a set of rules and methods for monitoring their observance. This greatly simplifies the management of MKD, reducing it to the consistent implementation of the established routine.

First of all, this regulation describes the main terms, explaining, for example, what is meant by the management of MKD. Then the standards in force in this area are listed. The following are the functions that a company operating and maintaining a home should perform.

According to the management rules of MKD, the MA must coordinate all its steps with the owners and perform all actions only with their approval. This includes the conclusion of contracts with companies that provide resources, and the procedure for calculating utility bills, and much more.

The MKD management rules also describe exactly how the business organization should draw up a list of future maintenance work for the house and its property. In addition, this regulation obliges the MA to conduct emergency dispatch activities. But here the rules stipulate that the company can decide whether to perform this work on its own, or take only leadership of it, assigning the main duties to a hired contractor.

The Rules for the Management of MKD dwell in detail on the issues of maintaining technical documents related to the building. The norms, rules and procedures for the execution, maintenance, delivery and storage of these papers are prescribed in detail.

Do licenses require the rules for conducting business activities for the management of MKD

According to the rules of management of MKD, management in apartment buildings should be entrusted only to an organization that has a license for this type of activity. Such permission can only be issued by the relevant state structures, which issue a resolution on the basis of the results obtained by the commission. Attracting other organizations to the management is strictly prohibited by law.

It is important to understand what exactly the rules call MKD management activities. These are any services and works that are carried out on the basis of a contract for the maintenance of MKD. That is, the presence of such a document is in this case the main determining criterion.

If any organization wishes to take over the management of the MKD, without violating the rules, then it will be necessary to go through the procedure for obtaining permission. To do this, it will be necessary to carry out licensing control, after which the issuance of the corresponding document will follow.

Based on the MKD management rules, it is clear that the license has no validity period and can be canceled only in case of violations. But it should be borne in mind that, according to existing norms, a permit to manage an MKD applies only to the territory of the subject whose authorities issued it, that is, it has local significance. To obtain a license in another region, you will need to pass a new check.

The MKD management rules emphasize that economic activity may only be carried out by the person to whom the license has been issued. Its transfer, including by proxy, is impossible and is an illegal procedure.

If someone is convicted of operating an MKD without a license, then this will be a direct violation of the rules, which threatens with a fine or other penalties. They will be discussed in detail in the last section of the article.

Rules for the implementation of activities for the management of MKD in accordance with national standards

National standards and rules for the management of MKD complement each other. Their complex action allows you to work out in detail the relationship between organizations that manage MKD and owners who need such services. MKD management rules and national standards allow premises owners to apartment building avoid cooperation with unreliable performers who do not have the necessary qualifications and experience.

Strict conditions of existing regulations different levels This is a guarantee of the safety and tranquility of the residents. In this regard, any prescriptions of rules and other legislative acts are appropriate, starting from the criteria for selecting performers and ending with the requirements for maintaining documents.

It should be noted separately that the established regulations are designed to protect owners from unscrupulous performers, because many residents do not know their rights and obligations. For example, it is quite common for owners to show no interest in what kind of service the organization that manages the house provides them. Usually this leads to the fact that the performer saves significantly on services, relinquishing those works and responsibilities that are actually very much in demand in these circumstances. In other words, the rules for the management of MKD establish the basis that the MA must comply with. This does not solve all the problems of the owners, because each case is individual, but somewhat protects their rights.

Approximately the same is done by national standards in the field of MKD management, when they establish the conditions for a clear order for the services of the relevant organizations.

A timely appeal to such standards enables the owners to determine the functions that need to be assigned to the managing organization, as well as to outline the rules and principles for future cooperation with it.

Standards and rules for the implementation of activities for the management of MKD

Standard 1. Reception, storage and transfer of technical documentation on the MKD and related papers, which are indicated in the rules for the implementation of activities for the management of MKD 416. In addition, the procedure for actions is outlined if this documentation was lost for any reason.

Standard 2. Collection, correction and storage of information about persons owning premises in the building or renting them. In addition, the MKD management rules provide for the accumulation of information about those who use the common property of the house on the basis of permit agreements. It can be shops, various salons and other establishments. Documentation in this case means not only papers, but also electronic documents that meet the rules established by applicable law.

Standard 3. Preparation of proposals for repairs and content of MKD for OSSZH. Among other things, this may be:

  • creating a list of those works that, as a rule, are required to service the MKD in a certain period. Often engaged in annual planning at once;
  • drawing up a detailed estimate with calculations for those works that are supposed to be done as part of the management and maintenance of MKD in a given period. As a rule, it is required to indicate which prices are relevant for this moment to demonstrate why this amount is needed;
  • formation of proposals for repair work, as well as procedures that will reduce the cost of various resources (electricity, heat, water, etc.);
  • demonstration to the owners of samples of documentation that will establish the rules for the management, use and maintenance of MKD property. It is envisaged that any provisions can be challenged and revised if the tenants are unhappy with them;
  • formation of proposals to temporarily transfer any objects owned by MKD to third parties for a certain fee. Of course, this action should not contradict the norms and rules of existing legislation, as well as interfere with the maintenance of the house and the peace of the residents.

Standard 4. Solving organizational issues in the management of MKD regardless of who is in charge. The rules in this case indicate that special attention should be paid to the following procedures by a business organization or partnership:

  • notify the owners that a meeting of the MKD on any issue will be held on a certain date;
  • to facilitate the familiarization of residents of MKDs and members of the HOA with those aspects of management that need to be considered at the OSSZH. If there is any documentation, then it should usually also be presented to them;
  • ensure that by the time of the meeting there is all the necessary documentation in order to register its participants;
  • make sure that the premises for the OSSZH are ready and meet all the needs of the planned event;
  • document the conclusions and decisions that were made as a result of the OSJ;
  • if not all owners or members of the HOA were present at the HOA, it is necessary, according to the rules, to bring to their attention the conclusions and decisions that were reached during the meeting.

Standard 5. Organization of works and services provided for by the rules approved at the meeting of MKD owners. Among other things, this list includes the following items.

  • The choice of a method for carrying out certain works and services for the management of MKD.
  • Formation of tasks to be carried out by the organization leading the house.
  • Direct selection of the management company. It can be carried out according to criteria that are important for residents, according to their own rules. Usually the most important role is played by how profitable (that is, economical) cooperation is.
  • Signing contracts for the provision of services for the management of MKD. As a rule, this includes maintenance and repair.
  • Signing contracts for the supply of utilities to residents of MKD.
  • Conclusion of contracts for the provision of energy supply services, which include: water supply, heat supply, electricity supply, gas supply, etc. Usually these contracts include not only information on the supply of a resource, but also provide for repair and other maintenance work, based on the rules of the current legislation regarding the management of engineering systems.
  • Signing contracts for the provision of other services. Most often this is the initiative of the residents. This includes not so much maintenance and management of the MKD as security measures. For example, installation of an intercom, video surveillance, etc.
  • Controlling how well and in what volume all services for which contracts have been concluded are provided. In case of violations, they must be documented (that is, for example, photographed and certified by a notary).
  • Carrying out litigation in situations where the service provided within the framework of the MKD management is not provided in full or in inadequate quality. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the norms and rules for the provision of these services are fixed by existing contracts.

Standard 6. Interaction with municipal and state authorities in those matters that are directly related to the management of MKD.

Standard 7. Making payments for works and services, provided on the basis of the rules for managing MKD, the list of which usually includes:

  • the formation of the amount necessary to ensure that the building is maintained in a good, usable condition. This includes the financing of repairs, and payment of utilities, and other related costs. It is important that this list does not contradict the norms and rules established by current legislation;
  • registration of receipts and delivery to their owners and tenants of premises in the MKD;
  • independent settlement with resource-supplying organizations;
  • taking measures, for example, in the format of litigation with non-paying tenants who do not comply with the rules for interaction between the management company and the owners.

Standard 8. Monitoring the implementation of decisions of the meeting. Needed to organize the most efficient management of MKD based on current rules and ensure the implementation of important regulations. Methods include the following:

  • allocation of premises for owners in MKD in the amount and quantity that are provided for by the rules adopted by the general meeting and recorded in the relevant documents;
  • transparency of house management activities in accordance with the regulations established for management companies;
  • work with applications of tenants and owners, their mandatory consideration on the basis of norms, making adjustments to the approaches to managing MKD at the initiative of the owners of the premises;
  • encouragement and all assistance to owners who wish to control the quality of building maintenance by the company, for example, the results of repair work or other services provided for by the contract and the rules for managing the MKD.

What are the rules for managing MKD for the maintenance and repair of common property

According to the rules for managing the MKD, a list of those works and services that will be provided as part of the activities of the MA must be formed and approved at the OSSZH. Depending on the form of management, regulatory principles place this responsibility on other ways of making a decision, for example, one of the owners can do this if a choice is made in favor of self-maintenance of MKD by residents.

According to the MKD management rules, the need for future work or services must be confirmed. To do this, you can use several methods. As a rule, various documents on the state of the house and other evidence are used. All malfunctions must be recorded and confirmed, if necessary, even by a special commission.

The MKD management rules do not regulate the list of these works and services, but provide for a minimum list that can be expanded at the discretion of the owners.

The following requirements apply to the selected points: they must contain the time required for the implementation of work in the MKD, the schedule for their implementation, the required financial resources and volumes of tasks with their description.

What do the rules for managing the MKD for emergency dispatch services include

The rules for managing MKD do not bypass emergency dispatch services. It should be noted, however, that the standards do not make exceptions or distinctions based on who is in charge of the house. In other words, the rules are the same for everyone, and only the Management Company or the owners themselves - does not play a significant role.

Prescriptive norms refer all differences to the practical side of the issue. Thus, the rules establish that if the management of MKD is carried out by the owners themselves, then emergency dispatch services should be provided by those enterprises that perform work on the repair and operation of engineering systems. It is envisaged that these can be not only individual organizations, but also other persons. The choice remains with the owners, and the regulatory documents do not establish any strict requirements in this regard. Nevertheless, residents should not forget that such work must be trusted to specialists.

Although the MKD management rules do not directly mention this, it should be remembered that the emergency dispatch service must be provided in a complex by the same persons who are engaged in operation and repair. It is they who know all the features of the installed engineering systems, and therefore are able to act as efficiently as possible in the event of an accident. The involvement of third parties may lead to undesirable consequences and is permissible only as a last resort, when emergency services are not provided for some reason.

The emergency dispatch service, based on the rules, is engaged in the fact that it regularly monitors the state of engineering systems in the MKD. In addition, the regulation requires this unit to comply with the requests of tenants, tenants and owners in case they report a malfunction. Also, the MKD management rules separately stipulate that the duties of the emergency dispatch service are somewhat broader and provide for all kinds of measures to create a safe environment for people in the building and their property.

The dispatching system of the emergency dispatch service provides:

1) tracking the gas level of collectors and technical subfields;

2) the work of audio communication with people in elevators, residents, workers and other persons in the premises of an apartment building.

According to the MKD management rules, the emergency dispatch service must work without interruption, both day and night. Its function is not only to respond quickly to the occurrence of malfunctions, but also to constantly monitor various indicators, information about which is in without fail entered in special journals.

The emergency dispatch service should provide:

  • prompt elimination of objects that have formed a blockage in water pipes or garbage chutes of MKD;
  • repair of electrical, heating and water supply systems of an apartment building in case of an accident.

The emergency dispatch service is obliged, upon receipt of a malfunction signal, to immediately notify the organization that is engaged in supplying the house with the corresponding resource about it. The MKD management rules require this unit to take corrective action even before the arrival of the supplier's specialists. In some cases, it is permissible that the emergency dispatch service can independently carry out repairs, if it is within its power. In addition, sometimes there are special legislative regulations, according to which this unit must control the elimination of breakdowns by resource supply organizations.

According to the rules for managing the MKD, the MA should submit to the emergency dispatch service all the documentation that describes the features of the laying and functioning of communications in this apartment building. Refusal to provide such information gross violation because it can lead to serious consequences.

The MKD management rules require the MA to grant access to the emergency dispatch service to any premises other than those that are privately owned. This is especially true for objects related to engineering communications, but is not limited to them.

The duties of the emergency dispatch service include accepting applications from owners, residents and tenants of premises in the MKD. The means of their transmission, in addition to direct circulation, can be intercoms, telephones and other communication devices.

The MKD management rules provide that, in order to track and not lose applications, it is necessary to maintain an appropriate log. It may exist in a paper version, but other electronic versions are not excluded, if necessary.

How to manage the MKDprovide for the transfer of technical documentation

Stage 1. The MKD management rules stipulate that if at the general meeting of owners it was decided that it was necessary to change the way the house was serviced, then the following steps were required. First of all, you need to notify the organization that previously managed the MKD. This is done within 5 days (excluding weekends).

Also, the current regulation requires that the local housing supervision authority be notified of the changes by sending a copy of the decision made there.

In order for the whole procedure to comply with the rules for managing MKD, comprehensive information about the former and new economic body should be included in the documents.

Stage 2. The next step is the transfer of authority. The organization that previously managed the MKD is obliged to collect the entire package of documents related to this apartment building. This information is provided to the new company. In order for the whole procedure to be carried out in accordance with the rules, an act of acceptance and transfer is required.

It should be noted that there will be no problems with compiling a list of these documents. All of them are already given in the rules for managing MKD, that is, they are enshrined at the legislative level. At the same time, the regulations require that the documents contain all the technical and other information that is relevant at the time of their transfer between business organizations.

The MKD management rules do not exclude the situation when some of the documents are missing or contain outdated information. In such cases, it is required that the former managing organization independently take all necessary measures to restore or create the required documentation. And after everything you need is collected, an act of acceptance and transfer is also drawn up.

It should be noted that if the former managing organization did not comply with the requirements of the MKD management rules within the specified time frame, then this can be regarded as their violation, which will lead to appropriate measures. These can be fines, revocation of a license, disqualification for up to three years, and so on, depending on the rules and regulations of the current legislation at that time, the degree of guilt and the significance of the lost documents.

Stage 3. The final stage of the transfer of authority to manage an apartment building is the conclusion of an act of acceptance and transfer.

The MKD management rules indicate that new organization, which has assumed the functions of managing an apartment building, is obliged to give notice of receipt necessary documentation. It is sent to the body managing the MKD. When issuing this notice, the following information should be entered: indicate the date and place where all the necessary documentation was received.

The MKD management rules provide that at the time of the transfer of documentation, disputes may arise. For example, the reason for disagreement is often different views on the composition of the documentation for the MKD, or some other important papers. To resolve this issue, it is always worth referring to the guidelines, but if the point of contention is not spelled out in them or one of the parties persists in its requirements, then it is best to describe the essence of the disagreement in the act of acceptance and transfer itself. After this is done, the already higher supervising body will understand the situation, based on the rules for managing MKD, the Housing Code and other norms and standards established by law.

MKD management rules and responsibility for their violation

The first part of Article 7.23.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation establishes liability for violation of the rules for managing MKD for various artists starting from officials and ending with legal ones. In this case, the existence of a contract for the provision of services for the management of an apartment building serves as the basis for an admission of guilt. So, here is what threatens those who violate the law:

  • officials can pay an amount from fifty to one hundred thousand rubles, or be suspended from work for up to three years;
  • legal entities are fined in the amount of one hundred and fifty to two hundred and fifty thousand rubles.

The second part of the same article also establishes liability for violation of the rules for managing MKD. But in this case, situations are considered when the license to manage the house has expired, or it was canceled ahead of schedule as a result of some conditions. In these circumstances, liability for violation of the MKD management rules will be as follows:

  • officials can pay an amount from one hundred to two hundred thousand rubles, or be suspended from work for up to three years;
  • individual entrepreneurs may be fined in the amount of one hundred and fifty to five hundred thousand rubles, or be suspended from work for up to three years;
  • legal entities can pay an amount from one hundred and fifty to five hundred thousand rubles.

You should also pay attention to the following nuance. The MKD management rules in this case consider administrative violations individual entrepreneurs like breaking the law legal entities by establishing the same degree of administrative responsibility for them.

"On the procedure for the implementation of activities for the management of apartment buildings"

Edition of 09/13/2018 - Valid from 03/01/2019

Show changes


dated May 15, 2013 N 416


No. 230 dated March 26, 2014, No. 1434 dated December 25, 2015, No. 1090 dated September 13, 2018)

1. Approve the attached Rules for the implementation of activities for the management of apartment buildings.

2. To provide explanations to the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation on the procedure for applying the Rules approved by this resolution. dated 26.03.2014 N 230)

Prime Minister
Russian Federation

Government Decree
Russian Federation
dated May 15, 2013 N 416


(as amended by Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 25, 2015 N 1434, of March 27, 2018 N 331 (as amended of September 13, 2018), of September 13, 2018 N 1090)

I. General provisions

1. These Rules establish standards and procedures for the implementation of activities for the management of an apartment building:

a) owners of premises in an apartment building with direct management of an apartment building by owners of premises in this building;

b) associations of homeowners, housing construction cooperatives, housing cooperatives or other specialized consumer cooperatives that manage an apartment building without concluding a management agreement with a managing organization (hereinafter referred to as a partnership, cooperative);

c) managing organizations that have entered into an apartment building management agreement, including in the case provided for by part 14 of article 161 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation;

d) subparagraph is no longer valid. (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 25, 2015 N 1434)

e) developers managing an apartment building before concluding an agreement on managing an apartment building with a managing organization (hereinafter referred to as the developer - managing organization).

2. The activity of managing an apartment building (hereinafter referred to as the management of an apartment building) means the fulfillment of standards aimed at achieving the goals established by Article 161 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, as well as determined by the decision of the owners of premises in an apartment building.

II. Apartment Building Management Standards

4. The management of an apartment building is ensured by the implementation of the following standards:

a) acceptance, storage and transfer of technical documentation for an apartment building and other documents related to the management of such a house, provided for by the Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 N 491, keys to the premises included in the composition of the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building, electronic codes for access to equipment that is part of the common property in an apartment building, and other technical means and equipment necessary for the operation and management of an apartment building (hereinafter referred to as technical documentation for an apartment building and other related with the management of such an apartment building documents, technical means and equipment), in the manner prescribed by these Rules, as well as their updating and restoration (if necessary); (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 13, 2018 N 1090)

b) maintaining a register of owners of premises in an apartment building in accordance with Part 3.1 of Article 45 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, collecting, updating and storing information about tenants of premises in an apartment building, as well as about persons using the common property of owners of premises in an apartment building on the basis of contracts (by decision of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building), including maintaining up-to-date lists in in electronic format taking into account the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of personal data; (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 13, 2018 N 1090)

c) preparation of proposals on the maintenance and repair of the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building for their consideration by the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building, including:

development, taking into account the minimum list of services and works for the maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building (hereinafter referred to as the list of services and works), and in the case of managing an apartment building by a partnership or cooperative, the formation of an annual plan for the maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building;

calculation and justification of the financial needs necessary for the provision of services and the performance of works included in the list of services and works, indicating the sources for covering such needs (including taking into account the consideration of price offers on the market for services and works, estimates for the implementation certain types works);

preparation of proposals on the issues of major repairs (reconstruction) of an apartment building, as well as the implementation of actions aimed at reducing the volume of energy resources used in an apartment building, increasing its energy efficiency;

preparation of proposals for the transfer of objects of common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building for use by other persons on a reimbursable basis on terms that are most favorable for the owners of premises in this building, including using competitive selection mechanisms;

ensuring familiarization of the owners of premises in an apartment building with draft documents prepared on the maintenance and repair of the common property of owners of premises in an apartment building and the use of this property, as well as organizing a preliminary discussion of these projects;

d) organization by the owners of premises in an apartment building, management bodies of a partnership and a cooperative, and in cases provided for by the agreement on managing an apartment building, by the managing organization, consideration by a general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building, a general meeting of members of a partnership or cooperative (hereinafter referred to as the meeting) of issues related with the management of an apartment building, including:

notification, including using the state information system housing and communal services, owners of premises in an apartment building, members of a partnership or cooperative to hold a meeting; (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 27, 2018 N 331 (as amended of September 13, 2018))

ensuring familiarization of the owners of premises in an apartment building, members of a partnership or cooperative with information and (or) materials that will be considered at the meeting;

preparation of forms of documents required for registration of meeting participants;

preparation of premises for the meeting, registration of participants in the meeting;

documenting the decisions taken by the meeting;

bringing to the attention of the owners of premises in an apartment building, members of a partnership or cooperative of decisions taken at the meeting;

e) organization of the provision of services and performance of works provided for by the list of services and works approved by the decision of the meeting, including:

determining the method of providing services and performing work;

preparation of tasks for executors of services and works;

selection, including on a competitive basis, of service providers and works for the maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building on terms that are most favorable for owners of premises in an apartment building;

conclusion of contracts for the provision of services and (or) performance of work on the maintenance and repair of the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building;

conclusion of agreements with owners and users of premises in an apartment building containing the conditions for the provision of public services;

conclusion of energy supply contracts (purchase and sale, supply electrical energy(capacity), heat supply and (or) hot water supply, cold water supply, sewerage, gas supply (including supply of domestic gas in cylinders) with resource supply organizations in order to ensure that the owners and users of premises in an apartment building are provided with utilities of the appropriate type and purchase utilities resources consumed in the use and maintenance of common property in an apartment building, as well as contracts for the maintenance and repair of in-house engineering systems (in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation); (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 13, 2018 N 1090)

conclusion of other agreements aimed at achieving the goals of managing an apartment building, ensuring the safety and comfort of living in this house;

monitoring the provision of services and the performance of work on the maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building by the performers of these services and works, including documentary

registration of acceptance of such services and works, as well as the facts of the performance of services and works of inadequate quality;

conducting claims, lawsuits in case of violations by the performers of services and works of obligations arising from contracts for the provision of services and (or) performance of work on the maintenance and repair of the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building;

f) interaction with authorities state power and local governments on issues related to the management of an apartment building;

g) organization and implementation of payments for services and work on the maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building, including services and work on the management of an apartment building, and utilities, including:

accrual of mandatory payments and contributions related to the payment of expenses for the maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building and utilities in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation;

registration of payment documents and sending them to owners and users of premises in an apartment building;

implementation by managing organizations, partnerships and cooperatives of settlements with resource-supplying organizations for communal resources supplied under contracts for energy supply (purchase and sale, supply of electrical energy (capacity), heat supply and (or) hot water supply, cold water supply, sewerage, gas supply (including supplies of household gas in cylinders) in order to ensure the provision of appropriate types of public services to owners and users of premises in an apartment building and the acquisition of communal resources consumed in the use and maintenance of common property in an apartment building; (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 13, 2018 N 1090)

conducting claims and claims work in relation to persons who have not fulfilled the obligation to pay for housing and utilities provided for by the housing legislation of the Russian Federation;

h) providing by the owners of premises in an apartment building, by the management bodies of the partnership and cooperative, control over the execution of decisions of the meeting, the implementation of lists of services and works, improving the safety and comfort of living, as well as achieving the goals of managing an apartment building, including:

providing owners of premises in an apartment building with reports on the fulfillment of obligations to manage an apartment building

a house with the frequency and to the extent that are established by the decision of the meeting and the management agreement of the apartment building;

disclosure of information on the activities of managing an apartment building in accordance with the standard of information disclosure by organizations operating in the field of managing apartment buildings, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 23, 2010 N 731;

acceptance and consideration of applications, proposals and appeals from owners and users of premises in an apartment building;

ensuring the participation of representatives of the owners of premises in an apartment building in monitoring the quality of services and works, including during their acceptance.

III. Formation and approval of the list of services and works for the maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building

5. A draft list of services and works is drawn up and submitted to the owners of premises in an apartment building for approval, depending on the method of managing an apartment building, by a managing organization, partnership or cooperative, respectively, and in the case of direct management of an apartment building by owners of premises in this house - one of such owners ( hereinafter referred to as the emergency dispatch service).

6. In order to confirm the need for the provision of services and the performance of work provided for by the draft list of services and works, the managing organization, partnership or cooperative, at the request of the owners of premises in an apartment building, are obliged to submit an inspection certificate for the technical condition of an apartment building, as well as other documents containing information about identified defects (malfunctions, damages), and, if necessary, the conclusions of expert organizations.

7. The list of services and works may include services and works not included in the minimum list.

8. The list of services and works must contain the volume, cost, frequency and (or) schedule (terms) for the provision of services and the performance of work on the maintenance and repair of the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building.

IV. Implementation of emergency dispatch services

9. Managing organization, a partnership or a cooperative are obliged to organize the activities of an emergency dispatch service in an apartment building, including by concluding a contract for the provision of services with an organization engaged in emergency dispatch services. (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 27, 2018 N 331 (as amended of September 13, 2018))

In case of direct management of an apartment building by the owners of premises in this building, provisions on the implementation of the activities of the emergency dispatch service are subject to inclusion in contracts concluded with persons performing work on the maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building, providing cold and hot water supply, sanitation, electricity, gas supply (including supplies of domestic gas in cylinders), heating (heat supply, including supplies solid fuel in the presence of stove heating), or an agreement is concluded on the implementation of emergency dispatch services with an organization carrying out such activities. (as amended by Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 25, 2015 N 1434, of March 27, 2018 N 331 (as amended of September 13, 2018))

Paragraph 3. - No longer valid. (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 25, 2015 N 1434)

10. The emergency dispatch service carries out daily (current) control over the operation of in-house engineering systems of apartment buildings, quality control of communal resources at the interface between elements of in-house engineering systems and centralized engineering networks, round-the-clock registration and monitoring of implementation within the time limits established by paragraph 13 of these Rules, applications from owners and users of premises in apartment buildings on issues related to the provision of public services, the maintenance of common property in an apartment building, the provision of services and the performance of work on the maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building, as well as on troubleshooting and damage to internal engineering systems and the fulfillment of other obligations of the managing organization stipulated by the apartment building management agreement, other obligations of the partnership or cooperative for managing the apartment building, and takes prompt action e measures to ensure the safety of citizens in the event of emergencies or the threat of their occurrence. (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 27, 2018 N 331 (as amended of September 13, 2018))

11. The emergency dispatch service with the help of the dispatch system provides:

control of gas contamination of technical undergrounds and collectors;

loud-speaking (two-way) communication with elevator passengers. (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 27, 2018 N 331 (as amended of September 13, 2018))

12. The work of the emergency dispatch service is carried out around the clock. The information obtained as a result of continuous monitoring of the operation of engineering equipment is reflected by the emergency dispatch service in the relevant logs, which are also maintained in the form of electronic documents. (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 27, 2018 N 331 (as amended of September 13, 2018))

13. Emergency dispatch service provides: (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 27, 2018 N 331 (as amended of September 13, 2018))

answering a phone call of the owner or user of the premises in an apartment building to the emergency dispatch service within no more than 5 minutes, and in case of failure to provide a response within the specified period, interaction with the owner or user of the premises in the apartment building who called the emergency dispatch service through telephone connection within 10 minutes of receipt phone call to the emergency dispatch service or providing technological capability leave a voice message and (or) an electronic message, which must be considered by the emergency dispatch service within 10 minutes after receipt; (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 27, 2018 N 331 (as amended of September 13, 2018))

localization of emergency damages of in-house engineering systems of cold and hot water supply, sewerage and in-house heating and power supply systems no more than within half an hour from the moment of registration of the application; (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 27, 2018 N 331 (as amended of September 13, 2018))

elimination of blockages in the house engineering drainage system within two hours from the moment of registration of the application; (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 27, 2018 N 331 (as amended of September 13, 2018))

elimination of blockages in garbage chutes inside apartment buildings within 2 hours from the moment of registration of the application, but not earlier than 8:00 and not later than 23:00 when applications are accepted around the clock; (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 27, 2018 N 331 (as amended of September 13, 2018))

the provision of utility services in case of emergency damage to the in-house engineering systems of cold and hot water supply, sanitation and in-house heating and power supply systems on time that does not violate the duration of interruptions in the provision of public services established by the housing legislation of the Russian Federation; (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 27, 2018 N 331 (as amended of September 13, 2018))

elimination of emergency damages to internal engineering systems of cold and hot water supply, sewerage and internal heating and power supply systems within a period of not more than 3 days from the date of emergency damage. (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 27, 2018 N 331 (as amended of September 13, 2018))

In this case, the owner or user of the premises in an apartment building must be informed within half an hour from the moment of registration of the application about the planned deadlines for the execution of the application. (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 27, 2018 N 331 (as amended of September 13, 2018))

In case of emergency damage to the in-house engineering systems of cold and hot water supply, sanitation and in-house heating systems, the emergency dispatch service also informs the local government municipality on the territory of which the apartment building is located, on the nature of the accidental damage and the planned timing of its elimination. (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 27, 2018 N 331 (as amended of September 13, 2018))

The execution of applications for the elimination of minor malfunctions and damages is carried out around the clock in accordance with the deadline and list agreed with the owner or user of the premises in the apartment building who sent the application necessary work and services. (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 27, 2018 N 331 (as amended of September 13, 2018))

The work of the emergency dispatch service must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, aimed at ensuring the peace and quiet of citizens. The managing organization, partnership or cooperative is obliged to ensure the implementation of emergency dispatch services in accordance with the requirements of these Rules. (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 27, 2018 N 331 (as amended of September 13, 2018))

14. Upon receipt of signals about an accident or damage to in-house engineering systems of cold and hot water supply, drainage and in-house heating and power supply systems, information and telecommunication networks, gas supply systems and in-house gas equipment that are part of the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building, emergency the dispatching service informs the emergency services of the relevant resource supplying organizations about this and eliminates such accidents and damages independently or with the involvement of these services, and in cases where the legislation of the Russian Federation provides for special requirements for the implementation of emergency dispatching services by resource supplying organizations, the emergency dispatching service reports this to the emergency services of the relevant resource-supplying organizations and controls the elimination of such accidents and damage by them.

15. The managing organization, the developer - the managing organization, a partnership or cooperative, the owners of the premises in the case of the direct method of managing an apartment building in the event of organizing emergency dispatch services by concluding a contract for the provision of services with an organization carrying out the relevant activity, submit to the emergency dispatch service a set of technical documentation for all facilities, networks and structures, diagrams of all disconnecting and locking units of in-house engineering systems, plans for underground utilities and other documentation necessary for emergency dispatch services. (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 25, 2015 N 1434)

16. The managing organization, the developer - the managing organization, partnership or cooperative, the owners of the premises, with the direct method of managing the apartment building, provide free access for employees of the emergency dispatch service to the premises in the apartment building that are not part of the apartments and are intended to serve more than one residential and (or ) non-residential premises in this apartment building, and to other facilities intended for the maintenance, operation and improvement of the apartment building. (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 25, 2015 N 1434)

17. The emergency dispatch service receives and executes applications from owners and users of premises in apartment buildings. Applications are accepted by direct contact with the emergency dispatch service, including by telephone, as well as by direct communication via intercoms installed in the entrances of apartment buildings and elevator cabins, or other possible means of communication.

Registration of applications is carried out in the register of applications of owners and users of premises in apartment buildings or in an automated system for recording such applications (if any) and using a telephone conversation record in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 27, 2018 N 331 (as amended of September 13, 2018))

The register of registration of applications must be laced, numbered and sealed with the seal of the emergency dispatch service.

The emergency dispatch service is obliged to ensure the storage of the indicated log in the premises occupied by this service and familiarization, at the request of the owners and users of premises in apartment buildings, in respect of which this service provides emergency dispatch services, with the entries made in the log of applications.

17.1. Upon receipt of an application, the emergency dispatch service finds out the reasons, the nature of the appeal and makes prompt decisions on interaction with other emergency repair services. Information about the decision taken is recorded in the register of applications or the state information system of housing and communal services in the case of maintaining a register of applications in this system. The emergency dispatch service organizes the execution of the received application within the time limits established by paragraph 13 of these Rules. (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 27, 2018 N 331 (as amended of September 13, 2018))

17.2. When registering an application, the emergency dispatch service informs the owner or user of the premises in the apartment building who applied with the application, its registration number and information about the regulatory deadlines and measures for the execution of the application. (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 27, 2018 N 331 (as amended of September 13, 2018))

17.3. When carrying out emergency dispatch services, the safety of life and health of people and animals, the environment, the safety of the property of the owners of premises in an apartment building must be ensured. (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 27, 2018 N 331 (as amended of September 13, 2018))

Employees of the emergency dispatch service who travel to fulfill requests must be provided with the necessary means, including equipment and materials, to fulfill the request. If the execution of an application requires access of an employee of the emergency dispatch service to a room in an apartment building, the emergency dispatch service informs the owner or user of such premises about the planned date and time of the start of the execution of the application, the reasons for the need to provide access to the premises, as well as the last name, first name , patronymic (if any) of the employee (employees) of the emergency dispatch service who will carry out the execution of the application. An employee of the emergency dispatch service must have an official ID, identification mark (badge, patch on clothes, etc.) indicating the name of the organization, last name, first name, patronymic (if any) and professional specialization, as well as disposable shoe covers. (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 27, 2018 N 331 (as amended of September 13, 2018))

17.4. The emergency dispatch service carries out operational control over the timing and quality of execution of received applications using photo fixation tools, operational and periodic surveys of owners and users of premises in an apartment building regarding the quality of execution of applications received. The results of the control are entered into the register of applications or the state information system of housing and communal services in the case of maintaining a register of applications in this system. (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 27, 2018 N 331 (as amended of September 13, 2018))

V. The procedure for the transfer of technical documentation for an apartment building and other documents, technical means and equipment related to the management of such an apartment building (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 13, 2018 N 1090)

18. If the meeting decides to change the method of managing an apartment building, the expiration of the contract for managing an apartment building, or early termination of such an agreement, the person authorized by the meeting, the management body of the partnership or cooperative, within 5 working days, sends the organization that previously managed such a house, as well as to the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation authorized to exercise regional state housing supervision, the local self-government body authorized to exercise municipal housing control (hereinafter referred to as the state housing supervision body (municipal housing control body), notification of the decision taken at the meeting with a copy of this decision attached.

The said notice must contain the name of the organization chosen by the owners of the premises in the apartment building to manage this building, its address, and in the case of direct management by the owners of the premises in such a building, information about one of the owners specified in the decision of the meeting on choosing the method of managing the apartment building. Such a notification may be sent using the state information system of housing and communal services. (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 27, 2018 N 331 (as amended of September 13, 2018))

19. An organization that previously managed an apartment building and received the notification provided for in paragraph 18 of these Rules, transfers, in the manner provided for in paragraph 22 of these Rules, technical documentation to an apartment building, and other documents, technical means and equipment related to the management of such an apartment building, as well as information specified in subparagraph "b" of paragraph 4 of these Rules, to an organization chosen by the owners of premises in an apartment building to manage this building, to the management body of the partnership or a cooperative, or in the case of direct management of an apartment building by the owners of premises in such a house, to one of the owners indicated in the decision of the meeting on the choice of the method of managing the apartment building, or, if such an owner is not indicated, to any owner of the premises in this house, according to the act of acceptance and transfer, late established by Part 10 of Article 162 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 13, 2018 N 1090)

20. Technical documentation for an apartment building and other documents related to the management of an apartment building are subject to transfer in the composition provided for by the Rules for maintaining common property in an apartment building, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 N 491.

The documents to be transferred must contain information relevant at the time of transfer on the composition and condition of the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building.

21. If the organization that previously managed the apartment building does not have one or more documents that are part of the technical documentation for the apartment building, and other documents, technical means and equipment related to the management of such an apartment building, such an organization is obliged, within 3 months from the date of receipt of the notification provided for in paragraph 18 of these Rules, take measures to restore them and, in the manner provided for in paragraph 22 of these Rules, transfer them under a separate acceptance certificate to an organization chosen by the owners of premises in an apartment building to manage this house, to the management body of a partnership or cooperative, or to in the case of direct management of such a house by the owners of premises in this house to one of the owners indicated in the decision of the meeting on the choice of the method of managing this house. (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 13, 2018 N 1090)

22. The organization that previously managed the apartment building, in any way that allows to reliably establish that the message comes from the specified organization, as well as confirm its receipt, notifies the date (not earlier than 7 days from the date of sending the message), time and place of transmission of the technical documentation for an apartment building and other documents, technical means and equipment related to the management of this house, an organization chosen by the owners of premises in an apartment building to manage this house, the management body of a partnership or cooperative, or in the case of direct management of such a house by the owners of premises in this house of one of the owners specified in the decision of the meeting on the choice of how to manage this house. (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 13, 2018 N 1090)

The transfer of technical documentation for an apartment building and other documents related to the management of this house, technical means is carried out according to the act of acceptance and transfer, which must contain information about the date and place of its compilation and a list of documents to be transferred. (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 13, 2018 N 1090)

23. Existing disagreements on the quantitative and (or) qualitative composition of the technical documentation for an apartment building and other documents related to the management of this house, technical means and equipment to be transferred are reflected in the acceptance certificate. A copy of the act must be sent to the state housing supervision body (municipal housing control body) within 3 days from the date of its signing by the transferring and receiving parties. (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 13, 2018 N 1090)

24. In the event that information about an apartment building is excluded from the register of licenses of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, as well as if the license for the implementation entrepreneurial activity for the management of apartment buildings (hereinafter referred to as the license) has been terminated or it has been cancelled, the date of termination of the management agreement is determined by the day preceding the day the management of the apartment building begins by the management organization selected by the general meeting of owners of premises in the apartment building or based on the results open competition, provided for by part 5 of article 200 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, or in the case provided for by part 6 of article 200 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, selected without an open tender. If the management method of an apartment building has been changed, the date of termination of the management contract is determined by the day preceding the day the implementation of the new management method begins.

25. The managing organization, in the event that information about an apartment building is excluded from the register of licenses of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, and also if the license is terminated or the license is canceled, transfers the technical documentation for an apartment building and other documents related to the management of such a house, technical means and equipment, as well as documents and information specified in subparagraphs "e" and "e.1" of paragraph 18 of the Rules, mandatory upon conclusion by a managing organization or a homeowners association or housing cooperative or other specialized consumer cooperative contracts with resource supplying organizations approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 14, 2012 N 124, clause 56.1 and subparagraph "b" of clause 57 of the Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 6 May 2011 N 354. (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 13, 2018 N 1090)

Documents to be transferred must contain information that is current on the day of transfer.

26. Contracts of the managing organization with organizations providing services and (or) performing work on the maintenance and repair of the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building, and organizations carrying out major repairs of common property in an apartment building, terminate simultaneously with the termination of the contract for managing the apartment building in case of exclusion of information about the apartment building from the register of licenses of the subject of the Russian Federation, as well as in the event that the license is terminated or canceled.

VII. Organization of interaction between the managing organization and the owners and users of premises in an apartment building in the management of an apartment building (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 27, 2018 N 331 (as amended of September 13, 2018))

27. The managing organization is obliged to ensure interaction with the owners and users of premises in an apartment building, including by providing these persons with the opportunity to personally apply to the operating office of the managing organization or to the multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services in the event that the managing organization concludes an agreement with the specified center, providing for the possibility of ensuring such interaction (hereinafter referred to as the representation of the managing organization). The representative office of the managing organization must be located within the municipality, including within the intracity district in the urban district with intracity division or the intracity territory of the city of federal significance, on the territory of which the apartment buildings are located, which are managed by such a managing organization, within walking distance from the indicated apartment buildings houses. At the same time, for the purposes of these Rules, walking distance means a distance of no more than 3 kilometers covered on foot.

28. The representative office of the managing organization is intended to receive owners and users of premises in apartment buildings, provide prompt answers to incoming questions, as well as provide any other assistance to the owner or user of premises in an apartment building on a question that arises related to the management of an apartment building, the owner, the user of the premises in which he is.

30. An appointment is made directly at the representative office of the managing organization, by phone of the managing organization or using the state information system of housing and communal services. Reception without an appointment is conducted after the reception of the owners and users of premises in an apartment building, made an appointment.

When making an appointment, an employee of the representative office of the managing organization finds out the presence of existing applications to the emergency dispatch service from the owner or user of the premises in the apartment building, the status of consideration and the result of the implementation of these applications and makes this information, date of admission, position of the person performing the reception, in the journal of personal reception. A copy of the entry in the personal reception log is transferred to the owner or user of the premises in the apartment building who applied.

The result of the reception is recorded in the journal of personal reception.

VIII. The procedure for disclosing information by the managing organization, partnership or cooperative (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 27, 2018 N 331 (as amended of September 13, 2018))

31. If the management of an apartment building is carried out by a managing organization, it is obliged to disclose the following information by posting on a permanent basis:

a) on signs located at the entrance to the representative office of the managing organization:

name (company name) of the managing organization;

address of the location of the managing organization;

contact numbers of the managing organization, address Email;

mode of operation of the governing body.

In case of a change, the specified information is subject to disclosure within 3 working days from the date of the change;

b) on bulletin boards located in all entrances of an apartment building or within land plot on which the apartment building is located:

name (company name) of the managing organization, license number, validity period of the license, information about the authority that issued the specified license, location address, including representative offices of the managing organization, working hours, information about the days and hours of reception, address of the official website of the managing organization (if available) in the information and telecommunications network "Internet" (hereinafter referred to as the "Internet" network), the address of the official website of the state information system of housing and communal services in the "Internet" network;

notifications of upcoming work, equipment checks, restoration work, other events that may cause inconvenience for the owners and users of premises in an apartment building or require the presence of such owners and users or their representatives in a room in an apartment building at a certain time, indicating the time of such events;

The information specified in paragraph five of this subparagraph shall be disclosed no later than 30 calendar days until the date of submission to the owners and users of premises in an apartment building of payment documents, on the basis of which payment for residential premises and (or) utilities will be paid in a different amount, unless a different period for informing the owners of premises in an apartment building is established by an agreement on managing an apartment building;

c) at information stands (racks) in the representative office of the managing organization:

name (company name) of the managing organization, license number, license validity period, information about the authority that issued the specified license, location address, including representative offices of the managing organization, working hours, information about days and hours of reception, address of the official website of the managing organization on the network "Internet" (if available), the address of the official website of the state information system of housing and communal services on the Internet;

contact numbers of the managing organization, representative offices of the managing organization, emergency dispatch service and emergency services of resource supplying organizations;

step-by-step instructions on how to install an individual meter;

information on the timing of payment for residential premises and (or) utilities, the consequences of late and (or) incomplete payment of such fees, on the mandatory and (or) recommended deadlines for the transfer of meter readings to the utility service provider in accordance with the procedure and conditions for accepting such testimony which are established by an agreement containing provisions on the provision of public services;

information about the body of state housing supervision (functions, name, address, contact phone number, last name, first name and patronymic (if any) of the head);

information on the prices (tariffs) to be applied when determining the amount of payment for residential premises and (or) utilities, and on the details of regulatory legal acts, decisions of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building (if any), by which they are established;

information on the standards for the consumption of communal services and the standards for the consumption of communal resources for the purpose of maintaining common property in an apartment building, as well as in the event that a decision is made in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation to establish social norm consumption of electrical energy (power) - information on the value of the established social norm for the consumption of electrical energy (power) for groups of households and types of residential premises;

information leaflet on the rules for the safe use of gas in everyday life, information on the consumer's obligation to conclude an agreement on the maintenance and repair of in-house gas equipment;

an information memo containing information on the composition of the monthly payment for housing and (or) utilities, contact numbers of persons responsible for calculating fees for housing and utilities;

samples of filling out applications, complaints and other appeals of citizens and organizations;

a stand with a list of works and services offered by the managing organization;

information about the places of accumulation of waste, collection (including separate collection) of waste of I - IV hazard classes;

information on the rules for handling waste of I - IV hazard classes, the procedure for the implementation of separate collection of waste;

information leaflet on the rules for the safe use of mercury-containing lamps and devices;

notices of changes in the amount of payment for housing and (or) utilities.

In the event of a change in the information specified in paragraphs two to fifteen of this subparagraph, such information is subject to disclosure within 3 business days from the date of the change.

The information specified in paragraph sixteen of this subparagraph is subject to disclosure no later than 30 calendar days before the date of submission to the owners and users of premises in an apartment building of payment documents, on the basis of which payments for residential premises and (or) utilities in a different amount will be made, if another term for informing the owners of premises in an apartment building is not established by the apartment building management agreement;

d) on the official website of the state information system of housing and communal services on the Internet, information provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation on the state information system of housing and communal services.

32. If an apartment building is managed by a partnership or cooperative, they are required to disclose the following information by posting on a permanent basis:

a) on bulletin boards located in all entrances of an apartment building or within the land plot on which an apartment building is located:

name of the partnership or cooperative, mode of operation, address of the official website on the Internet (if any), address of the official website of the state information system of housing and communal services on the Internet;

contact numbers of the partnership or cooperative, emergency dispatch services and emergency services of resource supplying organizations;

notifications of upcoming work, equipment inspections, restoration work, other events that may cause inconvenience for owners and users of premises in an apartment building or require the presence of such owners and users or their representatives in the premises at a certain time, indicating the time of such events;

notices of changes in the amount of payment for housing and (or) utilities.

In the event of a change in the information specified in paragraphs two and three of this subparagraph, such information is subject to disclosure within 3 business days from the date of the change.

The information specified in the fourth paragraph of this subparagraph is subject to disclosure no later than 3 business days before the date of implementation of the relevant measures.

The information specified in paragraph five of this subparagraph is subject to disclosure no later than 30 calendar days before the date of submission to owners and users of premises in an apartment building of payment documents, on the basis of which payments for residential premises and (or) utilities in a different amount will be made;

b) on the official website of the state information system of housing and communal services on the Internet, information provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation on the state information system of housing and communal services.

The chairman of the board of the partnership or cooperative or the employee for whom internal documents partnerships or cooperatives are responsible for organizing interaction with owners and users of premises in an apartment building, assisting them in finding the necessary information.

33. The managing organization, partnership, cooperative is not entitled to restrict access to the disclosed information to the owners and users of premises in an apartment building, and are also obliged to ensure the safety of the disclosed information in the places of its placement provided for by these Rules.

A carrier with information that has lost its relevance is not subject to storage.

34. The managing organization, partnership or cooperative shall provide, at the request (request) of the owners and users of premises in an apartment building:

no later than the day following the day of receipt of the request (appeal) - any information from the list of information to be disclosed in accordance with paragraphs 31 and 32 of these Rules. If the requested information affects the interests of an indefinite circle of persons and, in the opinion of the managing organization, partnership or cooperative, is disclosed to the extent necessary in the manner specified in paragraphs 31 and 32 of these Rules, and is relevant at the time of consideration of the request (appeal), the managing organization, the partnership or cooperative has the right, without providing the requested information, to report the location of the requested information. The specified message is sent no later than the day following the day of receipt of the request (appeal), and through the communication channels provided for in paragraph 35 of these Rules;

no later than 3 working days from the date of receipt of the request (appeal) - written information for the periods requested by the consumer on the monthly volumes (quantity) of consumed communal resources according to the indications of collective (common house) metering devices (if any), the total volume (quantity) of the relevant utilities consumed in residential and non-residential premises in an apartment building, the volumes (quantity) of utilities calculated using the standards for the consumption of utilities, the volumes (quantity) of communal resources consumed in order to maintain common property in an apartment building;

no later than 3 working days from the date of receipt of the request (appeal) - information on the readings of collective (common house) metering devices for a period not exceeding 3 years from the date of taking the readings;

no later than 3 working days from the date of receipt of the request (appeal) - a copy of the act on causing damage to life, health and property of the owner or user of the premises in the apartment building, the common property of the owners of the premises in the apartment building, containing a description of the damage caused and the circumstances under which such damage has been caused as provided for by the Rules

no later than 3 working days from the date of receipt of the request (appeal) - a copy of the act of violation of quality or exceeding the established duration of the interruption in the provision of services or the performance of work, provided for by the Rules for changing the amount of payment for the maintenance of residential premises in the event of the provision of services and performance of management work, maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building of inadequate quality and (or) with interruptions exceeding the established duration, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 N 491;

no later than 3 working days from the date of receipt of the request (appeal) - a copy of the act of checking the provision of public services of inadequate quality and (or) with interruptions exceeding the established duration, provided for by the Rules for the provision of public services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 N 354;

other information - within the period established by the relevant regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the obligation to provide which the managing organization, partnership or cooperative to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

35. A request (appeal) may be sent by post, email to the e-mail address of the managing organization, partnership or cooperative, the state information system of housing and communal services, as well as with a courier by the owner or user of the premises in the apartment building or through the concierge of the apartment building, if the concierge service is provided for by the apartment building management agreement, and also expressed orally , including at the reception. The official response is sent through the same communication channels through which the request (appeal) was received, unless otherwise indicated by the applicant.

36. The deadline for responding to a request (appeal) from the owner or user of premises in an apartment building on issues not listed in paragraphs 31, 32 and 34 of these Rules is no more than 10 working days from the date the managing organization, partnership or cooperative receives the relevant request ( appeals).

37. The response to an individual or collective request (appeal) of persons who are not owners or users of premises in an apartment building (hereinafter referred to as the applicant) is sent to the applicant within 30 calendar days from the date of registration of the request (appeal). The managing organization, partnership or cooperative may extend the term for consideration of a request (appeal) by no more than 30 calendar days if, in order to prepare a response, it is necessary to obtain information from other persons, notifying the applicant of the extension of the term for its consideration. A notice on the extension of the period for consideration of a request (appeal) indicating the reasons for such an extension shall be sent to the applicant before the expiration of the 30-day period for considering a request (appeal) using the state information system of housing and communal services or in writing using a sending method that allows you to set the date of sending or confirm the fact of delivery (receipt).

38. The managing organization, partnership or cooperative is obliged to keep the request (appeal) and a copy of the answer to it for 3 years from the date of its registration.