Invitation to a personal reception. Invitations (engagement): types and examples of writing. By event format

The organization of any business event requires preliminary preparation on the part of its organizers. Sending an invitation to its participants in advance is required condition, the implementation of which ensures the presence of all interested persons and their participation in the planned program.

What should an invitation contain?

An official engagement allows you to inform all participants about what event will take place, and contains information on the basis of which the addressee can decide whether he is interested in this proposal, whether he is ready to come to the meeting.

As a rule, an official engagement is created for such events as: a conference, a meeting of partners, official receptions and holidays, exhibitions, interviews, business meetings on a specific occasion, round tables.

Despite the fact that in everyday life most often the invitation comes in verbal form, in business communications a more acceptable form is to send a letter that differs in the composition of information from other types of written communications.

The main functions of the invitation letter:

  • inform about the event;
  • receive a response about consent or impossibility to participate from a specific addressee;
  • determine the exact number of persons who have confirmed participation.

The text of the invitation of officials to the event must contain several mandatory elements:

  1. date, time and place of the event with an accurate description of the route to help participants get to the place without assistance;
  2. the theme and program of the event with the definition of the time planned for each part;
  3. the role of the invitee: whether he will be an ordinary participant-listener or spectator, or he will be entrusted with the function of a speaker or organizer of the discussion;
  4. an indication of the type of dress code established for all participants;
  5. please provide feedback about the decision of the addressee to participate, instead of the phrase about the need to send a response, the letter designation R.S.V.P. - an abbreviation for Repondez sil vous plait, meaning a request to respond to a letter;
  6. contact details of the organizers;
  7. additional information, if necessary;
  8. maps and seating plans for guests during the event itself and the banquet.


Types of invitations can be distinguished on several grounds for classification.

According to the indication of the name of the invited person, they are divided into:

  • registered;
  • common to the group invited without individual appeal to each participant.

By event format:

  • official, which include not only receptions, but also conferences, round tables;
  • informal.

According to the purpose of the invitation are divided into:

  • private: celebrations of birthdays, anniversaries, weddings and;
  • commercial: exhibitions, opening of shops, vernissages.

The invitation to the event must contain all necessary information about how and where it will be held and how the invitee must confirm his participation to the organizers.

It can be personal, as in the example below:

It can also be issued without referring to a specific person.

Breakfast, lunch or dinner invitation must contain information about the reason for which the participants are gathering, and a request to notify the acceptance of the proposal.

Reception invitation, as a rule, is drawn up especially strictly and solemnly, on paper of the highest quality. In addition to a message about the time and place of the event, it may contain information about the format of the event, and, if necessary, a seating plan for guests.

invitation to belongs to the category of the least strict forms of invitations. Its main task is to organize a personal meeting of the applicant with a hiring specialist or the head of the department in which a new employee is selected.

Delivery methods

After all the invitations to the events have been prepared, it is necessary to decide in what ways it is better to deliver them to the addressees. The choice of delivery depends on the format and prestige of the event.

  • If this is an official reception, then it is better to hand most of the invitations personally into the hands of the invited persons.
  • Courier services can be used to organize the participation of invitees in commercial events.
  • It is allowed to send invitations by mail, while taking into account the period of time required for their delivery.
  • The most common and fast way deliver an invitation is sending by e-mail. However, for especially solemn events, this option is not recommended.

It is also important to remember: the rules business etiquette determine the deadlines for sending letters, which are at least 2 weeks before the start of the event.

How to respond to an invitation

After receiving an invitation, you must inform the organizers of your decision to take part in the event or reject the offer.

The answer is provided in different ways, taking into account the format of the event. This may be a call to the inviting party using the contact numbers indicated in the invitation, sending email or providing written notice in cases where it is necessary to comply with the requirements of business protocol.

When preparing a response, especially in case of refusal to take part in the event, it is important to formulate its reason. If there is no real reason, but you don’t want to go, then it’s better to refer to employment, since references, for example, to malaise or illness can turn into trouble, because the one who refused can be seen at another holiday, evening or banquet.

If the abbreviation R.S.V.P. is indicated on the invitation, then the answer must be provided by contact phone numbers or e-mail address indicated on the form. If the organizers in the text indicated that it is necessary to inform them only in case of refusal, then this is exactly what should be done.

If necessary, inform the organizers of unofficial private holidays about your participation, most often there is no requirement to comply with any conventions. As a rule, a simple call with information about whether the offer was accepted or rejected for any reason is sufficient.

The ability to create a high-quality invitation and accept it correctly allows the parties to demonstrate respect for each other, emphasize the value of contacts and the desire to maintain and develop further communication.

Let's compare these two letters. They both start with an invitation, but the first letter is written on behalf of the company. (“Furniture factory “Beryozka” invites…”), and the second on behalf of all employees of the company ("We invite you…").

The first option is very formal. You can also write here: Beryozka is pleased to invite you…”

The invitation from “us” (employees of the company) is also quite formal, but it is perceived more “human”: “ We invite…”, “We are glad to invite you…”, “We would like to invite you…”.

In some cases, you may need to write an invitation from yourself. For example, if you are a manager and want to make the invitation even more personal. Then these phrases are transformed into: “I invite…”, “Glad to invite you…”, “I would like to invite you…”, “Let me invite you…”

Less formal letters

In a less formal situation, such as writing to a colleague you meet every day at the office, such "ceremonies" are completely useless.

An invitation letter is usually an official document stamped and signed by the sender. It can be addressed to both a specific person and the whole company. Invitation must be approached carefully. In almost all cases, a benevolent attitude towards the addressee and interest in his coming to any event, exhibition, interview or conference will be appropriate. Below are some sample invitation letters.

Important! The text in the letter should be short, correct and concise. Jargon and ambiguous phrases are not allowed. Like all other letters, such a document is written in the first person.

When is it appropriate to send an invitation letter?

Such letters are compiled on the occasion of official events. For example, when one company arranges an exhibition, conference or other event and wants to invite employees and / and managers of a third-party organization to it. With the help of a letter, you can invite a specific person to business meeting for example for an interview. Below you will find sample invitation letters various events as well as for an interview.

Drawing up an invitation letter, first of all, speaks of the interest and respectful attitude of the sender. It is extremely ignorant to ignore such a document, even to refuse without a significant reason is already bad manners.

This letter can also act as a document certifying that a person is really invited to a particular event. That is, it can be shown at the entrance to the building where, for example, a conference is held.

Situations in which sending an invitation letter is appropriate or even necessary:

  • company anniversary;
  • business meeting with one person or group of persons;
  • conference;
  • seminar;
  • Exhibition.

Important! One copy of the invitation must remain in the hands of the sender.

It would seem, why write a letter when you can just call and notify a person about a meeting? Firstly, it is convenient, especially when it is not about one person, but about a group of people. Secondly, it shows the special relation of the sender to the recipient.

Rules for writing an invitation letter

The writing style should be formal and reserved. The first appeal to the recipient by full name or by company name (if the document is sent to the whole organization). The appeal should go in the center, below is the text of the letter.

What must be included in the official letter:

  • information about the organization or the sender (full name, TIN, PSRN, company code and name, registration number);
  • sender's signature;
  • printing is desirable, as it shows the officiality of the document;
  • the date.

Important! An invitation letter can be sent by email. This is convenient if you need to send it to a large group of people at the same time.

Naturally, there should be information about the event. You need to indicate exactly where the recipient is invited - to a conference, business meeting, exhibition, interview, or other event. The main focus should be on the event itself - what time is it held, is there a dress code, and so on.

Sample invitations to various events

Example 1: Letter of invitation to the conference.

The company logo and short information are placed in the upper left corner, for example, LLC " steel doors”, as well as the date and contact number. In the upper right corner information about the sender, example − CEO OOO "Steel Doors" Vasiliev Igor Nikolaevich.


"Dear colleagues! (center)

We invite you to the conference dedicated to the exit new products. The conference will provide information on which technologies are best used in production, with which material suppliers to cooperate. The conference will be held on December 12, 2017 at 16:00 in the business center "Ark". Applications for participation can be sent no later than December 11, 2017.

Sincerely, Igor Nikolaevich (below).”

Sample 2: Exhibition invitation letter


“Dear Voronin Dmitry Olegovich! (center)

We invite you to the exhibition of our new products. We put on the market completely new product under the trademark "Stylish Elephant". I think you will be interested in attending this event. It will take place on October 16, 2018 at the Fox Center in the exhibition hall. Start at 19:00. Dress code evening. We will be glad to see you at the exhibition!

Sincerely, Nikolai Vasilyevich, director of the LLC Eurostyle.

Sample 3: Invitation for an interview


“Dear Eliseeva Tatyana Georgievna!

We are glad to announce that our company has chosen your candidacy for the position of an accountant. We will be glad if you come to our office to discuss all the nuances. We work from (time) to (time) from Monday to Friday.

Yours faithfully, the representative of the TekhnoMir company Yakovlev Sergey Anatolyevich».

These are just examples that can be used as hints. In fact, invitation letters can be written differently. The main thing is to stick general rules and provide all required information.

More several samples invitation letters.

In this article, we will consider how to write an official invitation to a meeting, negotiations or meeting. Let's share sample invitation letters.

Event Invitation Letters: Samples

Official letter of invitation to the event

The company that plans to hold the event, while preparing for it, takes into account that they will have to send out official letters of invitation. This is especially true for events for which they make lists of guests whose presence is welcome.

In this case, it is not enough just to call them and tell them about the upcoming event. It is important that the invited person is aware of the scale of the meeting and their own significance. Therefore, the secretary will need to write an invitation letter to participate in the event.

To begin with, understand the classification of such correspondence and the nuances of its design. A formal business letter of invitation is a type of. Belonging to this category is determined based on the purpose of the invitation: to notify the right people about the upcoming event, the time and place of its holding. The main features of the letter of invitation to the event:

  • nominal, sent in a single copy personally to each invitee;
  • contains information that concerns each guest individually;
  • looks more presentable than other letters - paper best quality, decor;
  • may be handwritten.

Note that in this case standard forms are very rarely used for registration business letter. However, if you want to write an official letter of invitation to a business event, then its execution using the letterhead is acceptable.

Event invitation letter: sample

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meeting invitation letter

A formal letter of invitation to a meeting should be addressed directly to interested parties. This letter should describe in detail the topic of the meeting, the issues that will be considered at it. You should also notify the meeting place and time.

A meeting invitation letter can only be sent to the head of a particular organization. If necessary, he will decide whether to invite other employees. He will notify you of this in a separate letter so that you plan the seats for all those present in advance.

Meeting invitation letter: an example for representatives of another organization

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Letter of invitation to negotiations

Before you think about sending an invitation, keep in mind that there are two types of negotiations: operational and planned. When preparing an operational meeting, the secretary must invite participants, notify the manager about the employees who did not come, and find out the reasons for their absence.

Preparation for a scheduled meeting with a large number of participants begins 1.5–2 weeks in advance and includes the following steps:

  • set the date, time and place of the meeting;
  • draw up the agenda, list of participants and speakers;
  • perform work that may be required before the start of the meeting;
  • write the text of the invitation.

A special type of negotiation is the so-called " brainstorm". Such an event is held when it is necessary to solve a complex problem, find a way out of a confusing situation, and make a responsible decision.

Internal Meeting Invitation Email Sample

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How to write and issue an invitation letter to a foreigner

When sending an invitation letter to foreign partners, employees and clients, you need to take into account that they may not know your city. Therefore, it is worth attaching to the letter a map of directions to the venue of the event or to your organization. It is also necessary to take care of the settlement of a foreigner in a hotel for the duration of his stay. If the host party pays for accommodation, flights, transfers and other services, then this should also be mentioned in the documents accompanying the invitation.

When compiling an invitation letter for foreigners, it is necessary take into account national peculiarities . At the same time, you should not write an invitation in the native language of the invitee: it is enough to write it in English.

An example of an invitation letter for a foreign partner of a company

An invitation for foreigners to an event should be sent much earlier than for other participants. When planning events with the presence of foreign citizens, consider how long it will take them to issue required documents, plan a flight.

A useful service from the "Secretary's Handbook" magazine: business letter constructor

Invitation for a foreigner from an organization: rules for registration, prices and procedures

In addition to issuing invitations for foreigners on FMS or Telex forms, in 2005 accredited organizations have the opportunity to issue invitations on their own forms. Accredited organizations have the right to issue invitations on their forms to EU citizens and US citizens. This was done to expand business relations between the Russian Federation and these countries as part of visa facilitation.

In order to obtain a visa to Russia, citizens of the EU or the USA can apply to the embassy or consulate of the Russian Federation, present an invitation letter on the form of an accredited company, fill out a visa application form and pay a consular fee.

Company letterhead invitation Valid only when applying for a business visa.

The big advantage is that when issuing such an invitation, you need to spend only 1 day, while it will take much more time to issue invitations for or. The disadvantages of an invitation issued on the letterhead of an accredited company include the fact that the inviting organization issuing the invitation does not conduct any checks (for the absence of violations of the legislation of the Russian Federation and expulsions from the country during his past visits). All these checks will be carried out already at the consulate or embassy after submitting a package of documents for obtaining a visa.

Sample invitation letter from an organization

Issue a business (business) invitation to Russia for foreign citizens in the form of a letter

  1. Letter of invitation is cheaper telex and invitations on the letterhead of the Federal Migration Service
  2. It is issued online in five minutes and comes to your email immediately after payment
  3. In addition, the original invitation for submission to the Consulate of the Russian Federation is not required and you will NOT spend money on postage to send the original
  4. By this species invitations with 2 or more previous business visas to Russia are possible obtaining an invitation to Russia and a visa on it immediately for 3 years!
Take three simple steps:
  • fill in the form
  • pay by credit card or paypal
  • receive an invitation instantly after payment to your email
Price from $ 55.00

If all the documents are in order and the check does not reveal any violations, a visa to Russia for EU citizens at the invitation on the letterhead of an accredited company can be issued for up to 5 years, and for US citizens - for up to 3 years.

The appearance of an invitation from an accredited organization is not fixed by law, so it can be arbitrary. But such an invitation must necessarily indicate the account number of the company that issued the invitation, passport data, the duration of the visa and its multiplicity. Such an invitation must be certified by the signature of the head of the company and its seal.

More detailed information how to get a business visa to Russia can be found in the section.