Kibanov Zakharov ethics of business relations. Ethics of business relations textbook. Questions and tasks for control

Pitirim Sorokin
1.3. Contemporary concepts of conflict
Elton Mayo
Sociologists of the well-known Chicago school had a certain influence on the development of conflictology.
Lewis Coser.
Kenneth Boulding.
Part of foreign psychologists
A.G. Zdravomyslov, Sociology of Conflict.
Domestic psychologists believe
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BBK 65.240ya73


Department of Human Resource Management

Russian Economic Academy. G.V. Plekhanov

Deputy Director of the Labor Institute of the Ministry

Labor and social development RF,

Honored Economist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Economics, prof. Zubkova A.F.

B75 Vorozheikin I.E., Kibanov A.Ya., Zakharov D.K. Conflictology: Textbook. - M.: INFRA-M, 2003. - 240 p. - (Series "Higher education").

ISBN 5-16-000964-7 (translated)

ISBN 5-16-000256-1 (Reg.)

The textbook presents scientific and applied knowledge about conflicts, their sources, structure and stages of development, forms of manifestation, functions and significance in the socio-economic and other spheres of society. The issues of conflict management, the choice of optimal methods for preventing and overcoming conflicts are considered. conflict situations, the role of the leader in the prevention and resolution of conflicts.

The book is intended for students of economic universities studying in the specialty and direction "Management", "Management in social sphere”, “State and municipal government”, as well as for graduate students and teachers of management disciplines.

ISBN 5-16-000964-7 (translated)

ISBN 5-16-000256-1 (Reg.)

BBK 65.240ya73

© I.E. Vorozheikin, A.Ya. Kibanov. D.K. Zakharov, 2002


Conflictology is a separate area of ​​scientific knowledge. It has its own subject of study - the social nature, causes, types and dynamics of conflicts, ways, methods, means of their prevention and regulation.

As an important branch of social science and human studies, conflictology arose, was formed and is currently developing in close connection with social philosophy, sociology, psychology, political economy, history, law, ethics, and a number of other social and human sciences. It relies on the achievements of these sciences, synthesizes everything that directly relates to its subject.

Having initially a complex character, conflictology is in line with the deepening of humanitarian education. Its study, no doubt, expands the circle and raises the bar of knowledge about man and society, contributes to a versatile understanding of the problems social interaction application of effective ways to solve them.

The practical application of conflictology is already caused by the simple everyday circumstance that, agreeing with the widespread statement “a bad world is better than a good quarrel”, people nevertheless cannot avoid disharmony, do without conflicts. Quite often, conflict turns out to be not only inevitable, but also an acceptable “way out” of the current situation, almost the only way to restore the disturbed balance in the relationships between people, to allow them to come to an agreement regarding joint affairs, private and common interests, norms of behavior.

If this is the case, you need to learn to recognize the objective and subjective nature of conflicts, their immediate causes and motives, to navigate in what forms conflicts take place and in what ways they are resolved, to master the art of managing them. This task is especially important for managers, leaders of any level. One can, perhaps, argue that for them to learn how to behave correctly in conflict conditions, to be able to manage conflicts is as necessary as the ability to read and write.

Undoubtedly, the applied orientation of conflictology along with its theoretical significance. This field of science really helps to recognize conflicts, take appropriate measures for their prevention and resolution. It makes it possible to better navigate the complexities of social life, look for optimal solutions in conflict situations, find the most effective ways impact on the behavior of people, one way or another involved in conflict confrontation.

Hence the demand for conflictology in many life circumstances, in solving very specific problems. Information gleaned from this area of ​​social and humanitarian knowledge facilitates the choice of means in order to maximize the positive potential of conflicts and at the same time minimize their negative consequences.

Conflictology is necessary for all kinds management activities. In relation to management, its main purpose is to encourage the manager to look at conflict situations, as they say, with open eyes, not to be content with intuition and common sense, but to follow certain, scientifically established rules and methods of conflict management in working with people.

The scientific approach involves systematically organized, fundamentally structured, methodologically accurate knowledge about the subject (in this case- about conflicts), orientation to the knowledge of the patterns of the real world and the comprehension of objective truth. Any science, including conflictology, is constructive, designed for the possibility of practical application of the acquired knowledge, for the development and implementation of new projects. Scientific Management social processes, including the regulation of conflicts, is carried out, as a rule, on the basis of an analytical calculation, a systematic and multilateral influence on the participants in social ties and interaction, and the practical application of recommendations verified by science.

Ordinary knowledge, however vast it may be, is inferior to scientific knowledge. Such knowledge about conflicts is nothing more than a simple sum of various, but superficial information about our subject, does not penetrate into the depths of the phenomena of social life, only states the facts and previous experience. Because common sense and intuition, based on flair and insight, are limited in their capabilities, although they can be useful in recognizing, preventing and resolving conflict situations, helping to pragmatically adapt to circumstances and find a practically acceptable way out of the conflict if it does happen.

Of course, different types of conflict clashes, manifestations of excessive social tension in them are studied not for the sake of satisfying curiosity and simply enriching knowledge about the vicissitudes of life, but in order to master the methods (techniques and rules) for preventing and resolving conflicts, to get a concrete idea of ​​conciliation procedures that allow bring the participants to agreement labor disputes, property litigation, other social conflicts. It is important to be prepared to characterize and evaluate the appropriate styles of conflict behavior, create and maintain a high culture of communication, mutual understanding and cooperation, functional and social partnership in relations between people.

The main thing, of course, is to learn not only to recognize conflicts, to foresee their consequences, but also to manage them, clearly presenting the tasks and functions of such management. At the same time, of course, the role of the leader in conflict situations, his intellectual, strong-willed and emotional qualities, which are required for the prevention and resolution of conflicts, are highlighted.

Teaching aids are intended to help those who seek to master the basics of scientific knowledge about conflicts. Among such manuals (see List of Recommended Readings), one of the first to become famous was the small book Warning: Conflict! Its authors are F.M. Borodkin and N.M. Koryak, addressing mainly the heads of enterprises, counted on instilling in them a constructive attitude towards conflicts. They managed to convincingly, in a popular science form, show that conflict is one of the means of management, without owning or neglecting which the manager always reduces the effectiveness of managerial activity. The same goal is pursued by the textbook by E.A. Utkin "Conflictology: theory and practice". Considering the main ways, forms and methods of preventing conflict situations, as well as resolving conflicts that have arisen with the least economic, social and moral costs from them, the author addresses both those studying modern management and all those involved in it in Russia.

The manuals published in our country in recent years are devoted to the application of conflictology mainly to one side of public life. So, the book by A.G. Zdravomyslova "Sociology of Conflict", as the name implies, highlights sociological aspects, its content includes an analysis of socio-political processes in modern Russia. Textbook "Fundamentals of Conflictology" edited by V.N. Kudryavtseva focuses on the legal problems of conflictology, the appropriate methods for determining the participants in conflicts, their interaction and reaching agreement on the principles of consensus. "Conflictology" edited by A.S. Karmina considers intrapersonal, interpersonal, group, interethnic and other types of conflicts primarily from a psychological point of view, among the most effective technologies for resolving conflict situations, giving priority to mediation - negotiations with the participation of an intermediary.

A prominent place is given to conflicts in a number of manuals on personnel work. This is evidenced, for example, by the books of V.R. Vesnin "Practical personnel management" and V.P. Pugachev "Personnel management of the organization", as well as university textbooks on personnel management, published under the editorship of A.Ya. Kibanova, T.Yu. Bazarov and B.L. Eremin.

Educational publications of foreign authors translated into Russian are also of interest. Some of them are attractive and useful primarily because they are prepared by management specialists. For example, the American textbook "Fundamentals of Management" by M. Mescon, M. Albert and F. Hedouri is in demand in our economic universities. A separate part of this voluminous book on group dynamics and leadership contains a comprehensive chapter on conflict and stress management. It highlights the nature, types and causes of conflicts in organizations, the process of their deployment, structural and interpersonal ways of resolving conflict situations.

"Leading without conflicts" - under this title, the work of German specialists in management psychology V. Siegert and L. Lang reached Russian readers. The authors of this brilliantly written book consider managerial functions as a task of personality development in the conditions of transition from technocratic and administrative-bureaucratic methods of management to humanistic. They pay primary attention to the prevention (prevention) of conflicts, the removal of psychological tension among staff, the interaction of people in a spirit of cooperation.

In this textbook, offered to the attention of readers, a systematic body of scientific and applied knowledge about conflicts is given. The textbook opens with a brief historical overview of the formation of the foundations of conflictology. This is followed by a presentation of theoretical approaches to the definition of conflict and its functions. In accordance with the requirements of the State Educational Standard of Higher vocational education Russian Federation reveals the typology of conflicts, the sources and immediate causes of conflict situations, the structure and stages of development of conflicts, various forms of their manifestation, the role and significance in the socio-economic and other spheres of society.

Much attention is paid to the prevention and settlement of conflict clashes, the choice of styles of behavior in conflicts and ways to resolve them, the creation of conditions for effective management conflicts. At the same time, the main methods of prevention, the application of regulations and the implementation of conciliation procedures, the role and personal example of the leader in overcoming conflicts and stress are used.

For the convenience of using the book for educational and methodological purposes, tests, tables, drawings and sample documents are given, all chapters end with a list of control questions and tasks. A list of recommended literature on the subject is provided.

The authors prepared the textbook according to a single plan. Everyone did their part of the work: Doctor of Historical Sciences, prof. I.E. Vorozheikin - Introduction, Ch. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6, 5.2 and 5.3 ch. 5, 10.1 and 10.2 ch. 10, Brief terminological dictionary; Doctor of Economics, prof. AND I. Kibanov (leader of the group of authors) - ch. 8 and 9, Brief terminological dictionary, test; Candidate of Economics, Assoc. D.K. Zakharov - 5.1 Ch. 5, ch. 7, 10.3 Ch. 10, Brief terminological dictionary, test.

Foreword ................................................................ ...... 3 SECTION I. THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS OF ETHICAL BUSINESS RELATIONSHIPS Chapter 1 1.1. Essence of ethics of business relations..............................5 1.2. Basic principles of business ethics .......... 8 1.3. Patterns of interpersonal relationships ........... 15 1.4. Ethical Issues Business Relationships.................... 21 Checklists.................................. 30 Practical assignments............................ 31 Chapter 2 2.1. Ethics and social responsibility of organizations... 42 2.2. Ethical standards in the activities of organizations....... 48 2.3. Increasing the ethical level of the organization .......... 53 Control questions .............................. 56 Practice task ................................... 57 Chapter 3 3.1. Ethical standards of the organization and the ethics of the leader. 61 3.2. Management of ethical norms of interpersonal relations in a team....................... 65 3.3. Norms of ethical behavior of the leader............. 71 3.4. Ethics of relationships with a "difficult" leader.. 76 3.5. Ethics of decision contentious issues, conflict situations .......................................... 80 Control questions ... .................................. 87 Practical tasks .............................. ......... 88 SECTION II. COMMUNICATION AS A TOOL FOR ETHICAL BUSINESS RELATIONSHIPS Chapter 4 4.1. Communication as a socio-psychological category .............................................. 108 4.2. Communicative culture in business communication ...... 114 4.3. Kinds business communication........................... 118 4.4. Business Communication Management .................................. 121 Checklists .............................................. ...... 129 Practical tasks ............... 130 Chapter 5 5.1. Fundamentals of business rhetoric .............................. 142 5.2. Culture of speech in business communication .................................. 146 5.3. Ethics of the use of means of expressiveness of business speech .............................................. 149 5.4. Culture of Discussion.............................. 154 5.5. Peculiarities of verbal behavior .............................. 159 Control questions .................................. ... 163 Practical tasks.............................. 164 Chapter 6 6.1. Basics non-verbal communication................... 169 6.2. Kinetic features of non-verbal communication............................................... 174 6.3. Visual contact.............................. 180 6.4. Proxemic features of non-verbal communication .............................................. 185 Control questions .. .................................. 192 Practical task .............................. ........ 193 Chapter 7: Remote Communication............................................... 196 7.1. Ethics telephone conversation........... 196 7.2. Culture of business writing .......................... 200 Control questions .................. ......... 205 Practical tasks....................... 205 Chapter 8 8.1. Characteristics of manipulations in communication ...................... 212 8.2. Rules for Neutralization of Manipulations .......... 218 8.3. Techniques that encourage communication and building trust .......................................... 222 Control questions .................................. .................. 227 Practical tasks .............................. 227 SECTION III. RULES AND ETIQUET OF BUSINESS RELATIONSHIPS Chapter 9. Rules of business relations.................................... 232 9.1. Rules for preparing a public speech....... 232 9.2. Rules for preparing and conducting a business conversation.. 237 9.3. Rules for conducting an interview .................. 242 9.4. Rules for the preparation and holding of business meetings .............................................. 245 9.5. Rules for Negotiating with Business Partners .................................................................. 250 9.6. Rules for Constructive Criticism .................................. 261 Control Questions .................................. ... 266 Practical tasks ............................... 267 Chapter 10 10.1. Etiquette and image of a business person............... 274 10.2. Business card.............................. 278 10.3. Etiquette of greetings and introductions............... 283 10.4. Appearance of a business person .................................. 286 10.5. Features of appearance business woman.... 290 Test questions............................. 295 Practical task............. ............... 296 Chapter 11 11.1. Behavior in in public places................ 298 11.2. Etiquette of business receptions .......................... 305 11.3. Peculiarities of business communication with foreign partners .................................................. 316 11.4. The Art of the Compliment.............................. 322 11.5. Rules for presenting gifts....................... 326 Control questions............................. ...... 329 Practical task ............................ 330 Applications Appendix 1. Code of Ethics for PROCTER & GAMBLE .......................... 333 Appendix 2. Sample Documents Used in Conflict Prevention and Resolution.......................................... 333 ....... 348 Appendix 3. Examples of writing individual business letters and other documents ........................................ 354 Bibliography ............................................... 361


doctor economic sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Human Resources Management, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation

Kibanov Ardalyon Yakovlevich Born on June 10, 1939 in the town of Usolye, Perm Region. In 1957-1958. - Mechanic Berezniki nitrogen-fertilizer plant in the Perm region. 1958-1961 - service in the ranks of the Soviet Army. 1961-1966 - student of the Moscow Engineering - Economic Institute. S. Ordzhonikidze. 1966-1968 engineer-economist of the department of scientific organization of production, labor and management of the Saratov plant "Generator". 1968-1971 - post-graduate student of the Moscow Engineering and Economic Institute named after. S. Ordzhonikidze. 1971-1990 - assistant, associate professor, dean of the special faculty of retraining, dean of the school of production management of the State Academy of Management. S. Ordzhonikidze.

The first years after graduation from the institute (1966-1975) A.Ya. Kibanov was engaged production activities and conducted scientific research in the field of improving the efficiency of production management systems. This activity allowed him to prepare and defend his Ph.D. thesis (1972), publish a number of scientific articles, brochures and monographs.

In 1975-1990. AND I. Kibanov completed a series scientific research in the field of organizational and economic problems of the formation of enterprise management systems and its personnel using functional cost analysis (FCA). To work in this direction, a special scientific group was first created, and then a research laboratory at the Department of Personnel Management, in which, under the leadership of A.Ya. Kibanov conducted 15 research projects, the results of which were implemented at enterprises in various industries. He was the first in Russia to apply functional cost analysis to enterprise and personnel management systems. Developed guidelines and implemented projects of control systems for a number of enterprises in the engineering industries using the FSA. The results of the study were presented at the All-Union Competition. ON THE. Voznesensky "On best work on improving the management system of enterprises and associations” in 1988 and were awarded two diplomas: for the first and second place.

The results of the research are summarized in the doctoral dissertation "Organizational and economic problems of forming a management system for a machine-building enterprise: analysis, design and evaluation", a number of scientific articles, brochures, reports, textbooks, manuals and monographs.

From 1990 to 2105 A.Ya. Kibanov - head of the department, at the same time (1991-1996) - dean of the faculty of master's training State University management.

Department of Personnel Management of the State University of Management, which was founded and headed by A.Ya. Kibanov was the first in Russia to start training specialists in the field of personnel management.

Since the 90s, the main scientific interests of A.Ya. Kibanov focused on theoretical, methodological and practical problems personnel management of organizations in market conditions.

Kibanov A.Ya. - a major specialist in the field of management of the organization and its personnel. In numerous works, he developed the concept and philosophy of personnel management in Russian conditions, deeply and comprehensively substantiated the organizational and economic principles and patterns of formation of the personnel management system and personnel policy. Developed and implemented the methodology of functional cost analysis in the field of personnel management. In the works of Kibanov A.Ya. the basics of the formation of a personnel management system, personnel policy and personnel management strategy are outlined, the technology of personnel management of an organization is disclosed, including: requirements for candidates for replacement vacant position, their business and personal assessment, vocational guidance and adaptation, career management and professional promotion of personnel, training, behavior of personnel and evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of its activities.

A holistic view of the organization's personnel management based on a complex of interrelated categories and concepts was finally formed in the first encyclopedia in Russia (Personnel Management: Encyclopedia / Edited by Prof. A.Ya. Kibanov. - M .: INFRA-M, 2009. - 554 p. .), containing an interpretation of about 3,500 terms and phrases covering almost all problems and issues of personnel management.

For the period 1990 - 2014. under the guidance and with the participation of Kibanov A.Ya. software packages developed academic disciplines specialization "Personnel Management", specialty "Personnel Management", direction "Personnel Management". The team of the department headed by him is the developer of the State educational standards of higher professional education of all three generations in the field of personnel management: 1st generation - the State educational standard for training in the specialization "Personnel Management" within the specialty "Economics and Production Management", and later - "Management of the organization" (1992-1999); 2nd generation - State educational standard for training in the specialty "Personnel Management" (2000–2016); 3rd generation - Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Professional Education in the direction of training "Personnel Management" for undergraduate and graduate programs (starting from 2011).

The works of Kibanov A.Ya. in the field of personnel management are widely known. AND I. Kibanov is the author of 365 scientific and educational works with a total volume of over 1200 printed sheets, including: 19 monographs, 50 textbooks and teaching aids (including 7 textbooks and 4 study guides stamped by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation), over 250 scientific articles. Kibanov A.Ya. is the winner of the competition for the best scientific book in 2006, held by the Foundation for the Development of Domestic Education.

Under the leadership of A.Ya. Kibanova defended over 40 candidate and doctoral dissertations.

Under the educational and methodological guidance of Kibanov A.Ya. the activity of the section "Personnel Management" of the Educational and Methodological Association for Education in the Field of Management was carried out. The section unites more than 150 Russian universities that train students in the specialty and direction of "Personnel Management".

Kibanov A.Ya. he was the chairman of the dissertation council for the defense of dissertations for the degree of candidate and doctor of science, a member of two dissertation councils, a member of the organizing committee of a number of all-Russian and international scientific conferences.

AND I. Kibanov was a member of the Academic Council of the Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship in the Social Sphere and the Academic Council of the State University of Management.

Kibanov A.Ya. - was chairman of the editorial board and Chief Editor magazine "Kadrovik", which was included in the list of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications of the VAK. He was also the editor-in-chief of the journal Human Resources Management and Intellectual Resources in Russia, created in 2012.

Kibanov A.Ya. was the initiator and leader of projects for the creation of educational television feature films: “Vacant Place” (in the discipline “Organization Personnel Management”) and “Taming the Breed” (in the discipline “Conflictology”), acting as a screenwriter and producer. The creation of films was a bold innovation in the methodology of teaching the disciplines of the specialty of personnel management, which makes it possible to significantly reduce the time of classroom studies while improving the quality of education. In 2006, the film "Vacant Place" was awarded the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education. At the international film festival "Golden Knight" in 2008, the film "Taming the Breed" was awarded the Diploma "For the creative embodiment of acute social topics", and in 2009 at the international film festival of detective films - the Diploma in the nomination "Crime and Punishment".

AND I. Kibanov was active in expert work.

In 1994-1996 AND I. Kibanov was a member expert council and head of the expert group on problems public service under the Office of the Federal Public Service of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. He took part in the development of the concept of the state personnel policy and public service in the Russian Federation and programs for their implementation on the instructions of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, as well as the concept of the state order for the training and advanced training of federal civil servants. His scientific publications and developments were used, in particular, in the preparation of the speech of the President of the Russian Federation in the RAGS on the problems of management, civil service and personnel policy in Russia and in the preparation of the national report for the 50th session of the UN State Assembly "Public Administration and Development".

In 1997 Kibanov A.Ya. participated in the work of the commissions of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation as a scientific expert to verify the targeted and effective use of federal budget funds for scientific research in various institutions and organizations of the Russian Federation. He also held classes with deputies State Duma Russian Federation on the problems of personnel management.

In 2006-2007 worked as a member of the Commission for the formation of Standards professional activity in the field of personnel management, created by the National Union of Personnel Officers.

In the last years of A.Ya. Kibanov was: an expert of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation; expert of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation; expert of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, expert of the Ministry of Labor and social protection Russian Federation.

Much attention Kibanov A.Ya. dedicated to social activities.

He organized and headed the regional social organization promoting the study of problems and education in the field of personnel management "Personnel" (ROO "Personnel").

A significant milestone in the unification of the scientific and pedagogical potential in the field of personnel management in Russia was the activity of the National Union of Organizations for Training Personnel in the Field of Personnel Management (National Union "Personnel Management"), the founder of which was A.Ya. Kibanov. The National Union unites about 100 educational institutions and other organizations whose subject of activity is to ensure by joint efforts high standards and quality of personnel training for all levels of personnel management, to ensure the development of scientific research in the field of personnel management ahead of practice.

Kibanov A.Ya. has public awards: the Order of Lomonosov for outstanding services and a great personal contribution to the development of domestic science and education, the medal "15 years of the first in Russia department of personnel management" and "20 years of the first department of personnel management in Russia", Badge of honor "For contribution to science about labor in Siberia.

Kibanov A.Ya. awarded: badge of honor of the NTO of the USSR, certificates of honor; medals: "Veteran of Labor" and "850 Years of Moscow", "Federation Council. 15 years”, “For contribution to the development of local self-government”, gratitude of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Kibanov A.Ya. is an Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation.

Scientific and pedagogical activity Kibanova A.Ya. received high praise at the federal and regional levels. Kibanov A.Ya. - twice laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education (1997, 2006), laureate of the Prize of the Administration of the Voronezh Region (2006). Kibanov A.Ya. was an assistant to a deputy of the State Duma of two convocations, a member of the Writers' Union of Russia.

Photo 1. Kibanov A.Ya. - Laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education (1997)

Photo 2. Kibanov A.Ya. - Laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education (2006)

In 2014, the scientific school "Personnel Management" of the SUM received official recognition, the founder and leader of which was A.Ya. Kibanov. Members scientific school became his students and followers: leading scientists of the department of personnel management, doctors of sciences, professors, associate professors, assistants of leading Russian universities, dozens of managers and specialists of personnel management services Russian organizations real sector of the economy. Vice-rectors, deans, heads of departments of personnel management of Russian universities.

4. Makashov I.N., Ovchinnikova N.V., Chistyakova K.A. Ethics and culture of management - M .: Publishing house "Sputnik +", 2010.-427s: ill.

Omelchenko, N. A. Ethics of state and municipal service: textbook for bachelors / N.A. Omelchenko. – 5th ed. revised and additional - M. : Yurayt Publishing House, 2013. - 408s. – Series: Bachelor. Basic course.

Omelchenko, N. D. Ethics and culture of management in the system state power and civil service: textbook. allowance / N. A. Omelchenko. - M.: GUU, 2010.

7. Osipova, I. N. Ethics and management culture: textbook. allowance / I. N. Osipova. - M.: FORUM, 2011.

8. Parliamentary ethics in Russia // Collection of materials of the Commission of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on ethics. - M., 2002.

10. Professional ethics: studies. allowance / otv. ed. M. I. Rosenko. - St. Petersburg, 2006.

11. Rawls, J. Theory of Justice / J. Rawls. - Novosibirsk, 1995.

12. Sutor, B. Small political ethics [V. Sutor. Kleine Politische Ethik]. Bonn: Bundeszentrale fur politische Bildung, 1997 (translated by S. Kurbatova, K. Kostyuk). Access mode: http://krotov. info/lib_sec/18_s/sut/or.htm


Topic 4. Ethics and economics: ethical aspects economic activity

No. p.p. Student's last name Topic Grade
Aristov Nikita Economic ethics. What it is? The subject and scope of economic ethics.
Balabko Ekaterina Social and corporate social responsibility of business. What is its content? How is it different from legal responsibility?
Ivanova Alena How applicable is the concept of morality to market economy? What answer did A. Smith give to this question?
Kostin Evgeniy What, according to K. Homan, is the basis of the ethical value of the principle of competition in modern market competition?
Kulagina Julia State and business. Ethics of economic relations in world practice.
Kucher Irina Russian experience ethics of relations in the interaction between the state and business.
Manokhin Alexander What national traditions of Russian entrepreneurial ethics can be used in modern Russia?

Questions and tasks for control

3. What are the main arguments for and against social responsibility business?

4. What are the modern approaches to the problem of the relationship between the state and business. What are the main ethical aspects of these relationships?

1. Guseinov, A. A. Ethics: textbook / A. A. Guseinov, R. G. Apresyan. - M.: Gardariki, 2006.

2. Zolotukhina-Abolina, E. V. Modern ethics: textbook. allowance / E. V. Zolotukhina-Abolina. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - Rostov n / a: March, 2005.

3. Ionova, A. I. Ethics and culture government controlled: studies. allowance / A. I. Ionova. - M.: RAGS, 2005.

4. Kibanov A.Ya., Zakharov D.K., Konovalova V.G., Ethics of business relations: Textbook / Ed. AND I. Kibanova. - 2nd ed., corrected. and additional .. - M .: Infra-M, 2011. - 424 p. (Higher education).

5. Makashov I.N., Ovchinnikova N.V., Chistyakova K.A. Ethics and culture of management - M .: Publishing house "Sputnik +", 2010.-427s: ill.

6. Omelchenko, N.A. Ethics of the state and municipal service: a textbook for bachelors / N.A. Omelchenko. – 5th ed. revised and additional - M. : Yurayt Publishing House, 2013. - 408s. – Series: Bachelor. Basic course.

7. Omelchenko, N. A. Ethics and culture of management in the system of state power and civil service: textbook. allowance / N. A. Omelchenko. - M.: GUU, 2010.

8. Osipova, I. N. Ethics and management culture: textbook. allowance / I. N. Osipova. - M.: FORUM, 2011.

9. Petrunin, Yu. Yu. Business ethics: textbook / Yu. Yu. Petrunin, V. K. Borisov. - 4th ed. - M.: TK Velby; Prospect, 2007.

10. Professional ethics: textbook. allowance / otv. ed. M. I. Rosenko. - St. Petersburg, 2006.


The series was founded in 1996.

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

State University of Management




business ethics textbook

Approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation as a textbook for students of higher educational institutions studying in the specialty "Personnel Management"


Department of Personnel Management of the Academy of Labor and Social Relations;

First Deputy Director of the Institute of Labor of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation, Honored Economist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Economics, Professor A.F. Zubkov.

Kibanov A.Ya., Zakharov D.K., Konovalova V.G.

Business Ethics: Textbook / Ed. AND I. Kibanova. - M.: INFRA-M, 2003. - 368 p. - (Series "Higher education").

The textbook, prepared by scientists of the Department of Personnel Management of the State University of Management, outlines the theoretical, methodological and practical issues of ethics in business relations: the nature of ethics in business relations; ethics of the organization and leaders; the essence of verbal, non-verbal, remote communication, communication manipulation, communication management; business relations rules; business etiquette and business relations.

The book is intended for students, undergraduates, graduate students, as well as teachers of the discipline "Ethics of business relations". It can be useful to management and personnel management specialists of organizations.


Purpose of this tutorial - equip the reader with scientific and applied knowledge in the field of business ethics. The textbook covers a wide range of issues of business ethics, grouped into three sections: "Theoretical foundations of business ethics" (Ch. 1, 2, 3); "Communication as a tool for the ethics of business relations" (Ch. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8); "Rules and etiquette of business relations" (Ch. 9,10, 11).

Section 1. The first chapter reveals the nature, essence and basic principles of business ethics. It introduces the reader to the patterns of interpersonal relationships and priority issues in this area. The second chapter examines the influence of ethics and ethical standards on the social responsibility of the organization, improving the results of its activities. The third chapter is devoted to the disclosure of the relationship between the ethical standards of the organization and the leader, introduces the reader to the methods of managing the ethical standards of interpersonal relations in a team. It provides recommendations on the ethics of resolving controversial issues, conflict situations.

Section 2. In the fourth chapter, the essence of communication as a communicative tool of ethics in business relations is considered, the types and methods of managing business communication are given. The fifth chapter sets out the basics of business rhetoric, touches on the essence of the culture of speech, discussion and speech behavior, gives recommendations on the use of expressive means of business speech. The sixth chapter introduces the reader to the basics, as well as kinesic and proxemic features of non-verbal communication, reveals the essence of visual contact. The seventh chapter examines the ethics of telephone conversation and the culture of business writing. The eighth chapter describes the manipulations in communication, the rules of neutralization. It also reveals techniques that stimulate communication, excluding manipulation.

Section 3. The ninth chapter sets out the rules for preparing a public speech, conducting a business conversation, interview, business meeting, negotiations with business partners, as well as the rules for constructive criticism. The tenth chapter reveals the essence of etiquette, the image of a business person, the content of a business card. It deals with the etiquette of greetings and introductions, the appearance of a business person. The final - the eleventh chapter of the textbook - characterizes the rules of conduct in public places, the etiquette of business receptions, the peculiarities of business communication with foreign partners, as well as the art of compliments and gift giving.

Each chapter of the textbook ends with control questions and practical tasks. Control questions allow the reader to quickly check the degree of mastering the material read, and practical tasks - to consolidate this knowledge when performing specific tasks and tests.

The textbook was written by: Doctor of Economics, prof. AND I. Kibanov (Foreword, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.5,4.4, 5.1, 5.2, 6.2, 7.2, 9.3, 9.5; practical tasks: 1.2, 2, 3.1, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 4.1, 4.2, 5.1, 5.2 , 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 8.2, 9.1; Appendices 2, 3); Candidate of Economics, Assoc. D.K. Zakharov (1.1, 1.3, 3.3, 3.4, 5.3, 5.4, 7.1, 9.1, 9.2, 9.4, 9.6, 10.3, 10.4); Candidate of Economics, Assoc. V.G. Konovalov (1.2, 1.4, 2.3, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 5.5, 6.1, 6.3, 6.4, 8, 10.1, 10.2, 10.5, 11; practical tasks: 1.1, 3.2, 3.3, 4.3, 4.4, 6, 8.1, 9.2 , 9.3, 10, 11; Appendix 1).