Abstract of a drawing lesson in the senior group on the topic: "Who do I want to be" outline of a drawing lesson (senior group) on the topic. Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group “All work is good Summary of the lesson in drawing

Synopsis of the GCD on the artistic and aesthetic development of the preparatory group for school: "Who do you want to be?"

Topic:"Who do you want to be?"
Integration of educational areas: artistic and aesthetic, cognitive, social and communicative, musical, physical development.
Target: To form the ability to convey expressive features in the image of a person.
Program tasks:
- To continue the ability to convey in the drawing the image of a person, depicting the figures of people in characteristic professional clothes, in a working environment, with the necessary attributes.
- To develop the ability to draw the main parts of a human figure with a simple pencil, carefully paint over the drawings.
- Raise children's interest in people of different professions.
Equipment: illustrations or photographs depicting people of various professions. Presentation "Professions". White paper, simple graphite pencil, colored pencils.
Vocabulary work: profession.
Preliminary work: viewing images of people of different professions. Reading stories about people of different professions. Conversations on the topic “Who do your parents work?”, “Who would you like to be?”. Excursions to the supermarket, library, construction site. Games in the "Supermarket", "Barbershop".
The content of organized educational activities for children:
The children join the group to the music.
Educator:- Today we will talk about what is very important in the life of every person. But first you have to solve a few riddles.
Who teaches children to read and write,
Love nature, respect the elderly. (Teacher)
We are suffering from a cold again.
We invite him to the house.
He will give us sick leave.
His name is a doctor - a specialist. (Doctor)
Walks in uniform, with shoulder straps,
Understands laws.
He is both summer and winter
Keeps our peace. (Police officer)
Who cooks cabbage soup so tasty.
smelly meatballs,
Salads, vinaigrettes. (Cook)
Show presentation "Professions".

How can you name all the answers in one word?
- Well done, we will talk about professions today.
- What is a profession? (children's answers)
- A profession is a work to which a person devotes his whole life. What do you think, what professions are first of all necessary for people to live? (Builder, cook, doctor, teacher.) What other professions do you know? Children's answers.
Correspondent: Am I too late! How so! While in the government I was reporting on a meeting on overcoming the economic crisis, I missed a lesson in your kindergarten!
Educator: Do not worry, dear correspondent, it is just beginning.
The correspondent clicks the camera in different directions.
Well, it's all right!
I am a cheerful correspondent,
Plug in my microphone
I'll take an interview with you.
What do you want to be you kids!
Answer me quickly.
1. I dream of ballet
It's better not to have him!
2. I want to be a driver
Carry different loads.
3. You are friends with me, do not argue,
I want to be number one in sports.
Puck me score a trifle.
I play for Spartak!
4. I dream of becoming sooner
Children's educator.
Sing, play, walk with them.
Celebrate birthdays.
Correspondent:- Thank you for the most interesting interview (shakes hands). And now a moment of attention. Photo for memory! smile! I'm filming! I'll print the photo quickly.
Educator:- Today you can draw what you want to be when you grow up.
- Think about what you will depict on your sheet, looking at your drawing, guess what profession you have chosen.
Fizminutka "Pilots"
We are brave pilots. (Hands to the side with inclinations)
We fly planes in the sky. (Mahi hands)
We fly over our native land. (torso rotation)
Overtaking flocks of birds. (Mahi hands).
Though we take off high - (Jumping in place)
We land easily! (landing in place)
Practical work.
I remind you of the ways of drawing with a simple pencil, painting over the drawing with colored pencils. I individually talk about what can be depicted in order to make the drawing more expressive.
Exhibition of works.
All drawings are displayed on the board. The teacher offers to consider the finished drawings and evaluate each other's work.
- Who will be the child who drew this picture?
- What do you like about this picture?
(Questions to the author of the drawing)
- What do you like about your drawing?
- What didn't work for you?
- What would you like to change, finish drawing?
“What do you want to be when you grow up?”.
The builder will build us a house,
And we live together in it.
Dressy suit, day off
The tailor will skillfully sew for us.
The librarian will give us books,
The bread will be baked in the bakery by the baker.
The teacher will teach everything -
Teach reading and writing.
The postman delivers the letter
And the cook will cook the broth for us.
I think you will grow up.

To consolidate the ability to convey in the drawing the image of a working person, depicting the figures of people in characteristic professional clothes, in a working environment, with the necessary attributes. Clarify children's knowledge about people of different professions. To consolidate the ability to draw the main parts with a simple pencil, carefully paint over the drawings.



Who do you want to be»

Compiled by:

vos-l: the highest category

Melnichuk E.P.


2017-2018 academic year

Educational area:cognitive development.

Topic: " Who do you want to be"


1. Educational:



4. Health saving:

Methods and techniques:

Previous work:

Materials and equipment:

GCD structure

Part of NOD

The activities of the educator

Children activities

Motivational (introductory)

Tell me who's so delicious

Prepares cabbage soup

smelly meatballs,

salads, vinaigrettes,

All breakfasts and lunches.

We get up very early.

Because our concern is

For those who are healthy,

Let me take a walk

We teach kids

love nature,

Respect the elderly.

Among the clouds, on high,

We are building a new house together

So that in warmth and beauty

The people in it lived happily.

We must fight fire

We are brave workers

with water we are partners

We are very much needed by all people,

So who are we?







These are professions.

What is a profession?

Blowing - the wind is blowing stronger

The mill grinds flour faster.

Blowing - the wind is blowing harder.

Blowing - the wind is blowing harder.

We grinded flour

huge bags,

From flour, from flour

We baked pies

almonds, almonds,

They baked pancakes.

There are many professions on earth

And each is important.

After all, we only have one life.

Pencil sketch;

General outlines of the head;


Marking facial features;

Clothing details;

working environment;


Children's answers.

Children's answers.

Children's answers.

They twist the “mill” with their hands.

They bang fist to fist.

Depict "big bags".


Organization: children sit at tables.

Children's answers.

Practical work of children.

Final (final)

Did you like the drawings?

What didn't work for you?

The builder will build us a house,

And we live together in it.

Dressy suit, day off

The tailor will skillfully sew for us.

The librarian will give us books,

The teacher will teach everything -

Teach reading and writing.

The postman delivers the letter

And the cook will cook the broth for us.

I think you will grow up

And you will find something to your liking!

We talked about professions.

We drew

Children's answers.


Children's answers.


Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten of combined type No. 71"

Engels municipal district of the Saratov region

GCD abstract on drawing on the topic "Who do you want to be»

with children in the preparatory school group

Compiled by:

vos-l: the highest category

Melnichuk E.P.


2017-2018 academic year

Educational area:cognitive development.

Topic: " Who do you want to be"


1. Educational: To consolidate the ability to convey in the drawing the image of a working person, depicting the figures of people in characteristic professional clothes, in a working environment, with the necessary attributes.Clarify children's knowledge about people of different professions.To consolidate the ability to draw the main parts with a simple pencil, carefully paint over the drawings.

2.Developing: Develop an aesthetic attitude to the environment.

3.Educational:Raise interest and respect for people of different professions.

4. Health saving:Help relieve fatigue.

Methods and techniques: Conversation, physical minute, instructions, questions, encouragement.

Previous work:Examining illustrations or photographs depicting people of various professions; conversation “Where and by whom do your parents work”; reading fiction on the topic.

Materials and equipment:White paper, simple graphite pencil, colored pencils and wax crayons.

GCD structure

Part of NOD

The activities of the educator

Children activities

Motivational (introductory)

Today we will talk about what is very important in the life of every person. Only first we will need to solve a few riddles, the answers to which will give us the answer to the question: what will we talk about today.

The teacher makes riddles. Guesses of children are accompanied by a display of illustrations.

Tell me who's so delicious

Prepares cabbage soup

smelly meatballs,

salads, vinaigrettes,

All breakfasts and lunches.

We get up very early.

Because our concern is

Drive everyone to work in the morning.

Who sits at the patient's bedside?

And he tells everyone how to be treated.

Who is sick - he will offer to take drops,

For those who are healthy,

Let me take a walk

We teach kids

love nature,

Respect the elderly.

Among the clouds, on high,

We are building a new house together

So that in warmth and beauty

The people in it lived happily.

We must fight fire

We are brave workers

with water we are partners

We are very much needed by all people,

So who are we?

How can you name all the answers in one word?

Well done, it is about professions that we will talk about, and not only. Will you trydraw what you want to be when you grow up.

Organization: children stand in a semicircle at the blackboard.







These are professions.

What is a profession?

What do you think, what professions are first of all necessary for people to live?

What other professions do you know?

A profession is a business that is done every day and that is useful to other people.

Guys, have you ever thought about what you want to become?

What attracts you to this profession?

The teacher conducts a physical minute. "Mill"

Mill, mill grinds flour,

Blowing - the wind is blowing stronger

The mill grinds flour faster.

Blowing - the wind is blowing harder.

The mill grinds flour even faster.

Blowing - the wind is blowing harder.

We grinded flour

huge bags,

From flour, from flour

We baked pies

almonds, almonds,

They baked pancakes.

There are many professions on earth

And each is important.

Decide, my friend, who you will be.

After all, we only have one life.

Ready to draw what you want to be when you grow up?

Think about what you will draw on your sheet so that we can guess what profession you have chosen by looking at the drawing. Decide how best to place the piece of paper.

The teacher puts on the board reference drawings, reminiscent of the sequence of work:

Pencil sketch;

General outlines of the head;


Marking facial features;

Clothing details;

working environment;


The teacher reminds about the ways of drawing with a simple pencil, painting over the drawing with colored pencils. Individually talks about what can be depicted in order to make the drawing more expressive.

Organization: children sit at tables.

A profession is a work to which a person devotes his whole life.

Builder, cook, doctor, tailor.

Children's answers.

Children's answers.

Children's answers.

Organization: children are placed on the carpet.

They twist the “mill” with their hands.

Gently wave your arms over your head from side to side.

They bang fist to fist.

Depict "big bags".

They clap their hands with a coup, depicting pies.


Organization: children sit at tables.

Children's answers.

Practical work of children.

Final (final)

The teacher places all the drawings on the board.

Guys, what are we talking about today?

What do you draw in your drawings?

Did you like the drawings?

What drawing did you like?

Who will be the child who drew this picture?

How did you guess? What helped you in this?

What do you like about this drawing?

What do you like about your drawing?

What didn't work for you?

What would you like to change, finish?

The teacher reads the poem.

"What do you want to be when you grow up."

The builder will build us a house,

And we live together in it.

Dressy suit, day off

The tailor will skillfully sew for us.

The librarian will give us books,

The bread will be baked in the bakery by the baker.

The teacher will teach everything -

Teach reading and writing.

The postman delivers the letter

And the cook will cook the broth for us.

I think you will grow up

And you will find something to your liking!

Organization: children stand in a semicircle at the blackboard.

We talked about professions.

We drew who we want to be when we grow up.

Children's answers.

Children look at pictures and choose more interesting ones.


Children's answers.

Abstract of a drawing lesson

in preparatory group on the topic : "Who am I I want to be »

Target : to teach children to convey in the drawing ideas about the work of adults, depicting the figures of people in characteristic, professional clothes, in a working environment, with the necessary attributes. Pin skillpaint the main parts with a simple pencil, carefully paint over the drawings. Continue to consolidate children's knowledge about the types of professions. Develop compositional skillspaint over the entire sheet of paper, convey proportional and spatial relationships between objects).

materials : sheets of paper, pencils, illustrations depicting people of different professions.

Lesson progress:

Org. moment .

game exercise"Who can do what?"

The teacher invites the children to name the actions inherent in a particular profession.

The doctor (treats, and the janitor ...(remove) .

Driver ... (drives the car, and the cook ...(trains) .

The seller ... (sells, and the plumber ...(repairs) etc.

1 part.

We are still guys

Maybe not enough knowledge

But you can dream!

I'll probably be a doctor

I will heal people!

I will travel everywhere

And save sick children!

Soon I will be a soldier

Or just a pilot - ace!

Like an ordinary hero

I will protect you!

ballerina and singer

I have always dreamed of becoming!

To dress up nicely

Sing and dance for you!

I am a famous artist

I will definitely.

I'm interested in drawing ,

Very exciting!

I am a school teacher

I will give knowledge to children!

The kids will be happy with me

I tell you for sure!

Well, I'll be back here!

Affectionate, attentive

And always responsive

I will become an educator!

Guys, let's play with you!

Let's remember what other professions there are, except for those that sounded in the poem.

The game : "Name your profession" .

(The teacher, in turn, throws the ball. The one who catches the ball calls one of the professions. If the child finds it difficult to answer, the teacher makes a riddle, helps to answer).

"Poems - riddles about professions" .

A traffic light is flashing for me, the insidious fire will win

He knows that I am. The one who is called...

(Chauffeur.) (Fireman)

Before work he is a hunter, furniture, bread and cucumbers

Day-to-day with a planer. They sell us...

(A carpenter.) (Sellers)

Will not solve sick problems, Knows for surekids :

All patients will be treated. The food is delicious…

(Doctor.) (Chefs)

Stretched canvas, paints, tripod - I put it yesterday

He paints a picture from life ... Five injections.

(Painter) (Nurse.)

With a heavy bag bypasses the area, Every resident in the house knows -

He puts letters to us in a box ... He built this house.

(Postman) (Builder.)

Well done! You have named so many professions. And now let's draw people of these professions, but before we start drawing, let's warm up a little.

Physical education minute "Cook" .

The cook was preparing dinner

And then the lights were turned off.

Bream cook takes

And lowers it into compote.

Throws logs into the cauldron,

She puts jam in the oven.

It interferes with the soup with a stalk,

Ugli beats with a ladle.

Sugar pours into the broth.

And he is very pleased. (O. Grigoriev)

Children squat, with the edge of their palms they beat on the floor.

Simulate turning off the light with the right hand.

Bend the thumbs on both hands.

Curl index fingers.

Bend the middle fingers.

Curl the ring fingers.

Little fingers bend.

Depict how sugar is poured.

They lower their hands, shrug their shoulders.

2 part.

Paint we will be pencils. But first, let's see what we candraw pictures . The teacher shows illustrations, drawing the attention of children to the appearance, position of the body, the position of the hands of people of different professions - to the sides, bent, raised up.

Independent activity of children. The kids get to work. As needed, the teacher helps those children who need help.

Exhibition of children's works. Analysis.

Outcome lessons .

The teacher sums up, praises the children, invites the children to continue the conversations in the play area, it is possible to beat future professions.

Julia ***
Abstract of a drawing lesson in the preparatory group "Who I want to be"

Topic: “Professions. Tools"

Abstract of a drawing lesson

in preparatory group on the topic: "Who am I I want to be»

Target: to teach children to convey in the drawing ideas about the work of adults, depicting the figures of people in characteristic, professional clothes, in a working environment, with the necessary attributes. Pin skill paint the main parts with a simple pencil, carefully paint over the drawings. Continue to consolidate children's knowledge about the types of professions. Develop compositional skills paint over the entire sheet of paper, convey proportional and spatial relationships between objects).


Sheets of paper, pencils, illustrations depicting people of different professions.

Lesson progress:

Org. moment.

game exercise "Who can do what?"

The teacher invites the children to name the actions inherent in a particular profession.

The doctor (treats, and the janitor ... (remove).

Driver ... (drives the car, and the cook ... (trains).

The seller ... (sells, and the plumber ... (repairs) etc.

Maybe not enough knowledge

But you can dream!

I'll probably be a doctor

I will heal people!

I will travel everywhere

And save sick children!

Soon I will be a soldier

Or just a pilot - ace!

Like an ordinary hero

I will protect you!

ballerina and singer

I have always dreamed of becoming!

To dress up nicely

Sing and dance for you!

I am a famous artist

I will definitely.

I'm interested in drawing,

Very exciting!

I am a school teacher

I will give knowledge to children!

The kids will be happy with me

I tell you for sure!

Well, I'll be back here!

Affectionate, attentive

And always responsive

I will become an educator!

Guys, let's play with you!

Let's remember what other professions there are, except for those that sounded in the poem.

The game: "Name your profession".

(The teacher, in turn, throws the ball. The one who catches the ball calls one of the professions. If the child finds it difficult to answer, the teacher makes a riddle, helps to answer).

"Poems - riddles about professions".

A traffic light is flashing for me, the insidious fire will win

He knows that I am. The one who is called...

(Chauffeur.) (Fireman)

Before work he is a hunter, furniture, bread and cucumbers

Day-to-day with a planer. They sell us...

(A carpenter.) (Sellers)

Will not solve sick problems Knows exactly the kids:

All patients will be treated. The food is delicious…

(Doctor.) (Chefs)

Stretched canvas, paints, tripod - I put it yesterday

He paints a picture from life ... Five injections.

(Painter) (Nurse.)

With a heavy bag bypasses the area, Every resident in the house knows -

He puts letters to us in a box ... He built this house.

(Postman) (Builder.)

Well done! You have named so many professions. And now let's draw people of these professions.

Paint we will be pencils. But first, let's see what we can draw pictures. The teacher shows illustrations, drawing the attention of children to the appearance, position of the body, the position of the hands of people of different professions - to the sides, bent, raised up.

The kids get to work. As needed, the teacher helps those children who need help.

Physical education minute "Cook".

The cook was preparing dinner

And then the lights were turned off.

Bream cook takes

And lowers it into compote.

Throws logs into the cauldron,

She puts jam in the oven.

It interferes with the soup with a stalk,

Ugli beats with a ladle.

Sugar pours into the broth.

And he is very pleased.

O. Grigoriev Children squat, beat the floor with the edge of their palms.

Simulate turning off the light with the right hand.

Bend the thumbs on both hands.

Curl index fingers.

Bend the middle fingers.

Curl the ring fingers.

Little fingers bend.

Depict how sugar is poured.

They lower their hands, shrug their shoulders.

Outcome lessons.

The teacher sums up, praises the children, invites the children to continue the conversations in the play area, it is possible to beat future professions.

Related publications:

Synopsis of joint activities of older preschool children and parents “Who to be? What to be? Synopsis of joint activities of children of senior preschool age and parents on early career guidance. Purpose: to promote active.

Synopsis of a logorhythmic lesson with children of the preparatory group with OHP "Who to be" Synopsis of a logorhythmic lesson with children of the preparatory group with OHP Topic: "Who to be" Purpose: Overcoming discoordination through the system.

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Summary of the lesson "Who to be." Lesson number 6.22. Theme: "Who to be" Purpose: To contribute to the expansion of pupils' ideas on the basics of choosing a profession, to support.

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Svetlana Panfilova
Summary of GCD in the educational field of artistic creativity, drawing "Who do you want to be?"

Synopsis of GCD in the educational field of artistic creativity, drawing.

Age group preparatory to school group.

Topic: "Who are you do you want to be

Integration educational areas artistic creativity, cognition, communication, socialization.

Program tasks: to consolidate children's knowledge about people of different professions. Strengthen the ability to convey in the drawing image of a person, portraying figures of people in characteristic professional clothes, in a working environment, with the necessary attributes.

Pin skill paint the main parts with a simple pencil, carefully paint over the drawings.

Teach children to evaluate their drawings according to the assignment.

Ways to organize children sitting at tables.

Equipment: illustrations or photos from image people of various professions. Presentation "Professions". White paper, simple graphite pencil, colored pencils.

vocabulary work: profession.

preliminary work: looking images people of different professions. Reading stories about people of different professions. Conversations on the topic "Where do your parents work?", "Who would you like to be. Excursions to the store, library, hairdresser, post office, construction site. games in "Score", "Hospital", "Barbershop".

GCD progress

1. Open entrance to the activity.

Today we will talk about what is very important in the life of every person. Only first we will need to solve a few riddles, the answers to which will give us the answer to the question: what will be discussed today.

Show presentation "Professions".

2. Introductory organizational.

How can you name all the answers in one word?

Well done, it is about professions that we will talk about today.

What is a profession? (children's answers)

A profession is a work to which a person devotes his whole life.

What do you think, what professions are first of all necessary for people to live? (Builder, cook, doctor, tailor.)

What other professions do you know? Children's answers.

3. Motivation for activity.

There are many professions on earth

And each is important.

Decide my friend who be you.

After all, we only have one life.

Guys, have you ever thought about what you want to become?

What attracts you to this profession?

4. Explanation of new or expansion of existing knowledge.

Today you can draw who you want to be when you grow up.

Think about what you draw on your sheet so that we, looking at the picture, guess what profession you have chosen. Decide how best to place the piece of paper.

5. Dynamic pause.

Fizminutka "Mill"

The mill, the mill grinds flour, (we twist our hands "mill")

Blowing - the wind is blowing stronger (slowly wave your arms above your head from side to side)

The mill grinds flour faster.

Blowing - the wind is blowing harder.

The mill grinds flour even faster.

Blowing - the wind is blowing harder.

We grinded flour (banging fist on fist)

Huge bags, portray"big bags")

From flour, from flour (clap hands with a coup, depicting pies)

We baked pies

almonds, almonds, (clap)

They baked pancakes.

6. Practical work.

Reminding me of ways images with a simple pencil shading the drawing with colored pencils. Individually talk about what is possible portray, in order to make the drawing more expressive.

7. Open output from activities.

All drawings are displayed on the board. The drawings should be considered and the children should be asked to choose the most interesting ones.

What drawing did you like?

Who will be the child who drew this picture?

How did you guess? What helped you in this?

What do you like about this drawing?

What do you like about your drawing?

What didn't work for you?

What would you like to change finish drawing?

“Who are you do you want to become when will you grow up?”.

The builder will build us a house,

And we live together in it.

Dressy suit, day off

The tailor will skillfully sew for us.

The librarian will give us books,

The bread will be baked in the bakery by the baker.

The teacher will teach everything -

Teach reading and writing.

The postman delivers the letter

And the cook will cook the broth for us.

I think you will grow up

And you will find something to your liking!