Sample of filling in the timing of working hours. Guidelines for conducting timing work in organizations What is working time timing

A variety of time management concepts boil down to dividing working time into work and downtime, so these sections are always marked in the sample filling when considering timekeeping. How to maintain a document, as well as finished example design - all this is described in detail in the article.

The word itself literally means "measurement of time". Literally, it should be understood that this is both the process of tracking employee activities, planning working hours, and the corresponding document where this information is recorded (a sample filling is given in the corresponding section).

The main tasks of studying the organization of working time in the company are as follows:

  1. Analysis of employee productivity: maximum load hours, total downtime, labor productivity in terms of working time, etc.
  2. Evaluation of equipment load, downtime.
  3. Development of recommendations for saving resources (electricity, etc.).
  4. General assessment of labor efficiency in terms of time resource, as well as assessment for individual employees (if necessary).

Thus, this is a procedure for inventorying working hours, and a sample of filling out the corresponding document should take into account the characteristics of a particular company.

Organization of time tracking: step by step instructions

To organize a high-quality time recording, several features should be taken into account:

  1. Criteria for measuring efficiency, labor productivity.
  2. Analysis of the features of the distribution of time in the work of specific employees and departments as a whole (taking into account their specifics).
  3. Organization of the collection of statistical data for each employee or department (if we are talking about large enterprises).
  4. Preparation of uniform reporting forms, as well as the development of a single form for filling.

Thus, we are talking about the fact that the enterprise must ensure the collection of high-quality information about who and how spends their time at work, as well as create specific forms for collecting data and compiling final reports.

Accordingly, in the general case, this work consists of the following stages:

  1. Development of criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the spent working time.
  2. Collection of statistical data for each department and specific employees.
  3. Analysis of these data, filling in pre-prepared reporting documents.
  4. Drawing up recommendations for improving the organization of working time.

NOTE. The legislation does not oblige the enterprise to use specific sample documents, therefore, management has the right to suggest using its own reporting forms.

Timing: sample filling

As a rule, it contains the following data:

  1. Date of measurement.
  2. Object of measurement - i.e. a description of the specific action of the employee, which he usually performs as part of the performance of his duties. This can be, for example, talking on the phone, compiling commercial offers, work with documents. Also, all breaks that the employee actually used are subject to mandatory accounting.
  3. The main attention is paid to the duration of a particular stage - usually indicate the number of hours and minutes, less often - with an accuracy of a second. Such accuracy may be needed, for example, by employees of banking organizations or sensitive enterprises, where the work schedule provides for the exact implementation of rules down to seconds.
  4. Indication of the share that each stage of the working time (as a percentage).

Specific examples of filling, which can be guided as a sample, are presented below:

This example shows that all activities at work are classified not in connection with professional duties but based on actual performance. For example, processing the transfer of an employee, preparatory work, making copies of documents, etc.

Features of time measurement

Before starting research, determine:

  1. How exactly the work will be carried out - continuous monitoring of the department, employee (for several days, weeks, months).
  2. Measurement of selective (individual) moments - for example, only the stage of repair work, only the stage of telephone conversations, distribution of commercial offers, etc.
  3. Loop timing – i.e. the study of only cyclically recurring activities (preparation of reports, negotiations, etc.).

It is equally important to decide on the method of measurement:

  1. The traditional method involves the organization of research using ordinary observation, i.e. the employee periodically observes others, makes notes.
  2. Most often, filling out the form is based on video surveillance. This method allows you to get more objective information. Employees are less distracted by the fact that they are under video surveillance. If you control their actions "manually", this can lead to a distortion of the final results.

At the stage of the actual measurement, it is necessary to immediately classify all the actions of employees into several categories:

  1. Processes that occur without cyclical repetition. These are ordinary actions that are performed one-time for a separate period. For example, an employee can copy documents once (if necessary), fill out individual papers, carry out telephone conversations with those partners with whom he usually does not communicate, etc.
  2. Processes with cyclic frequency will occupy the main budget of working time. That's what it is functional responsibilities associated with the routine performance of repetitive actions. For example, repair work, employee training, telephone conversations, copying and filling out documents, working with clients, buyers, etc.
  3. Rotating order - here we are talking about workers with "complex" responsibilities that include several cycles at once. These cycles can be combined and intersected. For example, a sales manager is forced to simultaneously conduct telephone conversations and immediately record the results of negotiations (including intermediate ones) by any available means.

A video commentary on this topic can be seen here.

Timekeeping is a technology for studying various time costs by measuring and fixing the duration of actions to be performed.

What does he represent?

Timing includes a description of the work system, and in particular the production technology, conditions and method of work, and also determines the relative quantity, degree of effectiveness, impact parameters and actual time for various stages of the work process. After that, the actual time is already directly estimated in order to determine the required time to complete the various stages of the process, and this is the main goal that the timing of working hours carries.

Together with other methods of studying the workflow, timekeeping depends quite strongly not only on the type of work tasks being studied, but also directly on the purpose of the study. Thus, for example, if the planned time, which determined the timing of working hours, should be used in the current wage system to accurately determine wages, then in this case timing requirements will be different from those situations where time data is determined in order to calculate the level of utilization of funds available for production. In addition, it is important to keep a record of the frequency of use of the information received.

Other options

Other timekeeping options already depend on other conditions:

  • Timekeeping of working hours determines the time related to a particular person.
  • The time that is determined as a result of the timing is used for further management, including control and accurate calculation of employees' salaries.
  • Timing must be carefully planned in such a way as to ensure that its results can be used for detailed calculation of planned time.

At the same time, the timing of working time, a sample of which can be seen in modern companies, provides for careful recording of the results of the observation. To do this, the person who is responsible for collecting information has a specialized device for measuring time, as well as the corresponding sheets.

What to Consider

The protocol in which the timing of working hours is included (a sample of this document or any other format) must be reproducible. The various concomitant circumstances under which the measured values ​​were obtained must also be taken into account as parameters for the influence of time values. If the person who is responsible for recording information receives an order for the timing of working hours, then he should be able, using such data, to compile a completely new working system that can deliver comparable results, comparable to those recorded in the already used one. working system. If this condition is ultimately met, then it can be said that the methods used for timing working hours are reproducible. This is quite an important point to consider.

These requirements are important in the first place in order to answer the basic questions that the timing of working hours includes. An example of such questions:

  • What operating system conditions should be taken into account?
  • How detailed should the various steps of the process be?
  • How much time can be devoted to each individual step in the process?

Why is this needed?

When determining the purpose of use in parallel with the possibilities mentioned above, one should first determine whether the selected timing system will be evaluated to determine the planned time values. In addition, in most cases, the timing of working time, an example of which can be observed in modern companies, makes sense only if the process under study is organized in such a way that in the future it will already occur under the same production variant, labor technology and the same conditions. .

When timing, it is necessary to carry out various regulations and, in particular, to inform the relevant persons. After that, before timing the working time nurse or any other employee, you will need to decide how exactly time will be measured, as well as what tools will be used. These questions are in the vast majority of cases freely resolved in advance. At this stage, it is quite important to prepare the timing sheet, including carefully filling out its front side. During serial work on reverse side different stages of production can already be added, for which time values ​​are determined.

Requirements and rules

Regardless of whether the timekeeping of the working time of a nurse, an accountant or any other employee is carried out, a certain number of requirements and rules must be taken into account:

How is it carried out?

Each individual stage of the measurement procedure begins with a certain initial and ends with a final event. The last represents, respectively, the initial event of the next. In this case, the start event of each individual stage of the process must be set by the beginning of the first element, and the end event is set, therefore, by the end of the last element. The final action of the process step is taken as the moment of time measurement. An exception to this rule can be called the beginning of the timing, which is the same as the initial action of the first stage.

If earlier, when the working time of an accountant or representatives of other professions was timed, all the results were both read and entered into the corresponding sheet exclusively manually, today specialized electronic devices are used for the same purposes, which measure time.

What could be such devices?

There are several types of devices:

  • Devices, with the help of which a thorough measurement of the time of the studied stages of the process is carried out directly during the observation period.
  • Image storage devices, with which the workflow is recorded as a film, in connection with which it will be possible to process it later and determine the exact time.

At the same time, it is worth noting the fact that, regardless of the type of device, it must fully comply with the following criteria:

  • High-quality design ergonomics, that is, acceptable weight, body, size and interface.
  • The device must ensure the concentration of the observer on his main task - the observation of work processes.
  • This device must achieve an acceptable level of measurement accuracy, and turning it on or off must not affect the accuracy.

Technical requirements

Among other things, to ensure the operation of electronic devices, it is necessary to ensure compliance with the following technical requirements:

  • With the help of the device, it should be possible to work in the mode of hundredths of a minute.
  • The size of the installed storage device, as well as the power supply of the device, must allow continuous measurement for at least one shift.
  • The device must have a warning function in case of lack of energy. If there is a break in operation due to a lack of energy in the device, then the data that has already been obtained during its operation should not be lost.
  • The device must be suitable for installation and use at those workplaces that are characterized by harmful conditions labor, including oily surfaces, humidity, dust, temperature changes and more.

The capabilities of the device you purchase must fully match the production costs, as well as the costs of delivery. Among other things, it is expedient to have functions in the device for conducting multi-moment observations and, if necessary, analyzing the given time values ​​when using these systems.

What should be used?

The most common today are specialized electronic time measurement systems. In this case, measurement, recording, and a thorough evaluation of time data are carried out using electronic systems, which makes it possible to:

  • The most accurate ordering of data, as well as the effectiveness of the stages of the processes.
  • Fully self-maintaining and further preparation of this information during the evaluation process, as well as at its completion.
  • A quick intermediate evaluation is enough, as well as a graphical representation of the most important results in the measurement process.
  • As quickly as possible evaluation of the received data in accordance with pre-defined criteria, while eliminating the possibility of any errors.
  • Further support in the development of the planned time system.

At the same time, almost any timing of working time (sample filling) provides support for the timing system of distributed time during group work, and also supports the function of multi-moment observation.

Taking a measurement

There are two main timing technologies - single time or progressive time.

Progressive time represents the time from the beginning of the timing procedure to the end event of a certain stage of the process. If we are talking about a single measurement, then at each individual measuring point a completely new countdown begins, as a result of which the individual stages of the process are measured one at a time.

The structure, as well as the subsequent entry of information into the forms, already directly depends on the order of the measured stages of the process, which are divided into several categories:

  • Processes without cyclical repetition. They are standard for single-piece production, and are often used in individual labor conditions. The division of the entire work process, a detailed description of its individual stages, the determination of measurement points, as well as the registration of the number and parameters of influence is carried out directly in the timing process.
  • Processes with cyclic order. After a unit of the product goes through absolutely all the stages, the same process is repeated again in relation to the next unit. In this case, the separation and determination of the different measurement points is carried out before the timing starts.
  • Sequential order. Single values ​​of time are measured, while measurements are initially carried out for all units of products at each stage of the process, and only after that it will be possible to proceed to the next stage.
  • Changing order. This technology provides for a combination of the indicated sequences of stages. This may occur regularly after a certain number of cycles, or it may occur in an irregular manner.

Depending on the type of work, as well as the features that the timing of working hours has (see above for a sample filling), a specific technology is also selected.

Time management is a very handy tool that allows you to evaluate performance as individual employees, and entire departments. This useful information can also be beneficial if downsizing is needed.

To identify the most productive employees, you should evaluate how they manage their time. To do this, there are several effective methods, one of which is the timing of working hours. it employee appraisal tool, which occurs according to a certain algorithm.

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What is work time tracking?

Such a method is necessary in order to carefully study, how exactly the employee spends his time at the enterprise.

With the help of timekeeping, you can determine in percentage terms how many hours or minutes it takes to rest, how much to fruitful work, and how much is required to prepare the workflow.

But in order to conduct a correct assessment, it is necessary to track all the actions of an employee in certain period. Most often this is one working day, but it is not always possible to see an accurate picture of what is happening in such a short time.

That's why certification can last for several days. Next, averages are taken out, on the basis of which conclusions are drawn.

With the help of timekeeping, you can not only identify labor efficiency, but also create more favorable conditions for a specific position.

If it turns out that the workload of an employee is too large, assistants can be given to him. In general, timing data is in a good way to optimize the working system.

This is especially convenient for large enterprises and mass production with repetitive workflow elements.

If such certification is carried out periodically, it is possible to reduce the risk of poor company performance. But for this it is necessary to make timekeeping at the first hints of a problem. The employer has the right to independently initiate such checks.

Timing is not mandatory, but if there is a production need employees cannot refuse to undergo such certification.

Such a procedure is carried out by a special commission, which includes, that is, observers, as well as personnel department specialists and non-core employees by order of superiors. Furthermore, the employee has the right to independently conduct timing. This can be both a plus and a minus for him.

On the one hand, in this way it can be proved that a person recycles. But with self-fixing of workflows and entering all the information into the document, additional time will be spent. This will lead to research will be biased. Therefore, most often independent timing is replaced by the usual one.

This process can be done in several ways. It can be continuous, that is, it can continue all working time, as well as selective with the measurement of time spent only on certain operations.

Timing can also be cyclic. Here, the time spent is measured only for cyclically repeating operations. When compiling reporting documents, and can be used. This is called photo timing.

Purposes and functions

The main purpose for which such certification is carried out is determining the performance of an employee or department. Moreover, properly conducted timing allows you to optimize the production and the number of personnel in a particular position.

If it turns out that people spend too much time on a particular process, and productivity suffers, new vacancies should be opened. On the other hand, if some employees are found to be wasting too much time, the staff can either be streamlined.

Monitoring the efficiency of work at the enterprise is one of the main functions of time management, including such a tool as timing. Therefore, this the method is widely used in enterprises with a large staff.

Rules and requirements

This procedure has its own characteristics. Therefore, when an employer or employee initiates timing, they must prepare Required documents to make sure everything is in line with the rules..

In addition, there are other requirements for this type of certification. They concern, among other things, the ability of controllers to view the place of work of a person who is being monitored. There should not be any barriers to this. Nonetheless, employees are not allowed to contact observers.

One of the important requirements for timing is that employees must be notified in advance of the upcoming inspection. To initiate certification, the employer must comply with the provisions of labor law.

In the process of collecting data and compiling timing documents, all safety rules in the enterprise should be observed.

If observers have not previously encountered work in a particular department where there is a presence of dangerous equipment, before starting the check, they must.

Also responsible persons are required to know exactly how the timekeeping documents of working time are filled out. If the finished sheet of the chronocard contains errors and blots, the paper will be invalidated.

Main steps

In order to qualitatively conduct the process of attestation of the employee's working time, it is necessary to act according to a certain algorithm. In total, the timing is divided into three main stages:

  1. Preparatory when preparation takes place necessary documentation, notification of employees and briefing for observers;
  2. Directly verification stage;
  3. conclusions, which are made on the basis of data from the chronocard. Most often, this procedure is carried out by the head of the enterprise or high-ranking managers.

The process itself is carried out according to a certain scheme. To begin with, inspectors must read the work rules. This will allow you to more clearly determine deviations from the established parameters. Most often, the enterprise already has specific working standards.

If the department is new, timing can be used to identify them. To do this, monitoring is carried out for the best and most advanced employees of the company. Their indicators should become working standards for all employees of the company working in a certain area.

The procedure for measuring working time involves fixing in the document each workflow on which the employee spends time. Here the beginning and end of the period of execution of a separate operation or group of works is recorded.

The task of the observer will be to write to the table all data regarding not only work, but also rest of the employee. There should be a special column where the number of breaks and their duration are noted.

Ultimately, it will be possible to determine exactly how much time was spent on the performance of work duties, how much for rest and preparation for the labor process. Prepared papers are transferred to higher management for consideration, which will draw the final conclusions.


Certification can be carried out not only in relation to ordinary employees, but also to any head of the department, if the chief director needs it. For example, he can initiate a check of the chief accountant's working time.

For this, a paper is drawn up, where the name of the enterprise, the position and full name of the employee, his work experience and length of service are mandatory indicated. Further in the document, the date of the timing is prescribed.

After filling in the upper part of the document, you can move on to the central part, which is convenient to make in the form of a table. Here will be entered information about the beginning and end of measurements with the obligatory name of the operation. The free time of the employee is also fixed, for example, for his personal needs.

The unit of measurement must be minutes. Additional elapsed time can be displayed as a percentage, which will be more convenient for perception.

As an example, you can take the table of timing of the chief accountant's working hours:

  • Timing of the working day of the chief accountant of LLC "Company" Ivanova Maria Ivanovna;
  • Work experience at the enterprise 10 years.
Date of measurement Timing object Duration
Hour Minute Interest
August 19, 2018 Working with a computer and 1C program 3 20 41,7%
Writing emails 0 40 8,3%
Telephone conversations 1 00 12,5%
Participation in meetings 1 00 12,5%
Waiting for software and system updates 0 15 3,1%
Workplace preparation and completion 0 10 2%
Breaks at work (including an hour for a legal lunch) 1 35 19,8%
  • Check starts at 9:00;
  • Completion of the check 17:00.

Based on this table, it becomes clear that the workload of the chief accountant is quite normal. Working hours are sufficient to carry out the main work, while, at the same time, the employee does not have to work and stay longer than the allotted time to complete your business.

For leisure, including for a legal lunch from 12:00 to 13:00 Chief Accountant gets enough hours and minutes. In such a timing table, it is very convenient that data is entered here not only in time, but also in percentage terms.

Features of filling out the form

In order for the company to conduct timekeeping of working hours, the initiative must come from the manager or from the employee himself which happens quite rarely. At the same time, the management must create an order where inspectors and employees who will pass the certification will be appointed.

All parties should be familiar with this document, as notification of the upcoming timing is a mandatory step such a procedure.

From the side of the law, there are no specific rules for the creation of an order. That's why the document can be formatted in any form. But the main thing is that there should be the signature and seal of the head. Also, the order specifies the time of the timing, indicates the responsible persons and representatives of the commission.

After all the parties involved in this process are familiar with the document, everyone signs the paper.

An example of filling out the timekeeping form of working hours:

Data collection and interpretation

After that, at the appointed time, you can start collecting data. There is no special form for the timing of working hours. Therefore, you can make it up to your liking. Often in large companies create their own corporate forms.

It is most convenient if the document has table to record all the necessary data. This makes it possible to more effectively draw conclusions and qualitatively interpret the obtained figures.

Final verdict after review will be issued by the head of the enterprise. Timekeeping can show fairly accurate information about how much time is spent on specific jobs in a particular position. This allows you to qualitatively optimize the workflow.

Working hours are great assistant to the head of a department or an entire enterprise. Due to the obtained data, you can successfully control the cost of staff and avoid unnecessary expenses.

Moreover, this method allows accurately identify candidates for dismissal if it is necessary to optimize the work team and create standards labor process, which will allow identifying those who are lagging behind and encouraging those who are ahead.

Find out more about applying timing from video:

Part 1. Watches with the function of auto-tracking of Internet activity and applications

Mastering ManicTime is not necessary to start after starting the program. This can be done after enough data has been collected for analysis. The application runs in the background without distracting from the main business, and statistics are continuously recorded on the timeline.

The features of ManicTime will be discussed below in tab order.


In the "Date" section, in the first tab, any day is available for selection, including the current one, with viewing statistics on the timeline.

The timeline is divided into four parts:

  • Tags: Tags are used to group applications. They simplify the analysis of statistics by allowing you to group data in different directions: for example, you can specify a project or a customer. Labels are entered separated by commas, so you can set the nesting depth: "level 1, level 2 ... level n".
  • Computer usage: the scale indicates the presence or absence of the user at the computer. If the user does not perform any actions for a long time, when returning, he can add a label that explains the reason for the absence. It should be noted that subsequent participants in the review, as a rule, also have this opportunity.
  • Applications: a scale with information about the work of applications - thanks to it, in particular, you can track changes in window titles.
  • Documents & Internet: Web browsing statistics as URLs.

In order to protect private information, you can temporarily stop monitoring, for this purpose the Stop watch button is intended.


The Russian localization of ManicTime is replete with errors, and by “schedule” you need to understand the time sheet, which in the original sounds like “timeline”. In this section, the user can group the tags of interest assigned in the "Day" section to calculate the time spent on a particular task. The pivot table is quite flexible in setting (say, tags can be nested), with the ability to sum up by days and weeks.


ManicTime statistics is divided into several sections-tabs. "Daylength" allows you to find out how long the user was at the computer on a certain day of the week, when the session was started and ended, how long the period of activity lasted.

This is followed by the sections "Applications", "Documents and the Internet", "Top tags". Top in each section allows you to find out which applications, sites took the most time, in hours - information is available in the form of graphs, charts and tables. The statistics are grouped into different time intervals and, in general, give a very clear idea of ​​the time spent. Also necessary information easy to export to CSV format.

ManicTime contains a small number of settings. From the Pro version of the program, we expected more functionality in terms of working with statistics. In fact, it does not even have the option to compare by tags and categories.


ManicTime is a full-featured timekeeping program with the ability to build graphs, pivot tables, collect statistics on work with applications and Internet surfing. The simple interface makes ManicTime an understandable and convenient tool for working in single-user mode.

[+] Simple interface
[+] Good functionality
[-] Restrictions when plotting graphs
[-] Localization flaws

Motivate Clock

Motivate Clock is a free chronometer for analyzing activity while working with programs and on the Internet.

First, it is proposed to choose the mode of operation - project or non-project (aka basic). In the first case, Motivate Clock calculates how much time is spent on work and rest when working on a project. The user defines the list of "working" applications independently. All programs that are not related to the project will be classified in the statistics as "Recreation". In the basic, non-project mode, time is calculated when manually switching between applications.

Statistics are available in the main window of the program. Here you can find information about visited sites, open applications. It is easy to distinguish project applications from non-project applications by the color of the timestamps.

With one click, the generated document is exported in PDF format. The output file contains information about the creation time, activity (total elapsed time) of the project. The data is conveniently structured: the links at the top of the document navigate to the desired date. Unfortunately, there are no settings for statistics, as well as visualization or other display options.

The program interface is successful in that, firstly, it does not distract from work and, secondly, that all important options are at hand (pause, switching between projects, settings).


One of the best user-friendly ("friendly") time tracking programs - free, functional, easy to use and equipped with concise documentation. Motivate Clock has commercial potential, and if not in the free, then at least in the paid version of the product I would like to see more possibilities relating to statistics, as well as online synchronization. Unfortunately, the program has not been updated for about a year.

[+] Functionality
[+] Project mode of operation
[+] Convenient compact interface
[-] Unconfigurable statistics

Time Doctor

Time Doctor is a web service designed for multi-user time tracking, program monitoring, and Internet activity. Thanks to these features, you can get detailed information about the use of tools for a project, user, company through a web interface.

The service uses a remote timing method, and at the same time, it integrates perfectly with the Desktop using special client. To install, you need to download it from the page, after registering account on the same site.

The first impression of Time Doctor is similar to an organizer task manager. Therefore, it is easy to understand how a todo list, a project, is created. By selecting the desired task from the list and pressing the "Start!" button, you can start timing.

The lower part of the window displays the current task and various statistics: the time spent on the task, statistics for a certain period (day - month), including rest time.

An activity bar is displayed on top of the windows, which plays not so much an informational role as it serves as a reminder: what the user is currently working on. In addition to this panel, in the absence of activity, a dialog appears that is designed to control the work.

A significant advantage of the program is that all information is stored on the server - accordingly, the synchronization issue has been resolved, as well as remote access closes many issues. So, the project manager can control the quality of the work of employees by looking at the screenshots taken during the user's work. The snapshots correspond to the name of the task, it is not possible to set a specific filter for applications (like TimeSnapper). However, screenshots provide clear evidence that the application or site was used for its intended purpose and not during an unplanned vacation, or vice versa.

The productivity scale is available in the Productivity section. Here is published a list of employees, working hours, hour scale. Data can be grouped by days and weeks.

Using the Reports section, you can get all sorts of information about the user's activities: the use of time for other purposes, rest time for a specified period, web activity, etc. Each type of report, after it is generated (Generate Report), can be printed in a readable form using browser. Data export to CSV/XLS possible

If you combine the functionality of a screen recorder with a timer, you can get a powerful tool for analyzing the time spent on projects and tasks. For example, if there is a need to control the work of another user, the time tracking program should have the function of taking "control" screenshots. In the description of TimeSnapper on the developer's website, you can find arguments and recommendations for using the program: recovering lost text from screenshots, bug testing, monitoring computer use by other users, etc.

Most importantly, TimeSnapper can record user activity within specified applications. For these purposes, you can set up a filter for specific applications, for example, within a project. As a result, it is possible to "reproduce" the user's working day with a given accuracy, depending on the interval for taking screenshots.

Performance evaluation is available in the Play/Browsing day section. The principle of counting is easy to imagine: the ratio of time spent in programs related to work (Productive applications) to the time of "rest" (activity in other applications).

In addition, you can get information about the activity of any application in a specified period of time. To do this, use the search capabilities of TimeSnapper (section Find).

Detailed statistics are available directly in the Reports section. Here you can get acquainted with the time spent at the computer or applicable to each application, compare productivity over different periods, learn about changes over a selected period of time.

For commenting on statistics, it is convenient to use flags in TimeSnapper, indicating the user, project, tags, comments and other information that will help not only the record participant to navigate the data, but will also be suitable for third-party analysis.

A noticeable disadvantage of TimeSnapper is that Internet activity remains "behind the scenes" - there is no information about visited sites in the statistics. And the second point - the report data is displayed in the form of lines, and this is not very convenient for printing or displaying statistics without scrolling.


With the help of TimeSnapper, you can not only analyze your own activity, but also control the quality of work from the outside. Capturing screenshots inside favorite apps details the statistics. This feature distinguishes TimeSnapper among time trackers.

[+] Convenient search, filters
[+] Taking screenshots for the specified programs
[-] Lack of Internet activity analysis
[-] Limited modes of displaying statistics

Timing of working time - observation of a working person during the scheduled time and a certain operation with fixation on a special form.

The measurements of working time are carried out by trained specialists: in case of manual measurement - a standardizer using a chronometer device; with automatic - built-in programs.

Timekeeping is done by solving specific goals: is it calculated correctly wage an employee; for further calculation of the price of services; identification of the period for placing an emergency order.

What is timekeeping

Accurate measurement of working time makes it possible to determine the time spent on performing work and to draw up a schedule for the distribution of tasks to a specific person until his full load. With the help of timekeeping of working hours, you can measure employment not only work force but also equipment, computer.

Timing of time is a continuous action, i.e. continuous observation. To determine the reason that prevents you from achieving a certain result, timing will become your tool for efficiency.

You can carry out individual timing of working time yourself. Example, you have a goal, motivation, you are limited in time, perform actions, achieving your goal.

Timing of working time is an increase in personal return, the effectiveness of a person who consciously performs work without wasting time. At the same time, great labor successes and career growth are achieved.

Managers of various projects in their work use the timing of working time constantly. Freelancers, outsourcers work on an hourly basis and according to the same system.

Working hours example

Consider, as an example, the work of a copywriter on the article "Time Management" rubles Personal growth, the work received from a regular customer.

  1. Selection of an article in a search engine by keywords; - 30 minutes.
  2. Time to review the article; - 20 minutes.
  3. Time to write a new article; -2 hour 25 minutes.
  4. Editing, dividing the article into subheadings; -15 minutes
  5. Check for uniqueness; - 5 minutes.
  6. Editing the article, if required; -15 minutes.
  7. Transfer of the article to the customer.

Adds up the time spent writing the article:
30 minutes. +20 min. + 2h.35 min. +15 min.+ 5 min. + 15 minutes = 4 hours.

Net working time is 4 hours. During this period, the copywriter made technical breaks: 2 times for 15 minutes, which rely on when working on a computer. Preparatory and final time was spent - 15 minutes: wiping the desktop, computer screen, turning it on and off, plus unaccounted moments. Let's say it took 1 hour. In total, we spent 5 hours, but could have spent more time if I did not limit myself in time.

How to make time tracking

  • We select an employee with an “average” labor productivity. We warn him about the timing of working time: day, time. Do not forget about the internal state of the employee, his psychological data. As a rule, beginners and workers with experience are not subject to timing.
  • We outline the list of operations that are subject to measurement. Examples: time to prepare an accountant's quarterly report; preparation of a commercial offer.
  • We determine the timing of the timing, the number of repetitions - measurements. Example: the number of emails sent to customers per hour, per 4 hours.
  • Registration of timekeeping on special forms. Typically, such forms are signed by the worker doing the work, the standard setter, the manager, and are stored in the archives of the company or enterprise.

Timing of working time should be done periodically: to encourage the best workers; performance improvements; encouraging employees to work; to reduce overestimated norms when normalizing

How to track working hours

There are rules and requirements that must be followed when timing working time:

  1. The observer must choose a place with a large view of the performer, without interfering with him in the process of work.
  2. Exclude all conversations with him, as well as conversations with strangers;
  3. The frequency of timing is carried out, observing the terms of the "collective" agreement of the enterprise, company, informing the management of the time of the event.
  4. Comply with safety requirements during the timing of working hours.
  5. Timely warn the employee about the timing.
  6. The observer must be qualified: to have the methods of timing, not to push the performer during work.
  7. The issued form of timing of working hours should not have corrections.
How to schedule working time example

Currently, most companies, organizations, their employees carry out labor activity at computer. With the help of special programs, it is possible to monitor the work of subordinates.

  1. Yaware.TimeTracker service recording accuracy up to 1 minute within one week, around the clock. Works in the background, without interfering with the worker to do the main work. The employee's working hours are tracked.
  2. With the help of the OfficeMETRIKA program, employees who hang out during working hours, on forums and social networks are determined.
  3. A biometric system called BioTime has high speed, takes into account working hours and access control.
  4. The program "Time sheet" has a user-friendly interface, no training is required. In a few minutes, the timesheet is filled out. Stored for a long time in the computer.

Timing of working time is the identification of a reserve of personal time, due to which it is possible to increase labor productivity.