Job description of the sister-mistress of a medical institution. Professional standard of a nurse in the social sphere

Professional standards - new stage in the development of professional competencies of employees.

In practice, many medical organizations have questions with the professional standard "Junior medical personnel". He demands that the orderlies pass professional education. Previously, they did not have such a duty.

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To learn how to implement the professional standard "Junior Medical Personnel" and what to pay attention to, read the recommendation.

The answer to this question is not so obvious. Yes, the section "Other positions of medical workers (junior medical personnel)" of the nomenclature of positions of medical workers contains the following positions:

  • nursing assistant;
  • orderly;
  • medical attendant;
  • housewife sister.

These positions are also in the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated July 23, 2010 No. 541n, which approved the qualification characteristics of positions of workers in the healthcare sector (hereinafter - Order No. 541n).

However, the Law of November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ (hereinafter - Federal Law No. 323-FZ) determines that a health worker is a person who:

  • has a medical or other education;
  • works in a medical organization;
  • carries out medical activities.

This definition is provided by paragraph 13 of Article 2 of Federal Law No. 323-FZ.

That is, in order to attribute the positions of junior medical staff to medical workers, it is necessary that they meet these requirements.

The nursing assistant has the greatest clarity on this issue.

Her job responsibilities include participating in the measurement of body temperature, pulse rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, etc.

Qualification requirements in accordance with the professional standard include “Secondary general education and vocational training for the position of Nurse Nurse for Patient Care”; Average professional education in the specialties "Nursing", "General Medicine", "Obstetrics" - educational programs training of qualified workers (employees) for the position of "Junior Nurse for Patient Care".

Formally, both conditions, in order to classify a junior nurse as a medical worker, comply with the requirements of the law. That is junior nurse patient care worker.

If we consider the orderly, then there are more questions

The orderly who does not provide medical care, not engaged medical activities. However, medical activities also include sanitary and anti-epidemic measures (Order No. 541n). The same position contains the professional standard "Junior medical personnel".

Order No. 521n, in turn, does not require the orderly to have a special (medical) education. To eliminate this inconsistency, the requirements of the professional standard should just be. He assumes that the orderly should have a secondary general education and vocational training for the position of "orderly".

With regard to the positions of "orderly-driver" and "sister-hostess", it should be recognized that they do not meet the definition of "medical worker" either by the nature of the work or by the requirements for education. That is why they are absent in the professional standard "Junior medical personnel".

The Ministry of Labor approved the professional standard "Junior medical personnel" by its order of January 12, 2016 No. 2n.

Please note that as long as the qualification characteristics are valid, medical organizations have the right to keep these positions in the staffing table.

EKSD 2018. Edition dated April 9, 2018
To search for approved professional standards of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, use reference book of professional standards

Mistress Sister

Job responsibilities. Supervises the work of nurses and cleaners to keep the premises clean and tidy medical organization(subdivisions), provides the serviced unit household inventory, overalls, hygiene items, stationery, detergents, bed and underwear for patients. Makes a change of bathrobes, towels for employees of a medical organization. Draws up requests for the repair of premises, equipment, inventory and supervises its implementation. Provides power supply units (buffet, canteen) with equipment, utensils and monitors their correct labeling and use. Maintains accounting records.

Must know: expiration dates of linen and inventory used in a medical organization (division), methods of sanitizing inventory, operating and storage conditions for inventory, forms of accounting and reporting documentation and rules for filling them out, rules for observing the sanitary and hygienic regime in a medical organization (division), internal rules work schedule, rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. Secondary (complete) general education and additional training in the direction professional activity no requirement for work experience.

Jobs for the position of Sister-mistress according to the all-Russian database of vacancies

In connection with the entry into force of amendments to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation on July 1, 2016, which regulate the procedure for the application of professional standards by employers, the application of existing professional standards has become mandatory, including the application by medical organizations of the professional standard for junior medical workers (order of the Ministry of Labor and social protection RF dated January 12, 2016 N 2n).
The medical organization is a state budgetary psychiatric institution with 428 junior medical staff; current personnel must have documents on education in accordance with the requirements of this professional standard. As part of the estimated and normative costs for financial support for the implementation of the state task, funds are not provided for the training of medical workers, including junior medical personnel.
Target subsidies for advanced training of medical workers, in accordance with regulatory documents, are issued for the category of paramedical workers, doctors, specialists and employees. That is, junior medical personnel cannot be trained at the expense of these funds. Funds from income-generating activities in the institution are insignificant and will not be able to cover the cost of training all nursing staff.
Should the institution train its employees, or is it the responsibility of the employee himself?
Is there any official document on this occasion?
Is it possible to take vacant positions nursing staff of workers who do not have a certificate of professional training in order to train them later?

After considering the issue, we came to the following conclusion:
In the above situation, the employer has the right to be guided by the requirements of both the professional standard and the qualification guide approved by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated July 23, 2010 N 541n. Therefore, if the education of workers meets the requirements of the handbook, additional training of medical workers is not necessary.
The legislation does not provide for the obligation of the employer to pay for the training of already hired employees whose qualifications do not meet the requirements of professional standards. Such workers shall be trained under the conditions and in the manner determined by collective agreement agreements, employment contracts.

Rationale for the conclusion:
1. In accordance with part two of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a professional standard is a description of the qualifications necessary for an employee to carry out a certain type of professional activity, including the performance of a certain labor function.
According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, if in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws with the performance of work in certain positions, professions, specialties, the provision of compensations and benefits or the presence of restrictions, the name of these positions, professions or specialties, and qualification requirements they must comply with the names and requirements specified in the qualification reference books approved in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation, or the relevant provisions of professional standards.
As you can see, the specified norm of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation implies that the employer has the right to choose which of the documents named in this norm to apply if the same position is included both in the qualification directory and in the professional standard (clause 5 of the information of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation on the application of professional standards, sent by letter of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of 04.04.2016 N 14-0 / 10 / V-2253, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of 06.07.2016 N 14-2 / ​​OOG-6465, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated February 12, 2016 N 09-PG-MON-814, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2013 N 22405-OF / D26 and "According to draft orders of the Ministry of Labor of Russia", response from the portal "Onlineinspektsiya.RF").
Because medical workers compensation is provided (for example, reduced working time) and benefits, and engaging in medical activities is associated with certain restrictions (the need for a specialist certificate, etc.), the qualification requirements for the positions of these workers must comply with the requirements specified in the qualification reference books or in professional standards (part two of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
Ministry of Health and social development RF dated 23.07.2010 N 541n approved the section of the Unified Qualification Directory for the Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees " Qualification characteristics positions of workers in the field of healthcare". In accordance with this order, the following qualification requirements for the positions of junior medical personnel are established:
- "Junior nurse for patient care" must have an initial professional education in the specialty "Nursing" without presenting requirements for work experience or secondary (complete) general education, additional training in the direction of professional activity without presenting requirements for work experience;
- "Nurse" - secondary (complete) general education without presenting requirements for work experience.
- "Sister-mistress" - secondary (complete) general education and additional training in the direction of professional activity without presenting requirements for work experience;
Also, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of January 12, 2016 N 2n approved the professional standard "Junior medical personnel" (hereinafter referred to as the professional standard). In accordance with clause 3.1, clause 3.2 of the professional standard, the following requirements are imposed:
- "Junior nurse for patient care" must have secondary general education and vocational training for the position "Junior nurse for patient care"; secondary vocational education in the specialties "Nursing", "Medicine", "Obstetrics" - educational programs for the training of qualified workers (employees) for the position of "Junior Nurse for Patient Care".
- "Sanitary" - secondary general education, vocational training for the position of "Sanitary".
professional standard"Mistress Sister" is currently not accepted.
Thus, in the above situation, the employer has the right to be guided by the requirements of the qualification handbook when establishing qualification requirements for the positions of junior medical personnel.
Note that in accordance with the Government of the Russian Federation of June 27, 2016 N 584 professional standards in terms of the requirements for the qualifications necessary for an employee to perform a certain labor function established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation and federal bodies executive power, are used, among other things, by state and municipal institutions stage-by-stage on the basis of the plans for organizing the application of professional standards approved by these organizations, taking into account the opinions of the representative bodies of employees. The implementation of the activities of these plans must be completed no later than January 1, 2020 (see also Information mail of the All-Russian Trade Union of Education of March 10, 2017 N 122 "On topical issues of the application of professional standards").
However, N 584 does not provide for state institutions any additional cases of applying professional standards in comparison with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The normative act only establishes the need for this category of employers to take measures aimed at ensuring the compliance of their employees with the requirements of professional standards in cases where they, in accordance with the law, are mandatory for use in terms of the requirements for the qualifications of employees. This Decree does not exclude the right of institutions to choose the application for the same positions of the requirements of professional standards or qualification reference books, established by part two of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
Therefore, in our opinion, despite the introduction of the professional standard "Junior medical personnel", which establishes other requirements for the positions of junior medical personnel than those established qualification handbook, government agency has the right to be guided by the qualification handbook approved by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated July 23, 2010 N 541n.
2. The need for employee training (vocational education and vocational training) and additional professional education for their own needs is determined by the employer. In cases stipulated by federal laws, other regulatory legal acts Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to conduct vocational training or additional vocational education for employees, if this is a condition for the employees to perform certain types of activities (parts one and four of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
Neither the Russian Federation nor other regulatory legal acts provide for the obligation of the employer to pay for the training of already hired workers whose qualifications do not meet the requirements of professional standards. Accordingly, such workers are trained on the terms and in the manner determined by the collective agreement, agreements, labor contract (part two of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, letters of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated 04.04. RF").
In fairness, we note that representatives of Rostrud also express the opinion on this issue that advanced training in this case should be carried out at the expense of the employer (answer 1, answer 2, answer 3, answer 4 from the portal "Onlineinspektsiya.RF").

Prepared answer:
Legal Consulting Service Expert GARANT
Verkhova Nadezhda

Response quality control:
Reviewer of the Legal Consulting Service GARANT
Komarova Victoria

The material was prepared on the basis of an individual written consultation provided as part of the Legal Consulting service.

professional standard nurse implies job descriptions that all employees must comply with. For each category of nurses there is a list of skills and knowledge that she must possess. In the article we will consider them.

What should a nurse do

The professional standard of a nurse includes the following skills:

  1. Not only the provision of medical services, but also interaction with relatives, doctors and patients.
  2. Participation in the creation of a safe hospital environment, organizing a working space for oneself in a dressing, manipulation or treatment room.
  3. Obtaining written consent to carry out certain procedures prescribed by the doctor.
  4. The use of medicines prescribed by a doctor.
  5. Introduction of injections, setting up infusion media and droppers.
  6. Maintaining records of medicines, filling out reports and documentation for the reception and storage of medicines.
  7. Monitoring the condition of patients.
  8. Providing emergency care before the doctor arrives if the patient has a complication on a particular medication.

Nursing Skills

The professional standard of a nurse has a section that is devoted to the basic skills and abilities of staff. The main skills are as follows:

  • In medical work with patients, use all the procedures and rules of professional communication.
  • The ability to find mutual language both with ordinary patients and those with deviations in consciousness, behavior, vision or hearing.
  • The ability to organize the workspace in such a way that it complies with all the rules and regulations that are approved in our country.
  • The nurse must be able to calculate the required dose of the drug prescribed by the doctor.
  • The professional standard of a nurse obliges the latter to be able to puncture peripheral veins and their catheterization. The nurse must be able to care for the vascular catheter.
  • She must correctly administer the drug to the patient, taking into account all regulations.
  • The nurse must also have the skills to work with medical documentation. This also includes the accounting and storage of medicines.
  • The middle staff should provide emergency care to the patient if there is no doctor nearby.
  • The nurse is obliged to comply with the requirements for sanitary-epidemiological and infectious safety.

Diet Skills

The professional standard of a medical dietary nurse has its own differences, but, nevertheless, it is included in the set of professional standards. The main activity of such a nurse is the planning of therapeutic nutrition for the patient. That is, the dietitian must:

  1. Collaborate with other services on therapeutic nutrition issues medical institution such as a food unit, accounting or a dietitian.
  2. Organize the work of the food block.
  3. Create diet cards.
  4. Make a menu for a week that will correspond to different therapeutic diets.
  5. On the advice of a medical institution, submit drafts of a medical menu, which depends on the type of diet.
  6. In its activities, analyze natural and monetary indicators.
  7. Maintain reports and records.

Responsibilities of a dietitian

The duties of a dietitian are more advanced. These include:

  • Formation of a dietary menu for patients of the institution.
  • Compliance with the physiological norms of nutrition for patients.
  • Type accounting therapeutic diet before the formation of the menu for the week.
  • Formation, together with a nutritionist, of a weekly menu, taking into account seasonality.
  • Compilation of various dishes.
  • The correct distribution of money for products for a weekly diet.
  • Calculation together with a dietitian nutritional value and chemical composition dishes.
  • Reconciliation of the fulfillment of natural and monetary norms for dietary nutrition, together with accounting. This is done in reporting period, for which they can take a month, a week.

Standards for the social sphere

The professional standard of the nurse in social sphere is a document that is a section of the general professional standard.

This document contains the following requirements:

  1. The nurse should interact with social security agencies, ITU commissions, institution services and its staff. At the same time, the interaction should be in the interests of patients.
  2. The nurse is obliged to keep records of the disabled in a given area, as well as the elderly.
  3. To form a base of persons who need social and medical care.
  4. The nurse should conduct an examination of the social and living conditions of patients in conjunction with other services.
  5. Provide citizens with medical and social information and determine their own need for social assistance.
  6. Conduct work on the social adaptation of the elderly and the disabled.
  7. Help the patient obtain the necessary funds for rehabilitation.
  8. Help patients realize their rights to receive payments and benefits.

Nursing standards include:

  • Examination of the patient the possibility of independent consumer services, movement or communication.
  • Database formation and collection necessary information.
  • Identification of the main problems in elderly patients and disabled people who have lost social skills.
  • Working with the patient's relatives, teaching them how to adapt to the capabilities or needs of the elderly and disabled.
  • Providing comprehensive assistance to patients to obtain benefits, medical devices or guarantees.
  • Patient education on use technical means or medical devices for rehabilitation.

Rehabilitation Nurse Standards

The standards of professional activity of a nurse who helps in rehabilitation are as follows:

  1. interaction with rehabilitation department and other services for the benefit of the patient.
  2. Fulfillment of medical appointments at any stage of rehabilitation.
  3. Carrying out activities for physiotherapy and exercise therapy.
  4. Conducting therapeutic massage.
  5. The use of methods that allow you to psychologically unload the patient.
  6. Evaluation of the effectiveness of rehabilitation procedures that have already been carried out.

In addition, the nurse must:

  • Be able to use the means of physiotherapy and medications prescribed by the doctor.
  • Carry out physiotherapy in accordance with the patient's rehabilitation program.
  • Conduct physical therapy classes.
  • Conduct sessions of both hardware massage and manual.
  • Conduct classes in art therapy, music therapy, etc.
  • Provide psychological support for the patient.
  • Be able to stimulate the patient to train fine motor skills or engage in manual labor if necessary for the rehabilitation process.

Junior Staff Standards

In 2016, the Ministry of Social Protection and Labor approved the professional standard for a junior nurse. This document was adopted because the duties of a junior nurse and a nurse were often confused before. The professional standard made it possible to clearly distinguish between these two professions.

Based on the document, allocate qualification levels, which directly depend on the skills and abilities that the employee has, as well as the responsibilities that the management of the medical institution imposes on them.

So, the professional standard of a junior nurse includes procedures for caring for patients in a medical institution. That is, in the staffing table, along with two posts, they indicate a set of their duties and functions necessary for accounting.

Both the nurse and the junior nurse are required to have a specialized education. If this is not the case, then you need to send the employee to courses. But this requirement is not mandatory, and therefore the professional standard of a junior nurse for care is observed at the request of the head of the medical institution.

So, the junior nurse is obliged:

  1. Process incoming information from patients and their relatives.
  2. Help patients move around the facility.
  3. Maintain sanitary and hygienic standards while caring for seriously ill patients.
  4. Help the seriously ill meet their natural needs.
  5. Feed patients who are unable to feed themselves.
  6. Take pillowcases, blankets, sheets, pillows, shoes, and clothes for the patient.
  7. Change bedding and underwear of the patient.
  8. Assist the doctor during the measurement of temperature, measurement of pressure and other simple procedures.
  9. Monitor the general condition of the patient.
  10. Transport biological materials to the laboratory.
  11. Provide first aid if the patient's life is in danger.

Since we are talking about the approval of the professional standard of a junior nurse, she should be able to:

  • Receive and transmit information that is related to the patient's condition.
  • Be able to use special equipment for ergonomic transportation of the patient.
  • Monitor the factors that surround the patient and prevent their exposure if they threaten the patient's condition.
  • Know how to handle medical supplies.
  • Be able to measure blood pressure and temperature.
  • Know how to provide first aid.
  • Accompany and assist the patient during medical examination.
  • To help patients satisfy their natural needs if their musculoskeletal system is damaged.

Professional standard for senior staff

The professional standard of the chief nurse is markedly different from all others. Rather, as such, there is no document on this topic, but, nevertheless, the requirements are more stringent compared to nurses of other qualifications. The professional standard of the chief nurse is based on the fact that she has more responsibilities, a wider right to control subordinates, and a higher degree of responsibility to management.

For a candidate for the position of chief nurse, it is necessary to have a specialized secondary or higher education. At least ten years of work experience with secondary education and at least five years with higher education.

In this sense, the professional standards of a chief nurse are no different.

Procedure Nurse Standards

The procedural nurse performs standard duties. She carries out the appointments that are prescribed for drug therapy. The nurse not only provides services, but also cooperates with doctors, relatives of the patient and the patient himself. Creates a safe hospital environment and properly organizes his workplace.

The professional standard of a procedural nurse also includes obtaining written consent from patients for certain procedures. In addition, the nurse is required to keep a record of medicines and fill out documentation for their storage and receipt. Provide emergency care if the patient becomes worse after the administration of the medicine.

The professional standard of the nurse in the treatment room of the polyclinic also has a list of employee skills. It:

  1. Ability to use rules for clinical work with patients.
  2. The ability to establish contact with the patient, even if he has impaired vision, hearing or consciousness.
  3. Organize your workspace in accordance with all the norms and rules of the law.
  4. Ability to calculate the required dose of the drug.
  5. Properly administer medications and dispense Required documents.
  6. Work with documents.
  7. Compliance with the requirements of sanitary and epidemiological safety and infectious.

The same skills are also indicated in the professional standard of the ward nurse.

Dressing Room Nurse Standards

Since we have dealt with almost all the qualifications, we will tell you about the rest. So, professional standards give the dressing nurse special responsibilities. We will consider only them, since the rest are absolutely identical to the duties of a procedural nurse.

So, the professional standard of a nurse in a dressing room obliges an employee to be able to treat wounds, apply bandages and splints, work with plaster and provide psychological support to a patient in a state of shock and severe pain.

The rest of the duties are the same as those of a treatment room nurse.

Standards for a housewife

Since professional standards apply even to nurses, why not develop them for the housewife? So, the hostess is lower in position than the nurses, but higher than the nurses. According to the professional standard, she must have a secondary or complete general education and special courses in her specialty. Work experience doesn't matter.

The professional standards of the hostess of a medical organization oblige her to:

  • Supervise the work of nurses and cleaners.
  • Manage household supplies.
  • Maintain your branch special clothing, hygiene items, stationery and detergents.
  • Provide sanitation for patients.
  • Take dirty linen to the disinfection department.
  • Monitor patient clothing. It should correspond to the height and sex of the patient.
  • Change bathrobes.
  • Distribute towels to medical staff.
  • Responsible for preparing the premises for receiving patients. This includes the purchase of inventory and requests for repairs.
  • Monitor the condition of the dining room, that is, equipment, utensils and the presence of markings on items from the power supply.
  • Fill out reports on the work done and maintain other documentation.

In addition to duties, the hostess has the right to learn from the management the information necessary for her work, to participate in the commission that writes off the used equipment, to give instructions for the junior medical staff.

The hostess sister is responsible for the safety of material values, the property of a medical institution. If she does not comply with these rules, then she can bear not only administrative, but also criminal liability.

The job of a hostess sister is to communicate with people a lot. These are her direct duties, as well as the fact that she must be able to organize the workflow. After all, she has about twenty people under her command.

That is, in order to successfully work as a housewife, you need to be able to communicate with people around you and be a stress-resistant person. The named work requires not only moral, but also physical strength, which means that the candidate for the position must be hardy. Attentiveness, accuracy and restraint are also necessary qualities for this employee.

Standards for a nurse in a polyclinic

The professional standard of a polyclinic nurse is no different from that of a procedural nurse. The only thing that is still imputed to her is to lead the sick who are attached to her site. And here we can draw an analogy with the social nurse. After all, it should not only provide emergency assistance, but also help to receive preferential medicines or medical devices. That is, if we talk about responsibilities, it should be a savvy employee from all sides who knows how not only to keep documentation, but also to administer the drug or help the patient during the examination.

The impact of professional standards on the work of the institution

The draft "Professional Nursing Standard" is just about to be accepted. That is, this is a document in which all the labor functions of a specialist will be indicated. If professional standards for nursing already exist, what will be the norms for nursing no one knows yet. But, nevertheless, medical institutions are obliged to begin preparations for the introduction of the document right now.

First of all, after the entry into force of the project, the management of the medical institution is obliged to notify all employees about this. It is necessary to convey as clearly as possible those norms that will be taken as a basis.

Standards will be approved for the chief and senior nurse, as well as for highly specialized nurses - dressing, procedural and others. This will entail a revision of job descriptions, which means that the management of the institution must do the following:

  1. Conduct explanatory work with the staff of the medical institution. They should be aware of what is required of them and the content of the standard.
  2. After the job descriptions are revised, and the professional standard is put into operation, it is necessary to sign additional agreements with middle and senior medical personnel.
  3. Management is obliged to analyze the compliance of employees' qualifications with professional standards. That is, employees must have a special certificate and secondary vocational education.
  4. If a discrepancy between one another is found, then the management must decide how to improve the qualifications of the employee. For example, to meet the professional standard of a massage nurse, you need a special certificate, which you need to get.
  5. It would also be useful to study the professional standard for the knowledge of employees that are used within the medical institution.

If all these points are observed, then the implementation of the project will be painless for the institution.


It is very important to comply medical standards because the quality depends on it. medical care. Unfortunately, in our country this issue is often treated negligently, hence medical errors or improperly performed treatment appear, which sometimes has the most sad consequences.

To stop this and reach a qualitatively different level of service, this project was developed. It will allow, after implementation, to carefully select medical personnel, knowing what functions they should perform.

Sometimes a nurse is more important than a doctor. This is especially true for the care and treatment of seriously ill people. Therefore, these employees should not only be professionals in their field, but also be able to find contact with patients. After all, most often the result of his treatment or rehabilitation depends on the psychological mood of the latter. The nurse must by all means assure the patient of successful treatment and a favorable outcome.

When middle and junior medical personnel are selected in accordance with regulatory requirements, then medical services in our country will reach a different level.

The Ministry of Health recommended not to reduce the wages of nurses transferred to the position of cleaner. Letter of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated February 7, 2018 N 16-3/10/2-705 "On the transfer of junior medical personnel to office cleaners."

Certification of junior medical personnel

According to the Order of July 23, 2010 N 541n "Qualification characteristics of positions of workers in the field of healthcare", as well as the Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of January 12, 2016 N 2n "On approval of the professional standard "Junior medical personnel" in all health care institutions are assessing the qualifications (certification) of junior medical personnel for compliance with the performed labor functions professional standard requirements.

Compulsory professional standard "Junior medical personnel"

The need for qualification certification junior medical staff dictates article 195.3 Labor Code Russian Federation. This article states that professional standards are mandatory for execution only in the part where the qualification requirements necessary for the performance of labor functions are defined. The rest of the professional standard is advisory in nature. AT professional standard (download document in pdf format) qualification requirements are defined, and junior medical staff must comply with them: a junior nurse (brother) for patient care, an orderly.

What to be guided by if the employee has not passed the certification?

Termination of the employment contract: If during the assessment of the qualifications of a junior honey. personnel, it turns out that the labor functions performed by them do not meet the requirements for the qualification of the professional standard, then this employee may be terminated labor contract basedparagraph 3, part one, article 81 of the Labor Code . It is important to keep in mind that the termination of the contract occurs on the basis of:

    inconsistency of the employee with the position held,

    inconsistency of the employee with the work performed due to insufficient qualifications.

Transfer to office cleaner : If the employee only cleans the premises, then he can be transferred to the position of a cleaner. To do this, the employer makes changes to staffing. The same is done if the organization is reducing the number and staff of employees: junior staff,according to the third part of Article 81 of the Labor Code , the position of the cleaner is offered.

What requirements should junior medical personnel meet?

According to the Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development dated January 12, 2016 No. 2n “On approval of the professional standard “Junior medical personnel”, these specialists can have one of 2 qualification categories: 2nd and 4th.

Nurse (2 qualification category) must ensure the sanitary maintenance of wards, specialized rooms, the movement of material objects and medical waste, and the care of the body of a deceased person. He must have a secondary general education and undergo vocational training for the position of "Nurseman". He must be able to provide first aid, disinfect care items, equipment, inventory and medical devices. Conduct pre-sterilization cleaning of medical devices.

Must know the requirements of infectious safety, observe the sanitary-hygienic and anti-epidemic regime when transporting material objects.

Junior nurse for patient care (4 qualification category ). These specialists must have a secondary general education and vocational training for the position of "Junior Nurse for Patient Care"orsecondary vocational education in the specialties "Nursing", "Medicine", "Obstetrics" - educational programs for the training of qualified workers (employees) for the position of "Junior Nurse for Patient Care".

Labor duties of house cleaners and their salary

If the orderly was transferred to the position of a cleaner, then it is forbidden to assign the labor functions of a nurse to him. The cleaner should only clean office premises, according to the job description, in the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of November 10, 1992 N 31 .

Nursing staff training