Analysis of the range of medical products in the pharmacy. Analysis of the range of intranasal drugs in a pharmacy. Segmentation of the sales range

Range - this is the product that we offer to our customer.

When developing the assortment policy of any pharmacy institution, a comprehensive analysis of drugs allowed for use and existing on the market is necessary, consideration of specific nomenclature positions of drugs, their dosages, packaging, dosage forms, price characteristics, quality, novelty in relation to their activities.

When carrying out analytical work on the range of products in operation in a pharmacy, it can be evaluated according to the following marketing indicators:

1. breadth of assortment;

2. completeness of the assortment;

3. assortment depth;

4. saturation of the assortment;

5. harmony of the assortment;

6. completeness of use;

7. sustainability of the range;

8. the degree of renewal of the assortment.

All these concepts are conditional and can be considered both for the entire assortment structure and within individual pharmacotherapeutic groups. As an Information Assortmenttiment base, to which you can apply a comparisona thorough study of the range of pharmacies shouldofficial sources are used: registers, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, orders of the Ministry of Health of Russia, reference books, etc.

The breadth of the range of medicinal preparations Comrade can be considered primarily in relation to the number of their pharmacotherapeutic groups circulating on the market.

For example, if in the assortment of a pharmacy organization there areIf there are drugs from 5 pharmacotherapeutic groups out of 100 circulating on the market, then we can talk about a narrow assortment of this institution. In this case, it is necessary to study the incidence statistics in this region and determine which pharmacotherapeutic groups can be expanded additionally. A wide range allows you to target different consumers and encourage shopping in one place.

Latitude factor - the ratio of the actual number of assortment groups (subgroups, classowls, etc.) to the base (maximum possiblelatitude).

Ksh \u003d Shfakt / Shbazovaya

Completeness of the range of medicines considersXia in relation to each nomenclature item and is characterized by the number of dosage forms of this nomenclature item in relation to those registered and approved for use.

For example, analgin is available in the form of angro powder, tablets, ampoule solutions, and all these forms are in the pharmacy, then for this position we can talk about the full range.

Completeness factor - the ratio of the number of acassortment positions (commodity units), I haveavailable in a pharmaceutical organization(actual completeness), to the number of assortmentpositions entered in the State Register or received permission to use (basic completeness):

Kp \u003d Pfact / Pbasic

Assortment depth characterized by a variety of dosages, concentrations, packaging of one name of the drug.

That is, when we have in the assortment not just an ampoule solution of analgin, but in different concentrations, different packaging and dosages registered in the State Register of Medicines, then the depth of such an assortment is satisfactory.

An example of the insufficient depth of the pharmacy assortment is the presence of adult dosages and the absence of children's dosages. A deep assortment allows you to meet the needs of different consumer segments for one medicinal substance, increases the competitiveness of the institution, makes it possible to offer a range of prices and a number of other advantages. However, it also increases the cost of maintaining inventory, fulfilling orders. In addition, certain difficulties may arise in differentiating between two similar assortment positions.

Depth factor - the ratio of the actual number of assortment positions of one productname to the possible number of positions:

Kg \u003d Gfact / Gbase

Saturation of the nomenclature (assortment) - this is the total number of all drugs produced (sold) on the market.

The harmony of the assortment characterizedthe degree of homogeneity of the nomenclature (assortment) in relation to the preferences of the doctor, the patient.So, having a wide range of diureticks, we can talk about its harmony ifit satisfies all consumer preferences, i.e. there are osmotic, loop, potassium-sparing diuretics, as well as combined drugs of this group. In turn, the wholesaler's assortment can be harmonized according to the main buyers, types of enterprises (institutions).

Completeness of the assortment - an important indicator characterizing the rationality of the assortment selected by the institution. It can be considered as the ratio of the sold assortment items to those available for a certain period of time.

The higher this indicator, the more correctly the assortment is selected. If the frequency of use of a specific nomenclature position is low, it is necessary to determine what reasons underlie it: an ineffective or outdated drug, lack of awareness among doctors, etc.

If the indicators of the breadth, completeness and depth of the assortment of medicines of an enterprise (institution) change little over time, then we can talk about a conservative assortment policy, stability of the assortment, which is associated with a certain market risk.

Demonstrates the ability of a product to meet changing needs through the emergence of new pharmacy products, dosage forms, dosages, packaging. The renewal rate can be calculated as the ratio of the number of new products (N) to the actual saturation of the assortment in this group (Pact.) (Table 3). When calculating this indicator the following assumption was used: all goods that first appeared during the study in the assortment of a pharmacy organization were considered new.

The new assortment allows diversifying the market and finding new niches in it. On the other hand, introducing new products to the market is always associated with huge costs and risks, since new types of pharmaceutical and parapharmaceutical products may not be in demand.

Range sustainability - the ability of a set of goods to meet consumer demand.

The stability of the assortment indicates the constant preferences of intermediate and end consumers, which can be explained both by the constancy of tastes, habit, price factors, if we are talking about end users, and, for example, by the inclusion of drugs in the list of drugs dispensed free of charge or on preferential terms.

The stability of the assortment can be determined both in terms of assortment groups (if the same groups of goods are constantly in circulation, then this indicator will be equal to Ksh), and within the assortment group. The main problem of the latter case is the choice of method for identifying sustainable goods.

The two most commonly used methods are:

1) by the number of days when the product was on sale (conditionally, if for more than 280 days a year the product was in demand, then the demand for it can be considered stable);

2) by the terms during which the goods were sold from the pharmacy (sales speed coefficient is less than 0.5). The stability coefficient (Ku) is calculated as the ratio of the number of commodity units that are in steady demand (U) to the actual saturation of the assortment (Pfakt.).


Okonenko T.I. oneKostyrkin M.A. 2

1 SBEI HPE "Novgorod State University Yaroslav the Wise"

2 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Military Medical Academy. CM. Kirov" Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation





1. Demidov N.V. OTC drugs: the backbone of freedom in the stormy ocean of the Russian pharmaceutical market. Novaya Apteka. Efficient Management. - 2011. - No. 1. – P. 35–40.

2. N. B. Dremova, A. M. Nikolaenko, and I. I. Perfect. A complex approach in marketing positions research medicines// New pharmacy. Effective management. - 2009. - No. 8. pp. 47 - 51.

3. State Register of Medicines [Electronic resource] - Access mode: http: // / - GRLS.aspx, free (07. 12. 2013).

4. Order of the Ministry of Health and social development Russian Federation No. 753 dated December 11, 2007 "On approval of the standard medical care patients with urticaria"

5. Revyakina V.A. Urticaria in the practice of a pediatrician // Attending doctor - 2007. - No. 4. S. - 16-20.

6. Russian national consensus document "Urticaria and angioedema" / Recommendations for practitioners. - M., 2007. - 126 p.

Allergic diseases are topical issue practical health care and in recent years have attracted more and more close attention of doctors of various specialties. In many countries, there is an increase in patients bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis, hay fever, urticaria, food allergies and other allergic diseases.

Allergic diseases cause significant suffering to the patient, negatively affect professional activity lead to disability and a significant decrease in the quality of life.

Among allergic diseases, urticaria ranks third in prevalence. So, acute urticaria is observed in 25%, and chronic in 5% of the population.

Urticaria can occur at any age.

Treatment of chronic urticaria requires long-term, sometimes permanent use of antihistamines. The duration of the course of the disease is up to 30 years or more.

As the pathogenesis of allergies is studied, new drugs (MPs) are being developed and tested, and their forms are being improved.

The increase in the product range of drugs in Russia is associated with the registration on its pharmaceutical market of a large number of generics of domestic and foreign production. This expanded the range and the possibility of choosing the necessary drugs (and antihistamines in particular), taking into account modern approaches to the pharmacotherapy of allergic diseases and consumer preferences of patients.

Therefore, the aim of the study was to analyze the range and structure of sales of systemic antihistamines using the example of network pharmacies, to study medical prescriptions for patients with urticaria to improve medical and pharmaceutical care for patients in Veliky Novgorod.

Materials and Methods: The studies were carried out during the period of 2014 on the basis of one of the network pharmacies of Veliky Novgorod, also on the basis of Polyclinic No. 1 of Veliky Novgorod. Studied randomly selected 50 outpatient records of patients diagnosed with urticaria (ICD-10 code: L50). Among the examined were 23 men and 27 women. The age range of patients is 30 - 68 years. In 40 patients, urticaria occurred as an allergic reaction to the medications taken, in 10 people the cause was not established. Complaints in all patients with urticaria were standard: itching, burning, chills were noted. Patients over the age of 60 were worried about arthralgia. The clinical picture of acute urticaria was characterized by the sudden formation of blisters on the skin, edematous, bright pink in color, rising above the level of the skin, of various sizes and shapes.

The list of antihistamines (AHP) includes 119 trade names and 22 international generic names.

At the time of the study, there were 40 trade names of AGP in the pharmacy. Available drugs are grouped by generation, chemical structure, international non-proprietary name and are presented below (Tables 1 - 3).

Table 1

Classification of H 1 blockers of the 1st generation by chemical structure

table 2

Classification of H1 blockers of the 2nd generation according to the chemical structure

International non-proprietary name

Trade name



Loratadin (Russia), Claritin (Belgium), Clarisens (Russia), Loratadin-Teva, Loragexal (Germany), Lomilan (Slovenia),


Kestin (Spain)



Cetirizine (St. Petersburg), Cetirizine-Teva (Hungary), Cetrin (India), Zodak (Czech Republic), Parlazin (Hungary), Zirtek (Spain), Zirtek (Belgium)





Rupafin (Spain)

Table 3

Classification of H 1 blockers of the 3rd generation according to the chemical structure

It is noted in the literature that drugs dominate imported production(58% of the AGP market or a company out of 22 foreign countries). The largest number of AGPs is represented by Indian pharmaceutical companies (17%). The second and third positions (16% each) belong to Hungary and Switzerland. Russian antihistamines occupy 42% in the structure of AHD. In our studies, domestic drugs account for only 20% of drugs.

It should be noted that AGPs are mainly OTC drugs, although the instructions for such drugs as Zyrtec drops 10ml (Switzerland), Ksizal drops 10ml (Switzerland), Phencarol tablets 50mg (Latvia), Gistafen tablets 50mg (Latvia) indicate that the data drugs are dispensed by prescription.

To analyze the rationality of the assortment of this group of medicines (drugs), we calculated such indicators as the coefficient of breadth, the completeness of the assortment, the indicator of its renewal, and the speed of circulation.

K fact - the number of assortment groups of drugs in the pharmacy; K basic - the number of assortment groups according to OKP ( all-Russian classifier products)

Consequently, the pharmacy presents the entire range of the studied group.

The completeness of the range of AGPs presented in the pharmacy was analyzed using the example of the Cetrin subgroup (cetirizine), because in the sales ranking among histamine preparations, it ranks first. According to the state register, the release forms are as follows:

Tsetrin syrup 1 mg/ml; dark glass bottle 60 ml with a dosing glass (cup), cardboard pack; Dr. Reddy's Laboratories Ltd. (India)

. Cetrin tablets, film-coated, 10 mg, 10 pcs. - blister packs (2) - cardboard packs, Dr. Reddy's Laboratories Ltd. (India)

. Cetrin tablets, film-coated, 10 mg, 10 pcs. - blisters (3) - cardboard pack

Cetrin® (10) - PVC / aluminum blister (2) / 10 tablets in PVC / aluminum blister. 2 blisters, together with instructions for use, are packed in a cardboard pack. / - a cardboard pack.

Cetrin® (10) - PVC / aluminum blister (3) / 10 tablets in PVC / aluminum blister. 3 blisters, together with instructions for use, are packed in a cardboard pack. / - a cardboard pack.

Cetrin® - film-coated tablets, 10 mg (blister) 10 x 2/3 (cardboard pack).

All LP Tsetrin are presented in a pharmacy.

To the completeness of the range = 1.

The assortment renewal indicator is the ratio of the number of new drugs to the actual saturation of the assortment in this group. For new drugs, drugs that first appeared in this pharmacy are accepted. The calculation was carried out for a group of drugs with the international non-proprietary name Desloratodin, since over the past 6 months, a new generic "Desal" has appeared in the pharmacy. The group of drugs with the international non-proprietary name Desloratadine is made up of drugs with the following trade names: Erius, Desloratadine, Desloratadine Canon, Desloratadine-Teva, Desloratadine-Pharmaplant, Desloratadine hemisulfate, Lordestin , Nalorius , Ezlor , Elysee , Desal .

The renewal rate is very low.

The turnover rate of some of the best-selling AGPs in the pharmacy was studied. The circulation rate was slow and amounted to 4 packs per day for Cetrin, 2 packs per day for Suprastin and Zodak, 1 pack per day for Diazolin and Tavegil.

In order to clarify the reasons for the large sales of Tsetrin, we analyzed medical prescriptions made for urticaria.

The standard of outpatient medical care for patients with mild and moderate urticaria in the acute phase in children and adults was approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated December 11, 2007 No. 753

It provides for the appointment of the following antihistamines (Table 4).

According to existing medical standards, second-generation antihistamines are first-line drugs for the treatment of chronic urticaria, which, in order to achieve a stable positive effect, must be taken for a long time. Doctors of the polyclinic in 32 cases prescribed Tsetrin, in the remaining 18 - Suprastin. As can be seen from the above standard for the treatment of urticaria, Cetirizine (Cetrin), although Cetirizine is included in the list of vital drugs.

Table 4

Standard of outpatient care for patients with mild and moderate urticaria in the acute phase in children and adults

Thus, the analysis showed that the assortment of AGS in the pharmacy is characterized by a good breadth (Ksh = 1). Some AGS trade names are represented by all dosage forms registered by the State Register (Cetrin). Generic AGPs predominate (71%). Foreign-made drugs make up (80%). During the period from January 2014 to July 2014, the range of AGPs was replenished with a 3rd generation drug (generic Desal).

The leader in sales of antihistamines are drugs of the 2nd generation of the cetirizine group, to a greater extent Cetrin, which is associated with its competent and active promotion by medical representatives, as well as advertising in the media.

Bibliographic link

Okonenko T.I., Kostyrkin M.A. MARKETING ANALYSIS OF THE RANGE OF ANTIHISTAMINE MEDICINES ON THE EXAMPLE OF A PHARMACY // International magazine experimental education. - 2015. - No. 11-2. - S. 208-211;
URL: (date of access: 01/04/2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

The code M.04.01.00 "Pharmacy"

Executor: student of the 6th year of the 1st group

Faculty of Pharmacy

Sapronetskaya S.I.

Supervisor: assistant Voronetskaya I.P.

Vitebsk, 2003


I. Theoretical part

1.1. Comparative statistical analysis of the incidence of children in the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation

1.2. Studying aspects of drug therapy

1.3. Early Childhood Nutrition and Impact on Health

II. experimental part

2.1. Pharmacy characteristic

2.2. Analysis of the assortment by pharmacotherapeutic groups

2.3. Segmentation of the sales range

2.4. Comparative analysis prices for medicines used in pediatrics

2.5. Questionnaire analysis

III. Conclusion

IV. Literature

Application (questionnaire)


Public health protection is the most important state task. The health of the nation is determined primarily by the health of children and adolescents.

In the coming decades, children and adolescents of the 1990s will determine the level of the country's welfare, its economic, scientific and cultural potential.

Numerous reports have appeared in medical publications about the deterioration in the health of children of various age groups. Such characteristics of the pathology were clearly manifested childhood, which are determined by the characteristics of the economic recession and the crisis in health care, namely: an increase in the prevalence of chronic diseases, an unfavorable epidemiological situation in the country, a sharp increase in the prevalence of socially conditioned pathology.

The deterioration of children's health is caused not only by economic instability, but also by the growing scale of pollution environment, widespread bad habits and social diseases, poor implementation of a healthy lifestyle, and a number of other reasons.

The child's body is especially sensitive to the influence of a complex set of environmental factors, which is explained by the functional immaturity of its tissues and systems.

After the Chernobyl disaster nuclear power plant in the Republic of Belarus, the incidence of newborns has almost doubled, the number of absolutely healthy young children has decreased, and the number of children with chronic diseases has increased.

Under the conditions of a severe budget deficit experienced by children's medical and preventive organizations, the role of pharmacies has significantly increased - the only source of drug assistance to the children's population. Not only the health but also the lives of sick children often depend on the completeness and timeliness of this assistance.

The relevance of the problem of providing drugs used in pediatrics, and led to the choice of the topic thesis.

The main objectives of the thesis:

Study and theoretically summarize the data literary sources on the problems of providing medicines used in pediatric practice, the prevalence of certain diseases in pediatrics;

Analyze the availability of assortment positions in pharmacotherapeutic groups dispensed for children, identify drugs with stable, fast and slow circulation in each group;

Define specific gravity medicines for children;

Conduct a comparative analysis of prices (depending on the manufacturing country), determine the average cost of medicines;

To study the opinion of consumers about the information need for medicines, attitudes towards self-medication and the impact of advertising on the purchase of medicines for children.

I. Theoretical part

1. Comparative statistical analysis of the incidence of children in the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation.

2. Studying aspects of drug therapy.

3. Child nutrition at an early age and the impact on health.

1. Comparative statistical analysis
morbidity in children
in the Republic of Belarus
and the Russian Federation

Trends in the deterioration of the health status of children from 0 to 14 years of age have become stable; Morbidity rates in 1995-1999 worsened both in general and for all major classes of diseases that form chronic diseases. Similar trends are observed in the health status of children under the age of 1 year. The incidence of rickets, anemia, and malnutrition is on the rise.

In 1999, compared with 1995, the incidence of newborns increased 1.4 times, incl. diseases with a high risk of mortality (sepsis, congenital anomalies, hemolytic disease).

In the Russian Federation, the incidence of children of all age groups has increased significantly over the past 5 years. Thus, the incidence of diseases of the musculoskeletal system increased by 80%, the genitourinary system - by 90%, the nervous system and sensory organs - by 35%, the circulatory system - by 56%, diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs - by 123%, the endocrine system - by 90%.

In terms of the number of cases in the Russian Federation, respiratory diseases are in the lead (1996 - 46.7%). The second place is occupied by diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue (17.1%). In third place are diseases of the nervous system and sensory organs (13.1%). It was revealed that in comparison with 1996 in 1997 the number of visits to the polyclinic increased by 11.5%.

The incidence of respiratory organs in children under 3 years of age is much higher than the incidence in older children. In terms of diseases of the nervous system, children under 3 years of age also took the first place.

In the Republic of Belarus, in comparison with 1991, an increase in the incidence of the population by 11% is noted for all classes of diseases. The number of children (under 14 years of age) and by 33.5% of adolescents (15-17 years of age) with newly diagnosed morbidity increased by 20.1%.

The level of general morbidity among children in 1997 was 145,499.2 cases per 100,000 children, primary morbidity - 131,705.4 - almost 1.5 times higher than in the adult population.

In the structure of the incidence of children in the Republic of Belarus, respiratory diseases occupy the first place (up to 60% of all cases of diseases and up to 71% of those newly registered during the year). There is a tendency for the growth of diseases of the nervous system, digestive organs. Chronic diseases are currently diagnosed in an average of 40-45% of schoolchildren, and among healthy 3/4 are children with various morphofunctional disorders. The number of healthy children in school groups on average does not exceed 15%, and in the senior classes it decreases to 7%.

For the period from 1988 to 1998. there has been an increase (more than 2 times) in diseases of the musculoskeletal and connective tissue; 2 times - circulatory pathology, mental disorders, blood diseases, neoplasms.

In the period from 1990 to 1998. per 1000 examined children, the revealed decrease in visual acuity increased from 16.4 to 21.5%.

In the Republic of Belarus, in connection with the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, there is a significant increase in the number of autoimmune thyroid diseases. For the period from 1990 to 1995. the incidence increased by 3 times.

The vitamin status of every 4th child can be assessed as polyhypoavitaminosis.

Based on materials medical examinations the level of chronic pathologies is 5.7 times higher than according to the data of visits to the clinic.

If we compare the incidence of children in Belarus and Russia (per 10 thousand child population), then in 1992 and 1996. Belarus was inferior to Russia, and already in 1995 and 1997. - Almost 10,000 more cases have been registered in Belarus.

A more complete picture of the incidence of the main classes of diseases can be seen in the diagrams.

Morbidity by main classes of diseases
(per 10 thousand child population) for 1997

Thus, the deterioration in the health of children and adolescents is accompanied by a decrease in the possibility of obtaining a wide range of knowledge (23%), a restriction in the choice of profession (20–50%), and a decrease in the fitness for military service(28.4%), limited reproductive ability (15 - 36%).

2. Study aspects of drug therapy

According to the Moscow Medical Academy. THEM. Sechenov, in 1996 and 1997. children under 3 years of age consumed drugs from 30 pharmacotherapeutic groups. The most frequently prescribed antibiotics (in 1996 - 28.3%, in 1997 - 23.5%), mainly of the penicillin series (62.1% and 60.3%, respectively). Thus, the prescription of antibiotics for the treatment of pneumonia in children aged 2 months to 11 years accounts for 10.6% of all prescriptions. The most commonly used antibiotics were: gentamicin (26.1% of cases), cefazolin (19.6% of cases), ampicillin (15.2%), kanamycin (9.8%). Cloxacillin (2.2%), polymyxin (2.1%), doxycycline and ampiox (1%) were used less frequently. In second place in terms of frequency of prescription are sulfonamides (18.5% and 19.3%), mainly in such dosage forms as suspensions and syrups.

Analgesics-antipyretics, which took third place, are represented mainly by paracetamol syrup. The frequency of prescribing efferalgan and cefecon in suppositories is low.

Expectorants were prescribed mainly in tablets, syrups, drops.

Doctors often prescribe antibiotics and sulfonamides for the treatment of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections and influenza in children in the absence of signs of bacterial damage. Moreover, a similar picture is observed in most countries of the world.

Uncontrolled use in recent years of antibiotics of new generations often leads to an increase in antibacterial resistance. Therefore, it is possible to return to the "old" drugs, which have been used less frequently in recent years, and to which the sensitivity of the microbial flora has been restored (for example, co-trimoxazole).

In recent years, the proportion of chlamydial mycoplasma and penicillin-resistant infections in the etiology of recurrent otitis has increased, especially in children under 3 years of age. In the treatment of these diseases special place occupy macrolides (efficiency 87%).

In the pharmacotherapy of allergic diseases in children, an important role belongs to the use of antihistamines. It is more appropriate to use 2nd generation antihistamines in children - claritin (loratadine), zyrtec, kestin, etc. Iron deficiency anemia remains an important problem for children's health, which is recorded in 20% of the world's child population.

The presence of intestinal nematodes (roundworm, pinworms) is often not diagnosed by laboratory methods, but intestinal dysfunction, allergies, weakening of protective mechanisms are manifested. When prescribing levamisole (decaris), mebendazole (vermox), there is an improvement in well-being.

According to a sociological survey conducted in the Russian Federation, pediatricians for medical, preventive treatment often prescribe:

Medicinal plant materials (96.4%);

Vitamins (96.2%);

Mineral salts (50.4%);

Immunomodulators (60.9%);

Anthelmintic (39.9%);

Biologically active additives (37,7%);

Antihistamines (34.6%);

Tonic (33.8%);

Sedatives (30.1%);

Other medicines (15.8%).

3. Eating a child at an early age
and health impact

It is now known that mother's milk is not only an indispensable food product for a child, but also a protective factor for a growing organism.

So, for example, it has been proven that the longer the mother fed the child with breast milk, the less he had diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Anemia occurs in children who were transferred to artificial feeding in the first three months of life, 3 times more often than in children who were breastfed for more than 6 months.

A child is transferred to artificial feeding in cases where the state of health of the mother does not allow breastfeeding, or the child has diseases that require the introduction of medicinal mixtures.

Of great importance is the choice of milk mixtures.

Mixtures are divided into 2 groups: sweet milk and sour milk mixtures. Each group has 2 subgroups:

1) simple or unadapted mixtures in which cow's milk protein has not been previously subjected to special processing;

2) adapted mixtures in which the protein is subjected to special processing.

Highly adapted mixtures include: Agu-1, Baby-milk, Nan, Alesya-1, Bebelak, Pre-Hipp, Hipp-1, Piltti, Bona , "Tutteli".

To partially adapted - "Baby", "Kid", "Aptamil", "Hipp-2", "Similak", "Nestozhen", "Detolakt".

For feeding premature babies, the mixtures "Novolakt-MM", "Detolakt-MM", "Vitalakt", "Ladushka" are used.

In case of allergy to cow's milk, mixtures are used in which soy protein is introduced instead of milk protein: Bellakt-Soya, Nutri-Soya, Similak-Izomil, Hipp G.A.-1, Hipp G.A. -2", "Heinz-Soya".

Studies conducted in one of the children's polyclinics in Poltava showed that in the most frequently ill children (54%) the main substitute for milk was the formula "Baby" (partially adapted); 42.5% of children were fed with cow's milk, and only 3.5% of the examined children who were bottle-fed received modern adapted formulas. The survey showed that the reason for such feeding was the lack of budget in the family (51%) and the lack of information from district pediatricians about the benefits of modern adapted formulas (38%). Thus, the main task of pediatricians is to timely and fully inform mothers about artificial feeding of children, and the task of pharmacists and pharmacists is to provide information on the use, storage, availability and types of milk formulas. At the state level, it is necessary to address the issue of reducing the number of children who are bottle-fed.

At present, there are practically no quality standards for pharmacotherapy in the system of providing medical care to the children's population. This is due to the lack of widely available, complete, systematized information on the range of pharmacological characteristics of children's medicines produced in the CIS and purchased abroad.

The completeness of the use of the range of medicines for children for various pharmacotherapeutic groups ranges from 42% to 90%. The low level of use of the assortment is a consequence of the fact that doctors do not have complete information about the availability of medicines in the pharmacy.

To increase the completeness of the range of use, some pharmacies have developed information sheets on clinical classification, which is a list of medicines available in the pharmacy with an indication of their price. Such information is submitted to the clinic 2 times a month. Information sheets are convenient for physicians; the practice of their application allows to increase the completeness of the use of the range of medicines.

Increasing quantity medicines and dosage forms has significantly increased the role of reference and information publications in the practical work of pediatricians. The main reference books of medicines remain "Medications" by M.D. Mashkovsky and reference book "Vidal" of the publishing house "Astra Pharm Service". Based on a survey of 550 pediatricians (in Moscow), the inestimable value of these publications in improving the quality of pediatricians' work is quite obvious.

It has been established that the most preferred form of obtaining information for pediatricians is a newsletter (90% of respondents).

In conditions of budget deficit, the demand for over-the-counter medicines is increasing. Studies have shown that in 93% of cases, visitors come to the pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. Therefore, for over-the-counter medicines, especially those used in pediatrics, information about medicines is very important for both the buyer and the pediatrician. Unfortunately, advertising in the media mass media often misleads the consumer, highlighting only the benefits of the drug and forgetting to mention its unsafety and side effects. Studies have shown that 54% of the respondents use television information about maintaining health, 7% - newspaper, 35% - from magazines, 10% - on the radio.

According to the survey, the population finds answers to questions about disease prevention and maintaining the health of adults and children in 50% of the doctors in the clinic, in 33% of the pharmacist in the pharmacy, in 10% of healers, in 22% of other specialists . But at the same time, 62% of respondents believe that it is easier to get an answer to a question of interest in a pharmacy than at a doctor's appointment.

II . experimental part

1. Characteristics of the pharmacy.

2. Analysis of pharmacotherapeutic groups in the assortment of a pharmacy and demand for medicines.

3. Segmentation of the trading range.

4. Comparative analysis of prices.

5. Analysis of the questionnaire.

1. Characteristics of the pharmacy

The study of the data was carried out on the basis of pharmacy No. 1 of LLC JV "VitVar", located at the address: Vitebsk, Frunze Ave., 26, building 3. Pharmacy is a non-state form of ownership.

The pharmacy is located on the first floor of a residential building. Within the service radius of the pharmacy there are: a children's clinic, polyclinic No. 4, TMO "Cardiology", a diagnostic center. The pharmacy has one department - finished dosage forms. The goods come from the pharmacy warehouse of LLC JV "VitVar", which purchases medicines from pharmaceutical companies:

1. CJSC "Belfarmintorg", Minsk.

2. CJSC "Medpreparaty", Minsk.

3. CJSC "Pharmamedical-Minsk", Minsk.

4. IP "Baltic-Pharm", Minsk.

5. IP "Belinvestfarma", Minsk.

6. IP "Chelestina", Minsk.

7. ODO "Alexfoodservice", Minsk.

8. ALC "Altreks", Baranovichi.

9. ODO "SPS", Minsk.

10. ALC "Farmin", Minsk.

11. LLC "Galateks", Minsk.

12. LLC "Diafarm", Minsk.

13. LLC "Digitalis", Minsk.

14. LLC "Komfarm", Minsk.

15. LLC "Likubbel", Minsk.

16. OOO "Logotype", Minsk.

17. OOO "Pramen", Vitebsk.

18. OOO "Provizor", Minsk.

19. LLC "Simurg", Vitebsk.

20. LLC "Tair", Minsk.

21. LLC "Titovion", Minsk.

22. LLC "Pharmacist-plus", Minsk.

23. Pharmprom LLC, Minsk.

24. Chefi LLC, Minsk.

25. PTCUP "Odnazhdy", Minsk.

26. RUE "Borisov Plant of Medications", Borisov.

27. TCHUP "Deka-3", Minsk.

28. UE "Vonavi", Minsk.

29. UE "Group-STS", Minsk.

30. UE "Interofitsina", Minsk.

31. UE "Medstar", Minsk.

32. UE "Medfarminvest", Minsk.

33. UE "Pharmacy", Vitebsk.

The staff of the pharmacy is made up of the head pharmacist and the pharmacist for dispensing medicines. The pharmacy has one department that sells medicines both by prescription (except for free and subsidized) and without prescriptions.

When placing goods on display cases, there is no division into medicines for children and medicines for adults. The goods are located on pharmacotherapeutic groups. And the task of the pharmacist is to explain to parents what can be used for children and in what doses. There are drugs (» 10% of the entire range) used only in pediatrics; medicines used in pediatrics with an appropriate dosage, which can also be used in adults at a higher dosage (> 30%); but mostly in the pharmacy there are medicines with a dosage for an adult (they can also be used for a child, but in a lower dose; the task of the pharmacist is to point this out to parents and recommend a dose in accordance with the age of the child) - "60%. Thus, the use of many groups of drugs in pediatric practice is difficult due to the lack of the necessary dosages of drugs.

Separately allocated showcases for milk mixtures, children food, baby care items.

For the study, waybills for January, February, March 2002 were manually selected.

2. Analysis of the assortment by pharmacotherapeutic groups

In accordance with the waybills, the main pharmacotherapeutic groups of drugs used in pediatrics were identified. The data are presented in table No. 1.

The share of pharmacotherapeutic groups in the range of drugs used in pediatric practice

Table #1

No. p / p


Number of titles

Percentage by name

vitamins, immunostimulants




drops (ear, eye, nose)

drugs for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract

milk formulas





iron and calcium preparations







The range of drugs used in pediatric practice is represented in the pharmacy by 19 pharmacotherapeutic groups. Based on the analysis of the assortment, the leading position is occupied by vitamins and immunostimulants - 13.24% (38 items), in second place - mucolytics - 11.5% (33 items), in third place - antibacterial drugs - 10.1% (29 items). ).

In each group of products, drugs with stable, fast and slow circulation were identified in terms of circulation speed (Table No. 2).

The criterion for classifying the drug was the rate of implementation.

Sustainable handling - 5 to 10 packs per day. Fast handling - more than 10 packs per day. Slow circulation - from 1 to 5 packs per day.

Characteristics of drugs in terms of circulation speed

Table number 2


sustainable handling


Slow circulation




vitamins, immunostimulants



drops (ear, eye, nose)

milk formulas




for treatment
gastrointestinal tract

iron and calcium preparations

choleretic and hepatoprotective





antiseptics (including drugs used to treat the upper respiratory tract)

paracetamol syrup


Pyrantel suspension

Vitamin C



Oxolinic ointment

Valerian rhizome

Stomach Tea (Hipp)

calcium gluconate

Regulax cubes

"Calendula" ointment


brilliant green

Cefekon candles


"Krepysh" in assortment


Doctor Mom Syrup


Hipp-1, Hipp-Pre



Soothing tea



laxative collection

Papaverine with belladonna, tablets

Streptocid ointment



panadol syrup


Vermacar suspension

Fluditec syrup


Novo-passit syrup

Hemofer drops






Next, the dynamics of calls to the pharmacy over time was determined. The peak of applications for children's medicines falls on the time from 14.00 to 17.00 when the pharmacy is open from 8.00 to 20.00 (an average for two working weeks).

Dynamics of calls to the pharmacy over time

Diagram #3

During the day, different drugs are in unequal demand. The frequency of purchases of various medicines within an hour may look like this:

more than three times Paracetamol, Ampicillin, Ascorbic acid, Hematogen, Naphthyzinum, Brilliant greens

2 - 3 times Pikovit, Oxolinic ointment, Interferon, Galazolin, Pertussin, Plantex

1 - 2 times Rosehip syrup, Macrofoam, Milk mixtures, Kameton

1 time Immunal, Linex, Dentinox

The study of the assortment structure of sales provides information on the state of consumer preferences and the basis for the formation of an assortment policy.

In the process of work, the pharmacist maintains a constant dialogue with the pharmacy visitors. So, the most frequently asked questions to the pharmacist were highlighted:

How to take the medicine;

What is available in the assortment from a particular disease;

Side effect of the drug;

From what age can a particular drug be used;

What prophylactic drugs are used during an influenza epidemic, etc.

3. Segmentation of the sales range

All medicines by country of origin can be divided into three groups. The first group included medicines produced in the Republic of Belarus. The second group of medicines came from neighboring countries (Russia, Ukraine, the Baltic countries). The third group includes medicines imported from abroad (Poland, Germany, Hungary, Czech Republic, Israel, etc.).

The analysis was carried out for January, February, March 2002 according to waybills. The data are presented in table No. 3 and diagram No. 4.

Table #3

Segmentation of the assortment by manufacturer

Diagram #4

It follows from the analysis that the main supplier of medicines used in pediatric practice is the far abroad - 47%, then the near abroad - 35% and the Republic of Belarus - 18%.

When segmenting medicines by dosage forms, the following data were obtained (see table No. 4 and diagram No. 5).

(tablets, ampoules, capsules, dragees, granules)

Table No. 4

Segmentation of the assortment by dosage forms

Chart No.


The leading dosage form in children's practice are drops - 25%, then - tablets (22%), suspensions (15%).

Ampoules have the smallest specific gravity - 6%.

4. Comparative analysis of prices for
medicines used in pediatrics

Analysis of drugs for the study period was carried out according to the following criteria:

Medicines worth up to 500 rubles;

Medicines from 500 to 1000 rubles;

Medicines from 1000 to 3000 rubles;

Medicines from 3000 to 5000 rubles;

Medicines from 5000 rubles. and higher.
The data are presented in table No. 5.

Ranking of the commercial range of available medicines
during the analyzed period, depending on the price of one package

Table number 5







Average for
3 months

average cost

Percentage of all drugs

average cost

Percentage of all drugs

average cost

Percentage of all drugs

average cost

Percentage of all drugs

Up to 500 rubles.

500 - 1000 rub.

1000 - 3000 rub.

3000 - 5000 rub.

5000 rub. and higher

Ranking of the commercial assortment of available medicines (average for three months: January, February, March 2002) depending on the price of one package

Diagram #6

In the study period, drugs costing up to 500 rubles had the largest share. Medicines costing from 1000 to 3000 rubles were in second place, medicines costing from 500 to 1000 rubles were in third place.

During the study period, a comparative analysis of prices for medicines was selectively carried out depending on the country of origin (Table No. 6).

Comparative analysis of prices for medicines depending on the manufacturing country

Table No. 6

Name of the drug

Manufacturer / Price

Republic of Belarus

Near Abroad

Far Abroad

Erythromycin tab. 0.1 №20

Paracetamol syrup 100ml

Vit. E caps. #10

Chamomile flowers 50.0

Doxycycline caps. 0.1 №10

Borisov ZMP

Minsk, Belinterkaps

Grodno, "Biotest"

Minsk, Belinterkaps

Ukraine, Kiev

Russia, Kursk

Kursk, 236 rubles.

Russia, Lenmedsnab

Russia, Moscow, "Bryntsalov"

France (Panadol),

Czech Republic, Leros

Netherlands, Yamanouchi (Unidox),

So, paracetamol syrup 100 ml, produced in the Republic of Belarus, costs 3.5 times cheaper than that produced in Russia, and 6.9 times cheaper than produced in France under the name "Panadol".

Vitamin E (capsules No. 10), produced in the Republic of Belarus, costs 4.8 times cheaper than imported from Poland.

Doxycycline (capsules 0.1 No. 10), produced in the Republic of Belarus, costs 25 times lower than imported from the Netherlands and 1.5 times lower than imported from Russia.

On the example of these medicines, it can be seen that the most expensive are medicines produced in non-CIS countries.

5. Analysis of questionnaires

In order to study the demand, incidence, information support a questionnaire was developed (see Appendix) and a sociological study was conducted among the visitors of pharmacy No. 1 of LLC JV "VitVar". A total of 75 people were interviewed.

The age of children whose parents went to the pharmacy varied:

a) up to a year - 18%;

b) from 1 to 3 years - 25%;

c) from 3 to 6 years - 40%;

d) from 6 to 14 years old - 69%.

Age of children whose parents contacted the pharmacy

For nutrition, artificial milk mixtures were more often used (71% of respondents), mother's milk - only 29%.

Type of feeding

The following dry milk formulas are in the greatest demand:

TUTTEL: 51% (producer - Austria);

BONA: 35% (producer - Austria).

Milk formulas in the greatest demand

Diagram #11

If the child is unwell, parents:

a) go to a pediatrician - 34%;

b) go to a pharmacy - 48%;

c) self-treatment by known methods - 18%.

When a child is unwell, parents ...

Diagram #12

According to the questionnaire, the most common diseases in children are:

a) diseases of the respiratory system - 23%;

b) acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza - 19%;

c) diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - 14%;

d) allergies - 15%;

e) beriberi, anemia - 11%;

f) diseases of the nervous system - 8%;

g) injuries, burns - 10%.

The most common diseases in children

Diagram #13

Diagram #14

Most of the respondents noted that:

a) medicine prices are high – 38%;

b) affordable prices - 27%;

c) purchase medicines regardless of the price – 35%.

Drug prices...

Diagram #15

Diagram #16

In the first place in terms of demand are medicines produced in non-CIS countries (43% of respondents), in second place - in the Republic of Belarus (37%), in third place - in neighboring countries (20%).

Demand for medicines depending on
from the country of origin

Diagram #17


The review of literature data on the topic of the thesis was carried out in the following areas:

Comparative statistical analysis of the incidence of children in the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation;

Studying aspects of drug therapy;

Early childhood nutrition and impact on health;

The experimental part of the thesis work was carried out on the basis of the pharmacy No. 1 for mother and child LLC JV "VitVar".

The pharmacy has one department that sells medicines both on prescription and without prescriptions, in which the dispensing of drugs is carried out by the head pharmacist and the pharmacist for dispensing medicines.

The range of medicines is represented by nineteen pharmacotherapeutic groups. During the analysis, it was found that the group “vitamins and immunostimulants” has the largest share - 13.24% (38 items), then mucolytics - 11.5% (33 items), antibacterial drugs are in third place - 10.1% ( 29 titles).

In each group of drugs, drugs with stable, fast and slow circulation (in terms of sales speed) were identified, which may be important for optimizing the assortment and updating it in general and for individual commodity units, taking into account the life cycle.

When the pharmacy was open from 8.00 to 20.00, the peak of requests for children's medicines, on average, fell on the time from 14.00 to 17.00. When studying the frequency of drug purchases within an hour, it can look different. This provides information about the state of consumer preferences and the basis for the formation of an assortment policy.

When segmenting the trade range by country of origin, the largest share is in the far abroad - 47%, near abroad - 35%, the Republic of Belarus - 18%. This suggests that 82% of medicines used in pediatrics are imported from abroad.

The range of medicines for children by types of dosage forms for the analyzed period is presented: tablets, dragees, granules, ampoules, capsules, drops, suspensions.

When segmenting the assortment by types of dosage forms, the largest share - 25% - drops; 22% - tablets; 15% - suspensions; the smallest specific gravity - ampoules - 6%.

Thus, 46% are liquid dosage forms, which indicates the specificity of drugs for children.

When ranking the commercial range of medicines for children at the price of one package, drugs costing up to 500 rubles are in the first place - 29%, then from 1000 to 3000 rubles - 28% and from 500 to 1000 - 19%.

A comparative analysis of prices for selected drugs shows that the most expensive are drugs produced in non-CIS countries.

A sociological survey was conducted on the basis of a pharmacy using a specially designed questionnaire (see Appendix). The survey was conducted among regular customers pharmacies that purchased medicines for their children. A total of 75 people were interviewed. Thus, as a result of the survey, it was found that:

Most frequently, medicines were purchased for children aged 6 to 14 years (69%) and the least number of requests were for children under one year old (18%);

More often drugs were purchased for girls - 69%, less often - for boys - 31%;

Most of the children were bottle-fed - 71%, and only 29% of babies were breast-fed;

If the baby was bottle-fed, the parents gave the greatest preference to mixtures produced abroad. Thus, the milk mixture "Tutteli", produced in Austria, was in the greatest demand;

When the child was unwell, in 48% of cases the parents went to the pharmacy and only 34% - to the pediatrician, 18% treated the child by known methods;

In the first place among the incidence of children are respiratory diseases - 23%, the second - acute respiratory diseases and influenza - 19%, the third place is occupied by allergic diseases - 15%;

The following pharmacotherapeutic groups are in the greatest demand: 18% - vitamins and immunostimulants, 15% - antitussives, 13% - antibiotics;

It was found that for the majority of parents, the prices for medicines for children are high (38%), but 35% of the respondents purchase medicines regardless of the price, for 27% the prices are affordable;

35% of respondents buy medicines for children after consultation with a specialist, for 34% of respondents advertising in the media does not influence the choice of medicines, for 31% advertising influences the choice of medicine;

The greatest preference is given to medicines produced in non-CIS countries - 43%, then medicines produced in the Republic of Belarus - 37% and 20% - in neighboring countries.


1. "Medicines for diseases of civilization" - "Remedium" magazine, July - August, 2001, p. 10.

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5. Aidarus A.A., Kovrigina E.S., Rumyantsev A.G. "The development of iron deficiency in children living in various socio-economic conditions" - Abstracts of the reports of the Congress "Man and Medicine", 1999, Moscow, p. 269.

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7. Vyalkov A.I., Shashkova G.V., Skulkova R.S. "Conceptual approach to the formation of an advanced training program in drug management" - Journal "Pharmacy", No. 1, 2001, Moscow, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

8. Gavryushova L.P., Zakharova I.N., Repina E.A. " Reference publications in the work of a pediatrician" - Abstracts of the reports of the Congress "Man and Medicine", 1999, Moscow, p. 499.

9. Dorofeeva V.V. "Influence marketing communications on the promotion of pharmacy products" - Abstracts of the Congress "Man and Medicine", 1999, Moscow, p. 503.

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Dear parents - visitors to our pharmacy!

The questionnaire was developed to study the demand and wishes, improve the quality of service, expand the range of medicines used in pediatric practice.

Please answer the questions provided.

1. Age of your child: a) up to 1 year;

b) from 1 to 3 years;

c) from 3 to 6 years;

d) 6 to 14 years old.

2. Gender: a) female;

b) male.

3. What kind of feeding is (was) your child?

a) chest;

b) artificial.

4. Dairy nutrition of which manufacturers (if possible, indicate the name and country of production) is (was) used for the child?

a) domestic;

b) imported.

5. If the child is unwell:

a) consult a pediatrician;

b) go to the pharmacy;

c) self-treatment by known methods.

6. The most common diseases in children:

a) acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza;

b) diseases of the respiratory system;

c) diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

d) allergies;

e) beriberi, anemia;

e) diseases of the nervous system;

g) injuries, burns.

7. Which of the following pharmacotherapeutic groups do you buy more often?

a) vitamins, immunostimulants;

b) drops (in the ear, nose, eye);

c) painkillers, antipyretics;

d) antibiotics;

e) antihelminthic;

f) preparations of iron, calcium, iodine;

g) antitussive;

h) antidiarrheal;

i) wound healing;

j) antiallergic;

k) antiviral;

m) others.

8. Does the cost of the drug matter?

a) expensive

b) available;

c) buy medicines regardless of the price.

c) purchase after consultation with a specialist.

10. What medicines do you prefer:

a) produced in Belarus;

b) produced in neighboring countries;

c) produced in foreign countries.

11. Wishes, suggestions.

We are grateful for your answers. Health to you and your child!

Kulik V.V. 1 , Kovaleva T.G. 2 , Emanova A.M. 3 , Kleychuk E.V. 4, Ivchenko O.G. 5

1 ORCID: 0000-0003-1829-4003, PhD,

2 ORCID: 0000-0003-3507-8409, PhD,

3 ORCID: 0000-0001-5919-5453, PhD,

4 ORCID: 0000-0002-1618-4196, 5 ORCID: 0000-0002-2793-9697 PhD,

Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute - a branch of the Volg State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia.



Comparative marketing research groups of antacid OTC drugs in two pharmacy organizations. The main marketing parameters of this market sector have been established: the list and structure of the segment of antacid drugs by dosage forms, manufacturing countries, pharmaceutical distributors, sources of origin, belonging to the Vital and Essential Drugs list. An analysis of the drugs in this group was carried out in terms of cost, amount and level of income received by pharmacies.

Keywords: acid-dependent diseases, antacids, OTC, pharmacy organization, marketing research.

Kulik V. V. 1 , Kovaleva T. G. 2 , Emanova A. M. 3 , Kleichyuk E. V. 4 , Ivchenko O. G. 5

1 ORCID: 0000-0003-1829-4003, PhD in Pharmaceutics, 2 ORCID: 0000-0003-3507-8409, PhD in Pharmaceutics,

3 ORCID: 0000-0001-5919-5453, PhD in Pharmaceutics,

4 ORCID: 0000-0002-1618-4196, 5 ORCID: 0000-0002-2793-9697, PhD in Pharmaceutics,

Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute –a Branch of FSBEI VolgSMU of the Ministry of Health of Russia,



Comparative marketing researches of the group of antacid medicines of over-the-counter leave in two pharmacy organizations were conducted. The main marketing parameters of this sector of the market are established: List and structure of antacid medicinal products segment for medicinal forms, manufacturing countries, pharmaceutical distributors, sources of origin as well as the list of vital and essential drugs. The analysis of drugs of this group was carried out according to the cost, amount and level of income received by pharmacies.

keywords: acid-dependent diseases, antacid medicines, over-the-counter leave, pharmacy organization, marketing research.

In the Russian Federation, as in many countries of the world, the pathology of the digestive system occupies one of the leading positions (3rd place) in the structure of the general morbidity of the population, second only to cardiovascular and oncological diseases.

The most common acid-dependent diseases are gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), chronic gastritis (CG), gastric ulcer (GU) and duodenal ulcer (DU), and chronic pancreatitis (CP). In addition, pathologies during which the acid factor supports the course of the disease (NSAID-gastropathy, an ulcer in hyperthyroidism, reflux gastritis, intestinal disorders in patients with hyperproduction of hydrochloric acid (constipation, diarrhea, unstable stools) can be attributed to acid-dependent pathologies). caused a high rate of patients seeking qualified help not only in medical, but also in pharmacy organizations.

In the treatment of acid-dependent diseases at present important role plays an effective counteracting acid factor. In the complex therapy of YABZH and CG, antacid drugs are widely used, since they are able to neutralize hydrochloric acid, adsorb pepsin, inhibit the retrodiffusion of water-soluble ions, and stop spasms,,.

According to previous studies, the domestic pharmaceutical market has more than 40 international generic drug names (or about 230 trade names) that are used to treat GU and CP.

Traditionally, all antacids are divided into absorbable and non-absorbable. The most preferred today are non-absorbable antacids (maalox, phosphalugel, almagel, etc.).

Non-absorbable antacids have the potential to exhibit certain side effects. So, aluminum preparations cause a slowdown in intestinal motility, and magnesium - acceleration. Therefore, modern antacid preparations often contain a balanced combination of magnesium and aluminum salts. Modern antacid preparations are characterized not only by their above-mentioned properties, but also by the ability to adsorb bile acids, lysolecithin; high buffer properties, fast onset and long duration of action, good organoleptic properties minimum opportunity no side effects, no gas formation. In addition, almost all of them have a cytoprotective effect, and also stimulate the processes of cellular regeneration,.

Very often, antacid drugs are used in combination with H2-blockers, M-anticholinergics or proton pump blockers.

Due to their cytoprotective action by increasing the synthesis of prostaglandins and stimulating the protective properties of the gastric and duodenal mucosa, these drugs have a beneficial effect on the healing of ulcers and erosions.

Thus, medical practice notes the high effectiveness of antacids in the treatment of acid-related diseases. In modern clinical practice, with the availability of powerful antisecretory drugs, such as proton pump blockers, antacids have not lost their importance. This is due to the fact that modern antacids have a protective effect. Therefore, antacids will take an increasing place in the treatment and prevention of peptic lesions of the mucosa of the upper gastrointestinal tract.

Table 1 - Data on the activities of pharmacy organizations

Indicators Pharmacy №1 Pharmacy №2
Type of property private private
Region Moscow Karachay-Cherkess Republic
Location city city
Area, m2 93,0 46,0
Range universal universal
Number commodity items, units 8023 4176
Service Format closed closed
Method of accounting for the movement of goods Automated based on barcode
Production functions missing missing

- average daily income

– average number of checks per day

Average purchase price

115 thousand rubles

50 thousand rubles

Considering the above facts and the urgency of the problem of improving drug supply for patients with acid-dependent diseases, we conducted marketing research on the range of OTC antacid drugs in two pharmacy organizations. In order to maintain confidentiality in our work, pharmacies are conditionally given the names "Pharmacy No. 1" and "Pharmacy No. 2". a brief description of studied pharmacy organizations is presented in table. one.

As follows from the above data, the pharmacies on the basis of which the studies were conducted have much in common: type of ownership, functions performed, service format, method of accounting for goods, etc. At the same time, there are significant differences in the activities of pharmacies (on a territorial basis, volume of work, number of commodity items, average purchase price).

We carried out a comparative analysis of the range of OTC antacid drugs in the described pharmacy organizations. Data collection was carried out on the basis of indicators of automated accounting of goods.

It was established that in the assortment of Pharmacy No. 1 there are 33 names of antacid drugs that are allowed to be dispensed without a prescription. medical worker. Their complete list is contained in Table. 2.

This series of drugs was analyzed for belonging to the list of vital and essential drugs for medical use (EDL), approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. It was revealed that none of the drugs present in the pharmacy is vital or essential.

The analysis of the presented assortment showed that the vast majority of drugs in it are of synthetic origin (magnesium, aluminum, sodium bicarbonate, etc., in total 31 items, or about 94.0% of their total number). The exception is the complex preparations vikair and relzer. They contain components of both vegetable and synthetic origin.

Table 2 - List of OTC antacid drugs in Pharmacy No. 1

Name Dosage form Producing country
1 Almagel 170ml suspension Bulgaria
2 Almagel A 170ml suspension Bulgaria
3 Almagel Neo 170ml suspension Bulgaria
4 Vikair tablets Russia
5 Gastal tab. №30 tablets Croatia
6 Gastal tab. №60 tablets Croatia
7 Gastal tab. for resorption cherry №24 tablets Croatia
8 Gastal tab. for resorption cherry №48 tablets Croatia
9 Gastal tab. for sucking mint №24 tablets Croatia
10 Gastal tab. for sucking mint №48 tablets Croatia
11 Gastracid №12 tablets Netherlands
12 Gaviscon tab. zhev. mint №16 tablets UK
13 Gaviscon tab. zhev. mint №32 tablets UK
14 Gaviscon 150ml suspension UK
15 Gaviscon 300ml suspension UK
16 Gaviscon forte mint 10ml №20 suspension UK
17 Gaviscon forte mint 150ml suspension UK
18 Rennie tab. zhev. with orange №12 tablets France
19 Rennie tab. zhev. with orange №24 tablets France
20 Rennie tab.zhev. without sugar mint №12 tablets France
21 tablets France
22 tablets France
23 Rennie tab. zhev. menthol №12 tablets France
24 Rennie tab. zhev. menthol №24 tablets France
25 Relzer 180ml suspension India
26 Relzer №20 tablets India
27 Maalox 15ml №30 suspension Italy
28 Maalox 250ml suspension Italy
29 Maalox mini 4.3ml №6 suspension Italy
30 Maalox tab. zhev. #20 tablets Italy
31 Phosphalugel 16g №20 suspension Netherlands
32 Rutacid tab. zhev. 500mg #20 tablets Slovenia
33 Rutacid tab. zhev. 500mg #60 tablets France

Vikair contains: calamus rhizomes, alder buckthorn bark, bismuth subnitrate, magnesium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, and relzer contains aluminum hydroxide gel, magnesium hydroxide, simethicone and licorice root powder.

The assortment of analyzed drugs of Pharmacy No. 2 (Table 3) is significantly narrower in comparison with the assortment of Pharmacy No. 1 (20 items versus 33). As in Pharmacy No. 1, the main share falls on drugs obtained synthetically - 19 items, or 95%. Not a single drug was included in the Vital and Essential Drug List.

Table 3 - List of antacid drugs available in the assortment of Pharmacy No. 2

Name Dosage form Producing country
1 Almagel 170 ml suspension Bulgaria
2 Almagel A 170 ml suspension Bulgaria
3 Almagel Neo 170 ml suspension Bulgaria
4 Rennie Zhev. tab. with menthol №12 tablets France
5 Rennie Zhev. tab. with menthol №24 tablets France
6 Rennie Zhev. tab. without sugar with mint №12 tablets France
7 Rennie Zhev. tab. without sugar with mint №24 tablets France
8 Rennie Zhev. tab. with orange №12 tablets France
9 Rennie Zhev. tab. with orange №24 tablets France
10 Maalox tab. zhev. #20 tablets Italy
11 Maalox 250 ml suspension Italy
12 Gaviscon tab. zhev. mint №16 tablets Great Britain
13 Gaviscon tab. zhev. mint №32 tablets Great Britain
14 Gaviscon 150 ml suspension Great Britain
15 Gastal №30 tablets Croatia
16 Gastal №60 tablets Croatia
17 Gastal mint №24 tablets Croatia
18 Gastracid №12 tablets Netherlands
19 Phosphalugel 16g №20 suspension Netherlands
20 Vikair №10 tablets Russia

Rice. 1 - Analysis of the ratio of dosage forms of antacids in pharmacies (share, %)

As a result of the analysis, it was revealed that antacid drugs in solid dosage form in the form of tablets (chewable, for resorption) prevail in both pharmacies. In Pharmacy No. 1, the share of tablets was 64.0% of the number of analyzed items, in Pharmacy No. 2, the value of this indicator was 70%.

The analysis showed that foreign-made antacid drugs are supplied mainly from European countries (Fig. 2). The geography of manufacturers is more widely represented in Pharmacy No. 1 (9 manufacturing countries), Pharmacy No. 2 has drugs manufactured by pharmaceutical industry enterprises of 7 countries.

The vast majority of drugs are produced in France, the second place is shared by the UK and Croatia.

In both pharmacy organizations, the share Russian manufacturer insignificant, in the list the domestic manufacturer occupies last place– no more than 5% (Fig. 2). This indicates a high import dependence in the studied segment of the pharmaceutical market.

Rice. 2 - Analysis of investigational antacid medicinal products in pharmacies by geographical location (share, %)

At the next stage, the structure of supplies and the main suppliers of antacids to pharmacy organizations were analyzed.

Goods are delivered to Pharmacy No. 1 daily. A special computer program displays the price lists of suppliers and allows you to place an order, focusing on the best prices. Antacids are supplied to the pharmacy by seven pharmaceutical distributors: CJSC SCS Alliance; LLC FC "Pulse"; CJSC "Rosta"; CV "Protek"; FC LLC "Oriola"; ZAO ProfitMed; CJSC "Aral Plus" (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3 - Analysis of pharmaceutical distributors - suppliers of antacids to Pharmacy No. 1 (share, %)

The data presented in Fig. 3 indicate that the largest share in the supply of antacids to Pharmacy No. 1 is occupied by the supplier of FC "Pulse" - 32.0% (11 items); the share of the supplier of FK Oriola LLC was 18.0% (6 items), the share of CJSC Rosta was 16.5% (5 items), the share of CV Protek was 15.8%.

Delivery of OTC antacid drugs to Pharmacy No. 2 is carried out by four suppliers: the national distributor Katren (supply share - 59.5%); regional distributors LLC Yug-Pharm (share - 34.24%) and LLC Medchesta-M (share - 3.8%); LLC Donskoy Hospital (share - 2.46%) (Fig. 4). Goods are delivered to the pharmacy every day except Sunday.

Rice. 4 - Analysis of pharmaceutical distributors - suppliers of antacids to Pharmacy No. 2 (share, %)

A pharmacy organization that carries out financial and economic activities in a market environment must be competitive and profitable. The range of goods and their price, along with the quality of services provided, are the main methods of competition in the pharmaceutical market, which is explained by the limited solvency of the population.

The economic efficiency of a pharmacy organization depends on the volume of turnover and the size of the trade margin used in the formation of retail prices for medicines and other pharmaceutical products.

Using the method of content analysis of incoming invoices and indicators of automated accounting for the movement of goods, information was collected on the cost of antacid drugs (Table 4).

Table 4 - Comparative analysis of the cost and income from the sale of antacid drugs in pharmacy organizations

Name of medicinal product Pharmacy Pharmacy
% TH % TH
1. Up to 100 rubles.
1 Vikair tab. №10 21,90% 22,85%
2 Gastracid tab. zhev.№12 21,88% 23,00%
3 Geviskontab.zhev. mint №16 20,00% 20,84%
4 Rennie tab.zhev. menthol №12 18,70% 19,15%
5 Maalox Susp. mini 4.3 ml №6 18,70%
6 Rutacid tab.zhev.№20 18,70%
7 Almagel Susp.170ml 21,12%
2. Over 100 to 200 rubles.
1 Almagel Susp.170ml 20,40%
2 Almagel A suspension 170ml 20,70% 21,00%
3 Almagel Neo suspension 170ml 18,70% 19,00%
4 Gastal tab. №30 21,60% 20,20%
5 Gastal tab. for ras.cherry #24 18,70%
6 Gastal tab. for race mint #24 18,70% 19,70%
7 Gaviscon Susp. 150ml 18,70% 19,50%
8 Gaviscon tab.zhev. mint №32 27,27% 26,21%
9 Rennie tab.zhev. orange №12 18,70% 19,38%
10 Rennie tab.zhev. orange №24 18,70% 19,34%
11 Rennie tab. zhev. without sugar mint №12 18,70% 19,10%
12 Rennie tab. zhev. without sugar mint №24 18,70% 19,00%
13 Rennie tab. zhev. menthol №24 18,70% 19,00%
14 Relzer tab. №20 19,00%
15 Maalox tab.zhev. #20 26,00% 26,62%
16 Rutacid tab.zhev.№60 19,00%
Ex 3. Over 200 to 400 rubles.
1 Gastal tab. #60 18,85% 19,10%
2 Gastal tab. for ras.cherry #48 18,70%
3 Gastal tab. for race mint #48 18,70%
4 Gavisconsussp. 300ml 20,00%
5 Gaviscon forte susp. mint 10ml#20 18,70%
6 Gaviscon forte susp. mint 150ml 18,70%
7 Rennie tab. zhev. without sugar mint №48 20,00%
8 Relcersusp. 180ml 18,80%
9 Maalox Susp. 250ml 20,00% 20,20%
10 Phosphalugel suspension 16g №20 21,00% 22,20%
4. Over 400 rubles
1 Maalox Susp.15ml#30 18,70%

The drugs were divided into the following groups: costing up to 100 rubles; worth over 100 rubles. up to 200 rubles; worth over 200 rubles. up to 400 rubles; worth over 400 rubles.

The analysis made it possible to establish that the prices for drugs in the studied market sector in Pharmacy No. 2 are lower than in Pharmacy No. 1, but the level of trade overlays is higher.

In Pharmacy No. 1, for the majority of antacid preparations, when setting retail prices, minimum trade markups were applied. This is evidenced by the minimum value of the level of trade overlays - 18.7%. In Pharmacy No. 2, the minimum value of this indicator was 19.0%. Pharmacy No. 1 receives the largest income from the sale of gaviscon, chewable tablets with mint flavor No. 32 (the level of trade overlays is maximum and amounts to 27.27%). In Pharmacy No. 2, the highest level of trade overlays was found in the drug Maalox, chewable tablets No. 20.

When analyzing the price categories, it was found that the most numerous in both pharmacies is a group of drugs with prices over 100 rubles. up to 200 rubles (16 and 12 items, respectively, in Pharmacy No. 1 and Pharmacy No. 2). In addition, the range of antacids of Pharmacy No. 1 is designed to serve customers with any solvency, while Pharmacy No. 2 in the assortment and pricing policy focuses on serving customers with low and medium solvency. This difference in the activities of pharmacy organizations can be explained both by regional economic features and the economic potential of the pharmacy organizations themselves, primarily by the availability of working capital.

As a result of the research, it was found that there are no strict requirements for the availability of antacid drugs in pharmacy organizations in the regulatory documents. Therefore, the range of analyzed products is formed by pharmacies arbitrarily on the basis of existing demand and the purchasing power of the population. In both pharmacies, the basis of the range of OTC antacids are products that are known to the end user, enjoy a good reputation and advertising support (almagel, rennie, gastal, phosphalugel, maalox). Despite the identified differences, both pharmacies are able to meet the demand of end-users for OTC antacid medicines.

Bibliography /References

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References in English /References in English

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  8. Mayev I. V. Rol i mesto antatsidov v sovremennyih algoritmah terapii kislotozavisimyih zabolevaniy / I. V. Mayev, A. A. Samsonov, D. N. Andreev // Farmateka. - 2013. - No. 2. - P. 65-72.
  9. Plotnikova E. Yu. Aktualnost antacidov i alginatov v lechenii zabolevaniy organov pischevareniya / E. Yu. Plotnikova // Lechaschiy vrach. - 2015. - No. 2. -P. 41-44.
  10. Samsonov A. A. Sovremennaya terapiya kislotozavisimyih zabolevaniy i rol antatsidnyih preparatov v eyo sostave / A. A. Samsonov, Yu. A. Lezhneva, E. E. Pavlova // Meditsinskiy sovet. - 2014. - No. 13. - P. 6-9.

Of course, a well-formed assortment of a pharmacy has a positive effect on the level of profit, influences the development of the outlet, allows you to form a circle of regular customers, and increases loyalty on their part. Moreover, it is also part of marketing strategy, helping to increase the level of sales and providing an opportunity to withstand the high competition in the pharmaceutical industry. Hence, if you are planning to enter this business, product line is the first thing you need to look into. This article describes five stages of assortment formation for different types pharmacies, the basic rules for displaying goods in a pharmacy and the minimum assortment for pharmacies, pharmacy points and kiosks.

How to form an assortment of a pharmacy?

Of course, there are certain categories of goods that are presented in all pharmacies without exception. But newcomers still face a difficult task. If large pharmacy chains can afford to experiment with the assortment, add new types of drugs, track sales statistics, form new assortment matrices for new outlets, then start-up entrepreneurs should choose the optimal assortment that will allow them to survive in the market and continue to develop their outlet. In order not to be mistaken in important choice, entrepreneurs should carefully read the information below and try to follow the recommendations presented, keeping the correct sequence, acting clearly and step by step.

The assortment of any pharmacy includes from 2000 different items of goods. It should also be emphasized that in recent years new product groups have appeared in the pharmaceutical industry, for example, dietary supplements, medical cosmetics, etc., which led to the expansion of the range. Consequently, every pharmacy owner faces a difficult task - you will need to select several thousand of the most popular items and exclude a huge number of drugs that you do not need.

In general, today there are several strategies for forming the assortment of a pharmacy, but there is simply no universal concept suitable for all points. Of course, the best assistant in this choice is experience. You can hire an experienced pharmacist who will immediately highlight the most hot goods, however, after that, you still have to adjust the assortment matrix, take into account the needs of your customers, add new positions and get rid of unclaimed goods. It would seem that the prospect is not so frightening, but if you initially form the wrong assortment, you will have to adjust it constantly, and this, in turn, means that you will lose customers, time and incur losses.

To avoid such mistakes, first of all, it is necessary to clearly define the stages of work. By following a clear sequence, acting thoughtfully, you can create a truly correct assortment. So, you need:

  1. Type your pharmacy according to a number of parameters.
  2. Define your target customer according to the point type.
  3. Classify goods
  4. Determine the amount of inventory.
  5. Select the desired items and fill in the assortment matrix.

Typification of pharmacies

First of all, entrepreneurs need to clearly define the type of pharmacy. Only then will you be able to really form the assortment correctly. The number of parameters that affect the type of pharmacy can vary from five to twenty. Below you can find the most important of them.

1. Factors that determine the type of pharmacy and affect its assortment

Direction of activity

Finished drugs

Sell ​​products purchased from manufacturers

Manufacturing pharmacy

Manufacture prescription drugs and sell them

Finished drugs + production

buy finished products from manufacturers and sell drugs of their own production

Types of organizations

The type of organization is a factor determining the range (each type of organization has the right to sell certain drugs)


pharmacy kiosk

pharmacy store

Types of pharmacies

Exists within the network


Private pharmacy

Pharmacy location

Pharmacy in mall

On the first line of houses in places with high pedestrian traffic and not far from transport interchanges

Residential area

In a residential area


In a village, a village, a village

At the hospital

At or in the city hospital

Type of product display


All goods are placed in showcases, on shelves, etc., buyers do not have the opportunity to take the goods themselves


The buyer can take the goods and go to the checkout, or the pharmacy has both closed and open areas

Type of pharmacy, taking into account its turnover

Revenue from 5 million rubles per month

Revenue from 2 to 5 million rubles per month

Revenue up to 2 million rubles per month

Definition of the target buyer

The preferences of those customers who will come to your pharmacy most often will be the main factor influencing the assortment. As a rule, the portrait of the target buyer largely depends on the location of the outlet. Specialists distinguish several main locations of pharmacies:

  • Pharmacies in the shopping center;
  • Pharmacies on the busy streets of the city;
  • Pharmacies in residential areas.

Features of the assortment of pharmacies in shopping centers

Most often, a pharmacy in a shopping center is visited by people from 25 to 45 years old with an income above the average. In such pharmacies, the following categories of goods are much better sold:

  • Preparations for ARVI, influenza;
  • Contraceptives;
  • antidepressants;
  • vitamins;
  • Means for weight loss;
  • Cosmetics;
  • Allergy medications;
  • sedatives;
  • Solutions for lenses;
  • Preparations for potency.

Of course, there are other categories of goods in such pharmacies, but these groups are special, because their popularity among shopping center visitors is explained by the so-called “quality of life”. In other words, people who buy medicines in such centers have enough high income, and can afford to buy expensive goods, but due to their age they do not yet suffer from serious or chronic diseases. It should also be emphasized that parapharmaceutical products are especially popular in such pharmacies. This is explained by the fact that often people visit outlets in the shopping center not to purchase a certain drug, but simply go to one of the sections of the shopping center.

Features of the assortment of a pharmacy on a city street

Such points are usually located on the most passing streets, where there are many shops, offices, transport interchange. Such pharmacies are usually visited by different people, but the main customer base is made up of customers aged 20 to 50 years. Of course, pensioners also appear in them, but this happens much less frequently. Such a portrait leaves its mark on demand: for example, prescription drugs are most often bought in such pharmacies, which, in turn, indicates that targeted purchases are made at these points.

Features of the assortment of a pharmacy in a residential area

If the pharmacy is located in a residential, residential area, then in comparison with other points, the assortment should focus on the following categories of goods:

  • Medicines for chronic diseases;
  • Inexpensive drugs (usually analogues), cold remedies and painkillers;
  • Children's products.

This trend can be easily explained - people with average incomes, pensioners and children live in residential areas (expensive, elite areas are an exception). Of course, the presence in the assortment of a significant proportion of drugs for chronic diseases is due to the large number of elderly visitors, while the demand for children's products is explained by the fact that many mothers visit the pharmacy while walking with their children.

Goods classification

In order to form an assortment, you need to classify the goods. It should be noted that the specialized literature describes many variants of classifications according to various criteria, while there is simply no single, standard grouping principle. However, one of the best classifications is the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification (ATC), according to which the range of drugs is divided into the following groups:

In addition to the above product groups, the product range may also include some additional categories, for example, products medical purpose, bioadditives, children's goods; medical cosmetics, water, medical optics and equipment. Only after determining the classification and structure of the assortment, you can start creating an assortment matrix that will take into account the specifics of your pharmacy.

Filling the assortment matrix

There are many different ways to create an assortment for a pharmacy. Undoubtedly, one of the most popular of them is the adjustment of the reference, universal pharmacy assortment. In other words, the owner of a new pharmacy takes a balanced assortment as a basis and adapts it to the location of the outlet, his customer, the concept of his pharmacy, adding positions for which there is high demand. However, this method also has its drawbacks. So, for example, the fact that the assortment of a pharmacy is formed simply from a list of standard products, and not taking into account various categories, can play a cruel joke with business. Moreover, it cannot be denied that a certain product may be in demand in a reference pharmacy, while at a specific, specific point, it may simply remain on the shelves.

Traditionally, it is believed that the most correct and universal way assortment formation is "filling the box". It allows not only to create a new, well-thought-out assortment, but also to improve the old one. To use this method, you need to think of your point as a large closet that consists of a large number of drawers, which are the product categories.

Each of them has its own characteristics, ranging from width and depth to consistency. The box is not unlimited - it can only include a certain number of items, which must be determined in accordance with the characteristics of the pharmacy itself: more area, location, customer profile, etc., as well as the budget.

In general, each such box should contain the following goods:

  • Mandatory assortment goods;
  • Products that are best sold in this particular pharmacy;
  • branded products;
  • Seasonal goods.

Moreover, such a box should contain drugs from different price categories - this will attract people with different levels income. At the same time, each product must undergo a kind of check - you must answer the question: “Why exactly was it included in the pharmacy cabinet?”

Rules for displaying goods in a pharmacy

Given the huge competition, pharmacy owners strive to follow the rules of merchandising in order to attract customers and increase demand for the goods presented. A lot of the rules for displaying pharmacies' goods were borrowed from department stores However, they still have their own, pronounced specificity. In order for the layout and design of the pharmacy to really benefit the business, entrepreneurs need to follow fairly simple but effective recommendations, each of which is described in detail below.

  1. Divide the pharmacy space into clear zones, including:

1) zone of seasonal goods and promotional materials;
2) a healthy lifestyle (vitamins, sports and healthy nutrition);
3) over-the-counter drugs (within this area they are grouped by use);
4) traditional medicine zone;
5) zone of motherhood;
6) a zone for business people (preparations for vision, massage devices, sedatives, anti-stress agents, preparations to increase efficiency);
7) area of ​​cosmetics;
8) checkout area.

  1. Try to evoke positive emotions even at the entrance to the pharmacy. Merchandisers note that the following trend is currently observed in society: people began to actively strive for healthy lifestyle life, monitor the state of your body and, of course, appearance. This greatly increases interest in over-the-counter health products and medical cosmetics. That is why such goods can be placed in the most prominent places - shelves and racks. This will help maintain the illusion that both health and beauty are not achieved through hard work, but only with the help of a properly selected complex of vitamins and cosmetics.
  2. Pay attention to the color scheme of the pharmacy. In pharmacies, it is not uncommon to see light-colored shelves in golden hues, green and blue color accents, which are designed to evoke the most direct association with health and well-being.
  3. Try to buy light equipment, so the room will look more spacious. So, you can purchase semi-circular sections that will give the impression of free movement. If you do not plan to decorate the trading floor in this way, remember that several of these sections can be used for seasonal products.
  4. Locate pharmacy departments and commodity groups so as to evoke pleasant emotions. In the foreground, it is worth laying out products that promise the consumer instant, noticeable and bright improvements. Prescription drugs, on the other hand, can be placed in the most inconspicuous places. The same applies to products of passive demand, a reminder of which can spoil the visitor's mood, including, for example, medicines for serious illnesses, care products for seriously ill people, etc.
  5. Try to make navigation as clear as possible, and zoning obvious.
  6. Place catchy signs above each area of ​​the hall and above each group of goods.
  7. If your pharmacy is frequented by working people Buying over-the-counter drugs, it is worth highlighting the section with anti-stress and sedatives. Moreover, if your point is located in the business district of the city, it makes sense to create a special, office area, where remedies for fatigue, colds, voice restoration, etc. will be sold.
  8. Care products can be placed in different ways, depending on their price. It is better to place expensive products in blocks, in one, clearly defined place (it is desirable that it be away from the main groups of goods). It is better to lay out cheap goods and products of the middle price category according to their intended purpose, so that the visitor can clearly see the entire product range: shampoos, balms and masks, skin care products, etc.
  9. In a pharmacy, one should not blindly follow the price rule: expensive products are above eye level, cheap ones are lower. Although in general this rule is valid for all outlets, it should be remembered that, in general, the goods in the pharmacy are small in size. Consequently, some medicines will not be visible on the upper shelves. AT this case it is more reasonable to be guided by the demand for the product, its profitability. If the product is expensive, but sells well, it should be placed at eye level. If you open a counter-type pharmacy, hot items should be placed near the first store. However, it is important not to overdo it - if you display a lot of expensive goods exactly at eye level, visitors will perceive your outlet as an expensive pharmacy.
  10. If you open a pharmaceutical market, it is better to place large, cheap goods on the lower shelves, for example, shampoos, pastes, pads. Even if there are no similar products in your assortment, do not lay out expensive goods at the bottom - in this case, it is better to store stock there.
  11. With an open display, price tags should not be fixed on the packaging- they must be on the price tag strip, as well as in the supermarket;
  12. In pharmacies with an open display, it is also not worth laying out the goods of one company in one row.
  13. If the area allows you, use the classic duplication rule- placement of several units of the same product side by side. If the area of ​​your pharmacy is small, this rule can be omitted.
  14. If you are selling cosmetics, packages of which contain inscriptions only on foreign language, make sure that the buyer understands what kind of product he is looking at.
  15. The seasonal layout should be visible even from the entrance. Such products are bought impulsively, which means that everything possible must be done so that every visitor pays attention to it.

The minimum assortment of a pharmacy

There is a list of drugs that should be in every pharmacy, as well as in every pharmacy kiosk and point - "List of vital and essential drugs" (VED). It should be emphasized that this list is updated annually, which, however, does not mean that the government will necessarily make changes to it. So, for example, the list of drugs in 2017 repeats the list approved in 2016.

The range of any pharmacy (finished dosage forms and production) this year must include the following drugs:

  • Ranitidine;
  • Famotodin;
  • Omeprazole;
  • Bismuth tripotassium dicitrate;
  • Drotaverine;
  • Bisacodyl;
  • Sennosides A and B;
  • Loperamide;
  • Bifidobacterium bifidum;
  • Pancreatin;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Isosorbide dinitrate;
  • Isosorbide mononitrate;
  • Nitroglycerine;
  • Hydrochlorothiazide;
  • Furosemide;
  • Spironolactone;
  • Atenolol;
  • Nifedipine;
  • Verapamil;
  • Captopril;
  • Enalapril;
  • Losartan;
  • Atorvastatin;
  • Clotrimazole;
  • Hydrocortisone;
  • Dexamethasone;
  • doxycycline;
  • Chloramphenicol;
  • Amoxicillin;
  • Co-trimoxazole;
  • Ciprofloxacin;
  • Acyclovir;
  • Oseltamivir;
  • Kagocel;
  • Umifenovir;
  • Diclofenac;
  • ibuprofen;
  • Acetylsalicylic acid;
  • Paracetamol;
  • Salbutamol;
  • Beclomethasone;
  • Aminophylline;
  • Acetylcysteine;
  • Chloropyramine;
  • Loratadine;
  • Tetracycline;
  • Pilocarpine;
  • Timolol.

The range of pharmacy points, IP kiosks with a license should include:

  • Bismuth tripotassium dicitrate;
  • Drotaverine;
  • Bisacodyl;
  • Sennosides A and B;
  • Loperamide;
  • Bifidobacterium bifidum;
  • Pancreatin;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Nitroglycerine;
  • Clotrimazole;
  • Hydrocortisone;
  • Kagocel;
  • Umifenovir;
  • Diclofenac;
  • ibuprofen;
  • Acetylsalicylic acid;
  • Paracetamol;
  • Acetylcysteine;
  • Loratadine;
  • Tetracycline.