Attitude to military duty after service. Conscription in Russia[edit edit wiki text]. When and how are persons liable for military service removed from the register by age

Upon admission to the state civil service of the Russian Federation, each person in accordance with the requirements of Art. 26 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2004 N 79-FZ "On the State Civil Service Russian Federation"(hereinafter - Law No. 79-FZ) submits to the personnel service government agency personally completed and signed, the form of which is approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05.26.2005 N 667-r. The order in which it must be completed is explained below.

Questionnaire must be completed personally by a citizen entering the civil service, in legible handwriting, and not printed on a computer. It is not allowed to put dashes in the questionnaire, answers "yes" or "no", it is necessary to give detailed answers to all questions. All information specified in the questionnaire is certified by the signature of the person who filled out the questionnaire. A photograph of the citizen is attached to the questionnaire.

Department worker public service and personnel checks the data of the questionnaire against documents proving the identity of a citizen, his labor activity, education, attitude to military service. In the absence of comments, he certifies the data in the questionnaire with his signature and seal of the state body. Subsequently, the questionnaire is attached to the personal file of a civil servant (clause "b", clause 16 of the Regulation on the personal data of a state civil servant of the Russian Federation and the maintenance of his personal file, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 30, 2005 N 609).

To check the questionnaire, the department of civil service and personnel needs the following documents:

1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

2. Foreign passport.

3. Certificate of name change (if the surname, first name, patronymic changed).

4. Document of military registration.

5. Work book.

6. Insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance.

7. Certificate of registration with the tax authority individual place of residence in the territory of the Russian Federation.

8. Documents on education.

Consider the procedure for checking the questionnaire.

Item 1. Surname, name, patronymic

They are recorded in full (without abbreviations and replacement of the name and patronymic with initials) on the basis of an identity document of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

The main document proving the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation on the territory of Russia is a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation

Correct entry of paragraph 1: "Prikhodko Marina Viktorovna"

Wrong entry: "Prikhodko M.V."

Item 2. If you changed your last name, first name or patronymic, then indicate them, as well as when, where and for what reason you changed

If the surname, name and patronymic have not changed, write: "Last name, first name and patronymic did not change (a)". If the surname has been changed, the former surname, real surname and the reason for its change should be indicated. For example: "Konev's surname was changed to Zherebtsov on 09/08/1984 by the registry office of the city of Ensk in connection with the registration of marriage. The name and patronymic did not change".

In the case when the surname is changed several times, all surnames are indicated. For example: "The surname of Dmitrieva was changed to Pavlova on 10.01.2000 by the registry office of Ensk in connection with the registration of marriage. The surname of Pavlova was changed to Dmitrieva on 05.10.2003 by the registry office of Ensk in connection with the dissolution of the marriage. The surname of Dmitrieva was changed to Ivanova on 03.12.2009 by the registry office of the city Enska in connection with the registration of marriage. Name and patronymic did not change ".

The same should be done when changing the name (patronymic). First, the former name (patronymic) is indicated, then the present and the reason for which these changes were made. For example: "Patronymic Slavikovich was changed on 25.08.2000 by the registry office of Ensk to patronymic Vyacheslavovich due to incorrect recording of the father's name" or "The name Iskra was changed on 15.03.1998 by the registry office of Ensk to the name Lyudmila due to dissonance". A document confirming the fact of a change of surname, name, patronymic may be a certificate of registration (dissolution) of marriage or a change of name.

Item 3. Date, month, year and place of birth (village, village, city, district, region, region, republic, country)

The date of birth is indicated on the basis of a passport or birth certificate digitally (day and month are indicated as a two-digit number, year as a four-digit number) or alphanumerically.

The place of birth is indicated in full, without abbreviations, indicating the name of the republic, territory, region, city, settlement (city, town, village, village) in accordance with the names in force at the time of birth, based on passport data.

Correct entry: "The village of Savrasovo, Lukoyanovsky district, Nizhny Novgorod region".

Wrong entry: "The village of Savrasovo, Nizhny Novgorod region".

Item 4. Citizenship (if you changed, then indicate when and for what reason, if you have the citizenship of another state - indicate)

This column indicates: "Citizen of the Russian Federation". Persons of dual citizenship, stateless or foreign citizens are not accepted for the state civil service of the Russian Federation ( the federal law dated July 27, 2004 N 79-FZ "On the state civil service of the Russian Federation" (clause 1 of article 21).

In the event of a change of citizenship, an entry is made: "In 2000, the citizenship of the Republic of Belarus was changed to the citizenship of the Russian Federation in connection with the move to live in Russia."

Item 5. Education (when and what educational institutions graduated from, numbers of diplomas)

Education is filled in in accordance with the documents of the employee on vocational education (certificate, diploma, certificate).

If the employee has an incomplete education, it is necessary to indicate how many courses he has completed or which course he is currently studying. For example: "In 2000 he graduated from two courses of the Ensk State technical university", "In the current 2009, he is studying at the 3rd year of the Ensky State Technical University".

The name of the educational institution repeats the entry in the education document. If an employee has two or more educations, then everything is indicated in chronological order, for example: "1) 1980, Moscow Aviation Institute, diploma series ZhK N 345678; 2) 2000, Russian Academy public service and management, diploma series BA N 123456".

Currently, educational institutions produce bachelors, specialists and masters.

For qualifications "bachelor" and "master" in the column "Direction or specialty" the direction is indicated, and for the qualification "specialist" - the specialty. For example: "Specialty - "Aviation electrical equipment", qualification under the diploma - "Engineer".

Item 6. Postgraduate professional education: postgraduate study, adjuncture, doctoral studies (name of educational or scientific institution, year of graduation)

Correct entry: "She graduated from graduate school in 2009 at the Ensk State University."

Academic degree - doctor of science, candidate of science, academic titles - academician, associate professor, professor, senior Researcher. If the employee has an academic degree or academic title, then this item is filled out on the basis of a diploma of a candidate of science or doctor of science. If there is no title, it is written: "I don't have an academic degree or an academic title."

Item 7. What foreign languages and the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation and to what extent (read and translate with a dictionary, read and can explain, speak fluently)

Correct entry: "I own German: I read and I can explain. I am fluent in the Tatar language" or "I don't speak foreign languages. I don't speak the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation."

Wrong entry: "German. I translate with a dictionary."

Proficiency in foreign languages ​​and languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation is recorded in accordance with Sec. four of the All-Russian classifier information about the population OK 018-95, approved by the Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated July 31, 1995 N 412 (hereinafter - OKIN), without abbreviations, for example "English", "Tatar", but not "English", "tat.".

Section 5 OKIN provides for three degrees of knowledge of foreign languages: reading and translating with a dictionary; reads and can explain; owns freely.

Item 8. Class rank of the federal civil service, diplomatic rank, military or special rank, class rank of law enforcement service, class rank of civil service of a subject of the Russian Federation, qualification rank of civil service (by whom and when assigned)

The class rank of the federal civil service, the diplomatic rank, the class rank of the civil service of a subject of the Russian Federation, the qualification rank of the civil service are indicated according to the entry in work book.

The types of class ranks of the state civil service are indicated in Art. 11 of Law N 79-FZ:

Active State Councilor of the Russian Federation of the 1st, 2nd or 3rd class;

State Advisor of the Russian Federation of the 1st, 2nd or 3rd class;

Advisor to the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation of the 1st, 2nd or 3rd class;

Referent of the state civil service of the Russian Federation of the 1st, 2nd or 3rd class;

Secretary of the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation of the 1st, 2nd or 3rd class.

Civil servants who fill positions in the civil service of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation are assigned class ranks in accordance with the law of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Correct entry: "Referent of the state civil service of the Russian Federation of the 1st class, assigned by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 01.09.2005 N 218" or "class rank of the federal civil service, diplomatic rank, military rank, class rank of law enforcement service, class rank of the civil service of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, qualification category I don't have public service.

Wrong entry: "Referent of the state civil service of the Russian Federation 1st class".

Item 9. Have you been convicted (when and for what)

In the absence of a criminal record, you must write: "Sudden (a) was not (a)".

Confirmation of the absence of a criminal record is a certificate issued to a citizen in accordance with the Instruction on the procedure for providing citizens with certificates of the presence (absence) of their criminal record, approved by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated November 1, 2001 N 965.

Clause 10. Access to state secrets issued for the period of work, service, study, its form, number and date (if any)

In the absence of permission, indicate: "I have no access to state secrets". If the permit was previously issued, then it is written: "Had (a) access to state secrets, issued during the period of work at the Research Institute of Instrument Engineering, form N 2-0307 from 09/01/1982".

Item 11. Work in progress from the beginning labor activity(including studies at higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, military service, part-time work, entrepreneurial activity etc.).

This item is completed in chronological order. It includes not only labor activity, but also the time of study in higher and secondary educational institutions (including schools), as well as military service. Information about military service should be recorded with the position and number of the military unit.

The names of the position and organization are indicated as they were called at one time, in full, without abbreviations, according to the entries in the work book. In case of renaming or transformation of the organization, it is necessary to reflect this fact in the questionnaire.

If there are breaks in work, the reason for the breaks is indicated with the presentation of relevant documents (for example, certificates from the employment service).

Correctly: "Student of the Secondary Educational School No. 112", "Student of the Moscow Aviation Institute", "Technologist of the federal state unitary enterprise"Hydraulics".

Not properly: "MAI student", "Technologist of FSUE "Hydraulics", "FSUE "Hydraulics", "engineer-technologist".

Clause 12. State awards, other awards and distinctions

In the absence of awards, the following is recorded: "I have no state awards, other awards and distinctions". If a citizen has state awards, then the name of each of them is indicated in full, without abbreviations, in accordance with the names established by the laws of the Russian Federation, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, if there is a degree of state award, the degree is indicated.

Correct entry: "Medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" II degree, honorary title "Honored Worker of the Oil and Gas Industry of the Russian Federation". Wrong entry: Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" II degree, Honored Worker of the Oil and Gas Industry of the Russian Federation.

Item 13. Your close relatives (father, mother, brothers, sisters and children), as well as your husband (wife), including former

If relatives changed their last name, first name, patronymic, their former last name, first name, patronymic must also be indicated.

When filling out item 13, it is necessary to indicate not only living relatives, but also deceased ones. In this case, the degree of relationship, surname, name, patronymic, year, day and month of birth, date of death and place of burial are indicated.

For example:

When changing the surname, name, patronymic, it is necessary to record both real and previous data.

For example:

If there are former spouses, information about them is also reflected in the questionnaire. In the absence of information about the spouses, an entry is made: "I have no information about my ex-husband (wife). I do not maintain contact with him (her)."

For example:

Clause 14. Your close relatives (father, mother, brothers, sisters and children), as well as husband (wife), including former ones, permanently residing abroad and (or) drawing up documents for traveling to permanent place residence in another state

This paragraph echoes paragraph 13, which already reflects the home address (address of registration, actual residence) of all relatives. However, the legislator singled out information on the stay of relatives abroad in a separate paragraph.

If there are no relatives permanently residing abroad, the correct entry is: "I have no close relatives permanently residing abroad." It is wrong to put a dash in the column, write "No" or "I have not".

Item 15. Stay abroad (when, where, for what purpose)

This item reflects information about trips abroad, for example, for a tourist package, for summer language courses, as part of a student exchange or business trip.

Clause 16. Relationship to military service and military rank

This item is completed based on:

A military ID or a temporary certificate issued in exchange for a military ID for citizens in the reserve;

Certificates of a citizen subject to conscription for military service for conscripts.

Clause 17. Home address (address of registration, actual residence), telephone number (or other type of communication)

In this paragraph, they write the address of the place of residence in accordance with the registration data on the passport, indicating the index and the address of actual residence. If the addresses match, then a record is made: "I actually live at the same address". In the column "Phone number" indicate the home and cellular telephone worker. Alternatively, you can provide an email address.

Correct entry: "Registration address: 450000, Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa, Lenina st., 162, apt. 18. In fact, I live at the same address", " Home phone 272-22-22, work 248-55-55, cell 8-917-34-00001".

Clause 18. Passport or document replacing it

The data of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation are indicated. In the absence of a passport, the personnel officer needs to find out the reason.

Correct entry: "Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, series 8402, number 555200, issued by the department of the Federal Migration Service of Russia in the Oktyabrsky district of Ensk on December 12, 2007 (subdivision code 020-006)".

Clause 19. Availability of a foreign passport (series, number, by whom and when issued)

The details of the foreign passport are indicated in accordance with the foreign passport: "Foreign passport 62 N 2545513 Ministry of Internal Affairs 400 12/27/2005".

Clause 20. Number of insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance (if any)

The number of the insurance certificate of state pension insurance (which, upon admission to a citizen, must be submitted to the department of public service and personnel) is indicated in accordance with the insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance.

In the event that the insurance certificate of state pension insurance is lost, the employee must receive a duplicate.

Item 21. TIN (if any)

The taxpayer identification number contains 12 characters and is filled in in accordance with the certificate of registration with the tax authority of an individual at the place of residence in the territory of the Russian Federation.

The certificate is used in all cases provided for by law and is presented together with a document proving the identity of an individual and his place of residence on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The certificate is subject to replacement in the event of an individual moving to a new place of residence in the territory under the jurisdiction of another state tax office, changes in the information contained in it, as well as in case of damage or loss.

Item 22. Additional information (participation in elected representative bodies, other information that you wish to provide about yourself)

All information provided in this paragraph must be documented, for example, by appropriate certificates. In the absence of additional information, a record is made: "I have no further information".

Paragraph 23. I am aware that knowingly false information provided about myself in the questionnaire, and my non-compliance qualification requirements may result in refusal to participate in the competition and admission to the position. I agree to conduct verification activities against me (I agree)

In accordance with paragraphs. 16 p. 1 art. 44 of Law N 79-FZ, the department of public service and personnel conducts verification of the accuracy of personal data and other information submitted by a citizen upon admission to the civil service. Identification of the inaccuracy of the information provided (for example, the presence of a criminal record or a false diploma of education) may serve as a basis for terminating the service contract under clause 11, part 1, art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (for the submission of forged documents or knowingly false information at the conclusion employment contract).

When making a decision, the draft boards were required to comprehensively discuss the family and financial situation conscript, the state of his health, take into account the wishes of the conscript himself, his specialty, the recommendations of the Komsomol and other public organizations. of the President of Ukraine 5622013, according to which, since the year, conscription for military service in armed forces was suspended and further recruitment was to be carried out exclusively on a contract basis. The personnel record sheet contains biographical information about the employee, information about his education, work performed since the beginning of his career, marital status, etc.

The employer is entrusted with the duty to conduct personal files on the leaders and specialists of the organization, scientists, civil servants, as well as other employees in cases determined by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus (p. However, until the accession of Peter, such regiments were few in number and still had low combat readiness. According to As a result of the Treaty of Versailles, Germany, as a losing country, did not have the right to recruit into the armed forces on a conscription basis, universal conscription was resumed, like the First World War, it was distinguished by its large scale, the relative cheapness of military products and, consequently, extensive mobilizations. During the war with Sweden, Peter I ordered the recruitment of contingent, willing, idle people and boyar servants into the army, and finally recruitment duty was introduced in 1705.

The proletarians, in accordance with the constitution of Servius Tullius, did not carry out military service, slaves were generally not allowed into the army. I will defend not only that which is holy, but also that which is not holy, both alone and in association with others.

The commission included representatives of local Russians, organizations and doctors as their full members. What is better to write martyr in the column of the questionnaire - attitude to military duty? The heads of companies, institutions, collective farms and educational institutions were responsible for ensuring that all young men of pre-conscription and military ages were shrouded in the NVP.

Diploma ru reference and information Internet portal Russian language

The employee's personal file is formed after the conclusion of an employment contract (agreement) and the issuance of an order (instruction, decision, resolution) on hiring (appointment to a position). The personal sheet for personnel records is stored in a personal file and is located in it, if not one of the first documents. Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich) 4) in the column date of birth, the day, month and year of birth must be indicated in Arabic numerals (i.e.

What is the attitude to military duty and military rank

The questionnaire is filled out with your own hands, in blue ink on a sheet of A3 paper. As for the second question, the questionnaires often indicate to the graph the attitude to military duty. The attitude to military duty and military rank is the presence. Answers to the question what is better to write martyr in the column of the questionnaire - attitude to military duty?

There may be another option to be called up (then you should have a registration certificate in your hands). More frequently asked questions that arise when filling out a personal personnel record sheet include subsequent questions.

For example, an employee studied at an institute (institute) with a degree in jurisprudence and was qualified as a lawyer. Wearing military uniforms with military insignia by persons who do not have the right to do so is prohibited and punishable by law.

How to write in the questionnaire about your own attitude to military duty, which fields, part 2 of Article 8 - as amended by law. Until 2011, persons liable for military service were called up for active military service at the age of up to 25 years (inclusive), (in exceptional cases up to 32 years inclusive).

In accordance with the law of the USSR on universal military duty.
A change in the recruiting station was allowed only from January 1 to April 1 and from July 1 to October 1 of the year of conscription. as it should, according to the creator, it is necessary to indicate in the personal sheet on personnel records the knowledge of only foreign languages, incl.

Who is enrolled in the reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Russian law states that the reserve forces of the army (reserve) are formed from among the following citizens:

  • those who left / were dismissed from the army and enlisted in the ranks of the "reserve";
  • mastered military specialties in various institutions secondary and higher professional education;
  • released from the performance of official duty for health reasons or other reasons;
  • dismissed from among the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with their subsequent entry into the ranks of the "reserve" of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
  • who served in the alternative troops;
  • teachers who completed the military department;
  • women/girls with a military/medical specialty.

Please note: in the process of being in the reserve, citizens can call for field (military) fees for up to 1-2 months.

When and how are persons liable for military service removed from the register by age?

According to the established rules, all men from the age of 17 are registered with the military registration and enlistment office. Women are not supposed to serve. But no one will take this right away from them. You can serve and be registered with the military registration and enlistment office under certain circumstances.

Scientists, disabled people, civil servants and students are also not called up. The presence of serious illnesses is a reason for exemption from military duty. Or to delay and place a person in a military reserve.


Accordingly, someone who has not experienced the enrollment process will not be familiar with deregistration. What age is considered recruiting? What does the law "On military duty and military service" say? Conscription age The fact is that from the age of 18, male citizens of the Russian Federation are considered liable for military service. They have already registered with the military registration and enlistment office and are now waiting for the moment of conscription.

The draft age in Russia is the period from the age of majority to 27 years inclusive.

Until what age is a man liable for military service?

So, people with the highest administrative ranks (generals, fleet admirals, and so on) can extend their service in the army for another 5 years. This opportunity implemented at the personal request of a military person. Ordinary military personnel are not entitled to such a privilege. Outcomes Conscripted up to what age? It is generally accepted that in Russia, on average, they are removed from military registration at the age of 50-65.


After that, a citizen can go on a well-deserved rest and not be afraid of being drafted into the army in a military situation in the country. If a person worked as a military man, he will be assigned an appropriate pension (with supplements). Men liable for military service are the people who are most often found in real life.

Some try to shirk their responsibilities. For example, from military service. This action is the reason for initiating a criminal case.

Until what age is a man considered liable for military service in Russia?

Women are exempted from such fees, as well as:

  • law enforcement officers;
  • civilian fleet personnel;
  • students (including students in absentia);
  • people who have three or more minor children;
  • deputies.

It is also worth noting that the military commissar has the right to exempt the “reserves” from military training and for other reasons that are really valid. And the conscripts in the reserve have every right to receive the next military rank.

Age of deregistration by age, or everything about military service

In our country, a girl can get into the army only under a contract, having passed the necessary tests and passing physical standards. Also, it is impossible for a woman to enter the armed forces if she has at least once been convicted. In Israel, for example, conscription in the army applies to girls to the same extent as to boys.

They equally bear all the hardships of service, defending the fatherland. Service in the Israeli military for women is a prestigious occupation - after that, she has the right to free education in any higher educational institution in her country. Although we rarely meet female soldiers, there is a category of women who are still subject to military service.
Mostly doctors and nurses, and there are also a number of other specialties, after studying for which, a woman will become liable for military service. All of them have military tickets and military ranks.

Persons liable for military service in Russia in 2017

A private or reserve officer who has reached a certain age or is declared unfit for service in accordance with the established federal procedure will be transferred by the military commissariat into retirement and deregistered by him. The main differences from the draft age different concepts. The draft age (that is, the age at which a person can be drafted into the army) according to the law is as follows: from 18 to 27 years. It is worth noting here that many uninformed conscripts mistakenly believe that they can be called up for service even after they reach the age of twenty-seven (until they “knock” twenty-eight). Moreover, these people cite as an argument the fact that up to 28 years of age their passport age is 27 years, therefore, during this year they may well be drafted into the army.

Conscripts - who are they? age and categories of conscripts

To comply with the formalities, you need to personally visit the military registration and enlistment office. Further, a military ID, where a mark is made, is provided to an employee of the organization that is responsible for military registration. In the personal card (form T-2) there is item number 8, where an entry is made on deregistration by age.

The card is withdrawn from the card index of persons in the reserve. Which of those liable for military service are exempted from passing fees? The decision on exemption from military fees is made by the military commissar. However, if there are all documents confirming the legal right to release, there will be no problems.

The second point is about wartime. If martial law is introduced in the country, all persons in the reserve are called up for military training. That is, in fact, there is a mobilization of reservists. At this time, they undergo retraining and are sent to the army. For various questionnaires from government agencies in the column "attitude to military duty" is written "conscripted". Those who served indicate - "in reserve (private)." Those who have nothing to do with the army answer like this - "not liable for military service." After all these clarifications, when filling out questionnaires and documents with similar concepts, he will be able to accurately indicate his legal status and his connections with the army.

How to write in the questionnaire about your attitude to military duty

The situation and the question are as follows: I am 28 years old, I am filling out a job application form. There is a certificate of a citizen subject to conscription for military service (or the so-called "assigned") with all the marks on the end of the military department at the university, the passage of thirty-day military training, and as a result, the assignment of VUS-a (all records are available in the registered).
How can I correctly and correctly write in the questionnaire: liable for military service, not liable for military service (I’m not sure if this word is spelled together or separately ??) or indicate the time for passing the training camp, conferring the rank (reserve officer) and specifying the VUS ?? Help, who is literate in this matter. Thanks in advance for your answers! P.S.


Additional information (participation in elected representative bodies, other information that you wish to disclose about yourself) All information provided in this paragraph must be documented, for example, by appropriate certificates. In the absence of additional information, an entry is made: "I have no additional information."

Paragraph 23. I am aware that knowingly false information provided about myself in the questionnaire, and my non-compliance with the qualification requirements may result in refusal to participate in the competition and admission to the position. I agree (I agree) to conduct verification activities in relation to me. In accordance with paragraphs.
16 p. 1 art. 44 of Law N 79-FZ, the department of public service and personnel conducts verification of the accuracy of personal data and other information submitted by a citizen upon admission to the civil service.

What is better to write martyr in the column of the questionnaire - attitude to military duty?

Academic degree - Doctor of Science, Candidate of Science, academic titles - Academician, Associate Professor, Professor, Senior Researcher. If the employee has an academic degree or academic title, then this item is filled out on the basis of a diploma of a candidate of science or doctor of science.

If there is no title, it is written: "I do not have an academic degree and an academic title." Item 7. What foreign languages ​​and languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation do you speak and to what extent (read and translate with a dictionary, read and can explain yourself, speak fluently) Correct entry: “I know German: I read and can explain myself.


I am fluent in the Tatar language” or “I do not speak foreign languages. I do not speak the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation.” Incorrect entry: "German.

lang., I translate with a dictionary. Proficiency in foreign languages ​​and languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation is recorded in accordance with Sec.

Item in the questionnaire "attitude towards military service"

If an employee has two or more educations, then all are indicated in chronological order, for example: “1) 1980, Moscow Aviation Institute, diploma series ZhK N 345678; 2) 2000, Russian Academy of Public Administration and Management, diploma series BA N 123456. Currently, educational institutions produce bachelors, specialists and masters.
For qualifications "bachelor" and "master" in the column "Direction or specialty" the direction is indicated, and for the qualification "specialist" - the specialty. For example: "Specialty - "Aviation electrical equipment", diploma qualification - "Engineer". Item 6. Postgraduate professional education: postgraduate, adjuncture, doctoral studies (name of educational or scientific institution, year of graduation) Correct entry: "Graduated from postgraduate studies in 2009 at the Ensk State University."

The place of birth is indicated in full, without abbreviations, indicating the name of the republic, territory, region, city, settlement (city, town, village, village) in accordance with the names in force at the time of birth, based on passport data. Correct entry: "The village of Savrasovo, Lukoyanovsky district, Nizhny Novgorod region."

Incorrect entry: "The village of Savrasovo, Nizhny Novgorod region." Item 4. Citizenship (if you changed, then indicate when and for what reason, if you have the citizenship of another state, indicate) This column indicates: “Citizen of the Russian Federation”. Persons of dual citizenship, stateless or foreign citizens are not accepted into the civil service of the Russian Federation (Federal Law of July 27, 2004 N 79-FZ “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation” (clause 1, article 21).

Attitude to military duty and military rank what to write in the questionnaire

TIN (if any) The taxpayer identification number contains 12 characters and is filled in in accordance with the certificate of registration with the tax authority of an individual at the place of residence in the territory of the Russian Federation. The certificate is used in all cases provided for by law and is presented together with a document proving the identity of an individual and his place of residence on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The certificate is subject to replacement in the event of an individual moving to a new place of residence in the territory under the jurisdiction of another state tax inspectorate, changes in the information provided in it, as well as in case of damage or loss. Item 22.
Incorrect entry: "Referent of the state civil service of the Russian Federation of the 1st class." Item 9. Have you been convicted (when and for what) In the absence of a criminal record, you must write: “I have not been convicted (a)”.

Confirmation of the absence of a criminal record is a certificate issued to a citizen in accordance with the Instruction on the procedure for providing citizens with certificates of the presence (absence) of a criminal record, approved by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated November 01, 2001 N 965. Clause 10. Admission to state secrets, issued during the period of work, service, study, its form, number and date (if any) In the absence of access, it is indicated: "I do not have access to state secrets."

If the permit was previously issued, then it is written: “Had (a) a permit to state secrets, issued during the period of work at the Research Institute of Instrument Engineering, form N 2-0307 from 09/01/1982”. Item 11.

Attitude to military duty and military rank what to write in the questionnaire of the Republic of Belarus

The presence of a foreign passport (series, number, by whom and when issued) The data of a foreign passport are indicated in accordance with the foreign passport: "Foreign passport 62 N 2545513 Ministry of Internal Affairs 400 12/27/2005". Clause 20. Number of insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance (if any) The number of insurance certificate of state pension insurance (which, upon admission to a citizen, must be submitted to the department of civil service and personnel) is indicated in accordance with the insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance.
In the event that the insurance certificate of state pension insurance is lost, the employee must receive a duplicate. Item 21.

Attitude to military duty and military rank what to write in the questionnaire of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Insurance certificate of obligatory pension insurance. 7. Certificate of registration with the tax authority of an individual at the place of residence on the territory of the Russian Federation.

8. Documents on education. Consider the procedure for checking the questionnaire. Clause 1. Surname, name, patronymic They are written in full (without abbreviations and replacement of the name and patronymic with initials) on the basis of an identity document of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

The main document proving the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation on the territory of Russia is the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation Correct entry in paragraph 1: “Prikhodko Marina Viktorovna” Incorrect entry: “Prikhodko M.V.” Item 2. If you changed the last name, first name or patronymic, then indicate them, as well as when, where and for what reason they changed.

Citizens of the Russian Federation, upon admission to the civil civil service, are required to fill out a special questionnaire. Its form is approved at the state level.

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As a rule, similar questionnaires are filled out by applicants for employment in private offices. But if in them applicants for a position sometimes answer a lie, then the application form for admission to the civil service should be filled out as honestly as possible.

The fact is that the state cannot be deceived, and sooner or later lies will come out. Therefore, in order to future career in public institution was successful, you should carefully consider filling out the questionnaire.

There are some requirements for completing this document. For example, a citizen entering the civil service must fill it out with his own hand. The handwriting in the questionnaire must be legible, printed data entry into the document is not allowed.

The paper contains quite diverse questions. Some of them are sometimes incomprehensible to those who get a job. For example, many future civil servants are interested in what to write in the questionnaire about their attitude to military duty.

General overview of the questionnaire

According to the rules, in the questionnaire of a civil servant, a detailed answer must be given to each question. It is not allowed to enter concise answers like “yes”, “no” or dashes into the fields.

Once completed, the form must be signed. Also, this paper must be accompanied by a photograph of a citizen who applies for employment.

After that, the personnel officer will verify the information entered in the document with the personal documents of the citizen. If everything is in order, employee personnel service certifies the questionnaire with his signature and puts the appropriate seal. After that, the questionnaire is attached to the personal file of the citizen.

What basic documents may the applicant need to fill out the questionnaire:

  • civil passport of the Russian Federation;
  • international passport;
  • employment history;
  • education documents.

Additional paperwork may be required depending on the situation.

How to fill in

The item concerning the attitude to military duty should be filled out on the basis of such documents as a military ID or a certificate of a citizen subject to military service. The answer options for this item of the questionnaire can be - military or non-military.

On how reliably the questionnaire is filled out, to some extent depends on future work in the civil service. As already mentioned, answer all points of the document as honestly as possible.

Things to consider when completing the application form:

  • Citizens liable for military service have a military ID, which can be marked "fit" or "unfit". This document may also contain a category of validity. All this information will be useful when filling out the questionnaire.
  • In the paragraph of the questionnaire on ranks and titles, citizens must indicate when and by whom they were awarded.
  • If you have access to military secrets, you should indicate exactly when it was issued and by which department.
  • The point concerning education should not be skipped in any case. For example, officers immediately receive both education and rank in the same institution. Military schools of various kinds simultaneously provide graduates with a diploma and a title. Some universities have a military department, after which graduates can also be given a certain title.
  • It is necessary to describe in detail information about the awards, if any, supporting the information with relevant documents.

Several examples can be taken:

Example 1 The questionnaire is filled in by a student enrolled in the 3rd year of the university. He did not serve in the army, as there is a deferral of study. There is a mark on the recruiter's certificate indicating eligibility. AT this case in the questionnaire it is worth writing "conscripted".
Example 2 The questionnaire is filled in by a girl who did not graduate from military higher education. educational institution. In this case, the item related to military duty can be skipped, since it is filled out only on the basis of military registration documents. If the applicant had a military ID, she could fill out this section of the questionnaire.
Example 3 The questionnaire is filled out by a citizen who has a serious illness, which served as the basis for exemption from military service and assignment of category “D” - not fit for military service. In this case, in the questionnaire it is worth writing together “not liable for military service”.

Important nuances of the answer

In our country, young people aged 18 to 27 are recognized as citizens liable for military service. In this age range, they can be recruited for military service.

Citizens liable for military service include future conscripts or already served citizens who are on this moment are in stock.

In order to make it easier to fill out the questionnaire, it is worth understanding what is included in the concept of military duty in 2019:

  • conscription into the army;
  • military registration;
  • stay in reserve;
  • passage of military training.

At the same time, there are two options for how you can repay your homeland: serve on conscription or enter a military educational institution.

Mandatory conscription may not apply to a person in the following cases:

  • Involvement with minorities. These, for example, include representatives of the Far North.
  • Female. By law, in the Russian Federation, a woman is exempt from military duty.
  • Religion that does not allow you to serve in the army of the Russian Federation. However, male citizens who are part of this category may be assigned to alternative civilian service.
  • The presence of a criminal record in a citizen or the conduct of criminal prosecution against him.

Citizens liable for military service can receive several types of deferrals.

They are provided in the following cases:

  • in the presence of two or more small children;
  • in case of a short-term illness, in this case, the military enlistment office assigns the category “temporarily unfit” to the conscript;
  • when studying at a higher educational institution;
  • when staying in the status of a large breadwinner or, if necessary, to take care of a close relative on an ongoing basis;
  • when in the status of a gifted person by decree of the President of the Russian Federation.