Business plan for opening a pharmacy organization. The composition of the premises of the pharmacy and their purpose. Minimum conditions for coordinating the premises

Today, there is a slowdown in the growth of the pharmaceutical market. Over the past 5 years, it has decreased by 6 times. So, in 2012, the increase was 16%, and in 2018 this figure dropped to 1.8%. However overall volume in monetary terms is 1.7 million rubles. The rate is quite high. If you competently approach business development, you can earn good money by opening your pharmacy. However, keep in mind that business is associated with obtaining a large number of permits.

Pharmacy organizations: types

By law, pharmacy owners are required to license products and comply with the requirements of the Ministry of Health. Select a business category. There are the following types of pharmacies:

  1. Standard. Cooperation is conducted directly with buyers, and the goods are sold at retail.
  2. Production. The main work is aimed at the manufacture of drugs. Products are sold in bulk.
  3. With the right to issue aseptic products. It has the same capabilities as the production pharmacy. In addition, sterile drugs are manufactured in specialized aseptic facilities.
  4. Pharmacy. It differs in area, assortment of goods and structure of premises.
  5. Pharmacy store. The activity is focused on the sale of goods at retail. The manufacture of drugs is not carried out.

Each category of organization is assigned certain functions. The buyer can go to the pharmacy to buy prescription drugs. The store sells only drugs that are available for free distribution.

Gradation is also made according to the method of selling products. Allocate pharmacies of open or closed type. In the first case, medicines are displayed on open racks. The buyer can familiarize himself with the goods before purchasing. In closed pharmacies, medicines are placed on display cases under glass. Sales are controlled by a pharmacist. Choose the first implementation method if the expected attendance exceeds 10,000 people. The open type of drug sales will increase sales by up to 30%.

How to open a pharmacy: step by step instructions

To quickly open a pharmacy, follow the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Study the market, analyze the offers of competitors. Estimate the reset and possible costs of starting your business.
  2. Make a business plan for a pharmacy, indicating in it all the nuances of opening a company. Use finished example document, reflecting personal data.
  3. Choose a room by renting it or buying it. At the first stage of business development, the first method is preferable. So you protect yourself from large expenses and can direct the money to grow your business. However, rent will increase your monthly expenses.
  4. Register a business, issue permits.
  5. Hire staff. Pharmacies employ employees with pharmaceutical education.
  6. Start promoting your business. Set aside a monthly advertising budget.

The documents

To get started, register an individual entrepreneur or LLC. If we are talking about the pharmacy business, it is better to choose the second option. If registered as individual entrepreneur you must have higher education and 3 years experience. Therefore, it is easier to form an LLC. In this case, the pharmacy director must have a diploma of a pharmacist.

Then select OKVED codes. If the pharmacy manufactures medicines, enter code 24. 42.1. When a pharmacy is opened only for the sale of medicines, code 52 will do. 31. Then you need to proceed to the preparation of documents. You will need:

  • license for the sale of medicines and medical products;
  • permission to use the premises;
  • permission from the fire department.

Registration will take about 1.5 months. For a pharmaceutical license, you must apply to Roszdravnadzor. It is impossible to open a pharmacy without a document. A permit is issued if the premises have already been rented and repairs have been made in accordance with the requirements of the law. After that, you must prepare an application, pay the state fee and wait for the consideration of the application. The application must be accompanied by the following documentation:

  • founding documents;
  • certificate of registration;
  • receipt of payment of the license fee;
  • lease agreement or documents confirming the presence of ownership;
  • permission from Rospotrebnadzor and Gospozharnadzor;
  • characteristics and plan of the object;
  • documentation for employees;
  • permits for the use of equipment;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • specialist certificate.

All documents, except for the application itself, are provided in the form of copies. They will need to be notarized.


Be careful when renting space. Check if it matches SES requirements and the fire department. Premises with an area of ​​about 80 sq.m. are suitable.

Distribute it like this:

  • 65 sq.m. allocate a sales area and storage space;
  • organize a rest room and a place to store personal belongings;
  • create a bathroom and archive;
  • prepare a place for the management staff.

The use of plasterboard partitions is not allowed. Be sure to place a mat in front of the entrance. Maintain the optimum level of humidity and temperature in the room.

If you place a company in a hospital, the area of ​​​​the premises can be reduced to 8 sq.m.


The number of staff depends on the scale. On average, 3 - 5 employees are needed. Check for pharmaceutical education. Hire:

  • controller - works with recipes;
  • pharmacist;
  • analytical chemist;
  • warehouse worker.

Additionally, a cleaner is needed to maintain cleanliness. Only citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to work in a pharmacy. It is important to have health books and certificates of accreditation. If you have received a pharmaceutical education, take on the job of a manager. Otherwise, hire an employee. Check with him for the presence of higher or secondary pharmaceutical education and work experience of 3 years or more.


To equip a pharmacy, purchase:

  • cabinets
  • refrigeration units
  • computers
  • chairs and tables.

May require specific equipment. It all depends on the characteristics of the functioning of the pharmacy. All equipment is subject to registration with the Ministry of Health. Certificates of conformity and a service contract are required. Documentation will be confirmed during the on-site inspection.


Having solved the issues with opening a pharmacy, start attracting customers. Act comprehensively:

  1. Brightly hold the opening of the organization. Organize sweepstakes, promotions and gifts. Colorfully decorate the room, take care of the musical accompaniment.
  2. Find partners and purchase advertising.
  3. Arrange thematic events, invite doctors and organize free consultations.
  4. Use advertising on the radio, on billboards, screens of shopping centers, hand out flyers. Create a pharmacy site and a group in in social networks, engage in Internet marketing and SEO-promotion.
  5. Please follow the merchandising rules. Profitable demanded goods are located at eye level. Assistance will increase sales.

Financial plan: profitability and payback of a pharmacy

On average, it takes 2 million rubles to open a pharmacy. Most of the funds will go to the purchase of goods, purchase of equipment and renovation of the premises. There are monthly expenses. They consist of rent, purchase of additional goods, taxes, payments to employees. On average, you will have to spend about 200,000 rubles. Profitability depends on traffic. A medium-sized pharmacy brings in about 350 - 400 thousand rubles per month. The business will pay off within 2-3 years.

Business risks and cons

Doing business involves the following risks:

  1. Rent increase. Agree in advance on the terms of the cost of the premises and conclude long-term contracts.
  2. Reduction of the maximum possible price for drugs. The cost of medicines is regulated by law. To minimize the risk, follow the innovations, and form proposals taking them into account.
  3. The number of clients has decreased. Promote your business, create an offer based on demand.


The pharmacy business is complex and not suitable for a beginner. However, a competent approach to the development of the organization will make good money. Periodically analyze the market and follow the changes. Don't forget to promote your business and keep up with the times.

Pharmacy business plan: expediency of opening + 4 reasons and rules for writing a document + 7 success factors + features of the pharmaceutical market + methods for bypassing competitors + technological aspects of the project + recommendations for inventory+ calculations of financial and economic indicators + 4 risks.

Entrepreneurs who want to open a business selling pharmaceutical (medicinal) and parapharmaceutical (biologically active) products must, first of all, prepare a pharmacy business plan.

To succeed in the pharmacy business, you need to be well versed in its specifics. And one cannot do without a document covering key aspects of the activity, planned activities.

Is there an economic benefit in opening a pharmacy?

Pharmacy- This is an institution of a pharmacological profile and a social orientation, where various medicines are manufactured, dispensed (sold) to the population. Their activities affect the quality of drug care and its availability.

Under the pharmacy chain is understood the association of at least 5 objects into a holding or legal entity, which is characterized by:

  • unified quality standard for drug supply;
  • the presence of one pricing, assortment policy;
  • logistics;
  • qualified personnel, etc.

On the territory of Russia there are over 9 thousand pharmacies and more than 1.6 thousand pharmacy chains. Their number is steadily growing. Business in this area, although it is associated with high costs, is highly profitable, because. there is always a demand for medicines.

The Russian pharmaceutical market is one of the largest in the world and one of the most profitable. Its volume exceeds 1,155 billion rubles. Only government spending on medicines amounted to more than 11% of the health care budget, which is equivalent to 294 billion rubles.

On average, the population spends about $145,000-155,000 on medicines a year. 2/3 of the market is filled with imported products.

The owner of the pharmacy will have one more feature in his hands Russian market pharmaceuticals. It consists in 100% payment by citizens of the cost of medicines. The fact is that, undergoing outpatient treatment, patients are accustomed to buying in pharmacies medicines on one's own.

In other countries, for the general population, private/public insurance covers most pharmacy costs. In the Russian Federation, drug provision on preferential terms is available to a small number of citizens.

Studies have shown that 75% of the population complain about health, of which about 10% have chronic diseases. These factors are the reason for the increase in the cost of purchasing medicines.

Those who assess their health as poor do not visit pharmacies more often than others, but leave twice as much money there. The monthly expenses of chroniclers exceed those of other respondents.

Pensioners go to the pharmacy Money 27% more than in middle-aged people. Gender differences also affect pharmaceutical demand. For example, the male gender is much less likely to visit pharmacies. However, once there, they leave money 18% more than women.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that opening a pharmacy is. In the country, there is an increase in the income of the population, an increase in attention to health. This means that per capita consumption (demand) for medicines will also increase.

The profitability of a pharmacy is at least 13%, and sometimes reaches 50%.

How and why should you write a business plan?

As already mentioned, writing a business plan is a paramount task for an entrepreneur who wants to open a pharmacy.

It reflects the main points on planning and doing business:

  • description of the future state of the pharmacy;
  • main goals and intentions;
  • activity plan of the pharmaceutical institution;
  • expected benefits;
  • risks.

Business plan shows technical methods project implementation, goals, programs that highlight the activities necessary to implement the idea. The document should be informative, supplemented with appendices with tables, graphs, calculations.

Briefly identify and evaluate the ways that will lead you to your financial/economic goals.

And the tasks in a business plan are usually:

The business plan must include a list of actions to be taken. Based on this, an action plan is drawn up for opening a pharmacy in a certain sequence.

Then financial, labor, material, informational resources, forecasts are made regarding the time period for the formation of the pharmacy.

When a certain version of the plan is obtained, it is also subjected to analysis, answering the questions:

After that, a more advanced action plan is prepared, the original program is detailed, and adjustments or changes are made, if necessary.

If it is necessary to resort to, the business plan should be the document that will convince them of the feasibility of investments.

Reasons for compiling a pharmacy business plan, other than using it as a guide to action, may be:

  • need for loans;
  • reprofiling commercial activities;
  • attraction of investors;
  • corporatization of pharmacy property, etc.

What is required to open a pharmacy?

In addition to drawing up a business plan, the entrepreneur is expected to comply with all standards of this activity, because. entry into the pharmacy market is tightening. This is done with the aim of admitting only serious and worthy players.

The future owner of the pharmacy business will have to work hard:

  • training of competent personnel,
  • software purchase,
  • organizing a telephone service
  • conducting marketing research,
  • launch of an advertising campaign.

In addition, a pharmacy needs to be located somewhere. You will have to take care of the premises, think about the favorable location of the enterprise. If you enter into a lease agreement, its validity period must be at least 3-5 years.

The purchase of equipment (commercial, refrigeration, cash, additional), furniture, shop windows will fall on the shoulders of the business owner. All this is necessarily supported in the business plan by calculations.

Also in the immediate plans of the entrepreneur will be the preparation and provision of a subcommittee that licenses the pharmaceutical business, a package required documents. Obtaining permits and issuing a license can take 10 months. and cost 60 thousand rubles.

The organizational and legal form of the pharmacy will be LLC. You can read more about the opening process on the FTS portal: When registering, you need to select an activity code from OKVED 52.31.

A person who wants to "rise" in the pharmacy business needs to conclude contracts with services that remove and dispose of garbage and solid waste.

In the business plan, mention the documentation prepared in advance (labor contracts, work schedule, regulations). Staff training, search for suppliers are also mandatory steps before opening a pharmacy.

Pharmacy Business Plan Summary

In the summary of the business plan, you should briefly describe your pharmacy, its name, organizational form, specialization, form the main goal, i.e. answer the question: “What should your project achieve?”.

The main goals of the pharmacy are:

  • sale of high-quality pharmaceuticals and other pharmacy products;
  • increase in sales volumes;
  • profit and its maximization.

Also, the summary of the business plan contains information about the format of your enterprise. It can be a pharmacy or kiosk, a network of pharmacies, an online pharmacy, a wholesale pharmaceutical base, a classic pharmaceutical institution.

The introduction of a business plan also informs about the form of ownership, trade, the number of shareholders / owners, the date of opening, the planned number of pharmacy facilities, and informs the proposed location of the pharmacy.

Describe in a few sentences target audience decide what will be the key to the success of your business.

For example:

  • correct marketing concept;
  • high level of service;
  • competitive prices;
  • supply of high-quality pharmaceuticals and medical devices;
  • creation of a stable customer base;
  • competent assistance;
  • introduction of modern high-performance software.

Be sure to indicate in the first section of the plan what will be the sources of financing for your business: own funds and / or borrowed funds.

Marketing Plan: Pharmacy Industry Analysis

One of the most important sections of a business plan is marketing. It reflects the results of the analysis of the competitive environment, the pharmaceutical sales market, and the raw material base. Also, a marketing plan is necessary to reflect commercial risks, determine pricing policy, choose a strategy and develop tactics for the activities of the marketing department.

Pharmaceutical market research over the past 3 years has shown the growth of the industry. Bye market relations were in the process of development, there were changes in business, organization of pharmacies, consumer preferences.

The changes affected logistics, the supply of drugs to pharmacies, which affected their turnover.

Pharmacy business is characterized by:

  • reduction in the assortment by manufacturers with an increase in prices,
  • strengthening state regulation of the industry,
  • deterioration in the conditions for the delivery of goods to the pharmacy from distributors.

The Russian pharmaceutical market has a complex structure in which the following interact:

  • customers (health workers, patients);
  • health authorities;
  • distributors (retail/wholesale intermediaries);
  • drug manufacturing companies.

The pricing policy is formed under the influence of about 6 factors, among which the decisive one is cost price. The level of demand depends on the price. It is worth prescribing in the business plan the cost of production after the calculations.

Dumping strategy is not recommended. The main thing is that the cost should correspond to the quality of the drugs sold in the pharmacy. You also need to consider the prices of competitors. By clicking on the link, you can find out approximate prices in pharmacies of a particular region.

Once you have mastered the market analysis and pricing policy, proceed to study the activities of competitors, weak and strengths their business.

It is necessary to take into account all neighboring pharmacies and pharmacy chains. Look at their product range, service, room design, and other important factors that will help you put together a marketing plan.

To find out the approximate number of local competitors, you can use the service:

1. Measures to circumvent competitive pharmacies displayed in the marketing plan.

To enjoy competitive advantages, the pharmacy owner can additionally organize the sale remotely.

Previously, it was possible to order medicines via the Internet, but they were received only upon personal appearance at the pharmacy. Now the drug supply policy allows you to arrange home delivery of drugs, which will advantageously distinguish your business from other pharmacies and bring convenience to the disabled, pensioners, and seriously ill people.

note that the transportation of medicines from the pharmacy to the appointed address can be carried out not by couriers, but by pharmacists and / or pharmacists.

Also, an advantage over competitors will be such a simplification of the work of the pharmacy, as its automation.

Many to this day prefer not to automate their business because of the high cost of the operation. But, as practice shows, in vain.

Automation of a pharmacy has a number of advantages:

  • increase in sales,
  • simplification and tracking of pharmaceutical orders,
  • business analytics,
  • prompt customer service,
  • the possibility of having a discount program,
  • theft prevention.

The following software is suitable for pharmacies:

  • UNIKO Pharmacy;
  • Eprica;
  • Standard-N;
  • Pharmacy Master of Pharmcom company;
  • Infoapteka;
  • AIS Pharmacist, etc.

It would also be right to install a POS terminal so that cashless payments can be made in the pharmacy. Significantly increase the turnover will allow the creation of your own website.

2. What advertising campaign should be indicated in the business plan?

Any type of business needs mass, because this is the only way to announce its opening. Every entrepreneur in marketing plan touches on this issue.

Here you can and even need to enlist the help of marketers. But there is also universal ways that give the business high results.

You can promote your business to the market through the following activities:

  • creating your own memorable pharmacy logo,
  • ordering advertising in the media, /li>
  • placement of ads on television, radio, newspapers and specialized magazines.

In the marketing plan, write down which media you will cooperate with, how many ads and for what budget you are going to place. Feedback from customers is provided by the online promotion of the pharmacy.

In addition to the options mentioned, outdoor and oral advertising will bring popularity to the business, network marketing, raising public awareness through the publication of printed promotional products.

Non-traditional ways to promote a pharmacy, mentioned in a business plan, can be:

  • sale organization,
  • participation in charity
  • providing discounts to certain categories of the population (the elderly, the disabled).

In addition, if possible, place bank terminals in the pharmacy. As we have already noted, this will help increase the flow of people.

Technological aspects of a business plan: the choice of premises and equipment for a pharmacy

The normal operation of the pharmacy can be ensured if the location is chosen correctly. Experts assure: 50% of success in the pharmacy business is achieved through location, 30% depends on the professionalism of the staff, the remaining 10% - from competitors located nearby, advertising and prices.

The best option is a place where there is a massive flow of people.

Such places for a pharmacy can serve:

  • metro station or bus stop;
  • polyclinic;
  • near shops, malls.

The premises purchased as a property or rented as a pharmacy must meet all sanitary and hygienic standards. It is necessarily carried out according to the plan overhaul, replacement of engineering communications with new ones.

It is also equipped with air conditioning, water supply, drainage and heating systems, electricity and good lighting. The premises for the pharmacy are designed in such a way as to prevent the penetration of rodents, animals, insects. Its area can be 70 square meters. m, but no less.

While the lease agreement is being registered with the administration, the owner of the future pharmacy can start repair work. To do this, contact the bureau that deals with design and design.

While you will be engaged in repairs and equipment before the appearance of an expert representing the Licensing Commission, it may take up to 7 months. Obtaining a license for a pharmacy and performing the above tasks is the longest procedure in organizational terms.

Then you need to get a conclusion from the SES and firefighters who present their requirements for the business: the availability of appropriate furniture, PC and software in the pharmacy, a laser scanner for refrigeration equipment, registration of a cash register.

It is better to buy equipment for a pharmacy from trusted manufacturers, which include:

  • Theos,
  • Consit-A,
  • gios-concom,
  • Artlife Techno,
  • Alsi PharmTech M,
  • Star and others

The room is technically equipped in order to increase productivity, which means that the equipment must be of high quality and comply with safety standards.

What will be the assortment of the pharmacy?

AT recent times in pharmacies there is a tendency to expand the range of drugs. Over 18 thousand items are offered for sale. It is better to give preference to those drugs in which there is a need among the population.

To do this, it is necessary to monitor the state of drug supply in the region. The future business owner should conduct a survey among citizens to study their opinion, determine how much they are willing to spend on their health.

Price perception - important factor. For example, medicines, the cost of which does not exceed 100 rubles. are perceived by Russians as easily accessible. An assortment of goods priced at 100-300 rubles. in the pharmacy also satisfies the consumer.

But medicines, the cost of which exceeds 500 rubles, not everyone can afford to buy. Therefore, it is impractical to fill a pharmacy with them. Although they should be available in some quantity, because. certain groups of the population, even to the detriment of other important needs, will buy expensive medicines if it is vital.

Also, to find out what assortment to supply a pharmacy with, it is worth considering the therapeutic focus:

In addition, there is a minimum list of products for the pharmacy business, approved by the Ministry of Health, which is mandatory.

It has 60 items, including:

  • activated charcoal (tablets/capsules),
  • ascorbic acid (tablets / dragees),
  • Captopril (tablets)
  • ibuprofen (suspension / capsules / tablets),
  • timolol (drops), etc.

The commodity stock by the time the pharmacy opens cannot be less than 4 thousand items, usually it rests on the amount from 600 thousand rubles up to 2.4 million rubles. Subsequently, your pharmacy should have a range of 4-7 thousand different drugs.

Focus on inventory classes:

  • special-purpose goods (drugs with antiviral, anti-infectious effects, vaccines);
  • the usual medicines for the current purpose, which are in daily demand;
  • medicines for seasonal accumulation and early delivery (fish oil, herbs, mineral water etc.)

In addition, the pharmacy must be stocked with prescription products. There can be several types of pharmaceutical products here: drugs manufactured extemporaneously (in a pharmacy) and finished drugs produced by pharmaceutical companies.

The author of the business plan must indicate new developments, both Russian and foreign, in the assortment of goods. Parapharmaceutical products (e.g. personal care products, creams, children food, medical cosmetics, herbal teas for weight loss, etc.)

Such systems as Medline, Cross-Market, ROSBI will help you to form a range of pharmaceutical products.

Don't forget to list suppliers in your business plan. They can become:

  • CV Protek (
  • GK Grand Capital (
  • Sia International (

Orders for a pharmacy can be made remotely.

Organizational plan of a pharmaceutical institution

The organizational plan concerns labor resources, staffing etc. Pharmacy staff must be not only highly qualified, but also sociable, able to resolve conflict situations.

A person in a leadership position needs to implement quality systems. In addition, the manager is entrusted with the task of informing employees about customer complaints, changes made to the legislation.

Team building should be given Special attention. To work in a pharmacy, you need to hire highly qualified pharmacists and pharmacists, and make wages high.

The requirements for them are as follows:

  • knowledge of the range of pharmacies,
  • interest in work
  • desire for career growth
  • opportunity to provide advice.

A pharmacy usually has 2 divisions: a sales department and an administrative department, i.e. accounting, personnel. Based on this, in the organizational plan, you need to write how many employees your staff will consist of, its schedule, and the selected remuneration system.

Financial section of the business plan: calculations for opening a pharmacy

The trading and financial activities of pharmacies are characterized by the following categories:

  • turnover;
  • commodity turnover;
  • profitability;
  • costs;
  • profit;
  • trade overlays;
  • labor productivity.

The markup cannot be set more than 40%, otherwise the pricing policy of competitors will leave you without customers. Pharmacies that make a profit from the difference between the cost of purchase and sale can only sell medicines at retail prices.

You cannot know how much sales a pharmacy will make. Forecasts regarding the value of this indicator are made by specialists of the marketing service. You enter data into a business plan.

Marketers investigate this issue based on the current social, demographic, economic conditions prevailing in the region, the incidence rate of the population, and analysis of competitors.

The pharmacy sales plan looks something like this:

In the financial section of the business plan, the annual plan for expenses and income, the capital flow plan are also detailed. Costs or expenses will be fixed and variable.

The latter include:

  • transport costs;
  • Commission;
  • means necessary for loading and unloading, etc.


  • pharmacy advertising,
  • rent,
  • warehouse depreciation,
  • payment of taxes and utilities.

Payback at the pharmacy takes a long time (up to 2-2.5 years), only the cost of equipment will be covered after a year. Capital investments are large - at least 2.5 million rubles.

In the business plan, the pharmacy needs to indicate not only monthly costs, but also annual ones, and calculate the expected profit.

It is advisable to complete this section of the business plan with the main financial and economic indicators presented in tabular form. An example is shown in the picture.

The pharmacy is able to bring to its owner every month from 116 thousand rubles. income with a 16% profitability and expenses of more than 2 million rubles.

How to open a pharmacy from scratch?

Preparation of necessary documents. How to choose
range of drugs?

Risks when opening a pharmacy

Another important section of the business plan is "Risks".

In the case of a pharmacy, the risks include:

  • high competition;
  • government influence on pricing;
  • increase in the cost of imported medicines due to fluctuations in the foreign exchange market;
  • strengthening the regulation of the pharmaceutical industry at the legislative level.

In each case, it is necessary to identify alternative exits and solutions to problems, displaying the options in the business plan.

There are also unforeseen risks that may arise without your participation. These are natural disasters, fires are not the fault human factor etc.

To avoid many mistakes, to see the effectiveness of the efforts made, you need a pharmacy.

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The pharmacy business is one of the most successful investments to date. Need in medicines not only does not decrease, but on the contrary, increases every year.

But not every institution can be profitable. For a successful start, you need to properly conduct organizational arrangements and develop a sound business plan.

Location rating

Such points can be located:

  • On the streets with a lot of traffic(street pharmacies). The key to the success of such an institution is the proximity of a grocery supermarket or shopping center, major stop or road junction. The markup here is quite high. Patency monitoring should be carried out three times a day. Every passing woman counts as potential buyer, two men - one, a group of people - one. If we take every passing person for a future visitor, the figure will turn out to be unreasonably high.
  • Shopping malls or supermarkets on the way to the grocery store. Such points are characterized by a quick exit to the breakeven point. This is due to the fact that people who come here are set to buy and have a supply of money. Turnover can be predicted by the number of grocery supermarket receipts. The features of these pharmacies are rather large investments for opening, high profitability, lack of competition (landlords, as a rule, allocate space for one such institution).
  • In large sleeping areas. Here it is necessary to assess the presence of competitors or places for their potential location. The markup is usually low. To quickly reach the breakeven point, it is necessary to reduce the cost of opening. The room should be with a small cost of repair.

Format Options

It is necessary to decide on the format of the future institution:

  • Self-service pharmacy. An option for supermarkets, points on the streets with stable active traffic. With more than 10,000 daily traffic.
  • Counter format will be appropriate in a residential area and on streets with good traffic.

Interesting information about the organization of such activities is presented in the following video:

Premises valuation

The best choice would be a room with a set of all the necessary rooms, regulated by the requirements of the license terms. The renovation will increase the cost of construction works and permits, as the restructuring must be legalized.

You need to evaluate the input group. The presence of a large number of steps will become an obstacle for a certain group of buyers. Large stained-glass windows will provide an opportunity for visual advertising. The presence of a parking lot will increase the number of visitors, as they will include those who, in its absence, would simply pass by.

Analysis of the competitive environment

When opening, it is necessary to correctly and objectively assess the competitive environment around the institution (approximately within a radius of 1 km). Competitors are divided into several categories:

  • Local pharmacy chains. Points located throughout the city allow you to keep abreast of prices and respond mobilely to their changes. Suppliers provide their regular customers product discounts. This keeps prices low.
  • Large pharmacy national chains. The assortment is formed here marketing departments, therefore, local specifics are not taken into account. Buying goods in large quantities provides significant discounts provided by suppliers. Centralized purchasing does not allow work "to order" and leads to frequent loss of in-demand goods before the expected delivery.
  • Points of the classical type. Buyers of the older and middle age category trust these pharmacies, as they have used their services for a long time. Prices here are higher than in the first two groups, the assortment is wide, but the quantities are insufficient.
  • Online pharmacies. The margin of trust in this type of service is still low.

Consequently, local and national chain establishments will become the main competitors.

Investment investments

The preparatory period includes a number of costs that are necessary to bring the enterprise to the point of opening.

The main articles are:

  • Cost of finding premises.
  • Repair work (including building materials).
  • Obtaining permits (BTI, SES, license and others).
  • The cost of installing fire and security alarms. The cost of a burglar alarm depends on the mode of operation (24-hour point or not).
  • Purchase of pharmacy equipment (furniture for industrial, commercial and domestic premises).
  • Mounting and connection of communication lines (telephone line, Internet).
  • Automation of the institution (purchase and installation of office equipment, complex "M-Apteka").
  • Advertising and marketing costs:
    • production and installation of a signboard, a flashing cross - outdoor advertising;
    • interior design of the premises;
    • advertising directly during the opening process - a discount program, Promotional Products etc.

Operating expenses in the preparatory period:

  • Maintenance of the premises in the period before opening and carrying out repair work. This includes rent, security, utilities. The payment for the last month of rent may also be included here.
  • Communication services (telephone, mail, internet).
  • Personnel selection. This is the work of recruitment agencies.
  • Administration salary during the opening period.

Fixed and variable costs

Knowledge of permanent and variable costs will allow you to calculate the break-even point at which the business should reach. It is reached at the moment when the sum of constants and variable costs is equal to the income from the sale of a certain number of products.

variable costs- these are costs that change in proportion to the change in the turnover of the institution. These include transportation costs, packaging costs, commission expenses, and so on. It is impossible to plan them by the amount, they are planned by the level:

  • % distribution costs = Sum of distribution costs / Amount of turnover

fixed costs- these are the costs, the amount of which does not depend on the structure and volume of trade. The level of these costs is inversely proportional to the turnover. These include remuneration of employees, social contributions on wages, rent, depreciation of fixed, low-value assets and workwear, and others. They can be scheduled based on the actual amount of costs.

The attribution of costs to fixed or variable needs to be considered for each item separately. For example, if the salary of an employee is constant, then the change in turnover does not affect him. And if in the formula wages a percentage of the sale is laid down, then this value becomes a variable.

Marketing plan

  • Facade decoration and outdoor advertising. When evaluating the facade, its visibility for passing and passing is taken into account. The entrance must be clearly visible, for which it must be highlighted and illuminated. outdoor advertising can be used for information about pricing policy and changes that are attractive to buyers. It may also be information about additional services ah or goods.
  • It is necessary to study the trading area within a radius of 1 km for the flow of people, competitors, potential partners. In places of the main streams it is necessary to place billboards, pavement signs with drawn or illuminated arrows in the direction of the institution. It is necessary to start working with someone who can become potential client– doctors from the nearest clinic or hospital, optics and cosmetics stores, sports clubs, other stores.
  • The use of "client magnets" - additional services. This is, for example, a doctor's consulting room.
  • When opening, it is necessary to place in the hall drugs that are actively promoted by the distributor or manufacturer and currently have a powerful advertising campaign in the media. It is necessary to avoid disorder and redundancy of advertising structures and materials on the territory of the institution. This scatters the attention of the visitor and leads to a loss of individuality.
  • Pharmacy zoning will play a huge role - showcases should be located in such a way as to maximize the number of "hot" zones and reduce the number of "cold" ones.
  • Using external communications that are effective in the early stages of development:
    • distribution of leaflets by promoters;
    • distribution of leaflets to addresses;
    • if the point is not the first in the network, you can send out a newsletter about the opening of a new pharmacy on Cell phones clients;
    • posters in the nearest healthcare facilities, shopping centers;
    • placement of advertisements in the press, the Internet, in local media.


Recruitment is carried out in order to create a qualified team of specialists to fulfill the goals set by the management of the enterprise. The structure can be of several types.

Self-service pharmacy:

Counter type establishment:

In order for the staff to be interested in the constant increase in turnover and quality of service, it is necessary to introduce an interesting motivation.

Motivation can be of several types:

  • Material:
    • First-timer's salary = salary + bonus + % of individual gross profit.
    • Manager's salary = salary + (bonus + % of individual gross profit) * Kzav.

    The formula can be customized. If the maximum turnover is required from the headman, then the indicator “% of individual turnover” should be present in the formula. When the formula includes "% of individual gross profit", then profitability will increase due to the fact that the pharmacist will seek to sell high-margin products. You can enter the inventory turnover ratio into the manager's salary formula.

  • intangible- certificates, valuable gifts.

Opening schedule

In order to set the opening date, you must try to most accurately calculate the time for each stage of the preparatory work:

  • Decision making and conclusion of the lease agreement.
  • Repair and decoration of the premises.
  • Installation of fire and security alarms.
  • Conclusion of contracts with fire safety authorities and a security company.
  • Preparation, departure of the licensing commission for the inspection of the object.
  • Meeting of the licensing commission and receiving.
  • Order, manufacture and installation of equipment.
  • Purchase and installation of office equipment.
  • Advertising and marketing activities:
    • order, production and installation of outdoor advertising;
    • interior decoration of the room.
  • Selection and training of personnel. Schedule approval.
  • Assortment confirmation. Conclusion of contracts with suppliers.
  • Determination of the pricing policy of the point. Negotiation of terms with major suppliers.

Price question - how much does it cost to open?

We give an example of the calculation (figures are approximate). Amount of initial costs:

Amount, rubles
Total2 110 000
Commercial equipment (refrigerators, furniture, showcases, safe)90 000
Repair1 500 000
Interior decoration of the premises60 000
Summing up communications: electricity, heating, gas (if necessary), water, sewerage90 000
Security and fire alarms50 000
Licensing and obtaining other permits90 000
Cash equipment, office equipment90 000
Formation of assortment for opening90 000
Other costs50 000

Amount of monthly expenses. In this example, the premises are owned, so there is no rent:

Name of the cost itemAmount of monthly expenses, rublesAmount of annual expenses, rubles
Total165 000 1 980 000
Staff salary80 000 960 000
Insurance deductions24 000 288 000
Security18 000 216 000
Utilities10 000 120 000
Fare10 000 120 000
Advertising8 000 96 000
other expenses15 000 180 000

With such monthly costs and a trading margin of 30%, the break-even point will be 858,000 rubles per month. It will be reached by the end of the second quarter.

  • The average check is 160 rubles. The number of checks is 250 per day.
  • Therefore, the revenue will be 40,000 rubles per day or 1,200,000 rubles per month.
  • In the first quarter, daily revenue will be 15,000 rubles, in the second - 30,000 rubles, in the third - 40,000 rubles.

The institution will reach a revenue of 50 thousand rubles in about 6 months, when all marketing solutions will be implemented, the qualified staff will be finally staffed, and the base of the main clientele will be formed:

  • Revenue for the year will be 11,250,000 rubles.
  • Cost of sales - 9,000,500 rubles, which includes:
    • Material expenses - 7,020,500 rubles.
    • Staff salary - 960,000 rubles.
    • Insurance deductions - 288,000 rubles.
    • Security - 216,000 rubles.
    • Utilities - 120,000 rubles.
    • Transportation costs - 120,000 rubles.
    • Advertising - 96,000 rubles.
    • Other expenses - 180,000 rubles.
  • Gross income before tax - 2,249,500 rubles.
  • The amount of tax payments (UTII) - 236,500 rubles.
  • Net profit - 2,013,000 rubles per year. Per month - 167,752 rubles.

In this scenario, for the full payback of the business 12 months required.

The calculation was made for a pharmacy, which is located in its own premises. If the premises are rented, then experience shows that full self-sufficiency will take 24-36 months with sales of 30-40 thousand per month.

When planning the premises of a pharmacy, one should be guided by the type of activity and the volume of work of the organization. It is important to take into account not only own ideas, allowing to increase turnover, but also the mandatory requirements for pharmacy premises necessary to obtain a pharmaceutical license:

The area of ​​the pharmacy must be at least 80 m2

The minimum composition of the premises should include:

  • Trading floor with an area of ​​at least 20 m2;
  • Premises (in a production pharmacy) for the manufacture of medicines of at least 15 m2 and distilled water of at least 5 m2;
  • Washing room not less than 5 m2;
  • Premises for storage of medicines not less than 36 m2;
  • Receiving room;
  • Office of the head and accountant;
  • Room for staff at least 8 m2;
  • Wardrobe;
  • Bathroom.

No one forbids increasing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, but it is impossible to reduce it. Let us consider in more detail the composition and purpose of pharmacy premises.

Shopping room. His appointment- customer service. Information stands are placed on the trading floor, where the buyer can familiarize himself with the license, obtain data on reception hours, the procedure for servicing disabled people and participants in the Second World War, and regulatory and supervisory authorities. There is also a book of complaints and suggestions.

Planning trading floor is a difficult task, for which you need to have certain marketing knowledge. So, according to statistics, only 15% of the retail space falls on the checkout area, the rest - on the hall. If the area of ​​the trading floor has too many free zones, it means that it is spent inefficiently, and this mainly concerns the center and perimeter, with the exception of the zone on the left side immediately at the entrance to the pharmacy.

Medicine preparation room equipped with various equipment for working with medicines - mixing, filtering, packaging, packaging, direct manufacturing. In this room, in addition to equipment, it is necessary to install pharmacy furniture and devices for measuring weight and volume, as well as reagents for chemical control of manufactured drugs. There are also safes for storing potent, narcotic, poisonous drugs and ethyl alcohol.

The premises for the preparation of medicines must be equipped with workplaces for employees. In a production pharmacy, the area of ​​​​this room goes beyond the regulatory requirements and may have several jobs for the manufacture and quality control of drugs.

It must be understood that sanitary and hygienic conditions are especially important for a production pharmacy, which is why it is necessary to ensure complete isolation from polluted outside air. In these pharmacies, it is necessary not only to comply with regulatory requirements (isolated entrance), but also to install additional air purification systems in the ventilation system. It is desirable to exclude the presence of extraneous noise from the street so that employees can fully concentrate on their work. In passing, it is necessary to mention the entrances to the pharmacy - two doors for pharmacy organizations of categories 1 and 2, it is double-winged with a width of at least 0.9 m for pharmacies of categories 3 and 4, as well as a separate entrance for receiving goods and a service entrance with a width of at least 1.2 m. Be sure to equip the vestibule with a thermal curtain.

Room for the production of distilled water required only in industrial pharmacies. Here are located the apparatus for obtaining distillate and containers for its storage. The presence of foreign objects and the performance of other work not related to the distillation of water is unacceptable! It is allowed to obtain distilled water by direct distillation, reverse osmosis, ion exchange, or a combination of these methods.

In the washing room laboratory glassware used for the preparation of medicines is washed, therefore this room can also be classified as a production room. The basic requirements for equipment are set out in the documentation on the sanitary regime of the pharmacy. Sinks for washing dishes should be marked depending on its type: for eye drops and injection solutions, for intravenous and external dosage forms.

Storage room for medicines is available in any pharmacy, while it must necessarily comply with regulatory requirements and be equipped with the necessary equipment and furniture (lockers, racks, pallets), storage areas for medicinal herbs. The pharmacy must ensure the safety of drugs, preserve the original properties of drugs, maintaining the desired level of temperature and humidity, otherwise they will not only lose their qualities, but can also become dangerous. A complete list of requirements is specified in the Order of the Ministry of Health N 706n dated August 23, 2010 "On approval of the Rules for the storage of medicines."

All medicinal products are stored in conditions appropriate to their

  • physical and chemical properties;
  • pharmacological group;
  • method of application;
  • state of aggregation

The surfaces of the room must be made of materials that are resistant to disinfectants. Rooms and safes with narcotic and especially poisonous drugs must have an alarm system, there must be metal bars on the windows.

staff room designed for employee recreation. Since it is forbidden to eat at the workplace, and a private dining room is a luxury, most often employees also have lunch in the staff room. Therefore, it must be equipped with the necessary equipment for this (refrigerator, microwave, electric kettle). It is strictly forbidden to store food in refrigerators for storing medicines!

The area of ​​the dressing room should correspond to the number of staff and is equipped with cabinets for storing outerwear and shoes.

Office of the head and accountant is allocated depending on the possibility - the larger the pharmacy, the more senior managers there, the larger the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises. In small pharmacy kiosks and pharmacy points, most often there is one office for the manager and accountant.

The pharmacy must necessarily include a bathroom, and if the organization is located in a shopping center, employees must be provided with unhindered access to the common bathroom. Rooms should be planned based on their purpose.

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    Pharmacy business plan

    Hello, the business plan is very good. I liked. Everything is clear, concise, accessible. Let's start taking action. Thank you.

    Julia, thank you for feedback. We are glad that you liked the pharmacy business plan. This is the company that will always be in demand. But still, it is worth considering a system of discounts and bonuses so that customers go to you. We wish you all the best.

    Pharmacy business plan

    Hello, I am planning to open a veterinary pharmacy at the clinic. Your business plan is suitable for the realization of my idea. Slightly changed the conditions and corrected the calculations. Thank you.

    Catherine, thank you for your response. Organization veterinary pharmacy not too different from a human. Therefore, you did not have any disagreements with the business plan. We wish you success in the implementation of your plans.

    Pharmacy business plan

    As such, the pharmacy is of little interest to me. I was interested in how a business plan is generally drawn up, what needs to be considered, what to research. You have a pretty clear and detailed example. On its basis, you can build any business. Thank you.

    Sergey, thank you for your feedback. I wonder why you chose the pharmacy business plan for the sample. Perhaps we have something more suitable for your business. Although the basic principle of building a business plan is indeed similar in various directions. We wish you good luck in all your endeavors.

The main thing about the pharmacy business plan

Is it profitable to open a pharmacy? If you have thought about this question, statistics alone will not be enough. The numbers indicate that domestic market drugs increases in volume by 20% annually. But this does not mean that if you decide to open a business - your own pharmacy, you will be among the successfully developing companies. It is incredibly difficult for newcomers to the pharmacy business to gain a foothold in this niche.

The problem is that large pharmacy chains have taken over most of the market. And for single players who decide to open their own pharmacy, organizing a small business presents a problem due to high competition. One of necessary conditions to open a pharmacy business - a significant initial investment. In order to open your own pharmacy in Russia, you will need at least 50 thousand dollars at a time - this is a business with a rather high entry threshold. When opening a pharmacy, the assortment must be constantly replenished, as a result of which the total amount of expenses during the first months can reach 300-500 thousand dollars.

At the same time, the organization entrepreneurial activity opening a kiosk or shop pharmacy goods does not promise any superprofits. Turnover in one pharmacy point big city rarely exceeds 20 thousand dollars.

Under the wing of a reliable partner

Recently, entrepreneurs planning to create a pharmacy business are increasingly thinking about how to become a partner of a pharmacy or pharmacy chain that already has its own name. For example, many pharmacy chains in Western Europe have been franchising for a long time. This experience is also adopted in Russia. Opening a pharmacy alone is difficult, and numerous tips on business forums touch on the topic of franchising.

For a businessman planning to open a pharmacy from scratch and wondering where to start, it makes sense to pay attention to well-known pharmacy brands. Suppliers of large networks offer franchisees various terms of cooperation. The franchising departments of such pharmacies help partners with the opening of a pharmacy and business development on the terms of mutually beneficial cooperation. Problems such as preparing regulatory documentation for trading at a pharmacy, including statutory documents, obtaining permits to open, after confirming that the pharmacy's area meets licensing requirements, are much easier to solve if the business is opened under the wing of a well-known pharmacy chain.

The industry affiliation of pharmacies dictates serious requirements for opening your own pharmacy, pharmacy kiosk or point. The list of documents that are required to start activities is very extensive. In this regard, many novice businessmen have difficulty accessing forums in search of answers, finding out if opening is possible. pharmacy point without a license, how to open a pharmacy, what is needed for this, what documents are required and whether the requirements are high.

At the same time, it is easiest to find competent recommendations on all these issues in professional example a business plan for opening a pharmacy with ready-made calculations. In it you will find all necessary information, which is of interest to a novice businessman.

So, you have decided to open a pharmacy or drugstore. Where to start, what is needed for this, and most importantly - what is the difference between a pharmacy and a pharmacy or other drug trade format? The peculiarities of the pharmacy pharmaceutical business are such that an entrepreneur, first of all, should figure out what he wants to open: a classic pharmacy, pharmacy, kiosk or store. This is very important, since the basic requirements for opening a pharmacy kiosk differ significantly from the requirements for a classic pharmacy.

When planning to open his own business - a pharmacy business, an entrepreneur is guided in his choice by several indicators. For example, the organization of a pharmacy provides for the sale of prescription drugs, but a kiosk or stall no longer exists. When calculating whether it is profitable or not to open a pharmacy or stall, this factor should be taken into account. A significant reduction in the range, as a rule, negatively affects the efficiency of trade. Licensing conditions for a pharmacy or pharmacy point also have differences. Even such a detail as the rationale for choosing a supplier in a pharmacy depends on which format you choose.

Point, kiosk or shop

The pharmacy business today is a lot of subtleties and nuances that relate to the requirements for the premises, its location, normative documents according to the assortment of a pharmacy kiosk or point. The pharmacy market provides a huge range of business development options, but it is very important to make right choice. You can open a pharmacy in public institution or in a shopping center - both options can be profitable.

The requirements for opening a pharmacy kiosk and a store are completely different, and forums often discuss which type of business is best suited for individual entrepreneurs. You need to proceed from financial possibilities and your own preferences. Someone dreams of creating their own pharmacy network in the future, while for others, the ultimate dream is a pharmacy in the countryside. It is certainly easier to collect documents for opening a pharmacy, since the requirements for opening such outlet in Russia are not as high as in the case of a classic pharmacy. The costs in these two cases are also not comparable.

Favorable location of the outlet is of great importance. As a rule, when deciding in what type of house a pharmacy can be built, a businessman also thinks about how to choose the most lively place. With the opening of a pharmacy point, it is a little easier - it can be placed on the square of the shopping center, in the subway or in medical institution. On the other hand, only in a classic pharmacy it is possible to implement an open display format, the relevance of which has been maximum in recent times.

Facilitate such hard choice will allow the use of a competent sample of a pharmacy business plan - a kind of step-by-step instruction that explains in detail how to open a pharmacy business from scratch, where to start. What should be the algorithm of actions for opening a non-network pharmacy, what determines the area of ​​​​the pharmacy - you will find the answers to all these questions in the business plan.

Pharmacies are almost always profitable investment money - this is how most entrepreneurs who decide to invest their capital in this business think so or almost so. But that opinion is rapidly changing as they face the realities of this market. Pharmacy activity is associated with huge amount difficulties that not every businessman can overcome.

When opening a pharmacy business, it is necessary to calculate all its pros and cons, the cost of opening and profitability, and only after that make a decision. What is needed to open a pharmacy from scratch, what expenses will be required, where to start? First of all, in order to open a pharmacy in Russia, it is necessary to collect a package of documents to obtain a license and all permits for this activity.

The organization of commercial activities of a pharmacy, pharmacy business begins with the study of industry standards for opening and functioning pharmacy organization, a package of documents for opening a pharmacy. After getting acquainted with the pharmacy, the essence of sales accounting and other nuances of this business, it is time to solve the main question: how to attract customers in a highly competitive environment? And in this situation, the decisive factor is the service, as well as the provision of additional services to customers.

Everything for the client!

Opening your own pharmacy business or pharmacy branch will be profitable if you carefully consider the customer service system. According to statistics, one pharmacy per 4,000 people is enough to meet the needs of the population. Otherwise, the payback of the pharmacy falls, despite the fact that the mandatory range of goods in the pharmacy is available, and even sympathetic and friendly pharmacists are unable to save the situation.

Regardless of where you decide to open a pharmacy - in a residential area or in the city center, on what area - 70, 75 or 100 square meters. meters, the attention of buyers will be provided to you if you manage to provide attractive conditions for them. For example, by creating a single information and reference service when opening a pharmacy network, you will help the client quickly find the necessary drug. If a medicine is not available in one branch, the buyer will be prompted with the address where it can be purchased. This is also beneficial from the point of view that the buyer will purposefully go to your pharmacy.

Such a service as an individual order will help to demonstrate attention to the client. When you first apply for a product in a new pharmacy, you may not cover all the needs of customers. If a medicine is not in your assortment, you need to write down the client's coordinates, find the drug of interest to him and place an order. Many buyers will certainly be happy to have such a service as home delivery. This is especially true during the period of mass infections.

What profit will the pharmacy business bring to entrepreneurs? It's hard to say, but one thing is certain: maximum income guaranteed if the entrepreneur is guided by the advice given in a competent business plan for a pharmacy. It contains step-by-step instruction on opening a pharmacy, tells how to make it beautiful and attractive to the buyer.

A ready-made pharmacy business plan from scratch with examples of opening calculations

Anyone who has the initial capital, time, and most importantly the desire to do this business can bring a pharmacy business plan to life. And there is almost no doubt that the pharmacy business is profitable. Medicines and related products are needed by people different professions, age categories, residents of cities and villages. That is why a pharmacy can be safely formed in any area, near sleeping quarters.

Do you need a sample document for opening a pharmacy? It is available on our website, which contains useful, specific projects related to various areas of life. Here you can study the well-thought-out calculations of the establishment of the pharmacy and start putting them into practice. The project immediately indicates what will be needed for the pharmacy, what investments will be required, what is the payback and other data.

When purchasing a document for opening a pharmacy, you must immediately clearly understand where your project will be implemented, who will work there. It can be either a small pharmacy kiosk or a full-fledged pharmacy, where, in addition to medicines, they will also offer cosmetics, products for children, young mothers, disabled people, pensioners and other categories of citizens.

Interested in a finished document? Then study it on our website, and it will be a specific document, useful in its accuracy and reality. Will the project be profitable? This will largely depend on your desire, perseverance, how responsibly you approach the matter, how you work and what you offer people.

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