Marketing plan for participation in tenders. Participation in tenders. Where to begin? Video about why companies refuse to participate in tenders

Very often, in the newly created department of the company dealing with tenders, employees cannot immediately decide how to take part in tenders, where to start the search. Participation in tender projects is a rather specific activity and will require careful consideration of every nuance.

First steps

Participation in tenders begins with the selection of projects offered by different customers. Information about these projects is contained in several sources:

  • customer sites;
  • thematic Internet portals;
  • tender sites.

The collection and filtering of information about tenders can be handled by one of the specialists of the department. In the process, it is recommended to create your own database of order sources and companies in order to further speed up the search process. To simplify the task, experts advise using those sites where orders are collected that relate to a particular field of activity.

Before choosing a specific order, you should study in detail all the information that is attached to it. So, the application should include the following items:

  • company contact details;
  • essence of the project;
  • price;
  • term.

In addition to these data, the order must contain an additional document that contains detailed description all requirements, conditions, as well as . A specialist who has legal education and knows the laws relating to this species activities. Having at least basic knowledge, such an employee will be able to easily determine how high the level of the order is and whether the customer is a fraudster.

If this order is correctly executed and suitable for execution, you should contact the customer through one of the proposed channels. If an employee of the department does not know where to start tenders, it is recommended to call the customer and find out over the phone what the competition for the selected tender is, how serious the company is this company, and resolve other issues.


When establishing contacts, it is recommended not only to make a call to the customer, but also to hold a series of meetings. As a result, representatives of the company that conducts the tender will recognize such candidates, and the chance of choosing this particular contractor will increase. However, at the same time, you need to be not too intrusive and not constantly clarify the details of the transaction.

In addition, such communication will provide additional information about the customer. This is especially important if the enterprise is commercial. It is also recommended that you first study the requests of other tender organizers. Such information can be obtained from the media, official websites of companies or other sources.

Drawing up an application

As soon as the tender specialists select specific project, you must complete the application. For this, they select Required documents and formatted accordingly. Anyone who does not know how to start a tender should first draw up a written application. Registration should be carried out very carefully, as a candidate may be denied participation in the tender due to the most minor errors and inaccuracies.

If the department does not have enough competent employees, you can contact the specialists of those firms that deal with the execution of all the papers necessary to participate in the tender. At the same time, the experts advise the existing employees of the tender department to follow the work this specialist, and also consult with him in order to independently carry out such work in the future. The constant recourse to outside lawyers significantly increases financial costs.

Everything should be in moderation

There is no single answer to the question of how to start participating in tenders. However, the main rule is to exercise special care in the design of even the smallest details in the technical documentation.

Customers often pay attention not only to the characteristics of the contractor who submits the application, but also to how he designed it. This applies even to such trifles as:

  • handwriting,
  • ink color,
  • the quality of the binding and paper on which the application is made.

The finished package of documents should not be sent to the customer by mail, but a courier or a representative of your company should be allocated for this - this will also bring trust.

If the conditions of the competition allow, it is recommended to submit all technical information accompanied by graphic materials. You can also add a list of past customers to the document package. Having studied the activities of candidates for the executors of the tender project, the customer will know what benefits he can get by contacting a particular company.

How to start bidding: Video

Participation in the tender is presented to the average citizen as something beyond complicated, incomprehensible.
As the practice of the last decade shows, an increasing number of producers of goods and services prefer to participate in the auction.

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What is a tender (auction)?

Competitive bidding organized by the customer in order to find a profitable, efficient and high-quality offer is called a tender. The customer is the state, which purchases products for state, municipal needs or private companies. The object of bargaining is products, works or services.

It is carried out according to specific rules, the violation of which entails problems with the law. The winner is the company that contributes best offer. It includes high quality, low price, minimum terms of execution. To win a government order either commercial tender, it is necessary to develop a high-quality application taking into account all the wishes of the customer.

Definition of concept and types

Tender is a word of English origin, meaning bargaining, competition. According to the current legislation, the word competition is used, although in the business world they use the terms: “tender application”, “tender commission”, “tender documentation”.

State auctions are carried out in accordance with the provisions of the regulatory document 94-F3. They take place according to three procurement schemes for budgetary funds: requests for quotations, tenders and auctions. In commercial ones, the rules for bidding are established, conditions are set and they are sold using their own or borrowed funds.

Tender classification:

  • Open. Any interested company can take part in it, it is distinguished by healthy competition, which contributes to transparency in the conduct. Information about the upcoming tender is published by the customer in specific media sources and the Internet. Companies submit an application for participation to the commission. It is carried out to supply institutions with large, long-term supplies of products or production. construction works at a government facility;
  • Closed. According to the rules, it limits the number of participants delivering specific goods or providing specific services. For example, it is used in public procurement for defense needs. Sometimes such a status arises when the customer wants to work with companies that have a certain status, a license.
  • Two-stage. It is used when purchasing complex products, performing research, development and technological works, use it in construction industry. The method helps to evaluate existing methodologies and technology, means and conditions of the supplier and formulate their wishes.

At the first stage, the customer accepts offers without specifying a price. He studies the proposals, makes amendments and additions to the documents. At the second stage, participants submit revised documents. They take into account the amendments and indicate the prices of products or services, works.

  • Request for quotes. They are used for small volumes of purchases in the amount of up to 250 thousand rubles. Procurement is carried out without intermediaries, the number of suppliers must be at least three;
  • Purchasing from a single source. Executed when only one supplier can fulfill an order, such as a work of art or copyright.

Any legal entity can protect its own copyright. In this case, the procedure will be called

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Any individual or legal entity that is an authorized representative of the company or just a legal entity can take part in the tender. They must confirm their desire to be bidders and submit an application to the tender commission. The application is made in accordance with the terms of the tender documentation.

Order executors in rare cases evade participation in tenders, since almost all types of products on the market and services are bought on its basis.

Rules of the game

Free orientation in the market in its segment allows companies to fill out the correct application, but each customer has its own rules of the game, so the question is how to participate in tenders for successful promotion offers depends on them.

When bidding, please adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Careful study of tender documents, the content of which indicates the level of bargaining. If they have a number of shortcomings, technical errors, then the customer does not have special training. In addition to the customer's prices, they are interested in the terms of delivery and payment, warranty obligations. Consequently, when considering proposals by the customer, the emphasis is on an interesting proposal for the terms of delivery.
  2. The price of the product should include the cost of preparation, the cost of outsourced companies, support, qualified specialists, paperwork. detailed information about the price is a guarantor that provides decent payment, indicating to the customer the features of the proposal in question.
  3. The study of tender documents will reveal shortcomings and inaccuracies, missing information in the preparation of proposals. Therefore, the supplier company should clarify in advance how to develop them correctly.
  4. Compliance with the order, norms indicated by the customer is one of the successful steps undertaken by the supplier company. Under no circumstances should the application deadline be missed. The customer's instructions on the order of filing applications must be strictly followed, and the documents are drawn up strictly according to the submitted forms without clarification.
  5. The customer makes a note when accepting an application from the company, entering data about the company into the register. In the absence of a register, confirmation is issued by an act of acceptance and transfer.
  6. The supplier finds out from the customer the timing of consideration of the application, the procedure for making clarifications, the timing and procedure for announcing the results of the tender. In the absence of information, the application may be difficult or impossible to complete.
  7. It is worth periodically being interested in the results. If the customer makes a request for Additional information, then send it to expand and supplement information.

Compliance with the above rules increases the chance of winning.

Tender for beginners

The newly adopted law No. 44-FZ allows start-up companies to win the tender, as the procedure for conducting it becomes more transparent. The customer forms a commission for the implementation of procurement until the day of the official publication of information in the media and the Internet, which establishes the supplier and contractor. The commission consists of specialists who have received professional retraining and possessing information about the subject of procurement.

The commission team is formed separately for each type of auction.

Despite the law, many companies are puzzled by the question: how to start preparing for the tender? In this situation, measures must be taken to:

  • development of demanded industries with social significance products;
  • study of tender laws;
  • improving technical preparation for starting work on electronic auction and auctions;
  • financial viability to participate in public procurement;
  • correct preparation of the package of tender documents.

In addition, the company must have all other documentation in order, and tax payments must be made on time.

The firm must be aware of the activities of competitors, their weaknesses and strengths. It must be ready for the most powerful pressure that will be exerted by the bureaucrats. Be firm, confident, calculate the possible development of the situation, ready for anything.

Go all the way to an individual difficult, but quite possible, because in the tender the main thing is profit, which just does not come.

Preparation of documents

The customer prepares a package of tender documents, approves and provides to bidders for them to prepare tender proposals for the procurement object or its separate part.

The package of documents for participation in the tender is filled in according to the established forms and consists of:

  1. applications;
  2. questionnaires containing information about the company;
  3. commercial offer;
  4. substantiation of the proposal with calculations, cost items and expenditure of resources according to the separation sheet. The absence of an explanatory note may result in refusal to consider proposals;
  5. a list of involved subcontractors with attached information about subcontractors;
  6. additional documents provided by the customer.

Mandatory conditions

The tender commission determines the main conditions, procedure, terms and place of the tender. The procedure for drawing up documents by tender participants is published in the media and the Internet within a month.

5 days prior to the implementation of the tender, the issuance of tender documents is completed.

Applications are registered in a special journal, numbered and laced by the commission, which it accepts. The tenderer pays for the services for the preparation of a package of documents at the actual cost. Acceptance of tender proposals ends one day before the implementation of the tender.

The Commission, after considering the applications, notifies the companies in writing of the results that it makes on this application. Tender proposals are drawn up in three copies, sealed in an envelope. The commission opens the envelope, announces the proposals in the presence of the companies participating in the auction. The results are published in the press.

The difference in the procedure for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities

There is no fundamental importance for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities to take part in the tender. The form of ownership does not affect the results of the tender, the difference is the form of taxation.

When submitting documents, a legal entity submits an application, an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, certified by a notary, and an individual entrepreneur submits a notarized extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, a passport.

Watch a video about the benefits of bidding for small businesses

Successful trading can be learned

Bidding requires knowledge to be successful. Announcements about the organization of courses and seminars that teach the basics of participation in tenders are found on the Internet and in the media. The courses are conducted according to a program that explains the provisions of the current legislation in Russia, and covers the technique of working on electronic trading platforms.

What is needed for this?

The acquired knowledge is not always a guarantor that ensures successful competition in the market.

For participation in the auction to become effective, it is necessary:

  • study the monitoring of tenders for products or services that exist in the company;
  • find and install auctions of interest to the company;
  • be able to recognize the signs of contractual bidding, master the procedure for submitting applications; learn how to competently draw up a package of tender documents;
  • appoint a responsible person responsible for participation in tenders, train staff in courses, conduct seminars.

Site and theme selection

According to a special system of interaction, the customer and the supplier carry out electronic trading using global network Internet. The Government of the Russian Federation has identified electronic trading platforms on the Internet, where wide functionality is displayed with placed orders, allowing for the effective selection of performers.

The applicant participating in the auction is obliged to choose one of the five trading platforms presented:

  1. OJSC United Electronic trading floor»;
  2. ZAO Sberbank-AST;
  3. JSC "RTS";
  4. ZAO Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange;
  5. State Unitary Enterprise "Agency for the State Order of the Republic of Tatarstan".

Anyone electronic document legal status is assigned, which is based on electronic digital signature within the selected site. An EDS is issued within five working days by a certification center, a list of which can be found on the website of the platform. Any company has the right to register as a customer or contractor.


An electronic trading platform allows you to make purchases much faster, saving time without spending money on advertising.

To carry out an operation on a website online, a standard software, capable of securing digital certificates, EDS private keys, ciphers. Software users, using Russian identifiers, protect the database from unauthorized use of information.

Federal databases have enhanced security. Read what is

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Earnings on tenders: is it profitable?

Participation in tenders has become an everyday reality, so many companies regularly participate in them and receive significant profits through bidding. But it is worth taking into account that not all tenders live up to expectations. The ability to distinguish an honest tender from a fake one, a profitable government tender from a losing one that simply takes time and effort, ensures the success of the company in advance.

The result of a successful operation is a profitable contract, the creation of a certain image of the company. Otherwise, experience is gained, so you need to take part, being well prepared, having calculated the likely benefits.


Victoria Ryabenko

Article navigation

  • Types of trades
  • Step-by-step instruction participation in the tender
  • Difficulties that arise when participating in the tender:
  • How not to fall for scammers
  • How to become an intermediary

Win a tender and sell products government agencies– great opportunity for middle and big business. To do this, the company takes part in the auction. But is it possible to make money on tenders in Russia? The state is one of the largest customers, and by supplying its products budget institutions you can make good money. the federal law 44 “On Public Procurement” regulates the entire bidding process, so corruption in this area is minimized. Earnings on public procurement from scratch has become a real and profitable occupation today.

You can find suitable applications for the supply of products on the official website of the United information system in the area of ​​procurement. The state is the largest consumer, so even novice businessmen can find a suitable tender on the site and take part in it.

You can participate in the auction as legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. Moreover, according to the law, customers must annually give 15% of IP purchases.

Types of trades

According to the law, the contractor is selected through tenders. They are different types.

If a contractor is selected open way, then information about the order is distributed in all possible channels: in the media, on the official website and so on. The conditions of the competition are clearly prescribed and documented. As soon as the acceptance of applications ends, the commission determines the winner.

AT closed competition Only companies approved by the customer can participate. This type of auction is held if the information cannot be made public or the order is highly specialized.

Electronic trading is now popular. Contractors can easily get a tender from another region. Applying and tracking results take place online.

Step-by-step instructions for participation in the tender

Today, all tenders are published on accredited sites, and it is easy to apply online. To do this, you need to take care of getting electronic signature.

You can make an electronic signature within 3-8 days in special services. To do this, you will need a passport, SNILS, documents for an individual entrepreneur or LLC.

The first step is to choose a site. There are four procurement portals accredited in Russia.

  • Sberbank-AST;
  • RTS tender;
  • JSC "Goszakupki";
  • Agency for State Orders, Investment Activities and Interregional Relations of Tatarstan (website).

The second step is to get accredited. Each portal must be registered separately. For accreditation, you provide a set package of documents. It includes an application form, extracts from state registers, documents for the organization. If an intermediary or a representative of the company participates in the auction, then the head writes a power of attorney and provides it along with other documents.

The application is considered within 5 days, after its approval by the portal, the company gets access to orders.

The third stage is to replenish your account on the portal. There must be a certain amount on the account of the auction participant, since when submitting an application for a tender, the portal freezes from 2 to 5% of the total order value. If there is not enough money in the account, the application will not be approved.

The fourth stage is the preparation of the application. Properly submitting an application is an important step in the process. It consists of two parts: anonymous and informational. The first one is sent to the customer, it does not contain the participant's data. This makes the selection unbiased. In an anonymous form, it is necessary to correctly describe all the advantages of the company, experience, time on the market and services that the company can provide. The information part includes complete data about the performer.

After consideration of the application by the customer, the portal operator reports the decision (positive or negative) to the participant.

Difficulties that arise when participating in the tender:

  1. You will need a specialist who understands public procurement and knows how to bid. You can explore all necessary information or bring in a trained person.
  2. You need to have a thorough knowledge of the products you are going to supply, as well as an understanding of the current market situation. This information is necessary for the preparation of the application and the evaluation of the goods. The price should be competitive, but at the same time beneficial for the customer.
  3. You will need free capital to complete the order, as the money will be transferred to the account after the execution of the contract.
  4. If the competition is held at an electronic auction, then keep in mind that an electronic signature will be required.
  5. All documents and licenses must be in order, otherwise you will not be allowed to bid.

How not to fall for scammers

Despite the law that governs the entire process of public procurement tenders, it is possible to meet customers and contractors who use illegal methods.

Follow some rules, and then the probability of falling for the bait of scammers will be minimal.

  • Conduct constant monitoring of new contests and auctions. An experienced employee will immediately identify a dubious offer.
  • Pay attention to the legal address of the enterprise. If he appears in different competitions, then most likely they are scammers.
  • Constantly check the conditions that the customer has set. If he changes something, then your company will be out of the competition.
  • If the contractor has set a price below the market price, then the goods may be of poor quality.
  • If the customer puts too high conditions or requests a special batch of goods that is manufactured by only one contractor, then such a competition is fabricated for a specific company.
  • It is better to follow the auction around the clock, then the probability of winning increases.
  • Don't forget to check the organization that holds the auction. If she gives her orders to one contractor, then it is not worth wasting time on this tender.

If you suspect that the auction was unclean, and the customer violated the law, file a complaint with the FAS.

Always carefully read the conditions offered by the customer. If the document contains a suspiciously low price, it is better to clarify the information yourself. For example, the tender states that you need to deliver 1000 units of goods for 1000 rubles. However, the market value of one product is 2 rubles, that is, the manufacturer will work at a loss. The day before the deadline for submitting applications, the customer reports a technical error and changes the conditions: 1000 units for 2000 rubles, while the majority of contractors refused this tender. Such cases may occur in practice.

How to become an intermediary

An individual can earn money on public procurement without any investment, if you become an intermediary. To do this, you need to study all the information and draw up documents in order to act as an independent entity.

An intermediary helps a businessman find a suitable public procurement order, prepare documents, submit an application and conduct an auction.

Glad our new meeting, friends. Sergey Ivanisov is in touch with new topic earnings. Tell me, how many of you believe in the honesty of tenders, which, allegedly, were justly won by certain companies that were owned by brothers or matchmakers of one high-ranking boss? That's it ... And the vast majority also do not believe.

Do you know why? Because at first, young and experienced companies, headed not by anyone's relatives, but simply by successful entrepreneurs, believed too sincerely in the possibility of obtaining profitable orders through fair competitive selection. And then the question arose before many: how to make money on tenders and public procurement, if everything has already been seized and paid for there?

Yes, some bidders shared their impressions that the winning company approached the second-place bidder with an offer to give up their winnings and, accordingly, the future scope of work for a certain amount. Moreover, the organizers of the tender swore that bidders could not know the names and contacts of competitors, since all information is confidential and does not appear on the site.

How, then, can one explain the awareness of the winner, who decided to trade his victory? And how can you measure the level of honesty of the organizers? The picture turned out to be unenviable, but not everything is so bad in our tender kingdom. Do you want to prove that making money on tenders is still possible?

1. Who are the participants?

Only very inexperienced or very short-sighted business leaders, or very lazy managers who are not at all worried about their own business, can miss their chance to enter the state order market. career growth. Otherwise, all suppliers of goods, services or works, and not only residents of the Russian Federation, can participate in the auction.

To participate in the auction, it is enough to have formal compliance with the requirements of the tender commission (for example, quickly organize an LLC after learning about the lots that are interesting to you), submit electronic application and the necessary package of documents.

Some companies take part in tenders, competing for services in which they have no experience - they simply set the minimum price and wait for the result. In case of a win, they either re-profil and provide services themselves, or resell their right to win to another company. But not in the way described above, but they advertise on thematic forums, in communities, on websites.

There are offices, let's call them in the style of Ostap Bender "For the preparation of horns and hooves", which participate in tenders not in order to develop a won project into a stable business, but only because they know how to make money on tenders.

If you happen to see ads on the forums like: “We will win a tender for you,” this is what they are. Comrades simply know how to win auctions and for a certain fee they will easily and gladly win for any real firm.

In order to somewhat restrain refuseniks, tender commissions introduce penalties and blacklists, but this does not frighten anyone, since you can earn so much from your clients, who are not very experienced in tendering, that earnings will cover all fines.

2. How to learn to win tenders yourself

If you constantly have doubts about the honesty of the organizers of the auction, then just wait until the state of distrust passes, no, well, what else can I recommend? Yes, not everything is as clean with auctions as we would like, but to refuse the opportunity to make money on public procurement and at the same time still participate in the process of shadowing medium and small businesses, and at the same time still use the process for the benefit of your business - for this you need to be either very self-confident, or very uninitiative person.

To successfully develop your business or participate in tenders for other companies for money, you need to master at least basic knowledge about contract system provision of state structures and municipal organizations services and goods. If there is knowledge, then risks and errors can be eliminated.

2.1. Be patient and calm to track the application

Due to inattention or for some other reason, the customer makes a mistake. For example, the most common is the discrepancy between the total amount of the cost of goods market price. An entrepreneur engaged in the supply of a particular product sees an application on the website for the supply of 1,000 units for 2,000 rubles, and on the market it costs 4 rubles per piece. Such conditions - to work at a loss - do not suit the entrepreneur, and he does not consider it necessary to waste his time on meaningless competition.

At the same time, another supplier, suspecting a mistake, asks the applicant to explain the price, and he finally notices the discrepancy and corrects 1000 units for 500. But by this time, 85% of applicants have already abandoned the application.

Is it so bad for those left at the auction? Not at all! The less competition, the higher the chance to win. But for this you need to follow the application to the end.

2.2. Participation in suspiciously profitable auctions

It is no coincidence that I emphasize the too suspicious profitability of the application: many of them are created specifically for “their” company and the conditions there are appropriate. What the language does not even dare to promise to foreign companies, the applicant is ready to fulfill for “his own” with joy and exactly with the conditions.

Do not ignore such requests. I’ll give you an example of how they look approximately: the amount of 10,000 rubles appears in the placed project, while the price of the product, taking into account the margin, cannot exceed 2000. Such a price tag confuses “not their own” bidders, the first thing they think: “This, probably just a visually similar product with far superior performance.”

Think what you want, but check specifications necessarily. If they match, feel free to apply. If you win, you will use all the "chocolate" conditions provided by the applicant - in the process tenders and after their completion, no one has the right to change them.

2.3. Your own black list

If you are a frequent visitor to tender resources, you cannot help but notice which organizations behave dishonestly and submit bids to the same people or firms. Study such patterns as for several years in a row a tender from a company is won by two subjects: a certain IP O.P. Petrov and Peresvet LLC (name and title are fictitious, possible coincidences are accidental), legal addresses which match.

Such monogamous offices should definitely be in your emergency situation - you won’t win against them.

2.4. Courage and integrity

The principle "Let them do what they want" in this case is inappropriate and harmful. If you notice obvious violations (wrong specified date, specific model and manufacturer), do not pass by and point them out to the applicant - he is obliged to respond. Otherwise - penalties up to 100,000 rubles.

If the above method doesn't work...

You can be a sneak-snag only in childhood, when the stakes in games are not so serious ... And complaining about violators to the FAS (what an appropriate abbreviation, mind you) is a way to protect your rights. If you observe a violation of the law, complain to this department - the Federal Antimonopoly Service - in most cases, violators are punished, and others are discouraged. Only activity with

You can, of course, continue to think that everything has been divided up for a long time, and how to make money on tenders without investments

If you have a business, but no orders, or you are planning to open a business, but you do not have money for marketing and advertising, you can receive orders in the form of tenders. Read about what a tender is and how to win it in this article.

Our specialists guarantee compliance with the requirements of the law at all stages of tender support. Settlement of disputes with customers, appealing FAS decisions, work on all trading platforms.

What is a tender and how to become a participant in the competition

tender name the form of trade relations, which are characterized by competition. In the process of selecting applicants, the organizer of the auction selects the best participant, who will subsequently supply goods or provide services on the basis of a concluded contract.

Any company can become a participant in paid or free auctions. Participants in the process follow certain state standards for the implementation of mutually beneficial transactions in the market.

The bidding organizer can independently create requirements and bases for bidders, as well as make changes to the rules during the implementation of the event. All applicants for participation in the competition must submit an application for participation, regulatory and non-normative documents (if desired) on time. The chances of winning are increased by the correct execution of all papers, the competitiveness of the organization, the experience and skill level of the performing company. An auction or competition can be held in several stages, during which the management examines in detail the profiles of all applicants and selects the best options for the project.

Types of tenders and their purpose

The market economy requires the use various kinds trading activities, tender events are promising and progressive types of trade, as they involve fierce competition, which affects the quality and cost of the services or goods provided. The variety and wide range of products on the market contributes to the creation and development of different types of tenders, each type has its own characteristics and characteristics.

To date, there are the following types of tenders:

Closed auctions. Their implementation involves the selection and distribution of invitations to participants. Bidders submit requests for tender documentation provided by the customer, after which it becomes possible to draw up all documents in the proper form. They are carried out mainly when the purchase of goods with specific characteristics is required, and their implementation will require coordination with government bodies authorities;

Open auctions. provide for the participation of any company, most often these tenders are used to public procurement. They also have disadvantages - a long period of holding, the commission will be busy processing applications for a long time;

Specialized closed auctions. In this case, there are some restrictions that are imposed on the participants. Their implementation is appropriate when the specifics of the tender work is complex;

Consisting of two stages. Conducted with fairly complex purchases. First, the customer draws up a variant of the terms of reference, as a result of which the bidders are prepared. The second stage is the preparation and submission of applications with proposals of a technical and commercial nature, after which the customer selects the most advantageous proposal.

Bidders and their powers

Bidding has two sides:

  • customer;
  • executor.

There are always more performers than customers, so at any trade event of this type there is an atmosphere of competition. How better offer customer - the more participants in the auction, therefore, the contractor will be able to create more stringent selection conditions.

Performers must not only be ready to fulfill all the requirements of the customer, but also:

  • provide relevant information about their activities;
  • submit the necessary documents (at the request of the customer);
  • comply with the characteristics and requirements;
  • have all the powers and capabilities to carry out the project.

All bidders must create an application in the required form and submit it for consideration on time. Participation in the competition and auction should not contradict the requirements and rules of the current state legislation. Participants must prove belonging to this characteristic in the application and in the documents that are attached to the application for participation.

What you need to participate in tenders in the first place

The main rule of participation in the tender is the accurate and competent filling of all necessary documents.

Compliance with all requirements and standards can ensure one hundred percent access to a trading event. Each customer develops an extended qualification questionnaire, based on the results of which a decision will be made on participation in the auction. The application has the exact details, the following must also be attached to the questionnaire:

  • institution documents;
  • letters of recommendation;
  • results of completed projects;
  • certificates from financial institutions;
  • qualifications and certificates.

For successful completion all papers that confirm the high professionalism and competence of employees can be useful in the list of participants. However, papers and documents must be official, as all the data provided is checked by the security service and the customer in without fail. Recommendations regular customers or certificates without registration will not have any legal force in this case.

Another milestone is to fill in a commercial offer, which has the form of detailed tables and lists. During the bidding process, the customer has the right to make certain changes in the structure of the offer.

Conditions and features of participation in tenders

To be aware of all the conditions of tendering means to have a great chance of winning, counting on getting the maximum profit.

The conditions of the event are always published in advance, they can be found when filling out the questionnaire and details of the participant. Data on the conditions of participation are provided in the following form:

  • conditions and terms of submission, acceptance of applications from applicants;
  • time for consideration of applications and commercial offers;
  • contract (its sample for review), which will be signed with the winner of the competition;
  • conditions for ensuring the implementation of the project (attached if necessary).

The customer is obliged to provide a sample of the future contract, as the contractor must compare his capabilities with the requirements of the customer.

It should be noted that the terms of the auction are dictated not only by the customer. The actions of the participants, first of all, must comply with the current legislation Russian Federation. State tenders always dictate more stringent conditions for bidding than commercial organizations.

The first thing a beginner in the field of tendering needs to do is to prioritize, compare all the advantages, disadvantages and risks of work. The main evaluation criteria should be:

  • having everything necessary equipment for the full implementation of the project;
  • the number of qualified employees;
  • the ability to devote sufficient time to the implementation of all customer requirements.

If the company lacks something, then it is necessary to thoroughly prepare for participation in the tender, provide employees with all the necessary materials and knowledge.

A beginner needs to be ready to participate in tenders systematically, rare and insignificant projects are unlikely to bring the desired result and meet expectations. Active participation in tenders will enable the newcomer not only to earn sufficient capital for further development, but also to gain invaluable experience. It is necessary to evaluate each participation in the auction or competition according to the following criteria:

  • opportunity to study the competitive environment;
  • identify strengths and weak sides enterprises;
  • the ability to position and advertise the company;
  • winning the tender gives a big shift in the development and improvement of the enterprise.

What documents are required to participate in the tender

High-quality collection of documentation is the most important step in preparing for tenders. It is on the basis of official papers that the selection of participants is carried out, according to the characteristics of the input documentation, the customer's favorites can even be selected.

The more and more extensive the documentation is, the more chances the applicant will have. In order to correctly and competently prepare papers, you need to familiarize yourself in detail with the requirements and conditions of the customer. It is very important to draw up all papers in accordance with the official rules presented.

A specific list of documents is indicated by each customer, but there are some basic documents that the contractor needs to prepare to participate in the auction, among them:

  1. Copy of certificate state registration, certified by the seal;
  2. Copy of the charter;
  3. A copy of the notification of the assignment of a taxpayer number;
  4. Confirmation of financial independence of the participant;
  5. Help from tax office that you have no debts;
  6. Balance sheet at the time of application and for the previous year;
  7. Certificates (if the product is subject to certification);
  8. A certified inventory of documents that is provided by the head of the company.

Auction procedure

Each customer has the right to dictate his own rules for holding an auction or competition, but the state regulates General requirements to the order of bidding, binding on all.

Conducting a tender in the form of a competition involves the following stages:

  1. Preliminary preparation. It provides for the customer to determine the issues on which the tender will be held, as well as the selection criteria;
  2. Brief formation. This should include information about the customer, the task and purpose of the tender, an approximate expected result, requirements for participants and the form of applications, criteria for their evaluation.

    brief like normative document, must contain the following information:

    • the name of the activity of the company that organizes the auction;
    • objectives and goals of the project;
    • the final result of the project;
    • the entire list of requirements for applicants;
    • a complete list of papers and documents that each participant must submit;
    • criteria for assessing the benefits of participants (what the customer will pay attention to in the first place);
    • start and end date of the competition.
  3. Selection of participants. They are evaluated according to certain parameters, which include the experience of participating in such events, feedback on professional activity. According to the results of the comparison, the most profitable participant for the customer is selected;
  4. Consideration of applications. The customer, at the request of the participants, clarifies the information and discusses all the questions of interest to him. It is at this stage that several participants are determined for the final competition;
  5. Presentation of the proposals of the finalists. The finalists are invited to the customer's organization and there they once again present their proposals and give weighty arguments in their favor;
  6. Winner selection. After the presentation and discussion of the results, the head of the organization selects the winner;

How to win an auction the first time and get a tender

Beginners can win any auction the first time, the main thing is to correctly fill out a tender and meet the requirements of the customer.

First rule, which should be followed for successful trading is a clear calculation of financial opportunities. But it is quite difficult to make it, you need either the help of a specialist, or you need to have your own experience in participating in tenders.

Second rule. The key to success lies in the quality and correctness of the documentation. According to statistics, about 40% of participants lose precisely because they have an unclear bid. The correctness of its compilation lies in the writing plain language, but according to all the requirements of the auction, the content should include only those characteristics that are of interest to the customer.

An important point here is also guarantees, they are an excellent incentive to conclude an agreement with you. The customer will notice such an offer much faster, because with a guarantee you show that your company is reliable.

Can an individual entrepreneur participate in tenders, what are his chances of winning

Yes maybe! Many businessmen mistakenly believe that sole proprietorships are restricted from participating in competitive programs. The legislation of the Russian Federation regulates the right of any individual entrepreneur to accept full participation in tenders.

If we are talking about virtual auctions, then individual entrepreneur you need to take care of creating an electronic signature (EDS) for your company, if it is not already available. It will also be necessary to go through a difficult organization accreditation procedure, such events are held by special companies that have the appropriate license.

An individual entrepreneur, like the owner of any other form of organization, has the full right to clarify the information and conditions for the competition.